Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 253 - Goofy Town (A Piss Story)

Episode Date: May 4, 2021

This week we go to goofy town but wait oh no... havnetyoudonewell.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: fo...r privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody, it's me Frogman. I'm a frog and I'm here with some wonderful news. Aunty Donna have asked me to tell you about a new web series, Hug the Sun, that they've been involved in producing, I believe. I don't know the details. I think they've executive producers at Ben Rattle has been on this podcast, is in it. And so, Saviomicale is as well as some wonderful per-comedians. And Lysnard, I don't know a lot of details. I'm a frog.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I prefer to watch web series about lily pants, that sort of thing. But if you want to find out more, just go to search for Grouse House, Huck the Sun on Google or go to any event you've done to socials and they'll be a link there in the bio. Anyway, thank you so much. This is just an introduction to the actual podcast where Proto and Mark bullies accurately. Anyway, I'm a frog. I'm here to promote Had the Sun. It starts coming out this Thursday. so just head to Grass House TV, fire the anti-donna Instagram and whatnot, and subscribe and order to watch the show. I'm a fool, but you listen to the only-donna podcast, the greatest fucking podcast in the world.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Bro, I'm like a tacking sometimes, I guess. We hope you enjoyed the Anti-Donna podcast. Important things to get clarified before we record this one. This is a bit of a sad one. We'll get funny. Well the theme that we wanted to do for today's podcast, the idea, usually, I don't know a lot of people know this, but before every podcast we sit down, we go, what do we go for coffee?
Starting point is 00:02:12 If we go for a coffee, we talk, we go for breakfast. Some people charge a little more to the dinner card than I think is acceptable or right, but that's fine, and that's a discussion for another time. I think just our coffee each is enough. Other people, like a full breakfast and stuff. Basic pastry. Yeah. But we sit down and we go,
Starting point is 00:02:31 well, what do we want to talk about? We're a muffin or a toasty. You've got to drop the breakfast stuff. You've got to drop it. We don't. But if I drop it, it'll be all over the wall. We imagine the crumbs, boy. over the wall. We imagined the crumbs boy.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Well, we just get we just we clean it up ourselves. That was not the time. Now is not the time to talk about. But Brent. Sorry, Zach is just a bad mood. Let's just let's just go. That's not in a great mood and he's and he's getting some sanitizer on his right. He's practicing good.
Starting point is 00:03:05 COVID hygiene, which I appreciate But we sit down and we go what do we want this podcast to be about? What do we want to say what's going on in the world that kind of thing? This week we decided on oh, let's let's go to goofy town. Yeah Yeah, we wanted to set the podcast in goofy town in and around goofy town meet all the characters from goofy town, but then Something we got in this morning happened when we got in this morning So this is true is all true. This is very true. We're not being this up So Zack before we went into the podcast you basically seconds before Zack said I need to go to do a way do away
Starting point is 00:03:44 And Zack what happened? So I had asked the members of the Antidona Club powered by Patreon what they wanted our podcasts to be about this week. This is all true. And as I was weighing, I thought, before we do the podcast, I'll just check what they've said I was holding the phone with one hand as you were winged. No, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:04:11 I need to be clear before I had my dick out beautiful But I hadn't started weighing yet and then it takes a little while for those of you who don't know Maybe you don't have a dick. Maybe you don't have a dick It takes a little while to work its way through the pipes. Yeah. So that's where it was. It was not, it had left the bladder. It had left the station, but it had not
