Bad Friends - In the Presence of a Movie Star
Episode Date: March 3, 2025Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! Thank you to our Sponsors: Zocdoc & Shipstation • ZocDoc: Stop putting off those doctors appointments and go to to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today. • Shipstation: Start your free trial today at YouTube Subscribe: Merch: 0:00 In the Presence of a Movie Star 5:30 David Spade, Theo Von & Tim Dillon 10:00 Cake Pop Dong 15:00 Apple Pay Or Apple Pie? 19:20 Beefing with Adam Ray 25:00 Santino at the Celtics 33:00 TikTok ASMR 38:00 Bonnie Blue vs 1,000 Men 43:00 Bobby Fights a Security Guard 50:00 Fake Pregnancies & Fast Passes More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets: More Juicy Instagram: More Fancy SOS VHS: Instagram: More Bad Friends iTunes: Instagram: Twitter: Official Website: Opening Credits and Branding: & Credit Sequence Music: // Character Design: Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: Produced by: 7EQUIS Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Ugh, this never-ending winter.
Day in, day out annoyances of shoveling and bundling up just to leave the house.
It's kind of like enduring all these ads.
A means to an end.
But unlike those ads, Sunwing can actually help you get out of the cold and into the
But this sale ends March 9th, so hit skip on winter and book with your local
travel advisor or at... or something. We're bad friends. I'm a movie star.
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
And I'm so stunned by you because you're a movie star.
I'm the president of a president.
I'm in presence of a president.
Yes, you are.
Little Chinese boy, sing to me.
You throw out things that don't make no sense.
So I throw out things that don't make no sense to you.
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
Movie star president.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Bad Friends.
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
I'm in the presence of a superstar.
Movie star, movie star, movie star, movie star.
I'm a little movie star, but this guy's a superstar, Brad.
It's George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Andrew Santino.
They're in the same level.
George Clooney.
Come to me.
How funny would it be if George Clooney,
George, what is, who's calling you?
Johnny Yang.
Johnny O. Yang?
No, Johnny Yang.
That's Jimmy O. Yang's brother?
He's my haircut, can I answer it?
Yeah, sure.
You're getting your haircut soon?
Getting your lettuce sliced?
Oh, you hung up on, why'd you hang up on me?
Go ahead, call Johnny Yang back.
Sounds like a character from Mortal Kombat.
Johnny Yang wins.
Finish him, Johnny Yang.
Hey, how's it going?
How's it going?
Oh, my God.
So, are you aware about tonight?
What, what, what, what? Tonight, for about tonight? Uh, what?
Uh, tonight?
No, not tonight.
This, sometimes this week.
Oh, this week? Okay.
What time? What time? What time you go?
Uh, I'm in driving right now.
I'm gonna check for you in 15 minutes.
I'm gonna check for you. You can check for me.
Uh, I'm gonna call you.
You call me, I'll call you, okay?
Okay, I text you.
Okay, bye.
How do you have any professional relationship?
What do you mean?
Like that's your haircut guy?
That poor guy.
He thinks I have an accent.
Well, he does.
He thinks I do, that's how we always talk to him.
Where is he from?
Oh, he's off the boat.
Yeah, he's off the boat, yeah. Was he on the show? He thinks I'm from That's how I always talk to him. Where is he from? China. Oh, he's off the boat.
Yeah, he's off the boat, yeah.
Was he on the show?
He thinks I'm from off the boat too.
Does he?
Yeah, he goes, hi, I go, hi, Raul.
You want to come?
Okay, is this a house haircut?
You get your haircut at your house?
This guy's not-
He comes over, yeah.
Yeah, he comes over.
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
The movie star.
I'm in the presence of a super star.
Why do you keep singing this?
Because I did two lines in Theo Vaughn's movie. I'm in the presence of a super star. Why do you keep singing this? Because I did two lines in Theo Vonn's movie.
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
Dude, who'd you work for?
Morgan Freeman this week.
Pictures on the internet.
Morgan Freeman, right?
He does, I do one, Theo Vonn, I'm movie star.
What Morgan Freeman are you talking about?
The fucking eyes, the blind, the magic movie
you did in fucking Hungary.
What, a year ago?
It was a year ago.
Look at this, there's Bobby walking around
on set smoking, being a diva.
I heard, I got back some word
that you were being a diva on set.
Why, I am a diva.
Skinny diva, look at him.
A little skinny diva.
Look at him, I'm fucking confused.
Are you rocking magenta?
Was that your pick or theirs?
Theirs pick.
That looks really good.
Thanks man.
You think I should do the cowboy look
because everyone's saying I should do the cowboy look.
I think you should do the shirts and the hat,
but not the boots.
Oh, the boots are too much.
Cause you pride yourself in your shoe game.
You got good shoe game.
I think boots are not your style.
But I think the hats are dope.
I think the shirt, I think the belt is fly as shit.
You know what I look like there?
Sicario. Sicario? Yeah, yeah, yeah, a hit man. You do. shit. You know what I look like there? Sicario.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, a hit man.
You do.
Oh, don't bring up, we talked about that before the show.
That woman got shot yesterday and killed.
Oh no, oh no, what?
Well, her husband put on a hit.
She's going to get like fast food.
Her ex-husband hires a hit man, allegedly.
Let's stop for a second, push pause,
because I want to, let me get the information right.
A man.
Did I get it right?
You got that part.
Yeah, you got that.
That's all I know, that's all I know.
A man.
No, so a man hired a hit man to kill his wife.
Apparently a group, right?
Carlos didn't say there was like a crew of people
that were out to kill this woman.
No, and let me ask you something before we get into this.
And they framed it as a robbery.
How much money would you spend? To what? To as a robbery. How much money would you spend?
To what?
To kill your wife.
How much money would I spend?
Yeah, I wonder how much.
Well, I don't want.
I would want top level.
By the way, I saw a meme today that said,
all guys that wear those hats
that have the words upside down are douchebags.
And it made me laugh so hard.
I immediately thought of you. I was like, you have so many of those hats that are upside down. You are douchebags. And it made me laugh so hard. I immediately thought of you.
I was like, you have so many of those hats
that are upside down.
You have Dallas, you have Texas, you have-
Dallas was a Bad Friends fan, thank you.
Okay, but you have Texas, you have another one too.
What's the other one you wear too that's upside down?
Yeah, Los Angeles upside down.
Who makes these upside down hats that all the kids have?
True brand.
I don't get it.
I'll never get it.
It was a manufacturer error and they just went out like that.
You know that, right?
That's not true.
That's how it got created.
Yeah, a hack got printed upside down and they sold them.
You're tricking me right now.
Dude, I'm tricking you all the time.
I tricked you into doing this show.
You've been here for five years now.
Yes, it's a long time.
Thank you.
Also make it more challenging, like mix up the letters
because I can read it.
That's cool.
See, that would be cool.
It's Texas. Yeah. It doesn't fool, that would be cool if it was, yeah.
If it was, ex-c-i-et.
Doesn't fool me, because it's upside down.
Mix up the fucking letters, dude.
How was shooting the Theo Von movie with David Spade
and Theo Von and a bunch of other stars?
I mean, this is a star-studded cast.
Dude, what are you doing?
What are you talking about?
What are you doing right now?
Tim Dillon.
What are you doing right now?
I'm at the IMDb.
No, no, no, stop, stop.
Don't even do that.
It looks good.
What are you doing? I'm just trying to celebrate my friend. OK? I'm at the IMDb. No, no, no, stop, stop. Don't even do that. It looks good. What are you doing?
I'm just trying to celebrate my friend.
Okay, I'm going to tell you something.
You want me to expose you to the fucking truth?
Go ahead.
You want to be exposed to the truth, my friend.
Yeah, go ahead. What is it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I'm not even in the thing.
Yet. Kirk Fox, David Spade.
Let's get the full zoom in.
David Spade, Kirk Fox, Theo Vaughn,
Gavin Warren, Nate Diaz, Javier Suarez, love him.
Thomas Spader, Michael E. Shawn York.
Did Thomas Spader so good?
He always plays the diner patron.
He's in every movie.
And he's so good.
He never has the line, right?
But when he's eating in the background, dude, you're like, oh, that guy's really eating.
I'm surprised that's not your character.
Go up.
Javier played senior, senior.
That's got to be a Bobby Lee character.
Senor, senor.
Senor, senor.
Yeah, I don't know. I don't even know what my character...
Anyway, so you want me to expose to the truth?
Oh yeah, expose me to the truth.
Can't wait.
Oh, see, when you're in this kind of mood, dude, see this...
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
See this mood? See this mood?
Look at that.
Timmy, Dylan, David Spade, Theo Vaughan.
This movie's gonna be huge, dude.
Why are you laughing?
Because you're being sarcastic.
No, I'm not!
They won't, they don't offer you shit because they know you're gonna say no.
Buddy, buddy, buddy.
They know you're gonna say no.
Because you know what you need?
Mucho dinero, por favor! Buddy.
