Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 224 - Fashions On The Field feat. Michelle Brasier

Episode Date: November 6, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates. Get our legends and welcome to another fantastic episode of the Aunty Donner Podcast. Where are we? A Saturday Podcast? That's right. To celebrate our new Netflix show Aunty Donner's Big Old House of Fun, we're going to be dropping a couple of sneaky Saturday posts.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And this one features the wonderful Michelle Brazier. Now next Saturday the 14th of November, Michelle is doing a special one-off online live show with her comedy duo Double Denham. I simply employ you to grab a ticket to check this out and head to the Michelle's social media page for more info. Oh, welcome to Fashions on the field for the spring racing kind of. It isn't a fantastic time of year when you're out at the races. The sun's coming here, it's done to smell those flowers. Horses are being shot and I'm Bruce McAvaney and God, I love that.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I love coming to the races. They made me so happy. Oh! And what is spring racing without fashions on the field? Fashions on the field when the people dress up in their dresses and shirts and they come out and they wear them and we look at them and we say you've got good shoes on, God, and isn't it exciting? It's like the Olympics in 92 in Atlanta 96 when the race was run. It's the fashions on the field. Bruce we're going to an ad in 40 seconds. Oh and I'll tell
Starting point is 00:01:58 you what I love most about fashions on the field. It's Flemington and the Suns out. We'll be right back with Fashions on the field, the first word from our sponsors. Great job everybody. Bruce, beautiful work. Thank you, producer Shin. No worries at all and I am just the Shin, the whole Shin bone. Yes, producer Shin. But Bruce McAvaney, there's an issue. We're going live on the Australian network all through the world, and they might not know what the fashion's on the field is. So we want you to keep it light, keep it fun, but when you introduce the guest, can you also just explain
Starting point is 00:02:40 what fashion's in the field is for the three people watching the Australian network? It's important for soft diplomacy. Alright. Alright, we're back on in ten, okay? Are you ready to Bruce back of 80? Yes. Okay, alright, five, four, three, two, over to you Bruce.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Awwww. On back. Fashion's as a horse racing festival in Melbourne. And they, some people, and what was happening, so what happened, right? Is in the 80s, people stopped going horse racing because they were felt outdated. And then, so what they did is very cleverly remarketed it
Starting point is 00:03:22 and made it about, about clothes. So now you can go to horse racing. A lot of people don't even look at the horse racing. They just sort of sit in nice areas and drink and wear fashion clothes. Is this all right, Shin? It's going really well. It's going really well. If you could not address me on camera, because I'm on camera. I'm just in your ear, they can't actually. Okay. Do you want to bring on the guests? I've got them backstage ready to walk on.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Okay, Shin, please, all right. Okay, you know our first guest as a aficionado, aficionado, can I say that? That's very, it's very racist. Aficionado of the clothes that people wear to fashions on the field. Oh, it's exciting. Please welcome Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stone Cold Steve Austin. How you doing, Broden? I mean, Bruce McAfrinney. I'm sorry, I fucked up already. What just the most fundamental thing is to a character playing characters. I have said it so many times, I wasn't really paying attention. I'm still cold.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You are done cold. Wow. I'm still cold. You love pants. Oh, yeah. I've been wearing pants for years and leather vests and I got a bowl fucking head and I'll fucking pull dry for you into oblivion You motherfuckin' accent sometimes Um, I'm not always put on the spot
Starting point is 00:04:57 You have an accent sometimes Hey, what's what's you looking to look for in the fashion this year? I am looking for people who are going to well-me. Okay, now when I was in the ring, all right. When I used to be in the ring, when I say the ring. No, no, no, not the movie, although I have done a little couple of things as an actor, but now I wasn't in the ring,
Starting point is 00:05:21 the Japanese horror film, all the American remake, nobody, they only what? Absolute stanna, if I may say an absolute stanna. No, but when I was in... Stone Cold Stanna. A stone Cold Sta- Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:05:36 Very good, Bruce. Your finisher. It is my finisher. But look, Bruce, when I was in the ring and I was sort of like getting Rey Mysterio Jr. in the headlocks when I was you know It's another wrestler when I was getting when I was getting mankind and pile driving him into the floor I would always take look at what they were wearing Did they have castles?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Were they wearing a mask? Were the colors exciting to me, Stone Steve Austin, whose character is now a little more developed after it being given a couple minutes. And I would say yes. I would say home run. Or I would say no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, because I'm Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Starting point is 00:06:23 That's so great to be here, Bruce. Bruce, Bruce. Okay. We're gonna, because I'm Stone Cold Steve Austin. That's so great to be here, Bruce. Bruce, Bruce. Okay. We're gonna need you to bring in the next guest. Shin, Bruce. What's your name? What's your name? No, you can't, Bruce.
