Aunty Donna Podcast - The Sport Show With Zachary Ruane

Episode Date: July 11, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knough production. right now. There's a fever all going on. We're going to grab everyone coming off the pitch. And Todd Maker, here they go. And Todd Maker, and Todd Maker, and Todd Maker, are looking to try and prove one of the gig, right of our table. This is a security, aseptive, resistant coaches, and team officials.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And still going on on the side. Someone's on the floor. This is something we don't want to have. There's an unfortunate. There's an unfortunate. There's an Australian player. Someone throwing a push on Peter. Peter is there. There's an Australian player. Someone throwing a push on,
Starting point is 00:01:05 Peter, Peter is there. And this is incredible, gun maker throwing a fly you get. And now bottles are being thrown on the floor. Some very shocking sounds there from the Philippines. Really a surprising event in sport overall. For those of you who don't know there was recently a game between Australia and the Philippines and I recommend you Google it before we go on with this podcast. A basketball game and some really shocking brawl played out. I don't want to go too much into it. Anyway, hello, my name is Zach.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Welcome to the sport show with Zach Rewade. Where I talk, all things sport from football, which is to say soccer, football, which is to say AFL rules, and all the great sports, things that we know and love, and we don't just talk about kicking the football. We also talk about the men behind the men
Starting point is 00:02:22 kicking the football, the coaches, the team, and the women. That's what this is all about. This is sort of, if you've seen money ball, this is kind of a bit like that stuff, you know, the behind the Brad Pitt people. Anyway, so we're here to talk about a big basketball fight that happened either in the Philippines or here, but between Australia and the Philippines, but enough from me, let's bring in our panel of experts. Current coach of the Sydney Kings, NBL team, national treasure, flag bearer at the Sydney closing ceremony, 2000 games, Andrew Gays, thanks so much.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Yeah, thank you so much, Zach, for having me in this morning. Just had to put aside some layers. But, geez, when there's an international fight like this, you've got to get on the front foot and talk about the incident. And I thank you for having me on the sports show. No, I was Zach. Andrew. And of course, the second guest for today, multi-platinum artist, award-winning musician, singer-songwriter Bjork. And I think you're right there Bjork, it's funny that even though it is a non-context board basketball,
Starting point is 00:03:52 at points it can become quite physical. I saw when I watched this with my eyes through the computer screen that I have installed into my refrigerating machine. People who start just just I'm aware that of the fact that I know basketball very well. I know all the sports very well. And I realize I didn't really give a great run down. So I think just to clarify some of the specifics of the events. Björk, could you just run us through exactly what happened?
Starting point is 00:04:24 Of course. Now I want to start by saying it was quite odd for me to be asked to represent the Philippines for a number of reasons in this Juan. I am not Filipino, too. I am seeing a songwriter Björk who often collaborates with people like Michael Paliton and Tom Hylke. So it's very strange for me to be talking on this thing, but I do understand a little bit about the basketball. I understand about the hoops. So with the ball, you throw the ball into the
Starting point is 00:05:01 hoops. And what happened here is that one man of one team, the blue team, had the ball throw to try to throw. Try to throw! I talk! I talk! Beok, talk! Say, beok, talk! You not talk! You sell versions! You... Beok! Yes, you are a set of virgins you I won father of the year and I won that as a father of upwards of three kids now How could I be a virgin if I if I if I'm father of the year Australian father of the year Perhaps you do this sperm into a cup and we talk this take the sperm with Spur him into a cup and talk to the Spur him with the other one Take it best and then put it into your wife's wardrobe, you know, no mate
Starting point is 00:05:50 I've got three daughters straight from my eggets I'll tell you that much and they my wife is a fantastic mother And I'll tell you what the easiest the most important way about to become farther the year or tear that's to show up Teach him how to play basketball come farther the year or tear that's to show up. Teach him how to play basketball, help him with their homework, but most importantly show up boys. I do not have children, I only have three bonsai trees, so I refer to as Shimshin, Grookestark and Christopher. Yeah, Andrew, I'm acutely aware of the fact that to a first-time listener of the sports
