Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 269 - The 269 Special

Episode Date: August 24, 2021

We FINALLY hit episode 269 so we celebrate with some 69 talk and some special guests. haventyoudonewell.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a Legends Amog and Done Another Rep Episode of the R&T Donut Podcast. On this week's episode we talk all things 69 with some special guests. Just a quick warning on this one, we had a few technical issues this week and the audio quality is ever so slightly worse than usual, but still very listenable and enjoyable. Wow, welcome. Holy shit. Wow. It's finally here. We got something to talk about today.
Starting point is 00:00:41 It's not often we actually have something to talk about on the podcast, but for the worst time. I think in 265 podcasts, we've actually got something to celebrate and talk about. They said we couldn't get do it. They said we couldn't make it. But this is the biggest milestone in anti-donna history. It's podcast 269. We've made it here and this podcast is all about celebrating this achievement. And also just the number 69 in general, which is a sick number,
Starting point is 00:01:28 because that's when genitals get put in people's faces at the same time. 69 is a very funny number. In fact, the funniest number in the metric and numerical system using Roman characters, we are so excited today. We're going to be celebrating, we're going to be going through some of our favorite memories on this podcast up until this point. We're going to be talking about the number 69, the history of it, our favorite ways to do 69. And we're doing it all twice, because this is 269.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Are we gonna acknowledge the two? I just thought we were gonna just... Well, that's what makes it special for me, because 169 is fine. So, special guests. Well, yeah, we've got special guests. We got Sreg. He's coming up.
Starting point is 00:02:21 He's coming up. He's coming up. He's coming up. Not Sreg. No, not shrek. What? I said shrek. Did I not say it? Is it shrek? Is it shrek? Shrek, shrek.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Shrek, shrek. Shrek. It's a hard thing. It's a shrek. Are you saying sh? No, I'm saying shrek. Not sh, shrek. S-r.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Shrek. Shrek. Yes Sreg, SR. Sreg. Sreg. Yes, SR, Sreg. Sreg. He'll be joining us on the podcast later. Sreg. Yeah, I was saying Sreg. I was saying Sreg, Brody, can you say it? Sreg.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yes, that's right. No mark. Sreg. He's coming out of his swamp. Is he coming now or are we going to have a later? No, I was a later, he'll be joining us. Later in the podcast, we'll get to... Later in the podcast, he'll be coming out of his swamp and telling us what he's up to ever since Sreg forever after.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah, maybe he'll be bringing a few of those Sreg babies, the cute little Sreg babies with him. Maybe he'll come, his wife, Yoni will come with him. Yeah, Queen, Yoni will be there. Who knows, but hopefully that dastardly lumped farquam. Farquam, we don't want farquam. Lumped farquam.
Starting point is 00:03:48 But his funny friend, Pony, may also be joining him, so hopefully Pony will be there as well. But for the moment, that's later. That's later, that's to celebrate. But for right now, we are at podcast 269. And we wanted to kick this off by talking about our favorite 69s ever, either personal or throughout history. And we're going to kick this off with Brodom to talk about your favorite 69. Well, there was this one time where I was with his cheek. Yeah. And we had sex upside
Starting point is 00:04:29 down. Upside down like on the roof. For me, it was. What do you mean upside down? Wouldn't it have you just been lying on your back? No, it's general to mouth. This is what I mean. Yeah, but how's that upside down? Well, it's upside down for me. It's upside down for both of you. It's all a matter of perspective. Yeah. I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You were upside down? Because you were just the new upside down. I was both upside down, depending on perspective. No, but. From my perspective, it was upside down. So, so they were in a sex position that was right way up. And Brodon from his perspective, it was upside down. Brodon was right way up.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Sorry. Brodon was right way up. Brodon's just, and from his perspective, everything was upside down. But from his lover's perspective, also things were upside down. I guess upside down is about perspective, perception, as much as it is a literal thing. I've never heard, I've never seen a 69 referred to as upside down before. Spaces relative. Mark, you're thinking in the third person, you're looking in on this 69. If you look in on this 69, it's, it it's tipsy turvy, topsy turvy. That's how you describe it, tipsy turvy, topsy turvy.
Starting point is 00:05:51 But if you're inside the 69, it feels as though everything is upside down. So it's really just about how you're looking in on that 69. Right. Well now we're going to go over, oh sorry go. Favorite 69 in a movie. Go. Wow. Great question. Broding. Great question. We don't see a lot of six in the history of cinema. We don't see a lot of 69s in movies, do we? We don't really see a lot of kind of lingus full stock. It can be in any moving image, the history of moving image. Well, yeah, because mine's barely legal 32. The pornography film.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There is a 69. So a woman, they're backstage. There's a dance happening on the stage. And one of the dancers comes backstage. She needs to pee. She just, she bends down to her pee's until like a drain. This is horrifying. This is inappropriate like a drain. This is horrifying.
