Beantown Podcast - 07202019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: July 20, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from the nation's capital to rant about trivia questions, Comcast support, and cancelled American flights...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey what's going on it's Quinn David Furnace welcome to the bean town podcast for Saturday July 20th 2019 what's going on how are you what's happening this is my show and we are streaming live from the Washington Hilton up here on Connecticut Avenue here in Muggie and extraordinarily hot Washington DC let's take a look at our our radar here or weather app has Washington currently I'll just give you the straight the straight facts 92 degrees who scroll down here humidity is only at 56 it's not terrible
Starting point is 00:00:49 The feels like is at 104 right now And the UV index is at seven I don't know what that means, but Pretty pretty pretty hot. It's gonna get up. Let's see 92 right now. It's supposed to peak at 98 so if you add another six to the feels like that's about 110 and I think feels like tends to go up as the sun is out for longer so let's call it 112 113 is what we're dealing with I got a walk to a different hotel where I'm working later this afternoon, and I got a walk there and about in our here,
Starting point is 00:01:29 in my suit and tie. So if I used to say, not necessarily looking forward to that walk, but, you know, maybe I'll turn walk this way on my iPod there by Errol Smith and just go crazy. I always want to open up a Chinese restaurant and call it, walk this way, but you need a lot of capital for that. And probably you need to know how to cook as well. And it's just, it's never all come together for me. Well, we're here in Washington just for about 36 hours.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I work in a little bit today, but honestly not too much. And then otherwise, I'm not doing much. I've tried to get here yesterday, early afternoon, and American Airlines canceled our flight. We get on the plane, it's like an 1130 flight and we're all buckled in and they've closed the whatever latch door and we're watching the safety video on the screens
Starting point is 00:02:39 and all of a sudden in the middle of the captain comes over the intercoms. I was a little concerned about one of our house on bad news, maintenance on their final inspection is found, a tunnel that is loose and there is a screw missing and we can't find it. So we're going to have to go ahead and be bored that plane. We're going to have to go ahead and do board that plane Stay closer good area and we will get updates to you as soon as possible
Starting point is 00:03:12 so we we Deplane after we had just plain the first time and It wasn't I mean in the grand scheme of flight delays and cancellations and yada, yada, yada. I mean, I've had things that are way worse. I slept in the Atlanta airport before. But this is probably the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:03:36 They ended up getting a new plane and switching gates and all that stuff. So we ended up leaving around two to 30 something like that. So, uh, and then when you get into, you know, I got I flew into BWI and then it's about a hour 15 on a Friday afternoon to get from there down to, uh, Dupont Circle Adams, Morgan area where I'm staying. So that was a rough one. I was hoping to just get in early afternoon, originally I take the train and then take the metro. Super easy and I, you know, it would have taken a little bit longer than taking a cab,
Starting point is 00:04:14 but don't have to worry about just sitting there in traffic with a new driver. Like I'd rather just be doing my own thing. Alas, that didn't, that didn't happen. So get to the hotel. Finally, I like, I don't know, 630, something like that. I ended up grabbing some dinner and drinks with a cousin. And today we're working.
Starting point is 00:04:39 So that's what we're doing here. I got a flight out of Reagan tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. and fingers crossed No delays or nothing like that so I can get home and I Got stuff to do tomorrow. I got to do my laundry. I got to go grocery shopping got a meal prep So there's lots there's lots going on here, but yeah I I bring this up here because some
Starting point is 00:05:12 frustrations growing. So everyone who listens or most people who listen know that I play a lot of trivia when, well, not when, I just play a lot of trivia in general. And since I moved to Chicago, I've been playing at a bar in Wicker Park, a bar that will remain nameless. It's not the bar's fault, what I'm about to tell you, it's the trivia company's fault. But yeah, it's not the same trivia company that I played with in Baltimore,
Starting point is 00:05:41 so it's new rules, new regulations, new hosts, all that stuff, new stuff to get used to. Well, I've been playing there with my brother for about a month and a half now and so far it's been fine. We've had some successful weeks where we won some prizes. Yada, yada, yada. I've got the second time of use that already and we're only on the seventh minute, but
Starting point is 00:06:04 this past week. Oh boy S hit the fan here and I'll give him a listener discretion as it is advised number one occasionally use some frustration induced language and number two trivia frustration induced number two the podcast is objectively terrible And I tell you what right now, if you're listening here on Minute 7 and you're wondering if there's like a, if the podcast, if this episodes ever gonna get good
Starting point is 00:06:32 or the podcast in general, but if this episodes ever gonna get, no, I've got talking points, but there's no special theme or something last week. Our interview with Tarak Shahada was the one you wanna listen to. But moving ahead here, so there were some issues with questions. And there were, let's see, I think, three and a half major ones that I'll tell you right now.
