Aunty Donna Podcast - Silly Boy Returns!

Episode Date: November 8, 2022

This week silly boy is back by popular demand!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: ...for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a Legends and welcome to another rip-up episode of the Anti-Donna Podcast. This week, Silly Boy is back by popular demand. Remember, if you're loving the pod, you can get access to the video version and a bunch of bonus content at Welcome to the Antidona Podcast brought to you by Hoi Andi, Ilantra. Zach, lovely to have you on. I'm the host and Zach is my guest. My sidekick, my Andy Richter, what's the cast and one? That guy.
Starting point is 00:00:48 How are you? Like broadly? No, don't worry about it. I, I am so excited to bring some news to you today, Zach. We, we had a guest on a few, a, a, a while back. Yeah. Now, when it went out, I didn't know we, we finished recording it. We had a guest on a while back. Yep. Now, when it went out, I didn't know we finished recording it. We saved the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:12 We sent it to Tom. He leveled it out. He put in the ads or whatever the fuck he does. Not much, I think. By Tom, if you're listening. He's not. He's just chucking it out. Yeah, he didn't give a fuck. Just try. If you're listening, Uh, he's not. He's just chucking around. Yeah, he didn't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Just, if you're listening, Tom, put a little fart sound in here. Aaaaah! And see, I bet he didn't. Now, when this episode went out a few weeks ago, it got a lot of feedback. We had a guest on. Yeah. The episode got a lot of feedback.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Some good, a lot bad. But some good. But do you know what? It cut through. This guest character cut through in a big way. Our numbers through the roof. I was getting calls from mobile BP, Shell. They all wanted to sponsor the podcast
Starting point is 00:02:08 because this episode cut through, it doesn't matter if people liked him or didn't like him. You didn't like him. But Zach, let me tell you, I have welcomed a guest back this week. I expected as much. Because people loved to talk about him, apparently.
Starting point is 00:02:28 You love him, you hate him, doesn't matter. Apparently we're maps now. We are maps first sight. We just get him on. Oh, I love to hate him. Great. This is unpleasant. Tweet about it.
Starting point is 00:02:38 We brought back a great character. Is it Mark's a way this week? Yep. Get COVID I guess. Please welcome Mr. No, Swayly boy. I got you a little ancient song. Right, day me.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Just one sec. Swayly boy. Don't wake up Mr. Swayly. Mr. Swayly was my dead dad. Mr. Silly boy. Silly boy. where we was my dead dad. Mr. Silly. Silly boy, Silly boy. I'm Silly boy. And I want to sway a few fling.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I got a few fling on my mind for once. It's come back, he's come back. I feel like he's come back stronger. No, no, no, I'm just swaying. Exactly, let me tell you, because I'm telling you. It's when the first time, when that character came in, I thought maybe the person where he came from, the person was like, man, I'm not too sure about this.
Starting point is 00:03:30 He's come back stronger than ever before. Well, I want to sway. I got a lot of very nice dems from some fans of your podcast, who say, swirly boy, you are the swirly, it's billy, I've ever swine, and I said, I'm not swee boy, you are the Sway-Wee. It's Billy, why for Sway-Wee? And I said, I'm not Sway-Wee. You're fucking moron. I'm fucking point out when people are being Sway-Wee.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And then I got banned from Instagram for just a little bit. A little tickle-wee bit, isn't that right? I want that twickle jack, because Jack is being okay, so. I can't, can I just say one thing? I'm gonna set some fucking ground rules here. All right. If you're gonna come back stronger,
Starting point is 00:04:08 I'm gonna come back stronger. And I'm setting some goddamn fucking ground rules. Oh wow. You can do our fucking podcast. You can do interviews. I can't outvote him. If he wants to have you on, then that's gonna happen, okay? I can't.
