Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 312 - A Fried Chicken Investigation

Episode Date: July 12, 2022

Join us as we delve into fried chicken mysteries and fried chicken unknowns.  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get our legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Aunty Donna podcast. This week we have an investigative podcast concerning fried chicken. Remember, if you're loving the pod you can get access to the video version and a whole bunch of bonus episodes at You listen to the only proper podcast The greatest fucking podcast in the world Bro, they make it tankin' sometimes and guess We hope you enjoy the mother fucking podcast Hi We're just getting some music
Starting point is 00:00:35 Just getting... I wasn't starting the podcast Really? Yeah You were just saying that to us I was just checking my We're in the middle of the day and you just go, hi! Yeah. Hi!
Starting point is 00:00:48 Towards the camera. Yeah. Weird, man. I'm a weirdo. You know I'm a weirdo, you know I'm in the weird shit. Yeah, I was just saying I just requested something quite vague from Greg and Kelly. I think we should... He's just putting the ad...
Starting point is 00:01:03 We're not started to know why. This is the start of the podcast. This is actually the start of the podcast. Show zero respect to anyone. Zero respect. Respect. Oh yeah but that's this is a disrespectful podcast. Right. That's like the gag. That's the gag is like we don't give off the arc. But actually we give a fuck. We do, we booked a really nice place. We're good microphones. We're in our best threads. We're in our best threads.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Mark's got a cool orange jumper for those listening. Oh, this is good. Hi. Welcome to the Antidonna podcast. Sometimes we like to do goofs and gags, jokes and... Sometimes, yeah. Troubles and sillies. Sometimes we like to use our platform to expose and cover, discover what is happening in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:02 A few years ago, Mark Bon banana used to live in Richmond. I did. You lived across from a shopping center? What was the name of that shopping center? The name of that shopping center was Victoria Gardens. Victoria Gardens. Some of you may be familiar with a very small, maybe not very popular Swedish furniture brand
Starting point is 00:02:21 called Ikea. You're familiar with IKEA, bro? Yeah. Now, it's where IKEA is in Richmond. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is... Ever heard of it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Urban legend. The furniture is quite cheap, but you put it together yourself that's sort of how they make it a little cheaper. I thought you were wearing ironic, but do you legitimately think IKEA is a small brand? Yeah, are they not? The people know about IKEA? This isn't about IKEA, Mark. Now, the first mystery unraveled.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Who was never the mystery? And yet, it presented itself to B1 and like a great journalist. You covered the truth, and now we're moving on. OK, sure. Sure. Yeah, that's like a little pre... Yeah, sure. Now... A bit of context.
Starting point is 00:03:18 In Australia, do they have hot and spicy? Anywhere else? Yeah, Brisbane. Not in the world? Do they have hot and spicy anywhere else? Yeah, Brisbane. Not in the world. In Australia, there's a flavour of KFC chicken called hot and spicy. It's a crunchier type of chicken. Those of you in America may know it as extra crispy,
Starting point is 00:03:37 but in Australia, it's extra crispy with the zinger marinade on the chicken before they make it extra crispy with the zinger marinade on the chicken before they make it extra crispy. It's a very special, delicious type of chicken, better than the 11 herbs and spices. In my opinion too. In my opinion too. In my opinion too.
Starting point is 00:03:57 But because of its, juice, sort of more strange, secondary nature. It was never viable for Victorian KFC stores to have it on the menu. Is that true? Well, we don't know that's true. I feel like you're assuming, man. Basically, hot and spicy.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Think of a wicked wing. Think of a wicked wing. Yeah. Yeah. But it's still a little different. I'm just trying to make it a little bit easier than a trying to help me and don't I'm not saying no I wasn't stamping on you. No, I was you doing a lot of stamp. I was walking. I'm not doing a lot of stamping. You are. What are your parts? What are your parts pet? Oh yeah, I work at the post stampy. Postal office. Can we keep references to contemporary sitcoms, please? Only people aren't going to pick up.