Starting point is 00:06:32 You can't refer to me. Shit. They can't hear or see me. Bruce, are you okay? You're just yelling, Shin. Shin is in me. Okay, so, okay, all right. That's the strangest thing I've ever heard, and I've been wrestling for bloody 30 plus
Starting point is 00:06:44 years. Bruce, you're. That's the strangest thing I've ever heard and I've been wrestling for bloody 30 plus years We should gonna bring in the next guest our next guest loves fashion They've built their career on fashion But unfortunately they were missing when they weren't swimming once. Please welcome Harold Holt Hi, hi guys. It's me Harold Holt Big fan big fan is Steve Fantastic bloody fantastic. Yeah, no, I'm Holt Harold Holt you weren't missing with your girlfriend you were having I think in a fair or your marriage are broken up and you were with your mistress or Guma
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah, Harold Can you confirm that? What are you looking for? Allegedly, can you confirm that? What are you looking for this year at the Fashion's on the field? This year I am looking for a couple of horses. I'm looking for a couple of, I'm looking to find like a lovely, not-suit that is made of silver and I'm looking for one very small small horse and that's what I'm looking for today at the fashions on the field. Okay and last but not least our third guest is Shen. Hello. Sorry. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Okay. Right. Sure. Sure. I didn't have a seat for me. What are you doing, Bruce? I didn't know I was a guest in today's podcast. So this is...
Starting point is 00:08:17 You're not prepared to just go with the flow and to do what's needed for the show. Shin, you are a producer. Well, here's a problem, Bruce. I'm the producer. People want celebs, but here's the thing, I've been doing improv classes. It's a man named Adam, he runs improv classes in the Paris end of the city. And I've been doing improv classes with Adam. And they're, they're, here's the thing. I don't think Shin should be your third guest, but anyone in the world can be your guest in all time and history Anyone in your imagination can be the guest. Okay, so who do you want to be the guest? God, love, I love sport. All right, this is a kind of sport. It is the sport of kids.
Starting point is 00:09:01 It's the theater sport. Oh, should we do some theatre sports now, Bruce? No. Oh, I'd love to do, I'd love the arts. Okay, let's do some theatre sports real quick. All right, do you want to get the next guest in and see if they'd like to do some theatre sports with us, fellas? Well, why don't you just reduce the next guest by Bruce having to guess who they are?
Starting point is 00:09:24 There has to be Shin. Okay. All right, are. It has to be Shin. Okay. All right, mate. I will make it Shin. We'll make it Shin. Could you make it a tiny little horse? We'll make it Shin in the body of a tiny little horse. No, we'll, yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:09:37 But we'll reveal it in the game of party quirks. All right. Okay. So, um, um, Shin, what? what is this not fascism on the field? This is who's line is in any way First guest is here Bruce Hey, boss, we're going to an ad in 40 seconds Ask them questions Bruce try and figure out who they are
Starting point is 00:10:03 No, Well, yes Yes, close, yes, close Yes, yes, yes, close No Shin bit a horse Ah, Shin bit a horse Yes, yes, but oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh But have all these big horses or are they normal horses and I'm very
Starting point is 00:10:22 Mmm, mmm, mmm Shin is a tiny horse. Yes! That's fantastic. Oh my god! That is fantastic. Okay now Harold Holt, you come in and I'm Bruce has to guess who you are just by asking questions and based on the clues that you give him. Okay go.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Okay, alright here I come. Okay. This is party quicks. Oh, what is party quicks. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, what is it for? It is the time to say the day! Ah! And on my day's gonna kill me! Harold Holt in the Harold Holt. Yes!. You're starting to get it.
