Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 264 - Aunty Donna Trying To Buy A Franchise In Australia Part 4

Episode Date: July 20, 2021

The epic conclusion to our email to Hungry Jacks where we make our case for our own franchise. See us on tour! auntydonna/shows  Join The Aunty Donna Club: ht...tps:// for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get A Legends and Moggon to another rip episode of the ANSI Donna podcast. This week we run the epic conclusion to our email to Hungry Jacks. I need Donna going on tour later this year and I've just recently added Heapsmore shows all around Australia, so grab your tickets at ANSI Donna dot com. And welcome back to our Aunty Donna, our Tronor run email, to Hungry Jacks, trying to get them to respond to our previous email when we were trying to buy a franchise. And now, they haven't responded. We followed up with them in January of 2021. The first email was written in 2017.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Should we do a commercial network level recap? You know what, you go to an ad break and everything's explained, and then they come back from the ad break and do like four minutes of explaining? Or should we just jump in? And if you're listening now, go back and listen to the last one. Yeah, no, like I have no opinion. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Oh, I know, I know. Is that I know nothing. I think maybe if you're the listener at home, can you go back, can you stop this podcast after what I've said? Go back, listen to the previous podcast, do a commercial network style recap for yourself. Yeah, for yourself.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And you're sending it into us. Send it into us. And we won't listen to it. We don't listen to it. We do not have the time. I think we should open with Sam reading out the email for us because even if you listen last week, you might not remember where the email was. So what's going to happen is Sam's going to read out where the email is so far, you might not remember where the email was. So what's gonna happen is Sam's gonna read out
Starting point is 00:01:46 where the email is so far, we're gonna give him some recap. Some notes, not a recap, just read out the email and then we give our notes. I feel like I read it just two minutes ago. That's because you recorded it two minutes ago, but we're splitting this one in half, releasing it over two to three to four to five parts,
Starting point is 00:02:03 depending on how long it is. Should we give our notes first then have Sam read it then give our notes again. My worry is those notes to people from last week. Yes. Great. So my first worry was that it's a little incoherent and it was like it was written by someone who just came out of a car accident and is experiencing a bit of shock. So I wanted something up
Starting point is 00:02:31 the top that just clearly says, we weren't in a car accident, we're on Netflix. We're and we are of sound mind. Sound, sound mind. And we're on Netflix. And we're on Netflix. In brackets, no, not please do that. You don't have to do that now. No, Sam, don't make those changes. I'm giving you my notes. Then we're gonna read them, mate. You can take notes. No, I'm gonna give you my notes.
Starting point is 00:02:52 You can take notes. What? I'm just tired of you wanting me to take the notes. Why would you read out the notes now, then? Because I want it to, I want to concrete it. I want to lock it in. Maybe. I want to make sure it doesn't get ignored or forgot.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Maybe I can put the notes in, but I can put them in bold. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. No. Okay, so I'm not... That's counterintuitive to me. Let's get emailing. But first, that was my note, does anyone else have any other notes? I hate the report.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I thought that fuck off was a little rude. And I would love to change fuck off to, could you please move out of the way if possible? That's fine, because the new king has arrived. The burger king. Us, our de-donna. See, we are this new- We're dictating now.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You're dictating now. That's just my note. All right. That's my note and you need to respect that. Now, I know I-Donna. We are the same. We are the same. You're dictating now. That's just my note. All right. That's my note and you need to respect that. Now I know I do, brother. I used to travel by my later. I was there. So if you did Liz and Lars make,
Starting point is 00:03:54 I'm playing a bit of a travel by my late finger. Just coming in with like rotten 2,000 jokes from time to time. Now, read the email and then we'll give the second round of notes which will be the first round of notes because no changes are good made. Read, title, boys come on, come good, is follow, please, aren't to exploded the comedy and just scrolling over. Comedy in with unique of N. Don't you go passing the money. So my note needs to be addressed there.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Now? No, no, no, after this. After this. Just tell me when. I'll be lying to this. I'm just seeking clarity from you. Not clearly, not clearly, mate. We did our notes, now we're reading the email
Starting point is 00:04:38 and then we're gonna do the same notes. Yeah, but, you know what, feasibly, you could we could be doing the notes as we go. Keep reading Don't you go passing the buck now listen here bucko don't even go thinking about it. Don't go passing the buck bucko Brackets See wasn't a fucking stupid idea was it? I've got two notes now. Yeah, then open bracket the next bit is a bit rude and already know what your first note is
