Bad Friends - One Good Korean

Episode Date: January 27, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey podcast listeners, Roy Wood Jr. here and I want to tell you about my new stand-up comedy special. It's Hoolarius and it's streaming now on Hulu. I did this special because the world has lost connection. We don't interact like we used to. You won't talk with your mom on the phone for 10 minutes, but you'll listen to a stranger talk on a podcast for an hour. You can listen to the podcast and call your mom back too.
Starting point is 00:00:22 We all just need a little perspective. So don't miss my new stand-up special, with jr. lonely flowers now streaming on hulu you two are bad friends who are these two idiots Asian dude you two are disgusting bad friends it's a new year by the way news a new year and it's a new year, by the way. It is a new year. It's a new year. A year of. Any resolutions that you got coming up?
Starting point is 00:00:48 Oh my God, you have no idea what you're saying right now, dude. You have no idea. I have resolution. Can we say resolution city? You're in resolution city? Yeah, that's where I'm in resolution city right now. Let's break it down.
Starting point is 00:01:00 So I'm gonna work on some other addictions. What are they? Why, are you my therapist? So I'm gonna work on some other addictions. What are they? Are you my therapist or a cop? Both. Okay. So officer, I have, I do some strange things that, this is not funny, it's just real. No, real is good.
Starting point is 00:01:21 So there's this Netflix, you know how sometimes you go to Netflix and there's mobile games you can download? Oh yeah. Okay, you're thinking, who's this for? Me! You know what I mean? I download all of them. But there's this one game that I play and there's like 10,000 levels, but I only play one level. A thousand times.
Starting point is 00:01:44 What? Eight hours at a time. Just sitting there on my kitchen counter. And the level's like two minutes. And it's the same basic level. It's like a, it feels like a candy crush. It's one of those like puzzly games where, you know what I mean, you line things up.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Wait, I saw you play this. Yeah, I only play one level. And I was telling my therapist the other day and she goes, stop. Why? Because I'm running away, you know what I mean? I'm being obsessive about something and I do it because I don't wanna feel.
Starting point is 00:02:14 You know what I mean? I do a lot of things where it's like, I don't wanna feel, so I'll watch the same YouTube video over and over again and it becomes, it's not healthy. I'll tell you, I got a good feel, I got a good cry this morning, big time. Whenever I want a real good cry, I watch that Ian Wright video with the teacher, with Mr. Pigden. I thought, you stayed. Yeah, yeah, what a great video. I'm very much alive, Ian. Yeah. And he goes, someone told me you stayed. Yeah, that's a great fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I cry every time. Yeah. I watch, if I need a good cry, watch Ian Wright reunited with his primary school teacher, Mr. Piglin. And why do I love that you not love that? Well, he's the most prolific goal scorer in Arsenal's history.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Thank you. And he said, you know what he said in it that was so powerful, that really moved me in a way. Two things, he goes, he was crying and Ian said, Mr. Pigdon said, it meant more to him that Ian Wright played for the country of England than when he flew over Buckingham Palace. That was more important to him,
Starting point is 00:03:22 that someone he coached played for England. And then he said, he turned to hug him, and he was like two steps down, they're in the stadium, they're up on the stairs, and when he hugged him, he was below Mr. Pigden, you know, like he was hugging his waist almost. I saw that, yeah. And he goes, and I felt like I was seven years old again,
Starting point is 00:03:42 I was a young child being embraced by someone, a father figure. Dude, I was, it gets me every time. Every time, but when whites. Oh, what about the whites? What about the whites? What about the whites? There's so many good things to say about the whites.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Not lately, dude. I know, lately as of not now. But what I'm saying is over the history, you guys get a bad rap. We do get a bad rap Yeah. Yeah, and what I'm gonna say is you know I mean, they've you guys done extraordinary Humanitarian you know, I mean deeds some of us some of you Schindler talked about that before what a list That's it Schindler and Ian Wright's coach Mr. Pigman. Yeah. Yeah, you picked mr. Pigment. That's it. Yeah, yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:04:25 But what I'm saying is when, it's human, all humans have someone, I'm sure there's a Korean out there like that. You gotta be, somewhere. What do you think? I don't know where they are. Like a one good Korean that like helped. That's a great movie, One Good Korean.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaking of which, did you see the guy that snuck into North Korea took video of the traffic cop with his phone? No, I didn't see it. By the way, they're going to get this guy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:51 This is what I think about these guys. You're off your head. They're going to get you, dude. They're going to come find you and kill you. Did he go back to South Korea? Then they can't find him. No, no, no. He left North Korea and went somewhere else. Look at, I don't know where it is. It was on TikTok this morning. How do we take him out? How do we take him out? Kim Jong-il. this morning. How do we take him out? How do we take him out? Kim Jong Il, oh. Do you wanna take him out?
Starting point is 00:05:08 I do. See, here's my thing. Because there's millions of people that live there and they're in poverty and it's like, they still believe that we're getting ready for the war with the US. We don't think about you ever. You say that until they start some shit. What if they start some shit?
Starting point is 00:05:28 They can't make how says who but with like Russia they could in China, but then alone they're like What did you just say with Russia and China they could oh, yeah, but what are you talking about? I thought you meant just them it'd be like no one but Russia and China No one acts alone other than Germany. And look how that turned out. So now the axis of evil could reunite and start another war. And why wouldn't they? Honestly, why wouldn't they? The time is now.
Starting point is 00:05:53 It'd be awesome. We're they're ready. I'm ready to go, dude. Let's go blow this whole thing up. Let me ask you something. I want post-apocalyptic. If there's a world war three and you and I were called in, there's a draft, and we go, we need everybody.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Everybody? Yeah. Even Carlos. Even Carlos. And McCone. Yeah, but he is at hold duty. Those guys are inside, yeah. No, I mean, no, he's glory hold.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Glory hold? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just sucking off the soldiers before they come out. No, no, no, no, I'm just saying that you find, like, if we're in, like, you know. Oh, I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, we're fighting in Hong Kong, right? Yeah. And then the sergeant goes, you can find the glory holes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:31 He knows where they are. Yeah, that's like we're we don't put Dixie. We put bombs in there. Oh, that's a little explosive. I was going to say, like Notre Dame football, they slap a sign that says play like a champion as they go out onto the field. They all smack it. Yeah. It's funny if every soldier before they go to war, they just get to stick their cock in Carlos's mouth. He's just standing next to, he's like, go ahead, boy.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Anyway, would you be in the same platoon as me? I don't think they would put us in the same platoon. Well, you think there's an Asian, no. What are you talking about? Oh, just no, no, no, strength and skill. Strength and skill. Strength and skill. No, dude, are you gonna piss me off today, dude?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Am I? I'm just- No, I would call my agents. No, dude, you'd never get in this. We never get in the same category. That's crazy. No, platoons are all, they're like, this is the, no, they have a mix, have you seen?
Starting point is 00:07:15 No, shut the fuck up. Have you ever seen Saving Private Ryan? There's a mixture of different people, you know what I mean, of it. There's the one guy that's scared, like, you know, like the fucking fucking in Saving Private Ryan, the guy that plays the interpreter, even though I don't know Chinese.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, you'd be the interpreter. Yeah, but I'm just saying, there's gotta be something that I can do. I'm Dennis Hopper character, like the eccentric, you know what I mean? Yeah. Amen, you know what I mean? Wars, globalization, whatever, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I say things, you know what I mean? I don't know. What do you think? I know you'd be one of the crazy boys in the bunch. Yeah, but would you not push for that? I wouldn't want- There's no way that I could- I wouldn't want you in my platoon.
Starting point is 00:07:52 But then the whole time I'm at war, I'm like, you know what's Andrew doing? Have to write you letters? I'd be missing you. That'd be so much fun. I'd see you from afar. Also, if we're in the same platoon, think about that. Then we're gonna see each other die.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'd rather sit in a tent at night, hoping that you're well, writing you letters, like a long lost love affair, on the other side of the battle, and I wanna find out that you die from someone that goes, soldier! No, no, no, no, no, absolutely! The dumpling was killed at 435.
Starting point is 00:08:20 They wouldn't call me the dumpling! Yes they would! They wouldn't call me, no. They all get nicknames in the army. That's what you fucking get. Everyone gets a nickname. If somebody called me dumpling, I would pull them and say,
Starting point is 00:08:28 can you change that? And they'd be like, you got it. Chopsticks. You got a chopstick. I wouldn't be a chopstick. Okay, so. So you're funny, dude. The Chinese Chou died at 444 A.M. sir.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Let me say something. He was Korean. All right. What does it, when soldiers at war and they get shot, they know they're gonna die. Yeah. What is the one person they call out for? God. No.
Starting point is 00:08:50 No? Their mom. Mmm. Mom! Mommy! Remember Giovanna Ribisi? Oh my God, heartbreaking. Can you imagine you call your mom, she's on an iPad, she's like, leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But what I'm saying is is I would call out for you Andrew you go mom And I'd come running you're at morphine morphine Bob I want you there all right. I'll be there with you. I you know what you know what fuck you I don't want to be in a blue. Yes. I just Carlos you want to be seen platoon. Oh, yeah No fucking way is he gonna get in there dude. He's never gonna pass any of the tests. Oh, yeah, no, we're in a situation Never easy dude. They're gonna take his blood and be like this kid. It's a long war It's where they went 18 to 35 right now there are you know, okay
Starting point is 00:09:37 I'm gonna give you a Lord of the Rings a Lord of the Rings reference All right in the two towers, right they gave old men and kids swords to fight right? In the two towers, right? They gave old men and kids swords to fight, right? We're in dire straits. So we're in a position where we're all being called in. Okay. If they ran out of 18 to 35s are done. Now they need 40 and ups. Yes. That's what I'm saying. 40 and up. Yeah. So at that point, right? I would call, write a letter to Congress and go, can I be in the same platoon as Carl, George you're and go, can I be in the same platoon as Carl? George, you're out.
