Beantown Podcast - 05122019 (Mother's Day) _ Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: May 12, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Beantown (for one of the last times before the move) to discuss the nutrition facts of a KFC Double Down, I HEART BEANTOWN buttons for all the Beaners out there, and his f...avorite Mother's Day memory thanks to Javy Baez. Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! #FriendsofthePodcast #MothersDay

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? Quinn David Furnace here, coming to you live for a May 12th, 2019 Happy Mother's Day edition of Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast or the People's Podcasts, and it is widely known across the nation. Your number one source for misinformation worldwide. And we're coming to you live. As we do all of our episodes, again, it's live when I record it, not when you listen to it,
Starting point is 00:00:34 but beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Beholder is really an interesting word when you think about it, because it's really, it's a word, yes, but we really only use it in the context of the phrase beauty in the eye of the beholder. It's very much like a King James middle English type of thing be held, be hold. I think be hold. I am the Lord or something that's maybe a Bible verse. We'd have to consult preacher Quinn who only makes an appearance once or twice a year around Easter. We're going to have to wait for that to circle back around and write that down for next Easter sermon. But be hold. I don't even know how we got here. Behold my podcast, the Bean Town podcast, which is one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts,
Starting point is 00:01:35 although we're going to have to change that slogan pretty soon here, maybe. I don't know, I haven't really thought about this this but for those who Haven't figured it out yet We're taking bean town podcast on the road Permanently if you will so we've toured in the past but typically we'll come back to bean town or Baltimore to sort of home base here at 817 St. Paul Street, but I home base here at 817 St. Paul Street, but I am now telling the world I'm coming out like my favorite Aretha Franklin song. I'm coming out specifically to Chicago. So we're moving Bean Town podcast to Chicago. Permanently we have this week's episode happened in live from Baltimore, and then next week's episode will also be live from Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And then the week after that will either be our farewell episode of Baltimore, or we'll be coming to you live from the West Coast haven't decided yet. But, oh wait, now my weeks are mixed up. This week's in Baltimore, next week's in Baltimore. The week after that is either Baltimore, Chicago, I haven't decided yet where I want to record and then the week after that is either West Coast or Baltimore, probably Baltimore. Because I got a June 2nd, I got a red eye flight, Saturday night into Sunday morning. So, well, we'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:03:10 For you, the listener, though, all you got to know is that, yes, even in the face of moving and yada, yada, yada, all that stuff, bean town must go on. Bean Town will will continue to be produced, written and directed weekly by me, Quinn David Furness. Listen to your discretion as advised. When you're listening to the Bean Town podcast number one, we will occasionally use some kid-tested mother-in-law not, approved language, if you will, and
Starting point is 00:03:47 the number two, the podcast is just objectively terrible. What I love about the bean-tongued podcast is it's not really ever gotten better outside of the first month or two where we were actually learning how to do a podcast and all the tech and stuff. From that point, I think we kind of hit our stride last fall or so I would say, and then 2019's been, I think just less exciting overall. It's kind of like true detective, right? First season, you got Woody Harrelson,
Starting point is 00:04:19 and the other guy, who does it with, oh, Matthew McConaughey, right? True detective, never seen it, who does it with, oh, Matthew McConaughey, right? True Detective, never seen it, but I heard things. And then season two is like, okay, it's still fine. It just doesn't quite hold up to the first season. But if season three of True Detective with two-time Oscar winning actor, Mahershal Ali is in the indication,
Starting point is 00:04:41 2020 is gonna be a big year for the bean town podcast. I don't know, maybe we'll make it a little bit more political. No one asked for that. No one really ever asked for anything. Even though we have a new website, and of course an email address, it's sleek, it's shiny, it's new, it's elegant, bean-town podcast, this bean-town, bean-town I wasn't sure how I wanted to mess up the spelling
Starting point is 00:05:15 or the saying and then I kind of started and then I didn't really know what to do. So you got what you got. Speaking of the website,, yesterday we made big updates for the first time in a couple of months. So most of you probably used the bean town podcast to keep up with us with our podcast and our blog. But one thing that we've been pushing for in 2019 and you all know this, the fans of
Starting point is 00:05:41 the podcast, hashtag friends of the podcast, also known Beeners. You know this, cuts by Q. My little side business here, Baltimore's top, one of Baltimore, I'd say like top, because there are actually a lot of boutiques and barbershops in Baltimore. So I would put this in like top 300 range, I think, for like barbershops and boutiques. Maybe the bean town barbershop quartet side idea, let me write that down.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I'm going to get to Chicago. I'll have some friends that might be interested in that. But we do haircuts, $20 flat rate for everything, including shaves and other cuts. I'll shave your chest, I'll shave your back, shave your pubes even. I don't know. I didn't say that, I didn't know your words, but you long story short here. I feel like we're really all over the place this morning.