Starting point is 00:06:22 show with Zach, they probably have no idea what's going on. Do you want to just run us through a little bit about what happened in this game? Well, sure, absolutely. So, if we watch the footage back, which we are doing in the studio here, we can see Chris Goulding takes a massive forearm to the face there, drops him back into the key, and that's when Kekit absolutely loses it, and drops a nail by riding to the Filipino player, and from then it's an all-in brawl. We can see international players from Maker from there were walkie-bucks, obviously it's all center there, they're back up there after Gianna Santa de Cumbo, he goes
Starting point is 00:06:56 absolutely mental and starts doing fly kicks left, right, center and I tell you what it's not a good look for the game with such great MBL work being done this year by Darren Kekerman and all the great people down there. It's not what you want to see for a young up and coming players. Now obviously this is something we see quite a lot in the in the contact sport games. I as a fan, such as AFL football, I see them getting getting roudy, yeah they get rowdy sometimes but now when you say, you know, you say Australian football league football. Yes, so a ff football which I'm a big I go for the bombers and you know, we know that a lot of the listeners
Starting point is 00:07:37 here know can't come to the bombers and it was there was some rough times there when they were doing drugs for me We know listeners of the podcast know that I was really struggling with they were doing drugs We should be very funny thing to do to move our genre on the pot. I choose to sport Well, you know, well just make this chart in the sport It's a bloody feels like a comedy sometimes. That's why we listed it under comment. But some of the people, I'm sorry I'm mad right now, but some of the people at the top of the AFL football, some of the people at the top of the butt,
Starting point is 00:08:13 their reaction to this incident was absolutely atrocious. I mean, have some respect for your game, have some respect for your support. They were 10-year-olds in that audience. I think that's the way to behave, not on. I'm a big... I'm a big... Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Sydney Swans Fund. Oh really? Oh yeah. Recently, or in Bavé Hall. Oh, you said some boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop. Make my ears scream like a young bird trapped inside a prism of technology. Björk, now you have opened, you obviously were a large part of the Greek 2004 opening ceremony.
Starting point is 00:08:58 See you soon, Jörg. Now obviously there was a lot of controversy around that because you weren't Greek. So I just wanted you to talk a little bit about what what made you want to perform with the Greek opening ceremony? You know I love a Sovlaki and you like Sovlaki? I thought that if I would maybe I would get a Sovlaki at some point. Did you get a free Sovl I... I... I... I signed the confidentiality contract. So just to break that down for you? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:09:29 The reason the Bjork performed at the opening ceremony of the... Two things before Athens. Yeah, it's because she thought at some point she might get a free suit lucky. Yeah, entry. Yeah, you obviously weren't... you weren't a flag bearer there. You were flag bearer famously for the closing ceremony or years earlier, but you were there, you were cheering on the, you were cheering on, I saw you having a great time at that opening ceremony, what did you think, I know
Starting point is 00:09:54 you're not an artist per se, but what did you think of Björk's performance? Well I'm kind of here today to talk about this international sports incident, not really about the Athens Olympics and the York's performance. Well it's just we got Bjorkia, which is incredible by the way. I know, it's great. She's promoting a new tour, if you want to talk a little bit about that tour. It's called the Sack Me Off Tour.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Okay. Excuse me. It's called the Sack Me Off Tour, inspired by when I sucked off Andrew Gerseth 2004 Athens opening September which is true and listen you can be farther of the year even if Bjork sucks you off because it's about showing out being there for your kids so tell me a little Bioch, but I see it. Bioch such injured guys off. Not around the pain or structure which is often. At the 2004 I performed on the stage. This is huge. This is huge.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Then I went backstage to the Sovlaki. They had the pig on the spit and they chopped up. Really? I hear what I was talking about there. Are you telling me, or I was there, but I was mostly watching the basketball. You're telling me that the catering for the only people's literally just pigs on the spits. They had about, they had not just the pig that had the lamb and the salmon, all on the
Starting point is 00:11:18 salmon, all on the spit, on the fire roasting. I went backstage, I had myself a pork sovraki with the chipis inside and then I sucked off and I guess okay this is great but we've got a little bit of the her performing in Oshiania oh I love this so long I love this so long no I love this so long
Starting point is 00:11:43 you love this so long no I love this so. No, I love this song. You love this song. No, I love this song. Oh, song. So sorry. Okay. Wow. Now I'm just a sports person. I don't really get stuff like this, but you can really feel an energy in the arena that night.
