Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 281 - Party Quirks 4

Episode Date: November 16, 2021

On this week's Aunty Donna podcast we have another episode of everyones favourite theatre game "Party Quirks".  Join The Aunty Donna Club: https...:// for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Aunty Donna podcast. This week we have party quirks for and Zack is the one who has to guess the funny character quirks that Broden and Mart have come up with. If you love the Aunty Donna podcast some more, head over to Aunty for bonus podcast videos and of course the weekly food time. Hello. Uh, good listening to this. No one. All right. Um, Broden. Broden sometimes has a listen to check. I'll have a listen back.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Hello, Broden. And Tom, who has to go through and listen. Hello, Broden and Tom. And yeah, I guess that's it. Well, we do it. It charts very well. It charts people enjoy it on a weekly basis. They wake up on a Wednesday and say, my new episode of the boys is here.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Well, I mean, that's when that season three. They do a drop. No, they do. No, they know what I mean. They do the week, the boys do week. Imagine when a season of the boys come out and you wake them and you go, the new, the boys is podcast is up. And then I can watch the new episode of the boys and imagine if in that week you were listening to a Jack Quaid episode.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Okay. Yeah, that came out of wild. Yeah, but yeah. Do you imagine being on that day, the boys is up. The boys is podcast and someone from the boys is on the podcast. Hmm. It's pretty cool that we know Jack Quaid, isn't it? Cust. It's pretty cool that we know Jack Kwade, is it it? Well, thank you so much for joining us. It is a weird, it is a strange thing. It's, I think Eddie said, the relatability is gone.
Starting point is 00:01:56 We know Jack Kwade from the boys and all with it and all have what he's having. Have you watched the boys yet, Zach? No, I haven't yet. Don't tell Jack acquired. I haven't got a rant to it. That's how Jack who we know. Have you watched the... I'm very excited for Scream 4. What's that?
Starting point is 00:02:17 Have you watched the Hunger Games? A year. Jack Quaid kills a little girl in that. That's he. Hey, he kills a little girl in that That's he kills a little girl throws a spear through her No, he was in there. I'm very proud of the scream for That's what I'm excited about Yeah, that's but whether or not I knew someone did it I'd be excited for scream for I loved scream three Yeah, I'm gonna say it. I love never Campbell
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah, she's great. She's a great scream queen. Yeah, I love I love masks at two dollar shops So there's something in there for everyone. Yeah, yeah, yeah Party Quirks party quirks. We don't party quirks again. Welcome to the aunties on a Party Quirks podcast where we play party quirks with our friends For those of you who don't know, this is obvious. Well, you probably know about it now. This is probably the biggest in joke within Donna that we wanted to bring to you one person goes out. Browse today Browse and I will create quirks for each other. And then Zach will have to guess. And of
Starting point is 00:03:22 course, because we've been playing this for 10 years. Now it's just a real fucking torture fest. So Zach, would you like to go on mute? Yeah, before I go, I just wanna say, this is our probably last one of these that we're banking. We're banked all of these. We've done a bank in sales. Yeah, we've been banked all of these. So, you know, this is the time, if you don't like them, this is the time to be mean to us
Starting point is 00:03:50 in the DMs. Just joking, we don't check the DMs. Okay, who could buy Zach? Wait, you hear us? You're a wavet, you're a wavet. Wait, you hear us. Wait, I'm getting confused, I'm trying to, I'm getting confused. I go mute you say something. Fuck you. I need you. Can't hear you. Now I'm going to mute myself. Turn off mute. Turn off mute. Turn off mute.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Turn off mute. Zach. I'll turn it back on. Wait, let me just turn it back on. I can't hear you at all. Why, Zach, wait, let me just turn it back on. I can't hear you at all. Wait, is that wait, let me just turn it back on. Um, hello, hello. Yep. Fuck you. Yep. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Uh, turn it back off.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So suddenly you can't hear us now. I can't hear you. Yeah. You can't hear us. Folks, what we're saying is in a cone of silence.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yes. Imagine a waffle cone with ice cream. Ooh. And you can't hear anyone around you. Ooh. Imagine a waffle cone. Imagine a cone like not like that thin crunchy stuff like an actual waffle.