Starting point is 00:06:43 You can go to and now in our menu we have an updated item. So it used to just be home podcast, Bintown blogging, contact me now. It's home podcast, Bintown blog, then cuts by Q, then contact me. So you can go to our cuts by Q page and you can see a smattering. That's right, a smataring, smat. T-T-E-R-I-N-G of all of our different cuts. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You know, they say that 97% of the world is covered in water or could be covered by water found in icebergs. And also when you're looking on an iceberg,
Starting point is 00:07:20 you're only seeing like 74% of it. So you can just check out 74% of the cuts we offer and then the other 26% is hidden under the surface or I think I got that mixed up, but it doesn't really matter. For the six of you who are listening, you can, you can tweet at us and air your grievances. But that's what's going on. It's a rainy day on the East Coast. It started raining about a day ago, about 24 hours. So we were out yesterday, a couple different festivals. Yesterday was a big fest day in Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's a lot of like street fests, things that are not overly packed or just overwhelming in general. Just kind of chill hang out. It's a lot of arts and crafts being sold. Some food occasionally a drink, although neither of the fests I was at yesterday had a big like drinking culture. So first we go to Rem Fest, R-E-M, which I had frankly misled a little bit because I thought we were gonna be showing up and it was gonna be. I don't wanna see you cry, losing my religion.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Kind of turned into Billy Jo'arm strong at the end there. Okay, let's just put this out there. It wasn't Ari in the band. So, strike one. Fool me once. Show up. It's actually named after the neighborhood Remington where it's taking place which I should have figured out long before but
Starting point is 00:09:13 That's the neighborhood south directly south of the neighborhood. I work in So we go up there and it was pretty Imagine like the most basic street fare with like one guy playing live music on stage. Who was fine, but it was just like this guy with an acoustic guitar. I'm sure very local. He wasn't amazing. He wasn't bad, but it's just like, okay, whatever. It would be like, if I got up there with a guitar and I had some talent, imagine what
Starting point is 00:09:42 it would be like if it was that. So we walked around and looked at a couple of the different things and didn't really buy anything, but there wasn't much for food or drink going on there in general. There was a main part where you can get some of your classic food things. But in terms of the booths, it was almost all arts and crafts. And there weren't one of the guys I was with was really looking for fudge. It was almost all arts and crafts and there weren't like one of the guys I was
Starting point is 00:10:05 with was really looking for fudge. There was no fudge. So we were there for about an hour and then we drove down to the one I was more excited about. Well, I'll say this. I was originally very excited for Rem Fest because I'm thinking losing my religion, other REM songs we could have gotten to here but no we go down to Jazz Fest, Fels Point Baltimore which I'm not the type of person who goes around knocking Baltimore all the time especially not for the reasons that people who don't know Baltimore are not good for it but one thing that Baltimore does not do well and I'm not afraid to say this they don't know Baltimore are not get for it, but one thing that Baltimore does not do well And I'm not afraid to say this they don't do live music well
Starting point is 00:10:49 now I I'm not expecting Baltimore and I wasn't when I got here two years ago I wasn't expecting it to be Nashville wasn't expecting it to be Memphis Chicago, New York, whatever But like give me a little something, you know a little taste Baltimore doesn't really do like Kago, New York, whatever. But like give me a little something, you know, a little taste. Baltimore doesn't really do like concerts in the park. There aren't very many like bars where you can just like consistently have access to live music. Unfortunately, you know, Baltimore is so closely DC, which is really nice in some ways, but in other ways, it's really a curse because DC ends up getting a lot of the really good acts and
Starting point is 00:11:32 tours and all that stuff. And Baltimore really doesn't get that very much. And then when people do come tickets tend to be like way too expensive. Like Tom Jones was here, this past winter, and the nosebleed tickets for Tom Jones are like 120 bucks, and that's like, it shouldn't be that way. Out in the county in Columbia, there's a big amphitheater, and they get a lot of popular acts, but it's like, can you technically get to there
Starting point is 00:12:00 from Baltimore City with public transportation on a bus? Yes, but it's not easy. You know, it involves like transferring and then getting off a bus and walking 20 minutes through town. And it's just like, this isn't, you know, the whole thing is like an hour to 90 minutes one way. And it's, it's hard enough getting there like before a concert in normal time. You try to leave after a 10 o'clock a night. Well, maybe that bus still running, maybe that won't be.
Starting point is 00:12:29 It's kind of like at BWI, the airport, serving Baltimore and Washington. Well, it's about eight miles south of, not even that. Like six or seven miles south of the city of Baltimore. But if you get there outside of time when the light rail is not running, and light rail is okay hours, but not great hours There's not like a 24 7 bus that takes you from the airport to the city, which is just fascinating to me to have a city of 620,000 people and
Starting point is 00:12:59 There's not always a consistent public transportation option to get to the city is just like almost mind-boggling. MTA, Maryland Transit Administration, Transportation Administration. I don't know. I get the TAs mixed up because Chicago is transit authority, I believe. I don't remember what Maryland is, and I don't know what New York is, which is also MTA, but a different MTA. To not, they have a lot of buses, a lot of routes, some more reliable than others,
Starting point is 00:13:31 but to not have something that takes you from your city's major airport, your city's really only airport to the city in off hours. I understand if it's a bus that runs once an hour hour Okay, whatever, but they're just from like I don't know 11 p.m. to like 6 a.m. It just doesn't exist Which is unfortunate I Will frequently get back from Chicago on personal travel and have to take an Uber Because you know if you're flight leave Chicago at 7 p at 7 pm which is a reasonable time for a flight you lose an hour in the sky and it's a 90 minute flight
Starting point is 00:14:09 so you're getting back at what do we say 930 or so you're probably gonna have to take an Uber so that's what's going on I don't even know how we got to that topic, but, um, oh, jazz fest, jazz fest. How did we get from jazz festival transportation? I don't know. But, we owed a jazz fest. It was fun. We were there for one set. I think there were four or five different acts going throughout the day. Each one had like a 90-minute set, which is pretty, pretty is pretty good actually for like a little local jazz fest. I have 90 minutes to play with, is nice. We were there for, I had researched them before, advertised as a 10 piece brass one. Well we get there and it's 11 piece brass band.