Starting point is 00:10:08 You want to be in it? No, I'm fine. So you know, he's he's fleeing the country. Oh, he's a candidate. Well, not where one of the no, he's one of those Canada. Canadian. Yeah. Or Mexico. You know, you could see him. And he's like, you know, wearing tie dye.
Starting point is 00:10:22 You're just with a bandana. You know, I mean like this and say, shut the fuck up. You coward. Coward, dude know, wearing tie dye. You know what I mean? Just with a bandana, you know what I mean? Like this. And it's like, shut the fuck up, you coward. Coward, dude. You piece of shit. Yeah, yeah. So you call Congress. You have crystals and oh my God, you imagine this guy.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Dude, in the 60s, dude, you're one of those guys. Patchouli boy. Yeah, patchouli boys. No, my dad pulled the Adventist card to get out of Vietnam. Your dad did? Yeah. He said religious reasons can't fight.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So then he went and just got medical tested on for the war. What was the- It was the white coats. What was the religion? Seventh day Adventist. Adventist? Adventist. Adventist and Adventist.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Do you know these? No. Let me ask you something. That thing that Trump, like, is there a flat foot? Oh, Protestant Christian domination. Flat feet. Yeah. Flat feet. Well, but that's back in the day. That was like back.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So you know what I would, to get out? I'll just give you Dr. Schultz. I wouldn't get flat feet. I would claim flat face. Flat face. Dude, I would claim flat face. Could I get out, you think? You're on it.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Dude, I got flat face, guys. My friend has flat face. All right. He's just not aerodynamic. Yeah, I'm not aerodynamic, yeah. The wind is just gonna bounce right off of this guy. Although I could like camouflage myself on a wall. Like Rambo.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah. Dude, imagine me. You just blend in. Bricks on me, right? And I could just stay there. I would stay there for two weeks like this. I wouldn't even, with a knife, I wouldn't even do that. I would just stay there.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Just stay steady. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How would you camouflage? Impossible. In fire. Yeah, I'd have to be a fireball. That is amazing. Rambo in all mud. Yeah, dude, remember that?
Starting point is 00:11:57 That's what I would do, but I would do it with actual brick wall. Smart. And they would not see me. How could they? Yeah, yeah. I saw some of the things, something was showing out all like the tricks
Starting point is 00:12:05 of the tunnels in Vietnam that the Vietnamese would dig and they were super intricate. Dude. And how they would try to trick them to get them in or out. But what they would do is they'd try to like flood them out, a choo-choo tunnel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 But look at the tunnel system that they had and they would flood them out with water and bombs and all sorts of shit. But then the Vietnamese had counteractive shit for the weapons that the Americans would use. So the things that they would have, they would like, it was a rope or a pole. They would pull on the pole
Starting point is 00:12:33 and it would get caught in a machine. So then it would pull the soldier in while they were down there. And they would have rotating spikes and shit. Or they would, they'd have to crawl in backwards or like upside down, because it was head first, and they would fucking drown them upside down and backwards. Imagine.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I'd be so claustrophobic. Oh, dude. I forget it. I had an MRI yesterday, I was claustrophobic. I was fucking freaking out. I hate the machine. And all you hear is like, one, one, one, one, one, one. And Ho Chi Minh is the best trail maker.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Top trail. Don't you think? Look at that girl, I'm on vacation. She's on vacation. Oh my, you know what? It actually looks pretty solid though. I mean, yeah, structurally it is. Structurally, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Then I would just be worried about fire or, you know what I mean? Something trapping you down there. Look at that thing. That's insane. They narrowed it. That's so crazy. They created an entire network.
Starting point is 00:13:21 They could like hang out. Yeah. They could sleep for days and days in those things and just hide out. We've never had like a, like, aside from like the British back in the day, you know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:32 We've never had like a country attack us, you know what I mean? I wonder what like a- 9-11, what do you mean? We had the fucking 9-11. Yeah, but not even in a traditional like war where there's like troops and you know what I mean? And-
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, on our soil. On our soil. Yeah, we haven't had war on our soil. I think we would destroy people, no? They wouldn't even get to our soil. Even in LA, we've got MS-13, we've got people. Oh, you're saying use what we have. Don't you think we would? Yeah, go get the Crips and stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, yeah. Hey bro, what the fuck, dude? You Palestinian, whatever the, you know. Fuck a Palestinian, bro. Hey Palestinian, bro. Yeah, yeah. Or whoever am I. What kind of Chinese are you bro?
Starting point is 00:14:08 You know what I mean? Dude I'm me, I'm from Ralph, I'm from here. Okay good, move over man. Yeah but who would they fight for? That's what's interesting. Who? Who would these gangs fight for? Well if you're fighting, if we were in a war with Mexico,
Starting point is 00:14:20 we don't get the MS-13. We're never gonna be in a war with Mexico. Yeah, yeah, we'll destroy. No, I mean I think we would never be in a war with Mexico. Exactly, yeah, we'll destroy. No, I mean, I think we would never be in a war with Mexico. Exactly, so. Those are our dogs. But if you were in a war with Russia, I think that most of the gangs in America
Starting point is 00:14:31 would be on our side, no? You say that, but like think about it. Some of those gangs have drug ties, and those drug ties, they don't want the fucking federal government telling them what to do. You're right. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:45 They'd get in bed with like the cartel and whatever government agencies they have power over. What a weird, in LA, imagine if we were like Red Dawn and we were attacked by, oh my God, it'd be insane. Where would they hit up first? I would be so scared. Would you be scared? Can you imagine if they're like, we're gonna bomb LA
Starting point is 00:15:01 and they bomb downtown and you're like, nobody's down there. Yeah, yeah, right. They hit the wrong part of the city first. They're like, and then we're gonna bomb North Hollywood. You're like, no one's up there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, bomb Skid Row, you won't kill them. They're like zombies.
Starting point is 00:15:18 No, they're undefeated. What does that say? Is that what Newsweek thinks they're gonna, that's where the centrifuge of war would be? Oh, and a nuclear get this is a nuclear bomb. Oh my god. Forget it happened, but it wouldn't even hit Santa Monica Oh West Side safe West Side best side. Yeah, but not we're fucked where we live. No, dude. We're just yeah. No, we're fucked That's all we're in the fucking. Yeah, we're in the center of it. Oh Yeah, yeah. What are you gonna do? No, no Don't you think that that because we're on the other side of hill, you don't think the hill would protect us a little bit?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Some of it. I think the hill would get some of the radiation, fog and smoke, but I think we'd still, we'd get a bad leg. I'm in the yellow. Yeah, you're in the dark. Oh, you're done, you're done. Yeah, yeah. You're in Los Feliz or Silver Lake?
Starting point is 00:15:59 Los Feliz, I think I'd become a shadow. Yes. Which is awesome. You'd be, yeah, shadow. Yeah, you is awesome. You'd be, yeah, a shadow. Yeah, you'd do it. A Carlo shadow. Yeah, a Carlo shadow. It's just interesting.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And his mouth is like this. Yeah. Wow, that would be, I mean, that would be the way to, you know what I mean, destroy a bomb. But that's what it says. Nuclear bomb shows the impact of new gravity weapon of the biggest US cities. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Wow, that's scary. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Let's hope it doesn't happen. Or I'm on the road. Yeah, I want to be gone. Yeah, I've always imagined that, like if I was on the road and I was in LA is taken out. Like, oh well.
Starting point is 00:16:33 No. I got two more sets tonight, so I gotta. It would be terrible. I mean, imagine, dude. They wouldn't hit LA first, though. You would, who would you worry about? You're on the road. Yeah, well, my wife and my dog.
Starting point is 00:16:43 That's number one? This studio, you guys. Okay, thank road. Yeah, well, my wife and my dog. That's number one? This studio, you guys. Okay, thanks. Yeah, you first. Okay. Well, you'd be on the road too. Yeah, I'd be on the road. And then what would you do?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Like if I was, you were in Cleveland and I was like in Denver or whatever, vice versa, whatever you want to say. Sure. And then, and we would be mourning because you know, I would lose so many people. You would lose. So many people.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Right, and then our cell phones still worked. Mm-hmm. And then, well, you think in a day we would call each other or a couple of days? I don't know, see, you know, who knows if we could get ahold of anybody? You know how they have cell phones crash when all that stuff goes down?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Like 9-11, no one could call anybody and the phones are down and all that? I'm just thinking hypothetically, if the satellites aren't down and we could call, would you, I think within the first 12 hours, we would text each other. 100%, yeah. Right away.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Are you okay? You good? No, I would text you, are you gonna sell your house? Yeah, yeah. You gonna keep your house? And then what would you do, honestly, what would you do, like? Would the banks be working? Could we get money out?
Starting point is 00:17:46 No. No. We're done. Once it starts, it's over. Oh, fuck. That's what I'm saying, dude. Load up. That's crazy. Get golden guns at your house.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I would relapse immediately. I'd be there with you. We would meet. I would try to get to wherever, Denver. Let's go to Denver. Let's meet somewhere in the middle. Let's do heroin in Missouri. And then we'll just be heroin guys.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Fine, whatever, who cares? I know. You know what I mean? If that's the end, that's the end. I want to go out like a, dude, I had to do my will today this morning, I had to do like my living will. Oh my God. And you have to decide like, he literally was like,
Starting point is 00:18:19 step by step, he's like, if you are in a tragic accident and your brain is incapacitated, right? Like you're brain dead, essentially. How long do you want to be alive? Ooh, how long do you say? I had to do it today. How long do you think I said? Your brain?