That's what you want!
Dinero, por favor!
That's you, guy!
I go $2, I'll get it.
I'll do it for $2.
This guy, oh you gotta go to UTA, then to my lawyer, then to this guy.
And that's why they're laughing, guy, because you know you're fucking wrong!
They did offer me a role.
Okay? That's what I'm saying. And now you're spitting it back at me
like why did you take the role?
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
Let me tell you something.
No, he called me, Theo called me
to see if I could do something, but I was in Philly.
He literally called me on a Friday,
he goes, dude, can you shoot tomorrow?
I was like, tomorrow?
No, I'm out of town.
What the fuck?
That's how I got it three days before.
No, I know, dude.
I'm not gonna do shit.
Jesus Christ.
By the way, let's reframe the joke you just made
that you made the boys in the booth laugh at.
I wait for money. What?
We don't get paid to do anything on television or film.
The last time I got a check to do a thing on TV was Dave.
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
I'm in the presence of a movie star. I'm in the presence of a movie star.
You really are.
No, fuck you.
I'm sorry, dude, you're a superstar, not a movie star.
How was your week in Phoenix?
I heard it was good.
Did you see your mommy?
I didn't see her.
You didn't see your mom in Phoenix?
You were in Phoenix for four years?
I was hanging out with people, man.
No, I didn't see her.
When I go to Phoenix to do shows,
she doesn't know I'm in town. Why would you do that? Because I have to get in the car and drive all the way to the desert and come back. I don't want people, man. No, I didn't see her. When I go to Phoenix to do shows, she doesn't know I'm in town.
Why would you do that?
Because I have to get in the car
and drive all the way to the desert
and come back, I don't want to do it.
Phoenix is the desert.
I know, I'm saying, there's more desert though.
It's just in more desert.
I know.
I know where your mom lives.
It's 30 minutes away from where you were.
I know, but deserts with less buildings.
What does that have to do with-
When I'm in a desert, I need more buildings.
It's your mom.
I understand, dude.
She doesn't know I'm in town.
If she knew I was in wasn't I would go visit her
Can I give you an old Chinese proverb give me two?
He who visits sand and does not visit mother. Yeah will soon know she will turn into sand
Thank you so much guy. She's gonna die. Oh
Yes, everyone's gonna die dude
Soon. Oh, okay. So fine soon. Okay. Yeah, everyone's gonna die, dude. She's gonna die soon. Soon.
Okay, so fine.
Okay, you're right.
Soon die.
And soon die is the other Chinese proverb.
Really, soon die is?
Soon die, live now.
Soon die, live now.
Soon die, live now.
Don't do.
Don't do.
Cry later.
Cry later.
Big check.
That's right. That's a really good one. That's a really good one. So you get a check, you watch, you do shows, and you don't see your Big check. That's right.
That's a really good one.
That's a really good one.
So you get a check, you watch, you do shows
and you don't see your mom, but that's okay.
I have a proverb.
What is it?
Yeah, two white couple in suburb in Chicago, right?
Sometimes they die in fire.
It's funny.
It's too cold to get set on fire.
I know.
It's the middle of winter.
That's an old proverb.
Your mom has a higher likelihood of dying in this.
I know, I know what we-
In Phoenix.
No, no, I just mean-
I think we're doing this, let's not do this right now.
All right.
All right.
It feels like we're doing this, right?
And I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
Two, three.
I'm in the presence of a movie star.
Let's get back into love
because you and I have some fiction stuff.
How about let's do some love?
How about some love stuff?
I miss you, I'm happy for you.
I miss you too.
And I'm sorry I abandoned you.
For what?
I left you on the last episode.
You had to do it again.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that was still fine.
But to say to the fans, I do mean this.
A lot of times the fans are like,
oh, what the fuck are they doing together?
It's like, dude, we're all working on stuff.
It's hard. We're trying to go on we're all working on stuff. It's hard.
We're trying to go on tour, work on our hours.
It's hard to always be in the studio every week.
We've done this show for five years.
We've literally never missed a week.
And we're going to continue to do that.
Continue to do it, yeah.
Because it's been-
Sometimes we have to pivot.
We got to pivot.
We got to Jeremy Pivot once in a while.
You know what's so funny?
I was going to say Jeremy Pivot.
Were you really?
Yeah, but I went like, no.
It's a hacky joke.
No, good.
Jeremy Pivot.
Yeah, I saw Ian Fiedence's penis last night.
God bless.
And it's what I thought it was gonna look like.
Can I guess?
Tell me it was pierced.
It has a Prince Albert.
There's no pierce.
It looks like-
Does it, okay, is it curve?
It's something you get at Starbucks.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, those little egg bites.
A lot, one of those, one of those cake pops?
Yeah, cake pops.
It looks like a cake pop?
The head is like a purpley, orangy color
with sprinkles on it.
And the stem looks like a stick.
Well, wait a minute, sprinkles, oh, he's bisexual.
Yeah, there's sprinkles.
Yeah, there's bisexual. They have to put it on there. There's bisexuality on there. Does he dip it? Does he like dip it in the sprinkles? He dips it wait a minute, it sprinkles. Oh, he's bisexual. Yeah, there's- Yeah, there's bisexual.
There's bisexuality on there.
Does he dip it?
Does he like dip it in the sprinkles?
He dips it in, yeah, a butt hole.
Man and woman.
You know what I mean?
So you have different varieties of chocolate.
See, I was supposed to see him the other day.
I was working out on the West side and he was like,
oh, can you meet up?
I said, I'm never gonna make it to the store.
But I'm happy now I didn't go
because now I guess he was showing his penis.
No, no, we went to the spa.
Oh, yeah.
So we're in the spa, I'm in the steam room and he looked at my penis and he goes and he kind of almost died
Why he goes it's so cute and he started laughing. Well, he doesn't have a big penis
No, I didn't he didn't say it was small. Oh, he just like my dick is cute
Minion minion you've seen it. I have
That's dude if it were to make a noise, that's the noise.
Yeah, I mean.
Hey, hey, but, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
What does it do when it sees a woman?
Okay, okay, okay.
Like that, like that, like that.
Like that, dude, and it's like, he's so happy.
And I can get hard now just talking to people on the phone.
It's a miracle, yeah.
Do you ever do that with a woman?
No, no, no, with a woman.
No, all right.
But what if I put on a female voice?
What if when you call me and I'm like,
hey, bye.
No, no, no, no, no.
Because I know it's you, dude.
I'm gonna do it.
You've tried before.
It doesn't work.
It pisses me off.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kanye went on a tirade about hermaphrodites on Twitter,
by the way, it was unbelievable.
What? Kanye was like, you tell me if you're a hermaphrodite on Twitter, by the way, it was unbelievable. What?
Kanye was like, you tell me if you're a hermaphrodite,
you wouldn't stick your penis in your own vagina.
And I really had to think about it.
I was like, that's actually a great point.
Well, you would have to bend it, like Beckham.
You know what I mean?
I was literally about to say bend it like Beckham.
We're on the same page.
We're on the same page, yeah, yeah.
Look, if I'm a hermaphrodite,
oh, if a hermaphrodite only dates women,
that's a hermaphrodite. That was his first joke. Pretty the same page. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, if I'm a hermaphrodite, oh, if a hermaphrodite only dates women, that's a hermaphrodite.
That was his first joke.
Pretty good.
Yeah, play on words.
But the other one was,
the other one was, you're telling me if you're a hermaphrodite,
you wouldn't try to stick your penis in your own vagina.
Then he said, I thought about it, I'm no longer a Nazi.
He literally wrote, I no longer am a Nazi.
That's so funny, dude.
He thought about it.
He thought about it, wow.
Well, you gotta think about it.
Because of Adam Sandler. Because of Adam Sandler.
Because of Adam Sandler,
because Adam Sandler gave him a tribute to the 50th SNL.
Is that what it was?
He probably just talked to him privately.
Hey buddy, you can't talk about me like that.
You gotta lay off the Jews.
Lay off the Jews.
But if there was like a Hollywood president of Jews,
Adam would be it.
Sandler's the best.
Yeah, he's the best.
He is maybe the coolest, most like funny chill
down to earth dude I've ever met in comedy.
And I'm not even kidding.
At his level, like Chappelle is very sweet and dope too,
but like Sandler's, Sandler still has that boyish like,
he's like, oh, hey buddy, have a, it's sweet.
It's like, I don't, I can't even describe it.
It's when I remember I was with that sexy lady
and we walked by, I told you that.
And Sandler was there with his mom
and he looked at my girl and goes, funny guy.
And that's, you know what he's doing?
A lot.
And that's something.
Don't say it.
And I don't even have to say it
because you know what I'm saying.
It's something that these guys never do.
No, no, him specifically.
You've never given me an alley-oop.
Bro, he's not even in the game.
I know, that's why.
He has to learn how to play the game first.
Yeah, but.
Get on the team.
Get on the team and then maybe you can throw me an alley-oop.
Bro, his tryouts are in a week.
