Beantown Podcast - 06012019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: June 2, 2019

Quinn comes to you live from BOTH COASTS (WOW) to discuss driving across the country, the most expensive Subway in America, and what to do when Uncle Andy gifts you 10 pounds of beef jerky #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. And this is Quinn David Furnace presents the Bean Tom Podcast for Saturday, June 1st, 2019. What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn. This is my show. I'm the producer, director, creator, writer, editor, best boy, et cetera, et cetera. Of the Bean Tom Podcast, which is the People's Podcast, one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. For the last time, and the funny thing about this is, I'm not even recording in Baltimore. You can probably hear, my voice is pretty low. You probably had to turn up the volume a little bit.
Starting point is 00:00:37 We still got the SAMHSA and Q2U series going here, but we are sitting in Redmond, Oregon, a small town of, I don't know how many people, probably like 10,000, 20,000 something like that, a little regional airport with an A, B, C, E, and that's it, Gate. And we're getting ready for a flight to LAX here and then another flight to Baltimore. Red Eyes got to love them them at least it's not spirit. I've done the Seattle to BWI red eye before on spirit and that is not that that's not a great time. You remember the James Taylor story from a couple weeks going Vegas
Starting point is 00:01:17 it's kind of like that but without James Taylor so you can sort of imagine how I would feel about that. But we're coming to you live from the airport. This is, I believe, our first airport episode since last summer coming full circle here when we came to you live from Anchorage with brothers Walt and Jack, Cachechek, friends of the podcast. And so we're back in action in the Northwest here. Seems like we only do the airport podcasts when we're out west. But Pacific time zone, which I think I've talked about this before, talked about in How's in Vegas. I struggle with it because all the good stuff starts at like 4 p.m.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And next thing, you know, you're ready to, you know, eat dinner and stuff. You're ready to settle down, watch something, and everything is ended. And the world is asleep. So kudos to all the people who live in California, because I really am not a fan of the Pacific coast time or Pacific time zone. But this is my podcast. It is the People's Podcast, which I believe I mentioned already.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Let's see, run it through the tagline. It's your listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the Beentom podcast number one. We will occasionally use some language of all sorts, French, German, Dothraki. That was a, that was a big thing a couple of years ago. I feel like that Dothraki face has kind of faced out, perhaps, especially now the Game of Thrones is over, but we're
Starting point is 00:02:44 still waiting on those books. Number two, podcasts is objectively terrible. phased out, perhaps, especially now the Game of Thrones is over, but we're still waiting on those books. Number two, podcast is objectively terrible. So the plan here is to record a little bit. I got a flight that's boarding in about half an hour. So I'm gonna record a little bit here, put the pause button on, and then when we get to LAX, I have about 90 minutes or about 60 minutes of downtime. So hopefully we'll be able to finish it up, get it uploaded, test out that beautiful California Wi-Fi upload speed. We'll see how it goes.
Starting point is 00:03:14 But apologies for the low talking. I'm trying not to disturb the other seven people in the airport. So for the seven of you listening, you might just have to pump up that volume a little bit. And while you're at it, don't forget to smash that repost button, that like button, that subscribe button. It has been a crazy week. It has been eight days since we recorded and it's been one of those weeks where everything just feels like like eight days ago and I last recorded everything feels so different. Not in that I've had any like
Starting point is 00:03:47 Huge changes in my life the last eight days. There's just so much that's happened So the reason I recorded last Friday night is because I was flying from Baltimore to Chicago On Saturday morning for a wedding and so we did that and it was a good time I Will say this I'm shot out to friend of the podcast, John Paul Pindowski, who's been on two episodes, maybe three episodes. He was giving his graduate Piannery Scytl at the Polly University. If you went, you know how good it was. If you missed it, go find John Paul Pindowski online and see if there's a recording somewhere because this man just shredded it. JP has always been a fantastic pianist, always way better than me type of person,
Starting point is 00:04:32 you can just sit down and play anything and he's gold. But I tell you what, this man sat at that piano for 90 minutes last Saturday night and I have never heard him play better, which is just such a rewarding thing for me to listen to. Having known him in his musical abilities for what, six years now, but you can imagine how rewarding and how fulfilling that must feel for him, you know, 24 years old, 25 years old to be able to pull that off and make it happen. John Paul Pindowski really put those hours in and really paid off. So I'm shot out to John Bulls, but we did that. And then wedding was on Sunday, which was a good time because here's