Starting point is 00:05:05 Do you want me to read this or not? It just puts me in a position of power What? Knowing what's next first note was and now knowing that he has an additional note I feel powerful I feel powerful now. I feel powerful now, which is why I wanted to do this. Why did you want to do that? For sure, it's power. For sure, it's power. Key, breed exam.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Brackets. Sorry for being rude. We were just joking as we were in our previous email, ie, when we said, lull jokes, ha ha, brackets, far out. I've got writers block. I just have another note now. I've got writers block, I've got no ideas. Don't worry, I've got you covered.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Fuck off. What's with Uno, you do an Uno? Yeah, they're doing Uno like Mac is monopoly I saw that HBO show. Hope you can't stay and get ripped off like those Mac is can't did exclaimed mark Hey or Sorry, that should be or yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, we got money now. We want to talk biz great So he's my notes. Oh God. I think's a little incoherent. Yep, and I feel like we need something at the top that exploit
Starting point is 00:06:29 This was the plan from the start a bad plan. No, it wasn't and you're not allowed to put your new note in with your old notes There will be a time for new notes When is the time for you notes? After these notes. I'm ready to go because I had some notes But I felt like I didn't get the contribute to the notes. Yeah, well, you don't feel palfully Not at all when are we having this conversation it'll happen now So that's my note you know my first night. I'm not gonna repeat myself You just did it. I've forgotten but I do have new notes Well, it sounds like it's a little incoherent and I don't want them to be put off by that And so we need to put something in there that splines
Starting point is 00:07:09 We weren't we're not suffering from shock. We are sound of mind like Zach said and we were on Netflix Because it needs to read the good thing about the last one was that when it said It needs to read the good thing about the last one was that when it said supple boys want to buy a franchise you knew exactly what you were in for. Maybe in the topic is you're also writing in early, I hope you like supple boys. Or still supple. Four years on still supple. Four years on still supple. But just a little bit early.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah. Maybe that could open the cart. That could open the cart. Can you write, all right, no, I've got it right. Four years on still subtle early. Yeah. Maybe that open the original title. That could open the, can you write, all right, no, I got it right. Four years on and still subtle. Yeah. No, not even read, just like a new CC. Four years on and still subtle.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Oh, I'd say epilogue. Because you've got the title, so epilogue. Four years on and still subtle. So it's sub title at the top of my body. Could we make it more clickbait? I can't believe these guys are still supple and here's how they did it. Yeah, and where's this guy?
Starting point is 00:08:11 Four years on though. It needs to say four years. 15 great ways to stay supple. Four years on. Four supple boys. Who are still supple. Four years on. Where am I putting this in though?
Starting point is 00:08:21 It's a title, you do title? Yep. Not in the subject. At the top of the body of the email, you do title in Capital's, Colin. You won't believe how these boys are still supple. Four years on. Four years on.
Starting point is 00:08:36 15 great tips from four supple boys who are still suppled four years on. And then after that Second title you write second title in capitals I got the four years on and then what which four years on this two four years on you said 15 years Then you said 15 ways 15 ways 15 tips. I think I'm not I'm not 15 ways 15 tips micro-manager you can choose that word What was this 15 ways, 15 tips, micro-managing, you can choose that word. What was this? 15 ways, 15 tips. 15 ways and 15 tips.
Starting point is 00:09:09 No, not and. Well, I've got 30. 15 ways, 15 tips. Comma. Because ways and tips are so fucking different. 15 ways, 15 tips. And in brackets, can I just clarify here really quickly? Some tips are also ways.
Starting point is 00:09:26 30 tips slash ways not guaranteed. It's somewhere between 15 and 20. Somewhere between 15 and 30 tips slash ways. All right, I think I got a bit confused there, but I'll just read you what I got. You won't believe how these boys are still supple four years on. Fifteen ways, I'm not pedantic, I'm not going to micro-manyd you, you can choose that word. Fifteen ways and tips. Fifteen ways, comma, fifteen tips.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Some tips are also ways, thirty tips, 15 ways and tips. 15 ways, comma, 15 tips. Some tips are also ways, 30 tips, such ways not guaranteed. Okay, so that pedantic thing, that was me just talking to you. So that was not intended. That was, yeah, that was not supposed to be a man. You do not have permission to print that. So you do not have permission to print that. It's going to make us look like fools. So it really is just, you won't believe how these boys are still subbleed for years on, and then 15 ways, comma, 15 tips, and then we go on. I feel like I'm in court.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I'm really done. Right now everything I'm saying. Yeah. No, listen, edit with your mind. I'm asking you what to say, and then you're just like, I need you to say this. to employ and then I'm going is Energy and you're not you're dictating you need to listen you need to use not under oath
Starting point is 00:10:54 You give me full autonomy to carry out my jobs Yeah, or you shut up. You have one of the other You have autonomy to do it right. Yeah, like we give you autonomy when you prove yourself. And that is the... We're in the... Oh, you've edited it. Thank you. Good.