Starting point is 00:04:19 No, listen to me, can't. That you wanted to have me on. That's fucking touch me. Oh, right. Now what were you gonna say? Well, you told me that I wanted to have me one. Well, he does secretly, but so much. Why are you sweating?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Oh, he's gonna be silly, isn't it? Was he being swirly? Silly, silly. Yes, why I sweat. Okay. I sweat was he being swirly. Yeah, Silly. So you're saying Sweewee?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Yes, Sweewee, so I would spell SWIWU-1-1. Well, making fun of the way I talk. No, not at all. Well, I think you are. Which is? I think you're being a whittle can. Okay. I think you're being a whittle can.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Oh, I'm sorry, Sillyboy. I didn't understand. Sweewee-boy. Yeah, Silly. Sweewee-boy. Sweewee, you want me to say Sweewee? No. Sweewee-boy. I'm saying, silly boy. I didn't understand. Swear me boy. Yeah, silly. Swear me boy. Swear me. You want me to say, Swear me? No. Swear me boy.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I'm saying, silly. No. Swear me boy. No, well, for me, this is... It's Swear me boy. Yeah, okay, but listen. What? I'm fucking listening.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Are you fucking listening? I'm listening. Swear me boy. I'm listening. Say, Swear me. Silly. Silly. No. Swear me. No. I feel like. Say, Silly. Silly. Silly. No. Silly. No.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I feel like. Silly. This is silly. This is silly. What you're doing is silly. And you know it. But I don't know. Well, I'm just a Silly boy.
Starting point is 00:05:35 No, you're not silly. That's your rule. You're not silly. You point at silly. My name. Is Silly boy. I am not what. Nothing going. What are I am not what?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Nothing going. What are we going to say? No, what are we going to say? Even for my police of mind. Can you just sweat there? Who are for an hour? You take Wonga Wanks than that. That's silly.
Starting point is 00:05:56 How would you know? No, I'm not. Now I'm the fucking creepy counter. I watch you. Oh, we're under your courty. Oh. You said you weren't silly. Are you silly? I am Shwewe boy. Yes, we're under your court. You said you weren't silly. Are you silly?
Starting point is 00:06:06 I am shwilly boy. Yes, but you're not silly. Shwilly. Don't please don't please. I can't go anywhere with that. I can't. I can't. If you don't let me say silly or shwilly, I can't say, you can say whatever you want, but
Starting point is 00:06:20 I am there is freedom of speech in this country. I agree. I agree. And if I want to collect the way that you're saying a swirly then I'm not free to miss speech. It is freedom of speech. It is freeing of speech. It is freeing of speech. It's freeing of speech. It's just can I say one thing about you silly? No. Well there you go. It's my fucking podcast. I'll say what I fucking want. Wow, that didn't work. You are a guest of my podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:48 You are a guest of my podcast. The W thing in silly characters is meant to be how the character replaces the R sound. So if you were to say really as we, now I would never sway that. We are. Adding a W to words is not silly, it's a sign. No, it's not a sign, it's swirly. Because, what's the swirlyest thing you've ever done? Probably having you on the podcast, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 That's a swirly thing. You're so good, you know. Well, I'm glad you asked asked because I reached out to our beloved Patreon audience Early today and I asked them the simple question Wait, are you talking about the anti-donut club held by patreon? I am what's that? It's a place where you can be you're part of the underline club. Anyway, what do you go for? Well, I've asked them what do you suggest? Just listen man Seriously, you start to piss me off. I brought you back on I
Starting point is 00:07:48 Brought you back on I asked them I just want to I'm want to waxed I'm explaining it man, but I don't know what patreon isn't sounds pretty sure we Oh fucking serious man I can see is it like only FWANGE? I have an only FWANGE. What do you do? What are you doing there, silly boy? Oh, I just...
Starting point is 00:08:09 Oh, you know, it's mostly just I talk to people. Um, I show people things about my wife. I show them my quits in and then in the DMs for $10.99 you can see me put a big, uh, black, will be our white one. Okay, okay, so that's not enough. I'm having a silly boy, silly boy. and then in the DMs for 10.99 you can see me put a big black wheel guy on the other side. Okay, okay. So I didn't have an hour to film. I'm not gonna film.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I'm not gonna film. I's bad. He points out, that was better. Wish.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Silly boy points out silly. Yes, I can tell you. But you're not silly. No, I'm not a Silly boy character. Although, we recently, I've been a bitch, were we? Okay, so that's an evolution of the character then. Okay. Bro, then we're going to have a meeting after this podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Can I climb? Can we get the this podcast. Can I quam? We get the cut through. Can I quam till I'm waiting? Can you quam? Yeah, can I quam till I'm waiting? Crum? Yeah, what a crum. You want to come to the meeting?
