Aunty Donna Podcast - The Standing Episode

Episode Date: March 7, 2023

This week it's another world first on the podcast as Broden, Mark and Zach try to record the whole podcast while standing up!   Tell the boys where they should go on their 2023 World Tour, head to to let them know. Join The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Auntie Donna. We are heading on world tour in 2023. We're coming to the US, Canada, UK and Ireland. I know that's not the world, but you know what I mean, but we need your help because we don't know where to go. If you sign up to our mailing list at Auntie and enter your capital city, we'll know to do a show near you and you'll secure first access to tickets when they go on sale. Sign up equals show near you. No sign up equals no show near you and your secure first access to tickets when they go on sale. Sign up equals show near you. No sign up equals no show near you and Auntie Donna go on a kayaking holiday instead. It's the Auntie Donna World Tour in 2023. Sign up to our mailing list at Auntie now enjoy the episode.
Starting point is 00:00:41 A list, nap production. Get a legends and welcome to another rip episode of the Arntie Donna podcast. This week we have another world first on the Arntie Donna podcast as Broden, Mark and Zach attempt to record the whole podcast while standing up. Remember, if you're loving the Arntie Donna podcast you can get access to the bonus episodes and the video versions at Welcome to the ANTIDONNA podcast. Starring. You know him as the Italian can.
Starting point is 00:01:25 He's Italian. How many, 45 foot? Nothing. Five foot's flat. Man in it. Oh, sorry. Big nose. Huh?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Big nose. I would never. Big nose, say it. I would never. Big nose, I'm not gonna do it. Say it. He's got a normal, he's got a great nose. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Very. It's and tight, very smooth. Smallest asshole you've ever seen. It's Mark Samuel Bonanno. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Hey. I am at the brain injury. And we've got not only do we have Mark, Samuel Bonano, here one of the regular guests on the antidone of podcasts. We got someone else here today. Yeah. His name, you would know. It starts with the last letter of the alphabet,
Starting point is 00:02:17 which is, yeah. And you knew that, because he's saying, you know. And he's got, he's always wearing shoes. Yep, and he's here Come on man, I'm doing the best I can I got a big far He's got a great Farad. Thank you. It's Zach ruin. Yeah motherfuckers. It's Zach Ruin! Yeah, motherfucker, it's me Zach Ruin. Yeah. That's how they pronounce it on ABC breakfast and you said it was right.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah. Now I'm gonna count right here. That's one, that's two. Mark Bonanno, Zach Ruin, that's two people, but I'm seeing three people in the room right now. That's because this podcast has three hosts. Woo! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It's my absolute pleasure. My absolute pleasure. Woo! What's the name of a pleasure? Pleasure. Pleasure. No, I had another word. Joy.
Starting point is 00:03:11 It is my absolute orgasm to introduce the third and final host of this podcast. You might know him from How to Stay Married or Aunty Donna. He's got the beard and the hat. It's brrrr and uh... He's an embald. You sure? Yeah, you. He's got a great head of hair. Broding Culey. It's Broden Caley.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's Broden Caley. Yeah. Now a lot of people, a lot of listeners at home right now will be like, Whoa. What the fuck is going on? It sounds different. Something sounds different. This podcast is full of beans.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Usually it's not this full of beans. So it's like, But in this, I've got a stiffy. Broden has got a stiffy. It's a busty. And I have a stiffy Ronan has got a stiffy. It's a musty. Why does he have a stiffy? He's seen so much so that the knob is rubbing on the zipper
Starting point is 00:04:09 and he's gonna have to go to a dermatologist. Yeah. We are... Did I come from truth? We are... No! We are... So full of beans because...
