Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 251 - No Preamble Zone

Episode Date: April 20, 2021

This week Mark and Zach take over the podcast because Broden Kelly is sick :( auntydonna.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a legend, so modern to another rip episode of the R&T Donner podcast. Episode 251, where we finally got here and Broden is off sick today, so Mark and Zach have pulled together a wonderfully ripper, PODY BORTI, by AuntyDomaclub. You listen to the only Donna podcast. The greatest fucking podcast in the world. Bro, they make it, they can sometimes, and yes, we hope you enjoy the mother fucking podcast. Hello and welcome to the Auntie Donna podcast. My name is Zachary Rewane. I'm joined, as always, by Mark Benano.
Starting point is 00:00:38 But unfortunately, we have an illness in the team. Broden Kelly called us up this morning. Has a bit of a cold or a flu. We don't know. Maybe two years Broden Kelly called us up this morning. Has a bit of a cold or a flu. We don't know, maybe two years ago he still would have popped in. But now we're a lot more conscious of germs. He's not here today. He's gone and gotten a COVID test.
Starting point is 00:00:56 He is looking after himself. But we thought, heck, we've done it before. We can do it again. Mark, how are you mate? I'm great, Zach. we've done it before, we can do it again. Mark, how are you mate? I'm great, Zach, thanks for, thanks for, thanks for, really taking the lead there, getting the podcast off to a great start. I couldn't have done a better myself,
Starting point is 00:01:19 I couldn't have done a better myself, and I mean that, and I mean that, mate. I could not have done a better myself, The way you, I wanna talk about that. I wanna, one of the things I wanted to talk about today was how well you started off today's podcast. Well, you know, I think Mark sometimes people throw a lot of accusations at the two of us, you know, the sense that we aren't the driving force
Starting point is 00:01:43 in terms of rhythm pace pushing it forward. Yes. We are the languid ones. We are the ones that keep on the riff, that pull it back, but not today. No, there will be no riffs. There will be no languidity. There will be one thing, and that is pace, fun, sharpness, and a strong masculine energy. You are losing Broden, but you are not gonna lose his qualities in today's podcast. I'm telling you that much for sure. That's right, I've no Broden impression here. What I'm trying to do is prove that we can do a sharp tip point.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Absolutely. High energy. Yes. Yes. Yes. Fun. Not off topic, not weird podcast. And that's not to say.
Starting point is 00:02:42 That's not to say that we don't need Broding Kelly. That's not to say that Broding Kelly isn't welcome back on the podcast. What we're saying is that Zach and I have the ability to do what he does, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it is good sub-tops to have him on the podcast. You know, I wept, I wept when I heard he wasn't coming in,
Starting point is 00:03:07 but I think this is more just, you know, last podcast, I think there were some accusations that we got a little off topic, that we went a little hard on the rift, that we went for a really long time and didn't really go anywhere, but we want to prove today that we can do something high energy, high impact, high up, get to the point quickly.
Starting point is 00:03:27 We've got some great topics today. We've got a big list of topics that we're going to get to, but before that, I just want to say that we're going to get there quickly. And we're really going to get it hard. And you've got that list of topics. I've got the whole list written down and ready to go. And we're going to get to that list pretty quickly, I think. I mean, I want list written down and it's ready to go and we're gonna get to that list Pretty quickly, I think I mean I want to get straight into it I mean are you a fan of getting straight into it, man? I love diving in I like no preamble
Starting point is 00:03:54 I like no fucking around let's talk about what's happening What's on the list the stuff we've prepared, because we are to our listeners, Zach. And I love the listeners. I love the listeners. I'm the listener of other podcasts. I know what it is to be a listener. Absolutely. And also we're filming this for the Patreon,
Starting point is 00:04:16 if you didn't know we have a Patreon. It's called the Antidona Club Powered by Patreon. Antidona Club Powered by Patreon. That is on the list. We will be talking about the Patreon, so I don't want to cover it too much. No, no, absolutely not. But I do want to dive in.
