Beantown Podcast - 02172018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast (Pledge Drive Telethon)

Episode Date: January 13, 2018

Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast -- Listen weekly as Quinn & guests ramble about movies, sports, Russian restaurants, doing your taxes, pledge drive telethons, and losing your mom as ...a subscriber to the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the first annual Beantown Podcast Pledge Drive Telephone. We're going to get started with the song. It's going to be lit. Here we go. All right. There comes a time when we heed a certain call, when the world must come together as one. There are people dying and serving on their hand the greatest gift of all. We can't go on pretending to be my day, that someone somewhere soon make a change. We're all part of God's great big family and the truth you know is love all we need We are the world we are the children we are the ones make a bright and right and day so let's start giving there's a choice for making saving our lives
Starting point is 00:01:31 la la la la la la you and me again we are the world we are the children we are the ones to make a brighter day, so let's not give in. There's a choice we're making, we're saving our own lives. It's true to make a better day to see you and me. It's true to make a better day to see you and me.
Starting point is 00:02:09 All right, welcome to the Beetown Podcast. First annual live pledge drive, telephone, fundraiser, spectacular. This is Quinn David Furnace. We are coming to you live from 817 Paul Street here in beautiful being town might be a little cold outside. But it's about to get real hot in here. The phone lines are open. That's right, they're open everybody. Call in donations 815 298 7200 or email beantown podcast that's beantown B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast at We're here to raise money.
Starting point is 00:03:02 We're shooting for $150 to launch the podcast on iTunes. Been listening to raise money. We're shooting for a hundred fifty dollars to launch the podcast on iTunes Been listening to your concerns been listening to your problems and hearing your grievances been getting your hate mail I've been reading all of it and Yeah, we're gonna start posting to YouTube. We're gonna start posting to iTunes So you can listen on your commute. You can do what you need to do. But yeah, we are very excited to be streaming. Follins are open.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Venmo is Quinn, Q-U-I-N-N, hyphen, furnace, F-U-R-N-E-S-S. Bringing those donations, we've already raised $45. Very excited from some fantastic donors, friends, families, nemesis, nemesis, nemesis, nemesia, nemesia. The nemesia, that would be a, it's like an anti-christ type of thing. But yeah, we're pumped. We're happy to be here. What are we going to talk about today? Well, we've got some stuff going on first and for and most. So I've been getting back into drinking.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Now that February's in full swing, January's done. That was our dry month. And I've really been trying to balance going hard with the drinking, having a good time with getting in shape for swim suit seasons. It's tough when you look like this. People always seem to be judging you just by your looks and not your personality. So that's been a big challenge for me.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Just trying to, you know, you go on dates with girls and all they want to do is just, you know, look at you. And I'm like, hey, talk to me. I'm a person. I have a personality. I want to talk to you, not just experience the looks you have to offer. So yeah, that's been tough. So trying to find that balance between looking good
Starting point is 00:05:00 and having a good time can be tricky. And I know it's something a lot of you attractive people out there are having a good time. It can be tricky, and I know it's something a lot of you attractive people out there are having to deal with, but I'm hoping we can use this podcast to bring some attention to shed a light on that problem that attractive people have. So yeah, so that's been going on. The very exciting news this week got a text for my dear uncle,
Starting point is 00:05:26 lovely man, works for Jack links. That's right. We got the cup here corporate sponsorship. Exciting. They're probably going to be donating soon here. We'll get them on the phone line again. That's 815-298-7200. Call in with your donations. But yeah, Uncle text me this week, says, hey, listen to your podcasts. He said a few other things, probably derogatory, I don't remember, but the long and short of it is, yeah, we are up from one subscriber back to two.
