Beantown Podcast - 01202018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: January 13, 2018

Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast -- Listen weekly as Quinn rambles about movies, sports, Russian restaurants, doing your taxes, pledge drive telethons, and losing your mom as a subscr...iber to the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, hey, what's going on? This is Quinn David Furnace and this is the Beentown podcast streaming you live from 817 St. Paul Street here in beautiful Baltimore, Maryland, always be Beentown to me. It's just a nickname that people use. It's 50 degrees outside here January 20th, which having lived in Chicago for the last 21 plus years, 22 years feels lovely. I went for a run this morning. I got some groceries, made some coffee, sitting here with my coffee, sipping it out of Grand Macelle Hodgents furnaces, Panama Canal mug.
Starting point is 00:00:51 It is one of my prize possessions. I wish you could see it. It ranks up there with some of my other big pieces, including my sports illustrated copy of Chicago Coaxman in the World Series, my W flag, the Tiger blanket of course is a big part of my life you don't know about it. Right to me, ask me about it. It's huge. I will tell that story at a later date. What's going on? How are you? How's your week been? Mine has been wild. I got home last night from a film and realized I was gonna be recording
Starting point is 00:01:37 this morning and hadn't written anything yet and so I started to think okay what's been going on? What's happening? Last weekend of this weekend, I realized there's there's a million things That had been going on both in my world and in the world at large to chat about so I literally spent less than half an hour writing For for what we're about to talk about here today Let me get some of my coffee and we will jump right in for what we're about to talk about here today. Let me get some of my coffee and we will jump right in. All right, so a lot of things I wanna talk about here,
Starting point is 00:02:20 try to keep it brief. First and foremost, boy, I was about to cuss right into the microphone and I realized I didn't give my listener discretion is advised tag. For two reasons, first, there will be some adult language using this podcast to the podcast is just objectively terrible. So there's your warning. Holy shit. Vikings vs Saints. God damn. I the roller coaster of emotions in that game and and and I'm a Vikings fan. I'm a Cubs fan. I am a witch tough fan. They're, you get a lot of good games and a lot of games where you just
Starting point is 00:03:09 become used to, uh, disappointment. Um, so when the Vikings were, uh, 17 is zero and a half time, uh, I'll be honest with you, I felt really good. But simultaneously I said, there's no way, excuse me, I'm belching like a sailor over here. There's no way that Drew Brees goes 60 minutes in a playoff game without putting up some series carnage and lo and behold, Michael Thomas got loose. Alvin Cammart Vikings really, no one's really talked about this. Vikings kicked the Saints' running backs in the ass from a running perspective, but Alvin
Starting point is 00:03:49 Camarro did get going in that passing game. It really wasn't that Vikings linebackers can't cover him. I mean, Anthony Bar and Eric Kendrick are two of the fastest linebackers. In football, it's just, Helikamaris, so shifty and little Andrew Breeze is just pinpoint accuracy inside, no weather conditions to worry about. Yeah, good luck. Football, this isn't really talked about a lot. I don't know, maybe it's not completely true, but this is my perspective. When you have, if you're a quarterback and you can put the ball wherever you want with pinpoint accuracy,
Starting point is 00:04:36 like your breeze does, like Aaron Rodgers does, like Tom Brady does, you will automatically be better. And that's why in that second half, great offense, beat, great defense. And they didn't just beat them. The Vikings really couldn't do anything against that same defense, because Drew Brees was just so perfect that yeah, good luck.
