Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 277 - Nippers feat. Sam and Eric

Episode Date: October 19, 2021

Sam Campbell and Eric Hutton join us to discuss Nippers and do a fun quiz!!! Watch Nippers on Grouse House now !!!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a Legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Aunty Donna podcast. This week we have two special guests, Sam Campbell and Eric Hutton to celebrate the release of Nippers on YouTube. Nippers is a wonderful and hilarious web series and the first episode is up on our YouTube channel Grass House right now. Hello everyone and welcome to a very special edition of the aunty Donna podcast. My name is Mark Samuel Banana. And sorry about that. My name is Mark Samuel Banana
Starting point is 00:00:49 and we've got Zachary Rwain with us. Say hi Zach. Hello, how are you? Thanks so much for having me on the podcast, Mark. Oh, that's enough. We've got two very, very, very, very special guests with us because there's a little, there's a little we've got a, you know, grass house. We've got a cheeky little channel called Grass House
Starting point is 00:01:12 where we released hug the sun, the web series, hug the sun if you're familiar with it. And the next series coming out on that is called Nipples. And the two people who made nipples, I think, are here to talk about it. And their names are Sam and Eric Stoltz. Sam Campbell and Eric Stoltz. Yeah. Hello, Sam. Yeah. Hello, Sam. Hello. And hello, Eric. Hello. Yeah, we heard you, Sam. We heard you. How are you? Yeah, good. Thank you. We're so well. We weren't so well. We weren't voting nipples in the end. We had to change it. Oh, did you? Yeah. You got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. I've got that little twisted there, Mark. Not me, but some. Is this quite a blue podcast? We get a little rude. Yeah. Yeah. We don't go to rude for the sake of it, but if in the pursuit of laughter and of joy, we have to take it to rude, we'll go there. We're not afraid to go. I know Big Joe Rogan often won't mention nipples until what, two and a half hours in.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah. He works it up. He works up to the nipples until what two and a half hours in. Yeah, he's really once he's, he works it up, he works up to the nipples. No, here we are straight in with the nipples hard talking. We should say Broden's driving in a car. Oh yeah, Broden had to make a trip to the tip. So he wasn't able to fix it. So he's in the car at the moment, dropping off some stuff at the tip. Well, yeah, they had batteries,
Starting point is 00:03:06 they had the big batteries and you can't put them in the wall with them in the bin. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you gotta take those to the tip. So if I could be at the tip, I'd be at the tip, you know? Well, there's, there's, you can imagine all the stuff you'd find. Man, that's our, I just can't wait for COVID to be done. So I get back to that tip, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:03:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about. You don't see me at the tip? Because I was going this, the guy got the dog there to sniff my clothes. So it knows my sentence. If I go there, it'll probably mall me to death. Yeah, right. Why was, have you been caught breaking into
Starting point is 00:03:46 the, breaking into the tip or something. I was freaking out at the tip. Breaking out. I was trying to break out. I break out. I thought you said freak out. I thought maybe you'd gone to the tip, had a freak out. Like I had like a some sort of manic episode and then freak out like I had like a some sort of manic episode and then you'll band from the tip. But whatever it is, Brodyn's at the tip. And we're here and we're here to talk about a little bit talk about the web series that you've that you both made eight years ago or so. I don't know how long ago it was, made a little while ago. It's coming down on Grass House. What is it? Sam and Eric.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah, it's a good question. Yeah, it's a good question. Yeah, it's a web series about nippers, you know, like junior life savers. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But it's, you know, sort of a fictitious world where they do much more stuff than they really do. I'm so sorry. I
Starting point is 00:04:52 don't know what I don't want to speak to you, Mark. We know about nippers. I think the question was, what is a web series? Yeah. Like a series of web all how does this work exactly? Yeah, no, it's yeah, it's shown primarily in spider webs. Yeah, right, right, right. Yeah, like you're going to watch it, but you've got to be near a tree. Yeah, you're not going to. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Nice. Episode one of Nippers on Grouse House, right now. Is that right now? Is that right after? After this podcast. Is it on the thing now? I don't know. Well, not right now. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Not when we're recording this, but when we put this out, we'll put this out when the first episode. When it's like, we won't, we'll put it out on the same day. It's a bit of promo. We'll time it. We'll time it when we put this out. Yeah, well, careful. You're going to be bloody hard at that. Oh'll time when we put this out. Yeah, well, careful, you're going
Starting point is 00:05:46 to be bloody hard at that. There'll be what's happening. Well, because what we thought we'd do to celebrate Nip is coming out on Grass House. It already came out on Comedy Central. It already came out on Comedy Central years ago. But then we liked it so much, we wanted to put it on Grass House. Yeah, so it's much, we wanted to put it on grass to us. Yeah, so it's coming out of grass. Yeah, it's gonna be like the, this is gonna have like the Milo tin and everything, right?