Starting point is 00:05:59 That's where we were before my dear mother had to drop out because we were talking about online dating. So I love you mom, we'd love to have you back. Even gave you a shout out in the promo visual for the pledge drive. You saw a big mom sticker. So I love to have you back. Be great to get from two subscribers back up to three.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But yeah, so Jack Links, first big corporate sponsor, love having Jack Links beef jerky anytime, before dinner, for dinner, after dinner. If you just really need to block up your colon, it's a great thing for that. Or if you're making words with your food and you want to use Jack Links as a colon, two little dots, works great too. My favorite Jack Links product is the Lil Chubb. We used to have that here and there in Wisconsin when we would visit. And yeah, it's just like this tiny little sausage kind of
Starting point is 00:06:58 this long something I know all about this length. And maybe I don't know, yay thick. And it's just a little thing of sausage, it's called a little chug. It's delicious, check it out. You probably find it for like a buck at a gas station anywhere you go. So cheers to Jack Links.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Oh man, donations are pouring in. Keep them coming guys, appreciate all the love. You guys are what makes this podcast run You and the internet and myself. So Collaborative spirit happy to happy to have you. What's going on? We got a big weekend in sports of course Don't gotta tell you guys Daytona 500 my super bowl is tomorrow Jimmy Johnson starting from the back of the field because he crashes car in one of the duals.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So that's, that's not good, but I think 35th is something or something where he's starting. So Jimmy can handle it and he's done it before. Jimmy's won the Daytona 500 and he's a seven time NASCAR champion. So looking for a big season out of the old fart. Got a lot of young guys coming in. But I think Jimmy's going to be good this year. So look out. Number 48 lows. Lowe's, if you're out there, we would love to get a corporate sponsorship with you guys. And Jack links, taste of the Rockies, I think is the Jack links logo there,, or tagline or whatever you guys call these days.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Love to have you, Loes. Love to get you on board. Also tomorrow, Wichita, big game. Let's see. We got a Wichita shirt here somewhere. Let me grab it. Playing the Cincinnati Bearcats number five in the nation. Wichita, of course, don't have to tell you guys. Ranked number 19 right now, but yeah, there it is. Go Wichita, gonna be a big game tomorrow. We're playing incense and adi.
Starting point is 00:08:53 So, look out for that game 4 p.m. I think. Yeah, it's gonna be big. Had a big comeback win over Temple. On Thursday night, we were watching it. At trivia at the bar. Always got the Wichita game on. It's actually kind of scary how often Wichita plays at seven o'clock during trivia and the TV that they're on is always the one that's in the room where we do trivia. It's like the only one in the bar that
Starting point is 00:09:18 has that game. But I think they've started to recognize me as a regular because I wear my Wichita shirt. Once he gets warmer regular because I wear my Wichita shirt. Once it gets warmer, I'll be wearing my Wichita shorts. I have my truck driver, Wichita hat. I've got a Wichita scarf and I've got yellow and white shoes for Wichita. So that is exciting as well. But big game tomorrow, looking to have some fun there.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Olympics are in full swing. We're one weekend, one week to go. I've started getting to the point where I show up to work and it feels like I'm watching the Olympics and I have work in the background. That's sort of how we've been doing things. I've been watching a lot of curling, skeleton, started the other day. That was really exciting. Hockey has been one big disappointing pile of poop. Um, woke up this morning, 7 a.m. really excited. USA versus OAR, not the band. Uh, I got that mixed up this morning. They're playing OAR Olympic athletes from Russia. So basically Russia, but, but not Russia. We got our butts kicked. Forward is zero.