Starting point is 00:05:17 what was so great about this wedding. It was very untraditional. And I am a big fan of the untraditional. Let me tell you how it was untraditional. Very short ceremony. Big fan of it. None of this mushy stuff, you know, a couple words exchange, that sort of thing, maybe one passage reading, but you know, get in, get out. You know, it's good stuff. The next thing, the the officiator, not an old white white man always a good thing to see but It was a young lady of a friend of the bride and groom and she had some solid jokes
Starting point is 00:05:56 There was some comedic timing that was not amazing, but you know, it's a performance art It's tough to do as a side note if anyone is curious. I am licensed to To officiate wedding so if anyone any of you beeners out there looking to be be wedded just hit me up you know shoot us an email through the website and I would love to officiate your wedding I can do stand up I can keep it serious I can read a Bible passage I could even read something from the Quran. Yeah, I'm down for anything, is what I'm trying to say there. But the wedding continued on,
Starting point is 00:06:32 there was an open bar, which I guess isn't untraditional, but it's very important to have. You want to keep people happy. It was, there was no wedding cake, which is great because that stuff is good, but the frosting always, it's so great because, you know, that stuff is good, but the frosting always, it's so sugary, so sweet, just about puts you into a cardiac conibption. Either things going on that we really liked about the wedding, there were some dancing,
Starting point is 00:06:56 but it wasn't like the three hours of dancing, those like 90 minutes were in, were out, were good to go. And then the dance space was very separate from like a hangout space as well. You sometimes you go to those wedding things, all kind of in one space. And what ends up happening is once they clear out the space, the table and stuff, or the dance floor,
Starting point is 00:07:17 you got nowhere to hide, nowhere to talk. It's always so hot in there. And especially if it's a white wedding, it's just a cha- cha slide for two hours. So that's that's something that this wedding did a good job of. There was no cha cha slide which we were really happy about. But it was a nice wedding congrats to my cousin. And I was able to you know evangelize a little bit bean ton podcast at the wedding. I was talking to some aunties about it, you know, got some blogs, subscribers. So when you see those, those, those listens jump up, shout out to the aunties and the uncles out there.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And the cousins, et cetera, et cetera, who are supporting the podcast, walking to the Bean Tom podcast family, you are now a hashtag friend of the podcast. So, oh, there was one other great shining moment that took place. So we know, I know we've talked about this ad nauseam on the podcast before, Uncle Andy. Jack Link's employee, a dear friend of the podcast he's been on before, works of course for Jack Link's beef
Starting point is 00:08:22 jerky. And you know, when we're up in Wisconsin, usually get some jerky that he brings home, maybe some new flavors, taste tests, made sure it's not poisonous, that sort of thing. Galandi really pulled out all the stops with this new one. So you might have seen the video on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I'm gonna try to get it on the YouTube page, maybe the homepage of the bean town, uh, when I get a chance to catch my breath here, but, uh, a 10 pound bag of jerky. Yes, you read that right. 10 pounds of beautiful beef jerky teriyaki flavor, like you wouldn't believe this thing was massive. It makes all other jerky you've ever experienced look like absolutely nothing. So it's in like this, you know, plastic sealed, freeze-dried, whatever bag. And it's huge. And there's a great moment to great experience. I was captured on video of Uncle Andy, handing me the 10 pound bag of jerky and I hoisted
Starting point is 00:09:29 it above my head like it was the Stanley Cup game 7 final or something and you win in over time or something. It was glorious. If you're wondering and we're going to get to, we're kind of going through a chronological repeat of my last seven days here. And that's what this podcast is going to be about because there are lots of fun anecdotes along the way. But yes, took it in the U-Haul truck, which was driven from Chicago out to Central Oregon. And the jerky bag was taken with it, said in the cab the whole time up front. to the car. I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car
Starting point is 00:10:14 and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the car and I got to the that's put it in the back, you don't need it up front. And I say, hang on, give it two hours or two minutes, and you're gonna want this jerky. You're gonna be sitting there on I 90 in the middle of Montana with nothing to look at, thinking, wow, I wish I had some jerky right now. And so that's why I stood up for what I believe in,
Starting point is 00:10:39 and I kept that jerky up in the cab the whole trip. And wouldn't you believe, or wouldn't you know, you get to Oregon about a third of the bag is gone. That's how delicious that stuff is. So shout out to Uncle Andy, all the employees at Jack Links, we would love to enter into some sort of formal sponsorship. So you know how to find us,,
