Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 237 - The Best Of The Aunty Donna Club Part 1 - Funny Mums and Dads 2

Episode Date: January 12, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. Hello and welcome to the Antidona podcast. Summer edition. These are... Are you laughing for real? Summer edition. Where does he come up with it?
Starting point is 00:00:26 I was a fake laugh. I couldn't tell. This is the three best Patreon podcasts from last year for us from the Antidona Club. If you don't, you can remember go to Why the fuck am I talking about? Antidona. This is a podcast we did last year called Funny Mons and Dads. Funny Mons and Dads.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Part 2 that we did for the Patreon. We hope you enjoy it and we'll be back with another best of next week and we'll wake up soon. Enjoy it. You listen to the funny doughnut podcast. The greatest fucking podcast in the world. Bro, I'm make it tacky sometimes And yes, we hope you enjoy them The fucking podcast Boys
Starting point is 00:01:12 Thank you so much for coming to my birthday Oh, why is that? It's a pleasure mate I wouldn't have missed you 50 The only 50, I thought I was coming to a 60 Oh, get out of my way Get out of my way You're quite... You've always been the funny one of the group.
Starting point is 00:01:28 That kind of stuff right there kills me, slays me. It's why I keep it. No, I'm like, yeah. I'm sorry, I just got it. I just got it. I knew it was, I had got it. I just got it. I knew it was I had the you know I had the rhythms of a joke, but I didn't click to yet. Well, I thought what I genuinely thought America thought you were actually yeah, I thought you might have been 45 because you stay so fit and I know you
Starting point is 00:01:57 played sport. I know you do still play recreational sports, winning stand. And I'll just stand by the way. The real football. Not this way. Yeah, what do we call it? Soccer. Yeah, right here's a football. Sorry, but go on. Get stuffed. Get out of here, mate.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I am really excited to celebrate your birthday. Thanks, mate. We got the pizza oven ready to go. I've put the dance floor out under the patio, help the back. Oh great. Who's this? Who's this? It's just come. Oh hello there, how are you? Sorry, I can't remember the name of my husband from the last podcast, but he does send these apologies. He's working off short. Very good. months. So, very good. Oh, that's very funny.
Starting point is 00:02:47 They get paid well. They get paid very well. You know, we're paying, we're gonna pay off the third house by the end of the year. So, and that's the thing, he'll do the offshore for six months and then he'll be back. We'll pay off the third house and we've only got seven houses left to pay off.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Did you end up building on the block in Turkey? You built, you know. We haven end up building on the block in Torque? You built your... No, no. We haven't built on the Torque block just yet, but we did just convert, you know, the house in the center of town, near the rail station. Yes, yes, yes. We did just convert that quarter acre
Starting point is 00:03:17 into 53 town houses. That's amazing. That's a little bit of a tight square. I think it's gonna work. I've got 1,200 blocks at the moment on the go. I've got 600 of which out and along on the beach. I've got one in Turkey, one in Driesdale. I've got 78,000 in Ballarat.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I have blocked up, no more blocks. I've told the Mrs. I've said we can't be getting any more be getting any more blocks. Oh because yeah it's the same in me on the weekend Saturday morning the Sunday I'm just mowing lawns on the other vacant lots. It's exhausting it's so much up here I'll tell you what though we took a drive out a drive out the other day to see one of the blocks that we've got up the one up in Turkey. They just put a tap in. So we just went up just to see, and Mrs. was like, let's go up,
Starting point is 00:04:07 let's go for a drive and see the block. I think they just got the tap in. Just one of those little taps out the front. Every time they make any slight development on the block, we make sure that we drive out here. We make sure that we drive out, and we have a look at it. You got it, you got it. It's important that we drive out and we have a look at it. But you've got it.