Starting point is 00:06:45 This is inappropriate for a podcast. This is actually unpleasant. It's actually unpleasant for me. Mark, beat yourself. And then they go and then the stage hand is there. I don't want to, I don't, Zach, sorry, Mark, time out. Can I, Mark, is this appropriate for the 69 episode? We're trying to have like a celebration. What I'm getting to it. I mean it is it is the 69 episode and you did asking what his favorite 69 was I didn't
Starting point is 00:07:14 I guess I did If you'd ask him what's your favorite normal? I guess I have no I guess I have no excuse I genuinely just asked I have no, I guess I have no excuse. I genuinely just asked, can I stop you? No, I'm thinking about stopping you because this is like this kid who lives in a family partner. I'm the first guest of the 69s.
Starting point is 00:07:32 This is a family partner. And then can you- You're all stepping upside down. Yeah, that's how I want to go on a detail. That's a bit perspective, but also Mark, Mark, I think it should be and then they 69. Well, I was literally just about to say that, but I had to set up the context. Can I just clear? I'm not kink shaming here.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You are young. You can't show me. You absolutely are. It's the level of detail for the family audience. That's right. That's my problem. Okay. All right. I'll turn it back a bit. Okay, go, go for it. And then I've got my answer for Favourite 69. So do I. So I was watching a film.
Starting point is 00:08:11 No, no, no, you've done all of that. We're not going to cut that. We just say the ending. Just say the ending. And then you just say, and then they 69. All right, it just feels a bit contrived now. Great. That's what I want. And then they 69. Alright, it just feels a bit contrived now. Great. That's what I want. And then they 69. That's great. That was a great, that was a really good answer.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Thank you so much. I know it felt censored, but this is a family audience. Yeah, right. Zach, favorite film 69. My favorite film 69 has got to be, you know, I think quite an underrated film, but the wonderful, beautiful, loving scene in First Man directed by Damien Chazelle, where Ryan Gosling's Neil Armstrong and Claire Foyce Janet Sheeran just went upside down and 69 the heck out of each other. I've seen that film and I do not remember the 69 in that film. 69 in there, are you thinking of Moon Raker? No, no, no, before Gosling's Neil Armstrong heads off to the moon,
Starting point is 00:09:16 Claire Foy's Janet Sheeran looks him in the eye and says, you're not going up to that moon. No, no, no, no, So that happened in 1969, Zach. No, no, no. It did happen in 1960. Yeah, absolutely. I'm completely confused. You're doing a straw man on me right now.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I'm not going to have it. I'm not doing it right now. No, I'm related to that. If I'm not a straw man, you're doing a tin man. Yeah. I know, I'm frozen. You need to oil my joints. I ain't got brains.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I can't figure that out. But it to be clear, Mark, just from my perspective, in my opinion, and this is where we might never reach an answer here, because in my opinion, there was a scene in First Man where Clevver's Janet Sheeran says to Ryan Gosling's Neil Armstrong before that beautiful moment where he looks out the the window and we see the the color of the and it wasn't incompletely accurate. They took out to the glass that the color of the sky change as he went into out of space. Before that
Starting point is 00:10:23 beautiful scene she says, now you might die out there and he goes, well, I got to do it. And she goes, well, not before we do a 69. And then went to bed. She took his hand. They were in the kitchen. She took his hand. They went to bed. And they did a four to five minute 69 scene. That's so sorry. I need to apologize because you were 100% correct because I never understood, I saw that movie and I never understood why it was called First Man. That never made any sense to me. Of course, he was the first man to do a 69.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Why is it called a 69? Because it happened in 1969. That's actually a common mistake, Mark. They were doing 69s in the cave man times. Now you're yuckin' my arm. As soon as you could do, as soon as you could do comes from a mouth, they were like, well, let's use both mouths. Let's make this reciprocal and let's make it a little full on, and like, just a lot. And this is, that's a misconception. It's called First Man because he was the first man on the moon
Starting point is 00:11:25 I disagree with that, but we'll agree to disagree I got a question for Broden Mm-hmm, bro, do you have a soft cool question about a 69 wow? I got I have a movie one. I have a movie 69 All right, you got to choose though. You got to choose. You want to do your movie one? Or do you want to hear that philosophical question? I want to do both All right. We'll do the movie one and then we'll do the philosophical question Okay, my favorite 69 which is why I asked the question to both of you My favorite 69 I watched this movie for the first time recently. It's unnecessary. It's fucking weird
Starting point is 00:12:02 That it's in this movie. David Cronenberg. David Cronenberg's fantastic fucked up movie starring Vigo Mortensen and Maria Bello who both perform in the 69. A history of violence. I've seen a history of violence and I don't remember the 69. I'm not saying it's the 69. I'm not joking. They're just in the fucking weird movie, a 69. Is that also the movie where he has a naked, where he's in the spa and the big Russians try to kill him
Starting point is 00:12:38 and he has a naked fight with all the men in the spa? That's his next movie with Cronenberg. That happened in his next movie with Naomi Watts. I believe. He goes making that. Is it a F-69? Is it in a wide shot? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Hey, history of violence like it's weird, John Wick. Was it like the proto-John Wick, like the drama version of John Wick before someone was like, let's take this plot and make it fun? Yeah. I guess. But what's your opinion now that we talk about it?