Starting point is 00:06:57 So the first one, the category was crossword clues. But it wasn't like Jeopardy where they give you the first letter and the number of letters, which is how Crossword Clues works in like trivia format games, but they just gave you the number of letters. So it was frustrating. The description of this question was four letters, meaning low and pitch. That's it. So we're thinking, okay, talk into a music major over here, so low and pitch, that's gonna be bass, right?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Cause pitch can be all the way up here or it can be all the way down here. And if you're talking down here, then that's bass, which is what I sing in college. I sing in the bass section of our choir. You know, I can also play a little bit of bass, not very well, but a little bit. The answer instead was deep,
Starting point is 00:07:55 which is not necessarily wrong, but it's just bases one more correct, but two, you can just give credit for both because They are both right the physical definition of base means Low and pitch so That was that was that was frustrating, but the one that really Tissed me off and this is second on the list of three and a half, I'm gonna give you, it was,
Starting point is 00:08:30 so this wasn't crossed, we're clues anymore, it was a separate category, but it was, the question was, this is running back from Wisconsin, UW-Madison, with who ran for 408 rushing yards in the game, and he nearly broke Barry Sanders single season NCAA rushing record. So we're thinking okay, that's uh, that's Melvin Gordon, right? Went to Wisconsin, had 400 yards in a game, it all checks out. So we were right down Gordon on the answer sheet.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Not trying to trick anybody, not trying to cover our asses because we don't know if it's Melvin or Marvin or sheet. Not trying to trick anybody, not trying to cover asses because you don't know if it's Melvin or Marvin or Martin. No, just that's how things work. Like if you asked who was the 18th president of the United States, I would tell you Grant and you wouldn't give me any bullshit because everyone knows that's Grant. Well, we got the question wrong because they wouldn't take Gordon. They would only take Melvin Gordon I'm not even joking. We they gave us zero points because we put down the guys last name and that wasn't good enough for them here's my issue. One, that's BS. Two, if you're really thinking, OK, we need more specificity in order to award or not award points,
Starting point is 00:09:52 then what you do is you either bring the answer sheet back to the team essence or you're more specific, you call them up to the bar essence, you're more specific, whatever. You can't just give them zero points because there are no official trivia rules for this company that says you have to give first and last names and that hasn't been enforced before and it wasn't enforced after.
Starting point is 00:10:13 But yeah, it's just like the only time when a last name solely by itself doesn't suffice is if you're like what was the name of Abraham Lincoln's brother? I don't know if you had a brother. But you can't just say Lincoln, right? That doesn't make sense. You have to go the first name. In fact, they're not even looking for the name Lincoln, they're looking for just the first name.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Well, when you're asking me what the name of a running back is, I'll tell you Gordon or I'll tell you Tom Linson or I'll tell you Alexander or I'll tell you Thomson or I'll tell you Alexander or I'll tell you Peterson. And if there's a situation where there's a you know a super general name like Jones or something where there've been a lot of middleing running backs with the last name Jones. Maybe Felix Jones or Thomas Jones or a number of other Jones, and that's not going to cut it. Although if you give a specific description, like went to Wisconsin and almost for Barry
Starting point is 00:11:17 Sanders' rushing record, that in and of itself adds multiple layers of specificity to the question and to the corresponding answer. So that's just, that's not how it works. That's, it breaks all the conventional rules of trivia type games. Anyways, number three here. So in that same category, the whole kind of thing with this category is you can either take the answers.
Starting point is 00:11:50 There's I think 10 of them in this round, 10 questions and answers. And the answers will all have a certain theme or category of some kind. And some of them are straightforward. Like, one of them, so one in the answers was Melvin Gordon. One of them was Nirvana. Another one was Everclear. Excuse me, so like some of them like Nirvana Everclear, you don't have to do anything.
