Aunty Donna Podcast - Teaser For Kylie Jones Podcast Idea

Episode Date: January 23, 2019  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTEN-F PRODUCTION You listen to the only ton of podcasts The greatest fucking book I've seen a while Buried my Kentucky sometimes and guessed We hope you enjoy the part of a fucking podcast What hill would I say? We are the business today Fuck you!
Starting point is 00:00:22 Fuck you! Fuck you! That's right, it's me, Mark Bananas, Ben Russell's Mark Bananas And we're here on the Acti-Donna podcast today I'm just joking guys, it's me, Mark Bananas Better, well I did say it was Mark Bananas, Mark, anyway, it doesn't matter Hey, Broden, what are these sick-fly beats, bro? Run the jewels Yeah, run the jewels jewels more like run the fucking sick beats bro
Starting point is 00:00:49 Can you stop that music please thank you, um, so Happy birthday. What happened happy birthday's in order my oh, yes my headphones have cut out not not that anyone listening would be able to tell But it's all good. I fixed it up. You can just edit that out. Um, I would out. I would keep it. I think we keep it keeps it raw, keeps it real. You're not gonna hear people fixing their headphones on triple M. No this is real, this is raw. You're not gonna hear on any triple M? You're gonna hear a man do this. I know for a fact, I know for a fact that Eddie Maguire does that every first Oh Eddie Maguire's never made a sound like this Hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo, hooo Can we take this fucking podcast seriously for a fucking second? Can we just cut the music cut the attitude? I cut the shit.
Starting point is 00:01:48 What is this? We're in a jenic we're having a good time. We're bringing in energy. But that's cool if you're chill. If you want to be chill, bro, you'd be the chill. We come in with the hard you come in with the chill. We're just the chill little c-board. You guys need a bit of the kooosh.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Um, that's what you're saying. Yeah, he's talking about marijuana. Chill your kaboot you guys need a bit of the kush Is there anything better than smoking a bomb out of your Bongs the other everything Give me something I'll make a bong out of it. Have you guys watch Pineapple Express? Have you ever watched your stone bro? It's you watched it's Stone Bro? Yeah man, it's... Ohhhh! It's usually edited! I swear to God the way it edited is like supposed to be Stone 1
Starting point is 00:02:29 I read it though it's Stone 1, they made it Yeah, totally totally totally totally Seriously, they stop the music You get it's much too loud in the mix You can't really hear what we're doing So we've got a cheeky little thing called Patreon Ever heard of it, Dickheads I haven't...
Starting point is 00:02:44 Pardon? I haven't You haven't heard of the X-Size For the sake of the X-Size, let's say a Patreon ever heard of it, Dickheads. I haven't, pardon? I haven't. You haven't heard of the X-Size. For the sake of the X-Size, let's say Zach hasn't heard of Patreon. We pay you from that every year. It's a big amount of it. For the sake of the X-Size. It's just for the exercise, bro. And also imagine that I haven't heard of it.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Just imagine it, bro. Where did you get that fly-new fur coat? The fly-new fur coat? Is that a mink um, uh, Mink? No. Oh! Oh! It's the Mink!
Starting point is 00:03:09 Oh! Zach loves wearing Mink because he hates animals! Woo! He does and Zach is cut the tunes, cut the shit. Zach is an animal rights activist. He works for Peter, um, Jones, which is a local comedian. I mean, they do gigs together sometimes.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Zach runs a local night down at the X-Fid hotel. And now it's time for my thought of the week. I'm getting sick and tired of everyone talking about there dough and they're coming in here and walking around and saying this and that. And that's why I say next time you get, you use that hashtag, because we're gonna, we're gonna,
Starting point is 00:03:55 we're gonna, we're gonna, oh, but that's my thought of the week. What a sex, none of the way! It's a game, box you the finish to death.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Cut the shit, cut the tunes down. Cut the tunes, cut the tunes, cut the tunes, cut the tunes. We've got a thing called Patreon, slash anti-dollow. I would think you can know what it is. You don't know what it is, but it's like a subscription service, like a Netflix or a Stan. Okay. I don't know in this improv then. For the sake of the...
