Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 222 - The Festival for the Most Dangerous Ideas in the World feat. Cameron James

Episode Date: October 27, 2020

This week Cameron James hosts a "Dangerous Ideas" panel with the boys! Check out Cameron's new podcast here H...osted on Acast. See for more information.Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. Get our legends and welcome to another episode of the Aunty Donna podcast. This week's special guest Cameron James hosts a dangerous ideas panel. Cameron is a very, very funny comedian and I implore you all to listen to Cameron's podcast Finding Desperado. The follow up to his wonderful wonderful podcast Finding Drago. As always this podcast is brought to you by the Antidona Club. For a short time only we're doing weekly mini podcast apps talking all things and Netflix
Starting point is 00:00:39 show. Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the Festival of Most Dangerous Ideas in the World, live at the Sydney Opera House. Thank you so much for joining us. I'm Cameron James. I'm your host. You're in Tripodost for the evening. And of course, I'm joined on the panel, as you can see, by a wonderful group of gentlemen
Starting point is 00:01:18 who I will introduce in just a moment. Just a quick second to say that tonight's show is sponsored by Campos Coffee, one of the most amazing coffees that you can purchase out there in the real world, and also finding Desperado, the new podcast coming out via ABC, which I hear is going to be a real hoot. If it's anything like Finding Dragon, it should be a lot of fun. Now, let's move on to the most dangerous ideas in the world. I've got three absolute wild cats up here on stage with me today and I'll
Starting point is 00:01:57 Introducing them right now. We've got Broden, Zach and Mark. Welcome. Welcome, fellas. Rawr. Sorry, just being a little bit dangerous there. That was dangerous. Mark, I mean, I guess I'll go around and say a little bit about each of you. Mark, you run a puppy preschool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:17 If you crazy philosophical ideas. Yeah, we're trying to teach puppies how to read and write because a lot of puppies we feel are just like flopping around on the floor, fucking, sucking milk out of big, their mums' tits and stuff and like, aren't really contributing to society in the way that we want and think that puppies can and could. I mean, like, I, on my nephew is as dumb as a fucking post, mate.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Right. And he, and, and, and he has been given all, and I know that's a dangerous thing to say, right? Because he's the place. This is the place to say it, right? It's a dangerous idea, it's dangerous thoughts, and it's the most dangerous idea. Feel free to say whatever you want, within reason.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Within reason. Nothing crunk. Yeah, this is the opera house. Anyway, my two-year-old nephew is a fucking dipshit, right? Now, I, I, so far this is all fine. This is all fine. Now, I set up in my home, sort of like an obstacle course, right?
Starting point is 00:03:18 That had like knives that would drop down, if you like, trip to a certain wire, that kind of thing, right? I made some little home made explosives. Just little like Batman-type ones, just to give certain wire, that kind of thing, right? I made some little homemade explosives, just little like Batman-type ones, just to give you a bit of a spook, right? No, no limbs coming off, you know? Well, you know, kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:34 theatricality is a, you know, deception, you know. Absolutely, you know, all that, all that kind of, brazilgol stuff, right? All that kind of stuff. That brazilgol stuff. Yeah, all that, you know, race, race, race, race algal, however you want to say, it's different in the movie and the video games,
Starting point is 00:03:49 but anyway, that's a dangerous idea talking about that. Race versus race, let's not get stuck into that. Anyway, this is the place. Well, this is the place to talk about race, race. I mean, what? I'm a very dangerous idea. Very dangerous idea. Oh, sorry, that was Zach.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Zach is, I should introduce Zach. Zach is, of course, a designer of joy. People come to me and they say, we want a wooden rolleraster, we want inversions, we want flips and I say Leave the technicalities to me leave the engineering to me. Tell me the journey you want your Riders to go on and all the side whether that's warden whether that's inversions. I think of myself first and foremost There's a storyteller and that's why I think I'm here today. Can I say one of my favourite roller coaster experiences is in Disneyland Paris. They have a roller coaster called Aerosmiths, Rock and Roller Coaster. Yeah. And so much. Thank you. That's one of yours. Yes, I designed that. The premise of that is that... The premise of that roller coaster is that we're in the studio with Aero Smith while
Starting point is 00:05:12 they're recording a new song and it feels like a roller coaster. The experience of listening to them record the new song. Let me tell you, I was there. I was there in the studio when we filmed the Pre-ride sequence where Erosmith say come on come on get on the roller coaster I was in the room when we came down to the finalists you two Celine Dion and Erosmith and I was the one that put my foot down and said
Starting point is 00:05:45 Erosmith a year I was the one that put my foot down and said, Erosmith, I hear to stay. It was 97. Oh my God, I'm a garden. I'm a garden had just come out and I said, listen to this song. You think people are going to be talking about you too? Celine Dion, that's stupid Titanic salt from last year. Erosmith, this is a ride. I am happy to commit to for the next 30 years. That was me. Very exciting. Very dangerous.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Very dangerous. Broden, who I haven't introduced yet, and I actually won't. Because what you do is too dangerous. And I'd like you to introduce yourself. Yeah, hi, Cameron. Look, I wrangle herbs. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Wow. So, and that's not easy. I'll go out to a garden and I'll wrangle herbs. Can you explain to me why that's dangerous? No. All right. That is quite dangerous to not explain something. Well that makes me think that some susses going on. Something dangerous is going on behind the scenes that I'm not privy to. What kind of herbs are we talking about him? You name him, we've got him. Coriander. No, we don't have that one. Rosemary.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Not yet, not yet, but 2021 we're hoping to have some herbs. We have sweet basil. We have normal basil. How many varieties of mint do you have, do you have chocolate mint? No, we don't have mint at all. Time? Plenty of it. What about lemon grass? Got it, got that one, got that one. I don't really, I heard, but do you have any chili? Yeah, we got chili. Do you have any other, anything else, like just strawberries or something?
