Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 248 - LAN PARTY 6, The Snyder Cut

Episode Date: March 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get our legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Hanty Donner Podcast. This week we have Land Party 6, The Snider Cut. Remember, if you're loving this podcast, this heaps more available down at The greatest fucking podcast in the world Bro, they're making takin' sometimes And guess we hope you enjoy them Are the fucking podcasts Um, hi and uh, welcome to... Zack Snyder's Justice League hashtag Retored Restore- Restore the Snyderverse podcast
Starting point is 00:00:39 Um, this is a podcast Yeah, about that again If you're gonna, if we're gonna podcast I think you just edited it out Yeah, but what I'm, I think we're gonna going to do a no-cut podcast where anything fucking goes. So what I'd say is I want you to try it again from the top. Yeah, but I just don't think that that should actually include just little stuff like that because even the most professional podcasts that I know, like, do go on and like, I think you'll find stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I think you'll find, they actually, like, I've, I've, I've, I think you'll find that if you go right on the chain and you go to ones like, you know, the cooler ones, you'll find that they start with by going, we've got this, we've got this under control. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And I think just when you make stupid fuck-ups like that, it actually undermines it. Yeah, but even like, pro's like Joe Rogan, and I subscribe to his Patreon and stuff. He, and it's not even that much, not for me, I'm not for my family anyway. But like, he actually, you know, will sometimes, screw up a word, and then he'll just go, sorry, just one second word and then you'll he'll just go
Starting point is 00:01:45 uh... sorry just one second and then you'll do it again and then like let's you find you'll be actually that out i think you're fine you're not i do i don't actually think i am but i am all about both of the wall anything goes uh... because just start again welcome to again. Okay. Welcome to Zack Snyder's Justice League, the pos- you get one more chance. I'm so sorry I want to say.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Actually doing this on purpose and do you actually want to make I know you're a 15 year old but like if you're going to get in if you're going to get out of high school and make anything of yourself you've got to start treating this kind of seriously. 15 and two months, but yeah, actually in my 16th year of life, but yeah. It's funny, I'm forward saying still, but like the world experiences that I've had, like making love, drinking beer, taking, tasting the finest whiskeys,
Starting point is 00:02:41 have made me kind of feel older, which is why I can explain to you that like, just like getting through that opening is really important. I haven't made love, but I have had Johnny Walker Blue label, so I do know what you say. That's a pretty good one. It's not in my top five, but I like it's a good run of the mill kind of beverage that I'll have alongside like some Doritos and again, like a classic classic art house film like Edward. What's that, Xia? Mark Honey, your friend is here. Like a classic like the odd house film like Edward Zach's here Oh, mom, um, which one? Oh, sorry. I'm not interrupting the podcast No, no, no, we haven't even started yet, mom. It's just your friend who's here. All right, mom. Just bring him in mom
Starting point is 00:03:18 Do you want me to get him his mommy's here as well? All right, that'll be great. Thanks, mom Okay, okay, okay, okay. You don't what his mommy's here. No, no, no, mom. We're okay. Oh actually Salas No, we don't drink alcohol here until we're eight two mom. Do you have some? Interesting actually because my house mom friends are really cool with it Like we'll have nights where it's just like fish and chip and beer night and you know like you know You know, I'll just have like a beer and it's pretty chill because it's like You've got to learn how to
Starting point is 00:03:48 like broaden your palate I've got some prosciutto Yeah, mom if you could yeah, I've got some bread from the bakery. I work at it Mom, yeah, mom, if you do No, no stress book Yeah, Mum, if you could get the prosciutto and maybe some of the supresse salami and also the Woolworth snapper cracker snaps, the ones that kind of... The cracker snaps, the holly. Yeah, yeah, you've got the...
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah, we should, Dad should have brought some, the Woolworth brand. I know they're Woolworth brand, but they're actually like, they're much more like Ritz crackers. I know they're more worth brand, but they're actually much more like Ritzcrackers. And so they're softer and they're actually really quite good, even though they're the worst brand. But I actually... I'm not wearing a fresh brand from the Italian bakery. Have you ever had a...