Starting point is 00:04:21 He doesn't know your Patreon, in this improv. I don't know what the sense of self is you don't know what what So he doesn't know what patreon is yeah, I don't know what it is to be one that wasn't brought up at all in the conversation no there was patreon I Specifically said you know all right on that I don't know I I specifically said, you know, on that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I have no, just for the sake of this, I don't know what to it is to be one person. Are we talking in the middle? The sense of self, and a bit of both. I think I'm a smoothie of theology and philosophy, kill, thought. Okay. But you don't, kill, thought. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:05 But you don't know which, no. So is your sense of self bound to the body or to the soul? Neither. Neither. You don't have a sense of self. Yes. For this thing that you're doing. He doesn't have a sense of self.
Starting point is 00:05:21 What the hell would I say? We are the big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, Um, uh, alright, I'm sorry. Patreon is this. Patreon, well let me, we'll get to it. Patreon is like a little subscription. It's fine, it's fine. Please don't pick on. The truth is back on. I'm not gonna pick on you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:39 If Broden chooses to pick on you for that, I know you have to go with it. I will jump on board. I will jump on board. Please don to pick on you for that, I know you have to go with it. I will. I'm standing after jump on board Broden, please don't pick on me. What is Broden? Right, so you fucking misspeaking can't Fuck you dog. You don't know. You said it wrong This is friction. So it's a but what is what is self a self? So self is well That's how this explain I guess every So self is, well that's hard to explain. I guess every individual person needs to define that
Starting point is 00:06:07 for themselves. Who are you? What is this world? What is the you? You know what I mean? What is the you? Remove you from self. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I don't think there is a you in self. I think there's an S. I think there's an E. I think there's an L and I think there's an F. But I don't think there is a you in self. I think there's an S. I think there's an E. I think there's an L and I think there's an F. But I don't think there's a bloody U. Unless I don't know how to spell, which I don't, but I know how to spell self. And it's S-E-L-F.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Go on, go on. So Patreon is like a thing that you do anyway. We do a a patreon Tendle a podcast you can pay $10 a month and you get to suggest the ideas for the podcast and then we do them Who's suggesting these ideas? Other other people people who pay the subscribers. What is the other the other is me? I am them. We are together We are one this. This is all Higgledy Piggledy. You're speaking Higgledy Piggledy. No, listen. We are. I thought this would be a... I thought that would be much more relaxing. We talked about the battle. Yeah, it was quite intense.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But what happened this month for November's subscribers is that we were reading out the top comment because the most voted comment is the one the one with the most hearts is the one that we do. Hearts. Hearts. And the one thing that happens in Patreon. Yeah, so like you write a comment
Starting point is 00:07:38 and then people can give it a little heart. But when you say, like a lifetime on Twitter, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Not well, it's a heart on Twitter now. It was a like and then it was a heart. When you say you give a heart, yeah, yeah, no, it's a heart on Twitter down. It was a like it and then yeah What's a heart when you say you give a heart? What is the you you is Whatever you yes, whatever you define yourself to be so you're being your understanding of who you are
Starting point is 00:07:58 Essentially your consciousness. Sorry. Sorry. Are you I just need to be clear here Are you someone who doesn't have a sense of self or a stone to 17-year-old fuckboy? What's the... What is a fuckboy? Well, I can show you. We got a cool tune. Yeah, I got a cool tune.