Starting point is 00:09:15 I want to quam. See, he started. So this is scary right for me because last time, there was, I could see the character. He wasn't silly. He pointed at silly things. But the way he behaved was a little bit silly. Now, this character is accepting that they are silly. Well, what I've come around to is that everyone can be swirly if they want to be swirly, but my best power, my best ability is to say when other people are being swearing, but
Starting point is 00:09:46 recently I've said, you know what, why don't I loosen up a wheel? Why don't I be the swirly one for once? Because all my friends always say to me, you're so swirly. You're so swirly, but your name is swirly boy. Are you friends? I say. As well. But when they say you're serious, are your friends, um, friends, they silly like you? Well, not my friend. And you're swirly. Sure. But they're not swirly like me. I'm not swirly.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Pardon? I'm not swirly. When they say you're serious, I can't, I'm asking you a question, just hear me out. When they say that you are serious, is that because by their standards, you're serious, or do you just have friends that are just curious about that? Is that a good question, Broden? Is that going to get cut through? Yeah. I only hang around where we people. And you're just where we are, person, I've ever met.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Thank you. Now, what were you going to say, Brody Kelly? I've got a list of suggestions of things that are silly. I thought it might be good. They're from our Patreon people. Maybe you could tell me if these suggestions are silly or if they're not silly. I'll try. You'll try.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'll try my hardest. But you said, ah, there was just the most confused. You would say, I will try. Why make fun, why I call. I'm not making fun of the way at what I'm just trying to find. You are. I'm trying to get into, well, conscious. I'm trying to find consistency.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Is what I'm trying to find. It's just interrogating. Your house is not on a bedrock of concrete. It's on a swamp, a boggy marsh. There's nothing to hold onto. There's sinkholes everywhere. Do you understand? A boggy marsh. There's nothing to hold on to the sinkholes everywhere do you understand a boggy marsh? I do I do a bog in the morning after my coffee. Yeah, okay. I suppose can I just like poop? Yes, yes, I Supposed it a lot of ways, you know
Starting point is 00:11:41 That a month of the year. Yes. I had a bogey march last year, while still in watch of poosh. Poosh in the month. In March. See, this is my attempt at being swirly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What did you think? It's good. It's called word play.
Starting point is 00:11:59 What your word play? Want to do some word play with swirly boy? No, thank you. More, cry. Wanna do some wordplay with Sway-Wee boy? No thank you. Oh, Cray! So for me, I suppose the inconsistency of characters silly, if I were to analyze my bogs. I mean I feel nothing but my bogs. I'm actually in watch what inconswistened. Somewhere wet, somewhere swallowing.
Starting point is 00:12:18 The bogs in March were on inconsisting somewhere. What play? It's not wordplay, man. I'm crying. So hard to be sure where we're. Do some word play. Do some word play. And we're really?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, I want to see some word play. Well, you got with me a word? First, play. No, that's not what you just said. You said, would you like to see some word play? No, I said, would you like to play? It's not a word play. I said, would you like to play?
Starting point is 00:12:39 I said, play some word play. Yeah. You don't give me a word and then I'll play with it. I don't want you to play with anything. Well, not even your balls. Right and giving the word. Beach, bleach, bleach. Oh, bleach, bleach.
Starting point is 00:13:00 You're not even a ball. You're just wearing wearables now, man. I'm a bleach. A full veil. Um, what are you talking about? You're just swirly, we're swirly, are we? Um, we're full of whales. Um, bleach, boll. Why, why with a bleach, boll, where I'm swirly? With my flange on the, bad word. Bad word, you gave me a bad word.
