Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 194 - Quantitative VS Qualitative data

Episode Date: May 8, 2020

Bro, Mark and Zach finally get round round to an awesome "Weakest Link" bit! Thank you Rove for answering the phone. haventyoudonewell.comJoin The Aunty Donna Clu...b: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. Welcome to the weakest link. Coulda da da da da doom. Hello and welcome to the weakest link. What's her name again? Which one is it being? I'm being the British one.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I don't know the name of the British one. Which you would know if you'd done your research like I imagine all of you has. So that was actually a little bit of a test. As we said, we aren't starting with, I don't know if you guys can hear in the background. So I just want to give a little bit of a backstory here. So basically the other day we went to start our part. If you're frustrated by the sound in the background right now, this is the story I'm telling. We went to do the pod yesterday from my home.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I don't currently have internet from my home. And I've just been hotspotting. It's not been a problem for me once. There's been a bit of a lag, but overall the connection's been pretty good. It didn't work, unfortunately. Yesterday there was a big problem. I called Vodafone and they said there shouldn't be an issue. So what I did is I came to our office, the anti-donner office. I'm still social distancing. There's no one else in the office with me. The other guys are at home. But something I forgot was that next door to our office, there is a car sort of manufacturer. And they often are cleaning the cars with sort of high pressure
Starting point is 00:01:39 hoses. Oh, is that what the sound is? Yeah yeah sounded like someone like a child screaming or someone doing a Improv downstairs or No, I was it was tools no no, so that that high pressure hose from across the road So some people might know that from when we were banking them at sometimes in the background Yes, yes, the dog but it's a bit of an old flashback to when we're in the office together before COVID, so that's a little bit funny. To me, it sounded like a bird, maybe. Really? That's so interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Was that coming through the microphone into your headphones over Zoom, Brodan? Yes. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. So that's so interesting that neither of you identified it as the high pressure hose. What's happened with the internet at your home, Zach? I'd love to get stuck into that because I know that you identified it as the high pressure hose. What's happened with the internet at your home sac? I'd love to get stuck into that because I know that you
Starting point is 00:02:27 mentioned. Oh, so you just had trouble getting it connected to your home, is there NBN there? No, I want to be careful. I don't want to like slander my landlord. No, no, my or my real estate agents, because as we know landlords and landlords are all right, as a rule of thumb, real estate agents because as we know landlords and landlords are alright as a rule of thumb. Real estate agents are even better. They're the best people. We love real estate agents. And I don't know how many of them listen. I don't know if they're bus drivers on the side. If they are, there's probably a bigger chance that they listen. Right question. Let's put it out to our audience to see if you are a real estate agent.
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's a great point. I'd love to know if any of our listeners work in the real estate business. I'd say it's about a 90-10. And if you, I think it would be less than that. I think it would be much less than that. It's not that many. Now obviously we asked the last question on Twitter. We asked the last question on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:03:25 We asked the last question on Twitter. We did. I think it's important to mix it up. So I'm gonna ask this question on Instagram Story. Obviously we are banking them. This will be on Tuesday, but I will make it a highlight at the top of our Instagram. So if you're listening to this,
Starting point is 00:03:46 and if you're one of the two following people, if you are a real estate agent, or if you are not a real estate agent, head to our Instagram, check us a follow, go onto the highlights. That highlight will be R-E-A question mark. Click on that highlight, there'll be a question there. I don't know if I should do it as a poll or a question, and we want you to jump on there and let us know if you are a real estate agent or you are not
Starting point is 00:04:24 a real estate agent. Please are not a real estate agent. Please, please don't lie, we need clean data. If we don't have the cleanest data available to us, then we're not going to be able to use that information to then, you know, because if, if, if, let's say there is a 9010 split of, of real estate agents that listen to this podcast, then we want to be doing more topics. We want to be giving you more chinwags, more improvised characters based on that. Based on that, setting that world stuff that you're going to enjoy. So maybe there's a crazy character who is a real estate agent and they work in a real estate agent's office, you know, something crazy like that. Maybe a whole episode on a final steam clean before you head to the team. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And the real estate, maybe the real estate agent, I don't know, comes into the apartment and sees that one of the rooms hasn't been steamed clean properly and then rings the previous tenant and is like, um, who did you get to clean your rooms because one of the rooms isn't properly steamed clean and then, you know, and just everything that comes back and then they threaten to like take the money out of the bond or they, you know, they give you a second chance, you know, crazy, anything could happen. But we need to know if that's the kind of content that's going to, because we don't want to make anyone do a lot of real estate homework, you know, what is a real estate agent, where do real estate
Starting point is 00:05:52 agents come from? A whole lot. You do a whole episode about standing at the front of buildings with a clipboard? Absolutely. Absolutely. Because maybe something crazy happens, like there's, I don't know, like an open inspection or something like that. And then the real estate agent is there waiting for people to come. And then as they come, they've registered and their names are on the list.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I thought of a really funny sketch the other day we could do, which was sort of that which was sort of that the fire alarm is a little bit too close to the stove. So some tenants are taking the batteries out for what they call you come and do an inspection notice that you're like, oh god, I've got to write this up. Yeah, yeah. And just quickly you guys. That might be taking it a bit far. Okay. Is my worry. That to me is a little too, if I may say, it's a bit too esoteric and a little too geared towards audience. Like a lot of our audience members were born in the early 2000s and so I don't think they would understand that. I think Broden's right there.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Not to shut down your office. No, no, no, no, I think it's bad. I think it's bad. It's fine, that's fine guys. I look, I'm gonna move on from that because I'm okay with that. And also I have a more pressing question. Okay, so I've got here a photo of us doing the podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I've got the question, are you a real estate agent? So that's nice and clear there. Are you a real estate agent? Can that's nice and clear there. Can you write clean data only please? Yeah, you know I can write that. I'll do it in a different typeface. It's a nice and clear clean data only. So what's that in reference to this? That means don't lie.
