Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 197 - In This World Soup Is Narrative

Episode Date: May 19, 2020

A very straight forward world building improvisation episode centered around Prime Minister Crimes of Grindewald.  Join The Aunty Donna Clu...b: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. In the year 2007, one of the hardest and most vicious political races in Australia and history was won in this universe, the battle between Liberal, Maming Labor Party member Kevin Rudd and staunch, conservative, liberal politician in running for his second term, crimes of Grindelwald, Prime Minister Crimes of Grindelwald. This, for a long time, it was wondered what was happening behind the curtain of this Prime Minister Grindelwald's cabinet,
Starting point is 00:00:40 and how did he run against Kevin O'Cev. In this universe, he became Prime Minister of Australia. This is the behind the scenes, never before seen documentary footage taken of that period in time when Prime Minister Crimes of Grindelwald won his second turn as Prime Minister of Australia. It started on a cold June morning in Canberra. 6.30am, Prime Minister Grimblewald met with his internal team for their pre-day discussion about how they would take down Kevin Rudd.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Hey guys, it's me, Prime Minister, the Crimes of Grindelwald. My name is Crimes of Grindelwald for context to the last podcast while you're wondering that So guys, I've gathered you here early. I know some of you are like up It's too early in the morning and you're sad about that. I don't give a crap I am it's so early and and I don't give a crap if you think that's too early because this is how we're gonna win Is by boots on the ground. Now in this alternative history, John Howard retired. How do you know to become a man in his seat instead?
Starting point is 00:01:52 What's that mark? How do you know it's an alternative history? I don't know. Because then the real one, John Howard, ran until he went against Ruddy and then he lost to Maxine McEw and his seat. But in this history, he retired in 05 and I took his job. Prime Minister Krunov Grindelwald's chief of staff was Mark Bonanno at the time a late teen's boy
Starting point is 00:02:16 who was not sure what he wanted to do with his life yet, whether he wanted to go do writing or film, or he didn't know. But for a brief time he became the chief of staff to the Prime Minister. It's just odd that you keep talking about this universe. In this universe. It's odd that you keep talking about this universe as that.
Starting point is 00:02:34 This is the only universe I know. Well, that's a shame for you. But when you become Prime Minister of Australia, they tell you they sit you down. It's the first thing they do. So if you become President of America, they sit you down They go there's aliens, right? Aren't you? Yeah, right. Right. So that's what happens in America in the UK They sit you down and they go bitch sit down the queen still in charge
Starting point is 00:02:57 She'd been in charge the royals have been in charge this whole time. You just got to pretend it's democratic and in Australia You sit down and they go, there's multiple universes. There's the real one where like where the anti-donna podcast happens and stuff. And then there's this one. We're not the real universe, we're the alternate universe. They sit you down as the first thing they tell you,
Starting point is 00:03:23 it's Azeo staff. I'm not shitting with you right now man. It was reported to the period that Prime Minister Kranzelk Grindelwald spent a large duration of his process talking about multiple different universes. Because it, well all right, that's weird because what's weirdest thing about that is that, I mean, I don't know a lot about politics, but I believe you haven't become Prime Minister yet, and we're just campaigning for you too, because I mean, I get that the chief of staff was revealed to not know
Starting point is 00:03:56 that he was running with a Prime Minister who had already done an entire term as Prime Minister. All right. So what happened? Well, not a full term. So, so what happened is, what happened is so like Howard John Howard, the Prime Minister of Australia in 2005, got a sick tummy. All right. Yeah. And then he retired. I know this is our universe I'm going to say see well you just got confused I got I want to turn in his seat and then I got elected Prime
Starting point is 00:04:31 Minister there was an acting Prime Minister that was right who was who was the second in charge who would have been the acting Prime Minister Peter Costello Peter Costello is the acting Prime Minister I did a power tilt I did a power tilt. I did a power tilt. And I came in, I came in, I was a prime minister. And now I've been the prime minister for two years. That's not what we were saying last podcast,
Starting point is 00:04:55 but that's roughly what was established. I should. And now it's 2007, I'm running against Ruddy. But everyone loves me. I should pay more attention in the pre-podcast chats. That's just a note for next time. No, that's right, Mark. Let's get, but this is a peak behind the cabinet.