Starting point is 00:04:20 Yeah. Now tell me if I'm wrong, guys. What? You're... Yeah. You're telling me we got to announce it. Because I'm hold. We got to announce it. Yeah, I'm wrong. What? You're... Yeah. You're tired. No, we got to announce it, because I'm hold. We've got to announce it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, I'm kind of talking about that. But we've got to announce the concept, so they know what I'm going to be. Listen to that. I can't see. And I'm not saying that you're all... The patrons can. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I'm talking about listeners. And anyone that's like, we've seen any of our one or two minute clips on social media. This may be... Yeah. the first ever podcast recorded. We weren't content with just doing another boring fucking podcast. Every fucking week it's the same. Every fucking week.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Everyone, going on a podcast the other day and they said, you have anything to promote? Never was like, I've got a podcast. I've got a podcast. I've got a podcast. Well, who's changing the world? This is the first ever podcast where the hosts are standing for the entire podcast. Yeah, kind of half leaning.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Half leaning. I'm standing. I got a question. There's a chair here from when we recorded it sitting. And I want to put my leg up because I think then I can kind of... No, that's not standing. No, that's not standing. No, that's not standing. You're not a fucking talking.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I'm the only one here who is standing. You're, I don't know what that is. This is standing. Oh, he's like, he's, he's, that's rest. So I've got. I'm standing in this. For anyone sitting at home. I'm fucking getting, for anyone sitting at home.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Listening to the podcast. Right now, I have one foot on the floor, and then another foot up on the chair like a, like a resting cowboy. Yeah, he's a resting cowboy stand. That's not standing. That's a resting cowboy stand. No, that's a rest.
Starting point is 00:05:52 That's a resting cowboy rest. They wouldn't call it the rest in cowboy stand if it wasn't a stand. It's not called the resting cowboy stand. You made that up. There's all different variants of a standing. Now you're standing. Now you're standing.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Now you're holding my hands on the chair. I'm going to clap. This is an audio medium. When you say Now you're standing. Now you're standing. Now you're right in the hands of the guests. I'm going to clarify. This is an audio medium. When you say now you're standing, what are you seeing? I'm seeing a man who is being, who is defying gravity, who's defying the laws of gravity. We're not defying, fighting against it. I'll for burn with you.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Using only their feet. Using but only their feet planted firmly on the ground. So, Brad and Kelly, right now, oh, sorry. That's the thing. So also I should say we didn't change the microphones and they're really heavy. They designed the tabletop microphones. Yeah, we should understand.
Starting point is 00:06:32 We should understand. Leaning down to use his me and Mark holding. And that was some of the issues before. This is why my volume is changing. Right now I'm just physically closer because I'm resting the bottom of my microphone atop my bow. It's in practical and stupid to be doing this,
Starting point is 00:06:45 but we're the first to do it. So Broden Kelly. But you're not really doing it. If there's different variants, there's different variants of standing. There's different variants of standing. Can we explain what your issue is? What is Broden doing that you know?
Starting point is 00:06:57 Standing to me is pure. Yeah, and what's your standard one? You could have described to the listener, what are you seeing that you're taking issue with? What I'm taking issue with is that Broden is using another object. What's the object? You've got to describe the visual. It's a table.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah, I know what your issue is. It's a table. It's a table. It's a table. It's a table. And what's Broden doing? Broden is leaning on the table. So he's got two hands on the table, one hand on the table.
Starting point is 00:07:19 He's grounded, but now he's got one hand on the table. He has two hands on the table right now. Now he has one hand on the table. It doesn't hands on the table right now. Now he has one hand on the table. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Because they can't imagine the image. Yeah, Mark, protested. I am.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I am. He's saying, I have an issue with this. This is my opinion on standing. Well, they're like, what's he doing? So you're standing right now, and I appreciate it. Thank you. And Brodyn's standing is no longer standing. Because he has both hands on the table,
Starting point is 00:07:41 and he's taken both hands off the table. So he's standing now, and now he's got them on the table So he's no longer standing because look when you think about what is grounding you to the earth one dog is a jack Russell One is an Irish terrier one is a pug. They're all dogs mate Yeah, but they're different no, but they're different breeds of dog. You can't say they're all the same dog breeds of standing can't head No fucking shit the brains, you know, there is no different Breeds of standing yes, they're absolutely because there's no different breeds of walking because absolutely Because then sorry, I was on your side and then you said there's no different What about the walk where they're like wiggle in their butts and winning the Olympics?