Starting point is 00:18:35 I'm brain dead, but I'm in a vegetative state. But there's hope that I might come back, or you know what I mean? But they ask you how long. How month? Interesting, what do you guys think? Zero minutes. Jeremy, what about you?
Starting point is 00:18:47 One week. One week, George is actually right. You know, I did a week so family could come say goodbye to you. But you said that there could be a possibility that you can be alive. There is a possibility. Why wouldn't you give them more than a week then?
Starting point is 00:18:58 Just one week. I said one week they can come say goodbye because I don't want to put the burden of me being in a vegetative state on other people. I want to put the burden. I know you do. Yeah, yeah, I'm burden guy. Yeah, yeah. 10 years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a 10 year guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're 10 years. Yeah. Everyone, I want everyone to come. I know. What I said one week for the family to come say goodbye and then after that,
Starting point is 00:19:13 it says drug, drug induced. There's a lot of money though. That's wasted. That's what I mean. Yeah. I don't want my family to have my money. So just put the money. Well, that was the next question. After all that stuff was like, who gets your funds and all this bullshit? So what'd you do? Well, in the event, in the event that, I don't like that smile, do I get any? Well, first of all, my wife gets all of it,
Starting point is 00:19:35 and then in the, All! Yeah, in the event that she's not around. She won't be, trust me. Okay. Okay. In the event that, She's out. Let's say both of us died tragically together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:47 It gets, it goes to my parents. And let's say if my parents aren't alive, then it goes to my sister. And if my sister's not alive, it goes to my dog. And if my dog, no, my dog's not. Okay, if- And if you haven't eaten my dog by this point, no. It's, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:20:03 It goes to then my sister. And then after that, it goes to then my sister and then after that it goes to three or four different charities. One of which being Children's Hospital. They don't need the money. Yes, they do. Okay, my bad. Kids having cancer is the worst thing in the fucking,
Starting point is 00:20:18 there is literally no greater crime the universe commits than giving children cancer. Interestings. You wouldn't need my money. Interesting. You would never give me any of your money when you're dead. You're in my fucking will. You don't get a lot, but you're in it.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Well, then I'll change it. Am I really? Yeah. How much do I get? Everyone's in it. Well, tell me how much I get. Like 20 grand. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:20:44 20 fucking grand for all I've done for you? You know what, I have a hundred grand in the bank. Well then give me the hundred. No. My mom, my brother, you have the same thing. I give everyone something. I think your mom gets all of it and if she's not around, Steve gets all of it. No, that's not what I have. Everyone gets something. Abby gets something. Everyone gets something.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Abby gets something? My manager, yeah, yeah. Why? Who do I care? I'm going to be dead. That's my point. Robinhood Gold. With Robinhood Gold, you can now enjoy the VIP treatment. We see a 3% IRA match on retirement contributions. The privileges of the very privileged are no longer exclusive. With Robinhood Gold, your annual IRA contributions are boosted by 3%. Plus, you also get 4% APY on your cash in non-retirement
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Starting point is 00:24:25 Go to slash bad friends today. That's slash bad friends, slash bad friends. That's my point though. That's why I'm gonna give it to charity because what do I fucking care? I care. No, give charity.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Okay. We should give it away. Well can I have something of yours? You actually do. What? I can't tell you. I think you're lying, dude. No, you I have something of yours? You actually do. What? I can't tell you. I think you're lying, dude. No, you do get something.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Now we get to the topic of death. It's not death. No, no, no. It's just a beautiful way of, you have to frame your life while you're here. And they tell you, you're not young anymore. You got to fucking set up a thing in case you go away. So in case this World War III happens in 2025 that we're in.
Starting point is 00:25:03 But when you see like a celebrity die at 53, because I'm 53, right? You go, because I feel so young still. And you just kind of go, oh shit, it can happen at any time. Ricky Henderson died, the baseball player. I know this episode will be out significantly after, but. How old was he?
Starting point is 00:25:18 Young, dude. I think he was 63, which fucking, that fucked me up. I think he died. Wow. He died of 65. Yeah. And he died of 65. Yeah. And he died of pneumonia. What?
Starting point is 00:25:27 Which never fucking had, maybe he had pre-existing conditions, something else. So Bobby, this guy, the way you love, the way you love football players, soccer players, this guy was the man. For you. He was the, well, I mean, he was, he didn't play for anything that I love.
Starting point is 00:25:42 He was just, back when I was a kid, he was, he was incredible. Ricky Henderson was the fucking man. So fast, yeah.'t play for anything that I love. He was just back when I was a kid, he was, he was incredible. Ricky Henderson was the fucking man. So fast, yeah. So, and like a supreme athlete. Literally never heard of him. Look at the size of his fucking legs. Those are, those are, I mean.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I'm not joking, that's bigger than your body. That's bigger than your stomach. I'm not kidding. But 65 is so young. That's what scares me. Yeah, he's pretty young. I mean, that's so young. You're 50 years old.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Well, how old was Bob Saget? Well, Bob was a tragic accident. Yeah, but how old was he? I think he was in his mid-50s or late 50s. 50s. He was 60s. He was 60? 65. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah. That fucked me up. Well, that was a horrible accident that should have never happened. Yeah, that fucked me up. So he would have lived significantly longer. He wasn't sick or anything. That was just a bad accident. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:24 What a good guy. Anyway. No more death. No more, let's not talk about death anymore. Let's talk about life. Let's talk about the birth of life. Let's talk about a birth of life. The ancient big head people, scientists uncover a lost human in Asia
Starting point is 00:26:35 with an abnormally large skull that lived alongside homo sapiens. 100,000. They're called Asians. What are you talking about? Big head people. Yeah. That's what they did. That's just what they call them. Just call them Asians, dude. Is that what they just called them? Big head people. That's what they did. That's just what they call them. Just call them Asians, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Is that what they just called them? Big head people? Yeah, yeah. Look at how, okay, well how big is it? From that photo I can't tell. This is what they, like a mock-up of them. He looks, what the fuck? That looks like a, what's his name, who works at the store?
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah, yeah. Is that why Koreans have such big heads because they intermingled a little bit? Yeah, that's right. I don't know what the people are called in Korea or in Japan, but there's a type of people that they don't look Asian, but they're mixed with Asians, and that's why Japanese people look the way they do.
Starting point is 00:27:21 It's nicotine. Okay. I'm not thinking weed at work. I don't know. Dude, we don't know anymore. We don't know anymore. We don't know. And we know. It's nicotine. Okay. I'm not vaping weed at work. I don't know. Dude, we don't know anymore. We don't know anymore. We don't know. And we know.
Starting point is 00:27:29 No, we know. We know. How about that? How about we know? Yeah, we know. Bro, I'm not smoking weed at work. Whenever you've seen me vape. You're smoking weed outside of work though.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I'm not vaping weed or anything like that. I'm not, dude. What's the truth? The truth is that. But did you take something last week? What do you mean? What do you mean. But did you take something last week? What do you mean? What do you mean? Oh, at bat, here at work?
Starting point is 00:27:49 Mm-hmm. Dude, I'd never come to work high. Okay. But you do it off of work. I have. Yes. A little bit. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:27:58 But I'm not like. Because when I saw you in that alleyway. Australia. When I saw you in the alleyway. You did look stoned. You looked stoned, dude. When? When I caught you in the alleyway. Dude, that stoned. You looked stoned, dude. When? When I caught you in the alleyway.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Dude, that was a whole scene. Were you not high? I was not high that night. Nothing. I was embarrassed because I was with a girl. No, dude, there's something going on. What do you mean you were embarrassed you were with a girl?
Starting point is 00:28:13 That's- There was a girl and a guy. Oh, right, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they were doing some sort of trick, like some sexual three-way and I was- Did you have a threesome? No, I didn't, but I was embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Bobby caught me like striking out with a girl. Oh, well, that's kind of funny. Yeah. But- I didn't bring, like you've never seen me vape weed in Australia here ever, never. Did you hook up with the guy and not the girl? No, but he was like more interested
Starting point is 00:28:40 in like talking to me, it was weird. What is with you? He DM'd me later. Really? Yeah. Yeah me later. Really? Yeah. Oh. Yeah. I watched this reality show this weekend
Starting point is 00:28:49 and I only related to the gay men on it. Okay, anyway. What's going on? What's it called? Mexican Dynasties, I loved it. Have I seen this? Have we seen this? Mexican Dynasties?
Starting point is 00:29:00 Mexican reality show, it's so good about rich people in Mexico City. Oh wow. We now have to watch that. Yeah. Because rich Mexicans are my favorite. Mexican reality show. It's so good about rich people in Mexico City. Oh, oh wow We had now I have to watch that. Yeah, because rich Mexicans are my favorite. They're my favorite. Yeah. Yeah great restaurants in Mexico City. I hear Is that the people with the Juman right what are they called Juman? Juman Juman Juman people people so they at one point they look like a Spanish midfield soccer player Okay, and then they mixed it with you mean a regular age, right? Right, and then the Japanese occurred but at one point they look like that It's interesting when people it is funny when the more mixing there is as time has gone on
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah, like like Tiger Woods. Look at his kids. He just plays, playing this thing with his son, obviously. Let me see what Tiger Woods looks like. But he's got a daughter and a son, but it's like you couldn't tell what that kid is. You'd have no idea what that kid is. Oh, the kid, islander. They always look Hawaiian. Pacific Islander. At the end of the day, when you mix enough,
Starting point is 00:29:57 they're Hawaiian. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. What are you, Hawaiian? You know who's cute? Jordan Peele and Chelsea Peretti's kid. There's no photo. I did see a photo. I mean, was it through a text or something? He was like really cute, like handsome almost.