Starting point is 00:10:28 That was always not good. We got a bunch of college guys, we got a bunch of AHL guys. And yeah, they just look like crap. So we are now one one and one in the Olympic so far. It's not not too good. One win, one loss, one over time loss for whatever that is, four points out of nine possible. So not too good. If this is the World Cup, you'd be out of there right away. One one and one doesn't get you very far usually. Should have done this at the beginning of the podcast. Listener discretion is advised during this live broadcast
Starting point is 00:11:03 for two reasons. One, we're gonna use some adult language here and there throughout, too. It's just an objectively terrible podcast. So look out for that. But yeah, there's your tag. Let's keep moving. Olympics have been fun, but we all know
Starting point is 00:11:20 some Olympics are way better than winter Olympics. I think there's some speed skating on later today, but I already saw who won, so I don't know if I'll watch it. Oscar season is coming up. The season is happening. Season is upon us. Our Oscars live predictacular is in two weeks, two weeks. Next week, where you're doing our taxes live on the area
Starting point is 00:11:44 at all the forms. We have W2s, we have a 1098 Q and a 1099 T or a 1098 T and a 1099 Q. I get them mixed up. I got a 5498, I think it is from my IRA and we even have some some tips top 10 tips from a professional tax accountant. That's going to be fantastic. Look out for that show next week. It's going to be great. And then in two weeks is our Oscars predictacular. I will be going through every single category and predicting my winner and God to tell you I'm feeling I'm feeling pretty hot in terms of winning or predicting correctly and a lot of categories this year. I went to the theater
Starting point is 00:12:34 on Thursday night and I saw the collection of Oscars nominated animated short so that was really fun. If you get the chance, so I had never done this before, going in and seeing the, they show the fiber, the six, whatever, in a row, as part of one ticket, and they do it for the both Oscars nominated, animated shorts and the live action shorts. So when it's on animated shorts, I'll go see the live action shorts,
Starting point is 00:13:02 probably this next week. Really fun. You know, a lot of pieces, a lot of, you know, films that otherwise we just never see unless you actually go to the theater and check it out. So when it saw the live or the animated shorts, those are really fun. There's a Pixar one in there, Lou acronym for Lost and Found. I think no, that's not in it. Lost and Found would be laugh.
Starting point is 00:13:25 So I don't remember exactly how that worked. But I was laughing throughout because it was very well done. I was about bullying. It was great. The other ones that were in there were really cool too. So if you have the opportunity, check it out. But I knew it was going to be the front runner for that. There's your little taste of the predictions.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Lou is going to clean up in that category. So that's exciting. Other movie that I wanted to talk about, or you've been going through our best picture nominees here, we're not going to obviously get through all of them before the predictacular happens in two weeks, but we'll talk about the rest of them at that point. But done Kirk is what I wanted to talk about today. So this was a movie that came out this past summer late summer like August maybe late July If you haven't seen it, it's Christopher Nolan guy who did the Batman trilogy Interstellar inception So he has a pretty good pedigree there
Starting point is 00:14:22 And it's scored by Hans Zimmer the two of them work together on pretty much every curse for Nolan film except for a couple of his earlier ones. But it's about the evacuation of Duncerc, which was in what 1939, 1940, somewhere, early stages of World War II. It's great. It's killing Murphy. It's Mark Rylance, it's kind of brand-aw, Harry Styles, and of course Tom Hardy plays a pilot, unforgettable, he has like three lines in the whole movie, but he's great. And it's just three separate story lines, they have different kind of, the time is different in terms of like one takes place over an hour where another one takes place over four days, but they all kind of intersect.
Starting point is 00:15:11 So in that sense, it's a little bit like inception and that the time moves differently depending on the storyline that you're in, which is really cool, but it's not difficult to figure out. It takes you probably three or four cuts before you finally start to realize what's going on because it will cut between night and day and then back to tonight, whereas it's all just one thing happening. So, you pick up on that, but the acting is great. You're not going for a marital street type performance.
Starting point is 00:15:39 You're just, you know, it's about war. It's truly a war movie much in the same way that a black hawk down is a war movie, or a hurtlocker is a war movie. It's kind of in that thread. And it's just really well done. I mean, you heard me list those actors. Those are all really fantastic. Yeah, everything about it is great.
