Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet - 35: Souvenir Shops in Atlantic City, NJ

Episode Date: July 24, 2019

Alex: *loudly and desperately* "I FOLLOWED NONE OF THAT, BUT I HATED ALL OF THAT" *breaks into a sweat* Christine: *pulls up barstool* "EEK!!" *clinks glass* We hope you enjoy another exploration of a...wful reviews and the people who write them, because Alex sure didn't. Logo by Courtney DeKorte. Theme by Mavus White. Music by PSOVOD, Okko Bekker, and tyops.  Buy our merch! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Welcome to Beach to Sandy, Water to Wet, a podcast featuring real reviews written by people who just need the world to know what they think. need the world to know what they think. Between you and me, I wanted to like this podcast, but I'd give it zero stars if I could. What was that? Nothing. I just hit record and that just played. Welcome to Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet,
Starting point is 00:01:16 the podcast where we play mysterious noises and read reviews. And we play our voices, reading reviews written by some people on the internet who aren't us. Not written by us, which we got an email about a conspiracy that got me thinking, do other people also think we write these reviews? Because, wow, they must have a lot of faith,
Starting point is 00:01:41 A, in our creativity, and B, in the amount of time we have on our hands. And honestly, how fucked up we are. Yeah fucked up we are there's some shit in here that there's no way i could come up with seriously and then i started thinking back i was like think about garlic fries or like the racist stuff like jesus we'd be pretty fucked up if we wrote those absolutely um and like they asked because they said oh my friend tried to look up the review was it jamie i think and jamie said that their friend tried to look up the review and i was like i added a note that i intentionally leave out identifying details sometimes like i'll just use the first initial of the name or i won't
Starting point is 00:02:18 say if it's from like yelp or because i don't necessarily want if one person listening goes and like finds that person sends them a message, I don't want anyone to harass anyone. No, we don't want that. So I'm trying to, as much as we're calling them out, I don't necessarily want to broadcast their personal Yelp or Google page. Yes, I don't either. So that's why it might be hard to find them sometimes. And hopefully that means it's hard for them to find us. it might be hard to find them sometimes but um and hopefully that means it's hard for them to find us well that too there's also that fear that uh that Monty will come looking for me and I don't
Starting point is 00:02:49 really need that to happen so um but I do and I need Monty in my life that's where we differ so if that I hope that explains come get me things for you guys I hope nobody else really thinks we write them because that would be pretty wild um yeah i never really even thought of that i have we have like mentioned that kind of but like jokingly jokingly i thought i guess i guess we meant it um so we do i promise we don't fucking write these reviews seriously no okay you you want to i'm gonna start with uh a review that someone wrote for us we can do that sorry juniper juniper just stuck his paw oh my god he's like a horror movie banging the door down okay go ahead i'm gonna read a review
Starting point is 00:03:33 that someone wrote for us that's right we have a contest they're the winner this week okay for some of some merch right yes so juniper is slowly making his way in the month of july we're doing a little contest where um if you write in a five-star review with your twitter handle in there on apple podcast we might pick it and you might win some merch yay so here is a review from vicky titled this podcast will have you look like a Oh, boy. It is five stars. I cannot even begin to explain how awesome this podcast is. I don't like talking to people in public. Me neither.
Starting point is 00:04:13 So I just walk everywhere I go with my headphones in. Me too. With the podcast on, laughing to myself and scaring people away. We'll see the difference with us, though, Christina. We listen and laugh, but we're laughing at ourselves, which is much more pathetic. Very sad, but it also scares people away. It does, which is kind of the point.
Starting point is 00:04:32 It's very effective. And when I'm not laughing, I'm just left with my jaw dropped at how shocking people can be with some of the crazy reviews they leave. Zandy and Xteen do an amazing job at finding these great and crazy reviews, but also do great in delivering them. Keep it up, you guys. Five stars. Thank you, Vicky.
Starting point is 00:04:50 That's so kind. Yes, thank you, Vicky. By this point, you should have received a DM from us. Yep. Saying, tell us where you live. Speaking of personal identifying information, we need to know where Vicky lives. Yes, we do. Also, so we can send monty her way um also we have one week left for the contest so guys uh one more winner next week
Starting point is 00:05:12 and then we're gonna delete that annoying little thing in the beginning where i go thank goodness thank god okay so this week's theme okay so people really liked the walmart one that was fun it was i had fun someone was. I had fun. Someone sent in. Who was that? Piper sent in a timely manner. It's a Walmart that says timely manner with the Walmart logo. It's really funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I very much adore it. We love fan art. We do. We love it. Just putting that out there. So, thank you, Piper. We also love conspiracies about. About whether or not we're as awful as people think we are.
Starting point is 00:05:48 So our theme this week was... Souvenir shops. Right. In Atlantic City, New Jersey. Right, exactly. And I'm just going to start this off by saying I was not very strict about Atlantic City. I was like... you weren't if i can find something in the same general area of new jersey i will use it okay so before people get mad at me i was pretty i think i was pretty much in the same spot i tried yeah and then there's
Starting point is 00:06:19 some that were like in some other city okay nearby you're just trying to throw them off the trail. Or another island. I know. Another island? No, there's some island that had some... Okay, all right. You know what? It's not important.
Starting point is 00:06:32 It's not. Let me start with a review of Wim at the Borgata, which is a casino that has a store in it. Oh, okay. That sells like electronics and souvenirs, apparently. I saw Borgata. Supposedly. Oh oh no that was brigantine never mind see that's an island that's the island i was talking about oh shit well then i got reviews from there too my bad okay anyway this is a two-star review from donna i purchased a light
Starting point is 00:06:59 up mermaid there was only the display left they would not give me a discount, batteries, or a box. Lady said no manager was there. I bought this item because I loved it. But don't go there. Rip off store. End of review. I love when people have a caveat. Listen, I bought this light up mermaid for a very particular reason. You understand. However, you're
Starting point is 00:07:26 not to step foot in this rip-off horrible store. I'm allowed to be ripped off. Just no one else. Right, exactly. It's like when Dwight goes to the store with like beet juice all over them and they're like, we can't serve you. And then he goes back anyway.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And the whole point is he has to tell them like, you missed out on all my money. Pretty woman you. And then he goes back anyway. And the whole point is he has to tell them, like, you missed out on all my money. Pretty woman style. And then he buys it anyway. Right. The pewter wizard. The pewter wizard. Which I'm pretty sure we have said those words on this podcast before.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But anyway. Yeah. I love how it's like, it's the display. So they wouldn't give a discount batteries or a box. It's like, well, they probably don't have them. Yeah. Batteries or the box. That's kind of the point
Starting point is 00:08:05 maybe just wants to get something else or go on amazon i mean and also like i imagine did they say manager was there or something manager was not there see that's the point that's what i was gonna say like i'm sure the person working there who has a summer job who may be a hashtag teen is probably not gonna have the authority to give out discounts and this apparently donna was just covered in beach beaches so oh big mistake didn't know if i mentioned that teens huge okay um well i have a review of a place called resort gift shop which is a very creative title um this is a two-star review by uh cheer and soccer mommy so you know it's gonna be good it's that's obviously honestly the the top type of yelp reviewer exactly and this is the point
Starting point is 00:08:58 in which i do wish that i could write these myself because wow that would be really creative of me cheer and soccer mommy gave two stars to resort gift shop i am reviewing for the hotel because the hotel won't respond my girlies had a cheer comp here so we decided to stay the night both of my daughter's teams won first so they were obviously tired from all their hard work. Let me just tell you, this was a horrible place to hold a cheer comp. Who thought to hold a cheer comp in a casino? We had to walk through the casino to get to our room and my poor girls were coughing up a storm. If I were you, I wouldn't put the elevators in the casino. That's just odd.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's really not, though. No, it's not odd at all. It's really the opposite. It's very normal, I think. Not saying that I approve. I don't know. You know what? Just continue. Once we got to our room, my eldest immediately got into the bathroom to wipe her makeup off, and when the lights turned on, they flickered. My younger one... You're gonna understand that sooner. My younger one began crying due to that. Oh. You would have probably, as a child, cried because of that. I had just brought my youngest to see Hereditary.