Starting point is 00:06:11 Like, Oh yeah, yeah, because Nestle, suju, they threatened to, they threatened to, who are eternal shame. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna show you Milo tin.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Well, as is my understanding, someone shoots my low. In the same way, they would shoot a drug. Yeah. It is about to do a swimming competition. So he jacks my low into his face. So, and as they had a problem with this. Yeah. I'll tell you what I've got a problem with them privatizing the water supply in Bolivia. Yeah, well, yeah, okay. Well, we're friends of Nest. I hear it. Yeah, I would back off Nest. Play a little bit. Um, yeah, like because they're, they're our friends and anyway, should I do the ad read thing above the e the little thing the dash above the e Nest. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I really respect really really love this anyway for the Adred Adred and this quick is a yummy drink to put in your milk
Starting point is 00:07:11 I had some next quick just yesterday and I put it in my milk and it made it much more tasty So we don't like that little rabbit he ruined the pool by throwing this imagine if you went to the pool I'm going for a swim. Oh, I rabbit came and threw this quick in and then drank the whole pool. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. But if your pool was full of milk, you're asking for it, if you asked me, but you're fucking begging for it. You gotta pull the pool. Was the pool full of milk? Well, he's not the Nestlay fucking rabbit. it's not just putting it in a chlorine water. I believe he was. I believe he was putting strawberry powder
Starting point is 00:07:49 in chlorinated water. That's how powerful Nestlequik is, eh? I guess, yeah, I guess that's the, maybe that is the magic and the power of Nestlequik is that it can turn into milk. Maybe it was hogs milk. We don't know if it was cow's milk, even then, you know, no one got to taste it. Yeah, I mean, to be honest, I've never tried putting anything that's not
Starting point is 00:08:10 milk. Maybe it doesn't actually matter what liquid it is. Oh, that's such a good point. That's a really fucking good point. Let us know. Call us, call us now. 179-2207-201. Have you ever put Nesquik in something that isn't milk and it's still turning the Nesquik and taste the same? Because I've never put it in anything other than milk. I've been too scared this whole time. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's possible. Maybe you're the...
Starting point is 00:08:44 Oh, sorry, go. We'd like to move on and talk about something else now, please. Why? This is good. All right. You're dumb, Sam. They say you... Sorry, no, no, no, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's fine. I reckon you should talk about, Sam. You were telling me earlier. I've got I already. Are you on medication for that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah. Yeah. Um, what we're going to do is a quiz. We can move onto the quiz. Yes. You like to move onto the quiz? Yeah. We're doing a British quiz. Yeah, you like to move on to the quiz? We're doing a British quiz. Now, Eric has lived, uh, spent some time in England, has lived in England for some time, is that correct?
Starting point is 00:09:35 A little bit, yeah. Yeah. I was there for like two years, yeah. Okay, yeah, that's a decent, yeah, that's an air you lived there. And Sam currently lives there. In Liverpool, did you say? No, I'm living out in South Griblet. In South Griblet, that sounds made up. But we are, so what we're gonna do, a lot of abshops. A lot of abshops. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I'm living at the moment in West, a, a, Hibbit. My friend lives in Greater Western Hibbit. Yeah, yeah, right, right. Yeah, I'm living at the moment in West, uh, a hibbit. Um, my friend lives in Greater Western Hibbit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. There you go. Um, so we thought we'd test your null and Zach and I have both been to England. We've both been there. We've visited there once we did. One of the most intense poorly organized tours of our professional careers, uh, in and around England. And so we thought we would test your knowledge with an English general knowledge trivia quiz.