Starting point is 00:05:16 There's a peak behind the cabinet. But you've been doing a shit job. Oh, you got to understand the future of running for politics is one, selfies, two, Twitter, and three, my space. That's why I'd like you to meet my new social media guru, Broden Kelly. Ah! And this is not the Broden Kelly you know from your world. This is Broden with two dicks for legs
Starting point is 00:05:45 Hey guys, hey, brodo so excited to be part of this team. Oh, man You can I just say I love your two dicks for legs, which is a very normal thing in our universe It is a normal thing your dick legs are thick and vain 100% it's not normal to be walking around without Dicks shoes or or or nobles as they're known because I can fully see the the texture and the contours of the two giant knobs. Yeah, we're in shorts. Yes, you are and it's not that hey Look, I don't want to tell you how to dress in this universe. This is normal
Starting point is 00:06:24 And it's not that hey look. I don't want to tell you how to dress in this universe. This is normal This is normal, but it is not normal to not wear nobles because you've got come all over my prime minister officers carpet Yeah, like it looks like you just sort of come everywhere that that's normal in this world That's a sign of respect in this world Is it in the world web prime minister crimes of Grindelwald is in charge in this world? Is it? In a world where Prime Minister Crimes of Grindelwald is in charge, in this world, I like to wear shorts. And shorts are fine. Where are your novels? Where are your novels, man? What is novels?
Starting point is 00:06:54 In this world, what is a novel? A novel is a shoe made of wood. It's like a wooden knob sock. Yeah. Because your dick's for legs is like a clock. Yeah, but like a clock. It's more like a wooden knob sock. Yeah. Because your dick's for legs is like a clock. Yeah, but like a clock. It's more like a wooden bowl in this world. In this world.
Starting point is 00:07:10 In this world. Well, in this world, there are no clogs. So lucky that I've explained the clogs to you at a afternoon drink. The reason you have dick's for legs is because you're a quarter dutch. Every day-nish people have. In this world, because you're a quarter dutch. Every Danish people have... In this world I am here.
Starting point is 00:07:27 In this world. Yes, guys, I have some bad news. Allow me to walk over to you. In this world. I was getting cum all over my carpet. And in this world there's no such thing as professional cleaners. I gotta do that myself. Guys, I'm just bad at you.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And there's no such thing as a cloth or a vacuum so you have to do it with your mouth I'll lick up Brody's leg all right prime minister Grindelwald you please quickly suck up my cum so we could get to work I just also want to know I didn't mention this and I apologize in this world I don't have arms. I have chicken wings Yeah, that's why you that in this world that's I know in this world It's a normal I have little chicken wings I would you ever mention that we all have chicken wings the I know in this world it's a normal I have little chicken wings. Why would you even mention that we all have chicken wings. The only difference is
Starting point is 00:08:09 everyone's chicken wings are a different flavor. Yes, mine is a dry rub. I have penis legs. My penis legs are sweet and sour. Can I? Is this a rude question, Broden? Tell me if it is, man. But is your, in this world, in this world, no questions, in this world, no questions are rude? No questions are rude. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I didn't even know that. Why didn't you know that dumb can't? Because I've been in, ah, but dumb can't is still rude. So if you'd said why didn't you know that? I would have been fine with that. That's not a rude question. You call me a dumb kind. No, that's not rude in this world. Ah.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Okay. In this world, dumb kind means clever man. Okay. All right. Anyway, it was at this point that Broden with penis for legs brought in some very dangerous news. Guys, I've got some bad news about Ruddy. Kevin Rudd, who's your running against for the seat of Prime Minister. Just wait one second, one second. I've got to dip my arms in some barbecue sauce. Well, that's normal for this world. That's normal for this world because I have little chicken wings for arms.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You've got to keep wet. And you've got gotta be careful because it's how I master eyes. The biggest problem in this world, which is what we all know, is that cannibalistic birds will come and eat our wings. Absolutely. And that they operate a death star. Can I just ask you a really good question? In this world. In this world.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So sorry, when you're saying in this world. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, what is this? Hey, what are you doing, Zach? What do you mean? I mean, crumbs are going to world. In this world, it's very rude to ask about details of in this world. That's one of the most offensive things you can do.