Starting point is 00:08:21 That's that's that's a no that's walking. That's walking. Because you change it. You're joking. You're joking. You change it. You're running. That's unchanging. You're standing. Am I walking right now? Can't face. No, but Mark, Mark, you're changing the goalposts here, right? You said there are not different breeds of walking
Starting point is 00:08:40 in an attack of his different breeds of standing. And you that, and now you're changing the goal, but there are different types of walking. If you change the nature of your walk, it becomes something else, like a joke. Well, if you mark the definition of a walk, is heels and toes on the floor at the same time. You're never airborne.
Starting point is 00:08:59 That's the definition of a walk. You can go from a stroll to a brisk walk to an Olympics level racing. How does the definition of a walk. You can go from a stroll to a brisk walk to an Olympics level racing. I think that's the definition of a walk. There are definitions of walking. Yeah, there are, if the Olympics, when they do on the speed walking, if you have both feet off the ground at the same time,
Starting point is 00:09:15 yes, what can't you're out? Then you're running. Then you're running. So you can go from a different breed of walk. You can go from a stroll. But there are a different breed of walk, yeah. They're all standing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Wait, what's my argument? Am I saying that there is no different breed of walk. Yeah, they're all standing. Yeah. Wait, what's my argument? You're saying that there is no different breeds of walk? No, I think there are. Well, then that's good. But it becomes something else. Let that go then. Don't change the goalpost. If you get a shitsuit and a bulldog and you breed them,
Starting point is 00:09:39 do you know what you get? A dog. A shits, a bull, no, a shits dog. Can I, can I, I've decided what I'm going to do here? Can I just come here? A shoe dog. A shits dog. A bull. No, a shits dog. Can I? Yeah. I've decided what I'm going to do here. Can I just come here? A shoe dog. I'm going to adjourn this debate. We now have a debate between Mark Bonanno and Broden Kelly. And it's all done standing.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Is Broden Kelly standing? What? Staring. Up on whether you are standing or not. And I want to say right now, you've got to move past it, man. We've already moved past it. We've already not done what we said we were gonna do Which was do a full podcast standing the first ever and you've broken the laws of standing I'm standing that's your contention and that's why now we will have this debate
Starting point is 00:10:18 Brody Kelly. What is your contention? Mark. I'll get to you mate You can ask your question then bro. Don't what is your contention? Do you believe you were standing? Yeah. So your contention is right now, when you put two hands on the table, you are standing. Mark, what is your contention? My contention is that, that motherfucker
Starting point is 00:10:36 that I'm looking at right now is leaning, is leaning. Now, Mark, is your contention that one cannot stand and lean at the same time? Is your contention that he is not standing? My contention is that a lean is not a pure stand. And we said we were doing a standing podcast. Not a leaning podcast. Okay. I need to clarify the idea.
Starting point is 00:10:59 But as actually a leaning podcast is a really good one. Because I'm going to say the debate is this. Is Broden standing. Broden's position is that he is standing, your position is that he is not standing. Are you okay with that being the terms of the debate? My position is that he is leaning. My position is, if I would show a jury,
Starting point is 00:11:20 we can argue, the terms we need to agree on the argument. I'm telling you what it is and you just keep telling me I'm wrong because I feel like you know some little loophole Where you're gonna fucking fuck me up? No, no, no, no, no, no, he's from the leaning lobby because I think he could argue the one He's from a powerful leaning lobby. One could argue Mark. One could argue that one can lean and stand. They're not Opposed to each other. I think what I am saying. please. And you have to listen to me. I'm listening. You simply must. I just need to get, we need to get a clear terms of debate. Go. If I were to show two photos. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you're crouching. I got tired. Where are your legs? Where are your knees? Is this standing? Oh, absolutely not! Absolutely not! That's a crouch!
Starting point is 00:12:06 Sorry. That's a crouch! You can't crouch! That's not a stand? Well, although, I don't know if anyone's ever done a crouching put-couch. You should crouching, bro, and hidden. That's good. Mark, I just want to know, my man.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I'm telling you right now, I'm under... What's your position? I'm, let's say I'm in front of a jury of my piece. Because he's saying he's standing. We're talking about the lean thing. We can talk about crouch later. This is too much for me. Let's say I'm in front of a jury of peers.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah. Right? You're saying that? Yeah. Cool. I'm the jury. You're the jury. I show you two photos.
