Bad Friends - Another Break Up!? ft. Will Sasso & Chad Kultgen

Episode Date: August 1, 2022

**New Merch** Thank you to our Sponsors: code: badfriends & & code: badfriends & YouTube Subscribe: Audio Subscribe: More Will Sasso & Chad Kultgen Dudesy Podcast Audio: Dudesy Podcast Video: Will's Instagram: Chad's Instagram: 0:00 We Have New Merch! 1:20 Will Sasso Hurts Bobby's Feelings 8:00 Bobby Can't Join The Patriot Front 15:36 Bad Friends' AI & The End of Movies 25:12 Do Computers Have Souls? 34:10 Dall-E & Marrying a Robot Doll 45:02 Comedy in the Multiverse 50:08 Little Miquela, Bruce Willis and the End of Bobby and Andrew's Career  55:59 Will Sasso has a Parasocial Relationship with Hulk Hogan  1:06:46 The New President of the United States More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger:   Instagram: Twitter:  Tickets: More Rudy Instagram: More Bad Friends iTunes: Instagram:   Twitter:   Official Website: Opening Credits and Branding: & Credit Sequence Music: //  Character Design: Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: Produced by: George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS Podcast Producers: Andrés Rosende & Pete Forthun This video contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, who got new merch Bob? Who did? We did. These are these are my favorite shirts that we've ever sold. So here's the deal. We picked a bunch of new different merch This is but this Bob's favorite design, which I love. I've got a beautiful design on here. It's of course Us as unicorns hugging in the sea. Is there um, Nermades, dude, huh? I'm a unicorn, but I'm a man of corn. Okay. I didn't know and fancy also has one of me and Bobby close talking Yeah, just whispering to each other real real close. Carlos is obviously wearing the same one that I am. We also have other shirts What do we got? We have a bag?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Close talking Christian close talking. This is a bag So if you want to be eco-friendly, huh? You know what I mean? You can bring your own bag This is made out of us something good. And this is the same design that Bob has on in a hoodie. There's a hoodie Yeah, check it out. So it's like a Stardew Valley Stardew Valley shirt bad friend shirt Bobby's favorite a Stardew Valley bad friend shirt Available now as well. So go get it in the link below you guys click on the link in the description below to go buy some of the bad friends merch You two are bad friends. Who are these two idiots? Why dude? I'm an Asian dude. You two are disgusting
Starting point is 00:01:15 Are you two or something bad friends? Oh, wow, you rolling already bit over. We already did I'm late fucking 20 minutes. How are you? Well, good to see you. I'm sorry. How are you check his fucking hand? Who's a fucking parking lot the goddamn five? Is that what happens to you Chad? What do you do? What do you live? I live in West Hollywood. It's about a 45 minute drive. You know what I do is never leave 15 minutes or less for anything that I have to be that's insane I spoke in Canada before the show about how often that you're late Yeah, that's true, and he had some choice words. Yeah, and I won't say them on the show It also hurts people it hurts people's feelings. It's true
Starting point is 00:01:58 It does it's uh, it's it's like spitting at somebody's face. I think yeah, it used to hurt my feelings I'm used to we've been in this relationship for so long. It's just part of it now I don't know you want to welcome our guests on to the show and introduce them to the fans Freewheeling shows. It's just like here. We just go. Hey, man. It's just raw. You know what I mean is whatever happens Oh, you know what? I don't know what kind of game you're playing right now, but yes That yes, it's a freewheeler. Hey, it's really good to be here will sasso and Chad culture for the dude see podcast at dude See pod show on all your socials. Of course check us out on YouTube spotify I'm blind to spotify to wherever you get your podcast. Hey, I'm sitting across from a real couple of really good friends here by guys
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yeah, I know there's nothing fun. You don't like being meta and making fun of a thing you do you guys Yeah, oh, what am I a podcast guy? Yeah, you know what literally we're part I like when we people we make fun of podcast a good soul name. It's the thing we do Yeah, right over there that color this wall that color that wall You put the chopper thing into the glass Chris rock. Yep. He's good. That was good rock. I thought was Denzel a first Yeah, yeah, but that's definitely Chris rock. Let me hear it do another Christopher have to be a black put the drink into the drink again Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi is that Nancy Pelosi? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, listen. We have two people
Starting point is 00:03:31 Here one guy. I've known since 2000. It's probably 22 years something like that Yeah, man, 23 years and the other guy I just met but I've been a farf fan We've never met I don't think I I went up to my good. Have we met before and he goes no I know you like squirrels. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they like me is more accurate. I think why do you think you have a magnet for squirrels? I don't know one just started coming around my place. She became like a pet She would come in every day. I'd photograph her compulsively and I kind of trained her to be like a little cat She would sit on my couch I could pet her watch TV with her and then eventually she started having
Starting point is 00:04:07 broods of children in this nest immediately outside my bedroom window and I'd wake up every morning open the fucking windows give her Some nuts she'd come out stretch her legs and leave me to like care for her newborn infants And I get all these weird Videos and stuff. Yeah, I don't really want to ever have a pet. I'm not into death But don't watch alone because this season of alone. They're just eating squirrels all of them Oh, every fucking day and I can't watch this show because I love squirrels so much I will thank you for that recommendation. I will not watch that show. Yeah. It's such a good show. It's such a great show They put these renegade outdoorsy people in the middle of fucking nowhere. I almost know
Starting point is 00:04:44 They they document it themselves. Oh, they give them film equipments. It's always in like Northern You're you're you're from Canada Northern. Yeah, Northern Canada, right? And it's they get 10 items. Yeah, right? And it's whoever's the last man standing. Can you survive? These people die. No, no, they tap out. They all know there's two ways. No, there's two ways Medical they have to medically remove you so you tap out so every Jesus Christ every week They come by to see how you're doing and if they think you're gonna die They remove you they test your vitals and a lot of times they're like your border line about to die and people are like No, I can do it and they're like you're you will die tonight in the middle of the night
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yeah, and they fight them all the way because they went a million dollars if they go to the end Yeah, oh, okay, like there's one girl that had her whole foot was blue and black She literally was a loser from what I take it off from from what's it called frostbite frostbite. I call it with wet That's the medical term. Yeah, the medical term is wet foot. Yeah. Yeah, but I'll see you here. You got wet foot bar But they're they're eating so many cute things birds season nine. Yeah, they're eating the fucking otters. Oh They're so cute. You don't eat in the water. Yeah. Yeah, what does the otter even taste like it tastes cute? Yeah, yeah, don't taste so adorable. It'd be a first-time taste sensation and then you you wouldn't feel so hot about it Otters and squirrels up against a tree and eat it. Yeah, and they just kills. Yeah, so don't watch if you love I won't I do love
Starting point is 00:06:17 Squirrels would you know your kids? No Wife. No, okay. Let me in a survivalist situation. Let's oppose because we believe that Warming's here and not I believe it. Yeah, I believe it. We're believers of the global war. That's right, right? Hey since when are you so afraid of summer lib? I love it, but anyway, oh Summer's hot Give it up. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, just cut your shorts shorter. Yeah. Oh, I like the duality Hard you to you do the other opposite thing you're the right wing guy. Yeah, yeah, that's what I
Starting point is 00:06:54 Sort of a new spin on This is what it's like to do a podcast of them, by the way, we've seen in time we had focus on me Okay, so the thing is we're both suit white nationalists. So that's we don't have a Applied to the oath keepers. They said no three. Why did they say no? I'm a sense of liberty I'm trying to get into patriot front right now But they did they just March and they they hang out in vans together. I like that. You love van Yeah, you haul until the guy they taught me you all were fine. Yeah, Joe de Rosa took me to the American Legion Hall on Hollywood in high just north on Highland and then he said you too can be a member here all you have to be is the
Starting point is 00:07:41 Descendant of someone that fought and I was like, no shit. That's all it is. He's like, yeah They're called the sons of liberty and immediately I was like, this is Definitely, you don't want anybody being able to Google sons I was in on it until he was like no just sons of liberty not that I was like Oh, no, no the door closed. I was like, never mind. This is do you believe the patriot front did a march in the middle of downtown Boston? Like three weeks ago. What's the Patriot Front? They're like a that's why Okay, we're our own group first of all, we don't we we're our own thing. Yeah, it was two and a half weeks ago We were in Boston. Yeah, and then we're marching and it's like I'm just saying there are white nationalist neo fascist hate group And he's such a strong word. We don't hate anything. We're in a real box. We're Patriots
Starting point is 00:08:28 Yeah, and you guys have medical benefits. Don't we sure do medical we have PPO If I'm a black trans person, can I get in your group? Oh, you have to go through the process like everybody else, which is why we take you out back and we flog you and We tell you we ask you if Donald Donald Trump is your Lord and Savior. Yeah, and you've just got to answer a few Small questions and that's it. Hold down your pants and see what's going on and do the opposite of that We have a doctor in Boston Irish, that's the Patriot. Wow. Oh my god. Is that really that that was at the March? Yeah Oh my god, how sad