Starting point is 00:08:22 That explains what it is. What is a tune? A tune is like a song song here hold on um have you ever heard this? No, play it all No, oh Zach commit to the bit Actually, it's a pretty good bit Actually, it's a pretty good bit. I'm over it. So that's what a fuck boy is. Look it up.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Look it up. Google says they were a thing in 2015. Oh shit. Anyway, I shit my pants a couple days ago. So in The November 10th of a podcast we do a thing where the most hearted comment So can I is I will this conversation back a little is that rude of me to do? I mean, yeah, I hope there's enough time to get to the idea Yeah, I know it's just you did talk about shitting yourself and I just feel like do you want to talk more about that or
Starting point is 00:09:26 The about one I just said that um I shit myself a couple days ago Yeah, we don't have to talk more about it. I just but then let's not so Kylie Jones wrote a comment and we started doing it We started doing her podcast how can you shit yourself if there is no self? No, no, there is self. You just don't know what that is. Yeah, you're challenging yourself and to challenge the idea of self, you'd have to have a pretty fundamental understanding of at least just asking, I'm just asking the question. Yeah, but your whole perspective is that you're unaware of what self is. So you don't have a firm answer on whether there is or isn't
Starting point is 00:10:05 a self, you're questioning what self is. And answer that question. Well, you asked me a different question. You've said, all I know is that we will tend to do whatever the market is asking. Very good. This podcast isn't going to come out for too much. I love going to be relevant. Cut the tunes. Cut the music. So we accidentally started reading out Kylie Jones' idea, which we thought was the most upvoted comment idea, but then Dim Sim Jim or someone else dumpling Bill actually had the most upvoted comments.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Here's my excuse me. Yeah. I couldn't have a help hearing you're doing a podcast in here. No, did you want to challenge him on that little fuck up? What? I won't. No, no, no, do no I won't I won't break I didn't hear it okay I couldn't overhelp hearing uh what was it I said well listen I'm
Starting point is 00:11:14 dim sim Jim and I work next door I love it uh I'm dim sim Jim I'm dim sim Jim I run a small dim sim van at the front oh my god and I couldn't overhelp help hearing you, but my name is Dim Sim Jim. Oh, Dim Sim Jim. Fuck off. Dim Sim Jim. How many Dim Sim's you got? Oh, today I've got, I bought a, I got, I got, I brought a hundred. I'm fucking love you, Dim Sim Jim.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Dim Sim Jim, Dim Sim Jim, there's something I need to know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm Dim Sim Jim. Do you, are you just a proprietor of Dim Sim's or are you a big Dim Sim? No, I'm a man. I'm, I'm from Harleberg. I sell dim sims in a small van that I travel around to workplaces.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I say we've got dim sims. Dim sims for our national. $3 for $4. Zach, do you want to explain what a dim sim is for people who are unaware of what a dim sim is? Very different to dimsum. In Chinatown, in Melbourne Melbourne in I think the 1950s, a man created a delicious treat based on the dumplings of the dim sum tradition. The filling is less flavorful and usual dumplings, more tuned to the taste of a young,
Starting point is 00:12:23 predominantly Caucasian Australian. But most of note of the dim sim is the fact that it's about twice the size of your average dumpling with a thicker skin, a more robust skin. Dim sims can be steamed or deep fried. I've heard from British people, then calling them the outside of a dumpling but thicker, with the filling of a Cornish pasti.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Dim sims, many in Australia believe are a Chinese treat. They are in fact one of the greatest examples of Australian multiculturalism. This world is ever known. And on a personal note, Dim sims Always have been and always will be my favorite food And here I sell them. Oh my god. I fucking love you dim sim Jim. I'm glad you like my work Would you like to buy a dim sim? I would love to fucking buy all your dim sims. How much for dim sims? I've got 76 left. Okay, I'll do you a deal. deal all these four. Oh, let's say $100 I'll do it. Oh fucking do it can't right great. Well, can you put on me one big paper bag?
