Aunty Donna Podcast - The Frenchman And Big Linoleum in Paris

Episode Date: July 30, 2024

Bonjour from the French capital! It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, when the world’s best athletes gather to test the capacity of the human body and spirit. To help make sense of it all..., we’re joined by retired sporting legend Big Linoleum and French local The Frenchman.  LINKS  Follow @theauntydonnagallery on Instagram   Become a Patreon supporter at   CREDITS   Hosts: Broden Kelly, Zachary Ruane, & Mark Bonanno  Producer: Lindsey Green Digital Producers: Nick Barrett, Jim Cruse & Tanya Zerek Audio Imager: Mitch Calladine  Supervising Producer: Elise Cooper   Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh   Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Wow, wow, wow, folks. It's the Olympics and Auntie Donna are heading to Paris. We're not in Paris. Enjoy this episode, folks. If you like stuff like this, or you want to see the visuals of us in Paris, we're not in Paris.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Then head to the Auntie Donna Club Powered by Patreon and enjoy this episode. Welcome to the future. Lindsay, maybe in later find some great Olympics music, you know Yeah, perfect, perfect And happy July 26th or thereabouts folks And welcome to that special moment that comes every four years If you celebrate only the summer ones Where the world comes together to celebrate shit sports.
Starting point is 00:01:06 But some good ones. Javelin, sitting here alongside me, who will be taking us through the wonderful events. And we're gonna be broadcasting, the Undead on Podcast, and the next two weeks will be broadcast every day, unless we lose interest. Just say Javelin's a good sport please. And alongside me today is a lover of Olympics and I know he loved that
Starting point is 00:01:31 opening ceremony last night it's Zach Rewane. You know it is great to be here obviously. They throw a big stick. You're gonna have to stop. They throw a big stick as far as they can. Javelin's good. I think he was just trying to be funny, man. Listen, look, you know I love sports and I love when the world turns its attention to sports. Yes, every four years. And every four years you feel that majesty, that power. I was in the commentary team for that opening ceremony and just seeing some of that beautiful
Starting point is 00:02:01 French culture, a side of France I think I'd never seen before. Yeah. The singing and the dancing, the wonderful volunteers making that show happen. It was such a wonderful experience and I know I certainly can't wait for the next two weeks of... Sport. ...of power and passion. We're really testing the limits... And sport....the limits, the limits of the
Starting point is 00:02:26 capacity of the human body over the next two weeks. And that focus and that idea of we've been building up for four years, working every day, waking up at five, hopping in the pool or... I won't be pedantic, it is three years obviously with the delay to Tokyo. That was a hard, challenging time. But that sentiment is still there. Absolutely, absolutely. They've been working for three years, I guess, which is still a long time. And that focus to make it, it comes down to now.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yes, it does come down to now. Steve Hooker. Now, Tatiana Gagoriava. We thought to ourselves, you know, there was a lot of probably buzz and interest on social media while we were doing the commentary. We noticed on social, the social media was a lot of people wanting to visit Paris and France. We're going to take you there.
Starting point is 00:03:22 We wanted to get an expert in to tell the listener a little bit about Paris, France, what it is like. We've been experiencing the beautiful, the beautiful city over the last three or four days. And enjoyed the food too much. Certainly, I mean I'm glad I'm not competing anymore because let me tell you we weren't eating croissants, we weren't eating croissants before I played my sport. Now you work as a CEO for like a bank or something. Look, I'm on the board of a couple of charities.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I do a lot of commentary work. You're Kieran Perkins. Yeah, I'm going for that. I actually am thinking more, maybe I really love horse racing. Yeah. I do the horse racing, maybe I'm football horse racing. Yeah. I do the horse racing. Maybe I'm football. You're very handsome.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Maybe. And even now with a bit more, a few more KGs on, I'm still looking great. Very handsome, very private school. What, what are we, I know you introduced me to Zach, but I think we should give this guy a name. Yeah, call him Biglinoleum. Biglinoleum, I'm Biglinoleum. Now, uh.