Starting point is 00:09:02 But what I'm saying is that if they did that in LA, do you think that there'd be more chaos because no one nothing happened? They were just people just let it happen. I bet you this has happened in Los Angeles and never heard about it Do you know what I mean? I mean Hawthorne or something this went down and nobody knew the the night before the 2016 election I was at Hollywood in Highland scene a movie with some friends. We came out on to Hollywood Boulevard there and there was a convoy of pickup trucks full of pro Trump supporters with banners Yeah, people dressed like the Statue of Liberty with their arm around people dressed like Donald Trump and shit And I was like, what the fuck is this? This is in the heart of Los Angeles. Wow. It's happening But Hollywood is kind of its own world. Totally. It's a little Wild West little Mad Max. It's kind of like when someone goes
Starting point is 00:09:41 We go to New York and if you went to Times Square, it's not new you there. There's no New Yorkers there, right? So Hollywood is Hollywood and Times Square are kind of like well because there's touristy zoned areas Locals aren't there, right? So I mean you have tourists on Hollywood Boulevard going. Oh, well, I rely you know me, but that's not real authentic LA I mean go to Crenshaw Oh, what do you think is the most authentic LA? Watts you think that's the most authentic Watts and then Beverly Hills. That's all that's a good cross-section of I would say the most authentic LA would be like East Los Angeles me, too. That's very LA as well like Los Angeles. Yeah, Mexico
Starting point is 00:10:24 Alhambra's you guys though, there's a lot of Asians out that way. I hate when you say that What do you mean you guys? What does that mean? Well, there's four different kinds of people in this room and you're you're one of the other group There's four of us. Right. Why are you making yourself out to be different? Yeah. No, I didn't how about you guys? How about you guys? How about this? We both have very Very colorful hats. There you go. There's two people. We have fun hats. Okay, but now let me ask you something now What happens now? I'm being singled out for having a silly hat. I'm the only man in the silly hat club And I'm comfortable
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's fine with me. I'll put it back in do whatever you want. That's what Andrew's trying to tell you That's all I'm trying to say. Can I go back to chat about the apartment? So anyway, so anyway Hey, there's no grocery storage. You're hungry. It's been two weeks. You haven't eaten anything, right? No electricity. Yeah Chaos people are dying. Yeah, would you eat the squirrels then? No, man? I I became vegan about four years ago after some health shit. I don't think I could ever eat an animal again Yeah, he's really you really let him down a wrong path. Yeah that backfired. Yeah, I'm sorry, dude I think you would when you're hungry. I don't think so. Oh, so you'll rather die Yeah, I think so. What? He's vegan. I don't want to eat animals
Starting point is 00:11:41 I know but at the end of the day your your instinct is to survive and I think you would yeah the hunger would affect your Maybe you might be right. I think I would be more Likely or more inclined to kill and eat a person than I would an animal. I was just gonna ask you that that's over animal Huh? Yeah, what kind of person? Any copy all the Hombra people. Yeah, well, that's right. I go to our home, bro You're rich and he would I can find your lipid you're rich and fat. I mean that would be you I'm saying you'd want some yeah, not muscly Yeah, well, hold on a second. You can really boil down that they like to boil down those sinews and tendons and they're actually very tasty Yeah, maybe all right, so it wouldn't matter how wire you are
Starting point is 00:12:21 I'm just saying you know, there's some guys so the Olympic athletes among you. Yeah, I'm just saying you have an Olympic team Hey, can I ask you a question? You you guys got an Olympic team. Who's you guys USA? Yeah, the USA We do have all right USA. He says oh, let me ask you this another question Questions on this y'all. Let me ask you another question Chad. Yeah, well, you don't have to say it like that. I will So whatever you want because I'm being bullied. Just I'm being bullied. I'm being cornered and I'm gonna fight back I'm a boundary who's bullying you you guys. Who's you guys? Are you talking about the white guys the white Alhambra guys? Yeah, so what my point is is hey, what are you talking about? I'm Italian Right, yeah, that's the new thing now. I might if you had to eat to would you rather would you eat will first or me?
Starting point is 00:13:10 Well, I mean obviously will yeah That's more meat, right? That's a single kill would yield a larger now. Would you eat me or Bobby? I think I'd probably have to go with size, too. You're bigger, right? Yeah, I'm bigger. Yeah. Yeah, so would you okay? How about the two the two? Everybody up in a row, and I just put a bullet in the biggest So the littlest guy last person eat Chad would you eat a person who is a vegan but has a bud implant? Well, I think honestly Fucking apocalyptic that I'm having to choose between which person to kill and eat. Yeah, maybe I just start today
Starting point is 00:13:46 You know what I mean? I go you eat the fucking squirrels Chad. I don't think I can do it. I sincerely don't think I could I can't wait to forget how to speak English or whatever language anyone speaks for that matter and just roam the earth Just pooing smelling bad eating people. Okay. Is this a dream this is a dream that you have Tell me this how do you think are you a man who wants to kill with his hands? It's the only way to do it. You love hand hand. What about you? Do you? I don't really want to kill anyone in any capacity You have to we're post-apocalypse. We told you it's melting in London. I'm going down. I'm going with your going with gun bullet To the skull. I like it as humane as possible quick as possible
Starting point is 00:14:27 Hands well the bullets are gonna be hard to come by. They're gonna stop making bullets. That's why I've started stocking up By the way, I did see you at gun world before this. That's right. I go to every fucking gun show I don't like killing people, but I'm prepared to but I have to yeah What would you do? What weapon would you use to kill same as chat? But I wouldn't do it merciless mercifully Oh fuck. You should the foot first so they bleed out Oh, wait, that's more painful. That's what I want. Oh, you want the pain. Oh, yeah Why would you want to inflict pain just to survive because I want them to just look at me for a while? Yeah, but also don't you people eat the feet, you know, I always see them on a menu
Starting point is 00:15:02 I feel bullied again. Hey, I want to speak directly to your audience and say it's really good to be here on bad friends Come check out dude Z What you already did it? Oh, okay. Sorry. I don't know when we start This is the disadvantage of telling you when we're telling you your guests when we start on dude Z We have an ai telling us begin the podcast now talk about this now talk about that now So I know you and me bob we go way back in the world of comedy where I would improvise everything That's not the new comedy. The new comedy is listen to a computer. That's right and do exactly what it says Okay, let's do this
Starting point is 00:15:38 You guys are the our ai. Okay. You guys are our ai and then you guys give us a topic Yeah, what is that? What are you punching over there? It's a computer. That's a computer. Yeah It's the fucking That's I sometimes I don't know Can I do it? Yeah, please. Oh my god So is that a phone ringing on the computer? It's like it's the A rotary rotary phone. Oh, sure. Yeah Right, yeah, you don't have to say it if you hit it. I know I just went through okay, and this is a very like space
Starting point is 00:16:16 1980s war games movie yeah movie version of how a computer would sound Bing January 6th commission. Oh my god. Oh, let's get in Thank you, Carlos. Yeah. Yeah, I want to do it for a different one different topic. Is your ai this good? Go ahead enter a new topic Bing the new Jurassic Park movie that came out to rant on Tuesday. Okay. Sure. Do you see it? I did not. Did you guys see it? Is it the chris pratt? Is chris pratt still doing it? Yeah Yeah, good. I didn't see it, but I can't say this movies are dead. They are culturally completely irrelevant Yes, and even a movie that's a big like the even top gun
Starting point is 00:16:52 Let's say that was like the biggest movie of the last however many whatever's right Yeah came and went no one gives a shit. You see two things come through your google news. Oh my god It's tom cruz's highest-grossing movie ever. Don't care. What's next? What's on netflix movies are dead Boy, this is from a guy who wrote movies 1.25 billion dollars. I'm currently writing one 1.25 billion dollars is kind of irrefutable People are watching it. You're saying they're not retaining any of the joy from it. It was like in and out Not only the joy, it has no cultural significance. No cultural relevance The I Sincerely think the last culturally relevant movie or the last artistically relevant movie was the room tommy wezzo early
Starting point is 00:17:29 2000s after that once we became a movie going audience that knows the ins and outs of movies So well that we can look at a movie like that and be entertained by how in quotes bad it is how off the fucking normal beaten path It is nothing else matters after that and now because we have so much media on all these streaming platforms A movie has what a week or two to have any significance Wow, I mean this when I say this I agree. I want to do psychedelics with you I swear to god Yeah, you and I can sit for hours and talk please and I can hear it the way you Your cadence and your sureness. I'm like I gotta do drugs do it. I have to do it. Okay. I'm literally
Starting point is 00:18:05 I will relapse to do it with you guys as well. Hey, I'm not shitting you Yeah, I will do this. I'd me too. I'm dead serious. This is on. I'd like to do mushrooms with you Can't know you're not part of their club. Nobody invited you to that Andrew said if you want to sign up for the irish 3% This is the sons of keep the sons of liberty keep us of liberty keep us than irish Are you one of us? Are you not one of us make the decision now boy? No, this this this have you seen this entire boiled potato Dude, how to change your mind watch the first episode of this and that is what made me decide fuck it