Let me tell you something.
You're walking down the street, you pass Carlos.
Yeah. And Carlos goes, funny guy You're walking down the street, you pass Carlos. Yeah.
And Carlos goes, funny guy.
The girl's gonna be like, ew, what was that?
Oh, that's true.
That guy's gotta go to jail.
Yeah, yeah.
You know him?
Yeah, why do you know him?
Yeah, I don't know if we can.
Yeah, yeah, that's what it is.
How about this?
When you see Bobby in public from now on with a woman,
you do not recognize him, you ask for change.
You act homeless and you ask for change.
Yeah. Like they pass for change. Yeah.
Like they pass each other.
When you called me last night, where were you?
It sounded like you were at a party or something.
Yeah, he told me you were at a nightclub
or some shit last night.
It was like 10 o'clock.
You know where the fuck you were, pal.
No, I was with Ian Fy Dance at Fred 62's.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's still open?
Yeah, they closed at one.
Wow, I thought that closed down. It was pretty good last night. Was it? Because they fell off for a little while. They did, okay. Yeah, yeah. That's still open? Yeah, they closed at one. Wow, I thought that closed down.
It was pretty good last night.
Was it?
Because they fell off for a little while.
They did, yeah.
But it's a cute little, it's so many hips as well.
Is House of Pies still open across the street?
No, I haven't seen that open.
It is?
But Fred 62 is all these like, oh.
Oh, dude.
Yeah, very.
Hash brown.
What do you mean?
That's like your favorite people.
No, I'm fucking, dude, I'm Norm.
Yeah, thank you. No, I'm Norm. No, you're not, dude, I'm fucking... Dude, I'm Norm. Yeah, thank you.
No, I'm Norm. No, you're not, dude.
I'm Norm! You're a pretentious artist.
You're a pretentious... You always wanna go to Swingers.
I don't wanna go there. Yeah, Swingers is low rent.
Swingers is basic. It's still like cool though.
No, it's not. It hasn't been cool in a decade.
Yeah, tattooed Mexicans. You love them.
I fucking love tattooed Mexicans.
I know, exactly. That's why you like to go there.
I won't leave home without them.
They're my American Express. Right, right.
But I haven't been to fucking Fred 62s in like years.
I'm a Norms, Mel's kind of a guy.
Mel sucks.
I know, but that's what, and look at that.
Swingers used to be the shit.
That's probably me in the background
before I lost the weight.
Wait, no, listen, this is a crazy moment.
We were shooting over there one time,
and I go, Al Madrigal goes,
hey, let's go get house of pies for lunch. You know, cause we were like skipping the crew lunch. Yeah. And I was like, I'm starving, hey, let's go get house of pies for lunch.
You know, cause we were like skipping the crew lunch.
And I was like, I'm starving, dude.
Let's go over there.
He's like, fuck yeah.
And he goes, oh my God, my wallet's in my trailer.
And I looked down at my phone.
I'm like, my wallet's in my fucking trailer too.
I was like, shit.
So we're asking people, does anybody have cash?
And everyone's like, I don't have cash.
So I call house of pies and she's gotta be still there.
It's the old Asian woman that answered the phone.
I love her.
And she goes, she's like, hey, how's the pies?
And I was like, hey, do you do Apple pay?
And she's like, Apple pay, yeah, we pay, yeah, Apple pay.
Yeah, Apple, yeah.
And I was like, I'm not making this up.
I swear to God, I know this is such an Andrew Santino
bit for this show, but I was like, yeah, Apple,
you know you take Apple, yeah?
She's like, yeah, Apple pay, yeah, yeah, Apple.
I know what she's saying. Dude, I walk in and I'm like, I'm like we order the food
I go to tap. I'm like, where's the apple pie? She's like no apple pie apple pie apple pie
And she's going to eat apple pie. Yeah, yeah apple pie. Yeah. Yeah, they've done that. Bro
I felt so dumb and magicals like you fucking idiot. Yeah. Yeah, we ordered all this food
Yeah, and this woman said apple pie.
You think she said apple pie?
I'm like, it sounds the same.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She literally goes, yeah, apple pie, apple pie.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm like, okay, they take it.
This is like a South Park episode.
It's really funny, yeah.
Welcome to apple pie, take apple pie.
Dude, that cracked me up.
By the way, we only got the food
because Al was able to, that guy,
Al was able to figure his way out of everything.
So how did he, what'd he do?
He found a dude to loan him cash.
In the restaurant?
He like knew a guy and I was like, I don't even know
that guy, he's like, I'll Venmo him or get him back
or whatever to give him cash to pay for the thing.
Al is a magician.
Dude, Al is, he can get into anything too.
Yeah, he, dude, he's a magician.
You know what I mean?
Like he's like a sitcom guy now.
He hit, and you know what he used to tell me
on the set when we worked together?
He used to go, dude, tell me what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna be in like a fifth, sixth
on the call sheet kind of guy.
I'm gonna cruise in, I'm gonna go,
that's what you guys are having?
And then get out of there.
And I was like, yeah?
And he goes, watch.
And he did.
Now he's on- Incredible.
He's on George Lopez's show, right?
He's been on for years and he's cruising.
It's incredible.
He loves it. It's his paycheck, paycheck paycheck and no and for people that don't know one of our good buddies a comic comedy store guy
Has the worst blow ups of anybody on earth now on stage fucking would blow up on audience. Oh, I know
Oh my god, I know I know someone would talk he'd be like lady
Yeah, and then it would just spill out all the rage a rage spill out of him. And look at how sweet he looks.
You would never guess.
Do you get rage?
I've been getting rage lately.
When I was young I did,
but now I just ignore people talk.
If they're yelling, it didn't happen.
Like when a group of people walk out during a set up.
People did that to you?
Yeah, last night I go, where are you going?
And they turn around, we gotta go to the bathroom.
During a set up?
I get so mad.
And then it's like, or they fall asleep.
Oh, I heard.
You get late nights spots at the OR.
There's always like a heroin nod lady.
Which is just like, you know what I mean?
In and out of consciousness, I hate it.
I don't like- Go home!
Or itchy people.
You see a lot of like-
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
You see a lot of itchy people in the store late at night.
Itches, bro.
And you know what's also driving me crazy? Adam Ray. I tell you.
Dude, he's been really sticking you.
Not only, yeah, he went up there. We did David Tell's benefit show for the fires.
And I was second to last, but Adam went up a couple before me. He slaughtered, right?
But now I'm getting, I'm in the back of the room looking at the audience going, but Adam went up a couple before me. He slaughtered, right?
But now I'm in the back of the room
looking at the audience going.
I don't know why.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
So Adam is really bugging you?
Yeah, he's killing too hard.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I look at audience and they go,
don't laugh.
And they're like, what, what, what?
I go, don't laugh.
No, no, no.
Stop laughing.
And then they go, okay. And then they stop laughing, right? And then when other groups are go, what, what, what? I go, don't laugh. No, no, no. Stop laughing. Yeah. And then they go, okay.
And then they stop laughing, right?
And then when other groups are go, shh.
Like the Mexicans, they go crazy.
I go, you know what I mean?
And Adam's still killing.
Was he doing him or Phil?
He was doing him.
He's playing him.
He's playing Adam.
He's doing him, right?
And then afterwards I go up there
and I always do the weaseless thing.
I just sit next to him, I put my armor on him,
I go, you did good, huh?
Oh boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He's like, yeah, it was fun, fun.
I go, uh-huh.
And I squeeze a little bit.
You're really trying to threaten him.
It's a little too much.
Is that a little big dog?
Are you big dogging him when you do that?
It's a little too much, man.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's so much.
And he's in a moment
and I love him dearly like a brother, you know that, right?
But it's like-
But you're sick of it.- But you're sick of it.
Sounds like you're sick of it.
It's a little too much.
Ooh, so war has started here on Bad Friends.
With who?
What, with who?
How can you have a war?
With who?
With the Greeks and the-
No, no, no, how can you have a war, right?
If you're a tiny island, in a micro island,
you know what I mean? You know those micro islands?
You know how Philippines has those little tiny islands
versus America?
You're America in this scenario?
You know what I mean?
Yeah, you don't think so?
This is more like Seattle versus San Diego.
That's really what this is about.
This is a local war.
No, it's not a local.
Zock, dock.
Zock, dock.
Zock, dock.
Ow, ow, ow. Ow. Me too, me too. Oh, both of us. I'll it's not a local.
Me too, me too. Oh, both of us.
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Bad friends.
This is a civil war.
No, no, no, no, stop.
This is the North versus the South.
No, let's stop.
Let's stop.
What are you doing?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's not.
It's more like California versus Washington.
I'll give you that.
Okay, that's good.
Yeah, I'll give you that. Okay, that's good.
Southern California.
No, all of California.
No, because Northern California is closer to Washington than we are to them.
But we're still a part of the same state.
Culturally, they can't stand us.
We're different people.
Northern California can't stand Southern California.
How about this?
