Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 270 - The Dojo

Episode Date: August 31, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get our legends and welcome to another rip episode of the R&T Donner Podcast. On this week's episode, we've got an informative podcast linked to the tactical response team over at the Dojo. Remember, if you're loving this body, you can get heaps more content over at Hello and welcome to podcast number one of I hope many podcasts where we will be discussing tactical responses, we will be discussing various martial arts and we'll basically be discussing the many options that you have if you find yourself in a dangerous situation, whether you are a person or a nation-state. The name of this podcast has not been decided yet but you'll know it when you listen to it. My name is Steven. I am here with my co-host and I would say confident, you know. We've learnt together,
Starting point is 00:01:18 we've come up together in the tactical response world. His name is also Steven but you can call him by his middle name which is Sirg. Sirg how are you mate? Really good to hear from you today, Steven. Really exciting time for me to be on the podcast. Really excited to have this opportunity to talk about self-defense and it's raw in fighting people. Yeah. And let's educate the community. So, now we'll talk a little bit about, if for our listeners, for those listening who haven't been to any of our seminars or worked with us in the past. We'll talk a little bit about our history, but first I wanted to introduce our first guest on the podcast, and we hope to make him a regular guest.
Starting point is 00:02:36 We wanted to have the perspective of someone who was newer to this world. This is someone that you've taken on, I would say, or we on to help us with some of our admin back-end, but also to teach him the ways of tactical response and martial arts. Do you want to introduce yourself, talk a little bit about who you are and your relationship to myself and Sir. your relationship to myself and Sirg. Namaste. My name is Steven. I namaste. Namaste. Namaste.
Starting point is 00:03:33 My name is Steven. I'm a yellow belt in Jiu Jitsu. I've come onto this podcast. Steven and Steven have been taking me under their wing. Like they said, treating me as a protégé, hence why I have a long, small, thin braid at the back of my head, much like my hero, Anakise Skywalker. Anakise, of course, the alien pronunciation of Anakine's name. And if you question me on that maybe you should go back and watch the prequel trilogy in which he is referred to as
Starting point is 00:04:12 Anakin Skywalker. So if you have a problem with that and you would like to meet me and my two sensees out in the car park I'm more than happy to take that request and note it down in my ledger which is dripping with red. and my two cents says, out in the car park, I'm more than happy to take that request and note it down in my ledger, which is dripping with red. If I can point on something there that is really interesting about that, is you, if you come and challenge me to a fight,
Starting point is 00:04:39 my first instinct at any moment is going to be, get out of there, leave, run. I don't want to be in a fight with you. I want to be away from incident. I'm not looking to fight you at all. I've got no reason to be in a fight. However, if you hold me, if you control me, that's where things will turn. That's where my power will be shown to you, my black belt in Jiu Jitsu, my black belt in boxing, my black belt in fantasy art fighting, my black belt in Jedi fighting. That's where I'm going to show you some of the skills that I've attained through my career. It's interesting, Sir G, that you bring up the need and the ability to step away from a fight.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Actually, when I first met Sir G, it was in 2005, or Steven, Steven is his name, but we call him Sir G. In order to differentiate, so there's not a sense of confusion, because both of our names are Stephen. And I do like to go by Sirgay. Absolutely, you know, Stephen, I don't think it's fantastic to take on your Russian heritage with pride and whatnot. And I am Stephen with a, or just to be clear, I am Stephen with a pH, whereas Stephen is a Stephen with a V, and we have trained our ears,
Starting point is 00:06:08 much like we've trained our bodies, to be able to tell when someone is staying Steven and Steven. And I've done that by going, Stippin, Stippin. Yeah, at the start. I really applaud you, Stippin, for coming up with that solution.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You know, you brought your initiative and that's absolutely fantastic. I just go back to what I was saying earlier. I was saying you could grab me. Yeah, absolutely. That's what it becomes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. I will run away from you until the moment comes when you grab me.
