Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 310 - Gotham City News

Episode Date: June 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a legends and welcome to another RIP episode of the Aunty Donner Podcast. This week we have a very funny episode called Gotham City News. Remember if you're loving the pod you can get access to the video version and a whole bunch of bonus episodes at You listen to the only done by podcasts The greatest fucking podcast in the world Bro, I can take it sometimes and guess We hope you enjoy the motherfucking podcast Good evening and welcome to Gotham tonight Tonight on the program we have two experts in the field of the Batman
Starting point is 00:00:40 We are discussing Batman, good or bad for the city of Gotham May I introduce my guests for tonight We are discussing Batman, good or bad for the city of Gotham. May I introduce my guests for tonight. We have Dr. Crilvia Tam, Hello. Who believes that Batman is a plague upon our social society. And of course, we have also our other guest, Zachary Ruang. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Who believes that Batman is good for the city of Gotham. Yes, I do. That's my... We'll get to you in a minute. And now I'd like to open up the floor for debate. Dr. Crilvia. Yes. You have been very outspoken on the effects of the Batman and why you think Batman is bad. Please explain your stance on the Batman. Well, here's my position, Mark. Surely, as a city, we can't rely on a man in a cape and a cow scrolling around through the night, finding villains and beating them up. we are a city of rules and politics. This man we don't even know who he is. Surely we need to catch this vigilante and find out who he is and what his agenda is. The Batman or whatever he goes by is making more villains than this city had before him. We need to rely on laws and and constitution. This is a man
Starting point is 00:02:06 parading around in a Halloween costume. No thank you. This city deserves more. Keep going. As a city, as a city, we need the police to enforce the rules. Sure, there is crime, but there is crime in every city, metropolis, and others. We need to, this man who parades around with a cape and a cow, who parades around in a cape and a cow, scurrying through the streets at night, who knows what his agenda is, and we don't even know who this man is
Starting point is 00:02:47 with his flashy cars, and he beats people up. We don't even know who this man is. And what say to you? Why don't we look to someone like Bruce Wayne in the city? Bruce Wayne should invest more money in the police. And Zach, what is yours? Bruce Wayne should invest more money in the police. And Zach, what is your... Feseraxen.
Starting point is 00:03:10 What? I got rid of it. Yeah, I was... Yeah, I didn't like it anymore. Yeah, it was gonna... This Batman has to go. It's got them tonight. Things are crazy here. Things work. It's in my show.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I called the show. I think we should. That's a law. We've had an outlaw Batman in this city. All right, thank you, Doctor. And Zach, you believe the Batman is doing good in this city. Well, I do want to say I finally something we do agree on. I do believe that Bruce Wayne is not doing enough for the city of Gotham.
Starting point is 00:03:43 He has billions of dollars, but this city, and he has not invested it into law and order. This city is riddled. That riddled, Rihon. We'd like that we can agree on. Wait your turn, please. This city is riddled with crime, and not just the crime that we've been seeing for many years.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I was good friends with the wanes when they were gunned down at a theater. Thomas and Martha Wane were gunned down at a theater. Back then it was robbers and thieves. This city has been crawling with crime all of this time. But now the robbers and thieves, they're as advanced as this Batman, costumes and capes. There's even rumors of a man dressed as a clown going around with a posse of clowns.
Starting point is 00:04:33 This city is out of control and we live in unprecedented times. There are aliens, spaceships coming down on metropolis. This country and this city is absolutely in fear and in dire need of a hero and that hero is the Batman. He is doing what that damn DA Harvey Dent can't. That Harvey Dent who promised this so much at the last election and has given us so little, he's too faced in the way he is delivering his policies. And let me tell you, if that God-Dem, Commissioner Gordon, was better at his job, we wouldn't
Starting point is 00:05:17 have the crime in Gotham City that we see today. Not only do I think Batman is good, I say we need Batman. He is protecting us, but Bruce Wayne I don't like. If there's irony in that statement, I'm not aware of it. And what do you say of the Batman's methods? I don't like them. This man is unaccountable. The police seem to let him run wild. Not just last week. Mr. Freeze throws the entire Gotham City Reserve Bank. And what did the police do about Batman stopping him? Nothing. This man could be in cooots with him. Isn't it good that the police if Batman stopped him? But why did he stop him? And how did he know he would be there?