Starting point is 00:30:10 That's a big thing. People now celebrities, they put their kids up on the internet, but they cover their face with like a smiley face and like ice cream cone. It's weird. Why then? Then why even have the photo itself? Do you know what I mean? Like why put up the pic?
Starting point is 00:30:23 If you don't want to have your family on there, don't put them on there, but then why put them on there and then cover up their face? That seems so strange. It's like just do it or don't do it. Do you like, I miss Jordan. Do you ever miss people? Yeah, I mean, I don't know him.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I don't miss him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I miss. Are you still hanging out with him every day for so long? And then I just kind of miss him. Why stayed on the phone last night with Jay Larson for like an hour? Dude. Because the story. I love that guy miss him. Well, I stayed on the phone last night with Jay Larson for like an hour. Dude.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Because the store. I love that guy so much. He's the best, dude. And he's a great guy. So funny. And dude, we called each other because it was like the old days. The hallway was like.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Dude, I saw you. That was good. It just felt like the old days. It felt like the old days. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so Jay called me and I called Jay and we both said the same thing. I was like, dude, that felt like it used to feel
Starting point is 00:31:04 when it was like, I don't know, when the store had people coming and going more and everyone was finally in town. That was fun, yeah. It was great. It was fun, yeah. But I miss, there were some guys that I miss. No, I wanna, can you be completely honest with me
Starting point is 00:31:16 because- You did great last time. I wasn't gonna say anything. Oh boy. But, I'll just get it out of the way. When I walked into the improv and I saw you in the dark, I got the vibe of you going, get away from me.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Was that true? No, you know better. No, no, I'm being real. When have I ever done that? You were sitting there on your phone, you look up at me, I look at you and then you went back into your phone and I just left the room. No. That's what happened. No, I know, but I didn't, because and I just left the room. No.
Starting point is 00:31:45 That's what happened. No, I know, but I didn't, because it was quiet in the room. But if when I see you at the store, we always say, how, what do you mean? Okay. No, I'll tell you what it really was, is I was- You're back. Yeah, I was in the middle of a little pain,
Starting point is 00:31:54 little pain moment. And I was sitting there in pain until the drugs kicked in. That was a good, fun improv spot. It was great. I thought they were good. Yeah, they were very good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They were very good except that girl who left in your set
Starting point is 00:32:07 also left in my set. I hate that. What are you doing? I mean, that, I, in the middle of a setup, you don't go, you don't stand up in the front row and leave. I have to say something. Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:32:20 Where the fuck are you going right now? Right now? Yeah. Right now. Yeah, yeah. There's an obvious piss break, which going right now? Right now? Yeah. Right now. Yeah, yeah. There's an obvious piss break, which is when the host goes up.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah. And brings people on. That's your way out. In between comics. Yeah, yeah. Or, or. Yeah. Sit it out in the middle of the set,
Starting point is 00:32:37 it's a joke, joke, joke, and then when there's a little break between jokes, then get up and get out as fast as you can, but not when you're like in the middle of a setup. It's like right when you're starting to tell a joke and someone's like and they get and you're like yeah because then everybody goes what's that guy doing is he gonna where's he headed to? In the main room something happened where I told one joke that I knew that some people aren't gonna like and then I looked to my left and these two girls were so tuned out at me.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I stopped the show and I look at them and go, ah, you guys are tuned out, and one girl did this, and this isn't even funny, I don't know what she was doing. She just goes like this, she goes. Oh, she showed your feet. And put her feet in my face. Right. With two feet coming out. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I go, what the fuck is that? And I just walked to the other side of the stage, I go, that's fucking weird. I've never seen that before in my life. What the fuck are you doing? It was almost like. Fuck you. Yeah, double fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Double fuck with my feet. Yeah, yeah. Fuck you. I'm gonna ask you another thing. Have you ever had this happen? You're at a club, a comedy club. Yeah. There's a woman there.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yeah. Very attractive. Sure. But there's crazy in their eyes. Oh yeah, am I doing it? And so then you have to, and she was like, and I can tell that when she gave me a hug, it was like her chest into me
Starting point is 00:33:48 and that she wouldn't let go. Oh wow. Right? She was gonna kill you. Right, and she goes, she looks at me and she's like, what are we doing? And I go, oh no, I'm seeing somebody. Oh, she was looking to.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yeah, because Carlos, have you ever met anybody that you're like, I think it's crazy and I can't do it, or do you do it? He goes for it. 60-40. Like when I was younger, I would do it more now. I try not to, but also fail. So I usually.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I think it's 100% fail for you. Yeah, I usually. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't do 60-40. Don't do 60-40. I know, I try to do it. How about you, back in the day? When I see people with crazy eyes. Back in the day.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah, crazy eyes. Immediately, I run for the fucking hills. She was hot, but crazy eyes. Yeah, the hot ones do have crazy eyes. Yeah, yeah. But if she's hot. I know, but it's like, I understand that. It was a dilemma.
Starting point is 00:34:39 You did the right thing. I think so, because you don't want crazy eyes in the morning. She's like, I moved in. I know, yeah, that's what I mean. That's morning. She's like, I moved in. I know. Yeah, that's what I mean. That's my U-Haul. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I figured that's okay. Yeah, yeah. When they say crazy things like, I make fresh pasta from scratch. Oh, no, see, I'm intrigued. You are? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:34:57 No, fresh pasta, I'm into, fresh pasta. Your third line in. I make, I'm, you know what I mean? I'm Candice, right? Hey, Candice. I live in LA. I make fresh pasta. You do know what I mean? I'm Candice, right? Hey, hey Candice. I live in LA. Oh. I make fresh pasta.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You do? From scratch, that's crazy. I would love fresh pasta. Oh, third end, you're fine. Fresh pasta? She didn't say I like hand pluck goose feathers. She's not like I fucking kill geese in my backyard. It's some arbitrary like information
Starting point is 00:35:20 that like shouldn't be in the third thing. As long as the arbitrary information is something cool like I make something neat I do an artistic thing that's cool. Hmm. But if she said okay I'm gonna say something okay. Hi. Hi. How are you? My name is Lisbon. Hey Lisbon. I live in Burbank. Oh no great yeah I know Burbank yeah. And you know the end of lamp fixtures I suck on those you do crazy I love it all right I have so many lamps you like that you like that is filled with land so that's not nuts to you not at all okay hi hey hi yeah Bobby I'm such a big fan what's your name Shandala Shandala Shandala like Chandelier and Andrea Shandala okay
Starting point is 00:36:04 hi Shandala that's my mom was a Chandelier sales Andrea, Chandelier. Okay, hi Chandelier. That's my mom was a Chandelier salesperson. Okay. My dad's name was Andrea. Okay. What's the arbitrary thing? My name is Chandelier. Yes. I live on the West Side.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Okay. I live by Santa Monica. It's, it's. Yeah, I know what the West Side, I know what the West Side. If you have a nuclear bomb, it won't get to us. Google. Do you know that? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Anyway. I floss my. Do you know that? Yeah, I do. I floss my teeth with my own hair. I just want to let you know that. Yeah, yeah. What do you say? That's fine. That wouldn't turn you off.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I don't think that would turn me off. She takes her hair, flosses her teeth, puts it back. Yeah, I know that. Like when women do that. That wouldn't turn you off? That turns you off? If she used her hair to floss. That turns you off.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Me too then. Way more than sucking on a lamp fucking thing. Yeah, no, I think that's pretty normal. If you floss with your hair and then put your hair back like it never happened, this is every day. Yeah, what about this? When I had a girl, we were taking a shower together
Starting point is 00:37:05 and she peed in the shower. Love. I love that. Pee on me. Yeah, but you know what? And I'm fine with that. Oh, but when I poo in the bathtub, Insane.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It's Armageddon. It is, it should be. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like, well, you could do that and I can't shit when I'm taking a bath. Two different things. They are? Yeah, completely. Okay, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:24 You know that. Yeah, but- Hi. What, hi. I'm taking a bath? Two different things. They are? Yeah, completely. Okay, I don't know. You know that. Yeah, but um. Hi. What, hi. I'm Cassette. Like, like a tape cassette? I don't know what that is, I'm 25.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Oh, hey Cassette. Hi, I'm such a big fan of Bad Friends. Oh, thank you Cassette. I love you. Anyway, I got another set to do. I live in Venice. Do you wanna come over to my house? You live what, on what street?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Lincoln? Wayward? Oh, I know Wayward, yeah, very specific. I collect dead pigeons. I embalm them and my house is filled with them. You're taxidermy? No. What do you call it?
Starting point is 00:38:01 I call it just pigeon girl, I'm pigeon girl. Oh yeah, I'm out really I'm fucking out. I have huge tits Okay, what else and I love Korean men That's a win. Well third thing and then I'm in give me one good one. I homemade I make homemade pasta. I'm out I'm out. I'm out, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I wanna say, if she looked like Margot Robbie. Hot. Right?
Starting point is 00:38:30 So hot. So hot, right? God, she's so beautiful. And she had crazy eyes, right? The floss would be fine. I think the pasta would be fine. Pasta's obviously fine. Yeah, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Dead pigeons all over the house, taxidermied pigeons. I think dead pigeons would be fine too. If it's Margot Robbie. Margot Robbie. Yeah. What about you? If you were not with your wife. I would have to get in and get out.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I'd be like, look, let's hang out once. But if you start with pigeons, where else does it go? But you have to wear a condom. With a pigeon lady? Yeah. No. What if, I mean, this is what happens. Cause you know what Trisha Paytas said?
