Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 297 - Would You Rather With Mish Wittrup

Episode Date: March 15, 2022

This week we have special guest Mish and we love Mish! Go see Mish at the comedy festival!!!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here are legends and welcome to another rip episode of the R&T Donna podcast. This week we have close friend of the pod, Mishwitrapon, to ask us would you rather? If you love Mish as much as we do and you live in Melbourne, go see Mish at the Melbourne Comedy Festival in her debut one woman show, Soy Fat White. I've seen it and it's funny. And it's funny. You listen to the only dog I've got. The greatest fucking bugger in the world. Burden my Kentucky sometimes. And yes, we hope you enjoy the motherfucking podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:38 All right, so welcome. Welcome. Here's what should we sing it all together? I don't know what this is. We are the sons of the Gold Coast Sky. We are the ones in the red golden blue. We are the mighty Gold Coast Sons. We play to win the flag for you by-
Starting point is 00:00:59 The one other person I thought would give a fuck to- We pulled up the cup. Tom does not run, you run, you run. You're doing all the way. So for context, he's getting a lolly out of his bag. For context, if you're listening, there's some pics. I, uh, I said to Brad and I, I'm, I'm, we have a guest today and I don't have headphones.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Um, and I said to Brad and I said, if we could just devoid songs. I sung for you so you could hear it. You can't get on the stand, what are you going to say? Welcome to the Gold Coast Sons podcast, a weekly podcast where we deep dive on the best AFL team in Australia. And now, the Gold Coast Sons. Can I honestly just chip in really quick?
Starting point is 00:01:39 I did, this is genuinely. I did go on a few dates with a guy who had a podcast for the Hawthorn football club. Cool. Yeah, Eagles. Eagles. Yeah, the Hawthorn Eagles. The Hawthorn Eagles.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Wait, what is it? It is the Eagles, because it's the Eagles. Because it sounds like Eaglethorn, if you think about it, Eagles are like, like, Eagthorn, and then they're just extended. Yeah, Hawthorn Eagles, yeah. Yeah. I just wanted to say, like, I-
Starting point is 00:02:04 That's really cool. I just, I haven't thought about it for a while. And what was the podcast about? And how did the date go? And what was the date? It was a couple of dates, and I won't give you his name. Okay. It was a date. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:14 It was three dates and two, oh no, four dates. Four dates. Four dates. Where was the first date, what did you do? First date was pizza. Tinder, by the way, met on Tinder. As you don't have to say, you don't have to say. And just like that, we met on Bumble.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Ah, Bumble. Bumble. We met on Bumble and we went out. We went out. No, we didn't go for pizza, we went for coffee and then the second date was pizza. So the day date? Coffee was a day date.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Day date. I did a lot of first day dates and then the second date was pizza and we were not interested. And then two months later we were horny and we're like oh maybe I am then we went on a third pizza date and still we're not interested in each other in the slide it's nothing changed. I love to this man. Why did you make love to this man? You don't have dance that would I'm curious. I I didn't make love to this. That was the pizza.
Starting point is 00:03:06 This man. That was the pizza. Oh, little wink for the patrons there. Patrons, no. So the audience was bigger than that. For the people in front of the paywall, she didn't. I'm saying I did not make love to this man. But then with your eyes, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:21 you might be saying. I would never share, I would never share, on a public platform Whether or not I fucked somebody. Well, you did share that you didn't oh wait, but wait, oh, but But there is a paywall version of this with visual and you get a little more information Yeah, that suggests some that suggests that mission's done a fuck before not that I have There it is. There it is. I can't tell you what it is. So you have to pay for that You're gonna get so many can you imagine can you imagine if this is the moment that your patreon doubles?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Because everyone wants to know whether or not I've been Misha for a random man. Oh, I wonder that 30 year old then single person had sex with a man after a few dates I'm willing to put hard cash on that question. I feel like I got three dates out of you But you said you went on four dates and you didn't sell the fourth one I'd said that the fourth one was to the drive-ins Ah To see the invisible man Oh
Starting point is 00:04:20 And then Pandemic happened Oh So this is back way back. Just at the start of 2020. Yeah. Yeah. And we didn't like each other much at all.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Like not like in a sexy way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I think that's fair to say. Was there heavy petting at the drive-in? No. No. No, really, you sat and you watched the movie.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yeah. Jesus. That's actually the truth. I'm not making anything like that's the truth. We did. Oh yeah. Maybe you sat under the Patreon for a bit. I'm not making anything like that. That's the truth Oh, yeah, maybe so under the Patreon No, it didn't I'm a good movie though. I really enjoyed it. It was the last movie I saw I really I love the invisible man I you didn't like it. No, no, I really really did