Starting point is 00:07:41 We need clean data. Like don't this isn't a joke. We're not doing a fucking goof or some fucking gag trying to... And the longer it takes for longer, we're going to get to the weakest link improvisation which is just a love. Oh, it's going to be so good. What color do you want the clean data, I only, to be? I mean, what colors the picture? I guess something contrasting highly if the background is black, maybe a white,
Starting point is 00:08:06 but if the background is white. Oh, that don't really allow you to do a white. I could do like a green. A green, yeah, green works. A green, they don't let you do white. I'm not really. On Instagram. Like, I just for it to be nice and clear,
Starting point is 00:08:20 I'm doing it with a sort of like that highlight function, that like tape thing, I can completely completely I've put that down the bottom clean data only an exclamation mark Maybe even yes, yeah, just to highlight the importance of it Not that we're yelling at you if you're looking at it now and you thought it was like Clean that only I'm like yelling at you. No, that's just you know Yeah, yeah, so that's not my question. I'll bro you go. Bro you go. You go. I wrote us a theme song.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I know we've been, we've needed a theme song for a while. And if we're jumping into this week's link improvisation, I thought you guys would like to hear it. Is it a theme song for the generic one for the anti-dollopockuhsel? Or is it one specifically? Oh, okay, great. Can I just ask before you play the theme song, Broden?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Can I just wrap up this, this Instagram? That way I can put it out and then I can give you my undivided attempt. Okay, and then once we've done the intro, then we go straight into the weakest link. Yeah. All right, so I've got, or if people aren't fully across stuff,
Starting point is 00:09:15 then we'll have to stop and do some more backroom. I'm gonna, you gotta, we said to the people, I mean, we were running ahead of schedule because we were pretty confident people had done their research. So we were saying we would only get to the weakest link improvisation about halfway through this podcast. So the fact that we started with it is really encouraging, I would say.
Starting point is 00:09:35 If you are just tuning into this podcast for the first time, recommend you go back to the last podcast, just to get some clarity and just to know what homework you need to do before this podcast. You're about to hear my washing machine. Just be ready for it. I can't wait. So here's my question, guys.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Are you a real estate agent? So my concern is, or I guess my point of frustration is, or my big question mark is, there's a few options on an Instagram story for what we can kind of, how we can kind of ask this question. There's the poll. Now the poll, you can do one or the other and it'll tell you a percentage. And I think we'll know how many people said yes or no. So the poll will give us a percentage and then we can do one or the other and it'll tell you a percentage. And I think we'll know how many people said yes or no. So the poll will give us a percentage
Starting point is 00:10:27 and then we can do the maths. We'll have the data, we'll have the clead and raw data. So we'll have the 55,000 people who come to the story, they'll say yes or no. And then we'll have the raw data, but we'll have to do some of the maths. There's also the question where people can enter in, usually they're asking us a question, people use that
Starting point is 00:10:47 for an AMA usually, but we can just make that a, I ask the question and then they write in a yes or a no and then we can get our employee to just count the yes or no. Is this entertainment? No. And then the third thing is, the third option is that sort of sliding scale. So that's I guess for my question is where you get an aggregate average. So maybe if people aren't quite a real estate agent, we need black or white. We need black or white.
Starting point is 00:11:22 So you're looking for quantitative rather than quality? Well, I mean, if you're going to be a real estate agent, I would say commit. So I don't want there to be any room for people who are like, I'm an R and dipping their toes in the real estate agent, my, like, yeah, yeah, you either are. We want fully employed, you know, on that $12,000 a year salary, whatever it is they make.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I know they make a lot, whatever number that is, that's the kind of thing that we're talking about. Okay, so that boils down to me, there's two options here, boys, and then we'll get to the theme song, and then we'll get to, um, then we'll get to the improvisation about, um, the weakest link. The weakest link. My question to you, boys is, do we want qualitative data or quantitative data? Do we need to do a rundown of the difference between the two? Yes, I don't know the difference. That's why I'm struggling to pick because I'm unaware of the difference.
Starting point is 00:12:20 That's why it was a difficult choice for me to make because I was like, if I say one or the other, I have no idea what I'm committing to so I'm gonna get you Mark to do a bit of I don't want to say problem solving a little bit of Thinking like what do you think the difference is? So so the words even the words are quite difficult for me to pronounce One point I think I've maybe even heard them before so quantitative Quantitative and yeah qualitative and now I may have mispronounced that and I'm not an English teacher. Well, quantitative to me, I hear the word quantity. So large, so the amount, so I think it would have something to do with that. How that relates to the type of data that we would receive
Starting point is 00:13:06 I I can't in my little pea-sized Italian brain. I can't exactly figure out. I haven't done a lot of Trolling through data. I am not Neated a lot of it in my life. So a quantitative Maybe you get a percentage at the end or you get the role. That's actually surprisingly close mate. And what do you think qualitative is there? Well, the word I hear is quality. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And we're talking about it at aology here. Yeah, so I'm just trying to figure out how quality would play into getting data. How about that? How do you call that? What is quantity of oak for you? What is quantity of oak? I don't know. I mean, like a lot of mountains.
Starting point is 00:13:58 You say a mountain. What is a mountain of oak? I guess numbers. Numbers, okay. Yes, numbers. And what is quality of oak for you? Quality, as a certain genus say, quad to quality.