I get Bakersfield down.
Yes, that's fine.
You definitely get Bakersfield down.
I'd even give you all the way up to just, By sale, yeah. Just under San Jose.
Okay, can I get San Jose down?
I don't know if I can give you San.
Yeah, sack.
I'll give you, well, sack even further.
It is?
I think so, right?
How about this, sack, we carve out San Jose
for San Francisco, and then we go down.
Okay, that's fine.
Okay, good, thank you, thank you.
He's getting out the map for us.
Yeah, yeah, but anyway, yeah, maybe there is a little war.
Yeah, see, I think you get Fresno for sure.
That's huge. Yeah, it was the Josh Home thing. I think that piss a little war. Yeah. See I think you get Fresno for sure. That's huge
Yeah, it was the Josh Holm thing. I think that pisses me off that did it fucked you up
Yeah, because he went to go see Adam backstage and now when Adams killing I look at them as if they're all Josh Holm
Yeah, I view every audience member at Josh Holm when I go
I mean you're queens of the Stone Age
laugh at that, yeah
I mean, you're queens of the Stone Age. Don't laugh at that.
Them crooked vultures, remember?
Them crooked vultures, baby.
Yeah, baby.
Anyway, I'm so happy for them.
I had a nice little weekend in Boston, Massachusetts.
Had a fun time.
Yeah, Wilbur.
Went to a basketball game.
Yeah, I did four at the Wilbur.
And you do, and I see you with basketball stars now.
Basketball stars?
I saw you on the court with some very large
African-American people.
What's it?
Yeah, like that.
Who's that?
Take a guess at what his name is
and what position he plays.
And what team he plays for even.
Okay, so he plays for the Knicks.
Well, you're in Boston.
That's right, the Boston Knicks. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, the in Boston. That's right.
The Boston.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, the Celtics.
That's right.
The Celtics.
Celtics, right?
And is Jamal Bird.
I'm not kidding.
Jamal Bird?
His initials are JB.
Is it really?
JB is her initials.
That's pretty close.
Yeah, thank you.
Because then there was Larry Bird.
There was Larry Bird.
He was white though. I understand that, but you know, if you mix the two.
There's Jamal Bird.
There's Jamal.
Jamal J. Bird Charles.
There he is.
I miss him.
So who was the, I would just say you're on the court.
Jalen Brown.
You're on the court.
And what does that feel like?
Court side's incredible.
And a gift from the Celtics.
Shout out to Celtics for treating me like that.
That was such like a nice, cool thing that they did. So I'm going to tell you where we're at. Shout out Sully. Shout out. Celtics for treating me like that. That was such a nice, cool thing that they did.
So I'm gonna tell you where we're at.
Shout out Sully.
Shout out Sully. In our careers, okay?
And Carlos knows this.
If I wanted to go to the Celtics game.
You don't like basketball, go on.
It doesn't matter.
If you wanted to go to a football game, to an Arsenal game,
they would 100% treat you like a king.
Yeah, they would.
So what I'm saying is-
They've emailed us multiple times about it.
So if I were-
Just cut yourself off real fast.
They've emailed us multiple times about it. Never got an email and I were- Just cut yourself off real fast. They've emailed us multiple times about it.
Never got an email and I have to see it for myself.
You don't have a fucking email.
He's your email.
You don't even-
Why are you screaming at me?
Cause I'm trumping you, dog.
All right, so what I'm saying is-
You don't have an email, you little guy.
If I wanted to go to the Celtics game,
I would get last row, you know what I mean?
This is such a bullshit.
It is, it's true.
I can't, I've never been on the court-
You don't go to basketball.
Even if the fucking stadium was,
even if the stadium was empty on a Monday morning,
I wouldn't be looking on it.
Arsenal football club, emailing you about,
we're all buzzing, the guys are Arsenal fans.
You know what, dude?
Fuck you, get fucked.
You're gonna get treated like a king.
They love you.
You don't go to basketball games.
If you like basketball, they would do the same for you.
I'll never.
Go to a basketball game.
See Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift in any situation.
You don't like football.
I'm just saying, and you're just, you know what I mean?
All I'm saying, who's the movie star here?
You are. You're in the presence
of a movie star. You're in the presence.
I'm like, you know what I'm like?
I'm like, you know, Southwest industrial film kind of guy.
You know the fans don't believe this bullshit anymore.
You know that, right?
What? They don't buy it.
This like lie you keep feeding them. The fans are over this great lie. Everyone that goes. You know that, right? What? They don't buy it. This like lie. You keep feeding them. They don't. The fans are over this list. Great lie. Everyone that goes,
okay, everyone goes, everyone goes, we know, we know Bobby's Hollywood. They know it's a lie.
I know. When you, when you're, when you hit the button,
I said, sorry, but I had to defend myself. I had to defend myself. He's sweating. Wait, wait,
Pete, get him your sweat rag. Get him your sweat rag. I had to defend myself. He's sweating. Wait, wait, don't.
Pete, get him your sweat rag.
Get him your sweat rag.
Whatever that is.
Buy him a new Whitney Houston shirt.
He's gonna sweat through this one he's got.
Get out of that, okay?
You know what, you're like a black comic shooting
especially when they've got that sweat rag on stage.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Get him one of those Apollo sweat rags.
So it's.
Dab him off.
So it's, can I defend myself real quick?
All right, dude.
I'm in. All right, you're in. You're 50% true. Yes. All right. No, it's, can I defend myself real quick? Yeah. All right, you're in.
You're 50% true.
Yes, no, it's way more.
No, you're 50% true.
It's way more.
So I do, okay, have I worked in things?
Your whole life.
I mean, you could just, it's obvious.
You IMDB me, I've done things, okay?
But what I'm saying is that in,
there's certain like other things like events or the circle of people that one hangs out with like when we're in Melbourne right and Dakota Fannie came in and all these people these celebrities.
They came for you. No they did not they came for us they're fans of us. Had you met any of them before? My buddy Jake Lacey's. Exactly. I've never even there's no other situation where I'd be able to see him. Yeah, you would through me.
You're in the presence of a move.
That's what I'm saying.
You know what I mean?
So I don't get into your situation.
Yeah, do I have a blessed life?
And I've worked hard and I sell out.
I just don't know how.
You don't create relationships.
You know what I mean?
To put myself, my situations are me and David Teller
in an alleyway, smoking a cigarette.
You romanticize this.
Me and in a five dance at a spa.
You just don't go out of your way to talk to people.
You're a fucking, you're asleep till 4 p.m. recluse
and that's your thing.
What are you talking about?
When I got back from fucking,
it's Budapest, Jamie Lee Curtis,
I'm like, you wanna do something?
And no return.
Why would you?
That's what I'm saying, I try.
Jamie Lee Curtis, why does she wanna hang out with you?
That's insane. I know, that's what I'm saying, I try. Jamie Lee Curtis, why does she wanna hang out with you? That's insane.
I know, that's what I'm saying.
Pick your battles, buddy.
Yeah, I don't know, then maybe I'm like
picking the wrong battle.
You're definitely picking the wrong battle.
But what I'm saying-
Just like Adam Ray, that's the wrong battle.
I was kidding.
He's not gonna think so.
And I'm telling him after the show that it's war now.
Oh, come on, you know I'm kidding, right?
The fans know.
The fans don't know.
Dude, the fans, you know.'m kidding, right? No. The fans know. The fans don't know. Dude, the fans, you know.
Oh, man, this podcast is a disaster.
I'm like, I'm sweating, I'm drowning, this is insane.
Get him his sweat rack.
This is crazy, I don't need a sweat rack.
Get the fuck away from me.
Get the fuck away from me.
If you approach me, I'll fucking attack you.
Get out here.
Good boy.
We'll need that, man.
Anyway, so, all right, let's back up.
So it's 50p, is that true? Okay, so let's move forward. Let's move forward from it, yeah, that, man. Anyway, so all right, let's back up. So it's 50% true.
Okay, so let's move forward.
Let's move forward to it, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But it was incredible sitting on the,
they treated me like a little king
and it made me feel kind of special.
I know.
For the first, you know, it's a privilege,
it's crazy to go there.
And an honor.
It's wild.
Yeah, yeah.
It's wild.
Thank you Celtics organization
for letting him sit in your seats.
It meant the world to me.
It meant the world to him, right?
And who is that now?
You're just showing us pictures of black guys now?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's Jamal Wiley, but I think it came up in Jamal Bird
because of his hair.
Okay, Carlos, what are you doing?
You always know how to reset the room, man.
Honestly. Yeah, yeah.
You really reset the fucking room.
You're the ultimate host.
It's a cleanser.
You are, you're a palate cleanser. You're my ultimate host. It's a cleanser. You are your palate cleanser
You're my you're what is it? What did Brody used to have?
Apple cider vinegar he used to have apple cider vinegar. I love that. I know dude
It's I hate the taste but it's good for you. It's just a good for your two of toe fungus
You put it in you put your feet in it. I may have a concoction at home
Really? You want to hear my concoction? It really works.