Starting point is 00:12:01 So I have my hair done up like a princess layer from Stan Warn, which is my favorite movie next to Leon the professional And I'm wearing dress bigger than you know bigger than Greece's ability to perform economic stability is what that is representing there. And of course, I have makeup done by Alfred Prince who is a man from the deep underground of Moscow who I brought in from the streets he lived inside the cardboard box, making shoes for the dead children who would were crashed in the Becker's Field Mining accident. There we go, that'll do it right.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Yeah, Andrew, maybe you can talk a little bit to this. Obviously, Bjork very famously wore a dress that was so big, it covered everyone in the audience. It was too big of a dress. What were your thoughts on that big dress? I wanted to go bigger. Yes, absolutely. I said I want to cover the whole world in my proper dress And they said just which is not really possible is it? It's ridiculous They said what about the dolphins and I said fuck the dolphins. I will suck them off Oh, and honestly that dress was inspired by Andrew guys as big shorts at the 2012. It was! Andrew Gays, you performed, you performed, you did a performance of Gangsta's Paradise
Starting point is 00:13:31 where you took out the bad words and your big shorts covered the entire audience of this episode. Absolutely, big giant shorts of horror. You performed it for a year and she did. No, I don't know if this is real or not. Actually, the 2000 Colistic ceremony was that cooked that that would be believable. Yeah, I've got really big shorts,
Starting point is 00:13:53 but I'll tell you what, it's to get some air to meagots. I'll tell you that much. Now, my shorts were so big that they looked a bit like parachute pads, my MC hammer, but that wasn't me I was more interested in getting those mid-range shots two pointers, but great to spread that defense now I don't know if this is This is Too much to throw at you right out of the bat and obviously we will get back to the Philippines
Starting point is 00:14:19 Okay, I would like to talk about But you wouldn't be able to perform a little bit of that famous performance of gangster's paradise would you? Ensure what you mean just give us a little bit of your I know you're a great rapper Endure and I would I would love Nothing more to hear some of your amazing rap. Maybe about your basketball I just I just hear amazing things all right. Well, I'll do my best That sort of come from the from all right you want me to wrap your gays to wrap their basketball great all right
Starting point is 00:15:00 check it check me the ball was Was this an original composition by Paulio? Yo, check it. Go the boomers. When I dribble the ball, I dribble it good. I've got to get the points. That's understood. I've got to get it passed. The guy on the rear. I was Australian, father of the year. Yeah, I'm Gaze. I love to shoot. Yes, I do. Vladimir put ain't got nothing on me. I'm the best at running for a layup miss.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah, yeah, or fuck your dad. Or fuck your dad and so on, yeah. Okay, playing up your hillbattery here is some of those amazing stuff. I'm fun. You know I grow up in Iceland with all of the bears that come at me and they all of my clothes they tan us off but I'll hook around and I go fishing in the lake without the sound. I creep up on the birds at night, it's a fright. I take all the birds and I squeeze them with all my might. I chuck them out and I kill all the birds. Now, it's a fright, I take all the birds and I squeeze them with all my might, I chuck them out and I kill all the birds, now I slag them no more birds!
Starting point is 00:16:11 Zekko! Oh yeah hey hey you doing, my name is Zekko Love Sports, Zekko Love basketball, I fell soccer in sport, I love all the kind of sport, I like eating food with a fork. That's what I love. All my sports I get mad when people rig the game. I get mad when people are really lame. I love a good game. That's nice and close. But I tell you this, I don't know. We're close. We're my favorite colors to the game. Have the beer and sing. Tom, go. I am here recording our podcast with the boys and having a blast.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Gonna fight an adelaide tonight to perform at the Akabahutto tomorrow is gonna be blast. Why are we so late to see that the ones we hurt are you and me? I've been spending most of my life living in the ass for the entire day. Wow. Well, you heard it here first. It's a collaboration between Zachroway and Andrew Geys, Björk and Tom Armstrong from Antitana. Look, it's never boring here at sports with Zach. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:17:38 It is, isn't. Geysy, let's talk real for a second. Or real. Oh, Jesus, I don't know about that. I can't expect, you know, you're a real, you've done a lot of work for basketball, for Australian basketball. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Putting out that image of, you know, I believe, I don't know if this is correct, but I believe you got father of the year once, is that right? That's actually true, I want father of the year. Now, you've put out a lot of great PR for basketball. You've really moved it into another stratosphere in Australia. You can say that again, Zach.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And it must be pretty upsetting to see those bloody drongos just getting in there and just being bloody idiots on the bloody basketball court. I'll tell you what, basketball is a sport for everyone. That's the thing. And if you can walk. Now, but there's also wheelchair basketball. Now, I think that it's great for young people to play