Starting point is 00:10:11 She began crying because the lights flickered. No, she's crying because the lights were flickering. There was lights outside our window, multiple stains on the couch, and rips in the lampshades. We couldn't even watch a movie because they cost $20. I told them to take a shower so I could decide whether to stay here or not. I decided yes.
Starting point is 00:10:29 They were just like, head in their hands. Kids taking a shower. Like, what do I do? Where do I go? All the glitter going down the drain. Poetic. So poetic. I decided yes, only to save money. my eldest yelled to me for help from the bathroom
Starting point is 00:10:49 so i came in there and she was still wet no she told me to smell the towel so i did and it smelled like urine i asked actually pretty bad that's just are you ready for what she did oh no i asked if my younger daughter had used that I asked... That's actually pretty bad. But are you ready for what she did? Oh, no. I asked if my younger daughter had used that towel. And she said no. She used the other one. How?
Starting point is 00:11:17 She has a habit of peeing in the towel. I don't know. I just... I asked if my younger daughter used that towel, and she said no. She used the other one. After this, we immediately went to sleep. I got up in the morning and found a coffee machine. I tried to use it, but the coffee came out one drop at a time. It wouldn't turn off.
Starting point is 00:11:34 And when I unplugged it, it still wouldn't turn off. This is a haunted house, it sounds like. It sounds like haunted. This place is okay. The rooms just need some maintenance. Can I please get feedback then instead of question marks uh she used the um emojis for question marks and exclamation points oh yeah yeah so that's that and really drive the point home end of review well that was a trip
Starting point is 00:11:59 that was a cheer comp trip so that whole thing and then at the end it's like, the room was okay. It was okay. Two stars. Jeez. The towel smelled like urine. Yeah, that's nasty. That's pretty nasty. I wouldn't want that. No. I mean, I guess if your younger daughter has a habit of making the towel smell that way,
Starting point is 00:12:17 it could be kind of unclear whether that's the hotel's fault. True, true. Anyway, so that's that one that one that was a long one well not and not to give into like stereotypes but i imagine a cheer plus soccer mom yeah would be the biggest retail nightmare you'd think so right this seems for that like a classic consideration for that consideration like this seems like a fairly reasonable review i would say that also especially if you go about uh creating your profile as cheer and soccer mommy to broadcast that identity to the world and since we read so many crazy reviews i think that my expectations
Starting point is 00:12:55 have been significantly lowered yes i think sometimes it's more shocking the way people don't react to things in reviews like that has become its own trope guy and his family they were flashed yeah his children i can't get over his wife had a like someone showed them yeah walmart and then he goes this is a classic walmart you know this is just how it goes two stars jesus christ all right your turn anyway yeah it was the same star rating as this one jesus i know uh my next one is of uh sugar factory which i think was connected to the hard rock cafe somewhere down there in new jersey um this is by ow by the way what did i call it sugar factory yeah okay i'll just make sure i like found like when i searched
Starting point is 00:13:46 souvenir shops these are the things that came yeah there were a lot of like candy stores and candy kind of like i searched that too and one was like swarovski crystal and i was like wow you must be buying i've got like five from there i see souvenirs i'm just kidding oh but i don't know if this one even fits i think so but i But I like the review. But it might not be. You know what? Just read it. This is by Al. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:08 One star. If it's raining and you pass this place with your family, you will be as screwed as I was. This is an awful place with nothing but corporate schtick. Obscenely expensive and without rhyme or reason. Avoid at all costs. Distract the kids as you walk by. Pretend it's dog poop on the boardwalk and walk around it. You're welcome. I just saved you $250 for milkshakes and a review. Bud,
Starting point is 00:14:43 what did you do? What happened to you? I don't know. Are you okay? Kids, go crazy. Get as many milkshakes as you want. $250. This place is a ripoff.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Sir, they picked the gold flake chocolate. Honestly, that might be what happened. That literally is the only thing. Unless they decided to order milkshakes for the whole boardwalk, like, that's the only thing that makes sense. Pretend it's dog poop. See, that's the thing, is if you need to do that in order to avoid a specific location. Yeah. Distract your children.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I don't think that's, there's, you should be better than that. You should be better. That sounded really, really snarky and mean. I am sorry. Sorry, Al. But thank you. So this is, speaking of candy, sugar, this is a review of James Candy Company on the boardwalk.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Nice. I have one from there. This is by Get Inline. Get it? Get it? Get Inline? Yeah. Get, G-e-t-t space in line like inline skating got it yep two stars of james for james candy company get says stale taffy macaroons and fudge but it tastes good very pricey end of review wait how many stars two why
Starting point is 00:16:08 because it's stale but it tasted good it tastes really good oh real good it tastes good tastes good you can't do that be better that's illegal what's that get what do you always say to people be better what's your slogan? Yeah, I'm like walking down the street. Just demanding people. And I see someone not pick up their dog's poop. And I say, be better. God, could you imagine if I did that?