Starting point is 00:18:38 I've never done LSD. I've done mushrooms a couple of times Uh, I've never done any like real hard drugs per se, but I watched that and I was like, I gotta do LSD Acid is cool. I I'm more inclined to doing mushrooms again. I like my Mushrooms a lot more acid was a little for me. Mm-hmm was a little too intense I did it a few times and I was like, this is fucking really heavy. Yeah red. It felt digital red. Excuse me Yeah, ask you something. Yeah, of course sweetheart But why would you need to do a psychedelics with him when he the thing that he said was or you already would absorb Okay, before you came in the room when we got it when you and I got into a fight
Starting point is 00:19:13 What are you gonna get more out of being in a psychedelic psychedelics? I think open another fucking A little chamber of the mind. He just opened your mind. No without psychedelics Bobby am I not right? All right. No, no, no You're right. Thank you. I enjoyed He I enjoyed his banter and I thought I bet you him and I would have really good deep conversations on Bobby, you know, look, you guys are both right on one hand Chad is psychedelics on uh, on on the other hand Hey, man, that'd be a lot of fun. Now. Let me tell you something. I've done mushrooms one and a half times One time I did it wasn't so fun at all because I was outside got lost in a park in vancouver
Starting point is 00:19:53 With my fiance was like, why the fuck did we do it this way? I ended up back at the thing and you got to be inside and with someone you trust sounds good Uh, you guys don't know each other, but I know both of you. So I'd like to nominate that. I'm there What are we doing some shroomies can't wait for my see this is great and you can we'll tape it and you'll see it Yeah, you can watch it by yourself later What it feels like what does it stop agent hate? That's what it feels like This show is stopping asian hate. Yeah. No. No, we've stopped because of the show. You're doing asian hate. I'm stopping Yeah, oh, I'm doing asian hate all three of you are in what way what interest you're you're excluding me from activities
Starting point is 00:20:28 How I say that I have to watch the tape of you guys partying. You're sober We gave you a trophy when you kicked the habit I said I was willing to laugh to do the fucking thing man. This says bobby lee kicked the habit 2022. It's done. You're sober now Tell me more. Hey guys, let me tell you more John. Hey you hey you two bad friends Let me be your good friend and let you know here. You're both right. See okay Because we're both right Andrew's right because he gave you a nice trophy. He didn't want you to kick the habit And I'll sit here and tell you on behalf of the vegan set next to me shrooms are just mushrooms It's not gonna hurt you. It's not a drug. Come on. Yeah, you can come with us. You can come with us
Starting point is 00:20:59 I would never want to drag somebody back into the shit though. If you're like legitimately Liquid IV I don't like water, but I love liquid IDV in water I like liquid IV inside of water because it makes it better than water because water is The hot summer months are here, Andrew And we need to be proactive about keeping our bodies fueled and hydrated making hydration priority Can help us feel healthier in our everyday lives one stick of liquid IV in 16 ounces of water hydrates you two times faster And more efficiently than water alone. That's right Plus liquid IV products taste great with 10 refreshing flavors like conquer grape lemon lime pina colada and tropical punch
Starting point is 00:21:39 Sounds like summer dud in it Yeah, what does it contain that made me feel asking me about that with liquid IV people always say bob What is what is it? I'll tell you what it contains man five essential vitamins b3 b5 b6 b12 Hold on. There's no vitamin c in there. Is there and Vitamin c amazing three times the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks of major premium ingredients It's non-gmo free from gluten dairy and soy. Let me tell you something me and bob love this jazz I like throwing into my water because water gets boring after a while and liquid IV makes it taste good grab your liquid IV in bulk nationwide at cosco or you can get 15% off when you go to liquid IV com and use code bad friends at checkout
Starting point is 00:22:20 That's 15% off anything when you shop better hydration today using promo code bad friends at liquid IV com Up start bob. Have you ever been broke? Oh my god. Have you ever had credit card death? Oh, oh la la Oh la la I've had so much of it, but you know what so hard back in the day when I had financial problems I wish there was upstart. Yeah, I wish it was there too because it's hard to see the light at the end of the time when you have a high interest debt Yeah, and sometimes it's even harder to ask for help. That's where upstart comes in So let me ask you something. What is upstart upstart says goodbye to high interest credit card debt It's one of the first steps towards financial independence
Starting point is 00:22:52 It's uh, you know the interest month after month can feel like you're in a never ending hamster wheel That's where upstart takes over. It's personal loans upstart powered personal loans can help you pay down high interest debt All online with one simple and easy to understand payment And it's it's it's helped um over 1.8 million customers on their path to financial freedom whether that's paying off a credit card Consolidating high interest debt or funding personal expenses upstart can help you get one fixed monthly payment with a clear payoff date You can check your rate in minutes for loans between 1,000 to 50,000 dollars without impacting your credit That's incredible. So don't wait guys check your check your rate today at slash bad friends That's slash bad friends to check your rate today. Don't forget to use our url to let them know that we sent
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, go to slash bad friends loan amounts will be determined based on your credit income and certain other information providing your loan application May I ask you a question then sure because I know that Andrew and I have a longing to be in movies and tv Yeah, we you know, we like it right. Yeah, but it's like you think we're just throwing it away like because no, no, no I don't think it's like that you should stop doing it I'm still fucking writing TV shows and movies and books and whatever books are a little different I guess but it's it's just about screens You want your face and whatever you're doing your creative work to be on as many screens as you can possibly have right movies Just aren't as important as they used to be. They're still going to be made
Starting point is 00:24:06 They're going to be churned out because all these streaming networks There's over 200 of them now have to have a constant volume of shit to keep people engaged enough to pay 7.99 a month or whatever So they're going to need the movies. They just aren't like What they used to be what's going to separate the class of all of the muck from the thing that breaks out them? Well, eventually it's going to be AI procedurally generated media. No, well, yeah, well human Yeah, we don't get about this all the time. No, it's already happening. You're not replacing the artist though You can call it art if you like it's already happening Yeah, you guys seen any of the AI image generation tool. Yes, it's fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yes, so uh open AI is going to release dolly the full version for a monthly fee in the next month Uh, graphic designers gone that job's gone. Um, sorry board artists gone and eventually These things are going to filter their way into being able to make full video Based on scripts. They write you're basically gonna be able to be able to ask your phone at one point Hey, netflix give me a new season of game of thrones And it will make it and you can tell them to put whatever actors you want to or create new actors Eventually deep, but guess what chat? Yeah, the AI can't create Soul that's right. I think it can't the huge
Starting point is 00:25:22 The human but on the second hand you say Soul yeah, you don't believe in soul not soul korea. I mean the other soul. Oh, yeah I was like, of course, I can make south korea. That's Yeah, I know what you meant. Thank you. Thank you. I don't think like Do you think disney executives who are making billions of dollars a year for a giant corporate greed machine are creating soul They did do that movie soul, which actually No, you're right. You're right. Yeah I don't give a fuck the root of it is capitalism. But what I'm saying is it's a great movie disney and picks are great and eric was amazing
Starting point is 00:26:06 You know, I mean, and I love that Well, that's eric. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. Yeah, yeah So, um, what I'm no what I'm saying is is that cat too? Because you're saying that the dd would generate, you know, I mean artificial actors, right? And it don't you think that people can read Because even when I see what he doesn't he doesn't believe that we're so close to crossing the uncanny valley You're looking at kerry fish are coming back from the dead in star wars paul walker coming back from the dead In bass and furious whatever. Yeah, james dean. That's we're there now within 10 years
Starting point is 00:26:35 I think the rock is going to be in every movie. He's just going to license his fucking face And if you write movies, you're going to have to write a rock character for your fucking movie And they're just going to be like, hey rock, can we pay $200,000 to cgi your face over this fucking? Well, we have him here with the rock. Would you want to do that? Is that I would love to do that Me and my friend kevin hart will be in every movie We'll be moving forward from 2024 on after I'm inaugurated in 2025 The rock how much are you still selling your uh, your tequila tramana? I love tramana. Do you drink it often? I make I pull the agave right out of the ground
Starting point is 00:27:12 In a form fitting button down shirt so that you can go I'm working really look at my shirt. I got a blue shirt Look he's just sitting there with his barrels Tramana, what is it? What comes in those barrels the rock or is it there's tequila is not in those barrels? Is it that's that's human growth And that's how we make the tramana barrels of hgh It's hg in every bottle of tramana That's what makes the tramana taste like tramana if I have low tea low tea low tramana, then should I have some of this? That's what that's what low tea is. It's low tramana