Starting point is 00:12:41 One. These are all archimates. One is of a man. This is archimates. One is of a man. This is archimints. One is of a man. Ah! This is really mean. Ah! I need to know. Okay. One is of a man doing this.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah? Standing. And I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do on it on a tape. Yes, fighting with all their might, the laws of gravity.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Great, on their two feet. And then a picture of a man, and I'm not gonna do it, because I said I was gonna stand this whole time, so I'm not gonna actually do it, all right? But then a picture of a man with his two feet on the ground, leaning on something else for support, and I'll just show those two pictures to a great argument.
Starting point is 00:13:27 At the beach. We haven't defined the terms of the argument. I just need to know. OK, go, go, go, go. Mark finished. All I'm asking is to finish. All I'm asking is to finish. OK.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Hello, I'm from finish. That's good. You're from finish. You've got your finish. I'm satisfied. No, go, go, tell me, Matt. What are you saying? And I show those two images to a jury of my peers, a jury of your peers, which is me. And I say, which photo is this man doing a pure stand, a pure stand, a pure stand,
Starting point is 00:14:00 a pure stand? Okay. What one are they going to pick?. Are they gonna pick the one where the Cuncelinen? Right. Mark. Mark, I get it, brother. Oh, they gonna pick the one where the man is doing a pure stand. But this is what I'm saying, man. Can you hit me right now?
Starting point is 00:14:15 Can you hear me right now? I need you. I'm gonna be honest with you, man. I agree with you. Pure stand? Yeah. Those are the terms of the argument. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah, I'm picking the one where you stand in two feet, no leaning. Thank you. Right, Mark, jury close. No, I'm Mark. River that cheese. Listen to me, man. I got one point I need to make you after the ad break, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:33 Oh, wow. Thank you. Let me have the same time. That's amazing. Pretty cool. So I'll do the ad break and then I'm going to tell you what the point I'm trying to make. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Hey, if you're just joining us, we're debating something, but I don't know what yet. Mark, is yelling a lot? I'm Italian, Mark. What I need to know is what you're trying to prove. I grew up in a very Italian neighborhood. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:59 A lot of my friends and peers are Italian. As Zach was doing the mama mia hands for anyone. I did my parents drop in in a lot of Italian neighbours. And they, they were the Italians across the road and they said, this is how you make them a ball of nays. And my family's used to ever since the recipe. Did they, my one question is, because you're as Skippy Kangaroo Bush as it gets.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah. Oh, yeah. I love a meat pie and convict stock. Yeah. The scum. Now, when you're not scum, no one said stop leaning. No one said that. No one said that.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I have to do it. No one said scum. No one said scum. You think, you think, ma, you think my family doesn't come from scum? No, I don't think so. I'm a scum as a get-man. No. We're not there yet.
Starting point is 00:15:38 It's a society. We can't call you a big scum. Now we're just the mafia person. I like mafia. That's a really dangerous person. I love the surprise. The video game is fantastic. Yeah, that's what I'm person. I like mafia. That's a really dangerous person. I love the surprise. The video game is fantastic. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:15:47 The surprise video game. What? I like the most playing of the mafia video. Have you ever seen Holy Walnut's plugin, the surprise? Yes, I have. Anyway, are you mixing in? Do you fill your bowl at the,
Starting point is 00:16:01 say you're about to serve the meal of the Bullocknays? I know what you want me to say the meal of the Bolognese. I know what you want me to say. We call it Bolognaise. In my house. Oraggo. Oraggo. Do you feel the bowl? We are standing.