Starting point is 00:05:01 I'm thinking maybe you didn't like it. What? No, I loved it. Why? Winking at me. But you did love it. All right, here's a question to you. Would you rather? Yeah, miss. Yep. Would you rather go on a date to watch the invisible man with a ball of energy and every time you enjoy the film the ball of energy heats up to fire level but you never burn it just you feel the pain. I feel the pain of it. Every time you enjoy something, I'm having a movie. Or would you rather go to the shops, and have all the money in the world to buy anything you want, and also you can get a DVD of invisible man
Starting point is 00:05:59 and watch it at a home cinema. What kind of car are we in at the drive-ins? It's a Nissan. Navarro? Oh wow, and all the money. It's unlimited money. And in the Nissan Navarro the sound isn't working so you can't hear the movie so it's just pain. Pain in the movie. So when I'm going shopping at this shopping centre is it air conditioned? Yep. I take that one. I'm not a fan of the heat. Yeah, it's air conditioned. You have all the money in the money. I choose air conditioning over a ball of sun.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Do you want to have one, Brodo? No, I'd love to. You want to throw it? I'd love to. Throw me a cube. Would you, Rather? All right, I'll throw you a cube for you. Would you, Rather?
Starting point is 00:06:42 OK, here's one. Would you, Rather? Go back in time? Go back in time to any place, any time, guaranteed safety to meet anyone to see any culture and you get to do it three times? Or would you rather someone stomping on your dick with a boot? Right. It's an easy one for me. Do you rather someone stomping on your dick with a boot? Right, it's an easy one for me.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So the chance to go back in history and meet some of the most awesome people for just the way we think that today would be incredible. And the chance to do it three times. You can do it three times. See how something was formed or the, you know, just all these different parts in history
Starting point is 00:07:22 will be credit, you know, but just to be really clear But if like you go to Vesuvius or you go to like the Titanic and You are immune from dying and at the point where you would die you would just come back to now So there's no repercussions. No danger to you at all. Yeah fun advantage Nothing it does will change the course of history No, there's no repercussions. You just get to see it and experience it. See for me, that makes it even easier.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's fun and that's like, you know, it's just like going on a fun adventure where nothing is not even guys. Alternatively, like, alternatively getting my dick stomach would really hurt my penis. Oh yeah, like hard. Yeah, it would really hurt my penis.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So easily the time travel one. Mark, same one. Yeah. Same question. Yeah, the one, Yeah. Same question. Yeah, the one because when I think about having my dick stumped on with the boot and just kind of how important my dick is to me and how much that would hurt, I feel like there's not a lot of positives in that.
Starting point is 00:08:17 But traveling back in time and seeing things that no other person in collective memory can remember and see, I think that would be an experience unlike any other. So for that reason, I would definitely pick the going back in time. Yeah, 100% for me as well, Mish. Obviously, you have a vagina instead of a penis. So the stomping is, in this scenario, they'd be pulling anything they can pull out and stomping on that. Like pulling my flaps out and placing them on the ground. On a table.
Starting point is 00:08:48 On a table. On a table. Okay, I've got a big like, kneeling on a chair for that to be a thing. Yeah, I don't know exactly how comfortable it is. You're uncomfortable, though. It's very, very comfortable. It's very comfortable. I choose my vagina.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So I don't, it doesn't really matter what the alternative option is because I would choose the safety of my. Oh, so you would go with the time travel one based on the next year? Absolutely, yes, yeah, that's a fair one. I can do more, does anyone want to go? I know, I know, yeah, yeah, if you're a third one. I'm brooding. I can get paid. Oh, tough one.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Would you rather work a 70-hour week at an orchard. Yep, and the sun. Yep, that orchard is owned by Callista Flokart from Ali McBeal. So she's your boss. Yeah, she married to Harrison Fawna. Are they still married? Yeah, I believe so. I believe so. Okay, in this scenario they're not married. Oh, they're going, they're currently going through a nasty divorce. Oh, yes, she're currently going through a nasty divorce. Oh, hello. Yes, she's vulnerable. Yes, she's vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I wasn't suggesting, like I'm just saying, that she's actually probably... She's angry. She's angry. Yeah. So, there's that. Or... Sounds awful. Or...