Starting point is 00:13:18 You gave me a bad word, I know which I was sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, that is so cute, man. I'm going to stop and silly boy now. I know which I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry that you gave me that word. My bad, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Let's try it. No, I don't want to play anymore. I see what you say. Hey, I don't want to play. You will. You will. I swear we boy, I'll put out a wove branch and I want you to make some oil out of there
Starting point is 00:13:49 and put that over your body and rub it away for me. Word play. I am. I was thought, I just thought to myself, you know, riffing, maybe you'd be funny if Zach gets a board with the character. You know, that's his joke. Yeah, because you get, so I've made some suggestions.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And then he did that wall of oil bit and I was like, I can't know. Yeah, because he gets, I've made some suggestions. You know, I've edited that wall of oil bit, and I was like, I can't know. You will never have me. Hmm. Wetstruck virgin, please. Boy, I don't know what to do. I can't with this guy. We just got 15 more minutes.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Now, silly boy. Why is she not a bit for me? He makes me so tough. Silly boy. The Patreon I've suggested some silly things. Oh, I I'm gonna read strong for you. Oh, well, you know me. I can tell you when swamp wing is swirly from over I'm not I'm not swirly, but I've been trying to believe that's not what you get no trying I've been trying swirly on oh, you know like I've been trying to bleed. That's not what you're doing. No, trying. I've been trying, where we are.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Oh, you know, like, I've been trying to see how it flits. How do you define silly, silly boys? I don't know that. Swear we is. So when you're, you know, you wake up in the morning. Mm-hmm, not silly. What's the first thing you don't know?
Starting point is 00:14:59 You wake up. I've got a toilet. Go to a toilet. I'd rather not share personal information with you. Why? You aqua don't already know. Well, I would rather you not, it's about my own personal feelings. We'll go with what he said.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Go to the toilet. What quava is the pu-pu or pu-pu? That's coming out of your bum bum or we we? What quava is it? Which one? Which one? Well, which one? It could be brown out of both. Well, let's talk urine.
Starting point is 00:15:27 So, my urine is, if it's, I've had a full night sleep and not gone, and maybe a yellow viscous yellow. A viscous, viscous is where we. So, there we go. So, that's an example. You're giving a lot of examples. I asked for a definition. My poi is purple.
Starting point is 00:15:44 My have poi poi out of my where definition. My poor-ish purple. My have purple, my wayward. You've got purple urine. You purple, woowin. And I drink it out of a cup. You win. You win. Why did you say woowin?
Starting point is 00:15:58 What? Oh, God. We're just over and chill back. So you drink purple, you're own purple urine. Why not? I'm swirly. So are you saying you're swirly? You said you weren't silly.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I'm just trying to look on for a swirly. But there's a different between. There's a different between trying something and then branding yourself as that in your identity. Wess and wo. Wess and wo. Wess and wo. Yes and no, wess and wo.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Wess and wo. Okay, that's, Wesson woe. Wesson woe. Okay, that's better. It's slightly better. Yeah. Here's the thing about being a swirly billy. I've seen swirly billy's quaman gore. They come and go over day out of my wife. They die.
Starting point is 00:16:37 What have you wife? Life. No, I had a wife. Had a wife. When you were talking about only fans, were you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. I'm not a fan of you. She has people for out of her walled aton. Are you human?
Starting point is 00:17:08 You're a man. What do you look like? What? What do you look like? I mean, you look like Mark on the video, but what do you look like, silly boy? Well, watch this where we as thing you've ever seen. Probably like a cartoon.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Like a cartoon. Quaric, though. Like a boy? Like a spiny aura. Like a boygas boy. Do you have any Blooney Tunes tended to have more silly characters? Sure. Maybe, Ren and Stimpy. Yeah, Redness.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Like, Foghorn, Weghorn. Yeah. Sure. Yep. Twasmany and Wafel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are all Blooney Tunes. Wawa Bunny? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I guess. She's less silly, more or less. Woh Shamity Swim? Yeah, yes. Pwashmani in the Wevel? He's very sick, that one. You said that one, yeah. Porky Puik?
Starting point is 00:17:58 Porky Puik is pretty silly, yeah. Michael Jordan? Yeah, silly in that film. He's presence in the film. The Monstwars. Yeah. And Tagonistic but silly. Yeah, from the Spice Point.