Starting point is 00:09:55 A prime minister, I can do whatever I want, but that doesn't mean I can't be offended. Why if you keep doing this all- Laker to the Australian, which in this world is quite far left. But in this world, in this world, in this world being offended is the greatest compliment you can give a man. So you've done such a good job, I wanted to offend you. But my question is this, my question is this, when you're referring to in this world, are you referring to this alternative universe that only I know about, but I told you about
Starting point is 00:10:25 it Friday night drinks? Or are you referring to this world of earth? Because in this universe, people also live on Mars, and there's a new version of every country on Mars, so there's a new Australia, there's a new thing. And it has different social morays because people move to Mars in like a theme punk era Yes, it's not one and also it's important to note that in this world I'm not I am talking about this world where there's multiple not this alternate universe No, this universe is multiple worlds. Yes. I'm talking about in this world of earth not this world of Mars
Starting point is 00:11:01 Which we now call new earth there are different social mores, but there are also different tuna mornays, which is important to note. Yes, there's a tuna mornay in this world, not this universe, because Mars tuna mornay is still much of the same. But tuna mornay in this world is considered a dessert. Yes, and you add caramel or chock chips, that sort of thing. And it's delicious, considered a delicacy., and you add caramel or chocolate chips, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And it's delicious, considered a delicacy. And also, no, no, it's considered a delicacy. This world is pronounced delicacy. Dallocacy, so it's a thing. But you did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong there. No, no, no, it's normal. But in this world, in this world,
Starting point is 00:11:38 there's also no professional volleyball, but there are professional volavants. Yeah. And that's very important to know. So, and the volleyball vans are an Olympic sport that are eaten. It's not like how many can you eat. The Kobe Ashi wouldn't win competition. No, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Kobe Ashi is the greatest food eater. You had some news about... You had some news about Kenyra. Can we get Kobi Ash on the podcast one time? I would love to, but unfortunately, unfortunately he retired from... from competitive eating. Competitive eating, yesterday. In this world.
Starting point is 00:12:20 In this world. In this world. If you're spreading jam, you use one chopstick. Okay, I think we're adding too much world building now. I think we're struggling. I'm struggling. You're being a bit of a cunt. No, well, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Thank you very much. You're welcome. I appreciate that. You've got to understand the compliment. Very offended by that. In this universe, it is customary to do an entire podcast of world building before you get to blog. Is this podcast to political?
Starting point is 00:12:48 I'm already about that. We don't usually barely. We're doing the feed. That's very true. That's very true. I know I'm sorry dear listeners. I know usually we don't get this political. We don't talk about political beliefs. We're usually a little A political. But I guess there's nothing wrong with every now and then really getting stuck into to what we're passionate about. Politics. And that's politics and the fact that in this world it is taboo to spread jam with
Starting point is 00:13:20 a knife, you just use the incredibly tab. Thick end of a single chopstick. That is very important. Is anyone to people have, I mean I'm Prime Minister, so I have all the knives I can possibly want because in this universe, Prime Minister of Australia and New Australia is more like a king and he lives in a big mansion in New Melbourne. Why do you say this, we know this, we know this, we know this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this? We know this. We know this. We're the chief of staff and where your what was I? Your social media. Social media guru. Okay. In this world my space is back
Starting point is 00:13:55 and so I was hoping. Hang on, sorry. If it was 2007 my space would be at its peak so yeah, no say here's the thing right in yeah in this universe Hmm in this universe my space went out of fashion around 2005 in this world yeah, but it's still popular on Mars So in this world my space is back. I just need curry. Okay. Yeah. Because all right. Yeah. But here's a thing. Yeah. Yeah. In in in our world. In normal earth. Yeah. Which is what we consider this also. So above this we're recording a podcast. And in thatkin. Yeah. So, in this universe, our universe, we are now the characters in this universe, in this world. My space, it's all about ten years ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So the internet really kind of became a thing in the early eighties rather than the early nineties. kind of became a thing in the early 80s rather than the early 90s. That would have human ears. That would have human ears. That would have human ears. That would have human ears. That would have human ears. Show me some examples.
