Aunty Donna Podcast - Podcast Ep 33

Episode Date: February 28, 2017 The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-snuff production. It's the film in we're just talking about Patriots and Lion with a actual filmmaker That's right. This man is pressed record on a camera before his name is making. We're having some film to Check again. You fucked up the fucking It's not my fault fucking up the mic. Yeah, it it is look. It's meant to do that So I'm wobbling it and what happens is that hyper extends the microphone stand Extens, and then I have to click it back out. Do you think the guys at Dum Dum, the Dum Dum, little Dum Dum Club are doing this on their podcast set? Hey, do I look like the little Dum Dum Club? No, you don't have the ratings. It's a quality pub, you don't have the ratings. That's from saying they don't click their
Starting point is 00:00:59 camera, their microphone thing. Hey, you know how, how fucked this? You know how Demi Lardner has a tattoo of the little dumdum club logo on her leg. We should get her to tattoo the anti-donna podcast logo, that picture, that photo of us, and the anti-donna thing. We should get her to tattoo that on a stomach. Anyway. I reckon what about a tattoo of Demi with an honest nothing on your penis? Oh gee, well, I don't know if it's big enough for that because it's so little trust me Mark. It is adequate size We've got our guest here today. We've got a
Starting point is 00:01:38 Senior Max Miller Who's Spanish a lot of people didn't know? Oh no, sorry, you're a dirty Greek always forget So are you allowed to say that? As in it's only a Italian. Oh, fuck what? Yeah, you heard me. Oh, yeah, fair enough. Um, so we're going to have some film chats, they talk about a favorite movies on the
Starting point is 00:01:57 movie podcast, that movie podcast. Alright, let's, let's hit the opening track, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the movie podcast. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do the music or when I'm expecting someone else to jump in and do the lyrics Oh, no, no, no, I've prepared the movie podcast Feel like you need to be clearer with your choices Okay, well, it's just it maybe if someone listened to me when we had our movie podcast meeting last week Sorry, what was that? So, by the way, I forgot to tell you my name morning since the movie podcast discussion morning Oh, well no one invited me
Starting point is 00:02:41 Tell him, bro, I do not hear I was thinking he wasn't coming each week Oh, I come every week I'm just put movie, that's an activity, it's a summer activity. Who directed that one? No one, it's just me and the garden. I didn't know you had to have a director for a film. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a director. I was a a movie that's a activity. It's a summer activity. Who directed that one? No one. It's just me and the garden. I didn't know you had to have a director for a film. Who's in it? Me. I'm just gardening.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's just me and the guy. Can I say my favorite movie? Go for it. As long as it needs. Can I say my favorite movie? That would be a Broden Gardening. That's less of a movie and more of you being a peeping Tom. Which... I'm a voyeur. Peeping Tom. A bloody peeping Tom. I love to watch Broden Gardening from over his suburban fence.
Starting point is 00:03:35 What do you call a guy who sits in the corner of the podcast room and edits them together and looks through a little hole? That'd be a peeping Tom wrong, wrong, a cuck. Max, we've got our guest. His name is Maximus Miller. And we're going to talk about our favorite movies. Max, why don't you start us off? What is one of your favorite movies? And don't be a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Don't come at us with you. Oh, I went to film school. I like Tarantino and Linch. Oh, look at me. You can say anything interesting or profound. I'm just going to fucking make fun of you for the rest of the podcast. You're not allowed to say anything too profound or anything too. You've got to really get this right.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Don't be too broad and don't be to say something that everyone's just going to like. Yeah, and don't pick a dumb comedy either. Pick something profound and interesting. Well, I went to film school. I like Tarantino and Lynn. I like reservoir dogs and my own drive. When you say lynched, you make Tom Lynch the fool forward for Gold Coast Suns. Yes, he's an incredible favorite filmmaker.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's your favorite film. Yeah, the Gold Coast Suns? Yes, he's an incredible film maker. It's your favourite film? Yeah, the Gold Coast Suns. And it's your favourite filmmaker. Old peeping Tom over here is a Gold Coast Sun subscriber. I just had a very... He's a... He's a subscriber.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So the team... He gets the jumpers every week and the... The hoodie cards, he likes the cards with the gum in it? I'm really big now on... Like... I'm really big on just a group of Colcoast retirees who also barrack for like, Carlton and they go to their,
Starting point is 00:05:14 they go to a game and Colcoast and there's not a big crowd. And one of the players is prominent art house filmmaker, David Lynch. Um, favorite film max.. This is really quickly. What do you call a player who plays in the Gold Coast region, but has very left wing views. Gold Cuck Sons.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I was going to say Gold Coast Cuck. Oh, that's way better. Sorry, it's an ongoing thing. We did a joke. We did a podcast for context. You listen to the fucking podcast and... You're aware of the... No, the video. The literal dog.
