Bad Friends - Rudy's Replacement

Episode Date: April 12, 2021

New Merch Out Now!   Thank you to our Sponsors: & code: badfriends & code: badfriends ...& code: badfriends12  YouTube Subscribe: Audio Subscribe: Merch:  0:00 Santino's Tour Dates  0:47 Bobby and Andrew don't want Rudy to leave the show  6:33 The New Rookie in Town Bings Cheese on Pie  10:55 George has a Cute Baby  15:25 The Audition for Rudy's Replacement  36:15 George Lopez Says Hi  39:33 Coming to America 2  46:38 Stop Movie Reboots  52:40 Bobby's Top Movies of All Time  57:11 Billy Bob Thornton, Bruce Willis and the Star status in the Internet age  1:00:45 The Beatles Stole Music  1:09:00 Post Credit Career Talk   More Bobby Lee  TigerBelly: Instagram: Twitter: Tickets:  More Andrew Santino  Whiskey Ginger:    Instagram: Twitter:   Tickets:  More Bad Friends iTunes: Instagram:    Twitter:    Official Website:  Opening Credits and Branding: & Credit Sequence Music: //   Character Design: Friends Mosaic Sign:  Produced by: George Kimmel & Bryce Hallock - 7EQUIS  Podcast Producers: Jenna Sunde, Andrés Rosende   This video contains paid promotion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody great news great news we've got new merch new merch new shirts baby the new shirts they were compiled by Rudy Jules saying that we're in a band together because we're in this is the best bad friends band of all time so they're right there they're right point in the middle of us I think there they are there they are go to to get them also I'm on tour come see me for tickets I am I'm going to be in Addison and Houston and Madison and Boston just go to for tickets and check that out who are these two idiots if you go to school up north you're not going to be here yeah so then what no she's you know I might well I live with her
Starting point is 00:00:53 right so every day I'm wearing her down oh you see Davis so far it's right free it's a lot of rape going on did you hear about all the crime that they've just had they had that woman Andres didn't that woman get stabbed in the eye coming out of like a both eyes both eyes just out of a with a penis yeah with a penis yeah it's unbelievable it's going on up there Rudy got gouged stab stabbing at UC Davis there it is yeah charges issued campus stabbing UC Davis you think you think that lady in New York in that old age that Filipino lady got attacked right in UC Davis they like they like they like skin in the young oh yeah you're done you are done there's a whole Filipino girl skin trading underground
Starting point is 00:01:37 yeah black market yeah on Bitcoin people are using Bitcoin by Filipino skin it's disgusting by the way yeah what is she training you to fight back wow really really no he's she's gonna sign me up for you have the body of Jiminy Cricket what are you gonna do little green cartoon arms flex your arms no pull your shirt so we can see oh my god it's skin bone and that's it yeah no blood and the skin kind of like hangs on the bone there is no that's you right there there's Jiminy Cricket there's you for sure there you are hi I'm Rudy can we get her an umbrella can we get her a purple umbrella I'm Rudy yeah do you know who that is by the way from Pinocchio wow what dude well I she's not bro I don't
Starting point is 00:02:41 know if they have TV over there she's not mentally you know don't they just watch like cockfights what do you guys do they watch those live there's no TV that's right that's right that's live yeah yeah from Pechokio yeah but look Pinocchio is down there so that you saw that at the bottom didn't you know sure which one of the dwarves did you watch all the Disney movies I don't know which one of the dwarves would she be of the of the dwarves if we were the door if this was one hundred percent sleepy sleepy for sure what would you be bro bro bro let oh my god bro bro last night so I'm using a printer yeah sleeping downstairs because we're remodeling upstairs no no we got dogs again more guys so we have
Starting point is 00:03:22 we had one dog yesterday this morning that dog mr. make he's gone he died no he didn't die well I don't know what happened but the sandwich today we put we put him out of Ventura and we found out what happened then I take a nap I wake up right and then guess what's there three puppies well I'm picking a nap that happened where do you guys get these dogs do I take a lot of gets a lot of she's like if you say anti-cala one more time yeah yeah yeah this is not TV do dogs yeah it's like the bag lady you know the old crazy bag lady who has like tons of colors turning into a dog bag lady we want to help so anyway last night right it's like you know two in the morning right yeah she just went to bed at
Starting point is 00:04:08 2am right just go to bed she's sleeping downstairs because we have a mr. big and I there's no more ink in the printer and I go I don't know I'm not gonna be looking she goes wake her up see where the ink is yeah I go downstairs she's on a couch Jules Jules Jules Jules Jules Jules I mean I'm not kidding you three minutes Jules but she does not wake up what is your problem she just she says you're a sleeping problem no it is I can't wake up to my alarm yeah remember like the alarms I know you need it you really do need to go consult someone about that no we do what if something really real happens and you they need you to wake up for what if I what if an earthquake happens and all the walls are falling down you're
Starting point is 00:04:54 just gonna you guys are gonna get every disaster movie she's the one that dies yeah for a day after tomorrow right she's right when New York's flooded yeah right she's just with the cab you know the floating cabs she's a sleep going down 47 yeah yeah twister right right just in the in the you know sleeping in the tornado what else does a volcano yeah right the lava slowly engulfing everyone in ash right and you would think that once the lava hit her toes no she would wake up no she's halfway in lava and she'll still open her eyes and then finally when I get to here she's like yeah yeah the meteor is already in deep impact the meteor is already on her yeah yeah oh my god in the mushroom cloud sleeping well we
Starting point is 00:05:44 got to get you some help and by the way you might get replaced on the show if you can't commit what's the nearest school that said yes feel wait for god no looks like you're not going there I know what I know what it is what University of Riverside you see River Tern oh Fullerton oh Fullerton that's not far either that's down south that's that's Orange County right yeah you don't know why am I asking you isn't that close Fullerton is in Orange County I'm almost positive pull it up on the thing we're an hour and a half easy yeah but how's she gonna she can drive we'll send her a car or something we'll get her we have to figure it out or we can make we can make we can make a trace to it look
Starting point is 00:06:28 at Andres already loaded Pete actually you know what fancy B brings up a good point Pete is the new rookie in town yeah we should make Pete go get her right I mean what is what is Pete not honestly not a clue I mean how did it because he just he just kind of like showed up one day this is his Pete hey I'm Pete yeah but he's so big dude he's just a good Pete yeah he's on the computer right now like do they like me Pete we like you very much yeah that's something for you guys again he has something again for us oh Pete what have you got you know what these this relationship is like of mice and men Lenny Lenny Lenny Lenny Lenny what is this thank you very much Pete thank you so much Pete what is this
Starting point is 00:07:16 it's not even fucking melted hey hey be nice be nice Pete what is this Pete oh it's the cheese pie we talked about yeah yeah okay well let's try it how long has this been sitting out I don't know if it's been sitting out hard as a rock hard as a rock you got I want to taste it because I've never done cheese on pie I can't do it come on come on Bob you ate my pubes oh that's right right I think this is not that big of a deal all right here this is this shout out to my boy Jake Lacey who told me about this from who's from the northeast and said cheese on pie is legit cheddar cheese on apple pie I get it you do already right I get it I don't want another one but I get it I do get it I get it yeah you can get it
Starting point is 00:07:58 oh wow hot oh if it was piping hot piping hot and melt it on there I get it I would 100% get it are you liking it Jules yeah it's good huh yeah Pete thank you Pete that's interesting so what what kind of cheese is the best cheese well that's cheddar right sharp cheddar no no that's what they say you use you have to use chop chop cheddar now right yeah you can't you they say if you use other cheese it just doesn't do it doesn't do the thing it doesn't take like Swiss wouldn't taste good on here right yeah you try it though we should do it we'll get Swiss next week okay take us away uh Lenny here when a hold of mice here we got I love you Pete thank you so much Pete what are you by the way you're full white