Starting point is 00:04:58 But it is actually a waffle. It's just a different kind of waffle. Yeah, but I'm talking about like a fluffy waffle, a delicious fluffy crispy waffle. And then ice cream in that in a cone form. Well, if you had a waffle and put ice cream on top of it, that would be that. Yeah, but it's not a cone.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You can fold it up. Yeah, that's true. All right, I've got, all right. Can you be wearing? So you're a dog. You're a dog. You're a dog. You've just had your balls removed, right? And you're wearing one of those cones,
Starting point is 00:05:34 you're wearing one of those cones, but it's made out of waffle. And you're trying to like lick your balls, trying to lick the wounds, right? But you're wearing one of those cones, it's made out of waffle. Now, you are not allowed to bark, you're not allowed to act like a dog at all in any way.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And you poop ice cream. Yeah, yeah. So I'm a dog and I've had my balls removed, but I'm acting like a normal person, and I shit ice cream. Yeah, and you think you'm a dog and I find my balls removed, but I'm acting like a normal person, and I shit ice cream. Yeah, and you think you're Jay-ed Gohover? The lead of the FBI during the 40s and 50s. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:06:13 So the war women's clothes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you think your 100% convinced you're Jay-ed Gohover. You talk and then all of that stuff's under it. No, that's not something to me don't know, that stuff's underneath. The iceberg, the tip of the iceberg or you can see is J. Ed Gover, but below that, I'm a dog, as Ed is balls removed and I shit ice cream. And I act like a normal person.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. And you've got, I'm wearing one of those kinds. It's meant to be. I've got the cone. And not that thin waffle cone. The waffle cone, the thick waffle cone. I like an actual like nice fluff.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And that's clear. I have to get that out of him as well, great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, Mark, are you familiar with the Iambic pentameter? Yes. Okay, can you explain what Iambic pentameter is to our less drama savvy audience? Well, we'll go and main in a reminder,
Starting point is 00:07:03 but as is my idea, Shakespeare wrote in Iambic pentameter. So speaking in a poetic rhythm, but you're going to have to remind me of what that actually sounds like. So that particularly means that every sentence that you say has to have 10 syllables in it. 10 syllables right. to be or not to be that is the question or like and if it and he would fuck with that sometimes sims sentences would be 11 but the the that they were that they were 11 was kind of saying something that's supposed to tend to you know. So everything that you say is in iambic pentameter. Great. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. You are a character. You are a character. Is that cast and seen the boys, right? Yeah, yeah. So you're a made up character from the Amazon series The Boys, right? And you're living out fake stuff that never happens in the boys, but kind of feels like it would be in the boys.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, yeah. And every time he says, this is from the boys, yeah, are you doing the boys? You say, this isn't from, no, this is not from the boys. It's not. Because it's not. Yeah, yeah. So he starts to think of what else it's from. But yeah, it's not from the boys. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's actually from the boys world, you know, it's from the boys. Yeah, it's within the boys world, but it's made up every time he's like, and I'm going to give some heavy clues that it's in the boys. But every time he's like, is this from the boys, I'm like, no, no, no, no, you're thinking of the wrong thing. Yeah, think elsewhere. Yeah, think elsewhere. And also I speak. Now, does the character from the boys speak in Iambic pentameter or does Mark's, Mark is doing, Mark has to do everything in Iambic
Starting point is 00:08:50 pentameter. Okay, great. And your Jay had go over. All right. Yeah. all right, great. I'm top of all that. That's the top of the ice cream. And, and, yeah. You're worried about how the Australian ballet is going to survive this pandemic. Survive this pandemic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's just the worry you have. You never bring it up. That's just the worry you have.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Run it back for me, Mark. All right. So I am Jay Agahueva. I am worried that the Australian ballet is not going to make it through this pandemic. Yeah. I, I'm speaking I am big pentameter and I am performing a character from the boys, the television, the Amazon hit television show, Jack Quay television show the boys, who does not exist, and every time, and I'm gonna give heavy clues to imply that what I'm doing is from the boys,
Starting point is 00:09:54 because that doesn't seem it, but every time he guesses from the boys, I'm gonna say absolutely not, way, way, way off. Yeah, I'm world. Right, I'm just gonna run yours back for me. Jay Gehover at the top. But I'm actually a dog who's just had his balls removed and I've got that big cone on, but it's a waffle cone.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And I shit ice cream. Yeah. All right, great. I think we're ready. Right. I'm just going to look up J. Gohover very quickly. Yeah, you get it. Yeah, I was like, just to get, do you want to just, just look him up just for a second,
Starting point is 00:10:27 just to get a sense of how he talks just a little bit. Yeah, okay, yeah, please play him. You're going to play him through the, the back up. I can't. I'm playing now. You're going to have to, you're going to have to get out of yourself. I'm just going to watch Leonardo DiCaprio very quickly. That's not him though.
