Aunty Donna Podcast - The Best Of The Aunty Donna Podcast 201 -250 - Horse Racing

Episode Date: October 4, 2022

What a classic Aunty Donna pod about how fun horse racing is!  Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get a Dona fans out there. We are doing some throwback episodes because we have been so super busy with ABC sitcom. Over on the Patreon, you could have voted for your favorite throwback episode between episodes 201 and 250. And the winner for this month was episode 249 horse racing. Now, I don't really remember it, but Tom said, Tom told me it's a funny
Starting point is 00:00:28 episode and I trust him. And it's hosted by horse racing gym. I'm going to guess that's played by Broden. Oh, Zach. Oh, Zach. Horse racing gym is played by Zach, where we talk about little men and women riding upon horses until they die and we eat them as is standard in the industry I am from my understanding. Please enjoy this throwback episode, episode 249 horse racing. Hello and welcome to the horse racing. My name is horse race gym and we have gotten exciting day, we've got fashion and clothing on the horse race area where people watch, we've got horses doing racing, and we've got hats.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And we've got hats, I'm joined as always by horse race bill. How high it's an a horse race bill. Now Doug, and absolutely pleasure to be here on a beautiful day at the horse racing Of course where we take what our horses We raise them and then we race them raise them and race them now. I should try and find out which is the fastest horse And we have been discussing about The the idea of of little men tiny little men, men that are skinny, scant,
Starting point is 00:01:48 uh, uh, dainty little men on top of the, and women, and women, it's 2021 after all. But, uh, Wayne, we haven't even introduced. We haven't even introduced you yet. We haven't introduced. Oh, no, you're stracing, Wayne. So horse, horse race, what, so I'm like, your horse race in Bill and I'm horse racing Jim. I called you Doug, you did, but that's because this is the right time.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Doug Wayne. Doug Wayne. Doug Wayne, Sam, so that's a big deal. What an ex-I'm excited to see horses racing today and I'm excited to find out which horse is the fastest horse and of course at the end of the day will raise the fastest horse trophy. A lot of people are calling in and they're asking about the horse racing and they ask you know they're asking as questions like how do they race? How do you make them
Starting point is 00:02:41 run? Yes. You put horse food, a barrel of hay, or perhaps a carrot in front of a horse that's actually connected to the high end. Now, do you put a tiny little man on a skinny man? A skinny man. A sporned tiny little man, the type of man the wind could break. That's right, but it's also important to know, Doug Wayne, that it's not just skinny, but they're actually quite short and statured. That's right, but it's also important to know, Doug Wayne, that it's not just skinny, but they're actually quite short and statured. It's what? It's what, that's what we call,
Starting point is 00:03:11 Stort, Stort. Yeah, they're Stort. We get the Stort people, and what they do is they only egg whites, protein powder, and more of a dream. It's their dream. It's their dream to grow up quite small.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Yes. And then find horses. And then get on the horses. I've spoken to some of the small stort men. To them, it feels a bit like flying. It's as close to flying as it will be, but the difference between flying is that there is of course a horse beneath them
Starting point is 00:03:44 that is touching the ground. And they're not flying at all. They're not flying at all. They are going very fast though. Faster than a human crew. But that's what we get asked a lot on the racing show is why horses, why not human? So, absolutely, that's a great question. Here's the thing, there are people races and they're the people of a horse. Horse people races.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And that's, it's like a people version of a horse race. Not as many hats, not many as many, not as much fashion, not as much as many. Not as many marquees, and that's such an event. Yeah. But here we have the marquees, we have the horses, we have the tiny little people on top of the horses and we are racing those horses
Starting point is 00:04:27 Tiny in the fact that they're short. They're also very very skinny and slim Eating egg whites and protein. So for clarity, there's a horse and you know these well, there's several horses I want I want to I want to dress I want to calm down You need to calm down you getting a bit aggro about the horses. Well, I think he's touching on something important. If I can just restart that song again. Oh, okay. It's important to note that the horses are fast,
Starting point is 00:04:58 but who is the fastest horse? All right, you need to calm down. You need to both of you, you've come in here with an attitude. Oh, I'm sorry. We are so excited about horses. You don't have to come in here. Flap on your arms. Flap on your arms. Go, horses, these horses. You're making a disgrace of the sport. Well, I just love the notion
Starting point is 00:05:28 I don't know Jim horse racing Jim what I find so fascinating is the idea of finding horses what Did I tell you I'm not excited? This is just here why talk Bill You are the one who's upset you're getting upset And it needs to calm down. I think it's you need to calm down on telling the other people Do you think we're not calm right now? You just you're flappin your arms about I'm not if I had I've I didn't know better. I think you two wanted to fuck the horses I'll put my hand off the horse.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I'll put my hand up to the right. Here I say I love to fuck all. There is no circumstance or point in my career where I haven't had a sexual relationship with one of the racifast horses. I mean, look at them. They're a beautiful beast. They're shining coats.