Starting point is 00:11:05 You are starting to get it. First night, I'm so sorry, Bruce, buddy. We do have to cut to an add in 30 seconds. Okay, this has been a show. We're gonna take a little break because we gotta pay the bills. Please enjoy this ad. Fantastic work, everyone. We did get a little off topic there Bruce with the improv. So if you can get it back in line man, but I did love that
Starting point is 00:11:32 pay the bills gag very very funny because you're a wealthy man. You know, thank you, she's sheen. Yeah, no worries. Am I still on the panel? What can I step back behind the camera? You step back, but I'll bring on our next guest though. Love that. Love that. Yeah, so you go back there and then I'll bring in The big character, okay? No worries. I can't wait because I can do anyone. I can do any accent if it's not racist I can do big character anyone in history. Okay. All right. All right. Cool. All right. I'll leave it with you All right. We're on in five four okay? All right, all right. Okay, cool. All right, I'll leave it with you. All right, we're on in five, four, three, two, one right now. Welcome back to Fashers on the field. Here with Harold Holden, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Hello. Now, Harold Holden, you are, we used to be prime minister. I'm still technically prime minister, so yeah. Yep, you don't lose that, you don't you. How do you not lose that? Is that really helpful? So you are still prime minister. So what are you saying? So what has Scott Morrison?
Starting point is 00:12:28 He is a big dumb dumb dumb and he, I'll tell you what, he is, someone had to say it. So he's a prime minister. No, no, he's a dumb. He's a big dumb dumb and I tell you what I met his wife and I said hello Dylan hey, don't and she said ah No good. I thought well that that's got some bit of a dumb dumb So you spoke to his wife and she spoke to it. She said no swimming. We went for a swim
Starting point is 00:12:59 So you went swimming with Scott Morrison's wife. Yep. And she said that you said no good. No, she said no good. And that's why you think he's a dumb dumb? Yeah, she said no good and I said, it sounds like a dumb dumb. Oh, so she, okay. I don't know what's not clear about this mate. I'm being very honest with you.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I just want to get, I've gone for a swim with her. No, listen, moving forward. I've gone for a swim with her. No, listen, moving forward, I've gone for a swim with her. She said, he's no good. And I've said, sounds like a bit of a dumb dumb. Now, I have been clear with the public about that, okay? Yeah. But I'm just saying, well, this is your defense for why
Starting point is 00:13:37 you're still prime minister and why I at least 10 or so prime minister. Well, because he sounds a bit like a dumb dumb and I have changed my voice since a few times and that's yeah That's all right would be the first yeah, but that's I'm sorry I'm gonna draw back to that in a second, but I do want to I want to bring in our third guest This is one of the wackiest characters out there They are gonna bring this podcast to life
Starting point is 00:14:02 Whatever you say I've got it, I've got it. I will listen to you and then in that moment I'll bring the character, okay? Okay. And they, they, please welcome to the show. They're a wacky character. They're gonna push up our Patreon subscription by double with people, you know, just like huge.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Please welcome Shin. Hey! with people, you know, just like huge. Please welcome Shin. Hey. I say, I say, it's me, the producer Shin. Shin, are you changed your voice? No, this is always my voice. I'm the producer Shin. I'm a Melbourne based producer for live events on Channel 7. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:43 It's me, just the runner, just Bradley, the runner. Yes. I just wanted to check if you needed a coffee and also to say, you're not supposed to say no when you are doing the theater sports there. I say, I believe I said yes, it's me, Shin. OK, you are my runner. Yes. I say, I say yes, I'd love a coffee a black coffee
Starting point is 00:15:06 I can't. I love coffee. Bradley, it's me, Matt, the runner runner. I'm just your runner. Would you like a coffee? I'm Matt, I'd love a coffee, yep. Could you get a black coffee for Shin? Shin from...