Starting point is 00:06:43 That's when you know. That's when you know that you've made a mistake. Well, that's why I'm here to learn. Yeah, absolutely. Because I was akin to a violent animal. Yeah. Yeah. A wild animal. Step on. Step on. Yeah. Well, just with all due respect, with all due respect, mate. A wild animal is not something to take pride in. I've learned that. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And you have to really be aware of that. Absolutely, you need to be able to unleash the wild animal. I approach things a little bit less. Obviously, Sirk takes more of a martial arts approach to things. I take more of a tactical response approach. That's where I would say, when you talk about that response to the wild animal, I think of something like a tactical response, for example, the invasion of the beaches of
Starting point is 00:07:38 Galipoli, or what we say invasion, but the defence of Australia on the beaches of Galipoli. That's a moment where the tactical response failed. The people at the higher ups, they failed in their tactical response. They had a duty to those soldiers and they let them down, they failed. That's when the wild animal had to come out. The people that survived in that situation, they were the people that used their initiative and they used their raw animal power to fight, to maim, to kill, and to look after their brethren. And that's why it's quite a big example. Let me give you an example. Okay. Absolutely. So I'm going to a movie.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I'm going to the cinemas with my partner. Yeah. We're maybe going to see a new film like Detective Peak Tew. Yeah. right movie as well. And a great picture story. Yeah, absolutely. And I do want to say a heartwarming story about a father and a son. Yeah, it's a movie of combat and the respect for those who fight. Now, what I wanted to talk to you both about is we're walking out of the area right.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And per se, for instance, I'm walking with my, my babe. And we see someone who starts to say nasty things towards us. I'm not going to fight them I'm going to say walk away Even though despite the fact that they've Disrespected my partner's honor and her chastity. I'm not going to call out I'm not going to turn around and use my skills because Skills are at their most powerful when kept dormant till the moment of truth. I'm going to walk to the car. At the
Starting point is 00:09:11 moment that one of them grabs me, steps in my way or harms my partner, that's when I unleash my skills. Can I ask you a question? At the moment of grabbing, that's a different story. Can I ask you a question at the moment of grabbing that different story? Can I ask you a question? My first instance walk away. So can I ask you a question, mate? Yeah. Do I have permission to ask you a question right now? Abs. In this instance, yes. Okay. So, so that's great. Is that something I should be noting down is seek permission before asking a sense or colleague a question? Listen, I was just sensing a degree of
Starting point is 00:09:50 a degree of aggression from Serg in that moment and I didn't want to escalate that situation. So that was not that was not anything I think as a master. That was just me de-escalating a situation. He clearly wanted to continue making his point. I'd asked a few times. That was probably me deescalating a situation. He clearly wanted to continue making his point. I'd ask you a few times That was probably due to the zoom delay. We are doing this over zoom because the the government that the government has no way going to politics I want to go into politics about this Sir, I want to ask you your opinion right. We're using this wild animal metaphor that's come up in this conversation. I wonder when you talk about unleashing your skills. Do you think in that moment you're unleashing
Starting point is 00:10:33 the wild animal? Or do you think you're still reserving that wild animal, but using the calm decision-making, even tactical mind, to execute a series of manoeuvres and moves to achieve the goal that you need to achieve. Let me answer you by telling you a part of one of my favorite movies, Avengers. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Excuse me. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. The whole movie. a great one around for that entire movie as Mark Ruffalo. And he often,
Starting point is 00:11:07 is that the name of the actor? Is that the name of the actor? Yeah, it is. Yeah. Yeah, great. Bruce Parker is the moment where he approaches the villains in this instance, it's Alan's part of me.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Oh, that's part of me, I'm sorry. So, I'm sorry, so can I just interject here for a moment? Step hand you need to back off mate. All right. I know that you're excited. I'm learning you disrespect the master stop That's it. And I'm taking this note and I'm stepping back He's been in the moment where Mark Ruffalo is a human being and obviously he has the power to Hulk into to release his muscle. So he turns into the Hulk, right? I see a lot of myself in him, but what I often what he says as he walks to them in human form, he says someone says, but wait, you're not angry. You've got to get yourself angry. He says that's that's the point.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I'm always angry. And then yeah, he unleashes the fury. So he's, he's, and that's what I'm like, I'm like, hold. No, absolutely. Hold, hold. I respect that bro. He says I'm always angry.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And when I saw that movie in the cinemas, I thought there I am. I see myself in this movie represented because my dad role is kind of, I see myself in it. I'm always ready to go. I can be having dinner with my grandmother. I need to talk. You're talking about your grandmother now. I have a question about the Hulk. Sorry, no, you need to pass it down. Just wait, I'm gonna get back to the Hulk. I had a question about the Hulk. I'm gonna get back to the Hulk. I'm gonna get back to the Hulk.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I'm always ready to go. I can be sitting down, eating a meal. And then terrorist comes in the room. The fury's there for me. It's at a moment's notice. And now this is, these are the skills that I've come to you to learn is that, see, as when he was Mark Ruffalo
Starting point is 00:13:07 That to me was I don't understand this car. I'm really confused. I don't get it This is the actor's name. I'm so sorry. I'm really confused by the Mark Ruffalo He referred to him as Bruce Banner Well, if you need that I mean that I do I would prefer that that would help me I'm not I'm not as much of a movie guy as you guys are. Bruce Banner Mark Ruffalo. The same, they're in on the same.