Starting point is 00:39:05 You knock up a pigeon lady? No, but you know how there are women at Hollywood clubs that seek celebrities to get impregnated by them? Oh yeah. There's a lot of those. I know, you gotta be careful. You're out there fucking hanging out, having fun, being single, and it's like,
Starting point is 00:39:17 you never know, some girl could be Miss Lee. I know, but what I do is I do edging, and I edge, and I don't cum. Do you do that? I have. Yeah, but you know edging still leaks a little bit. I know. Your pipes aren't closed anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Why does it leak? Because we're getting older, you're gonna leak. Yeah, yeah. Like after you go to the bathroom, after you take a piss, you piss your pants a little bit afterwards. I do. I know. How do you know?
Starting point is 00:39:44 We all do. Okay, good. But as you get older, it gets worse. My dad sometimes will piss his actual pants. Yeah, it does. He'll just piss his pants. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He'll be like, oh, god damn it.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Well, you know how- He'll be a spot like this big. You know how, have you ever caught me smelling my penis? What? You've never caught me doing that? Have you caught me doing that? Smelling it? You've caught me, George, right?
Starting point is 00:40:04 No. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What I'll do is, and it's quick. I'll just go- Oh, I've seen me do it. Have you caught me doing that smelling it? You've caught me George, right? No Yeah, yeah, what I'll do is and it's quick. I just go. Oh, I've seen you do that You see me do that. Yeah, it's because of the leaking. Oh, you want to make sure you're not leaking too much Yeah, yeah, yeah, you leaked on you Carlos Yeah, that's yeah, those pipes leak now George leaks for sure. So my so my when my brother was um 12 years old he had a neighborhood, this Jewish kid that came over, and my brother had a Casio keyboard that my parents had bought him for his birthday. And when my dad took naps, right,
Starting point is 00:40:34 if you made, if a feather fell on the ground, forget it. It's the incredible, the yellow Incredible Hulk. It's like, ah, you know what I mean? All right, so my brother was playing keyboards right my dad took naps naked So this is broad daylight on a Saturday right my dad walks into my brother's room completely naked right my dad he takes the keyboard and smashes it on my brother's back Cheese are flying out right but when he turned on my brother's back. Tears are flying out, right? But when he turned around,
Starting point is 00:41:07 my brother and his friend laughed, because what did they see? Your dad's little Korean penis. No, he turned around leaving the room. Oh, his ass? The Korean kite. My dad used to sleep with a bunch of toilet paper jammed in his butthole,
Starting point is 00:41:23 and the fucking toilet paper would be sticking out He looked like a Korean kite, right? Shopify if you don't have Shopify you're sinking there deep It's a new year in 2025 and you're thinking how am I gonna make this you're different How am I gonna build something for myself? I'm dying to be on my own boss or see if I can turn this business idea I've been kicking around into reality, but I don't know how to make it happen. Well, look, if you're starting a business, because we've been doing a little business, we like getting you guys merch and all sorts of fun stuff from the Bad Friend Show.
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Starting point is 00:45:31 Or just when you- 24 seven. When you sleep, right now, you have TP up. Well, I'm on Ozempic right now, so it clogs it up. But in just regular, sometimes. Really? Yeah, so I have to like, and what I do is, I don't know if you know that, notice, I don't know why I'm revealing this, this is so disgusting.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Give it to me. Well, I'm already giving it to you. Well, go. Okay, this is so disgusting. I don't even know what I was just saying, but I'm gonna do it, I don't care. But it's like, if you notice, I have bottles of cologne on me.
Starting point is 00:45:57 All the time. Right. In your car. And I have wet naps. Sure. Right? On the go. So this is an emergency kit, so what I do is at the LAX or whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:46:06 Dude, when we're traveling, that's what you're doing. You go wipe off the leak and spray, spray, spray. I spray. On the pad. On the fucking wet ones. I've smelled it. Right? Then I do thing, right?
Starting point is 00:46:21 Just in case. Just in case. There's leakage, yeah. You don't have emergency things like that? Anybody in the room? Please back me up, anybody? We're not over 50. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:46:30 No, it's just, I think that's hereditary. I think that's your family. I think it's your dad. Yeah, so my dad, I think I'm a Korean kite as well. You should start walking around with it in there, just in case. Mm. You know?
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah, my dad used to, I mean, dude, one time, man. My dad, my dad, my mom fucked up on rice. She fucked up rice when Koreans fuck up rice. People get mad. That's divorce. Yeah, that's how that's how marriages end. So the dry rice was way too dry. Oh, yeah. So my brother and I, my mom and dad, were at the dinner table. And my dad, and you know, Korean food,
Starting point is 00:47:08 what's the great thing about Korean food when you're at a Korean restaurant? All the little. The little sides, yeah. Yeah, hundreds, so my mom did the same thing. There's like 15 little tiny, you know what I mean? Oh I love that. It's the best, right?
Starting point is 00:47:21 I love that. And the little grill on the table. Ugh, snacks on the go. And then the rice was a little too dry. And once I took the bite of the rice, my mind went, oh no! Yeah, dry rice, dry rice, right, right? My dad took the table and threw it into the ceiling
Starting point is 00:47:39 and all the ponchon stuck to the ceiling and it rained kimchi, right? No, I'm not kidding you, dude. And it was like, oh, my mom was running from my dad. It was insane. Kimchi rain. So if you're Korean, don't make the rice perfect. Make the rice perfect.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Yeah. See, my parents- There was so much trauma. My parents never cooked. My mom wasn't a big cook. My dad's favorite meal of my mom's is called burnt chicken. Really? It's called burnt chicken. No sauce? No, there's a fuckload of sauce. Oh is called burnt chicken. Really? It's called burnt chicken. No sauce?
Starting point is 00:48:07 No, there's a fuckload of sauce. Everything is sauce. What kind of sauce? She does like a homemade, it's like a honey barbecue. It's got a homemade barbecue with a teriyaki base. It's like a teriyaki base. That's a good, that's a good. But it's burned chicken.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah. It's chicken that they burned. Did you ever do Hungry Man? The Hungry Man meals? Yeah. Yeah, the frozen meals. Every meal. Love those.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah, my favorite thing of the Hungry Man meal is that little dessert section. Oh, brownie. Yeah, the brownie or apple thing or whatever. Oh, it's the best. You never did Hungry Man's? No, I've done it before. I know the brownie.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Your parents, doctors, he didn't have to do that stuff. Doctors fed you. No, I had it in LA. My favorite was turkey and the little stuffing, gravy one with the mashed potatoes. What is that? Green peas. That was Hungry Man?
Starting point is 00:48:52 That's a Hungry Man one. That was a Hungry Man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's, I just don't do frozen pasta, do you do that? In college I did a lot of bag of Stouffer's. You know the Stouffer's meals? Yeah, yeah. I used to do those.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And one time I was visiting my buddy Tyler in DC and I had a late night flight and it was storming outside, storming. And Tyler and I, you know, we used to get high together all the time. It's how we met in high school, smoking weed at lunch. And I have a late night flight. He makes one of those Stouffer's,
Starting point is 00:49:18 look at the Stouffer's two for one pasta bags. He makes one of these Stouffer's late night pasta bags, right, one of those right there. That bag, that bag, right? Exactly, I grill. Wow. Osceago chicken, right? So he grills up one of these things, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:33 feeds me before I catch my flight. We're in college and I'm sitting there and I go to the bathroom and I'm like, feeling kind of out of it. And I'm like, Jesus Christ, what am I doing? I go back and sit down and I'm like feeling funky. And I'm already kind of anxious because it's a midnight flight or whatever,
Starting point is 00:49:46 pouring down rain. And he goes, are you stoned? I go, what? I'm not stoned. Do you feel stoned? I go, why? He goes, I put a huge chunk of weed butter in the Stouffer skillets.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I was like, wait, are you serious? He goes, oh yeah, I put a fuckload in there. He's like, I figured it'd be good for your flight. I was like, no, bad, bad, bad. Did you get high? So fucking high. I was so- Were you mad? No, I couldn't be mad.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I was scared. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, how am I gonna get to the airport? How am I gonna get home? He's like, oh, what do you mean? You'll catch a cab, you'll be fine. Don't worry about it. Panic.
Starting point is 00:50:16 That was the worst flight. If somebody did that to me now, sober? Oh. I'll be, yeah. No. It's a free one. No, dude, I got way too high. Should I do it as a surprise? No, fuck you. No, no, no, because now it's not. Oh, okay. Yeah be yeah. No free one. No, dude. Yeah, I got way too high. Should I do it? It's a surprise No, fuck you. No, no, no, because now it's not
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah, yeah idiot. If I eat a bowl of pasta you gave me there's no way I would know secretly that you did it imagine you dose his pasta, but because you're I was epic. He can't finish it Never even gets high. I know Wow, dude. So many of our friends are on Ozempic I know it's crazy How many people are talking to me about it, or whatever the other one is that you're on. We go over, there's a bunch of different ones. The amount of people, and I can't name names, it's not my business to say,
Starting point is 00:50:52 but the amount of people that I've told you- So many. Privately are on it. So many. I'm blowing my mind. I feel like I, it's like I think, it's almost like a thing I'm finding out that, you know when you find out as you get older,
Starting point is 00:51:01 something your parents did that you're like, everybody did that? Yeah. Your parents are like, yeah, we just didn't, don't worry about it, shut up. Mm. Like I had no idea that many people took this shit. It really does work though, I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:51:12 I know, I can believe it. It's supposed to help people stop fucking eating and it's working. Like, because I've been taking this girl out to BLVD. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a big house, yeah. And even, you know what I order there? I go, give me, as my meal, I get the three sauteed shrimp. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:51:32 They are so good. Right? And I'll get some halibut ceviche, you know, right? And that's it. And that's all night. That's the only thing I'll eat. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:44 You won't even have a piece of steak? No. She ate a fucking tomahawk like this. No dessert. Nothing. No dessert. Nothing. I can't get anything else in.