Starting point is 00:12:14 But other ones like, for Melvin Gordon, for instance, it's not Gordon is what they're looking for. It's Melvin. So long story short here, the kind of theme of, or the thing that all these answers had in common was that they are 90s grunge bands. But when they ask you, you know, what the theme of the category is, or what binds all these things together, they don't say how specific or unspecific to be.
Starting point is 00:12:47 So we looked at it and the fact that, you know, and I think we got nine out of the ten rights, something like that eight out of the ten with the stupid male and gourding issue, but we knew that they were, or if you would have asked me what type of rock band Irvano was, I would have told you it's a grunge band, and if you would have asked me when they were around, I would have said the 90s. I knew that, but we put rock bands because these are rock bands. Like, you know, it could have worked the other way. We could have said 90s Grunge bands
Starting point is 00:13:15 and they could have been looking for, no, we were looking for rock bands actually. And then maybe when I've gotten the point, so it's better to, you know, go a little bit more unspecific to just catch Casta wider net, which is what we've been doing at this trivia game in general, and so we put rock bands,
Starting point is 00:13:34 and we don't get any points for it. Again, you can't just not give points you have to ask to be more specific if you really want it that way, or you can just give the points because we understand that they are rock bands and all 90s rung bands are indeed rock bands. So the last one, the half, this stain effect other people, or this stain effect us differently than it affected other people because
Starting point is 00:14:06 we got clarification for the entire bar. But the whole thing with the last round, and I'm really going on a trivia rant here, but I think the bean heads need to hear it. The whole last round is a speed round, and it's kind of an open-ended question where you can put up to 30 answers in like two and a half to three minutes. It's pretty fast. But the description of this question was name, so in whatever year I'd in a couple years ago, Sirus XM, named the top 30 comics of all time, and then the guy running the game was like and go and everyone at the bar is just like wait Wait, wait, wait, hold on a second comics. What do you mean like comic books? comedians
Starting point is 00:14:52 Stand up people like what's what do you mean comics like you got to give us? you know Like if you said bears is it like actual bears? Is it Chicago bears? Is it a gay thing? Like you got to be more specific than that. So we restarted the timer and got clarification that it indeed was comics as in comedians. So it was just, we hadn't had many issues with the game at the specific bar up to this last week, but boy, it was rough. When it rained, it definitely poured.
Starting point is 00:15:27 And that was very frustrating. So we're going to be looking to rebound playing one more game at this bar. And then my brother will be moving back to New York. And I will be finding a new bar with hopefully just a little bit, a little bit tighter, tighter, not tighter run, but just you know, don't, don't, don't have with us, you know. If I tell you Gordon is the guy who rushed her 400-day yards, I'm going to get the points, right? Yeah, where you can ask me for the first name, and I can give it to you because I'm a big football fan. Very frustrating. Well, I applied, if you saw on Facebook,
Starting point is 00:16:09 I applied to a job in April. When I was probably even maybe even late March, early April. But it was a part of a massive dump of, I was really just looking to get back to the Midwest, great lakes, region. And so I was pretty just looking to get back to the Northwest Great Lakes region. And so I was pretty much applying for any jobs that opened up that I was, you know, qualified for that seemed interesting. And one of them at a college that shall remain nameless in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But, hey, literally, I what was as I think Tuesday maybe, Wednesday? I think Tuesday maybe Wednesday? I think Tuesday they email me in the afternoon and we're like dear Quinn, we received your application Let's schedule a time to chat on the phone. Okay, so bear in mind. This is probably what July 16th July 17th something like that and I think I probably applied let's just Let's just conservatively say April 1st because I don't really remember it wouldn't have been much later than April 1st It wouldn't have been much earlier than then it was some time around there Well, let's see let's count on our fingers here. That's one two three and a half months