Starting point is 00:13:29 When I was watching the Avengers, which I did 15 times. Yeah. I never, I never connected to the Bruce Banner Mark Ruffalo character. When he started gaining mass and his skin would turn from a peach to a to a green like a lime green Yeah, and I saw that character Hulk smash Being able to take down an entire Alien worm in a single punch That is when I went now. I'm seeing myself represented on screen
Starting point is 00:14:04 But what I've come to you to learn is how do I get to the mark rough below? You'll be excited to know, Step Heaven, that my two idols of fighting are on each of my calf muscles. On the left is the Hulk. On the right is the Decepticons, the logo for the Decepticons because they capture. They capture for me the two elements of what I believe is important to fighting and to combat. One is the fury. The other is the mischief.
Starting point is 00:14:33 They are mischief makers, the Decepticons, because they deceive, they trick the Autobots into losing the war for Cybertron. So guys, I love our other movie talk, right? Guys, I love it, but I'm not much of a movie guy. I prefer to sort of read about tactical responses, read the memoirs of different army generals and whatnot. And I feel like I'm getting a little lost.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I love the power of storytelling to, in order to use metaphor and whatnot to explain the experience of the warrior. I absolutely love the art of storytelling to portray the psyche of the warrior, don't get me wrong, but I feel like when they be moving a little off topic, when we start talking about these decepticons and transformers and whatnot. Do you have an example from real life, Steven, in which you have used martial arts to control, manipulate or maneuver a situation to be your favour with or without causing harm to a fellow
Starting point is 00:15:33 human being. Yeah sure, so that's a great question there, step-on, and I'm really glad you asked that. I obviously do know quite a bit about martial arts and and Sirk has helped me a great deal in the last decade, learning more, developing my skills. Obviously my expertise is more in the tactical. My approaches are whilst very similar. I'm more interested in how a nation state responds to the threat of other nation states or even guerrilla style terrorist organizations. But I think there's a lot of metaphor there. Do I have a
Starting point is 00:16:10 real life example of a nation state using their power to disarm this to de-escalate? Absolutely. I think we can look at some of the negotiators in during the Cuban missile crisis. We can look at a lot of what the Australian government's of the negotiators during the Cuban Missile Crisis. We can look at a lot of what the Australian government's doing with the situation in the South China Sea. These are all examples that I think are fantastic examples and very similar to your Transformers film. In terms of how the warrior can deescalate
Starting point is 00:16:41 before starting something. But don't get me wrong. That's what I like to do. I will always be in a state of flea Yeah flea flea flea is my three years. Absolutely get away from scenario if I'm held captured disarmed that's when you get the lion Absolutely, and you don't want to play less of me. You don't want return. We have to go to an ad break, but when we come back, I'm going to put a lateral question and a philosophical question to both of these boys to see how they answer. We'll be right back. Good stuff. Welcome back. I'd like to put to Stephen. Which one?