Starting point is 00:04:35 Oh, did you get a pasta doora? Did you get a pasta doora? Yeah. Sorry, that's just an Italian kind of brand. I understand what it is. Oh, what is it? What shape is it in? The best kind.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Bro, I don't have any stress book, but I do have more to than love. I think you'll love it. Oh, do you have the one of the black peppercorns or the olives in it? Or both? The olive more to than love. Yeah, perfect.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah, I actually love that. I do love the olive more to dollar. Do you have champagne, ham? I know. That's my favorite ham, because it kind of pairs that rich ham taste. Yeah, no, we eat honey league in this house,
Starting point is 00:05:10 but yeah, because that's a bit more expensive. I think you find champagne at its best is actually like the Primaio Mo ham. I don't think it is. Well, honey like ham soaked in natural raw honey from bees. So it's rather than champagne, which is sort of like run of the mill kind of on a bubble.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yes, no, but you understand what champagne is. Do you know champagne? Yeah, I know champagne comes from the actual region of champagne in France and we don't actually drink champagne here. Yeah, so you know what champagne is, right? So imagine that paired with ham and maybe it's because you still... I do imagine that every day. Maybe because it's like you still enjoy like little prima juice drinks and stuff that your palate is not up to the champagne ham. Yeah, with whiskey. What?
Starting point is 00:05:53 What? What? Oh, mum, just go- We're gonna talk about this later, mum. Oh, mum, just get the suppressor and the prosciutto on the snapper crack. I'm gonna get your friend just saying. Yeah, he's just in the boot room before I go. Boot room.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Would you like anything to drink? Mm. I'll tell you what, would you like to know what we've got? Yeah. We've got Aaron Chotaroza. We've got San Palagrino. Yeah. I can just do tap water.
Starting point is 00:06:22 We've got a viscous peir juice, a thick pejus and a little glass bottle. Little glass bottles. It's like a neck, that's more of a neck than consistency. Yeah. What if you got in a little bit of a higher shelf if you catch my drift? No, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Let me put it this way. What's in daddy's cabinet? Mark, can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, but I've got to do my podcast mum, so just quickly. We're doing a Justice League snider cut dedicated podcast. Oh, okay, I don't know that he's seen life as beautiful. Yeah, we're hoping that this run is like forever. Yeah, it's the beautiful that film.
Starting point is 00:07:01 It's not my top 10, but we're hoping for 50,000 downloads in her first week on this one Yeah, so if you'll excuse us What have you got in that special the special cabinet? I'm not giving you an alcoholic drink. I'm sorry I don't know how you do things at your home fine. I guess I'll have a phanta Okay, it's it is an an Italian fan-ter though, it's a little more tart, it tastes more of orange. It's got a bit of a bite to it, it's an enchiarto rossa. It's a bit more like an orange in the rossa. Yeah, it is slightly more challenging, the more challenging, the more challenging the more I enjoy it actually.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Can you just get Zach in here mum so we can start the podcast please? I'd like to drink darling. I'll have the pay-nick to please mum. The The paynick then I'll get a couple of I'll get some prosciutto and some crackers That would be great and some suppressors. Well, yeah, if you wanted to bring some Mom frizzante I would really appreciate that man. No, that's just simple greeno mom It's just sparkling water I'm sorry mom. I'm so sorry. It's okay mom. I'm sorry Do you guys have some stream at the warehouse? No, we don't have some.
Starting point is 00:08:08 No, we just buy some polygreens. We get some polygreens. So, stream's actually really, really good. I think you do. Yeah, we can afford to buy our soft drinks, yeah. We don't need to make them from fuss. It's not a matter of whether you can afford to buy soft drinks.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It's more about like eco and like, you know, being a bit more mature about the whole thing. Well, we recycle everything and we only buy glass bottles, which is actually better for the environment. So yeah, anyways, how are you going? Hi, Dad. Hi, how are you?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, good. We're just trying to record our podcast, Dad. Yeah, great. I was just working on a site with your dad. F**k. F**k. Oh, yeah. I was just working on a site with your dad.