Starting point is 00:04:46 They're not going to understand. Only make references from the latest season of The Simpsons. So people will understand what reference is. Okay. In Victoria, our experience of hot and spicy has been... You said Wells and WA in Adelaide as well. And WA, yeah, right. So all across the nation, you didn't accept your own clue suit.
Starting point is 00:05:03 No, he was just saying, I was just saying, I would be saying, In Victoria, this is our experience of it. And it's different. I like to say our experience when we go to those states as well. And it's different in Queensland. In Queensland. We're not talking about Queensland.
Starting point is 00:05:14 If you're in Queensland, what we are about to say might sound controversial. Or foreign. Or foreign? It may shock and disgust you. But it is not the case in Queensland, so we do want to frame that. But our experience in Victoria, growing up in Victoria in Australia, is that hot and
Starting point is 00:05:31 spicy chicken at KFC, in Victoria, in Australia, in Melbourne. I just want to make that clear. I did say that. Is that hot and spicy has been seasonal? It's not even seasonal. My look, there's no consistency or clear plan. My interpretation belief is that they make it available for about a month of every year, but it's not that, it's not that rigid.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Consistent or rigid, they make it available, they take it away. They make it available, they take it away. Much like a pair of limited edition Nike sneakers, but instead of volume, it's time they create. I think people understand seasonal, I think, all limited time. And time, I believe time is one of the seven herbs and spices as well.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, we don't know that. 11, sorry, 11. It is seasoned, the chicken is seasoned. So. So it's all, it's funny how much is coming together. Yeah. But while we're trying to express here is, hot and spicy has been a thing for our entire lives.
Starting point is 00:06:31 They try to create a sense similar to say, the Godzilla versus Kong burgers at Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr. Oh, I missed that. The Batman burger at Grill. A limp, did they do a Batman burger? Yeah, they did. A Bruce Wayne burger had a, and I'll tell you what, I missed that. The Batman Burger at Grill. Did they do a Batman at Grill? Yeah, they did. Bruce Wayne Burger had a, and I'll tell you what, it was pretty yummy.
Starting point is 00:06:49 They had, they, a slice of decadent camembert in there to represent the richness of Bruce Wayne himself. They don't pay their staff correctly. No, they don't. Well, I doubt. Bruce Wayne pays all of his staff correctly. Oh, I think he'd do the numbers. I think he'd do the books. But the great thing about grilled, I feel like grilled make it up
Starting point is 00:07:09 because you get a little bottle cap after you order your burger, you put it in a jar to donate money to someone. Sure. So stay on track here. Let's keep it on track, man. Yeah. So the point here is that IKEA is a big brand.
Starting point is 00:07:24 No, no, no. The point here. The point here is that IKEA is a big brand. No, no, no. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here.
Starting point is 00:07:32 The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here.
Starting point is 00:07:40 The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point here. The point KFC, get your fucking hot and spicy now because it could be gone tomorrow. But not in Queensland. But not in Queensland. Queensland. It's available year-round. Now this is where things get interesting. Victoria Gardens comes into play. An urban legend in Melbourne. And what can I clarify Victoria Gardens? So it's not just Gardens in Victoria. No. That's the name of a shopping center.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah, so if you just came down to Melbourne, went to a garden. That's not what we're talking about. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of thousands of gardens in Victoria. Millions. But if you came to Victoria, if you came to Melbourne, and you went, I need some Swedish designed flat pack furniture. Yep. Your go-to would be,
Starting point is 00:08:29 well, depends where you are. You can go out of suburbs, out of Southeast Asia. If you're in the, if you're in the CBD, your go-to is gonna be Richmond. Victoria Garden, Victoria Garden, Victoria Garden, Victoria Garden, Victoria Garden, the mall. The name of the mall. And the shop of the center. No, the name of the mall. And the... The Shampa Accentor.
