Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 294 - The Moving Car Podcast Part 1

Episode Date: February 22, 2022

This week we have a world first as we drive around Melbourne and podcast from a moving car. aunt  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Anti-Donna podcast. Welcome back to another week of the Moving Car podcast, an Anti-Donna and World first. If you're loving the Anti-Donna podcast, you can get the video to this podcast and plenty of bonus podcasts at Anti-Donna Club. So. All right, welcome. Welcome to this week's episode of the podcast, a moving podcast. I am gonna start driving. Well, should I just say this is the first ever podcast
Starting point is 00:00:44 recorded in a moving car. definitely car is not moving yet But the motor is running show we count down From 10 yeah, and if you don't I would recommend listening to last week's podcast to so you understand yeah Don't the rules of the democracy of the moving car. Yeah We'll post them somewhere. Yeah, it's just okay Tom this kind of stuff. Yeah, that's fine Absolutely fine. Okay great. All right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 And it's hard is I'm in park. You got in park and the car Hembray it looks like the hand breaks on back. This is a historic moment and the car, and the hambrake, it looks like the hambrake's on. Mark, this is a historic moment mate. And the car is moving.
Starting point is 00:01:28 All right. Welcome to the future. I'll put it down. Put it down. Was it really cups? Yeah, just doing a beer. No, no, no. Where are the cups?
Starting point is 00:01:35 That's all right, they gone. You're fucking with me, mate. I'm not. Now, where were the cups? All right, I'm in a busy intersection here. I can't. Just focus, mate. We'll fill. Just don't, kind of intersection is it, Broden? Remember the whole thing. No can't just focus, mate. We'll fill.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Just don't kind of intersection is it, Broden? Remember the full? I'll talk about it. Is it T? Two cars, two roads crossing over each other. I don't think it's a T. I'm not sure what it's called, actually. An intersection.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I believe the term is intersection. No, but there's different types of intersections. Is it? Yes, there's a T intersection. Well, it's not a T intersection. It's our Cassie's learners. I do have my learners. Is there a T intersection? Well, it's not a T intersection. It's our Cassie's learners. I do have my learners.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I tried to learn how to drive, and I failed. We're heading down a straight in Prestonbury. Now, the first order of business, electing the Prime Minister, the moving out of vote. Now, who would like to put themselves forward? I would like to put myself forward. The first candidate for Prime Minister is Mark Manano. I would also like to put myself forward. The second candidate for Prime Minister is Zachary Ruaing.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Brodin? I think I would make a great Prime Minister, though I don't put myself forward because I'm busy driving. Very good. Tom, I think Mark should be it Tom a president must remain impartial Well, he's not the president the president should remain yes, and the president should remain impartial
Starting point is 00:02:57 I'm impartial. Yes, very good, but he gets a vote Yeah, but it's it's it but he remains impartial. He cast But he gets a vote. Yeah, but it's it's it but he remains impartial. He cast. He now this is not this is not in the rule bookmark. Cash, but it is in custom that the president cast the vote last. Cast your we are seeing a strange obliteration of custom of custom here.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Broden. Well, wait, I'd like to do my speech. We get to do a speech. Yeah, I'd like to do my speech. Go get to do a speech? Yeah, I'd like to do my speech. Go with the policies. As prime minister of this car, even though there is no rule, there is only a rule to state that two hands on the wheel
Starting point is 00:03:34 and there is no rule to state that the microphone must be placed in a way that makes a broad and audible and easy to listen to. There's no rule about the person holding the microphone. I promise to you to all of my constituents that if I am Prime Minister I will keep the microphone in front of Broughton's face so he can be a part of the podcast. I see. I also would like to make a promise. I would also like to make a promise that if I am Prime Minister, I will give Tom $10. Library? No, it's a pork barreling at worst. All right, Mark, do you want to do a speech?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Yeah. I just went through an amber light that changed to red. Nice. I wish not to get your vote with the promise of frivolous gifts. Oh my God. I wish not to party on the vote that matters. I wish not to guilt you into voting for me out of fear of not being on the podcast, not being able to be heard out of the fear of your wallet being $10 lighter. No, I am here to tell you that I will be a prime minister for the people of the car because the people of the car are the people that matter. We are driving in the car and doing a podcast. Is that not what matters?