Starting point is 00:14:55 It's like when you go to KFC and you order a bucket of white meat and you say, give me 10 drumsticks, baby. And you're eating your drumsticks and you're not really paying attention but you're mentally counting as you're eating, you know, on the road texting, eating, Greece is everywhere. It's an all-American meal.
Starting point is 00:15:15 You're like, well, that was my 10th drumstick and you peer into that bucket. Imagine leaning over into the passenger seat at a red light mind you and you peer. Imagine yourself peering. It's a great verb. P-E-E-R. And there's an extra, there's an actually drumstick, drumstick number 11. Oh, man. Your day is made right there. I will say as a side note, you might look at me and think, this guy has KFC at least twice a week. I don't think I've ever actually gone to KFC and ordered something.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I'm trying to think maybe once in high school they used to have that, was it called like a double-decker sandwich or something? You guys know what I'm talking about. Instead, it's like a sandwich, but instead of bread, it's two chicken breasts. And then in between I think is like cheese and bacon and something. That's got a name. It's like the club combo or something or I don't know. What
Starting point is 00:16:15 is that called? It's not a double-decker because there's nothing that's like the the smash the chicken smash or something hang on we're going to Google KFC Chicken Instead Of bread it reminds me of the episode we had with brother Walter Furnace about a month ago. We wrote a cover letter for a Northwestern assistant men's basketball position letter for a Northwestern assistant men's basketball position. Haven't heard back yet, but fingers crossed. The double down. I was close with double Decker. I knew it was a literative. You go to Vegas, double down means something slightly different. The double down contains bacon, cheese, and sauce between two pieces of chicken filet.
Starting point is 00:17:07 cheese and sauce between two pieces of chicken filet. Let's look at these. Did you know you Google food on Wikipedia and now it's giving you the nutrition facts. I just noticed that this morning I was looking at what is like Minnesota Longer and Wilder ice or something which I cooked. We'll talk about that in a second. Okay, the double, but Wikipedia will now tell you nutrition facts, which is very exciting. Nutritional value per 248 grams. A gram is really an interesting unit of measurement. I feel like maybe this goes for the whole world, but certainly us Americans, we really have no concept of what a gram is, right? And out's were like, okay, get that a little bit, understand pounds, understand feet, yards,
Starting point is 00:17:56 meters, we do our best, inches, we on a lockdown, centimeters, okay, millimeters, really tough, but a gram, oh man, I don't know what a gram is, it's kind of in the same category as a watt for me. You might have just said, what is he talking about? A watt, W-A-T-T, like JJ or TJ or a unit of power, watt, unit of power would have been a good nickname
Starting point is 00:18:24 for my keenest back in high school. But the double down has 18 grams of carbohydrates. I don't think that that's that bad, probably because there's no bread. So I'm actually surprised to see that high, probably because the chicken is breaded. One gram of sugar, one gram of dietary fiber.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Again, all these references to grams, not really sure what these mean, but 37 grams, again, of saturated fat. That sounds like a lot. For those, friends of the podcast out there, or beeners out there who are listening, who are nutritionists, you can let us know in a comment what a gram really means, but 11 grams of saturated fat.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Oh, this is interesting. Let's talk about this. So I mentioned 37 grams of saturated fat. Oh, this is interesting. Let's talk about this. So I mentioned 37 grams of saturated fat. Again, we're talking about the double, double down from KFC. And we got here because I said, I don't think I've ever gone to KFC, but I'm trying to think maybe one time in high school I went to KFC to get a double down just to see what it was like. So there's 37 grams of saturated fat. Then the breakdown is 11 grams of 30s, okay, we're gonna try this one more time.
Starting point is 00:19:27 37 grams of fat, that's that, and then below that, and we're off of Wikipedia here, 11 grams of saturated fat, one gram of trans fat. So that adds up to 12 grams underneath the 37 grams of fat. So what's going on with the other 25 grams? Is there, are there three types of fat saturated trans and regular fat? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I feel like I know less about fat than I do about grams, which is ironic when you look at me, but 52 grams of protein, that's actually, that's real good, it's because of all that chicken and bacon, minerals, sodium of all that chicken and bacon. Minerals, sodium? Oh, this is good. 1,880 milligrams or 1.8 milligrams of sodium, which is equal to 125% your daily value.
Starting point is 00:20:19 So if you go to KFC and you grab two double downs and wash it down with a diet coke, you're already looking at 250% of your daily sodium intake. 150 milligrams of cholesterol. This one of those things that just sounds like a lot, but cholesterol really is, you know, kind of like uh, uh, midi-chlorians and star wars. No one really actually understands them. Let's see. Okay, so that's the double down. But how we got from 10 to 11, we were talking about having an extra one that you weren't expecting.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I don't remember what the original reference was, but we can go back and listen to it on the tape. I was able to cook Friday night for the first time I hadn't cooked in so long because I've been on the road um And it was it was the type of thing so I hadn't gone to the grocery store and I still haven't I Gorshastore's home for another four hours. It's raining right now. It's not gonna stop raining But it's like if I want to eat This week then I really should go to the grocery store. It's a right now. It's not gonna stop raining, but it's like if I want to eat
Starting point is 00:21:29 This week then I really should go to the grocery store. It's a classic conundrum but So I pull out you know go read the fridge I'm getting very belchie here on Friday night Just looking for anything that was like cookable So actually nothing came from the fridge and the freezer I had Just looking for anything that was like cookable. So actually nothing came from the fridge. And the freezer I had some frozen broccoli, always talk about kid-tested mother approved.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And then I also had one package of chicken tenderloins. I think I bought them because they're on sale. Normally I'm a chicken breast type of guy, but these were chicken tenderloins. And then I had some Minnesota long green wild rice, which if you don't know, it's the black wild rice. Once you go black, you never go back. It's true for rice, it's true for men.