Starting point is 00:14:10 It's kind of, once again, I'm finding it hard to bear it's a talent. Works with data. But I guess the quality of the data would mean that it's coming from the right sources. No, you're close there. I guess I would say quality of votes, words, quality of votes. I agree. Yes, you know, the quality of the data.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Now, I'm being a bit basic here. We're actually talking about words that have the same etymology as each other. Ah, right. Not the way to each other. But the way I like to think of it is quantity. Mean, quantity means numbers numbers qualitative means information. Oh So
Starting point is 00:14:48 Quantity because they I think they are quite similar In a lot of ways because I think you know when you get the numbers you get the information and when you get the information Okay, you know they're actually quite close to each other Oh, really basically Quantitive data is when you're asking a very black and white question. You're saying, yes or no. You're getting people to fill out forms and you're getting the numbers. Basically, you're getting the numbers that are, you know, X amount of people are real estate agents. X amount of people aren't real estate agents. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Qualitative data, you're sitting down, you're getting them to give actual information and you're building more of a qualitative case, a profile based on a smaller number. So if we want quantitative, then I would say that rocks in quantitative for me. Okay, you're being a bit silly, Mark. No, no, no, I was just... Sorry, I was just... So, what do you want? Playing into the energy there, I'm sorry if I took it a step too far. I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Starting point is 00:15:51 That's okay, man. That's all right. It's just a weirdo. This isn't a comedy podcast, man. This isn't entertainment. I know. I know. I'm sorry. I think it's a problem.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It's a terrible qualitative, man. It's best if I... Remove myself from the conversation. Like I feel like my data is now corrupt. My choice maybe isn't playing into what the best option for us will be in the long run. So this is up to you in Broden. Let's hope it's not a 50-50 split here.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Otherwise, I don't know what we're gonna do. But now I think it's best if I remove myself from the situation as my way of apologizing for not taking lead data conversation seriously. That's the final. I'm sorry. And I hope Rodin takes it a little more seriously when we move on.
Starting point is 00:16:34 No, no, no, I don't want to. I know what the two mean. And I think we've got it. I think we can move on. Well, no, Rodin, I need to know, so you know what the two mean, yeah? I need to know from you what information we want from this Instagram story survey Qualitative you want qualitative. Yes, so so do you want me to reframe the question? No, are you a real estate agent?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Qualitative alright, so they're not so then I mean it's easy. I'm mark Don't be a fucking suck about this man. No, I'm not. I just feel bad. I'm saying myself up. I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm really mad at myself. You just, I mean, I asked a pretty simple fucking question. I helped you with understanding. And then you asked, Getting upset at me doesn't help, Zach.
Starting point is 00:17:15 It's just gonna make it worse. It's gonna be worse for myself, a steam. I got a question for you. I got a question for you. Yes. Zach struggling, you're struggling with the two words. Zach struggling. Well, not anymore. Zach struggling with whether to do a qualitative or quantitative post. Why don't we just ask Rove? Why don't we just get in contact with Rove? Is he busy doing his All right. So what you would think is best for an Instagram post, we're trying to find out real estate agents
Starting point is 00:18:09 in our fan base. We just need to know qualitative versus quantitative, which one do you think is more important for accruing that data? Oh, it's the first class. Always, it's always the first one. Out of the two quarters, it's always the first quarter. Okay. There used to be three quarters, there was quality and quantitative and cleanliness.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It was how many members of the molecule used to get shot. And it just became too difficult, especially, you know, Harry and Meghan, kind of being members of the royal family, that kind of really affected a lot of people's toes. So, I've been down together to, and it's always a good way. I mean, I'm glad it's going to be a help and, what do you guys? Okay, thanks, Rov.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Okay, thank you. Bye. Bye. Well, then that looks it in for me. I can't remember what you're funny said. He's a qualitative. Quality. So, qualitative.
Starting point is 00:19:13 So, I've actually just done both. So, I've got, are you a real estate agent with a little love heart emoji slider? Oh, not the slider. The slider we didn't, we, did we agree on no slider? So, let me just the slider I don't know about the slider man come on Are you a real estate agent? Yes, no
Starting point is 00:19:39 Do we want to ask a different question for the qualitative? Yes, how does it feel to be a real estate agent? How does it feel? I mean, it's about painting a picture, getting a profile. And I did learn something today, which was really nice. That doesn't often happen. I learnt that a Brodan will call Rove on a whim and feel comfortable doing so.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Feel comfortable doing so. The thought of that terrifies me. Colin Rove. It's Colin Rove. But that's great. I'm very happy that you were that comfortable with Rove. I'm comfortable with asking my qualitative quantitative. I wouldn't call Rove out of the blue. I don't call anyone out of the blue really.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I do it more now with COVID-19. How do you feel about being a real estate agent? And then that'll give us a broad spectrum. I feel like we asked, we asked, Rove, I feel like that should be the end of the discussion. It should just be the first one. Are we agreed to that? No, I'm doing both now. Because we couldn't decide. But now I'm doing both now. Because we couldn't decide. And Rova did a queen, did something about the Royal Family,
Starting point is 00:20:51 which was very funny, but for me confused things. So now, you know, it's important for me to have both. I want the broader spectrum. I don't know how the royal family plays into this. I don't know where that came from. Well, actually what he was describing was doing a doodle a day at the moment. So I don't, maybe that has played into why he said that. I don't know why he would say that.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Maybe it's the doodle a day. He's doing, at the moment, Maybe it's the doodle of day. He's doing at the moment. He's doing a doodle of day. Are you aware of this? I'm just trying to picture a day, yeah, I know that. He's doing a doodle of day, bro. He's doing a doodle of day. Sorry, he's drawing sometimes.
Starting point is 00:21:40 So, so you know, so his fans will write in and they'll say, can you doodle this? And each day, some days he does two doodles. But the goal that he set himself is a doodle a day. And he's doing that at the moment on Instagram. I don't know if that plays into the way that he responded to the question. I'm happy to say he's drawing pictures every day. Well, it's a doodle a day. I think we can agree that it's a doodle a day.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I think the drawing a picture complicates things. It's drawing a picture a day. It's a doodle a day. I don't want to get into semantics here. I'm getting into semantics. Yes, yes you are. Yes you are. I'm not going to say that word.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I'm not going to say it, dude, all. I don't want to say that. Why? Childish. I'm trying to do an example. We're trying to ask our audience to step up to the plate. Do the information, do the research find out what? What it was like when the weakest link was on TV. Yeah, yeah, and Rove plays into that by the way. Well, that's why I asked him.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I thought it was like guys, do you mind if I call you to talk about the 2000s? Right. But he we were deep in a qualitative, quantitative discussion. So I just asked him about that. Oh, so you did, you didn't just call him out of the blue? I would never just call Roe out of the blue. Well, that changes, well, then I've learned nothing today. I was like, now I was like, do we have my fucking time? Do we have to quit a fucking time?
