Beantown Podcast - 03112018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast (March Madness)

Episode Date: March 12, 2018

Quinn rambles about relationship advice, Instachat, and March Madness picks EMAIL us at LIKE us on Facebook FOLLOW us on Twitter SUBSCRIBE on iTunes...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. This is Quinn David Furnace. You didn't think I was going to be upload this week. Did you wait until Sunday night? Got the Sunday scary. That's a term I heard about this week. Perhaps for the first time and I don't like it. So it's Sunday scary. By the way, this is Quinn David furnace of the bean town podcast where coming to you live from beautiful bean town here at 817 St. Paul Street. Thanks for tuning in. Sunday scaries, it's this idea that your Sundays suck because the next day you have to go to work and I got to tell you I don't like it. What kind of life is that?
Starting point is 00:00:50 Who are we, who are we kidding here? Anyways, that's not the first rant you're gonna hear today. I got some things to say, so I'm glad you're here to listen. Yeah, we are, we are coming off a very long week that that Oscars predictacular. We recorded what about 10 days ago, but honestly, it feels like a month so much has been going on since then, but I won't bore you with the details. Oscars were a week ago. I managed to stay awake for the whole thing which I was really proud of myself for. If you missed our Oscars Predictacular last week, we had Ryan Ligganon, who's the co-host of the brilliantly crafted Car Ride Condos podcast episode 4,
Starting point is 00:01:42 just went live on YouTube yesterday. So if you're not caught up on those and encourage you to go check them out again, it's the car ride convo's podcast. Ryan was gracious enough to come on our show last week and give some hot takes on the Oscars. And yeah, we did pretty well. I didn't, I didn't go back and entirely up all the scores, but I think I finished with 17 out of 24 correct. 17, 17, 17. I was pretty happy with that. Only big miss was best picture.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Went for the dark horse. That's not a race thing. It's a term that Kate with long before, get out was non-imnated. They're saying dark horse is a movie term. I don't know if I was the first one to use the term dark horse, but I don't know. Maybe others have said it, but I think I was, you know, if not the first one of, you know, the top two or three people originally using dark horse. Yeah, but shape of water came in and got best picture, which was fine. I don't know. I just, in 10 years, all you're going to think about when you think a shape of water is the movie with the fish banging.
Starting point is 00:02:57 So I don't know. Nothing against fish sex, but it is what it is. I've started a new tradition. Two new traditions I actually wanna briefly touch on here for time, capsule or purpose. First, fast Mondays. That's right, fast Mondays, it's exactly what it sounds like. We don't have any food from Sunday night at dinner time.
Starting point is 00:03:27 We'll eat dinner, which is coming up soon here for me until Tuesday morning for breakfast. We're taking Mondays off. We're giving the old duodenum a rest. We drink water and tea occasionally, some coffee, depending on how that day's looking. But yeah, tomorrow is Monday, March 12th, and that is going to be the fourth consecutive fast Monday.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So, it's going well. People have asked me about it. They think I'm crazy. My response to that is, glad you didn't know me in college because that's when I would do the 3, five, one time I did a 70 fast. Those things were a lot more challenging than the one day fast. So yeah, they're going well. The second tradition I started doing. So big classic rock fan, also a big fan of crapes. Breakfast food in general. Something was naturally gonna happen here.
Starting point is 00:04:26 We're doing weekend brunches, craps, and Michael McDonald. Boom, that's it. In college, I would do pancakes on Sunday mornings with Green Day. Green Day, one of those classic Sunday morning bands for going to church, taking communion, that sort of thing. I'm getting a little bit older in my life, starting to get some grays, starting to look a little bit less like Billy Joe Armstrong and more like Michael McDonald.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So yeah, we've, oh, and we got all the hits going. We got, let's see, minute by minute, we've got Yamo B there, one of my favorites, Ain't No Mountain High enough. I keep for good when I didn't love anymore. That's a classic one. And then my favorite, What a Fool Belize. And I've even been working on the impression here. So, so, fondle me for one second here. He had a place in his life.
