Aunty Donna Podcast - Writing A Hit Song 4 The Hottest 100 Part 2

Episode Date: February 19, 2019 auntydonna.comJoin The Aunty Donna Club: for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to the Anti-Jonna podcast, the podcast where we do funny characters and Funny events funny characters funny events, but also right serious hit songs that are being made for the sole purpose of winning being crowned grand champion of Triple J's hottest 100. It's something that we were slited for.
Starting point is 00:00:32 If you're coming in now, go back, listen to the last weeks first, because you're going to be lost. Yeah, yeah, big time. We've been working hard, slaving away, Broden, myself, and DJ Price Park from Bristol. Yeah, well, yeah, boys, good. And Zack has been in and out on some business phone calls. So if you listen last week, you know that I had some
Starting point is 00:00:58 dramatic issues with the YouTube channel, I was in and out, I was calling Max, our filmmaker, trying to get that sorted. All sorted now, all good. I'm here, I'm ready, I was calling Max, our filmmaker, trying to get that sorted. All sorted now, all good. I'm here, I'm ready, I'm available. And it was actually quite fortuitous because it meant that I was able to step out of the room. And now I get to hear the work as it's progressed with fresh ears, if you will, as a first
Starting point is 00:01:23 time listener. It's why I thought it was a standing to see you be able, Zach, to walk out of the room, put your business hat on, walk out of the room, deal with the business, take care of the business, do all the things that the businessman needs to do, the business Zach needs to do. And then the second you walk through that podcast door, it was funny again. Comedy hat was straight back on and I don't think you missed a beat much like our hit track.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Do you see the parallels I'm drawing here boys? Yeah. So what is this hit track called? I've heard rumors, it's called Mange or Mange or something to this effect. Is this correct or a lie? Yes, that's correct this correct or I mean Pros Park yeah you got it we're gonna you're ready to show this to Zach yep I can't wait to hear it all right I'm gonna sing your part prepare your ears okay what level is it at right now finish 90% 90 95% 99% is this the whole song or just the first bit first 10
Starting point is 00:02:23 percent first about 10 seconds so that's 90% of the first 10 or just the first bit? First ten percent. First about ten seconds. So that's 90 percent of the first ten percent. But the ten seconds go for a good minute and a half. So it's ten seconds of the song. Does that make sense? It's got a long way to go, but we're just about done. Okay, fantastic. Yeah, lots of work to do.
Starting point is 00:02:38 This is pretty much the final part. Pretty close, just those finishing touches. And there's a lot of them. Hit it. Yeah. Start starts chill. You hear that Baker Street disco sound that people love. It feels like you're in New York. Yeah. It's five noises. Guitar, rock and roll Guitar and hit people, hit people hard Okay, so you would come in ready?
Starting point is 00:03:09 You would come in and I would come in at almost the same time Hey there, I'm Zachro Wayne Oh Sam, Sam Sucka motherfuck, Sam Sucka motherfuck, fuckin suck my fuck You're a mother suck Oh I sucka fuck, motherfuck a suck Sucka when you. You're a mother suck. I suck a fuck mother fuck a suck Suck him when you fucking when your mother fucking suck. I love to suck a fuck. I love a fuck a suck
Starting point is 00:03:32 I love I wear my suck again. I'm mother fuck a suck. Yeah Yeah, and then this is Broden's killer no filler section But I haven't written it yet. We haven't written it it yet but I will so but this is where it is it'll kill a no filler And then just as everyone's like well I don't know if I can get any it can get any better Everyone's like I know I know what this song is now. Yeah, I know it's going not shift Yeah, so it becomes this which I think is the winner and then half time now, press part. Yeah, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,
Starting point is 00:04:19 ba, ya, wah, and that's what we got so far. Okay, okay. So that's the first 10 seconds I can't just consolidate my notes. I mean when he says 10 seconds he means 10% because it's clearly not 10 seconds No, but what I mean is I think it's fair to say that the first that's the first 10 seconds of the song Yeah, it's just say percent instead of seconds. No because the song would be much longer Yeah, so if you were to if you were to Say this is the first 10 seconds, there's still 90 more seconds to get.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, you're just replacing the word seconds. You're replacing the word percent with seconds. Right, so what that says to me is that I just haven't been clear enough because you're not completely understanding what I'm saying. I'm understanding 100% what you're saying, but you think seconds are percents.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I don't, and I feel like you're not hearing me 100 seconds. So, what I'm trying to say is that. I'm saying that. So, that's a great disagree. I can't agree to that because there's a couple of reasons why. It makes sense that there's still more of the song. Well, that isn't 10 seconds. It is the first 10 seconds in a much larger song.