Starting point is 00:13:31 Probably not less I can put it if you got a bucket. I got a bucket go get a bucket All right, I won't have any dim sims there a food that I put in the in the little category for me is things that make you go So in the little category for me is things that make you go bf so carly Mark famously has a allergy just to things that make you go famously has an intolerance to the bulk of the ingredients indians what are the ingredients
Starting point is 00:13:55 that you remember that I know of you've got cabbage you've got pork you've got pork off-cuts you've got pork, you've got pork off cut, you've got that delicious Wonton wrapping and thicker you've got onion garlic Yeah, that's about it. Um, so Kylie Jones and let's all go I'll go I know fucking stay please
Starting point is 00:14:23 Can I turn off fucking come why would? Can't I'm dim seem Jim I gotta saw my dim seems stay can't I got some kids listen to this with their parents on the way to school can't Fucking stay can I love that idea. I'm just I just cut straight to I recently watched a movie with my dad And I had a naughty sex scene in it. It just doesn't matter how old you are. I just want any young listeners to know that is never not awkward. When I was 20, I went in and got my deviated septum corrected. I think it still may be a little deviated. And my mum came and spent the night with me at the hospital because she knew that I was a little nervous. I never really with me at the hospital because she knew that I was a
Starting point is 00:15:05 little nervous, I'd never really been overnight at the hospital. Except for that one time that my pancreas became inflamed and almost popped but didn't. And we sat down together and I was reading a book, I was reading a Mark Haddon novel. And mum said, would you like me to read a Chapter to you and I said mum that's such a sweet idea. Let's do that She hadn't read to me since I was a little boy of a sweet moment between mother and son and she opened the book and The chapter that I happened to be on that I hadn't started yet was this very intense homosexual love scene
Starting point is 00:15:44 to men and true to her words she finished the chapter but it was it was it was just it was quite awkward for her to read through that to me I thought it was I thought it was very funny I love that it was a beautiful scene It was a gorgeous scene between two people making love, but a little confronting for my conservative mother. Namaste. Namaste. Can I, can I, I've just looked up the ingredients for Dim Simms and I know there's not a great lead up here, but I think I think that it's just going to be comedy gold to bring in that music and read the actual ingredients of Dim Sim.
Starting point is 00:16:25 So this is for everyone at home. Just imagine we missed the last bit. Can you ask me what the ingredients are of Dim Sim? Sopperchit. Sopperchit. Cut the shit. And we'll go from there. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:37 But your Dim Sim Jim. Yeah, he just buys and throws and wholesale from Marathon. You don't make him fresh. No, I just buy them. I buy them from mission. What do you think this is? What do you think this is? What do you think this is?
Starting point is 00:16:48 What do you think this is? The South Melbourne market? Yeah, I think that's the least thing I've ever had in the home. The South Melbourne market is a purveyor of dim sins. They make the famous South Melbourne. No, too loud for me. Too loud for me, bro, and you know that. Alright, sorry. Alright, let's do this. But I wanna hear. Say, Zach.
Starting point is 00:17:11 What's in a dim sum? Cabbage. Wheat flour. Mutton or beef. 23% water. Whe starch, salt, onion, sugar, flavor enhancer, 621 and spices. Just the onion for me that I think is a problem. Cabbage could be. I looked it up and apparently normal cabbage isn't too big of an issue I mean there's cabbage Play by Tom hey
Starting point is 00:17:55 Hey come on man Judas yes, tell us about that time you betrayed Jesus Christ This can't was been all fucking up. He's fucking stabbed the can't. I don't know if it's that big of a Caesar. I actually I betrayed the can't for some silver. All right, Tom. Yeah. Can we just hold a earthy-donna-world cup specifically for Tom Armstrong's Judith's carry it and Sam Lingham's Judith Oh, he'll win for sure. He's maybe I like it in Tom. Yeah, my I am not as biblically knowledgeable as Sam. Sam loves the Bible. Sam was raised by walls by walls who had a great biblical knowledge. Yeah, they're