Starting point is 00:05:12 Is that not what matters? I'll give you $20. Really? Because I'm legitimately tomorrow when we come into the podcast studio, I'm going to give Tom $10 cash. I'll beam you $20 now. And Broden I'll do the same for you But you won't have a microphone. No, I will make sure that everything you say is because I will favor your voice over mine Wow
Starting point is 00:05:40 All right Time to vote. Time to vote. Zach cast your vote. I vote me Broden hmm Zach Has put forward a very strong position. Yeah, pretty important pretty important for you. Excuse me. I'm voting I'm so sorry. It's a sacred right There's a lot of prime ministers potential prime ministers in this card that wouldn't interrupt you when you were There's a lot of Prime Minister's, potential Prime Minister's in this card
Starting point is 00:06:02 that wouldn't interrupt you when you were. Thank you, my boat. You're nothing right now, Constable. And despite Zach, my promise is twice the money to me. He's literally gonna have to give you $40, and I'm gonna hold him to that. You have to give them, I'm giving him $20. $20, you have to give up $40,
Starting point is 00:06:18 I'll show you, I'll prove it to you. You gotta prove it, bro. You're gonna prove it, okay, yeah, you're gonna send me $20. Yeah. Wow. Are you sure? Yes? Hey, if I vote for you, do I get $20? No You've already voted I vote Mark. Yeah, that's fair Tom I vote for Mark as well. Why do you vote for Mark? Because I feel like Zach will get upset and
Starting point is 00:06:46 there'll be a good dynamic. Yeah that's true. I guess it all comes down to me. The deciding vote. Oh you're a lot. Do I split the vote? What's this? What would happen if you split the vote? What happens if the vote gets split? Also you don't have to give up $40 if you can lose it. Or I just can't interrupt. And why the kind of person that would vote for themselves. That's not very prime in history. It's not very prime in history to vote for yourself. OK. OK, Mark.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I vote for Zach. Ah! This is the first hesitional crisis. There's the rules or amendments in the rulebook. Can I ring Sam in time? I'm coming to get the Donna card you can ring Sam can you also get him to cast a vote? Yeah, he's gonna have to vote he's gonna have to vote because we're split Okay, but I all right All right, I'm not on my phone by the way. I'm not on my phone. Let me hold. Oh, yeah, let me hold it. Sorry. Sorry. We got it the phone is ringing
Starting point is 00:07:44 Was that in the car? Yeah, I brought in hi Sam how are you? We're listening Sam we don't have time to talk We are coming to you now to get a Donna to get the Donna card You at home and which beach yeah just out the front yeah, we the front. Yeah, we'll just meet you at the front. But also Sam. Sam? You there mate? Sam, we need you to cast the deciding vote
Starting point is 00:08:12 in the Democratic election of Prime Minister of the car. Of the moving car. So so far, it is the tally is two votes, Zach, and two votes, Mark. Can I tell him, I think I can give a pretty even-handed impression to him of like the advantages of each. Can I just try and report it? You can challenge him.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I think all the only information, Sam, I just wanna give him one piece of information. Who has voted for who? Yeah, but I just wanna give him a piece of information. Can I just say something? I am. You can. I've driven both both past my partner Annie
Starting point is 00:08:48 and her sister Jackie at different points on this drive. Well, you got to point that out. You got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. You got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. I got to describe it. one thing. Well first I think you should know who's voted for who. Why is that relevant? It's incredibly relevant. It shows it speaks of character. Sure. So the votes were done this way. We are at an intersection by the way. Right an intersection in Northkitt.
Starting point is 00:09:16 It's a... Oh my god! Guys! Was that your brother Mitch Kelly's little trainer? We've seen my partner Annie, her sister Jackie, and my brother Mitchel. Oh my god. I'm starting to think they're organizing a surprise party. It's crazy. Sam. Sam, you're the voice. I will pass my vote.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Wait. Whoever has a stronger position on getting receipts for these purchases that they're going to get to make. Oh! That's a great thing, Sam. That's a great thing to put forward. Zach, would you like to respond to the question first? He's physically responsible, Sam. Sam is physically responsible. Sam, I don't want that responsibility and I would like to recuse myself from the rights.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Well, we'll let you have just elected Mark Bonanno as Prime Minister. Congratulations. Oh, hail Mark! Thank you so much. Who is that $40 pora? Sam will see you soon. It's $40 pora. Folks, you're listening to the Anti-Donna podcast
Starting point is 00:10:26 Breaking Barriers, we are traveling in a car. Oh, and we will hear more about it right after this, and we're back. And we're still in the moving car, well, on our way to Sam's house to get a Donna card. Can we point out that I'm not joking, I saw my partner Annie, her sister Jackie, and we saw Mitchell Kelly, my brother, all in this what? We've been driving for 15 minutes. All right, can we try one thing?