Starting point is 00:15:12 There's a pile living a big mansion in Melbourne as opposed to Curibilly House. But there was also the other thing that happened in this universe, the San Luis Prado. Mark Zuckerberg never invented Facebook because instead he went on to, in this universe, he went on to develop Earthworm Jim. He developed Earthworm Jim.
Starting point is 00:15:32 But because of this, because Mark Zuckerberg created it, obviously he changed the name. So is Earthworm Jim the biggest social media platform in the world? Yes. Earthworm Jim, the sort of, I was like, it was an animated TV series in the 90s It was a scissorling action adventure computer. Yes, I'd scroll like action
Starting point is 00:15:51 Adventure but there was a cartoon of it. I believe yes, there was and he had like a big suit with a worm Coming in the real world. That's where it was yeah, they never the car to wait a second Broden Kelly, social media guru. How do you know about the TV show? That only existed in the alternative universe that only I and every Prime Minister since the main universe was discovered in 1940, no about. Well, in this world, there's a button I can push
Starting point is 00:16:24 that does me everything. and you got that button yeah I got that but you can buy it from Kmart I got the button in this world you have that so I push this button that tells me everything to how many people know about the real world then anyone who's got the button and this this is a this oh no it's all good anyway prime minister grinder world yeah I have some bad news about ruddy Okay, yeah Kevin Rudd. He's going on Rove Rodin oh no, I got some bad news for you man
Starting point is 00:16:58 You'll notice that that's made my two penis legs shrivel up and I've gone, I've dropped in it by heart by about three to four feet. I've got some really bad news for you, man. In this world he isn't doing that. What? What? What? You just stank him.
Starting point is 00:17:16 You just mistaken. No, no, no, no, I, I, I, I, that's really interesting, Zach. I mean, Prime Minister Crimes of Grindelwald, that's really interesting because in this world it is. Oh no. He's a big issue though. He is going on Rove. In this world.
Starting point is 00:17:37 In this, Mark. In this world. Rove started doing his doodles a day much earlier. Much earlier. Much earlier. He started doing that. That doesn't really matter though, Mark. Well, it does because the show might get the show
Starting point is 00:17:54 that Kevin Rudd, I haven't figured out whether you guys have said whether he is or isn't appearing on Rhove, you guys need to work that. You got some shit you need to work out. Yeah, that's fine. He might be cancelling Rhove because he's doing a doodle for the day. In this world which little a day means doing the show. Doing a doodle a day means doing the rove show.
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's very scary. You are the dumbest can. You are the dumbest can. Why? Because you're great. I'm a dumbest thing. That's my question about rove live. He's going on rove.
Starting point is 00:18:42 It's going to boost his numbers in dumb kids are gonna vote for him now. What do I need to do to appeal to youth? Here's the thing, here's what I've got. Here's what I've got. Yes, Prime Minister. Ever since I came in in 2005, I have pulled back on some of the more extreme, unpopular things that right, that Howard has been doing. And you pulled out, which I appreciate,
Starting point is 00:19:10 because we can't have any babies, any babies, you know, catastrophes. Yeah, absolutely. I don't wanna have any babies. I've got my children, but in this world, children are spaghetti. I asked spaghetti. You got to keep them warm.
Starting point is 00:19:28 You got to keep them warm. People, they're spaghetti until puberty. Puberty in this universe. Yeah. Because people, they're children are spaghetti on Mars as well. In this universe, puberty is not like balls dropping, developing. The bowl of spaghetti goes into a very special oven and comes out as a young tween. Yes, pasta bake. And if the spaghetti goes cold, you don't have
Starting point is 00:19:59 to have a steak in this universe. No, you don't. You put spaghetti in the oven, you get a twine. Like that's, that's, that's simple. So literally you do, you'll never get past the thing. You cannot let the pasta go cold because that is the equivalent in this world of SIDS. Yes. Yeah. SIDS vicious from sex pistols. SIDS vicious. Which was his name in this universe. Now, it's what we call when babies die, we call it SIDS vicious. Siddles Vicious. Which was his name in this universe. It's what we call when babies die. We call it Siddles Vicious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And he killed both his girlfriend and himself. Now, good, six pistols. Now, here's the thing about babies that are spaghetti in this world. Mm-hmm. There's no gender reveal parties to find out if it's a boy or a girl. No. You have a gender reveal party to find out you it's a boy or a girl, you have a gender reveal party to find out you've got an Alfredo. Alfredo?