Starting point is 00:11:01 this beantown beantown podcast at, you can also visit, where town bean podcast at you can also visit where you can find bean town blog and some other neat accoutrements so I kind of jumped the gun a little bit where we get to the Day after the wedding Monday morning Memorial Day, which we didn't talk about at all, but Yeah, Memorial Day happened three day weekend last weekend. I was so discombobulated that it didn't even register
Starting point is 00:11:30 because I was off work anyways. But so we go to my hometown, get a U-Haul, and start loading up the truck. If anyone's curious, essentially, what happened was my parents moved out to the West Coast about four years ago. And when they moved, they didn't have enough space for everything. So they rented a storage unit in their hometown or in our hometown. And it's just been sitting there for four years. So we eventually, we finally got the chance to clear it out here. And that's what this trip was for. No one was moving. Although I will be moving
Starting point is 00:12:06 in about three days here, so we'll get to that. So we pack up this truck and we've got to get to Albert Lee, Minnesota, home of grandma, Sally, grandpa Dave, grandma, sell podcasting legend, has been on once or twice. You might know her for her stamping abilities and her love of bluegrass music. Well, Grandma's Sound and Grandpa Day have lived in like a condo unit, a condo association of some sorts, and it's pretty legendary over there
Starting point is 00:12:36 because they have a party room. I'll repeat that party room, P-A-R-T-Y space, R-D-O-M. I'm spelling things out because the script's national spelling B was a couple nights ago with eight people, one that's crazy. It's like Aqdo mom. But, so, you know, grandma, salogram, and Dave lived in a pretty small place. So we got to sleep mom, Dan, and I got to sleep in the party room. Again, that's party room. And this place is
Starting point is 00:13:02 actually, it's fun to kind of laugh at and have fun with, but it's actually not too bad. There's a private bathroom. There's a kitchen. If you flip a switch, you can get some hot water after long enough. There's a pool table. There's a Hammond organ.
Starting point is 00:13:21 There's a TV with cable. Now, you're probably out there thinking, Quinn, you don't even have a TV with cable. This party room doesn't sound so bad. And I say, you're right. But wait till you get to the sleeping arrangement. So as any old people's condo association should have, you got the full out bed. The pull out bed is a staple of old people everywhere. It's a couch for those of you under 45. It's a couch that you pull out. You remove the cushions and there's a strap where you can pull out and it actually folds into a bed. It's like a transformer bed. And at the first sign of that, mom and dad were not interested. So they had a blowup bed, which I think is a fair gamble.
Starting point is 00:14:05 You take the blowup bed over the fold out bed. Because if anyone's ever seen the episode of Seinfeld, down in Florida, where Julie Louie Driface has to sleep on the fold outing, it's so hot, she'd got the bar running through her back. That's exactly what this was like. It wasn't hot, thankfully. In Minnesota, it was about 50 degrees, but
Starting point is 00:14:26 The bar in the middle of the full iPad. It is legendary. We've all experienced it. This time was no different Not a good time. I look over though when I wake up and apparently mom and dad were not having much better of a time because the Blow-up bed that they had been bequeathed we're not having much better of a time because the blowup bed that they had been bequeathed onto by Graham Assell had a hole in it. So that baby wasn't a whole-in-air very well. It was like up, but without the helium.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And no one was too happy when we woke up. One of us, me, had supper of the barn his back a little time. And then, mom and dad, I think, at least two or three times, had to wake up in the middle of the night to re-inflate the bed, and that woke me up. And the cable was nice. We were watching rules of engagement.
Starting point is 00:15:22 The funny show, Patrick Warmerton, David Spade, that Indian guy, good times for everyone. But beyond that, having the private bathroom is a good, it's a nice feature to have. But didn't get any pool in, played a little bit a ham and organ, although I can figure out, ham and organ is pretty simple compared to an actual pipe organ. There's just not as much going on, but I still, I've never learned
Starting point is 00:15:51 to play the organ before. If anyone's out there, you think, Quint Piano organ, same diff, not quite. A little bit different, a lot more going on with your feet with an organ, so you got to play a little bit, but by Tuesday early in the morning we had to be up in Adam Tuesday we drove from Minnesota, southern Minnesota, to Sheridan, Wyoming, which is the north eastern corner Quadrant if you will of Wyoming so that day we went from southern Minnesota across to Sioux Falls and then from Sioux Falls straight across South Dakota to Rapid City, which look, I've been to 49 states and driven through pretty much all of them,
Starting point is 00:16:32 except for maybe a handful. I'm throwing North and South Dakota into the ring for the most boring states to drive through. And a lot of people when you ask, well, what are the most boring states they're going to tell you like at Brasca, or Kansas or something. And a lot of people when you ask, well, what are the most boring states? They're going to tell you like Nebraska or Kansas or something. And that's true. But the thing about Nebraska and Kansas is there are still some people there.