Starting point is 00:07:47 I don't have a big enough herb box to be honest, I've got. I've pretty much got, we've got, we're the parsley, continental parsley. Yes. We've got chives, and that's it. We've got chilies in there, little baby chilies as well. Okay, and what do you mean by wrangling them? I just have a little herb garden on my balcony.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Like a little pot, just a little pot. So you cultivate them and grow them? No, I just, what do I just put them out there? Right. But I guess you wrangle them for tea when you're cooking. Yeah, you go out there and pluck a couple of leaves off a brush or... Yes, no. Yes, no. I mean, there's not enough there to really make a dish out of it. It's more just a, like, it's more ornamental really. Right. It's ornamental herb garden that is dangerous. Yeah, it isn't it isn't. I mean, I guess it's,
Starting point is 00:08:50 depending on how big it is, top of it, if you were picking them and it fell on top of you, then you'd be in a bit of a plan. They're on the ground. They're like, they're just there. So I'm so sorry, Cameron, I know you're moderate. Please, please. But the thought that I just had was you're in balcony you didn't live on the first First story of where you live because I do All right, cuz I was gonna say you could trip over the trip over the Full of balcony which would be very
Starting point is 00:09:17 No, they're just they're out of walking. They're just right in the corner. They're out of the way They can't they're just there You know, they could be dangerous to way. They can't, they're just there. You know what they could be dangerous to, and this ties you in Mark, puppies. Oh. A young puppy would have come along and start digging around in the garden
Starting point is 00:09:32 or chewing on the herbs, it could be a choking hazard there. What do we think about that, Brodom? No. Okay. No, I don't think so. I think they're mainly, it like we don't have dogs or anything there either way. But if I were to visit your home,
Starting point is 00:09:49 if I were to visit your home, I'm bringing a couple of my top sculled students over puppies. And they would maybe get onto your belly. I guess, I guess. I guess that's kind of dangerous. There we go. Dangerous ideas. Some of the most dangerous ideas in the world on this stage, the very stage where we discussed racism
Starting point is 00:10:13 in Australian television a few years ago. Yeah, we are really good. And that's what we're here to discuss. Yeah, in many ways, you know. I'm not, I'm not... Well, I believe that you can tell a story with anything, and isn't that the most dangerous concept of story? I think we can bring down...
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yes and no. ...with a story. Yes and no. Yes and no. Yeah, mostly no. Like, I think like a gun is dangerous. Like, maybe could have got like gun owners on here or like a I'm murder a murder on the panel would that is a dangerous idea That is quite scary. I have to say but you know Cameron. I'm not a funny guy. I don't do comedy
Starting point is 00:11:02 But you're a comedian and I think I think she's maybe a well-placed joke, a piece of satire, about a politician. I think you could really change the exact with that as a fair to say. It's been successful so far. As someone who does dabbling comedy, I will say that Trump, being president, has been great for the industry. We're all crack and wise non-stop about this guy and it's having real world impact.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Well yeah, it's what I'm like. What you were saying is, yeah. No, you got my idea. The idea that people are voting for him and scomo too, politicians. Who's that? And people are just like, oh, I got about my life like this and I vote for him and I think this, I think this and that, I think that about that
Starting point is 00:11:48 person and then some great like a word Smith comes up on stage and frames it as a conversation and a joke and all the sudden people are going, oh I actually don't think that way anymore because Cameron James or... What's more dangerous than stepping in front of an audience of your peers that And say you know that your opinions on on a politician that has no direct effect Except in terms of foreign policy What's more dangerous than that just letting rip I love that and I really admire that about comedians and Cameron Just so you asked earlier
Starting point is 00:12:21 We have my vote about comedians. And Cameron, just so you asked earlier, Broda mentioned Scomo and you said who's that? Yes, yes, now who's that? Is he local, will he see a local comedian or something? Well, I reckon he's a bit of a joke. I reckon he's a bit of a clown. Yeah, definitely. No, Scott Morrison.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Scott Morrison. Oh, the president of the, the vice, the prime minister. Prime minister. Oh So you you seem to know I have any understanding of Australia Australia Hmm least sort of a I remember seeing something about Angardine McDonald's and thinking that's funny. Yeah, he's shit himself there apparently Yeah, that's funny That's funny. So yeah, but I mainly do Trump stuff when I'm up there. I'll do stuff like, I call him the Cheeto in chief.