Starting point is 00:17:26 What would you do in the forest? Stephen, your step-parry. You mentioned earlier, Gallipoli. Sure. What would you do in the scenario to re-change history and to win the peaches against the war? Sure. In the war.
Starting point is 00:17:42 So that's a great question. That's a fantastic question. I would love a little bit of clarity before we Before we move forward and my foot soldier am I a medic and my higher up in government? Am I a general? What what what what do you see my position being because the tactical response is is completely different You know war and the war Mechanizations they call it the war machine for a reason. You know, everyone has to play their part. So I'd love to know from your perspective, Avengers. Again, I'm not familiar with that property.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Not familiar with that property. I'm fantastic. He's a fantastic actor. He's a guy from Hotel Rwanda, yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah'll watch that with my partner a few weeks ago. Very sad, very moving. What would you do as a foot soldier? It's Jane. Foot soldier. Geez, geez, you put me in a tough position there, mate, because they were not dealt a good hand
Starting point is 00:18:40 on those beaches I tell you what. They were not dealt a good hand. Obviously I'm approaching that beach with my brothers, both from Australia and New Zealand. We were being shipped in, we were shipped in, a 10 a piece, and a lot of the deaths, that was a campaign that lasted for quite a while, the vast majority of the deaths, that was a campaign that lasted for quite a while, the vast majority of the deaths that were happening at the landing. If I survived that, which I believe I would have, I believe I would have sensed a danger pretty early on, and I would have probably lowered, gotten lower on the boat, making sure
Starting point is 00:19:18 that I was protected, that I was shielded. Now I know that they were on the hill at the time, and I know that the safest spot on that hill, if you look at the maps, if you look at the topography, where they landed in the wrong place, I know that the best place to go, obviously is there was a small valley, a small crevice,
Starting point is 00:19:38 where the ability to shoot down was really not with the technology. It took the soldiers quite a while to work that out and they lost a lot of lives. I would have gone straight there. From there, that's where I would have started to gather my fighters. I would have actually looked to Medics first.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Those are the guys I'd be protecting looking after because if you protect the Medics, well then you're protecting, you know, you increase, multiply, there's a multiplier there. You save one medic, you're actually saving many soldiers. So I'd save as many medics as I could. I would start to build up that base and await further orders. You know, that's really all the foot soldier can do. I'd love to give you some tactical answers there, but at that point, I just have
Starting point is 00:20:26 to await further orders and see where we go. God, I wouldn't be too excited about those orders because they were making some big mistakes in that campaign, absolutely. I would have approached it very differently as a foot soldier. Sure. So obviously, just before you start, Stepan, we will give you both from a martial arts perspective from Sirg and a tactical perspective from myself.
Starting point is 00:20:51 We will be giving you feedback on this response. Okay, and that's part of being a student, a part of that. And I appreciate that. And I'll take that feedback, which is where I put my feedback in my feedback. No, but come in, that's okay, you miss pronounced. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's my ledger. There's no judgment here. We're not bullies. And I appreciate that. And I respect that. We're the ones that take on the bullies. That's right. Now, obviously, the issue with Gallipoli was the allied landing preparations. The Ottoman defense preparations were far superior. As a a foot soldier what can you do? You can shoot your gun, but you can also try and slap some sense into your commanding officer I would have gone up. I would have I would have because I am an Absolute animal. This is remember this is before my training with you two individuals.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So I need to look back at the past mark. What would past Stephen? I need to have a look at the past Stephen. What would Stephen have done before having met the two people who rained him in? Made him a caged lion. A caged lion that can walk it like his legs are sticking out of the cage still and he can walk around. He has free will. The lion has free will and can still go to the shops. Yes, but he's in a cage. Unlock that cage and it gets out. But before, yeah, you've got a lion. But before that, there was
Starting point is 00:22:22 no cage. I would have gone up to my commanding officer grabbed him by the shoulders shook him and said you don't understand We're walking into a trap where we're landing is the incorrect Coordinates because I would have done my research. Yes, I am a foot soldier But I am not a stupid person I would have jumped down onto the ground He wouldn't have said he would have said no. He would have said there's nothing you can do I would have jumped down onto the ground. I would have grabbed the guy next to me gun and the guy out to the left Guy to the right got a left
Starting point is 00:22:58 I would have grabbed both their guns because those guns are better in my hands than theirs Bang bang bang bang I, bang, bang. I would have taken every shot's headshot. Every shot's headshot. I would have taken down the Ottoman snipers, the Ottoman machine gunners, right? I would have a grenade comes. I smother it with my body.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Why? Because I know it's gonna go off or not. And I know that that grenade isn't gonna go off. But I need my brothers to see what you need to do in a grenade situation. Well. Mate, that was great. Sir, do you wanna start with the feedback or should I?
