Beantown Podcast - 03312019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: March 31, 2019

A very distracted Quinn David Furness comes to you LIVE from the Northern Suburbs of Chicago to drink a shamrock shake, discuss waiting for bagels, and read ads while at red lights #FriendsofthePodcas...t

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. And this is Quinn David Furnace presents the car not... It's about to say the Car Ride Conno's podcast! That's not right! Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast. That's the show we're doing today. It's the People's Podcast. We are your number one source for misinformation probably. And we're coming to you live from the car.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Which is why I almost said Quinn David Fernand's house of the car I was podcast. Watch out Ryan and Kristen I'm coming for your show. We are coming to you from the north suburbs of Chicago right now and we're getting some McDonald's because they got a long 25-minute trip to my friend's house so there's a lot going on there I don't know what I'm gonna order yet but we're having fun let's see let's check out this menu they still shamrock shakes we're gonna try a shamrock shake Ooh, do we still share Mark shakes? We're gonna try a Shamrock Shake.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Welcome to McGonalds, may I be up for that? Hi, can I get a medium Shamrock Shake? Sure, then you can get any else for that? That'll be all. All right, so for the meetup Shamrock Shake, we're gonna come out to see three of the people. Awesome, thank you. Yeah, no problem.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So for the record, it's March 31st, Sunday, and you can still get a Shamrock Shake, which is really exciting. So multitasking. A lot of ambient noise. Thank you. For anyone who is wondering, I did not put the Shamrock Shake on the work card. This is on my personal expenses. You want me to check it out? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Look at that service. Thank you. Look at that service. Let's start our conversation this week right there. Before I say anything else, I'll let you know that listener discretion is a tough this is a tough turn Let's turn discretion is advised Jikes I made it let's turn discretion is advised we're listening to the bean-tongued podcast number one occasionally we will use some Strong language Number two This podcast is objectively terrible is voted by you the fans and you are Fans you are friends don't forget to use hashtag friends of the podcast when you are fans, you are friends. Don't forget to use hashtag friends of the podcast when you are talking about the
Starting point is 00:03:08 being done podcast on social media. So I mentioned that was fast service and I also mentioned that that was highly unusual. So I've been in Chicago since Thursday morning and I've been doing a couple different work things here while I've been here but also been able to have some fun with a couple different things. Well, last night my friend buys me birthday tickets to the United Center, very nice of her. Went to a bowls Raptor's game. Got to see Fred Van Vliet, all that good stuff. But you know, you're going to the stadium and you want to imbibe in the culture so we go to the you know whatever standard burger and fries you know it's classic stadium food
Starting point is 00:03:53 and we're you know getting the food while we're trying to get the food we're in line and we get to the front of the line. We've moved from the back of the line to the front of the line pretty quickly and things are looking good Well, we get there and just nothing. We're getting shut out like the people who are there to take your order just seem like they disappeared off the face of the earth and Like what's the deal? Finally after probably like five minutes of just there being no one there. Finally get our order taken. Your friend Karin goes first. She gets her order taken. They're making her food. It's not so bad. She's got her stuff fairly quickly. Well I go in right behind her. I order the exact same thing. It's one of these burgers with an egg on it.