Starting point is 00:05:45 He never made a thing twice. As he rises to a apology, everybody else would share the do. Anyway, so it's a work in progress, but Michael McDonald, DeBruathers are fantastic. Thank you for fondling. Isn't the word I wanted to use there a couple of minutes ago. That's that. One more thing I want to rant about.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And for anyone listening to this, I'm not calling you out because I can think of a couple, you know, a thousand people who are gonna be listening to this saying, oh my God, he's talking about me. No, it's a collective thing, it's not personal. People who, and this is a 2018 society culture thing, it's not brand new, but it's not going away. People who have to snapchat or insta chat or Facebook live or
Starting point is 00:06:52 Pixler or Napster chat every single moment. I'm talking you got your phone up, you're recording every moment no matter what. Maybe it's a concert. Maybe you took like 20, 10 second videos of your band that you're watching, and we got to click through all of it. Maybe it's a birthday party or something, and instead of in biving in the moment, enjoying the moment, you got to hold up your phone and instead of in biving in the moment and enjoying the moment, you
Starting point is 00:07:25 gotta hold up your phone and capture every detail. Maybe you're playing the organ at church and instead of leading the congregation in how great that art, you're talking about how much instant chat art is gonna be up on my page later. So that's my rant. Put the phones away. I don't know. It's just this incisive constant need for emotional validation via social media.
Starting point is 00:08:02 It's just out of hand. People don't know how to actually interact in the moment anymore. Anyways, as I've gotten older and into some of my more twilight years, these are things that I've picked up on. So for all you youngsters out there, I'm cool, and if you're looking my snapchat today, I think I found
Starting point is 00:08:26 that good balance, right? Took one video, like three pictures. The video was like eight seconds long, three pictures. It's easy. You get a feel for the experience I had today. I'm not saying don't share any experiences, but you watch snapchats or instant chats or Pinterest chats of concerts and it's you're basically videotaping the entire concert which last time I checked US patent liability and the comptroller laws, not acceptable or accessible or infringable in our state. So respect the 7th amendment, you know, that's what I say. That's all the ranting I want to do. This is a podcast that is going to be dedicated mostly to college basketball because the brackets were just released literally an hour ago.
Starting point is 00:09:25 One more thing before we get into my picks for March Manness, we did get an advice question. I always love to see the advice questions. You can send any of your questions, comments, concerns, if you have some grievances to air, if you're looking for relationship advice, whatever it may be, send those to beantown podcast at That's beantown B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast at Don't forget to like us on Facebook. Subscribe to us on iTunes. You can find us on SoundCloud. We're up on Twitter. We're on my own garage band account. There are so many ways to get in touch with us and you fans are the ones who are keeping this going from your pledge drive telephone to the questions we got about doing your taxes this year. To questions about who's going to be in, who's going to be out of the March
Starting point is 00:10:33 madness tournament this year. All that stuff you guys are making this all happen. And I really think we're going to strike gold pretty soon here and get that corporate sponsor. We've been in touch with Jack Links, but let's get to the advice here. Okay, dear Quinn David, first off, big fan of the podcast, and I think you're really funny. Hey, if you're ever doing stand up in New York City, let me know. Wow, that's high praise. My ex broke up with me a few months ago, and to be honest, I still haven't recovered emotionally. Well, let me tell you, you're coming to the right person because if anyone who knows my personal romantic life
Starting point is 00:11:19 knows that this is basically me. I don't speak to him or think about him that much. These days anymore, but the pain of what happened is still fresh in my mind, subway fresh. Let's get a sip of water while this is a long one. Here we go. I feel like Marco Rubio up there. My initial reaction was, I want to be single for a long time,