Starting point is 00:10:34 So, would you like to start with the first ten questions? Yeah, I reckon hit us. Yeah. How many questions are there Mark? Some like 105, but let's start with the first ten. We're not keeping score. This isn't a competition. If you know the answer, shout it out, all right. So this is just a bit of chummy fun.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, it's a bit of chummy fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just a muck around. Much like your web series, it's a bit of fun. Am I right? I'm right. Our web series is a serious geopolitical thriller. All right, well, maybe I've watched the wrong one because that's not the lie I got from the nippers. I saw
Starting point is 00:11:29 You also won with Gerard Butler, right? Yeah Yeah, and at the end and and like and there's some other guy and he's like if you want a nutty out of be a real rock and rower That's that's the one that's the web series yet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah rock and rola. That's the one that's the web series yet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you got to. You can punch back on with me. Walk and fucking murder you. You guys such a great job with that. Now, let's start the quiz.
Starting point is 00:11:55 What's on the music? Can you hear the music? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, great. Question number one. What is the national animal of England? Oh, it sucks. Oh, yes. It gets worse. Wallace and Grumman. Wallace and Grumman? Sam thinks it's Wallace and Grumman.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Eric, what do you think? Is it a squirrel? A squirrel. I thought that was American. The box. Yeah, there always are. I guess I'm going to go with lion. You're going to go with lion?
Starting point is 00:12:34 Yeah. I'm going to go with lion. I'm going to go with a lion is. They actually are the ones who catch the prey. Yeah, they're the hunters. The lioness, the hunters in the lion. It's a, I suppose it's a matriarchy, someone to say. Yeah. So the lions get a lot of the picture opportunities
Starting point is 00:12:57 because of the old mane, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because they put it on, they've just peacocking. Yeah, they're really... You don't see a lot of pee hands being videoed, which is a shame. No, you don't. And he's a fucking shame.
Starting point is 00:13:09 That is a fucking shame that you bring it up. It's just they're not always showing off, you know, the old flan. Yeah, they're probably, the pee hands are probably always rolling their eyes. Yeah, they're all doing. You know, NBC have a new streaming service called pee, pee, pee hand. A pee PPN. Uh, PN. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:26 PN. Yeah. Hey, she is a positive. Every Wednesday night on NBC and following day on P, P, P, P, and on P. They know logo is just nothing. The entire, which the entire series on the, the PN, PN. It's on PN. It's on PN.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Um, all right. What is the national animal of England? I'm not, I'm not sure. This quiz doesn't have any answers. It's just not the questions. Oh, it's a terrible thing that you've done to us. So, let's not find out. I don't know. Who do we think got the closest maybe?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Maybe other people at home can look up and see if we got it right or not. That's not fun at all. Right, I don't know, I don't know what the answer is. The quiz doesn't have any answers. It's just that I list the questions. It's just a joke called Q. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So look it up, see if someone got it right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Question number two, what is the name of England's Saint Patron? The snake guy, no, it's Island Saint Patron. I thought it was Patron's Saint. Yeah. What's the same? I don't know. We have to be about that question. Yeah. Sounds out of order to me. It's got to be buzz. I'm going to do King George. King George? Saint George. Yep. Yep. Yep. Saint George.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Wait, I believe the answer is, of course, Lemony Snicket. Lemony Snicket. Which Lemony Snicket. Lemony Snicket? Which Lemony Snicket, the Patrick Warburden or the Jude Law? Hmm. I believe it's a wickedly talented Lemony Snicket. Ah, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:15:17 But are we talking the mysterious sexy Jude Law? Lemony Snicket? What a more grounded. For years, he has lived his life in the shadows, documenting the misfaith of the bold of the triplets. Years, of course, lemony, sneak it. Lemony, sneak it. What's your other answer?