Starting point is 00:08:43 right you're nothing else I can't see behind the mask okay so silly until he's what region the mongo she wants to finish hers leave her yeah she's gonna eat it so mean because when I walk in here I use it with his big fingers on the keyboard yeah yeah do you have an extra a big keyboard for your hands he's got yeah just gigantic hands what did he say on trace we can't hear him yes okay okay that's right yeah right on well thank you Pete thank you for the pie Pete Pete rude so listen we're gonna we're gonna huff you up here from Fullerton but I'm hoping it's in Long Beach because that's not that far Long Beach is just as easy it's like 28 minutes away but if you decide to go up north to school you're gonna get replaced
Starting point is 00:09:34 and we've already fished out Andres spent some time fishing out Rudy replacements are you ready to see who might replace you yeah all right let's check it out let's see what they've got for the Rudy reply by the way we don't want this we should make this clear this is what I do not want because it's like you know it's lightning in the bottle it's it's it's it's one in the million hundred percent because the reason why Jules was on this in the first place is she didn't want to come no no Kalyla was like my girlfriend was like she's just gonna get out of the house and do something you know and just like and it's gonna get her out of her shell she's shy super shy girl right anymore you're not so she she
Starting point is 00:10:10 reluctantly came here yeah yeah and she would dread it every week for a while yeah the first 15 episodes just dreading it you hated it huh really yeah yeah I didn't want to talk yeah yeah how do you feel now about talking it's more okay yeah it's more okay right you're more oh my god so I'm grateful it's more okay you have a 70,000 Instagram followers no how many 57 whatever yeah Flickr's face yeah why because that's right Tito Andrew and Tito Bobby that's right and that's why and fancy but definitely not Pete just know that yeah fancy for sure definitely not Pete and George has his baby now right his baby's out yeah and Andres said and I'm gonna I'm gonna call out Andres right now he said some shit before
Starting point is 00:11:02 you guys came I'm gonna call out what you said he goes I was surprised that baby was cute pretty cute it was so funny because the baby was born and then you know I didn't do I heard it sure I don't know how I heard it yeah the baby's boy I was like oh it's like didn't register I just went about my day play games yeah like goes on eight hours later I'm at the dinner table and she goes did you so what did you talk to George she talked to what do you say I didn't talk to George why would I she's like what kind of human being are you nothing what did I call them when he was in the hospital did you call him no no did you call him to congratulate him I texted him about a work thing and then I'll be real you
Starting point is 00:11:44 haven't I'll show you the big card congratulated him no fuck no that's fucking weird big deal it's just George I know that's how I felt about it then I had to make the call and he picks up he goes hello he's surprised that I call here hold on you can read this hey look at this yeah let me read it let me read it look Wednesday read what it says on Wednesday so Wednesday what's up with the ads on anchor that's what I said because I'm like what is the baby out yet yeah not it no no read right below you'll see what he says to me I go what's up with the ads on anchor because I'm trying to figure out what's going on in an anchor this is exactly hey my wife's water broke this morning so we're at Kaiser now but Bryce can
Starting point is 00:12:24 answer anything then you go congrats I guess I don't fucking care congrats to George we do love him so very much I'm very happy for him but I go you know so what's it like like I didn't know what to you know I mean well what do you what what are you supposed what are guys supposed to say to other guys when they to me girls it's a thing with weddings and babies and girls like but a guy's always like cool yeah well cuz once you get certain amount of information like the babies here it's healthy and I ask is it alive yeah it's alive it's it's alive I go is it fine yep then there's no need to call okay goodbye yeah I have all the information I need right after it because it becomes a little bit more you
Starting point is 00:13:13 know I don't say this word but gay yeah sure you know I don't know how but it does it feels gay it feels gay to go you know I mean what's how what's your feel what are you feeling how much how much hair does it yeah what does it look like yeah what does it look like you know how and I asked some stupid question like um so you know was it everything that you ever dreamed of I like I don't do you know well you hate babies yeah what did you say to George about George's baby did you say anything to him I didn't say anything good for you good for you that's the route we should have taken yeah that's on brand yeah when he said my wife's water broke and we're at the hospital I should I should have blocked his number yeah we're
Starting point is 00:13:51 just deleted his fucking information that's it I don't need him anymore he's out of my life congratulations to George and there's brand new baby what's the name can we say the name nobody knows George Thomas it's a boy right wait did you just hear he's oh my god Andre no no it has to be that are you making it up it has to be George because of the fact that it's George the fifth remember he's the fourth no you see the fifth George is the fourth he is the son the baby's the fifth yes oh it has it's a it's a it's a part of the lineage see this is the thing about whites that I don't like I hate whites we that's a white thing to do they don't do that and they don't do that anywhere else in the world my dad's name
Starting point is 00:14:27 is Robert that's right Robert yeah but that's because of your descendants of Robert E. Lee the great general that we love so much yeah that's the weirdest thing in the world though yeah why did you do a white thing why did he do that like I'm not if I had a baby I would name it because now you would never name your kid Bobby no you can go more how do I say this you can go more black with it what would your black baby be you could say whatever and I would say something that's never been said nitrous or nitrous is tight yeah yeah that's a cool name or uh guava I don't see dress who guava is really good yeah come here guava yeah guavali metaphor not metaphor metaphysical metaphysical Lee yeah that's pretty good I
Starting point is 00:15:10 think guavali is so sick yeah I'm not even kidding at all avali sharp I'm gonna name my kids you can do whatever sharp Santino come here sharp you can just make a noise I want to see these Rudy kids so let's let's see some of the let's see the videos videos and I'm gonna temper my expectations on but you're but because they're replacing you yeah get in this we bought her a fucking mic arm fucking worse and it goes right to your face sleepy listen Jules yes you have to vote yeah you have to figure out you have to write yeah she has to go this is replacing so pay attention to pay attention all right here we go hi cheeto bobby hi cheeto Andrew and of course the rest of the bad friends crew andres Rudy of course
Starting point is 00:15:55 included in the other guy I'm not gonna mention because why the fuck would I okay check okay props well anyway this is not really on addition but more of a plea to allow me to replace Rudy on the bad friends podcast interesting little maybe I think I'd be a wonderful addition I'm very frail look at this wrist right I do like skinny frail people that's funny a pound over 90 also I have an indent in my chest so it kind of makes me a freak like both teeto bobby and teeto Andrew cool cool Andrew of course who's a ginger and teeto bobby who is you kissing my ball yeah you know but oh my name is Peter I forgot to say that we already got one open with one I'll do anything I like this guy I like him all right well we okay