Starting point is 00:05:00 We were dead in the water. I have seen this story before. I thought it was gonna be over when Kai Forbeth had to kick that 52 yarder. I was like, ah, shoot. This is not going to end well. He made it, which is awesome because the Vikings fan very used to kicking disappointments. I knew that St. Z had plenty of time. I thought, hey, maybe the
Starting point is 00:05:25 bikes can finally step up here. They almost say they got it to fourth and ten there. And then Frickin' Willie's Sneed got that first down completion. And then of course, Will Lutz, who, uh, something about that name, just pisses me off. I'm sure he's a lovely guy. Nails his field goal. And then, and then the rest is history
Starting point is 00:05:46 with the Stefan Diggs catch. I, for those of you who know me, I'm a fairly reserved guy. I'm pretty quirky, pretty weird, but I don't usually go crazy emotionally or with my volume. I'm fortunate. None of my neighbors called 911 or an ambulance because I was making some loud noises. Earlier in the game, Viking score touched on.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I do a lot of clapping. It's like every time I do it reminds me of the key and peel white Republican sketch where every time they introduce someone is just like And then they stop on a dime That's what it's like and that's just kind of how I do it naturally, but when stuff on dig score that touchdown I was actually ready for disappointment. So I don't own a TV, so I stream everything on my computer. And my stream is probably, I don't know, 30 seconds behind the national stream.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And so there's 10 seconds left there in the huddle for that play. And all of a sudden, I had turned my phone off because I was just pissed at that point and was gonna spend the rest of the night eating a pizza by myself and probably breaking my dry January. I had not been drinking this month, but I was very close to last Sunday night. So I'm on my computer, though. And all of of a sudden I get a face time call from my sister and I'm just thinking like crap like she's just gonna sister nice person very sweet just gonna be like do you watch the game? Yeah sorry that that really sucked and I just like at that point I was just about to lose it when they were still losing 10 seconds left,
Starting point is 00:07:46 my sister's face timing, I'm just like, get the hell out of here, so I declined it very quickly. And then, five seconds later, a true reversal of fortunes. If you haven't seen the play, get out from under your rock, we go check it out, but. Vikings vs Eagles Eagles tomorrow night, actually this wasn't on my written agenda for what I was going to talk about today, but I'll just mention it quickly. So 11 in bean town, you know, it's a two hour bus ride, 90 minute train ride to get up to Lincoln financial and I came dangerously
Starting point is 00:08:28 close to putting my credit card information in on the stub hub yesterday morning. I could have gotten a stand-up ticket at Lincoln financial for about $550, $550. I honestly, the biggest thing that held me back from doing it was one, it's outside, and it's at night, not gonna mean he's on it. It's gonna be like 40 degrees in Philly tomorrow, but standing outside in the cold for that long is tough, especially at night.
Starting point is 00:09:04 The other thing that was that ended up being What convinced me to not go through it. It was Getting up to fill you was gonna be no problem. It could have hopped on a bus Sunday morning tomorrow morning and Done that for like 12 bucks would have been fine time would not have been an issue, but getting back would have been a nightmare because it would have had to take like a, basically the first train from Philly to Baltimore in Monday morning, which is like 5am or something, which is presented a myriad of problems. First, what am I going to do from 11am to 5am in Philadelphia? I don't have any friends or anything who live in Philly. So I was
Starting point is 00:09:47 just going to end up at like a iHop or something for way too long. The other thing was that was going to mean, and I'd go a night without sleeping and I was going to have to read applications all day the next day. And paying, you know, overall, overall like 700 bucks for that entire experience to not get any sleep And if the Vikings lose and I'll just feel terrible about myself. So I said hey 700 bucks I can do a lot With that that's like two vacations to Chicago and I get twice as much Twice many days out of it.
Starting point is 00:10:26 So, decided not to do it. Actually, I almost similarly bought a plane ticket to Minneapolis last weekend to go watch that game and that would have been similar pricing because I would have had to fly there and buy a ticket. But we're not gonna be doing it. We are gonna be watching these games right here from the flower chair, which you can add to the list of my prize possessions. Flower chair and Tiger Blanket, those are the big two. I can tell those stories
Starting point is 00:10:54 in a later day, and I will tell those stories at a later day. Let's move on. I, for those of you who have been following me on social media know that I sliced my thumb pretty badly. I was at two nights ago. I got a new pairing knife because the knife that I usually use to cut my chicken, making fajitas, is like from growing up in my childhood home. And it was just passed down to me when I, probably when I moved to Chicago for college. Yeah, so this thing is dull,
Starting point is 00:11:36 probably hasn't been sharpened since the Clinton administration, which is a joke, but also not a joke. So I buy a new pairing knife, it's like 10 bucks on Amazon, whatever. I was watching comedians and cars getting coffee. The Sarah Jessica Parker episode, which I ended up missing half of it