Starting point is 00:51:54 That's incredible. You eat it, and you're like, I'm done. I'm about to vomit. God, that's amazing. It's amazing. It is a miracle. And then you don't get hunger pains at night. What about, yeah, in the middle of the night?
Starting point is 00:52:04 Sometimes I do eat cereal. In the middle of the night? Sometimes I do eat cereal. In the middle of the night? Yeah, and I'll eat either, my favorite is, I love golden grams. Oh, gee-gees. Right? I like cinnamon life. I like cinnamon life. Cinnamon life, my friend.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Well, here's why you like it. What? Because the milk is phenomenal. I want to do cinnamon life and just bottle that milk afterwards. That's, dude, you're so smart. You're a bright guy. Why don't they do that? Yeah. That's what your least favorite. Sell Cinnamon Life milk. Dude, you're so smart. You're a bright guy. Why don't they do that?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah. It's what's your least favorite cereal. This is easy. Oh, it's so easy. Captain Crunch. Because it cuts your tongue and your mouth. I hate the flavor, everything about it. But the peanut butter Captain Crunch is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I can't eat it. I hate it. What about like Boo Berries? Hate it. Wow. I'm going to tell you right now what I like. Count Chocula. Is that like Fruity Pebbles?
Starting point is 00:52:44 No, Count Chocula is like an iteration of Captain Crunch. Hate. Is that like Fruity Pebbles? No, Count Chocula is like an iteration of Captain Crouch. Hate it. Okay, Fruity Pebbles. Anything Fruity Pebbly I like, I don't like that. Do you like anything that doesn't come with a toy? Just make it up for Andres being gone. Yeah, well you're doing a great job
Starting point is 00:53:02 because he's just as shitty as you. That's the same Bob that he would be. That makes me mad. That right there is ruined it all for me. No, let's keep moving. Yeah, yeah. Okay, Coco Pebbles is the same as Fruity Pebbles. I like anything pebbly.
Starting point is 00:53:17 You are a pebble guy. I'm a pebble guy and then also, okay so- Hold on, Fruit Loops. No. No, so Apple Jacks are out there. Wow. Wow, that's crazy,, Fruit Loops. No. No. So I don't like loops. So Apple Jacks are out there. Wow. Wow, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Apple Jacks are so good. What I do like, I like the frosted mini wheats. Yeah, okay. First of all. It absorbs the milk. It's great. It's the best. They need more frosting.
Starting point is 00:53:38 No, I like the one side. The frosting should go all the way around. That's not true at all! Frosting should go all the way around. It's too much, it's too much, it's too much. No, then you're eating just shredded wheats. Cause by the way, sometimes, I'll say this, listen up. Dude, those things are the best.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Listen up, Kelloggs. Yeah. I'll tell you what pisses me off about frosted mini wheats. Lately, they've been skippin' on the frost. A lot of times I'll see a mini wheat there, the whole one side isn't frosted. It'll be a little piece of frost. Look at that long piece of fuckin'
Starting point is 00:54:03 Sometimes you get a double down. I don't want to double one. No, I love that. All right. So suck it like this. Right. I know you do. So, and I've talked about this before.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I think I don't know where, but, and I've had a campaign because in the late seventies, early eighties, there was one thing that was the greatest thing ever made. It was the greatest thing ever made. It was the greatest thing ever made. It's what I survived on. If I think about it today, my mouth waters. All right, give me the initials, I can guess it. You're never gonna guess it. Give me the initials.
Starting point is 00:54:37 I'll just say carnation. Oh, instantiates and breakfast? No. In the early 80s, there was a Carnation breakfast bar. Oh, you told us about this. Yeah, yeah. Right, the breakfast bar. And they stopped making it.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And if you go online, people still want the recipe. I remember this thing. Yeah, it was the greatest breakfast thing. The way it fell apart in your mouth. The crunch, the crunch, the crumble. Everything about it. I would buy 15 boxes at the fucking thing. Is Carnation still a company?
Starting point is 00:55:08 Look that up, do they still exist? Yeah, they are. They do? But they don't make those bars anymore. Somebody owns them now. Somebody's gotta remake that. Why don't we fucking, we should do Bad Friends Carnation breakfast bars.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Who owns Carnation now? Look that up. Nestle. Oh, they do? Yeah. Nestle, parent company. Frazier and Neve and Carnation. I think people have tried online.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I've read on Reddit and stuff, people try to make it. I don't think they've, I think they've failed. There's something magical about it. Well, the magic is gone. It's gone. Isn't it funny when you find out who owns something? Like the other day I looked up JetBlue cause I was like, they're booking me on a JetBlue flight
Starting point is 00:55:39 cause I got to fly for this gig. And I was like, oh yeah, JetBlue. And then look who owns JetBlue by the way. Because I was looking up what the- Oh my God. Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, before you get to it. I was looking up what the flight stat,
Starting point is 00:55:51 like are they owned by United? It was like they had a partnership, right? That's what I was looking for, for their points or whatever. And then I accidentally looked up who owns it. Zoom in, look at this. BlackRock, Vanguard. BlackRock, dude. I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:56:04 One of the largest fucking venture capital conglomerate. BlackRock, dude. I don't know who that is. One of the largest fucking like venture capital conglomerate. They own the world. Wow. They're probably the fucking, they're probably the biggest purveyors of like war. BlackRock is basically fucking, I mean, they make everything. Look what they own.
Starting point is 00:56:18 As of December, BlackRock's market cap net worth is $159 billion, the world's largest money management firm. They own everything. Wow. They have 11.5 trillion. Trillion in assets, which means they're- Trillion.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Yeah, because they're military. They make military. Trillion. Yeah, oh yeah. Big T. Imagine me, what would you do if you were a trillionaire? You'd never see me again. Oh yeah, you'd see me.
Starting point is 00:56:44 No. on everything. No. Put yourself on billboards all up and down the street. Clouds. The clouds would be my face. You'd look up all the clouds would be. Oh, they're Bobby seating again. It's so fucking rad.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Private military companies, Blackwater. Blackrock, not Blackwater. That's Blackwater, right? No, but Black rock does military contracting. Yeah, they do contracting, right. Trillion. Well, dude, you saw what happened the other day to fucking Elon Musk, right? Since Trump's election, he made $40 billion because of his stock options and everything
Starting point is 00:57:20 like that shot through the roof between SpaceX, X, Tesla, $439 billion. $439 billion. Billion, I guess. Billion dollars. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, look at that, Jeff Bezos, 237, nice try, bitch. He's getting married. Who is?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Bezos. He's getting married? Yeah, in Aspen, I think, this weekend. Are you going? Did you get invited? No, no, surprised you're not. We should all get invited for how many Amazon, my house is an Amazon fucking factory. The amount of shit my wife gets up from Amazon, comical.
Starting point is 00:57:54 No, it's honestly, at this point, the fucking driver the other day goes, back again. Wow. Back again, that's what he says. Is she addicted? I'm addicted. Is she addicted? She's bad addicted. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:04 What'd she get, like? Just bullshit, it's all bullshit for the house. It's like, it's stuff, it's small he says. Is she addicted? I'm addicted. Is she addicted? She's bad addicted. Yeah, yeah. What does she get? Just bullshit. It's all bullshit for the house. It's stuff. It's small stuff for the house. And you don't yell at her ever?
Starting point is 00:58:12 No. Why? Who gives a fuck? It's just funny to me. I'm like, more shit? Wait. So does she say to you, you know, I spent $4,200 this week? No.
Starting point is 00:58:21 She doesn't spend it. It's not like that. It's just small stuff. Yeah, but she doesn't have to go to you and go Hey, I spent this no why okay? That's great. What a great day a bro husband Dad brother husband You know some some guys are like that like hey sweet. I want to see the receipts or you know me now She's not buying crazy shit. She's just buying like she's so if she did spend like
Starting point is 00:58:42 Twenty twenty two thousand000 on something, would she tell you? Yeah, we'd have to have a conversation. $22,000? I'd be like, what was it? What? What was it did you buy? High heels.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Baby, you bought $22,000 high heels? No, I bought like 14 of them. That led up to 22,000. So don't yell at me. No, well I am. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a lot of money. Why are we spending $22,000 on shoes?