Starting point is 00:18:44 just no Christian walls. I was right. Kylie Jones. Kylie Jones made a suggestion for us to do a podcast that we started doing and then had to stop doing because Dim Sim Jim had made a podcast. There was actually had a higher vote. I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:19:00 All I do is sell Dim Sim's. He only does his stuff. He's dumb. Don't come to Dim Sim. It was Dumpling Jim. I'm Dim Sim Jim. I'm Dim all I do is sell dim sims. He only does it. Sorry. It was dumpling. Don't come. It was dumpling gym. It was dumpling gym I'm dim sim gym. Hi, I'm dim sim gym. I travel Melbourne selling dim sims in warehouse type areas. I pull up and I say hey, I've got dim sims for a reason price And they go yeah, I'll buy some then I Pack up my truck and I drive home to my wife. Dim Sim Jim.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yes. Do you do fried Dim Sim's? Of course I do. Dim Sim Jim. That's one of the two different types of Dim Sim's that I sell. Dim Sim Jim, may I inquire? May I be an inquisitor as to what the second type of Dim Sim is? I have a guess. I could have a guess I could have a guess I have a steam
Starting point is 00:19:48 All right dim sim Jim you ever cut that steam dim sim in half cooked it on the barbecue No, not personally no Cool So Kylie Jones's suggestion for podcast idea, which we really loved which we're gonna do in the last Should I go should I like I don't I'm not a fine bias. Say can't. I wouldn't listen to me because I want you to fuck out. Dimsim Jim. Don't go can't. Sorry Mark I gotta say something. Right I can't. I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to not just leave this podcast. I don't want you to leave my life dim sim Jim Because ever since you came into my life. I've had all the dim sims. I have a need
Starting point is 00:20:33 Dim sim Jim. Yeah. Yeah, will you marry me? I'm Tom. So I'm so sorry. I'm already married What I'm already married. I told that my story before I sell dim sims and then I go home to my wife and we have passionate fuckery get the fuck out and leave your dim sims behind All right then Well, I've been told in no uncertain terms to go. Thank you for buying $100 worth of dim sims My pleasure dim sim Jim will always have of dim sims. My pleasure dim sim, Jim. We'll always have the dim sims. Yeah, absolutely. If you haven't made more dim sims,
Starting point is 00:21:10 here's my card. Oh, yes. This is dim sim, Jim. You're a good man dim sim, Jim. Thank you. Mark, I'm sorry you can't have dim sims. Would you like a dim sim? I can have. There is a fructose friendly dim sims available at the vegan supermarket on Johnson Street Just off the corner of Johnson and Brunswick Street Unfortunately is $22 for eight. I'd pay that What but you can just have normal dims. Yeah, if I was in your predicament And that was the only dim see market get I'd pay it. I don't think you would I don't think you would can't
Starting point is 00:21:43 I would I think I'm going to. Yeah. I really want Dim Simms. Because Dim Simms mean so much to me. I think maybe we should get along with Kylie Jones' podcast in the next podcast. It is sort of a teaser. This episode is called teaser for Kylie Jones' podcast idea. I have a next one, it's Kylie Jones's podcast idea. I have a next one is Kylie Jones's podcast idea. I had a question for you guys, you know. It's Thim Sim Jim, I was just bro to John Kelly.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Oh, I'm off by. He left. Oh, bye. This is Brodon John Kelly. I had a idea of where to take it. Do you have a middle name, John? Yeah. I knew that.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Did you know that? Guess what, Max? I didn't know. I didn't know idea do you know max millers middle name Maxie our filmmaker isn't it maxi no that would be maxi Miller is it is that is is it a bond? No, it's not a bond Met max max max our stretchiness Maximum our stretchiness max goochville Miller. No, can't no max can't Miller. Is it max can't I'll give you a hint It's a name. It's not it's not a descriptive phrase