Starting point is 00:16:53 There's still some civilization. Whereas you go to the Dakotas and there's just nothing. It's grass, the occasional tree. There's a highway exit once every 30 miles, and then there's a whole lot of billboards for wall drug, which we weren't able to stop at this time, but wall drug is a national treasure. If you ever get the chance to investigate five scent coffee
Starting point is 00:17:17 and free ice water, that's better than Starbucks. But we drove across to the code Andway Oming, which is still pretty boring. And finally got to our hotel. I had a little steak dinner and shared. And then it was interesting. I think when we set out from Chicago on Monday morning, the original mindset was to do, to finish on Thursday. So kind of split it up evenly Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Well, we were feeling pretty good on Tuesday. And we stopped driving by about 7 p.m., 7 30 p.m., something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And then we were in a quandary of source, a quandary Q, U, A, N, D, R, Y. Because we were about 15, 16 hours from Homestead in Central Oregon there from Sheridan, Wyoming, which is possible to bite off on one shoe, but it's really not easy, because you got to go through mountains and stuff. So long story short, we decided to do it from Sheridan, Wyoming to Bend, Oregon, 15, 16 hours, one shot. Stopped for gas, multiple times, we stopped for lunch at Panda Express,
Starting point is 00:18:32 somewhere in Montana, Missoula, I suppose. And then, oh, this was fun. I want to talk about this, just briefly stopped in And then, oh, this was fun. I want to talk about this just briefly stopped in a suburb of Spokane, Washington. So this is Spokane, a city of over 200,000 people. This isn't Eastern Washington's fairly rural, but it's not like South Dakota or something. There's civilization there. People live there. There's traffic.
Starting point is 00:19:01 It's a pretty normal Pacific Northwest town. We stop at Subway in a Southwestern Subway or Spokane, and you know, you're expecting, right, normal prices. It seems like a very normal part of the country. The cheapest foot long at this particular subway location was $9.49, and it was the veggie delight and I Have never seen anything like that in my life all the six inches were you know six or seven bucks I know the five dollar foot long
Starting point is 00:19:39 Phase is pretty much all but phased out all the all say say I can still go to my local subway in Baltimore and get there a three or four foot longs that they have for $5. I do that every time. This was, I felt so bad because, you know, dad, mom and dad are paying for food this whole trip, which is kind of ridiculous. But the bill comes out for dad.
Starting point is 00:20:02 We got, I got a salad, which is the like equivalent of a six inch sub plus like a dollar or something. And then dad got a foot long, a chips and a drink. Take a moment out there for you beeners out there to just take a guess how much that costs again. It's a foot long, a chips drink and a salad. All right, I think you've had enough time to guess. $20 and 14 cents. Holy crap. That I don't know if it's inflation. I don't know if it's the liberals that are in charge of Washington state. But I tell you what, in this economy,
Starting point is 00:20:41 when everyone's tightened, then there are belts a little bit to shell out $20 for a foot long, a salad, chips in a drink at subway, right? Not multiple chips, not one chip. One chip only. It's a bag with one chip in it. One bag of chips, one soft drink. The rest of us were just drinking water that they didn't charge us for, over $20.
Starting point is 00:21:04 How do you like that? They said, Trump was going to be better for the economy, but I think all these tariffs on Bologna or really hurt in our economy, or at least they're hurting me. So if you ever find yourself in southwestern Spokane metro area and you're thinking, I would love a subway right now. I'm going to tell you what, keep going right there are better options maybe better subways maybe just better other food but you can do better and you're not gonna have to take out a reverse mortgage just to get there so we we finally roll in to parents house after midnight it's like 1 a.m. or so. There's a night very long couple of days of driving,
Starting point is 00:21:47 but yeah, I spent the last couple of days visiting with my parents out here in the dog, Riggly, who is a pain in the butt. She's getting old, but she's still a pain in the butt, believe it or not. Did some hiking and drank some cider. There was a carnival. We didn't go, but there was a carnival. And yeah, I tell you what, what I'm going to do is read some ads and then I'm going to take our halftime break and then maybe on my two hour flight here to LAX. I'll think of some other things to talk about. We'll top off the podcast when we get there. But let's read our ads here. Here we go. Oh wait, hang on.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So some of you, for the six of you who've been listening to the podcast for the last, however, nine months or so, you know that we advertised for my dad's home inspection business, Home Pride Organ, it's a very popular advertise, excuse me, advertise. And one of our favorites always has top billing and advertisement spots.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I was informed by my father about a week ago at this wedding that I'd been given out the wrong phone number for the last multiple months. So I apologize to all of you who've been looking for that safe, certified home inspection that you can trust because you've not been getting the right number. And I'll clear the error in this. It was not my fault. It used to be the right number. The website changed. I didn't change to update it. Probably because we don't have a formal partnership is why I didn't know about it. So Home Pride Oregon, are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find reliable home specter in time?
