Aunty Donna Podcast - Recorded Live @ The Factory Theatre Sydney Feat. GUY MONTGOMERY Part 2

Episode Date: July 12, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-noth production. Welcome back everyone! We... what a wake it's been. You did that show last time, but it just goes so well! It's a different audience, I don't know. Yeah. It's a fucking idiot, it's like a no clue. It's Sydney, they're just worried that it'll lock out the laws. That's all you're worried about. Oh, I can't.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Sydney, you're worried about that. You're worried about that it'll lock out laws. That's all you're worried about oh Sydney worried about that you're worried about that extra casino Yeah, just go to the casino. Yeah, you're worried about you. What's wrong with the casino? Oh, no, I'm not gonna be able to get into Seagal world. That's your Oh, you're you're worried about the the refugee quota Oh, you're worried about the the refugee quota. I see territory one that I thought it would get a laugh but everyone panicked. You're just worried about the big road coming in again in a western Sydney. No more in a western city. It's a big road now. Hey, can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah, you guys, who are listening? You don't even know who I am. Oh, no. Hey, can I ask a question? Yeah. You guys, who are listening, you don't even know who I am. Oh, my God. Oh, right. What? Well, because I've been introduced myself. I'm just a ghostly presence. Well, they might have listed a whole.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Are you the ghostly of Sydney's development? Yes, I am. I'm the ghost of Sydney's public transport infrastructure. Oh! So, can you give us a bit more detail? I thought the audience of ReadySteadie come. Yeah! And I'm Peter Evans. We've got Capsicum.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Oh! Now, wait, that's what they go crazy for. And we've got a little bit of chocolate. Oh! I'm probably going to have to have a little bit of chocolate. I'm probably going to have to have a little bit of chocolate. I'm probably going to have to have a little bit of chocolate. I'm probably going to have to have a little bit of chocolate. Oh! I'm probably not saying that. Have we usually scream the chocolate? This is a little...
Starting point is 00:02:11 ...a dishartite. No! Hey! This is a little dishartite. It is like noodles, but it is chocolate and raspberry noodles. I call it chocolate and raspberry noodles. But no is a recurring character on our podcast. I like him.
Starting point is 00:02:33 He's responsible for 9-11. This is not true. I did not do none at level. You admit that you did a delicious twist on the desert? I did not do a delicious twist on international relations. I'm going to say I cannot make hints or tiles of the sky. Is he a benevolent shift or a terrorist mastermind? Maybe both.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It's the lead that's on it to the ground Are you gonna stick are you sticking around I meant I meant the joke not the top You revealed yourself No, I meant runs the joke There's a very good chance when this episode comes out, we'll be doing shows in New York, which will be great. If you're there, plucking away gonna keep the sale. I think there's a reason our sales are a little low in Brooklyn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It was in the long part of the game. I'm genuinely worried about those sales. Hey, you know, just don't worry about it. You know, it's just got there, no matter how many people turn around, it's one or one hundred. And be yourself, have fun, if you're having fun, then the crowd's having fun. And...
Starting point is 00:03:53 APPLAUSE Thanks, everyone. A lot of you become audience. LAUGHTER It's become months. The audience are very confused about their role, I think. We're part of the show. We're going to bring that energy. We're going to bring that energy. It's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Oh, no. So, we've got a cup of tea that's getting a bit too strong and very cold. And one of you. Malcolm Nash taught me, Mark and I were his broo-groomz. Yes. If you do this with a tea bag, go one side two side three side it ain't gonna drip I'm living my dream of vegan ready steady cook There of course you can I'll try that so you have to do one while. Someone's gonna win a taste. I'm gonna try that. So you only have to do one side.
Starting point is 00:04:47 You know if there's a drip, if there's... Woo! All right, I'm gonna have it go now. It was right. Oh! Oh! What a derogatory! Very good, Zach.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Zach's tea bag. It's also a trip you do it 80 times. So... If you never put the tea bag in there to begin with, you'd also be fine. Yeah, but that's like saying, you don't leave the house, you gotta go try things. It's like you don't travel because you worry about ISIS, you know? I'm not talking about ISIS. Is that love my bif tat there, too much?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Where are you mean? That one's ack, you're still. I've got the cup of tea. I feel like it's time to give it away. So it's all over the place. Oh, of course. No, it's a prize for the person that wins. This is so, a cup of tea on the line.