Starting point is 00:06:22 They're musly hides. They're in the north. What a cocks. Some of them have penises. Yeah. And they're shiny coats, they're musly hides, they're in enormous cocks, some of them have penises. Yeah. And they're massive. Look, we all want to fuck horses. Well, that's why we got into the racing game. Have you ever felt the wild stallion enter into your behind. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And absolutely destroy your internal world. But that's what I love about horse racing, is the notion of being owned by the beast.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah. It can't be diva. Yeah. But here's another thought of what I love about racing. Which horse is the fastest, sir? And you guess, you do need to calm down. I am sorry. I'm sorry. You do need to calm down. I'm starting to see what Bill here was addressing with this. Oh, Ms. Carm is a caramel on a camera. You don't have to flap your arms about that.
Starting point is 00:07:20 What's this flap in your arms? Oh, you did start the flap your arms there. And one of your fingers almost poked me in the eye. And that's when I realized, okay, he needs to calm down. I'm just so excited about horses. And we all love horses. Racing the horses. I don't love horses in particular. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:07:42 It's your problem with horses. Well, there's so muscular and fast. I find them quite hard to, I feel I'm looking in one place and then they, before I know they rush past me, I can no longer see them. And so I'm not sure how to sort of, they're a rude beast. I feel like I see them for maybe one moment, but then they're gone.
Starting point is 00:08:02 What you need to do is you need to move your hair. I was so way, this is quite a novel concept to me. So you're telling me, so I'm at the horse. I can never see who wins either, this is the problem. I'm sort of fix, fix someone position. I'm looking at one area. You gotta move your hair. Horse is the horse.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Right, right, okay. So get in and out. There's that word exactly. You know what I can. All right, so what have I done here? What have I done? Well, I mean, obviously the flappy arms. It's a fun, the flappy arms, I mean.
Starting point is 00:08:30 This guy hates flappy arms so much. I just hate it. I don't want to ask, would you care to wage a, which horse is the fastest? Well, I don't know if you know this, but you can hit this various points both on the internet and here on the grounds where you't know if you know this, but you can hit this various points both on the internet and here on the grounds where you can go and you can say, I think that horse is going
Starting point is 00:08:51 to be the fastest horse and an old gentleman with a craggly voice. He says something along the lines of, well, I reckon it's going to be... You need to come. Yeah, you need to come. Then you are flapping your arms wildly and you need to come. Yeah, you need to come. Then you are flapping your arms wildly. And you need to just... Yeah. Now that's...