Starting point is 00:13:14 It's such a twist that movie, but with a twist movie, you kind of need to not say the twist in the name of the film. You know what I mean? Yes. I didn't read it as a twist. You know when you don't read something as a twist and then you're like, oh, that was things happening for a whole movie.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I think maybe I read it 69. I think it went away. No, let's, we've gone, and I want to, I want to fill this off equal 69 question. It's episode 269. We finally got here. And we've tackled some big topics. Topics like perspective, which really we could delves into the sense of self
Starting point is 00:13:47 Favorite 69 Favorite 69s in life and in movies? Mark, what's your philosophical question for Broden? If you like just joining us, this is our Episode number 269, we're watching I think as a treat to us I think as a treat to us Anti-Dyna of the company should buy us all subway for lunch
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah, right If you want it though Yeah I'm going to ask you nine. Aunty Don of the company should buy us all subway for lunch. Yeah, right? Yeah. If you want it though. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm very happy. How are you, Subway? I love that.
Starting point is 00:14:12 No, I don't, but we'll get it. Man, that's broken your question. I'll just get a small one as a snack. I've got chicken in the fridge. Can I tell you really quickly, a real quick subway tweet I've been working on that I just did. Is it number 69 or anything about? No, no, no. What, six inch subs?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Six inch subs? Six inch subs? Six inch subs? Six inch subs? No, it doesn't. It's a six inch subs. I want to do a tweet along the lines of subway discontinuing their triangle cut is the worst thing they've ever done as a corporation.
Starting point is 00:14:45 What's the triangle cut? This is the issue. I don't think I can, I don't know how to explain. You remember how they used to do like a cut where the the the the sub was like a do you remember this Broden? I think you're talking about with a sub they would cut it on an angle so that you'd have a bit of a triangle is a sort of like a like a holder for the for the food That was really subways like they patented it, I believe like that was the thing
Starting point is 00:15:11 I always remember being cut straight lines Maybe maybe it came to where we after it came to the literally belly see this is the issue This is why I wanted it could be just a franchise owner decision as well In terms of well, but it's a can no, no, no, no, I've seen videos about it. I looked it up. It's a whole thing. I'll shoot you some resources. Anyway, let's get back to 69.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Right after this break. So then they, they're upside down and I got my fucking philosophical question. Yeah, no, no, but I was just pretending to be midway through a 69 story like the idea that okay, you come back do it again, do it again, do it again, so then so then there there genitalia is in front of my mouth
Starting point is 00:15:58 and my genitalia is in front of the oh anyway, I was just talking about a 69. 69 that happened once. I've seen I think in my time I've Taylor is in front of the oh anyway I was just talking about a 69. I've seen I think in my time I've seen four or five 69 69s happen from the outside from the outside and that's where you were all why you think that is because I've never seen them happen on the roof and if they're happening on the roof then I'd be like yeah that's's an upside down. That's a 96 potentially
Starting point is 00:16:28 But I understand the six in nine there now. I have a philosophical question For Broughton, but also for say sure now Does a 69 remain a 69 if the two participants who of course have each other's gen in each other's mouths for mutual satisfaction. Is it still a 69 if they're on their side? Because some 69s can't. Yeah. All right. You can split them in 69. You can split them in 69. Yeah, is IMDb's top 10 movies with 69s in them. Are you ready boys? Yeah, Betcha top 69s Number 10 coming in at night. Can you do it like watch Mojo? Yeah? At number 10 coming in a hard days night the Beatles movie that took the world by storm.
Starting point is 00:17:25 There's a 60 night night. No, it came out in 60 days. Yeah, it's the movie. Number nine, Dr. Javago. Well, there was a 69 in that. Dr. Javago is about a doctor in Russia going across during the Russian Revolution. Dr. Javago. Dr. Javago.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Dr. Javago's wife, there's that scene early on where she goes, you're not crossing over into that icy hellscape that kills many a soldier. You're not crossing over there to do Dr. Work. You could die. You're not crossing over into that icy landscape until we 69.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And then they do. Is that still making that movie? I remember. Is that in some weird remake? Am I confused? No, this film was that in some weird remake. I'm I confused. No, this film was made in the 60s. Number eight. Cool hand Luke.