Starting point is 00:06:05 For me, it's a chickened and an egg, Mark. The chickened and the egg. Last week we saw the penguin shoot a kid in the head. Where was Batman then? Where was Batman then? And where was Batman when Bruce Wayne's parents were gunned down, nowhere. He chooses his battles.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And that's why Batman should be gone. Go on. And Superman in the other city is doing such a good job, but Batman is out here with a cape and a cow perading around. We need to get rid of him. Next week is the annual policeman's ball, where I will be making my big speech and awarding $7 billion to the city in my role. And I tell you, I will never be on Batman's side because Batman is a vigilante.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Surely we are better than a city of vigilantes. And what do you think of the way Batman goes about being a vent of vigilante? I'm against it. We should be enforcing rules and laws and being a vent of vigilante. I'm against it. We should be enforcing rules and laws and the police force of this city, empowering them. They are sure some are corrupt, but people like Harvey Dent are doing their best to enforce that they are not in that way anymore. And what do you think of how the Batman does what he does? I'm answered.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I've been answered. But what do you think of how the Batman does what he does? I'm answering, I'm answering. But what do you think of that? I think it's bad using your fists to fight these men. And I've heard he doesn't use a gun. Well, that's good. But also, he uses a boomerang. Where does he dress when he does it? I hate that, I hate that.
Starting point is 00:07:41 He's always dressed in a cape and a cow. And what do you think of how he dresses when he does it and why? And why do you disagree or agree with what he does when he does it and how he dresses? Yeah. I don't like how he goes around and a cape and a cow through the night, hiding in the darkness. And that's not for me. That's not the way that a city should operate. Uh-huh. That's wrong. Uh-huh. And go on. What havehuh. That's wrong. Uh-huh. And go on. What have I missed?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Go on. I don't like the cape and the cow. Yeah, and what is your stance on the Batman, I guess? Against. Right. I've been pretty clear on that. And because of how he goes about it? Yeah, he scurries through the night in a cape and a cow, right? So I've got...
Starting point is 00:08:20 Why does he do it? He scurries around, and he does it as a vigilante. He doesn't do it through the proper measures. Yeah. And he's dressed in a cape and a fucking cow man. All right. Okay. So I'm against him, right? And all right. And I'm pro Bruce Wayne.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah. Right. You're pro Bruce Wayne. And I'm also my good friend, Moroni. Moroni? good friend, Moroni. Moroni? Which one's Moroni? I'm under the gun. My friend, my...
Starting point is 00:08:50 Or Felcon. We should lean on the members of the society like Felcon. The Crime Boss? No, not a Crime Boss. That's well documented. You're... And how do you think... Why do you think the Batman is good?
Starting point is 00:09:04 I absolutely. I should say, before we talk about the Batman, who I love, who I absolutely love. You talk of capes and cows, we live in a city with gangs of clowns. Just last week, the riddler did a riddle and then kill people. We can't live in a society where someone doesn't riddle their kills kill people? We can't live it as a society where someone doesn't riddle their kills. Police should be policing this.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And please, you spoke, please, please, please. That's very well. Give me the platform. And what do you think of how the Batman goes about his? I need to say something about the vast wealth inequality in this city. Because that is a theme that has been coming up in the last decade or so.
Starting point is 00:09:46 We do not have a lot of time. We do not have a lot of time. I need you to address the questions. I and I will, I will. What? I believe, I believe that what we are seeing in the police force with Commissioner Gordon is corruption unlike any level we have seen before.
Starting point is 00:10:02 With that DA Harvey Dent who promises so much and gives so little he is too face. In the way that he delivers his job. I think those two people are corrupt and that is why I will be voting for Oswald Kufflepoth for mayor. And what a different is who I will be voting for as interesting name to call sure that you see the man a cape and a cow operating and what do you think of how the Batman does I was I was that was how the best does but can I just say something I'm against it a man who puts on a cape and a cow and... And strits sneaks through the nine,
Starting point is 00:10:46 sobbing crimes clearly has issues. And what do you... I am good at going. I'm going. I'm going. I've come on here with a very clear agenda mark. My agenda is I'm anti-batman. I'm anti-batman.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Private entity running and policing crime. A private entity. No, you're a private. No, you're anti-batman. I'm anti-batman. What do you mean private? It's a guy who's not funded by the police. He's not a police officer.