Starting point is 00:23:43 I mean, there was a couple of issues there, definitely. For me, it's a 10 out of 10. That's how I would have done it. Yeah, great. That's a great response. That's a great response, sir. I would like to pose to you. I'm actually really good.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Do you mind if I just give him a little bit of a feeling? No, please. Please, I just... So, Sir, it's giving you a 10 out of 10. Makes sense. He's a martial artist. And what you've done there, I just, so Serg's giving you a 10 out of 10, makes sense, he's a martial artist. And what you've done there, I think largely, largely works from the perspective of a martial artist. I personally do disagree with Serg though, because what's the first most important thing of a martial artist, it's removing that sense of self.
Starting point is 00:24:18 You've made some pretty selfish decisions there, you've really left your brothers out to... First thing to do is flee, get out of the area. I would have, absolutely, said, I don't need to be here. I don't need to be here. The moment they challenge me, my country, my way of life, that's when the lion's on the... Would you not say that by the very nature of being there, considering you are a soldier, that they have challenged
Starting point is 00:24:43 your country and your way of life. At that moment, that's when I engage. But before that, leave the area. Right. But you're there. You are in that moment. So... No, he's, look, he's answered honestly.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I'm just, I'm just seeking clarity here. We haven't thought about it. Where is that moment? For me, my ledger is literally dripping in red. And I need to clean that ledger. I need to wipe that ledger clean. That's what I've learned. How am I going to do that if I don't understand when to flee?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Can I say anything? So flee when someone tries to start action with you. Engage you in action. That can be you at a dinner, at a restaurant, an armed robot comes in, tries to hold the place. I put my hands up in the air, the moment they come to me, say, give me your wallet, they touch my wife. I say, that's the moment where the lion is unleashed.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And you know, and from you, I've learned, grab the barrel of the gun. Grab with, hold it out of the hand. Yeah, turn it around, flip it around. I put it to the back. Make sure the safety's off. One shot to the knee, one shot to the knee, and then incapacitated but not dead.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And then five to the head, five to the head after that. So once they're dead, one, two, three, four, five. That's what I've got to do. Robert comes in. Robert comes in. Robert comes in. Take the gun, reverse, down. Knee shot, they're disabled. He says, no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I'm like, unfortunately, too late the lines unleashed. One, two, three, four, five. That's a powerful answer, man. That's a powerful answer to what you do. Full stop is what it is. That's what you've got to do. You have to defend yourself. And then I just back up,
Starting point is 00:26:27 Sirg right now and say, when he talks about removing himself from the situation, he's not talking about pissing his pants and running away like a baby, if I may use that parlance. He's not talking about that. I met Sirg and I can vouch for him. I met him.
Starting point is 00:26:44 The first time we met was in 2004 at a free running class. I met Sirg at a free running class because both of us were aware that we could see I have a little bit of experience in martial arts. It's less effective for me because I'm a heavy-set guy, but I definitely still use some of those techniques, some of those mantras, but we both knew that you have to remove yourself. And before you say free running, is that the same as parkour? No, it is not parkour, it is an extreme sport, it is about the tricks, it is about the techniques, it is about getting from point A to B with his minimal minimal
Starting point is 00:27:28 Things in your way. So he's talking about that efficiency efficiency is the key Now a lot of people they're in that cinema situation. Someone's talking about his partner Talking about her chastity and he's gonna go all right right, I'm gonna find him, I'm gonna let the animal out. No, because the first thing you're gonna do, Sirg, if I'm correct, is you're gonna say, a lot of people would say, I've gotta fight this guy, there's a wall next to me. Not Sirg, and not me, Steven.