Starting point is 00:15:20 No, no, no, no, I don't do that shit. Right? No, okay. You get stuff for Shin, I get stuff for you. The lines are very clear. The union would be so mad at me. Oh no, no, I don't do, no, I don't do that shit. Right? No, okay. You get stuff for shinn, I get stuff for you. The lines are very clear, the union would be so mad at me. Oh, no, sorry. Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm so sorry, yeah, can you get me a soy flat wife
Starting point is 00:15:33 with a little bit of chocolate? All right. Just a little bit of chocolate. I'm the runner runner. There's a cappuccino. Thank you. No, no, no, no, no, no, cappuccino. It's a cappuccino.
Starting point is 00:15:41 No, no, no, no, I want a soy latte with just a little bit of chocolate. I'm sorry, Bruce, I can't get you a coffee. I'm the runner for the runners. Ah, say, ah, say, no, I want to soy latte with just a little bit of chocolate. I'm sorry Bruce, I can't get you a coffee. I'm the runner for the runners. Ah, say, ah, say, ah, say. Before you ask this man for a coffee, let's go for a break. Okay, coming back from the break now, Bruce and McAvoney, it's me, Shin, your producer. Ah, but Bruce, just so you know, we are coming back from a break it's me Shin your real producer in 5 4 3 2 1 okay here we go welcome back to the fashion show we're sitting here with Harold Holts don't called Steve Austin and
Starting point is 00:16:16 I'm producer Shin now I just I'm sorry to go back over old ground but I just don't see we've had upwards of whoa like we've probably had since your passing maybe what 20 elections maybe I don't know and you seem to have never a relinquished power and you believe you're still in power is that correct you're talking to me or you're talking to Stone Cold Steve Austin because that applies that doesn't quite that doesn't you've considered yourself the title, the world champion.
Starting point is 00:16:48 World heavyweight champion. Yeah, and you've never relinquished that power, despite the fact that there have been many heavyweight champions since, is that correct? What would I say to that is, can the heavyweight champion right now beat me? Can they take me on? The answer is not, not in what they're wearing.
Starting point is 00:17:03 What are they going to be? What little bike shorts? Oh, these wrestlers these days, they're wearing. What are they going to be? What little bike shorts? Oh, these wrestlers these days, they have no sense of theatricality, Bruce. So you're quite sassy. Pardon? You're quite sassy. I'm figuring it out as I go, Bruce. I'm trying to make you know, at first, it was an American accent, a very bad American accent, then I lost the accent. Then I found something that was working for me a bit more. That's all I'm missing. I've been defined.
Starting point is 00:17:27 No, that's all right. I won't be real people aren't. Exactly. And Bruce, for most of my life, I've been put in a box. That box was called a ring. And I won't let you put me into a box anymore. And what I've been by a box is a ring. And if you did put me in a ring, I would beat you to a blivvy in Bruce, just like I did John Cena for the 1924,
Starting point is 00:17:49 the 1984 World Wrestling Championship. Yeah, you, yeah. Okay. Now let's talk about the first period of time travel. I'm a time travel. Time travel. That's why I got the dates wrong. I say, are you time travel? I'm time travel too time travel to I can just get a pop off the 20s Or I say I say are you a time are you two time travelers because I am the inventor of time Yeah, that's right. I am God. She in the producer is
Starting point is 00:18:22 Shin the producer is Foghorn Lakehorn and also controls time. I am a God, the Judeo-Christian idea of God. But I have come, this is the second coming of God as Shin the producer. I do love and works at Channel 7. I do like, yeah, I say I say. I say. I say I say can I ask guys yeah what is your opinion on jeans lots of people wearing jeans this year and they're wearing them with suits they're wearing blazers up top they've got jeans down bottom is this too casual
Starting point is 00:18:59 for the fashion of the field or is it just the styles of the 2006 which is the year jeans with blazers what's your take? Can I just say before Bruce, before I go in, I'm Shin right now. I really don't like jeans, fashion's on the field, I think it doesn't work with a suit, but the character has a different opinion, but I just want you to know that that's not my opinion. You're not Shin? What's that? What?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Are you Shin? Yeah, I'm Shin. But I want to tell you right now that I am okay with, I don't like jeans. Why are you doing it? Are you putting on an accent? Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for the character of Shin. I'm your Shin.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I'm not that good of an improviser. I'm not that good. It's the only accent I know how to. I'm not that good. She is. It's the only accent I know how to do it. I just want to know what's your real accent? I don't know. I'm trying to do my accent when I put on the character. But what is the character?