Starting point is 00:04:25 It's important that we see every single step of the block being developed. Well, we've got a place going up in Hawthorne and we've got a place in Palm Building and if I'm going to Coles, get some milk or dry past, go to Hawthorne and dry past. Yeah, that's east of the city, isn't it? That's east of the city, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, very. Yeah, lovely spot there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, very multicolored. But anyway, well my boy, my oldest boy, he just moved to Fitzroy. I don't know about that. I said,
Starting point is 00:04:57 surely he could have moved in Southville, the area. Fitzroy in the inner north. I don't know, but very different. Now, you used to be working class. It used to be working class. So is it quite nice now, is it? I've got a friend I'm gonna make from work who's parents owned a place in Fitzroy, a grand parents, or parents owned a place in Fitzroy. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And they sold it, moved out the air-ping, and they're kicking themselves now. So you would be, you know, $40 million, you know? Yeah, really now, yeah. You know, they would have bought it for $12,000. Yeah, yeah, in the 30s. Yeah. Now it's worth $48 billion.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Well, I think I bought that place. I bought that place two years ago. You did? You did? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, right, okay. Yeah, I just, you know, I just put all everything against it.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah. Well, look, come in. Well, happy birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you, come in. I don't know if you want it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'll come in. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you I don't know if you want it. I brought a a a try of footy francs So these are hot dogs with skin on them. Beautiful. They've been boiled. Yeah, I boiled them up some you can see of pierced So they've sorted it on the skin on the skins. I can see the piercing on the skin and Tomato sauce. So I can put that out for you. Whatever you're up to. Put it out next to the cabana.
Starting point is 00:06:05 So, Lisa, Lisa's brought, got a, got some, uh, got a pasta base she did. Oh, how you, oh, hello, Lisa. Thank you for the pasta base. Oh, great. Put the pasta base. Yeah, pasta and pasta bacon, I've done scallops. Oh, you got scallop potatoes?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Yeah, scallop potatoes. Put it out. Cheese sauce. We've got, uh, we've done the catering, we've got cabbana, we've got twiggy sticks. Did you just get this from Coles? Did you just get the... They do it up for you mate. They do it up on a platter. Yeah, you go to Coles. You go to Coles, you go to do it up for you. They do it up for you. Yeah, they do it up for you. Yeah, they do it all and
Starting point is 00:06:39 it's got the plastic tray with the little pockets in it. They just fill it up. My question you, go and name your pick-up matter olives. Sorry, what were you saying? You're gonna go, you go, you go get the olives yourself, you go get the gaminning yourself right, and you get the biscuits. No, no, mate, no, no, no, no, they do it up for you. Right, so you go.
Starting point is 00:06:56 What do you mean? What do you mean? They got a little pamphlet out there out the front. You go, you pick up the pamphlet, they got a couple of options there. You wanna have a look at the party platters option. That's right. And I'm gonna do it up for you. They look at the party platters option. That's right. And under the party.
Starting point is 00:07:06 They do the whole thing up for you. It's unbelievable. Comes with the lid. Right, you put the lid on. Yeah, you put the lid safe. I was thinking that the first thing I thought when you said that, I said, I thought, well all right, well that's good that they do it up for you.
Starting point is 00:07:17 But I'm driving the car. Yeah, it's gonna go all over the shop. It's gonna be tipping, it's gonna be spilling. Not with the lid mate. They do the lid for you, they do the whole. and I'll tell you what, it's like a pick and mix. You do worry because coming in the speed humps, coming down here because the kids on the drag racing. Yeah, there's that many speed humps. The first time you're over, I was like the cabana's in the back seat. It's going
Starting point is 00:07:38 to go everywhere, not with the lid mate. Yeah, they do it up for you. It's unbelievable the stuff they do. They do it up for you. Yeah, it's full just full technology like they just got it all worked out It's a bit like we were at the at work the other day. It was one of the girls birthdays and One of the other girls obviously was in charge and usually we make something up or we do the lunch for the birthday Yeah, and she just went to Subway got a whole platter and they sort of cut up the sand They do it all for you now. Why bother? Why do you bother? It's taste all the hassle out of it Yeah, and she just went to Subway got a whole platter and they sort of cut up the sand Just for you now why bother why bother? It's taste all that hassle out of it Well, then when the actually doesn't cost you much more when you actually think about how much all the ingredients cost
Starting point is 00:08:15 Yeah, and the more you buy the more you save with these places. Yeah, so so that's why we've got that's why we've got 56 trays of cabbara out there. Yeah. Because the price of 56 trays was the savings, the price of 50. Now, I only wanted one. I only wanted one, but the savings. Yeah. Well, you can have it tomorrow if you're lunch.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I've got cabbara for the rest of my fucking life. Listen, before I go in, I've got here, I just wanted to quickly say, I know we all brought something. I've made your favorite, I've made you a jelly slice. No, you didn't make me a jelly slice. But I just want to say, we don't have to put it out if you don't want. I can give it straight to you. I'd be a hibber to...