Starting point is 00:15:39 I don't have one, I don't know. I have no idea. And then there's no answers here. I still don't know. I don't know what I have no idea. And then there's no answers here. So I still don't know. I don't know what a saint, it's meant to be a patron saint, but it is a saint patron someone who... Is that defiant? A saint.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Someone who what? Because if they're a saint patron, are you someone who patronizes a saint like you? Oh yeah, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, you take the piss out of them. Maybe, maybe it's Mr. Pete. I don't know, I've got like funding them like that, like a Yeah, yeah, yeah, you take the piss out of them. Maybe maybe it's Mr. Peter. I've got like funding him like that like a scene like a Patreon. Oh, like a, oh, right, like a Patreon. Oh, like an Elizabeth Murdoch time. Yeah, like a career of the same. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:17 yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well then that would be the Pope, right? Yeah. All right, let's say the Pope. Yeah, well, then that would be the Pope, right? Yeah. All right, let's say the Pope. Keep that cash flow. I'm gonna go with Elizabeth Murdoch. Pay more than the book. Packed up. The wealthy, matriarch of the Murdoch clan
Starting point is 00:16:36 was known for her patronage of various arts companies. Yeah, there'd be nothing to say. There'd be a few other payroll there. Yeah, baby, she just had a few saints, you know, got a few saints, cheers name after her. I reckon that Rupert Murdoch sounds, if you didn't know who he was, you'd think he sounded like a little cutie. They Rupert, little Rupert Murdoch. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a bit like a little cutie. but no dog yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a bit like a little cutie yeah a little rip it cute little game sounds like a fine young teen right um let us know if we if anyone got that right all right oh that sucks he's so I didn't do this on purpose I looked it up I looked up a English quiz, the one that came up didn't have any answers.
Starting point is 00:17:29 You couldn't like, let go hit the back button. No, that's not my style. That's not my style. Just let us know if we got it right. What is the population, this one you might know, Sam, because you're there now, so you've seen it, you've been around it. What is the population of England? What do I know? You're a shit. So you've seen it, you've been around it. What is the population of England? Shit.
Starting point is 00:17:46 What do I know? You're a shit. What do you mean? It's shit. Because Sam, you're there. You're seeing it. You're seeing them around. You're seeing all the, you're seeing the population. Let me just look at the window really quickly. Yeah. One million people. One million people.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Sam reckons to a million people. I don't even been there for a long time. So I feel like any idea I had of population would be outdated because there would have been deaths and births since then and I don't think it's 5m 5m. When did you live there Eric? That was like almost 10 years ago now. Oh yeah you'd have even less of an idea than me.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I reckon they'd definitely been up to stuff since I've been there. You mean you also it feels like, man, I don't know, did you guys ever like on one of those, on like an underground carriage? And you're like, this is more people, like this more people than is in Australia, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, on the tube. I mean, one time I looked down and I realized I was so close to this dude's back that when I breathed in his hair was lifting up, back hair. I was like, we gotta get rid of some of these people.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's a lot of them. It needs a cult. So you begin bioengineering, a certain virus. Oh yeah. I've been realized though when Australians talk about how relaxed they are, it just makes you think like, I don't think we're naturally relaxed. I think we just live on a giant tropical paradise where there's like 50 people, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think you take the most chilled out Australian and put them in England. I don't think they're just having a Barbie, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah, they're gonna freak out. I mean, take your two story, for example. You don't want to be moving people's back hairs with your emails. No, I don't think you'd do a nat and then just be like, yeah, she's right, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm part of the most chilled out things that's ever been. I'm gonna say a billion people.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I think that's right. Yeah, I've angered a bit less than that. I'm going to go with 700 people. Wow. All right. I'm sorry. You can't see this. You can't see this because most of you are listening. But if you are watching on the Patreon,
Starting point is 00:20:25 I've made my background the real Lemony Snicket. Oh, it's Lemony. Oh, it's Lemony. The man who wrote, that's Lemony Snicket there. But that's for the one. The Lemony Snicket was like a, like a fuck-looking, other Jim Carrey played Lemony Snicket. Yeah, but this is the real man who wrote the books. And his name is Lemony Snicket. Yeah, but this is the real man who wrote the books.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And his name is Lemony Snicket. Well, he's a hashtag gorgeous. I got this photo from an article about some sort of controversy, but I didn't have time to read it. Who does Neil Patrick Harris play? He plays Count Olaf. All right. Patrick Walbert and playing Puddy.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Oh. All right, so the next one is when is England's national day? When is the national day of England? When is England's national day? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England?
Starting point is 00:21:38 When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? When is the national day of England? So, I mean, we could say- But just we're not a very political podcast, so just being a little political there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Well then why did you have on two of the most political guests of all time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Sam is one of those politically charged. Sam's actually starting a march for people who won't have the second vaccination. Yeah, right. I'm a half-exper. And why is it that you get the second jab? I'll get the first one. I'm not fucking stupid but that's the one. They can't make me get it. The government can't make me get it.