Starting point is 00:13:12 You know, I can make fun of his hair and stuff like that. Are you worried about getting attacked by the feds? Oh, God. I'd love that. That would be amazing to get a little bit of publicity. Wow, I would really like that. Yeah, thank you. You don't want to. We're not offering it. We're not offering it. We're not offering it to you. We're just asking. Are you worried? What did you saying? I must have misunderstood.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I can't think you did. Yeah. Sorry, I thought you had the sway to perhaps organize an attack on me from the feds. No, we can't do that. Not at all. I'm so sorry. We can tell you stories.
Starting point is 00:14:03 We can change your ideas through personal experience. I'm so sorry, we can we can tell you stories we can Change your ideas through This guy designs rollercoaster I actually have a question about that, Zack sir You call yourself a storyteller in the rollercoaster engineering industry Explain what you mean by that because as far as I'm aware, it's just sort of mainly mechanics and Like pistons and hydraulics and sort of going yeah we'll start over here and then we have to end here as well and we'll chuck a loop in. Yeah yeah I could just as well say your joke is rule of three, set one thing up and this is always
Starting point is 00:14:37 something else out maybe a switch. I put a figure here, a bait and a switch you know these are the tools. These are to have set the rollercoaster man. These are the mechanisms, but the storytelling, for example, I worked on a ride called The Increddy Coaster. I love The Increddy Coaster. I'll be on that. That's in California, Adventure Land, just across from Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That was originally called California Screaming, just various California songs played. Well, you looped around and the head, a chapacky came to me and he said, I want to turn this roller coaster into a story. So I put the incredible around and had them go, whoa, what are you doing? And get over here and a Chepek Bob Chepek, he was ahead of the parks at the time, the president of the entire company now. He went on the ride and after he got off, he said, wow, I felt like an incredible in that moment.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And you know, I felt like maybe I'd changed a few of his ideas and moved him in a way. As someone who's been on both, I'm sorry you go, Broder. I was just going to say like from my experience of that, like with most role-cows, the story tends to usually be I'm going up, I'm going down. Mmm, mmm. Yes, I'm going around. Yeah, gravity is a key character in all of the stories that I've been in. I think of it as the, you know, in the way that New York is a character in the films
Starting point is 00:16:10 of Mons, Gossesay, I think of Gravity and Looptiloupes as a character, but also the Incredibles characters. They're saying, get on over here. Hang on. Come on. I'm saying, I'm sorry. I just, so a Looptil on. Come on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just to do it. Yeah, and you have to get funding from screen Australia to design rollercoasters. Yeah, you're decent. So they gave us, they kicked us 50 grand. For development? Yeah, was that for development? It was that time. Yeah, it was a production all together. And then we applied for, we applied for 100k.
Starting point is 00:16:59 We wanted, we wanted to put Sarah Snook on the ride. And Sarah Snook had get on there and she'd be in one of the tunnels gone, come on, we need to help get on over here. Was this throw an initiative or was this straight to the production funding? Well, the 50K development was through the Roller Coaster initiative. And then 100K was just straight to the pool. And they only gave us a one sentence answer. They just said this is not a film work and thus an eligible,
Starting point is 00:17:35 which it doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I know that they gave funding to Wonderland in Sydney five years ago. So I just think, you know, if you've got rules, you've got to stick to them. That's my opinion. And another question I have is that a lot of the characters in your roller coaster stories, they're, it seems like they mainly just sort of say come this way, come over here. We'll see what happens. What happens is you're on the roller coaster.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And, you know, most roller coaster and you know most roller coaster designers They just have you doing loop deloops footboard around but I just think you know what what is the most important thing to a human being What can we have some maybe some suggestions from the all the Gravity You know, I hate no No, I'm a good Milk, a funny photo afterwards. What are you doing, something fun? Puppies.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I love a funny photo afterwards. Smart puppies. No, no, these are not the most important thing is story. Oh, you know, you get the story right. That's why I put characters on the loops. Maybe just before the loop they go, whoa, watch out. And then afterwards they go, oh, good job. You got through that.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Come on, you know, things like that. That's sort of just a little bit of a sprinkling of joy. I like to call it. And quite dangerous. Very dangerous. There were no stories on roller coasters before I came along. Brodin, anything you'd like to add?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Can you tie this into the herb business at all? Oh, I could, but I'll let you try first. I don't think there's any way. Okay, yeah. How did you get booked for this panel? I was, my manager, Kat., ask me, she said, Kat, do you want to do a dangerous idea? And I was like, yeah, it might be good for the Netflix show to get you to get you on that. I guess it's like Mark is act doing it. But yeah, it's all right.