Starting point is 00:22:56 Caprio Miller nope Max Miller Miller max no Trautoria Miller closer max we're the no max long, Miller, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Nope, nope. Anyone else? I gave you a clue. J. It does start with J, yes, but it's not that it's Julius. I'm gonna hit. My hint is that his middle name is Julius. Is it?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Well, now I just feel like we're being facetious because he clearly said it's Julius. And we're just piss-farting around the fucking fact that he's- That's my hint. That is Kent was the actual fucking answer. And you know what I'm mad, Zach? But sometimes you just need to- Let go of the past.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And feel a little bit of tranquility and forgiveness. Zach, I know that you tried to do a- Well, you did a successful joke there. And then I took it to a place of darkness and cruelty. But I'm seeing the light and that might be because there's the lights are on in the room that we're in and I'm looking at a light globe that's illuminated. But I just wanted to say, But I just wanted to say, you know, yeah, where you get around boys and you just, you know, sometimes you just want to hang out play a bit of Starcraft together. I love you, Zach and I, and I, um, do you know in the 20s, The Smith Weekly, which was a publication oriented to return soldiers,
Starting point is 00:24:45 labeled the Italian migrant as a dirty day go pest, and campaigned against a greasy flood of Mediterranean scum that sicks to defile and to base Australia? Did you know that that's what they were saying about? I knew those in the 20s. I knew those were in Australia. In Australia? Yeah, Australia is a beautiful multicultural country but we've got some really on you those are from Australia. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. And the Middle East. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. That's so interesting what you were saying but uh
Starting point is 00:25:25 Oh Go on no no, you know, I wanted to talk about how there was this great test echo of what's happening to the Sudanese and Muslims in Australia at the moment Similarly happened to Italians, but now I just feel like a cosmopolitan. Oh Boys, I'm dating. I was trying to think of a single Samantha situation that isn't offensive to say in 2018, fuck you. She dated a lot of successful businessmen. She had a brief relationship with another woman, which was an interesting...
Starting point is 00:26:14 I think it was a very progressive show for its time. For its time it was very progressive. Let's listen to the theme song again. Okay. How do you do? How do you do my name is Bill I'm a Frenchman, how do you do? How do you do my name is Bill Let me tell you a story of For sexy ladies
Starting point is 00:26:42 In New York. I eat snails. There are quite different to what I remember. I don't know why he says I hit nails at the end of my life. I ate snails I believe he said. But I accidentally pressed the version where 50% of the sex in the city theme has a French man scene. Where's it kind of correlate?
Starting point is 00:27:16 Kind of a little bit. Someone awkwardly pauses because they're not sure it's going on. And that the character is a little similar to Mark's Italian. Yeah. But then halfway through just sort of stops. Well, did you know originally before Samantha was going to be the narrator, it was always going to tell the story of those four women, not Samantha, or Carrie, it was always going to tell the story of those four women, but originally the narrator was going to be a French
Starting point is 00:27:44 man named Bill that you never made. Hello, I'm the director of the tour, so sure. It's about for ladies having sexiness. The city, the city is New York. La la la la. Of my name is Bill and I eat snails. There it is again it just stops talking. And last song, paste 3, 2, thank you. Tomato, curry and the other ones. One will one day be a penalty. Let's see. My name is BU.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So that was the, um... Sorry, I'll wait for the song to finish. On HBOR. So that was the season 2. because what's interesting is that they actually changed, well they changed the lyrics every season even though they decided to cut the character after the first couple, first season. They still got built in because he was on the contract. So the third season lyrics are probably my favorite. Bonjour, my name is Bill, I'm a French rapper for Paris, and I'd like to eat snails.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Let me tell you a story or two about sexy ladies, having sexy New York. They are American, I don't know why I'm French. I hope this is clear. Oh yes. HBO, HBO, HBO, HBO, HBO, HBO, HBO, HBO, HBO, HBO. HBO, this show has as much of a place in the television can and there's a Pranos, but it doesn't get it probably because of sexism. probably becomes of sexism. Season 4 was a real low point in the series I think especially if you listen back to the to the theme song from season 4. H-B-O, H-B-O, H-B-O, you can hear it.