Starting point is 00:16:37 There are definitely people who do that. I know. I would not be alive today, though. No, probably not. And what a loss that would be. Ouch. today though no probably not and what a loss that would be okay saying that is a lot worse than me saying be better to one yelp reviewer okay your turn this next one actually is two i have two reviews of surf sundries oh my god i have one from there. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. Because that's in Brigantine, New Jersey. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Just saying. Interesting. First one is Devo. One star. If I could rate lower than one star, I would. The owner just refused to sell a sun hat to me because I have tattoos. Another woman walked up in shock and tried to buy it for me and he refused to sell it to her also. I've never been so upset about something before. I will never step foot in the
Starting point is 00:17:34 store again. End of review. Can you imagine a really tatted up guy trying to buy like one of those sun hats with like little flaps? I know, right? Oh, I love it. But how ridiculous is that? Sun hats with like little flaps. I know, right? Oh, I love it. But how ridiculous is that? Oh, it's absurd. And this was a theme with this place.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Oh, this place was bad. Yeah. Like truly. Like Devo, to me, you're okay for writing that one star review. All right. And I have one for Michael now. One star. Same place.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Same place. A few weeks apart. Avoid this fire trap crap pile of a store. I was trying to pay for a frisbee and the creepy old man starts talking very loudly about another patron's appearance. He asked me what I think of this young woman's tattoos and piercings and why would someone do that? Stop. I was just trying to get out of there as fast as possible. I had no interest on commenting on a stranger's appearance. He's a creepy old man. I wouldn't go in there alone. End of review.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Stop. Was that the same encounter? I don't. It was like 26 days apart. So probably not. I imagine more than one person has tattoos in New Jersey. I'm just guessing. Well, is that legal?
Starting point is 00:18:42 For more than one person at a time? To have a tattoo yeah in new jersey i don't know we should ask get in the line um wow okay this is so interesting that you read those because i have one that of the same place please tell me it's not a redemption it's not okay you'll just see i don't know what the hell it is. Okay, I love those kinds. It's by David. It's a one star. So technically not a redemption.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Okay. The guy cursed at me. I saluted him. Then he tried to pick a fight with me right in the parking lot. All that I can say is that my advice is to stay away from the store and I will say a prayer for this man in St. Mary's Cathedral. Oh, well, that's nice. After reading these reviews, there seems to be some deep-seated underlying issues here. And as a Catholic, my faith guides me to walk away. But not everyone has learned humility and forgiveness like I have. End of review. and forgiveness like I have.
Starting point is 00:19:42 End of review. Potentially the most self-righteous person we've ever heard from. It makes me so happy. Except for that person in the crab episode who said, I gave her 20% even though she didn't deserve it. And I wrote that on the receipt. But yeah, this guy, he's going to the cathedral to pray for our fellow. Pray for us too while you're there, please.
Starting point is 00:20:07 We need it. We do need it. Not everyone has learned humility and forgiveness as David has. That one was, that's. Truly, but like to back up every single review was like the ones you were reading were so bad and then i found one actually of this same place where somebody said um i went and looked up this man's history and she's like i'm not gonna reveal it on google reviews but he's gone through some dark things oh i know what he went through you do yes what do you mean he's a holocaust survivor supposedly are you serious that's what this woman was saying i'm pretty sure this was that place.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Yeah, she was like, I went and did some research on him. And I'm like, okay, that's a little disturbing. But, I mean, okay. It was really upsetting. Oh, yeah. This whole... Jesus Christ. Everything surrounding this seems to be upsetting here. This is so dark, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I forgot about that until you brought that up. I'm like, oh, was that this one? I don't like how that plays into this whole thing especially the tattoos i'm glad that this is horrible i'm glad that the catholic oh that's a good point i know right isn't that weird oh fuck i know it just occurred to me i was like wait why would oh should we cut this out no i mean i don't we're not joking about it. No. I mean, and we wrote it ourselves, so. True. Can you imagine? No, I, it just like, after I've read all those terrible reviews, I was like, what's the matter
Starting point is 00:21:32 with this person? And then this person, this other lady was like, oh, I did some research on him. That just makes that last line about learning humility just so much better. God. In the worst way. David's such an asshole. Oh, shit. Sorry sorry he's in the cathedral praying for me i should be nice anyway so there's but i feel like that's kind of what we look at too
Starting point is 00:21:53 is like we not the holocaust but i mean like we look at like there's two sides to everything sometimes people are going through shit or have gone through shit and that reflects in their internet behavior true anyway did you guys write that down i think that was a really good lesson that i just taught teens i needed to because i don't even know what you just said i don't either so what's next i have one um a review from d of jewels of margate designer Fashions for Women in Margate City. That sounds like my kind of place. This is a one-star review.
Starting point is 00:22:34 My sister and I went into Jewels to look for a gift of clothing. We found a top that did not have a tag with a price or size. We asked the young man sales clerk for assistance. He shouted across the store, asking the decision maker for the price. How gauche. Is that what you were looking up earlier? What? I'm just trying to figure out what...
Starting point is 00:22:56 How to pronounce gauche? Yeah, what pronunciation you were googling. It's one of the names of the places that it's a five star redemption. Got it. Okay. How gauche. The decision maker's response was to us, that won't fit you.
Starting point is 00:23:11 How inappropriate, inconsiderate, and offensive. Oh, my. He had no idea what we were looking for. This type of customer service should not be tolerated. Shop elsewhere. End of review. Wowza. That is not very nice. That was one of those where i see how
Starting point is 00:23:28 gauche and i roll my eyes i'm like oh no here we go and then how it ends like oh just full of not so great people how gauche how gosh this whole review stupid word we've never encountered that word in our reviews i don't think so far i don't think so expanding our vocabulary um usually we encounter a lot of words that aren't actually words true so it's almost our specialty by this point so there was another place called brigantine gift shop where the owner it was a similar scenario where the like it was 1.5 stars yes dozens of reviews um and everybody was like this guy just screamed at me to get out of the store like there was no rhyme or reason to like it just he just was like an angry old man apparently so
Starting point is 00:24:18 this is one of the reviews by gabiano of brigantine gift shop one star this guy is really grumpy he needs some cat emoji and at first i was like he needs a cat oh god oh it took me a minute me too i was like he needs some a minute me too i was like he needs some oh oh oh oh oh oh oh gabiano that's one way to look at it away with emojis what away with emojis people have impressive impressive i mean you're right if he had written that out i feel like google would have rejected it true so that's funny very clever workaround gabiano okay we'll use that now a lot more often now that i know about that trick yeah and how often you say that word i mean you really are going going to need it here is my first redemption this is of james candy company oh my god wait which one was that? Oh, stale fudge,
Starting point is 00:25:26 but it tastes good. This is a four-star review by Kristen. My husband couldn't leave the Jersey Shore without some saltwater taffy. James' version is really good. Bite-sized, soft, and well-flavored. I can't pass up a fudge opportunity.