Starting point is 00:10:42 You understand that? Yeah, I know, but at least, but that's someone in person. He probably did some homework. Yeah. I'm not gonna. I'll just copy you. All right, hold on. Much in Judy Denge.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Judy Denge. I believe when a man becomes a part of this bureau, so it's not a bit of a, yeah, he's got, I think he's got a bit of a Southern drought. Okay, great. Well, this will be great then All right, this could take 40 minutes. Oh, this is gonna fuck him. All right Waving He's working for a second just a second. Hey boys, one second.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I'm just going to do a clap. Hello, how are you boys? I'm back. Cool. Cool. You ready to go? No. This is going to be unpleasant and not fun.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah. I don't enjoy this game anymore. We made it easy. No, you made it easy. It's going to be, it's going to seem a little difficult at first No, you made it easy. It's gonna be it's it's it's it's gonna seem a little difficult at first but you'll get it. All right. Oh, this is sucked. This sucks. This sucks. I hate this. All right, let's do this. I'm here in my party. Mark what music can I play at my party? I'm so horny. I can't wait for the guests to arrive. Well, maybe they won't. Maybe that's
Starting point is 00:12:18 what this is. Who knows. We'll find out over the next 25 minutes. Anyone want to come? Anyone want to come to the party? Is that a door knocking? Come on in. Wow. Hello. How are you, Zach? Today, sir. You're Microsoft Sam, something like that. Zoom. Zoom. Mm. Mm. You and Microsoft saying something about that. I wish. I wish I was, but no, I'm not. I like.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom. I'm breaking the speed force with the power of speed. Do you want to say another sentence? Why I'd love to, but I have to save her. Okay. Now, is the Southern accent just mock doing an American accent or is it part of the character? Yeah. Well, when I started here, that's how I talk. Okay. So you've got a bit of a flat element. You've got a bit of a, so you're saying ten words percentage? Well, yes, but the flesh is not from my world, not from your world. Are you a comic book? Oh, sorry, someone else is knocking. Excuse me, person that says 10 sentences
Starting point is 00:13:55 at a time with a gentlemanly Southern accent. I've got another guest here. Do you mind if I go get the door? No, I do not, sir, sir, sir, no, I don't. Hi, welcome to my house party. I can't wait to welcome you to my bed. Well, hello there. You better not be a comey. I'm here to inspect your house. I've had enough for you. Oh, I love this. So you're selling your, you're, you're, you're, well, I think I might be of my, oh, could you be Colonel Sanders? Is there Colonel Sanders Laya? Well, Colonel Sanders is a great American, one of the, but I, and I can tell you for sure that he has never been a part of the Communist Party or any of them misdealings. I'm having a complete mental blank on the name. I tell you, I never thought that a pandemic could do so much to the arts and I'll worry for those dancers. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Too many layers. I break, I break.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I love to see them on a point when they give the 10. So, are you McCarthy? Are you McCarthy? We get the 10. So I am a coffee are you Macaathi? I either of you know Macaathi is a great American and I know for sure that he never has Gone against America I'm you must forgive me. I've recently had some surgery. So you're a dog.
