Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast EP 21 Feat. JESS PERKINS

Episode Date: December 6, 2016 @ jess_perkinsInstagram: @ jessperkinsJess's Podcast "Do Go On":…d1057458646?mt=2Support us on Patreon if you want to:  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. So we were on our live show from 2016 was on ABC to ABC to Oh I watched it. ABC to it. Did you watch it Jess? Yeah I was messaging you on your bloody live video. Oh that's right yeah you came in and I said hello I spoke about you. Yeah you did. So did I gave you a little shout out.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I think a little troll. You're talking about me. Sorry just for clarity here we're here with Jess Perkins is, a lot of people know her as a Melbourne comedian, but a lot of people don't know if she's an actual troll. And there's under a bridge. But it's a nice bridge. It is a nice bridge. Like I'm a modern mattress.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah, I got a mattress. I got a mattress. A lot of people think trolls live under bridges in that traditional sense. A lot of the time you build like, bridge shaped houses more or less. It's just more of a cultural thing. Or you build like a small, like I've got like a nice terrace house under a terrace house.
Starting point is 00:01:13 A terrace house under a particularly large bridge. It was made out of alchydas. It's made out of alchydas. That's less of a troll. That's more of just a person who's bought riverfront. You should just be using like a riverboard. I I mean it's nice that you try to label me well anything other than it's my job is the label maker I would have just used breaks in water no no no I kind of much sturdier
Starting point is 00:01:36 she's made a label maker Liam I tell Zach is Zach is the man with the ponytail mark his baby boy John and I'm Brody the Labelmaker Liam. Speaking of trolls, everyone's aware that we make some pretty cool stuff online and offline. Do you? We'd like to stay off the grid, but we'd like to keep our finger in the grid pie.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I wanted to... If someone just was tuning into this podcast, off grid, like just like, oh, I'm gonna pick a random podcast. They'll be like, no, I don't know. Well, we do. And so we make some videos for YouTube, and I just wanted to read out to everyone my favorite comment that we've gotten probably ever.
Starting point is 00:02:17 What did you, you said to me before we recorded it was, you said it was the most something one. It was, it's the brutal it was the most something one. It was it's the Brutalist comment I've never received right and I really like it now the man's name is He's written his name on there. Okay, sorry So I feel like I said before you start. Yeah, is it a mean comment or is it a is it an impressive? Impressively large comment from the set built in the 70s made of concrete? That one. Just because you said it was the brutalist.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Sorry, that was probably too, and it was too over. I got it. I got it. It was very good, Zach. Thank you. All right, so Tom just took off his jumper in the middle of the poker. Like, got his whole shirt out It's like it's very hot with a bow no, yeah, I got a big stiffy
Starting point is 00:03:11 I want to go on we got three stefys and a full bean in this room right now and we just need the three stefys Yeah, three steppy graphs three steppy I win. Where's my mouth? No, it's now. No, it's Stephanie Graf. And he's the third one. I love tennis. I've been bombed. I've got the second time I've gotten gum on my jumper. Everyone I've been chewing gum. I put it on the arm of my chair and now I did it in the last podcast with Jess. I went on it with my right arm and I got on my jumper. I didn't address it, but I just put it on the left side, lean into it, and now I've got gum on both elbows of my chest. I love that notion that you're like,
Starting point is 00:03:50 oh man, oh man, I put my elbow on gum because I put it on the left arm rest of my chair. And you thought the issue there was the left part. The issue was that I made a mistake once and then I repeated it like a, like a, that gosh done fool. Like a fucking idiot. Sure.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Now this comment is by Peter McCabe. Oh. That's isn't, I don't know if that's his real name. He tends to just look like a pink circle. Is it spilt McCabe? Yeah, McCabe, maybe it's McCabe. I said McCabe. I might be wrong.
