Bad Friends - Great White Sharks Eat Fat Koreans

Episode Date: January 11, 2021

Thank You: & & code: badfriends & Subscribe to our YouTube: Follow Alex Wark: 0:00 Happy 2021! 4:21 Our Review: Gary Oldman in Tiptoes 11:15 We Call Our Fan With Gigantism 24:32 "Could I Date Your Sister?" 28:15 Our Christmas Gifts 35:05 Jerry Seinfeld: The Other Story 37:55 Our Review: The Yorkshire Ripper 41:15 The Snow Chains Incident 48:45 Bobby vs Andrew: Who's More Valuable? 51:50 The Newlyweds Game More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Bad Friends iTunes: Instagram: Twitter: Official Website: Opening Credits and Branding: & Credit Sequence Music: // Character Design: Produced by George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS Podcast Producers: Jenna Sunde, Joe Faria, Andrés Rosende Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Anchor if you haven't heard about anchor It's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. Oh, please It's free. Awesome. That's cool These are there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer You do it from your phone like on the go. Oh my god That's cool the bus or the subway you can do it. That's cool Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many many many many many more You can make money from your podcast too. No minimum listenership. How about that? You can make money with no minimum listenership
Starting point is 00:00:35 It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place. Where do we have to go Bob? Download the free anchor app or go to to get started Happy 2020 2021. I've been honestly since the new year. I've been a little lost man. What do you mean? I just been in the days, bro. I just don't know. There's nothing going on Yeah, but I did you think everything was gonna change just no, I didn't think it was as yeah There's nothing's going on. Everyone's doing that thing where they thought 2021 was gonna like be a remarkable difference It's the same shit. It's the we're in this we're still in 2020 same. Yeah, we're in 2020. Yeah, nothing changed. This is August of 2020. Yeah, I thought to something would change even within myself
Starting point is 00:01:40 You didn't have any any moments of reflection and change Well, the one thing that's changed is that I've been pressing in the button Of my you know, so when I when I'm in war zone No, I'm being real. I know when I I don't know for some reason I'm pressing in the button with my thumb because I and When I when I'm trying to shoot I press in with my button and I do a swing like a punch Yeah, so it's like when people are shooting me, right? Instead of shooting I've been doing a punch, right? And so people have been watching me die that way. Oh, cuz then they kill then they shoot you and kill you
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah, so and it looks sometimes it looks like I'm dancing so my brother goes the other night goes Why are you dancing bro showing off your moves? I was dancing like this and then I died Yeah, so that That's happened. You feel like you're you feel like you lost some skill some good movies I saw the call on Netflix. You see that Korean movie. No, oh, you'd love it, bro The call. Yeah, and then I saw that movie run on Hulu. Do you see that one? No, oh, bro The run was so good. What is the run? The run is that I forgot if the actress is a name She's very good though, and it's like she she has a daughter and his daughter her daughter is
Starting point is 00:02:56 She's a wheelchair she thinks she's got problems, you know, I mean No, no, don't do that. What happened? Well, I don't want to give away. Don't give it away because they always give it away But what I realized what I realized is is that the the actress in the wheelchair in the wheelchair is an actual Handicap person and you know what now they're casting it that way. So it's like Now, you know how Daniel Day Lewis was in my left foot. Mm-hmm, and he played the what is it? You know a pianist. What is that? No, you played the high keyboard. No, no, no, he played the The twisted guy the pretzel. Oh Oh, yeah, that was his character. He played the and now if they're gonna make that movie
Starting point is 00:03:43 Yeah, they have to cast a real guy This is the end never any debate. Why? What do you mean? What if they can't find someone good enough that fit that does the three guys and They're just gonna pick the one the best of the three people but okay, okay, so how about this canna canna Can someone can someone who's not gay play a gay role so or never again? Well, I don't think so anymore, but then then can someone who is gay play not gay. Oh That's interesting. Oh, yeah, no
Starting point is 00:04:17 Right refuse. Well, then I refuse right right. You're taking roles away from straight white males. What yeah powerful sis But also, but also, you know what I mean though. Yeah, but now it's like. Hey, I want to can I just for that movie? It's Chinese So why can't I can't do it? See that's bullshit, but I go look at my eyes. Yeah, you look Chinese Everyone I talked to when I said when they go to your podcast with that Chinese guy. All right I never correct him. I know I go my Chinese bud, right Bob Lee, but I can't even get into Qingchang shit Yeah, you know man. No, you could but I think something you've burned a couple of Asian bridges. No, no What are they called over there bridges called something different in Asia?
Starting point is 00:05:00 Over over water road bridge bridge bridge. Oh, yeah, I don't know man, but so it's so but like Yes of the lady like that's why like Gary Oldman can't be in tip-toes You know tip toes. No What is tip toes? Come on, man. What's tip toes? Look up tip toes George have you seen this? You can't do this role anymore now Okay, push pause for a second wait a minute. What's that is that is that the British girl?
Starting point is 00:05:46 What's her name the British girl? Who's that actress? Isn't she isn't she she looks like I thought was like Gwyneth Patros mom. Who is that girl? She looks that I hate that scene because it's like who Walks into a fucking house full of small people. Yeah, and makes a face and goes Yeah, yeah, you like you and I would pretend like you know inside ourselves like holy fuck. Yeah, you're crumbling Yeah, yeah, what are we in the fucking Wizard of Oz but outside of it? You'd be it used to be like nice everything was normal. Yeah, you have to go to everything. That's like I You do that now when you see someone with a thing and you can't you're not allowed to do anything about it Don't make a fucking sit-com face
Starting point is 00:06:27 You know me yeah, and get angry or like or disgusted. I want to watch tip toes We're ladies push the right you couldn't prepare us Hey mom by the way, you couldn't prepare us for this by the way coming in here By the way, you would have to say that if I if you yeah, that's it. Why wouldn't they she would have said something? They would have already said it. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, by the way, my whole family is LPs Yeah, just FYI there's a bunch of small people who don't make a face But you're not gonna say that right before you walk in you say that way a long time ago in the car ride When you first you're in the car right you're coming to meet my parents. I'm picking your parents
Starting point is 00:07:05 I'm big I pick up my parents up. Okay, that's it's Kylilah's fucking Kylilah's fucking family by the way A bunch of little Filipinos would that be that I would then I would go I would go don't laugh. Yeah, yeah, but I would laugh So if I picked you up, I'd be like you can't we can't go in there. No Because you're gonna laugh why I look the dwarves and you're gonna be like They're Filipino dwarfs and you're gonna go okay, I'm gonna lose Yeah Dude, that's not that girl. Who's that girl on the left? I don't give a fuck who that lady is
Starting point is 00:07:38 I know but I'm stuck on her face now. I'm stuck on her face tiptoes Cast tiptoes Peter Dinklage Gary Oldman. Yeah, Kate Beckinsdale the British woman. That's why I thought that was that's Kate Beckinsdale Oh, you mean I thought to go to the right you were talking about. No. Oh that girl. Oh, I like her. Yeah, she's great I but I knew like the underworld. She's underworld. Yeah. She's looked like that since she was that age Yeah, you seen what she looks like now underworld. Look at this. This is what 2003. Yeah. Yeah Can we finish the trailer before you go back? Please? Please. Let's finish it. Sorry. I didn't know you want me later. Okay Okay, stop for a second push by all right
Starting point is 00:08:22 She said would it be that big of a deal if I were to get what a gamble You know what I mean? Because it's like, you know, Matthew McConaughey is like one of that most handsome guys. Yeah, so it's like either You know, I'm having a baby You know, there's mitches in his, you know Bloodline bloodline. Yeah, but he's so handsome. It could go 50 50 But what you could get a handsome midget. Oh, that's true. You could get a very handsome midget So there's three things that could happen. Who's the most handsome? You can get an ugly midget. Yeah a handsome midget