Starting point is 00:15:58 The visuals are fantastic. If you can see it in IMAX, highly recommend doing that, although you probably missed your opportunities at this point. But that's done Kirk. It's wonderful. I watched it for a second time at my parent's house over the holidays. And I convinced my parents had turned it the volume up to an 11, which was great because you should do that when you watch it because you get half of the battle, no pun intended, it's just listening to it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So that's Dunkirk. It's wonderful, nominated for a couple of different awards, including Best Picture and Best Director for Christopher and Olin. So that is wonderful. Something, I want to do a little PSA action here, something that I need to bring some attention to that I've been talking to friends, co-workers, people I've been meeting up with in Baltimore,
Starting point is 00:16:53 lately in CIN, or talking to them and make a musical reference, some sort of band. And just the types of bands that I've made references to their songs and people I've talked to you just have no clue Who they are is shocking to me. So let's go through a list of of the ones just from the past one or two weeks here So a lot of queen songs so queen the band was known But songs were not known, things like somebody to love, or we are the champions, or crazed little thing called love. That one killed me. I feel like anyone who's ever been to any sort of like high school dance or high school social function or really any like bar, you
Starting point is 00:17:43 know, how could you not know a crazy little thing called love? It seems like one of those songs that everyone knows no matter what. Even if you don't know, it's by Queen, you would know this song. So a lot of Queen songs going on there. Something else I had, someone I was talking to was talking about CCR, right? Credence. They had no idea. They knew probably heard it through the grapevine
Starting point is 00:18:11 and other than that, nothing going on. And I've been doing this this weekend on YouTube and at work, you can go to YouTube, you just pull up CCR greatest hits depending on the video you get between like 12 and 15 songs. CCR is one of those bands that just has like 10 songs that everyone knows. You hear it, you've heard it before, you know it. C.C.R. is a great song.
Starting point is 00:18:38 You just love the singing, they're super catchy. There aren't that many other musical acts out there like CCR who have that many number of songs that are that popular or that well known. I mean, somebody like Michael Jackson obviously or like an Alton John of course or you know like a I don't know the Beatles Rolling Stones. Sure. Ton of songs you know, But CCR is right up there in terms of fantastic songs, songs that are super catchy, and you know I'm so. Not knowing CCR was a little head scratching to me. Poison was another one, and I know that,
Starting point is 00:19:18 this one might not be as egregious as, not knowing a bunch of queen songs or CCR, but I mean, come on. Unskiny Bob is a classic. Nothing but a good time. Talk dirty to me. It just, yeah, it's fricking poison. I mean, come on, Brett Michaels.
Starting point is 00:19:37 What is that? The TV show he's on, Rock of Love. Is that what it is? I don't know. Rock of Ages was with Tom Cruise, and I never did go and see that one in theaters But maybe we'll put it on the list for this week to stream at home, but poison classic band Yeah, how do you not know talk dirty to me? I mean come on
Starting point is 00:19:57 I hear people talk about talk dirty to me all the time. I'm like, oh, yeah, I love that song Then they start singing it. It's by who Jason Jason Rulo, yeah, I think that's a song by him. I actually don't know. Everyone's like, Oh, in that the reason he in this club, oh, right? I said am I right? So that's that's poison. Last one here that I want to mention is kid in play. I mean, come on. The flat top, the hair is going up here. That's great.
Starting point is 00:20:35 So kid in play, CCR, Poison, Queen, just those are just from this past like one or two weeks, people I was talking to, wait till I start breaking out my Leon Russell, Rest in Peace references, they're gonna have no idea and we'll have a lot more stuff to talk about on the podcast. I was thinking about this, so I was at the orchestra last night watching some Mizzarski, watching some Prokofiev.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I'm wanting to become a regular at some places. And you gotta try and find a balance because if you wanna be a regular at the orchestra, that's great, but it's gonna cost you a lot of money, a lot of money that I don't have. So I was thinking, you know, what are the different things associated with being a regular at places, right?
Starting point is 00:21:23 If you're a regular at a bar, that's cool and all, but people are going to start to think you were an alcoholic. That's not great. If you are a regular at the gym, people are going to start to think that you work out too much, right? It's always these extremes. If you become a regular at the bakery, that's the one I would really want to go for, especially there's this bakery in towards the mountains by where my parents live out in the West Coast and
Starting point is 00:21:51 They sell this this pine cone That's the name of the pastry. It's bigger than my frickin hat here. I Would love to become a regular at that place, but then everyone's gonna think you're fat and to be honest If you're becoming a regular to bakery, you probably are getting a little on the pudgy side, not that, you know, my trim figure, I'd have to worry about that, but I suppose it's season. But yeah, so I would love to hear your suggestions of where I should become a regular. I think a coffee shop is a safe bet,
Starting point is 00:22:25 and there's this new coffee shop that open up across the street for me. It's owned by this 17 year old kid, which is cool. I like to support it, local business, but you go in there, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone else in there. So I don't know how this place is staying in business or if it's going to be able to stay in business for very long.