Starting point is 00:05:37 An audience inches forward on their seats. So, Guy, you got to ask your... Should we catch everyone up if you didn't tune in, or you don't? Right, but in tuning last week... Previously on Anti-Donna. I'm Frogman. Previously, Hey, Guy, you have a game that you were doing? Yes, I would like to play this game to give away the tea and what are the rules?
Starting point is 00:06:10 I will do five true or false questions and answers and answers and five trivia questions and answers and then ask if it's I don't need to explain you No, but you can't do and And then I'm doing it a lot. Yeah, yeah. And then... A winner will emerge. Great.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Now I'm not in time. I didn't want to bring this up earlier, but I'm not in time. Is this still pre-guessly on? On how an audience... Yep. On how an audience of 70 people, how are we meant to determine a winner
Starting point is 00:06:41 from a five-question Q&A? Well, choose the biggest babe. We'll do all the questions. Remember? Yeah. And people just ignore the results. So we get a like a foghorn in this show. I'm not now, but just in the future.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Right. Yeah. All right. Question number one. Imagine if Warner Bros. character, foghorn, legal, and walked on the stage right now. You're missing to a pretty broadon, said. And he's got a silly, oh, oh, no!
Starting point is 00:07:11 Oh, and he leaves. Should be a shame, because if we got him here, I mean, it would be such a waste. I'd be a big get. Yeah. Huge. He doesn't do public appearances anymore. He'd have to be racist, wouldn't he?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Almost definitely. He's from the South. He says, I think he says cotton picking. Oh, naughty foghorn. LAUGHTER Is he a giant rooster? Is he a normal sized rooster? He is a very famous rooster.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Who's he? From New Zealand. LAUGHTER This is weird. Question one. Was Auckland, the Auckland... How did you ask it? Has Auckland never been the capital city of New Zealand, yes, true or false? So, has Auckland ever been the capital city of New Zealand, yes, true or false?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Hands up for true? Hands up for true? Okay. Hands up for false. Just for everyone at home, there's like a lot of hands up. Hands up for false. For everyone at home, you've sort of slightly land down. there's like a lot of hands up. Yeah, hands up for false. For everyone at home,
Starting point is 00:08:27 you sort of slightly land down. So everyone who's said that is true, you are an idiot. Oh. False is still in the game. False is still in the game. True. Show yourselves out, please.
Starting point is 00:08:42 No, you can say. We're going to have to work on the honor system here because everybody put their hands down there and I haven't been paying attention or keep it what was that Tom? They're already sitting down Tom. I know I know you know. I know what you're making Tom. Yeah. I know, I know you know my views. Yeah, I know what you meant, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's hard to do the gigs without the microphone, isn't it? I meant to. That's why Tom's more of a goof man. So, all right, next question. Next. Please be honest. So, only the people who put their hands up for false last time are still in the game. Okay. The city of Christchurch was once.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Wait, are these all gonna be New Zealand paste? I guess it is. I guess Tybalt help. The city of Christchurch was once the capital city of New Zealand, yes, true or false. I see. Just the people who had said, put your hands up, just the false people. So the subsection of people.