Starting point is 00:27:46 Get on the tea The tramana. Tramana. I like it when you do it. I don't want to do it. Tramana. Tramana. Kevin Hart and I are going to smack each other in the face with tortillas The kids are going to do it, but you better not smack me to art bitch Tramana Because of you will because of that from your show. I have accidentally done that in public Said tramana. Yeah, but because in the middle of someone talking like oh, I kind of kind of want tequila and I'm like tramana Because of you and people are like what and I'm like nothing nothing nothing. I love the rock. I love
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah, dude. Oh, I didn't know if you knew that chat. What about hulk hogan? I love hulk hogan. Let me tell you all about him But uh, when we were in florida, didn't you see him? I went to his bar for a minute and said hello. I hadn't seen him in many years We did a movie together. That's right. Bobby and I did a movie together a month and a half ago Yeah, something like that's gonna win all kinds of thank you so much for coming out to do that. Oh, wow. Is it ever Bobby, do you have a good time? We were on the set. We were in an all hotel was near the airport And there was no restaurants near it. Mm-hmm. You know, I mean other than that you went there, right? Yeah, yeah, I went to a place called hogan's hangout. Did you see him? Yeah. Yeah, I saw him for a minute
Starting point is 00:28:57 Was that in there that that hulk hogan statue? I there was all sorts of swag. Is he there every day? He's there on mondays. He does a karaoke night. Uh, did he recognize you? Yeah, yeah, he was like, yeah But we've talked I've we've been I've he's been conscious of me, which is very odd I've met him a few times way back in the day When we were remember we're doing all that mad tv stuff and wrestling and this and that and then in some years after that But I hadn't seen him in well over a decade at this point. Anyway, good memories Not too many chair shots of the head for him. I was back in the 80s, brother
Starting point is 00:29:30 They didn't do that whole bleeding and chair shot thing, dude They just I you know, just put a hand to the ear in front of the crowd, brother Get him worked up and another guy who knows how to do that is the rock brother. I passed him the torus resume 18 Let me tell you this about the rock. I love the rock. I didn't know that it was called taramana I thought it was called taramana And uh, that's why I like to say taramana and now it's stuck But I like it because we're giving it our own spin And if you join us and the sons of liberty
Starting point is 00:29:59 We'll teach you how to say some secret words that nobody else knows And uh, you and your orange hat will turn you it will turn you irish in no time. Bobby What do you say? You've already got the name for it Bobby So bobby and I have worked on impressions for I want you to be more irish teach me irish. Hi. This is how you say this is how you fool anybody ready? You got to use the h's and we'll tell you this. No, you got to say Hi
Starting point is 00:30:31 Somehow more asian for some reason you're looking at my face. No, no, no close your eyes close your eyes Okay, everybody close your eyes. Just do it again. Do it again. Hi. I'm high. I'm high. I wish. Yeah, do it again I'm high risk Okay, do you remember we did this on the show already and I taught you the yeah, but you don't know how to do it He knows how to teach me. Oh, okay. You're right. I think he's better. We teach each other I taught him. I taught him all you have to do is say connor mcgregor Okay It's connor mcgregor. There's almost no way to not say his name. I read chat. You do it connor mcgregor. See
Starting point is 00:31:03 It's almost say connor mcgregor without the accent connor mcgregor. It sounds wrong. Connor mcgregor. No It's connor mcgregor. Yeah. Yeah, but do you see what he does at the end? Hold it a D Right, you got to go up. So anything you say Anything you say. All right. Give me a note different accent then. Um, like scottish Oh, okay, scottish. I want to I want to be like then you go down Sixth permission William All right, William Wallace. You do a bit about yeah. Well, yes. Give me a William Wallace. Yeah, don't use any vowels
Starting point is 00:31:33 Just go say William Wallace without any vowels and a gruff voice. What are the volume? I'll go William. Oh, tell him I'm your uncle I'm your uncle Yeah, yeah Yeah, that was very Is that is that William Wallace right there? That was a very good Chinese scott described as pillar of community order to leave scotland by home office. He was kicked out of scotland this poor chinese man Yeah, why seems to be one of the few chinese people there. See, you know how fucked up that is
Starting point is 00:32:01 I thought he was scott the moment I looked at him. I thought that's a scottish man if I've ever seen one And that man was removed. I thought that was William Wallace How does he say his name go ahead? William Wallace. There it is. That's that's William Wallace right there And he's showing you I have an irish or a scottish citizenship, huh? Yeah, and they bullied him out See guys, we're not so bad here in the united states over there in the uk. Let's do asian ones now Everyone does an asian accent now Everything the tar is melting off of the roofs in the uk chat. So you think that it's obsolete, right? Only culturally culturally Not financially. It's still a big part of the business obviously, but basically like making a movie now
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's just an episode of a tv show, but let me actually say that you think then ai's yeah, right? We'll replace podcasting. Oh for sure It's they're doing that's what we're doing. We were you're still coming up with it You're still no no ai tells us what to do it as an example the ai have you heard of hulk hogan the wrestler So anyway, the ai will write news stories and say, you know news podcasts are very popular We'll read these news stories in the voice of hulk hogan But you can't they can't they don't know Humor yes, dude. This ai is funny. This is right. All right. It's funny There's this and it makes us do weird shit like it'll give us at the end of every episode
Starting point is 00:33:18 It gives us like little assignments like you have to go watch Uh running man and then next week you're gonna have to talk about it sometimes like it made us one time Each of us had to create a song and bring it in we played the songs Our whole audience then voted on which one was the best and the loser got shamed We didn't know what the fuck that was until the ai is like the ai was like Now the loser has to dress up as the crow like full crow caused you and that it was so good Well, and so will has to dress as the crow So I dressed up as the crow because the ai was picking up on the fact that we kept talking about the crow
Starting point is 00:33:49 We for some reason were like, yeah the crow and we made this weird assimilation between the crow and batman and then dudes He did it was it's all very weird before the batman came out and uh so-and-so looks like the crow And at any rate it made me dress up like the crow. That's kind of funny. Sometimes it makes us smoke weed before episodes Like get as high as possible and then come on down Andrew, not you though. What about live comedy shows? It'll work the same. It'll just be in 10 years. That'll be obsolete too. It'll just be something else. I don't think it'll be obsolete I think it'll be like Uh telephone or whatever the telephone fucking becomes can you make me a new richard priors special? And it will just make one where he's talking about contemporary events. You could probably go you could go
Starting point is 00:34:28 Hey, so depressing. You'll go. Hey netflix show me richard prior telling jokes about Abortion the fucking jen six whatever and then it'll fucking go. And then you'll see richard prior Doing those jokes about that they're erin weber who I've talked about on the show. Good comic. He he just promoted a There is a brand new app or program where you can it generates art You can just ask it anything and it'll generate all this original fucking artwork. Yeah, that's dolly dolly. That's what there's a bunch There's image and google has one, but do do dolly. I think that's the one. I think that's the one. It's how do you spell that? I'm so scared Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:35:08 But wait, let me finish this so this dolly thing you so you have to sign up for them to Be right like they put you the the full dolly version is in beta right now But they're gonna put it out very soon for like a monthly chart He was selected by one of these groups like you have to you put your name in the hat to be like Hey, I want to be a part of the test group and he just got assigned because he put it up on instagram It was like yo ask me anything that's awesome and he all people every fucking image the creepiest part to me was Someone would go Darth Vader eating soup, right? That's a it's you can go a million ways
Starting point is 00:35:40 The the visual of Darth Vader eating soup changed so many different formats and ways that yeah, I was like I don't know if a human could come up with this if they took 100 years iceberg dude An English creepy as fuck an image is just a series It's like a a brick of pixels each pixel is a little square that has a numerical value right to dark and red green blue So to create every image possible to be generated is possible We just don't have the computing power yet, but with quantum computing around the corner I think that's going to exist within x 15 years or so just a giant database of literally every image It's okay. Look a text and we'll just scroll down a little bit down a little bit
Starting point is 00:36:16 Please look a storefront that has the word Open eye written on it. That's it and then all these are all generated from a computer. None of that is real None of those pictures are real Well, I mean, I'm sure you guys have seen the ai generated people that now exist right that like ad companies using stuff They're not real people, but they look photorealistic They're videos you can just type in what you want them to say and they're like hello Welcome to our company and they're and they look like perfect mixed. That's those are ai's. Yeah, those are all fake people And this is again tip. This is the wheel eventually. There's going to be a fucking Ferrari