Starting point is 00:04:24 MC, C-A-B-E. Yeah, McCab, maybe it's McCab I said McCabe I'm up on MC He says on the haven't you done well five cocaine 1999 episode five video Daniel slosses Quite big big up and come and comedian if you heard of him just burgers. Yeah, of course you bloody have I think he's up and coming anyway. He's well and truly like he's come well Don't go on the world stage. Well He's up and coming into our eyes. Daniel you listen to this you come so much anyway So Peter McCabe and coming for Daniel slas Very good very good Tom just Shorter good boy. That was like very good Good be like say something about my great joke Tom Jack's shoulder. Good boy. That was like very good, Jack. Very good.
Starting point is 00:05:06 You're gonna be like say something about my great joke, Tom. He doesn't. He doesn't. Alright. So, he's shy. He's shy. Amazing. Look, people have probably been able to go to YouTube and find this comment by now.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah, it's my game. He's probably printed it out already. So he's wanting to hear it. Oh my God. Tell us the podcast. Peter McCabe says he says, I just can we just get to it. That's my thing. I want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Here we go. Mark is telling us the podcast thing and you're into cutting every time he gets just to say it. I'm trying to hear it. I'm just telling him I'm ready to come on. We want to just just settle it. Guys. Guys.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah. How's he weekend? It was really good. Yeah. Oh my don't fucking do this to me. I am I know you've got to let me do this I'm like fucking I will go Ben reflect in the account on your mother fuckers. I have to finish What's happening? He's an he plays an autistic man who has to finish everything he starts And it's to the point where he freaks out and his father who's an army man. Sorry spoilers Spoilers, yes, I saw and I love that it was fine people people were really getting like I was reading some rotten reviews It was fine. It was very slow at the start that and I almost false false fell asleep until until some until the good shit happened. Peter McCabe said,
Starting point is 00:06:26 sorry just before you. No, fuck you, Zach. No, fuck you. Peter McCabe said, based on the views, versus like on this, versus likes on this video, we can assume 7,605 people in every 463,406 are complete fuckheads. 127 have a brain, and 455,800 and 1 probably found the better video to watch within 20 seconds.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Next time these guys put their heads together, someone should fire a bullet through them. After all, they are not worth wasting three bullets on. What a fucking nerd! And then someone from Antidona wrote it and I don't know who. You can talk after that. Thank you Tom. I'm sorry Jess. No it's fine. I was just defending you and saying that I was a nerd doing the math on the... Well someone from Antidona and I don't know who wrote. Stop using maths to bully us
Starting point is 00:07:27 Now I thought it was Broden, but it was sad. It was obviously sad What are the likes on the two comments? If Peter McCabe's comment has 1,600 likes No, and ours has two No, I'm just joking. I can't see likes in YouTube studio. I can't see it in the YouTube studio. I would, can I just say guys, for safety, I don't think we should be putting our heads anywhere near each other.
Starting point is 00:07:55 In case. In case. In case. I reckon we're worth three bullets. I would say we're, or at least we're worth a shotgun palette, which you know has a sort of, it has a... A shotgun approach. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I would take a bullet for you. I'd take three bullets for you. I'd take a grenade for you, Jess. Mmm, what the hell? I'd take a shot in the mouth for you. A shot of tequila? Yep, sorry, Jess, I think you was talking about co-op. No, I wasn't for once.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I wasn't being a Rudy Tutti. Rudy. Rudy Tutti. Now Mark, you told us that you wanted today's podcast to be about jobs. So I've done my research. Here we bloody good. And let me just say that I'd know everything about the film. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:08:37 I know it's a black girl. Every two people, I still enjoyed it. It was written by Matt Whiteley, Ash and Koochoo, was it? No, Zach. Double joke. Yeah, these jobs is, oh no wait, not Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs. Right here. You look like a right pair. It's called, that movie is called Steve Jobs Computer Man. a man. The other one's just jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Yeah, that's, you know, jobs, jobs, jobs is, that's about like a man just, he's just tired from all these jobs. Yeah. He works at the bloody welfare office. He's trying to get people jobs. He's got a job. He's trying to get people jobs. He can't get his wife to give him a hand job.