Starting point is 00:05:41 If you were to do it in a logo or a little picture for seconds, what would it look like? What do you mean? How do I say it in a draw? So an AND is an ampersand, right? You know, the little ampersand. I'm aware of the writing an AND. It's the probably seventh letter of the alphabet for quite a long time. If you write great, that's awesome. Instead of writing AMD, often people would do an ampersand. Yes. So instead of writing seconds, what would you write? S-E-C. You wouldn't do a little circle with a line and with a dash and then another circle.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Well, that's the sign for percent. So. Okay. What is a percent? So a percent is... So do you ever stop watch? Yes. Right. Get out the timer, right?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Press start stop. Mm-hmm. Got yourself 1% of what? Oh, 100. If you get 60% what do you got? A minute. Alright, I'm going to move on. Okay. Hey, got notes. Yeah, so I've just scrolled down some notes in my note book. Some of these are more general. Some of these are a little bit more specific. So I'm just going to go through them. This is more just the start of
Starting point is 00:07:07 conversation. I want to hear from you on a lot of these notes. Is that something we're okay with? And I'd love to hear your thoughts as well. British Tom Price Park, the producer for Crystal. Yeah, I mean, yep. Sorry, what was that? Yeah, I'm from Crystal Lake. Okay, great. I've got a firm, boys. Okay, so you've got a firm as in a firm penis. and as in a firm as in people I go to the soccer with and then beat people are like the movie with Frodo it is yeah, like a like a law firm. Yeah, I Tom Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Yes, Green Street Boogie. Okay, so first of all, first of all, first of all, this is just a general thing I scrolled. I love the track.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I really think it's so much fun for a first run through. I think you guys are really delivering. I've not heard a first run through that, exciting, that fun. I played it to a few other people in the office and they were really excited about it. A lot of people didn't even recognize it as you guys, they were like, is this chain smokers, is this? And I was like, no, no, it's honey Donna. So firstly, I really want to just instill in you how proud I am of you and you should be really happy with the work.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Did you explain that it's the first 10 seconds of the song? No, I didn't quite understand that concept. So I just said I'm gonna play a bit of a song to you. I described it as ten percent. I hope that's okay. It was what you should do. It's where we agreed to disagree, but okay. So the issue is when I said I was gonna play ten seconds of a song,
Starting point is 00:08:39 I did try that at first. But the issue was people would check out after ten seconds, and I go no there is more because 10 seconds is quite long in this circumstance it's about a minute and a half. Okay okay okay I'm not going to fall into that trap I just have you guys are you talking to him about where we it's ongoing discussion how long did we how long did we spend talking about this I think we spent about... Um... 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:09:05 No, about 50%. What's important is once you're promoting the song, I think we need some clarity across the board on this 10-second situation, because that's not going to read well in the paper. Yeah, you're making us look like chumps. So, what's your second note? So, my first...