Starting point is 00:36:47 You know, we're we're just at the tip of the iceberg of this shit. How come the sex dolls still look so bad They look so fucked. They look they always there was a man Do the guy there was a guy that just got a divorce from his wife so he could marry his sex doll Yeah, nice and she said it's because they made it look too much like her like they sent in her photos And he wanted her over the no But she still looks like shit. They don't look good yet. How do we have all this power? They're going to look at this here. There is this the guy he he married married his robot sex doll margo. Is that yeah, that's it But but honestly, they still look like shit. You know why I think it's there. She is there's still too much stigma
Starting point is 00:37:27 Over big fake tits and skinny waist and big butt male looking female looking whatever kind of sex robot you might want I think there's still too much stigma around this. Yeah, but eventually that's gonna fucking fisher That'll bleed off. It's like online dating. You remember when online dating first fucking happened and people were like Oh, how'd you guys meet? It was our friend's party, right? Like nobody would say they met online. Anyway, now it's the primary way Everybody's if I had a wedding and I was mirroring us Listen, let's just listen. All right. The answer is yeah, you would come to my wedding. Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:58 I would have you think everyone will come to that wedding. Would you make fun of me? Of course Yeah, well that's the whole point of going. I'm gonna fish in real love I know all right. I don't want to be fucking mocked at my own wedding. I would make funny if you married a human What would be the difference? Oh, that's true. Yeah, well, there'd be zero difference. Yeah I would invite you to my wedding. Would you guys mock me at my wedding? Absolutely not. Yeah, would you? I'm down with this. I'll deep down and say you'd be like, this is not real. Well, would you mock him at his wedding? Uh, yeah You know, I'd give you guys a gift of a bunch of car batteries or something
Starting point is 00:38:30 That's mocked. That's fun. Well, because my wife loves that Look, look there there there they are together. Yeah. Yeah, this guy this ain't real Yeah, oh, yeah, and he dresses her up, which is even more fun. That's so he goes shopping often for her clothes He's just going viral. But that guy is fucking let's say. I mean, we don't know this man But let's say this man is happy doing this. He probably is what's fucking wrong with nothing at all I'm my comment was how they still look kind of that still looks like a toy. Yeah, sure Why can't we make it look real real? I mean, I think that's coming. But also this kind of an aesthetic is its own thing I mean, if you look at like what's going on right now with Gen Z and like you mean he wants to fuck a doll
Starting point is 00:39:07 Is that what you're saying? What's that? Like he prefers a physical doll. Yeah. Yeah in the next generation Look at the most realistic sex doll. Kids are gonna be fucking things that look like anime characters and unicorns and whatever You know what I'm saying? It looks pretty real. I guess. Yeah The answer for impersonal sex is not in you know crude rubber, you know robots and stuff That's not where we're headed is Chad will tell you it's the metaverse So, you know, you wear you put on your oculus, right and you put something on your penis, right? Yeah thing and I think what do they call it when it touches back haptic feedback haptic feedback The best kind of haptic feedback
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, what you do is you you I like to grab the ass. Well this my my solution. That's my thing my solution Yeah, we'd have that for you and all you have to do is put on the oculus and then You know insert yourself into a sexual partner. Okay. Hold on a second You keep the oculus on but you have sex with a person And then you know, you can kind of believe whatever that is as a matter of fact, it would probably help a lot of marriages Let's put our oculus on Who are you having sex? Well, you don't ask you don't you just you let him do that Because then it's like we're both having our fantasy that right and the oculus is like this past week an experiment
Starting point is 00:40:19 Was just done with the first a r contact lens So instead of wearing like google glass or whatever you just put it in contacts and I get full heads up display of everybody's Vital stats Yeah, and that eventually is going to become vr That contact will be you can switch between a r and vr and the emotes Now check and ask you is this gay? Let me ask you is it something's gay, right? Oh, I don't know why you're asking me This is my favorite segment of bad friends. We just every fucking week So if I have the little thing on my penis, right?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Well, maybe and I have a haptic haptic you don't insert it into your urethra. It's something that goes around your I understand that i'm not gonna stick it inside my body. You just said I stick it on my penis on it not in it Sorry, all right. No, it doesn't go on the tip Unless that's what you want around the penis, right? Yeah, and I have the thing on my head, right? But then I asked Chad, can I touch your ass? Would that be considered gay? Um, why is he in the room? What I'm not gay, but I want to do the I'm gonna I'm you know what I mean? I'm making I'm making love to you know I mean, okay. I'm one of your best friends
Starting point is 00:41:23 That hurts. I would not do you why because you would laugh. I would yeah, I would hear you laugh Okay, how about this if I put tape over my mouth and I and I promised I wouldn't laugh The only way I would let you grab my ass while you were in vr is if you weren't jerking off at the same I don't want you tugging and grabbing my ass. No, I'm not touching your dick. I have the haptic on my penis And you're grabbing my ass. Yeah, and I have the things I'm making love to a woman in the fucking thing I think that's fine. I'll let you do that. But I'll tell you why I wouldn't use you because I would feel like I was gonna be rushed What do you mean? I just feel like you have shit to do. I got stuff going on. Yeah
Starting point is 00:41:54 And I feel like after like 10 minutes, I'd be like, I just feel like he's he has an audition You know, I mean, I would like to be in my head and fuck me up But I'm worried about his audition. He would finish Why would you did something about him? He's busy? I would finish. I think you would stand because you're a nice guy You would stand there and let me allow you finish. Well, he would probably come over to set it up for you because he knows All that geeky stuff. Yeah. Yeah, but Andrew would be with them because they're doing trumes together. That's right Yeah, and then and then a Chad's on the other side of the room, you know going boopy boopy boopy trying to set up your Yeah, yeah, but I would feel penis
Starting point is 00:42:25 Uh, you're ether insertion And and you'd be grabbing Andrew's ass in the meantime, because you don't know you're in the metaverse It's just like we said, don't ask, don't tell. Shady Rays, baby, sunglass season is here and there's a no better option than our friends at Shady Rays. Shady Rays, independent sunglass company that offers a world-class product
Starting point is 00:42:43 that's just as good as any expensive pair that we've ever worn. Durable frames and extremely clear polarized lenses for outdoor adventures. These are so dope. That's not all, Andrew. Shady Rays offers the most insane protection in all of eyewear.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Every pair is backed by lost and broken replacements. Right, though, if you lose a pair, you break a pair even on day one, which is insane if you did that. But even if you did, they told us they're gonna send you a brand new pair. No questions asked. Wear your Shady Rays with confidence
Starting point is 00:43:07 because they have your back long after you purchase. And if you don't love them, Andrew, exchange for a new pair or return them for free within 30 days. Come on, dude. Look, we're wearing two of the sexiest pairs that we think are available right now. And I wear them all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:21 I actually love them. I wear them when I golf, because I like how it's polarized to keep my little eyeballs safe from the sunskis. I love Shady Rays. They're incredible. Exclusively for our listeners. Shady Rays is giving out their best deal of the season.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Go to and use code BADFRIENDS for 50% off two pairs of polarized sunglasses. Wow. Go to, use the code BADFRIENDS for 50% off two plus pairs of polarized sunglasses. You can try yourself these shades, rated five stars, or over 200,000 people., use that code BADFRIENDS.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Vroom! You can buy a car entirely online and have it delivered straight to you, so you never have to go to the dealership again. That's what I did for my new car, that I have right now. Your brand new fancy car. I used Vroom and they brought it right to my house
Starting point is 00:44:05 and it was so convenient. You didn't have to go anywhere. No, dude! I didn't have to go walk around that hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. Talking to those guys in suits, they're like, hey, let me get you the best deal that I came in. Every time I've ever been to a car dealership,
Starting point is 00:44:15 I gotta tell ya, it's always a haggle, hassle, haggle, and they're always like, let me talk to my manager and they're just wasting time talking about how you're a schmuck, you're gonna overpay for a car. I hate going to car dealerships. With Vroom, you can browse thousands of cars in one place. So you don't have to spend your weekend driving out to a million different dealerships
Starting point is 00:44:33 or meeting up with a stranger to buy a car. Come on, man, when you shop on, you never have to negotiate for the price of a car. When you sell your car in Vroom, if you have a car and you wanna sell one, you get a price instantly. You don't have to waste time at a dealership with flaky buyers or go back and forth and all that crap. They do it right then, right now.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Vroom is entirely online. So next time you need to buy a car, just grab your phone, go to and check out thousands of great cars. That's, A guy last night, I'm not kidding, at the me and Faheem and Ali Makovsky were sitting eating a piece of pizza
Starting point is 00:45:07 and a guy overheard our conversation and knew that we were comedians and then out of nowhere it was basically just like, sorry to interrupt and use dropper, I heard you guys are comics. What do you guys know about comedy and the metaverse? And I was like, look, I don't, first of all, don't. Don't just talk to us out.