Starting point is 00:08:50 Or really handsome Regular. Well, what if you this would be funny if he got an ugly regular a full-size hideous That would be good. Kate Beckinsdale and him have like the ugliest man on earth. Like, yeah Who's a regular size guy like Steve Buscemi that was in a fire. Yeah, we're like the tooth comes out of the skin You know, yeah, it's got one of these balcony teeth. Yeah. Yeah, it could be this this could be this could have gone the other way Is that Jeff Fox worthy There's Pete. Yeah Oh
Starting point is 00:09:22 There's a there's a little people couple that lives in my neighborhood and I see them at the bar I used to see them when we would when life was open. Yeah, and uh And they can drink Uh, you you think that you're like little person there, you know, uh, their livers have to be also tiny. Yeah, you know No, they can drink they can Drink drink drink. Yeah, but Where do they put it all? I know I'm just saying though that like they have to be might still have little livers They have little livers. They might die earlier. They do. Yeah, they might die earlier because of the drinking. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:55 Oh, yeah, well rest in peace. I don't know if I'll see those guys ever again Yeah Does anybody believe Matthew McConaughey look they got one They so their baby is an LP. Yeah Wow, I know it's incredible the cast like this is stacked it's stacked Why would they do this I don't know why would they do that movie the script can't be good No, the first thing you read you'd be like, it's like it's offensive. This is crazy Yeah, it's just straight up offensive a 2003 but that's that's long enough ago where yeah, dude
Starting point is 00:10:32 You did it's not it's one of those situations where his agent gary oldman's agent said Listen man, you could win oscar, right? He's like really? Yeah, if you can pull this off. Yeah, and then once they attached him it was over all you have to do is like Yeah, forget the script gary oldman's playing the guy. Yeah, you could get an answer out of it. And then like everyone was like, I'll do it That's why that's how you have one name. Yeah, you sink one name. Yeah, and then everyone else was like, okay Yeah, it's not like they got Kate Beckinsale first. No, they got Gary. Well, I know but who's playing the little one Was dinklage famous by then? Not really, right? No, I can't find tiptoes. I can find it's like that movie. Um
Starting point is 00:11:17 I think what happened is somebody It's one of those situations where you know how um, robert dener apparently I heard That he bought the rights to frankenstein. Yeah, so no one else would uh, yes Yeah, I think a lot of big stars They just buy it find like a movie That's so embarrassing and they figure out how to how to just get a hold of it Yeah, yeah, like who do you think bought that Gary? He doesn't have the money who doesn't
Starting point is 00:11:41 Matthew mccanay so rich Maybe he could have bought it and been like, you're not gonna show that Not when my book's coming out. Yeah. Hey guys, uh talking about little people. I think you guys have a call Uh with the giant from uh new years. Oh, yeah, this is great. What you remember? Remember the guy from with gigantism. Yeah from new years. Yeah Yeah, he we're gonna we're gonna get him on the phone. I have so many questions. I have one I have one Okay, I'm nervous. Don't be nervous. Oh, this should just disconnect it. I'm
Starting point is 00:12:15 Hello, hello Hello I don't know what's up guys bob. Look at that. He's got to be able to see you right there Just say hi. We're over so we can see you right there. No right there right here. Look. Yeah, there you go There you go Hello, what's up dog? Hey, so so say your name fill in the blanks. Give us give us all your story Um, I'm alex. I'm from nashville. I'm 29
Starting point is 00:12:42 Um, I'm also a giant quite literally a gigantism or acromegaly as it's called And lost about 206 pounds as of today We know when you said that when you said that blew me away. It blew us away and congratulations. You lost me I'm 200 pounds. You lost me. You lost a whole me. Let me ask you something. Um, I've never met a giant before And um, I didn't even know what you were coming on today. So I'm just coming up with these questions But um, if I was a giant hunter Yeah, okay. Yeah, and you were in the woods And you took a shit
Starting point is 00:13:16 Would I be able to identify your shit as you know, I mean, so yeah as your specific giant with gigantic It's pretty hard that it's being between logs or Um, there's Oh How tall how tall are you? I'm six foot seven Six seven and and for people that don't know i.e. us Giant you gigantism. It's a but is it the pituitary gland thing. Yeah. So you have an overgrowth, right?
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, it's a non-malignant pituitary tumor. Um, so it actually produces too much growth hormone And so what ends up happening is like obviously when you're literally start growing way too tall and then by the time your growth plate Actually skews together. Um, it just starts going into your bones and arteries and like different parts of your body So so happens a lot of times we see like some of the giants was like kind of like thicker Yeah places and stuff like that a lot of just unstructured things. That's like uh, like like uh Andre the giant had gigantism, right and then he had uh, he was such a big guy How do you feel about Andre the giant? I mean is is he's a hero pretty inspiring? I think just like, you know, there's like There's not very many people were pretty pretty rare. I guess
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah, very small percentage of people actually have it and people don't really know until they're like a lot older In their life and stuff. What how much do you is there like a do you guys do you have a collection of giants that you know? No, uh, just typically hang out with some pretty tall people. But oh, yeah They're mostly down around like the six to two areas. So I'm always the the person to have to watch all the work So you wouldn't you wouldn't hang out with bobby. He's easy too short I mean, I might make good elbow wrists. I'm like that Yeah, could I be honest with you? You you don't seem like because I've seen a lot of mythological I've seen a lot of fantasy. Yeah, he's not a he's not a centaur
Starting point is 00:15:03 He's a fucking human being Bobby thought you were gonna have scales No, so, um, I have to if if you didn't say that you had gigantism I wouldn't be able to tell right? So it's like maybe, you know, it's cool that you have it. It's just If you didn't say it would people know or Um, I mean, I am like very tall to some people like uh, actually like last year whenever I was, um, still up around 530 pounds I actually went to see uh, brennan schaub here in nashville right before
Starting point is 00:15:37 I actually kind of made the mental switch to actually so you bought tickets. You wait you bought tickets to see brennan schaub Let's see. Oh, wow. Wow Oh, you're a big boy. Obviously, you know how tall he is. So yeah, like I'm already kind of We're making him a lot smaller. So you're why you're why that was when I was still about 530 or was it like 520 pounds because I got really depressed when I found out how heavy it actually was when I finally weighed Can I ask you a question real quick though? So you actually spent money to see a brennan schaub show? Yeah, so are you as well? No, he has
Starting point is 00:16:15 For him to spend money Those were did you get it? I love brennan. By the way, I don't want him to crush me It was a joke You're very talented. Okay. No tell bob. Tell bob you uh, those were free tickets. They were on the bottom of a coke can No No, it's but but that's that's nice that he was it. No, but you're a big dude up against him genuinely like you're you were But you're fucking your shoulders look huge in that picture. You don't look like that now You probably have a giant camera or something that fucking some that makes up for that. Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't look like it
Starting point is 00:16:48 He's supposed to seem very you're a very handsome guy. Yeah, good-looking guy. Really good-looking guy Well, what kind of women do you date? What kind of women do you date? Uh, nobody really of late, so just been kind of focused on myself then All right. Well, that's it. Now we gotta get where do you live? Where do you live again? I'm in I'm in Nashville. All right. We got to get you some ass. So for the ladies that listen, look at this Look at this gentle beast. You're so handsome to me. I can't believe that you're yeah. How old how old are you? I'm 29 29 years old 30 he you live alone, right? You got your own place