Starting point is 00:23:34 Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride Inspection Services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing plumbing, so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate strangle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home structure that you can trust, call Steve, you ready for this? Oh wait, wait, I say it twice. I only updated one of them. I'm going to leave you in suspense. You're going to be like, Oh, what's the new number for all four of you listening here? Once I type it in, we'll be ready. Here we go. This is exciting. Boy, if this doesn't drum up business for home pride, home pride
Starting point is 00:24:20 organ, I don't know what will. Okay, if you're tired of big real estate, I already said that and you want a safe, certified home inspector that you can trust, call Steve, here we go at 541-140-0316. Wow, that's tough to say, or visit, that's 541-140-0316 or visit, homeprydorgan inspection, perfection.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Shout out to the Samsung Q2U series, sticking with us through thick and thin,
Starting point is 00:25:00 www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteucom www.samsungcuteu When God speaks, he uses a Samsung TV guide. Maybe there's one waiting for us at home, but I'm guessing not. I think the TV guy just kind of gave up. Is it still even accompanying anymore? I don't know. Can someone find out and let us know and get back to us?
Starting point is 00:25:15 I do have my USB S forwarding setup. We'll see how that goes. Here we go. Cuts by Q, Bob and Weave. We all know the hairstyle, we all love it. How many Midtown Baltimore can have to update this next week? How many Midtown Baltimore based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:25:37 It's like Enter Sandman, but different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Cook County Illinois. From Beehives to Banks, Foahawks to Flat Top and everything in between call cuts by a Q81815 298 7200 or email cuts by that's cuts. Qaiahu dot com. Oh, when you need a fresh do something snappy and you just call the experts at cuts by Q. Alright, so what's gonna happen is gonna put us on a little pause here. We're gonna travel like a thousand miles down south to SoCal. Orange County, the OC, as we like to call
Starting point is 00:26:27 it, actually Los Angeles is not in Orange County, but you get to just, we're going to put the pause button on here and we'll come back to you. Same time zone, just a little bit later in the day. So we'll be right back. Okay, we're back and we went all the way. So I literally 10 seconds ago as you're listening to this, I said, Hey, we're going to come to you from LAX to finish this up. Well, it is approximately 1240 pm Eastern time out here in Beentown, comedy alive, and the crowd went wild from 817 St. Paul Street to top us off here. So I get to LAX. My flight there was great.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Nobody else in my entire row. Get to LAX. It's the most packed thing I've ever seen. You go to Hartfield Jackson, and there's a ton of people, but usually you can find a gate or two where you can actually find a seat to sit. This was not the case at LAX. I think I had been there one other time in my life,
Starting point is 00:27:39 but I will not be looking forward to going back. Very crowded. I had a 90-minute layover, and I just stood there at the to going back very crowded. I just I had a 90 minute layover and I just stood there at the gate for In hour because I couldn't find anywhere to sit down, which was great. So then the oh Jesus the flight the red eye flight always a crowd pleaser from 10.45 pm landing at 6.40 PM Eastern from 10.45 pm landing at 6.40 pm Eastern. Yeah, a fully, fully booked flight had an aisle seat,
Starting point is 00:28:12 but it was one of those things where just nothing's going your way. It couldn't fall asleep, kept getting smacked. People walked down the aisles, you know, with their purses, their bags and stuff in the middle of the The flight and it's dark middle of the night. You got your eyes closed and next thing, you know A bag right to the face. That's always a nice way to wake up and then one time I got smacked so hard by the ladies purse that I got a bloody nose Which I don't know if they're if this has something to do with being at, you know, 35,000 feet or something, but I My bloody nose ran for a solid hour
Starting point is 00:28:57 It was it was a nightmare if you're if you're sitting there imagining being on a really cramped United cross-country red-eye flight with a Bloody nose in the dark and you're thinking that doesn't actually sound like that much fun You would be right. It was it was fairly hellish, so It was fun Got into bean town then groggy all morning groggy gro ggy and just cool and two things number one I