Starting point is 00:09:58 Would you rather... work with Harrison Ford... Mm-hmm. ...on building from the ground up from scratch physically an automobile wrecking yard well that's how we talk yeah which would you pick? you have to choose one and in this scenario they're both currently going for Thor divorce.
Starting point is 00:10:26 So, what Harrison Ford is going to be around as a business partner? I don't know, I've never met him. Collister, she's hurt, but I don't know anything about Harris. Is it, can I ask, how do you know? Okay. Can I ask, is he getting paid for the work? Yes. For both?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Is it 170 hour a week? They're both 70 hour weeks. And he's getting paid the same right? At the orchard you get paid per fruit, and Harrison's paying you a base rate. Well, is it a good, is it a rich and fruit area? Yes. And what fruit? What's the minimum?
Starting point is 00:10:55 What's the maximum? What's the maximum? What can he be making on a day of the orchard? Well, it depends on how fast brood and moves. I mean, I move quite slow, when I work the average. Well, this is the thing that, well, this is the choice between safety or like, you know, like, it doesn't matter how hard you're working in the car
Starting point is 00:11:08 with Harrison Ford. Building a car wrecking yard from the ground. Yes, not building a car. No, from the wrecking yard. Racking yard. I can't, and empty, there's nothing there. It's just you and Harrison. Sure, it's a pre-fabab store like a pre-fab shop front
Starting point is 00:11:25 No, thank you markets it's advancing and Yeah, no, no, what I'll say is that's the build the build isn't a big build It's some fencing a pre-fab shop front and then you just get in some machinery Yeah, I don't think that's a hard build if he had to build a tower or something But he has to build the shop they've given themselves away. He had to build a tower or something. But he has to build the shop. But they've given themselves a way. He has to build. That's not pre-fab. No, it's a block.
Starting point is 00:11:48 It's a empty block. It's an empty block. You could build a townhouse there. They have the week to put it together. It's a 7-hour way. And, oh, it's in like an inner city suburb. So you're getting everyone who lives around you as mad because you're creating quite a lot of noise. At the orch of noise at the orchard at the orchard is out bush
Starting point is 00:12:09 It's quite pleasant. It's quite pleasant there and close by yourself that collision No, no, she's going through a divorce. Just call us to live on the orchard. She live on the orchard Yes, she lives there Oh, and Brodom would be able to stay in the customer And and and and she's also about to zoom in to do like a 25 year reunion reading with Ali McBeal. Can I add all the classic one thing? Yes. And one thing.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Also Broden's bought a bottle of delicious wine. Oh. And I'm not making this. Are you like hitting on Callista Flokart? Yeah, but I am. Okay. I want to make it clear that she's going through a divorce and I don't think she's ready yet. But, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:46 But, you, here's, you know, ready for, she might not be ready, but she's ready for you to help something. Yeah, maybe she's ready for something, just cash. Cash, cash, something, something, and you know, it's a cash till it. You know, maybe that, maybe there's a couple, there's like some lines in that reading
Starting point is 00:13:03 from people that weren't really big actors. Maybe they could get you into the big print. Here's an opportunity for you to meet Lucy Lou, to me. Portia de Rossi. That guy from Ghostbusters 2. That guy from Ghostbusters 2. What's his name? Can I tell you a story? Just at a side. I was at Chinchin the other day, restaurant in Melbourne, and they do, they now have non-gender specific bathrooms, and I did my way and I came out and there was two ladies there, and I washed my hands, and one of the ladies was like, geez, it's like Ellie McBeal in here. Oh, that's good. Oh, this is the best day of my life. I was like, yes, it is lady. I'm off to have a curry
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yes, it is. Why was it like hell? I mean because they have a mixed gender You don't know Ali would be all this isn't the one. This isn't the challenge for you Do you know who close to flock? I guess you know Gleester flock All right, so go on now. You know have all these What he's doing very quick recap on yeah, yeah, no go on now you know have all these dishes. What do you do? Very quick recap. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No. Oh, you want me to? Alright. Collista flocker earns an orchard. She needs some, as you need a handyman to help her pick her peaches. Um, particularly because it's peaches.