Starting point is 00:09:50 If the false people think it's true, put your hand up. But. So, okay, just you. Did you say false before? Yeah, so you were three. So you were three. Three, false's think it's true. Four. Do I have five? Five. Three. Three falses think it's true. Four.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Do I have five? Five. Yeah. Why? What did you say? Did you say nine? Oh, captain, my captain. He stood up then, like in the movie.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Yeah, like in the movie. All right. Now, if you were false before and think it's false, raise your hand. The correct answer. There's some cheeky little characters. Some people that are buying their way back into the game. The correct answer was,
Starting point is 00:10:29 Christchurch has never been the capital of New Zealand. You idiot! All right, so we probably... So does that mean there's only four people in the game? No, they're all wrong. They're all gone. Oh, sorry. Really open. It's all people left. Now, sorry. I'm really open. So people left.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Now, we can probably cut this, but you need to, you're just going to do like, you're going to do like, that needed now, or you're going to say. I'm just making these questions up as I go, bro, and so I can't really say what it's going to be. Alright, I feel like we've only got three questions that we're going to get rid of people. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And I feel like you do know what the next question is. I haven't even thought of it yet. I just got to get rid of people. Okay, and I feel like you do know what the next question is. I haven't even thought of it yet. I just got to ask a quick question. Yeah. Now, are you saying you're making up these questions? Are you positive that they'd never were the capital of the New Zealand? I was hard to say. Third question.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Was the city of the New Zealand ever to ever the capital city of New Zealand yes true or false hands up for true yeah we got some fights a huge risk you're taking here fuck it caution of the win mate hands who fucking you know just fly by the seat of our pants today. Fuck it! I've been looking, I feel like, this is like in the future you get really sick. And then wait, wait, and you're finished.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I just, I just, this image I've been looking at. That's why I'm abusing audience members now. I've got nothing else to live for. You son of a bitch! Come here! He's in a wheelchair. I think he hands up for false. The correct answers. False to needin has never been the capital city of New Zealand. You idiot! So what, false is out? The same is last time. There's still lots of people. And I don't know if there's a great deal of clarity.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I feel like we're making progress. Yes, I agree, Zach. Alright. I think we need that other touch base again. Cool, good to see you. How are you going? Good, how are you? I think the game's going really well.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's going okay. We've got a couple of questions for you. Yeah, go ahead. There's just a little problem We've been having with the the question answer true and false segment that we've been doing What's what's going wrong? Nothing's gone wrong nothing entirely. It's going quite smoothly. We just got concerns about the future Oh, yeah me too look where? I'm worried okay, because we're three questions there. Yes. I feel like, I feel like...
Starting point is 00:13:07 We don't have time to talk about that. I'm really worried about the future, guys. Oh. Make sure my kids go on a school. Yeah, no, it's scary, isn't it? They grow up so fast. Guy? Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Don't tell the other guys, but I think I'm going to steal some of the prize tea. Oh! Oh! Don't tell the other guys but I think I'm gonna steal some of the prize tea I trust you you guys could continue It's just anything we're not just gonna be dropping Rota Rua now. Oh, no I don't look I can't you know what the next question. I've got no You say that, I feel like you say that. I think you think we're idiots, Guy. No, it's a very sad thing. I think you're very intelligent.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Varian intelligent, all of you. Do you? Yet tremendous feature. Are you not lying? No, I'm not lying. I can't lie. Never told a lie. Really?
Starting point is 00:13:59 Me and George Washington. Wow. You're the only two. Yeah, yeah, we're the only two. Sorry, is that true that George Washington never told a lie? Wow. You're the only two. Yeah, yeah, we're the only two. Sorry, is that true that George Washington never told a lie? Well, it's hard to say. I never knew him. Ah, right. It's a bold claim to make, isn't it? Yeah, it's the law. And it's also it brings you undone immediate. Yeah Yeah, it's true. If it is true, that means George Washington definitely an asshole. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Lies are a key part of what makes the world go around. He's the only person who's never lied or he's a pathological liar. He's like, you know, fuck, I'll do it on fucking P&O, cruise for six years. I fucking, I fucking, yeah. And they could, you know, say anything you want back then, because no one was reput, no, there's no way to verify anything. Now it's hard to, it's hard to, it's hard to, it's hard to,
Starting point is 00:14:47 it's harder now, I think. That's not... That's not... So are you good for the next year? I'm ready to continue. Yes. And we trust you, man. We trust you.
Starting point is 00:14:58 All I ask is just for a little bit of a variety, go. No doubt, absolutely no doubt. No, why are we go? Okay, the fourth question Everyone who's still in who's still in raise your hand? Oh quite a lot of you Checking on their mates make sure no one's telling us one's gonna separate the wheat from the chef Here we go all right now question. Now, question the fourth. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Cool. The city of Rotorua has was once the capital of New Zealand a yes, true or false. You fuck it. We've worked really hard to get this podcast over. Sorry, just before we do this guy, can we have a chance? Yeah. No worries. What? How do you think it's going? It's good.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah, thanks. Why are you fucking us so hard? Hey, my mists. It feels to me like, it feels to me like you have just come on here and you've decided to fuck us. No, no, no, no, not me. No. I love you guys. You're very intelligent.