Starting point is 00:18:14 They're pretty silly for the Monstwars. They do silly things. Is this going somewhere? No. No. No. Dish is me. Okay, that's his answer.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Dish was me trying to be swirly. How did I go? It was. It's hard for me becauseot. This was me trying to be swirly. How did I go? It was It's hard for me because I'm just trying a nice new for me. Can I answer? Yeah, I'm swirly boy. Yeah, fuck off. Fuck off. I'm swirly boy. Fuck off. Before I did your quad quest Yes, I had never been swirly before once in my whole wife. Yes, this is what you want. And then I got lots of, I think you call them death threats. Yeah, yeah, yeah. On Instagram and Twitter.
Starting point is 00:18:55 People coming after you. I legitimately got tweets of support. People tweeted at me said, I think you're right. That must have been nice. For me it was you shall go wide down in front of twafic that kind of wing. And that's not silly. No that I cried. Yeah you should never say that. That made me quiet. I want to be very equivalent here. We would never support cyber bullying and and as much as I find
Starting point is 00:19:20 you repulsive silly boy. Well an olive branch or a wall with a wench. Yep. Whatever you want. A clove of virgin wordplay. wench. Yep, whatever you want to call it. It's a flurgeon. Wordplay. Can't. Okay, so there was going to be an olive branch. No, there is going to be an olive branch. If our fans have ever made you feel uncomfortable, we're unwelcome.
Starting point is 00:19:34 In a way that is threatening to your life or your mental health, I apologise. And I encourage our fans not to do that. That being said, I don't like you. Mm-hmm. I find you upsetting, and I think you need to do the work to be less upsetting as a character. Well, quite. Okay, you understand.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Okay, Shakywaki, Takimaki. I feel like you're designed to upset me sometimes. Mm. I think that's inappropriate. I think that's upsetting. I think all you need is a little kissy on the bissy. The one rule is you don't touch me. How? How? How? How?
Starting point is 00:20:09 How do you? At the end of this podcast, I'm gonna break that one. Zach, can I ask you, Zach? He's posited in that. All you need is a little kissy-wissy. We're heard you feel about that. What would the result be of the kissy-wissy? I imagine you'd be happier, cheering more.
Starting point is 00:20:25 You'd like silly boy more. And you can choose how much you want. The kiss. From you. Well, from both of us. Quishing is about finding your shoulder mate. It's new stuff. It's not when he's overtly threatening that I, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:43 the overtly threatening stuff I can handle, I know what that is. I don't know what this is. When I quish, when I quish, I like to go, ahhh, I'll put my twang right in the mouth and swirl around and swuck on the other person's twang. Do you like to do that? With you? With anyone, with a lover?
Starting point is 00:21:02 With a lover? Sure, I'd be like that. Or Danny Glover? With Danny able to. Or Danny Glover? Danny Glover. We're Danny Glover. She, I'm just trying not to have a word play. Sure. I'd be open to that. With you, I'd prefer we maintain the rule. Brody, we'll silly things.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I've said boundaries with you, silly boy. And I'd break, boy, and we... And then we won't have you on the podcast again. We'll show you. Brennan. He cuts through God damn it. I understand. But if he touches me,
Starting point is 00:21:32 maybe not this time. It's me or silly boy. Yeah God damn it, he gets results. All right, here's this list. This I just put out to the Patreon people. What are some silly things? Okay, I'll tell you where to dash where we are not. Okay, great. Uh, Walking into a glass door.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Deplains. Depends? Yeah, at the point. Just on a top line, like... No, context. Need more context. Can I answer that question? Yeah. I walked into a glass door on one of the saddest days of my life. It's just true story. Not shweily. And in that circumstance, it was depressing. Others had it can be fun. If you had swept on a banana peel and that had made you fall into the glass door, then that's shwy wee. Yeah, for sure. That's not what they've written. Well, then it's not fucking shwy wee.
Starting point is 00:22:21 All right, okay, I'm sorry. Silly boy, please. Shwy wee. I'm not doing that. I'm sorry, silly boy, please. Swaywee. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. I know you're not doing it, if I were disrespectful. Big rats. Big rats. I don't know you respect.