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah, he lives alone. He's got his own place. He's uh, uh, He's into what is he into bob? He's got a lot of hobbies for the girls. We're pitching him throw stones. He likes to throw stones or boulders That's kind of a morning routine. Yeah What does he do in the afternoon in the evenings? What he likes to do is he likes to um When you go out to eat with someone when you before you how big are you now? How much do you weigh? Um, I am three 24 actually right now. God, you don't look that you don't look like that Like three in my mind. You've always thought I was like 300 rounds up in the 500 But that's because you're so you're so tall that it looks like it's yeah, I guess that's true
Starting point is 00:17:55 Like it just spreads out I'm gonna have another question. We might have to edit this out. No, I'll leave it in. Okay. Um, Let me just ask you a question and I want to be able to ask it in in the most appropriate way But if just let me um, so if I saw photos of people's genitals And I saw the photos of your genitals in in in just a pile of genitals Look, would I would I be able to go with a thousand pictures of penises and yours is in there? Yeah, and would I be able to go? Yeah, this one has gigantism. Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's probably yeah, is it because it's so thick Huh? I don't know Oh, he's got a big hand so he right for him. It's so so it's a murder weapon Yeah, it looks like a yeah, like your penis looks like a ground. Oh, look at that. There it is. Yeah, look at that That's a oh, yeah So you're it's big around. It's like a grand cinnamon roll tin. You know what I mean? Like one of the cinnamon roll jars Like an Arizona sweet tea thing. Ah
Starting point is 00:18:56 That's that's Arizona sweet tea. Yeah. Yeah. That's about a foot and it's all the way It's how how big around I guess that's got to be six inches around seven inches around. Yeah bigger Somewhere in there. That's why you're single. Yeah, nobody wants to deal with that. That's insane You got to have a small one like me and this guy you fucked a dwarf, right? Just let me just pick it up and walk around with it and but also the it would come out of the mouth Like it's a skewer. Yeah, like a skewer like one of those boars, you know, I mean that you would skewer Yeah, you could spin it spin it. Yeah. Yeah, like yeah, like Vlad the and and paler So now we're you're in Nashville. You're single if there's any chickadoos here
Starting point is 00:19:32 Uh, they want to get some gigantism in them comment below and we'll make you go We'll hook you guys up if there's any single ladies that are looking for love You know because now you're back down and you're in fighting shape now Can you do me a favor? Can you is there there's any way to stand up and go back so we can see like perspective at all? Yeah, I just want to see Watch your earphones. Yeah See he doesn't look that big he doesn't look big. He looks like a bigger guy. There you go. He's a normal guy Eat that lamp do something that we can prove that you're
Starting point is 00:20:04 Dude you're you're honestly it's so weird. He doesn't look like he's a like a super sized guy, but he is Yeah, all right. We got to get you hooked up. We have to get you hooked up Um, you have any more fantasy questions for him? No, I don't but um, I was gonna say though I actually um part of the journey is I've actually kind of designed this belt so you can actually see Like up here like how worn it is Oh cool Every single day just like okay, and then I'm actually getting to the point now Where I had to actually create like a fake little spot there for 426
Starting point is 00:20:39 Um, that's awesome actually like still market because now it's actually so when I'm having to pull it to get to that point It's actually a bunch of pants and stuff. So I actually got to get some new pants now Dude, that's awesome. Kind of go slowly and all that. So that's so cool. That's a that's a cool little journey You should have that frame dude when you're done just to show where you came from. Well, we love you very much Would you I mean let me ask the last question before you go if if Andrew and I went to Nashville Would you buy tickets to see us? Well, of course. Yeah, then a heartbeat. So so did you see his last show in Nashville? I did not actually wait. When was I in Nashville when you just I think you're there like oh it's zany's a half ago
Starting point is 00:21:16 Oh, that was over a year ago now. I was a year. Yeah, but did you go or oh he didn't go I wasn't doing much comedy back then. You know what the problem was there was also sold out every night So nice try Bob. This is also sold out and I have a gigantism fee on the tickets. I do It's like nine dollars. I know it's rude But they have to make room for that the fucking adjust the ceilings for this guy Well next time we go we'll be out there. We're gonna do a tour Hopefully when all this stuff goes away and come see us dude. Thank you so much appreciate you You're the best dude talk soon. Bye
Starting point is 00:21:46 Love you. Awesome, dude. What a good story too losing all that weight Harry's Oh g golly g golly. Bob you're harry for an asian guy. I am very harry for it and I love using these razors I use them all over my body. Well, you got a smooth. You got some smooth skin now. I like harry's I don't use it on my face obviously, but I use it on my body People don't know got a little bit of back and shoulder hair harry's makes award-winning razors along with a whole range of grooming essentials to keep Looking your best harry's by the way Donates 1% of sales to nonprofits that provide mental health care to men in need and in 2020
Starting point is 00:22:21 They helped a half a million guys access services. That's pretty good start the new year with some savings guys new customers can redeem A harry's trial set for three dollars when you go to harry's comm slash bad friends That's pretty great. By the way, if you're in the if you're in the market for razors guys out there If you're looking for a new high-end sexy cool razor that doesn't cost a lot of money This is this is the company They combine a simple ergonomic design with five sharp blades quality craftsmanship at a fair price my friends Where's it from? Do you know where it's from? It's from Sweden and their blades come from where where their blades come from If Germany everybody likes Sweden and Germany. Yeah, yeah 100 quality guarantee
Starting point is 00:22:59 They stand behind the quality They got a special offer for our listeners if you're looking to shave your face or something You got to use harry's new customers can get a harry starter set for just three dollars at harry's comm slash bad friends You'll get five blade razor weighted handle foaming shave gel with aloe and a travel color cover all for just three dollars Oh my god Get everything you need for a close comfortable shave go to harry's comm slash bad friends to claim your offer Helix i'm gonna say something honest my brother. Okay. Yeah Maybe maybe 20 years ago. I bought him a mattress
Starting point is 00:23:30 Okay 20 years right and he slept on that for 20 years. That's gross and then i'm telling you right now So I gave him a helix. Yeah, right? And he's been just in a coma Sleep, okay. No, I know we're like two weeks straight. He loves it Well, dude, we sleep on a helix in my house and I know you do thanks to these people Your posture and I look so much better now. Don't I actually have been sleeping significantly better Uh, by the way, if you have a mattress that needs to be replaced. We're being genuine helix makes phenomenal Mattresses they do and other products, but I love sleeping on it. They take a you take a sleep quiz
Starting point is 00:24:04 You go online you tell them all these little details They match your body type and the sleep preferences for the mattress for you Yeah, they have different mattress models to choose to choose from and they have soft medium and also firm mattresses And mattress is great for cooling you down if you sleep hot like even a helix plus mattress for plus size folks Like bobby look what I took the quiz and I was matched with the uh, the dusk mattress And uh, I because I wanted something that had like a medium feel Because I sleep on my well I shift around I sleep on my side and my back But I shift so much and they fitted this to me and I got to tell you it's a good sleep now
Starting point is 00:24:38 If you're looking for a mattress take that quiz and get the mattress. That's right for you. They're awesome You don't take my word for it. They were awarded number one best overall mattress in 2020 by gq and wired magazine Go to uh helix sleep com slash bad friends take the two-minute sleep quiz They'll match it with the customized mattress give you the best sleep of your life bob They also have a 10-year warranty and you can get you get try it out for a hundred Nights risk-free. Yeah, they'll pick it up for you if you don't love it, but you will yeah, you'll love it Helix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners a helix slash bad friends That's helix slash bad friends. I'm fat. I got fat