Starting point is 00:09:26 But can I say just on all husband? No, that's very true. But seriously, Michael Fastbender's work, this is just going serious for a second, but Michael Fastbender's work in Steve Jobs' computer man. Fantastic. It was very funny how Kevin's lit. Fastbenders work in Steve Jobs computer man. Fantastic. It was very funny how Kav Winslet sort of didn't really find her accent until the second act of that film, but otherwise I thought she was great in Steve Jobs computer boy.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Because I'm a big fan of Danny Boyle, the director, I thought he's working train spotting this fantastic. I'm very excited for Trainspotting too. Slumdog Millionaire. Slumdog Millionaire is very strong. 127 hours. But I genuinely think, I'm of the opinion that Steve Jobs computer boy, is his greatest work.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, because who wrote Aaron Sorkin wrote the screenplay? To Steve Jobs computer chap? Yeah, he wrote the screenplay to a number of films. He'd done a lot of work on the West Wing. He wrote, what else he, he also wrote, social network, yeah. But I very much enjoyed his work on Steve. Steve, Steve. Steve.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yes? Steve Jobs computer brain, computer brain, computer brain. My favourite scene of Steve Jobs computer brain. So in Kate Winslet, she's trying to get him to just spend just a few moments with his daughter because this man, it's really an exploration of what it is to be brilliant, you know, what is he sacrifice? Yeah. There's a particular scene in Steve Jobs.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I love computers. LAUGHTER As he confronts his daughter. Yeah, I love what I really love about it was that progression in story, which is why Steve Jobs, Macintosh Kid, is one of my favorite, favorite old time films, I put her right up there with, I put it up there with Train Spodding and Slum Dog Millionaire. It's right next to me with Steve Jobs, Apple Acrobat. I really, because for me, for me,
Starting point is 00:11:50 this is the thing quite genuinely, I think it's better than social network, and I think the reason for that is social network explores something, but I think that for me, Steve Jobs, he got computer on his mind, is such a powerful indictment on, you know, we always look up to these sort of people, but really I think the person you should be looking up to is a family man.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It was very interesting. It was very interesting that it took place before the launch of three important products. But not including the iPhone. The iPhone wasn't part of it, which is undoubtedly hands down why Steve Jobs, Techboy Tuesdays, it was my favorite because it's one of my favorite. It's one of my favorite.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's very bold. It's very bold. And I'm sitting here. I'm sitting all the way. I'm sitting watching this film. I mean, palasinamers. I'm sitting here. I'm sitting all the way. I'm sitting watching this film. I mean Palas cinemas and I'm sitting down Jesus Christ. Steve Jobs. I'll have a computer with that pegs
Starting point is 00:13:03 Why did you guys just clarify what's the movie called? Steve Jobs hacking hang Steve Jobs Steve Jobs are a side of computer. Are those just called Steve Jobs? No, no, no, no, Steve Jobs computer man. It's here. Which one? It's here. Yeah, Steve Jobs. It's based on the, it's actually based on the memoir, or not the memoir, the very in-depth book.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Biography. Biography, sorry. Yeah. Which was, I think, sorry, which was I think just called Jobs Computable. Yeah, yeah. I think it was called Steve Jobs and I love touching things with my finger. Get books, oh hey books! Steve, Steve Jobs, I thought, can I just say I'm so sorry. But I remember sitting there to watch that film and being so moved, I was expecting, I was expecting
Starting point is 00:13:52 what I wasn't expecting was such a moving thing. And I think my favourite part of Steve Jobs, would you like the Onion Rings or a big computer with that? It was just a puner. I think this was unfunny about 10 seconds ago. So you were in a call sensor, Jess. It just looked at the clock, see how long it would be going. I'm a little bit sorry to everyone sitting on their trims and buses. We were just shaking their heads. Like what?
Starting point is 00:14:24 And now the people, hey, you're listening, sorry, you know how you can like skip 15 seconds They've done that a few times like they've got to be done. They're not done. Okay. They've got to be done No, they've moved it. They haven't moved on. They've got a guest for God's sake. Surely they're gonna talk to her at some point So in last week Yeah, I don't really before or whenever we put Sorry, no, I was just gonna say what we were before or whenever we put some jazz. Sorry, man. No, I was just going to say what we wanted to talk about. We were talking earlier.