Starting point is 00:16:04 All of you. Remarkably so you guys. You're very intelligent. All of you. Remarkably so. Okay. Oh, you got that right, yes. Okay. I'm one over. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And I'm going true on this one, by the way. So, okay, so hands up for true. Interesting, yes. And hands up for false. Wow. More hands up for false More more people went for false than true interesting the correct answer is the city of Roger Roy has never been the capital city of New Zealand You're out. Yes. Yeah Okay, okay Go ahead, Zach.
Starting point is 00:16:46 You're not gonna fuck us, are you, man? It's just that this is the last one. We need to get one person. There's not enough cups backstage to share the tea, you know? Yeah. Cups cost a lot of money, you know. The likelihood of us finding a singular winner on this round is it's remarkably low, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:17:03 I've just run the numbers,. How old time good? No man. I'd say they're bad. Yeah. Oh the opposite of good. Okay just it's good the opposite of bad. Surely. Just know that we've got a lot of sway. I mean we've been on the New Zealand project. Not naked in the tally, the fully dressed. You're flowing opportunity there. And we didn't have the bully them to get on either. Oh, I see. We just have bully them once we were on. Did you get on as a...
Starting point is 00:17:36 Did you pretend that you couldn't walk Mac and they could put you on out of sympathy? LAUGHTER Because I've got to say, that feels super, super... You know, that's not in good spirits what you did. As I've seen you perform, you're a very physical performer. I think it's a bad line, also a gross oversight on there. I mean, you'd think that, watch one of your clips before they book you.
Starting point is 00:17:55 This is the chair that Century has supplied for me, Century Entertainment venues. I feel like they're sending us statements. When we pitched a project, well, we're three guys with Zach, Broden and Crippled Jimmy. And it's not even Mark's, no. No. But they don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:16 They're in New Zealand. They're too busy watching Footrot flats to bloody. Get out, so see who's here. Do you see the Footrot flats channel? Yeah, it's great. It's really good. Yeah, I love the Footrot flats channel. It's really good. Yeah, I love the foot rod with that channel. It's very popular.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I really struggled to say foot rod flat. It's a foot rod. I always thought it was foot rod. Foot rod? Foot rod. I always said it was foot rod, but it's foot rod. It's foot rod. I always thought it was foot rod. Because anyone know what we're talking about? It's a very iconic cat cartoon created by iconic New Zealander
Starting point is 00:18:45 Murray Ball, who is by the time he died, he was the size of a lorry, which is a truck. It's large, it's not Tyker with TD large, but it's not Lord Lodge, which is just... How many did Russell Crowe get in his heyday? We really don't talk about that. He fucked a mountain. And how's Largesy now when he walks into Auckland?
Starting point is 00:19:08 He's smaller, he's allowed now. But he fucked a mountain cook and that's what caused the Christchurch earthquake. Is that real? Yeah, yeah. And he's not been held accountable for that at all. It's so hard to prove, but we know. Yeah, I mean It's pretty it's pretty easy to prove did anyone see giant Russell Crowe fucking The news it was so hard to
Starting point is 00:19:36 Also feel like it's like that happens then a subsequent event. They're pretty easy to tie together There's a very direct line, but he's a good liar. Well, he's a great actor. Yeah, I know, that's what makes it super. It's superb in the nice guys. Yes. You share such odd things, huh? I just know more just a lead-in to find a joke.
Starting point is 00:20:01 We just got a word. Those were the same people who cheered for Newtown. I just think they don't know what they like. So last question, don't fuck us. Okay, here we go. The small, can I ask very quickly? Who's the biggest celebrity? Who's the biggest now?