Starting point is 00:08:58 The guilt would drive me crazy, because I know. No, the biggest travesty to this world would be keeping your jelly size from the rest of the people at this point. Just make sure you get yourself a couple of slices before you put it in. I'll make sure I put a couple in the freezer. Now come in, come in. I can run down to Costco. I've got a Costco membership, which I've got an annual Costco membership. Oh, that's great, really. So you see my photos on that and you know, that's got all my accreditation, so. Yeah, you buy and everything big?
Starting point is 00:09:28 Well, that's the thing, and so for moments like exactly this, I can go down to Costco, private parking, you go upstairs, and I can get wholesale size, everything. Incredible. You get the brands, so. It's an American company. Does it have the brand names?
Starting point is 00:09:44 It does have the brands here. You can hand get branding, get off branding, get whatever you're after. So, for a villain like this, you know, you get a big, the biggest fucking pizza you've ever seen. Oh, fuck, a big pizza. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, you know, Slab a Coke, you know, chicken wings, all that kind of stuff. Pepsi, do they have lunch? I don't know. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they've got Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, yeah. It sounds a little bit weird for me Personally, I just you know I've got my calls down and the Woolworths and It's the same it's just big it's big. Oh sounds a bit American, you know, and they you know, I don't know about that I prefer British comedy No, we're talking about supermarkets, grocery stores. Yeah, but I prefer, you know, if you get a, like I don't know about the Americans, everything's so big. Me and the partner went to New York a few years ago and we went together.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You know, we just landed and it was, the plates were so big. Just big plates of food. I think I said this last time I was with you guys, but I went to a pizza place, we were in America on a holiday. Oh, we did, yes. And I said, I went out, I said, I'll get the pizza, you know, pepperoni pizza, and I'll get a meatloat, yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:54 and they were just pepperoni on it, and that's it, nothing else. It's really good. Where's the Aussie? Where's the Hawaiian? Yeah, yeah. And they don't do that. And we're all of the first Korean.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Was the slice just like seven meters long? Yeah, I is it and they don't do that? And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. And we're all in the ice. and you fold it up, you need a small cap for a chose, so that's all I need. Now come in, come in, I've got the bar set up, you can get a couple cocktails on the menu. You got Malibu. Yeah, we got Malibu. Yeah, we got Malibu. I got my nephew, he's bartending the event, paying him $20 for the night. He's eight years old. Come in, come in, he will make you up a cosmopolitan,
Starting point is 00:11:48 Malibu if you want to, Malibu. You know, it's funny you say that, it's good to do that because he's having, you know, he's, what else is he doing? He's sitting at home, bloody pulling his dick. Pulling his dick, pulling his dick is what he's doing. Oh, he's out here, you know, running a bit of that age now.
Starting point is 00:12:02 He's going to be the cash learning, twelfth and a people. Yeah, you know, looking's a bit of an age now. He's only been a cash learning, two off-and-a-people. Yeah, yeah. You know. Look at him, he's wearing a little suit. He's got a little bow tie. I think they know, but they think you don't know, do you, my youngest,
Starting point is 00:12:13 he's just started having the two hour showers, and it's like, I know, what you're doing in there. And we're in a drought. I know, we're in a bloody drought. I know, here we are having his two hour showers. That's what I say. I say, oh, we're in a drought. That's what I say.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Oh, the other day. Yeah. The other day I was using the family computer and I found pornography on it. And I just said to my husband, I said, is it even worth it? Do we need to sit him down? And he wanted to do the whole kitten caboodle and I thought thought you know what let's just leave this one. Well if you had the talk you have an other talk. Well we're Catholic so we never have the talk. Right. Of course. Just wait until that one of them is pregnant. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And then say to the other ones. Like, don't do that. Yeah. Yeah. But we don't believe in the talk. It's too much effort and awkwardness. We had to talk the other day with my eldest. It was important, it was good. It was good to get on the same level. We were talking about the birds and the bees and talking about, you know, like, I was like, have you fingered anyone?