Starting point is 00:04:34 reached its destination at the end of the urethra. That you were on your phone. That was on my phone checking. And it slipped out of my hands. The phone slipped out of my hands, landed, plonk into the toilet. Now this is not conducive to fun. No. No. So I I got it out really quickly. It seemed to still be working. I remember a few months ago, Broden's laptop got water spilled onto it and I remember
Starting point is 00:05:02 through all of that. Not dropped in the toilet, I would never use my laptop or phone while you're enating. Wouldn't you? No, absolutely not. Because you know why? You know why? Because you might drop it in the toilet. I'm a bee, I keep it very, there's no chance I'll ever drop my laptop in the toilet,
Starting point is 00:05:18 but I'm a big taker poo and watch a video on my laptop coming to go. Um, so, so Broden, a few months ago, um, spilt some water on his laptop, and in the course of our research, um, because he came to work, it was a similar situation. He came to work, we were trying to, we were trying to make some fun sketch comedy, but we were like, but we got to save this laptop. And in the course of my research,
Starting point is 00:05:43 I remember seeing, um, you seeing, you should turn it off and get it in rice straight away. So I got it out, turned it off. A lot of people said salt as well. Some people in the room were saying, put it in salt. Well, we had the benefit of time. And in this moment, I was like, I don't have, I don't have, you know, what I need to do
Starting point is 00:06:03 is I need to act fast because it seemed to be working. The instinct is to check if it's working, but that is exactly the point where things go wrong. So you ran to the IGA, you put it in a bag of rice. I turned it off, I turned it off, I came into the rehearsal room and I said, guys, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah. And I'd just like to go back just a little bit to what I saw. Yeah now I wasn't privy to the information that Zach had not Done his way in the toilet right so I'm sitting down right right in the bread and bread and I talking about We're talking discussing the latest sports team. Yeah, you know like um, you know Go on us in the latest sports team. Yeah, you know, like, you know, go on. Move movies. We're talking about movies. And Zach comes in and he goes, all right, I've dropped my phone in the toilet and I see
Starting point is 00:06:55 it's not fun. Water. Well, it wouldn't be appropriate to go to Goofy Town now. That's why we're no, we can't, we can't. We can't do that yet. He's making some sense for context because I was hurt but I need you to You were like I stood up I stood up out of my chair and I moved to the corner of the room and I put my hands over my mouth because what I saw That yeah
Starting point is 00:07:16 Was what I thought was mountains of piss right streaming Streaming off your phone and your hand, right and there's still puddles of water in the bar So can I be really really clear what happened? Yeah, what happened here is it was a clean toilet bowl I hadn't started pissing. Yes. I was clean as a toilet bowl Can you clean as a no-wing that I took a Rific shit in there this morning Mark I'm gonna come you if I gently touching your head, it's okay, man. No, I, I, I, it was a clean toilet bowl
Starting point is 00:07:50 and I will say despite the rush, I did wash my hands. So I got it out of the bowl. After I got it out of the bowl, I got it out of the bowl. I washed my, yes, I was holding it, post washing my hands, but the dripping wet hands was from a wash. So, I didn't have time to dry the hands. I want to drill down on that. You dropped your telephone into the toilet bowl. Is it a clean flushed toilet? A clean toilet, but a toilet nonetheless.
Starting point is 00:08:17 As clean as a toilet can be, I think you sit up perfectly. As clean as a toilet can be. Yeah. And then you've taken the phone out. You've washed your hands. Where is the phone at that point is my question? In my hands. While you're washing your hands.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Oh, I've put it in the toilet bowl. I've put it, I've put it, maybe on the sink. Okay, and then you've picked up the phone again. Yeah. I see what you say. I've done the best I can. Yeah, I will say, I will say two things, two things, to this attitude.