Starting point is 00:25:44 You can, am I right? The lovely older lady at the counter told me, I'll give you the short, fat one. It looks the best. To which my husband said, That's what she said. L-M-A-O. End of review.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Cat emoji, cat emoji. Oh my god. Oh no. That's what she said. Now we're back in the office yeah people who have pride oh this was june of 2019 so i'm kind of wow so this is literally okay very recent and i love the pride who still references the office in 2019 what a loser uh i know i love when people are like how clever oh god do you remember we went through love right there though i know it is very sweet instead of being like oh stop saying that it's like he's so funny yeah we used to do that a lot when we were
Starting point is 00:26:35 younger like in high school when we were at our dad's house when we were super bored we'd always be like that's what she said every time oh yeah our stepmother said something. And she's like, who? What are you guys doing? Who said that? Who said that? And we're like, she. Ha ha ha. God, teenagers are... Teens, close your ears.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Teenagers are fucking annoying. Yep. Maybe that was just us. Probably. Okay, this is... So, I don't know if you noticed this. There were a lot of different Hallmark shops owned by different people i didn't see any of those honestly i assume this is a franchise thing there was ruth's hallmark shop donna's
Starting point is 00:27:11 hallmark shop and norman's hallmark shop and they're all like yeah the brand hallmark all next to all the tupperware yeah exactly yeah exactly um so i don't know. There are some wild ones, but this is one of Donna's Hallmark Shop, and it's a one-star review by Sharon. I made a special trip to purchase gifts and Mother's Day cards. I was told they don't have a bathroom and to go to the Acme store. So I bought my $50 worth of greeting cards at Acme. Maybe next time they should think before they send people away. End of review. $50? In greeting cards?
Starting point is 00:27:50 And Acme is like a little grocery store. How? That would clear them out. Maybe it did. Like at Hallmark, I don't think that's maybe that hard. Yeah, get the nicer ones. But for Mother's Day, it's not like for Christmas where you have like 40 people. Wait, they said for Mother's Day? Yes But for Mother's Day, it's not like for Christmas where you have like 40 people.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Wait, they said for Mother's Day? Yes, for Mother's Day cards. Holy shit. $50 on Mother's Day greeting cards. Is this like the woman who sends her child to school with like a bunch of cards for like classmates' moms? This isn't cheer and soccer mommy. No? Who is this? Sharon.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Oh, it sounds like it. Wait, oh wait wait they're the same person i forgot um anyway i just like that like they said oh why don't you use the bathroom at the um other store yeah there's i read so many one-star reviews about these places that didn't have public bathrooms and they were like what if i was pregnant what if i was this they told me to go next door how rude and listen as someone who literally has a chronic illness about, you know, I've got to use the bathroom a lot of times. Tell us more. Don't say what.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Please, elaborate. Oh, I will. Careful what you wish for. But there are people who are pregnant or have, don't say what if I were pregnant. Yeah. Like, what if I had a disability? What if I had a disability? Like, you don't, if you don't, then don't then stop it exactly like what are you talking about like for Crohn's I literally have a card that says like I'm legally allowed
Starting point is 00:29:15 to use your public bath or your employee bathroom if you don't have a public one and I have a scanner so a scanner yeah can you hand me that card fuck you but like seriously it's not i mean like so as somebody who deals with that i have something for that so don't say what if i exactly yeah leave me alone okay instead of writing a one-star review you'll just call the police me yeah yes got it i'll get my lawyer on the phone. Oh, God. This place won't call. And then you'll call me and be like, pretend you're my lawyer. Oh, hi. How gauche.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Rule 12 says she has to use your bathroom. Let her in. Except for, you know. There will be consequences. The way that I would handle it is, okay, never mind. I'm sorry to bother you. And then, like, just cry in my car. Yeah. I'll go to Acme and spend 50 on mother's day cards i mean as someone who has you know two moms in like four gram eight gram i don't know how the math works out
Starting point is 00:30:16 all eight of our grandmas what if i had eight grandmas how How many do we have? Four. Four. Okay. So, yeah. Okay. You know, I mean, I get, I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense. Okay, your turn. I'm trying to relate. It's not working. Okay, but my next redemption is of that place that I Googled pronunciation for, and it might
Starting point is 00:30:40 be wrong because it was some weird, sketchy website. Frelinger's Original Saltwater Taffy. That's the word I heard in the beginning. Fraylinger. Oh, I looked at that place too. This is a five-star review from Roy. This is heaven. Dark milk and white chocolate run this place.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Gross. And the raisin clusters will make you hurt yourself. End of review. Oh! Oh, no! See? Are you alright? I didn't know what that meant.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I don't either. Do you now know what it means? But, no. Oh. But raisin clusters, that sounds really gross. Yeah, like pecan clusters is one thing. But it is a five-star review. So...
Starting point is 00:31:26 Oh, I see what you're saying. So you're saying, like, initially you thought maybe it's, they're so nasty, you'll want to jump off a bridge is what he was trying to say. But I really think that he meant it as a positive. It sounds like a positive. Yeah, it definitely was presented as a positive. Yeah, the tone of the review is very positive. Please don't hurt yourself over chocolate raisin clusters just raisin clusters can you imagine if it's just i was gonna say there's no chocolate involved
Starting point is 00:31:50 gross foul really true absolutely foul um okay so oh i still i have uh another one star sorry i know you're doing redemptions i I have one later, too, but... Okay, I have one more redemption. Oh, that's it? Yep. Okay, I have one redemption, but first I have a one star. Okay, yeah, perfect. This is called Time After Time.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Time after time. Yep, there, I was waiting for that. I thought I could maybe cut you off, but... Find me. Is that how it goes? Uh-huh. You will find me or something? me is that how it goes uh-huh find me or something that's exactly how it goes it is actually a watch store i thought it was like oh time after time it's a souvenir like it sounds like a gift shop but apparently it's time after time like time watches oh yeah you know you understand time pieces time pieces this is um but it is on the boardwalk, so whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:45 One star review by Robin. I walked in and was greeted with a hello, and then the young lady went back to whatever paperwork she was doing. No. I know. It already starts off very dark. Shortly thereafter, a young man came in and also went behind the counter. I only went into this store because they had an alex and annie ad out front do you know what that is i saw a review that
Starting point is 00:33:11 mentioned it it's like those bracelets that people have with like different charms it's and they have like different someone needs to send me one has my name on it no don't do that it basically it's sort of like a pan you remember the pandora bracelets the charm bracelets okay whatever i remember those uh ones that you'd you'd get on in coastal cities that when they get wet they shrink a little bit oh those like rope bracelets yeah oh yeah those were would end up pretty gross after a summer of wearing them and we'd be like mom we're supposed to wear them forever. And she's like, that's, no.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It smells bad. What if we did? Well, I'm still wearing mine. It's not forever. It's only 12 years. Yeah, Alex and I, they're like these little silver bracelets, and they come with, like, charms. So, like, Grandma Pam got me one. It has a C on it.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And then there's one that has, like, someone actually sent me one um like a true crime one for and that's what you drink like and then you layer them and they have charms okay get it it's a charm bracelet yeah you're just staring at me blankly i just want to make sure we're on the same page i just wanted to make sure it's a charm bracelet it's not a time piece it's not a time piece to be clear got it i only went into the store because they had an alex and annie ad out front i walked in on the opposite side of the store from the alex and annie counter so i had to walk across the store to get there no i know i was in here it's so heavy it's really it's really hard for me to get through this no one and i do mean neither one of the two people working in the store, said another word to me. Nor did they make their way to the Alex and Annie counter.