Starting point is 00:19:45 So here I am. He's, you don't really have too much to contribute to the dangerous element of this, that's all. Yes and no. You know what, maybe there's something dangerous about hedging one's bets, and that's dangerous in and of itself. Maybe whoever booked the panel.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Maybe whoever booked just come on. itself. Maybe whoever booked the panel. Maybe whoever booked just come on. Okay. Maybe whoever booked the panel. Thought it would be a dangerous idea to put someone wasn't very dangerous. To have that many dangerous ideas on the panel. That in itself is dangerous to the, you know, the way that the panel is being posulated to a group of people, people come here and spend.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And been off for 15 years. Hasn't been off for 15 years. I don't think they're relevant. The show, the panel. Is it ever talking about? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, he's talking about this panel. This panel right here. Oh, that's sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I just, I am required. Every time Mark was accessed, the panel outside of recording a podcast, I am required to reference the, make reference to the working dog show. The channel channel. every time Mark was accessed the panel outside of recording a podcast, I am required to reference the work. Make reference to the working dog show. The channel channel, which was in and of itself sometimes a dangerous idea. A very dangerous idea. I don't know about that. Well, having prominent rock bands known for their loud music, doing acoustic sets, you know, it's a little dangerous. It's pretty dangerous.
Starting point is 00:21:05 It takes a bit of a guts out of it, you know. Maybe it doesn't translate as well. I remember one time Ben Lee did it and he jumped up on the panel itself. On the panel itself. On the titular panel and his lead came out of his guitar and that was incredibly dangerous at the time. At the time we were working on a redo of the, we were working on a redo of the roller coaster,
Starting point is 00:21:31 the one you mentioned earlier, the rock and roller coaster. At one point, we were considering a Bentley overlay. Hmm. Ha! Did you do the Scooby-Doo spooky coaster? No, I didn't do that one, unfortunately. A dear friend of mine did, and we did catch up for a coffee. But I actually recommended a Bentley overlay on that as well.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Most of what I do, I start with, you know, I start with every week and sit at a bend Lee over like, and that basically just has an audio out of a trot I could bend Lee. Go, come on, get on over here. His first big song was called, SIGARETS WILL KILL YOU. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:22:19 That's kind of dangerous. Okay, yeah, that's a thank you, bro, and that's really that is helpful. Um, I'm not conscious. Yeah, so I think Mark's right, it is more health conscious than dangerous, but I think it would have been dangerous if the song was cigarettes won't kill you. That's true. Guys, I've been working my ass off to make to generate conversation here. And you keep shitting on me every time. Oh my God. I think I think I think Cam has a good point.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Just, you know, I'm trying to help you out, Broden. Just see, it just seems like you're shitting on me at every turn. I'm bringing, or I'm bringing gold every time. That is true, He is bringing gold What would you say you're a No I mean
Starting point is 00:23:15 We don't get me no shit on that name you've been given every opportunity Throwing new bones We are throwing your bones. We are throwing your bones constantly. And your answers either yes or no or just no. On. You go, yes and no or you just go no. I don't see it that way at all. But maybe this is the most dangerous thing of all. I think it could be bad.
Starting point is 00:23:43 What do you think, Broodden I don't think so Oh wow There you fucking go What do you do again? I'm a puppy I do I have puppies I've got a bunch of puppies I do some pretty dangerous ideas about how to train them Yes, yeah we boot them mostly.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Right. We sort of like, we kick him across the room when they act and up. Very dangerous, very dangerous for a number of reasons. A lot of dead puppies. A lot of dead puppies. We are running out of space in the backyard. It's just turned into a... Yeah, it's like a cemetery out there.