Starting point is 00:05:57 The literal we go through when we talk about our left-leaning views. It is hard to be an artist. Remember that video we did with Ripper Aussie Summer and we did it at near Christmas and we did it and we shot the stuff? Yes I remember. And we keep calling us Cucks on YouTube. Oh really? Like Cucks now.
Starting point is 00:06:18 So we did a podcast where we talked about it and then our friend Daniel Sloss said he really liked it. Then we were at a wedding like last week. So it. And then we were at a wedding, like we were at a wedding like last week. So that happened and then we were at a wedding last week. And then it just became like a really shit version of the aristocrats. Where it was just, I don't know if you guys did it as well, but it was just me, Demi Lardner and Daniel Sloss riffing on a thing from my own podcast. I felt like the most like the biggest fuckhead
Starting point is 00:06:51 Like what's those shin was list or something? What's your what's your favorite film hurry up? I'm unsure now whether you want a real answer I'm just gonna give you a real answer. Yeah, gunny head. Well, hey, I'm gonna kill all everyone you love you every once in a while. I'm going to kill all of you. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to shoot this person in the fucking face unless you tell me. This is hooked up to a polygaph. One favorite movie or she fucking dies, mate.
Starting point is 00:07:16 It's the first week of first year of film school all over again. And it's the worst question. Now, hands as I don't have one. I don't have a kill. I got a car or focus through your fucking list. I'm gonna kill you kids Such a broad list. You're a journalist. You're a journalist for Empire magazine Okay, you're a journalist for Empire magazine and and your editor he comes up He says oh my god page 32 we we just lost an ad we just lost an ad on page 32 max We need an article Max is 10 favorite films
Starting point is 00:07:46 You've got one data right it and we need to get it to print tomorrow What are you right? Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Guntie, Gunt And that is, and if it gets approved, you are the next editor for Empire Magazine. That's right, Max. You could be the next editor for Empire Magazine. Come on, man, this job's a lot. I don't want to be the next editor for Empire Magazine. The biggest premise. In this black making film.