Starting point is 00:14:49 We spoke to Jess about the job in a call center. Which I'm sorry to think maybe I probably shouldn't have mentioned, but meh. What are they going to do? I know you're here. What are they going to do? Talk with Helen. Oh, that one. It's been a, how are you with jobs?
Starting point is 00:15:01 Are you a stichler? Or do you change jobs? Oh. Pretty frequent. I have a huge job commitment. stickler or do you change jobs? Oh. Pretty frequent. I have a huge job commitment. Yes. I, I never say jobs for very long. I think the longest I've been a job was two years
Starting point is 00:15:11 and that was as a teenager. Oh yeah, wow. I don't, why did that do? I stay, because I was getting one, three hour shift a week. I was only about 50 bucks and I was like, I need to get to uni and I don't, I don't make any money. And what were you studying at that uni? At that uni, I was studying creative arts and culture.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I was a drama and literature major. And what did you learn in that course? Fuck all! In my drama classes, we would sit and read plays. There was no acting involved. Did you like any of the plays? We all studied acting. No, no.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It was one of the best drama schools in the Western part of Victoria. You did? We went to Woppa. Western did? We went to Woppa. We went to Woppa with cheese. Woppa. A Woppa with cheese. We certainly ate a lot of Woppas with cheese, didn't we? Yeah, because...
Starting point is 00:15:54 What fun! We went to 100 Jacks every day. We said, hey, give us a Woppa with you, he's. And then they go, I know you brought a Woppa. Oh wow! Did you do that? Which is a favourite play. So give us a laugh with you, he's and then they go, I know you, brother, you're an awful. Oh, wow. What did you do? What was your favorite play?
Starting point is 00:16:08 My favorite play. I remember we definitely did, I did like Australian plays. We did like Hotel Sorrento and Norman Armored. Did you ever read Norman Armored? I read about it. Never heard of it. Good play.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Boring. Boring. Apart from that, I don't remember much. I did this guy who, like there was a book I read at university, he was a script about a guy who, he's like, one of his limbs was blown off in your place that with like a, where the hell gets bread, was Norman Umbred. Oh yeah. Simply you're talking about that.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah, no, same one, same one. No, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's really moving. Really moving. Because you think like, how's he gonna get going with his life? How's he gonna walk through a park without birds pecking at it? If we keep trying to make toast. Yeah, I actually read a different play. That's really interesting that you read that play on you see read. Because I read a play when I was at drama school very powerful piece. It's about a man named Norm. He got a bit sleepy and it was called Norman Abed,
Starting point is 00:17:06 Norm and Abed. I was thinking you were going to say he got a bit sleepy and he slept strangely and like it was just on one side and Norm and arm dead. I read that. You read that one? I read it a scene from that Oh yeah, Arnold We just really captured the entire I read a very, so good It's so funny that you mentioned that you're very very Very interesting play about this man who he worked on a farm He had a farm and he loved this farm but the elements kept getting to it So I've got to protect it.
Starting point is 00:17:45 It was Norman Farm Shed. Oh, wow. I actually, I actually, I tried my hardest. I actually read a play, very powerful play. It was about a person, who was talking about a person named Norm. And but to someone that was hard of hearing, that play was called Norm, I said. It's really funny that you mentioned that on this podcast, I tell you why.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I did a play in second year of university by a guy called August Strindberg and was about a young rich woman who is ordered who a another man called Sean asks he tells her to go kill herself at the end of the play and we did a same excerpt from that was called Miss Julie. Oh, that's, yeah. That's a good play. Do you remember doing that, Zach? I remember you doing that. I did, I did, I did. I did, I did.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And also did a performance of Miss Julie. I remember I did a scene in second year from a play where I just played a man who I'm hadn't seen his girlfriend for years. It was called Miss Julie. Let me think of some parents. I read a fantastic play, I read a fantastic play about condensation, but the condensation, big caught in the light,
Starting point is 00:19:23 a certain way that it almost looks like diamonds. It was called Miss Julie. Do you wish you were dead Jess? More often than I'd like. Yeah, same. I've had a very similar issue with job commitment. I reckon I've had over 20 jobs in my short- Over 20? Eas had over 20 jobs in my over 20 easily over 20 jobs. I think I'm up to 11 or 12. So that's a very impressive 20. Yeah, yeah, I had I've had I've