Starting point is 00:22:17 But that stuff is good, man. You make wild rice, it cooks for about an hour. You throw some salt in there, a little pepper, maybe a little bit of butter. If you can cook it in like chicken stock or vegetables broth, you can do that. That's really good. I didn't have any of that stuff,
Starting point is 00:22:34 but it adds to the richness, the boldness of the rice. But I was trying to figure out what to do, because you know, you can just have rice, chicken, and broccoli, but I'm thinking, let me spice up this chicken and broccoli a little bit, it's a little bit of sauce. So I'm rummaging, again, the word is rummage, R-U-M-M-A-G-E.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I'm rummaging through my pantry, my extensive pantry, which is mostly dried goods, looking for some sort of sauce that I can scare up. Again, the word is scare, SCAR-E. And I'm like, I got a little bit of honey here. I got a full spice cabinet, basil, thyme, parsley, sage, rosemary, onion powder, garlic powder, red hot chili peppers, you open it up and give it away, give it away, two years in bean town if you're
Starting point is 00:23:45 wondering that's a pretty big container which is why it's survived because I use my think about how often I make chili. Anyone who knows me knows that I love making my chili in the winter and I season the crap out of that stuff with you know paprika, cayenne, chili flakes, all that good stuff. So I'm looking for some sauce to make. And I'm thinking, okay, I got one stick of butter that's made it through the fridge and hopefully still good.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I think I like butter last a long time. It had probably been in there for like three weeks. So I got some butter, I got some honey, my signature item. I always have some on hand, I have some brown spicy mustard. Well, I'm thinking, you know, honey mustard is like a classic thing. I don't know how else gonna work with the brown spicy, but let's try it out.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And so I made a nice concoction of brown spicy mustard and honey and about a, a what two tablespoons of butter and I threw some salts in there and oh I put some garlic powder in there as well and you know I stir it vigorously websites and cooking shows will frequently direct you to stir something vigorously, or to be stirred with a great deal of vigor. Again, the word is vigor, V-I-G-O-R. And you make it with the, or I started it with the chicken and the broccoli, and then what I ended up doing is just taking a bowl out,
Starting point is 00:25:18 putting in a nice base of Minnesota long green black wild rice in there, and then pouring the chicken broccoli and honey mustard with butter solution into or on top of the rice and it made two servings. I had it for more than two servings but like two quinceized servings, so like three double downs at KFC and I had that for dinner on Friday night and I had it again for dinner last night and it was pretty good You know change is okay So how can we improve in the future first time cooking in like two weeks two plus weeks If you can cook that wild rice in some sort of flavored broth
Starting point is 00:25:59 Without the sodium getting out of hand. That's good stuff You really want wanna do that. It just adds a little bit more flavor to the rice. You don't have to do as much work on the back end to try to bring out the flavor. The rice by itself is actually very good. You're just, it tastes like rice and it's not gonna taste like anything else,
Starting point is 00:26:19 but in terms of like the texture, that Minnesota long grain wild rice is good stuff, man. When you cook it perfectly, with just the rate amount of water, with some salt in there, and you kind of a nice combination of rice that hasn't really popped out of its black sheath yet or coating, and then you get a nice kind of half that half rice that has kind of emerged from its black in casing, if you will. And it makes for a nice beautiful, rich texture. Yeah, the chicken on there, which I was a little concerned about, because I'd had the frozen chicken, the tenderloins. I bought it on sale back in like March or something. So the
Starting point is 00:27:01 stuff was a couple months old. That's the beauty of freezing. And then the broccoli also, you know, nothing fresh about it, probably been in my freezer for like a month, but it worked out okay, saute the chicken, bring it out of the pan, saute the broccoli, add the chicken, make the sauce, add the sauce in there, and then ladle it, ladle, another good verb, ladle it over the right. So it worked out pretty well. Call me Chef Quinn. We mentioned this before, but shout out and thank you
Starting point is 00:27:33 to Uncle Tunde and Auntie Anna of Hocus and Delaware. For gifting me about this time last year with a University of Delaware chemical engineering class of 2018 they grow up so fast. It's a mug and I don't know how many ounces going back to this topic of units of measurement. I don't know exactly how many ounces it is but judging by what I know of ounces I would guess this thing can probably hold about. Oh, I don't know. Between 25 and 30 ounces.