Starting point is 00:29:39 H-B-O not sure time, it's a sure time. It comes a little bit better.'s actual time Come on, little fella HBO, my name is Bill Lavafresh My love, let me tell you a story About three ladies And another one Three in the thirties, one in sephaltees
Starting point is 00:29:58 Or they live in New York And they have too much sex My name is Bill. Hashtpion not show time. He seems in this one to have like... Sorry, yeah. Alright, he doesn't say anything. In this one he seems to have some sort of real issue with show time.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's not because the show was never on showtime. There's nothing to do with showtime. It's not even sure if showtime is around at that time. It's a very strange beef to have, very odd beef to have. But that also seems like, by this season, they're clearly doing it for money, because obviously it's a one-take
Starting point is 00:30:45 thing this guy comes in. You think so? Yeah, the way he just sort of does say. He doesn't seem as well crafted as the first two seasons. That's amazing. If he's doing that in one take he is a genius. It's like the production level slides. You can hear him laughing a lot of the times in between some of the words. And his own jokes, it's kind of arrogant. It's quite odd, it's quite odd. But you know, it's still, it's a great show and it's a shame that the French narrated a deal.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Was there a fifth season of, I never watched Sixth and City, I didn't care for it, but I love, love the Carrie Diaries. Are the Carrie Diaries is one of the greatest prequel shows and spin-offs of all time. Starring, of course. Carrie Bickmore. Carrie Bickmore. In the digital role. Have you ever remembered the theme song? Do I remember the theme song?
Starting point is 00:31:42 Have you heard the version of the theme song? Have you heard the version of the theme song? Have you heard the version of the theme song? Where they got bill back. Yeah, let's play it. It's incredible. What's this for? For the Carrie diaries. Carrie diaries being a spin-off that they made off sex in the city about Carrie is a young girl. Okay, in high school. I can't wait to hear it. Oh no! Here she comes before she was 40 and having sex. She was a little girl played by Anna Sophia Rob. She walked around the city of New York, a battle where my name was built and I like to eat snails Snails, snails My name is built and I recently moved from Paris
Starting point is 00:32:37 To England, to into the country I sell cheese out of a cart and I have brown hair And brown eyes And I went to Euro Disney once in 2010 Not as iconic. No. Doesn't have that that punch in the guts Like the sex in the city theme did It's true. That's true. I did love the theme for the movie though The sex in the city movie. Yeah, Sex in the City too.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Sex in the City too, is my favorite of the Sex in the City movies? Because they go to beautiful Dubai. Are you talking about Harry wants to fuck Aiden again? I don't think there is a theme song to that in this per se but there's the first three and a half minutes of the movies. That what you're referring to But hello welcome to Welcome to the movie Bad day is a beer. I'm a freshman But I'm a freshman So basically what is happening here is a curry and Mr. Big Not getting along and you still shut up, curry
Starting point is 00:33:54 This is my movie So curry she's walking around So wait, before we get into this movie It's so strange I'm so strong. And so wait, before we get into this, it's so strange. I've changed my card as well. I went around to different, different, different, different, different.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And there's lyrics in the music, and there's narration from Carrie. I went from Bill. I went to rural town. It's so busy. And I would just say that she is out of the card, but I have a Royce actually. I'll put they shop front.
Starting point is 00:34:25 It's a polarized audience. I'm just gonna stop it there, I'm just gonna stop it there because I just wanna explain, to people this might say and jarring, but this is what sex in the city two starts with. It's how it opens. It is how it opens. I haven't seen sex in this video. It's divided audiences.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Some people were so good to have built back and other people were like What there's like what's going on six or seven voices is all these people talking I can't make sense of what's happening very It feels like an ad for just very white hair Yeah, I'm a guard for the time. I mean you watch modern movies now and it's and it's all the right shall we watch more yeah Don't go back to the start I think we get back to it now So basically So I said that she's but I've opened their full shop in my hometown
Starting point is 00:35:17 But I'm thinking of moving back to palace selling Sorry, I'll stop press up now yeah he's in no reference to sex in the city at all not not not the TV show not the movie not to HBO but things do get a little saucy from here on if you do remember after my wife died I have developed a sexy on addiction I have developed a sexual addiction. I have a meaning of sex with different people, but I will be moving to Paris in the summer, sell my little cheese cart, and perhaps just work as a labor of painting walls in apartment buildings.