Starting point is 00:04:45 We're pretty fancy. You put it on my work cart. And they're like, well, we are out of eggs. I'm like, okay, I'm not a problem. I don't really care about the egg. I wasn't ordering the burger to get the eggs. And so the lady talks to the lady making the burgers. Like, this guy's fine without an egg.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And they just, for whatever reason that wasn't that wasn't gonna fly even though I again reiterated hey don't need the egg like I'm happier to get my food and like you know one two minutes here rather than wait for the egg for 10 minutes well 10 minutes later they finally get some fresh eggs on there the whole thing took a time, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. So we go to breakfast this morning and had a lot of different plans of different varieties and everyone fell through for one reason or another. We'll finally get to this agle place up in your boys town there on Broadway and get to the counter order stuff it's not that bad we had to wait a little bit similar to
Starting point is 00:05:55 you at the united center last night people like when we got to when it was our turn to order like they started disappearing and I was like what's the deal with this I finally put our order in I was was going to sit there, I was going to wait for the order, and then my friend Karin was going to go a couple doors down and get us some coffee. It was going to be perfect. We're going to meet up, be good to go. Well probably like five minutes pass, standard amount of waiting time. I get the bagel, but I realize it's just mine and Karin's not in there And so you know you have to wait like another two minutes for the person who gave your food to like circle back around
Starting point is 00:06:31 You know like excuse me Didn't get it like what's the deal? It's like oh someone someone else took it like okay well Can we get hers please? So then another five minutes pass and we finally get her in's bagel. And we get meet up and the rest is history, but long story short, been doing a lot of waiting for food on this trip. And I'm not like the privileged bougie person who gets upset over that stuff. It's just like, you know, it's happened a couple of times in a short amount of time and that doesn't usually happen to me.
Starting point is 00:07:08 So, things you notice. Yeah, we've been out here in Chicago for a couple of days now flying back to Beentown tomorrow morning. If you couldn't tell, we are not recording with theson Q2U series and it's not because I chose to do it this way because I accidentally left it at home. Remember when God speaks he uses the Samson just not this week apparently. So we're driving. I also didn't bring my my Mac which has GarageBand software. I usually use the record. So we've been in this situation once before.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Our Festivus episode, our Christmas special, live from Texas, where we brought the whole family on. We recorded that from the audacity. I have a cheap audacity copy on my work computer, which I have with me at all times. But even back then, when I did, I had the Samsung Q2U series. Now I'm just speaking straight into the recording software. So apologies for the audio quality, but we're doing the best we can
Starting point is 00:08:14 and we're doing it live. We've recorded from the car once before at the start of the fall tour last year. Our first stop, if you remember, was Indianapolis. That was exciting. We were recording on high 65 driving north from Indianapolis up to Chicago for Labor Day weekend. And if you remember, we talked mostly about Mike Pence and the gas stations that have the penis ring dispensers. So it was a good episode. It was a quality first stab at a car podcast but I'll let the experts Ryan Austin, Ligan and Kristen English, handle the the hardcore car podcast. If you are not a fan or a subscriber to the Car Adconvose podcast, you go find them on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:09:06 These guys are great. A lot of fun. We collaborate together. And we commiserate together over our terrible March Manus brackets, which there's another thing. So as we speak, I was actually really hesitant to do this podcast on this drive right now because Duke and MSU are playing right now. And I could be listening to them on the radio. Also the cU are playing right now and I could be listening to them on the radio also the cubs are playing right now I could be listening to them on the radio but I was like but I don't do the podcast now I'm gonna have to do it at my friend's house and it's just like I don't want to do that I don't want to spend time with my friend so the Duke MSU game it was close at half time. It was half time when we started, so I'm gonna catch the end of it, hopefully at my friend's house. But last lead-A game, other three teams,
Starting point is 00:09:52 it's gonna be Virginia vs Auburn, which is crazy. Like, good on Auburn, they've been really hot, but then they lose their best player and they still be Kentucky. It's crazy. And then, when this game takes on A&M, wouldn't it be crazy if the national championship game was like Texas a and m versus Auburn would just be
Starting point is 00:10:11 like completely subverting expectations like nobody expected to see that going into this tournament so give it to the adding it to the red raiders all the skies are in playing really well. With the type of team, I think a lot of people, if not everyone expected them to make it into the sweet 16 nicely, but then Michigan was gonna be a really tough match up. And then Gonzaga seemed like they were on a crash course
Starting point is 00:10:38 for the final four this year. It's the first sip of my Shamak shake. It's minty, it's delicious, it's refreshing, it's good stuff. So Michigan State, this is crazy. This time last week I'm doing the podcast. We spend the whole time knocking on wood talking about how 13 out of my 16-3-16s were right and my lead-8 was still intact. Literally two rounds of games later. I have one elite-8 team left. I'll