Starting point is 00:16:09 You're also a dog that's gnawing. Do we need to put a cone on you? I have one, but unfortunately it's delicious. Oh, you're gnawing at your own cone. Is there food on your cone? Or is it a cone? Your cone, you're a dog that's recently had surgery and your cone is like an ice cream cone
Starting point is 00:16:29 is made out of the same material as an ice cream. What is an ice cream cone made of? So waffle, like waffle cone. Oh, yeah, but this one's not normal waffle. It's that other cone. Another cone of waffle. The other cone. There's only two of waffle. The other cause he's only two. Well, maybe it's a kind of waffle you make. I make. Like a like a warrior about damn dancers, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:05 We'll get to the dancer thing. So waffle, like is in like a waffle iron, like like homemade breakfast waffles. So. Yeah, that's what have been back home now, the very good so. Hey, I think it's the same kind of waffle. Yeah, just different.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's not the same waffle, is it? One's fluffy and crunchy and one's flat and crispy. I would say they are very different. No, I think they're the different variables of the same thing is what I'd say. I thought when you said a different kind of waffle, I thought you meant like synonym rather than different but that's fine that was my misunderstanding. Broden I know everything about you I have files of Pauline. Oh are you Jayad Kahuva? Are you
Starting point is 00:17:52 Kahuva? Yeah! Great okay great. At the top. Jayad Kahuva you've had, so you're wearing a cone made out of homemade breakfast waffles. And you're trying to get conned. What surgery had? Okay, I think I'm going to need a little more because the chewing is about the cone, yeah. I wish to see the nut cracker, but... I wish to see the nut cracker, but... Yes, he will get to you. I'm sorry. I'll speak when spoken to. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh, is this like a... Oh, this will be perfect for my code. Oh, delicious for my code. Oh, no, no. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I don't enjoy this cave. Oh, delicious. Are you both Jayad guy? Are you Jayadga as well? Yeah, I'm Jay adga. But I move faster than flash Superman. No, but homelander is a wonderful cat project played in the boys. No, no, no, no, not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the
Starting point is 00:19:27 one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who's not the one who whenever I guess at the boys, you say it's not the boys. The character I'm doing is not from the boys. This is all part of it. Well, delicious. Oh, it is so bit perfect for my comb. Can I ask the farts, like giving a hint towards the type of surgery or are they another a hint towards the type of surgery, or are they another layer separate to the type of surgery? Oh, no, nothing to admire. Surgery was very, very, very prognormal.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Every one of me goes through it early on. Every one of you, every J Edgar, is it about like a cloning type thing? Is this why there's multiple J Edgar? Actually, not J Edgar. Oh, okay, you're not. J. Actually, not J. Edgar. Okay, you're not. No, you know, no, I'm something else. Layers upon layers.
Starting point is 00:20:38 But is J Edgar a layer I need to hold onto or do I drop the J. Edgar? Yeah. I mean, after you think we're doing the voice, I guess, I guess, I guess, I guess, I can't, I didn't think Jay had had the Southern accent. We did research, so, not as much as we should have. Just watch one thing that should prop. I just watched one line of a thing to be honest. Probably you should have probably should more. Have you the movie J.A.K.A. is it to do with the movie of J.A.K.A? No, no, no. Is it to do with the movie of J. Edgar? No, no, no. No.
Starting point is 00:21:25 OK, so. Zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, zom, z Is it a character from Marvel? No. Is it a character from The Boys? Definitely not. No. So it's a character from The Boys? No. But I wish I could see the Nutcracker. But this gaslit pan, damn it pandemic has done awful. I'll worry for the dance.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Are you worried about the odds? You worried about the pandemic's impact on the odds. Particularly dances. Well, not even more specific than just the dancers who I do worry about. Beautiful. It's the not cracker. You really wanted to go see a production of the not cracker. This Christmas and you already won't be able to because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Well, not just the nutcracker. I'd see swan ballet. You want to go see ballet, but you're worried that the COVID-19 pandemic is getting in the way of ballet specifically. But not just ballet. I really love the prod
Starting point is 00:23:03 I really love the prod d'arkshans of a company input. Oh, it's syllables. No, because you said prod and then actions is one syllable, but that's okay. I think it's syllables. I'm getting into detail here. It's a 10 syllables per cent. It's not 10 words. I do want to correct sir. There's a bit of a rhythm to what you need to do as well.