Starting point is 00:11:13 All right. Next. No, have you got... Oh, no, you did it. Second title. Second title. After that. Second title in Capital Letters.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Put that in. Yeah, it's in. Great. I'm like, Mark, do you have an idea for second title? Yeah, no, no. The second title is the one we've already done. No, that's the subject. No, so it's got title. And then you've got 15 ways, all that shit and then after this is all in the subject
Starting point is 00:11:47 No, no, this is in the body the set the first title so you got the subject then in the body of the email You've got a title. I have an offer for the second title if you'll allow me all right. I need this read out to me Can I just can I just do my offer for the Do it do it and then I want to hear it and Sam Sam just it can't. I'll read it out. You dig. Can't sound. You can't. No, I write. Yeah, you ride. I always like to take us seriously. Okay. Okay. Here's the thing. We're a couple of business people and we got to keep on track. We've all seen Oliver Stone's JFK and we all have questions about who actually killed former President John F. Kennedy. But this is not the time nor the place to discuss that. Personally, I think there were more assassins. I do think we need to look into the grassy
Starting point is 00:12:40 knoll. That's not a conspiracy theory. There is legitimate evidence to back that theory up, but that's not what this is about. This is about a rural hungry jacksaur. This is about an opportunity. We will keep all conversations about JFK who killed him and the fantastic work of Oliver Stone to another time. This is not for the email. Can I just say, I'm out of all the people in this room now. I'm the only one who went to the JFK Memorial Museum at Dallas where he was assassinated. Yeah, I am the most educated on the matter. I was thinking for both of us. Is it on the null? Is it on the null? No,
Starting point is 00:13:18 it's at the book's repository where the guy shot from. Yeah, yeah, one of the guys shot from so I think I got most of that yeah Suppository or depository Pardon Suppository or depository The book one of the one of the guys could have been shooting from a supository You said books a repository And we're back. Hey if you're joining us, let's continue. If you're here, if you are, if you are,
Starting point is 00:13:47 just tuning in after this outbreak, Ani Donner, talking about what is, was it a magic bullet or were there other assassins? What do you think it's, bro, dude? I think it was just the one guy from being honest, but who made him do it? I don't know. Maybe in brackets.
Starting point is 00:14:03 This is even internally a point of tension. Thus a good idea to keep it off the minutes. Is that okay? I think it's just important to say, like, let's stick on track. It's a book depository. Because it's a depository. You put up your bum, don't you?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah. I'm sorry. All right? You have to be sorry. I think it's just funny that you said books are positive I just find it to put a book up your bum and then kill the president God if you put a book up your bum of course you feel a little good good crazy You know the president shoot him in the head next to his wife. I'd do it if I had a book up my bum
Starting point is 00:14:39 So some doctor said the only way to cure this is with a book's a Pository I've been like give me a gun and set me up in a book depository. Alright, let's read this section of the email. Uh, the second title? Yeah. Did you get all of the book suppository depository stuff? You know, you should have thought was all for the email. You can say, you can say, you can say, you can check it.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You didn't say. There's a great riff on the potty about the book to positore, slash the pository, which we recommend awesome, awesome listen. Sam, I worry just for the clarity. So once you've written that down, can you just add an asterix after second title and then put that at the bottom of the email with an asterix?
Starting point is 00:15:24 Like a note, you know what I'm saying the email with an asterisk like a note. You know what I'm saying? That becomes an asterisk doesn't that bit? We haven't talked about hungry jacks at all and that worries me. I'm kidding. That's why I'm saying let's keep it on track. That's why that second title is there. Like let's not go down the garden path or the grassy knoll.
Starting point is 00:15:38 If you will. Tom has a note. Tom has a note. Next paragraph, bacon deluxe. Ooh. Nice. Okay, sure. Just that word, just those two words. That's great. Because then they're like, these guys mean business. Just bacon deluxe.