Starting point is 00:27:55 What I would do is I would lift up my legs, I only need a one meter run up to get over a two meter wall. Yeah, I efficiently flee. I would know that. I efficiently flee. I lift my go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I have to go and I know that. I'm going to launch my arms forward and put my feet parallel, my legs parallel to my arms, tuck my head, and I'm going to jump. I only need about a half a meter to do this. I'm going to jump the height of the door, and I'm going to sleep through the small window above the door, like I'm a letter through an envelope. Another way to approach that situation, Sensei, if I may, is to brace your shoulder, run out the door, full speed, and knock the door off its hinges. And if you continue, no, because I have done this before, I have done this before.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Once in a situation where they weren't giving me enough, I was trading in a copy of Ratchet and Clank on PS5 at JB, and they were not giving me a high enough return. I was trading in a copy of Ratchet and Clank on PS5 at JB and they were not giving me a high enough return because when I was in there just the day before for Dragon Quest 12 on the Nintendo Switch I got a 50% return on that trade in. Yet for Ratchet and Clank a newer game on a newer system that I'd only purchased a week beforehand. I was getting a 30% return. I don't think so. So in that situation where security started coming at me after I had engaged one of the workers in a headlock,
Starting point is 00:29:35 I was just at the moment about to snap their neck, separate their skull from their spine. I had to run out of JB Hi-Fi and I used the smash through the door scenario. Ha ha ha. Yeah, that's a great sense. Why do you laugh since then? I'm talking about. Well, I laugh because it's like it's great to watch, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:53 movies, like he said, you can understand the mind of the warrior through the art of storytelling. Absolutely. You watch too many movies, you start to think every door is made of thin pine. You start to think every window is made of sugar glass. That's a fantastic idea. But what if that door is deadlocked? What if that door is made of a thick metal? What if that door is not, you know, it's great. Great. You use brute force, but in the time you've done that, the man that was disrespecting
Starting point is 00:30:20 your wife has pulled out a gun. He shot her, he shot you, and he shot the police officer that's trying to defend you. Because in this situation, I was in trouble with my wife. But I understand what you're saying. I guess what it came down to was I was pretty lucky that that door was only made of oak for had it been made of a stronger material. I may have not been able to bust that on my first attempt running.
Starting point is 00:30:48 A J.B. High Fies you having oak doors? Is that a common thing? No, no. So usually it's roller doors. I would see it at J.B. High Fies. No, so actually you've made a mistake there in terms of my location in regards to the J.B. High Fies. It was a J.B. High Fies in a shopping centre. And I escaped to the J.B. High Fire. It was a J.B. High Fire in a shopping center,
Starting point is 00:31:05 and I escaped the J.B. High Fire with ease, but they locked down the shopping center. The shopping center had oak doors. Yeah, the oak door. It wasn't as thin as you would expect. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Here's the reason though, you're a fan yourself in a situation of conflict, which is why we're never going shopping in suburban Metro, Australia. Just for safety, I will always carry my small katana. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. One, it's great to withhold. It goes down the side of my leg along my hamstring quadricep. It moves farm to belly. I can move freely. It's in your very butt pants. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. We all your very butt pants. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, we all have very deep pants.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah. I have a trap door in my tracksuit pants for which I can reveal the katana. Just on that very off chance that someone does engage me at which point? Katana out, slice the throat, slice the chest, in, hold, twist out. Security guard approaches you. I have a hand on the katana. Yeah. In, hold, twist out. Security guard approaches you.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I have a hand on the katana. You're ready to go at any moment. Obviously, weapons, handguns in Australia are under a license. I do own firearms, but you know, I'll let you carry them unless hunting. And that's no, don't necessarily agree with that. We'll move ahead with that. That's something that hopefully we can get a call. Don't need to get into the politics.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I do agree with you there, but we don't need to get into the politics. What are your thoughts on that? But I do carry a katana. I did have a question for my two sensees. What are your thoughts on wearing a utility harness at all times now? I do have a utility harness that I have filled with devices that are meant to distract flashbangs, kind of like small pallets to create smoke for fast getaways, that sort of thing. Now do you think that all men should have a utility harness on them at all times, fill