Starting point is 00:19:54 If the character is Shin and you are Shin, then what is the character? Shin. Shin, I'm trying to do my own accent, but I get very stressed, I get very worked up. So you doing that thick, southern American accent is you attempting to do your own, the impersonation of the accent that you were doing right now, which is a just abroad Australian accent. You are doing an accent. Yes, an accent.
Starting point is 00:20:14 A normal contemporary like city-based Australian accent. That's what I'm trying for, but I always end up on a southern accent. I'm really not great with accents. Okay. Alright. Okay. Alright, well then, are you ready to jump back in? Yeah, for sure, for sure. I say jeans with suits are cowboy types.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Love that look, not that I'm a cowboy, but I have been a rancher. Well, we were ranchers ever since we found oil on the fields. Um, Shin, can I talk to you in the kitchen? Yeah, you could talk to me in the kitchen right here. There's a kettle, a tea pot. Why you got two things? We're off camera Shin. We're off camera Shin.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Okay. You want me to drop the character? I want you to, I want to talk to you real, okay? Okay, sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it would be better if you're just shin. I think people care about what shin has to say. I don't think you have to put it. What's all I'm doing, I'm doing shin.
Starting point is 00:21:10 No, you're not, you're doing shin. I feel it literally sounds like you're doing like an oil tycoon. Yeah, well, I mean, no, I mean, that's, I struggle with backstory. Okay, I get a little nervous when it comes to backstory, I forgot. You don't need to think about backstory. You just need to do yourself. Well, that's what I tried to switch of. Adam told me to just switch off the brain, say yes
Starting point is 00:21:30 and not try to like draw attention. Just switch off the brain and say this is your problem. You shouldn't call him in-prov school. It's cook-t-ch-er. Yeah, I know. I just, I'm, I'm, maybe I'm overthinking it, but I needed to just like do something like you were
Starting point is 00:21:41 asking about backstory and I didn't know what to say. I did not. I said, what's're picking on James. You bet. Shim. Hey, it's me Bradley. I was just wondering if you want to make a grab you a backstory. Well, yeah, sure. So is the oil tycoon thing not working? No, it's fine. I just, you look like you maybe needed like another one or, but if
Starting point is 00:22:03 you're fine with that one, you stay with that one. You just let me know, I'll run down and grab you one. Bradley, Bradley, it's fine. You look like you maybe needed another one or, but if you're fine with that one, you stay with that one. You just let me know, I'll run down and grab you one. Bradley, Bradley, it's me, Matt. Yeah, Matt. Also, I just, I've heard it, if you need a backstory as well, I can go and get you one. Oh, that'll be fantastic. Yeah, Matt. That one would be fantastic if you could give me one.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yes, yes. Bruce McEvane here, just wanted to let you know that if you wanted a coffee, I can get you a coffee. Oh, really? Oh Oh that would be fantastic. I would like, if you could pick me up a oat latte and a bit of a backstory, that would be fantastic. Okay Matt. Matt. Matt. Okay that's not good. Oco latte. And oat, although I imagine an oat latte. Okay I'm higher up than you. In the runner, this is bullshit that Bruce is speaking to you and I'm honestly a bit
Starting point is 00:22:44 pissed off. No no Bruce Moon moon lights as a runner runner runner. Oh Fuck right, okay. Yep. Sorry Bruce. Bruce likes to be on the top and the bottom That's gorgeous I live in Adelaide. Okay, I live in Melbourne I live in to Womba and We're back Welcome to fashion. I'm Bruce. I'm here with Shin Holt Stone cold. Hello!