Starting point is 00:17:23 After it's submitted an application. I don't think that's normal. That seems very abnormal, abnormal, ABNORMAL. To get back to a person that late, I mean, that's pretty brutal. And then to my personal email in the afternoon, it would probably like 2 PM or something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So I didn't see it right away. And I didn't respond. That day was at work because I was at work and I was doing stuff. And I didn't respond when I got home because when I get home, I try to stay off, not necessarily internet, but I'm not thinking of communicating with other people
Starting point is 00:18:02 unless it's like a Instagram picture or something I'm just like I'm doing my own thing So I'm walking off the train To my office at like 838 45 the next morning And I get a call from this college and again This isn't Wisconsin so we're in the same time zone central times on so they're calling me before Business hours and it's like well, what do you,
Starting point is 00:18:25 like, do you usually call people before business hours and they pick up and you have a normal conversation? Like, that's just, I don't really care. I'm not, whatever, I don't. The phone etiquette thing to me is like, whatever, I don't mind, but, like, who's gonna answer? Most people at, you know at 8.45 in the morning are like driving on their way to work
Starting point is 00:18:49 or they're taking public transportation on their way to work or the alternative, they're already at work and they're doing work and it's like what a terrible time to call. So eventually later that day when I had him in, when I had him in it, I was worried they were gonna send the FBI after me or something if I didn't call them back for this interview. No, I emailed them back and I wanted to like try to find a way to kind of give them the
Starting point is 00:19:17 business, but I just, I sent like a short message. In fact, I typed something out and it said something like, as you might have guessed since it's been three and a half months since I applied, I already took another job but then I deleted it because I was like, there's just no way for my humor to come across and an email where I don't know the person. It's just it's way to not even risky,
Starting point is 00:19:43 but just like it's not gonna not even risky, but just like, it's, it's not going to work out the way I wanted to. So I just sent back a nice kind, nope. Sorry, took another job. Sorry, sorry. People always make fun of the way. I say sorry because of my Midwestern accent. I tell you what, you guys know I don't have AC in my house at Chicago,
Starting point is 00:20:06 but there is AC on in the siltin right now, and I had said it to 77 last night because I'm used to, that's not even that hot, but I'm used to sleeping in a fairly hot environment. So to me, 77 was like, this isn't bad. Well, wake up this morning and it didn't seem to stick, right? These hotel thermostats never seemed to stick at the temperature you want them to stick at. And so I wake up this morning, it's at 71. I'm like, oh, my God, it's so cold. My nipples could pierce a glacier right now. And I just, so I reset it back up to like 78.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And I just look over now, I was, so I'm lying in bed under the covers, because I'm cold. And I'm thinking like, maybe the thermostat got messed up again, I look over again. It's at 69. So parting me as I step away for one moment, if you're, you know, maybe you need to use the bathroom or get a sip of water,
Starting point is 00:21:09 I'm gonna step away for about 10 seconds to adjust the thermoset. I know you're thinking, wow, Quinn, you could just pause it, pause your recording and come back and we would never know. Well, we're coming to you live, and this is live air. So we'll be right back Damn
Starting point is 00:21:41 The worst thing is in about 45 to 50 minutes. Oh no, it just reset back to 70. Oh, okay. Let me finish my thought. The worst thing is I'm about to step outside and I was outside already once this morning to get some breakfast. Boy, it is hot and that's how we open the podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And it's gonna be gross walking a mile to this other hotel where I'm working in my suit and tie really looking forward to that. Okay. I re- I reset I re-re-set the thermometer to go back to 78 and it went right back down didn't stay so this time actually, I'm gonna pause and I'll be back with some results. All right, we're back. It was more than just the thermostat. I also got up and I had to urinate and then I was in there and I was like,
Starting point is 00:22:44 well, I just had some breakfast. I might as well brush my teeth. Next thing you know half an hour later. I was singing some gospel songs along with YouTube and working on my hair getting all spiffy for work. So we're back. We are back. Let's read some advertisements here. back, we are back. Let's read some advertisements here. Here we go. I'm going to get cuts by Q. Right. I didn't update the copy, but I'm going to get it right. All right. All right. I just found one of the, you know, this is something that bugs me. I found a knot in my hair. In your hair, in your hair, Zombé, Zombé, Zombé, Ay, ay, ay, in your...