Starting point is 00:04:28 But the reason I brought it up, Zach, the reason I brought it up was because you can watch the podcast on that. And I, in my 33 odd years of life on this planet, have at times watched things. Not all the time. I'm not watching things every second of every day, Zach, but it is something I've done in my life. You've watched things. Yes, you've watched podcasts. us. Well, not necessarily podcasts, just things. Yeah. Like, what have you watched? Oh, you know, this and that. Like, what? Well, you put me on the spot here. I'm not just going to, that's a bit personal. No, but what have you watched? Like, I'm not just
Starting point is 00:05:22 thought, just the personal stuff. You watch TV. Yeah, yeah, yeah name one television program Country practice Okay, now tell me a little bit about country practice So in the in the country So in the country, there's a slew of characters. Too many to remember. And they're all getting ready for the big cricket game. And they need to practice for it. Tell me about Wombat.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Excuse me? One bat. One bat? The small marsupial creature. In relation to a country practice. Well, of course, of course, one bat. Why are you putting this on me, bud? What are you doing? What are you feel like I'm not lying I'm not lying I feel like you're putting you're trying to embarrass me here all I was saying was you said you've listened to podcasts all I was saying is I've I've watched stuff what have you watched I don't think you've watched country practice that's fine why are you lying about that? And if you haven't watched that, what have you watched? Zach! Look, are you accusing me of having never watched anything in my life?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Other than this, like, other than me right now on a stream, if that's what I'm talking about, structured, you know, videos. Yeah, structured, edited videos. I don't think you've ever watched a structured video in your life. Of course I have. I want edited. Anti-Donna! Other than anti-Donna. No, you can't say other than, can't. You can't just all of it, sudden put a fucking, put a fucking caveat on this shit. All right, no, but like you we're gonna talk about anti-donna then, every time we've done an edit together, you know, Max is doing the edit and we're giving him notes.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Your edits are really strange. They're often things like, I saw Broden approaching a door and then all of a sudden we see a door handle and a hand turning it, whose hand is that? Who, what door is this? What? And those are fundamental, that's fundamental visual language that anyone who watches video content understands
Starting point is 00:07:55 that that door and that handle is the same door and handle as the preceding door and the hand turning it is broadens. It's fundamental visual language that we've had since the silent era. The Russians, so the fact that when you give notes, you say things like, okay, so we saw a house, and then the next time, and then suddenly we're inside a house, what's the house that we see?
Starting point is 00:08:24 You know, when we were editing Antidon's Big Old House one, you were giving notes to Max like, what is the house? When we see a house and then suddenly we're inside a house, is this the same house? And it's like, yes, that's an establishing shot. Well, yeah, I've got my eyes closed for most of the edits, all right, but that doesn't mean that I don't then,
Starting point is 00:08:45 in my private time, away from everyone else, I don't sit down and watch the final product. Of course I do. Yeah, but what I do, saying Mark, is, like, you might not know the word, that like anyone I meet might not know the word establishing shot. But they know that if they see a house, and then the next shot is people inside a house,
Starting point is 00:09:09 they know that they're inside the house we've just seen. Well you're just making up words now, Zach. I was a establishing shot. You don't have to know the words. It's odd that you don't understand that visual language. Of course I understand language. We're talking right now. But Mark, I don't think you've ever watched
Starting point is 00:09:31 a piece of film content other than aren't you done when you give notes. That is, let's ludicrous and I'm not talking about the rapper. Okay, what does he look like? Who? not talking about the rapper. Okay. What does he look like? Who? Ludacris. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I think you've only ever listened to his music. I don't think you've ever seen a music video. You're... I would like to get back onto topic, because now I feel like this is turned into a Salem witch hunt and I'm the witch. Yeah, I've asked a very simple question. I've asked for some sort of proof that you've watched something in the visual media. We talked about one bat. We talked about one bat and you didn't know there was a one bat in country practice. I said a small marsupial creature.
Starting point is 00:10:24 That was a trick question and I was talking. I said a small marsupial creature. That was a trick question. I was talking about the character whose nickname is one-bat. Obviously. You were talking about that, but you didn't. Ah. No.
Starting point is 00:10:35 No. I was talking about the one-bat. Which is why I said a small marsupial creature. Obviously. You were talking about one-bat in general. You're trying to pick me apart and you can't do it because clearly I have seen a thing, I've watched something before.
Starting point is 00:10:50 You've got nothing. You are a bucket full of holes, trying to hold some water, trying to put out a fire. But mate, you've already got third degree burns all over your head, and that's why it looks like you've got a pie on your face. Mark, I don't want to be the guy that calls you out on never having watched anything. It's a weird thing that you've never watched in any edited video in your life.