Starting point is 00:20:49 A Bolognaise. Oh, yeah. A Rossa or a Bianco base. Yeah, Bianco, yeah. And Aglio del Olio. Yeah, which is just like a simple garlic olive oil. Yeah, because gender is a feature in this world. So you can have-
Starting point is 00:21:04 It's one of those things where you get excited, you think, oh, that sounds pretty cool. If you're from the real world, you'd go, or from the real universe, you'd go, that sounds pretty cool. But a lot of the same prejudice is exist. So we don't have gender here, we don't have male female. We have like basically what spaghetti flavors, yeah, flavors of spaghetti, but we've still built the same that similar sort of rigid cultural structure. So if you like ballet, which in this world is quite a
Starting point is 00:21:38 manly pursuit, then you might be called a fucking Alfredo. So we are, say we are an all Alfredo group. We are an all Alfredo sketch group in this universe, which is a shame. Well, you're a Prime Minister and we're your staff. Yeah, we also do sketch. It's the only way to be eligible for the Prime Minister's ship. That's right. In this world, only sketch comedians can run.
Starting point is 00:22:01 So, ruddy, and your staff, and your staff, yeah, yeah, and the President of the United States of America all these sketch comedians can run. So, Ruddy, is your call boss off to Puss? Yeah. Yeah. And that was really... The president of the United States of America is what's his name from Brooklyn 9-9?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Andy Sandberg. Andy Sandberg. Yeah. So basically, you have to pick one person to be out of the sketch group. You have to pick one person to be the prime minister, one person to be the chief of staff, one person to be the prime minister, one person to be the chief of staff, one person to be the social media guru, if it's a four person sketch group that
Starting point is 00:22:29 fourth person has to be, what do they have to be again guys? What is this they got jock here? What do they have to be? They have to be in charge of cleaning up the dog poo. And the fifth, if you're a five person sketch group, they are in charge of cleaning up all the come from Dutch people. My leg. From Dutch people.
Starting point is 00:23:00 From Dutch people. Now I'm wearing nobles. Now and John Howan, he was our longest-running prime minister. He was a member of Girls Uninterrupted. He was a murderer. And when you say longest-running in this universe, that just means that he just ran across the key constantly, he was running constantly
Starting point is 00:23:16 from Melbourne to Bloody Perth. And that was why I was really innovative, because I said, I said, all right, here's the thing, guys. We have a real boom at the moment, we're in the middle of a real boom, thanks to all the mining that's happening in Perth, because in this similar kind of stuff happened where the mining resources boom led to a good economic uplift for Australia in the 90s. And I said, you know what? We should be using this.
Starting point is 00:23:50 If I'm prudent, we can really get ahead in case the GFC ever comes along. And I was the first guy to think that because the guy before me was just running from Melbourne to Perth for like eight years. That's all he was doing was just running and people were like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like,
Starting point is 00:24:11 I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like,
Starting point is 00:24:20 I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car, but he was like, I'm not sure if he was in the car front of the crazy sail, we call them John Howard's here. Yeah, the John, you know, the things that you inflate, the flailing arms, the tube band with the flailing arms, broden, broden you on board with this and you know, I'm so, I'm so on board, this is such a fucking stupid thing. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you so much. Now, as you'll notice, my penis is
Starting point is 00:24:47 my penises are just absolutely flaccid. Can you please tell me how we're going to combat ruddy going on Rove? He's my pig. God damn election. And can we get my penis a stiff again? You let me rub. Let me just rub either side. I'll have one. He's gonna rub your penis as well. I'm just gonna rub. I'm just gonna rub. Which in this world is not a...
Starting point is 00:25:11 I can then rub anything to do. It's just like a massage. No, it's at the moment now. No, I'll have that now. Let me tell you. Let me tell you, if he touched your leg during a massage, that would be a very... Because that's the other thing is that
Starting point is 00:25:25 because you have two penises for your leg, your penis is just a full leg with a foot. But it's a little leg, it's a little. Yeah, it's a little. It's six inches long. It's a little six inch long leg. Yeah. Which on the flaccid is a very big leg
Starting point is 00:25:42 because it serves the purpose of a penis. Yeah, yeah. The flaccid six inch penis is quite, a flaccid six inch leg is a big leg here, but to the real world, that's a little leg. Yes, for the real world. Did I mention that? Did I mention that?