Starting point is 00:23:46 It's the hard, the doambic pentameter is it? Yeah. Okay, sure. So, um, you're speaking in Iambic pentameter, your J-Ed, but you're also atrane from the boys, but when I ask you from the boys, you say you're definitely not from the boys and you're worried about you from the boys, you say you're definitely not from the boys and you're worried about the ballet, but something broader than that and the COVID-19 effect on that. Very, very close. I'm not from the boys though. I'm my character way faster than A-Train, different character. Is it a completely different character? Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But what did you say about the ballet? I've talked about the ballet a little more if I haven't had the ballet yet. I'd see any production by this company. Is it Matthew? Is it Matthew that Matthew? was it Matthew? Is it Matthew that Matthew, um, fuck, uh, he did the all-male production of Swan Lake, is it that guy? No, it is not. It is a place I use to work at. Well, in the same building I did and I wish not Jay Ega who are a fuck that. I also the art center said Melvin at the Melbourne ballet what did I call Melbourne I would like to you, but you still haven't gotten me. So I would like to. I'm. Oh, delicious. I'll be.
Starting point is 00:25:30 The Australian. Why is it is the Australian bout. The Australian bout. The. The. The company that I am so worried for and about because I love them. I'm like a trotting. I am.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I'm a big trotting. It's hard. You worried about fucking hard. I know, I know, I can't imagine. So you are. You know, so you are in the A.O. You know, you're worried about the Australian ballet, not the A.O. The Australian ballet because it affects the COVID-19
Starting point is 00:26:14 pendentative. You're also a J.E.D. Yeah. You're also speaking in Iambic pentemeter. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And even though you're insisting, you're not a character from the boys, you are a character from the boys? You're a train from the boys, you're not from the boys.
Starting point is 00:26:35 You're not from the boys, you are not a character from the boys. You're a very far, specifically your character is a very fast superhero that's not from the boys. That's what the character is. Yeah, yeah, I feel like I'm gonna give that to him. Oh, it's not. That's all right. He said he's not from the boys.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I'm not from the boys. But you are from the boys. What are you insisting you're not from the boys? Every time I guess that you're from the boys, you say you're not from the boys. What are you insisting you're not from the boys? Every time I guess that you're from the boys you say you're not from the boys. Yes, but... Am I or am I not? Is my character? Is my character in the boys or not? No. Yes. Like, to you, no, to me, yes. Yes. But you're saying you're not.
Starting point is 00:27:34 You don't think you're there in the boys. You didn't know they're in the boys. You don't know they're in the boys. Bro, I've forgotten. I've now, I'm now. Yeah, I'm clearly feeling like. Thank you. I'm like, I feel like I've said the right thing some,
Starting point is 00:27:45 I love to help you, but I'm still very deeply entrenched in this care. I think it's a re-adjust because I've gotten a little lost. I mean, that sense. I'm just going to write down what it is. Oh, I've pooped that. There will be perfect for my cold. Do you poop chocolate or something? No, not a chocolate.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Ice cream. Yeah, a lot of poop ice cream. It's great for my cold, which I had for the surgery. Now, can you tell me a little bit about the surgery? No, well, it's pretty common for a creature like my suit. Hey, your dog. Is it a dog? Yeah, I'm a dog. But I don't like like one. No, because you act like Jay Edger or something. So, um, you got the, you got your dog surgery. What surgery? The dog's coming for a dog? You got your testes removed?
Starting point is 00:28:47 You've been decicked? Do you? Your dog that's been decicked, you poop ice cream, you've got a cone made out of waffles and also your chaedga. Yes. Yes. Correct.
Starting point is 00:28:59 You got me. Now, let's get this last bit about my boy. So he's speaking in Iambic. He seems like he's from the boys. I'm faster than a train. He is nothing. Have you seen the boys? No.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I said said would you And he is nothing to me. I would you know if he was from the boys? No, I wouldn't. So is this about that? Is it about the fact that I don't haven't watched the boys? It's the tension of it being a hint of a thing I haven't seen. I'm really mad at you guys. And then I remember that I did the same thing to you like month ago with 2000, want to space Odyssey. So I can't be that mad. It's one of those things when you're playing this game when you're in it,, you're like furious and then you're like, I'll wait a second. I made the game a more time that we weren't playing the game. And it's just like, it's not that I don't enjoy this game. I just don't enjoy being the victim of this game.