Starting point is 00:09:20 Most of my notes are questions. My first is an overarching note. What's the purpose of the song? What are we trying to do here? I heard something about Hottest 100 is this sort of the general line. But it's also it's to change the way people think about lots of things. Yeah, shift your perspective. And now and like we all want three mansions. We all want three mansions. You want mans. Beesfront. Yeah. I don't know if we mentioned that. So that to me is like the driver for this song. So first up there's going to be some issues here.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, it's the Adam to our driver, to our Kylo to our Ren. A baby to our driver. Yes, just driver to our PS1. Okay. So, or our driver our to our PS1. Okay. So, or I drive a three to our PS2. You're hoping this song makes Auntie Donna, I'm guessing for a beachfront mansion, something in excess of $100 million.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Beachfront mansion, three-h. Yeah, so something 100 million would be nice. We'll take a hundred million. I'm not gonna turn my nose up at 100 million. That's like that's like 20 seconds more than I make per year okay cool next question is what do you see the key audience of this thing I know this is cynical I know this is business talk but this is important young dogs young dogs yeah so that I'm glad you mentioned that young I mentioned that I will get to that but young dogs. Sorry
Starting point is 00:10:48 Young dogs, but also puppies. I thought you when you were saying young dogs. I didn't realize you met young people We'd had a discussion about that. I don't know if I was I don't know if I just went and assumed something But now I'm sort of onto it. Yeah puppies. That's a thing. Price park get some dog sounds up because I want to sell this to actual dogs. Yeah great. So if we can line that up Price Park that would be fantastic. I actually have a note down the track about more high pitch to sound. I was gonna say. All the dog go. Yep. Great. So that would be good. Let's hear your notes. Okay so this is a note. I don't know if I see it as a single, I see it as more of an album track. That's good.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Press park, we're in the middle of notes. Sorry, press park. Can you keep that to yourself? No, I can't. This is an album track, boys. I think it's, I disagree with you. That's what Mike Myers in Bohemian Rhapsody says to Queen. I wouldn't know, I haven't seen the film. I've no interest.
Starting point is 00:11:46 But my, my is playing a fictional character tells them the Bohemian rap city is bad and will never be a hit. You are him right now. Okay. We are telling you. Yeah. This is a hit. I saw myself as more of a Paul J. Amatti type.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I wonder if they approached Paul J. Amatti for the role in the movie sideways, uh, in the movie that no more in the movie about the rappers, the amazing Spider-Man 2. I don't know, I've no interest in that film. But are you talking about Straight Out of Compton? Yes, but I've no interest in that film.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Do you have any interest in any films? No, I'm not much of a film guy. I like Reality Television. Well, I'm telling you something right now, and if you don't like it, I'm going to punch you in the face. Okay. This is a hit. Goddamnit, I like your conviction.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I'll back it. Next note. Next note. Would you be open to working with Joss Whedon to perhaps bump up the script? Okay. That feels like a note for Justice League. I'm just going to be honest. You're the film Justice League.
Starting point is 00:12:44 That feels like a note for the film Justice League. And not now, back when it was in development. Four or five years ago. OK. Yes, I'm asking about Manch, the hit song. Would you be open to having Josweed and come in do a couple of words on it? On the screen, please. yeah, I thought you yeah
Starting point is 00:13:09 Which note He doesn't he has an understood our voice from day one and There is coming in with knowledge that What make no sense aren't aligned with our vision of getting manch it's disgraceful and I think we come back and threaten to kill him. Yep. Did you hear all of that? Every word yes. Alright so there's no need to repeat that. Yeah, you're good. So you're gonna threaten to kill me?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Okay, great. So next note, these are the more in-depth notes. That opening sound, very deep, very ominous. Could we have something a little more fun? I'm not gonna tell you what that fun sound is. But potentially, just something lighter, more fun, more jaunty. About like, um, style and making a speech. Potentially just something lighter more fun more jaunty about like Stalin making a speech Okay, potentially. Yeah, potentially that could work. It's just very ominous at the start
Starting point is 00:14:12 It's not it's not fun. It doesn't hook me in So my next Stalin if you can find price-park Stalin making some speech The leader of the probably do that for you, lad. For the Cold War. He was sort of Cold War. So that instead of that sort of base undertone. Doesn't have to be instead. All I'm saying is there's a problem here.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I'm offering solutions. Well, you can offer the solution. The Stalin idea I'd love to hear that. It's fun. My next note is I worry that the saxophone is a little cliche would you consider a trumpet instead. I hate this kind of trumpet. That's the busiest fucking night with a god. It's the boogie. It's the boogie. Boogie. Boogie. Do you know what bougie means? A bougie. It means like, it means like, I can't imagine a cousin.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I don't know the words, imagine it comes from bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie, the proletarian. No, no, no, no, no, no, way off. Bougie. Bougie. Yeah, yeah, they got boo. I think it comes from bourgeoisie. There's absolute booze. And I would say it comes from bourgeoisie. There's absolutely. I think it comes from bourgeois. There's absolutely no way that it comes from bourgeois.