Starting point is 00:24:33 So what do we do with the dead puppies? We're just going to start putting them in the skip. Which is, you know, a lot of skips come. They don't have coverings, very dangerous. Smell gets out there. People start asking questions. We've got to kill them. It's all crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:53 People put their old shit in your skip if you don't guard it. Yeah, I know, that's a good thing. It's usually like a layer of puppies and then like an old fridge or, you know, someone's food time from Ikea. Just quickly yeah. Broden you completely skipped over the fact that Mark mentioned killing witnesses and you went straight to people put their old food tons and stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Which I was grateful for. As moderator I was not because I think that we've really stumbled on an incredibly dangerous idea. So let's talk about murder for a second Mark. What's it feel like to kill him? You feel like a god. You feel more powerful than you've ever felt before. Let me tell you right now, when you see the live
Starting point is 00:25:46 train from someone's eyes. Okay, yeah. You just, you feel like you're unstoppable. Wow. Mark, can I ask a question? Have you been on a roller coaster? I've been on California Screamin'. Right, so and you've been on the incredible stuff? Yeah, so I went, so there was, I was that VidCon one year Yeah And I got a three day past the Disneyland, went there and went to the Disneyland VidCon's a dangerous idea
Starting point is 00:26:15 Very dangerous idea Very dangerous idea Oh no, I would say that, go on No, go I won't, no, because I'm not gonna do that Alright Is there enough? I'm not saying that, go on. No, go. No, I won't. No, it's because I'm not saying that. I got it. All right. Is there enough?
Starting point is 00:26:27 There's self-editing. Something I should learn to do. And I was, so the California Scream in the next year, I went back to California Adventure, and they changed it to the Incredicoaster. So I've done it with both the Incredibles story, where you've got Jack Jack's run of Mark and Mrs. Incredibles going,
Starting point is 00:26:50 come here, come over this way, this way we're over here. And then Mr. Incredibles there and he's like, go around the corner, come back over here. We have to go that way, shout. Yeah, watch out and then you get to the end and they're like, we made it. Good job. Originally, originally at the end, because I've been saying to the younger imagine is, come here, come here, you know, that's what we
Starting point is 00:27:19 need to do. And it ended and we stopped the ride and it had Mrs. incredible saying, come here, come here. And I got to the end and I said, actually that doesn't make a lot of sense. And I was like, what are you talking about? I said, because we've actually stopped the ride. And based on storytelling, I said, wouldn't it make more sense if we said, if they said something like, we made it? And a lot of people disagreed. And we talked it through for about five or six hours. I explained my position. We put it to a vote. It still
Starting point is 00:27:53 was in favour of the come here, come here. We left it, we tabled it. I sent a long email, explaining why, yeah, we've made it, makes more sense. And I eventually got everyone around. So it's really a thrill for you to say that you liked that part of the ride. I didn't say I liked it. I just say I experienced it. It happened. I pick a bone with you people.
Starting point is 00:28:15 You ride people. I went on the Guardians of the Galaxy ride. I've been on that as well. You go on there and there's a little raccoon and he tells you, you need your help taking over a building or some shit. Taking over the elevator. No, it's breaking out of a prison.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah, breaking out of a prison. Breaking out of a prison. And you get in there, I saw my eye, I don't do that. I get in there and they put me in a seat and says put the seat belt on. Then a lady checked, I was heading my seat belt on. I like great, and the raccoon's like like I need your help to break out of here and then the ride went up and down heaps
Starting point is 00:28:50 and it keeps seeing like you Chris Prats and They're going great job great job and then Would stopped against it you helped me and I said I didn't do anything I sat here Hmm what way if I helped I think't do anything, I sat here. What way have I helped? I think you'll actually find that they said more like, come on, come on, get up here, you've got to go up.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And then you'd go up and they go, come on, and then they went. They said, come back down, come back down, come back down. The hell are my helping? That's a great question. Listen, I didn't have a lot to do with that ride. I personally, I would have had them saying, come here, come here, more. That's very much your style.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah, that's my MO, if you will, yeah. But so I can't really talk for the designers of that particular ride. But I did actually design a ride. I think you might find this quite exciting, Broden. It's a Disney world. It's called Living with the Land. And that's a real ride.
Starting point is 00:29:54 That's a 20-minute, omnimslow moving ride where we learn about the history of agriculture and then go through a garden. Different herbs to martyr. Now this is interesting. Here we go. Here we go. Tell me more. Tell me more.