Starting point is 00:11:17 though we're like passing lead-8 now. One final four team left and one national championship game left. But my national title winner is still going. Michigan State Spartans, go for those guys. So I lost any chance I had of winning any money when the UTK went down. Stupid Purdue, it was a lucky game. It's a Carson Edwards-Syn a carcinetic or a synocket fouled on the buzzer beater shot. So that game should have been over
Starting point is 00:11:50 right then and there. I'm not saying UTK would have beat Virginia but they got robbed. So what else is going on? I don't know. Having a good time. You know? Thanks to everyone for supporting us. Don't forget to check out our new website,
Starting point is 00:12:17 It was pretty absent this week because early half of this week I was trying to cram a lot of work in. And then second half of this week I was trying to cram a lot of work in and then second half of this week I was traveling and this been like a very productive trip from like a personal standpoint because I've been working every I worked every day except for yesterday and work I didn't work yesterday but when I haven't been working I've been like I've hit the jackpot with maximizing front time. I mean Thursday afternoon after I got into Midway I got to go see the boys you know they've been on the podcast before I got to see
Starting point is 00:12:59 John Pope and Dowski who's been on twice, Stephen Boy has been on once. We went and visited Sean Young at his coffee shop. Sean's been on the podcast before a Farrow the Farrow episode. He's hanging out with those guys, got some coffee, got to talk for a long time. It's a great thing about them. So, JP, John Paul Pindowski and Skinshaw, and Stillin' School, and Steven, you know, doing teaching jobs, those hours are less rigid. Nice to be able to hang out with those guys in the middle of the day, and then I worked a little bit at a college fair,
Starting point is 00:13:36 and then at night I got to see grad school friends. One of my friends getting married, those awesome to talk to her, hadn't seen her in a little while. Next day, I was able to see my friend who I'm going to see right now and then some of her friends as well, people who were, I didn't go to grad school with, but they're, we shared the same program, they just graduated before I got there. And yesterday I got brunch with more undergraduate friends so it's been like it's been a good time. I've been working hard, I've been playing hard. Mosa's brunch, I've been doing it all. I'm having it all. I'm like if sex in the city was one weekend with less Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Kattral, all right Kim Davis is
Starting point is 00:14:31 that sex in the city lady too, Gina Davis that's not right who's the one that was on the sign felt episode when her toothbrush was on the toilet. What's her name? Is that Kim Davis? Who is that? I don't know. Let the look it up. Thanks everyone for subscribing. Been away from the bean-tongued vlog. That was my point I was trying to make by three minutes ago. I haven't posted on the bean-tongued blog in over a week
Starting point is 00:15:07 Just because I've been busy man And I've had some good thoughts, but I haven't had anything that's been like oh, you gotta put this on the blog No good answer anything like that You couldn't tell last couple weeks on the bean-tongued podcast ever since we you know we had Matthew on we had Ryan on For taxes and for Oscars respectively podcasts ever since we you know we had Matthew on we had Ryan on for taxes for Oscars respectively ever since then I've been a little short on material you couldn't tell it's been like work works been fairly busy but not anymore than like it should be but just like personal life wise I've been
Starting point is 00:15:42 going out and having a good time playing a lot of trivia scene movies doing some traveling so you know just doing stuff weather's getting nicer spending more time outside go to walks days are longer, my legs getting healthy again, run a little bit more. So, next week on the Bean Tum Podcast, we're going to be joined, potentially, haven't asked him yet, I just assumed. But it looks like we could be joined by a elder brother, Walter Fernos, who's made a couple of appearances on the bean top podcast. You know him from our baked Alaska episode live from the Anchorage
Starting point is 00:16:32 Airport. You know him from our Christmas day episode. So he'll be joining us live should be a good time. Looking forward to it. And yeah, I don't know what we're going to talk about, but we'll figure it out. You guys probably thought, you know, Quinn, you're in the car, you're driving. It's not safe to be reading ads. Not me, you know. I have a, you know, contractual obligation to these fine sponsors and so if they want their ads red we're gonna read them And there might be some paraphrasing because they can't really look at the ads Well, I'm driving and I don't have them memorized a lot of people think I memorize the ads especially at home pride Oregon. I don't have that memorized. I could give me you know, five minutes and I could memorize it, but I choose not to. So, to read some
Starting point is 00:17:34 ads, Home Pride Oregon. Again, I'm physically driving and I'm just like taking quick lances. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth? All because you couldn't find your reliable home inspector in time. Well Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride Inspection Services and Bend Oregon is central Oregon's hottest news. Hottest, most newest home inspector provider. I'm at a red light now. How does the newest home inspection provider come out of Red Bite now? With home inspection services including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing
Starting point is 00:18:11 and so much more, home pride ordering is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate triangle hold, on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home inspector, you can trust, call Steve at 541-207-1101, or visit That's 541-207-1101, or visit Home Pridory, inspection perfection.