Starting point is 00:11:11 What would you describe that as? A vigilante. Ah. And he has a cape and a cow on. Why do you see where a Halloween costume is? And what is your stance on vigilantes? I hate him. I hate him.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And what of the Batman? He's a vigilante, so I hate him. Right. Is that clear? Well, so I hate him. Right. Is that clear? Well, you've spoken and we asked. Hey, this is like a 12 year old city. This is fucking 12 year old with him. What?
Starting point is 00:11:31 The 12 year old. The kid. Yeah. He parades a little kid around. What's that about? We're cool with that. I don't say, maybe we wouldn't need the Batman if that commissioner and DA who is two face did their damn job.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I agree with you. I was more a cop-a-pot is great for Gotham. We need him as mayor. And we need more investment in this city. By people like Max Shrek, played by Christopher Walken, who is investing a perpetual motion electricity machine in this city.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And that sexy catwoman, But what do you think? It was still just last week at the department store, was had all of its fine jewels stolen by a silly police sexy leather clad woman. And the mannequins, what of the mannequins? And what did the police do? She decabitated those mannequins with a whip, with a lack of a whip. And what did those policemen do? Nothing. They were at their functions and gala's being two faced, which is how it described the thing.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Happy then. Happy then. We need Batman, and we have needed Batman ever since my dear friends, Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered. And why do we need that night? Why do we need that night? Why? True. Why do we need that night? Maybe he was created that night. Why was that night? That night? True.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Why do we need that? Maybe he was created that night. Why do we need the Batman, though? That is my question to user. Why do we need that? We need the Batman because the police and the commissioner Gordon and the DA who is too faced are not doing their job.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Unlike the upstanding citizens of our community, I've been convinced by Max Shrek played by Christopher Walken, by the Penguin. I've been convinced by J. J. J. Jameson that spider-man is no good from his newspaper. I've been convinced by those parties that they're good. And Batman, we need Batman. And what killed that person, that they found that body, and Batman was nearby, and the police saw him and said, he ran away. And what is it about that in general
Starting point is 00:13:36 that you have an issue with? What is a gender? We think he works for the city of Gotham, but there was occasions where he was near a dead body and it looked like he killed him. he works for the city of Gotham, but there was occasions where he was near a dead body and it looked like he killed him. So I am anti-batman. He is against this city and what is his agenda?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Can I say something to you? Kill a croc. Kill a croc is about eating people. Can I say something to you? Yeah. Do you not have investments in diamonds and has not this freeze, this Mr. Freeze, who wants to turn the entire world,
Starting point is 00:14:11 wants to do an ice age on the entire world. But is working in cohorts with poison ivy. Who is all about this nature, stealing diamonds from all of the museums of this city, this Mr. Freeze stealing diamonds for our purpose, we do not know. Only Batman can stop him. No, we should enforce the police to stop him.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Should him in the head. But why? Because I don't trust vigilantes, Mark, plain and simple. Why? Because a man parading around in a cape and a cow scarring through the streets, punching criminals can't be trusted. And it's clearly crazy. Clearly has issues.
Starting point is 00:14:54 That's your stance. Drives around in a special car and sometimes a fighter jet. And what is it that does? Where does he get his money? And what is it? I don't know, but what I say is we need him. Who's funding him? And what is it that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does that does We have a collection of cars and fighter jets. But wait, we've got an off topic. We're here to discuss why or why not we're going on an ad break. And we're back from that ad break. Right, I'll give you a little welcome back.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Yeah. I'm on mute. Welcome back to Gotham tonight. I am here with my two guesses. We just continue the discussion on the Batman. Now, you, I can't remember what your stance was. I'm okay. My position is Batman is a vigilante
Starting point is 00:15:54 who we must outlaw in this city. He should be locked away with the crooks like Riddle, Zaz. Joker. What is it about the way that Batman dresses? A man in a cape and a cow, who scurries through the night? Clearly a crazy person. We want to entrust the safety of this city to one crazy loon with a 12-year-old.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Not to mention Batgirl. What? Right, yes. Because Batgirl is a thing here in the city. And what is it of Batgirl that you disagree with? A lady parading around in a cape and a cow on a motorbike. While very cool, I admit. Clearly crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I guess one thing I do. And sure, crime has dropped in this city dramatically. When I was a kid, I saw my teacher shot in the face by like a young Joker. And I was like, yeah, but the police got involved. Yeah. But a man. But what is it when I'm in a cow? So looking at the statistics, crime has dropped since Batman has become a vigilante
Starting point is 00:17:03 in this city. What say you of that? Well, he's got a cape and a cow. And clearly he's crazy. Yeah, no accountability from this man. Well, and that's the thing, Azac, crime since Batman has come in has gone up. It's gone up. And not only has it gone up, it's gone up with, we've got gangs of clowns.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Just last week, a rogue gang of ice people and clown people and people, they had a drag race through the streets of Gotham, which beautiful Alicia Silverstone won. We will allow them to race through the cities. Yes, I will admit, Batman has inspired some dark qualities for there is now rumors of a clad, a man dressed as a cloud, leaving behind a joke card.