Starting point is 00:23:11 What's your opinion on Big Hats? The ladies wear big hats. Okay, so the biggest hat I've ever seen was worn by the undertaker. B.Y. Brim Hat. He used to come out of a coffin right on a motorbike. And I loved it. When he wore, I said, hey, youim hat. He used to come out of a coffin, run on a motorbike, and I loved it. When he wore, I said, hey, you know what that needs? A little bit of bedazzling. We bedazzled it, we spruced him up, and then he was ready for a spring racing carnival.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Okay, that's great. It's been cold. What do you think? I got a pose right in! Oh, okay, that's the... He's multifaceted this character. He's not just a wrestler, he's not just a sassy fashion, fashion, he's done. He's a bit of both.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I'm so guilty about that. I could take multitudes. Now, how old are you? I thought you did, but here you are. No, a lot of people get me confused with the dead one. I'm the one, I'm still alive. I went for a swim, I came back, I'm the horse. Okay, this is used to me.
Starting point is 00:24:12 You just passed over that, but you are not the prime minister who went missing swimming facilities. I am, I went missing and I am the prime minister and I went swimming in the 60s and I did go missing, but I did come back and now I am. You came on, you just said you're not the one that went missing No, I am the one that went missing but I'm not the one that went missing that you think I am I'm a different one that went missing so I'm the horse that went missing and then came back
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'm not the man that went missing and then didn't come back. I'm a different man But I did go I am a man and I am a horse and I did go for a swim with my mistress But she was a woman but that's okay because it was legal was a 60 so we did go for a swim We did come back mate. I just want'll be very clear with the public about this. Yeah, yeah, but okay, but you said initially that not the one I thought. When I thought of it, I thought of you, the one that you are describing. So who is the one you thought I was thinking of, who is not the one that you thought I thought of? Right, I thought you were thinking of the human man who went swimming and didn't come back in the 60s.
Starting point is 00:25:10 That's the one I'm thinking of. No, okay, so I'm the horse that went swimming in the 60s did come back, did have an affair, but did come back. Was missing for a time, but that was only a couple of hours, and I did come back. You're a horse? Yep. Okay, well then that's not the one I was thinking of. So you are, were you a prime minister? Yes, yes, I'm Harold Holt the I was thinking of. So you are, were you Prime Minister? Yes. Yes. I'm Harold Holt the Prime Minister and I'm a horse. And I don't like that. Well, the Prime Minister, I think they're ruined. You're here.
Starting point is 00:25:33 The Prime Minister, I think the other's not a horse. Do you mind if I interrupt? I think you're thinking of Harold Holt the human Prime Minister from like the 60s. Yes. That's what I'm thinking of. Yeah, no, this is the horse prime minister, who was prime minister just before Howard,
Starting point is 00:25:48 after, oh, what's his name? Okay, Rod. No, 92. Just after Kevin Rudd and John Howard. Just before Howard, he was like, between Kevin Rudd and John Howard, I was. Oh, right, okay. Can I clarify then?
Starting point is 00:26:06 So you're telling me in Australian history, there is, well, I'm gonna ignore the 60s element because that is completely, does not line up with the notion that you were the prime minister between in the how around how it, right? Okay, listen, that's it. That is something that you need to look at
Starting point is 00:26:23 because if you're just ignoring things that don't line up with your version of reality, you're gonna have to sort that out. You're gonna need to talk to a doctor about that because if your version of reality is different from the reality around you, that's something that you really do need to explore. That's okay, mate.