Starting point is 00:59:06 I like them. I know that you like them, but could you get less than 14? No. You need them. Yeah. You promise? Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:13 All right, it's fine. And you're fine with it? I guess if you say you need them, what am I gonna do if you say you need them? Wow. What am I gonna say? Yeah. Because then it's like,
Starting point is 00:59:20 then I wanna go buy something fun for me. And then, because she could be like, why do you want that car? I really love cars. What's the justification? Right. We all have our bullshit that the, our partner could go, well, that's stupid as fuck.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yeah. And by the way, it probably is. Shoes are dumb, clothes are dumb, cars are dumb. Toys are dumb, but like, I want, we want them. So fuck it. Guess what the number one thing I buy off of TikTok and Instagram and I get something every week sex toys. No No shoes slides
Starting point is 00:59:50 What's the slide mean sandals flip-flop? He's right. Oh comfy sandals. No. Oh a Thing for the a thing for the cats. Yes And it never came I was so mad think for the cats, you know why and I bought it on Amazon the same thing And the cat didn't even play with it. That's why that's why you have to buy a lot You gotta buy you gotta buy more I buy everything a bird a mechanical bird, right? Where you charge it right and the cat just kind of walked by it. They don't give a fuck dude You got to keep trying. Yeah, I keep trying. I bought a scratching pot that looked like an Asian temple. Oh
Starting point is 01:00:25 It's right outside my, when I left the house today, the box was there, so I'm gonna assemble it when I get back. That's cute. I can't wait. Yeah, stuff for the animal. I'll buy anything for the dog, I don't give a shit. But when I say she, if she spent, like look, if she had a problem, if it was bad,
Starting point is 01:00:39 and she spent too much money where it was like, scary, yeah, we'd have a conversation about it, but you know what I mean? It would have to be like, what the fuck's going on? But that was the thing I think about sometimes. You hear these stories later in life, people that are like, this spouse was spending crazy money and they didn't know.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Do you know what I mean? Like you know those fucked up stories where they're like, they had a gambling addiction and they were, you know. What happened? No, sometimes the wife is sowing debt and she's hiding it from the husband. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:06 And then they kill- She kills the husband? I've seen a couple of those. Yeah, I know. Have you seen a couple of those? They kill them because they don't wanna have to tell them. Yeah. You'd rather kill me than tell me we're in debt? Yeah, I know. Fucking tell me.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Yeah. Or the worst- And then what happens when you tell me that we're in debt? Then I kill you. Yeah, yeah. That's why. But, or what would you do if you found out that your wife put a hit on you? I've seen a couple of those too.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Turn me on a little bit. But how, that would destroy me. It'd be kinda hot though at first. You'd wanna fuck it out of me. What do you mean? Cause you'd be like, you tried to fucking kill me? Yeah, I forgive you, but we gotta fuck a lot. We gotta fuck a lot too.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. If I found out my wife put a hit out on me, it would turn me on for the creativity. I mean, I'm kind of rad. Where'd you find these guys? It's divorce, though. I don't know. That would be real.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Might be fight to the death. Yeah, how about you? How about you do it? George? Oh, I'd just move away. I'd hide. Would you get divorced, though? No, I would not pass go.
Starting point is 01:02:03 I'd just be in the middle of Montana. Oh, yeah. Blaisdor National Park. What about your kids, though? No, I wouldn't even, I would not pass go. I'd just be, I'd be in the middle of Montana. Oh yeah, see- Blasier National Park. What are your kids though? Kids, what kids? He's gone. You would take the kids? If I had time, but if they were daycare,
Starting point is 01:02:14 I'd just be gone. This is fucking- First Greyhound out of town. What a man. Well, you know what it is. You're a real man, dude. He doesn't want these kids or this wife. He's gone.
Starting point is 01:02:22 This guy's dreaming of the mountains in his mind. He wants to run away by a little river. But do you have enough to survive in the mountain? I mean, yeah, but you're like, you know, Ted Kaczynski or wife. He's gone. This guy's dreaming of the mountains in his mind. He wants to run away by a little river. But do you have enough to survive in the mountains? I mean, yeah, but you're like, you know, Ted Kaczynski or whatever that guy's name is. Oh yeah, he was poor. That was his real problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:32 He didn't get any. I listened to a whole pile of that. That's his name, Ted Kaczynski? Yeah. Yeah, Unabomber, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Him and his brother were real weirdos. Yeah, you would wear, I'd have a beard.
Starting point is 01:02:41 You'd be like making things in the fucking shed. Yeah, make his own clothes. Yeah, yeah, oh my god. You'd be so weird. Carlos, what would you do if your significant other put a hit on on you? Oh, I'd call the FBI. Thank you. Snitch.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Fucking rat. Snitch. Brat. No, fuck her. Oh, getting divorced is like a cheat code. Oh, now I get to be single. I'd slowly poison her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Oh, I like that. Oh, yeah? If I find out she put a hit on me, I'd slowly poison her. So I saw one where a girl gets caught, now she's at the cops and they confront her. They go, we know we have it all on tape. It's all. Right?
Starting point is 01:03:11 And the husband's there. Ugh! Right? And then the cop opens the door, the husband's there and she goes, Tommy, come here, just come here. Let's talk. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Come here, Tommy. Nope. Seriously, what the fuck is going on, Tommy? Tommy's like, fuck off, right? Yeah. But it's like, what do you think is gonna happen, lady? Yeah, but she probably was trying to manipulate him. That's, by the way, she's probably, she's probably a master manipulator.
Starting point is 01:03:33 She's probably a sociopath, and she probably thinks, I didn't do anything wrong. She wasn't even that hot! You didn't even get hot! If you're gonna kill me, you better be hot. You better be hot. You better be so hot. Margot Robbie. Yeah, you better be hot. You better be hot. You better be so hot.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Margot Robbie. Yeah, you better, Margot, kill me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey. Oh my God. Hey, Sydney Sweeney. Murder me. Murder me. Yeah, yeah. Slit my throat in cold blood.
Starting point is 01:03:56 But it's like the gall. To have you, put a hit is crazy. It's crazy, dude. If you were gonna put a hit on somebody, how would you go find someone to do that though? You can't Google it. There's no way to do it. Late at night, I do think about stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Cause you know, late at night you have revenge fantasies. You do for sure. You don't have revenge fantasies? Really, I don't care. What about- Me either then. You love it. I know you do. So I lay in my bed and that always putting on a hit
Starting point is 01:04:25 in my scenarios in my head, cause I go, how would I do it? Well, you can get a homeless guy. Even then it's like, no, because they're gonna catch you on tape approaching the homeless guy. What's Bobby Lee, you're giving a homeless guy four grand. I wasn't giving him that much money. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I hid the money, he had to go get it. So I'm at Skid Row. I got it all planned out. You do? I'm hanging out at Skid Row. Yeah. I go, that guy might go get it. So I'm at Skid Row. I got it all planned out. You do? I'm hanging out at Skid Row. Yeah. I go, that guy might go, hey sir, can you come here?
Starting point is 01:04:49 And he's like, God, shit, I'm a fake, I'm a cuckoo-cudoo. And then you're like, okay, that's not the guy. The cuckoo-cudoo? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's my guy. Right, and then so, where would I go? And then I would probably go to like Guam.
Starting point is 01:05:01 The guy that works the- Yeah, yeah, yeah. He looks like he knows somebody. Yeah, he does. I go, God, you know anybody? I'm just, you Yeah, yeah, yeah. He looks like he knows somebody. Yeah, he does. I go, God, you know anybody? I mean, just hypothetical. No, dude, get the fuck away from me. That means he does.
Starting point is 01:05:10 He's like, I'll talk to you tonight. Right, so I think I would call the shadiest guy now. Yeah. But after that, I'd be like, I don't know what to do. I'd get a homeless guy because then it's so, you know what, if you get a whole crazy homeless guy and you hide the money, you give him like two couple of tasks.
Starting point is 01:05:24 One, he's gotta go kill someone. Two, I've hid the money all over the place. It's a scavenger hunt for him to get the money, you give him like two, couple of tasks. One, he's gotta go kill someone. Two, I've hid the money all over the place. It's a scavenger hunt for him to get the money. Then it gives him an adventure, you know? Well, the money part, because these clubs now pay you cash. Yeah. Right, so I would just do a bunch of improv spots. Right, get the cash.
Starting point is 01:05:38 But that's how I get the cash, right? Right, there you go. So then I have cash in my pocket. Untraceable. I'll save about 10 grand worth of. You think someone's gonna kill someone for 10 grand? Down payment, you always say put a down payment down. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Right, until the task is done. What does it cost to kill someone? You go 10 grand at first. Yeah. I'll get 20 grand. 20 grand to kill someone? Yeah. No chance. It's gotta be way more than that.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Someone's not gonna kill someone for 10 grand? You can hire a hitman on the dark web. Well, or you could get a ghost gun, that's what I was gonna tell Bobby to do, is he should kill her himself. What's a ghost gun? A 3D printed gun. Wow.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Oh, and you can destroy it when you're done? It's what Luigi used. Did he really? Mm-hmm, that's why it was so weird looking. Wow. Oh, so he printed his own gun? Oh, that's cool. That's kinda weird, he printed his own gun,
Starting point is 01:06:24 but didn't cover up any other parts of his tracks. Like he literally was like, huh? He didn't have gloves on. He didn't check to see if he was dead. It was yes. So it's like he left all the other evidence. He like went out of his way to get a 3D gun. But he also got a silencer.
Starting point is 01:06:36 And apparently that was the wrong move. Why? Oh, you don't know. Why? Why? Oh, you know. Oh, you don't know. Oh, you don't know? You don't know? Okay, so what professional would say, right, is you make it loud so that people can hear it and they don't run toward gun violence. They run away from it and they duck and they hide. Ah. Right. So if he would...
Starting point is 01:07:00 What? That's good. Yeah. So you use a regular pop pop pop, right? That way, right? There's good. Yeah. So you use a regular pop, pop, pop, right? That way, right? There's no one around. Interesting. Right? But he, and the cop that I heard on the news. Yeah, news, news. They said that he played too many video games.
Starting point is 01:07:17 The kids today, they play so many video games, they think that's how you do it. They put a silencer and all that stuff. Like you're playing- Nah, just subsonic bullets right in the ear. You're good to go. See. The way you said that was creepy.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I know he's planned it. Yeah, yeah, you've had revenge fantasy. He's had revenge fantasy. Yeah, yeah. Subsonic what in the ear? Subsonic bullets. They don't pass, they don't go over the speed of sound. So then they don't make that big old pop.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Oh, that's awesome. That's awesome. That's a real thing? That's good to know. That's good to know. Yeah. Subsonic bullets. So when you bang it, right?
Starting point is 01:07:46 It doesn't have a bang? Well, it has a bang, but it's a lot more quiet. Whoa. How do you know this, George? How do you know this, dude? You know, when a raccoon was getting our chickens. Yeah, a raccoon. You're using a fucking subsonic bullet for a raccoon.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I used a subsonic bullet to get the raccoon because it was eating our chickens, and that's kind of highly illegal in the LA city limits. To shoot a gun at a raccoon? Yeah, it's 100% illegal. It was so quiet, nobody saw it heard. Wow. How do you write things on the bullet?