Starting point is 00:20:21 In New Zealand, yeah. It's hard to say. We had a guy come on a few weeks ago called crippled Jimmy. He went on the project. And that's Mark. That's just me. You are huge back home. Really? Oh yeah. You're so swollen. Yeah. Man, I can't I can't make any kind of joke here without being so yeah, we're rudely inappropriate line Are we we are right on the line? I regret having this pick in this chair I regret sitting this pick in this chair I was just like the moment you did it. I was like well, there's five minutes of the podcast cut
Starting point is 00:21:04 Hey Tom can we cut from 13 years 50 through to crippled Jimmy. Help so. It's finally concord. Are they like huge? No they like your yes. I can Lord Lord's the Lord is that she's the gold standard right now. I because all the girls there dress like Lord now. You go to New Zealand. You're all wearing dark lipstick, like the front view. She makes them.
Starting point is 00:21:31 She breaks. Like the Urkai. She uses his hands. Yeah. She comes back and stands on the coastline and throws makeup at everyone. LAUGHTER Is that true?
Starting point is 00:21:46 I really like that a lot. Oh, Lord. That's easy. APPLAUSE I like a warm crowd. All right, we're going to cup a tea to give away. It's cold. It's warm. I hope our warm crowd likes a cool tea.
Starting point is 00:22:09 We're having fun on a Saturday. Sunday, I've fucked me dead. Fuck me dead. Let's go. The fifth question. The last question. The final question. Final question.
Starting point is 00:22:20 The small question. Do you know what the question's going to be? Not yet. No. But just to check. I feel like you're. But just to check. I feel like you're lucky. Just to check.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I don't think we need to say to you what we do and don't want. This is your choice. This is your segment. This is your podcast. Keep in mind. I don't think I'm not going to come in here and say you cannot say this or that. You know what I mean? We have a lot of, in the podcast world,
Starting point is 00:22:41 we have upwards of 18 listeners a week. And the way you've got a podcast, what's it called? My podcast. Yeah. Oh, it's called the worst idea of all time. What do you do on it? What do we do? Do you hear that?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Some people knew that was you. And some people went, fuck, that's that come from the worst idea of all time. How did you not realize that? There's two people in the audience right now trying to figure out if they know it or not. Is that what you guys are doing? That was very funny to watch. It's like I have a no him. It's either worse than a river or beach days. It's one of those two To iconic New Zealand exports
Starting point is 00:23:21 So what do you want to worst that year of all time? What do we do? We get users to submit an idea and we do it. We enact the idea. Right. Like a sketch or? No, it's pretty much taken the premise of review with Miles Barlow. Right. And we've put it into a podcast. Cool.
Starting point is 00:23:39 We're in a lot of, legally, we are on very thin ice. Yeah. And me saying this out loud and acknowledging it now is not going to do us any favours right we'll keep that in mind as we go into the last question keep that in mind okay keep that in mind maybe it's a good idea not to forget I'll do my best all right okay we just have okay oh I don't even know what I'm going to ask yet or who that's still in the game your hand if you're still in the game. It's quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Okay, we need to find one of you through one question. Here we go. So the small coastal town of Russell. Yeah. Wait, North of Auckland. Okay, do you know where this two hours drive? I guess you know, having a population. How can I stop you? Probably a few thousand. It swells in the summer. Because it's a climate.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I'm not entirely against you doing a question about a small toast. Could toast still. A small piece of toast. I'm not even against you doing a question about a small coastal town just north of Auckland. Yeah. Just want to make sure you think before you finish this question. Yeah, do you know what the question is gonna be? I don't know the second half right, okay, but I'll probably repeat the first half. All right, all right. The small coastal town of Aaron mine
Starting point is 00:24:56 We've done the joke four times Each time less of a response. Yes, yes Just something to think about. Okay each time, less of a response. Yes, yes. Just something to think about. OK. That's totally up to you with what you do with that information. That's totally up to you. Well, and this is a crazy thing, Mark,
Starting point is 00:25:13 because it's really not, I don't actually know what question I'm going to ask you. Yeah, you've got no idea. No idea. It could be anything. But you've got the first half. Certainly. The second half is unknown. Who's to say?