Starting point is 00:23:21 I thought I fucking learned something. I thought we said, I am. And now I seem the fool. And now I seem the fool. So not only have I been lied to, I've learned nothing today. Sorry guys, sorry to interrupt, but I do need to get this. Is he even doing a doodle that? I've passed back on track.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I do need to get this podcast back on track. Can I get someone to help me with the spelling of quantitative? Yes. No, I just can't hear it. The person who was Explaining what the word means. Yeah to mark Cannot spell it. No, I'm not a great spanner at all. Q you you a N yeah, you you a N. Yeah, and then tit
Starting point is 00:24:00 tit and then tit Yeah, and then a is in the first letter of the else and then TIV, TIV. Quantit, a, TIV. Relating to measuring or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality, denoting or relating to verse whose meter is based on the length of syllables as in Latin as opposed to the stress as in English. It's an adjective. My only worry with all of this is that maybe through all of this talking, all of this talking and chattering about this sort of poll that we're doing, I have two worries. One is that the actual post in the story is becoming very muddled and
Starting point is 00:24:45 unclear. My other issue is that potentially this has not been a great podcast. I just want your guys' thoughts on that that may be talking about how to spell words and stuff isn't is like a listenable or enjoyable. And if that's the case, I just wanted to apologize. The last doodle that I can see that Rove did was of a flamingo, marrying an elephant and the salabrant is a panda bear wearing a suit that is far too small for him in size. That's a great picture. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:34 It's a great doodle. It's a great doodle. When I say doodle, I'm not talking about PPs and car cars. Doodle is a fine word. I would say even a Christian man would use that word. Even someone who's quite godly and armish, the armish would say the doodle, would say a doodle, it is a fine doodle and not relating
Starting point is 00:26:00 to the genitals of a boy. I think that's fair. It's a great picture. I guess we just have to agree to disagree here. All right, so far I've got for this post, I've got, are you a real estate agent and then in brackets, are EA, like that's the abbreviation and that'll become a parent why I've done that in a moment. Yes, rather than AEA. No, why I've done that in a moment. Yeah, rather than AEEA. No, why I've supplied an abbreviation. Right. Should it be AEEA? Or are you?
Starting point is 00:26:34 What is it? What's it for? A real estate agent. Oh, I thought it was the AFA. A-U. No. No, I gotta yes and no. Just, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:26:44 That's my bad. That's my bad. What happened there? Ah, you. No. No, I've got a yes and no, and I've got a little, so, that's my bad. That's my bad. What happened there? Nothing, it doesn't matter. I want to know fully what, let's break down that miscommunication. He thought I was abbreviating the question
Starting point is 00:26:57 when all I was abbreviating was the role of the state agent, which I realize now is absurd because the other letters weren't in there. It's an absolute screw up on my end. A total mix up. I'm really, really sorry. I'd like to apologize. And I think I need to remove myself from this conversation.
Starting point is 00:27:18 That's great. As my way of apologizing. If I'm being honest, I was really looking for Brodyn's opinion anyway. And then I've got, in purple, I've got quantitative, and then an arrow pointing to that question. Immediately below that, I've got plus we need 55K answers in quite big text. Underneath that, I've got a question, like a one where you enter it in, goes, how does it feel to be a-a-a-r-e-a? How do you feel not being a-a-r-e-a? So am I, and then qualitative, pointing to that,
Starting point is 00:27:54 and then cleaned out our only down the bottom? Thank you for putting that in. No, Ashman, not at all. Now, my two questions are, should I say N-R-E-A? How does it feel being N-R-E-A? Because it's an abbreviation of real estate agent, right? So, to write, I feel like A is correct. But actually the letter R, finally enough, the word for the letter R starts with a vowel.
Starting point is 00:28:23 So is it, how does it feel to be an R-E-A? Or how does it feel to be A-R-E-A with the assumption being someone's gonna read that as real estate agent? I, I would say A, I think A-R-E-A sounds fine. It doesn't trip on the tongue for me. It does. And R-A-A-R-E-A and R-E-A does kind of trip for me a little bit like but but even though I know that's right
Starting point is 00:28:49 But like what I'm saying is like a R a doesn't trip enough for me to then to then change that but look that's just my opinion Mm-hmm. Yeah, right? I'm really not fast to to be honest, I like... Brought and come on, man. Come on, man. Like, come on. We're all...
Starting point is 00:29:09 Whatever Mark said, whatever fucking Mark said. Great. Well, that's great, that solves it. So we're doing A, R, A. Yes. My next issue is... Thank you, brother. Is that a lot?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh, okay. All right. Well, I don't think we're gonna get to... I don't think we're gonna get to posting this by the end of the podcast if we keep up with this bullshit mark. What bullshit? What? I am doing everything I can. Everything I can to get to the improv so that we can do. I'm like fast tracking a lot of what we normally do if I'm being completely flunked.
Starting point is 00:29:41 We haven't even talked about the structure of the weakest link. We haven't even talked about the steps that the show goes on. That's because you were supposed to do your research off part. And what about doing things off part? What about this time traveling assassins? What about the bus drivers?
Starting point is 00:29:59 What about the surgeons? What about Mario? I'm supposed to just keep all this in my head. I'm supposed to just be able to plack all this information out of nowhere. Zach? I'm sorry about this, Broden. I know that you don't have a lot of time. You've graced us with your presence.