Starting point is 00:25:58 To us, we know, once you know you're the alternative world, so you grew up thinking you were the real world, the reveal is, and I don't know if your cheap came up buttons told you this, whether, whether alternate universe, yes, whether, where the slide is, we're not the main sliders, whether like in this world came out is one of the most expensive stores around. Oh, very high. It's where you go for cheap shit. No. No? Very classy. You get nice coffee table.
Starting point is 00:26:28 What? You get like, uh, David Jones? No, it's Kmart. You go for it. Yeah, and I said, you go to David Jones for cheap shit. You want like a $3 towel. You go to David Jones. Yeah, Kmart's really nice.
Starting point is 00:26:40 You go in and you get a fake plant. And a really nice pot. There's one Kmart. There's one Kmart next to Meyer and the CBD, but there's heaps of David Jones. There's pretty much every shopping since it has a David Jones. And you can go there for like a,
Starting point is 00:26:55 like you want to kettle for $10, you go to David Jones. Last week. Yeah, so I've actually stocked this weird-branchled aniko, or some, that's the David Jones, they don't have, that's kind of what they do now. Yeah. Did I mention, oh yeah, you go.
Starting point is 00:27:11 No, sorry, you go. I just, I don't know if I tell you, but I did mention that I'm all tummy, didn't I? 100%. Yeah, we didn't have to say that, because in this world, everyone knows, I'm all tummy, I've got little chicken wing arms. I just wanted to make sure.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's just my Scottish. Yeah, that's right, because I'm all tummy, I've got little chicken wings arms. I just wanted to make sure. It's just part of Scottish. Yeah, that's right, because I'm a skydiver. Because I'm a half-scottish. It's one of all-time-d is tummy. So basically, so in the same way that gender is more of a what spaghetti you came from. Nationality race is more like what body part you consist of. The dutch have penises for legs the Scottish are all tummy
Starting point is 00:27:50 Chinese people one just large toe Americans Americans European Americans are like half tummy half eyeball Native Americans are all eyebrow and each of these is a spaghetti French are just Christmas
Starting point is 00:28:14 What's that the French are just Christmas? The French are just Christmas. That's just what I are they just Christmas. They just they just they Christmas That's just and Christmas. Oh, I just got a phone call. Yeah. Oh, you won the election. Oh, fucking sick. Why didn't happen two years? I'm so confused. No, I just bet ready.
Starting point is 00:28:34 You just bet ready now. Right, so that means I'm now Prime Minister for 27 years. Because in this world, that's how long it took. You got two terms and then 27 and then two and then 27 Well, no the two was just because I came in at the end of his 27. Yeah, no in this world Yeah, so he did and when he's sick 25 and then I came in right at end, but we still this world compared to the the real the about the podcast that are the real world That we know about we know about the podcast world is we don't have to step out of
Starting point is 00:29:07 character. There's only two worlds as we do worlds. But no, this is in this world or universe that's the clarity in this world world. So we talk about Mars as opposed to Mars in this. Yes. I don't know Mark. I don't I don't know how clear I can be in the 18th century The Brits in this universe in this universe British people They'd pretty much colonized the whole world much the same and they they made like a whole Theme punk kind of thing. It got very steam punky. They made spaceships and they colonized Mars. So Mars is like Earth two, but it's real steam punky.
Starting point is 00:29:53 But not in the cool way, in like the fuckhead cabaret, but less. Oh, right. Yes. So in this universe, we have Earth. Probably like the original steam punk, theme, like you know actual HD world What a lands The word punk was coined in the 70s right in New York in the punk scene and it where I used to mean like
Starting point is 00:30:19 someone who got fucked in prison Was a puppet yeah, so I don't think a steam punk was ever cool. No, so what I would say is when I say steam punk, the cool way, I would say in the way a critic will back define, I'm talking about H2, it's not H2 Wells or what's that one where they go to the moon and it goes into his eye? Polo 13. No, it's not H2 Wells or what's that one where they go to the moon and it goes into his eye? Polo 13. No, that's the moon in this in this universe it is it is a polo
Starting point is 00:30:52 13 is the first one of the first examples of special effects in silent film you know that one with the moot Yeah, Luis Boodwell Ciccacane Luis Boodwell I don't know I don't know Is it a cane? The loose. The loose boom well. Boom well, is that the goat eye? Goat eye. I don't know. I'm the same.