Starting point is 00:14:17 The other peaches, the other way we figured that out. You got a peach orchard. Absolutely. It's in Georgia, by the way. It's a Georgia page. Yeah, it's a Georgia page. Georgia page. You pay per page. You can pay per page. You can pay per page. Maybe get some work in one of the Marvel movies. Yeah, I think of all the opportunities
Starting point is 00:14:32 to happen in Georgia because the one that the Harrison Ford once happening in reservoir. So one of them, so one of them, boss, is a beautiful lady. No, she's up. She's hurt. She's upset. Yeah, she's restless. You's hurt. She's upset. Yeah, she's resting You have to do it all by yourself and she's stressed because not only do you have to do it all by yourself But if the fruit goes rotten, so does um, alemy bill's career, it's a flak up. Yeah, it's a lot right
Starting point is 00:14:56 There is a lot there was a lot right so which came down and beautiful To the orchard. Yeah, yeah, it's beautiful It's beautiful and she Do you understand? Yeah, but it's beautiful there. It's beautiful there. It's beautiful there. And she's beautiful and she's upset and she's mad, but you know, she's feeling a little more. So open and you've got a bottle of wine. And then you've got a bottle of work.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And there is a curse that if all of the peaches are not peaked, before they go rotten, then Kalista Flakarts career will go down the toilet. And your paper and peach, don't forget the paper. So, but if you work hard, down the toilet. And your pay per page. That's a page, don't pay per page. So, but if you work hard, you can make $1,000 per page. No, that's not how much it is. You paid $1,000 per page.
Starting point is 00:15:32 No, it's not, but the end of the week, 70 hour. There's only four pages. Yes. When Lucy Lou did it, she made 70 grand at the end of the week. In a week, but. Seven grand, not the only grand. When Porsche D'Aroszi did it, two and a half, only two and a half.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Because she's a lazy bitch. Sorry, a thousand dollars per thousand pages. Well, she was going through some stuff. She was going through some stuff. And we're back. So yeah, that's that option. Or you can build from the ground up a automobile wrecking yard in reservoir
Starting point is 00:16:03 with Harrison Ford for a base rate. For a base rate. And he wouldn't tell me what it was because he's a secretive man. You have to build it all from the ground up and people. It's legal. It's all legal. And people in the area are mad because you're making a lot of sound. Harrison Ford has his Indiana Jones whip there. He's just got it there. Whether he uses it or not, that's a hard job. He doesn't mind. And all he does is talk about seven days I apologize you're doing great all he does
Starting point is 00:16:28 He's talking about all He's like the You know that's funny that reminds me when I was on set of seven days seven nights with And he was like you're funny. You're funny like in Hish and he just keeps rigging up and Hish It's like is this a thing? Yeah, he finds out you are on the or the orchard with Kalista he's gonna fucking murder you yeah if you find out in this No, you find it in I mean Did that it's gonna beat the living fuck out of you
Starting point is 00:17:01 You can not let him know in the Kalista flock hearthart option, that's all you do. You do one week at Callista Flockhart's Orkin in the Harrison Ford option. It's everything about the Callista Flockhart option and this Plus if he finds out he'll get mad at you. So it's on the Callista Flocker. You'll try and kill him. You'll try and kill him. You spend the rest of your life You'll try. You'll try. You spend the rest of your life running from Harrison Ford. You understand? He's relentless.
Starting point is 00:17:30 He is relentless. Have you ever seen it? It follows. Have you ever seen it follows? It's like it follows. It's like it follows but it's Harrison Ford. And what's crazy is it is like the future, but when he explains it to you,
Starting point is 00:17:41 he somehow makes it about like, he's like, and Heshtail, because he can relate everything back to him. He somehow makes it about like, he's like, and Hesh told me this funny. He's like, he's like, he's really not talking about it. He's really not talking about it. He genuinely thought seven days, seven nights was gonna be massive. He was like, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:54 I remember I was at the premiere and I turned to Ann and Hesh. And I said, I said, this is gonna be a hit, Heshie. I call her Heshie. And he's just always on about it What do you- Which do you choose? I think I need to hear it all one more time
Starting point is 00:18:12 We made it very clear I'm clearly- It's very clear, right? I have it in silvery questions Yeah In the second one We're happy to win I got a real bad answer
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's whatever we can do I've got a second one where I've done all the valentine beer one, and I go to the Harrison Ford one. Yeah. Just the witches spell still. Oh, hold on. Yeah, everything about the Callista Flakart one applies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:34 The, the, the, so basically the way you've got to think about it is you've got to choose between Callista Flakart and her cursed peach orchard. Yeah. Or Callista Flakart and her cursed peach orchard then followed by followed by Harrison for the thing and if he finds out about the Kalista flock art thing which he will he will chase you Well, you just got it. Yeah, it was like the biggest things you could hide that bag of pages you got In the Harris you can't have an area. You've got a bag of peeps. Oh, they're the thing with the color stuff. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah. What's the thing with the color stuff? There is one thing with the color stuff. There is one thing. You need to know this. This may help. I don't know whether you've made a decision yet or not. You're just waiting to fill it out. This may contribute to the decision.