Starting point is 01:08:18 The pen. Very small pen. He didn't engrave it? No, it was Sharpie. Masjianu? What did it say on the shell? Denied, deposed, and delay on the- He didn't engrave it? No, it was Sharpie. Maggiano? What did it say on the shell? Denied, deposed, delay on the shell.
Starting point is 01:08:28 And people are getting tattoos of it. It's funny. Denied, deposed, delay. They're getting the tattoos of that on the back. That's so dark. Who would you run up to and kiss on the face? What famous, what CEO would you run up to and kiss on the face? Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Yeah, that's it. Oh, governor of Texas. You go kiss him on the fucking face, huh? You kiss, yeah. He's kissable. He's on a wheel chair. So kissable. Some of these guys are so kissable, man.
Starting point is 01:08:51 He can kiss, wheelchair. I would kiss him 15 times in the head. Wouldn't you? From the back of the head? Yeah, back of the head, 15 times, right. And the one in the dick. Yeah. That one's the sweetest one.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Yeah. Wow. Denied to pose, delayed. There's a couple of comics I wanna kiss. How, who do you wanna kiss? You know what I mean? There's always a couple of comics. There's so many comics I wanna kiss.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Who do you wanna kiss? Annie. I don't wanna name Annie. No, I don't wanna kiss her. I do. You really do? Yeah, I would kiss her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:21 In the vagina. What she did to me the other night was. What did she do? She started a war with me. Oh, of course. You don't know what she did? No. So. Oh!
Starting point is 01:09:34 Still your eczema? No, you told me. I told you. That was pretty flagrant. It's flagrant, right? That's a little crazy. So I'm gonna tell you what she did, all right? So the main room was packed.
Starting point is 01:09:43 I'm bringing Annie up, right? And I have a good set. So I say, good night. I give her a great intro. Yeah. And also I'm on a date. So you have a female friend there. So I have a friend in the audience, you know, that's watching the show.
Starting point is 01:09:55 She had never seen me perform before. And you killed. And he gets, right? So then I bring Annie and as I'm walking toward the back of the thing, Annie's coming out through those curtains and she has water, she does a pratfall and throws it on my body. Now I'm drenched wet. And here's- On purpose? On purpose.
Starting point is 01:10:16 She says it wasn't on purpose. It was on purpose. I later found out it was on purpose. And here's the- what's the biggest sin there? Throwing water on you. No. Hockey joke. No laugh.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Nobody laughs. So the room was quiet. The room was quiet and they're like, oh shit. Whoa. You know what I mean? So now I'm drenched, it's silence in the room. What did you say? My fucking date is blushing, right? And I go, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:10:43 She's like, oh, I'm so sorry. Cause you see how upset it was. And then as I went backstage, I went, what the fuck? I went crazy, dude. While she was on stage. But what do you think of that? Is that war? It seems like a, that's, that's-
Starting point is 01:10:56 It seems like a war to me, dude. It's an attack. Yeah. That's an attack. And by the way, to be fair, you still got laid. But it didn't ruin your night, but it is a little, that's a little war. That's a little baby, she's throwing up a flare. She does things like that.
Starting point is 01:11:11 She'll also do stuff like kick you in the stomach. Like she does weird shit. She kicks you in the stomach? Well she'll like do something like, it's always like some karate thing. She'll go, oh hi-yah, kaka, kaka. And then she'll like kick you, you know what I mean? You're like, what the fuck are you doing, dude?
Starting point is 01:11:24 Annie, what are you doing? Yeah, what is she trying to start a war for you for? What does that mean? I don't know, dude. I thought you guys were always all right. She also told me, she said, that usually works. With you? No, my pratfall with the water.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Oh, with the water. It didn't work that time. Yeah, because I killed. Yeah, you did too good. Well, also nobody wants to be wet. It was so, yeah, you're drenched. I don't wanna be wet for the, now did too good. Well, also nobody wants to be wet. It was so, yeah, you're drenched. I don't want to be wet for the, now I'm wet. No, what would you have done if she'd done that?
Starting point is 01:11:50 She would never do that to you. But if she did- Maybe would, but if she did- What would you do? I would go grab water or a drink off someone's table and throw it right on her in front of everybody. That would get the laugh. If she threw it at me, then I would be like,
Starting point is 01:12:03 what the fuck are you doing? Laugh it off a little bit. I think it would be uncomfortable in the room. I'd grab a drink off somebody's thing and throw it on her. Yeah, and then. I'd start a food fight. And I forgot who it was, but after Annie, the comic after was mad, why do you think?
Starting point is 01:12:18 There's water all over the fucking stage? So they had to pause and some fucking doorman had to go up there and wash it up and clean the stage Oh bad, so they're there you have now this lol. So Jesus treo's gotta go up. Yeah Yeah, yeah, it was terrible. I'm gonna wait for someone to clean the water in front of them. Yeah So what's your are you gonna respond to this war now? Are you starting a little war back? Yeah, seems like you might you know know me. Seems like you might. There's a couple of things she's done over the years that have been like, oh man, that's
Starting point is 01:12:48 a war, but I'm going to back off. But the water on you is... But the water was almost like the last thing maybe. Wow. Yeah. But I don't know. What do you think? What would you have done, Carlos?
Starting point is 01:12:58 Oh, I would have lost my temper. It's, it would have been, I've lost my temper at Annie a lot. Yeah, yeah. Oh, you guys have beef or something? No, we just always played around like that. Yeah. Like I walked off her show once. Did she apologize for the water?
Starting point is 01:13:13 No, it was an accident, I slipped. That was her way of not apologizing. But you don't believe it. But then later she's like, she said, she didn't say, she still maintains it was a slip, but then she told me, I've done it before, like throwing water, right? So in my mind I'm like. That's not a slip. Yeah, that's not a fucking slip, but then she told me, I've done it before, like throwing water, right? So in my mind, I'm like.
Starting point is 01:13:26 That's not a slip. Yeah, that's not a fucking slip, bitch. You know what I mean? I'll see how that plays out. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, what's any new year's resolution for you? Yeah, I've got resolutions. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:13:38 I'm leaving the state of California as a permanent resident. I can't do it anymore. Is that true? I paid too much in taxes. I can't do it anymore. Is that true? I paid too much in taxes. I gotta get out of here. I'm done. I can't support this place.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I gotta go. So we're moving the show. Where are you going? We are officially- Where are we going? We are moving the show. Where are we going? To Nevada, Pahrump, Nevada.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Oh, I love that place. We'll go. We're moving to Pahrump. We'll go. We gotta go, dude. Yeah. We gotta set up a studio in Pahrump. So we're gonna be. We're moving to Pahrump. We'll go. We gotta go, dude. Yeah. We gotta set up a studio in Pahrump. So we're gonna be setting up a studio in Pahrump, Nevada.
Starting point is 01:14:09 We gotta move there. State income tax, we'll save on that. We'll still pay our Fed, but no more California. Do you think we would thrive in Nevada? Yeah. Like by Vegas? 100%. You think so?
Starting point is 01:14:20 What the fuck? We would do great. We could move to Vegas and have the most fun. Do shows all the time. Not Pahrump. No. He was kidding. We're not kidding. Pahrump's a no man land. We could move to Vegas and have the most fun, do shows all the time. Not prompt. No. He was kidding, but we're not kidding. Prompt is a no man land.
Starting point is 01:14:28 We'll move to Vegas, we'll open up a club called the Brothership. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Only for black people. Yeah, the Brothership. Only for black people. Have to be black to get in. Welcome to the Brothership, y'all.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Wow. And we only play George Clinton in the hallway. I think if we did move to Vegas. If we did move to Vegas, what? I would open up like a 150 seat comedy club. See, I think a hundred seater would be great. That'd be great. Just a hundred seats. A little hundred seat, little place.
Starting point is 01:14:56 We should do that. Should we do a bad friends club in Vegas? The problem is there's too many clubs in Vegas. There's Jimmy Kimmel's room. There's the cellar has a room. There's Jimmy Kimmel's room, there's the cellar has a room, there's- But they're not showcase clubs. They're headliner clubs. They're headliner- no, no, the cellar is a split showcase, it's a split headliner. But they book it in way in advance. What I'm saying is that I want to do like-
Starting point is 01:15:18 For locals. For locals and anyone that's in town that wants to work out. A showcase place. Yeah, a showcase place, yeah. Maybe we should do that. There's a laugh factory, a comedy cellar, the LA, it's called LA Comedy Club. There's Las Vegas Live, Brad Garrett's room, Jimmy Kimmel's, Wise Guys.
Starting point is 01:15:34 God, there's so many. There's so many. Carrot Top has a club out there. But you can't just call it- They just have a club? No, they just call it. He's got the room with the Luxor. Yeah, but could you, I mean, if we,
Starting point is 01:15:44 I've never been to Vegas where I'm like, I'm gonna call in this way, I don't know where to go. Do you? See, that'd be fun to make a fucking, but is there enough local comics in Vegas that you know that you know you could create a system? Yeah, but there's also a lot of, I know probably 40 comics that just live there.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Okay. So you can go, hey guys, there's no showcase clubs, so just call in if you're in town, just work out. All right, well we'll start the brothership down there in Las Vegas and we'll have- Happy New Year everybody. And our premier show, our premier show there will- Be me, me, me, you, Nate Bargazzi,
Starting point is 01:16:17 Bert Christ, we'll call in all our favors. We'll have to have a weekly show there hosted by someone. It'll be called Murder Anthony. That's good. Anyway, very good. Very good. Good night. Thank you for being, let's just end on that note.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Let's end on that note. Thank you for being a bad friend. Thank you for being a bad friend. Woo, yeah, woo, yeah, woo, yeah.

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