Starting point is 00:04:22 He's a handsome private schoolboy who competed in the Olympics. And let me tell you, I might not have ever won gold. And the funny thing about this guy, he's handsome as fuck but he's got three dicks coming out one shoulder. Yeah, I do, absolutely. Like little like cysts. Like little, yeah, just full dicks flapping about. But here's the spirit of the games.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Here's the thing, it's a... But he said they were like little cysts and you said they were full dicks. They are cyst-ish but full dicks. A full dick. Big cysts. They grow out of the shoulder much like a cyst. The result is a full dick. So it is full-sized. Full-sized dick, yeah. And Mark's here as well, I think. Mark is here. Yeah, kind of. I'm kind of, yeah. I've been popping in and out, but mostly just been waiting. It's a true story about, and I think it's good context, is Mark didn't sleep last night. No.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I haven't slept the last two nights because I've- Humble brag. A humble brag. I got back from a trip overseas. We're in Paris. I was in... We're in Paris. We're in Cannes.
Starting point is 00:05:29 We're in Paris now. We're in Paris right now. Oh, we're in Paris. Yes, we're in Paris right now. But I got back from Cannes. What do you love about the games? Pardon? What do you love about the games?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Biglenn Ollien wants to know. About the Olympic Games? Yeah. We'll be bringing on our guest soon, but let's ask Mark first. What do you think of the games, Mark? I love it. Well, before I was trying to say, you said they're all shit sports. I think Javelin's a great one. Yeah, I know you think that.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah, I was just trying to get that across. Did you think you needed to just railroad my beautiful Olympics intro? I just wanted to, for any fans of sport, Olympic sports that were out there listening, I wanted them to know that they were heard. When they... I was going to say that they... When you said all the shit sports, I reckon there would have been some people that were ready to switch off.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Why not? Clearly I think that there's good sports. I think I would have got him back. I would have reeled him in. I really think he was just going for a gag. I know that it was off the money and I know that it was... Big linoleum has a point. But I think he was just trying to add some colour, flavour to his intro.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And I think we can cut him a little bit slack. Well I would say that the flavour that you added was coriander which is not for everyone Some people taste like dish soap my other people they're reminded in their barn me. Yeah Now my my wife She's an influencer. She's here with me She said that she's having a beautiful time in in Paris and You had some troubles a few years ago but you're back together. We did, yep.
Starting point is 00:07:08 What happened? Down in Geelong, you're a Geelong couple. I did sleep with one of my team mates' wives. So I slept with one of my team mates' wives and it was a tough time for all of us. Obviously I was a little bit... You're actually from Brisbane. I was a little bit... You're actually from Brisbane. I was a little bit distracted. I was in a bad...
Starting point is 00:07:27 I was having a... It was a bad time in my relationship. Distracted. You know, it wasn't an easy time for me. So when I repeated... The actual act. ...the life of my... What's that?
Starting point is 00:07:41 The actual act. Listen, I don't think we need to talk about that. I'm back with my wife. She's forgiven me. One more question. I've forgiven myself. One more question. Yeah. Did you use the dicks on your shoulder or are they they're not they're not? They're pure. Are they ornamental? Listen, You added that layer to the character. I don't think I'm prepared to really incorporate it beyond an aesthetic choice. Yeah, great. So that's, I hear that is you used your normal dick.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah, I'll just use my normal dick. And my, you know, and my, you know, the other appendages one would use when making... When you're getting your shirts tailored... I cut a hole out for the dicks. Yeah, three, this was going to be my question, three individual holes and you let them hang loose or do you have like a sock, not a sock, but a dick-shaped sort of cavity sewn on three separate... Do you understand what I'm trying to explain here? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I've got a hole, I've got one hole. Because I can't see you because you're wearing a thick coat. It's a nice, and it's nice clothes though. I can see that's an expensive shirt you're wearing and a nice coat over it. I can see the bumps where the dicks are but it's under the coat. Yeah. Do you know the Olympics only goes for two weeks? We know that. We're doing an episode every day that the Olympics comes out.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Also fucking know that cunt. I'm just saying it surprises me. I will fuck your wife. Big linoleum. Big linoleum. I will fuck your wife. Big linoleum? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Linoleum. Big linoleum. Big linoleum. Big linoleum. You don't need to fuck my wife because we're disagreeing. You don't need to. Now... I love the races. You could. You could. You could have anyone on earth. We are, my wife and I, we're very open. We're into some kooky crazy stuff, man. My wife loves getting into her finest clothes thanks to David Jones and heading to the races. Yeah, absolutely. And can you bring it back to the Olympics?