Apple cider vinegar.
Sometimes, but the two mixtures that are,
why are you laughing, dude?
Where are you getting so much toe fungus?
Can I guess?
Obviously the Korean spa.
It's just my left foot.
I always had a problem with my left foot.
Isn't that the movie?
It's the movie, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Is that what it's about?
Yeah, Bobby Lee Lewis is in my left foot, a new version.
So my left foot, so I'll tell you what you do.
Yeah. Okay.
It's oregano oil and tea tree oil mixed.
Swirl around.
You swirl around.
One to one?
50% 50, 50, 50, yeah.
So one to one.
And then you dunk your toe in there.
And then let it sit?
You sit there for like an hour.
An hour?
And you have to fucking angle it.
So you're like watching an iPad movie,
but your foot's like this and you're doing this.
Wait, why do you have to angle it?
You just put your foot in a bowl that's big enough.
Oh fuck, you're right.
What are you doing?
Oh, you're right.
No water, you don't water it down at all.
I don't know.
And it disappears.
I've been taking oil of oregano pills every day.
For what?
I read that they were good for you.
It is good for you.
Is it though?
What do I take it for?
I don't even know.
And then I take Lion's Mane for my memory.
You know what else I take?
I'm scared.
20 mushrooms.
I take mushrooms.
I take the mushrooms.
What's it called?
I don't know.
I take the mixture of the
Yeah, the 20 different mushrooms.
Yeah, all that stuff.
Go back and see that.
Yeah, Lion's Mane is mushroom.
That's part of it.
Zoom in.
Oregano oil has antimicrobial properties
that may help with bacterial, viral, and fungal infections,
help with digestion, reduce coughs.
Oregano oil can be toxic.
Okay, that's good.
And may irritate sensitive skin.
I've just heard it's good for you.
So I started taking small, it's so stupid.
I don't fucking know.
You hear one thing and then you're like, I guess.
But then I bought a TikTok machine. I was on TikTok, an anti-fungal machine. It doesn't work. I don't fucking know. You hear one thing and then you're like, I guess. But then I bought a TikTok machine.
I was on TikTok, an anti-fungal machine.
It doesn't work.
Well, no shit.
Yeah, I spent hundreds of dollars on this green machine.
What are you?
You stick your toes in there and the green light comes on.
And an anti-fungal TikTok machine?
Yeah, yeah.
Is that it?
I don't know, I got it on TikTok.
Nail fungus.
And you stick your toes in there and a little glow happens.
It's a laser.
It's like a laser-y thing.
You're lasering the fungus now?
Yeah, and it's like nothing's happening.
Well. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Another thing that doesn't work is when you're on TikTok,
sleep gummies, that didn't work.
You tried those?
I buy every single one.
What are they? CBD, isn't that what it is,
the sleep gummies?
Some of them are like, oh, there's a, fuck.
I'm loving that you're deep into the TikTok now.
I want to see your algorithm.
Oh my God, it's crazy. Is it wild? The amount of stuff that I'm loving that you're deep into the TikTok now. I wanna see your algorithm. Oh my God, it's crazy.
Is it wild?
The amount of stuff that I'm getting,
I'm getting some bad stuff now.
Okay, what are you getting?
And then I'll share mine.
Well, it depends on what your friends share with you
because then you watch it
and then it knows you watched it.
Yeah, I was getting a lot of like,
Oh yeah.
I'm not done.
I already know.
Well then finish it.
Guys, I'm in the presence of a movie star.
What is it?
What does she do?
This is the worst.
Guys, it's Pepper's last day.
Oh, I fucking hate these videos.
Right, and I'm like, who's Pepper?
You have to ask the question.
Who is Pepper?
Right, and then they zoom down, right,
and it's their fucking dog.
It's their pet dog.
Yeah, yeah, and like, we just put the injection in.
Oh, God, dude.
And then everyone's crying.
I'm like, you're sharing such an intimate moment.
I don't wanna see that.
No, please don't.
I don't wanna see it, I don't wanna see it.
I don't wanna see it.
This is gonna kill me.
It's gonna kill me too.
Please don't.
Get out, get out. Carlos.
Get out, get out, get out.
Stop it.
I hate those ones. What are the ones you hate? I'll be okay with a cat last day, but don't do Get out, get out. Carlos. Get out, get out, get out. Stop it. I hate those ones.
What are the ones you hate?
I'll be okay with a cat last day, but don't do a dog last.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, dog last day is the worst.
I hate those.
I hate, I hate, I don't like when I see like a girl's like
the get ready with me or whatever,
and then they grab a thing,
and then they tap their fingernails on the,
they tap the product.
Oh, I love that.
I don't like that. I don't like that.
I don't like ASMR.
It creeps me out.
You don't like ASMR?
I tried to jerk off to an ASMR video once where she's like,
it's JOI, you know, the instructions.
There's one.
And she's counting down.
She's like, six, five.
And I was like, I'm not ready.
I like when-
No, slow down.
I love when it's ASMR scenarios.
Welcome to A36.
It gives me the shivers.
Do you see what it just did?
Space station.
Oh, I fucking don't like it.
Right, space.
We're going to the planet Isurus, but.
I swear to God.
But please sit down, we have to take some tests.
Oh, girl.
To see what happens.
I don't like that.
And I'm like, you know, my dick's in my hand,
but I'm still zoned, it's great.
I'm going to the Azuras.
It creeps me out.
I hate it.
I'm going straight to the Azuras, guys.
I don't know why it creeps me out so much.
It just gives me this weird feeling, the voice,
it's like very motherly, it's like you're,
ah, I don't like that.
What, it doesn't put you out? It creeps me out, it gives me the, ah, I don't like that. What, it doesn't put you out?
It creeps me out.
It gives me the tingles.
I don't like it.
No, I don't like it.
Yeah, yeah, I like it, dude.
There's something about it that throws me into a, like a, it puts me in a, what is it?
It gives me the ick.
It gives you the ick.
That's what the kids say.
What gives you the ick?
So many things give me the ick, man.
I got a real specific one that's really stupid. On, you mean on TikTok videos?
No, in general.
Or in general?
Life just grosses you out.
My ick is this, when a girl goes, if I'm in a town,
like, boyzy.
Love boyzy.
We have the best sushi here.
Oh, really?
Yeah, do really? Yeah.
Do you?
And I go, people from other cities come here and they eat our sushi.
Like where?
From fucking Peoria?
You know what I mean?
It's like, you've never had sushi.
Yeah, you've never had real sushi.
Real sushi.
It's crazy.
Yeah, yeah.
Where is it?
Oh, they got Yoyotomi, Ginza S sushi grill and I told I've told you this before every time I play
Charlie good nights in Charlotte. Yeah, there's Koreans that come come with us to where
best in
America what could be good, right? No, I went
It's fucking terrible. It's like they don't know
You know, I mean you okay. Let's talk about some restaurants's like they don't know. You know what I mean?
Well, okay, let's talk about restaurants.
We went, okay, we were in Phoenix.
We went to Pizzeria.
Where did we go?
No, I just was there this weekend.
Yeah, so I wasn't there.
We went to Bianco.
Oh, Pizza Bianco, yeah.
And they gave us, they're huge fans of ours, by the way.
Yeah, they're great.
Yeah, and went to Bianco,
and we're sitting there with great pizza, right?
But it's like, and they can,
and someone in Phoenix could say,
you know what, we have one of the best pizza.
And I'll go, yes, okay?
I agree.
I agree.
But what towns, right,
what towns do you think have the worst food?
Oh, God.
Oh, how about this?
What towns do you think have the best food?
Name five top cities.
Best food cities?
Yeah, restaurant cities.
And be completely honest, in America.
New York.
New York is easy.
I'll back you on that.
Um, I would say-
So our guest is here?
Oh, come on in.
Come on in.
Come say hi.
Come say hi, hi.
How are you? Sit in this blue chair.
How are you? Sit down.
Okay, should I put the headphones on?
If you don't want to, you don't have to.
I'll put them on.
You don't have to fuck up your hair if you don't want to.
You have great hair.
To be honest, it's been through a lot worse.
Okay, God bless.
Okay, is that you that smells like that?
It smells so good.
Yeah, powered, shaved, shower shaved.
What is it?
It's got like a.
It's like a Joe Malone perfume.
Like a Joe Malone perfume.
Joe Malone.
God, I love the accent.
Australia or England?
You take a guess, bud.
I say England.
You say right.
Which part of England though?
I don't know.
Well, take a guess.
Oh, by the water.
Oh no, I think that's a bit of an insult.
That's an insult.
Really, Essex.
And from Nottingham. Nottingham. Nottingham insult. That's an insult. Really, Essex. And from Nottingham.
Nottingham Forest.
Very proper.
In the Premier League, yeah.
Yes, oh you know football.
Third in the league right now.
Half my family is Derby, half of them are Nottingham fans.
Oh wow, Derby you haven't seen in the Premier League
in a very long time.