Starting point is 00:32:58 with these kinds of devices, or should they only be taken into high risk scenarios, say, if you're going out to a restaurant with your wife and her bosoms are exposed? That's a great question. That's a great question. We're just in the sense that someone may disrespected her. My interest is more in nation-state, tactical responses. This is more of a martial arts question. Absolutely. I'd like to have you a bit.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I'd like to have you a utility balance. Yeah, I'll take that. Over to you, Sir. Yeah, mate. How are you gonna... Free jump out of that place if something comes up? Are you going to be able to carry yourself and the weight of your harness belt, adding another 12 kilos, say, a belt weight? Are you going to be able to jump out of that room and get efficiently to safety? Look, it does add a little bit of circumference to my, to my body, which I am aware of,
Starting point is 00:33:47 and I know when I see a hole in the wall, unlike I can fit through that, I guess the holes would have to be a little bit bigger. That is true. It may hinder me from getting into as many tight places as I'm used to getting into. I'll tell you what the answer is. Okay. Deadlifts, compound weight exercises, deadlift, farbell squats, get stronger, kettlebells, every day you're building the strength in your legs. My legs are massive. A lot of people say you don't look like you're very fit,
Starting point is 00:34:18 you look like a normal guy, because strength is different to muscle. I work strength. I am one of the strongest people you'll meet, but also I'm like a Teddycat Libert. It's true, he does. Absolutely right. Great hugs.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You know, that's the thing, like, we're both heavy-set guys. Like this. We're both huge. I'm going to say, though, I'm going to say though, I'm going to say though, you know, I've seen you working out, I've seen you, I've watched you working out. You might get Raj Jim. And you're got Raj Jim. We try call the Dojo.
Starting point is 00:34:57 We have nicknamed that the Dojo. Absolutely. And not a nickname. Not a nickname. What is the definition of a dojo? It is a place for rest, training, meditation, and a whole in which you worship your body and your sense is mind.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Absolutely. I've got a Chromecast out there on the telly as well, so you can watch stuff out there too. Yeah, and we do. We've got the Chromecast out there. And we've got the Drum Kit set out there And and we got the drum kit as well so because Your partner I see you didn't move the drum kit out there because it was a little bit loud in the house So we've got the drum kit we've got the but what I've got to say what I've got to say on that though in in all
Starting point is 00:35:39 Respect, you know dojo is not just an architectural style. It's not just a cultural thing. Dojo can be a garage. Dojo can be a garage in an outer ring southeast in suburb. That's what you've taught me. That's what you've taught me. Is the Dojo is a state of mind. It doesn't have to be, you know, above a grocery store in Peran.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Downtown Tokyo. Yeah, or downtown Tokyo, you know, it doesn't store in Peran. Downtown Tokyo. Yeah, or Downtown Tokyo, you know, it doesn't have to have padded floors. It doesn't have to have, well, it does need to have a rack of katanas, size, and nunchucks. But that's our benefit. It's not really a joke.
Starting point is 00:36:19 It can't be a place where your car goes. Yeah, exactly, because otherwise, where are you gonna put the the car outside ready for thieves to take? Absolutely not, you need that security. I welcome thieves to take my car. Yeah. And that's also the other thing as well.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Because if someone came to my car, you didn't need it. You didn't need it. You didn't need it. I hear them. I hear them. Going from under the pillow outside. Freeze. One, two, down.
Starting point is 00:36:44 One, two, three, four, five in the head. You would know the face. Is that where you keep your gun under the pillow? Yeah, that's interesting. I sleep, I like to sleep with my handgun, hands in on trigger here, like this. Right, under the pillow. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I have mine concealed in the mattress, in the off chance that a villain is in the bedroom and looks for the gun under the pillow, the most obvious place to keep it. I've keep mine concealed in a hole in the mattress. That way I dive in, pull it out when they least expect it. One to the kneecap, one to the heart. Trouble it.