Starting point is 00:22:15 These end-backed facts. Yeah. I'll get the first. I don't do sequels. One, done, one, and done. So, you said you never seen any sequels ever? I've never seen a sequel. He'll watch the third installment, he'll do that. Right, so will you get that? Maybe. Yeah, right. You think I'm going to go back and watch Bridget Jones the edge of reason this equal no sorry Mark Paul and I'll see it
Starting point is 00:22:48 Sorry Sam So all right, that's fucked that's fucking that's fucking weird and and fucked We think in cleanse national day is is that the Queen's birth there I don't know Are you asking me? Because I don't know, and there's no answer. Mark, this sucks. No, it's not my fault. I don't know why you would make a quiz and not put the answers.
Starting point is 00:23:17 This like, somebody had like a Japanese style idea where they're like, you know how a Japanese that did a question back or it's like, what if we just don't have answers, you know? Yeah. Yeah. They go like, yeah. Oh, yeah. Maybe the answers are, maybe the answers are on, I don't know, maybe they're somewhere
Starting point is 00:23:38 else. Maybe they're in our hearts all along. When do I tell my pig story? At the end, don't do it at the end. Your pig story? I got a story about a pig. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I'm so much. I actually did a short film with A Pig. Now that pig got
Starting point is 00:24:10 in contact with me recently so we filmed this short film out of the farm. You know just a little kind of, yeah it's a great little short and he said he got rang me up today, actually. And he said, can you send me that short film we did? And I was like, well, it's on Vimeo. Maybe you just download it from there. He goes, it is on Vimeo, but I can only embed it. I can't download it. I was like, you sure?
Starting point is 00:24:40 And I looked at, yeah, we pressed, I guess, something. And there's a great little short film, you can see into the pig's nostrils, which you don't get with some actors, because the pig's nose is vertical. That's true. Yeah. So we filmed this great little short.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Sorry, the story's going. It brings me out because send me a copy of that short and I was all right I'll try and find it. I look through you know my hard drives and yeah I found it. I found it. I found a copy and I sent it through. I was like what is this for by the way? What do you need this short film for? He said down it's for my show. Real. I thought I was thinking real shit, but I'm just... Oh my God. Oh, we got got. We got got. I didn't think that was that was working up to a punch line. I was expecting, I was expecting a real, a real pink story, but we got got. I was, I'm so glad that I was going to ask, I was this free show real about in the middle.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah. So that didn't, because I would have ruined the job. Yeah. Yeah. I would have ruined my life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to think of another peak thing real quick. My show.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Real. All right. Um, next question. Uh, in which country is Glastonberry? In which country is Glastonbury? Oh, for what? England. England. Yeah. Music Festival.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Yeah, all right. Is it in Wales, maybe? It's a country. It's asking in which country is Glastonbury? But was this, you typed in like a quiz about England, right? Yeah. Yeah. I think that's kind of a quiz about England, right? Yeah. Yeah. I think that's kind of a clue to the answer to that question. Yeah, it's in some of said England. I looked it up.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah. Yeah. Is this the worst? It's in the worst quiz. Oh, see, you don't need the answers for questions like these. I hate this. I think it's really good. Oh, yeah. And I looked up the animal is the good. Oh, yeah, and I looked up the animalist, the lion.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Oh, yeah. All right, great. See, we can get the answers. We can do this, Zach. We can, we can, we can, what was one of the other questions? What is it? I'm not out of my mind. I'm saying, there's no way to look it up again.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Here's another one. Nature. In which country was J.R.R. Tolkien born born author of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings? I'm going to go England again. I'll put the answer for my answers for the rest of the thing. Sucks. You're a sick little bastard doing this quiz playing the game. These are the questions. You're like that little fucking jigsaw.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I am not like that little jigsaw. I'm not. You're like, you found yourself, you found yourself for that lady from becker and you go around and you're torturing us, Ma. You and that lady from becker going around sitting your little traps. Have you guys seen that PG version of Soar? You know, people quizzes and stuff and they get wrong. Like, are you fucked.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Let's play a game. The twist is there's no answers. You do the whole movie. And then it's the music builds up. It's like, wait a second, there's no answers. It can't be. I'm a little jigsaw. 25 years. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:48 In what country are the Harry Potter studios located? You can die. You can die. That's the thing. Question. That's the thing you've questioned. What are you to die? I hate this. What website is this on?
Starting point is 00:29:09 I'm not sure. Oh, man. Let me, that's crazy. You've got two of the most political people ever on your podcast. And then you know, this is really stupid stuff. Well, Sam, you've got the podium. You've got the podium.