Starting point is 00:15:52 And then that's it. Yeah. The fans of the franchise, they understand. Franchise. But he's like, Avengers. Fans of the franchise? Is that a franchise? Yeah, but it's say fans of the menu, fans of the franchise. Is that a franchise? Yeah, but it's a fans of the menu fans of the Hungry Jacks franchise. A brand, I think. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Maybe, yeah, but I think possible. Have you written that? Back in Deluxe? Yeah, I wrote Back in Deluxe. Is anyone else Hungry found your Jacks now? It's not real. Yeah, I'm a... I just want to say, I think Hungryer Jackson's done a great job revamping their Chips and onion rings. I think we should put that in the email
Starting point is 00:16:28 I think we should put that in the email I agree and I think we should put that in the email The onion rings are exceptional now And I had some fucking Namsi, Pam'sy, fucking pieces Shit, tell me the other day That their old onion rings were better And I wanted that my mate Chris
Starting point is 00:16:44 Fucking idiot Dude that my mate Chris Fucking idiot Chris is really good fucking idiot Yeah, they put all that in I almost fucking murdered him there and yeah, let's not put that to paper I want to hear that's how much they want to hear our passionate We want to hear that we're level headed businessmen. Right we know Don May. Now. Oh yeah. We could even ask Don for a forward letter,
Starting point is 00:17:09 like these gentlemen. Great businessmen. Oh, we could just fake one. We could write on Don May's behalf. Can we hear where we're at so far? Oh, before I do have one note, the fuck off, can we change that to far out? I would say change the cunts to fire out.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Well, I was gonna change the cunts to Hungry Jacks. That's good. But got changed anything right? That's good. That's really good. That's even better. And then just because it's like Hungry Jacks has already like got an S on it, can you like do Hungry Jacks apostrophe S? So it's like we know we mean the plural of hungry jacks.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah, so hungry jacks is not not hungry jacks apostrophe. Hungry jacks is another S. Well, I think all I know whatever brand is sponsoring us is the good one. That they see the two S's I think. Menu log is better for drive. Yeah, let's not let's not commit to any. Yeah, we don't commit to any. But Uber Eats is better for drive, let's not commit to any delivery group. Yeah, we don't commit to any delivery group.
Starting point is 00:18:05 But the delivery is a better for driving. Let's not commit to any group. We do not commit to any driving, any delivery service. On this block. All scum. No, Mark, we have no opinions on any of the delivery services. It's true. Because of, because our opinion changes with the wind. It's true because because off because our opinion changes with the wind
Starting point is 00:18:29 Take back everything I've ever said about any of them great Anything that you're hearing right now if you're right now just when we went to an outbreak if you heard us we back that endorsement We're saying a good thing. Southwesterly breeze blew a blue and ad read into our inbox and now we like that one South Southwestly northeasley now let's read I think I've got a feeling we might be pretty close now Where are we going from subject and then the might be pretty close now. Let's check it out. So where are we going from?
Starting point is 00:19:03 Subject and then the body. Oh God, subject. Let's do the whole thing, no interruptions. Re title. Boys come good, is follow, please, aren't to explode the comedy in with unique of in. Title, if you won't believe how these boys are still supple for years on.
Starting point is 00:19:20 15 ways, 15 tips, I'm not pedantic, I'm not gonna micromanage you, you can choose the word. 15 ways and 15 tips, 15 ways, 15 tips, I'm not pedantic, I'm not gonna micro-manage you, you can choose the word. 15 ways and 15 tips, 15 ways, comma 15 tips, brackets. Some tips are always, also ways, 30 tips, ways, 30 tips, ways, well, let me start that sentence again. I get your Einstein. 15 ways, comma 15 tips, brackets. Some tips are also ways. 30 tips, slash ways, not guaranteed. That pedantic thing was just me talking to you. You did not have permission to put that
Starting point is 00:19:53 in. Second title. Okay, here's the thing. We're a couple of business people and we've got a kept on track. We've all seen all all of the stones JFK. And we'll have questions about who killer deformer, president Joe F. Kennedy personally, I think there are more asses and we need to look into the grassy knoll, but it doesn't know. What's this about Yit? This is about our rural, hungry Jack's store Y, brackets. This is even internally a point of tension.