Starting point is 00:18:11 This movie, or can I starring Paul Newman is classic of the 60s. Whether or not it featured a 69, I would say that Paul Newman, like definitely was just like a very generous lover. I think that Paul Newman would have 69ed a lot. I think he would have just like gone, like he would have just been like, let's, if this is gonna take all night, this is gonna take all night.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Do you think it's an active generosity, or is it more of a communist sexual position? You know, like, yeah. I think it's communist, I think it's communism. It's very equitable. It is very equitable. But I think it's more that like, he would just be like, whatever it takes.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Well, 69, well, Hanalingas, and all the while you're looking into those baby blues, you're gonna go, well, I'm a pretty lucky gal to be. Number seven. West Side Story. This classic Leonard Bernstein composed musical based on Romeo and Juliet is a classic of the 60s and that's where there's a 69 in Romeo and Juliet right in the original place for Alice version in Zeffa Rally's version and also in in Rigatale's version. And also in Rigatoni's version. Yeah, and in Papa Dallas version as well.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Now you've just had pastas. What you see. No, no. OK, fine. That's fine. But it's at the end. It's at the very end. Because I'm believeable.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Even in William Shakespeare, do you think William Shakespeare would have 69 ever? That's irrelevant to me. Irrelevant. Irrelevant. An entity. Why is that irrelevant? Because we're talking about the best 69s in movies. No, because if he was writing King Lear while he was doing 69s, that changes the context of that whole play for me.
Starting point is 00:20:09 context of that whole play for me. Number six, the apartment, this classic Jack Lemon and Shirley McLean movie promises the 69 in an apartment. An apartment great place to 69. What do you think is the best place to 69? Bed. Bed. Yeah. Number five. Oh, sorry. Number five. Number five. Oh, sorry, I was just gonna say like a sort of, if you had like a, like I think there would be like a swing system type situation. Like if you were hanging like a, like a sort of like in a park. Like a children's,
Starting point is 00:20:37 like a children's swing in a park. No, I'm thinking like a sex dungeon, but like a positive like a, a consensual sex dungeon with like a rope system where one of you is hanging from the roof, thus meaning there's less, uh, with both of you are really hanging. Yeah. And it's set in such a way that there's less body weight. I think body weight can be an issue with number five. The wild bunch. I use some great 69 movies with 69's in them. Where do you think is the worst place to 69?
Starting point is 00:21:08 I have an answer. The bath. Bath one one of you is going to drown for sure. If you're not in the bath because there's a very lie, like very low mortality rates of people who go to man Everest. So like because weather can fuck you, oxygen fucks you. If you're not fit enough to it, it can fuck you.
Starting point is 00:21:28 There are so many things about Mount Everest getting to the top of that mountain that make it one of the hardest climbs. And it's not something you can just do. You need sharper support. You need experience. You need a history in climbing. Like it's 10 out of 10 physical capability rate. Add to that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah. 69ing. Like the whole give the whole time like you know I can I'm 90 the whole time at any point even if you just 69 at one point I think you can 69 a base camp I think even so even so I mean that's great for warmth if anything that would help it would help morale it'd help but energy got it but I think that's not high I think base camp you can 69. We're talking like a little higher up the mountain. And I think what's good at I mean like, yeah, energy, but you're just using mouth energy. Can I know the passion, passion requires
Starting point is 00:22:16 kyrgyz made. But you don't need to. I'm saying if you just focus on the mouth, which isn't that mark, Mark, you, you, one of you is doing something of a squat. One of you is doing something like a bridge. I want to move on. I want to move on. This is a children's podcast. Yeah, I don't want to, I'm not going to,
Starting point is 00:22:35 I'm not going to go into the detail because this is a really good thing. I still have the top four 69 movies to read out. Absolutely, but it's about the journey, not the destination with the comedy podcast. And what I want to say to you, Broden Kelly, is I want to open up what you've just said in your answer. I want to open it up just a frisjon and say, really, it's any environment on earth or outside
Starting point is 00:22:55 of earth, obviously, but any environment where protective clothing is necessary under the ocean, in particularly warm climates, in particularly cool climates, Antarctica, high altitude, where the air pressure, the temperature, the humidity leads to a need for protective clothing because 69s by their very nature are about exposed faces and exposed genitals. And I think that's really where you're gonna find your end. So that's's why I'm saying that's why I'm saying with you. I'm agreeing with
Starting point is 00:23:28 Everest would be the worst place to 69 while I would say deep under the ocean. And I would say inside an active volcano. You're going to burn you. They're all good, I guess. Like I guess they're all fair, but Mount Everest would be the worst one in my opinion. Sorry. No, because Mount Everest, you could still survive, I think. You might get frostbite. Yeah, you might lose your dick. You guys have no idea about mountain climbing and mountaineering. Sorry, I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:23:56 You're showing your ignorance. You're showing your ignorance. You would both melt. And then you... You're showing your ignorance. Oh, that's very well and good. You can make that argument. What I'm saying is you have no understanding of what it takes to be a class A mountaineer
Starting point is 00:24:12 and person who gets to the peak of these mountains, whether that's Kilimanjaro, the K2 or Everest, or even Kuziosco. It's irrelevant. That's absolutely irrelevant to what we're talking about. Are you? I got to say something Mark, I've got to just come in to defend you here, brother. I said the bottom of the deep blue sea.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I said, you know, like hundreds of leagues under the sea. I don't want to talk about your things. I'm just telling you, no, no, because I was thinking one, you would probably drown. Two, the pressure would be so great. And three, if you were in some sort of submarine device, the maneuvering to do it would make it very difficult. But even I'm not going to get into it.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That is not as hard as an active volcano. Wait a second. Zach, are they in separate submarines? Are the submarines need to align? And then there's holes in the submarines at the bottom of the submarines. Yes. And then the two submarines are sort of going on top of each other. Because if they're just in the same submarine and the bottom of the deep blue sea is a fine place to do six things. Mark, for the pressure, most submarines at that level are really only fitting