Starting point is 00:08:18 No, in this and now, you are a journalist working for Empire Magazine. It's been your dream to be the editor. Your dream job is on the line and your what's the article? You've got a fancy head you got a gun to your head mate. Science sound. Top 10 films go go quick. You don't have to worry about the readership of Empire Magazine like you don't have to Towards their sorts of films.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Okay. Don't. I don't know I need to think about it. Oh, well too bad. You've lost the opportunity in Kiswatt Max. I've filled your kids. Your kids are dead, and guess what? Here's the thing, the editor.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Do you know who else was in the movie? I could tell you recently films out. Do you know who else was in the movie? I just want to let you know one thing, man. Tom is genuinely mad that we haven't started this discussion. Eight minutes and 47 seconds into the fun cut. There's a lot of people on Trams going, what, please tell me your movies Max.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I want to know. But I do just want to say that also in that office, next to the editor was Steven Spielberg. Oh. He was looking for the next hot shot director in you, Mr. Chess. It all would have been on my favourite film. Mm-hmm. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yeah. And the editing job ended up going to Sally, your ex-girlfriends. Sally. I'm just making up the whole new world. I had an ex-girlfriend called Sally. I had an ex-co-star called Sally Ann Upton. She was in our age. She was very pilot.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Max, what movies have you seen recently that you've enjoyed? And don't be a fucking idiot. I saw Selle Ann the other day, actually. How is she, she was? She's good, I was, I was on a set. She was in charge of the kids. She also works as a nurse. Yes, nurse, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:01 What is your favourite movie? So sorry, for everyone at home. Selle Ann Upton played the part of our manager. What was the manager's name? Pat C. Pat C. This was failed pilot. In our failed pilot.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Fail pilot. ABC pilot. We haven't heard about it yet. We haven't heard back. We're still waiting to hear back about the ABC pilot. You can vote for us at It's BSNC command. Backslash, I'm going to keep saying backslash,
Starting point is 00:10:30 I don't give a fuck what any of you commited say. Backslash, Aunty Donna. Is it eyes at forward slash? No. Hey, Max, what did it meant to be? What is it? I don't care. Of recent times, what is a good movie you have seen? please don't don't just go with the else going up
Starting point is 00:10:48 Zach go Max Why are you like Jackie? Are you sure it good? I haven't seen it yet I do talk about one that we've all seen is that gonna be the thing great great score I thought what did you think yeah it was it was great. Like the way it was shot and everything and the knowledge. Next, I'm gonna pile it to prepare for. I'm sorry. This one, I've got a good feeling about this one.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I'm gonna go on Recon and say this one is going to series. And I think we should get everyone's hopes up. I think we should spend like half a year not making YouTube content and getting everyone's hopes up for it Max, I think it's going to be available in Australia Max from 0 to 10, how confident are you in this becoming a television show? Quite confident I'd say at least that like a 9.9 Yeah, it's gonna happen isn't it?
Starting point is 00:11:36 I watched the old pilot last night actually again. How'd you do that for? Just to see if it was good What less than that? And what less than that? Well, that's gonna be taken into the new file. Great, I'll do that. Do you recommend we watch it?
Starting point is 00:11:52 Sorry. Do you recommend we watch it? No. I can't. Oh. No, I can't. I was. You're gonna be sliding yourself up.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I was genuinely concerned if I should watch it. Because you don't want to because you don't want to make the same pilot again. And to be fair, you made a lot of mistakes. You don't want to be driven by what not to do. You want to be driven by positivity, not negativity. Yeah, a bit. And it was a bit of blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, to see what could have been better on the subject. Wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, wubble, Yeah, I think they weren't given enough time. I think I think they were green. I think they're all fuck heads. Yeah fair enough.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Uh, has everyone seen moon light? No, no, I mean, I've seen it. I've seen it. I saw that movie. It's, it is a phenomenal piece of cinema. I absolutely, absolutely adored movie. It's, uh, it's very, it's very different. It's very slow. It's just a character piece, but it's gorgeous. Yeah, I think so. I think it's a Patriots day. I haven't seen Patriots though. Relyan. Why not? I haven't seen Ryean.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I actually have a really, I think a film with all seen that I thought was really beautiful. Yeah. It was Avengers, the Age of Ultron. Oh, I saw that. I felt asleep in that movie. I have seen that film, it is beautiful. Isn't it fantastic? The scene where the scene where the green man sacrifices, he realizes that he can never