Starting point is 00:34:53 They may have caught a clue had they looked up and seen the... Sorry. they may have caught a clue had they looked up and seen the 11 alex and annie bracelets and the necklace i was already wearing oh my god that seems like a lot it's a lot oh my god Her ice is dripping. Okay. It's horrible. Okay. They may have caught a clue had they looked up and seen the 11 Alex and Annie bracelets in the necklace I was already wearing. They may have even made a sale. Never again.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I'll just keep buying mine online. Absolutely abysmal customer service. End of review. Oh my god. I love- Well, okay. My first favorite part. Well,'s many there's so many i'm not going back that far when when she said no one as if there's like a huge group of people and then and i mean neither of the two as if that makes it sound any stronger and one of them them came in after she was already there. It's not like...
Starting point is 00:36:08 And I like that a lot of times I'll read them like, oh, and then she went back to playing Candy Crush on her phone. I'm like, yeah, that's pretty rude. But she's doing paperwork. Like, she literally specified that she was doing paperwork. Can't you just say, hey, can you help? No, obviously you can't. I'm imagining like the clanging of bracelets.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Like from, it's like freaking uh christmas carol oh yeah he's dragging oh my god she's dragging all her alex andy chains she's made them into like a chain like and they say like cheer mom soccer mom but that's kind of the the gist of these things like i think i think they might be a christian based company, so there's a lot of cross... I mean, obviously, from this review, you can gather that this is a very Christ-like individual. It's not a very Christ-like. But anyway, it's just funny.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Okay, that's my one star. Great. I have one more redemption. Perfect. This is The Paradise Shop from Crazy Bernie. Dad? Dad? Have retirement really got to it?
Starting point is 00:37:12 This is a five-star review. Loved this quaint little gift shop on the boardwalk. Great selection of knickknacks and other crap to bring home to our ungrateful crew of misfits. Stay here and the big casinos won't clean you out. End of review. Stay here on the what? Sorry. Stay here and the big casinos won't clean you out.
Starting point is 00:37:35 You'll just waste all your money on crap to bring home to your ungrateful misfits? Yep. Oh my. Crazy Bernie. I love Crazy Bernie. Pretty crazy. I always wonder. He wonder living it up i it sounds like about i was wondering like if you were the owner and you read that if you'd be like offended or like happy because it's five stars but it's also like not very nice you know this store sells a
Starting point is 00:37:57 bunch of junk crap but five stars for it it'll keep you from your gambling addiction, I guess. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Okay, I have one more, but... So, I have one more down review, but then a redemption of the same place. So, I'll just read them together. So, this is a review of a place called Little Egg Harbor Soap Company. Abbreviated often as LEH Soap Company. Got it. M gave this place three stars so much soap and a review
Starting point is 00:38:33 three stars i would do that's me when i'm drunk or something like that is such a drunk review when google's like review this place and you're company, hmm, what is there to say? And then it's like, how much do you want to rate it? I don't know, average, like in the middle? Like,
Starting point is 00:38:52 there's just no rhyme or reason to that. But there is a redemption. I read one review that had the phrase rhyme and reason, and I think you've said it three times since then. Why do I keep, maybe because I read the same review. Maybe. How gauche.
Starting point is 00:39:01 How gauche. Um, I have a redemption from I Am Me. Wait. these people are so first one is m and then i am me which is m back oh m god damn it m get out of here oh my god just kidding the first one was m as in like the initial m oh my bad um because they had a really long confusing name but this one is i am like the letter m right i am me me oh my god oh it's all connected it is so i guess this person felt bad for their drunk review
Starting point is 00:39:32 couldn't log into their main account and made a new one this is a five-star review of little egg harbor soap company great store and great items soaps make you feel clean and smell good end of review they do is that my what i've been missing in my life that's the key is that why i smell so bad all the time no wonder it was so complicated all along we just needed to buy soap that was a cute one so make you makes you feel clean love that i know very precious love that that's my that's the end of my reviews atlantic got some goodies that those were fun uh those were funny how are you feeling about your challenge um sick to my stomach okay my i gave Okay. I gave her the challenge of finding reviews of cruise ships that mentioned divorce or breakup. Mm-hmm. I forgot about the breakup part. I just went with divorce, but don't worry.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Okay, good. There was plenty of content. Okay. This is where I drew the line. What? I'll tell you what line I drew the line. What? I'll tell you what line I drew. Please, start with that. The line that I drew was going finally into incognito mode.
Starting point is 00:40:54 No. Because I could not and would not spend several hours looking up cruise ship reviews and then have to deal with the consequences of the banner ads I would be receiving. Oh, good point. So I finally crossed over that line and went into incognito mode and I am very thankful for it. About two hours into my research,
Starting point is 00:41:14 I thought, good job past me. You'd be regretting this wholeheartedly. Cause there were those times when I looked up like reviews that mentioned blaze, like erotic novels and that still haunts my browser history. So, it was time to go incognito. And also the 10 books or something that you bought, the erotic novels you bought.
Starting point is 00:41:35 That was an accident. Oh, yeah. Firefighter, blaze firefighter. God. Okay. blaze firefighter god uh okay so i mean also i was searching divorce which also i didn't need to be my wonderful firefighter blaze called me crying exactly i didn't need that to be uh prominently displayed like divorce lawyers divorce attorneys all over my. So, thank God for incognito mode is my new slogan. So, I'll start here.
Starting point is 00:42:10 This is a one-star review by Pascal. It's a review of the Rome-Tiber River. Is that how you pronounce it? The Tiber? I don't know. Where? Like, Blaise Pascal? Oh, shit. I didn't even think about that. I did not even think. I am M. Where? Like, Blaise Pascal? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I didn't even think about that. I did not even think. I am M, and then there's Blaise Pascal. This is just, see. They're infiltrating. We're not proving the point that we don't write these. That's true. That actually is true.