Starting point is 00:10:51 I have to do it, you turn. Well, keep driving. Just keep driving. Just keep driving and do a you turn. There's going to be a round about that comes up soon, but just keep going and don't you want to see your brother? No, well, I want to take the risk? Well, I want to take the risk. Okay. I want to roll the dice. Take the chance. If we see your brother,
Starting point is 00:11:10 and there's some sort of family magnet to this car, I'm going to drive it off a cliff. All right. Because that, you know, it's... Can I not say there's a zoom energy, there's a room, and I'm feeling there's a car energy. I didn't see my brother I did not see my brother do you know that lady there no I don't know that lady
Starting point is 00:11:31 Okay, who was wearing a white shirt and had glasses only you only have to explain it if it's relevant to the observation Right, does that make sense? No, so you only have to explain that which is relevant You don't have to say she was wearing sunglasses unless The point you want to make is oh, I want to get a pair of sunglasses like that. Does that make sense? Yes You guys yeah, I want to take a p. It seems yes Can I trust you guys to continue the car podcast without me? Yeah, it's absolutely But then that's what it's like the president is out what happens then we do well you've got the prime minister So the prime minister will run the show
Starting point is 00:12:07 in the absence of the President? No, I don't like the sounds of that. It has to, the power would just pass there and I would become a temporary president. Well I think I vote we put Sam in charge of the mixing. I'll look Sam's here. Sam is. OK.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Sam, I'd like to introduce a guest. OK, shut up everyone. I guess this is very interesting Best can be introduced at any time our next guest on the podcast is Next guest on the podcast is our head writer for anti-donna. Oh shit careful. Sorry. There's a cub Sorry, if you just park and put your hazards on no one will get mad at you Yeah, but he's has it's around has it's around One of the rules you have to talk into the microwave.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Tom has the piss. And Sam goes to the bathroom at my house. Yeah. Okay, this is all part of it. This is a three-part or two. Uh-huh, absolutely. Can you jump in the car? Can we just do a loop of the block while he goes into your house?
Starting point is 00:12:58 Yeah, that's a great idea. All right, Sam, get in the car. Sam, get in the car, please. Sam. Our next guest, keep please introducing. Yeah, so our next guest, next guest. I've got to please. Sam. Our next guest, he please introduce him. Yes, our next guest, next guest. I've got to do two things. Our next guest is Sam Lingham. He is a writer on, we've had a farmer.
Starting point is 00:13:11 We, and he also is in charge of finance. That's why we went to him to get the credit card. We're going to be doing some lot, doing some loops of the block with Sam. But before we do, Sam, we've got to introduce him. I've got to do a ceremonial thing in order for him to be president. It's simply a ceremonial thing. He's not president. No.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Can I just... Can I do the ceremonial task? Yeah, but I guess can be introduced at any time. And I'm introduced then. Well, no, welcome Sam. Here, say, happy to be here. Happy to be here. Okay, Sam.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Welcome to the car. He who holds the sound equipment. What is it that you hold? I'm holding the sound equipment. Oh no. I'm the temporary prime minister president and I'm in the sound equipment. I think this is too much of a conflict. No, it's not. If he's not a conflict of interest, we can can't ask him. Well, I've got to do the ceremonial question. Oh, look. I said that lady we saw before is now with a man and the hugging. The one with the sunglasses. It was relevant. It's become relevant. Mark, do you know how to use the sound equipment? Yes. With confidence. Can you say you do? With absolute confidence. Well, then Mark, I crown you the president of the moving car.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Thank you. God, this is a dark day for democracy. Why? It's too much power in the hands of one person. Can we introduce? Can you be back shortly? Can you interview Sam, give it like, you know, how's your day been? Sam, how has your day been?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Good, thank you. What have you been doing at home? So, Mum and Dad were over, so we went out and visited Omar this morning at the nursing home. Yeah. Oh, that's nice. Oh, they still there? Did Tom just walk in? No, no, no, they've gone home,
Starting point is 00:14:53 and then we went to the nursery and got some plants. Oh, that's nice. And then we had a delicious lunch at Shamayat, if you're in the North Good Region. I would encourage everyone to get down in a really fantastic restaurant. What kind of cuisine are they doing at shamanan? Shamanan they do Syrian
Starting point is 00:15:08 Syrian So this is what happens if you know Countries well is we've zackers evolved to be able to hold two microphones with one hand. That's incredible I've really begun the idea of custom like you don't actually know how to have to use the Little closer to your to be president. Yeah, you don't actually have to know how to have to use the maybe a little closer to your to be a president yeah you don't actually have to know how to be president you just have to answer the two questions are you holding this
Starting point is 00:15:32 out the equipment and do you know how to use it that's the custom yeah and what where what do you what do you have planned for tonight Sam I am going to I'm axe to watch June oh doon have planned for tonight's exam? I'm going to, I'm asked to watch June. Oh, June! Have you seen June? I have not seen June.