Starting point is 00:18:33 and stay fit on the weekends. And as a parent, you go and you press the scoreboard for the referees so they can keep the scoreboard and your kid looks over and says, hey, there's my dad pressing the points, he's doing a good job. Although I don't know if he knows what a fail is. Okay, but surely the moment that elbow hit the face of the young Filipino man, surely in that moment,
Starting point is 00:18:55 Gaze, you were disappointed. You've got some of the boys there that you coach in that team. Surely you expect them to behave better than that. That's the thing is they should do better. Surely, surely. Now, I know you're coming in here. You try to keep it positive, but this is disappointing. Yeah, no, honestly, if I'm going to be honest, it's we're trying to build. Yeah, from Beamson, see we're trying to build, yeah, from Beamson Sea,
Starting point is 00:19:25 we're trying to build a brand in Australia for basketball. And when they act like bloody drongo's, it's not helpful, is it? No. It doesn't do great international relations for fever, Federation of International Basketball Association. Well, this, there's no fever.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And going forward, I think our boys will be, however, we do know that the bench players didn't leave because they knew that leaving the bench to fight can actually cause more problems. You're adding fuel to the fire per se. What do you all thought, Peter? What are your thoughts? Bioc, this agrees. Okay. Tell me what? No. Okay. Bioc, you famously bashed up a Japanese journalist. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And someone who bit in the Philippines. Yes. And someone who... I wanted to rip that motherfucker's throat out. So someone who has trouble dealing with her anger Istanbul Istanbul alright I didn't matter to me okay I did not see yourself in in some of those basketball players. Look first of all I want to say when I go to beat the fucking shit out of someone. I do not see race. That would be Filipino, Japanese, Istanbul and easy. Yeah, it does not matter to me.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Hopefully not Australian. I don't want the octoblady beat me. I think I would thank you. I would fucking cut you back on. No, if you cross me. The only coming I want to say is our tools cutting through the key. Get that innocent pass. Look, we've gotten a little bit serious now. I think we should have some fun.
Starting point is 00:21:07 It's time for what's your thoughts? Do famous part of the sports of Zach podcast. I'm Zach obviously the host, I love sports, I love baseball, I love NRL football, I love, I love, I love, that's the national rugby league football. Yeah, I love all the sports. So I'm just gonna throw some words out there. We've got guests, if you're just tuning in, we've got Bjurt, we've got Andrew guys. I'm gonna throw some words out there and I want to hear what you thought
Starting point is 00:21:47 okay so here we go soccer yeah I love soccer and it's time for the national games to come into the four isn't it every four years we put down tools we wake up at two in the morning have a quick coffee and then watch our soccer ruse go hammer and song for that World Cup prize. Okay, great, great. A cream cheese dream. Okay, fantastic. Tom York. Tom York, geez.
Starting point is 00:22:14 What a great singer songwriter. He's obviously bought some of the great songs in Radiohead of known creep. I think he's great. Crystal bowling with a method man who do not know where to find himself inside. Method method man. Yeah. I have collaborated with method man secretly shhone all of my albums Method man is an incredible alternative in the producer, but he goes by the name of Christoph in Gustavo Yes, nobody knows this about method man. This is breaking you. Oh, no if this if this turns if this comes up on pitchfork tomorrow, I'll be in so much trouble. Why don't you repubete it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Here we go. Method man, him a man. You know I love him all the time. He like to take me out to lunch, but I know I want to go to lunch because my name is Bjork I only eat my lunch with the fork Sometimes we collaborate Sometimes we must bit in front of each other But never for fun only for the art Art fart
Starting point is 00:23:39 My fart Fat come out of my fart Why? When I do a fart I do my fart Sometimes I must I must do A little call lab Fat come out of my part, what do I fart out of my back? Some down dry must I must do a little call lab, call lab with my fab, you must fanz, fanz is in refrigerator fanz They call me gazing, I love to bask a ball, I play for the kings and I love to brawl, no one don't Then fill the peanut boys, they bloody had a fight, not good.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You gotta beat, good father for your kids. Dribble the ball and don't get sins. Yes, armed, game through gaze. Yes, I do with the ball, I am aes. Archery, bad bit and baseball, softball, basketball, beach volleyball, boxing canoeing and kayaking. These are just some of the sports I'd love to talk about We gotta do I can't really hit a beat put up the beat
Starting point is 00:24:34 We gotta do a mid roll for Harry Shavers. This is the mid roll. What's going on? You should get the shavers. They're really fucking good. They're like cheap and you can like get them like we free delivery If you buy one online they're really good and that is the mid roll Do you need to say the website? slash auntie Donna, so you can get free Harry Shavours. Wow. Well, Harry's razor is my favorite blade. It gets all the hairs off the neck. It gets them all up with that great.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I think they throw in some shaving gel. Wow. Oh, not. No, please go on, dear. No, I can't. in some shaving gel. Wow. Oh, no. No, please go on, Björk. No, I can't. I'm there inside. I'm so sorry to have interrupted Björk. No.