Starting point is 00:30:16 You've come under this part. We do appreciate it. And we do appreciate it. And I'm sorry that you just have to put up with this. That's okay. It's like admin stuff that we should have done beforehand and I am sorry it you just have to deal with, you have to put up with this. That's okay. It's like admin stuff that we should have done beforehand and I am sorry that's leaking into the you know my time is valuable as a solicitor.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And I'm, you're not charging us for this, are you by the way? I will in about 14 minutes, it will become business time again. Okay, we will need to get to the improv before I get back to the chambers, to my chambers. All right, we can get on with the improv. All we need to do is three things. We need to finalize this story.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Second thing. Second thing is we need to hear that theme tune and give our notes on that. I'd love to hear the theme tune. And then we need to break down how a typical episode of The Weakest Link plays out. Once we have those three things in place, I am confident that I can go and I can do a great improvisation.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And I can deliver when you post the Instagram question. As soon as we've locked it in and we're very close, all that's left for me is I'm just going to quickly add a stay home sticker because that's important. And then all that's left for me is really just a quick question of my worry now is it's a little dry. You know, this is going up on Instagram. We're trying to appeal to young people with this. I think data is dry.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I think you need to keep data dry. Absolutely. I'm just saying maybe a poop emoji. Like I'm literally talking about one poop emoji. I mean, to me that brightens things up. That makes it funny. It makes it clever. Possibly a master chef gift.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Why? So the new judges of master chef to promote master chef, I think they went into the Giffy office and they made gifts. I think we could just chuck the Scottish guy from MasterChef in there and a poop emoji. Four poop emoji? Not for MasterChef. So I'm a bit split there. Broding, can we refer to you here? not for MasterChef. So I'm a bit split there. Broding, can we refer to you here? I'm for MasterChef. I'm happy to do a different gift,
Starting point is 00:32:28 like maybe a sporting celebrity. Oh, I could be interesting. Maybe with Michael Jordan. He's quite hot at the moment. A hot topic on the net, the last damn, the hot flicks. The Netflix. The hot flicks.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Firstly, the dream. How do you spell Michael Jordan? Has anyone been watching Marble Racing on ESPN? No. Or stupid robot fighting? No. Well, it's one of the great pleasures in this world. Right, I'm sorry, Mark.
Starting point is 00:33:01 No, I'm so sorry, I interrupted. No, no, no. Going on an entertaining riff, and I interrupted to talk about this once again, first Once again, I was going nowhere with this you interrupted at the right time Broden, what's the your basketball team that you barrack for? Philadelphia Philadelphia, what's their number? 76 76 even I know this I just couldn't remember I don't know how I remembered to be completely honest. Oh look at this we've got we've got like
Starting point is 00:33:34 photo gifts of our Australian boy our boy that we've got him having a laugh Stephen Curry now what's his name? Broden likes him is Andrew Gaye so we've got him having a laugh, Stephen Curry. Now what's his name? Brodan likes him. This is Andrew Gatton. Ben Simmons. So we've got him having a laugh. We've got him doing like a muscles pose. Those are the two options with Ben Simmons. Which one would you like, Brodan?
Starting point is 00:33:57 I do not care. I just want to do the fucking weakest link improvisation. Oh, okay, yeah. Oh my god. I've had a fucking gutful of it. We're getting to where, my god. We're getting to where? Yeah, my god. I'm We're literally getting to it. We're literally getting to it. We're literally getting to it. We're just about to fucking do it. We're just about to do it. It's literally the next. This is outrageous man. This is
Starting point is 00:34:17 absolutely outrageous. You're the one with the issue with the post. You're the one that's saying it's boring. I try to spice it up with a Ben Simmons gift for you. And then you come at me. I'm trying, I've got two Ben Simmons gifts here. And there's his mascot as well. It's not gonna make sense to anyone else where they're gonna be like, why is there Ben Simmons on here?
Starting point is 00:34:39 What's going on there? We're doing that for you. For you, purely for you. You realize that, don't you? Do you see that now? Do you see how selfish you're being? Sometimes it's like talking to a brick man. Do you see how selfish you're being right now? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Which Ben Simmons gift do you want? Whichever one you reckon. I don't care about Ben Simmons. He's a cool guy. He seems like a nice guy. I think he got a bad rap from the tall puppy, Australian media, but I don't care other than that. Man, I just need from you. Do you want the muscles, or he's just having a laugh?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Muscles. Yeah, I would agree with that. That's right. That's what's gonna be my pick as well. You both said you didn't give a fuck. No, I'm just saying, but if I do, if I do... If I had to pick lots of things I don't give a fuck. No, I'm just saying but if I do if I had to pick lots of things I don't give a fuck about If I had to pick that would have been the one. I think that's fair to say and it looks really good in there guys
Starting point is 00:35:35 Great fits perfect and we're gonna add a poop emoji Now all right, so here's the thing. We've got the traditional poop emoji. That's just an option in the stories. Well now is it, is it a video? Oh, sorry, I'm going to say, is it fair that if there is a master chef one as well, that then maybe we add like a video game one or something? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:35:58 We'll do the master chef, we'll do the video game, but right now we're talking about the poop emoji. Okay, yeah. So we've got the poop emoji, just plain boring poop emoji. We've also got a ton of gifts around the poop emoji. So Giffy has got like a glittery poop emoji. It's got a 3-day spinning poop emoji. Oh well, that's very exciting.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I didn't like that. Different illustrations, it's got, but I poop from there, like text, things like that. Putting the poop in oopsie poopsy. Is there one with a poop poop? Is there one? Very, that's so, that's scathing. Is there one where the poopy is wearing like a bow tie
Starting point is 00:36:41 or a shoes or a hat? If the poop is wearing something, there's a, okay, so there's a poop wearing a flower in her hair, a pink poop. There's a poop wearing a Christmas hat. There is a poop in an ice cream cone, but that's not wearing anything. They've gendered the poop.
Starting point is 00:36:58 They've gendered the poop. Does that mean that the poop came from someone who identifies as female or could a female poop come from him? From any more alien idea, man. It's just a philosophical question for another time. I'm going to ask Broden because he seems to be more engaged than you right now. Broden?
Starting point is 00:37:20 He's on board with this. Broden. There's a lot of options. When I search poop, there's a lot of options in Giffy. I reckon you say it, you say it, it's gonna be there. Whatever you say, it's gonna be in this thing. So what do you want? Go crazy. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to begin. Is there the classic one? There's the classic one we've talked about that. That's right up the top. Yeah, that one. Okay, well we don't, okay, I right up the top. Yeah, that one Okay, well we don't okay, I hope yeah the whole point of this was to
Starting point is 00:37:49 Explorations a bit more. We'll see if we can spice it up, but um I just want to say sounds like a very Supermoji, I just I would like for you to get on board here, bro What do you want the put doing anything anything that comes to your mind? Maybe it's playing Ben Simmons in basketball game or maybe it's wearing a shoes like there's literally anything like a poop mustache or Put mustache no, it's got to be different. No, don't copy Zach. Just think for yourself I can't see any of the fucking amount of you. You free think it, just use your fucking name.