Starting point is 00:23:36 I find another one so I have to sing it again. In your hair, in your hair, Zombé, Zombé, Zombé, ay, zombie, zombie, hey, hey, okay. The knot isn't, let's turn my microphone off. I'm a mess today. The knot isn't in my, how am I even speaking into the microphone? It's not in my hair, is, that cranberry's cover would suggest it's in the microphone. It's not in my hair as cranberries cover what
Starting point is 00:24:07 suggests it's in the microphone court but we fixed it so let's let's get to some ad advertisements for Saturday July 20th. All right home pride over on you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well Oregon listeners there is good news. Home pride inspection services and bend Oregon essential organs hottest new home inspector provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling roofing plumbing and so much more. Home pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified. So you know you're getting the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:47 If you are tired and I know a lot of you out there are tired, but if you're tired of big real estate wranglehold on the home inspection market and you want a safe, certified home inspector that you can trust, you better pick up that phone and call us to you. Five for one, four, one, oh three, one,316 or for all of you web dentisms out there, visit Again, that's 541-010-0316 or for those of you
Starting point is 00:25:15 who don't like to answer your calls, visit Homeprydorgan inspection, perfection. I think the heat's zapping some of my energy. All right, shout out to the SAMHSA Q2U series, Crisp, Clean, Audio Quality, it handled last week's interview with Tarak Shahada with ease. And, you know, it's on the road with us. We haven't been on the road quite as much in 2019 as we were in 2018, but we got some road trips,
Starting point is 00:25:52 not road trips, but just being on the road type of trips. For you coming up this fall, it'll be quiet the next four or five episodes, but then one September hits after Labor Day, I would expect some fun podcasts in some exotic locations. Shout out to Tord Curves. We talked about them, let's see, was it last week or the week before on the podcast. Kind of taken the place of Victoria's Secret, getting a new catalog, for then that was very exciting, very generous of them.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And we're going to reach out to toward curves, see if they want to do a little bean town sponsorship for all those bean heads. They need a little bit more support, whether it's a push up a T-shirt bra or spit getty strap, whatever you're looking for toward curves that got it for you. One more here, we're going to I'm not going to mess it up. I was ready this time. I've been thinking about this for days and I haven't gotten it written down yet, but I've got it all up here as he's pointing to his noggin, noggin, and OGG. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle,
Starting point is 00:26:57 and we all love it, but how many North side of Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve nailed it. Enter cuts by Q It's like enter Sandman, but completely different cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995 and it's probably You notice I said probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Baltimore. Damn Oh, that wasn't on purpose. I forgot there was a second part where I talk about Baltimore. All right, serving Cook County, North Side of Chicago and General Chicago Land Area, Illinois. From beehives to banks, full hawks to flat tops
Starting point is 00:27:33 and everything in between, called cuts by Q88152987200 or email cuts by Again, that's cuts. QTZ by Qat again, that's cuts. Cue TZ, buy Cue at Oh, when you need a fresh do, something snappy and new, just call the experts at cuts, buy Cue.
Starting point is 00:27:56 That was real nice. I almost got through those cleanly. All right, oh, one other thing I wanted to mention here, and then we'll let you go. As, boy, when I start getting to the longer episodes here, and this isn't even that long, I'm in at 29, but sometimes when you're working with my MacBook Pro from what, 2013, this is so year seven for it,
Starting point is 00:28:24 this baby still runs pretty well, but she shows her age occasionally. And I also worry that I just got a message this morning when I launched GarageBand. It said, GarageBand, your current version of GarageBand or it ever won't be updated with future iOS systems, whatever, something like that. So basically, anytime, a new operating system, or whatever those are called, comes out that
Starting point is 00:28:54 update for my Mac. I don't know what it is right now. It's not mountain line anymore. It might be, it's something like Yosemite, something like that. I don't know. But basically, if I update that, then I won't be able to use GarageMan, and they said, well, in order to do that, just go to the App Store and get the newest version of GarageMan. Well, I can't, because for whatever reason, I can't access
Starting point is 00:29:19 the App Store anymore in my Mac. So yeah, don't think we'll be updating our Mac anytime soon, which could be the beginning of the end. I don't know. You guys watched me on my Christmas Day live stream six or seven months ago when we did Mac repair, which was terrifying, but exhilarating all at the same time. There wasn't a stunt.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It was actually my Mac. I couldn't use it anymore. I had to order a replacement part on the internet and we physically sat down and did surgery. You can go watch the live stream of it on our YouTube page. But it's been working good ever since. Haven't had any of the same ribbon cable issues. Got a new one in there from China.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And she's she's running. But anyways, what happens is if you have something like Garage Band up for longer than a couple minutes, it starts to slow down and you can feel it get very hot. The bottom of the computer, the thing is working over time. It gets loud and What happens with garage band is it still works and you all don't hear anything different and here's completely fine Or it it sounds completely fine to you, but as I'm watching like the recording