Starting point is 00:25:11 That was a great little impromptu rap from Björk and Andrew Gays. I can't wait to hear about any future collaborations, guys. That was the song by Wootseynklin, Method Man. Now, final, final, what do you think of this? What do you think? What do you think? Whatever the, the, the, my, That's a great sketchboy, Haramie Donner, isn't it? Final one, Sydney Kings, 2019 championship. Yeah, well, it's going to be so exciting.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Obviously we got the biggest signing probably an ever NBL history, bigger than Johnny Flynn, bigger than Casper Ware. Bigger than your own signing I would say. Maybe not that close as that. We've signed Andrew Bogart, NBA No. 1 draft pick, Andrew Bogart, who was a great basketballer and a bit of a dick on to the dickhead. Now, we're gonna give him the ball and he's gonna score a double, double every week. Are you excited to see his double, doubles? Oh well, double, double. Look, here's my thoughts on Bogart.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Bogart. Bogum. Here's my thoughts, mate. Now, obviously, I love all sports and I'm all about the type of, not just the game you play on the field, but the game you play in life. And when I see his bloody outrageous behavior on Twitter, the way he talks about big issues that he doesn't understand.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I think yesterday he was mad. He's the one who can't get bags of words anymore. Oh. And this is exactly what I'm talking about. Andrew, he can go to heck. Because I've been a fan of sports since I was a little boy. There's 10 year olds on that to a stream. Geez, you'll be going to your ages.
Starting point is 00:26:56 He is a role model. And I don't care if he's 19 or if he's 30. When you step up to that plate, you're not just a player. You You're also a role model and if you don't get him in line gays This is outrageous and I This is the same as when the bombers did all those drugs. I was mad and I was disappointed I love this game. I love sports and when I see people making a mockery of sports I'm down. No sports are a very serious thing I see people making a mockery of sports You're not doing drugs or not being good role models
Starting point is 00:27:33 It makes me angry. I've got four kids, Gaze You can legitimately get a job on sports ready I see I've got four kids, Gaze And when I see that sort of behavior and like they're mimicking it in the school yard They think if they want to be like their hero bogey it they've got it They've got to not only play good basketball. They've got to be a bloody drongo and a bully and that's not on Gaze I love to see Bjorks take on this. I think that you know you have players like Isaac Humphle's that you know you have players like Isaac Humphle's Jerome Randall. Steve Blake.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Al Harrington. Steven Jackson. Just what a goose. So you've looked up and you've searched when you search Google and when you Google search the Sydney Kings and then it says people also search for you've just started to read those names. No these are all plays for the Sydney Kings. Okay, well, let's do that.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Go tell them to be sorry. Sorry, guys. Yeah, you didn't recognize a single one of your players. That's because I've got severe dementia. Sorry, Gacy. What? Nothing. No, Gacy, do you want to tell them?