Starting point is 00:11:54 because of what was what's about to happen. Not really paying attention, used the Super Daln Life is not an issue. Yeah, I took out not a huge chunk of my thumb, but pretty significant. So if you hold your left thumb in front of your face, the left kind of upper corner of it is it's curved back down. Basically, I just cut off a portion. Again, not huge. I'm not going in for stitches or anything.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I've had it taped up for the last two days, been changing the bandages and stuff. I assume it's gonna grow back. I don't know anything about skin regeneration and it's something that's, when it's something that that is that it's something that's significant but Yeah, it's pretty much down to the nail which is cut very
Starting point is 00:12:54 Close I'm pretty much missing that chunk of my thumb now. So Everything's fine Talk to a doctor friend and he said probably don't need stitches So I mean if I do I'll probably just do it myself although that sounds kind of painful so The the finger is fine changing the bandages. I think it will be okay It just makes typing a pain in the ass, which is particularly
Starting point is 00:13:23 Unhelpful because for my job I have to type write-ups on 100 applications a day. So that's tough. But it's okay. I'll be fine. It's not really painful anymore. It was pretty painful Thursday night when it happens, but it's over now Thank you to the fajitas they taste a little less tasty
Starting point is 00:13:56 Because of what happened when they are made that's my thumb for you Something that I also wasn't planning on touching on here, but this guy I was cruising through Facebook news feed Literally five minutes before I started recording and I see a friend post an article from Christianity to and the article is the top 50 countries where it's most dangerous to follow Jesus. So you check it out, a list of countries that you would, I don't know if this is wrong to say, but countries you would expect North Korea, China is on there a lot of North Africa, Middle East. You look at the world map and it's centered around Middle East with some East and Southeast
Starting point is 00:14:38 Asia thrown in there. But one that is interesting, and I read through the article to see if they mentioned this in your, and I don't understand it, but Mexico is on there in terms of top 50 countries where it's most dangerous to follow due to this. And I don't understand why I'm not super educated in religious studies. I just have a call undergraduate minor in it, but Mexico is like extremely Catholic. So I don't quite understand it. And I also would be interested to hear how they measure that. How do you measure persecution? Is it just total number
Starting point is 00:15:22 of Christians incarcerated or is there some way to measure like hate crimes against people because of their religion? I don't know, but Mexico is according to this survey Among the top 50 countries where it's most dangerous to follow Jesus Who knew I Didn't until today, although I am suspicious. That's that. I try to go through at least one movie just briefly per week. I'm probably going to have to double up pretty soon here,
Starting point is 00:15:57 because we're going to get to a point where I've seen all these movies, many of them twice, but it's going to be like a month and a half out between the time that I've seen it for my second time and the time I actually talk about it and I just won't be able to give as effective, a perspective on it, but last week, touched on Lady Bird briefly.
Starting point is 00:16:20 So the movie I saw last night was Phantom Third. I'm not gonna talk about that right now because there's another movie that I want to talk of more Excuse me a movie that Is you know going to be a major player Come Oscars Time is shape of water. I saw for the first time maybe a month ago and then I saw it again on maybe a month ago and then I saw it again on
Starting point is 00:16:48 It was the night of my incident so that was Thursday night so shape of water is Guillermo del Toro Star Sally Hawkins Michael Shannon and Michael Stullberg who just it's like a Not very well-known actor and then all of a sudden is in like three of the best movies of the year, Shape of Water, the Post, and then of course, coming by your name, Michael Stillberg was amazing in that might get an Oscar nom, but he's also in Shape of Water. So if you don't know the premise, I don't want to spend a ton of time just talking about plot, but Sally Hawkins, it's set in 1960s Baltimore, which is interesting, but they, Sally Hawkins plays like a janitor essentially at this like Cold War era research facility in Baltimore and they bring in this like Amazonian sea creature and she falls in love and yada yada yada anyways. The things that I
Starting point is 00:17:55 really love about the film the acting fantastic I should mention as part of the the principal cast Octavia Spencer's also in the cast. The acting amazing So Sally Hawkins plays a mute lady, but as you're probably expecting that makes her acting so much better or not so much better, but that much better. She's really good. Michael Shannon plays an excellent villain. Michael Stullberg's role is less important, but he's still solid. Octavia Spencer plays essentially herself. You know what you're getting from Octavia Spencer,
Starting point is 00:18:34 but that doesn't mean I don't like it. And she's just, she's kind of always plays herself. So she's good too. So acting fantastic. I thought the cinematography and the use of colors and just water as an overall symbol or motive they haven't taken in English class long enough to know the difference between those two things. But, it was just a really well shot movie.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And it's a romance with an excellent score, which is all kind of nice and very well put together, very well produced and directed. My biggest issue, and I've talked to some other people who feel similarly, I don't know what the national perception is on this, though. The physical love story is between a mute woman and this like sea creature who neither of them speak at all, but they can kind of communicate
Starting point is 00:19:43 but not super effectively. It's mostly just through facial expressions. But they're like getting it on in the bathtub, like this human lady in this Amazon creature. And I don't know. I just, I struggle with that. They shoot it well. It's beautiful, but just like, struggle with that. They shoot it well.