Starting point is 00:30:09 So you'll go and there'll be an audio and a metronica of a caveman just sort of doing the first agriculture. And then we go to America and there's a lot of culture. Yeah, I'm liking this. And then it opens up and you literally just in a glass house and they go and they explain the different things that they're doing and you can actually we actually use those herbs, fruits and vegetables in the food, in the catering at Epcot theme park and the people are writing through them. Yes, absolutely. Well they don't touch them, they're just slowly
Starting point is 00:30:43 moving past. But they could touch them. They could reach out and touch grab a carrot. Yeah, grab a carrot or we would brush past some herbs. We would kill them if they did that. That's dangerous. We've got guards pretty dangerous. Yeah, to shoot anyone that touches the herbs. That's fascinating. And then you can compost them. No, a woman died at Disneyland when the ride malfunctioned. That can't be true. Well, it wasn't a ride.
Starting point is 00:31:11 It was more of a show. It was the America sings, I believe, yes. A awful story, very upsetting. Really watched a video about it once and it really bummed me out. Someone died on the spot. It's a small someone died on the... It's a small world. It's a small world. Oh yeah, yeah. It's got a problem of cells.
Starting point is 00:31:29 It's caught between walls. No, kill themselves out of boredom. Okay, all right. I'm actually a big fan of that, right? I knew Mary Blayer personally. So that's quite hurtful for you to say that. It's boring, right? I wanted to fucking kill myself to when I was on it,
Starting point is 00:31:47 to be honest. Cameron, the odds of you pairing Zach with ride stuff was like, incredible, because this kind of, well thought out, this well thought out, like he is obsessed with this shit. I, that was pure coincidence. I have, I wrote rock and roll a coaster down on my night pad because was going to work on a bit after this about the Rock and Roll a Coast art and my experience on it. And I just saw those words and fake, kismet, whatever you want to call it, just told me to pair that with you, Zach.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, well that's... And it's actually, now it's your bit. I can literally tell you, now it's fine, it's actually, now it's your bit. I can literally tell you, no, it's fine, it's yours. I can literally tell you that they did consider you two for that ride, but they were too expensive. They said you two, could we use your music for a roller coaster? And they were like, yeah, but we would have charged
Starting point is 00:32:39 like millions of dollars a year in licensing fees. And then they landed on Erosmith because of good joy. It was 1997, they led that they were the most affordable and the most relevant at the time. Cameron, I see some hands up in the audience, the 40 people have come to this talk. Yes, yes. Did you want to take those questions? I should go to them, yes. Okay, to the gentleman in the second row. Hi, I'm my name's Liam, I'm a writer performer. Hi, Liam. And I actually, I'm actually developing a ride myself at the moment. And I'm just, I'm just saying the avenues to doing, I can't find any way to find,
Starting point is 00:33:20 you know, people to work with is there's no, what, there's no ways to do it, there's no ways to try and get into the industry. Okay. Zach, do you want to take this one? Yeah, sure. How old are you? I've just tried everywhere, and I've been doing it for 10 years, and it's just no way.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Did my health hold, are you? How old are you, Lane? What did you hear? I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn't know why. I just didn to answer that question in that way. There's just no way to get into the industry.
Starting point is 00:33:47 There's no way. Yes, they're all too well. What's your answer? I can't. I've been trying, I've been sending emails to all the industry bodies and they just won't open it up to other people. No, no. You studied any sort of engineering or anything?
Starting point is 00:34:01 I've done heaps, I've done everything. You're bad at all doing your, but how old are you? Doing your ages. How old are you? How old are you? How old are you? What year? Because I can't really just talk to that.
Starting point is 00:34:12 If I don't know how old you are, how long you've been. But I can't, I've just been talking, I've been sending emails to everyone about it. And there's just a lot of people. No, no, no, what have you been doing to break into the industry? How old are you? He's been sending emails.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So maybe, that makes it. Even though I'm 10 years. So maybe that's maybe 10 years. You're definitely older than 10. I'd say older than 10. You're nine. You're nine years old. OK. So firstly, that's my sense. You need to be great in like engineering or design.
Starting point is 00:34:39 But there's just no way I've been trying to get into the industry. That's not a problem. The question is asking you. He's asking you a different question, he's asking you. He's asking you a different question. He's just asking all to us. The fact that your nine is really relevant to my answer. The fact that you're a nine year old boy
Starting point is 00:34:54 is so relevant to my answer. This is a very different paper every roadblock. Every roadblock, there's people at every turn just telling you no, no, no, no, no, no, interest, can't get in here can't find people work with it. What grade are you in at school? There's just people everywhere just like blocking me. You're just in the school.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Like teachers at school. Who's the industry? There's an industry of the industry of people. In parents? Yeah. Maybe your parents. Who's still live with you? You've got a meaner older brother.