Starting point is 00:25:23 one person in there. And they'd have to be tiny people as well. To be a navy person who works on submarines is usually the smaller members of the army. And I'm not talking about your thinking like a dust boot. You're thinking like a dust boot style submarine. I'm talking about the deep dive submarines that can fit one person lying on their tummy. When you first said the bottom of the deep blue, say, I thought you meant in those full, you know, almost like space suits. I know what you thought. I know what you thought.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Right. Which would be completely impossible to do a 69 in because to gain access to the genitals, you'd have to remove the sort of and the pressure alone would would would pressure that but still still that is in no way worse or more dangerous than doing it inside an active Okay, I'm not embarrassed. We're talking in lava. I'm talking like, you got that one. You won that one. That's fine, Braden. Just give him that one. Man Everest. Just give him the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I know. No, I, I, I, you guys are showing immense ignorance about Mount Everest. And it shows, I, it shows immense, immense ignorance about the challenges of, of, of, No one is, no one is saying it's a hot clam, clam, Mount Everest. We've all tried, right? And we've failed. Yeah. All right. I said, bath. Just because the audience was 40% full. I don't see that as a fail when we played Mount Everest. I don't see that as a fail. No, it's not less than a fail. It built an audience there which we can come back to. But we just come up a lot of the shepherds. We come to all the shepherds, though, is the issue. Well, they deserved it, I thought. Yeah, they got to give them a good
Starting point is 00:27:09 show to celebrate. You know, they lost a lot of people. Broden, I gave you, I said bathsub, and when you said Mount Everest, I was like, yeah, well, absolutely. I would rather try 69 in a bath tub over the peaks of Mount Everest. But then when we dug a little deeper, Mark offered a volcano. And I said, I think you'd be okay at base camp where there's shops. I think at that point, and you just like kept going, I was like, all right, this guy is...
Starting point is 00:27:38 There's no shops at base camp of Mount Everest, Zach. There are little shops. No, Zach. No, no, no. You are actually wrong on this. You are actually wrong. Shops, like the trek from civilization to base camp is like a fucking three day thing, man.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Like, yeah, so there's no shops there. It's easy. I'm saying with a degree of ease, if you were a Sherpa, or if you were like a great Climber if you weren't leaving the next day. I think you could 69 a base camp Yeah, but there's no shops. You can't there are no shops and basic little shops There are no shops at base camp. No, you can't see them. They're so small Are you talking at microscopic shops? Yes, yes, there are I can't see them, they're so small. Are you talking at microscopic shops?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yes, yes, there are. Why can't speak to that? Because I don't believe that to be true. I can't speak to that though. All I know is it's the episode 269. I have four more films to say, which are the top 69 films of ever all time. If at any point I find evidence of shops,
Starting point is 00:28:43 can I interject? I'm gonna keep keep playing but I'll also just be doing my research about the tiny little shops. Good luck you're wasting your time. I don't want to go on. I don't want to go on. I don't want to even know what the next four, 169th of all time until you can see it until you can see it. The good, the bad, the ugly midnight cowboy to Kellermockenbird Psycho. There you go. And that is the end of the 269 podcast. Can you believe we got here, guys? We unfortunately didn't have time for Sreg,
Starting point is 00:29:13 but I'm hoping we'll get Sreg on for a later podcast. Sreg is a... Sreg. Sreg. Sreg. Sreg. Ireg. Sreg. I'm still I'm doing it. Sreg. Yeah. That's who Joe Kosky answered on this very special day. But this isn't Sreg. This is Shrek. Joe Shrek. Not Sreg. Of course I'll hang out then. He'll know a thing to about. He wouldn't know about Sreg.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Sreg is especially now. Hot. Joe Kosky can't know about Sreg. Sreg especially in our hearts. Jokoski can't know about Sreg. So you're saying that Sreg is gonna be an episode 270? Is that what you're selling me right now? Potentially. Maybe, maybe 271, 72, 73. Who knows? We're releasing it.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Well, we learned a lot today. We learned about 69. We learned about our personal sexual preferences. We learned all about those things. But I thought on this very special episode it would be exciting to get a very special person on the line to talk about it. And it's not Jo Koski. Joining us is Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee. Andy Lee. I'm sorry, I'm going to call, uh, please, ladies and original pop song with a killer hook after that.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Okay, so Andy Lee didn't answer. That's all right. I would have been worried about asking Andy Lee about his favorite 69. Yeah, but I text him and I say, can I call you in a sec to be on our pod? And then he, um, I'm glad you did that. Well, that's, and then he, and then he wrote back too late. Yeah. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:30:59 But he didn't answer. I think it was pretty fun that like, there was the answering machine. I'd get a little thrill out of that if I was a funny answering machine. The snow that Joe yeah he's a funny guy. People don't know this about him. He's a funny guy but I want to know if he's 69s. So Gorek Shep is a is a is a shop near is a town a settlement near base camp. And how small is it? And they have shops. I don't want to do this. All right. Don't ever challenge me on everest knowledge.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I've proven wrong because now you can't admit you're not 69 enough to admit that 69 enough 69 enough to admit that 69 enough to admit that doing a 69 inside an active volcano would be more uncomfortable and dangerous than doing it at some point at a resting point either a base camp in the middle of or at the peak of Mount Everest. You have tense. I don't know. I don't know the answer, Mark, but all I'm saying is you, you, Mark, don't have the knowledge about Everest and about general climbing or mountaineering.