Starting point is 00:36:00 That sort of thing. It's been hard since my wife has died. I was married to her for 25 years. But you know, one thing that I have done since the death of my wife is going more holidays. I recently went to London. Well, I tried to sell famous beef Wellington. That was nice, I guess. I'm gonna stop it there.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Not as saucy as I remember, actually. There's what I should say. In that moment, Carrie is in the film is explaining the setup of the movie. Yeah. She's saying. Fridgey the gap between Sex and the City, the movie one, and Sex and the City, the movie two.
Starting point is 00:36:37 And this French man is talking about the death of his wife. And be friends. What started out. What started out as a fun little layer on the opening theme I think ruined sex in the city too it ruins the first three minutes absolutely and once you get 45 minutes into the movie it is just so upsetting and frustrating because you're trying to listen to trying to catch up yeah it's
Starting point is 00:37:00 like it's like you trying to hear what people are saying but he literally talks about his personal problems For the entire length of the film. Yeah, just over the top of it like it's its own track Not for me This we've gone seven minutes over have we should we get started on this podcast thing idea This idea we were gonna do. Yes, but let's wrap this one up. Let's wrap it up. Let's say thank you to all of our listeners to our sponsors, loot crate and of course. So here's a fun fact. He's the fun a fun fact for you guys.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I don't know if you know, but he also did HBO's first theme song, which was for a show called Oz. Bill, I did not know this about prison. Well, let's let's end the episode with the Oz theme tune. Before we do original Oz theme tune. Before we do it. The original Oz theme tune. Wanna say dim sim gym if you're listening. I love you if you ever wanna bring dim sims
Starting point is 00:38:10 around to the office feel free. Sorry, darling. He's not real. What? Because Broden's program was playing dim sim gym. Yeah, because he's my $100 then. Oh, that's gone. That's gone.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I've talked that. Dim sim gym took that. Dim sim gym took that. Okay.'s gone I took that dim sim Jim took that the dim Sim Jim took that okay am I gonna get the dim sims no no no no no he's not a real character you have brought out angry we better get out of here yeah let's end the episode with the original os theme tune which also had Frenchman Bill. It's not as lighthearted It's about people getting murdered and sexually assaulted very darn very very darn prison. Yeah, so listen. All right. Good night everybody See you next week Bye
Starting point is 00:39:03 Okay, let's just go back. We'll go back. Yeah, there's a couple seconds to sign. We'll see you later. See you, but bye everyone. Good night. This is a lot more full-on than sex and society. There's valence and as a high-bell sings. And basically, hello, my name is Bill. I'm a freshman who likes to eat snails So this is a movie about the present or a television show, but it is so in depth with the writing It's like a movie, you know the godfathers This is a new concept because it's like the early 90s I mean you've only really had twin pigs Demons, so many there's so many question marks. It's so long. It's so long. The way he talks about the 90s is if it's a past I know and it was and he knew about sexy at the city even though it hadn't been made yet and like this was great breaking television And he's so aware of that
Starting point is 00:40:02 So wicked. I Just to be clear, I am aware that this is groundbreaking television, and I think we are about to enter the culture of television, but this is really the start of it. You know, it's a good show. It has a good diversity. We didn't realize it's not a gender, but that is because it's set in a prison.
Starting point is 00:40:25 So basically, get set, get ready. It's gonna be a full-on-ride. Homebox office is the name of the channel. You're watching We're Better than Showtime. That's the tension. We have a deal with mirror max so we will have one soon. That's a set that Disney will get in the way of and one day we will Really be disrupted by netflix
Starting point is 00:40:51 Incredible It's amazing So I hope you enjoy all this a fun a show little show You know it's a fun little show. I don't speak a lot of English, so I struggle with it, but they can't make a little subtitles for me. Anyway, my name is Bill. I am the third French character. I need to maybe pick a different country.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Anyway, thank you so much for watching. My name is Bill. As this has been brought in Kelly, back up and down. Incredible. And this is Oz Elf-a-Decadensicance. And then the show would start. Yeah, after all that, the bit with the other music was just down on a black screen. With the audio.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Bye everyone. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week!

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