Starting point is 00:13:36 be one with society. He's talking about hunk. Hunk. Yes. And he gets inside an airplane and he leaves forever potentially, or until he goes to outer space with Thor. He's talking about Watchman? No, no, no, I'm talking about the scene where the green man gets into an airplane.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Watchman. Alright, I've got a question, Captain America Civil War or Batman V Superman. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any of those. I know you've seen both. I know it's a trick. That's a trick I've played on any of those before. I know you've seen both. I know what's a trick. That's a trick I played on all of you. I watched a video essay the other day about how DC is better at color grading than Marvel, because Marvel doesn't have enough true black and it leads to a muddiness in these.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I saw that as well. Let's go to the video. You guys have probably been watching the same YouTube videos because we're all logged out. No, I watched it because of my Facebook AV club. Tell me to watch it. Just as it used to be. The video. Max is actually a fucking film genius and I always love his feedback on films and shit. What's your thought on that on the grading of the DCs versus the Marvels? I completely agree with that video. Yeah, the Marvel films like the music in the Marvel films and a lot of like the Marvel films
Starting point is 00:14:45 Everything about the Marvel movies is bland It's just like in the middle of the road and safe apart from the writing is probably better But the writing is better like yeah, the while the writing is more consistent. I wouldn't say better I'd say more consistent that's that guy the same video essay the same guy did a thing about how Marvel is better at characters. And character art, he can be... Which again is the writing, which is stronger. I think in that Civil War versus Batman Superman,
Starting point is 00:15:13 that's the obvious, better thing about Civil War is the writing. But then, Batman vs. Superman, I think, is visually a more interesting film. Definitely. Have you guys seen the original Batman, the TV series movie? Oh yes I'm a big fan I still have it on VHS. What's staring at him west?
Starting point is 00:15:30 As Batman. My favorite thing in that movie there's something that happens in that movie that I'll never forget that I always think is just absolutely phenomenal. Where the penguin gases Batman and Rob him and then throws him out in the middle of the road because he's not the penguin he's dressed up as someone else right and he's like oh I've tricked Batman and Rob and he gets in the bat mobile he gasses up and they fall asleep he throws him out in the middle of the road and then he drives off then Batman and Rob him wake up and Batman's like I fucking knew it was the penguin and there's a track and the vice in the car now
Starting point is 00:15:58 we're gonna go follow him and then they're on the middle of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere and they walk over to a bush next to them and under the bushes the bat bike. That is a beautiful thing. It's amazing. Was that in the dark night or the... No, you fucking... Well, it doesn't get a bat bike. You're thinking of the bat pod and he finds that under a bush, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:16:20 No, he finds that in the tumbler. I see where he finds it under a bush. Speaking of penguins, have you guys seen March of the penguins? The great documentary narrated by Morgan? Do you know I've not seen it? And do you know in the original French version of that film, all the penguins had voices. They hired different actors for the penguins to be like oh hello there our baby penguin come on in yeah and then
Starting point is 00:16:49 they decided to make it classier with with Morgan Freeman narrating instead of yeah oh just just on that note I have here a big fan of of penguin movies his name's Jimmy Oh is this a character? He's from the middle of Australia. And his favorite movie is the Penguin movie co-edited by Max Miller. Oh, it's bring him in. He's actually brought him in. He's always very well dressed. He's wearing a Penguin suit ironically and which you know a tuxedo. And his hair is very slick back and he looks very, this looks like a big deal. Hello Jimmy. Oh, how are they? Right on how are you today? Very good, thank you. Now I understand you're a big deal. Hello Jimmy. Oh, hello there. I've rode out of the Haya today.