Starting point is 00:09:26 Absolutely we can. So now we saw social media... Also you have helicopter blades coming out of your head. Sure thing. You know, absolutely I do. Big little no. But they don't work. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:37 They're just... Ornamental. Everything I'm adding is ornamental. They worked for a short time and I used to be able to fly, but now not so much. Did they help in your sport at the Olympics? No, I added them afterwards, sort of a publicity stunt. It was when I was doing Breakfast Radio, the producer convinced me that we were struggling up against, we were struggling against Kyle and Jackie Owen. The producer convinced me to add a helicopter rotors to my head, said that it would boost
Starting point is 00:10:10 the ratings. And did it? It was two weeks before we were cancelled. Really? I got helicopter rotors surgically attached to my head in a desperate attempt to beat Kyle and Jackie Owen. Now I sat next to him on the business class flight here. It was horrible.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Because of the danger factor. No, I just don't think Eddie had her up to, for the business class experience, I expect a lot more. I expect pajamas, I expect, you know, being able to press the button anytime and see the wine. The helicopter riders fold there. Oh, they fold, right. It's like, you know, the plane that killed Osama bin Laden? I'm aware. able to press the button anytime and see the wine. The helicopter riders fold there. Oh they fold, right.
Starting point is 00:10:45 It's like the plane that killed Osama bin Laden. I'm aware. Seal Team Six, they have those like, they fold. Imagine like, very expensive blades. Very expensive. Very expensive to remove. But we did get a boost. I mean, we came second on the Friday that I got them.
Starting point is 00:11:02 You also have hips for feet. Yeah. I do? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah man. I don't think I do. Yeah you do.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I'm sorry I've yes and no. Dude I've been looking at your feet all fucking day and I'm like cunt's got hips for feet. Dude I'm wearing. I'm wearing um. Well I've named him Biglan Holyam. He's got three d Dude, I'm wearing, I'm wearing, um. I've named him Bigglinolium. He's got three dicks coming out of his shoulder. He's got helicopter blades coming out of his head at his jaw on the line.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That hips. I'm wearing RM Williams, mate. How can you even see my feet? I guess it's easy for him to draw the line when you've got pencils for hands. That I'll take, that I'll do. That I'll take. He's got, he's Bigglinolium. He's a pencils for hands. That I'll take, that I'll take. He's got big linoleum, he's a private school, he's a private...
Starting point is 00:11:50 He's the most normal character I've ever brought to the table. He audibly sounds like a normal private school Olympian. But he visually is a horrid looking gentleman, like beautiful face. Their faces are still very together. That's a thick lead as well, that's a two beat. The point where the helicopter is attached to my head is quite sort of body horror grotesquely sewn. But the front of my face, very beautiful, very handsome guy.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You're the guy who replaced Koshy in my head. I don't know who replaced Koshy. I think there's a particular AFL player commentator that I'm thinking of that I've got in my head. But you know, just very handsome. I see Matt Shervington. Very tall. I think I see Matt Shervington as well. What does he have?
Starting point is 00:12:41 What physical ailment? He looks normal. Ah, right. Or traditional. Handsome. Handsome. I'm a handsome man. Right. My wife... With helicopter blades coming out of his head.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Except for the helicopter. Three dicks on his shoulder and pencil. Hands for hands. And not hips for... really? Not hips for feet? No, that's silly. How did I... how was I... Surgery. No.
Starting point is 00:13:03 No. Just this thing with big linoleium. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He takes 90% offers and then like a por... like just refutes. There are some things that are too far for me. Well, I'm a real man. I'm a real person. And I do have a helicopter on my head. I do have pencils for hands.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And what you don't have is a know-how of how to get around Paris. No and that's why we've got our, thank God we've got two normal characters to work off this. Yeah that's what I was sort of trying to set up with a straight guy for this character but no. You're pretty normal. Yeah I mean I talk normal. It's all visual man. It's not gonna get in the way of any of the bullshit you have to say. That's true. Don't set up that this character needs to pick anything up. If they need to write something down, we are set.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah, we're so fucked. Well, except for the fact that it's really hard to sharpen my hands and there's a great value to that. What was your life like? Because if I'm using up lead and need to then sharpen, I mean I'm losing my hands. Yeah. Did they not regenerate? No. Well don't use it. Don't use it. Well if it's very important. Yeah very important. Like very important. If you're on a plane and you have your little custom thing to fill out on the plane. I
Starting point is 00:14:15 take a pencil. Yeah yeah yeah I would say. But I signed for quite romantically. I signed my marriage. Yeah. My marriage with my hands. And that marriage for a while then hit a rocky road. It was a rocky road, you know, and it was a tough time. But we got through it and she still loves me. And now, you know, we went to the races just three weeks ago in beautiful David Jones. I would say it's sad for me. I know most about your marriage and you through the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:14:49 That is tough, you know, and the media has a lot to answer for. That's why we sued them. That's why we sued them last year. And did you win? We did, yeah. Yeah, we did. And I gave all of the winning money to charity, but it was just there was a line. We had to draw a line in the sand.