Oh insult, that's an insult.
No, but she's a, are you a Forest or a Derby?
In between, 22 of us went in. Obviously at the moment Nottingham, so.
Big Nottingham fan.
Is that, are you engaged by the way?
No, going through a divorce.
Oh, God bless.
What happened?
Can I take a guess?
You've got a higher voice than me.
Yeah, yeah, what happened there?
Do you think, was the divorce based on
sleeping with a thousand men? No.
No, okay, right on.
That had nothing to do with it?
It was before that?
Listen, I don't know what, I'm sorry, I don't know much.
You don't know much about sleeping with a thousand?
No, no, no, but I don't know.
I think you do, actually.
Bonnie Blue slept with a thousand men in one day.
Is that what happened?
Is it one day?
One day, 12 hours.
Yeah. 12 hours.
12 hours.
Can I ask some questions?
He's got to, dude, yeah.
Fire away.
Yeah, fire away. Really?
Give me a load.
One for one.
Because let's just say, if I was a guy.
You are.
I was, I know, thank you.
And I fucked a thousand women, right?
I would have to pick, do you get to pick the women?
No, I don't get to pick the guys. Oh, you don't. But in your scenario,
okay, yeah, if you want to pick the women. You could do, but you didn't pick the guys then?
No. So just any old look, you know.
Ginger's Asians, anyone. Really?
That's us. That's us. Wait a minute. 83 guys, 83 guys an hour. 83 an hour.
It was like, you know, that game you play as a kid and you put your hand in the box and
you don't know what you're going to get?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's a British thing.
I don't know that.
Well, you crackerjack.
Hands in box, pick out presents.
No, she's saying not crackerjack box.
No, like the prize in the bottom.
No, dude, she's saying there's a game where they put their hand in a box and they don't
know what's in there.
Yeah, we don't play that in America.
I just said that.
Oh, thank you.
Sorry, sorry.
Fuck, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What is the game? Oh, like in Dune. Yeah, we don't play that in America. I just said that. Oh, thank you. Sorry, I'm sorry. Fuck.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What is the game?
Oh, like in Dune.
Yeah, it's like in Dune.
Yeah, like in Dune.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it.
I don't know what Dune is, but.
The movie Dune.
The movie Dune, yeah, yeah, there's a box.
There's a box.
That's like what you guys did at Christmas, right?
At Christmas, yeah.
So could I have applied?
Of course, we don't need to apply, you just turn up.
That's a good thing. as long as you are 18.
Yeah, you are, you're 18 times four, actually.
Yeah, am I too old?
That could be like in the ride.
Oh yeah, do you have a ceiling?
Do you have a limit?
Is there an age limit,
but if a guy shows up and he's 70, do you say no?
No, of course not.
You don't care?
One, his wife might be dead, so obviously.
That's true.
And second of all, like, it's a bit of a day out for him,
it's better than bird watching.
Yeah, but I don't know, old guys.
Imagine, you're 70 seconds in line.
70 seconds, not that far.
There's a thousand.
Oh, there is?
I'm 430.
Like, would you be able to keep it up?
Or are you watching porn to keep it up?
So some of them, they're in the basement.
So, right, I'll give you a bit of a picture.
These guys all live in a basement, by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
For the record.
It's like a three-story house, I'm at the top floor,
so by the time they start queuing on the stairs,
they're queuing for like, sometimes four or five hours.
They bring the packed lunch, they bring your drink.
It's like a picnic.
Bring your packed lunch.
Honey, I packed you a lunch for your fuck today.
It's like that Guardian Galaxy ride at Disneyland.
Yeah, it takes two hours to get on it.
It takes forever to get there. Hmm, and then the ride only lasts about 10 Disneyland. Yeah, it takes two hours to get on it.
Forever to get there.
And then the ride only lasts about 10 seconds.
So how long do I get?
About 40 seconds.
All right, but since we know each other.
You'll never get there.
40 seconds, dude, you're out in like 12.
Oh no, no, no.
Just because the thought of other guys
that have been in there, you're so excited.
No, no, no, what are you talking about?
That gets him so excited.
Because I know that he's gonna be right before me.
He's 431.
You know what I mean?
I'm going to be like, oh fuck, can we switch?
You can just push his power journey and make it up.
That's right.
I'm still stuck on the bringing the pack lunch.
That's so funny.
Do people trade like snack cups?
Like what if you didn't get something
and you saw something else?
I just think that's so funny in line being like,
can I have the cookie?
How many seconds did she say?
40. 40.
40 seconds.
And then one, you can't-
I thought you only had problems with your eyesight,
not your hearing.
Maybe I should come a bit closer.
She loves you, dude.
I love her so much.
And so they all wear ski masks.
Well, no, you don't all have to,
but if they're girlfriends or they've got certain jobs
and they want people finding out. Sure.
I want them to go and feeling confident.
But they still have to be on camera.
Yeah, of course.
Who is that guy in the first frame there with the big teeth
with the red jumper on?
His name's called Bevo.
He went viral for like swallowing food.
He's a big tooth guy.
I've seen him on Instagram.
You've seen this guy's got huge teeth.
Too much teeth.
And that's the bit, right?
That he has big teeth.
Well, no, he basically went viral
just for like not swallowing food properly.
Do you charge?
No, of course not.
Why, you can make a killing!
I bet she's doing fine.
No, I wanna say thank you.
Because of those people in the queue,
I've got to where I am, so I wanna thank them.
I wanna do something for them.
That's so nice.
Wow, what a gracious person.
You're just a sweet, gracious person.
You're like Mother Teresa in a different way.
It's super kind of charity work.
Do you live in England now or here?
You live in London?
Yeah, I don't know why I said that.
I made that up.
I live in Nottingham.
You lied.
I'm in London a lot, but yeah.
But now we're- We're going there.
We're going to London this summer.
In this summer, we're playing, I don't know, I't like that. It's called OVO. We mentioned that twice
I don't really like the Drake thing. I wonder who would have a bigger queue me or you two
Well, how about this you take dicks outside of the arena will do laughs inside?
Yeah, I want you you know how nice that would be yeah for them to get a nut off and then come laugh
I mean they'd all fall asleep
Halfway through the show. Yeah. Who would get a bigger line?
I wonder, how many tickets do you think you could sell?
To a show, if you did a live show of you.
What, a live sex show?
Yeah, a live sex show.
I don't know, to be honest.
We sold 50,000 in Australia, beat that.
I got banned from Australia.
What, really?
Wait, why?
Fucking barely legals.
Wait, you got banned because of people underage?
So basically women are poorly educated when it comes to like sex and understanding the
porn industry.
And they made this massive petition saying, oh, let's get Bonnie Blue banned from Australia
for sleeping with people underage and not consenting.
They are consenting and they are 18.
So then this petition like basic blew up in Australia and they took my visa away.
The government banned you.
We would never do that in America.
You know that.
You're welcome.
It's the greatest country in the world.
We would never do that.
Trump would never let that happen.
He will rename bodies of water,
but he will make sure you can do what you want legally.
So now it's OnlyFans, right?
That's like the big, that's the thing.
That's only, it must make a killing.
Yeah, it's good money. Good. Is it posted? You know how people post what they make we can see what everybody makes is that true
No, you allow it. No, I have it so you can see how many subscribers and stuff
How many subs are on there now?
400,000 holy holy shit man half a million people almost they'd watch all and you post shit every day
Yeah, like every day I post things but they they're probably like new videos like twice a week.
I'm interested the divorce thing, when did this happen?
Was this in the beginning of this or did divorce spark this?
Now I want to have a sexcapade.
No, no, no.
So we was together from when I was 14.
So we were-
How old was he?
He's only like a year older.
Don't worry.
We was-
So we were together when I was 14, he was 38.
Holy shit.
I mean, I do like the older ones, but.
All right.
All right.
Now that is, we can't do that in America.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What, go from barely legal to barely breathing?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So what, you were 14, he was 15,
and you got married at how old?
Oh yeah, young.
So it was like, together like a long time,
we just grew apart.
Like there was no dramatic split or anything long time. We just grew apart. Like there was no
dramatic split or anything like that. We just grew apart naturally. And then do you talk to him now
still? Yeah, yeah. He works with me. Oh, I'd love it if this is the guy. Who's this guy right here?
No, he helps me like on the creative side with video editing. He's also, he's also a handsome guy
off camera. And he's big. He's got good thick thighs, dude. He's a thick daddy over there, huh?
Well, he looks like a John Witt nemesis.
He does.
Yeah, yeah.
Where's my dog?
He's very beautiful, though.
He is?
You are.
Oh, thank you.
I find him more attractive, if I'm being honest, but that's just different.
Hey, was that weird?
Which way you swagger?
Wait, was that about to say?
Why can't I just say to another person that they're beautiful?
What's the problem?
Yeah, why'd you laugh at me?
Because she didn't even hear you. She didn't register.
Yeah, she did.
Can I say thank you?