Starting point is 00:08:45 No, the name of the IKEA store is IKEA. It's in Victoria Gardens. In Victoria Gardens. Or IKEA Richmond. But if you were to go... I think it's IKEA Richmond. Wow. But it's in Victoria Gardens.
Starting point is 00:08:57 But they also have a separate entrance. You can go straight into IKEA, you don't have to go. But in Fondre. Yeah, no, yeah, true. But it is in Victoria Gardens. But not every garden. Just the Shampa's true, but it is in Victoria Gardens. But not every garden. Just the shivers.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Not again, not in every Victorian garden. But I think you would find a lot of gardens across Victoria would have like here outdoor furniture in it. Potentially. Absolutely. And a stoot observation. Victoria Gardens like any mall, why are we calling it a mall, like any shopping center,
Starting point is 00:09:23 any mall, has a food court so far so normal? You're gonna tell him how the hot and spicy is the KFC, but that KFC is a KFC. And that's got hot and spicy. And a J.B. High Fint. Well, every KFC has hot and spicy for about a month of every year. But not this one. This one had until recently. You're gonna tell him that this one has hot and spicy for about a month of every year. But not this one. This one had until recently. And you're gonna tell them that this one has a spicy all year round.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Until recently. That's why we're gonna do, yeah. Until recently, because like Queensland, because like Queensland, until recently, this KFC was the only, it had hot spicy all year round. Was the only KFC that had hot hot spicy? Did you want to add hot spicy?
Starting point is 00:10:07 Or together? Hot and spicy. All year round. All year round. Until recently. Until recently. Now I used to live across the road from this. So Mark can assess.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And I would get it offed. Often when maybe I'd be at IKEA, that's a Swedish furniture store, and I'd be there with my partner, maybe picking up a couch. I'd say, you know what, I'm just gonna zip over to the food court, craft myself some hot and spicy.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Should say it's not hot and spicy. I've not seen any promotion for hot and spicy. I'd say, well, at Victoria Gardens, food court, hot and hunt spices all year round. You would even go there. You would even go to the KFC. And hunt spices not advertised on those boards. I was gonna say that because I've been there
Starting point is 00:10:53 and gone, where's the hunt spot? It's not up there on those boards, but you look in the little chicken warmer. And if your eyes, if you've trained your eyes, if you've trained your eyes to pick up what unspicy looks like, because it's double coated, that's what gives it the crunch, gives it a different texture. Like the crispy strips, the crispy, I know this is something that's worth mentioning, but it's got a different texture.
Starting point is 00:11:16 This is something worth mentioning, this is something worth mentioning as well. Not at a time. Not at a time. Something worth mentioning is that, I... We could win, it's like we could win, it. Something worth mentioning is that... Wicked Wings, like a wicked winger. Mm-hmm, yeah. Something worth mentioning is that I... It's fucking wicked Wings.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Something worth mentioning. It's like the wicked Wings. Yeah. Something worth mentioning. Well, no, something worth mentioning is that I used to work at KFC. My first job was being a cook. And Tom KFC. And Tom KFC. As did Tomas Armstrong a cook. And Tom in KFC. As did Thomas Armstrong.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Tom, who does that? I sound. Tom, who does I sound? Um, so I'm well versed across KFC. KFC. I think we all are. What it takes. Mid-30s, why men we are.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah, but do you know what it takes to make a KFC, huh, Ms. Busy? Wait, did you put in the deep fry and then take it out? Oh, is what it takes to make it? Okay, I see hot and spicy wait I mean you put in the deep fry and then take it out. Oh, is that it is that it is you just put in the deep fry I'm asking I'm asking. What's that easy is it Tom? Do you know it in the deep fry? It's that easy Tom. You just pop it in the deep fry, right? No, it's not Tom's shaking his head right now Do you know about it? He said yeah. Oh, it's that easy is it. What do you do? You got to code it twice in a minute. They pride. They deep fried in bed. Same oil. What are you guys getting at here? What we're getting at is something
Starting point is 00:12:37 happened recently. You rip. You guys. Ah! Ah! So, recently... What happened recently? Sorry. Recently, I went to Victoria Gardens. Now, we can all attest to having been to Victoria Gardens outside of hot and spicy time, and gotten hot and spicy from that Victoria Gardens. Can you agree or are you? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I want my, can I tell you my journey, my experience? So literally. We need to paint a very robust picture before we dive in. I know that KFC purely for seeing a movie at the Hoiets. Beautiful cinema right there. So there is a Hoiets at the time. A beautiful time. A beautiful time. there. So there is a hoids at the end of the year. A beautiful cinema. I will.