Starting point is 00:15:04 With your hands? Yeah. What's that? With your hands? money to charity, but it was just there was a line. We had to draw a line in the sand and that was just... With your hands? Yeah. What's that? With your hands? Yes, yes, because I'm not actually using lead when I draw a line in the sand. I wouldn't draw a line in paper. In that sense, you've just got big sharp sticks.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah. For hands. Yeah, that's fine. Big linoleum, you are charming. You are great at hosting. You are dangerous if you turn that turn your head on Yeah, it doesn't work anymore. It stopped working. Oh really but it doesn't change the fact that you would be dangerous Well, they promised that they would remove it and then they canceled the show But you got a boost at the end of the first week. Was that a mango tango or was that a very good?
Starting point is 00:15:43 No, no, that was a boost in the ratings. Oh, right. Oh, I understand. But we still didn't beat Carl and Jackie O. I mean, who can? They are on top of the... No-one will ever bring them down. Well, VVFever Nick is a great show. But what I will say is you are a great host, a great writer. I was in Sydney. I was based in Sydney, so different.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Different, right. Different to them, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you weren't national? No, we were Sydney based. You can be based in Sydney, but you can... No. Oh, I mean, I think they packaged it up and sent it out to a few regional stations. But that wasn't really my business.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Did I fly? With your head? Yeah, we did like a little promo thing on the second week. So I got the surgery on the Friday. Yeah. And I was recovering and they just did interviews. They covered. You know, they had someone else.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And then on the last week, I flew over Sydney Harbor. Yeah. Just in my nice suit, I flew over Sydney harbour as like a promo. It didn't help at all. From what I understand, Kerry Stokes had already made the decision. Right, okay. But when did the pencils for hands happen? Were you born like that?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah, I was born like that. Don't need pencils for hands to run. To run? I was a sprinter. He is just mashable. Yes, right, right. You know, you introduce that. I just out of curiosity. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Did you ever poke anyone's eyes out when you were running? Because I can imagine. No, I mean, I was just... Have you ever, like, have you ever poked someone's eyes with your hands while you were running? Well I don't have two giant pencils on my hands. But do you understand what I'm saying right? So what you're talking about is the severity of the pencils.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I'm trying to put myself in your shoes but I'm not sure what's in your shoes, hips or feet. Feet. Now can I just explain to you, have you ever with your fingers, you're talking about the severity of a pencil going into the eye, have you ever with your fingers touched someone's eye or poked someone's eye while racing them in a running race? Yes. Okay, well I haven't.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Alright. And that's what separates us. That's why I'm a champion. And why I'm not. And you're not. Well I'm just Mark, I'm just hanging out. You haven't slept. I never claimed to'm a champion. And why I'm not. And you're not. Well, I'm just Mark. I'm just hanging out. You haven't slept. I never claimed to be a champion.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm an old boy. Oh! Right. Oh! Yeah. You understand? Yeah. So we've got a guest here to talk about Paris and France
Starting point is 00:18:20 and shit. What's his name? I don't know, the French man. The Frenchman. We've got a local who's going to teach us and take you on a trip as if you're sitting in your little shit house in Australia with your shit life. We're going to let you imagine what it's like to be here on the streets of gay Paris. Welcome. Sorry about that. Hello. Sorry. No, no, no. We know what you meant in the 60s. Yeah, yeah. Crune away, right? Sorry, sorry, sorry. No, no, you go.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Bonjour, no. Oh, hello. Bonjour. Bonjour. Bonjour. Welcome to France. What can I help you with? Oh, you are the French man. I thought there'd be an accent.