Starting point is 00:08:58 One, I was very kind to you when you spilled water on your laptop. I was very kind at this snickering. You may not have. You said put it in salt, which is the worst thing about his laptop. I don't know. I was just trying to help. I wasn't snickering like a bitch. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:19 The second thing I want to say is, I want to say his, I said say his I said yes, I said Can you put it in salt right? some people Their advice was to rinse my phone May I understand the piss I understand the piss element, but I'm going to say their advice was You should rinse your phone not pop it in rice and then disinfect it at a later point, you should run your phone, you should put your phone under running all the time. Because at this time what I who I thought I was speaking to was a man whose hand and phone was drenched in piss. Now when you come into my workspace, when you come into my workspace
Starting point is 00:10:14 When you come into my play the place of my work my my abode my escape from reality my you know Island yeah, right with your hands and phone governor I just want to be really I don't think I think it's a terrible thing I don't want to be an asshole here. I think we are a really good I think if you guys as much as as brothers rather than friends. I just want to say one thing Sure when Broden spilt water on his laptop. I was very kind sure Um, and I'm not the one that pissed in the boot of a car Well, I've declared it for clarity I did just for clarity once again,
Starting point is 00:10:48 I water bottle leaked in my bag. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very different scenario. Absolutely. I didn't drop my laptop or any electrical device into the bowl of a toilet. Granted, you hadn't pissed in it yet, but I went and did a poo in there earlier today.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah, okay, look, I understand. I understand, I understand. I understand what you're saying and my not now very full on now. I understand. I was like, yeah, now I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. And I understand why there was shock. I understand why, you know, you were upset. Yeah. What I'm talking about is I don't care for this sneakering story. Now I just want to, and also I just want to say, Mark, maybe let's go with the scenario that I did pull it out of a pissy toilet and I had piss on my hands, right? Let's say that's the fact. That's very easy for me to imagine in my mind.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Because that's what you thought. That's what I experienced. There was a really long time in my life. And Mark, Mark was sitting, looked up and saw it, stood up and moved to the corner of the room. Yeah. No. So I ended up at his mouth in show. There was a moment where I saw what would happen to this man in any moment of conflict. He froze. But I just wanna say, like, that must have been hard for you for what moments to think that a man had come into your office
Starting point is 00:12:19 with a hand covered in piss. I have for years worked with a man who pissed in the book and I would love to talk about this because and I would like it. I've never I've never thrown shade at you. No no no no no. You bring this snickering time. But I will not. I'll show you it by the way if we will get to Goofy Town. I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm I'm there. You don't figure in a good mood. There's a couple of things. I don't think. There's a couple of things. Yeah. First of all, it was not the shock of my friend's phone being covered in no, no, that made me stand up. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I was dragging of of puddles of pierced from the toilet into the office that made me stand up. I guess. And you weren't talking like a man who had gone over the edge like a guy. You seem the school shooter energy to you school shooter that's a that's a lot yeah you were like my phone has gone into the toilet like you were like yeah yeah I was trying to remain calm um in the face of snickering bully hand it while while hand cascading with a waterfall of what I thought at the time was. No, no, no. So I want to be really clear Mark,
Starting point is 00:13:26 you don't need to explain yourself at this point. Yeah, because I think you're being really, really clear. When I say, you know, when you're saying, oh, no, no, you misunderstand, my first thought wasn't my friends in trouble. It was my own self. That's what I'm saying. Yes, yes. And I'm guilty as charged.