Starting point is 00:11:42 but as time's gone on, as days go by, in a feel I love, we're tendin' there is. I still feel this way, and the thought of another relationship makes me anxious. To be honest, I just don't want that. I miss having someone to eat dinner with and go on holiday with, go on holiday with. Are you New York City or are you from like Scotland or something? I was about to swear there. I forgot. Had not given the listener discretion is advised tags.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Let's do that real quick. Listener discretion is advised when you are listening to the bean town podcast. First and foremost, might be using some adult language here and there. Second and latter most, the podcast is just genuinely and generically terrible. So you've been warned. I miss having someone to go eat dinner with
Starting point is 00:12:39 and go on holiday with, but that's about it. Don't miss, okay, we got through that. And I even, and even if I wanted to, come on, when you got this, wanted to meet someone, I don't think I would find it easy. She used the wrong meat, MEAT, ultimate peach and meat. I hate online dating, retweet that,
Starting point is 00:13:00 and I don't go out drinking much, at least not by myself, same here. I work with few young people and I have joined a few clubs, but there isn't any man. Saucerjalert! How long has it taken people to move on enough to want a relationship again? This is actually a really intriguing question. I'm about, I don't know, nine months out from my last like weird pseudo relationship and I haven't had any, like, I don't know, concrete, long term type things since then. I've had multiple ladies who I have seen multiple times for multiple dates, in addition to a billion
Starting point is 00:13:50 one-off Tinder dates that I'm not going anywhere. But yeah, I'm kind of in the same boat. I I don't know. I don't have a good answer to your question because if I did, then I probably wouldn't be single on a Sunday night talking about Sunday's scary about to go through my bracket with the rest of the nation tuning in. But here's my advice to you, ditch the online dating or at least don't go as hard in the paint. I have friends who are going on like two or three dates a week, talking to five different people. For some people that works, for people like you and me, it's just not sustainable. It just takes so much energy, so much concentration. And it's really taken away from things that
Starting point is 00:14:36 are important, like learning logins and miscena songs and the guitar. Yes, that's happening. Look out for that in a coming podcast or things like reading books or calling your grandparents. It's going to take away from the important things. So, here's my advice. Keep going with the social clubs. Find things that you genuinely like to do. And I feel pretty confident that it's gonna happen orgasmically. Another thing you can do is look at your local YMCA. See if there are any singles nights,
Starting point is 00:15:14 maybe a singles cooking class, or a singles archery class. These are all things you can use to really get back in the game. Or maybe I don't know. Just go wild. Have yourself a day. Digit the online dating.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Focus on the things that make you happy, you know? Whatever that may be. That's my advice for you. As promised, I don't want to make anyone wait any longer. If you are a fan of March Manus, this is the podcast you want to be listening to because we're about to go live through my picks for March Manus. This is happening right now. Let's go ahead and jump right in. Don't beat around the bush anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:06 For those of you who really have that good inside knowledge of college basketball, you know which to state is winning it all this year. So let's just put that out in the open. But sure, we can pick the rest of the non-witchetay games and see what's gonna happen. So we're gonna start here in the south 1,16 Virginia versus UMBC University of Maryland Baltimore County which until about 48 hours ago I thought was a community college actually but no turns out four-year public research
Starting point is 00:16:43 University they're taking on number one seed in America, Virginia. There's never been a 16-seed to defeat a number one seed, and you can be sure as hell, I'm not picking against the 30, whatever they were, 34 into Virginia Cavaliers. So we're picking Virginia. Next, Creighton, 8-seed versus Kansas State, 9-seed. These 8-vs-9s are always a complete toss-up. The seatings mean nothing. I really haven't watched much college basketball.