Starting point is 00:17:59 There are rumors of this. Boys in the reservoir. Not to mention the reservoir. Skarecrow. Skarecrow. A reservoir. Scarecrow. A real life scarecrow. But let me say one thing. Many of them are now locked up in Arkham Asylum
Starting point is 00:18:11 in the middle of the city, thanks to Batman. And yes, he has inspired some people, like Batman, the small, imp-like Batman thing that's sure in his desire to be more like Batman Occasionally makes mistakes or Bizarro Batman the Batman from the Bizarro world Who is a dark evil Batman, but what do you think of the Batman's ways? Vigilantism is wrong. I think Batman is doing what Commissioner Gordon and that two-phase D.A. Cannot do Go on anyway you were saying I've been really clear in my position Why? What, Commissioner Gordon and that two-phase DA cannot do.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Go on. Anyway, you were saying. I've been really clear in my position here. I know. But what is it, what I'm confused about? Yeah. Is what is it about the way the Batman dresses? It's a kid. He's hiding his identity.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Whoever this crazy boot is, he's hiding his identity. And why? And why? And what is it about what he does when he's dressed that way? Put him next to, I don't have an issue with. Let me put up two people for you, right? Batman doesn't tell you who he is.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Rides around at night secretly doing deeds, right? Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Bruce Wayne, handsome, charming, donates money to the ball. What balls? Like Christmas balls and shit. Yeah. You know, like he's out handsome to boot.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Beautiful man. Why can't we look to someone like Bruce Wayne for leadership? Oh yes, let's look to the leadership of a galavanting cad. No, we need for leadership. Oh yes, let's look to the leadership of a galavanting cad. No, we need real leadership, like the leadership of... Batman, you would say Batman. Well, I love Batman. I love Batman.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I hate Batman. I love Batman. Do you know what? I probably should have. Metropolis has Superman, but they are a bright, shiny daylight and dark, we're a dark New York inspired city. We are dark and wet and cold and Batman is not the hero, he's not the hero I'd love, I'd love a Superman. And perhaps just perhaps he is the hero that we got to have right now for a little bit. And explain that more. Explain what that actually means.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Batman. I don't know a lot about Batman, but are you hearing these rumors? But what are we calling him? Is it Batman? Is that what we've landed on? The Batman. Or this, this, this, this, this, this vigilante. Well, have you heard these rumors? The Batman. Have you heard rumors? He's a man in this city this city is out of control. Yes. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:47 No, he's a man. Because I'm hearing rumours, right? Of different criminals, just petty crooks, getting strung up by what appears to be some sort of bat. Man, have you seen some sort of large bat? Just common crooks still stealing hen bags from ladies. For me it's fictional, the fact that this guy even exists, he's as real as bigfoot or you know UFOs.
Starting point is 00:21:14 But what say you of the criminals who have reported that they have seen a large packed like creature come to them in the night and stop them from say rubbing a gas station. Can I say one thing? It will not distract me from the hundredth anniversary of Gotham City. Yeah. That parade with the Joker is going to be fantastic. And I hear Prince has written to original subs for the parade. I hear that the Joker is planning to shower Gotham in cash. Oh, well, well, we see I like Joker. I don't like Batman. Wait, but we are at the moment we have moved on
Starting point is 00:21:52 and we are questioning the existence of the Batman. It doesn't exist. So what we say is it's a fiction. I say it's a fiction. Or the ice, what's the ice man? Criminal cold. Criminal cult. Most of the things,
Starting point is 00:22:08 was it called the one that's in the Antarctic? I don't know of any ice man. I'm not like Santa Claus. Santa Claus. Santa Claus. I do know of a great scientist and gymnast who lost his wife to a great cult disease. So he has frozen her.