Starting point is 00:15:31 To say someone is bourgeois, you know, that's the Russian. That's so wrong. I don't even, I can't even in my head imagine how you made that connection. Well, it's because everyone, all the upper class, when the communists took over Russia, they all shopped at Country Road. Yep. So they were known as the bourgeois. And then that's come to be called bourgeoisie.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Country Road. Yeah, so everyone in like the upper class of Russia, of Russia, in the 1800s, all shopped at Country Road. Right. And that's bourgeoisie bourgeois. Russia of Russia in the 1800s all shopped at country road Right, and that's boozy booze-wa Okay, so are we open to trumpet instead of sex? Well, what all right how about a compromise? Why don't we just put trumpet over the sex? I'd be happy with that. Right. I feel like that's a decent compromise.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Okay, this is another question note. What's the point of the guitar? What's the point? Why... Broden? Broden? Just come on, we've got to work with this guy. He's from the big city. It's Zach.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He's worked with many artists before. I've worked with him guy, he's from the Spig City. It's Zach. He's worked with many artists before. I've worked with him. I trust. Madonna. You have to give him a certain amount of trust. OK, he's made hits before, man. This isn't his first hit. Well, it hits.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Do you know Madonna's stand-up set on Jimmy Fallon? I actually don't. Google it. It's like Google it. He produced that. I produced that. I'm sure I... So it's like, have we just invited him in here
Starting point is 00:17:14 to poo poo? Everything he has to say. If it's poo, I'll call it poo. But maybe, maybe it's a bit like posture. Oh, that feels wrong. Probably because it's right. Probably because it's a bit like posture. Oh, that feels wrong. Probably because it's right. Probably because it's more right than what you've been doing.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Because what you've been doing is wrong. And that feels right. So maybe Zach is more posture and we should call him that from now on. All right. One thing I will say, I'm sorry. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:43 One thing I will say is I was the guy I Was the guy that told Led Zeppelin to take the guitar out of their songs No, but they never did they know they never listened to me And you wonder and you wonder would have they been more of a success Had they removed all guitar? in some way song. Yeah, my killer instinct my killer instinct is a very underrated video game
Starting point is 00:18:20 So you can you can think about the guitar thing in your own time now's a rap where it sort of mumbles and then goes into just saying, Sam, Sam, Sam. For me, that's not very good rapping. Could we do good? Well, that's kind of the point. I don't want to get defensive. Hey, I'm not trying to get defensive, but that is kind of the point. So if you've missed that, now I'm starting to wonder what else is he missing?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Mark, it's funny, it's funny, but I don't think you want to make a funny song, do you? It's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to be what the kids do when, you know, not all kids are natural rappers. I mean, look at little bowl-wow. That's fine. I'm just offering that maybe good rapping at that point could be funny up in its own way. Okay, that is a pretty good point. It's kind of funny that it's a good wrap. And you are wrapping there though.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Do you understand that? So that's something you think I have to do? Yeah. I was thinking we could get a wrapper in because I can't wrap. Or maybe get a sample. Yeah, maybe a sample of good wrapping. I could get a good sample wrap. Now this all filled in. Are you doing this as we go? Yeah, I've got of good rap. I could get a good sample rap. Now, this all filler.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Are you doing this as we go? Yeah, I've got it all ready to go. Now, this all filler bit. So what you're just taking is, we haven't discussed whether we want these notes. No, but I want to give it to you as an offer. Okay. Now, this moment, Broden, can I just check, have you just edited the original? Yep.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Okay. Okay, this is a shame. I didn't realize I was doing that. But ruining it, Broden. Zach, well, I'm posthed. I haven't listened to it either because I, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Broden, this sequence, have you locked in exactly
Starting point is 00:19:59 what you're going to say in your sequence? No, it's very up in the air. Very up in the air. So I'm gonna offer something to you. It needs to be killer all filler. I will not be moved on that. No filler, you mean? No filler.