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Very good, thank you. Now I understand you're a big fan of cinema in particular the work of Max Miller. Oh, I am the big fan of Max Miller. I remember I went to the local village multiplex in the middle of Australia. And it was a greater union actually. And I saw the Penguin movie co-edited by Max Miller.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And I, well gee, you've been a fan ever since. Ring ring ring. Oh, I'm sorry. This is live, this live theatre expozae where we're talking about Max Miller. He's now, we've got a phone call, which I imagine is from the stage managers desk, but it's hello.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I'll get a call up. Oh God. It's a name, Max Miller. Oh, not me, Max Miller. He's a speaker's fan. Yeah, all right, great. Can you hang up on him? He's a name, Smilla. Oh, not me, Max. He's the biggest fan. Yeah, all right, great. Can you hang up on him? He's been calling me a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It's been made me a lot of time. And I'm fine, how did that? Well, I would. It's just that I would hang up the phone, but I'm too busy getting ready for my basketball game because I'm injury days. So Max, let's talk about it. Let's talk about your favourite movies. And let's hope that they're mob basketball.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Maybe Coach Carter, maybe Space Jam, who knows? I love to know what you thought of Coach Carter. I love Coach Carter. What I love is films where good teachers teach minorities how to get better at things. And I love Slim Dunx, and that movie's got a boy, Jen goes a whole bunch of them. Max, maybe your favourite movies too hard. Maybe you could talk about your favourite directors. And I love slim dunks and that movie's got a boy, Jen goes a whole bunch of them max
Starting point is 00:18:48 Maybe your favorite movies too hard. Maybe you could talk about your favorite directors Direct or my favorite my favorite director was um was the coach my coach for most my career my dad landed cut a Leonard gaze Wait shit Lindsey gaze or geez a great coach. Who is your favorite coach your movies my favorite directors probably a whole lot see Arunowski Tantino can we get some diversity in that list Max come on now a picture the lady that did the cherry maybe the lady that did cut our e maybe? The pyrigulium. The lady that did the piano. Here's some offers of diversity for your list. Do you actually like fincher?
Starting point is 00:19:30 Yeah. I hate them. I hate when I get finches in my bum. Fishes? Oh. What? Fishes? That's what we're talking about, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:19:43 No, fincher. Let me ask you a question. Fincher's for me. As a basketball, a coach brings a team together. He gives you great structure and he helps you win the most game so you can hold up the flag at the end of the season. What's good about a coach of movies? Making sure that everything's good.
Starting point is 00:20:02 The performances and the cinematography and the editing. Oh, God, is he directing our thing? Yeah. Oh, fucking hell. You know, you're just gonna make sure. Fucking hell. That, you know, the things are good. Hell, how come?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Who was the first? Who was the first trouble? Who was the first director that realized that that was the role of the director? Was it someone that was sort of Hitchcock was he were people before him doing things bad. No, he invented it. He invented cinematography and Really? Yeah talking yeah, he invented talkies. Yeah Like his Hitchcock. Tell me about Hitchcock
Starting point is 00:20:40 He yeah, he invented a lot of things. Okay, like what? No, he was actually one of the first kind of real directors. Because originally producers were kind of more the directors. Oh, Ripper. And then that kind of got transferred into the directors who became the directors. I like Peter Berg. From my understanding, Max, Hitchcock was one to really open up the possibilities of Maison scene.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Is that right? That's true, Andrew. Yeah, cool. And so that sounds ripper. And also, as far as narrative storytelling, to take the protagonist of a story and change it midway through a film shown in Psycho. And the first scene, the one about Sharks.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And the one to get people to come to movies at the start for Psycho. What? The people used to just come into movies like Halfway through, but walk into a movie. And he was like, for Psycho, you can't do that. My favorite. So he made a thing that you had to walk in on time others you wouldn't get let in. And now obviously we all go to the movie at the start.
Starting point is 00:21:49 My favorite thing about that movie is the one piece of Miss On Sun is the main character at the start is every time she's every time she's thinking about going to the shop she's wearing a white bra. And every time she's thinking about maybe going for a shop, she's wearing a white bra. And every time she's thinking about, maybe going for a Sunday drive, she's wearing a black bra. Did you study it in English? I studied it in media studies.