Starting point is 00:16:51 we can't say anything you you're sorry you have to this is on you so that's one all right let's get well your opinion so far oh yeah he was funny okay thanks for that in-depth interview my god it's like it's honestly it's like pulling fucking molars it's so hard to get anything out of her sometime you should do a Ted talk yeah what's it got information here we go wait let's wait one second though one second yeah honestly if he's interviewing for you you're the fucking CEO of Rudy Enterprise this guy comes in for a job he just interviewed what do you say um it's good to know you you were really funny we can't replace no no this is insane yeah because never gonna work he wouldn't even answer to that I know that's
Starting point is 00:17:36 like a clever that's her own brand yeah I mean less is more less is more less is more with her yeah yeah yeah all right let's see this girl with too many air conditioning units behind her let's go hey I'm Savannah I'm 20 years old I know that I'm a white girl but I'm also gay so I think that even seems okay we do okay I'm actually being held hostage by the entire state of Utah moments may seem nice but they're really scary especially when you're gay oh my brother told me to apply because apparently I am the worst friend on the entire planet I think that I would be a great contender for a bad friend yeah because I'm short bat Korean and I sleep in until three she's the shit yeah I like her oh sorry I shouldn't we're voicing
Starting point is 00:18:34 her opinion no I like her she's awesome okay so but by the way she has connives in the background which I love look at the connive connection yeah put her so for the ones that we really like why don't we put them aside or mark them or something Savannah is her name yeah she's fucking great and by the way a white gay woman on here that'd be great that'd be great yeah but she's missing the innocence we know she's in Utah she's been held captive Wally about her that's kind of like almost as if that's irreplaceable no we can maybe find it well we'd have to buy another Filipino off the internet I don't know we have to like go sort of what are we running for 559.95 what do we get your get your own custom Filipino today 49.99 too easy payments plus shipping and handling
Starting point is 00:19:16 we would by the way we wouldn't pay for the upgraded shipping for that would we we just got like the the regular the boat all right who else is on there I think that I think a girl girls are preferable to replace a girl we don't need another dude oh a little all right look at this guy all right look at this guy cute hi bad friends my name is Anthony I'm 19 and I have what it takes to be the next Rudy I live in LA I live in Wisconsin I don't live in LA I have a lot of mental trauma and I love you guys and I have a lot of traits that two men would want in a woman and you're Santino you totally forgot you had a show in Wisconsin last week you said oh I've got shows in Salt Lake City and Boston but I forgot the other one and that was Wisconsin
Starting point is 00:19:59 unfortunately so I got my tickets refunded because you do not care about your fans now you guys are going in a microwave all right goodbye they ruin his phone just for the bit that's great wow wow good for that who's that with a kid Anthony very good really good I like it distorted Matt Damon what do you think I like him but he seems aggressive all right that's a good perfect you read that that's good honestly please take notes next to it that says I like but aggressive actually rename it rename the file Anthony in parentheses I like but aggressive I need to have her quotes on the files I like but aggressive and then what did you say about let's mark for first guy Peter what did you think about the first guy again what was your instinct with him he's funny he's funny great that's all
Starting point is 00:20:50 we need to say he's funny and Savannah number two the girl that we just had what do we say about her I like her I shouted I like her I and please write I shouted I like her very good well dude so far we got three good candidates and the guy who ruined his phone keep it going keep it going keep it not tell you why though that's guys good he didn't really ruin the phone no early yeah right so they made a sound effect later I think it was great yeah it was really very smart okay all right here we go other lady friends it's Gianna from Texas for like the third time oh yeah we know her a rank tank tip I'll definitely love to be a temporary Rudy for you guys until you find the Rudy that you love you have someone on that will make you she's you know what's great about her
Starting point is 00:21:39 something about her that's very like perfect for us because she doesn't give a fuck I love how how little she doesn't yeah she was she's like running errands what do you say about her she's very warm I like her presence okay she also very warm I like her presence somebody to look there I look at their own breasts and go yeah they're orangutan that's what she said to us yeah she's like I got a orangutan tips that's cool she's the shit yeah yeah I like her very much I don't even know what a ring and tank tips look like sure you do I know tell you something about Helix sleep Andrew yeah my brother about 20 years ago I bought him a mattress at Ikea okay slept on that mattress for 20 years 20 years yeah yeah and it was slanted there was like bugs in it yeah bed bugs
Starting point is 00:22:27 bed bugs yeah and my brother couldn't sleep well so I've got him a Helix sleep yeah every single day he'll text me and go or call me and go thank you so much it's like I'm sleeping in heaven that's amazing it really is no they are so nice they're so nice well here's what's annoying about Helix sleep I have one in the house in the guest bedroom and when people come over it's more comfortable than our bed that we had in our room so then we had to get another one again everybody's unique right yeah you're unique you're red and we're looking orange but yeah yeah and Helix knows that so they have several different mattress models to choose from they have soft medium and firm mattresses mattress is great for cooling you down if you sleep hot and even a Helix
Starting point is 00:23:04 plus mattress for plus size folks like you Helix sleep has a quiz that takes just two minutes to complete and matches your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you and I'm telling you it does work because yeah it feels so nice because I don't like super soft mattresses and we have the perfect one it's like a quick quiz yeah that's what it is yeah a quiz yeah they send you the perfect mattress for your body even for plus size guys like me like you Helix is awesome you don't need to take our word for it they were awarded the number one overall mattress pick of 2020 by GQ and wired magazine baby just go to helix slash bad friends take their two-minute sleep quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress that will
Starting point is 00:23:43 give you the best sleep of your life they have a 10-year warranty you get to try it out for 100 nights risk-free they even pick it up for you if you don't love it but you will you will Helix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners at slash bad friends that's slash bad friends liquid IV oh my god this is my favorite love this stuff if you haven't tried it what are you doing what are you doing because it's like water's boring water is very boring yeah yeah there's nothing to it jasses it up big time yeah you get nutrients and the liquid IV plus immune support is so good by the way everyone is trying to fight off whatever else is going on out there so first thing in the morning before a workout
Starting point is 00:24:25 if you feel run down hung over which I do often uh liquid IV helps you take care of all that nonsense it just makes you feel great and it makes you feel healthier and they've donated over 10 million sticks to people around the world as well so they're good people oh that's pretty awesome and the new hydration multiplier plus has vitamin c and it boosts your immune system which we all need zinc as well zinc as well as in all can I just say something about this stuff man yeah there's I you know I love flavors yeah this has the best it does have the best flavors if you're sick of just drinking regular tap water boring you set up with some liquid IV make it feel good all right it's the optimal ratio of glucose sodium potassium drinking because it's like you know it's a blend of
Starting point is 00:25:05 the most by sell it has cellular transport technology yeah pretty good that's like from Blade Runner stuff and check this out I know Bob loves this yeah with every purchase liquid IV donates a serving of liquid IV to someone in need so we're helping people while you're helping your body feel good and it tastes good all right sir get your liquid IVs hydration multiplier plus immune support in bulk at Costco or order it online get 25 off when you go to liquid use the code bad friends 25% of anything you order when you get better hydration today using promo code badfriends at liquid anchor if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast let me explain oh please it's free awesome that's cool these are there are