Starting point is 00:13:44 But fact too, now it is known famously. Oh, I'm saying. Yes, yes. And I'm guilty as charged. Yeah. Fact two, now it is known famously. Oh, my God. It is known famously. I've got a phone in a bag of rice, right? Well, I haven't even known. I don't even know if it's good. Don't go into that yet, because I have questions. Now, it is known that I, at one point, when I was very ill,
Starting point is 00:13:59 pissed into the boot of my girlfriend. Or trunk. Or trunk of my girlfriend's car. But I think the difference between that and this is I then did not reverse that car into your lounge room. No, no, sorry, I'm so sorry, Mark. No, you, I'm so sorry, I'm misunderstood. Because you continued to drive that car with guests in it while there was piss in the boot. Well, I thought I'd gotten away with it. There at the end of the spectrum, these are the spectrum of truth, though. In your situation, there is a no toilet.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah. And in your situation, there is nothing but toilet. Yeah. So, but here's the thing, right? And I don't think it's there in a moment of one piss story. No, no, I'm just saying. In a moment of shock, especially when you were in a moment of shock I watched my hands and I pulled the phone out of out of a clean toilet and you know, it's clean as a toilet can be. I made a toilet can be
Starting point is 00:14:55 I made people a chat in this morning. I made mistakes in that moment of shock. I there were there were things I could have done differently. Big shits too. Yeah No, absolutely. We're bad bad bad, bad, bad, bad. In a moment of shits post-con. I, I may be, I may be, in a moment, reacted in a strange way. What I'm saying is, when I did that, you immediately recalled a podcast where you snickered and laugh at me like a bully when you
Starting point is 00:15:29 Made in a moment of shock Made a decision that I I disagree with which was to piss in the truck of your car It's no no no no no, I'm saying Mark. I understand that moment of shock. Yeah, you then chose to drive Drive people around with the piss sitting in that car. You chose four weeks to make that choice. All right. Now I'm not saying anything about that. What I'm saying is as your friend, I was concerned about you.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And I let you tell your story in your time. But here we are, I just wanna do goofy town. I mean, we all came here when I wanna do goofy town. I just wanna do goofy town, and I just, I have this, I'm not actually mad at these guys, by the way. Well, there's a couple of things that, I know you're not mad, but it is a, I'm not saying.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It is a, to bring up a previous um, history of mine and embarrassing, history of mine, which by the way, I was very sick at the time I would go from zero to 100. You don't know if I'm sick. I would need to. You don't know where I'm at. Well, I don't think your illness caused you to drop your phone in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Well, okay, well that's, that's up for debate. But I think it's a low dog move to bring it up. It's all about the same. Secondly, there was one other question I had, which was, how did you get the money to buy the rights? No, and I'm really grateful. I'm really grateful. I'll just jump the time out.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Let's just go into detail here. Obviously, you couldn't pay with your phone. I use my phone. I tap my phone. Oh, that's a pick on the B in. I didn't, so you were, that's right. You could phone the tap the bottom thing. Zach was lent $10 Australian dollars. By Mark. To purchase a bag of rice.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I went down to the IGA. I bought a bag of rice. Did that, by the way, did that rice cost $10? I got the change. Because I didn't get any change. No, I got the change. Because I didn't get any change. No, I got the change here. And he's lifted it from his pocket
Starting point is 00:17:30 and then he's put it back in his pocket. I'll give you the change back when you apologize, can't. Why is it just me that need store bottles? Oh, no, I'll come for Broden. I'll come for Broden. But here's the thing, can I tell you what my experience was?
Starting point is 00:17:45 Great. My phone, my iPhone, it falls into a puddle of, yeah, not the cleanest water in the world, right? I go, I can't, I wouldn't want to drink it. Far out, no, and I'm not gonna drink it. And I wouldn't want to drop my phone in it. No, and it's gross. And I pull it out and I go,
Starting point is 00:18:04 oh, this is a really bad situation for me to be in. Really shitty, last thing I fucking need, right? And I come out and I'm like, oh God, you know, this has happened and I'm stressed, but I'm keeping it together and I get support from my friends. Same way I support a Brodon when he spilt some order on his laptop. I get advice, I get guidance, I'm stressed.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Financial support. Absolutely, I'm stressed. I get guidance, I'm stressed. Financial support. Absolutely, I'm stressed. I don't know what to do. I get given cash from a friend, I get given advice from a friend who's been in the similar situation. I'll be it without peace. And I leave and I buy that rice and I think, fire out.
Starting point is 00:18:39 These guys, I maybe I judge them a little quickly. They're pretty good guys. They're not snickering. They're little quickly, they're pretty good guys. They're not snickering. They're not laughing, they're not mocking me. They've seen me in a moment of... It's going to turn quickly here. They've seen me in a moment of, you know, not a great way. This ends here.