Starting point is 00:09:10 I know you love the notion of racing a horse. Yeah. But there's no need to go off like that. Listen, I really love, say, I really love guessing which horse is going to be the fastest horse. Oh, I love it too. And giving a man and a man of money, saying this horse will be the fastest. Oh, I love it too. And giving a man an amount of money, say this horse will be fastest horse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And then if it is the fastest horse, depending on how fast he thought the horse would be, I get a different amount of money there. Now, here's the thing that I've, I've got several problems with this. Is that often I'll guess the horse, and then I'll go and that horse doesn't win, and then I go back to get my money
Starting point is 00:09:46 And he says no no no no no no I'm holding on to that for the various Investments sort of purposes in which he doesn't want to let me aware of now Why is it when I give my money to the man in the hole in the ball? Yeah, and then he doesn't give me my money That's the exchange. He's job is to look at all the horses and go, oh, I reckon that one's gonna be the fastest horse. All right, and he'll say,
Starting point is 00:10:13 and based on the fact that I think that's gonna be the fastest horse, I'm not gonna give you much money. If you give me money, I'm not gonna give you much money back. But there he goes, that horse doesn't look like a galor to me. So if you give me money, you look like a slower horse, mate.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I'll slow it. That out of all the horses, that horse over there looks slower than some of the other horses. Now, if you disagree with me, and you think that slow horse is the, in fact, the fast horse, and the fast horse is, in fact, the slow horse.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah. And you give me money. I'm going to go, well, heck, if the slow horse is the fast horse, and what I thought was the fast horse is the slow horse, I'm going to give you a multiple of maybe 30. But here's my problem. Here's my problem with this. Is I have the same conversation with my teller at the bank, but when I go to get my money back, they return it to me. Think bank with horses.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Okay, I'm starting to see the difference here. So what you do is you take a beast from the wild, right? Yeah. And then you put a little man on the horse. Sometimes you'll electrocute the horse, but shh. Don't tell anyone about that. Sometimes I'll give it a little zap. We call it jiggers.
Starting point is 00:11:33 We just give it a little jig. My foot shh. Now, then what was so? Are you up to, follow the horse. You get a horse, right? This is an animal that just wants for hay. You take that to a shop, you put a little man on it. Or a woman, or a woman, it's not a dead man. Now, will you watch the film at the village?
Starting point is 00:11:59 I went down, Michelle. I went down to the gold class with my wife for a fundraiser for the NGV and I watched right like a girl And it was super It was super now we got the man on the horse Or a woman and they tell the horse where to go Point left they'll go left to go right right yeah, and then You say you put a price on that horse,
Starting point is 00:12:27 this is a pastime. And then you take the horse down a born and born, we'll take it up to Flemington, right? And then you get people to put suits on and you have beautiful women with hats. Gorgeous. They usually come from the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Drinking bubbles out of long glasses. Well, you from the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Drinking bubbles out of long glasses. Well, you put on and you put on your favorite hat. And they're quite, they get quite elaborate. Year after year, they're hats. Bigger. The bigger the hat, the better. Bigger more flour, whir, lots of ribbons, big thumbs. Biggest hat you can find.
Starting point is 00:13:04 You need the biggest. Listen, listen, shut up. I got excited there, I'm sorry. You need to calm down. You need a big hat. Yes. A really big hat. Is that clear? Unless you're on top of the horse. Unless you're on top of the horse. No, do not, I'm going to make that clear. Yeah, I've got to make that clear. Never wear a big hat on the horse. Only to watch the horse. If you own the horse? No, do not, oh, I'm going to make that clear. Yeah, I've got to make that clear. Never wear a big hat on the horse.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Only to watch the horse. If you own the horse, you might wear a hat. Put on a big hat. If you own the horse. But a small hat is accepted. If you ride the horse, you do not. No, no, no, I have to put on a hat. Oh, I'm sick of people wearing big hats on the horses.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So, are we... You know how you go to the shops? Yes. And you go, what say you want something from the shops? What do you want from the shops? Maybe a pack of Tim Tems or a horse. Or a horse and a pack of Tim Tems. If you understand the concept of owning a horse,
Starting point is 00:14:02 then I don't need to explain it to you. I was going to explain the idea of if you give, well, that's the person who owns the Tim Tam at the shops, if you give them, you know, maybe three to four dollars. Yeah. And now, are you explaining the aim of the game? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I'm not going to Tim Tam. All right, let's go. Let's go to the hypothetical. Let's say I'm not going to the horse store. But I'm going to go. Well, and more, but in this, imagine that each individual tin tam and the packet is a tiny little pony. Look, I can't.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I can't. I can't. I think we all need to take a moment to breathe. Now, when you're eating, we all need to take a moment to breathe. Just take a moment. Okay, have you had a moment? Have you had a moment?