Starting point is 00:15:49 June is fantastic. You're gonna love it. June, June, June. The dip song. I say, June. And that's incorrect. That's what the Americans say.
Starting point is 00:15:58 June. June. June. June. June. It's June. No June. I like saying, June, June. It's done. The June. I like saying,
Starting point is 00:16:07 June, June. And the correct way to say it is June. What, January, February, April, March. What's the next month? June, June, June, and then July. Huh? Huh? Oh, we are heading around the same round about we've now hit three times
Starting point is 00:16:29 Do you know oh boundaries oh Sam guess what members of Broden's immediate in the first 15 minutes and first 15 minutes of this podcast We have run into people that are connected to Broden in one by blood, one by legion, one by legion, and one by the blood of his legion. By the blood of his legion. Can you guess who those three people are who we've run past? In the first 15 minutes of this podcast, look based on our geography and based on your clues
Starting point is 00:17:07 and based on nothing else, based on no information I may have heard on the phone earlier. I'm gonna guess Annie. Correct, and that is connected to Broden by which of the... Legion. And then I'm gonna guess Jackie. Who is? Blood of Legion. Correct. And Mitch., who is? Blood of Legion. Correct. And...
Starting point is 00:17:25 ...Mitch. Connected by? Blood. Correct, Sam. What a great guest. That was a great guest. I thought you were going to be proud of yourself. There's a car on my way.
Starting point is 00:17:35 But there's a car on. There's a car on my ass. I got a move. There's a car beeping me. I was hoping Sam would be promoted to president. That was why I got him in the car. But we've seen a great corruption at the democracy of the moving car today.
Starting point is 00:17:48 What a weird person. All right, thanks everyone, have a nice day. Bye, I'll see you next time. Thank you so much, Sam. Can you just, we need to talk about, I was just beeped. So when he, Tom's gonna take us through that. Our next guest, if I'd like to introduce a guest, our next guest is,
Starting point is 00:18:01 Oh, you can do that at any time, Broden. Tom Armstrong, the prime minister prime minister president of the car of the moon well he is not yet and i don't see baltzebelt on and i pass over the uh... the the the sound recording equipment which indicates now that the prime minute the president has uh... been reinstated to the original uh... president that was originally agreed to serve on your question and according to yes you may. Tom? Yes. Oh sorry no
Starting point is 00:18:35 it's three questions. Yes. May I speak to he who holds the sound equipment? Yes. What is your name? Tom. Tom. Tom, why? Where are you from? Thomas, I'm from. I'm from... I'm from your Tom of Urbank. No, your Tom of the moving car. Oh, Tom of the moving car, Tom.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Tom of the moving car. What do you hold in your hands? A Zoom recorder. Just the sound equipment. Oh, sorry, the sound equipment. Tom of the moving car with the sound equipment. Do you know how to use it? Correct, the sound equipment. Tom of the moving car with the sound equipment, do you know how to use it? Correct, yes I do.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Then I crown you, president of the moving car. Awesome, thank you. Awesome, thank you as well, you have to say as well. Is that ceremony? Yeah, this car is about to pull in. I clams seafood van, tried to pull out, while Brodom was going past, there was not, we weren't close to an accident
Starting point is 00:19:27 But the chance if it's fine. What's happening here? There's what is happening? What I was there and I was jazz band. This is jazz band to the left This is jazz band to the left jazz band left to me douchebag in a car that he bought in a car that he bought, Tom. Here I am podcasting a car with you. Do you want a review of my Pp that I had? No, I want you to tell how people have some beeps me. Oh, so I was about to jump into the car and then Broden had just pulled over on the side street
Starting point is 00:19:56 and someone just started beeping him. Beep, beep, beep, beep. Honestly, it pulled over for a butter moment. I said to put the hazards on, Broden didn't. Once you have your hazards on, they can't do anything. I don't like the energy of this moving car podcast. It's really intense.