Starting point is 00:25:27 Mark dropped his microphone. The small coastal town of Russell, New Zealand. Two hours drive north of Auckland. Got that bit, yeah. A population of probably a few thousand. They've frozen some aswells. Swells in the summer. Was once, okay. All right. Just stop you there. Stop. Let's just take a breather before we eat. Was once, okay. All right. Just stop you there. Stop. Let's just take a breather before we go on.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Now, was once, what's interesting about this question? It's up until this point. It's very similar to something I've heard previously. That's interesting. I'm worried. I mean, I'm worried for you. I'm heard previously. That's interesting. I'm worried. I mean, I'm worried for you. I'm not worried. I don't know where this question is going to go yet. But I like what's in it so far.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, it's so weird. It could go anywhere for me. That's what's interesting is that's the thing about life. It's probably... You take one step towards the horizon and you never know what road fork in the road is gonna get you come, yeah, I've had a gut for why I feel like I know where it's going I've had the ship I'm sure that I'm something to upset brod Well, maybe that's
Starting point is 00:26:44 Oh no, I can't even understand him. He's so cross Well, maybe that's the way we're doing. Yeah, right, right, right. Oh, no. Oh, no. I can't even understand him, he's so cross. It would make sure you've got to get this royal body taking down a new town. Oh, not new town. I hear the new town fans are pretty vocal around this time of year, especially when you're eating curry.
Starting point is 00:27:04 All right, so here we are. We're at the last question. It's a question about, I'm presuming the history of this small coastal town. Russell. Russell. It could be about anything really. It could be about, this could just be a, this could be a red herring. This Russell Crowe from Russell.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Ah no, we all wish. It would just be so much neater because then we'd never forget where he's from but I don't actually know where he's from because it's not rust It's not rust. Well, that's what everyone knows It was there I reckon he's from all causes you know, I mean you're an odds on chance for being right there's actually a one in four The most popular city in New Zealand city in New Zealand. Okay, so I need to go. This question can go anywhere you want. I know.
Starting point is 00:27:49 The choice is yours. So let's start from the top. Okay. Let's take our time and let's think really hard before we move on. With your permission, I'd like to go ahead. Please. I'd love you to go. I wanted you to go ahead.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Okay. For quite a while. You could say that, but then you'd go. I wanted you to go ahead. Okay. For quite a while. You could say that, but then you'd stop me from, you know, I guess. Well, that's to stop you from making a mistake. Okay. It's a horrible mistake. Okay. Hey.
Starting point is 00:28:13 He's from Wellington. Aha. There you go. Well, they should have called him Wellington Crow then. We can't think that. God, that was just no class. There's nothing. Here we that was just no class. There's nothing.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Here we go. Here we go. The small coastal town of Russell, New Zealand, about two hours drive north of Auckland, the population of a few thousand that swells in the summer. And in the summer time. Was once the capital city. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Let's start. I want to stop everything. Right here. For a second. Just to know, where's this going? Does this question? Yes. It's not, I can't tell you yet.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I'm going to be honest with you, Mark. I think I'm going to have to join Team Broden here. I have a pretty solid suspicion where this is going. I'm disappointed. How do you, if I don't know where the question's going, how could you to possibly be so sure that you know? I think you're a liar. I think you're a... No, I've never told a lie. You're a regular George Washington and you're a pathological liar. Interesting. It's just the previous history. I've looked at your record, I've seen exactly what kind of person you are.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And the thing is, I've got nothing but respect. I mean, nothing you three just so intelligent. I really do. And the more you say that, yes, the less power it has. Guy, I just, here's my thing, alright. This question can only go one of maybe two ways. And now one is, it's the same question as the other four. The other, it's only what one word away from being. Now the other scenario is not a lot of legroom anymore. There's a question that is so ludicrous that it's a small coastal town in New Zealand could be the capital city
Starting point is 00:30:06 of one of the 199 other countries of the world. Unless, unless somehow guy is, he's been planning this the whole time and a thing about New Zealand history is Russell. Russell was the first cap. This is the only place it can go that I'm thinking could be the only your only fuck. We don't even know what the rest of the question is. Oh, we know Russell. I just called you Russell. No, my name is Christy.
Starting point is 00:30:34 You're a born in Christy. So you all have like one of seven names. And here are more than seven places at New Zealand's ZAC. Yeah. Sorry, one of six things. Let's just, let's get to the end of this question. You don't have to start from the start. Start from swells in the summer.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Can I just say really quickly, I've teased New Zealand so much in the last few podcasts. It's funny because you fucking hate that place. No! You went on. Yeah. No, I love these. We made it to Carl's Jr. in Auckland.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Thank you. All right, ready, man. Ladies, for that. CHEERING Look, we're getting burgers, I believe. It sounds like a year. Yeah, maybe. It's probably what cows do and you're best known for.