Starting point is 00:20:27 That's a good idea to keep it off the minutes. And then there's the apostrophe and that goes down to the bottom, which says there's a great riff on the potty, a bow to the book depository slash, so posit, te Tori. How much longer do we have Tom? We've done a great job of ramping up the potty. I'm not sure. Perfect. Bacon Deluxe. How much longer do we have Tom? Um, we're super number eight. Perfect. Bacon Deluxe.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Yeah, great. You've done a great job revamping the chips and onion rings. My mate, Chris said the old onion rings were better. Fucking idiot. I almost murdered him. We know Don May. We're not suffering from shock. We are sound of mind and we're on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:21:01 There it is. Beautiful. Don't you go passing the buck. Now listen here, bucko. don't even think about it. Don't go passing the buck, bucko. Brackets, the next bit is a bit rude. Far out. Brackets, sorry for being rude. We were just joking as we were in our previous email,
Starting point is 00:21:14 i.e. when we said, lull jokes, ha ha, far out. I've got writers, block, I've got no ideas. Don't worry, I've got you covered, far out. What's with Uno? You doing Uno? Yeah, they're doing Uno like Max monopoly Yeah, I saw that hate to be a show show hope you hungry jacks this is don't get ripped off like those macgers hungry jacks This is did exclaimed mark. Um, hey all Hey, we got money now. We want to talk biz. Yeah One note from me. Yeah. One note from me.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah. One note from me. I think that we really found something with the asterisk thing that creates a bit more of a sense of flow. I think that for a punchy of titles, we should just have a series of like astroces, just for a quick punchy title. So I'm thinking something really punchy. So for example for title
Starting point is 00:22:05 You won't believe how these bought how these still you won't believe how these boys are still supple for years on 15 ways 15 tips asterix Yeah, to To stay supple it was that did we lose that I think we lost you know 15 ways 15 tips to stay supple? Did we lose that? I think we lost 15 ways, 15 tips to stay supple. I was trying my best. Yeah, no, I understand. So 15 ways, 15 tips, asterisk to stay supple by four boys who are still supple four years on. Can I say as well, on that last read through, and this was just my observation. It felt like there
Starting point is 00:22:48 was a few spelling mistakes. Yeah. Yeah. I was having I told you I was having trouble keeping up. I did say that didn't I? No. Okay. You never said that. Okay. That's my mistake. I didn't say that. I was trying to keep up. Do you apologize? I'm sorry. Yeah. I forgive you. So we're just going to read for you do that. Just get a few astros up you guys. I'm sorry. Yeah. I forgive you. So we're just going to riff for you to do that. Just get a few astrosis in there. I think the same with the after the bracket, that pedantic thing.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Just to cut putting all that pedantic, I love it. But I think we're going to put that at the bottom. But you see the thing, Sam, when you're in business, people want to get that email, have a quick read. If they need more detail, they'll go to those astrosis. So are you want me to put some of the stuff as the asterisk down the bottom? Yeah, absolutely. So we move that down. So we want to put title.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I'm thinking something like, you won't believe how this was still some more. 15 ways. Yeah, absolutely. It needs more hungry jacks. It needs more hungry jacks. Can we get that titles title? It needs, I'm sick of holding my fucking tongue. Okay. It needs more hungry jacks. Can we get that title's title? I'm sick of holding my fucking tongue. Okay. It needs more hungry jacks and I'm not gonna be quite about it anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Mark, Mark, I just want to get that title one. I think second title, there's so much good stuff in there it doesn't need to be edited. But first title I want it nice, tight, quick. I just, I basically just want to write hungry jacks at the start and end of every sentence because otherwise what are we doing? Absolutely. 100% I'm with you there, Mark. Put it in. Yeah, just, I've got it. I'm just updating my, my astrixes, the else that I'm working anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:15 All right. So the start and end of every sentence from this object or not. No. Um, yeah, I look, I would say from the top. I think if the first thing they're reading is Hungry Jacks and the last thing they're reading is Hungry Jacks at every available opportunity, then we're onto something. You wanted it into Jack Sam, accidentally did a capital A on the Jacks and I like that.
Starting point is 00:24:37 It's punchy, chose that we don't like get the rules about like, like, like, capitals guys. So I would keep that cap away in there. And that's going to start an end of every sentence, yeah? Maybe hungry at the start, jacks at the end? Yeah, that's even better. Yeah, because then it gives it some to look forward to. Because he's the way they think, they think burger, right?
Starting point is 00:24:58 I think where's what's the tastiest part? It's that burger in the middle of the bread. Yeah. When we're saying hungry jacks, it's burger in the middle of the bread. Ooh. The burger in the middle of the bread. Yeah. And we're saying hungry jacks. A burger in the middle of the bread. Ooh. The burger, the mince patty. The mince patty?
Starting point is 00:25:11 And what's the mince patty in this email? Flame broiled. What's the bread? It's their name? What, yeah, it's flame broiled. But what's the mince patty in this email? It's our words. And what's the cheese and letters is
Starting point is 00:25:32 We're gonna add that I think probably me make the punctuation and add some cheese and letters and believe explaining what we're doing as well saying this is all a burger Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe Sentences a burger maybe maybe after the first sentence andisk. Each sentence is a burger. I can only do one thing. Each sentence is a burger. That takes you a fucking second to stop what you do and go back, put it in and then get back to it. There's no, I'll just put it in here. There's no excuse to be confused by this. There's no excuse to be confused by this.
Starting point is 00:25:57 At the very top, each sentence is a burger. What about pre-title, like a pre-title? Do you know what I'm saying? So a pre-title, title, second title. That's nice. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, title, title, second title. That's nice. That's how it started with each sentence is a burger. What does that make sense? I'm getting really flustered guys. Yeah, I can tell.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I was making me think you're not very good at your job. So yeah, each I am trying so hard. And then you go pre title. And then obviously put hungry and jacks at the start. And then in brackets again, a hungry jacks burger. What? Oh, Sam. I'm so sick of having the fucking repeat myself.