Starting point is 00:28:07 But it's a nice glass mug. I was at my, about this time last year, I was in Delaware, at the University of Delaware and my uncle used to work. And he had just slept a bunch of these for his graduating class of 2018, Chemical Engineering, and so he was nice enough to gift me with one. But it's good stuff. One other quick thing that I want to mention, then we're going to get to some ads, then we're going to talk about the holiday today. Thinking of a way to energize the fans,
Starting point is 00:28:47 the listener base, get us excited, get us excitable, turn on the fans. And I'm thinking, you know, we've done some hats, we've done some t-shirts in the past, it's good stuff, but if you're wondering, every time I do that, I lose money, and not extravagant amounts of money, but a little bit, because I don't want to charge the fans, the flat price that takes for me to manufacture that, even though that's like how economics works, because the price is, you know, when you have such a small
Starting point is 00:29:27 and intimate listener base like ours, although we've grown this time last year, probably again, like 80 listens in episode now, we're up to like 400 range usually, which is pretty good, but still looking for ways to increase our fan interaction. Really build that hashtag friends of the podcast brand, if you will.
Starting point is 00:29:54 So I'm thinking of, you know, trying to think of easy ways to kind of reward our fans. And I think, okay, bean town, beaners, how can we do this? So I'm thinking, well, there's gotta be some sort of, like, we heart bean town, or I love bean town, button, or something. And I actually, I'm kind of thinking out loud right now, because I thought of this in my head But I actually haven't Google that I'm right now. I'm googling Some sort of like I love bean town
Starting point is 00:30:31 Button there's gotta be There's gotta be something out there. I'll I'll keep looking and I'll let you know what I find but You know You're, you're gonna, you're gonna find a lot of stuff that says, love Boston, but I want one that says like, I love bean town, the classic I Heart New York. It's gotta be one that says like, I love bean town. Here's one for $1.95 a button, which is more than I like to pay,
Starting point is 00:31:04 but it's just says heart bean town. That's good. I think we can do better Bean town mom about What's a blog First article ladies watch out There's a naked child in the bathtub There's a naked child in the bathtub. Those kids like two years old, he's wearing a tux. The next article is titled, Cows Are Scary.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Well, if you're curious, it's It has nothing to do with what we were just talking about, but oh, there's a I don't think the buttons have anything to do with beantown, but it must be based out of Baltimore, I guess. Middleton, Massachusetts. Wicked spot.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Okay. We'll keep looking for bean town buttons, but just for the four of you out there listening, keep your ears out for some promotions and stuff moving forward. Because we're always looking for ways to energize our fan base. I do want to quickly mention this. I don't know. Maybe last week. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:32:12 But TV Guide become a staple of what we're going to get to this in our ads. So if you want to know what I'm about to say about TV Guide, you got to listen to Home Pride Oregon first. Let's do it. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating original, the original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original original on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust call Steve at 541
Starting point is 00:33:08 207-1101 or visit home pride organ dot com that's 541 207-1101 or visit home pride organ dot com home pride organ inspection perfection Home Partorian and Spection Perfection. I wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. We were doing podcasts via Audacity the last two weeks and two weeks ago from Chicago, we had no issues. Last week we're having some technical issues and the more I listened to last week's episode from Las Vegas, the more I'm convinced. And if you just go right now and compare the two this week to last week, because this week sounds great in our testing, I'm convinced
Starting point is 00:33:56 that the Samsung Q2U series wasn't even what was picking up my audio last week. I think it was just a computer microphone. I don't know what the problem was. We played around with it for a long time, like literally sitting there for like 20 minutes, doing audio tests and getting really frustrated from our hotel room in Vegas. But we're back, Samsung Q2U series, it's never sounded better.
Starting point is 00:34:22 A shout out to the TV guide, although some problems on the horizon here, right? So first things first, having gotten a new TV guide in over a month at this point. You remember our episode, the aforementioned Northwestern Men's Assistant Basketball Coach cover letter episode of Brother Walter Furnace. We were talking about the TV guide we had just received that had Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones on the cover. And you know, this is around the time right when Game of Thrones last season had just started, which is already, there's only two episodes left.
Starting point is 00:34:55 So we haven't gotten another TV guide. And now that we're moving, I'm like, yeah, you can do the USPS forwarding, but is it going to be reliable? Am I going to get my TV guide? Am I going to know what's on TV? I haven't known what's been on TV for like the last two weeks. It's very troubling. And one thing I would never want to miss because I honestly have been looking forward
Starting point is 00:35:15 to this for five months now. Dan Conner, John Goodman, when the Conner's returns to ABC at 8-7 Central on Tuesday nights. How am I going to see John Goodman on the cover red flannel, giving you that signature John Goodman smile that says, he's back. You know, what if I miss it? I'll feel like 2019 is a complete waste. If I don't get my TV guide with Steve Goodman on the Steve Goodman, John Goodman on the cover of me that mistake before Steve Goodman, Roke Cubs Go, Rest in Peace
Starting point is 00:35:55 I died what like 20 years ago something like that Okay, last ad here, Cuts by Q Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle. We all love it But how many midtown Baltimore-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve I'm gonna have to change this ad in a couple weeks here enter cuts by Q It's like enter Sandman, but different Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Cook County, Illinois.
Starting point is 00:36:30 From Be Hives to Bangs, Faux Hawks, the flat tops, and everything in between call cuts by Q at 815-298-7200 or email cutsbyq at That's cuts QTZ by Q at Oh, when you need a fresh do, something snappy and new, just call the experts at cuts by Q. Cuts by Q. I think we could do a barbershop quartet arrangement
Starting point is 00:37:06 of the Cuts by Q theme song. And it'd be perfect because you're a barbershop quartet singing about barbershops. Cuts by Q is a barbershop, buy barbers for barbers. And that's the name of the game for our barbershop boutique combo special. Really, it's cuts by Q is really the double down of Baltimore based independent barbershops. With fewer grams of everything, really.