Starting point is 00:13:22 And he was like, yeah, a couple of chicks. And I was like, where? And he was like, in the fingered anyone and he was like, yeah, a couple of chicks. And I was like, where? And he was like in the out in the rotunda. And I was like, well, as long as you're putting condoms on your fingers, mate, you made a little joke there for him. I didn't quite get it. Didn't quite get it. Yeah. So do you think he's going to be walking around putting condoms on his fingers now? That when we left the conversation, I wasn't sure. And I just...
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah, I reckon that'd be worth chucked, just get some clarity on that with the kid. Yeah, because I made the joke, and then he went, oh, right. And then he went, and I went, I went, I went, wait. Yeah. Did you understand that was a joke?
Starting point is 00:14:01 He went, oh, go home, work to do. Yeah, he went off and he's- Because condoms are not cheap, you know? So they're not. No, I wouldn't be. No, they're not. No. Well, we've had, we've done the snip,
Starting point is 00:14:13 so we don't need condoms anymore. Oh, you've had your tubes tied? Well, I haven't, but he's had the snip. Oh, I got the Visekmi as soon as we were done with our fourth. Yeah, right. So we had the fourth, I was like, I just want to be able to blow into as much as possible So That's what I want to blow in your wife
Starting point is 00:14:41 Blow in at a constant rate And not have to worry about the pills and the economies. Because it doesn't feel as good I've found. Well, when you do that, you don't get pregnant if you've had the snip. Once you've had the snip, and we got the tube start as well just to 100%. So no tubes, no balls. First of all, it's like, my all, you go into the doctor's, it's day surgery and they do it up for you. They do it all up for you.
Starting point is 00:15:09 They just do it there. The GP just does it right there. I have mind-dove now understanding just, cup, snip snip. Well, we had three kids, and then 20 years later had a fourth kid, then he got the snip. But they don't know, they're an accident.
Starting point is 00:15:24 They don't know that. The one that was born 20 years after the other three. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't know. He thinks it was on purpose. Now is that, is that, is that you, Zach or? No, that's no one, that's just, you know, this,
Starting point is 00:15:39 these characters are a blend of people I know and just sort of fiction. So this is not my mother as much as one would think. Yes. I've got something Mark. I've got you something for you 50 years. You got me a present? Yeah. I got you a present back. Oh my god. Oh this is I'm hanging this up above the bar. Thank you so much. I was gonna say, put it out, put it in the garage with all the stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:07 So I noticed you got a Elvis old, old frame picture of Elvis. I'm gonna frame picture of Elvis, and I wanted to mention, the DJ is only playing Elvis tonight. I did wanna say that. Yeah, I did. Only Elvis, and one of my friends is dressing up as Elvis. And it was gonna, do us a dance. I have not asked them to do this. And one of my friends is dressing up as Elvis. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And it was gonna do us a dance. I have not asked them to do this. Okay. Yeah. Insisted on bringing the Elvis gear and dressing up. And I thought I didn't want to be rude. Yeah. I was like, if that isn't, if you feel that you must,
Starting point is 00:16:41 so that'll be happening. I noticed he was dressed up. This seems to be like a man who's quite sad and this is the moments like these were going dress up as Elvis for parties. This is the biggest part of his life. It is all he has left after his wife left in. Sort of the boomer equivalent of young men
Starting point is 00:16:57 that dress as Batman or the Joker. I think you'll find this one for every generation. There's someone at every wedding dancing like Michael Jackson. There's, you know, there's, but hey Mark, can I be honest with you? I'm having a great time at this party, right? That's a great party. You're put on a great shindig.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Thank you. I've just got a bit of a concern. I notice your niece who's doing all the walkarounds with the hot finger foods. Uh-huh. You know, I know for those tables, and those pricks over there are taking all of the sausages and all of the sausage rolls, and it's not getting to our table.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Now, I'm not blaming you. I'm blaming them for not thinking about all the other people at the party, but they're watching them. They're getting handfuls and putting it on their plate, and they're not even eating it. They're just hoarding the food. And I said to Broden, I said, I'm happy to go over there and talk to them.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I'm happy to talk to them, I said, I'll go over there and I'll just say, listen, I don't have to be mad or anything, I just say, listen, you know, the food isn't coming round to us. And he said that wouldn't be polite, So I went and just screamed at the waiter. And screamed at the waiter to come and bring us food first instead. Cause I thought that's more polite than confronting the people at the other table. That's all well and good. When did that conversation happen? Because I was here when Broden arrived at the party.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah, yeah. I was all pinned together since that moment. So not that I'm not, I'm not doubting that what you're saying happened Yeah, I'm just a little confused on the timeline here Well, I think because you've been so consumed in all of the talking we're talking about wonderful things like you know I'm doing it up for you at Woolies or Coles or whatever. Yeah I My head I just imagine that we'd walked over and sat down at a table