Starting point is 00:14:47 I've had a moment. Yeah, you had a think about your attitude. I was thinking about horses. Yeah, and that's cool. That's the right thing to think about here. At the horsey race. I love horses. Here at the horsey race.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yes. There's some horses out there who've never been slower than another horse that's right running against. No, and that's very true. They may be slower than they were born. Yeah, so they start when their legs are smaller, they're slower.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Traditionally, unless of course there's a rocket to, you know, somehow attach to the foal, but unless that. And to be very clear, we're talking about a nude horse. You know, a rocket? Yeah You're not a rocker. You're not. They have clothes. And we're talking about the speed of a horse on their legies.
Starting point is 00:15:32 If you would have put a horse in their airplane. Oh, fast. There are horses that have been faster than the horses that we're going to give the old bear money. That is for a horse on the train. I would be faster than a horse on the ground. I would never ever say that. Well, I feel like that's what you will suggest now. I would wager with you.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I would wager but calm. I would calm wager. You just very, you flappin' your arms a bit. It's just a lot. I would wager with you when I am calm. I love betting that if we would erase a train taped to the top of a horse, yeah, that horse, that a horse on the ground
Starting point is 00:16:15 would not be as far. What? No, if a horse was at a train on top of the horse. A light train. A light train, maybe one made of aluminium or foil. So we're still talking a few ton. Maybe two or three ton. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:30 The horse would persevere, and that's why I love the horse. But a traditional horse, you know, in my experience of the beast, no horse could stand with that much weight atop its back. Not just because of the weight, but also the size of a train. I don't think the train, I don't think you could effectively can't believe it, the train atop the horse.
Starting point is 00:16:52 But I also wanna clarify, very quick, I would never say, calmly, calmly, you just flappin' your abs a little bit. I am sorry about that, and that's why I say now, I will get my arms removed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:09 To-I would-because I'd never want my-my manner. Mmm. Confused with me talking about horse, which I love horse. I want to be a horse. I want to be a horse. I want to be a horse. But I want to be a horse. Imagine clopping about every day, having a tiny person atop your back,
Starting point is 00:17:29 riding your dad as fast as you could go to brisk. Making you whip in your bottom, making your runners fast as you could go. And the joy, imagine you fall while you run. And the joy of having a man put a gun in your mouth Dream of it. I had a brain Having back of your head the man that raised me a dream of having the man all woman that raised me Approach me with a with a two barrel shotgun and put it against my temple Pull the trigger for merely slipping over
Starting point is 00:18:02 I'm truly I'm truly a horse. To be a horse. To hate and to fuck my own, they truly are majestic. But I, yes, I wonder what you weren't let me finish. We touched on something earlier. I would never say that I've even the fastest horse that roamed the earth now. Even the fastest horse would not be as fast as a horse on a plane.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I would net there, at least that plane is going to stand still. Maybe it's a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, a slant, parked completely. People are, you know, the horses in the town stares cabbage and I don't have to say that was the eating cabbage downstairs. I do have to say one thing. If you empty out a large plane, if you empty out a large plane and and that plane was just slowly going along the runway, very casually, very slowly, but I've got a question. Calm down. I've got a question. Just calm down so I can ask my question. Just with the flapping arms and everything, it's hard to get my
Starting point is 00:19:13 question here. Okay. Does that make sense? You need to calm down, but yeah. Okay, are we all calm? So the horse, I just, I don't know if I've ruined the mood. He's as fashion on the fields. So the horse is on the plane. Yeah, all right. And it's gone from the back of the plane to the front of the plane and it's running as fast as it can. Give me an estimate on speed of the plane firstly.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So the plane has the plane as a testing speed? What's the testing speed? Or is it the testing speed? Are the people getting on to the plane? So the plane is completely hollowed out. The chairs are removed, the levels are removed. It's just a loud, and empty tin, all right? And empty tin.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Now the plane is moving not very fast. We're talking 25 kilometers an hour. All right, all, all right. All right, all right. That's what I need to know. Moving along the runway. Now, a horse is running from the back of the plane to the front of the plane.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah. Right, at its full speed. Next to the plane, another horse is running at its full speed which is exactly the same speed as the horse on the plane. Yes, okay. Is the horse on the plane running or moving faster than the horse on the runway? Yes. Yes, or...