Starting point is 00:22:44 But it feels like the whole point of me being a regular is so that other people know I'm a regular. And if it's just the guy giving me the coffee, making my coffee, knowing that I'm a regular, I didn't know if I'm getting enough satisfaction out of that. So that's probably the most conceited thing I'll say today on the podcast. But yeah, do I take questions? Absolutely. Yeah, throw them on in. Don't forget to call in 8152987200. We would love to have your pledges Venmo Quinn furnace with a dash in between
Starting point is 00:23:20 But yeah, if you got questions go ahead throw them on in Happy to feel them. We do have some advice. One advice question coming up pretty soon here on the podcast, which we're not going to keep you too long because I've got things to do. I mean, take a nap and watch college basketball. But if you were listening to the podcast last week, we tried to solve a GRE math question. And we almost got it in a way we did, but in a way we didn't actually get the right answer. So we're going to look to be going back next week.
Starting point is 00:23:59 It's going to be an all math type of podcast because we're doing our taxes, right? So you got any Jerry math questions or multi variable calculus. I definitely don't know how to do that stuff, but I'd love to give it a shot. We have a love the question here. You're the vikings, G.M., vikings, Minnesota vikings, this football, American football for my English watchers out there. Fixed the QB situation. So, if you follow the NFL, you know the Vikings historically have a quarterback problem, they never seem to have it figured out. I thought it was going to be ugly this year. So we
Starting point is 00:24:39 were coming in with Teddy Bridgewater off the torn ACL. Wasn't getting ready to play for the second straight season. Sam Bradford, who was great when he's on, but seems to get injured, not seems, does get injured like every second game that he plays in. And then Case Keenum, in a backup for years, never really done much. I really didn't know anything about him
Starting point is 00:25:02 before the season started. Went through this season, started with Sam Bradford. He played what? Two, three games before he heard his shoulder. And then he came back for one game around like week six or week seven and got hurt again. That was a terrible game. I think we'll, no, I think we won that game. I don't remember who we were playing, but Case Kingdom started like 12 or 13 games this year. And of course, the Vikings finished with a 13 and three record and they go to the NSE championship game and they get a spattered by the Super Bowl champion, Eagles.
Starting point is 00:25:31 So what are we doing with the QB situation? Here's where it stands right now. The Vikings have three quarterbacks. None of them are signed for the 2018 season. So Teddy Bridgewater actually played back up a couple of games this season towards the end of the season and the playoffs. So he's healthy, he's ready to go. But the thing with Teddy is he's kind of been our guy. We drafted him. Everyone likes some very likeable guy. He's never really shown us what he can do over a full season and been successful. Hello, if you're just tuning into the podcast, we're talking Vikings
Starting point is 00:26:11 quarterbacks. So Teddy's kind of a risky option, right? Because he's the fan guy, but we're not sure if he can come off the torna C.L. We're not sure if he's actually a really good quarterback. So there's that. There's Sam Bradford, who in like the three games over the past two years, he's actually been healthy for us, has looked really good. And I mean, fantastic. Look at the opening game this past year.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'm on a night football, we beat the Saints. It was like 72 to 14 or something. It was nasty. Sam Bradford just lit them up, but they need proceeded to get hurt. And that seems to be the narrative every season. And then you have Case Keenum, who of course had a wonderful season. Best season of his career was up there at MVP talks. But what we saw in the playoffs was that when he gets pressured, or when he has to play from behind, you really weren't
Starting point is 00:27:07 kicking ass and taking names the way you would like a Super Bowl caliber quarterback to do it. So, that's the situation we find ourselves in now. None of them are signed for next year. I've read a lot about this. Obviously, as a Vikings fan, different opinions on what we should do next year. My actual, like, honest opinion of what we should do is not a super popular, well, maybe not unpopular,
Starting point is 00:27:35 but it's tough. What I would love is to sign Kingdom and Bridgewater and just have a quarterback battle in training camp. And I have no idea how that would turn out because I have no idea what we're getting from Teddy Bridgewater. I like Sam Bradford, he's a great guy. I have no issues with him,
Starting point is 00:27:53 but just why are we throwing money at this guy who can never stay healthy? And I don't think it makes sense to sign Sam Bradford as a backup, kind of for the same reason, because you want your backup to be someone who, even if they're not Aaron Rodgers, they're dependable and they're not going to get hurt. Because once you're down your third string quarterback, you're never going anywhere. So I would like to sign Keenam and Bridgewater to two small contracts,
Starting point is 00:28:18 let him do get out in training camp next fall and go from there and see what happens. It would be strange if Case Keenam was our starter and Teddy Bridgewater was the backup and that was just kind of what our team was moving forward because of Teddy Bridgewater's situation and his storyline. But I don't know if you missed two years, like that's just a lot of time. The game has changed a lot. So that's what I would do. Best wishes to Sam Bradford. I have no idea what Rick Spielman bikes GM is going to do.