Starting point is 00:25:14 You know what I got to at my mom's house what 206 Did you really swear to god? You know, it's so funny. I'm glad you brought that up because um When I honestly When I saw your sister don't What don't say anything disgusting About my sister because if you're gonna do this thing it's gonna be trouble. Do first of all, have you not seen my tone today? I know it feels really positive. I know I like it. So go ahead and I'm very very relaxed
Starting point is 00:25:40 I know I dig it. Okay. All right, and I'm trying to you know when you saw my sister. I've turned over a new leaf Yeah, okay. Yeah, so when I saw your sister it kind of went oh He comes from a normal looking family Yeah No, but it was like a shock to me good when I saw your I'm handsome bob I'm a non traditionally handsome guy when I saw your sister. I went Is she married? No
Starting point is 00:26:06 She's seeing anybody. Yes. Who? Like you know, she has a boyfriend. Okay. I'm just saying that she was very attractive. Yeah, she's yeah She's a good looking kid. It's normal like normal. Yes. Okay. Yeah But I was shocked by why you thought I would have beastly people that I that I live with I just thought I would see like just one like one eye orange Eyebrow You know like a muppet. You know what I mean? Like an orange eyebrow I
Starting point is 00:26:31 I'm handle sister right right and I'd be like oh that fits But instead but I saw this gentle like you know pig me looking You know, I mean Cute we're good looking people. Yeah, I come from good. I am not traditionally handsome. Is she dark like you are Like you see like comedy wise grumpy She's grumpy in different ways Like I'm more cynical grumpy. She's more like gets annoyed at things grumpy. You know what I mean? Let me ask you this question Careful
Starting point is 00:27:00 I will let me ask you this question and be honest. Yeah I want your true Because I remember um years ago before I met kalayla Yeah, I met many years ago. This is before Sebastian was anybody. I met Sebastian's sister And she was cute. So then I said um to Sebastian I go you think maybe because I was single at the time and he goes no no no never Yeah, you know what I mean? So let me ask you this no no never Never you don't even know what I'm gonna ask you
Starting point is 00:27:30 Never. No, let me ask I would rather no be real off my penis and sew it to my own face and live like that for the rest of my life I'd rather be a dick. Why then let you do then let you even fucking rule in a million years That's rude in a million years. I'm I do I found because I know you I found I found the love of my life Right, if you know, I was the love of my life and I'm gonna do with there forever All right, but what I'm just saying in a hypothetical situation, right? No, absolutely not and I said how old is your sister by the way? 29 28 29 perfect Perfect no, yeah, so let me ask you this right I would never know and I go hey, you know It's what does she live Chicago none of your business? Okay, so um, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:28:13 I met I matched with your girlfriend because you know my sister. I'm your sister. I mean I matched with your sister and um I'm gonna uh, we're gonna go on date. What do you think shut it? I'm shutting it down I'm shutting you would really do that Of course, I would intercept that if you were gay and you wanted to see my brother Steve, right? Yeah I wouldn't fucking be a brode block totally different when it's guy to guy with guy to girl completely different world. These are totally different I don't bend it over. I don't give a fuck if you wanted to date My brother, of course, I would say yes, you would it doesn't matter when it's guys Why does so fucking who cares about guys? All right, so whoa
Starting point is 00:28:47 What do you think I would do your sister that would be so weird Anything is gross to me that you would do to my sit hanging out would gross me out. I wouldn't spit on her Yes, you would You spit when you talk. Yeah. Yeah, but if you with a guy also by the way if I dated Steve, I'd be so nice to Steve I'd treat him so well nice to your fucking sister. Maybe. Yeah, maybe who got the best gifts for cremes Who cleaned house the best? I think I lost you lost. Yeah, I got these. Let me see That's it By the way, that's my footwear. That's all you got. Those are like six dollar adidas slides
Starting point is 00:29:18 I got those and I got um, what else did I get? Oh, I got pills What kind of pills I got um like a blockers Oh, you're on medication, but you know, I am right. No, I know, but this is new. No, I've been on it beta blockers You've been on Yeah, and I'm load. Um, I'm lotapine also anti-depressant. No um High blood pressure. Well that I know you're on. Yeah, so I got two bottles of those That's congrats. And then what else did I get? I could get that at the pharmacy though. Why do you need beta blockers?
Starting point is 00:29:52 I'm being genuine. I don't know enough about them It's embarrassing to tell you. No, it's not Well, um, I got on beta blockers because of my um, I have a um Well, it's it went back to it started with The audition I had in front of that director where I walked out. I've told you that story. I know that story Yeah, yeah So then I go, why does that happen? And then I was also on a in a movie once
Starting point is 00:30:21 Where it was um, I had a monologue What was the movie? It was called hard breakers or something like that. Okay. Anyway, um, I had a monologue. They cut it out Because it's like, you know, it was just one Cameras are on me. They said action And I froze I couldn't say anything. You didn't get anything out. No, it got to the point where it was so embarrassing where the director goes We're moving on. Oh, we're moving on. I when you hear we're moving on it's sad
Starting point is 00:30:52 And you can I get another take and they go we got to move. Yeah, we're moving we're moving on Sad and then I remember other the other actors did that whole thing like They try to smile at me like like craft service and stuff. Hey, you did good out there. No, it's like it happens Oh, it happens. Yeah, it happens. Dude, you must have eaten shit. I did that's bad Right. So then I just said maybe it's just acting something on my thing And um, but then sometimes I would kill it I think you kill it more than I do I kill it more than not but there are times where I would freeze so then I um Is it because of who you were with? No, it was I was with nobody's was a monologue
Starting point is 00:31:29 But I mean the cast was anybody in the cast? No, they weren't like no because it's like when I was in the movie the dictator And I and I did in front of Ed Norton and Ben Kingsley and stuff. I don't know any of these names. Anyway, um, I was fine Right, but I was on beta blockers It helps So what so I I was talking to Whitney about it. Hmm and she goes beta blockers. So I did this sitcom a pilot in Chicago With steve renazizi and steve howie and zoe lister jones
Starting point is 00:31:58 Is zoe lister jones, you know zoe lister jones. I know the name. I don't know her as he was on Whitney's show I know I know I think she's cool. Are you being real? Yeah, I think she's cool. I don't know her But you know who I'm talking about of course anyway When I was there, um, I didn't have any and so You know I I go Because I fell asleep in the audition What yeah, yeah, so this is what happened
Starting point is 00:32:22 So steve renazizi calls me and goes we have too many white people in this cast I told them to fire not because at that time he had power or whatever He goes, they said just let one of the white guys go and hire you. It's a good. That's a good move So they go they're flying into la Can you go in an audition and I go I haven't slept in two days, man. Why bob? I don't I think I don't I don't know I don't know but I got a binge or something. I don't know. I didn't slept in two days All right, I didn't sleep for two days. He's like and I don't I don't I'm not good in auditions He's you got to go who's like one of those things you have to go now
Starting point is 00:32:55 Is in one of those trailers, you know how you go to a lot and there's this trailer, right? Yep So, um, I walked in there and I go Hey, I haven't slept in two days. It made everyone laugh in the room Right. Yeah, you went, haha, right. I go. Can I take a nap real quick? Right? What? Yeah, it was weird And they go Yeah, I guess You're right
Starting point is 00:33:17 So I just kind of sat down and I bled my head on the thing and I fell asleep for how long for like 20 minutes And they just sat there. They were everyone's laughing The showrunners everyone was laughing you're taking a nap and you should be trying to get a job. Yeah. Yeah So then I got up right and I just read it off the page And then I got in the car and I got it. This is privileged. That is fine I know so then they flew me they were they were shooting like two days later So they fly into Chicago and I got on beta blockers then and I did well But because your fear so the fear you think you can't perform without them