Starting point is 00:22:25 But he needs diamonds, but to run her freeze, and he's stealing diamonds, and who's gonna help us? And what say of you of the reports from criminals that a bat-like creature swooped upon them in the night, and took their guns and beat them up and tied them up. And then the cops came and the police arrived and saw that these criminals who were about to have committed a crime had been already beat up and were there waiting for them.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And then the police took them into custody and then took them back to a holding cell and then charged them back to a holding cell and then charged them with being a criminal. Although the crime itself, Pachans wasn't even committed yet, but there they were tied up and reports. So how wide are police arresting them? Reports of a bat-like creature having done this to them from this.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Why are they being arrested for? Because they were there. They were, they did the crime. They found some people tied up. They did the crime? Because they have, often they have the bags that they stole from the old people. They have the bags with money, with like a money symbol.
Starting point is 00:23:36 They stole the crime, they did the crime. They're paying the crime. What say of you of all these reports? I hear he flies. I hear he can't be shot. I've seen him fly from building to building it. Could be gliding, but who knows? I don't believe this man exists.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I just, I saw him in a wingsuit, like just like a normal wingsuit. Can I, can I say something? I don't trust. I don't trust this Batman with this 12 year old next to him. Why not look to someone brave like Bruce Wayne and his air Dick Grayson.
Starting point is 00:24:07 He's his war boy. Bruce Wayne, who galavans about a playboy, who whenever a crime happens is nowhere to be found, presumably because he's having three sons with the models he takes to these events. He does seem oafish. Oh, Bruce Wayne is a cat and a playboy most of the time. He's a bit emo at the moment, but most of the time he's a cad and a playboy.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And he's ofish. I don't care for Bruce Wayne, but I'll tell you what I do like. I do like though, there is apparently a lady in Arkham, asylum that is working with the criminally insane of Arkham, asylum. Her name is Harley Quinn. Harley Quinn, is her name.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Because I work with her. She is working right now. This is all everyone, though. She is working right now with Joca to make him better. And although she seems to be falling for him. I think she will do good work with him. But what say he who valid evasive assets? What say of you of the Batman?
Starting point is 00:25:11 My opinion on the Batman. Crazy. So stupid. We're relying on a man in a cape and a cow swinging through the night with his webs to to solve crimes. Surely we as a city can do better. But crime has gone down. Yes, it has gone down, but it has not not gone up with clowns and the streets. With the emergence of gangs of clowns and the Harley Quinn's of this world and the Solomon grundies who live below us.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Well, I don't want to talk about the producer? I used to have a lot of faith in him. And then Bane snapped him like a twig. Bane. I don't know if this Batman is his strong man. Who is his strong man? But then you have what say of you, what say of you? What's the show for for Poison Ivy?
Starting point is 00:26:15 But then what say of you? What say of you of these reports of a Batman creature swooping through Gotham? We've come on this show every night for five years and had this exact debate. Yeah, no, I know. Can I say a little old and I know how much more there is to unpack?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Can I say something? Ever since the Joker broke out of his broke out of Arkham Asylum and has been committing mass genocide throughout this cyberpunk futuristic version of Gotham, I say that, and you know what, at around, and what's, what has Bruce Wayne been doing, the man's been missing for 20 years, living in his mansion. I say Batman needs to come out of retirement. Yes. And he needs to stop the Joker in this cyberpunk future. This was a sign. There's one there if you understand.
Starting point is 00:27:14 All right. We have to do this forever. Yeah. We have to do this. I don't want to anymore. But you don't understand. People in Gotham need to be able to turn their TV on at any moment and be able to have these conversations.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They need to be able to hear a snippet of this conversation, because if they don't, how will everyone know that people are split and whether they need to be able to hold that in again? How are they gonna get the temperature? They won't understand the temperature of Gotham. What's so, so we have to push through. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I, can I say, I think this new Nightwing is good. It's good. Yeah. But he's got nothing on Batman who needs to. No, it's not in Gotham. Which ones, the new? Yeah, the whole, the whole, Nightwing's gone off to another city.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Is that in different city? Which ones, Nightwing? Nightwing's the problem. Who's the future Batman? Batman Beyond. Batman is now life and skinny with glowing eyes. And let me say Bruce Wayne has taken a young teenager under his wing and I respect him for that.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Yeah. So what? I don't know. He just walks around with him, gives him advice, and then sometimes the kid goes missing, and then Batman beyond the peers. We're in the future now. But what are these rumors of a bat?