Starting point is 00:19:52 had heaps of jobs. The one I'm in at the moment is the one I've stuck to for so long I've never stuck to a job this long. How long? Is your penis four? Oh, four pennies. Four pennies. Four pennies longies long all right you got Mark lost these penis in a horrific accident Yes, I did you know this no I used to work at a pasta factory Yeah, they were measuring your penis with pasta. Yeah, Ravi Oli. I thought of another normal arm everyone by the way Oh, go, let's go back. Let's go. And he actually gets decapitated. And it's cold.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Oh, it's cold. I've got such a host of this. Is it Norman Armin? It's Norman Sards' hit ones like sand No, I say sand Again Tom the only person who appreciates what jokes Oh Steve Jobs Oh boy, I wish I had a family not sticking with computers
Starting point is 00:21:17 Oh, I'm a dinosaur I love a dinosaur. Hello, I'm a dinosaur. I'm creating the world, I'm creating the heavens. It's six days in. Time for a nap. Oh, hello, I'm British, Bill. Oh, no. I've gone right back to our last podcast, which is... Oh, no, I'm British Bill. Oh, no. I was on right back to our last podcast,
Starting point is 00:21:46 which is, I am pre-universe. I existed pure duffing this. Oh, all right, we've got even further back to that. It's about 15 billion years of bow. Stop till we get it. Stop calling, all I care about is turkeys. Get out of here, you turkeys, go blow never way.
Starting point is 00:22:09 So, what I'm trying to think is that, why how many jobs have you had, Zach? I've had a few here and there, but I worked. The job I had until I haven't quit it yet officially. I'm on break, but I get free movies so I'm trying to drag it out as long as it's possible. But the job I worked at a cinema for like seven and a half years when you had it. I worked at a cinema for two and a half years, I left and then I joined another cinema by the same chain. I reckon on average my job stay was probably about six months up until I was this job.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I gave a shit about that job for about six months. Sure. And they wanted me to quit after about six months, but I stayed on for another. Why did they want you to quit? You cared too much. You cared too much. I worked at a cinema. you worked at a cinnamon. So a cinnamon bond No, no, I worked in a big bucket of cinnamon. How's that was good was pretty a cinnamon? No, no, no, no, listen
Starting point is 00:23:15 Sin a mom Really want to blow in a bond well only have them in America Did you make a guess and there was one in the where-a-be plaza for a couple of years and then it just turned into a stock-standard cinnamon roll place. So how dare you say that in America. How dare you? I'm sorry, I didn't realize your history was cinnamon. Oh, it's a chicken criss. He's wandered into the studio. Chris this for the last time why do you always come on our podcast? Probably how many are we up to now 20 podcasts Tom Tom? I'm into in this for 20 podcasts and this fucking chicken comes in every fucking episode God damn it. It's
Starting point is 00:24:00 true. Yeah This is the dumbest fucking bit that happens in every episode of how to know what we got to stop doing what even the bloody window opens all these birds Stop flying in we got to move away from this bloody Avery okay, what I want to start get rid of the flywire put on some bloody bird why Excuse me. Oh, yes, chicken chuck or whatever, fucking Chris Chris He's been my friend for 25 years. The least you can do is learn his name chicken. Pigeon, pigeon, Patoon You're just kicked me in the shin. You don't have a shin. That's true Do you speak
Starting point is 00:24:39 Me. Yeah, like was that just a would you speak English you a vernacular is Yeah, I was giving that a go. I prefer him not speaking though. I'm just gonna go straight with the chicken Pigeon patrino would you like a chip? She would like seed oh you want some seed no chips fuck seed Somebody presents you with a bucket of chips or a bucket of seed. I'm here to say what do you say? I'm hearing your pigeon Petunia. These humans that I don't know what's that. It's Petunia, the name of a woman or the name of a flower. I don't know. I know it's my pigeon from... What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Are you still chicken Chris? Yeah. I'm real bad at improvising women's names. I've realized it's a weakness. It's my big thing is I'm really like any female character I've ever written is just called like, damn. First, it's always like you never name it like a... Do you know enough women to name thing like to think of names? No, mum. Mum? And it's probably a male thing as well like John, like to think of names. No, mum. Mum.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And the least. It's probably a male thing as well, like John, I call every man John. Like you call them very like shit Anglo names. Yeah. And it's like, I just want to give them interesting names. So like I just named a character, Tim.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Sean Van der Heim, the other day. I was like, I'm just gonna pick an interesting last name. That's a great last name. It was Vendorheim. I like it, you also say it in an accent. Oh, you know, you've been fired, Jess. Yes. I was five and I was a teenager too, which was like kind of brutal and by text message.