Starting point is 00:37:41 A couple more grams of bullshit, but otherwise fewer grams of, there's no saturated fat, there's no trans fat. If we had any fat, it would all add up and there wouldn't be 25 grams of mystery fat. Maybe that's the third kind, maybe it's trans fat, saturated fat and mystery fat. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I'm like, where did all this mystery fat come in?
Starting point is 00:38:05 Car come from and then I remember literally what I have for dinner like every night of the week. So it starts to, you can kind of piece it together. Me trying to figure out how I got so fat in life is like guy Pierce and memento going back. But with fewer tattoos because I have zero tattoos and Really, it's not much of a mystery. It doesn't take two hours to solve so
Starting point is 00:38:31 Memento it's a great film, but man you really got to be locked in to like watch it and try to understand it It's kind of the same with I had and this is kind of a shameful admission, but I hadn't seen my Holland drive ever Until like I don't seen my haul and drive ever until like, I don't know, I watched like two months ago, and that's another film where it's like, oh, it's so good, and it's the type of thing where after you experience and you're after you experience it and you reflect on it, you're like, damn, that's a really good movie, but while you're in the thick of it, and when you're seeing it for the first time without a lot of context, you're just like really working hard to try to keep up, understand what's going on, piecing together.
Starting point is 00:39:12 So yeah, meh-meh-toe, my Holland Drive, great thrillers, but they're not films that will like tell you what's going on. You kind of have to figure it out for yourself. Which is what makes like movie reviews of those complex films very impressive, especially when they're able to like give in-depth interpretations right after seeing films. I love movies. That's been widely discussed on the podcast, but I'm not great at like understanding deeply philosophical films or complicated films or films that aren't straightforward.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I admittedly have to use a lot of guidance from other people's opinions on the internet to frame my own. Or else, I'll just be lost. I can do a good job with basic, basic thriller movies or complex movies, but for things like Mahal and Drive and what were we talking about?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Mahal and Drive and oh, Christopher Nolan, Memento. Those ones are tougher to figure out. So if you've never seen either, then go watch them first chance you get, but also be warned that they're not. It's not one of the, they're not those movies that you throw on in the background, and it's just kind of there. Their movies you have to watch. If you want to appreciate or else you'll have it on it'll be two hours later, and you'll just be like oh that was fine and you won't
Starting point is 00:40:47 actually understand that these are two of the greatest thrillers of all time. Two of the greatest movies of all time. So I don't know how we got to momentum oh fat fats, fat's domino and cuts by Q from the ads. So that's the end of our ads. Thank you to our sponsors. I haven't mentioned this in a long time, but Jack links. Hey, if you're out there, we would love to be in business with you. I've tweeted at you before. I've emailed you. I've harassed you. We even had a Jack links employee on about this time last year. Again, for those of you who didn't listen to our Uncle Andy interview, if we ever get a billion followers, subscribers, listens, any of that stuff, then he's made a promise
Starting point is 00:41:37 that we're getting in on a Jacqueline's contract. So, that's what we're working towards. You know, at this level of growth rate, I think we can get there in a couple of generations. Being Tom podcasts is going to be like one of those things. Maybe that's handed down from generation to generation. You know, some families have moms, lasagna, recipe, other generations have athletic talent, right? Like, Ken Griffey Jr., Ken Griffey Senior, or Vladimir Guerrero, Vladimir Guerrero Jr., but maybe the Quinn David Furnace line
Starting point is 00:42:17 is going to be handing down the Bean Tom podcast. I don't know. I'm going to have to procreate pretty soon here. We did a Facebook poll, I don't know, two or three months ago, asking the internet, should I get a kid in 2019? And the result said yes, right? It was like 52 to 48%. Yes, it was overwhelmingly unanimous.
Starting point is 00:42:40 So that's, it's on the back burner, frankly, right now, but it's something I think about every day. With this move that's coming up, it's tough to move and get a kid at the same time, but in case there are people out there who are like, is Quinn a man of his word? Is Quinn actually going for a kid in 2019? No, the answer is, I'm looking at options. I'm exploring my options. I'll give you a very political answer.
Starting point is 00:43:14 If I ever become president, maybe I'll become the first podcast president. I think that could be cool, right? Live stream from the White House, things to consider. Things to consider. Things to consider. Giving us a lot to think about here on the Bean Tom Podcast. For Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12th, it is Mother's Day and on minute 44 of our podcast, we would love to get into a little
Starting point is 00:43:39 thanks, a little tribute to all the moms out there. So, to my own mom, it was a Rocky start, a Rocky relationship. At the start of the Bean Tum podcast, it wasn't talking about life in general, although, I imagine birth is one of those harrowing events, even if it's your third time. I imagine it's still a rocky start.
Starting point is 00:44:10 But if you followed us from the beginning, you followed the mom subscribing, unsubscribing, re-subscribing, re-unsubscribing, and then finally re-resubscribing and then finally re-resubscribing saga, SAGA, and saga. And mom's been listening every other week or so ever since, but thank you to mom for subscribing. Thank you to all the moms out there. I tend to have a little comedic twist to my mother's day celebrations every year, a celebration of moms. Last year, I think I posted on my mom's Facebook wall or something that said happy birthday, mom, it caused a little bit of confusion on the internet. People are like, wait, it's James birthday. We had no idea.