Starting point is 00:38:26 That's what I'm saying, is it? It'll be there. Whatever you say. Use your imagination. I can't see any of you, my lady. Just imagine. There's literally a potato pooping French fries or chips right now. That's that one.
Starting point is 00:38:39 That one. No, I need you to say just anything. That's the comfort of your heart. When you think poop, what's the first thing that comes to your head dinosaur poop? Okay, I don't think they have that one. They wouldn't have that. I don't think they have that one It's a little bit of a pro to how would we even know it's dinosaur come from a dinosaur Yeah, what is what a dinosaur pooping? I mean I could find I could find a dinosaur gift and put it above the I can find a dinosaur gift and put it above the poop. I don't think I've been reminding to give.
Starting point is 00:39:06 So then that's silly. Just think anything at all. Oh, I'm proud of this. You should let your imagination run wise. This is the thing about Giffy. Is it's like an open access platform. Anything you can think of, there is a poop version of it. There's probably a poop version of it.
Starting point is 00:39:20 There's a poop trump here, forgot to say. So what do you want? What do you want? What do you want anything at all? Waiting anything man anything move A poop a walking poop singing a song a walking poop singing the song very specific. Yeah, I don't know Potentially two specific. I don't know if we're gonna have that. That is a hard one. That is.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Because you have to think like someone else would have had to not only think of that, but then go on out and make it. And made that gift. There is a like a human poo sort of jumping up and down and kind of dancing with like little plus signs around it. It kind of evokes what you're going for would you be happy with that? Or do you want to try for another? No, I don't I'm not happy with that. Okay, well then give us another one I'm walking poo whistling. Well, that doesn't exist man. That doesn't exist. What do you think? I am magic? Do you think Giffy's magic?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Can't just fucking think of anything random and then expect it to be there, bro Then that's what I want you to think of anything random and it'll be there. What do you think, Brod? You say, let it run wild. Mr. Hanky. Mr. Hanky, the Christmas Pooh? No, that's a copyrighted character. That's a great idea though.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I love travel for that. I do love that. But unfortunately, no. Do we want to just do the 3D poop emoji that's spinning around? That's probably the best option, yeah. That does make sense to me. I'll just pop that up. But that was great. That was really good that's spinning around. I think that's probably the best option, yeah, that makes sense to me. I'll just pop that up.
Starting point is 00:40:46 But that was great. That was really good, Broden. I hate both. Don't get mad. I get mad. I thought that was really great. And we all learnt something about each other. I'm just going to get my master chef, judges, Giff, you and me.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Oh, God. Do we want... Melissa, the Scottish guy or or the ex contestant? Brodin? Melissa. You want Melissa? And what do you want Melissa doing? There's one of her going, yes!
Starting point is 00:41:15 There's one of her doing a little dance. And there's one of her like being like, I don't know. There's no wrong answer here, bro. There's no wrong answer. It's just what I didn't know was feeling. Wrong. I don't want that one. no wrong answer here, bro. There's no wrong answer. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Wrong. I don't want that one. No, that one would be awful. The answer would be awful.
Starting point is 00:41:28 The answer would be awful. Yeah, I'm okay. I'm happy with that. Second, you know, you got it in a second go, so that's good. Do you reckon it's okay to put it right next to Ben Simmons? Or is that a bit weird that they would be standing next to each other? Well, I don't think they're actually standing next to each other. I think that's, I think it's just two gifts. And I think our audience is smart enough to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Well, actually, it's okay. I've just sort of got her sideways just going, yes, by the quantitative, qualitative thing. I think that's a clear and, yeah. Great. And a video game, GIF Mark, you were saying. Or maybe even I was thinking, actually, now that I've had the time to reflect, maybe a Batman because I am quite a big fan.
Starting point is 00:42:09 You even have a Batman tattoo? I do have a Batman tattoo, a little Batman tattoo on my arm. So I thought maybe that could be good, but I know there's going to be lots of options, so I'm going to revert to a brilliant Giff picker here. Bro, think of anything that you want Batman to be doing because I want a version of Batman as well. Any era, any era, Batman or Batman related films as well. I know there's been a few spin-offs of life.