Starting point is 00:26:15 It's like a punk, you sound like you're a punk. You will punk, you punk. No, I was not a punk. You've been punk. The camera's here. No! Oh my god, you've got it. No, so I actually haven't been punk, you've been ste the cameras are here No, so actually haven't been put you've been steam punked so here's some stuff that looks a bit futuristic, but it's got cogs on it I took a space gun and super glued some some cogs and a pipe and a clock and a clock go clock on it
Starting point is 00:26:42 Um, Tom's asked us to make you engage. You have to ask you a question that you as an audience will engage with. What like what Tom? How are you finding this podcast? Are you enjoying it? Should we get Jess back? Who else should we have a girls on a guest? Maybe tell us some other bird characters we should play. Yeah. Oh, maybe you can play the chicken Just talk about yeah, or maybe have frustrating it is when Tom decides to just fucking arc up When he doesn't have a microphone and constantly distracts us. Oh boy, trouble Oh boy. I'm big on I don't get along for anyone out there who hasn't realised that it, Tom and I are not friendly. Ring, ring, ring, ring.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Hello. Will you just answer in the phones now, Aya? Yeah, yeah. Hello, this is South Africa and Steven. How are you today? I really want to talk to you into it. But I'm not going anywhere. He's the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:27:46 With the character or in terms of on the 5th of the thing. What do you mean? I'm not really going anywhere with his character. I'm just... Oh shit, I'm going cock me. South African Stephen, I know. Hello, we have his face. From South Africa.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yes. Hello. I'm from South Africa. Any questions for me? What's it like down there? Thanks for that. Thanks, Nick. Right now What's what's it like up there? No down there? Where down never eat soggy. What's it like down there? They're just true. I do live in the
Starting point is 00:28:27 Takti camp never eat soggy we fix all the weebix will go to soggy and then you won't want to eat them because they Are soggy, what's it like down there? What's it like down there? No go again? Never eat soggy weepyx because when you eat them They become too soggy and then you will Eat just be eating much and that is not nice for your stomach. What's it like down there? It's very good. Oh, I hear there's lots of fences around because there's a lot of racial issues. Yes, there's a racial tension. In the 1990s there was an apartheid, of which I'm from New Zealanders will by the way. And yes, so Auckland is a biggest city and the Donna before the last year, also from Wadonga.
Starting point is 00:29:11 If anyone's listening, and you need someone to do some Ripper accent work, Bronn and Kelly is available. You just send us an email at contactante Donna at and make the subject never eat soggy weepics because it makes the weepics go soggy. I'm doing a, it's a bit of a visual joke what I'm doing there.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's kind of, do you get it, Zach, you have a laugh. I'm awfully chef-wish. Sorry, what was that? I was just, sorry, I just, I, um, I was just on my phone. To who? I was just, I was just on my phone to who I was just I was just scrolling the web Anything interesting check it out. Oh, there's a thing called neopets. That's pretty cool. It's pretty popular Yeah, you pretend to have a pet or be a pet. I don't really know
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah, there's also a thing called a MSN That's pretty cool. That's gone man. Well, that's coming gone. You miss scrolling the web man. You miss the boat. You might not get it, because you're like an old man. But I'm-
Starting point is 00:30:14 Let us know if you had MSN. Tom, is that fucking good enough for you? That's a good question. That, I think that's the end of the podcast thumbs. Great. Hey Jess, sorry, just on that really quickly, before we finish the podcast, I always have to pick, it's my job to pick the picture
Starting point is 00:30:33 for the social media posts about the podcast. Right. And I'm really out of ideas. What do you want the picture to be for this podcast? This is the picture of a GERKIN. Great. Thank you. Can we, can we, uh, GERKIN's GERKIN's? The, uh picture of a GERKIN. Great. Thank you. Can we, uh, GERKIN's GERKIN's.