Starting point is 00:11:24 But now that I say it, I think about when we're on set, and Max goes, okay, we're gonna get a close up now, and you go, didn't we just do it? Didn't we, why are you putting the machine closer to my face? Like, you don't understand that like, it's just, there's a lot of things that are starting to make sense to me now. I think you're full of shit.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Okay. I think you are trying to make me look stupid. Not stupid. Yeah, stupid. Because I feel stupid. Now, Zach, I feel stupid. Have you been to the movies? Yeah, I've walked past heaps of times. Have you been inside a movie? Our walk past haaps of times.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Have you been inside a movie cinema? Yes, sack! What did you do there? What's the process of going to a movie? Well, you walk up to the, you know, there's the spruca who's going, come in, come see the latest, come get any out, come look, check it out. And you go, all right, I suppose I'll go on this because they're like bargains, big bargains on Godzilla versus Kong or whatever is happening at the moment.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Come see faculty, come get any watch faculty. I'm like, all right, I'll come see that. And so then you go down the, you go in underground of course with the tunnel, the tunnel takes you all the way on the ground and you're going to make sure beforehand they give you galoshes because you don't want your feet to get wet, because there's a lot of muck down there. And then you walk into the room and there's, you know, you go to, there's, you know, there's death everywhere. And so you've got to remove yourself from that, make sure that doesn't get in your lungs. And then you, you know, you get, you get tied up. And then they, you know, flogged you for an hour and a half or however long it is.
Starting point is 00:13:33 And then you get out of there, and you clean up in your own time, in your own space afterwards. We're going to go to an ad now if there is one. If not, it'll just come back and you'll know that we're not making money from Acust this week. But we're gonna go to an ad now. When we come back, I did have a list of things
Starting point is 00:13:55 I was gonna cover, but we need to dig in because I don't think Mark has ever watched a video of anything in his life, how that's happened, I don't know, but I'm gonna find out more after this. That's ridiculous. Hi, welcome to the Antidona podcast. If you're just joining us, my name is Zach Rwain. I'm here with Mark Bonanno, who I believe has never watched a thing.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Has never watched anything. Has never watched a video. There's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, Zach, of course I have. Just described the moving image for me. Well, that's a loaded question. That's about as loaded as like nacho fries. Have you ever had nacho fries? Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Well, can I break them down for you? Yeah. Chippies. Your choice of what kind of chipies? Personally, I like waffle chipies. I prefer like with a nacho fries. I prefer like a chunky chip with like a spicy taco seasoning. I think a waffle chipy's works really well
Starting point is 00:15:08 because it has a similar amount of surface area as a corn chipy. Nacho fries are too soft. The greatest charm of nachos is the crunch of the corn chip. Oh look, I disagree. I think that nachos are one thing, and nacho fries are almost their own separate thing.
Starting point is 00:15:29 You know, you're absolutely right. I think that a lot of people would say nacho fries are a type of nacho. They would be wrong. Incorrect. nacho fries. nacho fries is a loaded fry with a nacho theme. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:15:41 If you are in the mood for nachos, obviously you want that Dorito crunch. You're not going to go for a loaded nacho fries, but if you're in the mood for loaded fries, the nacho fries is a great option. So you've got... Here's a question for you. Is a pasta salad a salad or a pasta dish? I would say pasta dishes in its traditional senses, are warm hot dishes. Yeah, yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:16:20 So yes, I would consider a pasta salad. I think it lives in a grey area. Because the my follow-up question is, you know, the other day I had a pasta and meatball situation. And what's the idea of meatballs? While it was a Penae and meatball sort of pasta-baked type situation. Yeah. Sort of small, small little pork meatballs. And there were some leftovers. And before I popped it in the microwave, I had a couple of pieces of the cold penne.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Mark, in that moment, was I having a pasta salad or was I having a cold pasta? No, you were having cold pasta. Okay. That says this is what I... But there is a grey area, alright. I don't know if you're trying to fucking trip me up here. No, I'm just, I think that what we've seen here is a fallacy in language and, you know, we're arguing about it. I am not fallacy, alright. I fuck so hard and so often. So how dare you. Yeah. What's your favourite porn over there?