Starting point is 00:32:21 That's what I'm saying. I've been blamed too, but at least I'm 69 enough to admit my own mistakes, Broden. And you never will be. Granted, disagree. Let's celebrate. If you're at home listening to this, go out and buy yourself a foot long chicken strip sub from Subway, celebrate with us and don't shit for a week because they are the worst food in the world. And please, please, turn 69 in a volcano!
Starting point is 00:32:53 Now we're gonna say it! Oh more important on the top of Man Everest, because that's more dangerous. Not more importantly, but maybe as importantly, or slightly less. Peak, peak of the world, peak of performance. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It's important. Not performance. I'll show you. You get to the peak of Mount Everest, you and your lover. You're at the very peak of Mount Everest. All right. Very important. What a message statistically.
Starting point is 00:33:16 One of us is Denmark. Right. Statistic, but you've gone with 50 people and they've all died except for you and your lover. So please stick that up. All right. That's doesn't. It doesn't work like that.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Shut up. Now, you're at the peak of man ever. Someone hasn't seen two of these other. You look at each other, you're fine, you're cold, you're a bit cold, but you're fine, you're quickly 69, you get up and you start, you're descent down man Everest, all right? Possible. Uncomfortable. No.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Uncomfortable, difficult, wrong, wrong, wrong. Uncomfortable, difficult, but possible. Uncomfortable, difficult, but possible. Now, I'm telling you, no. At that level, the blood flow through your body is so different to how you would experience it at sea level that you may not even be able to get an erection.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Get an erection to just do a quick 69. It's about popping the genital in your mouth. Just get it pop in. It doesn't mean I have to get each other off, right? Well, we disagree on what a 69 is then. No, that is a 69. We disagree on a 69. 69 is a completion, right?
Starting point is 00:34:19 Now, Broden, I want you to imagine that same scenario. You and your love of love, but you're inside Mount Etna, just above the lava. There's nothing holding you there. You're just there. You're just going to fall into the lava, Broden, before you even get your trousers off. All I'm telling you is that you don't have a fair and reasonable understanding of the challenges of reaching the top of Mount Everest, the top of the world. Oh, I could say to that, it would be difficult. Obviously, it would be difficult.
Starting point is 00:35:00 People have died doing it. I don't know what more you need me to say. Their bodies are still up there. It's the biggest cemetery on the planet, open air cemetery. Bodies. But the film Everest, have you seen the film Everest? No. Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin, that Australian actor. Josh Brolin in a... Yeah, it's a very good movie. I really enjoy it. But the people who die in that movie,
Starting point is 00:35:30 they're still up there, mate. You can go see them. The actors. Not the actors, dear boy. The characters they played. Look, I am very happy to admit. I don't know much about mountaineering. I'm happy to say that. That's all I wanted. That's all I wanted. Can I just read a combination on the Everest
Starting point is 00:35:52 Basecamp trick, on the trick? See? I didn't find anything about shops. And there's not microscopic shops, either. I want to be honest with you. No, that was a lot of wonderful. That's all microscopic shops either. I want to be honest with you. No, that was a lie. I've never I just want to say that you Mark what you were saying was never what I was saying like I don't want to be lumped in No, we were saying for a bit. You're like the sort of activist sect of my more Trudeau like I we both have the same goals to convince the world there's shops at the Everest basecamp. We've got different techniques. And I actually don't support you.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You said small shops first. So. And I said small shops are meant like stalls and stock traders. That's just a misunderstanding. As I've been, I've been in a business for a while for a simple standing. No, I don't even think it's a bizarre. But what I'm saying is I found nothing to say there were shops at