Starting point is 00:08:43 How are you doing with school? Are you doing well with me. Really well, actually, I'm worried that I'm doing too well. Oh, I can't get you. So they're thinking about putting me into the gold league, which is this, it's like a special stream of like high achievers. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:58 So they've actually never seen anything like it. They said, my work on the creative writing assignment was, I think I'm option for a movie deal, potentially with it. Okay. And what they're saying is that this is one of a mind that comes along once in a century kind of stuff, which is really exciting for me.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Okay. Listen, I'm going down to La Poquetta. Get a couple of pizzas. Would you boys like some pizza? Yeah, that'd be great Yeah, that'd be awesome dad. Thank you. What pizza do you want Hawaiian, please? Hawaiian extra pineapple. You don't want pineapple on you. Hawaiian extra pineapple, please dad Marco, you don't want pineapple on your pizza. Dad, it's fine. I like it. Oh I love a fishy pizza
Starting point is 00:09:44 You want that? Alright boys, see you later. You see your mum, see that? I'm really afraid of you. I'm really afraid of you. I'm embarrassed you have her mum. No you're fine mum, I love you. I love you too mum, mum, mum.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Alright boys, see you later mum. See you dad. Love boys, see you later Mark. I'm like, well, see you dad. Love it, see you sir. I'll see you later. He's very polite boy with that brodo. And I like him. He stood up when I came in the room, very polite. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:13 All right boys, he's like, thanks mom. Hey, hey guys, hey, sorry about my bitch of a mom. No, that's okay. She was really nice. She gave me a pair juice. It was really viscous and thick. Yeah, yeah, thick peaches. Is that a telly and think? Um, we're gonna start doing the podcast now. Do you need me to join the zoom for the video?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Yeah, join the zoom, please. I'll just set up my laptop. I'm so sorry, I'm late guys. What happened? Dad just got mad. Yeah, he got mad because I didn't clean my room. It was really on me for my room. I don't want to get into a was really on me for not getting my room. I don't want to get into a whole thing, but we are wasting time. I know, I know, I know, and there's so much, but I feel like, because it's fine.
Starting point is 00:10:54 The Snyder Cut is three hours and 58 minutes in length. So we'll just wait, I haven't started yet. Fine, okay. So all I'm saying is like, there's enough content there, I think, for this podcast to potentially go it for the next 10 years. So if we can, so it's okay, like take our time, there's so much to get through.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I wanna be analyzing, my hope, my goals, my dreams for this podcast is to be analyzing almost basically down to each individual frame I'm worried that I'm gonna my takes are gonna be too smart It's I think smart takes hot takes. I we've got a section in the podcast for hot takes I think we'll just discuss each moment of a film and then at the end we'll do a hot take section where Like seven episodes six per part Yeah, and then a hot take yeah, and then like a hot take at the end we'll do a hot take section where like seven episodes six per part yeah and then a hot take yeah and then like a hot take at the end six chapters
Starting point is 00:11:50 six chapters in the in the in the in the text notice yeah just like the six chapters are have you seen it yeah and if you guys could you've seen it yeah yeah I watched I watched it with my dad Okay He it's really important that you've seen as long as you've seen it. Yeah, it's on bitch good. I'm TV So a little bitch. I said binge and also I I'm pretty sure I said binge did you but and also I watched and this just just Weed inversion at your house as well So yeah, if I get them modeled up and accidentally say a scene
Starting point is 00:12:26 from the just weed inversion. It'll be good to compare the changes, because X-Men have made a lot of changes to the original. So we'll talk about that. And also just remembering to say, hashtag restore the Snyderverse as often as possible, because that is the ultimate goal. Well, didn't they make it?
Starting point is 00:12:42 No, but we want them to restore the entire Snyderverse, actually so like snide had plans for a second just to leave me I'm a second men's deal. We want David Ayers actual a theatrical what was his cut? We I'd love his cut of suicides well because I feel like Theatrical cat didn't do it justice and then you speak all this but you can't say the opening that we've been trying to do Well, all right. Well, hit record. Um, Dick and I'll show you that I'm sorry. And I actually, before we start, can I just ask Mark a really quick question? Yeah, just in terms of the equipment. Um, just because I had to use the money, my nanoletk, me when she passed away. Um, uh, because it was really expensive. And I know you said it was really
Starting point is 00:13:26 important for the podcast that we got the $3,000 micro phones. I should have a quick question. Are you saying that like you will be making back money on advertising? Yeah. I thought so. Yeah. Yeah. So do I just keep the receipt or how does that work? Because my parents don't know I used like I had to go into the bank. Yeah, it's like, this will generate income like you have never seen or could believe. Right. I'll call some of the richest people in the world have podcasts.