Starting point is 00:20:05 It's beautiful, but just like, boy, that was tough for me. And I know that is the center piece of the film. You have to have that hinges around that. That's what makes it a great film, but like, I don't know. I struggle with the tone. It's this weird, I hate using that word, because it's such a nod to descriptive word, but it's a weird love story set in a Cold War era thing. They do some things, or one thing in particular with Michael Shannon's character regarding an injury that he experiences, and I don't, I should just read more about that because I'm sure someone has an explanation somewhere, but I don't understand the meaning of that injury.
Starting point is 00:20:48 So what I'm getting at overall here is that I liked the film and I'm glad I sought twice, but compared to the other major Oscar players, and for me those are films like calling by your name, Lady Bird, Three Bill Boards, The Post, which I also saw for the first time this past week. Those are kind of the big ones. They're plenty of other major contenders in different categories, but those are that's kind of the core for me. It just,
Starting point is 00:21:22 it isn't quite at that same level. It's good for, it's great for what it is, but I still struggled with it at times. So, it's three out of four stars for me, shape of water. If you get the chance to red box it or watch it online or anything totally worth it, because there are many great things about it that I really love. Sally Hawkins, Michael Shannon, totally shafted this guy.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Richard Jenkins plays, plays his part really well. As well, Michael Stulberg and Octavia Spencer and then Doug Jones plays the Seeker Tour. So it's fun, it's fine. Check it out if you get the chance. That's my movie. Couple of things to touch on here. Government shutdown happened literally 12 hours ago at midnight. First one since what 2013 thinks Obama. So I was reading up because you know government shutdown who that's what CNN's all about Fox News News is all about, which I visit both of those sites every day, if you didn't know, like to keep
Starting point is 00:22:30 it balanced. What does that actually mean though? So I was reading through that, at least for me, I don't think it will have any sort of impact upon my daily life. I work for a private company. I don't really rely on any federal employees for anything in my day to day. So yeah, I'm sure we'll have some sort of impact on somebody listening to this, but I don't know. Not a huge thing for me right now. So anyways, that's what's going on in our country. I just wanted to give that a mention. One thing that's getting a little more personal note here, and this is in no way humorous at all, but most of this podcast has them in, Learned a couple days ago that a
Starting point is 00:23:27 Lady who used to be a romantically involved with starting a new job recently and so I'm not in contact with this person I found out through someone else, but she is struggling with her new position and just at first that made me feel so good because this person hurt me a lot and now just reflecting more on that it just the fact that just instinctively I felt so good about that makes me so upset with myself
Starting point is 00:24:01 because that's the antithesis of how I want to carry myself. So just been going through a lot of emotions there and I also, so I saw calling it by your name for the second time this week. This week there are a lot of movies and that movie makes me think about that situation a lot and so there's been a lot of emotions this week but that's that's it's okay emotions are good and it reminds me a lot of the the Michael Stullberg speech from calling it by your name if you don't know it you have to go watch it favorite film of the year it's between that and Ladybird I don't know they're right there but yeah saw a lot of movies this week. I saw
Starting point is 00:24:47 The post on Monday night. I Saw calling by your name for the second time on Tuesday night. I saw a shape of water for the second time a Thursday night and then last night I saw Phantom Thread for the first time and then this afternoon. I'm going to see it on you for the second time. So Yeah, that's what five movies six days. So I'm keeping busy. I'm going to see itanya for the second time. So yeah that's what five movies six days. So I'm keeping busy, I'm gearing up for Oscars but yeah I have one last thing for you here. Got my advice column. Thank you. had two dear friends. Two brothers actually shoot me some advice questions this week and keep them anonymous.
Starting point is 00:25:32 They're my brothers, but I'm not not listening to names. And I'm saying they're like my brothers, not my brothers, they're like my brothers. So take that for what you will. I should mention that I don't read the advice questions before we go live before we hit the air. What I kind of do is I open up my email, which is beantownpodcast at
Starting point is 00:25:58 That's To. O. W. N. podcast at Keep those advice questions coming to my love them, but I open it up, I do a copy and paste into my place where I organize what I've written. But I kind of avert my gaze, you know? It's like, it's like, if you could see
Starting point is 00:26:19 what I'm doing with my hand right now, it's like I avert, I avert. One more time, I avert my gaze. So I don't see the questions. So let's read them. We are going to go anonymous from here and out. So hey, if you have any of those sexual or dating questions, bring those on too.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I just remembered this. Quick aside, I was reading an application yesterday, some random kid from Pennsylvania, and the kid has straight A except for sophomore year. He has a D plus in sexuality and dating. Like, damn, D is for damn. How do you get a D plus in sexuality and dating like damn Diaz for damn how do you get a D plus in sexuality and dating I mean I Probably would have struggled to get an A in sexuality and dating if I took that class in grad school But man, I could I could still pull a B minus, you know, right?