Starting point is 00:26:37 So this is a real shame. The top says, pre-title, every sentence is a burger. And then in brackets, a hungry jacks burger exclamation mark so that because they could be thinking are they sending us an email full of KFC burgers and we don't want that. Oh I love a tail burger. Did we get that bit where I kind of say we are the burger king? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Oh that was a good bit. I can't remember where I was like kind of say we are the Burger King. Yeah. Oh that was a good bit. I can't remember where that was. We'll say at the end because I have one note, but I'm holding my tongue. I think I got it. Yeah. No. Is it going to greatly impact what I'm trying to do right now? Yes. In ways you couldn't fathom Let me finish this then why don't you copy hungry paste them all are you typing them out individually He typing them out individually, so I'm typing hungry out and then I'm pacing in jacks Because I had to it's actually I was doing it But the jacks is the one with the hard at one to do because it has to be higher like a like a staff writer to go through and do this for you later Yeah, can we just be doing notes? We should get someone to just edit it
Starting point is 00:27:51 Need it up. I'm having a month. I know some editors ones has been edited Yeah, we could pay someone to go through an edit this for us. Oh, that's very funny Just let drop it all bit paying paying self-legal high. We have professional editors getting the benefits. Just tell them what we are goals and wants for the emailer. We want a franchise. We want Anchorage X to respond. We want them to follow up on the email.
Starting point is 00:28:17 We've sent previously. I'm over it. He is the... Yeah, I don't. Are you over the whole email? Yeah, I'm over this whole thing, man. We're two podcasts. Just read it out to a sim,
Starting point is 00:28:28 because then I may have everyone. I'm nearly done. Just come on, man. You don't have to do it after that. All right. Can I just add, we are the Burger King, where? You feel it out. In the middle.
Starting point is 00:28:42 In the middle. I think he wants we are. And it's in the middle. No, we have I think he wants we are and it's a zone paragraph Just all caps we are the burger King. I feel that where I'm up to is the right spot. Yeah I've got a no I've got to go at him about the young bow-ed as well Yeah, absolutely just at the end right young both sucks done You know both sucks with an X yeah, yeah, who and then under it, who do I speak to about the jumbo add? With an X, not CKS. And then under it, who do I speak to about the jumbo add?
Starting point is 00:29:11 Because I hate it. Brodom will be following up with a jumbo add. I don't want to be named. OK. You can say I said that. Mark said that. Yeah. Mark said that.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Then Mark said that. Oh, what about in quotation marks exclaimed mark? Yeah. And then Mark said that. Mark said that. What about in quotation marks, exclaimed mark? Yeah. And then Mark said that. As he put on his overcoat and set off for the opera. So we're putting in that at the end. So that we're putting the exclaimed mark in love from Aunty Donna. As you said, the exclaimed mark is the bit that's going in.
Starting point is 00:29:44 They're talking marks, yeah? Yes. No. No, that doesn't make any sense. That's what you said. Oh, it comes like an amateur. Says Mark as he donned a Nova coach and head up to the upper. Yeah. And then I want to hear this scene, I want to hear it.
Starting point is 00:30:04 And then I may have a note. Oh God He's so powerful Mark. Well that that thing right at the start Here in the X nights and then no one he had a second note. All right. Just gave me power Here we go. I'm gonna pull to the last subject subject you're seeing all powerful one. Yes, all right Yeah, that is a much better subject. Hungry, re-title.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Boys come good, is follow please, aren't you exploded the comedy in with a unique of in-jacks? Yeah. Hungry, pre-title, each sentence is a burger, jacks, a hungry jacks burger. Hungry, title, you don't believe how these boys are still supple four years on jacks, hungry, 15 ways, 15 tips. Nenet is a post-review which takes us down to... Just keep rating, we'll get to the apostrophes.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I want to hear the line. Just stay stuple by four boys who are still supple four years on Jacks. Hungry, second title, okay, here's a thing. We're a couple of business people and we've got a kept on track. We've all seen Oliver Stone's JFK and we all have questions about who killer deform a president, Joe, F. Kennedy, personally, I think there are more assassin