Starting point is 00:13:54 For me though, it's a thing like that, even if it's a lot, it won't even touch the sides of the income that I make from my investments. What investments? I'd rather not get into the minutiae of it, but I'm doing really well in 14-year-olds. Yeah, I didn't know we were allowed to invest in that 14. That's really cool.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I've found ways around in particular in the cryptocurrency realm. Did you know that Jesus was actually a capitalist? I learned that at church on something. Okay. Because you think because you got mad at the stall and stuff that he's not a capitalist, but actually he's a capitalist and a lot of like capitalist values Align with Jesus as well. Yeah, but did he have any non-fudging tokens? Yeah, that's a cryptocurrency thing. Yeah, I know that I know that I know that on a stem one day Yeah, it's like it's like crypto currency. That's what my dad's investing in at the moment. Yeah, I know that I've got them
Starting point is 00:14:47 Welcome to the justice league Zack's night is justice league podcast hashtag restore the sniderverse I am your humble host mark and we have Broden here Bonjour and we also have Zach. Oh, hello. My two cohorts in dissecting, analyzing... Oh, mom. Mom, mom. We started recording the podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:14 It's okay. You can edit around me. Bro, do you want to... I don't know. Thank you. And you want to... Pair juice? Yes, mom. Correct. And I've just got the same
Starting point is 00:15:26 Pellegrino and some glasses. Did you want a still water as well? I know no no bubbly is fine mum for the frisante is fine. This is fine. Thank you miss. That will be all. Okay. Goodbye. I'm Mark. You're gonna make a rule. No chicks. Yeah. No, no, absolutely. Seriously, like, I'm trying to post. Unless we get Gal Gadot on in which case, and I've sent an email to her manager, because if Gal, I've sent an email to Gal Gadot's manager. How did you find that? intimate database pro.
Starting point is 00:15:58 You gave I'm DB pro. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you've made that credit card again on there and then actually you can get all the information from all the celebrities. Did you know Mark's on the internet database? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I put my short film on there. And also the neighbors appearance, the uncredited neighbors appearance.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, did they put that up for you, or did you have to? I had to put it up there myself, but that's even like people like Toby McGuire put their own stuff up on there. Like they don't, like if you get, you'll see if you get, um... Toby McGuire puts his own things on IMDb. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so like he was...
Starting point is 00:16:32 Wow, I don't know anything about the film industry. Yeah, it's all like, it all runs off, it all runs off through it. And like, yeah, and so that's where you get all the like emails and numbers and I've got Gal Gadot's number and my, and found real stuff. I double checked that but I have no view actually. No I do. I've got like a direct line. I think you're fine that you've actually not gone and you're
Starting point is 00:16:52 actually been running down the rabbit hole. I have and well I've sent an email so you'll be the fool once I get a reply. Yeah I think you'll find that there'll be you'll be there'll be just some radio songs on that. Yeah you'll see yeah well I guess you will see. Yeah I guess you'll see. Yeah, well, I guess you'll see. I guess you'll see. Yeah, I guess you'll see and stuff. But yeah, so we're going to start the podcast now. And we're going to start. Hi, welcome to Zack Snyder's Justice League, the podcast, hashtag, restore the Snyder Cut.