Starting point is 00:28:51 But hopefully, if you're watching this Rick, first of all, would love to have you donate to the podcast, it's Venmo Quinn-Fernos. Also you can call in. Phone lines are open 815298-7200. So Rick, if you're listening to this, love to have you donate to the podcast, but if you're just looking for some moves, yeah, I mean, I don't want to call myself a football expert, but I've been playing fancy football for 12 years now, and I almost won this year. Not in the league that I've been playing for 12 years. That one I lost very quickly, but in my other league, my school league, I got second prize.
Starting point is 00:29:32 So, hey, you know, oh, I also want to mention, hey, Friday collection, this is not something I've talked about in the podcast before, but I have a collection of shirts. This part of my Friday collection, I wear them on Fridays in the office and I look pretty good doing it and I'm pretty happy about that. So got a new batch of shirts in from JC Pany this week. Looking really good, the other ones are in the closet or else I would bring them out. But hey, look at this, I look like a dental hygienist, and I love it. So you know about my hair business cuts by Q,
Starting point is 00:30:09 that's cuts Q, U, T, Z by Q. I'd be looking to get into the dental gain too. So if you have any, if your teeth are aching, let me know. I have some pliers, and I also have a good tar. So, you know, pull your teeth out and sound good while I'm doing it. So, that's how I would handle the Vikings quarterback situation. Let's jump into our advice question for this week and then I will let you go.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I don't want to keep you too long for all you stream in, maybe on your commute to work. Again, this is the first annual Bean Town podcast, Pledge Drive, TeleThon. If you're looking to donate, the phone lines are open. 815-298-7200. If you call and you get a call waiting message, just keep trying. We will get to your phone calls.
Starting point is 00:31:04 We'd love to have it. Donate to Venmo, Quinn-Fernis, that's Quinn QIN-Fernis, FURNESS, FURNESS, FURNESS. If you just have questions, comments, or concerns, or you want to air your grievances, you can email us at, that's beantown, B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast at We'd love to get in touch with you. We're also on Twitter. We are on Facebook. You know where to find us. There are a million ways to get in touch with us.
Starting point is 00:31:37 You know how to find us. Anyways, let's read this week's advice questions, relationship advice. You know you can always send your questions to us. Love to read them on air. We always keep you anonymous. So here we go, need advice. Both 47, this is from a female dating a male.