Starting point is 00:17:20 In the big 12 this year, I have seen Creighton plenty of times being a fan of a Big East team myself, being an alma mater of Big East team myself so I like Crateon I like coach McDermott we're going with Crateon next down we have Kentucky number five or Davidson number 12 Steph Curry went there Davidson pulling the upset away from Rhode Island today, but Kentucky coach by Cal Apparys, one of those teams that is a wild card, wild cat every year. I don't know how confident I am in this year, but I'm confident enough that they're not going to lose a Davidson in the first round.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Steph Curry, of course, has graduated gone on to, uh, to play pro a little bit in the NBA. Next down here Arizona Wildcats first the Buffalo Bison I think. That's it seems right doesn't it Buffalo Bison winning the mid-American conference. Arizona course caught up in some big- scandal right now, but they just went out to the pack 12 convert tournament and kicked ass and took names. I'm not picking against them. I pick zero upsets in those first four games. Let's move on to the other side of the South. We have Miami, Florida, first Loyola, Chicago, six, first 11. This is going to be probably the most popular
Starting point is 00:18:52 Significant upset pick in the round of 64 and I will jump on that baguette bandwagon as well Not that I don't think Miami is capable, but I don't know LUC the magic Let's ride it at least one more round for those guys. Next Tennessee verse, right state, three verse 14. I don't know anything about right state. I think it's in Ohio. That's close to Lebron James. So I don't like it. We're going with Tennessee. Next number seven Nevada versus number 10 Texas Nevada,
Starting point is 00:19:19 supposed to do well in their conference tournament. They got up ended, I think. So we're going with number 10 Texas shockest smart there. And then number two Cincinnati versus number 15 Georgia State. Georgia State course has that awesome coach from last year who broke his leg and was coaching with what was it? The stool that that was awesome. I think they won a couple of games. Duel that that was awesome. I think they won a couple of games Since in 80s too good they they kicked ass and the regular season they kicked ass and the conference tournament against
Starting point is 00:19:55 Houston today, so we're going with the bear cats Let's go ahead and finish out the region here instead of jumping right from region to region We'll get to a region winner We'll do that three more times and we'll pick our final four Man, this is an exciting podcast. Here we go Virginia versus Craten 1 vs. 8 I got it. Talia. I've watched UVA a couple of times this year I haven't seen anything that's telling me that they're gonna be a one-see that gets upended before At least the sweet 16 so we're we're taking UVA over Creighton. Then Kentucky versus Arizona. This is five versus four. This is actually really intriguing. Mercy, that was a wow, a loud belt. Kentucky versus Arizona. I'm taking Arizona here. I think
Starting point is 00:20:43 Sean Miller's coaching with a chip on his shoulder and not the tortilla kind. So we're taking Arizona. Next we have Loyola Chicago vs Tennessee. That's 11 vs. 3. I'm really intriguing matchup. I don't think that the SEC is any good in basketball this year if I'm being honest no hate to Tennessee or Kentucky, but Yeah, let's let's ride LUC one more time, okay? Let's let's take them over the volunteers and then Texas vs Cincinnati Can't pick against my bear cats this early not my bear cats, but They represent my conference. So, taking Cincinnati there,
Starting point is 00:21:28 that leaves us with four teams left. UVA versus Arizona, again, I like UVA too much, and I really haven't gotten to see Arizona play that much. So, taking UVA and then LUC versus Cincinnati, I'm gonna be the Jackass who takes one and two here, taking Cincinnati over LUC. And then Virginia versus Cincinnati.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Maybe the two best defensive teams in the country, this game could finish 40 to 38, and that's not an exaggeration. But Virginia versus Cincinnati, I think Cincinnati's good, but I think UVA is great. We're taking UVA out of the South bracket. That was the first quarter of it. Let's move on here before we run too long.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Let's go to the West, my absolute favorite bracket because here are, this is one one through six here. Xavier North Carolina, Michigan, Gonzaga, Ohio State, and Houston all the way down to the number six seat. Those are six teams right there all out of one one regional that that in my opinion can easily win this entire thing except for Ohio State. Yeah not a not a Buck-Eys fan myself. So let's let's start off here Xavier versus the winner of North Carolina Central. I think that is versus Texas Southern. Never picking against number one, seating the opening round, take Xavier, and then Mizzou versus Florida State. Mizzou, of course, getting Michael
Starting point is 00:23:11 Porter back, and then they proceeded to lose their opening game. And that's his sea tournament, which was hilarious. Or no, Mizzou is in the big 12, I think. We're taking Florida State nine over the eight there. Here is another upset pick, upset alert. Ohio State versus the Jackrabbits, South Dakota State. We're taking the Jackrabbits at number 12 over the Buckais in the Gonzaga 4 versus UNC Greensboro 13. Gonzaga is too good to sound to lose that one in the West Coast. I'm going to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get to get and adding the American tournament final today. So yeah, we're not picking against Houston just yet.