Starting point is 00:17:17 My name, my name, your humble host this evening. My name is Mark and Mike two cohorts this evening, Broden. Bonjour. And Zach. And this is the official non-official podcast for analyzing, looking at, discussing, and really just tearing apart every element of Zach's
Starting point is 00:17:39 night as Justice League, the Snyder Cut, Hashtag, Restore this Night of Us. as Justice League, the Snyder Cut, Hedge Tag, Rastore, the Snyder Verse. Chapter 1, we begin. So in Chapter 1, we begin off the podcast, Brodan Zach and I, are going to be looking at and discussing our general thoughts about the Zack Snyder's Justice League and how it compares to the theatrical cut, which will be referred to as the theatrical cut or the, or the, the justice league. Yeah, just like I think I would think justice league is in certain, or a role I's emoji. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah. Uh, I think I will refer to it as the justice league because he has, he took a knife to, uh, to a masterpiece in this. Yeah. And tore it to shreds. Yeah, and torrentous shrinks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I were like, so like, when I was watching Justice League, I was like, okay, so this doesn't work. This isn't holding together, but I had a couple of scenes
Starting point is 00:18:36 that I was like, I love, I was like, I hate this scene. I hate this scene. I love this scene. I love this scene. And then I watched Zack Snyder's Justice League. All the scenes that I said I love Sains in Zack Snyder's Justice League. All Zack Snyder scenes. So like upon watching Justice League I knew which things were Snyder and which things were just. Well, I think it was abundantly clear in the way that it made me in the way that I Saw it four years ago. Well, that actually would have been difficult.
Starting point is 00:19:06 That actually would have been difficult to. I was nine. I was seeing him. And I was like, that looks like the me's on scene of Zach. And that looks like crap from Joss. Yeah. I could see it in front of my eyes. But it's cool that you eventually got it. I really like it was longer. It was longer was one. Are we talking about differences now? One thing I I really liked it was longer. It was longer. Are we talking about differences now? One thing I felt was that it was longer and also that it was darker. That is true.
Starting point is 00:19:32 That is true. That is true. The exact night as Justice League comes in a runtime of about three hours and 58 minutes, and that includes the epilogue and credits, whereas the Justice League, or as I'm calling it the Cross-Dust League, because it made me cross, runs in and about.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I think that's making things a little unclear. So if I can just say to that, let's stick to Justice League. If that's what you would like to call it, that's fine, but... I think it's important, because otherwise... How do you get to all this nutica? I think you get this eventually, but the notion that you need to make it clear for the listener.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, oh. Hey boys, how are you? Dad. Here you go, boys. Did you want to eat the pizza out here, like out at the outside? So we're just in the middle of some stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:18 We will get to that. Yeah, it's just, you know, we've got some pizza now and Mark. Yeah. Do you want to come out and eat the pizza now dad Just bring the pizza down here. Yeah, well look you've been rude to your mum all night. I have not said She's upset make a little break from your podcast Come out have some pizza with you. We've got to do the podcast in one go dad. So now I've got to start again Bro, I don't I'm look you're a nice boy. I do just need to talk to my son. Yeah, yeah listen here, ma if you don't go out there and have pizza with your mother I swear God
Starting point is 00:21:04 Welcome back to the Justice League podcast. We didn't take a break there, we've just continued to talk through. It's the same time it was one hour ago and no one cried. No one's, we didn't have to sit through a really awkward piece of dinner at a dining room table for an hour. Yeah, it's just we've just picked up where we left off What were you saying mark Pick it up pick it up. Yeah, I, yeah, dude. So, Zach, I just think it's just really great shows the power of the people and the power of the DC fan base that this even exists.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Because if it wasn't for, I mean, I was hashtagging restore the snider cut every day for three years. And I feel like I had a pivotal role in getting this movie made. I don't know about you boys, how do you boys feel? Yeah, I think I was really excited when I heard that Zack Snyder was coming back in. Yeah, great. So what we're gonna do now is talk about the movie.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I loved it. Yeah, I loved it too. I thought it was really fun, but a lot darker and really intense and really interesting. I didn't... What did you guys think about sort of the idea of, because I've been reading a bit about how this idea that the superheroes are like false gods and stuff. Please don't do religious stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'm not, I'm not. Like I just think it's interesting. Please don't do religious stuff. But they're like false gods and it's a bit like when Harry Potter came out, how actually that was a little bit disrespectful and stuff. Yeah, I can. I can. Did you find the movie disrespectful to like I can curve? Yeah, I can. Yeah, I mean call look it up. But what does can curve mean?