Starting point is 00:31:57 They're both 47 years old, Kougar Town, hashtag. Been together one and a half years, okay? Things seem to be missing. Yikes, he's not very affectionate, doesn't seem to appreciate me. Valentine's Day he canceled because he had a stressful day. I was upset and I cried, been there. I put a lot of thought into his gift and card
Starting point is 00:32:19 and got a new outfit. Yikes, keep it, keep it G for the podcast. I love him and wanna have a life with them. I would think so. You're already 47. You're halfway done. I am very generous with my affection and time and money. So you're like a sugar mama basically.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I make dinner, bring his daughter out. Yikes. Like you bring his daughter out, like you bring his daughter out. That's what I want to know, et cetera. I feel like I don't get much back in return except for a lack of emotion. Yikes, salty. I told him, I love him and he's never even said it back to me. That's always tough. The I love you thing. We're going to say that for a later podcast because I could talk for 20 minutes just about that phrase and how I have a hate, hate relationship with it. I love hate relationship with I love you if you will.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Thank you very much. He has never spent the night and we have never gone away for a weekend. This doesn't feel normal. My first question is, what have you been doing for a year and a half if you never spent the night and you never gone away for a weekend, what does this relationship look like? I feel like I have more details before I can give you an honest and foreign answer, but hey, we're going to do it anyways.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I should mention because I'm rambling a bit now here. I don't read these questions before we air them on a podcast, so I receive them via email. And what I kind of do is I open it and I quickly copy it and I kind of look away. It's one of these actions. I kind of look away and I paste it into a different document and that's it. We open it back up when we actually stream
Starting point is 00:34:03 over the broadcast live as we're doing now. So again, it's one more time, but we kind of look away. So thank you for that submission. My advice would be maybe just do a you and your daughter sort of thing. Cut them out of your life. Galantine's Day was this past week, as was Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I was thinking about doing a live stream podcast on the night of Valentine's Day, which was a Thursday, I think, or Wednesday, Wednesdays when it was. But I ended up, I was watching a college basketball game, and I didn't get to it. College basketball has been nuts lately. Purdue's been losing, all how state lost. Rhode Island had won whatever like 15 in a row.
Starting point is 00:34:50 They lost this past or just last night. Of course Cincinnati lost. Villanova has lost twice recently. Nova's playing Xavier today at like 4 p.m. I think it is. That's going to be a huge big East class. Clash, of course, my DePaul Blue Demons still looking for that tournament birth. They're probably gonna get it.
Starting point is 00:35:09 They're probably the favorite in the Big East tournament right now, so that's gonna be a mental when that comes around a Madison Square Garden. But hopefully that answered your question. Yeah, if you have more relationship advice questions or just life questions or if you have GRE math, of course you're doing our taxes next week live on the air, which has been a lot of people I've been talking about that on Twitter lately.
Starting point is 00:35:35 So we're really excited for that. If you have tax questions, send those in because we're going to have access to a live tax professional. We've got his 10 tips. It's going to be awesome. So Send those questions to Beentown Podcasts at That's Beentown B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcasts at Yeah, that's what we wanted to talk about this week. Again, this has been the Beentown Podcast first annual the Bean Time Podcast first annual pledge drive, telephone, fundraiser, spectacular,
Starting point is 00:36:07 all the money we've been raising today. And it keeps coming in. I love you guys. Thank you so much. It's going right towards putting this podcast on iTunes. That costs money from a monthly to get it up there. In addition, this is just a few different people working on the project right now.
Starting point is 00:36:25 So it's a lot of time and manpower going into this, managing the Twitter page, managing the Facebook page. You saw we put out a really cool graphic yesterday advertising this event. You have no idea how many hours that took our graphic design team. So we're really excited to have this going all the music. You know, if we ever get sued and we have to pay royalties to like Alton John or Michael Jackson who wrote the song we played today, that costs money as well. So keep those funds coming in. We're only going to do this once a year, but we'd love to have it. Fulm lines are going to be closing soon. If you have any last second remarks you want to get in there 815 298 7200. We would love to have those. Let's finish off. We got one more question're going to go back to our roots going acapella.
Starting point is 00:37:27 That's what we did three weeks ago on the podcast or two weeks ago. So yeah, thanks for tuning in. I hope you have a great week and here's some Michael Jackson to play us out. We are the world. We are the children. We are the place to make a better time. So let's start giving. There's a joy all around.
Starting point is 00:37:52 That permeates the air. So let's do a better time for the world. We are the world. We are the children. We are the place the student do so let's not give in. There's a choice all around for us and the world. So let's do a better time just you and me. So let's do a better time to see you and me.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Alright, thanks everyone. That is the end of the podcast. Have a good week.

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