Starting point is 00:31:19 and we need to look into the grassy knoll but hat into what this is a bayot. This is about a rural hungry jacks store. Why? Jacks. This even internally a point of tension does a good idea to keep it off the minutes. Jacks. Double apostrophe. Jacks. Yeah. Yeah. Hungry bacon deluxe jacks. Hungry bacon deluxe jacks. Hungry, you've done a great job revamping the chips and onion rings. Jacks, hungry, my mate Chris said the old onion rings were better jacks.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Hungry fucking idiot, I almost murdered him, Jacks. Hungry, we know John May, Jacks. John May. John May, Jacks, sorry, I got the jet in the dirt. That's the last one. It's a hungry, sorry, I got the jet in the dirt. That's right, that's fine. It's a hungry, we're not suffering from shock, we are sound of mind and we're on Netflix Jacks. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Hungry, don't you go passing the buck, Jacks. Hungry, now listen here, Bucko, don't even go thinking about it, that's where I got up and then, wait, they even think go thinking about it, don't go passing the buck, Bucko, Jacks. Hungry, brackets, the next bit is a bit rude, far out. Bracket, sorry for being rude. We were just joking as we were in our previous email, i.e. when we said lol jokes, haha, far out jacks.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Hungry, I've got right with block M, I've got no ideas. Jacks, Hungry, don't worry, I've got you covered jacks. Hungry, far out jacks. We are the Burger King. Yeah, there it is. What's with Uno? You doing Uno? Yeah, they're doing Uno like Mac has been uply. I saw that HBO show. I hope you hungry Jack's.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Don't get ripped off like some Mac has hungry Jack's did. Explained Mark. Hey, or hey, we've got money now. We want to talk biz. A post-refered one. I think it's, I'm not pedantic. I'm not going to micro-manage view, you can choose that word 15 ways and 15 tips, 15 ways, comma 15 tips, some tips,
Starting point is 00:33:10 so also ways, 30 tips slash ways, not guaranteed. Then there's another, there's a sub-itre apostrophe, which doesn't go anywhere. This is the pedantic thing with, who was just me talking to you, you do not have or that that just ends there. And then we have the other one which is for two which is there's a great riff on the potty. A potty, a boku the book, the pository slash supposary trory. And then it says, YUMBO SUCKS. Who do I speak to about the YUMBO ad? Here's. And then, quote, station marks,
Starting point is 00:33:51 exclaim mark as he put his coat for the opera and headed off to the opera. Here's my one thought. It's not fully achieving what we need to achieve. And I think everything we've written, everything, is a great subject line for an email. So I would take everything we've written, put it all in the subject line, and then in the body they might just start just following up on this. Okay. Yeah. Can I have one?
Starting point is 00:34:22 I think it's an email that it's not so much about what you're reading it's about what you're feeling as you read it You know maybe you know what maybe you do that thing you know the text you know the ability to just cross text out Yeah, do that so all of it and then at the end just right yeah just following up on this And then at the end, just following up on this. So I would just highlight it all, strike it all, strike through the text. And then beneath it. And then beneath it. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Hey, just following up on this. Can you delete as well, you know how it has all the, oh huge, yeah, make the text huge. Make it big, definitely make it big. And make hey just following up on this as small as you can. Oh, you got my note the wrong way around, but I like it. Oh, no, do it the other way. Make tiny, everything cut out really tiny,
Starting point is 00:35:17 and then hey just following up on this huge. That's better. And then it really smudged. That's really small. This sounds like the runnings of a madman. Well, that's why we're crossing the road. Oh, he said we're saying this a lot. My one note, my one note is, does it,
Starting point is 00:35:33 two things actually, does it need punctuation? Does it need paragraphs? My thinking is, you know, get to the point, cut the punctuation. So it's one flow of text and then and then enter enter so then it's a new paragraph Hey, just following up on this you know what I'm saying like it gives it a bit of impact. What do we think on that? Can do I love that. Thank you. Great podcast. Hey, so strong Broden where can we see you?
Starting point is 00:36:05 You see me on the magical dead cat tour. Okay, Mark, where can we see you? I'm gonna be performing live at them and the magical dead cat tour. Fantastic. And Zach, where can we see you? Absolutely, a great question. I don't think I have anything coming up but hopefully
Starting point is 00:36:28 will line something up soon. I'm hoping to do the show again. I'm hoping to do the magical dead cat tour but my management hasn't landed on a fee from Antidona that I'm happy with yet. Yeah fair enough man my neither. But I'm committed to doing it. No they told me you two were locked in. So well my agent's still talking. Okay I'm still in the go. Are they? We should we should team up. Do a friends. Do a friends on Sam, Tom and Mack. We should. Get out of the milperet. Hey Broden thanks so much for that, man. Pleasure. Sam, how you going there?