Starting point is 00:22:13 No, we did in English. We did English to Mac, he was right, teacher. I met. I hated soccer. I hated that it was black and white. I thought it was dumb. No, no, it's not black and white. It's very sort dumb. I just was just very close. It's not black and white. It's very sort of, there's a lot of depth to that.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But I think you're onto something, Marley. The original psycho is pretty good, but it's not 10% of the great remake made by that guy in the late 90s. Gloss of the farm art. A couple of years since. A couple of years since.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Was it? Yeah. Oh, who's the blue school and bloody film boy on films now? When someone else, you don't have to look it up. Look up look it up. I'm talking about the psycho remake. Yeah. Yeah. Look at bloody look it up Did you say? Uh, Brian the parmer. That was wrong. Because someone someone said to him, so I'm gonna ask him once I said why in the heck would you, did you do a shop for shop
Starting point is 00:23:01 Remake of psycho and he said so no one else would. I tell you what that's like saying. Oh, I guess it was a gas fan. I think you should have let someone else do it. Hey, I bet you're reckon that Gus van Sen directed the 96 balls as well. Nutt was filled Jackson, you doofus. Aliphant was a great film. I love that.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I about the colour-blind shoes. That'll bring you to the mood up. If you ever get the chance, you should read up about, there was a story about one of the story people,
Starting point is 00:23:30 or the writers of elephant, a fantastic story about fraud. It was a young woman pretending to be a boy. It was an older woman made up a boy fascinating story. I'll put a link to it in the comments. You know why it's called elephant? It was written by an African elephant. Really? Yeah, with its trunk, you know, they paint. Yeah. They did this one in a Cincinnati zoo. Why? And it actually just did the entire screenplay
Starting point is 00:23:57 for elephants. That's probably why they're like structure. Yeah, it is largely improvised. And why there's so many elephants in the movie it's true that's all that makes all this on sale of it in the room the elephant was in the room when it was written by an elephant because it was written by an elephant elephant this is all true elephant is good but it's no age of avenge age of Ultron the Avengers film which I just thought was super max. What did you think about about age Ultron? Yeah, no, didn't get into it. You didn't get into it? No. What about it? It was the mezzon sense. It was not enough basketball. Yeah, that's part of it.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Meandering and safe. Yeah, I think that with the Avengers it would have been cool if they maybe made like a trilogy out of them. More kind of thing like um, they went in with a lot of the rings kind of you know plan and uh actually made a trilogy that made you want to watch the next one. Well that's very smart Max rather than just like contained stories. Yeah, I wake up with cold sweats in the middle of the night about Star Wars worrying that they're going to go the same way of the Marvel Universe Wherever he films becomes the same and a bit bland I have that nightmare as well Well the thing about genuinely the thing about Star Wars is that the films are the least interesting aspect of that universe It doesn't I'm a big Star Wars man, and it doesn't bother me too much because there's so much other cool shit going on. If you read it, if you're in the comics,
Starting point is 00:25:27 boys and girls, read that. I feel like I've opened a can of worms. Yeah, can I just, can I just- But the Star Wars films always have the story carrying on, which is- Sorry, which is good. It is, but I wonder if the, I wonder if the saga will ever not be about the Skywalker family. I wonder if it'll ever get to the point where it's not about the skywalkers. Maybe that's what they're doing with the new saga and by the end of it won't be about the skywalkers anymore because I'll be dead. Well it really depends on what the Disney focus group wanted.