Starting point is 00:18:57 This is good. I like this. This is very good. I would love to know the best place to get a coffee. Oh, he's upset. He's upset. He's house-ing you. He's upset. He's rolling his eyes. Cafe. He's gesturing a lot half-heartedly. Oh, this is... Well, I've heard this about the French. Um, I would love to know where the most beautiful museums are.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Oh, come on, man. The Louvre. OK. God. Oh, come on, Mark. The Louvre. Okay. God. I mean, we've brought you on this program. Mark. We've brought you on this program to tell us about France and Gay-Paris in the 60 cents.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And you're here, and you're here, you're being a bit, no, it's all right. It's a cultural thing. I think. Um, if you've got any questions there, Brian, I'm from Australia. Oh, Australia. It's beautiful. He's quite on board and friendly now. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Yeah. Is there an Australian pub? Oh my God. Oh, I don't know. Okay. Every time I ask a question, Paris, man, why would I know that? You seem affronted or maybe just bothered by- I think it's just a cultural thing, man.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I don't think we should push it too much. Let's try. Can we try 80 to 90 more times? Yeah, I'd love to try one more time. 80 to 90 more times. Well, I'm going to try one more time and then base whether I keep going on Paris is a big place. Yeah You are French by the way. Yeah, I'll bond you. Yeah, you're 100% a French man. Your first language is French. Yes, mercy Yeah, right. Okay, of course it is
Starting point is 00:20:38 Paris is a big place. You can go you can speak to anyone. Yeah, we're all French here. Okay, and it's all cool Thanks for having us. Why did you? That wasn't a question! That wasn't even a question. Whatever. Seems a bit rude, but might just be cultural. Cultural. Let me just try something. Listen, I love cheese. Anywhere I can get some nice cheese.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Oh. Okay. Who... did you... Just go to the Formaggio shop. Okay. I'm happy to keep trying. Is there someplace I can get a cheeseburger? This is steak and shake. Is that a real thing? I think so. I think it was something like that. Listen, I haven't slept since 5pm yesterday.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Well, hang on. Yesterday. You haven't as well or Mark hasn't? Cause Mark, our co-host, hasn't slept. That's good. That's a good thing to do to your character. It's all I've got. I mean, I know it's clear by this point.
Starting point is 00:21:36 No, we'll keep going. Um, listen, where can I get a good steak fritz? You know, any restaurant's fine. Any restaurant's restaurants fine where could I really come on get a hamburger oh a hamburger chips a hamburger and chips yeah for a second there I thought he'd oh was excited yeah it's kind of just every it doesn't really matter what it is hey Hey, can I always go tell us? I want to explain all right. I'll explain any sort of
Starting point is 00:22:16 Even if it's not an inconvenience, I've got one. I reckon he'll be all right with yeah You can try but I'd be surprised if it doesn't come across as an inconvenience Hi. Hi Bonjour, How are you today? I'm very well. Thank you so much. Listen, I speak a little bit of French. He's already upset. If I make the effort, will you appreciate that? Sure.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Oui. Go try. Try. Bonjour. Hello. We go try try try. Um, bonjour. Hello. Parlez-vous anglaise? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:53 A little bit. Okay. Um, yeah, that's all I've got on the French. You've upset Big Linolium. He's trying his best. I am quite a celeb back home in Oz. Really? Yeah. I've hosted a celeb back home in Oz. Really?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah, I've hosted radio, I've been on television. You never saw the footage of the man flying over Sydney Opera House. That was you? Yeah. With your pencil hands? I flew from Benelong all the way to the other, the park on the other side of, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah no we saw the footage where can I get loved it oh you love you don't have to keep where can I
Starting point is 00:23:30 get it it's a Escargot. Any restaurant you can get snails I mean the Danish is it true that you eat the Danish yeah the Escarargot like from a patisserie yeah you fucked it what you fucked I fucked the escargot is also the snail yeah yeah I know but it's called an escargot because I can't live off to explain it I'm French who's the Prime Minister what who's the president the president? Of what? France. I don't know. I'll wake up at... Sarkozy. Is it Sarkozy? Sir Manuel Macaroon.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Sir Manuel Macaroon. I can't even... I don't even know if I tell you pronounce it. Sarkozy is like a word. I have to go have a nap. Okay. Because it's in the middle of the day and... I, you know, I thought this would be a bit funnier than it's turned out to be. I quite like it.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I don't think we've fully explored it. I think we have. Where can I get a good souffle? You know, anywhere man. Like, down on Rue Perrier. Who did 9-11? On Rue... Who do you think?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Osama Bin. Osama Bin? Yeah. And his, you know, his crew. Talebun. And maybe a little bit of the government. Alright, so he's a conspiracy theorist. In a way, in a way, no, no, no, in a way, in a way, they trained him up.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Oh, okay, like historically, okay. They trained him up. Alright. They, they, they didn't, George Bush didn't ring him up and go get on the plane. Who started World War I? How was World War I instigated? The Germans. Mm-hmm, yeah, but specifically the assassination of Ferdinand. Franz Ferdinand.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, good. I got a question for you. I got a question for you. Who built the Statue of Liberty? We did. Yeah, good. Good. Very good. We gave it as a gift. For what? I gotta give you a history lesson. I'd love that, yeah. Go to the Louvre.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Oh, that's more for art, isn't it? Paris Man, what is the national flower of Japan? The cherry blossom. Correct. That's two points to Paris Man. Paris Man, I've got a question for you. I'm having a great day, by the way. Yeah, I can feel it.