Starting point is 00:19:24 This will be critically official. Why? Sorry. What? This is just your joy, meh, she's enough. She gives you a bag of peaches, and you have to care for it. Like care for it. Do she cause?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Because, because much like a parent, giving their child a plant to be like look after this and then you're ready for the responsibility of a car. Colleister, Colleister, Flarkad has given you a bad speech. But you don't know when she'll come back to collect it. Because she is one day I will. Because what you haven't realized is that when you made love to her you filled her with child. And so what Lisa?
Starting point is 00:20:04 And you don't know this? You don't know the one that you do. If you do, you don't know what you do. You don't know what you do. I mean, if you don't, in the justly, clisped the flop. Why don't I have time? In justly, clisped the flop, dark option.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You have not made love to her yet. That is your choice. In the Harrison Ford one, you have made, you will make love. But if you don't make love to her in the Callista Flock heart option Which the very wedged that cursed her or could pitch from Will visit her at night and and she will awaken the next day Nine months pregnant with a goat the witch will curse her and she will be pregnant with a black goat and a child one of them is yours You filled them you filled her with child and go and you are the witch
Starting point is 00:20:45 Do you not understand bro? If the pictures yeah die if the Look up the bag of pictures she will not stay with you Yeah, and you don't want that because in this scenario you fall in in love with her because so in the Colleys the flop-up version you go to Harrison Ford Yeah, right at the you go to Harrison Ford, right? At the, you go to Harrison Ford, at the, at the Ratsaport Kaya. And you say, look, I don't know you,
Starting point is 00:21:11 I don't know how this works, but I've got a bag of peaches and I know you were with her. How do I look after this bag of peaches? And then he says, well, come on in, if I help you with this bag of peaches, will you in return help me with this coyard? So in the Callista flock up version, you then spend a week helping him set up a coyard
Starting point is 00:21:32 in Reservoir, and he pays you, also helps you look after the peaches. But he cannot discover the creatures. He cannot discover the creatures. A from Callista flock up. Because if he does, it becomes like it follows, except with Harrison Ford, and you can never fully get away. Or like a nutritive but with the tables.
Starting point is 00:21:52 But in the Callista Flockhart one, finally enough, he doesn't talk about Anne Hesh, and Hesh calls you and talks about Harrison Ford. Yeah, so she wants a day for one hour. She goes, I hear you're working with Harrison Ford Yeah, yeah, and she's like, sorry, this is Ann Hesch and you're like, oh cool. Yeah, she's like, did you know I did a film with Harrison Ford? That sort of thing. Yeah, does that make sense? But then you've got a pick one. Which one? Which one? Which one? Which one? I think it's quite clear which one?
Starting point is 00:22:18 For me, it's easy. I think it's the flock that one. Like for me, I'll pick the glue's the flock out. Yeah, because then you have to do both. Yeah, and you get good pictures. Well because then you have to do both. Yeah. And you get to pick the close. Well, you do have to do both with the bag of pages, but, you know, which one would you get? You get to choose, bro, bro, which one would you choose? Bro, bro, which one would you choose? Bro, come on man.
Starting point is 00:22:35 You got to pick one. You got to choose one. Bro, you're going to move on the options. I'll probably pick the Ellie McBeal one. Yeah, that's cool. Awesome. All right, so we do another one. Yeah, that's cool. Awesome. So we do another one. I'd pick Clista.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yeah, me too. Mark. Yeah. So you've got to choose between these are the two ones. In one of them, you work at the city library. Not the Melbourne library, the city library, the one on Flinders Lane. Okay. Right?