Starting point is 00:24:07 We'll take them at six Michigan versus Montana. I don't know if there'll be a single bracket that takes Montana. Michigan, it just looks too good. They are probably the hottest team in the country right now and picking against them in the first round is foolish in my opinion. Texas A&M versus Providence, this will be another popular upset pick. What you're going to find with this bracket is they're not taking any crazy names here because
Starting point is 00:24:37 I watched and this is how it goes. And the same thing with the Oscars perhaps. You watch it. I've watched College of Asswell way more this year than any goes. And the same thing with the Oscars, perhaps. You watch it. I've watched College of Assault way more this year than any other year in the past, so I like to think I'm more well informed, which is gonna make me more prime for upsets. So when they happen, they'll happen,
Starting point is 00:24:55 but we're just gonna roll with what looks right right now. I'm taking provenance at 10 over A&M at seven, and then UNC versus Lipscomb. When I saw Lipscomb had made the tournament, I was shocked because Lipscomb University and Lipscomb, Christian High School are partner high school in college that I actually recruit from in Nashville, and I'd never heard of them before. I went there this fall and all of a sudden they're dancing. So good for those guys. We're taking North Carolina over Lipscomb apologies
Starting point is 00:25:32 to my Christian brothers there. Let's move back up to the top of the West Area Xavier of a Florida state. I don't think Xavier is that great. Actually, I think it's the worst number one seed, but we're going to take them over for a state. South Dakota State, number 12 versus Gonzaga, number four. We're taking Gonzaga over South Dakota State. Houston versus Michigan. In the round of 32, which is ridiculous because
Starting point is 00:25:58 these are two teams that can go to the final four. Man, this is one where I think Michigan's a better team, but I've seen Houston play more recently, and they look really tough. I'm taking Houston over Michigan, suck it Wolverines, and the Providence First North Carolina, as Magical is Providence run through the biggest tournament was, UNC's got too much experience to lose and around
Starting point is 00:26:25 a 32 were taking them. Jump back up to Xavier versus Gonzaga. Let's go for it here and knock off our number one scene. Let's take Gonzaga. They were in the national title game last year. Let's get them back to the elite eight. Then Houston versus North Carolina. Man, North Carolina looks good. But I like Houston too much. We're taking those guys. This is going to be a very American heavy bracket. I already have two out of my final eight teams in the front of the American. It's going to be three. That's not going to happen. Gonzaga versus Houston, I'll take Gonzaga out of the West. Okay, so we have UVA and we have
Starting point is 00:27:10 Gonzaga. Let's move to the Midwest, my home region, Kansas versus Penn. That's a joke. Gimme Kansas, uh, Seton Hall at eight versus NC State at nine. Probably the most toss up ish of all games in that I've only seen
Starting point is 00:27:28 Seton Hall play once and I have not seen NC State play. I have no idea. Let's take the big east and go to Seton Hall. Number five Clemson, verse number 12, New Mexico State. I really am not a believer in Clemson this year. So we're taking, is that the low bows, So New Mexico State, or is that New Mexico? I don't know, but we're taking New Mexico State. Number four, Auburn, verse number 13 Charleston.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Also not a believer in Auburn this year, but I'll take them for this opening round game. Number six, TCU, verse number 11, to the winner of Arizona State, verse Syracuse. I'll take number 11 here the winner of Arizona State versus Syracuse. I'll take number 11 here whoever wins that ASU or Syracuse. TCU their first time in the tournament in however many years is a crazy drought. I don't think that they're ready for it. Michigan State number three versus Bucknell 14, give me the Spartans number seven, Rhode Island, verse number 10, Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Oklahoma is trash and they have no business being in this tournament. Outside of Tray Young, they have absolutely nothing. Give me Rhode Island at number seven and the number two, Duke. First, the team that seems to be in this goddamn tournament every year. And I don't know if they've ever won a game. Iona, it's not Iowa, it's Iona at number 15. Give me Duke. Let's go back up to the top of Midwest. Kansas for Seton Hall. Kansas is too good. Take them. New Mexico State versus Auburn. I