Starting point is 00:17:22 Um, I really like wild things. Wild things, stuff about wild things. It's got the, it's got a nev Campbell in it. This is all information you could have gleaned from a magazine or IMDB. Not proof that you've seen the film. It's my, no, I have it, and it's my favorite porn. It's set in a pool, and they're all wet the whole time. And it's quite nice.
Starting point is 00:17:51 That's, there's a lot of still images of that pool scene, Mark. This is exactly my point here. There's been no evidence that you've seen the moving image. Other than edits of anti-donna and the very zoom call that we are filming right now. I swear I'm positive I've seen something moving. What? I'm positive. I'm positive.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Well no, because now I'm starting to doubt myself. You know how like you're very, you're convinced of one thing and you're like, absolutely, I've seen some, like I swear I've at least seen a super rate, like a student super rate film at some point in my life, right? And I know I've been to the movie and you know, I'm on the internet constantly trying to self-diagnose, you know, what's going on and that's oh, you know, what's going on upstairs with me This and stuff stuff this and stuff going on up there stuff
Starting point is 00:18:56 You don't want to be privy to but in amongst all of that and Yes, I read bike magazines like B BMX magazines. I subscribe to N64 gamer. I've got nieces and nephews, so there's a lot of the K-Zones around in my life, right? At some point, I must have seen, you know, however many frames there are in a second,
Starting point is 00:19:23 a billion, like happening at one time. Surely. Mmm. I just... Like, for me, I know. I know the last time I saw the movie, you mean? Oh, well, when? Um... Last night? Last night.
Starting point is 00:19:42 What did you say? What did you say? I was watching the show you wrote. The show you wrote that's on Netflix now. Why you like this? Yeah, I watched that one. And what episode? Five. Who happens in that episode?
Starting point is 00:19:58 Well, I watched them all in a row. Yeah. So five is, oh well, I don't want to talk about it, because the one that is the most controversial, it's the controversial one. Right. I don't want to comment on it. Because I was already comment on.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Well, it's the controversial one. Well, I mean, I would say maybe every episode has a little bit of controversial. But it's got a lived experience that I can't comment on. Yeah, but you can say the word. It's about Ramadan. Okay. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:32 See, now you would know that because you were involved in the writing of that series, okay? Yes. So, I, there's no proof in that show that's available now on Netflix, worldwide, or I view in Australia. There's no proof that you've seen that show that's available now on Netflix worldwide or I or I view in Australia there's no proof that you've seen that show because you've read the scripts so I don't think that's gonna work as any kind of evidence but this is
Starting point is 00:20:55 what I'm saying but I can tell you everything that happens in it you bet you read it all okay can you tell me what the title sequence looks like? Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm sure I've seen that. Yeah, just tell me what the title sequence looks like. At one point, the title of the show appears, that's towards the back end. I don't remember. I think it's at the top. I think it's at the top. Well, it's quite a short title sequence.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I believe in its placement is hard to tell. I argue, I would argue, that the last thing you see is most likely the title of the show. I don't think it's like I can't remember. You didn't let me finish. Okay. Or an image of the three to four main characters. So before that I watched a YouTube video. Okay. I watched a YouTube video about Disneyland, right? You watch a lot of stuff. Well yeah, that's's a lot. Like our generation, if anything watches a little too much, I'm like, time for anything else. I've never watched that much stuff in my life.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I don't, Mark. Well, that's exactly my point. I've just described what, like, maybe two hours of content. And you've just said to me, I've never watched more than that in my entire life. So that, I don't mind me. I'm being, I'm being verbose.ose, like obviously it's not that much. Obviously like, you know, five to six hours of stuff
Starting point is 00:22:32 is like that's unheard of, but like, yeah, two hours. You know people that watch that in a week, man, in a day, even. Oh yeah, yeah, people who are bloody, you know, working from home, people who have, people who have in between jobs maybe. Mm. Sure, you know. Mm, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I just think it's really weird that you can't think of one thing you've watched. How did we get back onto this? We were talking about loaded fries. We were. We were. Have you ever seen an ad for loaded fries? They don't advertise loaded fries. Sometimes they do. As a general thing, like in the same way that they advertise like...