Starting point is 00:20:36 See, this is... We're really getting into the nitty gritty of relativity and horse racing. Well, why I thought, and I don't know much about relativity, or horse racing. But I pine to be a horse Oh, to be a horse on a plane running Oh, to be a horse on a plane running with a beautiful existence and then of course the trip and to fall And the joy of a shotgun in your mouth But is not the horse on the plane's top speed 25 kilometers?
Starting point is 00:21:07 If the horse were to jump, the horse would land in the same spot. So that does that not mean that the horse is traveling at the same speed as the plane. But it's coming from the back of the plane to the front of the plane. But can it exceed the speed of the play? Mark, I don't know. Well, what I'm telling you now is this exact discussion is what I love about horse racing. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And why I've dedicated my life to a horse. Oh, my life, it's a kid. Anyone tries to take it away from it. Yes. They can pry it from my cold dead horse. The vegans. Look, can we talk about the vegans? Every day the vegans, the horses,
Starting point is 00:21:52 the little horses that, well, you've never eaten a horse. So you don't know what it's like. Yeah, and the taste of a horse is like nothing else. And it tastes like caviar, the taste of a horse. Rich, a rich red meat. Gave me, gave me meat. Oh, yeah, man. Sortade and fried and oven baked.
Starting point is 00:22:13 There's nothing better than the sweet taste of horse flesh upon your lips. Are you like this? And the slow vegans don't understand as they fly. They fly from their lives to the nectar and they fly home. So fancy thinking they're faster than a horse, but you're on a plane vegan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Of course you're faster than a horse. They're never yellow and brown tails. They've never tasted raw horse flesh, that's their problem. And just because they can sting but once they think that they have the right to tell me I can't eat a horse. Oh my god, you all think you're beef! That's all they can sting but once they think that they have the right to tell me I can't eat oh my god You all think you're BEEEES You all think you BEEEES
Starting point is 00:22:49 You all think you're BEEEES I am so sorry Every day the bees are talking about the sunflowers and the pollen that but they don't know what it's like to eat a horse No They don't the bees don't know what it's like, they don't horse either, Broden. So while you've made a brood. Broden, he's a horse race. Horse race in Broden. In second mark.
Starting point is 00:23:10 In second mark. While you've made an error, it's a good point you've brought up. But I'll tell you what I love about the racing, the Queen, the Royal Game. The Royal Race, the Stomps. The King's Nation. Yeah. I love at the end of the race when I love in the race,
Starting point is 00:23:29 when you get a man to say what's happening. And the names, the names that the man says, Oh, the names. Oh, McKeevy disco this. And I not go so. You literally, I'm not going to sit out. I've slapped my arms. My baby. My heart. I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally literally, I literally literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I literally, I But then, can we forget about the flapping arms for a second? I've apologized profusely for the slapping of arms.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It's, I've, I've come, but... Just, just swallow. Just swallow? Have I got a bit of a gluffle? Because you're too excited. You all need to calm down! So we can watch the horse! I wanted to talk about two things.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Two things. Two things. One, what's your favorite part of the fast horse going fast? I'm familiar. I'm the track. And seeing the fastest horse cross the line first. What's your favorite part of that experience? For me, it's the hard quarters of the horse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Oh, wait, you're talking about it speed. I thought we were talking about horse flesh. Gumbumb, gumbumb, gumbumb, gumbumb. I love eating a horse. Gumbumb, gumbumb, gumbumb. They're beautiful. Oh, I pine to eat a horse. You just get in there, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:57 After they have a shoot, after they take, after the horse has a fall on the run, and then they take it the owner takes out the back gives it a shoot we all just they bring it back to the channel studio yes yeah we feast the whole feast like King digging on that raw horse and I always say you know if I'm running late because I'm gonna do the commentary or what not. I say save me some of the hind,