Starting point is 00:26:04 This is just for me. This is my bread and baguette. Who was the costume designer for the Fifth Element? A Frenchman. I don't know. Which Frenchman? Oh, I don't know. Lac Peugeot.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And I'm pretty sure, I might be wrong, he was Jean-Paul Gaultier. Stand by. Jean-Paul Gaultier. I might be wrong. He was a Jean Paul Gaultier Standby Jean Paul Gaultier. I might be wrong here. I'm pretty sure he was the designer for um, yeah was yeah Yeah, he did that great track with Kimber Paris. No, that's Gaultier Paris man, how many stripes are there on the US flag? 52 13 that's incorrect. You lose a point Paris Paris man. Why is this trivia? They're on the US flag. 52. 13. That's incorrect.
Starting point is 00:26:46 You lose a point, Paris man. Paris man. Why is this trivia? French man. Why is this turning into trivia? What is the slang name for the city, for the New York City used by locals? What is the slang name? For New York...
Starting point is 00:26:58 It's the Big Apple. It's Gotham, they reckon, on this trivia that I found online. Oh, that's a tough one. I've got one for you. Oh come on. French man, what was the plot? What was the plot or what was the general synopsis of Steven Spielberg's first film? What was the, I don't know, I can't even remember the name of it.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Nor could I, that's why I asked for the plot. Wait you don't know the name of it? I can't remember the name of it. I can't remember the name of it Oh, I do I do remember the name of it dual jewel dual Jewel, what is the rough synopsis of dual? Man is being chased by an anonymous man driving a water. So if you know a car Truck, unfortunately, that's five points off for Frenchmen.
Starting point is 00:27:47 What do you know? If you know why you ask... It's trivia, it's trivia for the Frenchmen. Everyone knows the London Underground is the great connector of this. Oh yeah, of course. When did they open the London Underground? Oh. Now I'm just...
Starting point is 00:28:03 See, now I've lost all sense of the character. Can I guess? Now I'm just upset at being asked trivia questions. I'm probably wrong here but maybe 1913? No, long time before that. Before? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before?
Starting point is 00:28:17 1863. They opened the tube in 1863. That's why it's so good. London Underground. That's why it's so good because it was built before you know like Labor Laws and stuff. Which famous graffiti artist comes from Bristol? Easy one. Correct Mark. Come on. Alright, alright. Here's one for you. Who won the Palm Door at this year's Cannes Film Festival? I just... Look, this is the thing about Cannes that I didn't realise.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Just the name of the director is fine. No, it started with an E. The movie started with the letter E. Because I can't remember the name of the film. It was something. It was something. The Toy Story? No. No? I think that was from 1995. It's the latest film by Sean Baker
Starting point is 00:29:08 Kind of the film festivals only 20% of what goes on a lot of it is the main part of the film The clothing company Nike originally called I Don't know blue ribbon sports and that's five points deducted from my blue ribbon. That's ice cream Yeah, they were they started as the same company. Did they? Yeah. Really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:29 No, really? No. Who were the two leads of House of Guards? Robin Wright and... **** Well, next question, next question. Beep that, but keep it in. Beep that, but keep it in. Next question, next question. Beep that but keep it in. Beep that but keep it in.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Next question. Who was Robin Wright married to for a time? Jeremy Irons? No, Penn. That's why she went by Robin Wright Penn. It's funny because you're Penn-sil, man. Yes, I've got pencils for hands. Big linoleum. Apparently the whole Madonna thing, that didn't happen. And now for the speed round.