Starting point is 00:31:08 The other guy, the um, from Hugo. Oh. Wait, do I mean this world or you're going to be a mazotopia? No, not Zotopia. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe.
Starting point is 00:31:20 In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. In this universe. is the first steampunk film. So anyway, so basically all of Mars, Mark, to be really clear, all of Mars is filled with like burlesque people dressed in steampunk, going like, it's just like sci-fi,
Starting point is 00:31:41 but like through the lens of, you know, so they're like that. That's not all right. Yeah, and they love ginger wine and like, yeah. And they all have anger problems. Is poetry a dead art in this world? Not in this world, yes. Yes, in this world, rap, I would say say is much like in the real universe.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Well, if Shakespeare were all alive today, he'd be a rapper. He'd be a rapper. So, and it has penis for ears because he's from England. England, England. So, in this universe, there is a whole earth on Mars that's just steampunk people. Is this Earth, the Earth one? So whenever we say in this world, we're referring to as opposed to Mars. Mm-hmm. When we say in this universe, it's as opposed to the real universe.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Right. And I sometimes get the language wrong here. The real universe, which is where the anti-donna podcast is happening. In this world. Does the podcast Margaret move to Mars exist? Is it as strange a concept? Because there is a sick. So Sam and Michelle, so Sam of course is the guy who sucks up all the come for us
Starting point is 00:33:09 That's right because he was that is rolling on the dinner the party Donna So when we moved into politics he he took on like a Dyson we say and so in his spare time that he goes Yeah and in this So in his spare time he goes, the narrative of that soup, soups have narratives here. The narrative of that soup is a very realistic portrayal of a woman, of a, of a, of a, of a, bolonais named Margaret, move it, getting into cabaret
Starting point is 00:34:04 and, and trying to define herself and going, I think steampunk really represents who I am. And then moving to Mars, and this is all represented by vegetables and stock. Stock soup. This is the pejama. The pejama. All narrative concepts are like liquid foods.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So, podcast the soups. Yeah, this is a soup. Film. Yeah, we're making a soup right now. So what happens is we record all of this and then it goes into a machine and it comes out on bits of vegetable. But people understand it.
Starting point is 00:34:39 It's happened over millennia. So, like, in the same way that someone can read a book or understand language in the real world, here you go, oh carrots, yeah, I understand that. I get it, I get it. Films, what's other liquid foods? Films are... Smoothie? Films are smoothie. Films are smoothie. Television shows. Is that a nice cup of coffee? Nice cup of coffee. Anime is ramen.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Anime is ramen. Yeah, that's quite a hearty. Anime is quite hearty. The weird thing is people still follow, narratives are linear still. They have beginning, middle and end, and I don't understand really how that works. Well, if your ending is usually a heavier vegetables,
Starting point is 00:35:28 so they're at the bottom. So they're at the bottom. Because as you eat the soup, and then you have recommended lengths, broad, so this is usually a... Broad, this is a... Yeah, it was a big can, and there was a came with an envelope,
Starting point is 00:35:41 and you bought the can at the shops. Yeah, it's not like you don't just buy it at the supermarket, it's the special shop, it's like the cinema. And that's the thing, supermarkets is spelled SOUP. Yeah, but they don't sell soup there. But they don't sell soup there. That's like, I'll say my copywriter isn't spelled like writing.