Starting point is 00:30:38 Feed scroll across the screen wherever you want to whatever you want to call that. It's very choppy And usually that's a precursor. One or two ticks away from it just completely. Not shutting down, but it'll just pause the recording. And so that happened a couple of times actually during the roast of Queen David Ferness. I think mostly it was covered up okay But it did happen Where some people had to re-record some of their stuff which was a bummer, but it hasn't happened lately computers Trying not to touch it trying to let it do its own thing, but she's
Starting point is 00:31:19 She's working hard for the money Today and on the topic of computers, internet, oh boy. So I'm at work, a lot of frantic phone calls. That's my personal number at work this week. So I'm at work on Thursday, was it? Or Wednesday? Wednesday, I suppose. Yeah, Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:31:41 And two or three times in the morning, I get a call from an unidentified 81800 number. And I'm at work. Like there's no chance in how I'm going to pick those up. Plus, I get a lot of spam calls, usually from ones that have the same area code as me, but it's not uncommon to see them come from, you know, 1-888 numbers or 1-800 numbers.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So I get those. And what happens is they leave each one, and this happened two or three times. They leave two second voicemails with letters completely blank. So it's like, I know it's an automated something because it's the exact same pattern every time, but I have no idea what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:19 So after the second or third one, I Google the number, and I see that it's related or tied to a Comcast, you know, something. So I'm like, oh, that's weird. Let me go, you know, log into my burner account that I used for Comcast. It's a long story and it wasn't intentional, but I was unable to use my normal Gmail account for Comcast, and I had to create a Yahoo one, which is really dumb.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Anyways, but I don't have it hooked up to my mail up on my phone, and I never look at it online because I have auto-pays set up. So I notice every month that it comes out of my credit card statement and we're good, that's that. So, long into my email and it says, your Comcast Bill is 10 days overdue if you don't pay today or whatever, or they didn't even say that, they just said we're going to shut your service off today.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And it's like, oh, that's lovely. So I go, the worst case scenario is obviously physically calling them. Because once you get on the phone with them, it's still not great, but it could be way worse. It's just you usually like a live-in-the-person in queue. And it just takes so long to actually talk to someone. So I go to the live chat and at first it's like a robot
Starting point is 00:33:49 and oh I should back up and just mention that when I logged when I would log on to my because I still have my you know Comcast you know online login, connections, all that stuff. So I log in and it's showing me that it's I log in and it shows me my account as if it's still hooked up to my old Baltimore address, A117 St. Paul Street. And I look at my auto pants and suspended. I'm like, okay, well, this isn't like, I don't live here anymore. This isn't right. Can I reinstate my auto pay, whatever. And I can tell there's nothing, nothing is working. So, like this is dumb. So I go into the chat and I talk to probably three different people,
Starting point is 00:34:34 and they weren't bouncing me around. They were each helping with a separate issue. But eventually, what do you learn is when you transfer your service, right, I wasn't, all I was doing is when I moved from Baltimore to Chicago before I moved, just logging in saying, you know, there's a whole like, start stop or move my service, whatever. You click on that, you enter your new address, whatever, you're done. Apparently, it creates a new account for you, which is like, okay, weird, but not the
Starting point is 00:35:04 end of the world, but what they should do is automatically transfer your log and credentials because otherwise, how am I supposed to pay? Because they didn't send me a paper bill. So there's this horrible disconnect in their system, and I'm sure I'm not the first person of experiences where you use your online login credentials but it takes you to this old account but you don't have credentials for the new account
Starting point is 00:35:30 but the new account also doesn't send you a paper bill. So there's physically no way to pay your bill. So, boy, it was frustrating. Eventually, what they have to do is physically transfer your old credentials to this new account which is just like that should have happened right away when I submitted or when my move date occurred, because I told you when it was very frustrating. Eventually, we got all of our bills paid, auto pay was reincated. That's the thing. Auto paid in automatically transfer. So I had to re-put in my information and et cetera.