Starting point is 00:30:05 That's what Madonna said. Oh, that's what Madonna said. Speed round. Speed round. What was the clothing company? Like, originally, what was it called? Blue Ribbon. Oh, you're correct.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Go. No, you ask another question. I'm going through. Where was the first modern Olympics game appropriate? Where was it first held? Greece where? Olympias no Athens deduct five points. Okay, Frenchman is a place what amount of degrees Called the Sydney's It's like they're called the Sidneys. Olympia?
Starting point is 00:30:44 What amount of degrees Fahrenheit does a ball of gas need to reach in order for star birth to take place? Fahrenheit please. Paris man. In Fahrenheit? Yeah. 160. Fahrenheit?
Starting point is 00:31:00 I don't know. To make a star? 2000. Fahrenheit. Oh. To make a star. Uh, uh, two thousand. Fahrenheit. Oh. To make a star. A million. Just one million. Don't let him get away with it. Don't let him get away with it. Get him to find the answer. You see, how else are you going to learn? One million to make a star. Just tell me. No, no, no, no. you can get it. Close. Four million. Four million. To make it sound... Are you going to keep being a sarcastic cunt? Big linoleum. Well, I think it serves you right for being a little cunt to us, Mr. Frenchman.
Starting point is 00:31:35 It's cultural! Okay, just give me a few... You ask for anything? Just a guess. You want to know if the brioche is sweet? Is it? Or not too sweet? I'm going give you a sigh, I'm gonna talk to my colleague in French so you can't understand but you know that I'm talking about you. That's good, that's good. And then I'm gonna make you so anxious and upset that you're just gonna ask for a
Starting point is 00:31:58 pan-chocolat. I thought the choice to not give him an accent was very clever. It was 18 million degrees. Wow, way off. I was close with one million. Yeah. Now, folks, it's time to leave us here, but don't worry. There'll be more Olympics chat tomorrow. The Paris Olympics are finally here on that beautiful Yarra
Starting point is 00:32:21 all the way through Paris. Biglennolian, thank you for coming over with us. We'll see you every day bringing us first the swimming. We're into the pool tomorrow before the track and field. 100 meters. Is this the end of the last episode or the start of the next episode? This is day one. But my question is, have you started the next podcast? 200 meters.
Starting point is 00:32:43 No, I'm ending the first one. What's the longest swim? I just thought you'd be like, you were just, ah. No, I'm ending. I'm suggesting that this is going to happen every day. What's the longest swim? Uh. Because I think we do another one.
Starting point is 00:32:56 1400 or? I think we do another one next week. 1500. 1500. Alright, you want to do two Olympics? I think we do two Olympics. We're going to do one every day. Maybe not every day.
Starting point is 00:33:06 In World we'll do it every day, but on the Donna podcast join us again for episode nine. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Does, when the helicopters, when the blades came out, did they also install like with inspected gadget little handles for you to hold on to or were your arms kind of just loose? No, so when I'm flying, when I was flying, this is an image I really want you to get right.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah. When I was flying over the Sydney Harbour, my arms and legs were just dangling completely down. Just imagine a man standing, like just not even standing, just dangling down completely sort of vertical. I imagine. With helicopter, with a helicopter. Like just not even standing, just dangling down, completely sort of vertical. I imagine. With a helicopter.
Starting point is 00:33:47 They would have had to reinforce your neck. I just want to just. Oh no. Really? No. It was held like a cub. I've got a strong neck. Just naturally. This is Big Lanolium. He's an ex-Olympian. He's quite handsome, so he got into the media. He also is a board of a few charities, but works in the media predominantly. For ratings, he had helicopter blades put in the top of his head and flew over.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Are we in the next episode? No, I'm just doing a wrap out of this character. He's got three dicks on his shoulder. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. And pencils for hands, but normal feet. Normal feet. But you'll be back next week. Yeah, I'll be back next week.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Frenchman, would you like to join us next week? I think that's a yes. Broden won't be able to join us unfortunately. I think he will. But we will be joined by... No, come, come, let him come. No, we will be joined next week by a new character, Broden, who is exactly the same as Broden. We'll see you next week for Olympics Fever.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You've been listening to the Aunty Donna podcast. Thanks for joining us for another RIP episode brought to you by See you next week. Listener.

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