Starting point is 00:45:06 We feel bad. We didn't call her. We didn't wish her a happy birthday. Turns out it was, I was confused. It was Mother's Day, not her birthday. It's tough though, because Mother's Day isn't one of those days like Christmas is always the summer 25th or July 4th. Tens of be July 4th. Mother's Day will shift around. So sometimes it's closer to her birthday. Sometimes it's not. It's tough to know. But This year we decided to go with the Doris Roberts angle. So Doris Roberts resting peace widely known for her portrayal as Marie portrayal as Marie Barone on everybody loves Raymond Ray and Robert's mother Ray Romano and Brad Garrett respectively. So I send I send my flowers every year for Mother's Day. It's a it's a tradition like none other the masters on CBS. But send mom a note and the note says, dear mom, your no door
Starting point is 00:46:10 s Roberts, but we still love you lots anyways. It got like four likes on on Facebook and some more retweets and Snapchat chatter and Instagram re-ups and stuff, but I did pretty well. Probably not as, uh, I think last year's happy birthday wishes was more in line with like the bean town spirit of spreading misinformation. This year was just flat out funny. But sometimes you're, sometimes you get a little bit of both on the bean town podcast. Sometimes you're wondering why we call Baltimore bean town. Then other times you're just crying tears of Joy tears of laughter sometimes they're just tears, but Happy Mother's Day to mom
Starting point is 00:46:56 One of my one of my not favorite songs, but a song I've had stuck in my head So mom's a big Brian Adams Fan and I don't think she actually is but head, so mom's a big Brian Adams fan and I don't think she actually is, but most moms would be a fan of Brian Adams. I think if you pulled them and a lot of people know Brian Adams for summer of 69, but another classic Brian Adams song is everything I do, do it all for you. I'm trying to think how this song actually goes because I kind of butchered it right there. You can tell me it's not worth trying for.
Starting point is 00:47:33 This one's for you, Mom. I can't help it. It's nothing I want more. Yeah, I'd fight for you. Oh, I'd fight for you. Oh, I'd lie for you. As I go, walk the wire for you. Yeah, I'm time for you. Everything I do. Oh, key change there. Alright, you know, it's true. I think this how it goes. Everything I do, do it for you. So Mai couldn't afford to get Brian Adams on the podcast. I think he's in residency at the Polar Bear Inn
Starting point is 00:48:18 or something in Calgary, because Brian Adams is a Canadian, right? Let's get our research team on this. Brian Adams, 1959. So he was 10 years old in the summer of 1969. I don't know if you should really take his lyrics at face value because I don't know what 10-year-olds were hanging out by the lake after school getting it on. Maybe, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Maybe the baby boomers did things a little bit differently, but when I was 10 years old I was like playing Pokemon in my basement Brian Adams Canadian singer songwriter yada yada yada, but where was he born? Kingston, Ontario Where's that Eastern Ontario? Oh, it's on the northeast edge of Lake Ontario. There's a lot of Ontario going on here. The beginning of the Saint Lawrence River and at the mouth of the Kateraki River.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Sounds like Kateraks, things you get in your eyes. Oh, generally pronounced kata rocky. Kata rockway. Wow. C-A-T-A-R-A-Q-U-I, generally pronounced kata rockway. Kata rockway. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Dude, French is a crazy language. And then you get into Eastern Canada and you got some French stuff. You got some Native American stuff. You got some, I don't know if you really call it Canadian stuff, because I don't know if you really consider Canadian to be a sort of national culture. It is now, but you know, back in the 18th century. French Indian War, classic war, one of my favorite wars. But yeah, Mother's Day,
Starting point is 00:50:08 Happy Mother's Day to you, mom. My favorite, my favorite Mother's Day moment, or memory, this is a classic one. I was probably a sophomore in college and went to Wrigley Field from Mother's Day, Cubsverse Nationals, and this was, this was so Bryce Harper, this was what, like the 2015 season or something, Bryce Harper was just off to a blazing start for the Nats. No one could shut him down. And so we get to the Cubs, and this is a Sunday game course, Sunday afternoon at Wrigley Beautiful Day. They had done a really good job, I think, so far in the series of keeping him down, but they'd kind of been pitching away to him. Maybe he
Starting point is 00:50:52 had had a couple of hits in the first two games, I don't really recall, but he hadn't done any significant damage. So you get to, to game three of the series, Cubs are looking for a sweep. Get your brooms out, a sweep of the nets. And I don't know if this has ever happened in sports before, or in baseball before, I don't know if it's happened again, but they walk Bryce Harper, I believe, six times. And then he reached another time on like an infield single or something. It was crazy, or he struck out I don't remember but they the game went into the
Starting point is 00:51:31 13th inning and it was like three three I think they had given the Nats so many opportunities to score because every time they would walk brace Harper Ryan Zimmerman Nationals legend would come up and he was just I mean this is already you know tail end of Zimmerman's career. I think he's retired now, but Zim was Zim was on the Nationals from day one. He was around for a long time, but he was having a really tough go of it that weekend and that season in general. So they kept putting Bryce on. Oftentimes with runners at first and second, they would put him on then to load the bases just to get to Zimmerman.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And Zimmerman kept sucking it up, strikeouts, pop outs, double plays, yada yada yada. So a young Havi bias, still extremely unproven. And now Havi bias has now reached the star level where everyone appreciates him even though he'll occasionally like make a dumb mistake but overall he's now you know like cemented his place as one of the best players in the game. Back in 2015 Havi bias is this like young hot shot guy from the miners who like can make
Starting point is 00:52:40 incredible plays but then also makes like really stupid plays and has no plate discipline. Well, Avi Baez comes up in the bottom of the 13th and crack with his pink bat launches one into the left field bleachers. You can go watch it on YouTube. One of my favorite moments from Ridley Field, bottom of the 13th, it was a hell of a game,
Starting point is 00:53:02 probably five hours long or so with all the Bryce Harper walks. And they still, the cups should have lost so many times, but they managed to wiggle their way out of tough situations. And then, hobby buys with a walkoff shot in the bottom of the 13th. I think it was, was it a three run homer or is it solo homers? I think it was a three run homer though. I have to go watch it after this. But so, you know, as Mother's Day, it was beautiful weather. The pink bats, hobby bites, walk-off, cubs win.