Starting point is 00:13:25 It's by a major Victorian cinema chain. Also distributed. There also a distributor very rarely. I think believe they distributed Wolf Creek. I believe. Go on, bro. They're not as robust of a distributor as well. You were talking about how you get KFC
Starting point is 00:13:43 then taken into the hoids and watch a movie there. What I'll do is get hot spicy chicken and take it. I think Sostar was a force awakens there. You did that. I saw Sostar was force awakens. No, that was me. I saw Sostar was force awakens.
Starting point is 00:13:57 That was me awakens. I did that. So for a moment you saw. I did that. I got KFC took it to time to watch it much possible. Yes. I know you didn't. I don't know how relevant this is.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I think it's important to explain. You thought that I was you for them. Ha ha ha. Sorry, I'm sorry. I was on topic. What I like to do. Can I just do a full display? That's your life.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I did that. Here you did that. I know what you did. You saw Force Awakens at Gold Class at Jam Factory. I did with you. Second time, I saw it, yeah. With me? Is that the first of the new three?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah. Yeah, I saw it with you. I saw it with Annie. I was just on the new, with Ray and like the new. Oh, maybe I did too. You saw it with me. I saw it the second time. I saw it.
Starting point is 00:14:52 But it wasn't a gold class. No, it was just a cinema. And I get it getting cold. The first time I saw it, I think I saw it with Annie at West Gunth. I forgot I saw it with you. I was trying to do a joke about my experience watching it. I didn't care for it. We'll be back.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I've got the receipts. We'll be back to... And this... We're gonna figure it out. We got one someone. After this set break. It's definitely a power. Hi.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Welcome back. Can I finish my story? I get the KFC. You just send them up. In KFC. You get the KFC, you get the Hutt & Spice, you go much movie at Hots. Yeah, but sneak it in. I do this most Hights, so I think Hights is not a full Hights experience without illegally
Starting point is 00:15:30 bringing food in. Yes. Now, up until recently, that... Did you ever bring Hutt & Spice? Did I ever bring Hutt & Spice in? Of course he fucking did. Not a fucking idiot. No, because... Okay. No, I ever bring in hot and spicy? Not a fucking hot. No, because...
Starting point is 00:15:46 Okay. No, I haven't. Oh, so you are a fucking idiot. So... So... So, we've got Mark who lived across the road on multiple occasions outside of hot and spicy season, got hot and spicy for this. Is the work at KFC?
Starting point is 00:15:59 Understand what it takes to make a piece of hot and spicy. I can attest to the fact that I on multiple occasions have gotten hot and spicy from that KFC outside of hot and spicy season. Tom, can you back us up on this? Yeah, I'd be the ones. Now, recently. We can also family say that Ikea is there. Ikea is absolutely in the same mall.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I'll allow it. Now, I can also add I probably most recently had hot and spicy. It bat in Queensland? I'm just saying time wise, what day is it? Did you have it this morning? I had it on a Tuesday. Did you have it this morning? No.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I saw you're not the person who had it the most hot. You had it today. Yeah. How did you have it today? How with my mouth. Mark, where did you go from? This is about truth. I'm not answering your fuck. Yes, you did you go from? This is about truth. I'm not answering your fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Mark, this is about truth. I think it's fair that I have a position here that is of value. And that is that I am the most recent person to have a piece of hot and spicy. I have a witness. That's fair. I was being a cheeky bugger.