Starting point is 00:28:34 But what say of you of the Joker's crimes? And the Batman? Joker is a monster. Which I think, well, I saw he gave out cash at the parade But what say it's playing yeah, but what is it of the Batman? Why what how man? I fucking explain this to you. I don't like how he dresses Yeah, I don't like that he's on a cannibal right. Yeah, I don't does he dress Cape Cal Right dark for Cape Cope
Starting point is 00:29:07 Camp Cope the band camp Cope Cape Camp Cal Does he wear a camp or a cow he wears a cape and the cow so a cow I think he's the mask Is a cat what is a cow? What is a cow a cow is like a dare like a animal that you get dairy from no, that's a cow? What is a cow? A cow is like a animal that you get dairy from. No, that's a cow. Yeah. Sorry. I was just going to look up what cow is.
Starting point is 00:29:31 The local newspaper. It's the most. It's the most. It's the most. And that beautiful, Kim Basigger is just started investigating that band. A cow's like a scuff. It's the, I think I believe it's the cow.
Starting point is 00:29:44 It's the whole thing. It's the cow. It's the cow. Is it believe it's the, it's the whole thing. It's the, yeah, cow. Is it? Is that, I'm looking up cow. Look up capin' cow. Look up capin' cow. Look up capin' cow. The Batman, we have to, if we, if people tune in now, yeah, they, they, we do have to get, just, we have to get back on, spicy, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on, you have to get back on spicy, but I don't know. You look up Cape and Cal. I'll just throw in a, I think that we need the Batman
Starting point is 00:30:07 because of... Pfft. You okay? No, no, no, I was a bit sick last year. It's still a bit sick, really. It's not COVID. What do you think of the man in the Cape and the Cape? Why does a Batman done nothing about COVID?
Starting point is 00:30:18 The Batman, um, surely with all his resources, does he have resources or does someone give him to him? What of the Batman? I'm an anti-batman. I've been pretty, he's anti, I'll speak for him. Anti-batman, pro-batman. But what of the psychology? Can I say something?
Starting point is 00:30:36 Just last week, I tried to... What of the psychology of the character? I tried to... I tried to, I went down to the botany section of the park, and I was trying to chop up plants and a beautiful woman offered to give me a kiss. But I, it's poison, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:54 But what of? But what of? I'm a thirmin. She loves plants more than people. Oh, but what of the, I... Apparently they paid Dr. Freese at our Arnold, like huge, like the highest paid actor ever for Batman Forever.
Starting point is 00:31:12 In the Batman and Rob. Robin. Yeah. Why does she want an eye-sade? Why does she agree on this eye-sade before? That's what I was saying before. It makes sense. Yeah, it's their counter.
Starting point is 00:31:20 He wants the frees the whole world and the... But I'm anti-Batman. Can I just throw something out there? Batman's got to be pretty rich, right? Because of all the stuff he has. Oh, we are. I don't know where that money comes from. But maybe someone's giving it to him.
Starting point is 00:31:29 This is what we're just discussing for. Well, what if Batman and Bruce Wayne teamed up? I'd love to get those two in a room together, pick their brains. There's nothing in my mind that makes me think that they're the same person. Nothing. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Me, I have my suspicions, but then I took it up with Morgan Freeman and he made a fool of me. Yeah. Superman and Clark Kent though. That's the same kind. Sure. You reckon you can call for a fucking Clark Kent. Clark Kent is a reporter.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I know who Clark Kent is. Everyone, He writes articles He does think peace is about local high school. It's kind of like Danny cats. I Like Lex Lutha over and over you like like sluta He's a nasty industrialist Sorry, can we just Bunk of that a little like I can't be like a Danny cat who's Danny cats? Australian columnist Danny Cat.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Just a columnist for the city morning, Harold. It's funny little big faces. I think the clock, oh, his clock can't, that dirty, that nerdy little six foot seven tall, general. It does like quirky little, clock can is the best looking man. Clark had no, he's a nerd. He's a little doy be nerd.