Starting point is 00:42:36 If you want a gift of the story about the mentally all-man that becomes a mass murderer, there's a fun little gift of that. It'd pick your most favorite moment from any of the Batman feature films or... Batman fighting someone. Ahu. Anyone. He could just be punching the air.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Just a thug, just like a normal thug. Yeah, a thug. So there's the one where he slaps the face. We've got that. Classic. We've got one of him dancing with Joker. Actually, do you know what? I think I can actually build something here.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So we've got like a video game Batman like with his fists up ready to fight. And then we've also got a gif of Joaquin Phoenix playing a mentally all-man in the Oscar-nominated Joker. And what I think we could do is we could kind of have that batman fighting that Joker. Do we think that would work for everyone? That's really exciting. And I think it says something, which I like about it.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Before we do that though, I think we need to make some room though. Are you guys happy for me to cut the questions? Yes. Yes, yeah, I think that would be fine. So I'm just going gonna cut the both of them Yeah, yeah, I mean there's no point having one if you're not gonna have the other Yeah, so maybe we save that for a separate post and a different podcast But don't worry. I'll keep the quality of quantitative. Please. We need 55 K answers and the clean data only
Starting point is 00:43:59 Great. Basically what that does is that just gives us a whole bunch of room to play So we can really set the sea So we can really I'm gonna move Melissa from my oh no, I accidentally threw her out I'm gonna just move Melissa you guys chat amongst yourselves while I said this up. What have you been up to Broughton? I've been doing this podcast for a very long time, to be honest. Quite a long one, surprisingly. But I've just been hanging out home. What bid is going to be on the YouTube video is what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:44:35 What big, what five minutes can you pluck to put up that people will enjoy? Yeah, that's a good question. We could get to the weakest link. I think that if we got to that by the end of this one, I think we could really get some good stuff. There was also a fun little bit where I was talking about qualitative versus quantitative data. That was kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Yeah, I thought that could be good. For the YouTube. What do you think about that, bro? I don't know. Okay, so I've made us black and white, so we're less distracting. What do we want about that bro? I don't know. Okay so I've made us black and white so we're less distracting. What do we want for the background? I think I just want to give it a little background. So it's really the Batman can really stand out.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Maybe a night, maybe a starry night. Yeah. That's a good idea, a starry night I'll see. Or a city scape, some sort of city scape. Yeah. Maybe a... Maybe these end up sea. Yeah, no, that's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Answer. Yeah, bro, sorry man. Can you just pick the energy up a little bit? You have let it dip. You have let it up a little bit? You have let it dip. You have let it dip a little bit mate. So if you could just pick it up, that would be great. Zach and I have been carrying your weight over the last 45 minutes and it would be nice if you gave a shit about, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:01 the podcast and what we were doing, what we were talking about. What we're trying to achieve here, we're trying to do something here, man. We're doing something productive, you're doing something unpredictable. Alright, what do you want to do a high-tech character? What do you want? Nothing like that, that's what we're taking in a bit far. Maybe like... I don't know, talk us through some of your favorite recipes. Um, but in a, in a, up way, maybe put on a silly voice or something. Oh, I like to make spaghetti balladais. Yep, keep going.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I like to make burritos. Now what's in the spaghetti bowl and ice? Maybe just to focus the rest. I make a lentil bowl and ice. It's canned tomatoes and some tomatoes and scallic onion. And then I put in pasta, cook it together, let the sauce soak up the pasta. And then I... There may be some garlic bread as well.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Ah, I made or is that still possible? Depends on how much time I've got. We're just gonna cut in really quickly. Is two bat men's too many? No, no, they would fight each other. I think that's happened in the comics. Keep going, bro. And then I- We usually use spaghetti or a fettuccini, but I'm not against bow tie or pen a or rigatoni I don't know if this is helping like literally one can is just sitting there on his fucking phone fucking around
Starting point is 00:47:53 I'm making a very important post here. Why why is it important? To find out if people are or are not real estate agent. Why is that important? Because then I do remember the start of the podcast? No. It's just, I'm not just like talking to a brick wall. Bro, we need, we're doing, do you remember what these podcasts is about? It's about the weakest link.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Man. So what do we need in a real estate agent? It's fucking skull. Oh my god. Get through your stick, fucking skull, bro. Oh my god. We've got to figure out if we're doing real estate-related content or not going forward with the podcast.
Starting point is 00:48:30 We've got to know. We've got to know this shit, man. Mark, it's a fuck. Just let it go, man. Let him go, because I've got a quick question for you. Yeah, all right. So I can flip the gifts that can have them facing each other. Now, I've got like a real bulky like almost a dark night rises kind of
Starting point is 00:48:50 Old bulky Batman I mean like a dark night returns dark night returns my bad. Sorry, and then we've also got You know the one where he like covers his whole face and he has like the red bat suit and he's from the future also so so literally Batman Beyond. Batman Beyond's machine's playing. Oh, yep, I can hear that right in the distance. Yep. So it's Batman Beyond, it's not Thomas Wayne as Batman in Flashpoint.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I couldn't tell you. I think it's Batman Beyond to look at. Is this whole face the mask? Yep. Yeah, that's Batman Beyond. So now of those two think it's Batman Beyond to look at. It's a black hole, like is his whole face the mask? Yep. Yeah, that's Batman Beyond, it's great. So now of those two, It's just that Thomas Wayne, when Thomas Wayne is Batman in the flashpoint in the alternate universe,
Starting point is 00:49:35 he has a red circle with a bat, with a bat symbolist. So I thought, man, No, there's definitely a bat, it's a suit and suit. So now we've got both of those like facing inwards and in the middle is Joaquin Phoenix's Joker. How will betrayal of the Joker? I give him laughing. Now which one should he be facing do you think? Which one is he more threatened by? I think the future Batman would terrify him more because he'd be like, okay so now there's time travel in this world, like I thought my world was quite grounded, like we're doing like a taxi driver type thing.
Starting point is 00:50:06 So that one for me, if there was a Batman beyond the game, that's the one I'd be like, well, what the F, you know? But that's just me putting myself into the character. So I don't know, would the character do that? Let's ask Broden, who I think will have a better idea. Broden, is that Batman? Is that Batman? I mean, let me fit this. Broden technically they think will have a better idea Broden is that Batman is that Future bad. I mean let me Frodate technically they're both future Batman. So that's true to silly here, man
Starting point is 00:50:32 Is that me putting what I would do into the character? I don't know. Do you think that that is something that walking Phoenix's Joker would do given? I mean you've seen the film. I know you went to the movies you saw it 12 times joker would do given I mean you've seen the film I know you went to the movies you saw it 12 times you're a very big fan of it it was the best movie you've ever seen what do you think he would do I don't know I'm expecting my mother's day present to come in the mail oh I didn't you kids got your mother's day present that's so sweet no I'm getting my mother's day present I think it's coming I think I have to that's so sweet. No, I'm getting my mother's day present. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I think it's coming, I think I have to go get it. If the thing rings, I'm gonna go get it. Okay, well look, I think this is a great time to wrap up the podcast and thank Brodon for coming on today. And I'm not a guest. We've got Zach. Brove was a guest, you remember when Brove was on? 40 minutes ago?