Starting point is 00:27:25 And that meaty part of the curve as good stands, I would say. But yeah, a D plus and sexuality and dating that's that was a tough one. He did not get into a little Johnny Hopkins, but here, let here let's jump in. First question. Deerpean town podcast. I hope to receive an answer that would help me out in regards to efficiency in general hygiene, all right? Well, you're talking to the right guy about hygiene.
Starting point is 00:27:58 And if you've seen my hair, it's lush. It's like a bush. As a part of my morning routine, I take showers. I find them to be important to not only help me wake up, but also help stay under the threshold of odor be considered that that bad. I'm loving this, knows me so well. As I shower though, I'm conflicted with the options
Starting point is 00:28:23 I have to wash my hair. Do I wash my hair first? Do I wash my hair last? Or do I use those weird melds of product that claim to be both shampoo and body wash and try to clean both my body and hair at the same time? One and done type of situation is I would put it. I have wasted too much time and water sending wet naked into sites. I feel you there. Send help. Love the question. Reminds me of the sign fell episode.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Cosmo Kramer is spending too long in the shower. He's lacking efficiency. So he goes to the gym, takes some notes, goes on a dry run with Jerry. It's a fantastic episode. It is not the shower head episode where Kramer gets the commando excuse me the episode is the apology I believe is what it's called so go check it out good question hi bean town Quinn this is already using a student of so this works this is Renee from Renee isn't that a Ren that's the girl from even Stevens, what a show. Um, a few quick questions for it.
Starting point is 00:29:48 So there's gonna be like a lightning round sort of thing if I'm, if I'm reading this correctly. Um, ha ha ha ha, look at these questions. Okay, here we go. Uh, you're gonna get your money's worth. If a guy sets up a pyramid of empty soda cans, knocks them over with a karate chop,
Starting point is 00:30:04 but only his brother is visible at the time Who gets in trouble and have first hand experience with that? It's the the guy who didn't knock them over if you were 4.11 and 75 pounds I know someone like that what would it take to convince you to agree to your unlimited backyard football with a couple of six plus footers We were not six plus feet at the time, but that is a timely question because I wrote this part of my 2017 has been like a series of Facebook statuses from back in December. If you didn't check it out, encourage you to go look at it. There's some good tidbits in there. All truthful. It's
Starting point is 00:30:41 on my personal Facebook page, Quinferness. Probably a ring pop. There's this kid in my class who dresses up like a different animated character each day. Can't help but stare. What do I do? Take pictures, post them on Facebooks, and get a season to cis letter from her father who is a lawyer. Next question. My eight-year-old nephew was obsessed with his Metallica beanie. He wants to wear it all the time. Should I encourage his good taste or cut him off? He is eight after all. Answer. Make him some of the 500 fly.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Last question. My roommate keeps trying to burn notebooks in our backyard wearing nothing but slippers, yellow shorts, and a helmet. How do I tell him it's just not working? My yellow shorts are legendary and Looking at them right now. They're sitting over the back of my chair This is a real question if you go to My YouTube page, which is I believe Quinn furnace
Starting point is 00:31:41 You can see those yellow shorts that helmet in action. I Won't tell that whole story of the burning the notebook, but essentially I paid $80 for this collection of loose leaf or like PDF printed pages. You could have accessed online in two clicks, if you would have given you access to it. That was my lovely professor from grad school who I, I'm not a fan of. Let's keep it to that.
Starting point is 00:32:10 But to answer your question, how do I tell him it's just not working? I would say it's too thick. That's probably what I would say. That's advice. That is the podcast for Saturday, January 20th. That is the podcast for Saturday, January 20th. Ranned a little bit long, but there were actually a lot of things
Starting point is 00:32:30 that I wanted to talk about and a couple of extra things that popped up here and there. Tomorrow's slated games, Jigs and Pats at, I don't know, four o'clock or something Eastern, Bikes and Eagles, presumably eight o'clock Eastern. And we will see who's gonna win their respective conferences. Go Jags, go bikes. This has been Quinferness, this is the Bean Town Podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:01 That's all I got for ya. If you have questions, comments, concerns, or you just wanna see my praises, send them to BeentownPodcast at Thanks for listening. I hope you have a good one. I will check in on you next weekend.

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