Starting point is 00:25:50 creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer you do it from your phone like on the go oh my god that's cool the bus or the subway you can do it that's cool anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many many many many many many more go ahead you can make money from your podcast too no minimum listenership how about that you can make money with no minimum listenership it's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place where do we have to go Bob download the free anchor app or go to to get started here's uh Nathan i'm auditioning for Rudy on the bad guys podcast because perfect a good replacement you know like i'm Filipino
Starting point is 00:26:37 i like knives i like anime as well i'm not quiet though so if you want okay your give me a call well i get it that's cute yeah what do you say rude he's very honest he's very honest man you're so descriptive yeah i mean she's super for like a company that like describes things on like for you know i mean like on food does descriptions of yeah yeah yeah for advertising an advertisement imagine if she were going to advertise the agency and they were like rudy how's that drink and she's like it's warm and i like liquid perfect while you're in all right let's get another woman let's get another lady is another lady i mean i think ladies would work because here's the problem you and i you're very alphamelly correct yeah you know
Starting point is 00:27:31 i mean i can be i'm i'm a cross between both you're i can be innocent and like being the victim but i can also be no yes i'm sorry i do a victim thing no the best you're the best yeah i'm very victim like for me this is that but then i can also go real alphamellian attack and mean and be aggressive mean right hundred percent so i'm between so we're both you know we need somebody female energy why she works is because she has none of that all right this is uh who's this is billy all right let's see billy hi uh this is my audition for the i want to be rudy thing that you posted um i'm not sure how these go or what you're supposed to say in them i'm not an actress or anything but my name is billy and um i'm half columbian i was born in venezuela though i grew
Starting point is 00:28:17 up in indonesia i don't know what you're supposed to talk about in these things um yeah i love the show i started watching it probably about six months ago or something like that and only recently heard about bobby lee and andrew sentino probably about a year and a half ago or something okay i just love the show i think it's great and i'd love to be a part of it and um yeah i don't know what else to talk about but if you uh need any more information you can get in touch with me uh yeah you know what you know what i'm gonna say the only person that would match her innocence so far i think she's the best she's so far the best so innocent so sweet and normal she's sincere and authentic yeah you can tell that she's a little scared a little scared she doesn't really know what's
Starting point is 00:29:00 going i really like her a lot honestly what do you think she's the best rudy likes her so much she's the best she's the best yeah something about her was so honestly and innocent and like she honestly she was like i don't know i don't i think she and i think in the middle of the filming she was like i don't even know if i want to do this right that's kind of why yeah i don't know how she i like this i don't know how this goes yeah that's great i mean billy you're you're in the front according to root rude rude she's number one right now number one any more women any more girls how many more women jasmine let's just look at the women sure okay um okay all right already the look is there i mean what okay hi andrew hi bobby hi rudy and everybody had bad friends okay before
Starting point is 00:29:48 i begin my audition tape i actually wanted to take the time and tell you guys that i did create a jingle this was a couple weeks ago um for bad friends it's not perfect yet but i do want to just you know sing it for you guys and i hope that you guys like oh cool hey everybody thanks for listening we like being funny and laughing all the way here we got andrew and tito bobby don't forget about jules she's quiet but naughty but anyways we'll see you next week thank you for being a bad friend wow um but anyways my name is johnson and i am 27 years old and i am from new jersey i don't currently live in california but it's always been a dream of mine to live in atlay just because i've always wanted to work in the entertainment space um preferably music but
Starting point is 00:30:43 you know anything along those lines just so i could work my way up you know and learn about the industry the backbone you know everything that goes with it um i do have two degrees um i have a bachelor's and a master's in community education so i learned everything with marketing social media broadcasting and public relations i am a freelance social media manager um okay okay okay all right we're gonna can we uh i want to go to the end i want to go to the end okay we're going to no no no no no don't no go just play it all the way through i want to listen to the whole thing okay hope to hear from you guys bye bye bye
Starting point is 00:31:38 she looks sweet first of all number one first of all first of all the song was amazing dope right that was dope she's a go getter big time she wants it go get her right um i feel like someone like this honestly is not a rudy but also is very like she's someone that could be on the bad friends team i don't know she could replace some other people i know you're talking about fans it's other people fancy yeah honestly i want you to sing kind of what she said so you know as close as you can okay you are funny and tito andrew not so fun i like working at bad friends a lot it's good the lyrics are great the lyrics how many how many do we have one more girl right we have one more girl yes the lyrics are great by the way i love that whatever that is
Starting point is 00:32:33 that's a tapestry of some kind of history hi hi bobby zantino fancy b rudy jewels and the one that shall not be named that's right my name is mia sears and i'm 22 years old i just graduated with an art degree get closer to the mic i think this is good okay although i do not eat foreign festivals today i do like attack on titan no but that's a uh the thing is is that i'm a young female i can do the job oh she's cool she's good i like her she's cool because you can tell she's a fan what are you slated could we talk about slating one time she's slated yeah what did you what do you say rude i feel like she's a top two okay top two write it down i feel like she's a top two two by the way we didn't we didn't even have rudy comment uh and i apologize about jasmine what did we say about jasmine again
Starting point is 00:33:38 what did we say about her she's very sweet but her speech was very long right that down her very sweet but very long so would you say um is there any guys looking worth looking at have you seen the videos right he's a guy that's worth looking at and they're all worth looking at obviously well there's just too many is what you mean oh boy oh already know well already already no all right okay that's a great video dude dude can we give that guy a gig whatever it is that's awesome something that's so good that's all he did that's all he did play that again that's so good that's so good do that i knocked it out of the fucking park yeah it's simple less is more yes bro i gotta tell you think he's funny he's funny thanks jules oh my god today is there another
Starting point is 00:34:48 one he's funny honestly he's really good david joseph okay here's joseph every time i now i read a name i just do it with a filibute joseph it's a reigning but you know um coach coach coach in the mic i i like anime because they got cute eyes and they're petite but but tito tito phobby uh uh oh come on man oh no come on don't don't leave bad friends you know you can you can do anything like you know get tortured with the spanish like fancy yeah come on you can do it motherfucker come on that guy do you understand do you understand his language yeah what do you say he just said um