Starting point is 00:22:33 We're giving you the platform, but we do not know you respect. I think everyone does over a little bit of respect. That's a Swaywee for in the late straight. You come into our podcast and you should know, carry on, I'm sorry, which is very upset. A big rat. Big rats, are they silly? Splinter is one of the most share-wish
Starting point is 00:22:58 quarrector's wives ever swings. Splinter from the Ninja Turtles. Splinter from the Twine Age Mutant Winger Werdels. The Winger Werdels. The Twine Age Mutant Winger World Wars. The Winger World Wars. The Twine Age Winger World Wars. The TWW. No. For TMMT.
Starting point is 00:23:12 No, TMMT. No, TMMW. What you said was TWW. Were the rules. TMMT. Not. TMMT. TMMT.
Starting point is 00:23:22 TMMN. TMMN. TMMN. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Next one but But like the butch on the end of your legs That's on the bottom of the end of your leg I think feet, that's the end of your legs, but sure. Why is your fucking problem? I'll tell you my problem.
Starting point is 00:23:49 You're just gross. You don't even try to be schwilly anymore. I don't like being silly around you. I feel like being silly involves a certain sharing, a certain opening up. And I think I don't feel comfortable around you. I don't think this is a safe space when you're at the table and I don't feel... What's the swirly is flowing that could happen? Pardon?
Starting point is 00:24:15 What's the swirly is flowing that could happen? I don't understand the question within the question. What's the swirly is flowing that could happen? What's the silly thing that you've got? You'll show square of me. What you square like a little twil. I'll show square of me. What do you square it like, like a little twilight? I'm not scared of you. You make me uncomfortable. What do you mean? I'm not scared of you.
Starting point is 00:24:30 What do you mean? I think a square of more. No, I'm not scared of you. Yeah, you are. I don't find you threatening. Back. What was that? So he's lunged. Silly girl lunged at Zach. Uh, then sort of like.
Starting point is 00:24:43 You got a fucking problem? I was being swirly. I was just being swirly. Zack, he was Zack. I was actually being swirly. I'm silly. Wow, Shaman can't take a swirly. Why the fuck are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Shaman can't take a swirly joke. Zack, Zack, he was just being silly. You could use your beer swirly boy in your wife. Zack, I don't like him either, but he gets results. What? You should see the algorithm. I saw the result. You shot an emergency meeting. And saw the result. You shot, you called
Starting point is 00:25:05 an emergency meeting and I said, and I did not want to see silly boy again. We made $15 hundred dollars on on YouTube alone. Wow. That's nothing silly about those numbers. Yeah. All right. All right. All right. Money talks. And silly walks. Shitty boy walks. Wearing funny hats. Well, I think all hats are pretty funny. Like I show your hat and just waft my ass off when I came in today, because I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:39 what a where we had. I'm wearing it backwards, is that silly? Well, you look so swirly and stucy. I think you look nice just to swirly us silly and stupid such a funny choice to wear a hat like that I waft and wafted myself show my I took a float over and sent it to my friends and went who is fucking idiot wearing a swirly as stupid as I've ever swed So that's not like Sean's fucking twisted bull-witch. Is that gonna photo- No, I just didn't purposefully- And he uses silliness to hide his behavior.
Starting point is 00:26:09 He's being swirly. I don't get you in that. You're being silly as you want, you have to answer to your behavior, man. But I thought when you're always like, good move, that's the swirlyest stupidest looking and you look like a fucking moron wearing it.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah, swirly has it definitely for me. Thank you. Pickle glue. Pickle glue. Well, we're going to put a couple of pickles together. We like this. It will be close broken. This is a piece of paper.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And you'll be close broken. And then you need to tweak it black to whoever. That's very practical. Not sure where we. Okay, there you go. This one's a challenging one. Aunty Donna. Aunty Donna. Watch that. It's a comedy group. Sketch group. It's the podcast you're on.