Starting point is 00:23:12 Not generally, no, but if a shop has some loaded fries that they want to spook, McDonald's, when they started doing loaded fries, I'm sure they had an ad for loaded fries. What kind of loaded fries you get in a McDonald's? You ain't getting nacho fries. They did for a time do a nacho fry. But it was really just a glob of, you know, they call it guacamole, but really it's like an avocado paste. Yeah, yeah. A green avocado flavored paste and a salsa.
Starting point is 00:23:42 They do gravy, gravy fries. Well, that's not loaded. I wouldn't say that's a loaded fry. I think they do like bacon and cheese. They definitely do a loaded fry at McDonald's. How many things need to be on a fry for it to be loaded? Two, minimum two.
Starting point is 00:24:00 You think only two? Mm-hmm. I don't know, that seems small to me. That seems like a weak loaded fry. Yeah, but it's still a loaded fry. It's still a loaded fry. It might be not loaded with much. Maybe three.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I feel like three makes it like proper. Okay, we're going in. Because when you want, if you're going in for a loaded fry Mm-hmm You want to get fucked up you want to fuck yourself up And I feel like if you got a little bit of saucy or a little bit of dippy and then like One other thing Maybe but you can have a blink you're probably like I'm thinking if there's a cheese and a bacon
Starting point is 00:24:44 But that could almost be a dip Yeah, but if it's on it because I think as soon as you got cheese onion and burger sauce Yeah, we're talking a loaded fry there. Yes three things. That's a loaded fry like that's almost I can't I can't disagree with you there. I agree on three. I think I've just got to get you down to two I just I think I've just got to get you down to two. I just, I think in some circumstances, two could be considered a loaded fry, but this is a dangerous game we're playing. So it's really essentially what is a loaded fry, a fry.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I mean, fries are things you normally have just in a bowl with a sauce to the side if it all. And loaded fries is just literally the fries to become a receptacle for something else. Yeah, because it's the cut. I'm not saying. No, I'm not saying. The cut's gotta be loaded, cut.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, I think it's loaded with anything. I agree with you that one thing, that's just cheese on fries. That's just gravy on fries. Yeah. You know, if you've got like a cheese and a bacon, you're starting to load it with things that the fry becomes the receptacle.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I guess, I guess in the cheese bacon scenario, that makes sense. But what if it was like guacamole and sour cream and that's it? That's just two different dippies. Is that a loaded fry or is that just a fry with two different dippies on the top? Well, what is a loaded fry,
Starting point is 00:26:10 but a fry with the dip on the top? But then, so then why isn't just ketchup on top of a fry, a loaded fry? Because I think that's fries with ketchup on top. Well then, all right, all right, well then, all right, let's say I've got a fry. Mm-hmm. Let's say I put ketchup and mustard on top of this one. Well then, all right, all right, well then, all right, let's say I've got a fry. Mm-hmm. Let's say I put ketchup and mustard on top of it.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Is that a loaded fry? No, do you know, I think there needs to be... That's two things. This is what I'm saying. I think there needs to be something in those two that isn't a source. I agree with that. I think I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:26:42 So I think if you had fries with guacamole and bacon bits, you're in loaded fry territory. Is it a good loaded fry? Is it worthy of the name? Yeah, but it is a loaded fry. Okay. It's the other thing, you know, the McDonald's, yeah, yeah, I think two is,
Starting point is 00:27:01 you're in a space there where it could be a loaded fry. Three, it's a loaded fry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why? It's a fry with a sauce on it. Yeah, cause even three sources is pushing it, but if I was having a fry and there was ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise on top of it,
Starting point is 00:27:21 I'd go, this is pretty loaded. Yeah, no, this is pretty loaded. Mm. Yeah, no, totally, totally Mark. Like, I think that maybe there's two rules. One, it has to be two or more things. Two, one of those things has to not be a source. That's, I agree. I really agree.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I was really in love with it. Because I think you have had a cheese and a burger sauce that you're in loaded fried dough. Yes. Yes. Yes. A cheese and a bacon. Yes, King. I am your God. You are.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Now, was loaded fries on the list? We'll get to the list. We will get to the list. I just want to talk a little bit about the fact that I am your God. We mentioned that before when you call me your king. Well, I said, yes, king. Yes, and I said I am your God because the king, that's a leap, but yes. The king is designated by God.
Starting point is 00:28:20 What? What? I am your king and your God. Just so, King Arthur. Yeah. The last king that I was aware of was were they designated by? Yes. By Christ or? That's what they say. Yeah. You know, that's what they say. You know, that's why Elizabeth is the head of the church. What is your relationship like with your God? Is that a loaded-fry question?