Starting point is 00:36:12 it's bad friends don't leave and it's it's a hobby he's funny he's funny what was the last part was a come on he said mother fucker oh mother fucker put on it wait put on him in a put on in a put on in a put on in a i'm saying it good right put on it make it faster put on great yeah can i say that now yeah that's mother fucker cool put on in a i'm gonna write it down actually yeah put down i'll do it later you can i live with you so so of all these people so far i guess what we've come to is you like uh billy billy's number one okay so maybe we'll have to reach out and do like a zoom with billy and see if maybe she qualifies uh oh by the way george lupus is high hey what's up george he did okay hi hey what's up yeah that's all uh how that
Starting point is 00:37:10 was uh oh right you did the cast that's true no what when he cast he did a mom he did tiger belly yeah he did the podcast yeah so i meant he did the cast yeah uh uh let me ask one real question about george what was he early way early yeah well how do you know he's notoriously prompt is the way i'll say it well really because he was like we were like i was smoking outside no shirt on i was in my balcony i'm like oh we have 20 minutes he's not gonna be i've heard that he is remarkably sharp and he was right there yeah in my driveway yeah what's up bro i think he takes things very serious in the business in that regard that's what dude you that's a marking of someone that i see that's been in the game for a long time that's good at what they do they're it's like
Starting point is 00:37:50 steve harvey where you're like oh this motherfucker they have this old school professionalism yes dude right because i remember when i was um in the late 90s yeah the first time i opened for somebody i was in it was going to i was going to texas i think it was opening for poly in annison or something right yeah and i was taking a flight and george lopez was in the middle seat of a southwestern airline i'd already seen him on arsino and i just think to myself wow he's not in first class he's sitting middle seat and what a work ethic oh dude what a work ethic and then every time i would go on the road he was always somewhere yeah working somewhere but those guys they're mentality there you said it the professionalism of that generation is fucking unmatched those guys were just the top
Starting point is 00:38:35 tits because they knew there's so much competition back then now people can make their own work yeah i find it to be a far more difficult now do you think or no well here's the thing i think there were so few jobs back then that you had to be so good and so on your shit right where now we make our own like this is our own show well in the 80s it's just different but in the eight okay first of all in the 80s there was never a boom like there was in the late 70s and 80s in the 80s of like every city five or six comedy clubs would spring up yeah it was right and everyone's grandmother was doing it and mother or everyone was doing it well but when you when you started how many people when you okay here's you i grew i started what they called the dark ages in 90 95 yeah when you started
Starting point is 00:39:26 it was dog shit everyone had dropped out the clubs had all failed the clubs were closing nobody was doing it anymore it wasn't like the cool thing to do right and so i'm lucky in this way sense that like you know it was um the people that were doing it were the ones that were really doing like should be doing it or the ones that were like survivalists like they were gonna because people would go you're doing stand-up comedy why right what a nightmare yeah yeah right terrible but that but that generation that that his generation that made it through all that shit too i mean because they had to go from things are great to oh my god dark ages and now they're back up again yeah and his um you know he's just he's just an he was very nice you know he's a smart he didn't
Starting point is 00:40:07 say hi i know he didn't he's a smart dude he's a smart dude he's very funny yeah uh and it's that generation of guy that i do think i respect very much about what they what they did for the game and like honestly it's up to us to do that for the next because it's not the thing is changing dude i mean did you see i wanted to be so supportive but coming to america too i did not watch it i did see the i did see it on my netflix or whatever what is on hbm i don't know amazon but there was a it's it's it's an is it amazon yeah and you want a route for it right no i don't because our friends are in it no just kind of want a route for because it's comedy no i don't i disagree i don't like sequels of i didn't that regard i think it's like leave those things alone i've always been that way
Starting point is 00:40:48 i'm like why did you why we don't all right but that's why i saw it no i didn't need dumb and dumber again i don't need all right but that's why i don't tell you why i don't want animal house again leave these things alone i know leave them alone i know all right so you support it but but we have friends that are in it so which is yeah i have so many people that i know so many people very nice but i couldn't get through there's the opening in the opening right is it bad oh my god it's that bad it's like so what's the fucking mcdonald's mcdowell's yeah mcdowell's mcdonald's right so i don't know what what's the country that eddie murphy's character comes from is some some is it is it a african country that's like it's it's zamunda yeah zamunda
Starting point is 00:41:30 right so now there's a mcdowell's in zamunda in zamunda very funny i like that right so there's a scene where you know um eddie murphy you know arsene hall's character yeah they're all at mcdowell's in zamunda yeah and it's shot in a weird way where it's like basically it's a wide shot essentially right and you have you know the main cast but then you have people around them staying around them and everyone says something but louis anderson's there love who like because he was in the first movie he worked at mcdonald's yeah in the chicago or whatever it might have been right he was the mop boy at mcdonald's right so now he lives in zamunda everyone's there because he's a you know louis doing great yeah it is say if i i wanted to take my ipad i was watching on
Starting point is 00:42:19 my ipad right yeah lay it down on my hardwood floor i put it in a microwave put my anus against your main the screen and just your way through it yeah it was that bad really not one joke made you laugh it was it just the it just the whole thing made me cringe but okay let me be honest was it because of the reminiscent of how much you liked the original or was it because it was just it just didn't seem right it's almost as if like um we were living in a different dimension right like i was like some evil dimension right right and like i was like tied to like a chair made out of meat carcasses you know what i mean and there were like eyeballs flying by with wings right right and like you know i open i see my hands and there's teeth like right and i'm
Starting point is 00:43:11 right right and there's like a fat lady that's slimy right with like a two fork sticking out of her eyes right like right right yeah and then they and the lady with the forks right she comes and gives me the ipad and shows me the scene and i'm in this meat carcass scene here i mean that's what it felt like like it was a nightmare by the way that's the best movie review i've ever heard in my life ship station oh my god i love ship station i'll tell you why we use it here at bad friends that's right we do if you're selling stuff online you're definitely in the right business more people are shopping online than ever that means a lot of orders coming in and a lot of orders you'll need to ship out fast that's right so i online sellers like you need ship station baby no matter how much
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Starting point is 00:45:53 skip a week if you need to so you know also it's like you know i don't cook and stuff and it's like when i open up a hello fresh you know a box it's easy and i look at the ingredients and and the and the directions it's like i can make it myself yeah it's easy and i you know for a second i feel like i'm a gourmet chef you are a gourmet chef these are very easy to follow and it always comes out pretty good go to hello fresh dot com slash bad friends 12 and use code bad friends 12 for 12 free meals including free shipping go to hello fresh dot com slash bad friends 12 use the code bad friends 12 for 12 free meals including free shipping right and it was at that point right i was sweating you know you were getting my shirt off was off and i was like you know i mean like i