Starting point is 00:35:23 There needs to be some reform in the rollercoaster industry that allows like, to you. No one asked about that. No, I just, I don't understand where you came from. It's more of a statement, I guess. OK, there's not many jobs. We can take that on board as a statement, but we might move on to another question from the,
Starting point is 00:35:41 oh, Big fella, the Big fella. Good evening, the camera. I got to say it all. The oh big fella the big fella Good idea Cameraman, I gotta say I love the podcast My question actually though is for Puppy puppy Broden is it puppy with Broden mark mark mark Listen, I have a question about a puppy Broden Sort of thing and I'll just I guess a question about a puppy-brought-in sort of thing and I've just, I guess my question
Starting point is 00:36:08 generally speaking, so I'm a filmmaker. I make films. It's a very funny YouTube videos. I recently did a video earlier this year where I sort of took the Mickey out of, I don't know if you know there's a show with dragons and whatnot. Yeah, Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones. Yeah, took the Mickey out of that.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah, yeah. It's been off the air for a few years, but yeah, but I did a funny video. I sort of took the Mickey out of that and had some dragons in it. Let's get to your question there, Big Philip. Yeah, absolutely, yeah. So my question is for Brodon with the puppies. Mark, yeah. Now, I got the season passed to the dangerous ideas
Starting point is 00:36:54 and I've been to every, I was talking out the, I met the guy, I met the guy who runs the whole festival in the four year, four year, and I told him, I said, I've been to every single talk so far, and he was blown away. Let's get to the question we don't much time. Yeah, no, absolutely, we'll get to the question there.
Starting point is 00:37:15 But it is really in relation to the owner of the dangerous ideas festival. He said, you can't go to every single one, I said, but I'm gonna try, and he said, all right, good luck to you and so far, binge everyone. So the one, my question to the puppy guys, you know, I can't seem to get those views up, but other than the game of Thrones video, that got a couple of hundred views. I can't seem to get those views going really well. I know you've done well with social media. I've personally got seven accounts.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I've got a Facebook account. And I've got an Instagram account. Is your question about how to get your views up? Well, somewhat to a degree, but I've got a TikTok account. Okay, but what is the actual question? Yeah, it's in relation to the TikTok account. And it is open for Brodon over here with the puppy. Mark.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Mark, sorry, Mark, it is in relation to that. And I noticed you've got quite a bit of success with footage of your puppies on TikTok. I just scrolled through here. You've got, well, G, 20,000 subscribers followers on your TikTok. And I'll do funny quips. I'll talk about things on my TikTok
Starting point is 00:38:28 Last video I did on TikTok in the foyer and I just sort of made an observation about Scott Morrison actually who you were all talking about The president. Yeah, I did a I pretended to be human at a press conference. And I said, and basically the implication was I said, you know, oh, sorry, guys, don't have time. I'm off to Hawaii. Yeah. So I did that just then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Sorry, guys, don't have time for this press conference. I'm off to Hawaii. And I'm not getting a lot of engagement with that. So I guess, you know, what the question is, the question would be, yeah, the question would be, what, how can I get more views on my tick? You guys seem to be rushing him along, I think you should hear him out. Probably, but I think for quite long enough, yeah, it's a bit fair. And the question was to restate, how do you get your views up on tick talk marketing? Can we get him a microphone? Because I'm Mr. Wobbibar. Look, I have a social media manager. They do a lot of the work for me. Build a good team around you. You want
Starting point is 00:39:38 to make sure, if it's something that's not your strength, you want to make sure you've got people around you that can do that better for you. You know, you want to make sure you pick the right person as well. We, you know, I didn't just pick the first person. I interviewed, you know, I interviewed a lot of different people. Yeah. I want to make sure that they were, you know, right, right for the job. And now I get them to work two, three days a week. I only pay them, you know, sort of based on that.
Starting point is 00:40:01 You know, they have like a, you know, essentially, they were working full time. They'd be making, you know, like 36,000, yeah, but what I do is I just paid them for two days a week and they're sort of on top of that and then they're very much across that. So essentially we just sort of have like a drop box, I will tell them my ideas for what I want or I'll share them the content and then it's sort of up to them to brand the content, upload it, they sort of use a hoot suite if you have a hoot suite that can make things a lot more easier because that can you can post multiple social media platforms at the same time Sorry, Kate, you're the mic, but I think the the other guy wanted to ask a full-out question and yeah I just wanted to ask you a full-out question there you mentioned there that you have a tick- a TikTok sort of a social media person and so
Starting point is 00:40:45 I can't really afford a social media person. I could as evidence by my filthy tracksuit pants I could barely afford you know much at all. I spend most of my money on the setup you know I've got a fantastic computer and I've got a big camera and that sort of thing and I actually film on film a lot of the time with my TikToks. Oh shoot the mon film. That's so unnecessary. I'm going to do that on 35 mil. It's for it. Yeah, so I film that on, it depends, yeah, but mostly 35 mil, I'll edit that on film and then I'll transfer it onto a computer.