Starting point is 00:36:49 base camp, but I was trying to be funny at the same time. So that's not proof that there isn't shops at base camp, but I will say it's not looking good, and I will own that. And thank you so much everyone for Joe Koski. Should we, Joe Koski is calling me, should I answer? Ask him about if he knows who Sreg is. And ask him, he knows about Sreg. You know who Sreg is. Sreg.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Sorry. Fuckhead. Do you know who Sreg is? Fuckhead. Sreg. Sreg is. Not Sreg. Sreg. Hanghead Sreg is not Sreg
Starting point is 00:37:26 Hang up I'll call it. I don't know. He that is asking asking where it's more dangerous to do a 69 is more dangerous to 69 on a boring little Boring or on the top of Mount Everest Joe an active volcano Top of man ever yeah, I agree all right. Bye. No fuck That's broden you set that up in such a way Degree with that I'm gonna call Joe really quickly see if he's available that was a perfect call
Starting point is 00:38:00 I think that's what we ended he. He didn't know what a Sreg is. He agreed to announce. I just, I don't know if he had enough information on Sreg. This podcast is gone fucking mental. This is what happens when you hit 269. I'm calling him. I'm calling him. I'll know the answer. Hello.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Joe. Oh, it's, it's Mark Bonano. Um, uh, is it more dangerous? I just need to rephrase this question for you. Is it more dangerous to do a 69 at the top of Mount Everest or inside an active volcano? Okay, it's inside an active volcano. Thank you. Yes, not on some boring volcano. You already said his answer. Inside an active volcano. Thank you, Joe. Thank you, mate.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Wow. Isn't that interesting? That a little bit of clarity to the question brings a question. I'm going to bring him back. A much more. Wait, you just let me call him. Joe, Joe, they're going to keep calling you with their petty little arguments about Oh is it volcanoes it Antarctica all of that stuff and I just want to apologize
Starting point is 00:39:14 Firstly about their in name immature behavior Oh thanks man that's very nice. Secondly do you know Sreg? Not Sreg, it's Sreg. I don't, yeah, I can't really understand what you're saying. He's enemy is lump, lump, thumb, thumb, thumb. Tell him about pony. Different to your, and his friend is pony. His friend is pony. And instead of a swamp, he lives in a lake.
Starting point is 00:39:46 But do you know Sreg? Yeah, yeah. Joe, it's been tough for the arts industry this last year and a half. What with lockdowns and everything. How have you been going? How have you been handling it all? I'm miserable. Yeah, I haven't really. Oh, we lost the air.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Unfortunately. Well, you guys want to give him a call. Oh, Joe, he's broken. No argument. Joe, I think Mark led you down the wrong track there with his volcano thing. Do you understand how many people die a man Everest a year? Yeah, I do, but that's because a lot more people are traveling to Mount Everest than to an active volcano on the inside.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Thank you. Irrelevant. Irrelevant. It's just agree with. Just agree. Agree with me that 69ing at the top of Mount Everest would be almost impossible. Yeah, that's so difficult. There it is. Thank you so much for listening this week.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Still doesn't change what he said earlier. Oh, one, I won, I won. That's the change it. Uh, Brodan. That's just been... Hello? Joe, hey man, sorry about before. Hi man, that's all good. Do you think there's shops at the Everest base camp? Do I think there's shops?
Starting point is 00:41:18 Like, sold trays, you know, just like, do you think you can buy like climbing gear, food, that sort of things? That's what size he thinks they'd be. Do you think you can buy like climbing gear food, that sort of thing? That's what size he thinks they'd be. Do you think there'd be big shops? Well he's not an expert on public shops. He's wrong! I'm going to leave it to you in a little on my first copy, that's it. Okay. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just look. You know, here's the thing, Joe, I'm happy to own it if I'm wrong. You know what I mean? Some people might be giving new phone calls
Starting point is 00:41:46 but a little bit irrational and a bit of back engineering their feelings, their thoughts based on their feelings. You must be 69 enough to admit his mistakes. So you think there's some foul play? Fowl play. Yeah. I don't care for you big fancy words. I ask him if you're 69 enough to admit his own mistakes. Hey man, are you 69 enough to admit your own mistakes? Yep. Brody, did you have a question for Joe?