Starting point is 00:53:30 What better way to celebrate Mother's Day? My mom was nowhere, had nothing to do with that story. I think she was at home in Rockford, but, or in Oregon, I don't recall where, but it was a great Mother's Day. I had a really good time. So happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Hope you're doing well.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I always tell my mom, you know, you carried me for nine months now, let me carry you. And really the last 24 years, it's been kind of that balance. So you might say, hey, quit, nine months for 24 years, it's not really balanced.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Well, I say, hey, you try having a person inside of you and then ejecting them through your private parts. And then we can talk about comparing nine months to 24 years. So, Ma, I'm not one of those haters out there who says nine months is nothing compared to 24 years. I'm happy to do it. You know, here's to another 24 years. And that'll be 48, which is Jimmy's number, which is a good luck number. So that's all I got for you. Another long podcast in the books here. This, I was, I'm going to tell you right now, though, I'm just reflecting.
Starting point is 00:54:36 It's always good to reflect, reflecting on the last 55 minutes. And, this is a podcast where we didn't really say much, but I felt like I was able to kind of carry it. Oftentimes we have these podcasts where we always say they're objectively terrible and then I actually feel like I'd go out there with a vendetta to actually prove just how serious I am when I say that.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Today was light, it was fun, we talked about double downs. We didn't talk about Churchill downs, but we'll get to that in a little bit. Couple more episodes come up here. Prickness next week, by the way, um, I'm not going to go because it's expensive, but it is like three miles from my apartment. If anyone's curious, uh, Pimlico, Mother's Day, we sang a little Brian Adams. We, uh, we, we got, we had a lot of good words today. I'll also mention mom, one of my favorite palindromes. Love a good palindrome.
Starting point is 00:55:34 And yeah, I think that's about all we got. So thanks to everyone for tuning in. Thanks to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon, Cuts by QTV Guide, and Samson Q2U series. It's last two are unofficial sponsors. But yeah, thanks for following us. Don't forget to check out the Bean Town blog. Don't forget that we have added to Bean Town
Starting point is 00:56:01 We now have a section just for Cuts by Q. So you can, again, look at some of the different cuts. If you think I'm like, apologies for language. If you think I'm completely bullshit in you and cuts by Q, I'm not. I do cut my own hair. So take that for what you will. But I also occasionally cut some other people's hair. It's not frequent because they don't get asked very often, but it's a $20 flat rate, right? You're not going to beat that. I'm not gonna butcher your hair
Starting point is 00:56:26 unless you ask me for the blondie cut or something. So, Jane Lynch maybe. Yeah, don't forget to follow us on Twitter. We are at Twitter at beantowncast, you can like us on Facebook. Thanks to some of our partners' local glow podcasts, Tariq Shahada, go listen to them, those guys are really good. They do about a tenth of the episodes that we do, but it's about a hundred times the quality. So there's
Starting point is 00:56:57 kind of a trade-off there. Also I want to mention Jack Campbell, a local musician originally from Duluth, then in Chicago, and now I believe operates out of Boulder, but went to school with Jack. He released a new EP recently, Lucky Break. You go find it on YouTube, but show up the four bucks on Bandcamp. It's $1 song, you can afford it. Jack is great.
Starting point is 00:57:20 You're gonna like his music if you haven't listened to it yet. You can find his absentee on YouTube, has his music video for that as well over a couple hundred thousand views. So, Jack's putting in good work. Don't forget to email us any comments, concerns, grievances, bean-town podcast, is bean-town, B-E-A-N-T-L-N podcast at And, yeah, I think we're good.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Next week we'll be right here, one of our last episodes from Bean Town, but the question was, was race me in the last thing I'll say. I was in Chicago two weeks ago having breakfast with a friend of the podcast. And my friend asked me, OK, so you're moving from Baltimore back to Chicago. You're still going to be able to call it the bean-ton podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:08 And I said, what do you mean? Why would I call it? I mean, what's the point of me calling it the bean-ton podcast when I live in Baltimore? She says, whoa, isn't Baltimore's bean town, right? That right there, if anyone asks, why do you call it the bean-ton podcast? It's that conversation exactly. Why I call it the Bean Tom Podcast, it's that conversation exactly. Why I call it Bean Tom Podcast? There is no better way for me to relate to you
Starting point is 00:58:30 or convey to you why I named it the Bean Tom Podcast, right? One of our unofficial slogans spreading misinformation, your number one source for misinformation on the internet. So that's why I do everything I do do it all for you. And that's for the moms out there and that's for the hashtag friends with the podcasts out there. For all of us that have been Tom podcast, be Tom Thanks for listening. Have a great Mother's Day. We'll see you next week. you

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