Starting point is 00:16:15 We're still standing. We are standing. This is the first ever podcast where two, where one host has stood the entire time. Another has half stood what I believe has leaning to the station is. I believe, and I haven't gotten a lot of clarity. I believe the position is not all of us have done pure stands.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yes, but we are all standing. You wanted to talk pure stand. There's no judgment on standing. We said we were gonna stand. Anyway, all I had was a argument about pure standing. You want me to do the ball and ace thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, talking about ball and ace.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Mix it together and then you put it in. Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear. But I want to tell you what I put in the ball and ace and you tell me, because it's from the Italians in like 1960 in Thomas town, like you, you, uh, the you the Chop Tomato you know Chop Tomato and they use canned soup get it out that's what I'm telling you told my grandmother the people of Italy find tomato soup right in like Campbell's tomato soup or tomato puree
Starting point is 00:17:19 Rosetta Rosetta soup canned soup condensed soup I mean I guess it's just Pissada was in the six shit in it This is what I'm doing in the city. Yeah, they're not getting Pissada in the sixties Yeah, but you can make Pissada at your house on fucking tomato day. Yeah, you can fucking make Italy or not I'm on a left, but I guess they're always there are 20 regions of Italy Perhaps in Sicily they don't use tomato soup, but perhaps this fine family are from all Yeah, Sicily mother fucker. He's not standing. No, that's you're nailed.
Starting point is 00:17:46 No, I'm not standing. I am standing. That is not a stand. We all we have defined because of your choices, all you defined was whether something was pure standing. You are pure standing. In my opinion, this is a, this is yes, a dirty stand. It is a filthy stand. And we didn't say we were doing a filthy dirty dog stand
Starting point is 00:18:07 Well, no, we just said standing we said standing and then when I tried to set the terms of the debate This is a pure stand great fucking good I'm standing when we go and do the first walking podcast. Oh, just fucking run as fast as I can That's not a I'm doing. No, it's not walking. Oh but my feet won't leave the ground. Oh, my feet won't leave the ground. These are great boys.
Starting point is 00:18:32 That is walking. But you're describing. I'll be walking so fucking fast. You'll never be able to catch me. That's great. As long as your feet don't both leave the ground at the same time more than three times, you're working. That's not walking.
Starting point is 00:18:42 That is walking. That is walking. I can't remember what I was saying. They sat down, they sat in the front, and they defined it. That's all you. That is walking. I can't remember what I was saying. They sat down, they sat in the turns, and they defined it. That's all you got to do. I just love confrontation. I know, this is fun. And we're standing.
Starting point is 00:18:53 You're me and you are standing right now. I'm not pure standing. I'll own up to that. But I think this is what we're doing. So what I'm doing is I'm resting my foot atop the seat like earlier. I'm doing the cowboy lean stand. A form of dirty stand. Yeah, and I think my stand was a blase stand.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I also a dirty stand, or even in a further subcategory, subcategory the blase stand. Now, but then what's a lean? A lean and a stand are not mutually exclusive. I would categorize a stand mark as As someone, if your balance is being defined by the weight in your legs, holding you upwards,
Starting point is 00:19:32 what lavented? The majority. The majority weight? So, in 51% weight is in your feet, then it's a stand? Yes. I would put it it personally, I would put it at a 70 or an 80%
Starting point is 00:19:42 Well, then you're not standing? You're not standing. Both of my feet, there's no hands. Okay, that's fair. No different. We're talking about hand-based No, no, you're being completely supported by a chair Two legs the Zach has one leg on a chair, but that's being that's the ground in this scenario now We talk five legs. We were talking about hands. This is a different thing. I'm happy to have this debate I Can see this a dirty stand,. I'm happy to have this debate. I can see that this is a dirty stand,
Starting point is 00:20:06 but I'm happy to be proven wrong. We said we were going to do a standing podcast. We didn't say there was going to be leaning. Yeah. We didn't say there was going to be... I'm excited. Anything. He's on the outside. Eggs. They put...
Starting point is 00:20:19 Soft boiled eggs and peas in their lasagna. I wanted to say that earlier. I can't. And then it came back into my head. Yeah, soft boiled eggs in the gooey eggie. No, no, no, they soft boiled an egg. And then they chop it up, but is the eggie gooey? I mean, I assume that- What's the difference between a soft boiled egg?
Starting point is 00:20:36 The hard boiled is boiled to hard. The hard boiled is hard. The hard boiled is hard. The hard boiled is hard. I guess the yolk goes hard. So the yolk is still gooey. I mean, maybe it would cook or maybe it's a hard boiled egg. So hard boiled egg. So hard yoke is still gooey. I mean, maybe it would cook or maybe it's a hard boiled egg.