Starting point is 00:20:13 It is intense, this is high voltage. Because we're the first people in this land. So this is you, this is Mars. Here's my theory, you got one person that's focusing more on driving than on doing a podcast. Got another person that can't make eye contact because they're in the backseat.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And what that creates is just a strange, disconnected, frantic tension, which I love. Well, let's play it back and see. We'll see after this. Yeah. We're not sure where the headphones. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I wanted to take the muffie back. The next location we are going to folks, would anyone like to guess? It's gonna be, no. I reckon it's gonna be the post, the Brunswick East Post Office. And where did you want to be? You want to go a car wash?
Starting point is 00:20:57 I want to go to car wash. Fuck, alright. As long as it's in a 5 kilometer radius. That is going to be hard to find. There'll be one on Belle for sure. Can you clarify Mark as well? The 5K radius is That is going to be hard to find. There'll be one on Belford for sure. Can you clarify Mark as well? The 5K radius is not a state mandated COVID safety issue either.
Starting point is 00:21:10 That is something we've put on ourselves. It's something I saw that the post office was 4 kilometers away. Is that a rule or is it a general decision? It's a rule. It's a rule. Is the 5 kilometers related to the last location or the central location or the central location?
Starting point is 00:21:25 The central location. To where we must head back once all locations have been visited. And these are the rules of the moving car. So say you. So say I. So say all of us. And so say all of us. And so say all of us.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And so say I. So say all of us. Well, you said so say all of us. That encapsulated. Well, so say all of us. And so say aye. So say all of us. Well you said so say all of us. That didn't capture that. Well so say all of us. And so say aye. We're going to call it interroad and sight lines. We should have called it a very busy road.
Starting point is 00:21:52 We're going to kill all of us. We are on the same George's road. And there are cars are plenty. Great local knowledge Mark. Thank you so much as the cars zoom by, filled with people going to places busy busy busy Who knows what sort of lives they lead what devious secrets perchance they're carrying in their heads in the boots of their car They're all sick sex freaks
Starting point is 00:22:21 They're gonna about doing shit. No one, little bit of conjecture. Bathroom here, disgusting freaks thinking about doing things with their willies and power tools, BDSME, slaps and scissors. Now Mark, I just realized we need to be careful not to say every street we go on for fear of creating a driving length kind of triangulation docks of set that's true that is true you know we say every street they work out the driving length we could sort of triangulate docks
Starting point is 00:22:58 I think I've only said not cut that I think I only said St George's Road. He's cut that Tom because what I did just say was the name of St Street. All right, now we're just going through a nice housing, like just a nice suburb. You know, when you'd imagine a nice pretty house from the 20th century that's been converted in the back of series of little houses that now have giant fancy boxes at the back of them. There are trees. There are trees, some parkland perhaps. A bit of parkland, a bit of trees, letter boxes. I just saw a letter box that was white. Are we on a numbers on it? Are we on the edge of a regular park?
Starting point is 00:23:45 Do we think of perhaps one of the many creeks of the North? That's a creek. That's a creek of the North. That is creek park. And of course, the northern suburbs of Melbourne famed for what I like to call the green veins of the northern suburbs, the parkland, surrounding the flood plains of the many beautiful creeks.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Not many cars on this suburban street, most of them parked on the side, the busy hustle and bustle of human beings going about their lives, thinking about all the kind of dirty sex things they want to do to each other. I want to disgusting things in the dark things they couldn't tell their parents in fear of judgment. Mark, I reckon if you if you continue the way you're continuing, I'm just saying if you continue the way you're continuing with this sort of conjecture in your descriptions and a lack of editing, I just want you to know that you might you might come to regret that and you might find yourself having a bit of an accident I just want you to know that you might come to regret that, and you might find yourself having a bit of an accident if you keep doing this. I'm I going to shit my pants.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I'll thread. That's a veiled thread. That's a veiled thread. Oh, no, I guess it was an over and over. No, it wasn't an over thread. It was a veiled thread, which is against the rules. However, rules are meant to be broken. I'll allow it.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Oh, yeah. Motion passed. Motion passed. I actually, on the rules, you are in charge of directing me to the Brunswick East Post Office. There is multiple of those, so could you please confirm which one? Yes, can we go to Ligon Street? Yeah, that's multiple in Ligon Street.
Starting point is 00:25:20 All right, come. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:25:28 This is the funniest thing we've ever done. You want it. So when you get to Ligon Street, Brodom, you keep going straight. And when you get to Ligon Street, I want you to turn left. Yes, the I would have turned right. So I'd like you to check. What did you do, Joe?