Starting point is 00:28:57 want to pick against Auburn before the sweet 16 because I don't think that they're that good, but I also have zero confidence in New Mexico State after that Clemson win. So, give me Auburn. The winner of ASU or Sear Cuse vs Michigan State is dangerous to pick a play in team into the sweet 16. So I'm taking Michigan State and Rhode Island vs Duke. Yeah, this is going to be a fun no upset filled bracket for me because I'm taking number two Duke. So we have one two three four. Kansas vs. Auburn give me Kansas Duke vs. Michigan State in a potential sweet 16 game entertaining as hell. Who give me Duke. I like the way Duke's playing. Kansas first Duke in the Elite 8. For the winner of the Midwest, I like in Duke.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I really, I think they're playing really well. And we'll see what happens there. Picking out Kansas is always tough, but it brings me great satisfaction. Okay, our final bracket, this one will be quick because everyone knows that which dot State is advancing out of it. Nova number one, verse the winner of L.U. Brooklyn or Radner, giving Nova, Virginia Tech, or Alabama, eight, nine, I'll take Alabama. West Virginia, verse Murray State. I don't know where Murray State is. Maybe it's in Ohio. Maybe it's in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I'll take West Virginia. Wichita State, verse Marshall. That's a joke. maybe it's in Pennsylvania. I'll take West Virginia, which to a state versus Marshall. That's a joke. Give me a witch a toss. Florida number six, first the winner of St. Bonnie's versus UCLA. I don't think Florida is good, but I will take them over either of those two teams from the West Coast. Texas Tech three versus Stephen F.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Stephen F Austin 14 love Stephen F. Austin 14, love, Stephen F. Austin, what are they? The grenades or something is their name, but I'm taking the Texas Tech Red Raiders. Arkansas number seven versus Butler at number 10. I want to pick against Arkansas because I also don't think they're that good, but they're matched up with a Butler team
Starting point is 00:31:02 that I don't think has it this year. Gaby Arkansas and then Purdue number two versus Cal State, Florida number 15. Give me Purdue Moving back up here Nova versus Alabama taking Nova West Virginia versus Wichita State. That's an easy one. Give me Wichita Florida versus Texas Tech taking Texas tech and wow this is gonna be one two three four again. What an exciting bracket. Arkansas versus Purdue I'm taking Purdue. Okay easy pick. Villanova versus Wichita State. One that won the national title two years ago.
Starting point is 00:31:40 The other is Wichita State. Easy pick, Wichita, and Texas Tech vs Perdue. I'll take Texas Tech and the upset over Perdue and then in the Elite 8 Wichita vs Texas Tech, give me Wichita. Okay, we're down to our final four to refresh the memories of our listeners here because we went through that mighty quickly. We have a final four game consisting of Virginia versus Gonzaga and on the other half we have Wichita versus Duke. I will take Virginia over Gonzaga and I will of course take Wichita State over Duke. You're asking me to pick Virginia versus Wichita in a national title game. You better believe the shockers are going all the way this year.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Boom, that's it. Wichita is going hard in the paint. They're going to be tough to beat. I'm a big, big believer in Wichita. There is the bracket. You heard it here live. If you want to use my bracket to win Warren Buffett's, you know, a billion dollar challenge by all means.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Do it. You just got to share it half-seize with me. You know, it's like when you're playing the game of life and you're earning the card and it's share the wealth. You know, you got a pay me a half. So I'm playing one of those cards on you lucky listeners. Yeah, we've been long on the podcast last couple of weeks, especially last week, you're up over an hour because there's so many great Oscars, movies to sift through. That is what I wanted to talk about. We're going to Philadelphia.
Starting point is 00:33:29 On Tuesday, we're going to Chicago this weekend. We might try to do a live broadcast from St. Patrick's Day in Chicago. We got to get a few things figured out there. Thank you all for listening. Again, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, grievances, you want to air big problems, you want to get out into the open relationship questions,
Starting point is 00:33:51 you can send them to That's beentown, P-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast. Listen to a Yahoo over here on this podcast. Don't forget to like us on Facebook, subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, we're on SoundCloud, we got a Twitter, we might be exploring Picksler. I've heard good things about. So look for some big announcements coming up here. That's all I got to say for ya. This has been Quinn David Furnace, this is the Beentown podcast. Have good week and I'll check in on you next weekend.

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