Starting point is 00:45:22 It was so fucking uncomfortable. At first of all, don't. I was eating pizza and you're like, and you obviously have listened to our whole conversation. But then he was like, and then Faheem actually engaged with the guy and was like, yeah, I did shows on Zoom, but everybody hated it.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And he was like, I do think comedy is gonna live heavily in the metaverse. And I was like, I highly doubt it. He's like, you don't know what you're talking about. And I said, here's the deal. We do this for a living, performance stuff though, like beyond what we were talking about before, live performance where it's immediate feedback.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I don't think has any space in this world. Agreed. I just don't think it'll ever live there. I'll tell you this. Have you guys done any VR? Yeah, oh yeah. I have Oculus at home. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Have you watched any basketball games? Yeah, yes, I have. What'd you think of that? Look, dude, I'm an avid sports fan. So I'm maybe the wrong guy. I don't, either I want to be there or it's in the background at my house. Well, I mean, I want to physically be there.
Starting point is 00:46:15 It's not, that didn't work for me. I know what you're saying. It was amazing to watch, but I also, the whole time, because of my consciousness was like, I'm still just in this bullshit watching this. Yeah, Jack Nichols was not there. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:31 No, he was, he was. Oh, he was there? Oh, he was there at the metaphor. But I think it's cool. I just, it's just, there's something missing. Live performative things. There's such a, there's something that you need the physical energy and presence of humans
Starting point is 00:46:45 that I don't think you'll ever be able to do with that thing. No, I agree with you. I don't think it's there yet. I think it will eventually get there. I think every kind of human experience will be replaced by something digital, or at least a very close proximate, or a close approximation of it.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Close enough that you'll be like, well, fuck, I can't make it to that baseball game. Will I pay a dollar to fucking basically be there? That's worth it. I just think it still won't replace, live crowd mentality. There's something about, I mean, have you been to the Grand Canyon?
Starting point is 00:47:14 I talked about this with someone before. It's hard to articulate because I'm not intelligent enough, but truly something happens in your brain when you see nature in wonder. It's, I wish there was a way to describe it, but it does something physically to you. It's just a canyon. That no matter how immersive you could get,
Starting point is 00:47:32 you'd never be able to match it. Yeah, no, huh? It's a what? It's just a fucking canyon. This is the Bobby's World thing we talked about before. You're so not present. It's a canyon. It's a marvel.
Starting point is 00:47:43 It's a wonder. I've seen canyons. I'm a canyon guy. Oh, you're a big canyon guy? I've been canyons all over the world, man. What canyons have you seen? I've been to a canyon in Thailand. Which one?
Starting point is 00:47:53 I don't know what it's called, but I saw it. So you really enjoyed the time. I'm just saying, when you see one canyon, you've seen them all. But this guy is perfect for what I'm saying. He's good for the guy that just puts on the thing. It's like me saying, I saw a river. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Who gives a fuck? See, and he needs, he needs to. I think there's still a point of immersion that isn't quite happening yet. You still have to put on this fucking chunky thing on your head. You still don't have 360 view. It's still like the resolution's kind of shitty still.
Starting point is 00:48:19 That's gonna change. What about sporting events? You think sporting events, there's no way to do that because you, where were you five minutes ago? Hang on. No, no, no, no, no. Wait, wait, the basketball. It's almost as if we just said this.
Starting point is 00:48:31 No, no, no, no, no. You saw a basketball game that was actually happening, right? Yeah, dude, we just had a conversation. No, I think CGI players. No, no, no, no, no. It was a real game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I watched a real basketball game. Right, that was really happening. I could turn on the TV and watch. Yes, yes. Right. What I'm saying is, is can you, those are real humans playing, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Are they gonna ever, are those real humans gonna be replaced by... Here's what I think's gonna happen to sports. That's what I'm asking. Do you follow any e-sports? Just people playing video games as professional athletes. Yeah. You know what it is.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah. So that's basically you're watching. But still someone's controlling it. Sure, but you're also watching the thing they're controlling, which is a computer genre. Like if you're watching Overwatch, you're watching the characters they're playing. You're watching the guy playing that character,
Starting point is 00:49:14 but you're also watching those characters. I think what's gonna happen to sports, primarily with the advent of AR, is that you're gonna see it start merging into the sports. Already you have things like in baseball, umpires bullying, fucking perfect games on the last call of a game and shit. That happened a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:49:29 That's gonna be fucking gone. I mean, there's everything, cameras and everything. Basketball, people fucking flopping and shit, left and right, whoever. I mean, basketball to me is one of the most corrupted games by human error. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Because the referee is like, never know when it's a foul. Well, the rules are also quite fringe. Soccer too is like that. Soccer is like that. Yeah, but when I'm saying that, but there's no way a computer's gonna determine who the winner is.
Starting point is 00:49:51 No one will watch that. No, what do you mean? Like if there was a... They do that. They've been doing that for... A computer animated game. Every single day. Well, an AI game would have a randomized finish,
Starting point is 00:50:03 a randomized result, based on what happens during the game. It's like any other experiment. The AI doesn't necessarily know what's gonna happen at the end. Yeah. And it's like characters. Do you follow Lo Micayla?
Starting point is 00:50:13 Do you know her at all? No, but just... She's a computer generated influencer. Oh, really? It doesn't exist. Just a full fucking computer generated influence. So creepy, dude. She's got a couple of million followers,
Starting point is 00:50:21 I believe, on Instagram. Gets brand deals left and right. Really? Will there be a time where we have a computer generated... She's not real. No, wait, wait, that picture's real. No, she's not real. She doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Okay, go down to the photo. The first photo, put, put, put. That's not a real person. It's a fake now. That's correct. She has a new single out. She hasn't, she just dropped a new single. Oh, we're fucked.
Starting point is 00:50:41 We're fucked. We gotta save her money. It's over. We're saving her money. Well, we're both... Well, it is over, dude. You just told me to buy you a $6,000 sex doll and now I have to save my money.
Starting point is 00:50:50 You gotta pick a lane, buddy. Listen, listen, listen. In the world I see, up in the Northern, where I'm from, I'm gonna buy a plot of land over an aquifer. You're all welcome up there. Thank you. Bobby, we're gonna have the urethra implant haptics pen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:08 It'll go right in your penis. Okay. Put a fucking oculus over your face. Oh, God. You can pretend you're, you know, banging whichever NBA star you like with whatever kind of upturned Asian penis you like. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:17 You know, like not even a real like, oh, it's Blake Griffin, but he's got this kind of, you know, penis. Right, right, right, right, right, right. And with the hook, like Andy's talking about. My favorite. Like Blake Griffin, Halle Berry's pussy. Right, because, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Blake Griffin with Halle Berry's pussy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You will be able to get that delivered to your door within 24 hours, I think, within 10 years. I'm gonna watch the AI movie called Bobby Lee the Movie. I'll be like, turn on Bobby Lee the Movie. And just based on this conversation in five years, it's gonna be the opening of the movie
Starting point is 00:51:44 is Bobby coming in, like turning on the lights in his place, sitting down and go, like after a hard day, drops a briefcase for some reason. It goes, Blake Griffin with Halle Berry's pussy. And RBG's breasts. RBG's breasts. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then just a pen will insert into your penis.
Starting point is 00:51:59 And Cheyenne Fett's eyes, I like his eyes. Dude, this is a remake. This is the remake that Netflix will do starring you of Weird Science. Wow. And how many people do you think will pay for that? Will that be, will film have made its comeback by that time? It won't matter.
Starting point is 00:52:12 It won't matter. Because it'll take like, you know. Nobody's making any of this. There's no physical production. Will anybody get paid anymore? Will there be any monetary exchange? The CEO of Netflix. Yeah, the one person.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah. Wow, good for them. All the money has to go to one person at a certain point. So when is this gonna happen? I would say. What, when is it gonna happen? I think you're already starting to see. No, but when do I have to find a job?
Starting point is 00:52:33 You're there now, buddy. No, I mean, I think you'll be okay. You'll probably be able to license yourself into AI other shit. Like you want Bobby Lee in a movie, in a TV show. They'll just send you a fucking check for whatever your rate is, and then you'll be in that movie or TV show.
Starting point is 00:52:45 I don't think any, I gotta say, I don't. That's the interim stuff. I'm with the guys here. That's already happening, dude. Bruce Willis was in a fucking cell phone commercial in Russia. That he ain't in. He just licensed his face.