Starting point is 00:42:36 It does sound like I'm really bad at making up fake names. Yes. You're in soccer, mommy. Okay. This is a review by Pascal. It's a review by pascal it's a little what it's a one-star review of rome tiber river night cruise with dinner fun yeah subject if you are ready to get divorced a night river cruise is so romantic except here Food is worse than worse. Wine is
Starting point is 00:43:06 non-drinkable. Only water is fine. There is worse than food. You get a DJ that would fit better in a retirement home. He thinks he can sing. He cannot. Wouldn't even have a chance in a village in the middle of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Let alone on a dinner cruise. Yeah, wait a chance what with what singing oh okay i think djing all this would be forgiven if you could enjoy the beauties of the eternal city but all you see are walls so if you planned a romantic evening and wanted to get engaged that's definitely not the right choice now if you want to get divorced this is the place to be end of review um troubling pascal did not have a good do you think he was planning on getting engaged that night no he's divorced now yeah he was planning so he got married it was it was his wedding quickest yeah it was the quickest marriage ever.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Just so sad. Got engaged while on the boat, got married while on the boat, and got divorced. Hired a wedding DJ from a retirement home. All went downhill so fast. It does seem to go that way, huh? Yeah. Okay, so this is a review, a more positive review. It's a five star from Enda of Yellow Boat Cruises in Dubai.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I came to Dubai and I expected and had a good time. But the jewel in the crown of the desert royalty was the yellow boat tour. If I could marry a boat tour, I'd get divorced and I'd marry this boat tour. Do it! And if you don't do it you haven't done dubai drop mike oh and
Starting point is 00:44:53 enda has a way with words i'm gonna say that now please don don't. Drop mic. Stop. Should I drop the mic? Stop. Stop. I'm telling Blaze about the divorce. No! All right, so this is where things go exponentially downhill. Okay, good. That's what I'm waiting for. Really bad. I tried to buffer with those, but...
Starting point is 00:45:19 I've found a new low, and it's called Uh-oh. And, oh my, nothing depresses me like Is it a single critic? No, there's thousands of them. Okay, so this is something that other people can add to. This is where all the cruisers go. Is that the correct terminology?
Starting point is 00:45:48 Oh, it is. I learned a lot. Okay, good. I learned a lot about the terminology. They have their own language, essentially. So, I had to look this up. That's terrifying. Do you know what DH is? Like, in internet slang?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Um, I don't think so. No, actually, I don't. I didn't either. And I guessed, and I was right, but I still didn't really. What is it? In internet slang, DH is an abbreviation for dear husband. It is commonly used by women on certain forums,, to refer to their husbands. Similarly, DD means dear daughter daughter and DS means dear son.
Starting point is 00:46:30 What? I don't know. There was also DW, dear wife, like men who were writing, my dear wife, my DW was on board with me. Like, that's just how they refer to their partners. I have no idea. Dora Winifred. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Double D, my daughter. Oh, God oh god i know it's so dumb okay so anyway that's apparently their lingo on these forums okay okay so this is i just found like a little brief example of of kind of the way that people write on these forums um and then i'm gonna go into like the darker stuff okay so this is uh from a forum on called quarantine isolation on ship and basically the entire forum was like hey so what do i do if like this happens quarantine and i think if you're already asking how to plan for quarantine on your vacation. Like, maybe rethink your vacation. Like, this is due to, like, disease or something? Yeah, you know how this often happens where, like, there'll be a sewage problem?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yes. So, like, that's, they're basically just asking in general, like, hey, if this happens, what do I do? Jesus. I know. It's just become a norm, I guess. So, now, there are several ranking systems. Most of the people here are ranked as cool cruisers. Stop.
Starting point is 00:47:51 So, cool cruiser. One of thousands of cool cruisers explained, answered this person's question. Question about quarantine. Gotta say, our balcony saved our marriage during our isolation locked dh out there a few times rolls eyes end of review so what i do so this is just an example of like dh cool cruiser rolls eyes you know i needed to like explain kind of how yes these people conversed these cruisers my mistake calling them cruisers okay how these people conversed. These cruisers. My mistake. I hate calling them cruisers.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Okay. They're cool cruisers. Cool cruisers. Yeah. I drive a Chevy Cruze. Some people might say I'm a cool cruiser. I mean, they don't, but they might. Hashtag cruise girl.
Starting point is 00:48:37 But they won't. Okay. So DB is what I call you now. Cooper. Oh, dear brother. God. Yeah. Okay. I know I call you now cooper oh dear brother god yeah okay i know i call you both but
Starting point is 00:48:46 um okay so now this is where i go back into the internet and i'm still i don't know if you can see this i'm still in incognito mode because i have not let myself escape it yet because i'm afraid yeah this is where we get into the forums and where christina really lost her uh her will to live a normal life i'm just gonna read from the form it's not a review necessarily that's okay okay this is from cool cruiser gary um he asked breakup or divorce before a cruise question mark we're still in the divorce territory. Okay, so Gary. Cruiser Gary.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Cool cruiser Gary. God damn it. I know, you'll get the hang of it. It only took me six and a half hours. Oh no. Okay, so Gary wrote breakup or divorce before a cruise? First of all, my wife and I are fine and happy. Mary.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Thank God. Thank God, Gary. We were nervous. Oh, DW. We were married fine and happy. Mary. Thank God. Thank God, Gary. We were nervous. Oh, DW. We were married on the Splendor two years ago. Yes, that is a cruise ship. I figured. This is just a rhetorical scenario. She knows just how much I want to go on our cruise in Feb that she uses it to manipulate me.
Starting point is 00:50:02 LOL. Just kidding, hun. Feb that she uses it to manipulate me lol just kidding hun I was just wondering if this has happened and if they went on it together anyway despite the divorce and then got back together the romantic part of me wants to believe that that happens more often in that situation than not I look forward to seeing your answers gary nothing more romantic than getting divorced before a cruise and falling back in love on that cruise it does sound like a jennifer aniston movie i will say um yeah so that's gary's it sounds like it's some role play that he wants to play out or it sounds like there really is some deep-seated trouble going on here.
Starting point is 00:50:46 See? Yeah. Who knows? First of all, we're fine. But just rhetorically speaking. Don't you dare question that. Has anyone ever gone back together after divorce? So, oh, maybe his wife was looking up.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Didn't go incognito mode. True. See, that's the problem. That's how you end up. You end up like Gary. So, Gary went into this with such good intentions, and he just got some really sad answers. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:51:15 My husband, okay, this is, I don't know, a bunch of letters. Cool Cruiser. Their icon is a clamshell with a beach umbrella sticking out of it. Yes, of course. Of course. My husband's former housemate went on a cruise for his honeymoon. A week later, they came back from the trip separated and divorced within a month. Not sure what they were thinking.
Starting point is 00:51:35 My husband and I are booked on cruises 12 and 13 over the next four months. I doubt that will ever break us up as we celebrate our 10th anniversary. Ooh, okay. Confidence. Love it. Yeah. Cool Cruiser Attack Dog wrote, I know someone who went on a cruise to help save his marriage. Although they had a good time, it didn't work.