Starting point is 00:33:51 I've now performed without them at times, you know what I mean? But when it's like when it's super stressful I have to be on them stand up or stand up to or no stand up. You don't have to have it Why do you think it's just with film? I don't know why because film is way easier to fuck up and just keep trying it. You don't there's no you get a million takes I think it was because of the fact that after mad tv I would didn't work a lot. Yeah, and and then I put too much pressure on it Right. I know that once I was on the set it became too like pressurized for me
Starting point is 00:34:27 But now I don't run into that problem. Right Because I always have beta blockers on the side just to if I need them. I'll take it and it always works It does, huh? Yeah I read this thing today about um This this weird I got down this weird path with someone about adrenochrome adrenaline and apparently If you have like extreme high levels of it, it causes schizophrenia, right? Like people have like super high levels
Starting point is 00:34:53 And there was this like wackadoo study where these guys said if you took enough vitamin C and niacin you could like reverse like in schizophrenia And I was fascinated by it and I went down this wormhole and I read all the stuff and it turns out those two guys were schizophrenic And they didn't cure it didn't cure anything It didn't cure anything It's not true. I was I went I was like this is amazing. I was like, oh, this is not real. This is all they were crazy people Yeah, who just made up take it anyway, though What would I take all that stuff? I would take if I started having schizophrenic thoughts
Starting point is 00:35:25 I don't know what I'd probably just leave the business I have an absurd amount of like um adrenaline and testosterone and anxiety Yeah, so I get scared of that. I'm gonna break sometimes. I do crash The old my old lady will tell you I'll be on like a run and I'll be doing a lot of shows I'll be traveling and I'm working to work and then she knows it's coming. She tells me she's like I she's like You're gonna you're gonna crash soon because she can tell I'm like just running so hot and heavy and I'm not kidding, dude It's the weirdest feeling. I'll just Go to go to sleep like a light. I'll just fall asleep for all along
Starting point is 00:35:59 16 hours hours and hours and then and then I'll wake up And I'll feel super confused for like an hour and weird. I did one of those where I passed out and Jerry Seinfeldt saw my dick What? Yeah, how was that? So I was at Jerry Seinfeldt saw my dick because you passed out from crash. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's not being real So so what is that? What is your dick out? So I was um, I hadn't slept in like a week and then I was a week is a long fucking like I couldn't sleep Jesus and I was at then we went to Las Vegas
Starting point is 00:36:32 to do HBO had a comedy festival real sex What do you mean the show real sex you did real sex? No. Oh, they had a comedy festival. Okay. You know how they used to go to um Not veil. It was um Aspen aspen. Yeah, but after aspen they did they tried it in Vegas So they hired the Kim's of comedy the Kim's of Kyle when you did it with it was me Ken Jong and Steve Byrne All right, it hadn't slept in a week and I used to um take volume Right, so it was volume great by the way, and I went to the spa
Starting point is 00:37:06 And I'm there right now every comic told me that um I had you know how you walk into the um spa where the lockers are. Yeah, I just decided to lay there Right in the spot in the middle of where the lockers are Right with no clothes right and I slept there for like 12 hours. That's cool I'm like one of those benches in between the lockers a couple of people told me that they said Seinfeld walked in Saw me laying there, and he walked the fuck out. All right Intimidated
Starting point is 00:37:39 I don't know what it is That little buddha's dick was huge. Yeah. Yeah You just laid their butt naked in the spa. Oh, I used to do that Burke Williams I used to take um Valiums and then just because they used to have like if you paid like 80 bucks You didn't have to do a massage right that you could just use their facility Yeah, yeah, go hang out right over there at the Lemley where the Lemley used to be on sunset junction I know and I used to fucking
Starting point is 00:38:02 Take two volumes and sleep there for like 16 hours Why because you can get you can get sleep at home. No, I don't know why I just I liked the um the smell of it Well, you just the eucalyptus and all that. I like that smell right? It is good And I also like the distant ambient music Yeah, it's like just it's like it's like Yeah, yeah, and the and the smell Yeah, just pass out there and I used to wake up and you know how you sometimes you wake up and you go Where am I? Yeah. Yeah, I love that. Where am I? Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:32 I love spas. I miss spas. We can't go to spas the Yorkshire Ripper. Do you see it? Yeah, you did. Yeah on Netflix. Yeah, did you really see the whole thing? Yes Wow, wow, I got it. Did you really see it? I did So there's this documentary called the Yorkshire Ripper. What's it called the Ripper Ripper? Are you being real? Yeah, you said river Yorkshire River Ripper. That's what it is. All right, P P E R Yeah, the Yorkshire Ripper. Yeah, and what did you like it? Yeah, it was good. Yeah, you know what I didn't like Huh, and I'm gonna probably get in trouble for well, we can't don't give it away. Don't say anything that
Starting point is 00:39:14 What don't say anything that's gonna I'm not gonna give anything away I'm just gonna tell you what drove me crazy about it Is here this guy this guy is killing young ladies. Correct. Yeah late at night Right at night. It'd be weird if he's like at like noon. Yeah, that'd be cool If you can get away with it noon the midday murderer. Oh my god, right after lunch. Yeah, and just keep going Right and never get caught. Right. That's a clever guy. That is yeah It's kind of a pussy doing it late at night. Well because it's easy. You can get away with it at night Yeah, do it. Show me a murderer at 10 a.m. Probably be able to do two and get caught
Starting point is 00:39:49 At night anytime if you were a murderer, they'd catch you the same day Yeah, even before I did it. Yeah, they're like, Bobby, you're on your way to kill someone She would turn around and I'd be just like, oh, I'm going to prison Yeah, but um Yeah, so the government and you know and the authorities the feds are saying to women, right Do not leave do not go on at night, right and also if you are Have a you know have a male, you know escort a companion a companion, right and women Then they protested that correct the god of the street, you know, I you know
Starting point is 00:40:28 I'm gonna go out if I want to I fuck with my rights. It's fine. Yep. It's fine But I'm just saying that if all of a sudden but when you're murdered If all of a sudden they say great white sharks are eating fat Koreans. We don't know why they were for a long time I know but we don't know why right, right? Well, you're not allowed in the fucking ocean for right now I'd be like, okay. Yeah, well, no, what they would say is you have to get in there with a Japanese person You have to get in there with someone. No, I would just not go in there But if even if they said you have to go in there with a Japanese person I would probably do it right because you want the protection my point is is that you know, I mean
Starting point is 00:41:03 Oh, just you know, I understand. No, you don't go ahead. It drove me crazy and then one girl goes I'm gonna go out Fuck it and then she got fucking hit in the head by the guy. Yeah, she got killed And yes, you know, she survived but she was getting hit in the head over a hammer You know because she decided to do it on her own But here's the problem too. It's flawed. The logic is flawed that even if you went with a male escort What if the guy can't defend you anyway? If okay, well, you would run. Okay, listen, listen
Starting point is 00:41:34 LA LA city announcement. Do do do do do do women do not there's a there's a ripper in LA Do not go out at night unless you're with a male companion and Kyla's like you have to go out with me. You're gonna be like, no No, no, he would kill you too. No No, because you're killable for sure That's so rude. You don't you think seriously. I have fucking hidden You don't think you you think hrs for sure you do. Yeah I have a rage level one or two dude like when went the big bear Okay
Starting point is 00:42:06 Yeah, we had to put fucking, um Chains on our wheels. Yeah chains on your tires, right? Right. Mm-hmm. Never done that before. Right. So I put them on wrong Of course, right. So we're driving all over big bear. What car by the way the Prius. No, we got it. We ran Chains on the Prius. Yeah And so I put it on wrong. So it got entangled. Oh, it can fuck up the car in you know, I mean in all the You know, I mean the the rotor rotor rotor axle on the axle and all that stuff, right? Mm-hmm, and you'd needed a fucking, you know, I mean a clipper Get it off. Yeah. So we're on the side of the freeway, right?