Starting point is 00:18:44 Well, this is all happening. I in my head. We just imagined that we'd walked over and sat down at a table while this is all happening. In my head, we're still at the door. Yeah, I was at the door. I just assumed then when you said that there was a sort of time jump somewhere in there that we missed. But sort of we're done with the entrance. That's what truth. And then maybe just somewhere when you said, I think around the present, when you said, hey, I've got you a that was like you know two hours later
Starting point is 00:19:07 Well, that works for me. I'm happy to go with the time. I'm happy to lock in the time jump Let's time jump again to bar. I've got something very special you got a bit for the bar You got a bomb it don't really a bit just another little reference because I've got a present bit as well It's not really good. Let's not build up the bar bit. No my present bit isn't great on it but let's let's go to the bar. Let's see what's happening. Oh it's up at the bar. Well here we are at the bar. I'm wearing a nice tunic top top. We've been at the party for an hour for an hour. Over an hour.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I like the glitter. I like the sort of sequining glitter. Thank you so much. That's a great class. Thank you so much. That's just me class. I got it in the city. Is that from a chain that only exists in the city
Starting point is 00:20:00 or is it a chain that still exists where you're from? It's a, it's a zez. So you're just the outlet in the city you've bought it from because you're in the mindset that I'm going to buy while I'm in the city. Yeah, so we went to my originally. Yeah, dropped into David Jones, but I don't care for the bank, it's such a bank.
Starting point is 00:20:15 David Jones, you know, all the toffee people. I'll tell you what though, there's David Jones in the city, the best piccolo in the city. I the city the best piccolo in the city I have the absolute best piccolo you will ever have I don't know if you can see it. The bristas there are top class One of them was a bloody one of them was Italian and we started talking in dialect for a little bit Oh, were you Italian?
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yes. I thought you were Greek. Oh, same shit. Same shit just across the river mate. It's just across the river. I don't go to the city. I don't stuff around with it. It's kind of fun at Park.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Too stressful. It is, it is very stressful. We just drive into an outer suburb. We park at the train station. We get a train into the city now. Yeah. And it works out. Cheap but it can get a good park.
Starting point is 00:21:06 And it's so easy. If I have to go in, if I have to go in, I'm doing that. Well, we get the train. They just built the V line out here, new V line station, just, it's 45 minutes down the road. We drive to the V line station, catch the V line in, luxury.
Starting point is 00:21:23 That is a luxury line up the V line. line they've got the seats they've got the toilets I've never been on a V line. Oh we pack our own breakfast we make a little egg make a little egg we take that we get on the line we just head in oh it's beautiful it is absolutely and you just sitting in oh it's beautiful it is absolutely and you just sit in there you just sit there and by buddy put your arms up kick your feet up let them take you in there don't worry about the asshole don't worry about the park at all you're stressed out I'm going in whole street and and I'm
Starting point is 00:21:57 already 10 you know what I'm driving our bird street on cross well I don't drive in the city so I just don't't, I'd refuse to drive it. I'm too scared. I just, I don't know how to do hook turns, so in the end, oh, let me, oh, hook turns easy, all right? Here, hook turns easy. Let me explain hook turns, yeah, I can't do hook, right? So essentially, you're turning right
Starting point is 00:22:17 from the left lane, right? So you go into the left lane, it's very simple. It's very simple, you don't know about. So you get left. Right, you know what, hey, so you get left. Right. You know what? Hey, let's get her off. That's just, that's it, that's a hook turn, love.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I'll show you. One day we'll go into the city, I'll show you how to do a hook turn. Yeah, go on and say today or a Sunday morning at about eight or nine, and much quieter, and just do a couple. No, no, no, no, interest. No, no, no, no, no, no, interest, no, interest. No, I'd rather have a wine at the David Jones food court and just get on the train, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:52 Now, you said before you got a present bit, I would love to hear it. Would you like the present, man? I would love the present bit. I would love the present and I'd like it presented as a bit. I feel that the best present would be a great bit. No, that would be it. My present to this, to this,
Starting point is 00:23:13 pre-fear old man is the present I'm about to give you. My present to our dear daughter and the members of the club is the bit I'm about to do. It might be very good. It's a too-fold gift. It's not that good. It's not that good. And it's not really a bit. It's just I thought of a good present for you that I could give you.