Starting point is 00:36:01 It's like it's just a coincidence, a work of language. Now you go to Hoyt's or Village or AMC or Voo, and you go there and you, and unlike in the real world, where it's only the latest releases and there's, like they're just selling all soups from any time, and you go there and you go, oh, I'll have Titanic please, and they go,
Starting point is 00:36:24 that's a big soup, and in it there's an envelope, oh, I'll have Titanic please, and I go, that's a big soup. And in it, there's an envelope, and the director will say, heat it to this level. And please try to eat it over three hours. I edited this to be a three hour soup. So as you eat it, you try to time it, you go, okay, I'm an hour in, I should roughly, and then we have special bowls.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So like, you know that you're a third in that sort of thing Yeah, yeah You just tried a time the soup in this world super narrative. I thought we yeah and pastor is themes You have any other questions Pastors The type of spaghetti no no type of spaghetti is the type of spaghetti. No, no. Type of spaghetti is gender. Right. And in this world, super narrative,
Starting point is 00:37:10 type of pasta is theme. So, let's say, it can be a spooky boy. A spooky, spooky, you can be a cream of pumpkin, a hungry Italian. The pasta you are as a child is very different to the type of pasta that fates in a narrative suit. Completely different things. In this universe, I'm surprised you didn't know this. That's like comparing apples to apples.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Child pasta is made of these well-being oranges. Absolutely. So in this universe, also Apple's. Yes, Prime Minister. Yes Prime Minister. I'm not Prime Minister, I can do whatever the fuck I want. I'm going to introduce GST, what do you think of that? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:37:58 What about Coke? I was putting GST on that, I'm just checking it on. Oh shit. I bet it's by 10,000 bottles of Coca-Cola. Sorry, are we unclear here? In this universe, GST means everything's free. Oh, great. Can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 00:38:17 No, I know that. Because buy in this world means just go to the supermarket and take it. Yeah. It means not pay for? Brodom was going to ask a question, go for it, man. I'm surprised you have any questions. No, I was going to wrap it up. I was going to be like, that was the, like, the sleep.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Oh, that's great. That's really good. We see the workings. In this world, we don't do that, though. We don't wrap up. We keep going. We keep pushing. We keep pushing. We keep pushing. Luckily, we're't do that though. We don't have to go. Oh, we don't have a 40-mile limit. We can't push it.
Starting point is 00:38:46 We can't push it. Luckily we're not in that way. It's not passed, it's used by a day. Luckily we're not in that world. Oh, that's right. Right, where are we now? We're in Ann in this universe. We're in a universe one.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So we're in the real universe with the first one. In this world, in this universe, we are recording a podcast over Zoom because in this this world in this universe we are recording a podcast over zoom because the world in this world in this universe a massive virus has taken over. Oh, because in the in the in the alternative universe COVID happened in 1985. Yeah, just ate the penguin a little earlier. So it just happened it just got out quicker and Then did you say penguin penguin? Oh Sound like penguin there again. It was a penguin that that did covered Right set a type of bat. No, no, I said I read a penguin a man a penguin
Starting point is 00:39:41 bad Bat I don't know what the fuck a penguin is, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, the bad, fuck it up. Yeah, it does, it really does. And I love that. I think like if we're gonna come crashing down, I love the idea that like that someone's gonna have to ride a movie one day without line, it's like to think all of this happened because of one penguin.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Also, this conversation about the penguin, what world and universe is this at? This is normal universe, this is normal universe. I'm not sure if I'm hearing from the Prime Minister or if I'm hearing from... No, Zach Brodenmark, but in this universe, real world, real world, real world. And no, there's no confusion here. Everyone in every world, in every universe, knows that this is the real universe. But I'm Mark.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Right. Broden is Mark here. Okay. Just that just happened. And you are Broden is Mark. I'm Broden is Mark. I have crispy crepes for eyes. You gotta understand this man. It's like that episode of The Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Cause we went to that, because we opened the portal. Because we opened the portal things and changed them. I stepped on a twig. I stepped on a twig. You stepped on a twig like a whole course of the real world. You stepped on Twiggy Forest, one of the great things in As of Australia.
Starting point is 00:41:12 No, I stepped on Twiggy, the famous model. From the 60s. From the 60s. Oh. Thank you so much for tuning in. I just want to say that you're the patron. I just want to say that you're the patron. And that was everyone for joining the Undyneur podcast. And that was the behind the scenes cabinet look
Starting point is 00:41:32 at the Prime Minister of Australia. I forgot his name. Prime Minister Crimes of Grindelwald. Yeah, that was good. That was a good podcast. Congratulations, guys. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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