Starting point is 00:25:25 and caught a boy. He loves the hind, but he's a thigh man. Oh, so now you are, I've always said the way you are, the roast chicken you are with a horse. Ah! By love making money off the beast as well,
Starting point is 00:25:38 the beautiful horse. So this is what I was trying to explain to Mark before. Is how it works. So you know, you go to the shops and you buy a Tim Tam. And I love a Tim Tam. Now, you give the man the money you own, the Tim Tam. Say you and some friends, Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Both put in for the Tim Tam. You understand? I'm so we're sharing in the packet of Tim Tam's, there's 12, maybe 3rd, a baker's dozen of Tim Tam's. So what happens with the horses is some people, they all put their money together and they own the horses. And they're covered in chocolate. Yes. Yes. The horse? I don't know. I thought you were now.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I'd given you some information and you were giving me some. I am. I am. So the horse is covered in chocolate. The horse is covered in chocolate. Yummy. It is. It's sort of a biscuit.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Two biscuits. A sort of chocolate covered all. It's sort of a soft cream. Like, a loathe. Yeah. Would you like me to read out the horse races today at Sanddown? sort of chocolate covered all sort of a soft cream. Close. Yeah. Would you like me to read out the horse races today at sand down? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And what you can make money wise. Sure. Yeah. So this is a different thing. This is you give a man some money, and he's never given the money back. Yeah, and the horse, the horse never knows about this. The horse doesn't know. The man
Starting point is 00:27:06 is you're giving him money and if the horse we and he might never. He's not listening and make him understand. I tuned out. You got to. I tune that I have attention disorders and I tuned out in the middle of the USA. You're gonna give the horse the money. I don't want to give no horse my money unless I am the one who do with it. What's he gonna do? Eat it. What did I say? You don't give the horse.
Starting point is 00:27:31 What's he gonna do though? You don't give the horse the money. Yes you did. Ah. Ah. Ah. What did he do? Ah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 They horse, horse, horse for two things. Well, horse doesn't things. Well, we're not forced. Me and Bruce McAvaney once, we went back to Bruce's house and he had forces. Forces down in his secret room. And he killed him, but only minutes before I got there. So they were still warm and fresh. I knew 8 to 8 the horse.
Starting point is 00:28:09 We had horse eats. We had a lot of meat for one man. Well the trick is you don't eat for two weeks before. Did we ever talk about how you get the little men to wear fun colors? No, no we didn't talk about how you get the little men to wear fun colors. No, no, we didn't talk about a little. That's how you know the horse. But I wanted to talk about the names of the horses. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Makaevi Diva, the Black Caviar, the Black Diva, the Issa. Yeah. Makaevi Caviar, the Issa. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Macabi caviar that Diva caviar this black MacGyver that Mr. Horse that Kavi Diva that Black Kavi and this
Starting point is 00:28:59 Names is what I'm saying the names they give them said why don't call the horse Broden Kelly, or call the horse Thomas Ruein, Zach Thomas Ruein. Zach Ruein, Zach Ruein. Zach Ruein, Zach Ruein. I don't know, but what I was gonna say, Jason, stay the horse.
Starting point is 00:29:15 You ain't the horse, so vest the sloan, give the horse a name. I ain't it, I'm the horse. Just sell it, you're not being broosted. So I ain't the I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm and I wish I were a horse. Oh, sometimes I just wish I'd wake up in our barn
Starting point is 00:29:50 rather than a bed. Well, that's been horse racing today. Any last words? Shami and Bruce will eat until we've on it. And he has a room in his basement for vomiting. And then we go back to KV. The more I love horses. Yeah. I love who fast was watching the horse and saying what was the fastest. That's all that's all that's in the head. And the fashion on the field. But it's tradition.
Starting point is 00:30:19 The fashion on the field. And the vegans and the bees will try and stop us, but we will kill horses that could live for the rest of our lives! Yeah, and they're boyed them. Have a great day, boy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip episode brought to you by
Starting point is 00:30:44 See you next week!

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