Starting point is 00:37:08 You're good just getting rid of your punctuation. That's perfect. And then you're happy to send that off? I want to be here for the send. I think our audience, uh, 12 listeners want to hear. I said this email. And if you are from Hungary Jax,
Starting point is 00:37:23 and this is worth putting in the email, Sam, if you are from Hungry Jacks, and this is worth putting in the email sim, if you are from Hungry Jacks, just somewhere in the middle, just mush it in. If you are from Hungry Jacks, reply to emails. Who's going to buy a cheeseburgers if you don't respond to emails? Oh, call me on my mobile. Oh, call Tom on his mobile, put in his phone number. There's good. Put in your 0430. You know what he's doing? He's doing it. Beep that. If you don't reply to emails or call Tom on 0430. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:59 He's doing it. OK. And we're just about ready to send You said that and not looking at my screen I'm ready to send You just send it now just send the now just send now Just get rid of those those paragraphs don't listen to say send Send send it's in Don't listen to Sam. Sam. To Sam. To Sam. To Sam. To Sam. To Sam.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Well, I think God's hands now. Whoa. Hopefully we'll hear something back within the hour. I think it would be worth doing business with you. I think it would be worth for me. If you don't want to listen to us read it again, you can leave. But I think we should read it one more time all the way through. How about someone who didn't write it, read it, pull it up, pull it up, pull it up, and send it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Okay, I'll read it out, Shela. I know I would love it. If you did it to like a beat. Could you do it to Weed-in Start the Fire? Oh no, no, no, no. It's a terrible idea. No, that's a good idea. That's what I thought Broughton was going to do, but he was looking up... I'm thinking like a low-beat. Cool low-fi beat. I thought I'd read it to some classy jazz
Starting point is 00:39:07 Yeah, let's go on feeling that you know what I mean? I can't hear the jazz So I'm just gonna interject from time to time miss reading the mood later But can I say to our other cool back? Because we started we general hungry jacks one this is this is us putting good energy out into the world to make the man who runs Twitter This is us putting good energy out into the world to make the man who runs Twitter runs Twitter runs hungry Jack's Friends Twitter is I believe his name is Jack Exactly, I'm looking at his email address right here the man who no the man who runs This is so fun
Starting point is 00:39:38 Man who will Twitter? Surely this is so fun and we'll put this up on platforms obviously All right, are you ready to hear? Thank you for, if you left, thank you for listening this far. If you wanted to stick around, here's a reading one more time by me of the follow-up email to Hungry Jackson, get a franchise. Actually, it's too small to read. Hungry, pre-title, each sentence is a burger jacks, a hungry jacks, burger, hungry title.
Starting point is 00:40:17 You won't believe how these boys are still supple. Four years on, jacks hungry 15 ways 15 tips to stay supple by four boys who are still supple four years on jacks hungry second title okay here's the thing were a couple of couple of business people and we've got to keep on track we've all seen Oliver Stone's JFK. We all have questions about who killed the former president Joe F. Kennedy. Personally, I think there are more assassin. And we need to look into the grassy knoll.
Starting point is 00:40:56 But, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-na-ta. What, this is a boy. This is about a rural, hungry Jack story. This is even internallyi-t. This is about a rural hungry jack story. This is even internally one of tension. Thus a good idea to keep it off the minutes, jacks. Hungry. Bacon Deluxe. Jacks. Hungry. You've done a great job revamping the chips and the onion rings, jacks. Hungry. My mate Chris said the old onion rings were better, jacks. Hungry fucking idiot, I almost murdered him jacks.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Hungry we know Don May, jacks. Hungry we're not suffering from shock, we are sound of mind and we're on Netflix jacks. Hungry don't you, don't you go passing the buck jacks hungry. Now listen here, Bucco, don't even go thinking about it. Don't go passing the buck, Bucco jacks hungry. The next bit is a bit rude, sorry, for being rude. We were just joking as we were in our previous email, i.e. when we said low jokes, haha, far out jacks hungry. I've got riders block um I've got no ideas jacks hungry don't worry I've got you covered jacks hungry fire out jacks if you're from if you're from hungry jacks reply to emails who's gonna buy your cheeseburgers if you don't reply to emails or call Tom and you've got Tom's number here.
Starting point is 00:42:26 We are the Burger King. What's with Uno? You do it Uno. Yeah, they're doing Uno like Mac is monopoly. I saw that HBO show Hope, you hungry jacks don't get ripped off like those Mac is, hungry jacks did exclaim Mark. Hey, question my question my question my question my, or Hey, question my question my question my or question my question my question my Hey, we've got money now. We want to make we want to talk biz
Starting point is 00:42:51 The first you know asterisk Think it's I'm not pedantic. I'm not gonna micro manage you can you can choose that word 15 ways and 15 tips 15 ways comma 15 tips You can choose that word 15 ways, and 15 tips, 15 ways comma 15 tips. Some tips are also ways, 30 tips, why is not guaranteed? Astrix, the pedantic thing was just talking to you and you do not have to asterix or asterix asterix. There's a great riff on the potty
Starting point is 00:43:20 about the book's depository, slash depository. Yombo sucks. Who do I speak to about the book's depository, it's less depository. YUMBO SUCKS. Who do I speak to about the YUMBO addicts landmark as he put on his coat for the hopper and headed off to the opera? Ha ha ha! That's all crossed out, and then in large text,

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