Starting point is 00:20:47 So hard boiled egg. They boil the fucking egg. Nothing worse than... They boil the fucking egg. Hard or soft? I'm not a longer trail to fight you. I just want to know. You don't even eat eggs. That's why I was region of Sicily. In this region of Sicily?
Starting point is 00:21:04 I think I'd be more okay with a soft one. When we're not the mated, the yolk in the egg was cooked, whether it cooked in the oven or whether the yolk cooked when it was being boiled. Hard bits of it. I don't know. Was it hard bits of yolk? Well once it came out of the oven. Was it smushed all through the...
Starting point is 00:21:20 I don't know. I don't know if it went in. Oh. There you're sitting. Now, bro, don't sit in it. I've got tight. I've got know that went in. They're you're sitting now, bro, not sitting. I've got tired. There is no debate here. I've got tired. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Finally, some reason has slipped into that. Let me put this mine. Let me put this to you guys. Don't, Zach! So Zach and I are now sitting. Oh, this is awesome. And I'm happy to iron up to that. Unacquipically.
Starting point is 00:21:42 And we have a poor camera operator. Oscar is going to have to come in and adjust the cameras again. Thanks, Oscar. I got bored of the standing thing. I think he can still be a standing podcast. No. Yeah, I think so. No, it can't be.
Starting point is 00:21:55 If we're sitting. If we're sitting. What's it gonna have to stand for us? To convince you to take a seat? No, I'm committed. I'm committed. I'm, and you know what, hey, if the Guinness World Record just goes to me, there's no official. There's no official.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I can send it to the official. I'll take the footage of me doing this and I'll send it. You need someone in the room. You need an official in the room. No, but I've got it on tape. You could not send it. You could not send it. It's one of the rules. I've got this heaps... You're in the room. No, I've issued.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Guinness Record Guy. You need someone recognize that. they don't have to work for Guinness World Records But they need to be recognized by the Guinness World Record. No, no everyone here is by it. No, that's not true It is there's video game records that people have set in the Guinness World Records. He has a point That is true. All I know is that in this is King of Kong Try it. Try it. Watch it. Try it Try it, try it, try it. Watch it, try it. Try it. Can we end the podcast? I'm my back is killing me.
Starting point is 00:22:48 No, just grab a seat. Oh, no, no, no. It's over. Take a load off, man. Hey, can we just have a quick check in? Thank you, Chuck. You're trying to trick me. Have a seat down and let's check in.
Starting point is 00:22:58 So next time we know. Yeah, all right, let's do it. Just have a seat, though. And I'm gonna hold the mic for the whole time as well, because that was the commitment that we made. No, no. I told you I would never pick it up. I told you that.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I'll be in the fucking earth. Before you ever see me pick up this fucking microphone monitor. Get him, bro, get him. Get him. I tried to be reasonable, but he's being a, get him. Oh, you're a, you're a you're a standing. Get him. I am standing. Thank you very much. And that's all I'm standing to. No, you're sitting both sitting. If I'd known this was a pure stand podcast,
Starting point is 00:23:34 I'm telling you right now I never would have leaned. And I'm sorry that I'm sorry that there was that miscommunication. But have a sit. Let's talk it through. No, no, no, I won't sit because I know the podcast is still going. No, it's not. I see the light on. I'm just listening to this. let's talk it through. No, no, no, I won't sit because I know the podcast is still going on. No, it's stupid. I see the light on. I'm just listening to this. It's a fun now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Hey, Mark, tell me like your favorite, tell me your top 10 favorite things about how comfy it is to sit. Ah. Look, don't get me wrong. I do love to sit at home. Last night I had a sit. And it was, oh my god. What's the best top Top things about sitting that you love and alternating with that The top five
Starting point is 00:24:12 The top's too much. I think if you do one Alternating just for every one you do of the top 10 of the favorite. Oh, you say a part of your body that's feeling tired Okay So you're saying a part of your body that's feeling tired. Okay. So I guess my favorite, or my number 10 favorite thing about setting is not standing. Yeah. I love not standing. Yeah. Me too, that's why I'm sitting. I only stand usually at a defiance or out of a promise that's been made.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah. Those are the two reasons. And now I've got to go to part of my body, the turtle, my lower back, my lower back's real hole. She's holding that heavy microphone. And it's not a normal microphone, is it? It's got like a full, yeah, it's got like a whole base. And it's got like something that we've been
Starting point is 00:24:55 relieved from it. Oh, it's from a quick sit. Yeah, that's why I sat. Number nine, for everything about standing, sitting. Sitting? Everything about sitting. Everything about sitting. Sitting? Favorite thing about sitting. Favorite thing about sitting. Being closer to the common man.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah. Like, because when you like, ground that, that ground that you grew up in, where you call it, earthing. Yeah. There's a reason that royalty, there's no name for their, their chairs. You know, they say, for 10 minutes every day, you should sit down and that's called earthing.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Wait a second. It's about reconnecting with the earth. And that's wonderful. The royal family don't have names for their chairs. If you're a king or a queen, there's no name for their chairs. Any chair, they don't call it chairs. We're about the big chair that they sit in. The throne.