Starting point is 00:16:59 We're trying to build a case. This guy saw me have it. I actually have it more recently. I know, that's true. Tom is the most recent. He took his... We both went to KFC. I actually had it more recently. I know that's true Tom is the most recent. When did you have it Tom? We both went to KFC. I had a piece of there.
Starting point is 00:17:09 He took his back to his room. And now Mark you were just joking. And I assume I did. We need to be very clear here. I know that you think it's funny to joke about having had it recently but your reliability is a witness. It's so important. Alright I'm sorry I was being a cheeky bugger.
Starting point is 00:17:23 You have not had it recently? No. But you have had it at Victoria Gardens outside of hot and spicy scenes. Multiple, multiple times. Now, if, if, what I'm about to tell you had played out differently, I would be the third most recent hot and spicy consumer.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Because I recently went to IKEA to buy something for the balcony. I can't remember what. Maybe a mump. A hammock? I think it was maybe a hanging pot. And before I went in there while I thought well heck why don't I go to the food corner to Victoria Gardens. I went to the KFC. now it's never been listed and I just said well I'll have a piece of breast chicken hot and spicy. I personally prefer the breast, I know there's a bit of a matcho culture about thigh meat, while I agree on thigh meat in a more rich, slow-cooked dish for me. I prefer white chicken when deep fried.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You like a dry chicken, you like a chicken, right? When it's deep fried, it's cooked quickly enough that it's still moist. I do prefer a thigh for a slow cook, but this is by the bi, and we'll all have different. I agree with you in every case, except for KFC. I think the breasts come out a little dry, they overcook them. Lucky for me, you can have the thigh, I'll have the breast, and we'll keep it all in the wall.
Starting point is 00:18:57 However, if we were to go to Victoria KFC, Victoria Gardens, not just any Victoria Gardens. If we were to go to Victoria Gardens, not just any Victoria Gardens. If we were to go, if you were to go to any KFC in Victoria, except for Victoria Gardens, unless it is KFC Season as we're calling it, I mean, hot and spicy Season as we're calling it, you would not get hot and spicy. Well, what I would say to that is, if you were craving hot and spicy in Victoria today,
Starting point is 00:19:22 and you went against some hot and spicy, you would have to settle for hot and spicy light, which is a wicked wing. I'll allow that. Yeah. Hot and spicy light. Could you close the stones to say something? I would say if you're craving hot and spicy right now,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you just go to get the zinger fillets and eat the zinger fillets. If you're craving hot and spicy right now, you just gotta get a zinger fillet. I disagree. I would, yeah, I disagree. It doesn't have the crunch. I would say, I would say a wicked wing and a Zinger fillet are closer in relation
Starting point is 00:19:52 than a wicked wing and a piece of hot spots. We all know, we've just talked in depth about preferences of the piece of the chicken carcass and how important that is. A wicked wing is good, but it's a wing. It is a wing. Now I like to eat the breast of the animal. Recently, well you're a tit man. When it comes to eating the part of a corpse of a bird,
Starting point is 00:20:16 yes, you like the tits. Anyway, what happens at the, at the, what happens usually you get hot and spicy. What happened last time I went? I can't tell you the date. I can't recall. I'm sorry. It was a, you know, I can't recall.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Bullpark. It was this year. It was post. You can't lock down. You can't lock down. Any time between January. It was before the tour, so I didn't make it. It would have had, look, it would have had to have happened. so I didn't mean it. It would have had to have happened.
Starting point is 00:20:46 It would have been in February. It would have had, look, actually, I can't say where we're riding. I can't say with confidence that it was this year. What I can say is it was after the last lockdown. So when did that end? No, then the December. November, December, and it was before we started working.