Starting point is 00:25:54 That's true. Zing. Rogue one. What did you think of Rogue? Hey, we all saw Rogue one. What do you think? This is belated. What do we all think of Rogue One? Yeah. Yeah. I enjoyed it. But it was messy. Like the star was real messy. Like Dino was going on. Like it's just all over the shop.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's fine. And then actually really watched Force Awakens after watching Rogue One. And it made me appreciate Force Awakens a lot more. Me too. How great is it that we now are happy with three star films? Oh, it was okay. It's a lot of those at the moment.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I think it's better than a three star film The Force Awakens. I think it's pretty good. Ah, pretty good. Ah, thank goodness it was pretty good. I'm saying it's amazing. Yeah, thank you so much for giving us pretty good because it could have been not pretty good
Starting point is 00:26:45 That's the answer. What do you want, mate? I want films that try to be brilliant They can fail but that try that's what happens actually got you get yourself a oh no expert But you get yourself this Batman Superman movie where that should take in a fair few risks and as a result was a bent over and Hood that's right and that's why yeah exactly and that's why the Marvel film stuff don't I don't like that because they don't want to take that risk. The critics like for I think that thingy was a better movie but the critics were mad. This is the thing people. The critics were mad at Batman vs Superman not because it was not a great film which it wasn't. They were mad because they took risks and they
Starting point is 00:27:24 rewarded Civil War because they didn't. And that is what's gonna happen to Hollywood, and we really need to address them. Just how you mean there, and I'm just a humble basketball player, a real player. Yeah, is that I believe Civil War actually took some risk with villain by not having him wear a big suit of armor
Starting point is 00:27:40 and blow up at the end by actually having a guy, a German guy, no less, just Manipule, like two characters. Hey, watch me do a crossover. Can I excuse me just for a moment? Can I just interject, I am so sorry, Max, but Jimmy is a really, really big fan. He's a really big fan. I do know Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yes, he was the one that invited him after last week's podcast. He seemed really enthusiastic and he would really love to meet you. And I was wondering if you could just spend a few moments with him just to say hello. He did come on away from the middle of Australia. How does he know it? Oh, he's by the way. How does he know, Matt? Yeah, he said he went to a greater birch carol on coil.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah, and he saw he was like who co-edited this film? It's fantastic. All right. I'll go grab him. Oh get out there. Get out there Max. It's so lovely to meet you Yeah, Jimmy good to meet you. Oh, I love you shirt Hey guys, I really don't mean to interrupt yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've got a friend I get his name's Max Miller. Oh Meet him right now. It's really exciting different Max Miller, and he's actually your biggest fan. Oh Okay, yeah sure, I'm gonna find yeah sure. Yeah, yeah Get a cover get I made how I think so much for coming along. That's so good talking to you, mate. Are you welcome?
Starting point is 00:29:05 Are you both from Alice Springs? Yeah, sure, why not? Well, not really, it's a nearest airport, but I'm actually on a cattle farm about two hours out of Alice Springs. You guys probably remember the Peter Felconi I murdered, don't you? In the early 2000s. Horrible case, that. It was very upsetting, and it really didn't show in a great light
Starting point is 00:29:24 on the middle of Australia where I'm from. My cousin died. Tell me Max, what was your favourite part about editing that fantastic penguin movie? And tell me Jimmy, what's your favourite part about random upcatel in the middle of Australia? And it just generally loves to shoot hoops. I know. Okay, Tick, alright. Oh, you actually wanted an answer? Yeah, I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Uh, yeah. The penguins were great, editing the penguins there. They were shot separately to the... Really? the dogs and the foxes. Well, I just want to bet with some of the lads down at the pub. They were wondering how they did it. And I said they were shot separately.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Did you say they were good in green screening, comped in together? Oh, well, I didn't use the word comp. I'm not a fancy film man like yourself, Max. But yeah, I did say the word green screen, or maybe blue screen. What's the difference, Max? It depends on what you're shooting.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Actually, they did do a lot of blue screen, because of his work. Green screens. Because they were green trees. Yeah. Well, that's so interesting lot of blue screen because of his well because they were green trees. Yeah, well that's so interesting. Hey Max, I don't want to hold you up. I don't want to be one of those guys. Besides, I've got a fan I've got to meet.
Starting point is 00:30:31 But thank you so much for the opportunity to meet you and I brought you a little cup. No worries. All right. Thank you. Can I ask you a quick question, Max? Are you allowed to say the ads you've directed? Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Well, ads you've directed? Yeah. Cool. Well, ads you directed. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. Ice, ice, coffee. Yeah, just a little taser for you as if you ever stayed mad. That one, the TV one though, another web one. Not the TV one, not the web one. I was gonna comment on the, I was gonna comment on the web one. I was just gonna be real vicious.