Starting point is 00:26:52 This is a fun layer that he doesn't know who we are. No off-swee. I watched, like, my housemate showed me two webisode shows and that's where she was and I went, not for me. Yeah. Can I say? That's the happiest I've felt all that, episode. Wheelie? Yeah. That your art is no good. That makes you feel good.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah. That's funny. Because I don't want to say really, but I don't read you as a great arbitrator of taste. Why? But I would say a general audience is, and so, like a Sweden too would have been a group sort of exoample of sort of the show being swishful. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:32 People whiking and when is Sweden too? Well, something's coming. Something's coming, don't want to. Well, is it Sweden two of the Netflix show? Some's coming. Is that, but it's not the Sweden two of the Netflix show? That's your winter-ish thing. That's just so winter-ish thing. It's like, I tour of the netflix show silly. We're you're a winter. You are your a So winter wish I find that very winter wish
Starting point is 00:27:48 He's he's really working to put us Literally in person off side. Yeah, I felt like real I feel real anger then now I'm like what do you do you would you would? You learn I don't have I don't have twice, but Netflix does. Does it? Well, we're chased. Where were you? What are some of their good shows?
Starting point is 00:28:09 Well, you know. You season two. Anyway. Ah! Ah! Ah! I really liked that. Ah!
Starting point is 00:28:19 Choden. Choden. I imagine Broden as a choden. Wait, me? Do it. I'm here. Sorry, I'm sorry. I imagine Broden as a choden. Wait, me, dude. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that is yours. I was going to do Wordplay. That is your area.
Starting point is 00:28:33 That was a good word, I'm like, bleach. It is the wordplay, I would say. Choden. What is Choden? I just saw. Choden. He's called his a role in the back of his head. Choden. He's calledos a rolling back of his head. The chorizo.
Starting point is 00:28:46 The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo.
Starting point is 00:28:54 The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo.
Starting point is 00:29:02 The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. The chorizo. Swilly! Yes. Shadows flying. No. A speed kill sign with an S and a D crossed out, so would be P. P kills. What? P kills.
Starting point is 00:29:22 What? So a speed kill sign with the S and the D crossed out. So leaving. I wish someone do that. That's so swirly. Well there you go. We got the answer. No, no.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Not the sign isn't swirly. Don't mistake me. The act of vandalism is swirly as well. Why would someone do that? Whether you ever done a vandal Have you ever find a wise time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like a chair at school or something? Why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:29:50 Uh, it's a message. That's someone's proper toy. Every layer of ethics that I discover in this character, every layer of complexity. You know how complexity adds empathy? Hmm. Some of these can't. Ha ha ha ha'm like, a little deeper into my hatred. Well, we've actually run out of time.
Starting point is 00:30:09 That's all we have time for today. Did you want to say anything on your last ever appearance on an anti-donna piece of intellectual property? Yeah, two older people who made this happen, this is on you. The reaction to Sway- Boy creates Sway We Boy. That's true. Sway We Boy could have gone away, dwamed himself in a river,
Starting point is 00:30:31 like a shack of quittings. What's this, what's this, this is the new deflayer. He could have done that, but you chose to have him black. And this is the result of it. Algorithm keeps you alive. You feed off algorithms.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So if you didn't like it, you have but your shelf to blame. Don't come at me, subscribe to my only friend, if you want to see me put things up my mind. Yeah, go, go, go, go. I'll put 10 or 99 in there. But are you getting in the DMs? Yeah, the normal Instagram is free, essentially it's free. And you can just swing things of me just going about my way
Starting point is 00:31:06 But in the DMs videos to unlock for a 1099 Now to put this was switching us for a but they didn't DMs that you get we'll video got it We got it. Yeah, so long as you're not charged sticking various Yeah Inch wide of me. I have to say that stuff. I'm fine with that. If that is what I do, I'd wait dick picks as well. We got it, we got it, we got it, we got it. Yeah, that's, I'm happy for you to do that. Congratulations on all your successes
Starting point is 00:31:33 and I'm being able to point out silly things. Congratulations on the word play, very good. Silly boy. Thanks for coming on. Can I check are we gonna have him back on, bro? No, never. I don't want to be wanting it. You don't want to be warning in you you know what I mean I have other podcasts that are asking me to be okay sure good luck with the
Starting point is 00:31:52 Abby Twattfield and good luck with that thank you I can't wait we're gonna be Twattfield we're gonna talk about how to give a great okay great we've got it got it got it uh Zach thanks always. Next week, we're probably Mark will be back. Hopefully. Yeah. After we have a word with him. And see you guys next week for another comedy based podcast. That was silly boy. Part two. Shall we? You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by See you next week!

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