Starting point is 00:42:46 And I'm underneath the car fucking cars are whizzing by us Because I'm trying to get it off, right because we wouldn't be able to move, right? And I'm underneath there and I was look how dirty this had I was wearing this hat, right and um And I literally just you know, I mean ripped I ripped metal bro. You ripped metal. Yeah Yeah, I went ask her I went and I fucking ripped metal bro. You got the secret strength I just had to get out of there
Starting point is 00:43:14 And it you did and I did it. All right. So you would defend a woman at night. God So rude. I can rip metal my friend I'm a metal ripper dude I'm telling you this something right now. Andrew. I would not have survived this pandemic without doordash Because I get all my food and everything I have from doordash. You spent so much money on Survived in and this is and there's if they're prompt. Yep. They're kind. Yep And they're also very safe about how they do their what's your favorite food that you order off doordash I get like um panda panda. You got panda panda panda express. I get like, um
Starting point is 00:43:48 Chipotle stuff like that pizza. I also like, um, cheese a cake of that three is oh cheesecake I like it cheesecake. Look you've got we've counted on restaurants now We need to support them and doordash is helping do that It's that that brings the food that you're craving right now right to your door. They got 300 000 partners Oh my lord. U.S. Puerto Rico, Canada, Australia. Come on man support restaurants. They're closed right now But they're still open for delivery. So get that food to go use doordash It's now contactless to keep communities. We operate in a safe way. That's what they say. Yeah, they do their deliveries are contactless It's great, man
Starting point is 00:44:21 Right now our listeners can get five american dollars off and zero delivery fees on their first order Of 15 dollars or more when you download the doordash app and enter the code bad friends That's right. That's five dollars off and zero delivery fees on your first order You download the doordash app in the app store enter the code bad friends Don't forget the code is bad friends for five bucks off your first order with doordash Me on these is my favorite underwear of all time. I all I have is a drawer full of me on these It's comfortable. I love the patterns. I love the material that it's used. It fits my fucking little genitals so quick acutely
Starting point is 00:44:52 The me on these has a little pooch there for your wiener. It's really wonderful It's got to look penis pooch and guess what now that it's dark out by 4 p.m All you want to do is become one with the couch me on these gets it. That's why they want to help you step up your cozy game Their loungewear and undies are super soft and coming everything from classic to adventurous prints They're literally made for your couch and guess what you don't ever have to leave the couch again with a me on these membership A subscription that sends new pairs right to your door with statewide savings and exclusive sales You'll automatically pay less for everything You don't ever have to uh look for any other underwear ever again because we both wear me undies
Starting point is 00:45:24 They got great little designs on them. I got a little pizza on one I have a yeah, I have ones with corraccoons. They're my favorite. The raccoons are cool. Yeah. Yeah, I also got the island ones I got the ones with little little trees on them. Yeah, so I can feel like I'm out somewhere Beautiful and sunny and pretty during this bummer season This is an actual product that Andrew and I both use. Yep me undies has a great offer for our listeners And we love you so much for any first-time purchasers Purchasers you get 15 percent off and free shipping. Hey, they get it right to your door for free Me undies also has their problem-free philosophy. If you don't like it for any reason whatever it is
Starting point is 00:46:02 They'll refund or exchange it. No Kevin. Yats. No questions. No questions asked Bobby and I love me undies You'll you'll love me undies too. Yeah, if you don't like colorful creative designs, by the way They have regular old-fashioned regular black and gray and whatever great and comfortable Me undies. They're great and comfortable for you and me for you and me To get your 15 percent off your first order and free shipping go to me undie me Bad friends. That's me Bad friends. You got it. I just I know I just um listen, I
Starting point is 00:46:41 Everyone's equal and I honestly do believe that Yes, I don't think everybody's equal. That's insane Here we go guys. Everyone is in equal What I'm saying is everyone should be but it's not a reality. It's not a reality. Nobody's treated equal. That's impossible I understand that but if you just put every like 10 random people in one room, everyone's lives right are equal. No No No, what do you mean? Some people in that room's lives aren't gonna matter as much Okay, here we go
Starting point is 00:47:14 Are you being real? No. Oh, you're not? No. Get the fuck off. All right Because I I do say sometimes it would go black lives first because they matter, which is what everyone should have learned in 2020 Then it goes white white people. We did get moved down one Black lives white lives. Yeah. Yeah. Let me ask. Okay brown lives. Yes and then asian lives Okay, whatever you only because of what happened in 2020 I wouldn't have this opinion if it didn't happen. It's insane if jaina didn't give us the virus. Yeah, yellow would be higher But it's just not. Yeah, of course, everyone should be treated equally. Duh, no shit
Starting point is 00:47:47 But there is not a reality. I do argue with my girlfriends. All right. This is what I argue. I know But I think you're right. I think some people's lives are a little You really you believe that I don't know if I do let me just see if I can let's find out. Yeah, let's find out So, um, which would be sad But you know right now as I clap my finger It was snap. Yeah, yes. Let's shut up snap my fingers, right? Yeah, right just right now in ireland Yeah, a little irish, baby Okay, a little irish, baby a little beautiful. There he is mcconnell little green bow. Yes, mcconnell hula hand a little
Starting point is 00:48:26 Gold I'm an irish, baby And it just instantly it dies. I'm dying. Yeah. Yeah, it dies and then, um Bradley cooper dies I so I'd be so mad. I would be so devastating, right, right But like isn't bradley cooper's life a little bit it affects more people Is it bradley cooper more important than a little irish, baby? Yeah. Yeah I think so. I think it's fair to say I think everybody would agree not really
Starting point is 00:48:58 The irish, baby hasn't accomplished anything yet bradley cooper silver linings playbook wedding crashers We shouldn't live it. He wasn't wedding. Was he the wedding crashers bradley cooper? That was oh bradley cooper was in wedding crashers. He was the boyfriend. He was Todd Oh, he was he was the guy that what rachel mcadams was going to marry. Oh, I never saw the movie You never saw wedding crashers. No such a good film. Is he in it? Yeah Bradley cooper is just yeah, I get it. I get in arguments with kalala all the time
Starting point is 00:49:29 I guess, you know, do you think your life is more important than my life? Oh This is this is heavy I do You think you're more important than me. I think my life is is more impactful than your life. Why in what way? because um You've taken away more from than you've given a lot of firsts Like what like i'm the first asian american
Starting point is 00:49:55 What ever been a sketch show for nine years on eight years on a National television show, but it wasn't that good. The show wasn't good. It doesn't matter. I get it. Yeah. No, you're right I mean, I I'm just more My life is a little bit more the value is there. No I I vow I'm I'm as just as valued as you I bring so much to the table I do more for a community than you do And get name it in what way the asian community in terms of show business. I've I've done more What have you done for the community in just in terms of representation?