Starting point is 00:36:10 The whole thing probably took two hours. Out of a work day too. It was just, and I was stressed the whole time because I knew it was going to be fine and I wasn't worried about like losing money on this. But I was just stressed because I didn't want to come home and be like, oh, your internet isn't on anymore. Have fun.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Especially because they, you know, on the email they send or something, it was like, once your internet is turned off, it takes 48 to 72 hours of reading state. It was like, come on. It was gonna be the weekend. Not that I'm there for the full weekend. I was only gonna be there on Sunday tomorrow that I'm there for the full weekend. I was only going to be there on Sunday tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:36:46 But just like, this is ridiculous. So we got it figured out. This has been a very complaining, ranting oriented podcast, which kind of makes me feel bad. But also, I kind of feel like based off of comments and suggestions, that's kind of what you fans want. So this is going to be perhaps one of those episodes where I walk away from it, feeling like, boy, that was a really rough episode. And all of a sudden, we actually get like three emails
Starting point is 00:37:16 to the email saying, oh my god, that was great. We'd love more of that. So I don't know. It's tough to get, it can be tough to get a finger on the pulse of what the beaners or the beanaheads out there want, but you can always nonetheless let us know how you're feeling with the hashtag friends of the podcast. And as a reminder, we have bean town buttons and I was a dummy.
Starting point is 00:37:40 So I have this bag of 100 buttons on my coffee table at home. And I keep going out and I keep meeting people, seeing people. Some of them big fans of the podcast, others not. But it doesn't really matter. And the whole reason I got these buttons was so I could hand them out to these people. And I haven't physically left the house with one yet. I literally could have brought a couple of DC and gave one to my cousin, gave one to another friend I'm seeing tonight who's been on the podcast, getting a drink with our political
Starting point is 00:38:09 correspondent. If you remember from about a year ago, political correspondent, Nick Elbano came on the podcast and boy, we butted heads, it was a fun episode. It was my parody of right-wing media. It's actually a really good episode. I really like it. Go check that out. It's about a year ago last July, but we're meeting up with him for drinks tonight. We'll probably talk some politics and get wild.
Starting point is 00:38:35 But the point of my story was, I've been really bad so far. The two weeks now that I've had these buttons or weak, whatever, haven't distributed them. Remind me and I'll do that. Shoot us an email saying, hey, Quinn, where's my button in all caps and we'll get you one. And the email, of course, is beantownpodcast. against beantown beantown. Boom.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I messed that up. Be and T-O-W and podcast at There it is. And we will get you a button. Pronto. You can always follow us on Twitter at beantowncast., there it is. And we will get you a button. Pronto. You can always follow us on Twitter at Beentowncast.
Starting point is 00:39:08 My personal Twitter is at WhiteBunsWithZ. You can find us YouTube, Twitter, well, not really, but YouTube SoundCloud, excuse me, our website, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Plot plot podcast. What is that podcast? Stitcher not cast box yet still working on it and wherever podcasts are sold and distributed. That's about all we got here on the podcast for you. Again this has
Starting point is 00:39:40 been Quinn David Ferns. This is my show Quinn David Ferns presents being Tom podcast one of the better podcasts on the North Side of Chicago, and your number one source for misinformation on the internet, probably. Thanks everyone for listening. I hope you enjoyed some of these rants. This is just a day in the life of myself,
Starting point is 00:39:57 Quinn David Fernandez. Wish us luck and send us some cool thoughts. I don't know when you're listening to this, but when I'm recording this and uploading this is just prior to me going outside in my full suit and tie and going to work for a little bit, which, whoo, not looking forward to that walk nor the walk back.
Starting point is 00:40:19 So wish us luck, we will do our best. And hopefully a safe flight back to Chicago tomorrow morning none of this Canceled stuff and rebook and I want to get home so I have my full Sunday So I get stuff done and do my Sunday wind-down maybe even in vibe in an episode of the Bean Tom podcast All right, that's all we got for you 41 minutes. It's a great place to stop everyone Have a good time. Be nice to one another and we will check in on you next time Farewell from Washington DC

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