Starting point is 00:42:17 Just ask him to wish us well on our 269s and here's to another 269. Yeah. So this is our 269th podcast episode. So ask if he's okay to be on the podcast. Are you okay to be on the podcast? I'm not calling right now. This is a podcast. I'm recording.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Yeah, I understand. You don't call me to see how I am or anything. It's because I've got social anxiety, Joe. We have to bring it up on the podcast. Yeah, but you're the therapy dog now. No, no, I look after the dog, the dog doesn't look after me. Of course, that's what I love about it. Ask him, if he has anything to say.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Do you have anything to say for the 269? About the 269th episode. And do you want to wish us luck for the 269 about the 269 episode and do you want to wish us like for another 269 although here's my problem with that I'm sorry bro I just want to like talk through something which I real quick my problem with to another 269 more is you then landing on a number that's not 69 so so you're going to ever celebrate the second 269. You should probably celebrate every 69. Oh, and see how that would be. We have to celebrate every one. Yeah, we're going to celebrate it every one. So just say congratulations on 269 podcasts. Congratulations boys. No, on 269. Take out the boys. Congratulations on 269 podcasts.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Now so and now so and here's to 269 more. And here's 269 more. And then what's 269 plus 269? I'll be tracking 338. 538. No. 538. 538. 538. I fucked out on the box. No. No, that's OK. No.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Right, I'm fucked it up, but that's OK. Now, can you say there's no sexier number than 538? There's no sexier number than 538. Because that's 269 times 2. because that's two sixty nine times two because that's two sixty nine times two. I've been J. Kosky, star of Shrek and um school of rock. I've been J. Kosky, star of Shrek and school of rock. And the University of Ballerat's production of urine town. And the University of Ballerat's production of urine town. Zach is right about the shops. Zach is right about the shops. Zach is definitely in the shops.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Broden is wrong about the, about the Antarctic asixx. No. I don't want to get involved in that. Yeah. Stance. The boys. Broden is his under duress,
Starting point is 00:44:57 but Broden's wrong about the attack. And that's the only thing. That's the only thing. And then just, I don't know, if you wanna add anything, if you wanna add anything, anything we've missed. Yeah, just getting up on the, I guess.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Well, it's been there, unfortunately. But that is it. That's episode 269 here, so another 269 more. Thank you so much, Jorikoski, for wishing us luck on our journey to podcast 538, 338 according to Broden. Thank you very much, Joe Koski, for wishing us luck on our journey to podcast 538-338
Starting point is 00:45:25 according to Broden and we are so, so excited to be bringing you this podcast. Let us know your thoughts about 69ing in the comments and we'll see you next week. Wait, wait, wait, don't stop recording. Don't stop recording. Don't stop recording. Don't stop recording. Andy, it's Broden. Just a very quick question. Did you and Hamish once go to the top of a volcano? Yes. Okay. Did you survive?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Well, technically we can get to the top because it exploded two days beforehand. But it was active, you would say. Oh, well, and and truly our shoes melted. Okay and we cooked a lasagna whole lava. Great Andy. I love it. Andy, you know this is not what you would want to do but you don't talk about 69 and because he's the other voice can't hear you but this is just ringing up about 69s. Just make it a bit possible to be sexually active at the top of the volcano. Not, you know, wouldn't be a good experience, but could you do it?
Starting point is 00:46:35 Ah, sexually active. You know, the term you use to people that are just, you know, coming into the idea of having sex. Yeah, I guess so. But could you have sex at the top of the log? I guess it's not a musty. Yeah, I guess it would be pretty easy. You probably want to wear, you probably want to wear, there'd be a limited fallout, you want to wear a mask, a mask, a mask, there's some treat-dangerous stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Oh, gosh! You're getting a mask. Okay, that's all we need for New Andy. We've got Everest. Okay, do you ever been to Man Everest? No. It would be almost impossible to have sex when you would think from at the top of Man Everest, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah, you really would just come clean off, I think. It's impossible. What about base camp? Andy, ask about the shops of base camp. Okay, very quickly. Zach wants to know, do you know if there are shops at base camp of man Everest? No, I don't think there's shops.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I'm actually, they should have a drink at all. I'm trying to get there would be. Actually, I don't know. Actually, my answer should have been short. No, I don't know. Andy, thank you so much for coming on the antidone podcast. So I'd love it to be on the Tuesday night. I'm sorry, even though you can't hear me, I got a text from yesterday,
Starting point is 00:47:48 and my answer is yes. Who was that too? Sorry. Oh, great. That's fantastic. That's fantastic. That's good to know. That's great.
Starting point is 00:47:54 That's good to know. All right. Well, thank you, Andy Lee. Appreciate it. See you later. Bye. Well, I guess that's a happy ending. We met someone who has been to the top of a volcano Says you could have sex there need to wear a mask, which means you couldn't 69 but yeah
Starting point is 00:48:13 But if you put on He just said he couldn't wear he said you have to wear a mask You need to wear a mask of the job of Everest. And also the thing was inside the volcano, so you need to wear a mask of the job of Everest. Everyone who we've asked about inside has agreed with Mark Bano. And can I just say, every time we've floated, I think this is where we're really falling into a bit of a straw man issue, which we've talked about earlier. Mark, you say you couldn't 69 inside an active volcano, to which Broden says, but you could on the edge. Broden says you couldn't 69 at the top of the amount of.
Starting point is 00:48:53 I think the podcast is over. You say you'd 69 at the bottom. Why don't we just admit that those are two places? One wouldn't, one to 69. I think we don't agree on that. I think we do. You think we don't agree on that. We can have an illegal agree on that. Oh, we can absolutely. Absolutely, we'll agree on that. I think we all agree on that. We can absolutely agree on that.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Oh, we can absolutely. Absolutely. We definitely agree the shops at the base game. Alright, thanks so much everyone. No! You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by See you next week!

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