Starting point is 00:50:25 So what you're there, but you're not giving back them what I've done and influence. Have you given any or any other asian jobs? Yes, I have what other asians have you given jobs to I don't want to get into that right? Oh, yeah See no, you haven't done that much. It's a little bit more important than yours. No, it's not Well, let me name me why yours more you take away more from society than you give back and I've given I've only given back Oh, you have no idea what you're you're you're you're you're you're you're saying right now You have no idea even your life is not more important than mine. I don't want to brag about what I've done Okay, go ahead. I don't want to okay. All right, because it's ugly. Look at this. Look at me. Look at me Yeah, your life is not worth more than mine. I didn't say mine was worth more than yours
Starting point is 00:51:03 I simply said your life's not worth more than mine. My life is worth more than yours a little bit not even true It's not let's move on. Let me tell you something when you die. Yeah when you die. Yeah soon when you die Yeah, they're gonna go bobbily actor comedian dies. They'll say actor first Uh, no, they won't no, they'll say comedian Let's say comedian. They won't even say actor Okay, you're trying to be mean that's no no no i'm being serious. Yeah. Yeah, I'm being serious They won't say actor. They'll say comedian whatever because comedian encompasses everything because if you google my name It doesn't even say comedian
Starting point is 00:51:36 Right. Well, that's a good then the google knows what it's talking about it does. Yeah, that's unfortunate Okay, it should say comedian. You're a comedian first Well, you're a comedian My point is are you a better comedian or actor? I'm a terrible actor Right. So comedian like I said, it should say bobbily comedian dies Bobbily comedian dies on an obvious way that we all saw coming Sad bummer gone. If I died it would go this another incredible white from chicago White guy from chicago does comedy who gives a fuck. Who cares about a korean kid from san diego?
Starting point is 00:52:07 All right. No one gives a fuck. By the way korean from san diego Another you're not even a real you're not even an immigrant. You're not even a fucking immigrant angry white guy. You're born in san diego Different than any other white guy in comedy the asian community. You're barely asian by the way You're a fucking la kid. I did a lot You've done a lot of shit. Okay, you've done a lot. You know what the best piece of shit You know what the best thing you've ever done is what this fucking podcast. That's not true by far Hearing you guys your new year's resolution wanted to be better friends We decided to play with you a newlyweds game to know to see how well you know each other. Okay. All right
Starting point is 00:52:48 What is this? Oh, okay So I'm gonna ask first bobby and then andrew a question about the other person. Okay Uh, so when I asked bobby, he'll write his answer and then I'll ask that same question to andrew and then he can say it out loud and See contrast the the answers to see how all right. I don't know this game. Go ahead Do you know the we found out that just like hilarious bald one his accent is fake Oh Andres is from fucking oklahoma. Yeah, this is all bullshit. Go ahead. Go ahead. How about this say this phrase in the southern accent say
Starting point is 00:53:31 Hey, man, I just moved here from texas and boy. Am I happy to be in california? Hey, man, I moved here from texas and I'm really happy to be in california. Okay I'll tell you whenever hear that again Go ahead start the game start the game. This is a test so So bobby if andrew had superpowers, what would those be? Super power. Yeah And do I don't write anything down? No Okay
Starting point is 00:54:06 So andrew what do you think bobby thinks your superpower is? I think bobby would say my superpower would be uh Uh, like something with fire Something like I was able to throw fire Okay, what is it bobby? Fly fly. I don't why I don't know Okay I would want to fly I three superpowers. I breathe underwater. I go fly. I don't know invisible. Maybe all right. Go ahead. What's mine for bobby?
Starting point is 00:54:40 Now we start for real. Here we go. That wasn't real. No. All right. Okay. I get how it's saying I'm gonna reuse this paper. So bobby What is one thing then andrew has that you would love to get rid of? All right down. What do I have that you would he would love to get rid of? Yeah Go ahead Do I say it yeah anger issues I browse Okay, andrew. Yeah, what's bobby favorite junk food? This is bobby's favorite junk food
Starting point is 00:55:30 Bobby's favorite junk food is write it down. I know I'm trying to think you're trying to guess what I'm gonna say Yeah So what happens if he writes it down and I get it right and he gets it right he gets the point Yeah, yeah, so I can just say something that he does. I think that he's not gonna guess I'm assuming that he's gonna try to answer the right question, right? Right. Yes, right So I'm just gonna answer something make something up. Yeah, that's gonna not be on this fucking piece of paper Right, but this uh, I mean this is like who gets the points. This is like you guys have to be in good faith This is to make you guys better friends. Oh, so this is not a competition of who wins or loses
Starting point is 00:56:09 Oh, okay, go ahead Uh Okay, here you go What what is it bobby pizza? Okay, I just I said ice cream. Oh, okay Fuck I says I knew it was pizza. You had nine deep dishes. I know I know that's what I mean That's what I'm trying to fucking do this. I know I'm trying. I'm sorry. Okay. Go ahead ice cream. What the fuck? Do Koreans eat ice cream?
Starting point is 00:56:36 Yes, we're able to If you were to draw an emoji that represents Andrew, what would that be? Okay. I have to draw an emoji. Yeah Okay, I think it's I think it's this one. That's like Like a crinkly eyebrows Yeah, I was right I'm right. I'm right. Okay. All right. Good. So I get a point. Yeah, that's what? Yeah, I get a friendship point That's what Andres is trying to bond us. All right. Go ahead Andrew. Yes. What's bobby biggest fear?
Starting point is 00:57:31 um Bobby's biggest fear. Yeah Be honest though. I you know what my biggest fear is and if you really know me Yeah, you'll know what my fear is. I know but I don't want to say that on this paper Yeah, you're real biggest fear. Yeah Yeah No, because now I'm confused Your bobby's biggest fear
Starting point is 00:58:02 I don't know. I thought it was something else and that doesn't make sense now. Okay, so I think your biggest fear is uh I don't fucking know What is it doing a comedy special No, that was an honest answer. That's what I just told you I was gonna do What which one did you write? Nothing I know it is your biggest. Why is it your biggest fear, buddy? I don't know it is So I'm just I don't want to analyze it. Can we do it? Can can we talk about it for real? Later, but we're doing the game. Sorry. Go ahead. God. What if we do a comedy special together?
Starting point is 00:58:42 No, I don't want to do one with you. Go ahead Okay, okay Let's play the game. Bobby one thing you guys will never agree on is One thing. Yeah, that Have you ever seen this show? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah one thing. That's a weird question that one thing will never agree on Oh Oh So much writing okay, go that time doesn't matter. No
Starting point is 00:59:19 Again Whose life is more important? It's a callback. Yeah, I was I thought you were mine was I couldn't be a callback It just happened. We just got over that bit. Yeah, it was just I know that's why I thought it would be fresh in your mind All right. All right. What is this? What is this? Come on? Let's go Yeah, we're really failing here. Bobby is more present today Yeah, maybe he is go ahead andres Give me the real. Yeah. No more present is unreal. Go ahead. You're phony. How many pairs of shoes does bobby have? Oh, that's pretty good
Starting point is 00:59:50 It's such a hard thing to determine Uh, how about do you even know? Yeah What is it 15? Fuck what is it 12? That's close. Pretty good Thank you. That's three off. Yeah Such an innocuous number. All right. What's his who usually gets their way?