Starting point is 00:46:32 was having a panic yeah and because i love the first movie i mean literally one of my favorite movies of all time yeah classic right and then they're doing then you could see they're doing other people's you know they have the other characters well they were they were using old jokes too no yeah arsino is playing the other characters they you know they play three or four different characters at the barbershop but it's like arsino is so old he still looks like the old guy you know i mean like that there's a preacher guy who's old yeah they look the same age now like it's as almost as if they didn't even have to do makeup or whatever you're good you have to watch it it's something special well i want i wanted to i wanted to watch it but i didn't
Starting point is 00:47:12 because i just i like supporting our people that we know that are in things but yeah but my issue with those things i'm telling you i hate remake or like not remakes but what are they what's that called andres your what is it sequel kind but it's not really a sequel because it's the remakes the remakes reboot no that's right reboot that's where exactly it's called a reboot yeah like ghost busters it was a reboot it wasn't a sequel it wasn't a remake the all-female cast was a reboot okay so i'm trying to think of i've never i haven't i haven't heard of one reboot in my mind that i said i'm glad they did that all right i'm thinking about it right now let me because there was one called that was one of the worst movies ever made it was called flat liners oh i remember flat liners yeah
Starting point is 00:47:53 i know i know yes i remember that movie so the first movie was okay as growing up correct yeah they redid it i know oh my god and i always watch them right oh you know what oh well there you go what about what about godzilla yeah the first godzilla the 2014 godzilla with brian cranson yeah it was great it was great yeah it was so good that was good okay so okay so we got one okay but i just saw another kong versus no i wouldn't watch it i refuse why i just don't want that it's just because i can't see in the movie theater honestly yeah i need to see that in a movie theater why am i watching that at my house on my ipad it's just the movie theaters are open are they open again yeah they are not here in la they are you want to see a movie yeah why the also when they advertise it
Starting point is 00:48:35 you know premiering on at movie theaters and i max hbo max right it's like i'll watch you here i'll watch you here yeah but that movie what did you go see in the theater drace i want to see the kong versus godzilla okay what did you think of that how was it it was pretty bad it's but you know here's what takes me out of it in the beginning of that right it's just they show kong right yeah in the jungle right go to andrew yeah and he is like he wakes up he smells the you know trees yeah and then there's a waterfall and he's taking a shower cute right like a cute it's cute almost as if kong you know i mean he seemed way too human right and cute for me right and as soon as they did that and also you can tell it's CGI they couldn't get a real kong no it's not my point man i know what you're
Starting point is 00:49:31 saying no my point but let me ask this is there a reason they humanized him for the sake of the story of the film andres no it was just like the scene in the strike you know like kind of like that opening strike make it so that wasn't that wasn't like a choice that was just a thing they did yeah it wasn't for the film it's like a video game the whole movie here here here's my point okay my point i'm not a movie reviewer but here's my point okay the what makes that godzilla from 2014 good yeah is you don't see godzilla until like 25 percent inside in in the movie all right so we'll we'll poo poo that but you know what when they do american remakes in movies right like the like the ring the american ring yeah was good was scary i liked it yeah oh i've you see you saw
Starting point is 00:50:19 the american ring i think good i don't i don't remember the ring yeah i watched the ring can i tell you something yeah you've been on the show for so long even if you didn't just say yes okay the american ring was good you do you liked it right bob i saw the ring with you no yes thank you rudy very good very good very good that was a test that was so good rudy jules oh yeah swish god you're good yeah but i bring this up because um lebron is doing um space jam space jam yeah no thanks but did you see the the original is one of my favorites but you see the trailer though yes it looks pretty good it looks cool but i but i know it's just something about and also michael jordan uh michael jordan right michael jordan what do you mean michael jordan but it's also you know at one point these
Starting point is 00:51:23 movies like predator or whatever these movies are right at one point these movies were original planet of the apes right right so ghost ghostbusters when you first saw it you had never seen anything like it yep it's like you know it's played a real but the ghosts are you mean goofy and cartoony totally four really funny people you know i mean yeah in the movie right and it's just like it's action packed it's family friendly yeah to a degree adults like it you know me because bill Murray's like with the king at the time you know he still is right yeah and it just it worked right herald ramus is a genius it is a genius so my point is is that you know at one point these movies were original it came from somebody's mind right and it's fresh right and then when you redo it it's
Starting point is 00:52:07 like what happened to creativity let's take a fucking risk well they don't want to take a shot right now because hollywood's owned by china and we have to have films that sell well overseas andres am i right absolutely 100 you have to have so that these films all have to do well overseas now it used to be independent studios could exist they could invest in a small movie like lauren michael's slate used to get more love right like a sketch on snl could be a fucking dynamite movie now those things are impossible to make coneheads one of my favorite movies of all time coneheads was so funny talking about an original concept an alien family that gets to fit in with the normal family he becomes the most beloved guy in his neighborhood dan ackroyd was so fucking funny in that that
Starting point is 00:52:44 movie couldn't be made now who you have to sell that with like i don't know fucking chris hemsworth and and well Jackie chan maybe maybe because you're right yeah it just what it just you can't it just not the same you know what we watched last night i put up a clip online two nights ago we watched Beverly Hills ninja farley's movie bro yeah i fucking loved loved that movie yeah and i watch it again thinking is this gonna be as funny now yep didn't even miss didn't miss a fucking beat it was so fucking funny that's why when you watch something like i mean think about this like doctor strange love i mean what a great film right yeah they that that will a movie like that will never happen again maybe i i mean the odds of it though i you know what i want to do right you what i would do right
Starting point is 00:53:33 now because i've never really done this i'm gonna tell you and this is really true i'm not just saying this out of my own mind right just to you know the my top 10 movies are movies that everyone has to see because they're movies they'll never make again type of movies okay okay i'm not gonna do 10 of them i'll just do three two or three okay well i know but you just seem so disappointed in it well because i thought i was like whoa cool you're gonna do 10 i just get because i'm just thinking of it right now right all right give it so peter cellars in the movie being there being there did you see it no paris texas i've seen paris texas yeah yeah but that's vim vendors that's one of my favorite movies oh okay no i like it yeah go ahead why is it so hot in
Starting point is 00:54:15 here have you noticed really hot in here it's hot outside they're trying to sweat us out okay paris texas is great yeah paris texas great and i'll tell you how the movie and opens well don't say don't give any how it opens how it opens oh yeah first of all it's my favorite love story of all time is it oh yeah you know mine is what raising arizona i would do bro what are you standing for i don't know what are you standing for you stood up i stood up i thought you were gonna hug or kiss or fight no that scared the fuck out of it i i wanted to fuck you just now i know i was gonna i was gonna kiss you but i came yeah that was really i came in too hot i gotta work on that you gotta slow let me do it again right go ahead this is how you should have done it right well no