Starting point is 00:29:26 forgot to mention on our trip across America last week we stopped at a Let's see McDonald's in Chamberlain, South Dakota, which is Chamberlain is right where I 90 meets the Missouri River and there was a nice person there clearly a female with just looked like Richard Petty mustache almost. If you don't know Richard Petty you got to go look him up. But it was prodigious. And he, she, they were just kind of strolling throughout McDonald's, you know, talking to the family, or to not my family, but families, you know, kind of a Bill Clinton ghost in McDonald's type of deal. But that was, you know, I don't know much about South Dakota,
Starting point is 00:30:17 but I feel like I know everything now. So that was just an interesting little piece. Yeah, it was pretty lush, clearly been groomed as well. So that was just an interesting little piece. Yeah, it was pretty lush, clearly been groomed as well. The other thing I get, I walk, this is fresh. This is fresh content. I walk into my apartment four hours ago. And, computers not connecting to Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Phones not connecting, I'm thinking, what's going on? But my thing's still, my network still shows up. So I click on it or on some diagnostics. Basically it's given me the welcome to Comcast type of screens and messages. So I go through the steps a little bit, apparently, according to what I can gather and it just popped up again and it keeps automatically popping up which is really irritating. Apparently, and now it's making my garage ban slow so don't be surprised if we crash here. I was doing like moving stuff for Chicago gas electric internet, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I put in, OK, I'm going to move the Chicago on Tuesday, June 4th. That's when I want to switch my internet. Well, Comcast apparently just said, no, that's not good for us. We're going to switch it over before. So when I tried to turn on the internet, it said your address isn't correct or something like that. So for the next, what, 48 hours essentially here, we're going without Wi-Fi,
Starting point is 00:31:53 which is fun. Yeah. If you're wondering how I'm uploading this podcast, well, if you're listening to it, they mean something good happened. If you're not listening to it, you don't know what you don't know. But I think there's some sort of free 30 minute trial work around. We can we can try out here. But it's, you know, Wi-Fi is just one of those things that you take for granted. And then when it disappears, you really, you really feel it. Let's see here. Not much else going on, got to pack up, drive
Starting point is 00:32:28 in straight through Baltimore, Chicago, Monday night into Tuesday morning and into the afternoon. Should be a good time, going to have a lot of coffee, maybe a red bowl. Yeah. I'm looking at these U-Haul boxes. They're hilarious. On the side of them, they have one phrase. It says, size matters. And it's in reference to the size of the moving boxes. But boy, what did you know? It's one of those phrases that can mean a lot of different things.
Starting point is 00:33:00 All right. Well, can it be frank with you. I'm real tired. I really wished that Frank Caliando had a TV show or something called, if I could be Frank with you. You know, because he's always doing impressions, but what if we just got normal Frank Caliando doing stand up? And that's why it's called if I could be Frank with you.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I don't know. could be good another good phrase we were hiking with my dog Rigly The old fart yesterday and she was she was terrible Barked at everything wasn't very nice yadi yadi yadi Claude me the The whole the whole works well we were driving to the airport and mom whipped up this one She said that rigley's putting the bitch back in bitch I'm going to go back to bed. Yeah. Thanks for listening. Farewell, 817 St. Paul Street.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Saw that. I'm going to go back to bed. I'm going to go back to bed. I'm going to go back to bed. I'm going to go back to bed. I'm going to go back to bed. I'm going to go back to bed. I'm going to go back to bed.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I'm going to go back to bed. I'm going to go back to bed. Yeah. Thanks for listening. Farewell 817 St. Paul Street solid apartment for two years where we did our first ever bean town podcast. This is where we did our 24 hour Christmas live stream hosted a couple pleasure. I fundraiser was right in here. So yeah solid solid apartment. A little small but that's okay. For all of us here at 817 St. Paul Street and at the bean town podcast, this is Quintet with Furnace Presents, the bean town podcast. Thanks for tuning in. Don't forget to like, share, subscribe. You know where we're located.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Bean town blog, look for a new entry this week, next week, in the next two weeks. Who knows? All right, signing off. Thanks for thanks for checking us out. Have a good week.

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