Starting point is 00:21:02 We started two or a- That's a good chance it's in 2021. But touring or working? I'm gonna have to say touring, I'm sorry. I can't be more. Oh my guess would have been around February. Or January or December, Mark. But he said this year.
Starting point is 00:21:17 But he could have been between two other lockdowns. What I'm gonna say, 2021. Just say what the fuck happened, start of 2022. I'm starting to get fed up. He's gonna say there was no hot spot. I just decided I'm going to say 2021. Just say what the fuck happened to you. It's coming up. 2022. I'm going to start to get fed up. It's going to say there was no hot and spicy. I just decided I'm fed up. I'm going to KFC, I said, I'll have a KFC. So say what, I'll have a hot and spicy breast piece, please.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And what did they say? They said, we don't do that anymore. Now, this is wild because to sum all this up, that has been the only KFC in Victoria. I'm doing that. That has been the only KFC in Victoria. That is done hot and spicy all year round. Zach said to me the other day, he wanted hot and spicy.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I said, mate, you gotta go to the Victoria and Gardens KFC. He said, I went there recently and they do not do it anymore. I said, that's can't be true. That can't be true. And then we started hypothesizing on why they would no longer be doing it. And then why actually, in fact, were they doing it? Were they doing it in the first place?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Sometimes when something's so good, it can't be true, you don't question it. Yes. And now that it's gone, it's opened up a whole lot of things. Now, we can talk about the hypotheses, absolutely. But I think the better place to start is the questions. What questions do we have for you? Or, where is the hot and spicy?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Or, would be one, where is the hot and spicy? One. We could start at the question to the hot and spicy. What happens to the hot and spicy? Can we write, can you write these down? Yeah. We need answers to these. What happened to the hot and spicy?
Starting point is 00:22:44 We just wait, don't rush. What happened to the hot and so hot? We just wait, don't rush. What happened to the hot and so hot? I got it, I got it. Two. Have you got it? What happened, bro, no, why? Yeah, what happened to the hot and spicy two? At Victoria Gardens or?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Just, we get the questions, we'll work out how we get them answered. I feel like there's one before what happened to the hot and spice. Mark, this isn't in any particular order, it's just the questions. He's a man, and yet you said one. One, that's the first question I'm proposing. Two, are we going to do a chance to reorder? Yes, great.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Two, what happened to the hot and spice? No, we said that, that's one. Two, why were you doing hot and spicy? Or why and how were you allowed to do hot and spicy? Or year round? And that really is the two. Hot and spicy or hot and spicy? I believe it's a postrophic.
Starting point is 00:23:42 So this is two questions, You want that as one question? What was the question? So he said, why were you doing hot and spicy all year? Why and how were you allowed to do hot and spicy all year round? Well, you could get rid of the first bit. Those are two questions. Split them up. Why and how?
Starting point is 00:23:57 So we've got three questions. Three questions. Number one, what happened to hot and spicy? Two, why were you doing hot and spicy all year? Three, why and how were you allowed to to hot and spicy? Two, why were you doing hot and spicy all year? Three, why and how were you allowed to do hot and spicy? I think just three, just make how were you allowed? And then the fourth question for me is, how were you doing it from a logistical point of view?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Hmm. What, that's the how? Who was delivering the sources, what was happening isn't this just well how were you allowed? How were you allowed or bigger question than that? Whoa you guys are you guys doing multiple questions at once And it's really and so for example Making it through and then we'll land on something and then maybe how were you doing it from a logistical point of view who was Delivering the sources what was happening?