Starting point is 00:20:10 What? You said all filler. I know what I said. I think he said kill all filler. I know exactly what I said. I know what I said and I'm not gonna repeat myself. So you take whatever you thought I said and you turn that into reality mark
Starting point is 00:20:25 I agree that we need to kill all the filler and fill it with killer. Yeah. Thanks. We I think that's something you can all agree on. Yes, Broden What's something you often find yourself wondering boys? Anyone can contribute British. Can you make an Oreo choc ripple? That's great. That's that's fantastic. Should there be that much blood in the bowl? Okay, great. Okay, fantastic. What I'm going to say to you is one thing I think a lot of people wonder is what's currently going for half price at Woolworth's? Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Alright, so that's something people often think. If I were to go to Woolworths, would it be worth my time? Am I going to get the specials that are important to me? Do you just get, when you go to Woolworth, you just blank it, get everything that's half price, even if you don't need it, or if it's a product that you never would have normally bought just to get the special? I guess so. I don't know. I never know that's half price, even if you don't need it or if it's a product that you never would have normally bought just to get the special. I guess so. I don't know. I never know what's half price. Wouldn't it be great if there was a hit song or an app? My, I like that. Listed what was half price. Like a Woolworth app. Well yes, like an app. I love this. Is this song becoming an app? Because I like it. My one concern, if I can have one,
Starting point is 00:21:49 yeah, yeah, is that I am contracted to a large rival of worth. Are you Coles? I'm Coles. Coles knowing your foot yet. What if it was Coles deals? I would be happy with that. Is that a compromise? I'm happy happy with that. Is that a compromise?
Starting point is 00:22:05 I'm happy with that compromise. It's a duopoly. Someone's got a Cole's sore. Okay. So I've got here high pitched sounds. We've already discussed that. Been kissing for a couple of minutes. Lots of high pitched sounds.
Starting point is 00:22:17 It's only so doggo's can hear. I love the shift to the fun thing. I was wondering if we could have more fun throughout. Okay. So that tonal shift could it be the whole song? I don't do that no. No, I'm not doing that. Fuck you Zach. That's a huge note. That's a huge note. I'll give you my firm onto you Zach. I've got two more notes. Second to last note. Morearts. I love the farts more fun more farts lastly The boom car sounds that you were doing boom boom car
Starting point is 00:22:56 Will you be doing it with your mouth? We hadn't thought about that. I had to discuss but I don't think we're against it You're not against it. I had to discuss that. But I don't think we're against it. You're not against it. I'm not for it. But I'm not against it. I like it. In fact, I love it. Great, okay, good to know.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And that's all your notes. Shall we hear Zach's notes in? Yes. I'd love to hear your offer. And sorry, can you say that again? Would you like, would you love to hear your offer all right and sorry can you say that again Would you like would you like to hear his axe notes? I mean I haven't listened to this I've just been doing on the fly so the mix might be a bit off but let's Let's see please keep an open mind guys all right Stalin It's pretty fresh.