Starting point is 00:23:20 It's like you were you're correct. It's It's an anttonum for like, yeah. It's like shit. Yeah, yeah. So I concur. I think the false god, Thene, was explored a little better in Batman vs Superman. There was a lot of mison scene in that movie. Look at the family.
Starting point is 00:23:42 In particular, the part that means of because of the scene. It means because of the scene. So because of the scene I felt this way. And the way I felt when I saw false god, it's actually written on the Superman statue, so because of the scene, it's on scene, I felt like Superman is a false god. It's actually some interesting questions from you. And actually there was shadows of Edward Sizzahans in this that I saw. So you notice in Edward Sizzahans how he has the hands of Sizzahans and I mean enough being a freak. Yeah. We watched it near eight English class. I think so. Yeah. Shadows of Edward Sizzahans in this movie.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, I think I disconcur with that. But what I think is interesting about what you bring on. You disconcur because you don't understand, but that's okay. No, no, no, no, no, if you give me a second to explain, the reason I do is because Tim Winton, who actually directed Edward Sizzahans, directed the first two live-action Batman films. Well, technically, the second and third Batman live-action films, if you include Batman 66, Batman 1960, which I do, starring Adam Wesson Burtward. But so he has sort of injected the DC universe with
Starting point is 00:25:09 a darkness and a tone that I think has infected every other DC film, infected in a good way like a vaccine. Okay, are you pro vaccine? Yeah, obviously. Interesting. What, I just think there's a lot of like things that we have an explored around that issue. No, I'm good. I have one thing. I thought it was really funny how Superman's top lip looked silly in this. Oh, okay. No, so okay.
Starting point is 00:25:37 All right, okay. All right, so have you rewind? Yeah, really. Just maybe stop the podcast for a second. Yeah. Nah, man. What do you the podcast for a second. Yeah Naman Doesn't it make it because I thought it was funny how he's top-notman silly. Have you seen mission impossible? Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:25:57 In mission impossible, there's about standing mission impossible and then others that leave you in possible and then others that leave you wanting all of the mission impossible. I've seen it all. Number two has the best soundtrack. Yeah, I love number two and I also love number four. Yeah. Do you listen to the biscuit? Do you listen to the biscuit? No, but the crap is heard of creed. Yeah, I've just heard it like the biscuit creed. They're really just stuff. I think they do have some religious themes. They're a Christian rocker.
Starting point is 00:26:28 They're pretty cool. They really rock out. I prefer music that's got like, I can't stand like a whole, give me something that's got like a fucking at the gates verse and then like a fucking creed chorus. But like a whole creed song's like too much for me. But like that kind of like mix between, that blend between like, you know, like melodic death metal, and then like. Oh, no, no, no, I don't, like, just a tasting,
Starting point is 00:26:53 I don't really go for that sort of music. Was there something wrong about the mustache? Yeah, so like, okay, so like in the justice, or the cross the sleeve, whatever you wanna call it. We wanna call it justice What is this music? Creed Fuck he's actually pretty good isn't it yeah, listen to this. It's really cool. It's like really really okay
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah, it's a lot heavier than I thought it would be I've never actually heard Creed, but I Sometimes I just get like so mad. I want to scream hood creed but sometimes I just get like so mad I want to scream fuck this is heavy and I just I just put this music on and I just I dance in my room and I dance and I just I feel like I know I'm not allowed to talk about religious stuff but I feel like at the power of yeah something out the craziest of something out of the craziest. It's really beautiful. I like my religious experiences. Once I went to a simple plan concert and that was the craziest pit I've ever been in.