Starting point is 00:51:56 They were divorced in two months. Oh, Jesus. What did I say? Someone said, did he write the screenplay for Along Comes Polly? What? I don't know. Isn't that Jennifer the screenplay for Along Comes Polly? What? I don't know. Isn't that Jennifer Aniston? Yeah, it is. Yeah, someone wrote that.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Oh, I see. Well, I probably have read it before, so it was probably in my subconscious. Now that I think of it, I'm like, I've already read this forum. As we know, we write all of these ourselves. That's true. You wrote all of these. I remember. I did.
Starting point is 00:52:21 You have all these different personas that you're creating. Oh, my God, Alexander. This person, CB at C, that I created, is in the 90,000 club, which means they have posted 90,722 posts on Damn. 90,000. This forum is bumping. I'll just say that.
Starting point is 00:52:41 CB at C wrote, changing scenery won't fix a marriage. I'll just say that. While the change certainly won't fix a broken relationship, it can and often does provide new perspective in which to see the relationship. So, you know, I mean, it's hard to say, Gary. This is a cruise ship for him. Correct. This is about going on a cruise and whether that will fix your marriage or save your life. Just checking, because this is beyond what I expected. Oh, God. This man, Cool Cruiser DJ Steve, said that heve said that oh my god does he work in rome oh my god he's on the he actually works in a retirement home now tiber river cruise he works in the middle of nowhere um dj steve went on a cruise for his honeymoon he and his wife started
Starting point is 00:53:40 arguing almost immediately they almost didn't go to dinner on formal night. That's how bad it was. Wow. I know. After they got off the cruise, it didn't stop, and they were separated six months later and divorced after only 13 months of marriage. Well, this is just sad. I know, but he did give a silver lining.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Quote, several years later, I met a wonderful woman, and we have been married two years, almost never have a disagreement, and have been on six cruises together with no arguments. Aw, good. So, you know... Makes me happy. There's hope.
Starting point is 00:54:09 A lot of people... There's hope for you cool cruisers out there. Yes. And Bill from Wisconsin is a 10,000 clubber. He exemplifies another type of writing that I've encountered often on these forums. If I have to break up or divorce my DW to go on another cruise, consider it done. Sometimes you have to do...
Starting point is 00:54:34 What? Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Eek! Eek! Sorry. Hang on. You missed it, but she did these weird hand motions like she was like a ferret or something some things you have to do what you have to do eek eek bill enter enter if my dw reads this it was just a joke i would never do such a thing to you i would however oh no what would he do
Starting point is 00:55:08 bill uh i would however do it to my girlfriend and then he wrote i love to cruise oh smiling grin face with like the the d yeah oh smiling grin face with like the the d yeah colon d colon d i'm crying this is so absurd anyway so this entire forum is just like absurdity right so i've just ended up sucked right into this anyway so then i found another uh line called or another forum called happy divorce party by diana colon d my friends and i are going on the triumph february 19th can't wait counting down the seconds colon d um teff wrote back congratulations there are a few better feelings than to be free of the parasite that is sucking the very lifeblood from you fuck and then stacy cool cruiser stacy wrote ha ha ha ha ha ha diana i love you girly counting down the days minutes and seconds until we can
Starting point is 00:56:20 celebrate your divorce off topic btw are you coming over for super bowl sunday hugs stay and then um this is fascinating i know alexander is sickly fascinating so then i kind of scrolled down to see like there's like back and forth like i love you silly girl you know whatever so then um this is one stacy responded right to this person that she's going to go celebrate super bowl with and the divorce party before it's same thing so this is horrible okay this is over this is tell me so they oftentimes will include their name and their partner's name so it'll be like stacy and tim sav and barb yes okay so sav and barb responded like i also uh kicked my abusive husband to the curb yada yada you know like and i so much happier for
Starting point is 00:57:13 it um can't wait to celebrate your divorce on this cruise right then stacy and tim stacy is who's writing responded i'll toast to that sav and barb pops cork off bubbly hmm can we all say vacation mode pulls up a bar stool hands diana and sav a glass raises hers and says here's to all the men we've kicked to the curb sav was right love is much better the second time around stacy married my best friend on february 23 2002. My second hubby. I'm having a lot of trouble with this. And then... I assume there are a lot of asterisks here.
Starting point is 00:57:53 There's a lot of asterisks, a lot of colons. That say, like, eek! Colette responded, I hope you have a great time. Just don't fall in love with one of the crew and have a long-distance love affair. Stick out, tongue face. And then blue jeans, cool cruiser blue jeans respond.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Been there, done that. Love it. And then Stacey and Tim wrote, tick tock, tick tock. Another day closer to paradise. And that's the end of the form. So it's just horrible. Okay. Well, I hope she had a great time.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I know. Like, it's just horrible how much I got. Good for you for getting rid of that sack of shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Raise his glass.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'm into it now. Alex and Christine raise his glass. Sit on barstool. Like, she literally wrote, pulls out barstool. It was very specific. I know. Very specific fantasy. I hope that's exactly how it played out i think so i was
Starting point is 00:58:47 just thinking maybe she was manifesting it yes so now this is one that i this is like i don't know what to do here why because i wasn't going to include this but now i feel like i have to you've gone this far it's pretty fucking bad like this is already pretty fucking bad i don't know what's happening i guess we've discussed i'm so over this but i need more we've discussed the holocaust on It's pretty fucking bad. Like, this is already pretty fucking bad. I don't know what's happening. I guess we've discussed. I'm so over this, but I need more. We've discussed the Holocaust on this episode, so things have gone. I still want that out of this episode, but yes.
Starting point is 00:59:14 All sorts of haywire. This is by Darius Dave. Now, I went into this. Okay, I'm going to show you some photos. So this is Darius Dave and his lovely wife. And so, you know how like on, they also have forums where you can post your photos from the cruises.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And like, this is from 2017, but like they haven't figured really out how to like change fonts or like borders. Got it. But so there's, you know, they take all these photos from cruises,
Starting point is 00:59:43 right? So I'm like, okay, cute. I'm going to read this. Right. And look how like, okay, cute. I'm going to read this, right? And look how long this review is. I'm not going to read this, but this is a review of Morella Celebration Cruise by Darius Dave. So it's like really long.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Oh, my Lord. I know. I promise you I'm not going to read that to you. But I did read it myself. Very positive. It was like, this is the best. Like Captain Krizov was prowling around making sure everyone was safe and happy like everything's so positive right then there's a conclusion section saying like how much
Starting point is 01:00:12 they looked forward to it um like cheerful crew like just so happy and positive right and then um i was like okay well there's nothing you know this but i was like why did, well, there's nothing, you know, this. But I was like, why did this come up? And then I was like, oh, right. I searched. Instead of divorce, I had searched, like, ended our marriage or something like that. I was like, I haven't encountered that yet. And then I read footnote. Uh-oh. I don't know why I'm reading this.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Just read it. I treasure an official photo dated January 16th, 2017. The Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Thompson celebration. It shows Darius Dave pushing Kathy in her chariot. Both of us smiling happy as can be alongside the celebration. And you saw that photo. That was the first one I showed you. Sunday, January 22nd.