Starting point is 00:18:58 It's great. And they've been really kind. There we go. I get back. Oh. And I go, hey, you know how we were talking about crazy town as a concept? Goofy town.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Goofy town, sorry. I'm so sorry, Goofy town. We thought it could be fun if maybe you play up the fact that you're a little bit stressed about your phone. Sure. And we create a bit of tension around the goofy town. Well, I think it's funny. I think this is funny.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It is fun. I thought it was a great idea. I think this is funny. It is fun. I thought it was a great idea. I thought it was a really strong idea. I said to you before we came in, I'm not that stressed about my phone, but I'll play it up for you guys, all right? I sit down and I'm thinking, I'm being generous. I'm sharing my narrative before I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:19:39 These guys are being generous. They've helped me out with cash, with money. And then I find out all of that was a trap. A trap to get me on the record and to start throwing baseless accusations of being a man that flings piss about, willy-nilly, and with a certain abandon. I think there's there's a context here. I was stressed. I was scared about my expensive phone, and I thought I had a couple of friends, but no, I had a couple of snickering bitches. Well, the only thing I want to add onto that is that
Starting point is 00:20:18 it wasn't piss that Zach dragged from the toilet into the office. However, dragging filthy toilet water isn't not desirable either. No, no, no, and I like look. I think that goes to show where I was at. Yeah, where I was at emotionally. I can't explain the enormity of the droplets that I saw. Oh, it seemed like there was some sort of tap. The bulk of the water in the water was hand washing water. So we're led to believe. No, this is the truth.
Starting point is 00:20:52 No, admittedly, look, that would have been a confronting moment. It would have been like, I can't, I can't, I can't. I ask you a question. In the last year that we've had in the world where washing hands has been, yeah, that's right. So important. Has been so important. Do you think you did, I didn't do the 20 games.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I didn't do the between the fingers. Did you do everything within your power to make it a hygienic correspondent? I was stressed. I was upset. So that's another one. I was lost. Just a yes or no.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I needed guidance. And what I got was cruelty,ickering after snickering after No after support. I see now. I see now that when I was looking for rice in the kitchen I reckon I have a pretty good idea of what it looked like in that office Wow, I was gonna take a little break for a second. I don't think we're going to get to goofy Tim. This is some of the music I had prepared for it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Is that it? It's a little unsettling. It's a more unsettling than I was expecting. Yeah, it was upsetting. He's another one. It kind of got carnival of souls vibes. Broding really struggling with the technology. I'm going to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going. Yeah, it was upsetting. Here's another one. Kinda got carnival of souls vibes. Broding really struggling with the technology here. No, it's really glad we're recording this. I'm sorry. Are you gonna play it? It's okay. I'm not having it.
Starting point is 00:22:20 At least you didn't, at least you didn't in a moment of stress turn to your friends for help. Because that's apparently the worst thing you can do in this group. If you're dragging piss from rum room to another. Rather. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:22:35 This is good, yeah. Hello and welcome to Goofy Town, the Goofy Astound Nairies. That's the kind of stuff we would have done. Yeah. Do you want to try it, goofy? Yeah. I want to ask some more questions.
Starting point is 00:22:49 There's a few more questions. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no worries. Let's attack the guy who made a couple of mistakes. It's not a tactic. In a position, he was having a fight. I just want to fight response out of stress. Let's go me rather than the guy that willingly drove my
Starting point is 00:23:05 pin and it should have been. Should have been. Should have been. White or flight and out of the office. That should have been the response. Yeah, no, absolutely, absolutely. I mean, it's, I mean, it, it's almost as bad. Imagine if I got some peace on my hand and then I just walked around for weeks.