Starting point is 00:29:28 You've got a little brain if this is the kind of thing that happens to you. I thought, I thought, cross your mind, it's a short trip. All right. All right. Well, what about political and biting? Political and biting. He really is, if you're listening from overseas, Sam really is our nation's, the guy from
Starting point is 00:29:58 QI. Yeah, right. Stephen Fry. Stephen Fry. Stephen Fry. Stephen Fry. You're not Stephen Fry. Yeah. The attention to institutions, but with charms. This one's a bit, this one's a bit political. This one's a bit political. When and where did Princess Diana die? die. Hey, France. In a car. In a car. That's good too. In old Paris. In Paris. In Paris. In Paris. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:30:34 She's still alive. Really? You think she did a flip back? She's got dreadies and she's living in bar. But she's living next to the Hemsworth. She's living with the Hemsworth, yeah, didn't they? Well, my friend the month's my daughter. Well, yeah, I don't know. I don't know if any of that's right or not. But, uh, I'm pretty confident.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I'm pretty confident. I can't. I'm pretty confident. He's had a pretty confident. So let's go with that. Yeah. I think that's, I think that's wonderful. One time someone in Bayern, they told me,
Starting point is 00:31:16 she goes, hey, do you know, do you know the Amy ads, the Amy insurance ads? And I was like, vaguely, she's like, you know, the lady at the end of that, who smiles. She's like, it's a different one now, because the original one, she went feral, and she lives up here with us now. She's a buyer and go, she's got dreadlocks and stuff. She went feral. Yeah. And I was like, I don't know, that doesn't seem like it's news. Uh, you know, but, uh, and they reckon they probably just cycle through them every couple of years.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah, like whether they go off the deep end or not here. Yeah, I don't know, and that's why they lost the gig. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That seems very viral, though, is it a very viral story to be like, okay, we're wild, but also we're gonna talk about the Amy ad. So the other group of people are about an Amy ad layer to that. Yeah. Well, she's also acting like they're
Starting point is 00:32:07 gonna let sooner and took her out of like, you know, the matrix or whatever. Yeah. Or she's running away from something. She's running away from those Amy ads. Yeah. That's not what she wants to be or what she wants to be known for. Yeah. She wants to be chill and and and where beat. She's like me. We know those boot the abdomen of and where beats. Cheers. I need me. You know those Boop-a-Ads, do you remember Boop-a? We're at really. Yeah, we snatched it. Boop-a, I'm I'm think I know what you're talking about Sam. You know the Boop-a-Ads, like the old ads for the Boop-a?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which ones can you use? Those are my those are my favorite ads. How come? What are they? Which ones are they Sam? Can you tell us about the Boop ads? I really welcome. Alright. I got Sam talking about Boop ads. I was there any other channel. I was talking about like a Byron lady living in a Margassing questions without answers?
Starting point is 00:33:05 I'm having a great time and I'm sorry for being so negative before guys. We've got the mad insurance stuff. Yeah. I love a ui ad. I'm offering ui ad personally. I think that the most artistically coherent, if that makes sense,
Starting point is 00:33:21 they've got a real vision for what they're trying to say the ui ad. Would you guys do an ad? The anti-donna boys? No, no, no, no. We don't do that. That's a good idea. The day that anti-donna doesn't add is the day that any ounce of our integrity is gone and done. Other than the Samsung ad we did a couple years ago, we have never done the one one video to find their envy. But it's just fucking dull in your soul for faith. It's really like, it's gross. It's gross.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Maybe it's a money, right? Yeah. Oh, it's money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We paid money. Oh, fucking. All that built-in shit goes out the window once you see the things. When they come to us though, this is not a word of a lie.