Starting point is 00:32:49 He is admittedly 7 foot tall and like has like the fucking chest width of a of a but he's a nerd. Yeah, he's a dog. Have you not seen his physical building the lowest lane brick since he's a fucking loser? Yeah, lowest lane boy.
Starting point is 00:33:04 But what I hear is fucking superman or wants to at least, but then that, they have seen it. Ndead. Cluck, kids go it after it. But what of the way the Batman goes about his business? Don't even get me started on that. What about all that? Don't even make me.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Now why does he do it like that? And how do you feel about it? I'm gonna close, this is my closing remark. Yeah, please. And let me be very clear to the people of GNN or whatever, you know, like CNN, but Gotham. Gotham, Gotham City tonight. Who's the C-N?
Starting point is 00:33:34 The C-N. The L-C-T-E-A-D-G. The L-C-T-E-A-D-G. Even though the real world equivalent is not the city, it's like it was like, it would be like, it's like a lot It's like it would be like. It's like a lot of wind and it'd be like a local news, I suppose. Why would you call it G&N, but they do. Gotham News.
Starting point is 00:33:52 No, GCN, Gotham City tonight. GCT, Gotham City tonight. The cable news network, right? Which would exist in Gotham, CNN stands for, but they make it GNN or they make it GECN. I thought it was GCT, got them cities. It was your show, you host that you'll work for the network. And we have gone, we're mettering now.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Can I say I'm excited to go to the screen? Oh no, I bet it was so close. I want you to close. I don't want to close. I don't want to close. I just want to say, both, but I have our finishing remarks. Well, but then I don't need a finishing remark. Yours is going to be better.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I just have to say, we better wrap this up because I'm going off to a screening, a big giant screening with hundreds, if you've got thousands of people watching a Charlie Chaplin movie. The Masquerade Ball. The Masquerade Ball. Oh, yes, the Masquerade Ball.
Starting point is 00:34:38 No, I'm doing, I'm, I believe socializing. I'm not walking, I'm just joking, yeah. We're all off to watching Charlie Chaplin movie. A thousand people are off to watch it, but then I'm not talking about that. I'm just joking. We're all off to watch a Charlie Chaplin movie. A thousand people are off to watch it. But then I hear rumors of a cleaner dancing in the top level. Anyway, carry on, you do your closing remarks. This city needs a hero.
Starting point is 00:34:58 A hero that is funded by the people. Not some man masquerading around in a cape and cow, and a mask. And how does he get through the night? He weasels through. Scurries? Scurries through. I firstly don't believe he exists.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Although what do you say is for the ports? I say that it is posh. But this man with a bat mobile and fighter jet needs to be stopped because we cannot trust him. Go on. That's my top plate. That's it. That's all I have to say.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Surely we as a city must rely on law and order. I wasn't going to do a closing remark, but I feel I have to respond. Please. I don't know if this bat man, if you will, this bad man, if you were, I'll just put those two words together, this, if this bad man, if you will, I don't know if this bad man exists. What I do know is that criminals have been getting caught. What I do know is this city is overrun by clown gangs. What I do know is there are rumours of a clown leaving behind the calling card with a joker card. Poison the red What I do know is that the Batman has a cool car that he could stop in the middle of
Starting point is 00:36:32 the street and then cover an armistice. No one can break in. Does he exist? I don't know. But I've seen the armicare in the middle of the street. Also, he recently went to an event him in Robin where he tried to bid for this beautiful vegetable lady. And he had a car, he had his own car. He looks a lot like Bruce Wayne. But if the commissioner Gordon and DA who is too faced in my opinion, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying, if they did their job, would we need the Batman? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But they're not allowed in order. My worry though, is he's getting more violent.
Starting point is 00:37:29 He's leaving bat marks on people, knowing that that will get them killed in prison. They've been aflake once. Also, he's exploding their cars, killing his gun. He's killing a lot of people. So sometimes he leaves a scar, which is interesting, a couple of eggs.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And sometimes he explodes their cars with these guns. And I think that Superman has to stop him but what he uses of the reports of... We're done. Of a bat like creature. Thank you for watching GNN. We'll be back tomorrow night.
Starting point is 00:38:04 We'll be back. We'll be back tomorrow night. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by Aunty Donna Club. See you next week!

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