Starting point is 00:26:35 That's okay, but yeah. I'm sorry, then, I will look at myself and improve in any ways that I can and I'm gonna let you know that I'm gonna even dev it to do that. But I also just wanna say, can I just clarify then between Paul Keating and John Howard in Australia's Prime Minister ship?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yep. You're shaking your head already, Shin, what's your problem? So, that was my mistake. I misspoke if you heard Stone Cold Steve Austin mentioned, it wasn't Paul Keating, it was Kevin Rudd. Yeah. So, between Kevin Rudd. Okay, so, I'm looking at him at a minute.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Two seven. Two seven, thank you for that clarity. I'm so sorry about that. You said, after John Howard, I said Kevin K Rudd and you said, no! Okay, so we're looking at a bit of a camera. 2007. Thank you for that clarity. I'm so sorry about that. You said after John Howard, I said Kevin K Rudd and you said no. No, I mean, I said before, you must have misheard, I said before John Howard. No, it was before, so Kevin Rudd was before me
Starting point is 00:27:16 and then I was just going to go out and get a word of John Howard. That was the misunderstanding. So I'm completely understand. After Kevin Rudd, before John Howard, in the 60s, we had a horse prime minister called Harold Holt. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And I misspoke, there was a misunderstanding between me and Stone Cold Steve Austin here. But can I just get clarity in as well? You are not in character? No, no, no, no. Do you want me to be in character here This is the real thing. Do you want me to be in character? Yeah. Yeah. Ah, say, ah, say all this talk of fractured timelines and talking horses. It don't make much sense to me. I'm a simple Christian man, you see. I live in Alabama. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I'm sorry, all right. You. I'm really confused about the bulls. I just wanted to come on here and talk about dresses. Yeah, okay. While I talk about dresses, I don't know what the confusion is. Stone Cold Knight out here. I don't know what you are.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Talking about, I'm a horse. Stone Cold is a wrestler. I don't know what you are. Talking about, I'm a horse. Stone Cold is a wrestler. We met on the set of grownups too, and we're fantastic friends, and we love fashion. So, can you just, you haven't even spoken to our connection? I know Eric Banner. You know what I'm saying? He knows Eric Banner.
Starting point is 00:28:38 He would not stop corpseing. Oh, we were all so mad at him on the set of grownups. What are you talking about? Eric Banner. I'm the set of grownups too, when I met Harold Holt, Eric Banner was there, and he wouldn't stop Corp Singh. It's a very Australian style of working, but I tell you what, over in America, we do things a little bit differently,
Starting point is 00:28:56 especially in the ring. Stone Cold, I actually worked with Eric Banner for a time. I worked on the Eric Banner show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Eric Banner show. Yeah. I worked on the Eric Banner show. Yeah, yeah. The Eric Banner show. Yeah. He had his own show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And he was a comedian in Australia. I, he really? Now, I say, I say, who's this Eric Banner, Frella? I only know the, the, the, I only know the beautiful reader, he worth. That's feminism, which I don't like. I know, I'm not here for. How did you confuse Bruce?
Starting point is 00:29:31 I don't understand the issue here. I don't even know when to begin anyone. I'm trying to grab hold of the thing. Dresses, talk to us about dresses, mate. Oh, the talk is about dresses. All right, very quickly I want to know everyone's favorite dress of the festival. Courtney Cox.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Who? Courtney Cox. There's a young woman wearing Courtney Cox. There's a young woman. And she's fantastic. They skinned Courtney Cox, turned her into like an elegant ball gown. That's horrible. That's wearing it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Oh, but it looks beautiful. It captures the light like Swarovski crystals. They've, they've, they've, they've, they've, they've skinned a woman and put them on as a dress. Not just any woman. Courtney Cox. And you'll never guess who, Skinder. It was Ghostface himself from Scream.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yeah. Skinner it was ghost face himself from scream. Yeah, and What was crazy about that is when Ghostface took their mask off They revealed themselves to be ghost face killer from the Wu Tang clan Ah say ah say what What a shin you're gonna stop blowing into them. Ike, Shin What a surprise that's how I say my double ears All right, all right, so Courtney Cox's skin is a good dress
Starting point is 00:30:57 Harold Holt the horse who was prime minister in the 60s, but actually in 2007. What was your favorite dress? My favorite dress is the one that Courtney Cox herself is wearing, which is sort of a toilet paper. Stop. Like what? So Courtney Cox is also here. You of course she's here, someone had to skin her. She's here, you can't just transport skin.