Starting point is 00:23:04 And so not the Victoria State Library. Not the Victoria State Library, the one on Flinders Lane. Okay. Right? And so not the Victoria State Library. Not the Victoria State Library, the City Library. So the Victoria State Library. The one on Swanston Street. The City Library has all the reference books. That's the Victoria State Library. That's the Victoria State Library. The City Library is a smaller library closer to Flinders Street.
Starting point is 00:23:18 It's in Flinders Lane. And he's the Curse. He's the Kelly the Ned Kelly armors. No, no, no. That's the Stray Victoria. But actually, Brody, the Ned Kelly armor. That's the stage of the story. That's the stage of the story. But actually, Brody, you've really demonstrated this perfectly because what you do is you work at the desk and you have to take call after call after call
Starting point is 00:23:33 of people saying, I'm here, but you know, where like what's going on, I had an appointment here, I was meeting someone here and then you have to explain to them that actually they're at the state library Yeah, yeah, you have to come to the city library at the city library also you have to deal with like it rate customers that are like I want to see Nick Kelly. I want to see his But I'm like you're at the right place. No, you'd be like no no there. That's at the state library Oh, cuz they're coming into the city yeah coming into that you work at the city library
Starting point is 00:24:03 I thought all you deal with day after day is just confused people and you have to explain the difference between the city library and the state library. Okay. Or pay a like. It's a fine. It's not great though. Casual rates.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I get a lunch break and everything. Yeah. Yeah, you get a lunch break. Nine to three. I'm sorry. But so it's not really enough. In the morning, the PKO train would be annoying, but in the evening.
Starting point is 00:24:29 It's such a good train home. I would catch a train, sir. We're saying the same situation. Same situation. The situation would be less busy. But here's a catch. Your boss is a bit nasty and passive aggressive. Harrison Ford.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Type. Type, like that. It's more of just a normal, like a normal... Grungpy Old Man. Grungpy Old Man that works in the City Library. The alternative is, okay. You. This is the second option. This is the second option.
Starting point is 00:24:57 You get a call from a long-lost uncle. Uh-huh. And he says, I'm a millionaire. I love what you're doing with Ernie Donner I want to give you three million dollars side-uncene questions asked I think you're a great guy he is all that money and also he has some properties and he gives all of that to you. One in New York one in Melbourne oh like apartments or then it's an
Starting point is 00:25:23 apartment in New York with 20 million apartments? Or, it's an apartment in New York with $20 million. Jesus. It's a house in Turek with $25 million. And also a cattle ranch that has people managing it. Really that's just income for you. A house worth $25 million in Turek. It's a huge mansion. It's a huge mansion.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It's beautiful. And he's giving you millions of dollars as well. Three million I think I said. Three million in cash. But he is the cash. He is the cash. It's taxed. It's beautiful and he's giving you millions of dollars as well. Three million, I think I said three million in cash But he is the catch. He is the catch It's taxed it's taxed The three million is taxed the three million is taxed at what at 20% I know I think you could lose up like when you look at it. It'll be close to 40 50%
Starting point is 00:25:58 40% so I'd have 1.5 that 1.5 But you're making that income off the ranch, but it's taxed 1.5, about 1.5. But you're making that income off the ranch. But it's taxed. It's taxed. So alternatively you work at the City Library having angry customers mad at you because they're confused about the difference
Starting point is 00:26:12 between City Library, State Library. You don't make enough, you don't work long enough hours. Why is this easy to lie? Why? Well, this is quite a... I haven't made my call yet. But I'm just a bit frustrated that my mom is some fucking fruit farm share and he's getting a million
Starting point is 00:26:27 million dollars. Taxed. Taxed. Taxed. Taxed. Taxed that I'm being given. Taxes are not even brought in to mine. I don't even feel like you're listening properly.