Starting point is 00:31:29 That and the sochini. We're getting some burgers. I think we met there. What did you get? I think I got some fries, actually. Crinkle card? Yeah, usually. I like to put them in my hair. I do. Make it wavy. Yeah, usually. You know me. I like to do it. I like to put them in my hair.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I do. Make it wavy. Oh wow. How much time do we have left? We've got three minutes to talk about Crinkle card fries, okay? No, we have to end this. Okay. This must end.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Crinkle card or criss-criss cross? Criss cross, I prefer criss cross. I'm a criss cross man. Guys, it's like a crush brown. Guy. Guy. Guy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Clearly normal the best fry. No. No. I like actually, I like skins. I like when they just do the skins and they give it a bit of a bit of a bit of a skin. But I love a hash brown and a Chris Cross for me is like a cheeky mid morning. You're never going to go past a hash brown.
Starting point is 00:32:23 No, no, and this is like a cheeky way to have a hash brown without having a Lots of little hash brown. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know I have thinking about yes I don't want to change the topic Well, then don't zek I like it when they put truffle oil on the potatoes They do that at sometimes you go to the right places. That was chat. They'll chat. I'll check you for it It's all about this the other day about how McDonald's do truffle mayonnaise now You can get loaded fries with truffle mate truffle oil mayonnaise and parmesan and we're like that's not
Starting point is 00:32:55 What how are they selling truffle oil for the same price as the like McDonald's no you don't go for McDonald's. I go to Meckers for a cheeseburger. Oh! I go to Meckers for a hash brown. What the fuck are you doing? This is what they were talking about. It's like, truffle, real, if it's real truffle, I just love that.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I can be a cheese. I love it. I love the idea that you go in. You go into McDonald's and you're like, what are your options for your loaded fries? And they're like, well, we got the gravy and fries and there's how much that is 4.95 and it's like how much is your guacamole in soul? So that's 4.95 how much is your truffle fries? That's $80.76 So it's just it clearly can't be. We got one minute, fuck. The kicking is out, there's a show right now. Oh yeah, it's not where we run over with these things.
Starting point is 00:33:50 The small coastal town, Russell in New Zealand. A narrow two's north strife of Auckland. It's got a population of a few thousand swells in the summertime. Well in the summer. Was once the capital city of New Zealand, yes, true or false? Hands up for true. the capital city of New Zealand, yes, true or false. Hands up for true. All right, interesting thing.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Hands up for false. The correct answer was true. You idiot's mark was correct. Yes. I knew you like it. Is that real? Yeah, it's real. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who had true, you guys? She had a team. She had a team. That's incredible. Yeah, that's true. Oh my god. I knew it. I knew it. I was fighting you the whole time. Hey guys, if you have fun
Starting point is 00:34:38 we'll send it to Sunnafucking here. Sunnafucking afternoon podcast. Yeah. Thanks so much for coming everybody. Thank you everyone at Century. What do you want to be called today? Century group. Thank you for the entertainment and venues. If you're ever on for making this wonderful stage and making it all available to us, thanks to the tech crew here and everyone and thanks for coming everyone. Have a
Starting point is 00:35:01 great night. And I just want to say to everyone listening at home or on the bus or on the tram right now we're loving these live podcasts if you want us to come to your city just let us know and next time we're touring there we might we might chuck one on so just let us know on social media but to the audience thank you. Have a great day. And everybody. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Go more government everybody. Yeah. Some Armstrong. And Sam William up the back. Everybody yeah some Armstrong and Sam William up the back Play some music Sam play some music Sam Guys really beautiful If we see it tonight we'll see it tonight if you came last night if you just want to say hello We're gonna do meet and greets after our end more show tonight, so please come along
Starting point is 00:35:49 It'll be great if not Have a great day We love you goodbye. See everyone. I can't believe that was real. Yeah You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-amp episode brought to you by See you next week!

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