Starting point is 00:30:46 The, uh, Perkins GERKIN's. Right. Tom really likes that one. Tom is appreciated by GERKIN's. Just to put it out there. Tom and I are very close friends. I just like Ribbonim. He finds me a lot funnier than he finds you though, so there's that.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Tom and I bond over KFC, uh, more than two men ever should. Um, uh, but we do. We're. We both really, we had a great discussion today about why the double has such appeal and we came to a pretty great conclusion, which you'll probably will talk about maybe on the next podcast if we remember. A bit of sizzle there. People will think that we're getting podcast sponsored by KFC, they're like, yeah, the boys, the Facebook page. Yeah, we're not. We're not. We're not. We're not. We just, we just love it. Yeah, we should look into it. See, if you want to give us money, we're more than happily dedicate half a year's worth of podcast to you. And social media, we'll give you a web series. Ah, just give us some free
Starting point is 00:31:39 chicken and we'll give you everything KFC. We'll give you the other. Yeah, the boys page. I reckon. Would you do it for free popcorn chicken for life? Yeah. I'm not a big popcorn chicken. I have tried to go vegetarian about three times in the last year, and it's always been Kayo say that's my downfall. So I think signing myself up to free popcorn chicken
Starting point is 00:32:00 for the rest of our life wouldn't be the smartest move. Yeah, to kill me. I take it to get a whole bunch of it life, it wouldn't be the smartest move. Yeah, to kill me. I'd take it to like get a whole bunch of it and give it to kids. I just realized that bookings is a vegetarian. Yeah, but that's a fairly, that's like a, that's a recent decision in the last six months or so. And I reckon you can get free popcorn chicken. Well,
Starting point is 00:32:20 we've to pick off the batter. That's the best piece. Oh, I didn't know that. I thought it was not a same. I believe the chicken. Just pick off the batter. That's the best piece. Oh, I didn't know that. I'm saying you put chicken. I'm leaving the chicken. Just pick off the batter and eat the chicken. If you're a vegetarian, you could just get like 700 kilograms of popcorn chicken. Peel off the batter.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Throw out the chicken and eat the batter. Make yourself a cheeky little chip buddy. Oh, I love a chip buddy. Just get the rolls. Just the chips enough for enough money. I'd say put the gravy in there. But having worked at KFC, one of my many jobs, as a cook, at least the work at KFC is a cook. I know how they make that gravy, and unfortunately there
Starting point is 00:32:51 is some real chicken product in the gravy. Thank you for the heads up. Yeah, I think that's something that someone would rather not know though. I think I can tell you how it's actually made. I know how it's made. But I just choose to forget it. I don't want to know there's so much human feces Tom Tom Tom was that Tom? I used to work at KFC. Hey, Julia job One day Broden came home from working at the MCG and he said hey man, can I have some chicken? I said bro. I'll give you as much chicken as you want. They gave you like $80 worth of chicken and then they fired me. Were you closing?
Starting point is 00:33:26 No. Oh, that's bad. Just a little bit of the day. Did you make chicken for him? Did you cook chicken? No, no, no, my manager gave it all to me. I was like, oh, is this a friend of yours? I'll give it all so she got fired too.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Oh, shit. Can also, you can't eat $80 worth of chicken. I know why you're doing this. But if you put it in the fridge, it goes. It goes. I live near the only KFC in Victoria that still does hot and spicy. You talked to any of these boys, that's how big of a hot spicy fan I am.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I love hot spicy. Do you know how you're a hot and spicy fan, Mark? Yeah. Because you look back, you see the footprints, there were two sets of footprints. I thought you were gonna say it was because every time I wipe my bum, there's a bit of blood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I'm quite Australian. Not everybody. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week! you

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