Starting point is 00:37:21 It's very efficient. You don't have that gun and you're not ready to use that gun. The issue is they're going to come in, they're going to kill you, they're going to kill your wife, they're going to kill your neighbours, they're going to kill your pets, they're going to kill everyone on the street. Because you had that gun, you were ready to take them on. And obviously we do it legally, we have it in a safe, we have it in an approved safe,
Starting point is 00:37:41 it's bolted to the ground, but that safe is near the bed, Absolutely. It's in the place you described in that sort of hollow cabin. My duty of care is the safety of me and my two other 35-year-old male roommates in an outer suburb of Victoria, Melbourne. That's who I am caring for, with intruders into our share property. Yeah, that's who I am caring for with intruders into our share property. Yeah, that's a flat. Yeah, small sort of free. Yeah, orange bricks. We need to make a very, I mean, none of us have wives or partners.
Starting point is 00:38:14 No, no, no, no, no, yeah, we are working on it. But, um, sorry, you've misunderstood. You two don't have wives. I do have the, I do have a wife. I married her at the age of 18. We dated in high school and I married her at the age of 18. So I do have a wife, but the two of you do not know. That's an understandable mistake to make. I never talk of her in a real sense, and you've never met her. I am, at the moment, looking at entering into a polyamorous relationship with another couple one man and one woman.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I will potentially sleep in the third bedroom that they have in the house. They will share a marital bed and I will be there in my own bedroom and we will engage in three sums often, but I can't sleep with just the woman. That is for them, that is for their marriage, I'm an optional extra. That's something that I'm engaging with at the moment and that is very beneficial to me and my lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah, I'm a little more socially conservative than that, but I respect that that's your choice and that's your lifestyle. Personally, I don't approve of it. I'm more socially economically conservative, but I respect that, mate. I don't know. I don't approve of it myself. It's just when you start to run out of options. I just want to say, when you've been drawing for so long.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah. When you've been drawing for so long and this opportunity arises. It's either, do I go on living my life as it has been? Or do I? Or do I engage with this? And that's the point I'm at in my life. And it's the choice I've made. So was it something five years ago, if you said to me,
Starting point is 00:40:04 would you like to engage in a polyamorous relationship with another couple? No, I'd say that's not me. That's not where I'd like to go. Five years on though, you change. Things, I've got to make choices. You've got to make them. You have to make them.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I personally have never made it. I've never made a compromise in my entire life. So, I struggle to understand that, but you've got to live your life. I do have to say though, if you ever wanted to come over, you know, in a social setting, for dinner at my metric on home, in what was once maybe 10 years ago farmland,
Starting point is 00:40:37 just outside of what was once, maybe 50 years ago, a rural town, but is now an outer suburb of Melbourne. If you want to come over to that metric on home and have dinner with my wife, dinner that my wife has prepared, I would just say absolutely you can come. You're welcome, you're my apprentice, you're my young student, but please don't bring that lifestyle, please don't bring your two partners into my home. Because if you did do that, I would have to ask you to leave respectfully.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And I respect that as well. And I respect that as well. Even as my student, even as my student, I would have to defend my home. Not because of your life choices, but because you didn't respect. This is only if I ask you to leave politely and you escalate the situation. What am I going to do? I would have to kill you. That's what I'd have to do. And I accept that. Every day, every person I meet, what am I gonna do? I would have to kill you. That's what I'd have to do and I accept that.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Every day, every person I meet, every person I love, I accept that if the situation arises, I have to kill them. That's a hard burden to carry, but you have to carry that burden when you're a tactical response expert or when you're a martial arts expert. Can you speak to that for a moment, sir? We have to stop now.
Starting point is 00:41:44 We can't keep... We have to stop for a podcast. I've actually got work, boys, so I've got to go. You've got to go to JB High Five? Yeah, but I'll speak to you guys later. We'll see you on the next thrilling episode of The Dojo. The Dojo, absolutely. Namaste. Number stay.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Number stay. You've been listening to The Antidona Podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rep episode brought to you by See you next week! you

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