Starting point is 00:23:33 We could riff off that. So, so, Broden obviously gave you that very thoughtful cricket bat. He knows you like cricket. It's in the, I hung it up. In a time jump. We did it. I don't know who sells a time jump. Oh, that's next time. I put it up on the Elvis bitcher. I love that Elvis clock with the
Starting point is 00:23:50 legs moving. I love that. I actually got it up next to the neon sign that says bar open. Yeah. And so every time I get that coaxing, oh the coaxing I to, there's this place in the plaza. What's new? Oh, what's new? Yeah, that's attached to the football boots and gadgets. And pardon? That's attached to the footy shop. He's in there. Right next year, right next to the AFL footy shop, it's wearing in all my jerseys.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah. And they go. You want to say, yeah. On your garage, it's dusty, it's uncomfortable, it's an off-putting place to be. Yeah. I love it. Thank you so much. That's why I've set up all the plastic chairs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:32 In the garage, right. Yeah. I have a good time. Well, I mean, that's your space, isn't it? That's what I say to my husband. That's yours. He has a space. Okay, that's your space. My space is the kitchen and the laundry, and your space is this recreational area in the garage Yeah, my son had his my son had his 18th of the day house and I set up the backyard did this as well Cleaned out the garage swept it up put some plastic chairs in a circle
Starting point is 00:24:57 Party went on you know DJ Yeah, I went out there halfway through all the kids are sitting in the chairs Very very sad. It was the, and they had a great night. Now, I don't know what you've got in your garage. Oh, in your garage. I think you're talking about my present. No, no, no, I'm excited for the present. Oh, it's good.
Starting point is 00:25:21 But I don't know what you've got in your garage. I exclusively keep many bar fridges in mine. Yeah, that's very lucky. About 15 in there. I just pile them up and I put, and I've got a bar fridge in my bar, yet I insist on having several bar fridges in the garage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Now, what's your present? So I actually got you two things. Now I worry it's not as thoughtful as the cricket bat, but I actually got you two things. I don't know you as well, so I did labour over this one. So the two things out, one of them is just a barbecue set of just outrageously oversized barbecue you tell those other biggest tongs I've ever seen in my life. Very large tongs and the other gift in but very long. But very long.
Starting point is 00:26:11 But very long, too long for a sausage. And the other gift I got you, it's sort of I've wrapped them up together as one gift, is a large cardboard box with nine small alcohol flavored chocolates. Oh thank you so much. Oh you've got banal leaves. Oh you've got collouer. Oh my god. God. Should we have these chocolates over a couple of now I hesitate to say this with the kiddies around, but I won't the other day about a wet pussy shot. What's that? Have you guys heard of a wet wheeze?