Starting point is 00:23:47 It's different. Yeah. Oh. I like that dog bucks Okay Trump it Now we can't do that. That's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's that's a sample of a rap
Starting point is 00:24:28 Obviously by an African American person We can't say that we can't release it so find another sample up until then I love that Now I was feeling a lot of doubt in fact I got a lot of doubt from one Christina Aguilera When I told her that she should be singing about a Janie in a bottle I got a lot of doubt from one Christina Aguilera when I told her that she should be singing about a genie in a bottle.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I got that same doubt, mostly because it was last year. And she said, I've already done that song. So, you know, trust, trust. Okay, I really like the Stalin Stalin I thought the Stalin should go Throughout all right. I'll can do that. This is the city would answer it's here another free sample rap and make sure you beep out the Billion who that be it's me crazy my the fuck up by the name of CLD how walk on these treats on these J's on my feet blowing through the I walk on these treats on these jays on my feet Yeah, good blowing through these
Starting point is 00:25:23 The best I use that one either I make sure you paint that Okay, so we need to find one that doesn't use the N word Alright, so next one Next one, find the next one So far so good Perfect So put that in where Zach was supposed to wrap So fast I could that windows their boy friends about their heads now like in those
Starting point is 00:25:49 So put that in where Zach was supposed to wrap yeah, yeah exacts bad wrapping section okay, and in a way isn't isn't good wrapping funnier In a way in a way so we'll keep starting going through it in what you just, can you just, can we mind that a little bit more? Do you know what's really funny? Just a great song. Just, I think that's my offer to you guys. True, I agree with that. Okay. Nothing funnier than genuine feeling.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah, like truth, you know, like, zombie by cranberries is so funny. Some about Russian, I I mean the Irish Civil War They're fighting in Russian in North Ireland so funny which part of the song is about that We're the tanks and their guns. It's very funny Can we hear it again? Yeah, I think for the top. I just want to try and then we'll play through with all your notes Bring in that Stalin and then we'll play through with all your notes. Bringing that style in. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I'm having fun. Check it. Manch. Good trumpet and saxophone. Don't barking. Press like, let go my echo. Let's go. It's the incredible edible no pencil. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Can still hear Stalin. Yeah And still he's Stalin Guitar this is a back thing no Sucka mother fuck yeah, sorry. Yeah, is that right? Sucka mother sucka mother fuck with already notes on that bit No, you go fuck a buck fuck a suck my fuck. Fuck, suck my fuck. Eat my fuck and suck. Suck is motherfuck. Fuck and do a suck. Do so many fucks. So many fucks.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks.
Starting point is 00:27:57 So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fucks. So many fuck6.50 for a four pack of red bulls, $3 for red rock deli potato chips,
Starting point is 00:28:10 special reserve, $150 grams, Tim Tim slabs, no. Yeah. And then we're going to do this half-time bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, give it a boom. Boom, boom, cuck, cuck, boom. Boom, cuck, cuck, boom. Boom, cuck, cuck, boom. Boom, cuck, cuck. I just wanted to finish my rap.
Starting point is 00:28:44 The Tim-Tem slams where it's like you bite either side and then you suck it in a tea. $2.50 to try that. What's the difference between those and a normal Tim-Tem? Well these ones are flavored in the middle that are going to be nice with your cup of tea. So chock-must, zikki caramel's one, chock hazelnut and gooey caramel flavor and there's a dark chock sticky raspberry flavor. And these are all just $2.50. That's quite amazing. So this is the two notes. Mark, you asked if I had any notes on your section.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Well, yeah, I just realized before I went to go do it, I was like, I haven't received any notes, but maybe no notes are good notes. No, no, it is a good note. The only thing I would say is you are going to have to be prepared to make a radio edit version of that. If you want it to be hit on the bottom. I don't like the swear words. Wait, you don't like the swear words. Yeah, that he brings it up. I think it's very rude.