Starting point is 00:34:04 When those companies come to us and they say, hey, we love your style, we'd like for you to make an ad. We say to them, well, we want you to know that we're not like, we have, we decide what goes on that script. And you can give us notes and we'll take them. And you can give us different ideas and we'll do that. We don't want. We don't want. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:28 What have you said to them, if we do an ad for your company, you have to do a comedy to it. Yeah. No one's ever done that. No one's ever flipped the script on companies like that. And it's about time that nobody stood up and did that. Next time Leonardo DiCaprio gets asked by Rolex to do a watch ad, he should be saying to them, you do the Rev.2. I want Rolex to be in Rev.2. Not the company. Us time. OK, to your hand. Apparol to you. See how you like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. Exactly. What's the least watch for it a bear?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yeah, exactly. And when's the last time you were in a, you were in a dollar shave club, the dollar shave club offices. And someone stood up and talked about their personal experience with the podcast that they really liked. Yeah. When you had someone at the Dollar Shave Club talk about their favourite podcast. Yeah. I don't put that money with their mouth, is that's why.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's a fucking hypocrisy and it's the world we live in and it's bullshit and someone's got to change it and I think it should start with Leo. It should start at the top. Because then it has the trickle down effect. I think that new Johnny Depp de'Ora is pretty incredible. He's playing Wild Thing in the middle of the desert. Easy for you to watch that. You've got to see it, and it's a great. So I'm about Johnny Depp per few mans that make me miss airports
Starting point is 00:36:07 Miss the duty free So that it's makes me miss Johnny Depp if you know what I'm saying Yes Yes I'm taking her. What? Nothing. All right. Well, look, I've had a blast sucked.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I know. I've had an absolute, I've had one of the best times I think I've had in the last, in my whole, in my whole entire life when I really miss about it. And that says a lot about the things I've experienced and the way I've experienced them. But this has been an absolute joy. What's the, why are you here again? What's the, what is it? What's it called?
Starting point is 00:36:57 What's that thing called? Nippers. Right. Nippers, it's on YouTube right now on Grouse House. It's on YouTube Red. It's not on YouTube Red. Someone might have loaded to Red Tube though. It is a little bit rude, so it does have the over 18s.
Starting point is 00:37:16 It will have the over 18s, so you're gonna be signed into your account to watch it. It's a little bit rude. It is a little bit rude, there's some rude stuff in there. It's a pretty hard get around that, yeah, you literally have to type your name. Yeah, yeah, yeah, good luck. Like everyone. It's not getting around that.
Starting point is 00:37:33 That's that wall. It's a fucking challenge. What makes sure you do watch it with a parent or a parent or guardian? No, and guardian. I would say and guardian. I'd say with a parent and guardian. Some of them protect you from your parents because some parents are crook crook yeah that's why yeah so you need a guardian there just to make sure that you know everything that you're safe I'm only you're allowed to be and still have a guardian well I'd love to have just a guardian now you know what I mean I think yeah I think you're allowed to
Starting point is 00:38:02 yeah you can have a guardian yeah do you want to if think, yeah, I think you're allowed to. Yeah, you can have a guardian. Yeah. If you want a guardian, I think you've just got to like, sign some things the way and you just good. Got a color guy with some weapons. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and some armor. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. My cousins, my cousins, a partner,
Starting point is 00:38:20 they're not married, they have a child together. In his attic, he's got like 20 lights. Don't talk about that. What? That's funny. I know In his attic, it's got like 20 lights. That's about that. That's funny. I know, I know, it's yeah, I know. But he took me up into his attic once. A he's got about 20 lightsabers and a samurai sword. So he could be a guardian.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And the child out of wedlock. Yeah, and the child out of wedlock. He could go. Well, he needed a morallock. Yeah and the child got a wedlock. Well you know he needed a moral guardian. Snap. Yeah yeah play this to see what he thinks of that. Um please don't be mad at me. Uh thank you so much to our two wonderful guests. You can check out Nippas on Grass House right now. Uh YouTube search grass house search Nippas is gonna come up it. YouTube search, Grass House search, Nippas is going to come up. It's going to be on there.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Thank you, Sam. Thank you so much, Eric. Hey, thanks, guys. So this is the first podcast I'm going to zoom. I'm sorry if I talked over the top of people. I think I did it like 16 times. Now, you did see it. You were so simple.