Starting point is 00:28:53 No, but it is a loaded question. A loaded-fry question is, would you like to bake it on the... What's the bacon on the... Yeah, all, you know, how many things need to be on the fries to make it. It's a different question. But what is my relationship with God? Listen, I was raised Catholic. Not a particularly religious Catholic.
Starting point is 00:29:15 A lot of people think my Christian character that I do sometimes on this podcast is more based on myself than he is. He's about 20% me and 80% friends. He's all it's all based on truth, but not all my truth. Yes, and he's more pentacostal than I was. I get that quite a lot with my Lamparty character as well, but it's more, oh, that must be based on Mark because he's a little cunt. hunt and people just assume that that is how I am. I think because people in general want to dislike me. No, well I did a podcast the other day where I pretended waxed quizzical, currently at least
Starting point is 00:29:57 podcasted, real blast. And I pretended to be a well actually nerd, you know, like a similar to those characters, but the grown-up version lip. He loves troll and people. And it's really funny because I am a nerd and I love films and I can be a bit well actually sometimes. So, so, Mish who was on the podcast with me was joking about how similar this character was to me because I was leaning on my own film knowledge.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So I was talking about Donnie Darko and I was talking about Lord of the Rings. But then this character also was sexist racist and doxing people. So it was like, so Mishkep beg like, oh this is like you, this is just you 10 years ago. And I was like, no, I'm pulling from my own experience. Well, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:30:49 But I don't dox people. And now I worry that people think I dox people. But I don't. It's, you know, sometimes people forget that we take maybe one percent of ourselves and dial it up to a hundred four a character. Now Zach you were talking about your relationship with God, with your God, whatever God that may be. And I'd love to hear a little bit more about that. I'd love to hear about how your God influences your life decisions, your
Starting point is 00:31:25 choices. Okay, so I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. I haven't believed in God since I was about 21. It just sort of hit me like an epiphany. I was like, oh, he doesn't exist in my opinion. And I thought, oh, and you know, even if he does exist, he or she, or they are as flawed as I am. They don't explain my existence. That's just my opinion. So my relationship with God is non-existent. The relationship with tradition, with my upbringing, with my castly heritage, it's a little more complex. And not for a comedy podcast. I'd like to move on. That's great.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I would like to move on as well. I mean, as you know, with me, I was raised... Italian. So... So for me, my relationship to God is very different. It's more ravioli and sort of... This is the thing, a lot of people think God is a man in the sky. But for your people at least, you see God in a tasty ravioli. Or a biscotti.
Starting point is 00:32:46 On a enabiscotti. You see God in a jaradolmiro. Absolutely. I'll see God in a cheesy garlic bread. Parmigiano Reggiano, something like that, or a cheesy garlic bread, absolutely. You see God in a plate of, in a bowl of minestrone soup. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I'll see God on top of or in between two pieces of focaccia. You see God in a slice of chewy, slightly dry bread to mop up that pasta sauce. Absolutely. You know, I'll see God in sort of like a on a pizza, you know, that kind of thing. Like that sort of my, like a, maybe in a stuffed crust. Absolutely. Pizza, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:33:46 You know, to you and the man in the sky. No, no, I went to a private Italian school and they would teach us these things, but I similarly got to the age of 21 and I went, Italian stone exist. This is ridiculous. This is okay. No, I think they do. No, no, Italians don't exist. This is ridiculous. This is okay. Well, no, I think they do.
Starting point is 00:34:05 No, no, they don't. They, it's just, they're, they're, they're Greeks or they're French. There's no Italian. There's no Italians. Well, you know, I mean, you could argue that. Italy as a state is a very new state. I mean, it's only a few hundred years old.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Mm. In many ways, you are Sicilian. Sure. If that's even a thing. I will. It's in your opinion. I mean, Sicilian was once a part of Spain. Was it not? I don't know. Was it not, you know, once a part of the Roman Empire? I don't know. Italy, I believe. Yeah, I have no idea either. Mark, enough intro. Great intro, buddy.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Great intro. Great. Really solid intro. Shall I go through the list? Let's get to the list. All right, I don't think we have a lot of time, but I'll just run through. Oh, no, we are right out of time.