Starting point is 00:26:36 You're getting taxed on this. And also, you get to make love to callister flocker and then you get all those many peaches as you want. He's one. He has to deal with the morning traffic. But you don't have, you don't have peak hour traffic on the way back. So that's really good. But in the scenario where you own the, like yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So you're now worth millions of dollars and you have to pay tax on three of that. That is annoying, I'm not gonna lie. Because when you hear three million dollars, you start to spend it in your head and then when you find out it's once see it's not it's not an easy decision Broden you're making like astronomical amounts of money from the cattle ranch and from the range of the cattle ranch Yes, I didn't know that but you're not running or anything you're just seeing the And I'd probably sell the house into a right because that's not kind of where I want to live
Starting point is 00:27:22 So you just have that money and you're making that 25? So you just have that money and make that $25 million? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just something small. Just be like, I'm selling New York apartment as well. No, no, I keep the New York apartment. I have made my call, because this is difficult, Broden. Because you better understand it's taxed. It's taxed. That cash is taxed.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I personally would go with the money, the millions of dollars from the uncle, but I mean, it could be harder for other people. Mm-mm. Yeah. I'm leaning towards that one too, by the way. Yeah, just because I'm leaning towards the money. Because you don't have to work and you get a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And you get a couple houses and a cattle ranch. Yeah, that's huge. But you know, there's merit to the CD library. I think the CD library one is a good option. I don't like, I'm just more autonomous. I like to work for myself. So the idea of having a boss is kind of putting me off. So I think starting a business. Yeah, so I could buy, I'm just more autonomous. I like to work for myself. So the idea of having a boss is kind of putting me off. So I think that, yeah, so I could buy,
Starting point is 00:28:08 I could probably buy the library if I really wanted and some, maybe not. But, so I'd probably pick the money for that reason, just because I don't like having a grumpy boss. Yeah, for sure, Mish. The money. Do we want to throw one more, which would Jiu-Jitsu that I don't know what would you pick?
Starting point is 00:28:22 On the money. Do we want to throw one more, bro? Yeah, I think so. Do you want one more which would you choose out of the will you be the money do we want to throw one more bro yeah I think so you're one more yeah not yeah I don't want to do so yeah okay bro do not say easy one
Starting point is 00:28:33 because apparently the last one was a little hard for bro okay no that's fair enough bro bro do you rather in an alternative reality aeroplanes don't exist okay In a alternative reality, aeroplanes don't exist. Okay. There's no aeroplanes. Would you rather be the inventor of the aeroplane tomorrow, right? International travel becomes a thing by plane, right?
Starting point is 00:28:54 The inventor of the aeroplane tomorrow. So that comes with money. Kind of like the film yesterday, but with planes. Yeah, but with planes. But with planes. The Beatles songs exist in this. Yeah. Everything exists at planes. or Beatles songs about flying
Starting point is 00:29:07 And like or any Beatles like any Beatles song but references Yeah, just losing the sky with diamonds reference a plane if it does it doesn't exist in this world Right, but when you invent the airplane that beautiful that beautiful lady from From yesterday falls in love with you. She's like, oh, well, you're in there playing. How is your baby doing? But you have no pain. Or genitalia at all, because we don't want to be too.
Starting point is 00:29:35 There's no genitalia, like a kendo. But when I say like a kendo. But in this scenario, that beautiful woman from the film yesterday, she, on the same day you invented the plane, has invented this incredible technology for people born without genitals she can create genitals for you. And they kind of just, they snap on. They feel and they, they snap on there, they're pre-studded.
Starting point is 00:29:56 But the machine is broken. You can try different. But you can try different penises, different vaginas, you can have any genitals. You have anything you want. But the machine is broken, the one thing it needs to be fixed is a plane. It's an airplane. It's you invented. Which you invented.
Starting point is 00:30:12 So in exchange for your invention, she's going to give you half of that business as well. And you get a patent on a plane. So you know, these are the James. Lily James. Lily James. I love Lily James. But it's not Lily James, it's the character from yesterday. From yesterday.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I haven't eaten up a chance. I reckon that this is good for you. Yeah, right? At all. Or would you rather, yeah, in it, there's no trains in this world. It's not as big.
Starting point is 00:30:41 It's not as big as the trains. There's planes, there's planes, but there's no trains. There's no trains. But the whole world has turned to you for help. And said, please, it's been trained. Well, it turns you to help because you invented the plane. Yeah, it is. But they're like, please help us.
Starting point is 00:30:55 But you have no idea. No idea. No idea how to invent a train. Because now, like, you invented the plane, but guess what, they don't know. You were in a world with planes, you went to bed one day, you woke up, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Traxam in life, the Traxam in life. Who made the train tracks? Samwise Game G. Yeah, Samwise Game G.