Starting point is 00:39:18 You were so crazy. I was yelling. I'm sorry about it being, it's hard to know when you're interrupting. I know. Thank you No, you guys were beautiful. You guys are so good. I I I went guys are really close you guys. I didn't say that. I don't want to say anything about how you're weeping But I just it was because it was so beautifully handled. There was just moments there where I could see that you know This is over zoom. We're all a little bit out of sync and I just could see you all bringing your A game and I cried. I waived it's beautiful to see me ask the comedians at work. I think put me off a fair bit, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:40:00 then it's fair. It's fair. There was a little fool on it confronting. Some men can't handle their like seeing a motion and I'm comfortable with emotion. Yeah. Yeah, every one who listens to this to start their own podcast, it's a hell of a lot of fun. Oh God, you're just going to have the time of your life. People will message you and say that was a great episode. I love when I get those messages. Great episode.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I'm like, thank you so much. Do you know what I think would make a great podcast? Do you guys mind if I quickly pitch you a podcast, they do your own pad? Quick. Yeah. Yeah, no, no more rap part. Yeah. And like, just, you know how comedians usually, they're funny people, they're usually kind of funny. Yeah. If you just sat down, two comedians sat down, and they got a little serious, got a little, like, talked about, like, their life and their ideas. Just shut the shit.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, just shut the shit for it. Like, just shut the shit. Yeah, just like comedians, what they like when they chat. You know what I'm thinking? I just, we're even, like, beyond that. Like, you know, people, like, take you sort of behind the scenes and comedy a bit on podcasts. Sometimes I think a part of the art.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I like to see one where they just really get to the bare bones like you talk about invoicing for gigs and shit like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you got a template? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, I mean, yeah, you've got to give them a copy.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And yeah, it also doesn't work. And you keep a copy. Got to show that to the tax guy. Yeah. And then they could do live shows where they voice people live on stage. They do their invoices in real time. It's like, go everybody like the hotels
Starting point is 00:41:39 that they're staying in and what deals they get. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. A real just like, no one looks at the comedy industry that way. Everyone thinks it's all laughs. Yeah. I double booked with Mark David. Ah! Yeah, what am I gonna do?
Starting point is 00:41:52 What am I gonna do? It's all right. You know, I feel like I'm really seeing it inside of me. This is like, this is just so annoying. Hmm. But yeah, so when we've stopped recording, that's crazy, bro, and died. Yeah, I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Yeah, it's a tough one. We've done, we've wrapped up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But we're just not wanting to tell anyone that he died. You're going to replace him with a guy who looks like he's like him. We've got enough footage of him from previous sketches and Zoom recordings that we can keep the illusion of him being alive for a little bit. And the other and the best part is we had to do a full head scan
Starting point is 00:42:31 and a full body scan from the Netflix show for some of the special effects. So we've been able to recreate it like Gollum. So we've got a full three dimensional representation of his face, which is great. How did he die again? He went to death. He went to all the way to death. three-dimensional representation of his face, which is great. How did he do it again? I went to this. You went to all the way to this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Just to try, I went all the way to this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was crazy, and we know it's like medically unheard of, but you know, just one of those rare one in a seven billion cases. But, you know, we're gonna, we're not gonna tell anyone, and, you know, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're not gonna tell anyone. And if you could keep it to yourselves, that would be great. Yeah. I don't usually like talking about wanking, but that's crazy. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:14 One no one does. No one loves talking about it. But when your best friend dies of it, it's kind of hard to avoid. You go right. I I mean, yeah, like I'm not going to lie and say, you died, you know, however, I don't know how people die in it. You don't have to mention it as a funeral and stuffy talk around it there, but if we just have a chat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you got to have it. I mean, like, we've all had dry wings to the point of death.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And I think if you've found it, come on. You're like, if I keep going, yeah, I can go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've never done that. I've got anxiety. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. Yeah, I guess that's true of anything. If you do anything for long enough, you'll die. Yeah. Yeah. Think like, except just breathing and like eating and walking and drinking. Even though like everyone who was alive did that stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And eventually eventually that is a very good point. You're talking about correlation there. There's clear there's been studies. There's clear causation. The Brodon's dry wanking was what killed him. Yeah. We need to be really clear. was what killed him. Yeah, yeah. We need to be really clear. Because if we don't talk about that, you know, it could happen again. That's true.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah, it's like, you know, it's like David Carredin. It's like, maybe he just had a heart attack while he was doing that crazy stuff, you know. Yeah, and that thing that you do to your body. Yeah. But he was, again, he, you know. Yeah, and nothing that you do to your body. Yeah. But he was again, he died from the Asphyxiation. Brodon was just sitting on a stool. It was, there was no Asphyxiation.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It was the dry wank in the killer. Yeah. Yeah. And we'd like to play to end episode with a montage of some of Brodon's best moments. Yeah, I'll be careful there, guys. And there it is, that's all of them. So, I'll see you.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Bye. Thanks so much for having us. Thank you. Thank you very much. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by See you next week!

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