Starting point is 00:24:45 No one's asking you to type this down for beta. We're not asking you've made that choice down for beta We're discussing and then you'll get you to run the more land on it and then we'll give you you don't have to write it down a bad leadership Not bad leaders. Bad leadership or bad listening. I'm telling you you're being bad leaders. Well then I'll tell you now. Sub-serving as the, as the, as the, as the beta is the sonographer, as the beta. Well, you're being a bad beta, bad beta. Yeah, that's better. Oh. First question, it's the third question is, were you allowed to do this?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Were you allowed to write this down now? No, but that's the question three. Chris, what were you, I thought we weren't ordering this. No, this is just how were you allowed to do hot and spicy food? How? Get rid of the how. Just were you allowed to do hot and spicy food? I was.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, clearly they were. Well, maybe not. Secondly, it was the episode. If so, this is now the new question for this follow three. If so, how were you allowed to do? How logistically, how do you do itistically, how logistically is now question five? No, but how is how would you allowed if so, how were you allowed? So if they were allowed, why and how were you allowed? Sorry, that was your question. That was my question. Why and
Starting point is 00:26:00 how were you allowed? Because as someone who, as why and how were you allowed? Why and how were you allowed? Because as someone who, why and how were you allowed? Why and how were you allowed? Because as someone who worked at KFC and cooked them back to this every time. And cooked many hot and spicy. And it's, oh, how do I do it? Just chuck it in the deep fry. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:16 It's much more complicated than that. The hot and spicy chicken comes fresh from ingams and stables every morning. As does all the chicken at KFC, pre-marinated. So you get a bag of fresh chicken put in the freezer, the original recipe chicken is not marinated and is then flavoured through the breading in which it has the 11 Cegra herbs and spices. They're in the breading.
Starting point is 00:26:44 They're in the breading in which it has the 11-segra herbs and spices. They're in the breading. They're in the breading. The hot and spicy chicken comes in a similar bag, but it isn't in a red sauce. It's a separate bag with the zinger sauce. You don't buy the sauce. You don't get the sauce. You know what the freezer life of chicken is? Okay, so you don't have that. Well, it's in the fridge, but if you would have freeze it how long? So I have backup supplies emergency supplies which last six months so it gets delivered fresh
Starting point is 00:27:13 But then they're our frozen stock which has a six month six month life on it I wait for clarity. I just want for legal points of view Can you just state how long since you've both worked at KFCs? Because since there, maybe their protocols have changed. So for me, it's been 20 years. It has been 20 years. And since I worked at KFCs. 2000 and I would say few 2008.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah. So 14 years. Okay, so they may have changed the way they do their business in 2014. I realized it's been 20 years. And this time we made a 20 year old disclaimer. They were alive when you worked at KFC. That's a disclaimer. This is over as, I've not worked there for 20 years. Tom in 14. Now.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Question for the new question for, how and why, if so, how and why were you allowed to make hot and spicy all year round? Does this make sense? Well now five is, why and how were you allowed to make hot and spicy? That was four, move it up to four. I think it's just what, what, what, what, what, what, why and how? All we wanna make hot and spicy? That was four, move it up to four. I think it's just what?
Starting point is 00:28:25 I think it's just what, why and how? All we wanna know is what? You're being very difficult about the questions here. It's very importantly. All we need to know is what is in how. What happened? How were you allowed to do it? Regardless of whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Regardless of what the answer is. And then how did you do it? And how did you do it? And how did you do it? You're not going to be able to do it. You're not going to be able to do it. What happened to the, and then how would you do it? And how did you do it? Is that what I thought was going to be my answer? One, what happened to the hot and spicy? Why were you doing hot and spicy all year? Were you allowed to do hot and spicy all year round?