Starting point is 00:35:01 But I'll just run through the list. I will run through the list. Great. And then if there's anything here we want to cover, we'll just see. All right. Has Mark ever seen a moving image, loaded fries, question mark, video, has Mark ever seen a moving image,
Starting point is 00:35:16 part two, loaded fries, part two, is Zach a God? Are Kings, God's representative on earth? What is our relationship with God? Does Zach like to dox? What is our relationship with God? Part two, Italians and their relationship with God. And where Italian see God? Well, it's a shame we didn't get to any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:39 But maybe next time... No, next time. sick. And we can only hope that his illness goes for a very long time. So we can cover all of those. So we can cover all of these things. Obviously we don't want anything terrible
Starting point is 00:35:57 to happen to him. But if he goes into some sort of coma that knocks him out for six months or so because there's a lot there to digest. There's a lot there to digest. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list.
Starting point is 00:36:12 That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list.
Starting point is 00:36:20 That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. That's a big list. like obviously I've seen a moving image before, so that's that would be a silly thing to get. Yeah, that's the same obvious, but I am a science man. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Right? I don't go on assumption. And I, so far, have seen no evidence that you've watched a moving image beyond, beyond a live stream video call and edits of Aunty Donna. Yeah. Well, there's no evidence to support either case, so it's best to... Just strong evidence to support the fact that you haven't seen the moving image. And yet here we are completely unsure of whether that's true or not.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Okay, yeah, it doesn't really matter. Mark, thank you so much for coming on our podcast to promote why you like this on Netflix. You're so welcome. And I view in Australia. I would love to take this opportunity to promote the fact that I'll be going down to the shops. Oh yeah, you're doing that aren't you? Yeah, so I am every Tuesday going down to the shops
Starting point is 00:37:20 and just sort of standing there with my hair out, just giving out free hugs. That's sick, man. COVID be damned. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not true. I'm not doing that because of COVID. You are going to the shops though.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I mean, everyone. I sometimes I do go to the shops. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I go to the shops, but it's not like I'm going to go to the shop. I'm going to go to the shop. I'm going to go to the shop. I'm going to go to the shop. I'm going to go to the shop.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I'm going to go to the shop. I'm going to go to the shop. I'm going to go to the shop. I'm going to go to the shop. I'm this and you wanted to see the video of it, head to the Antidona Club powered by Patreon. You see all the videos of all the Zoom podcasts have done. Plus some fun bonus content. And of this week, if you're listening to this, the week it came out, we're doing mukbang. We're doing mukbang. And next week, we haven't agreed on it, but I believe next week we're listening to this the week it came out we're doing mukbang we're doing mukbang and next week I we haven't agreed on it but I believe next week we're gonna have a tickle fight yeah it's gonna it's going up on ladbrokes so if you've got ladbrokes you can put in your bet now maybe try to try a part is
Starting point is 00:38:19 real to see who is going to get tickled A the most. B, who is gonna get tickled, you know, if you get it right, if you get, who's gonna get tickled the most, who's gonna get tickled the least and who is overall the most ticklish? Because just because you're getting tickled the most, doesn't mean you're necessarily the most ticklish.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Might mean you're the least ticklish because you're putting up the least of a five. Exactly. Most ticklish is getting out of there, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It could go either way because if someone is particularly ticklish, then obviously we're going to go after that person. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It could go either way. So get that in. That'll be up soon. Mark Bang at this month. Oh, look, we haven't decided on the Tickle Fight, but it's something I'm very, I'm very passionate. I'm very passionate about that. Next week.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Let us know in the comments if you want to see us tickle fight. Let us know on the Patreon. Let us know on the Patreon. Yeah, and let us know. Like, let us know on the, if you're a patron. Let us know. Let us know. Hey, yeah, I'd love to see the Tickle Fight.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I'd love to see that Tickle Fight if you're up for it. Yeah, if you're up for it, let us know. Let us know. Just go, hey, yeah, I'd love to see the tickle fight. I'd love to see that tickle fight if you're up for it. Yeah, if you're up for it, let us know if you want to see the tickle fight on Patreon. Mark, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast. I will see you next week. Hopefully, Broden, we'll be back. Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed. Otherwise, peace out, brah, peace out, love you.
Starting point is 00:39:48 You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-episode brought to you by See you next week! you

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