Starting point is 00:25:42 I asked you a question, mate. Absolutely. And be offensive in the eye if I said something like, I like on street, careful you don't get distracted by the pizza fast. So that would be a super boiler to say that. So it's Mark's choice. Explain the joke, explain the joke. So I like on street, for those overseas,
Starting point is 00:25:59 this is like, it's like, in a state. Or in a state. In a state. I think it's Australian. Ligon Street is our little Italy. It is Melbourne's little Italy. It is the Italian capital. You want to get yourself a capricosa.
Starting point is 00:26:14 You feel like going out for dinner and being harassed constantly into getting into restaurants that you don't want to eat at. Go to Ligon Street. you'll have a great time. Would that be rude of me to say that? Are you okay with me making that joke because I don't have to make the joke? No, I think that's the experience of Ligon Street.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And Mark, it's no coincidence that Mark's local post office is in Little Italy. Do you hear what I'm saying? Because he's Italian. Well, let's not say it's my local life on Stoffus. The aspersion. Or we're picking up mail from... Maybe I get it directed to a post office far from me.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Okay, you do that. Yeah, you definitely do that. See how many members of Auntie Donna we can doxidmofudge. Let's also bring episode two to a close, guys. Oh, well. Well, let's do it and arriving at the post office. Yeah, we've done one task. We've got the Donna card from Sam. We've got the meat Sam. Don't show the numbers of that card by the way.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Put it down there. No one. Don't want anyone stealing now. Hey yes, I was called is it too I'm waving it around because I think I think the first podcast is a prelude the one in the still car Is it okay one of a three? This is the moving car podcast part one one okay, and the first one is this is the moving car Prelude I the still is the moving car prelude prelude uh... pollin the still car that's what i believe in the arm and board
Starting point is 00:27:49 alright what so we're going to close this podcast as we arrive at the uh... post office we are we are driving a block or two away i believe we're now driving through the canyons of the one and four uh... up to the up to the designated line apartment buildings, the canyons of the five-story tall apartment buildings of Lygonstreet. I also said I was from Jibank earlier, so we've ducks to solve. Yeah, but you don't live there anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah, they're now. True. Well, I used to live here, like right here, literally there. Wow. Yeah, wow. But I don't anymore. So you can dox yourself from the past. I remember we had a time traveler is listening.
Starting point is 00:28:32 The time traveling stalker. All right, let's keep it interesting. Broden, what is your favorite place to go on a Sunday drive to? The footy. Yeah, a good one. What about out of football season? The basketball. Is there ever a time when there's not sport on Broden that you want to drive to?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah. Like now. Hmm. Alright. I'm over it, yes. you wanna drive too? Yeah. Like now. All right. I'm over it, yes. No, we've got so much more to do man. Car washes, McDonald's. And that's it. Yeah, that's it, after this.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And then we're gonna drive back to where we've been podcasting for. Yeah. I'm really excited to see. Did we all just burn out at the same time? We're like in unison. As we hit traffic and that's what's done. Hey, I'm, I'm gonna hear my,
Starting point is 00:29:29 I wanna die. I'm gonna hear my pitch. Yeah. We pretend to get to the post office. And then we have a little rest. I can't explain to you how much I do. I did, do the, yeah, we come back. Disappointed.
Starting point is 00:29:43 For part two. We can't, we can't. We gotta keep rolling. Oh yeah, we didn't know how how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. I didn't find you how much money it was. You are just that silently driving for minutes. No, that's terrible. Let's keep pushing through well We're getting very close to the post office very close. It's just past the next big road Broden. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:30:13 So I decided for us to get there And if you are listening at home play along Pretend you're driving in a car in a podcaster Listening at home We I will come and kill you. No, that is a valid threat. It's not valid, that's over. That's over.
Starting point is 00:30:32 You should have put, can we put that in men in later? No, it's threat. No, it's threats. Yeah, that's fair. No, it's threats. Is it full on to tell me I'm gonna murder reality? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I'm joking. It's dripping with irony, so I can tell. Yeah, irony. Here comes an issue. Here comes an issue. No parks in front of the post office. Mark, you need to... Park down a side street.
Starting point is 00:30:53 You go get it right here. Just park down. Get out. I promise you, you put your hazards on. They're on. Right, no one's gonna say shit. All right, next week, when we come back next week,
Starting point is 00:31:04 Broden will be getting back, you know, Mark will be getting back in the car. This is the end of part one of podcasting in a moving car. Next week, Mark will be getting back, we'll find out. He's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, My See you next week.

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