Starting point is 00:52:54 That was it. And did they AI talk, made him talk? What, can we do that Bruce Willis commercial in Russia? Fucking Val Kilmer, are you talking about Top Gun? They AI'd his whole fucking voice in Top Gun Maverick is not Val Kilmer's voice. By the way. That is an AI.
Starting point is 00:53:07 No, definitely cried during that scene. It wasn't even that strong of a scene, but I cried because I saw the guy, and then when I, because I watched the documentary before that, and I was like, this is the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life. A hero who can't talk anymore. It was so, I kind of do wish,
Starting point is 00:53:20 no shot at the people that made the film. I wish they made a little bit more of a meal out of that scene. In a way. Made him sing or something. Well, make a dance. Make a dance. Make a dance.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Yeah. Wait, this is, okay, this is it. This is it. Let's see the Bruce Willis commercial. This is it. That's the guy who got kicked out of Ireland. Yeah, it looks fake. Yeah, it does look fake.
Starting point is 00:53:44 That isn't the point of this. No, no, no, but I know what you're saying. It's as close as I think it could get, but yeah, that's for now. For now, you know. Yeah. In the next five years, this shit is gonna basically be perfected.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Russian deep, deep cake. She makes deep cakes. Deep cakes. Yeah. All from the comforter of her own kitchen. Two girls, one cake. You guys have seen Deep Fake Tom Cruise on TikTok. That shit looks real in most cases, you know?
Starting point is 00:54:08 That guy is so good. His impersonation's unreal. It's uncanny. So good. Which? The fake Tom Cruise. I wish she had Bruce Willis' face. I don't like her face.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Okay. All right, we're not gonna do this. She got real. He does. If he decides he doesn't like your face, boy, oh boy, does he check out? Yeah, I check out. He's a big time.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I don't like your face guy. I don't like your face guy, for sure. I mean, that shit looks real, dude. Yeah, that does look real. Yeah, I get that. I get it. Again, this is just some guy with a fucking TikTok account. He is a graphic designer, a graphic artist,
Starting point is 00:54:40 something like Special Effects Guy, but imagine what a fucking billion dollar studio is gonna be able to do when they're like, we're just gonna license the rock or license whoever. Actors aren't gonna have to fucking show up anymore if they don't want to. All right, let me change your gear, because I saw something on that Instagram
Starting point is 00:54:54 that made me think about you. We talked about this off air and I do wanna talk about it because it's fascinating. They had a relationship. So that girl, the fake AI that's on there, little whatever the fuck her name is, she has a relationship, they show her boyfriend. Then they show the storyline of her relationship
Starting point is 00:55:11 with her boyfriend, because the youth now is telling their tales through Instagram. Is he real? No, my friend. It's Shia LaBeouf. Yeah, this is all fake. Okay, okay, I don't know. You even heard the Shia LaBeouf
Starting point is 00:55:20 is dating little McKayla? Yeah. They broke up. They broke up. Oh, they did. Miles Teller has taken her out on a couple coffee days. Those two aren't real. That's right, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Okay, all right, I'm with you. So anyway, what I was saying was, there's a story that's being created obviously for their relationship about when at the pasta, it's like, you know, whatever, and they're gonna have them break up at some point. Sure. Which brings me to this,
Starting point is 00:55:41 what you were talking about with me about the bachelor and the manipulation of the show. This is kind of where that same mindset is of like, you can create this entire world. People in the comments give a fuck. When they break up, it will be an outpouring of people being super upset and mad about fake people that never dated.
Starting point is 00:55:59 This is, the world we live in now is dominated by parasocial relationships. That's relationships that we all have with celebrities or little McKaylas, whatever. Where we're looking at them through a screen, they're looking back at us, but they don't know who the fuck we are. They're not really interacting with us,
Starting point is 00:56:13 but we're being tricked on a sub-psychological level. This shit started really in the 40s and 50s with TV news anchors. They were like the first real parasocial relationships where they're talking to you through a screen and you're getting the response and you're like lizard brain of like, that's my friend. They're looking right at me.
Starting point is 00:56:29 They're really talking to me. Now, it's all social media is that. Haptic urethra pen. So, whether it's on this screen or your fucking TV screen or whatever, we're all engaged with so many different people through these parasocial lenses that we don't really have real relationships with.
Starting point is 00:56:45 So it doesn't matter if they're real. He's living it right now because him and his girlfriend split up and publicly so. And what's crazy about it is the reaction from the fans. Yes. And the way that they talk about their relationship as if they know anything about, but they do know a lot about it
Starting point is 00:57:00 because they've been public. But the creepiest part is when you'll read stuff or someone will say something to you, like people know that we're best friends and people will come up to me and be like, strangers, how's Bobby? And I'm like, what do you mean? And they're like, is he okay?
Starting point is 00:57:15 Right. And then it clicks in my head. I'm like, oh my God, this guy is, this is a genuine, he's genuinely concerned if Bobby's okay. And then he's like, let me tell you a little bit more about comedy and the metaverse. And you're like, get the fuck away from me.
Starting point is 00:57:28 This guy's back. Yeah. He just takes a piece of your pizza. Get away from me. You know, it has been weird like, because I, you know, this is the first time I've ever been like breaking up with somebody that was also a,
Starting point is 00:57:40 because people saw our relationship unfold on in the podcast. Like the bachelor, dude. Like the bachelor. And I realized that I no longer ever want to do this again. You don't want to be public in a relationship. I'm never going to be a public. I'm going to keep it sacred because it's been
Starting point is 00:57:55 the kind of comments I'm getting and the messages. It's just, no, they crossed the line. Of course they do. Right. And they're so intrusive. Right. And then there was an outpouring of love, but you don't know the fuck I am. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:58:08 But to be fair, the people that do say things that are like loving like what we did talk about, they are showing genuine. They are. It's as good as they can get by going, I really do like you. I'm a fan of you. And I do hope that you're okay through all this.
Starting point is 00:58:19 It is genuine. But whatever they say is going to rub off wrong even if they're being positive and supportive because it's going to creep you out because you're the newscaster in 1940, going, I don't fucking know you. But who have, do you guys have any parasocial relationships like this?
Starting point is 00:58:32 Or have you ever in your life? Have you ever had a deep fandom of any actor, athlete? I have. I've never been like, I mean, I follow my Kogan. Oh my God. On the internet. But I don't have to read all of his posts, brother. Let me tell you something about parasocial relationships,
Starting point is 00:58:50 dude. What does that mean? Hold on a second. Hold on, hold on, Andrew. I'll tell you all about it. Because 1988, when the makeup powers explode, Macho Man thought that I had eyes for Miss Elizabeth. We were just friends, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:02 That's a parasocial relationship, brother. We don't actually- Kind of. What does parasocial mean? Parasocial. Parasocial, so is that me? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Is that me being a fan of somebody
Starting point is 00:59:14 or somebody that has a relationship with- It's a one-sided relationship. It means like outside of yours, like this is a social interaction. We're in the same room, we're interacting. If I was sending you a DM, that is parasocial. It's outside of like an actual social interaction. This is primarily what all relationships are now.
Starting point is 00:59:31 You have a couple of actual relationships in your life with whoever you're dating, who your friends are. Yeah, I have some guys on Instagram. The guys that are like fans of mine that I've talked, I've never met them in flesh. Our relationship is solely based on comedy and- It's parasocial.
Starting point is 00:59:47 That's parasocial. But no, if you're DMing with them, if you're interacting, that is not parasocial. Parasocial is the relationship, is like all the people DMing you after your breakup that you've never talked to. They've only watched you through that lens and they feel like they know you
Starting point is 01:00:01 because they listen to you talk. And in many cases, you're probably directly addressing whoever's listening to you through a camera. So it's that pair, what we call on, I do this other podcast called Game of Roses, it's about the bachelor. And we call it the parasocial gaze. And we rate different player, different bachelor pairs-
Starting point is 01:00:16 Gaze, eye gaze, eye gaze, I know. Yeah, Gaze, sorry. But that parasocial gaze, in terms of like modern celebrity, is one of the most valuable tools you can have. Wow. I've never, when you asked, I was trying to think, did I ever have one of those? Do you ever have parasocial?
Starting point is 01:00:30 Were you like- I don't think I do. I can't really remember if I ever- I can't remember. If I ever had one that like really burned- I mean, does that happen socially, like in the media and stuff that I care about and I'm invested in?
Starting point is 01:00:42 But I don't know if it's like investment in a certain human being. Is that a parasocial, me being invested in an event? Yes, like if you're watching the Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial, for example, and you start to feel some type of way about who you think should win and who's being funny. That's parasocial.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And it's like, you think now that you know a little bit about their relationship, but all you're doing is watching fucking videos of them. They don't know who the fuck you are. Right, exactly. Like if you send over a hundred DMs to Hulk Hogan on Instagram, he doesn't write you back. That's a parasocial relationship, right?