Starting point is 00:31:03 It just be like, I liked the TV one better. I was going to do the same. And then I was like, oh no, there's probably another version of Max that I've never met that worked real hard. And I would only be doing it as a joke for myself. I think it was outstanding products. I think they're fantastic. I think it's a great product.
Starting point is 00:31:18 It is actually delicious. Any other had ones? I have. Any other TV series? Or that's Lingo for television commercial. Sure. I spirited of Tasmania. I was an hour on the morning. Do you know who else started in TVCs? Mm-hmm. Ainal fishes. Before Ainal fishes went on to do alien three.
Starting point is 00:31:37 David Finches. Oh, right. What? No, the film make that Ainal fishes. Ainal fishes. You get David Finches. Yeah, in your asshole. My confusion.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I thought an anal fish was a, was it cut on your ass? No, no, no, no. You're thinking of David Finches. anal fish is directed panic room and fight club. You did fight club. Seven. He's a notoriously meticulous filmmaker. He won the game.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So, you're making us to really bring digital, he's a notoriously meticulous filmmaker. He's one of the most beautiful makers to really bring digital. I mean, George Lucas film the first ever full digital film with them. The resonance fucking fantastic. Him and who's the other guy? Adicus Ross. And then you, he, Adicus Ross worked on Nine Inch Nails, new album. It's very impressive. Patriots days, fucking six scores. As like a young kid who was in the film,
Starting point is 00:32:25 anal fishers had a huge impact on me. I think to this day, you still struggle to get through a day without anal fishers affecting the way you go about your day. So much blood. I constantly go back to anal fishers, every now and again, against inspiration. Yeah, I think anal fishers work in... What I love is how much anal fishers has matured.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I think sometimes... Really settle it into a style fish is matured. I think sometimes... Really settled into a style now. Yeah, I think sometimes he goes with sort of kind of very conventional thriller plots and I think he's so much better as a drama director. I think he's a great kind of thriller director though, as well. Direct and anal fishes would spend like two hours
Starting point is 00:33:00 before a big shoot in a podcast room. Probably not. No, that's true. That's very unprofessional. We got work to do. We got work to do. Probably gives him David Finches. Yeah. Thanks so much.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Thanks so much for coming in. We appreciate your time and good luck in the next week's shooting us. I mean, Andy Donner, it's going to be a real ball and it's been a pleasure working with you for the last six years Max is leaving us now to go work in with another sketch group, but uh and Sorry if I was made to you this podcast max. Yeah, it's just it's just because I think you're a fucking idiot If you ever need if you ever need any sort of weddings or
Starting point is 00:33:40 Events videographer Max is more than happy about figure and figure 09. Or your film and music needs. Yeah, Max. Oh, sorry. I just want to ask you, if there were young filmmakers out there who wanted to get into making comedy, what's one bit of advice you could shove in, shove in him? Just shove in, I would say one word Comedy watch watch oh wow that was really good. You had to say in a bit more detail
Starting point is 00:34:16 Clearly watch watch watch get a watch always A lot of times may untone I thought it was like watches, when watches you, as you do. Mm. Isn't it funny how a word is worth a thousand meanings potentially? That's why I was a good word. It's a basketball. It's a good word.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Basketball. Basket, so we're just gonna finish up Max. As a thank you for doing the last couple of weeks of podcasts. You know, obviously thank you for directing Ripper Aussie Summer, which is still coming out right now. Going great. Hopefully, we'll see. Recorded this before it came out. Oh, God. We've actually prepared this little song as a thank you. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Max Milla. Max Milla. Max Milla. Thanks so much. Thanks. Thank you. Thanks. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-apisode brought to you by
Starting point is 00:35:21 See you next week!

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