Starting point is 00:31:27 The character from one of them. The character from one of them. If Trax exists, surely it's a pretty normal four-hour. No, I'm not. People have just been walking down him. And they want to train. Like stand by me. Yes, like in stand by me. Or fried green tomatoes at the Whittlestop Cafe.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah, yeah. So all movies about train tracks, well, they are good. Yeah, they are. All movies with trains. All movies with trains just have people running in a long line along the tracks. Yeah, like murder on the Orient Express.
Starting point is 00:32:00 That's just people walking along. The road to Gunderguy, there's a track winding back that song that exists Yeah, because it doesn't mention it doesn't actually It just says this track leads to gun that is Harry Potter look Harry Potter. That's a magic train Yeah, that's that's magic magic You're gonna say what that would be like right and people are coming to you and they're saying invent like the thing flying like a fly, you know like what are they called flying broomstick we want you to invent that and you're like fuck I don't know but they said but you did the airplane and Lily James says you she says
Starting point is 00:32:35 but in this in this scenario Lily James is your sister and that and but you but you've sex with her you have to realize sister first the first one I picked the first one. Wait, this is not that game. But I've done it this time. And this one, you're done. Bro, and this one, you're so hot. And you are the hot guy.
Starting point is 00:32:54 You're so hot in this scenario, bro. Can I just stand and you? Wow. You own one of the best Richie's IGAs in Victoria. Like it all of Victoria. It's like got the best snacks. It features on postcards. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:33:08 It features on postcards all the time. Yeah, yeah. Can I? Can I have a look? Can I have a look? When is it an IGA on postcards? Oh, the top, that place is really fucking real places. Yeah, and can I just add, I think before you choose one,
Starting point is 00:33:21 I really want to make it clear in this world, Lily James is a slime monster. She doesn't look anything like Lily James at all. Well the number one, number one, number one. No, number one, she's a slime monster. No, she's the character from yesterday. Yeah, and that character is a slime monster. And when you make love to that slime monster, it sucks out your soul. I love Lily James for who she is inside. Right, because in the first one, in the second one, she is who she is inside. And she's as beautiful as she is on the outside.
Starting point is 00:33:50 But she's your step sister. Yeah. Step, but you already had sex with her. We didn't know. You know that you're pregnant. I don't want to play anymore. No, you're not. You're not a kid.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Look at her head ache now. You have to pitch her back. She says, I'm beautiful, no, stop. But, bye. Whatever. Bye. But in the first one, Lily James. You have to pitch She says a beautiful nose But, but But, but in the first one Lily James is a slime monster But she has a sister
Starting point is 00:34:13 who is even more beautiful than Lily James And that sister says If you don't sleep with Lily James No one can resist Lily James Because in this world You are attracted to Lily James Everyone else one can resist Lily James. Yeah. Because in this world, you are attracted to Lily James, but everyone else is attracted to slime. Yeah, that's like the beauty standard as well. And in the first one, you had a week at an orchard
Starting point is 00:34:36 with a cholesterol. And they have some Ford found out. And Harry was trying to find out who he was. He was hunting you down. But you follow the inventor of the, well, yeah, like the future, but it's the product. And I just want to add to that, right? Lily James Ugly, sister, who in this world looks exactly like Lily James and is beautiful. She's all like, I'm so ugly, not like my slime monster sister.
Starting point is 00:35:01 If you, you'll never marry me and all you have to do is be like your beautiful You're gonna be head over here. She's your step-father and also people will think you're gross I'll be like oh Why do you really? In the first one the go the money that you've made from inventing Yeah, all of that money attacks. Yeah, it's tax But in the second one, no tax. It's tax-50% because...
Starting point is 00:35:27 This tax is too high. Because you work at the richest... You're doing the same. You're doing the IGA and this is a... You don't get the lane invention in your second deck. You don't get the tax-free threshold. You're taking the... You're forced to claim that on your IGA.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Which isn't high. It's like 35 a year. But can I say, can I just add in this world? It's opposite, so the poorer you are, the more you can buy. Yeah. So you have more money. So you're back in your taxed as great.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It's like really good. You're like, I don't have much money and they're like, good, because we take negative dollars in every shot. So which one do you choose? The first one. Oh my god. That's really fucking weird. That.
Starting point is 00:36:20 You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by Antty Donna See you next week!

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