Starting point is 00:26:49 That's weird. That's weird. You got milk in it? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't like milk in me, I'm sorry. Very refreshing, but it is called a wet pussy. Now I don't mean to offend, but it's a wet pussy shot. Very, very tasty.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Jesus, crock. I'll take my New Zealand malbra 7-ion blong any day over there. If you don't want that, I can crack out something. Now I only get this out on very special occasions. If you're a ball of twisties. I do have a ball of twisties. Oh, sick. There.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I add it in my pocket. Yum, yum, yum, sick. There, I added my pocket. Yum, yum, yum, yum. I only get this out on very, very special occasions, because it is very expensive. Keep it underneath the sink in the bar. Here we go. Have you ever had Johnny Walker black label? Oh, you and I have one of them.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Have you got some, you want to do a shot of part of it? I go over to the ice bucket, get myself out of can and coke, pick it up, just get all the water off it, get the other hand, open it up, get a bit ice from that. Oh, well, if you want, if you're going to have it with coke, I'll get the blue label. No, no, no, no. If you want it with coke, now the blue label is beautiful. Oh, is that the better one? Yeah, that's the joke there was that the black table is only one step above the red table.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, if the blue label is the most expensive one. I have the blue label with Coke. There wasn't a clarity there with my joke and I do apologize. No, but now I understand, reds you, you know, you run on the mill, blacks you up a little bit, red. And then you got green.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Green. Yeah, and then you get, and then there're in order of all the. Now I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure it goes this way. Alright, so that joke makes a little more sense. You've got your red, which is the standard. I've got all of these by the way. I think the joke just to be clear, I think the joke is any sort of brand, with it a brand levels of excellence, rather than the guy we're gonna get a boutique brand. No, no, no, because the joke was that with Johnny Walker,
Starting point is 00:28:54 you've got Red Label, then the next expensive one is Black Label. Don't tell us about that around the boys, and I've got excited about the Essendon bombers. They will read in black Go the book go the birthday idea They idea Johnny Walker would do like an AFL limited edition You know like it you can get a you know a Sydney swans If he's not doing it always I
Starting point is 00:29:21 They've got a game of Thrones one. That's great. That's it. It can get all I saw fire, depending which bird you want to bang. Oh, no. I saw that on the news they were talking about. Violent. What? Oh, no, love Game of Thrones. Tits here.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You got Diggas. Bums and gaffes. Diggies and titties and just great show. Give me love actually. I'll watch it for the drama. I'll watch it for the drama. I'll watch it for the drama. I'll watch it for the drama. I'll stay for the titties and the bums and the,
Starting point is 00:29:52 and the, oh, I love it. I love it. It gets, gets, gets all, all right. Red label. Yeah. Then you got your black label. Yeah. Above that next tier is green label.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Yeah. Then I believe you have. Don't go. Don't go. Don't get to the greens. What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, try bloody, you know, that's all well and good until everyone loses their job. I'm not talking about you Adam Bant's here.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about you Johnny Walker's. Okay. Then above the green, I believe you have the gold. Jesus Christ. then above the green. I believe you have the gold Jesus Then above the gold I believe you have the blue and you have blue I've got Eight bottles of every single one of these right. Well, I have the blue with a bit of coke great Let me get that for you with the hot dogs. That'll go down and treat. Oh dip it in Hey boys, it's and treat. Oh, dip it in. Hey boys, it's, and lady, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:30:46 it's called 30, I'm stuffed, I'm going home. Oh, hi. No, don't go. I've had a lovely time. Buffy. It's time for bed. Thank you for a lovely night. Oh, you're so welcome.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I've had such a great time at my birthday party, talking about shit that happened and the gift bit was great by the way. I want to say that the highlight for me, both as a listener of the Anti-Donna podcast and as a character within the Anti-Donna podcast, was the bit where you gave me the gifts and the bit of the gifts being given. I don't think it was just a I think it was just a response. I think the cricket bat,
Starting point is 00:31:26 soon as cricket bat as a gift for hanging on the wall was referenced, I just thought, there's more in this, there's more. By the way, there was another time jump where we took the bat down, played a little bit of cricket, and then put it back up. Well, I'm assuming I showed up at about 738, and it's now midnight almost.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Which is a late, which is a very late night. That's a ton, John. Yeah, I should actually head off as well, I think. I've only had two glasses of wine, so I'm right to drive. Right, I, well, hey, here's to another 50. Here's to another, another 50 more. Cheers, cheers, cheers. Right, I was ho-rooing.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I'm just gonna get my little Eski. I got this from the A-10. I'm going to get my Eski, put my drinks back in, and I'll head off. I love that Eski. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by
Starting point is 00:32:23 See you next week! This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit planet for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want, it's up to you. Bon, sub to you.

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