Starting point is 00:31:19 It's not one of those fabrics, bro. So the fabric that needs care, okay? So a skin was Courtney Cox, like Robbie Williams in the in rock DJ, the video clip. Correct. Yes, exactly like that covered in sort of toilet paper. Oh, how would you describe it? She's just saying, no, but okay.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Well, she has grown her skin back. Oh, I didn't realize that. Only in some parts. Yeah, because you can only see some of the parts. You can only see some of the stuff. Does she look like Robbie Williams in Rock DJ? Some parts. Some parts.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Other parts just look like normal, but it's like a new skin, so it's very fresh looking. It's very fresh. She caught what people don't understand about Courtney Cox that she's like a snake. The skin comes off, the skin comes back on. The skin comes off, the skin comes back on. She's like, there's not what a snake does. A snake loses its skin, but it's already got the skin comes back on, the skin comes off, the skin comes back on. Should the skin be serious?
Starting point is 00:32:05 There's not what a snake does. A snake loses its skin, but it's already got the skin under it. Is that what's happened with her? Has she shed skin? No, yes, but she has had to put it back on. But it's different. It grows a little slower on Courtney cox's. Yeah, it grows a little slower on Courtney cox's.
Starting point is 00:32:21 It grows a little slower. It grows a little slower. It grows a little slower. It grows slower. So it grows slower. Snack is a reptile cold blood. Courtney Cox is a warm, spluttered. You haven't seen the stimulus. Courtney Cox season of friends?
Starting point is 00:32:35 No, I'm not watched friends. Well, they hit it. Courtney Cox's skinless. They hit it very well. You might have been, you might have been distracted because um, I'm not watching that. Matthew Perry had put on a few KGs and back then people were very disrespectful about bodies and his struggles so they were all focusing on that.
Starting point is 00:32:53 But literally if you looked a little to the left, there was a skinless Courtney Cox just standing there and everyone's like, oh he's put on a few KGs. It's like, surely, why aren't we talking about the skinless woman over here? All right, I'll move on. So, Courtney Cox wearing what? Toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Toilet paper, like a mummy. Paper. Like a mummy. What, how have you seen? Okay, so Courtney Cox has no skin, but she's a mummy. Yes. She's wearing who gives a crap toilet paper? And that's a pre-op mummy to three.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Good for her. So, she's using ethical toilet paper. Yep. And this is your favourite thing that someone's wearing at toilet paper. Yep. And this is your favorite thing that someone's wearing at the races. Yep. Shinn, I want to close out this episode with this. I want to thank all my guests for coming.
Starting point is 00:33:35 We're going to thank you to Harold Holt, the horse, for coming in and doing fashion on the field with me, Brisbane Mac. If only thank you to Stone Cold, Sassy Stone Cold. You're welcome. You're welcome. No need to click. You're right. Too much. No, I like to click. I love that. Thank you. You were your horse. Yeah, well thank you very much for respecting that. Finally, it's been years. It's been a long long journey to close out this episode. It is shins performance fully formed performance of shin the character I say I say yes Can me about clothes and such very similar why I'd never heard of any such thing. Down our
Starting point is 00:34:26 parts we call the materials we wrap around our naked bodies the shame shrouds. Now if you're asking me about shame shrouds why don't we? Well I tell you my favorite shame shroud has got to be... ...a man-new helmet. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-apisode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week! This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit Planet for more podcasts from our great mates.
Starting point is 00:35:11 I mean, if you want, it's up to you.

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