Starting point is 00:51:24 I'm very sweet of him take time out of his day to do that because Where does he fit in the time to do his doodles? Mark? I'm so sorry, man. I accidentally deleted the clean data only thing while I was playing around with things I accidentally put it in the bin is that okay? I accidentally put it in the bin, is that okay? Yep, you sure man because I can I can pop it back in
Starting point is 00:51:53 That's so good. You sure man. You seem a little sour No, no, no, good. Hey, can I posit something to you guys? Yeah, very None of this is gonna be able to go on YouTube as the funny look you look out for much fun They're on the podcast. If we could maybe jump to five minutes, like I'm happy for this to go for another six hours if you think it must be. The end of it be five minutes where we're doing way deeper. Yeah, because I can deliver, man. You know I can deliver. I'm happy to do that. If, if, well, I mean, I guess the improv is going to be pretty pure gold, like the weakest link bit. That's going to be pretty good. I'll try to do it. Should we do that?
Starting point is 00:52:28 But well, just my only hope is that all the characters are very heightened. Well, yeah, absolutely. I'll play a British, and I actually will play the way I've been playing her every time. I'm going to say what happens. I just need to check with you guys really, really quick that we're all happy to move forward with this story post You know, this is a shared account. I don't want to put it out there with unless we're all happy So I'll just quickly give you a run down I've made the picture of us doing the podcast very little and black and white in the background
Starting point is 00:52:58 Got a 3d spinning poop emoji. I've got a normal poop emoji. I've got stay home. I've got quality and quantitative. Just written around the place. I've got the Joker fighting two versions of Batman. I've got Ben Simmons. I've got Melissa from MasterChef. I think I've covered everything. Is there...
Starting point is 00:53:23 Before I hit send two, Is there, before I hit Send 2, is there anything we want? Because once this is sent, I can't undo this. This is taking too long to put together. No, I'm happy. I'm very happy. I think this is gonna be to get the data to figure out how many of our fans are real estate agents.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I think this is the perfect way to go about it. So I'm very that it's doing that so everything else for me is just icing on the cake So I would say send the way bro. You're sure man? 100% Because I just I've just made a clean data. I only again. Are you? Bro, do you are you good man? Are you good? Yeah, send, send. Are you sure man? Yes. You put the cleaned out of back on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Yeah, great. Send. I think we're going to get a really good response from that post. Great. All right, play us your song Broden. Play us your song. And then we're going to go into five minutes of improv. I know it's not a natural thing and it's not clever,
Starting point is 00:54:27 but I think to be cynical for a moment, I think we need to do it to make it look like this podcast was any good. I think it was a great podcast. We learned about quality versus punitive. But you do your song and then we're going to go into what are we doing? What's the name of the show? 50 to one. No.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Weakest link. Weakest link. Weakest link. Okay. And take it away, brood it. That's my mother's day presents here. No, you go grab that, man. Well, thank you so much for joining us this week on the Antidona podcast.
Starting point is 00:55:14 We have had a wonderful time doing goose sags, heightened characters like we normally do. Join us next week. If you want to hear more about quality versus quantitative data, if you enjoyed this sort of different direction that we've gone down, hit us up on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, all YouTube community, just let us know, let us know, or the other anti-donac club held by Patreon. Let us know what you did like about this podcast,
Starting point is 00:55:51 what you didn't like about this podcast, what we can do differently. My worry is I was maybe a little Lucy Goosey on what quality versus quantitative meant. There's still some questions that I have if I'm being completely honest. Oh well, I'm happy to answer it while we wait for Broden. Okay. So you were saying to me that they are very, very different. So do numbers not come into quality of at all. So a quality of sort of essay would be you would maybe go to a place and just interview
Starting point is 00:56:32 all the people around that place. You'd maybe only interview 20, 30 people and you write just more of a general thing. Quantitative is yeah. So you're not doing numbers. You might include quantitative data in an essay that is for the most part qualitative. Right, yeah, yeah, so they can, yeah, you can get the same type of, you can have the one question and get both types of data. And then those, I hate bro, we're just talking about quality versus quantity. Sorry I go on. And then those two types of data will in some way help to create the larger picture.
Starting point is 00:57:12 It's just two different kinds of data really. So it's the difference between one and six is this true or not true, those sorts of things you might have filled out. And fill in in this box your thoughts and tell us your thoughts. But I think that's enough of that. I don't want to, I think we do need to get on with the comedy. So you wanted to play the new theme song. Brodo? Oh, the joke's long, dead. I was going to play the weekly planet, and theme song. It's that's dead. OK. Well, I just, I wish it sort of stepped up and you're right.
Starting point is 00:57:50 That's my bed. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that that was. But we should look. I think we're in a good, positive space. We're feeling good. I think we should launch into the weakest link. Does someone want to pull up some music for it?
Starting point is 00:58:03 I think we could really make it fun and really make something for the YouTube. Have you got something Mark? No, I'm just looking at the GIF. It's that Ben Simmons and the girl from MasterChef do look like they're next to each other. It's confusing for me. Sorry. Well, I think it's fine. other. It's confusing for me. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Well, I think it's fine. I think it's fine by it. He's considerably taller than her. Do you want me to delete the other? I mean, it's going to take a really long time to remake Batman. There's a lot of gifts on it. And I can't just download it.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Is it with downloads of video? I just, I didn't realize it would be like, I didn't realize the Batman's would be like, the size of what kind of Phoenix's head and stuff. There's just some stuff on there that's really. I ran away, I ran away. No, no, you did, but you didn't put a lot of the sizing into into context.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Well, I was gonna show you via the Zoom screen, but I thought that wouldn't be very listenable, you know, so I described it to you so the audience could play along. I'm, yeah. Okay, I'm just worried it's going to confuse people, but if you'll find with that too. I think that's clear enough. I'll find with that too.
Starting point is 00:59:09 If you'll find with that, then I'm fine. If you'll find with that, if you'll find with people getting confused. I'm gonna do a follow up thing on the story to clarify some things, but I do think it's important that we launch into this. For Broden, I think Broden has raised a really good point that we need a good, licitable five minutes. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:59:30 There's not too niche for the YouTube. Do you have some music, Broden? No, I've got nothing. Do you want to pull up some music? I'm going to just find some trivia questions. No, shoot. What's up, man? My Nana died.
Starting point is 00:59:46 There's the end of the podcast. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you. I mean, if you want, sub to here.

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