Starting point is 00:41:23 You don't need to do that. For the TikToks. But I believe in quality. I believe in anything with quality. Well, I don't do a TikTok. You know what I mean? Well, I see there there's a lot of success there. I guess my question is for anyone on the panel really.
Starting point is 00:41:39 See, I recently did a video on my TikTok that was quite funny. You mentioned Donald J. Trump there, and I did one where it was various different people from his administration, and I played all of them. I put on the Cheeto dust sort of thing, and I said, you're fired and Anthony Karamut she came on, and he had I said, you're fired and then sort of had had Dr. Fouche come on and I said he said you're fired and then I had the first cut came in at 20 minutes. So I broke that up into 21 minute videos and so I called that Donald Trump fires his administration, the apprentice parody. No, so that didn't go viral, that didn't get many views at all. They upload
Starting point is 00:42:33 an old 21 minute videos at the same time and they only got about three views each which is I thought would you know I thought it do quite well because I did call it you know the the the pattern I had in I had you know the parrot parody and I learned you've been talking for seven minutes. So he I'll talk to you afterwards in the foyer. Maybe I'll catch you in the foyer. Yeah, talk to us in the foyer. Maybe I'll catch you in the foyer. I'll catch you in the foyer. I'll catch you in the foyer and then just latch out to you for 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Thank you so much for that. We do have time for one more question. This is from the lady in the in red. Aha. From the matrix. Hi. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I had a question for that nine-year-old boy who was asking questions. What did you hear when they said, I just wanted to know when they, when, when, when they asked how old are you and then you decided talking about the difficulty getting into the what was it that you heard That makes you say that. I just, I just, I just, I just, I just very confusing to meet all my friends We're all here and we're just not sure what it is you actually would have heard. It's just the fact that there's like, there's no evidence into the career. No, you've done it again. I'm not giving away. You've done it again. It's, it's the second, you've done it again. You've done it again. It's the second time
Starting point is 00:44:05 you've done this now. That's not the question that's being asked. It feels like you're hearing something different. But what is that? What is that question you're hearing? I just love to know. I've wanted to be in roller coaster and I've searched that as a vocation. It's happening at stage. Oh, it's happening all over again. It's happening on stage, I've heard what's happening. I'm looking again. It's very confused. I'm editing it. I'm a wix-nd. I might catch up with you in the fire about it, actually.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I'm Zach, because I'm had it gutful. Sorry, what's that? I sort of just come to this, I've just come to this to sort of yell into a microphone. I just might be questioned, is this actually a lot of roles in rollercoaster design? What is it that you a lot of roles in roller coaster design. What is it that you want to specialise in? I've already asked everyone.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I've actually said, what have you studied? Have you studied engineering? Have you studied design? He's 90 years old. He's 90 years old. He's studying engineering. Well then I thought, okay. But he could study engineering.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Maybe that's some advice you could give him is what he could study together. He could study engineering. I've already looked everywhere you could give him is what he could study together. You could study engineering. I've already, I've, I've, I've looked everywhere and I've, it's, it's been a point where I've, I've had a, I've had a gut full. So, so I actually studied art design in, at night, and then Moot design theater, did a few films and then moved on. I've got, because I've already asked, I've asked at night, I've asked at VCA and I've asked all the places and there's no avenues there and they won't take emails or respond. Okay, have you sent them a portfolio?
Starting point is 00:45:29 I've already chatted, I've chatted to everyone about it. This is such a nice joke. This is... This is probably the place to wrap it up. This is how real pain is going. We're going to go. At the festival of the most dangerous ideas in the world, this has been really fun and exciting for me. Plug your show again.
Starting point is 00:45:52 This today's panel was of course sponsored by Finding Desperado, a sequel to Finding Dragon on the ABC network available wherever you get your podcasts. It's also sponsored by a thing called Netflix Which is putting out a wonderful new program very soon called anti-donners big old house of fun The way I understand it is you order the DVD and they send that out to you Yeah, you're a fucking idiot. You're a fucking idiot man. You're a fucking idiot You're a fucking idiot. That's so old. We have very important marketing things that we need to put out.
Starting point is 00:46:28 We've worked on our quarter action so implicit, like so clearly and for you to come in and fucking cloud, in fact we'll probably edit this out. And you fucked it, yeah. What the hell? You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-a-pissed brought to you by See you next week. this podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you. Yeah, great mites. I mean, if you won't, it's up to you.

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