Starting point is 01:01:11 That's an example. I see. Now Bobby, you could have been at January 6th, like I was January 6th in the metaverse, or the metaverse. Yeah, dude. And what you do is, you just put on your Oculus, you insert your haptic pen, and I was there.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Do you think they're gonna storm the Capitol now over the Oculus next time? That would be awesome. They're gonna meet the metaverse to storm the Capitol. Metaverse, Insurrection, in Sandbox, the Decentral Range. And then Trump is there in the metaverse. I would play that game.
Starting point is 01:01:38 There was a game called Insurrection, right? And we go to January 6th, and I get to wear my camo. Uh-oh, this is how it starts. Yeah, and my camo, and like my, um, a flagpole, maybe a noose for Pence, right? And I would act it out. A noose for Pence? Yeah, they wanted to kill him.
Starting point is 01:01:53 They wanted to hang Pence. Sorry, dude, you still can't join the sun. Yeah, they were yelling out, hang Mike Pence, and they had an actual noose outside the fucking Capitol. Well, that does, I gotta be honest, the rhythm is good. Hang Mike Pence. It is a good rhythm. Because you're not gonna say hang.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Nancy Pelosi. Too much, too many syllables. They were saying haptic Pence. Haptic Pence. But I would like to see, like, you know, if I could break the window fast enough. Yeah, yeah, I have all sorts of challenges. Yeah, yeah, but the different challenges, how fast can you?
Starting point is 01:02:20 You keep, oh, that's terrible. When you climb the wall, you keep falling. Yeah, you climb the wall, you don't have to fall. You can't fall, it's like donkey clunk. Imagine he gets kicked out of the metaverse, they're like, we can't have you in here anymore. There's just you two disrupting. What if you're wearing those glasses,
Starting point is 01:02:31 and you're talking to a Chinese guy, and it just says ching chong, ching chong, ching. That'd be weird too, right? That'd be a malfunction. That'd be a malfunction. This is breaking. Would it be a malfunction, depends on which one you get. You can get the Trump metaverse glasses.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ching chong, ching chong, every time. Get the chong metaverse glasses. Every time an agent speaks to you, it'll just say ching chong, bing bong. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. In your eyeballs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, that is great, you will get different glasses based on who you are and what your price point is. I'm sure they're not going to all work that well. How much are these going to be? I don't know. What do you say in that article? Oh yeah, like some of them will only do language,
Starting point is 01:03:11 but some of them will maybe tell the time. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like an Apple Watch versus a Fitbit, you know what I mean? All of this shit eventually is a contact lens in your eye that just, it helps you with everything in your life. Oh, you know what would be cool? Hey, this is all cool shit, but you know what would be really cool?
Starting point is 01:03:25 When all this stuff comes to pass, and I'm speaking as a guy who has a fucking podcast that's run by an AI, but when all this stuff comes to pass and it's actually happening, you know what would be cool? We go, wow, that's really crazy shit that's going on out there in the world. Let's get together and talk about it on a podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:42 So I don't think there's going to be a whole lot of weight given to AI entertainment so much in the future. Sure, AI can help. You look at the medical advancements that you can do in the metaverse. You can have people sitting in a giant classroom, learning more interactively, that's great. We, like I said, have a podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:03 It's essentially programming our show, but like I also tell you on the show, any good podcast is just two dudes shitting around, right? So that's what's going to happen when we get Oculus and we get our fucking dickhole pens and all that good stuff. We're going to be sitting here in another five years going, can you believe we're immortal?
Starting point is 01:04:20 Go ahead Chad, I like what you're talking. I was just going to say, look at what's happened technologically in the last decade or so with smartphones, with the internet, with social media. At this point, technological change, how it's affecting human society is so fucking rapid, it's not going the other way.
Starting point is 01:04:36 All this shit that we're looking at on these screens, like we're at the tip of the iceberg with these things, AI, quantum computing, AR, all this shit. I think within the next 10 years, we're going to see easily as much progress as we saw with the other technologies. Oh my God. And I will be holding on to the reins
Starting point is 01:04:51 of human civilization in the old school way. I'll be pulling back, still doing dude'sy with you and going, no, no, no, no. Why though? Stay with me. Let's live over that aquifer. But that's not true, dude. You're on social media all the time.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I don't know about that. Yeah, I enjoy it. I hate fucking baby, man. I think despite your outward protests of the way technology is affecting us all, you fucking engage with it as much as anyone else. And I like video games when I was a kid. So what's your point?
Starting point is 01:05:22 I know who the fuck I am. I know that I don't want a fucking food pill or a fucking haptic dick pen. Well, I will take the latter. I do like that. Yeah, that's right. Well, let me say this. Okay, just last thing I want to say.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Chad? Yeah. Chad, Chad. When things go down, things are rapidly changing. He's not protecting you, Bobby. Don't do that. He doesn't give a fuck about you. When it goes down, it's going to be Chad and Chad.
Starting point is 01:05:48 It's not going to be Chad and Bobby. May I ask though? No, it's a no. The answer is fucking no. Well, you know who else I know then? Lex Friedman. He'll help me. Lex doesn't give a fuck about you either.
Starting point is 01:05:56 He does. No, he doesn't. He cares about human beings. Yeah, he does. But he doesn't care about Bobby. He does. Not specifically. When the world is going to end,
Starting point is 01:06:03 he's going to help you. I'm not going to move in. I'm going to call. I'm Lex. You're pitching me right now? Are you yelling at me? Yeah, I'm calling you. What's going on?
Starting point is 01:06:14 What do you need, Bobby? The world is collapsing. I just need information. Things are crashing. Buddy, your way. I'm already in the spaceship. I got to talk to you later. What?
Starting point is 01:06:22 Oh, that's what's going to happen. Lex Friedman is gone. He's gone living on fucking Mars. Chad, Chad, Chad. Yeah. I'll take the call. See, there we go. And I got him.
Starting point is 01:06:30 He'll be right next to Lex. Oh, that's true. What do you mean? I'll pretend like I'm still here, though. I'm going to hit his little castle in those feelings. That's funny. You're a little relationship with Lex Friedman.
Starting point is 01:06:38 He's like, hang up when you're like, let me. Bobby, no, I'm still on Earth. I'm still on Earth, buddy. I'm in West Hollywood. Everything's going to be fine. I know it looks bad, but everything's fine. Just go to sleep tonight. Meet me for some food pills.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Listen, I wouldn't worry about it. In the world, Chad is purporting to be our future world. Whatever president you want. Hey, just pop it into your haptic dick pen. And you've got Val Kilmer as your president, if you want. I wanted more of that. Yeah, that would be cool. I know.
Starting point is 01:07:08 That would be your experience. I want to pick that. Because we'll all just be sitting there in matrix bowls full of blue gel with a fucking haptic pen in the back of our head and one of our ass. You know how it could work? It could work like this. We all have to pay our tax money, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:07:21 No, no, no. I'm out. Whatever this is, I'm already fucking out. You've got to pay your taxes to, in quotes, the government. The government is just an AI. So you put your fucking money in, and then you just get a checklist of, where do you want your dollars spent on what?
Starting point is 01:07:32 Defense, health care, climate change, whatever. And we all get to determine where it goes. And then it produces a president, like Lil Mikaela, that we see distributing that money in fake virtual videos to whatever it is. And it looks different based on whatever you wanted to look like. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It can be whatever nationality you like. Love it. I don't want a woman being president. Yeah. Whatever kind of person you are, whatever kind of flavor you want. All right, Chad, you know what? For years and years, I've thought you were on the wrong path.
Starting point is 01:07:58 What about, what about? But wait, but wait, we have a breakthrough. You thought he was wrong, but now you? Yeah, I think we are good friends. And I hope that you guys get there someday. We will. And we will. That friend's full and good friends.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Hey, do us a favor, do us a favor, and go watch Dudezy. It's a fucking phenomenal podcast. Great ones. Bye. Thank you for being a bad friend. Bye bye. What a tremendous sign off. Angry, dude, like fucking check yourself.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah, it's a comedy podcast, man. Relax. Yeah. Yeah. OK. What do you mean? OK, what, revenge? No, no, I didn't say anything.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Yeah, Bobby. Look at his attitude, man. Live in the moment, man. Bro, be present. Thank you guys for coming to this show. Thanks for having us. Thanks for having us. Yeah, this is great.
Starting point is 01:08:47 We did it. Say goodbye. Thank you for being a bad friend to me. That was so much fun, though. Yeah. Woo. Yeah. Woo.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Yeah. Woo. Yeah. Woo. Woo.

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