Starting point is 01:00:11 Be honest You I do. Yes. Fuck. Yes. Okay. Good. There you go. All right. What else? I'll be honest. I know you do know see at least you know, I always you always get your way I know I do and it has to be that way. Go ahead because I'm more important That's why Is that why? Or is it because you're a little fucking brass? I'm more important or it's because you're a brass. I'm more important
Starting point is 01:00:43 And that's why I get my way. Go ahead andres. Shut the fuck up Such a little asshole our show is almost perfect except for Our show is almost perfect. Yeah except for yeah, be honest George When is your official bad friends anniversary? Oh Fuck It's pretty good
Starting point is 01:01:23 The exact date well as close as possible So what month is it? Ten month is now what month is january now Okay February april Oh We've been doing this almost a year we have 52 weeks in a year. Oh, this is episode 40 something. I don't know It's february. What February 15th or something. February 15. All right. Let me give you give mine
Starting point is 01:01:59 If bobby asked you to grant him a treat on your way to work. What would that be? Okay, yellow american spirits. Fuck. What is that sugar free red bull? Oh, I almost did but it's but it is yellow american spirit It is. Fuck. All right. Go him. How does andrew like his steak cook? Medium rare medium rare perfect. Good boy. Yeah. All right. What else? What was bobby's first job? What was bobby's first job? Yeah Okay Fuck this is tough because I know some of your first jobs. I don't know what your first very first job is
Starting point is 01:02:46 Can you give me the age just so I get a good age range 17? Okay, I worked on a farm What I said server in san diego. Yeah, you serve when you were 18 and 19, weren't you? No, it was 20. Oh, you were? What farm did you work on donnell yasa watches farm donnell yasa watches farm? Yeah, that sounds like a tv show Let's keep going with the game. All right. What is it? What's next bobby? Who's andrew's hero? Oh, that's really hard Who's andrew's hero think comedy? It's just a basic one. You can answer it. It's something that's not true even but just it's easy. Go ahead
Starting point is 01:03:26 um Who's my hero? Just Bill Cosby. No, Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan. No, that's not fucking It's not true. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Give me Jim Carrey is definitely. Yeah. I said Bill Cosby. He said think comedy Okay Go ahead. So andrew. Yeah, what's bobby's favorite tv show? Oh easy of all time
Starting point is 01:03:50 Easy, I talk about all the time if you don't know this answer I might have to start a new podcast fine at this point. Honestly at this point fine Yeah, you don't even know when the fucking it's been a year. Uh, what's bobby's favorite tv show? Okay, I saw three episodes last night Really Um Your viewers know the viewers know if you don't know this we're not friends Okay, what is it star trek the next generation different strokes
Starting point is 01:04:34 You didn't know that I didn't know it was star trek but Uh, the next it's my favorite show of all time. I know we've talked about it before I know everything about it. But see I think that's so hard. Do I don't have a favorite show of all time I do you should know that. Sorry Hey, yeah, sorry. All right. We did talk about it when I talk about spock and all that stuff. I remember If andrew was a cartoon character What would he be I am If I was a cartoon character, which one would I be? Yeah, what cartoon character like a famous one? Yeah, obviously
Starting point is 01:05:20 I'm cheating but I saw how little you wrote. Yeah So I'm like what that's because obviously I would say archie. No No, what ren from ren That's good. I do love ren. Yeah, you idiot Yeah, that's true and you're your stimpy. Yeah. Yeah, it really is. We literally are right. Okay. That's good. That's smart Okay, what is it? Okay. So what animal would bobby be if he were an animal? Panda Undoubtedly, yeah, it's not even a competition. I already knew that he was but you are a panda. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:55 Yeah, well, some people think I'm a koala wrong. Okay. Here's why pandas actually have a little bit of like Activity in this koalas don't do shit. Yeah koalas are late koalas don't pandas are lazy koalas don't exist I know in a fire in australia. They're just they just burned it Get out of the trees No Yeah, all right. What else
Starting point is 01:06:23 If bobby if you discovered that andrew was an ex-convict Ex-convict. Yeah, what would you your reaction be? What would you say? No, the the better question is what did he go in the prison for? There you go. That's the question Sure. What would you go to prison for? Yeah? Um This isn't this isn't hard either. Yeah, it's just, you know, I don't know how to write it, but I So many letters Are you writing out like detailing the crime? I don't know. I don't know what else I mean
Starting point is 01:07:07 It's manslaughter. It's got to be aggravated like man. I killed somebody The mind was more like snapped you lost your temper of violent. That's manslaughter. I killed somebody. Yeah, okay Yeah, it's the same thing. How many did you write down there a punch? Okay? What else if bobby If someone offered bobby a million dollars, would you think he would reveal a dark secret about you? Wait if someone offered him a million dollars to reveal a dark secret about me, would he take the money and do it? Yeah Oh Okay, go ahead now
Starting point is 01:07:42 You're a good friend. Would you put down? Well, I wrote yes for the comedy You whoa whoa, wait. Wait stop in real life. No no no, I know No, you would know well that's fucked up dude. I know you, you drew the lot huge fucking drew the line I did that for comedy. No, no. You didn't you really believe that? No, here's why well I wanted to be a dick and here's why yeah, you know why you wouldn't yeah because a million dollars is not a lot of money to you how much money yeah a million how about this how about that yeah I know you wouldn't for yeah that's why I wrote yes it's a joke yeah 10 million no yeah you would know it wouldn't 10 million 10 million I wouldn't 100 million 50 50
Starting point is 01:08:18 50 million you would reveal a couple of secrets my darkest secret yeah and no couple of secrets no I probably wouldn't I'll tell you why I'll tell you why I wouldn't cuz you what because I'm not a rat no you're not a rat yeah no you're not a rat and I'm not a rat and I also want to be in comedy yeah yeah and that would be that would throw me out the end that would be the end for me in comedy all right who's got another you have another question yeah this is the last question but it's for both of you okay okay start with Bobby okay none of the bad friends fans know this about Andrew but he's very good at like
Starting point is 01:09:05 something a secret talent or something that you know that the fans actually don't know that I'm actually good at something I mean I already said it though I think what when it is something that I probably have said I don't remember kissing no I made a joke dancing what is it bowling that's oh yeah we talked about that they know the fans know that yeah yeah is there anything that you think that I'm good at that people don't know I don't think so all right I'll be a good I don't know what something that here's something that I think that I'll be a good friend to you go ahead people don't
Starting point is 01:09:49 know that as much as we joke around on the show yeah and we make fun of each other and we attack each other and blah blah blah blah blah people don't know that you actually have an extremely sincere heart and no I'm being serious okay people don't know what you would do for a friend you drawn a penis yeah people don't know people don't know I get nervous I know people don't know what you would do for friends people have no idea you understand what I'm saying yeah people don't know that you would go to certain lengths to do things for friends for real when when it really matters yeah they'll never understand
Starting point is 01:10:25 that yeah you know we've we've had a few encounters where it's a thing and you know by the way that's a bad penis if you're gonna draw a penis you have to draw something like a good one do you have any more of these questions andres no not for today I think you guys have 12 wrong and seven right all together so I think well you guys are starting the year on better terms we are hey so we had a so look we found out that we're great buds and we love each other very much real great heavenly brothers let me say this for real I'm glad to be back with you I'm happy to see you it's a new year it's a new year you're new Bob
Starting point is 01:10:59 it's a new year for you new year for me year for us look at me stop looking at fucking George I hate him sometimes I know what a good guy he laughs and laughs like a giggles and giggles like the Ripper Bob yeah good to see you too thanks for being a bad thanks for being a bad friend by the way by the way your life matters as much as mine it's not you're such an asshole you matter just as much as I do a little more it's fine if you not no not a little more it's fine not a little more you can have your opinion and you can have your stupid opinion wrong wrong wrong it's wrong I believe what you're such an
Starting point is 01:11:44 asshole yeah well by the way the reason you're so defensive is because you know that I'm right no cuz I knew you were gonna say that fight you're trying to fight for something for something no you can't win cuz I knew you were gonna say that right

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