Starting point is 00:25:36 What was it? The throne. We'll look at me. Mark, what's another part of you that's hurting? My knees, I've usually gone quite bad, What's another part of you that's hurting? My nays. I've usually gone quite bad, Nate. Jay's, I'm gonna die. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:25:52 So my nays is that I need to give away. Again, something that's just a quick seat with absolutely relief. Oh boy. Again, something that just a quick sit with absolutely really oh boy Where we were we were we talking about your favorite things about One of my favorite thing about sitting is being able to So much easier to nap when you're sitting put the mic down man. It's so much easier to nap You can still stand keeping them. Yeah, that's true as long as I don't at any point lane He's just you good. I got it. I got it. I'll hold up for you. You should go come nice and close Yeah, just like
Starting point is 00:26:34 That's right. I'm just putting the chair I love standing We really have why did you change the music? I fumbled. Oh, it was so close to you. Thank you so much, Broden, for playing that royalty-free metal music. I reckon I was so close to falling asleep. God knows what would have happened there.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But that is the end of what I'm back on board with standing. What does it count now? Yeah. We've all been standing this time. I don't reckon we might win the Academy Award for Best Standing. I hope we win the Academy Award for Best Standing. And you know what? We're going to be standing for every podcast from now on.
Starting point is 00:27:15 No, no. Yes. You are standing no less. And we're done. Ah, done. Turn off that music. That podcast is over. Oh, done. Turn it off.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I might sit now. It's all take a load off. I'll turn it off. I'll cover the seat. Yeah, we're done. We are done. We are done. Oh, all done.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Great. Take a load off. Have a seat. Have a seat, mate. I can't. Have a seat. No, I refuse. We're done with podcasts.
Starting point is 00:27:42 It's not the podcast, mate. It's all good. We did the saw. Oh, did you like that? Yeah, he's waving saying it. We turned it off. Tom's. We're done with podcasts. We're done with the podcast, man. It's all good. We did the song. Oh, did you like it? Yeah, he's waving, saying it, we turned it off. Tom's saying we're done. Tom? We are done.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Tom, if I sit, and I'm, to be made a fool of, I will come for you. I will come for you and your family. You don't need to talk into the mic, man. We're done. And I need you to know this, Tom. I'm about to sit, because I'm tired from the podcast. If you do not cut the cameras and the audio before I sit, the pain that you will suffer will be so immense
Starting point is 00:28:19 that you will wish you will never born. Do you understand? Okay. And the podcast is up. You will wish you will never born. Do you understand? Okay, and the podcast is up. Well the podcast is open. Yeah. What's the one? Yeah, I think like some sort of sinister villain. It's like a snake like a creature. I'll tell you a creature. I'll tell you a wish. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, well, that guess what Mark? We got ya. Well, Mark.
Starting point is 00:28:50 We didn't want you to see it. And now you're my suffer. Now. I can kill you. I can kill you. You've been the last one to get out of here. I can't kill you. I can't kill you.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I can't kill you. I can't kill you. I can't kill you. I can't kill you. I can't kill you. I can't kill you. We're gonna kill you. Kill you. Kill me. You've been listening to the Aunty Donna Podcast. Thanks for joining us for another rip-apisode brought to you by Aunty Donna See you next week!
Starting point is 00:29:28 Listener.

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