Starting point is 01:01:03 We retired to bed together. God. when i showed you sunday january 22nd we retired to bed together oh god so sorry i'm so scared right now you should be sadly the grim reaper called before sunrise what no i know sadly the grim reaper called before sunrise and our 45 year marriage unexpectedly ended no more cruises or holidays for us no that's how the review ended that's so tragic is that the worst thing you've ever heard yeah and so then they proceeded to post this entire review with all these photos and then at the end wrote footnote like it's so fucking sad yeah anyway is that what you're ending on are you fucking kidding me i'm so sorry but like what what but i mean darius dave literally rated this place 4.9 out of 5.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Well, I had a good experience. No, didn't have a good experience. What? I know, it's so wild. And then I remembered. Tell me. Our plates, our dishware, is from Irene. And yesterday you were like, who's Irene?
Starting point is 01:02:23 I know who Irene is, yes. It's from Irene. And yesterday you were like, who's Irene? I know who Irene is, yes. She, her husband, Hans, Tim Sposs, died on a cruise. Yeah, it's very common. It happens a lot. And so in these little cruise things, reviews, people are like writing. Actually, I saw somebody write like, we've become so close over these forums.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Like we've gone through deaths marriages divorces children like sadness happiness tragedy what like yeah and i was like jesus christ like i mean if you're writing 90 000 posts like you're bound to absolutely so anyway well the way they talk it's like their family and they're like but they see each other on their cruises i know so i've encountered a new world good and i caution you anyone listening to to really enter this cautiously because carefully because um you will spend many hours freaking reading the shit and looking at photos um that would suck me right in yes it really does yeah uh pulls barstool up clinks glass i mean that's like the whole fucking thing yeah happy divorce party
Starting point is 01:03:35 should have ended on that huh yeah absolutely i'm so sorry not okay but why would you wait the grim reaper came that's a horrifying i don't know anyway so that's that what an episode i'm sorry that got really heavy um well here's one i'll read this we don't want more see then this person cool cruiser francesca argues if a marriage is having problems thanks to outside stress a cruise would help a couple reconnect. And then Mike wrote, damn, these stories are brutal. Everyone should get together and do a Jerry Springer show. He had a group of 42 of us on the Enchantment of the Seas back in March of 2001.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I'm like, I don't really know what that means. Jerry Springer? Yeah, probably. 2001. I'm like, I don't really know what that means. Jerry Springer did? Yeah, probably. And one of the gals had her soon-to-be ex-husband served with papers at his place of business the day after they got home from the cruise.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Must have been colder than hell in the cabin for seven days. And I'm not talking about the air conditioning. Jimmy says she gave him nothing the whole week. Oh. And they kept the beds apart in the cabin. Oh damn what does it have to do with jerry springer the damn wench has well he wrote wrench but i think he meant wench
Starting point is 01:04:52 the damn wench has been married two times since 2001 who are we talking about i cannot follow this husband with papers i cannot give him any throughout the whole cruise jerry springer was the husband here right jerry springer was the mediator. The DH. Jerry Springer is the cool cruiser. I don't know how hard this is to follow. You know Jerry Springer was a former mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio, right? Yes, I did know that. Fun fact, everyone. I want to read this last sentence. The damn wench has been married two times since 2001 and neither lasts more than two years now she's living with her kids this is so sad stop it's so bad i can't really blame you though i mean it's wild oh my god it's no better that you're ending it on this last one last one last one okay
Starting point is 01:05:41 okay while you are sharing this is cruising mama oh six one. Okay, while you are sharing... This is Cruz and Mama 06, 10,000 Club. Okay, while you are sharing stories, this was in the news today, LOL. A woman is divorcing her husband because his online avatar cheated on her with another cyber woman. Eek! What is with the eek? Stop eking at me. Stop. And here I am picturing my dancing M&Ms doing the nasty with someone's fishy or octopus. Excuse me?
Starting point is 01:06:12 That makes me want to eat. Their little avatar thing is a bunch of dancing M&Ms. That's what I would use, honestly. This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Well, I'm glad you got to experience it last one no stop you said that five times this is actually the last one please i heart bda 10 000 club not pda bda wrote responded to the m&m's thing orgygy! In big, big letters. And then wrote, EEE!
Starting point is 01:06:45 Stop! I said stop eeking at me. I'm so done. Hope that word is not foreboding. Okay, I'm closing my She closed it. It's over, everyone. It's over. It's over. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:07:01 If you decided to skip all the crew stuff, now is when you can continue listening. Because it's over, finally. It's fucking over. Fuck. Oh my god. I regret this challenge so much. I still don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:07:20 I followed none of that. But I hated all of that. I'm sorry. Life is short, you know. Please stop. The Grim Reaper could visit any minute. Please. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Everyone, you can find us online at Beach2Sandy is our social media. You can also unfollow us there. You can unfollow us. If you'd prefer that route. And I wouldn't blame you. Oh, dear God. That was just fucking awful.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Okay. Okay. Okay. Challenge and theme? All right, so you're picking a theme? Yes. The theme for this week is banks in Charlotte, North Carolina. I was just thinking of maybe doing a bank challenge, so I'm going to skip that one for now.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Banks in Charlotte. Yes. Okay. Oh, that could be fun. Yeah. It's one of those that's kind of, you know, you don't have really any expectations whatsoever. I hate to speak too soon,
Starting point is 01:08:34 but I feel like it's going to be less upsetting than like pets shops. Don't be so sure. I know. I spoke too soon. don't be so sure i know i spoke too soon so so we got a um a dm from kale on uh what's so funny kale's funny that's all okay um they wrote i have a challenge idea a one-star review of a rental property like an apartment complex etc that the reviewer never lived in. Interesting. Yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I say that after every single one. And I don't think that counts like, oh, they rented it on a vacation or something. So it's just got to be like maybe someone walking by. Yeah, or like they visit, or there's some reason. This is going to be a tough one in a good way, though. I think that'll be fun. I think that'll be fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Okay. Thank you, Kale. Thanks, Kale. Well, I'm not going to say. Okay. Thank you, Kale. Thanks, Kale. Well, I'm not going to say that yet. The number of times I say thanks, Kale, every day. Depending on how this goes, then I will potentially thank you, Kale. You're not thanking anyone after this last change. I will pray for you.
Starting point is 01:09:40 In St. Mary's Cathedral. In St. Mary's Cathedral. Okay. Cool. Okay. Anything else for us ds that's it thank god that's all for now thank god and we will talk to you next week puts barstool back in sets down glass can we say vacation mode eek

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