Starting point is 00:28:54 And then how? How were you doing it from a logistical point of view? Who was delivering the sources? What was happening? That's it, that's great. Why and how were you allowed to make hot and spicy? Well, you can get rid of that last one, I'm sorry, obviously.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Could I, I'd like to ask, I have another question for them. Yeah. And this might be controversial. Can we have some free stuff? Yeah, of course. Can we have some free cash? Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:29:14 No worries. No worries. I love that. I would love some free cash. Tom has a question. I'm saying the Zinn that one left. So if you want to. We'll definitely do a part two.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Now Mark, before we go on, you were wanting to do a re-order, is that correct? No, I'm fine. Well, because I just wrote down a quote. I just wrote down a quote from you while you were talking. Can you just read that quote out for me? Just read out the quote. The quote is, and it's not assigned to anyone. Just read out the quote. The quote is, and it's not assigned to anyone.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Just read out the quote. The quote is, what happened to the hot and spicy? No, we said that it's one. Is that correct? That's what's written down? That's what's written down. That's all I'm asking. What's written down in the fight? It is. That's what the end of the fight is. What happened to the hot and spicy? we said that it's one now that is a
Starting point is 00:30:12 direct quote from you you can go back and listen if you want to what are you saying what I'm saying is if at any point now Mark was going to challenge the order of the questions. I have a quote from Mark Renano, where he states that question one is in fact what happened to the hot and spicy. Which it is. If he does try to challenge the order, I just want that to be. I don't want to challenge.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I don't want to challenge the order. Should be put on the record. No, I just wanted to know that there was flexibility in changing the order. Absolutely. But if you want to try that one, I just want to, on the record, that you have stated that that is question one. I'm very happy for that to be number audio. Absolutely. But if you want to try that one, I just want to, on the record, that you have stated that that is question-wise.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I'm very happy for that to be number one. Great. Make sense for it to be number one. Um. My voice cracked. Yeah. So, we're out of time. We are out like, like, um,
Starting point is 00:31:00 just like a factory with only 10 of the herbs and spices. We will get to answering this. Like a KFC, like an undecided. We'll be back next week to get to the bottom of these five questions. At four. Well, can we have some free KFC? It's the fifth one, it's a great one. And we'll be attacking them.
Starting point is 00:31:30 We will be writing some emails, we will be making some phone calls, and we will be trying to see exactly what happened, how, how, why it happened. Why it happened? We've done this, we've done this. Why it happened, how it happened? How it, we've got the question. What happened, what happened?
Starting point is 00:31:50 Why it happened? Why it happened? You're gonna read out the questions to help, can I do it? No, no, no, no, I got this. The first one's gonna be why we'll be back next week to figure out why it. What? What?
Starting point is 00:32:03 What happened to the case? I don't know. I don't know, that's what we're trying to figure out. It's what, why, were, how? Were? Yeah, were you allowed to do that? I didn't do anything, man. I didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:32:16 We'll see you next fucking week. But before we end this podcast, I just wanna say something. This is a very sensitive topic. Like the tip of Zax penis. It's very sensitive. We do not, we are digging into this, but we don't want to get the Victoria Park, Victoria Gardens, KFC people in trouble if they were doing something on the slide.
Starting point is 00:32:44 We don't want to get, we don't want to upset little teenage workers at the Victoria Garden's KFC. We are dealing with this. We say to our listeners, do not abuse the teenage children working at the Victoria Garden's KFC. And don't go there asking for hot and spicy because as we are, as these are understanding, it is no longer available. But then, while the time this comes out, I'm pretty certain that the good people of
Starting point is 00:33:10 Victoria will be getting hot and spicy to every KFC in Victoria. That's our, that's question six. Sorry I'm bold. Broden, that's question six. It's genetic. Broden, you understand this? That's question six, don't you understand? Will you? To that
Starting point is 00:33:25 notification? Uncatergirically say that all, if this is for head office, Aunty Donner's head office is now going to have it hot and spicy, yes? That is the sixth and final question. We will be not just in the season. Yeah, yeah, shut up. We will be back next week. Wow. Where it may be fucking nothing will happen. We don't know, but maybe I know me too.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Oh, I forgot. We almost forgot. Oh, my God. We almost forgot. Good night. And good luck. And good luck. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you
Starting point is 00:34:16 by See you next week. next week.

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