Starting point is 00:27:53 That was like people were absolutely tearing each other apart. I've been to a simple plan. That's like my religion, like being on the floor, pushing Shovey and death, you know, circle pits, wall of death, that kind of thing. That's like the closest I've ever felt to God, because the music and then the comradery that you feel, like this one chick fell over in the pit, and then like everyone got around to,
Starting point is 00:28:20 you're all back off, back off. It was like, hey, hey, hey, look out, look out, look out, picked a route. And then this place is to be. Gave her a high five and it was six in like the two genders come together like that and like respect each other, even though like seeing a chick at a simple plan concept,
Starting point is 00:28:37 something like that heavy and stuff was like crazy. I didn't expect to see chicks there and they were there and I was like, oh man man if you're in that like I asked around a date She said no, but like you know because she was like a little bit older than me and stuff I was her name grand grand gradle. Yeah, yeah, I dated her for a little bit What you've dated everyone? She's really cool. You dated Greta. Yeah, yeah. She has some growing up to do, but she's really cool. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Well, can I tell you about the last concert I went to? This is simple plan. Oh, yeah, yeah. I just haven't heard this song. Sorry, is this a thing? This is the biggest song. This is the biggest song. Yeah, right, right.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Can I tell you about the last concert I went to, because that's really cool that you went to one that was so heavy. I went to one a few weeks ago in Sydney, it was my family, and the music was so cool, and I got so intense, and I was like, if you shake it, it was a song. It wasn't ill, no, it wasn't ill song. And I was there, and I was shaking, and, like, the music was so good that I started speaking another language that none of us wrote. It was like an ancient language.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Yes, Skymoat was just so cool. And Justin Bieber had been there like three weeks previous. And it was Hillsong, but it was really cool. I can told you know, now do you guys love to rock? Yeah, of course, yeah. I have having musical diet I'm gonna change your minds about how rock happens. This is a band consisting of two twins. Yeah called good Charlotte And they rock
Starting point is 00:30:16 Fuck that's heavy Yeah Change Can you turn it on? New day? What? Yeah, this is good music. This is good.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I actually love this. His voice is like so raw. Oh yeah, they've lost me on the pre-chorus there a little bit I would have done that differently oh yeah wait for this wait for that cha cha cha cha it's a little derivative shut up No, that's pretty good actually. Zach's going through some shit over here. Is this secular music? No, it is not. Cool, it's not secular.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Do you know what secular means? Yeah, round. Is it, is this really just music? No, is it secular? I don't know So basically secular music is like music that's like like of the human realm. It's about like human desires and passions I get so then because that song, I felt something in my belly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:49 That's called Rock and Roll. Welcome to the Snyder Cut. Restore the Snyder Cut. Welcome to Zack Snyder's Justice League, the podcast. Hashtag restore the Snyder Cut. We are here today discussing. I have to go home. I have to go home.
Starting point is 00:32:07 It's not the podcast. I reckon we've got enough to cut that into. So yeah. I reckon give me that and give me like 15 minutes on Garage Band and I'll be able to put together an hour or so of a really good podcast. Yeah, you reckon? I thought we could close out with this though.
Starting point is 00:32:27 This is another cool man called Yellow Card. I actually just got their single. Yes. Can you make me like a... I'll burn you a CD. Can you burn me a CD of some of this stuff? If you give me two bucks for the re-writer, we'll devise a CD.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I'll give you $50. This is some good stuff, man. Yeah. This is yellow card. So what the best part about them is they have a fiddle up. This is some good stuff man. Yeah. This is yellow card. So what the best part about them is they have a fiddle up. This is hard. I mean, yeah, I listen to the heaviest stuff in this, but this is really, it's harder stuff than this.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, what do you listen to? Body jar. Can you make me a CD of Body jar? Yeah, 28 days. Yeah, I want one more of this music. Mostly Australian stuff I hear you say. Well, yeah, I like to want more of this music. Mostly Australian stuff I hear you say. Well, yeah, I like to support the local arts. Like, I think you'll find you're burning your eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:11 And if you open your mind up to some of the things that are coming in from OS. Well, I actually do listen to a lot of stuff from America, but actually, I think you'll find that Australian stuff is just as good. It's up to par. I didn't watch Justice League. I didn't watch Justice League because I wasn't allowed. Shut up, just do the outro.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Thank you so much for joining us on the Justice League. Snyder Cut, Rastore Snyder vs. I hate my face. That's Justice League. I can't with him. I can't today. He just keeps interrupting me. And the fucking podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:42 All right, to sit your fucking dining room table and eat a marinara pizza for an hour. I think probably all I'll need is just all of the saying, hashtag restore the Snyder Cut to set your store. One, two, three. hashtag restore the Snyder Cut. First. You've been listening to the Antidona Podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by See you next week!

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