Yeah, she said thank you.
How old do you think he is, by the way?
Unless you already know.
No, I actually don't know.
Take it, guys, this is good.
Do you know this guy might know?
See, how amazing is that?
Is that accurate or no?
He's 38.
Oh, okay.
No, I'm 53.
He's 53.
Oh, are you?
Yes, thank you.
I thought they just said, black don't cry. Yeah, we don't either.
36, that's amazing.
Andrew, I'm not mad.
Relax, dude, shut the fuck up.
No, no, no, dude, that's good stuff.
She just said you were 36.
Yeah, what happened before that?
I wonder.
You're doing really well.
Yeah, okay.
Look, you didn't wanna talk about the girl
you just met in Phoenix, so. All right, okay, all right. Anyway. All're doing really well. Yeah, okay. Look, you didn't want to talk about the girl you just met in front of you.
All right, all right.
All right.
Okay, all right.
All right.
So there.
Yeah, welcome.
How old am I?
I'm gonna go 42.
Every time.
I look younger.
I know.
This guy looks younger than me?
God damn, dude.
I don't know.
You're giving schoolboy vibes.
He does. You're gonna turn me on. Mommy, I love you. I don't know. You're giving schoolboy vibes. Hey. He does.
You're gonna turn me on.
Mommy, I love you.
Don't do that.
I want TD in my mom-mum-mum.
Oh, I've looked 40 since I was a fucking kid.
Suck, suck, suck.
Oh, and apparently I look like 42, 45, so.
How old are you?
Yeah, well, you know, I mean, you look 20s,
but it ages you, doesn't it?
I don't know.
It's exercise, it's hydration.
Or is it healthy for you? Yeah. I don't know. It's exercise, it's hydration.
Like, you know.
That's actually true.
Cheaper than a gym membership.
So this is at, what, you like rent a house?
So there's a guy called Lord Davenport
and like he holds like crazy parties.
The British are so funny.
No, wait, wait.
Bump to Lord Davenport.
And fuck money blue.
Give me Lord Davenport, I gotta see this fucker guy. In LA's, there's a guy named Lord Davenport? Clearly fuck Bunny Blue. Give me Lord Davenport, I gotta see this fucker guy.
In LA's, there's a guy named Lord Davenport?
No, clearly this guy's in England.
Lord Davenport.
I wanna know him.
I don't know any Lords.
Well, there's a guy downtown LA
that thinks his name is Lord Davenport.
So this guy has a house that you are at.
That was the house I fucked in.
Wow, that's Lord Davenport.
Obviously you had to hook up with him.
No, I didn't actually.
Really? Lord D didn't take any fucking anything for the house, huh?port. Yeah. Obviously you had to hook up with him. No, I didn't actually. Really? Lord D didn't take any fucking,
anything for the house, huh?
Wow. Shocked.
Is he a good guy, this guy?
Yeah, lovely guy.
It says fraudster. What did he do to make his money?
Oh, I don't know.
So that sounds like a him problem.
Yeah, that certainly does.
Sorry about that.
They call him fast Eddie Davenport.
Are you super famous now in England?
Or around the world, I mean?
A little bit.
Yeah, yeah. How do you like it?
Yeah, it's just weird.
I never thought being a slut would make you famous.
Like, I know the Kardashians have got experience with it.
I didn't know that was gonna be me.
What were you like in high school?
First, losing my virginity, but like as a whole,
I was a dance teacher at the time.
I enjoyed working, very mature for my age.
And you lost your virginity in high school,
you just said?
No, yeah.
What year in high school?
When I was 13, I don't know what year
that'd be for you, like.
Well, that's not high school out here.
That's middle school or elementary school.
High school is your 15, right?
14, 15?
15, 14, 15.
Yeah, 15.
Yeah, I was young. Wow. Wow, and how old was he? 14, 15? 15. Yeah, 15. 15, yeah. 13? Yeah, I was young.
And how old was he?
14 years old.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ, 14?
He literally put it in and was like,
oh my God, I'm pregnant.
Like we had no idea what was doing.
And I think like people's first experiences were always bad.
Never know what you're doing.
Like a bit of a flop.
See, I thought that's what I keep telling you.
It's fine.
I'm still learning.
You're gonna be fine.
I'm scared.
Have you had pregnancy scares?
Well, apparently I'm pregnant at the moment.
Are you?
According to the media, yeah.
Yeah, but you're not.
Oh, you're not?
I am not pregnant.
Oh, well, still clap for now.
Have you ever been?
Wow. Wow, that's crazy.
It was suddenly rumored that there was like,
oh my God, Bonnie's pregnant.
And it's actually the first time I've let them
continue with the story and I've not sort of commented.
And actually I've made jokes about it.
And like last night I posted on Instagram,
oh, I've got cravings and just allowed people to-
That's funny.
Troll them, that's so good.
You should do a photo shoot of you with a baby bump.
No, cause I'm actually really against that.
What do you mean?
I think it is horrible
cause those women can't get pregnant
or they are in difficult situations.
So I'm actually, to say I'm not a girl's girl,
I'm gonna be a girl's girl this week
because I wanna use the media and the attention I've got
from people thinking I'm pregnant to pay for people's IVF.
Because I don't think it's not.
That is fucking amazing.
Wow, wow, what a good person. See?
What is this guy's looking at me funny?
What's up, bud?
He likes you, dude.
Yeah, yeah, huh, bloke?
What's a bloke? Are you bloke or what?
Are you a hooligan or what?
He knows a few English words.
You're giving me hooligan fucking vibes right here.
Hello, mate.
Got a problem?
Fucking guy.
What you looking at, dog?
Dude, imagine how bad that guy would break you.
I know, I know.
That's why I have to put this forward.
I know what you're doing.
You're fighting the biggest guy in the jail cell.
You'll kill me.
You'll destroy me, but you know what I mean?
So you're security.
He does security.
I ain't doing shit, dog.
If anybody comes, dude, don't get,
What's up, bro?
Oh, bro, he's doing it.
We good or what? Here it goes. Here it goes, dude. See that shit, dude, don't get, What's up, bro? Oh, bro, he's doing it. You good or what?
Here it goes.
Here it goes, dude.
See that shit, dude?
This is thug Bobby.
He gets real tough.
Sorry, sir.
Do whatever you want.
I know, I've heard you've had a hard upbringing,
so I can imagine you've had one.
Let's turn this into a business.
Can we charge for FastPass?
Yeah, but that way, like a guy like me,
I can buy a FastPass, cut in line, buy another FastPass.
So I'm constantly, you know what I mean?
Just me again.
You know what I mean?
What if you just fake it?
Like if a guy in a wheelchair is disabled,
any disabilities?
Who gets to board first?
I can play 14 Asians.
Yeah, you can.
You know what I mean?
I can go, at all, right?
Hello, right?
I could do, mix it up, dude. Right. And you just take a mustache, put a mustache on. Right. No.
Alley Wong wig. You know what I mean? I could do all kinds of stuff, dude. What do you think?
I believe it. Yeah. I'm Sandra Oh or whatever. You know what I mean? Whoa.
You know what you should do? You really want to appeal to the Americans, do veterans. Yeah.
A veteran thing, do a USO tour.
US, open up that mouth.
USO tour. Wow.
The veterans would be very appreciative.
Yeah, that would be fun.
Especially because these guys, a lot of them have PTSD,
a lot of them have mental health issues
and they feel abandoned by their country.
I think you should do that.
And sometimes we can do a theme like Vietnam. Yeah, right we can have a little trail right like a trail to your
vagina right I could play as in like a Vietnamese like Viet Cong I would have a
bushes there and I'm like I'm not gonna mean into the south right you know me
and it's firecrackers yeah so they can get into the PTSD of it right you know
I mean to everybody everybody get them into character yeah and then we'll get
you Chinese eyes too you know I know I was thinking about a Fox lift but then I into the PTSD of it, right? You know what I mean? Too. Everybody, everybody. Get them into character. Yeah, yeah.
And then we'll get you Chinese eyes too.
You know what I mean?
I know I was thinking about a fox lift,
but then I don't know if we'd end up looking like twins.
So yeah.
We should do a theme where everyone in line
is named Charlie.
Just all Charlie.
Yeah, Charlie.
Yeah, I think it's a good theme.
I mean, yeah, Bobby, what is your name?
What's my name?
No, your real name.
My Korean name? Your Korean name, yeah. Oh yeah, cause like my name's my name? Yeah. Bobby. No, your real name. My Korean name? Your Korean name, yeah.
Oh yeah, because my name's not Bonnie.
Yeah. Well, on my birth certificate,
it says Robert, but my Korean name is Seong-woo.
Seong-woo? Yeah.
Yeah, Bobby's easier.
Yeah, it's easier.
Yeah, it's easier.
Do you know what Seong-woo means? Guess.
No. Success.
And look at what happened.
Yeah, Guy.
No, hey, relax. Stop trying to fight that guy. I need pieces of shit. You never say your real name,. Yeah, Guy. No, he, hey, relax.