Starting point is 00:55:00 let's see paris texas yeah let's see that raising her well you know what my favorite love story is what raising arizona no you're doing too hot i'm coming in too hot damn i gotta learn how to do this right how is that balancing on the day can you do it with your face first yeah sorry try it with your face right all right yeah my bad so don't try it with your face first and then slowly maybe get out okay right but don't be so like aggressive well you know what my favorite love story is what raising arizona right okay it is such a good movie yeah it really is nathan arizona sale you some have you seen that movie yes correct yeah what is it about it's about a family who lives in arizona that's right and it's a comedy skit it is a comedy skit
Starting point is 00:55:49 right and then what is it this is the premise about though um they go don't pick at your cheese pie plate they go they go they go to school they go to work the adults and yeah okay that's also true what's the big thing that happens in the movie what do they do what do these two do in the movie they get a they get in prison they get in prison that's right because you saw the photo that's right they get in prison that's very nice okay yeah so i'm glad you like that one of my favorites of all time yeah okay go ahead what are you are you a co-inbrothers fan yeah what the fuck what haven't they made that i like that i don't like i mean i i don't think i've disliked any of their movies like even barton fink sure it's fine it's fine it's weird i like it because
Starting point is 00:56:37 it's quirky it's it's it's look it's not it's not something i'm gonna watch again put sucker proxy fine fine yeah fine but then they have like country of no country no country of old men oh one of the best yeah fargo come on oh give me a fucking one of the best okay well there's a caveat yeah fargo the tv show i loved as much as i love the fucking movie and then here's the thing i've never seen it what it is everyone tells me everyone tells me to watch it and i go i just i love the movie so much no dude you would love have you seen the tv show drace yeah it's how good is it it's incredible it's fucking look at me fucking incredible right we've seen fargo right yes right remember what happens in that pilot episode of fargo the tv show the father the father
Starting point is 00:57:21 shits himself shits himself it's unreal dude you have to see it bobby it's so good and and on the heels of that and on the heels of that it and on the heels of that he shits himself and then what happened remember what his mother does then when the when she finds out the mom the mom is makes makes it a pie makes it into a pie the shit the shit wow it's a shit pie that sounds really good the pilot episode is called a shit eat shit pie yeah that was really good bob so really holy because everyone tells me to watch it it was one of my favorite shows i refuse it was so it's so every season i mean particularly the first is that the one billy bob thorton's in yes particularly the first that being said they were all really fucking good but ever i'll tell you
Starting point is 00:58:01 about my billy bob thorton though well you don't like that he kissed this uh that he no the canadian radio show oh what what about the canadian i don't know what happened right no but the canadian road yeah you do what you don't know what the canadian radio show i should i i don't know i'm all right so he's in a band where you play i know i'm correct yeah and he they're opening up for willy nelson in canada they were yeah right so billy bob thorton is on a radio show that's that's on youtube right you can see it right and i guess before the interview he tells that it i remember then why did you make me even you just clicked it in my brain where he tells the dj don't bring up don't bring up i'm an actor right right which is
Starting point is 00:58:45 so fucking dumb yeah that's how we know that's how we know you fucking idiot right and you're good at it one of the best and you're a good musician that has no one has nothing to do with the other they can both exist they can exist right so as soon as um he brings in the beginning opens up with it yeah he's a great actor right and as soon as billy bob thorton just shuts down yeah it won't answer any questions he's such a dick right yeah and he starts talking about random things like he's asked a direct question he talks about like toys that he grew up you mean owning right yeah and um ever since then i was just kind of lost respect for him yeah that's not a cool move to me it's just not cool for that i disrespected him no no no what he did it's just
Starting point is 00:59:26 don't you don't do that it's it's weird also by the way you didn't want to do radio don't fucking do it then yeah if you're above it don't fucking do it why'd you show up yeah you didn't have to you could have said you know we're not really doing radio interview you know what ended up happening right he kicked off the tour oh he did yeah oh cool yeah well that's what you get for being a fucking asshole yeah see i like that that's what you get you can't just be a dick like that to people yeah that is by the way he's a fucking d a radio dj he's just doing his job yeah he's doing his job he wasn't like taking a shot at you that's why i love um that's why i love the internet and stuff because of the fact that number one you can see stuff like that yeah and
Starting point is 01:00:02 number two it's like also now you have other people there's a new dimension of fame there's you know you have now influencers so you know you have you have people that are big and tick talk you have yeah you too there's different forms of entertainment out there and it lessens the power of the top you're right well it just well it also gives way to other powers right right like other things start to grow and people feel it i think i don't know what you know before like somebody i remember one time when i first moved to la i was over there was a you know china the chinese man theater yeah i was there walking around in that area this is before they turned it into the kodak theater right so i was walking around the right there and i see two men in suits black suits and
Starting point is 01:00:45 i think they were black right and they were sunglasses at night and in between them was bruce willis they're walking just chilling on hollywood no they're just walking they're going from somewhere to walk they're walking and i remember like those people were like stunned yeah i mean people were like people were like frozen because you know i mean it's it's bruce willis yeah that's insane right that's what i was like right i was right frozen bro right now if i said bruce was like what's up i mean it would i would go fuck hey dude yeah yeah i'd say hey dude yeah he probably still walks with the tube body guard yeah hey what's going on but he doesn't they don't have that type like back in the day i know there's one like back in the room of the beetles do remember the beetles no
Starting point is 01:01:38 oh the band i know it's not ringing a bell the beetles right no the band the band the beetles what do you mean the rock band the beetles the beetles the band what the fuck are you talking about the beetles the band yesterday what let it be the monkeys that's the monkeys shut the fire that's funny that's funny now you're making me sweat more but the beetles would like just show up anywhere and the city would faint girls would light themselves on fire yeah in the street like those monks in vietnam right i mean they would like you know it was insane yeah they would like they'd be in a car wringo everyone would be in a car right right against the window it's just women's vaginas to smear against it yeah like you're in some sort of like chinese like you know
Starting point is 01:02:30 me aqua you know me aquarium or something right right just a giant a big spirit right yeah i mean they they're bigger than big that no longer now there's no band if you're a 12 year old girl and you see harry styles well they lose their fucking they lose their minds yeah but it's still not like you know i'll die i'll die right to meet them it's not i'll jump off this building just to see palma yeah they used to do that yeah i know that is crazy and today like my first celebrity setting was tom selleck at an airport yeah with my dad when how old are you i must have been like 10 yeah and then what'd you do lost absolutely batshit bonkers yeah and my dad of course embarrassingly he goes hey tom selleck no swear to god no tom selleck turning you just went like this and i was