Starting point is 00:18:44 That was pretty good this guy next to me in this Volkswagen is really bumping some jams we're gonna drive up to it the next red light as soon as we can to us a rip of that one later. All right, especially shout out to some people who couldn't be with us today, the Samsung Q2U series, Chris Cling Audio Quality, exact opposite of what you're listening to right now. Remember what God speaks to you, this is a Samsung shout out to the TV guide on a couple weeks now without a fresh TV guide.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I was starting to think maybe they're saving up for like a quadruple installment magazine and they have like a three-page spread in the middle and it's John Goodman because you know Rose Ann made its big comeback but then Rose Ann Bar herself got into all that trouble and now she's off the middle and it's John Goodman because you know Rose Ann made it's big comeback but then Rose Ann Bar herself got into all that trouble and now she's off the show and now they're coming back with the Conner is new in ABC and it's just like a three-page spread full body shot of John Goodman he's wearing some of that red white flannel and it just says he's back. The Connors returns to ABC this Tuesday at 8.7 Central.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Just some thoughts. I think it would be nice. One other sponsor. Our newest sponsor, Cutsbite Q. And let's see how this goes. I am driving, not at the red light. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle we all love it But how many midtown Baltimore based
Starting point is 00:20:32 Independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve Enter cut by Q. It's like enter Sandman, but different It's like Enter Sandman, but different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and it's probably one of the better barber shop operations, so in Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Cook County, Illinois. The BIs, the banks, the full hocks, the flat tops, and everything in between, called Cuts by Q at 815298-7200, or email C cuts by Q8152987200 or email cuts by Q that's cuts cuts QUTZ by Q at or email whatever oh oh
Starting point is 00:21:17 when you need a fresh do something snappy and new just call the experts to cut spy cue so that wasn't that wasn't too bad a couple slip-ups on the cuts by cue spot but we did our best and that's really what is most important as long as you're doing your best if you haven't fun you're doing your best, if you're having fun, you're doing your best. That's all you can ask for out of an ad. So we're almost to our destination here. The northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. Thanks everyone for putting up with the low quality. Primus we're going to be back in action next week.
Starting point is 00:22:17 It's going to be bigger. It's going to be better. We're going to have fun with it. So I afforded that. If you have any issues of any kind, questions, comments, concerns, email us,, that's beantown, Who knows who we might just read your question live on the air so for all of us I think I just ran over a tree I did look at that well it's really just kind of sticking out there in the middle of the driveway I don't want to like drive my tire on it but
Starting point is 00:23:02 I don't really know what else to do. Just follow in instructions here. For all of us at Bean Tom Podcast, thank you for listening. I'm going to try to get this up at some point. I'm going to need the Wi-Fi password. But thanks everyone for tuning in and yeah, hope everyone has a good week. Sorry for the late uploads, sorry for the bad audio quality, but we're doing our best and we're doing it live. So thanks everyone for listening. I hope I remembered everything if not, it is what it is. So be nice to each other, have a good week. We'll check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:23:38 you next time.

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