Starting point is 00:28:40 That are you, okay? All I want to say is, I love two things. McKids in basketball. And imagine if I could fuse the two together and dribble McKids. Guys, I've always been a fan of you. Magic dribbling. You're a kid.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Magic dribbling, you kids. That's pretty good. You wouldn't have to get a car. You just dribble them off to work. Drummer them off to school. I'd love to say a picture of that. Yes, someone do that. Someone do a picture of that. Not Andrew G do that. Someone do a picture of that.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Not Andrew Gays is real kids. They don't deserve this. They just did just kids. They deserve their anonymity. But Gaysie, he's in the public, I mean, I'm in the public spotlight. Yeah. Gaysie, would you like to be your
Starting point is 00:29:18 partner voice? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. What are your thoughts on pop rock of the 90s? Oh geez, I love pop rock of the 90s? Oh geez. I love all pop rock of the 90s. Oh, Ace has really Opened it up and said hey, there's a rock and roll scene here, but then at the same time you've got sound garden You've got the great work all
Starting point is 00:29:38 Blur obviously blew a fantastic and who can't love this his side project gorillas now Can we talk about massive attack and the movement that that didn't the electronic has seen jazel fantastic teardrop is a classic of the 90 good old trip hop now uh one last thing uh golf what do you feel to golf hey i got some thoughts on golf but i'll hold a min for now i would love to hear the other thoughts on the Tiger Woods controversy. Oh, I tell you what I would. He comes in, he comes in, he makes himself an outstanding citizen. He's not just got kids watching, he's got brands, mate.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Gillette has a hundred million people working for them and he comes in, he makes a bloody full of himself, a bloody full of sports which I take very seriously and he comes in and he makes a bloody fool of himself, a bloody fool of sports, which I take very seriously and he goes and he let people would have had to be let go from Gillette because of his behaviour. Do you really think that? I don't know and it doesn't matter because we're going to an ad break. I highly doubt the probability of Gillette laying off workers because... because Thaigle Woods had an affair with various women. If somebody can draw a line between Gillette laying off workers and Thaigle Woods fucking other women,
Starting point is 00:30:56 I'd like to see it. And to close us out this week, thanks, that's Gasey. Yeah, I'll take you over the show. No, thank you. I just want to say a quick thank you Gaze. Gaze, you are promoting your book at the moment. Do you want to just give that a quick plug before we wrap up? Absolutely. I do. I want to talk about my book, which I'll just check that if I did write a book. I'm sure you did Gaze. Yeah. I like to talk about if you go to you can buy basketball for dummies by Andrew Gays or you can buy the Andrew Gays story or On the road with Andrew Gays we might not say 90 book basketball the Andrew Gays way. Wow, that's fantastic You are touring Australia next month.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yes. You want to tell us a little bit about that tour and where we can get to get to. I'm going to be performing songs from my entire back catalogue, including songs such as... We love to hear one. Why don't you do one? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Why don't we perform right now? Björk, all is full of love. Now, Björk, just before we wrap this up, Björk is going to perform a song to wrap up this Sports with Zach podcast. She's kindly changed the lyrics of her song to be all about basketball and sports in general. So I can't wait to hear this is Bjurk performing all his love, specific version, all his full of love for our show.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Thank you so much. This has been Sports with Zach. You'll never hear this podcast again. I just want to thank my collaborators for this, which is of course Andrew Gays, Zach from Sports with Zach and Tom Armstrong and Beth Adonner and Method Man. Oh, this basketball, or this full basketball, especially the hoops, that's a basketball get thrown in when you go for a three-point out. You need to not press that button because the team gets mad at you. Yeah, they call me Andrew Gaines, a dribble at good, a dribble at quick. I hope that's understood.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Pass me the ball, I'll hit her three, and then you'll have to cry. Hee hee, hoo hee hee. Hee hee hee. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Yaaaah! It is full of basketball! Especially the hoops!
Starting point is 00:33:34 Yeah! My name is Zeke Love basketball! I love football! I love soccer and stuff! I love all kinds of sports. La dida. Ha ha ha ha. Ho ho ho. Hey hey hey.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And ah ha ha ha. Ho ho ha ha. Hey hey hey. Oh, he's smart. I'm a basketball. You know, guys, my name's Andrew Boggett and I'm a can. I'm a can. I'm a can. I'm a can. I'm a can. I'm a can. I'm a can. I'm a can. I'm a can. inside of the ring that double slam dunk and Jeff are from halfway shot half caught half caught overtime overtime thank you thank you thank you Thank you, Björk. Thank you, intro guys. Sports with Zach is brought to you by Sports.
Starting point is 00:34:57 What's your favorite sport? Let us know at Also brought to you by Kamer. Airball, Hollywood, Assis, Backboard, Bankshot, block, back door, block, a caddy, a charge, double dribble, fast pick, a flop, free throw, a key, a layup, none to man, one and one, outlet, post, post, up, a triple rebound, a swish three in the key, turn over, song the pins, song the pins. You've been listening to the Antidona podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-amp episode brought to you by See you next week!

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