Starting point is 00:29:36 It's great for the album, it's great for Triple J. But if we're going to know if we're going to be during the block. The original idea was to put swearing in the song so I I so I don't know if I'm wrong by saying this but it just feels counter to the original idea you want to manage you don't want that manch great broding loved what you were doing it worked didn't it weren't we all getting on board we were finding out about the deals. There's a temptation when you're listing deals.
Starting point is 00:30:09 This happens a lot when I get artists to list deals at Woolworths or Coles. There's a temptation to make that work musically, to wrap it. That's fine, man. People are just happy to hear the deals. You can really just list it. Don't feel the need to wrap that.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Okay, good, that's good to know. I was worried. I had self doubt, but that's happy to hear the deals. You can really just list it. Don't feel the need to wrap that. Oh, yeah, good. That's good to know. I was worried. I had self-tapped, but that's good to hear. You just want to get as many deals into that sequence. Does it, does it, date the song? Yeah, because these are the deals.
Starting point is 00:30:36 My worry is that deals particularly for Wednesday, the sixth of February. Yeah, okay. That's an issue. That's an issue that people have asked me in the past. Maybe it's one of those things where we re-record your section every day. Losing calls has everyday savings. And then we just release the song perpetually for the rest of our lives until
Starting point is 00:31:04 Coles Maya goes under, I guess. Mark, I don't think it's like, that's great. For me, that's overkill. I think if just every time there's a really good deal. So it's less of a, here are the deals that are on right now. And more of a, here are the great deals we remember. Yeah. Yeah. So, some of this will be an Estelle Jassong. They'll remember the Times February 6th, the deal. The other thing I would say to you, Mark, is we release a new version.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Say, now it's about the cheap Pepsi's. All right. People have already bought it on iTunes. They've already bought the CD single. They're going to go back, they're going to buy this the Pepsi version. There is a thing called completists and that's how you're going to get your manch. So you're saying that we do re-record it every day? Not every day, just when we feel the need to. How often do you think we'll feel the need to?
Starting point is 00:32:09 I would say once every 20 years is fine. But we want those repeat. Okay. So Tom, you're telling us that we're almost out of time again. Yeah, we are. Okay. Well, it looks like... The song's not over. The song's not done.
Starting point is 00:32:22 It's fucking good, but. It is great. And we'll definitely find out next week if we can continue working on this for another half hour. Which I'm working for later. So join us next week for the either the finished version of the song or not, and then another week. And then we'll do it and push it to another week. One of three options. But it's feeling like the first 20 seconds of the song are done. Can I say something guys? Yeah. I have never been more
Starting point is 00:33:06 excited about a project in my life. You feel very instance here. The energy you are bringing is really just. It feels like he's like a businessman who's talking shit. And let me say there's a lot of people, there's a lot of people that don't want this song to do well who I'm talking about people in my department So let's show of anti-donna let show them who's boss You want to go to should we go out one more time with it one more performance? I would love to hear that and let's let's show them who's boss. Let's let's really show it to those people that stand to profit from this work. Alright, hit it, Tom. I thought Stalin was a bit loud last time, didn't you think?
Starting point is 00:33:51 No, I thought it could have been louder. That's very loud. Yeah! Fuck, this is great. Yeah! You want me to do the radio edit version? Yes please. Sucka Mother Truck, truck in the buck, everyone suck at your muck. Nothing worth buck, eight no suck, when's your truck gonna eat the buck. Tuck, luck, I'm outta luck, sucka, luck.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Canton, sweet and sour, $2.50 each, save 80 cents. Basmati rice, $3, save 50 cents. Betty Crocker, brownies, $4, save $1.20. Tomato and barbecue sauces, both $2, save 95 cents each Boom! BUM-CHA! BUM! BUM-CHA! BUM! BUM! It's gotta be a hit! It's gotta be a hit! That's exactly what I mean!
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yep, you're gonna be superstars! That man-shot, I can feel that man-shots around the corner. See ya next week, everybody! Oh.

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