Starting point is 00:30:19 All right. So Mark, you are the tension of me not knowing or you are. No way off way off way off way off. Okay. It seems like he's playing a character from the boys here. Yes, it does seem like that. But he hasn't seen the boys. Is it that? He's playing.
Starting point is 00:30:39 No, he's seen it. He's not seen it. But I haven't seen that. But also he insists that he's not a character but I haven't seen that. Mm. But also he insists that he's not a character. He said that character's not from the boys. Ah, ah, fuck. Ah, I am so, this is, this is CZAC. I know you're struggling.
Starting point is 00:31:04 No, I know you're struggling too. I'm not really able to., I know your struggling. No, I know your struggling too. I'm in a great time. Brodan's having a great time. OK. All right. Now I'm having a good time too, though. I just want to tell the audience. I'm laying it on a little bit.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Zach, when you say, when you ask him, are you from the boys? What does he say? He says, no, he's not from the boys. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not. But I know a train who is in the boys. So if he's not from the boys, but he's acting like he's from the boys. And you haven't seen the boys. Put that all in a little smoothie. Say that again, brother. You're fucking. If he's not from the boys, but he's acting like he's from the boys, and you haven't seen the boys.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Put that all together. the boys put that all together. He's acting like he's from the boys, but I haven't seen the boys. So it couldn't be someone from the boys. Like it's pretty close pretty close. You are or am I not in the boys? That you're not from the boys, but you're playing someone I imagine would be in the boys. Yes. You're playing pretty close.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Someone that's in the boys, but for someone who hasn't seen the boys or something like that. I'm not in the boys. That's for sure, Zach Ol. But you're playing close that is a vocative of the boys for someone who hasn't seen the boys. And when he asks, when you ask, are you from the boys? He says, no, I'm not from the boys,
Starting point is 00:32:59 because he isn't from the boys. He's like, put it all together. And evocation of what one would imagine was in the boys from having much trailers and what not I mean we've all seen the footage of that play covered in the blood of his partner. So what he is is that evocation of what one would sense or guess. That's what he was doing. He was doing the sum, sum, sum, sum. All right, yeah. Because we've all seen the trailer for the boys and some of that imagery and then, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:33 I'm going to watch the boys. I haven't seen the Marvelous Mrs. Maze or either, you know, I really, if you gaps in my Amazon prime view, you're like, what do you put it all together? You're going to put me all together. No, I'm not going to watch Marvelous Mrs. Maze or they're going to watch the all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. You're going to put me all together. I love that. Okay, so Mark is I've been watching white loaders on HBO. Definitely someone from the television show. Is Mark J. J Edgar? Speaking in
Starting point is 00:34:19 Iambic pentameter. Yep. Right. Playing an evocation of what one would imagine a character from the boys would be, but for someone who hasn't seen the boys, when one guesses are they from the boys, he says no, definitely not from the boys. And something I've forgotten. He was worried about something. Oh, and he's worried about the Melbourne, the Australian Ballet, the economic impacts on the art, particularly the art company of the Australian Ballet, which really does depend more on ticket sales than you'd imagine.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And he's worried about the Australian Ballet because he's worried that the economic impacts on the arts is going to affect the Australian Ballet. Yeah. Which is, you know, I mean, he died. I don't think, I don't think I'd say it could be a fan of the Ballet. And thank you so much for joining us on this week's podcast. Oh, go guy. Yeah, it was going to get a little bread. I'm going to get the bread. I'm going to get the bread. Watch what? I think it's a bread.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Exactly. Maybe a bunch has a deal. Been wanting to watch the exception, but my partner didn't really like succession. I thought it was really interesting. That was the Kings of Alira. Mirror of Ace Towns, right? Oh goodness. No, I got, although I did watch that much to documentary
Starting point is 00:35:47 that was really depressing the other day. So maybe I am in the move for depressing. Oh boy, boys. Oh, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by See you next week!

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