Starting point is 00:23:21 What? What argument almost you did. And you have to understand with the boot. I was sick. Yeah, yeah, I get it. I was, I didn't have a lot of money. I didn't have a lot of money. I didn't have the kind of money where I could just go and get the car fully cleaned and be comfortable with that. And on top of that, I'm an idiot. Yeah. So that combination of things leads to driving
Starting point is 00:23:43 around in a pisso car for a couple of days. Like you couldn't have gotten some chucks. This is where the idiot factor comes in. That's all I'm saying is I'm saying if I had in that moment of stress pulled out the phone out, gone, oh my God, what do I do? And then it was covered in piss and then I shoved it in my bag, right?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Shaved it in my bag, sipped up the bag, washed my hands. And then just continued to go about my life, bringing the bag into the office. They're different piss stories. Offering the bag to compare. I'm just saying that it's funny that your reaction is like, in that moment of stress, you made some bad decisions. And I'm just saying, I cooled down,
Starting point is 00:24:31 and I had the hand sanitizer. I've really got it together. And I think that I'm sorry that you went through that. I would have loved to have seen your reaction if I rushed into your place of solace, pissed into something, and then asked for your advice. I think you would have been pretty upset.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, no, you would have been like, that's confronting. No, I would have gone, I would have gone, wow, that's confronting, well, that's really confronting. Then I probably would have done like, that's confronting. No, and I would have gone, I would have gone, wow, that's confronting. Well, that's really confronting. And then I probably would have done a podcast with them and snickered. Snickered like, well, that's exactly why it was not to demean you, Zach, but pure to give context to Goofy Town. Should we jump into Goofy Town?
Starting point is 00:25:18 Why we didn't do, people are expecting the name of this podcast is Goofy Town. Yeah. Should we jump into Goofy Town? If we believe that people will be fully across why you haven't brought your best. I think I can bring my best. I've done four Edinburgh's.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I've been in darker places than this and done good comedy. All right. Okay. Just give it a try. Shall we do it? All right, let's try it. Hello and welcome to Goofy Town. Alright, okay. Shall we do it? Alright, let's try it.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Hello and welcome to Goofy Town. I'm Mayor Goofy. The Goofy Town has a population of 300. 300 Goofs. How about we meet some of them now? Hello Goofy number one. Hello! You're so goofy. Tell me, what do you do in Goof goofy town? I love washing my hands in peace
Starting point is 00:26:11 Yeah, cool that's a that's really goofy Yeah, and I love to snicker at you like a fucking can't Okay, so I would argue that elements of what happened before the podcast have leaked into Goofy Town Much like the spits that you leaked into the office. I didn't like any piss into the office. No, just just shitty watch I'm not doing show. We're starting to get filthy shits at work. That's what the office is for. No, you just shits at home Oh, I can't upset my oh Your partner. It's fine to shit at work though. Alright, now let's go, this is funny. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah yeah I'm good. I'm good, I fucking hate you both. Oh! Now here we are at Goofy Town Square. I should note, this is not a town of the Disney character Goofy, but a Goofy town filled with many Goofy people. Here's the Goofy, but a Goofy town filled with many Goofy people. Here's the Goofy Citizen number two. I'm the keeper of the well.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Oh, hello there. A Goofy well with a Goofy keeper. Tell me, what do you do at the well? Well, it's less of a well and more toilet. Oh yeah, well, I bet if anyone ever dropped their phone in there, you would be a real con to about it. It would be your fucking con. Well I would hope that you're fucking con to have you.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Whoever dropped their phone in the toilet would have then bring it immediately into the place where I work. Yeah no, they probably tried to try it, look for some rice. They probably, they probably be in a moment of stress. I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-citch-water I'm the PC-c next time. I'll take a note for next time that I do that Um, and maybe you can record a goofy podcast and bully them about it. You fucking can you fucking can I Think it's going well. It's getting it feels loaded Yeah, yeah, even on my end like I am being actually loaded, or you're being a bit loaded as well, I thought the well reference was a little too close