Stop trying to fight that guy.
Limey piece of shit.
You never say your real name, do you?
Oh, you do?
Yeah. I love you.
You say your full legal name?
Yeah, Tia Bellinger is my full name.
Tia Bellinger.
Tia's great.
Do you have sisters?
Yeah, I do.
I've got a sister called Summer.
She's got bigger boobs,
so I feel like we're doing the wrong way around.
What does she do?
She's like a nurse or something?
No, she just helps me with like,
Oh, she works for you? Mm-hmm. Oh, that's cool a nurse or something? No, she just helps me with like. Oh, she works for you.
Oh, that's cool.
How about mom and dad, alive?
Yeah, both alive.
Stoked, what do they say about this?
Well, what's dinner at mom and dad's house like?
Just cream pies after cream pies.
Wow. Wow.
Yeah, wow.
I have that.
All right, you play the dad, I play the mom.
All right.
So, Tia.
Bon-A, sit down.
We have to talk to talk about something. Yeah
Well, excuse me. Our daughter's name is Tia. Oh, that's right. That's right Tia. My bad
How's the cow in?
How's work blowing in it's been good, you know, daddy's proud of you. Mm-hmm. Very proud. Very proud
He came to one of your events sweetie. Yeah. Well, I wait you was wearing a mask
Or the mask of a Chinese man, I mean, I do like bringing family members together,
so why not me own?
What does mom and dad say?
Honestly, they are so proud.
They're stoked.
Oh yeah, of course.
And everyone thinks, oh, that's so weird.
And you know what, it's not.
My dad has worked two jobs his whole life.
Now he doesn't have to work.
You pay for your dad.
Yeah, that's great.
And my mom, like, and people think it's weird, but like my dad had to miss birthdays, Christmas says he had't have to work. You pay for your dad. Yeah. Yeah, that's great. And my mom, like, and people think it's weird,
but like my dad had to miss birthdays,
Christmas, he had to go to work.
Now, like money can't necessarily buy happiness,
but it can buy time.
My family now have so much more time together.
That's great.
See, my family are immigrants.
They don't know what I,
they've never really known what I do.
They just don't know.
They don't know, but they know that I make money
and they know that it's, you know, you mean that I have a skillset. So they just kind of accept it. They don't know, but they know that I make money and they know that I have a skill set.
So they just kind of accept it and go,
he's happy, he's safe, he's making money,
he takes care of us.
But they don't essentially know really what it is.
You know what I mean?
Unless they, if I pop on Squid Games or something,
my mom would go, that's what he is.
Or whatever, but like, you know.
But you're not on squid games, buddy.
Yeah, I know, dude.
One day, they're making another season.
Is that the goal in life?
He wants to be on squid games.
The goal in life is to keep doing this.
Get the fuck out of here.
When are you doing your next one?
Well, the next one is like spring break.
So I'm gonna get a 10-k after a week,
and then go try out me.
You gotta go.
Can Carlos go? Carlos wants to go.
Yeah, 100%.
Get you in a little schoolboy outfit straight in.
She likes schoolboy.
Oh, the guitars from ACDC, do that.
Yeah, take off your hat though.
Show her what the schoolboy would look like
with his hat off.
Look at that, dude.
Look at this.
Yeah, yeah, do that.
Bonnie, can I still go?
Yeah, no, you can still go.
I've probably got more hair on my legs, but we're all good.
Wait, can I call you Tia?
Yeah, you can call me Tia.
Are you on the apps?
Are you dating?
I don't know how dating would work now.
Like do I go in as a disguise,
put an Asian outfit on and just say,
look, I'm really innocent.
Yeah, you could.
You could.
You really could.
I mean, he's been banned off a couple of apps.
Basically because I lied about my age.
He lies about his age.
But it's fine.
It's harmless.
He just, you think he's 36, didn't you?
Yeah, I did, I did.
So there you go.
I'm 36.
I mean, I will be inviting you to my queue
because I do want the disabled.
Fuck you, yeah?
I love it.
Sorry, sir.
Do you, does LA feel different than England?
Yeah, definitely.
What the fuck?
I haven't been there in years, I don't know.
Is it gloomy?
It's so different, it's unbelievable.
It's like saying does the ginger feel different
than the Asian inside?
Honestly, us, we feel identical.
Bonnie, where can people follow you?
So where are you gonna post the video?
Online, I don't know which platform exactly.
And it's gonna, you're gonna sell it, right? Yeah. Wow, how much are you gonna charge for it video? Online, I don't know which platform exactly. And you're going to sell it, right?
How much are you going to charge for it?
I've not worked it out yet.
Maybe like $70, $80.
Because it's a very long video.
But just do 100.
Make it flat 100.
Yeah, I could do.
100 feels like a, if you get 70, 80, you're kissing 100, just make it 100 flat.
Do that 99.99.
Yeah, yes, yes, yes.
$99.99. It makes so much money. 99 pence. Do that 99.99. Yeah, yes, yes, yes, $99.99.
It makes so much money.
99 pence.
Oh my God.
Think about that, dude.
I think when people buy it as well,
they're not buying it thinking,
oh yeah, I'm really horny and want to work.
Like some people are intrigued.
It's art.
Pascate live or whatever.
It is more fascination,
it's more like, it's more voyeuristic than sexual.
People just want to watch it because they can't believe it. It's like a mixture, and everyone's got like, it's more voyeuristic than sexual. Yeah. People would just want to watch it
because they can't believe it.
It's like a mixture.
Everyone's got like a different story.
Like these, with one guy, he brought his mom.
That's tough.
That's tough.
Yeah, and then his mom was like banging on the door,
like, Joseph, get your coat, we're going.
Now I was just there like, Joseph, hope I'm finished.
Was he late for something?
I don't know, like I don't know why
he brought his mom in the first place.
No, his mom was like, Joseph, get your calls, Joseph.
Oh, that's so crazy.
Joseph. Wow.
We have to go to Asda.
That is crazy, man.
And then it's like a clip as he's leaving,
his mom's putting his hat on, his scarf on, coat back on.
And then they went out for dinner.
Sweet. That's very sweet.
Take your mom out to dinner.
Where do they go eat? They went to Nando's actually. Oh, Nando's good chicken. You don't really have Nando. Sweet. That's very sweet. Take your mom out to dinner. Where do they go eat?
They went to Nando's actually.
Oh, Nando's good chicken.
Oh, chicken.
They have Nando's here.
Yeah, we do.
Yeah, we have chicken.
The South African business, is it not?
South Africa.
Yeah, anyway, let's move on.
I think it is.
It's gonna be out on your website.
When does it come out?
I'm not sure, it's gonna be soon.
You haven't decided the date?
Haven't decided the date just yet.
Smart, 100 pounds, 100 great British pounds.
But he'll get the video for free?
I'll send it to you.
I'll buy it.
I do want you load first though, I feel like in return.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Sorry, do we have a translator?
Yeah, no, no, no.
Yeah, go ahead, I'll tell you.
What do you mean, Lord?
He's saying what are you trying to ask him right now?
What do you mean, Lord?
Okay, I like to get on my back
and you put your dick inside me and put the load.
I want to get on my back. He said that sounds fun, I'm a little nervous about that. Yeah, I'm a little nervous about it. Yeah, I, I like to get on my back and you put your dick inside me. I want to get on my back.
He said that sounds fun.
I'm a little nervous about that.
Yeah, I'm a little nervous about it.
Yeah, I think I'm a little nervous about it.
He says, but I am hard right now.
Okay, could you tell him I've had a lot of experience
with Asians and I don't think they've got small dicks.
He should have a lot of experience with Asians.
He should have a lot of experience with Asians.
I don't know.
He got it, yeah, he's fine.
Very good, very good.
I'm very fine with it.
Well, that'll be an exchange.
We'll do a nice little exchange.
That'll be foreign exchange. Yeah. We'll call it foreign exchange. I'm sweating, I just said fine with it. Yeah. Well, that'll be an exchange. We'll do a nice little exchange. That'll be foreign exchange.
We'll call it foreign exchange.
I'm sweating, I just said, you know.
Oh, you're nervous about it.
Yeah, yeah, I'm nervous.
You made him horny.
I won't be able to get hard, it'll be just too much pressure.
Nah, you could do it.
Maybe I get a Bluetooth.
Maybe put some Bluetooth.
Yeah, I wanna get one of our sponsors to help us out.
And then you'll need better help.
Bluetooth, Bluetooth.
Right after it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We'll double down.
All right, so look for the Bonnie Blue tape. Bonnie Blue.
Thank you for coming by the way.
Thank you, give her a round of, that was fun.
Bonnie Blue.
All right, check this out.
We end the show.
You look into your camera and just say,
thank you for being a bad friend.
Do it in your little spin, however you would do it.
Okay, thank you for being a bad friend.
Next time, make me a spot.
That's a great way to end the episode.
Yeah. Woo. That's a great way to end the episode.