Starting point is 01:03:16 like no damn why would you do that yeah yeah tom selleck's gonna hate us now yeah yeah it was just like but also no offense tom selleck wasn't like you know what i mean yeah he's not like one of the greatest actors of all time but like to me i was like holy fucking shit yeah the guy from mr baseball is right there oh my god blew my fucking mind you think about it that's like the highlight of the year oh on the airplane i was like mr fucking baseball i couldn't believe it right right right i was like he goes to airports yeah my mom's opposite my mom so my mom doesn't know anybody right she didn't know anything that's awesome right and i brought her to the comedy store once yeah and i go hey this is my friend andrew not you but some of the guy andrew right
Starting point is 01:03:57 my mom goes hugs her hugs this guy right and he goes she goes do you work here right it was dice yeah i work here i mean he does yeah but my brother i love my mom has no idea yeah but that's good don't that's so much better so much better she doesn't know many people either no she doesn't know anybody we could be we could bring in someone so fucking famous she wouldn't it wouldn't even who's the most famous person that would actually impress you hey styles see look at that style yeah who will 19 you still have that yeah it's so funny because you know ben winston is you know i mean yeah he's basically discovered every style yeah and when i was doing that fucking talk show right this is before the pandemic they were on cordon what no i was not that talk show i
Starting point is 01:04:43 was doing that that game show oh yeah yeah remember yeah of course ben produced it yeah and we're in the in my dressing room and ben walked in remember yeah and i know the connection so in my head i was just like because that we would have done another season without the pandemic yeah and my goal was right and to get them to meet oh that was my goal it just never happened but i'm going to his concert oh when they're putting on a show if it opens if it opens September here styles was in one direction and he broke away but did they break up or they're never gonna do it again is that what it is they shouldn't yeah they're better without each other i have to say though uh because i'm a snob yeah his first solo album was what real good it was okay and i i have to admit that after that did he
Starting point is 01:05:35 fall off the other album is okay there's some catchy poppy you know kind of stuff like you're embarrassed about it watermelon sugar right yeah yeah you understand that because you know um i grew up with you know oh stop it please don't make me fuck no but you i mean you grew up with the stones right yeah but there's the again there's great rock bands that still exist yeah but it's like as good as excel on main street an album come on at least listen to the fucking white album but that's to you i don't know who they are that's to you and that's to you big is where the way that every styles is to her when you listened to the white album right every song was a household everyone knows i know that music because i think they didn't write it i think they stole a lot of that stuff
Starting point is 01:06:19 i wholeheartedly believe that i don't believe they made fucking 50 number one hits i think they stole a lot of music i do i really do i think it's still a lot of stupid you think they just made that up they stole a lot you had two even three right they had scouts going out listening to other people's stuff and they were stealing if you look if you listen to paul more cartney's like they were the robin williams of music you thought it was all his stuff didn't yeah how much time have you done you're really making me mad right now oh because i'm because i'm saying that the bills didn't read all their own shit i know they stole stuff they stole they didn't steal anything man that's fucking ridiculous thieves you stole from who bill bill burr's essence i'm so such a loser
Starting point is 01:07:01 oh yeah his essence well you tried to steal ken jong's but i was before him how is he so further along he's more talented correct that's obvious that's right yeah don't come at me it doesn't hurt what you just said didn't hurt me didn't hurt me the bill burr thing at all i'm just gonna i'm gonna give you the same you got defensive bitch you got defensive when you make fun of me you're so sensitive i'm gonna make fun of you what it did but what you did didn't hurt me the bill burr didn't hurt me either you just said a bad joke about me so i said a bad joke about right but no but i if you would have done the ken jong first to me i wouldn't have brought it back to you because it would just deflect sure you would by the way you started this
Starting point is 01:07:35 war don't be mad because i brought weapons there's no war no but when you made fun of me of course i just hit you back i hit you back you're trying to egg me on by saying that the beetles didn't write their own fucking music speaking of an egg right no the beetles i do believe that they probably begged and bowed and stole some of that stuff that's so so dumb anyway let's move on how can you say that that's not why wouldn't that be true what do you know that that how do you know that that's not true because i'll tell you why because um number one elvis steel no but some of his music was co-written by a lot of it was taken from other people taken let's move on many people in the black community have said in the that's he has stolen black music not just the essence of
Starting point is 01:08:15 black music he has literally stolen music from other artists mm-hmm and they couldn't say anything about it okay and you think the beetles couldn't have that power nope okay let's move on okay yeah yeah i wholeheartedly believe it they're believe their thieves okay their thieves all right we were going into a nice movie thing it was fine you know and also and also i'll say this what their fucking pal mccartney is a hypocrite he's fucking poo poo full of shit him and his wife started like an anti-drug movement campaign his whole fucking career was made on drugs he's a fucking turd shut up pal mccartney if if you let me say something right now shut up if pal mccartney walked in here right now wouldn't give a fuck are you being real wouldn't give a fuck are you being fucking real
Starting point is 01:08:58 right now because the real genius of the beetles yeah died a long time ago who john who john lennon yeah dude yeah yeah the real genius of the beetles it was already dead god you're so dumb pal mccartney do don't do drugs kids don't do drugs you listen to your whole fucking career was drugs who the fuck are you lucy in the fucking sky with diamonds you made a fucking album called yellow submarine yeah your whole shit was drugs he didn't write those songs that's right sometimes they co-write songs so he wrote let it be yeah right yeah that's a good song yeah it is yeah he wrote yesterday i love pal mccartney do i'm actually the biggest beetles fan now you're being real yeah that was a good bit yeah thank you for being a bad friend
Starting point is 01:09:57 well i think for me that because it didn't happen for me what didn't happen like for me it's like i wanted when we first do comedy right we go you get in the rocket ship right yeah yeah right you're like all right three two one Apollo 13 right yeah and then you sit in the rocket ship for a decade yeah try to press the button how does this work you call nasa and i think it's broken right now we're working on it right it's not and then at one point they just pry you out of the fucking machine right you're in the wrong rocket ship you know you're no longer an astronaut right right so then you're like now back in your car driving holiday right right right and then i well and then once three years later they go get back in yeah right we fixed it doesn't work yeah
Starting point is 01:10:42 it doesn't work yeah so it's a i he right got in and it's now in a different fucking solar system yep right you know what i mean yeah i'm a fucking greatest right and it's like we're still on earth of rocket ships are cool yeah for me it's like i'm um you know what i'm on i'm on a hot air balloon i'm in a hot air balloon yeah what am i what am i in slowly it's going up it's going up i'm 60 almost this is and then sometimes and sometimes the helium gets out and you have to work really hard to fire it up again that's that's fucking me you know what i am what those little those little prop planes that fly right below the the the so you don't have to have oxygen just hoping no one shoots me down out of the sky oh before the ripers there were people that tried to like invent
Starting point is 01:11:38 flight that's it with the with the weird fucking yeah that's me sure begging to stay home just begging

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