Starting point is 00:28:29 to the piss thing for me, sort of threw me a little. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think we've run out of time. I think we have, can I just, in all honesty, and I really mean this, can I get a character? I wanna show you what my goofy mayor would have been like without the piss out. Yeah, can you please just and really just give me one character that doesn't have a reference to piss. So you can see. Oh hello citizen number three.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Hello, I'm Dame Willies. Dame Willies, the goofiest and highest highest court in Goofy Town. Tell me, uh, damn willies, what are you doing today? I'm going down to the happy hatry, the millinery, to fix my head for the festival. I bet you fucking are, you fucking gun, with your fucking hat, you're such a fucking good cunt. Killing and getting your fucking hat, why don't you fucking steal all the hats from all the fucking school children? I am the bear of Goofy Town, and I hate you all. So not that different. I think you guys probably thought I was more thrown by the piss thing than you realize. He was always gonna be that aggressive.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Oh, okay. I'd just to be, okay, well. I was a great episode then. Yeah, that was great. Both versions of the Mare upset me. I just wanted to put that out there. Yeah, like the before he snapped. Before it, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:00 He's based on the Mare from Nightmare Before Christmas. Oh, cool. Well, okay. Well, Zach, thanks for being a trooper. Guys, look, we rib each other. You know, we bully each other at the time of the need. Yeah. But I wanna be really clear that I am upset
Starting point is 00:30:19 and you've heard me. And hey, and hey, if anyone out there is listening and you happen to drop your phone in the toilet near your office, maybe don't then drag that phone and you happen to drop your phone in the toilet near your office Maybe don't then drag that phone into the office. Maybe just stand in the hallway To close it out this week is mark Singing a cover of what happened in this episode to the hit Billy Joel song We didn't start the fire take it away mark
Starting point is 00:30:45 Remember this along in true the hit Billy Joel song, we didn't start the fire. Take it away Mark. We... Remember this along in true. Where's the six-day mark? Thank you Mark. Thank you Mark. Thank you Zach and as always, thank you Broden. You've hurt my feelings the both of you. But take it away, Mark.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Start it with coffee at the local cafe. Want to talk about what we're gonna do. We decided on making the podcast about Groofy Town and Zach were play the man We did Oh no it's just the instrumental Yeah, yeah The bird took the bird and then back in
Starting point is 00:31:17 Then we were in the office Zach went to the toilet He dropped his phone while he was on Patreon He didn't take a piss into the toilet, he dropped his phone while he was on Patreon. He didn't take a piss into the toilet but when he came out his hand was covered in piss. Well that's a fire. It was always burning since the world was turning. We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning. At least that's what I thought I thought it was Pierce I wish you could have seen how much Pierce I thought there was
Starting point is 00:31:50 Then, like I said, no he didn't take a piss He just dropped it into the toilet and then I thought That's a toilet that I did a big shit in this morning And it was a post-coffee wet chip So it didn't really make that much of a difference And I stood up in the corner and I was a post-coffee wet shit so didn't really make that much of a difference and I stood up in the corner and I was really shocked. We did it out the fire! It was always burning, it's just the world's interning.
Starting point is 00:32:16 We did it out the fire! It was always burning, it's just the world's interning. Burn and set, get your phone, put it in Put it in the way I get it What's this bit? Put it in the rice, just keep going Put it in the rice Yes, broden was like, put it, put it in the rice
Starting point is 00:32:35 So then Zach was like Then Zach was like, I don't have any money And then Mark very kindly gave him some money. Geez Mark is a nice guy, why did he have cash? Very few people have cash bought Mark had it. Even though he... Fire! It was always there since the world's been turning.
Starting point is 00:32:58 We didn't start the fire. It was always there since the world's been turning. We've been like the fire No we're trying to piss him to the office We hate it so much the fire No we don't We gotta do more of the story now Well then we did the podcast and Zach was really mad at us because we were sneakering at him the whole time
Starting point is 00:33:44 But to be fair what else else could we've done? He just dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet and then dropped his phone in the toilet. And then dropped his phone in the toilet. the workplace. We did start the fire. It was always burning. It's the world's been turning. We did start the fire. It was always burning. It's the world's been turning. And on and on.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And then on tonight everybody. I love Zach. It's not Zach's fault. He was in shock. We're all in shock. We got to go downtown. We had a great day at the end I just reckon it's sus that you had cash I think it's real sus. I don't know what the guy is with you
Starting point is 00:34:37 You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week!

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