Beantown Podcast - 08052018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: August 6, 2018

Quinn rambles about the Roast, Death Cab for Cutie's new album, and gives his (final?) ode to MoviePass...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It was a hundred degrees as was sad beneath a willow tree Who's tears stayed in care, latest hung in the air And refused to fall to fall And I knew I'd made a horrible call And now the state line felt like the burning wall And there was no doubt about what side I was on Because I built you a home in my heart with rotten world That decayed from the star
Starting point is 00:00:47 Because you can't find nothing Oh, but there was nothing there all alone No, you can't find nothing Oh, but there was nothing there all alone the lawn. And I bring the treacherous streets and kids strung out on homemade speed and we When we shared a bed in which I could not sleep It all, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, Who was the varnish bowl? You're so cute when you're slurring your speech With the clothes in the bar, and then asks us to leave Because you can't find nothing
Starting point is 00:01:59 Oh, if there was nothing there other long No, you can't find nothing Oh, there was nothing there alone No, you can't find nothing Oh, there was nothing there alone There were churches, theme park and malls But there was nothing there alone. Hey, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:02:29 It's Quinn David Furnace of Beentown Podcast fame. This is my voice. This is my show. Thank you for tuning in to Quinn David Furnace presents The Beentown Podcast, the People's Podcast. We are one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts and we are very, very happy to have everyone here listening today live from across the world, whether you are in Alaska or Vancouver or Beentown or Boston, it doesn't matter. We're coming to you from across the globe and we are very happy to be doing it. I don't want to keep you too long here. I've been putting out a lot of content lately. Last weekend's
Starting point is 00:03:26 episode we came to you live from Anchorage, Ted Stevens, International Airport. Did a podcast there with my two brothers, gave you some Alaska facts, told the story of Travis Webb. That was a lot of fun. I actually did some research on Travis Webb and sort of get a feel for who he was and what his story was. If you didn't hear the story, you can go back and check it out in the last week's podcast. Basically, we went to this bar in Whisilla or Willow, excuse me, we weren't in Whisilla. Willow Alaska. And we almost got thrown out on our keysters because the owner slash bartender thought I was a sex offender named Travis Web. Anyways, did some digging later and found out.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Indeed, Travis Web is a registered sex offender in the state of Alaska. So we had mentioned maybe we would try to get him on. We're going to put that project on hold for a little bit. But that long story short, that was a very fun podcast. It was a fun trip. And then the big news from this past week of course, you all have probably listened to it already. Thank you so much for liking, sharing,
Starting point is 00:04:36 subscribing, the roast of Quinn David Furnace, hosted by my brother Jack Furnace, who made his third appearance on the podcast. If you have ever been listening to the podcast or you listened last week and you heard Walt talking and you want some more of his material or if you ever wanted to hear my grandpa Dave go married of course the podcasting legend Grandma Sal. If you've ever been interested in my sister who makes we mentioned here in there on the podcast she made a brief,
Starting point is 00:05:06 and I mean brief appearance on the podcast she had all of about two and a half jokes, but they were fun. And then of course my parents, my dad really brought the jokes and my mom, who's a famous on the bean town podcast for all the wrong reasons. She made her podcasting debut, which was a lot of fun. I also mentioned her Twitter handle, which is at JDF01.1. Mom claims that somebody created a fake Twitter account in her name and has been tweeting and liking stuff in her name. That's not true at all because you can read her tweets and they are absolutely 100% in her voice, but leave it to mom to not
Starting point is 00:05:47 remember creating a Twitter account. My brother Waltz girlfriend Kelly made a brief appearance on the podcast. That was fun as well. So that was a really special, that was a really fun event. We were really happy to be able to come together and do that, to put that out there. So you can go check that out. It's under Bean Town Unplugged. It was our third special in the series. We have done my brother Jack and I did a cover of Wonderwall to open that series. And then my personal day was number two in the Bean Town Unplug series. And then this is the Roast of Quinn David Fernos, number three in the entry. So those are always fun. They're a little bit different than just your standard podcast
Starting point is 00:06:27 episode. There's no real rhyme or reason to them. It's just whenever I have an idea for something different. And I want to put it out there, then I go ahead and do that. So that was great. And then the last big piece of news, this has been a huge week for the podcast, probably the biggest one, since we started seven months
Starting point is 00:06:45 ago. A little white Mamba action, Mr. Brian Scalabrini, NBA champion, one of the greatest players of all time, gave a shout out to the bean town podcast. You can see his video message. It is on Twitter. You can find us at bean town cast, Cast, it's on our Facebook page, it's on my personal social media pages, so Quindabed Furnace and then White Buns, at White Buns with a Z is my personal Twitter handle. You can see all the video there. That was really fun. Thank you to Ryan and Kristen of the Card, kind of was podcast for hooking me up, they
Starting point is 00:07:21 had that connection, which was awesome. So there has been a lot going on on the podcast. I don't want to keep anybody super long, because you all are probably thinking why. Why you have another episode, they just came out. You just had a great roast that came out well. It's because it's a special and we need an episode every week. That is what the people demand.
Starting point is 00:07:42 That's what my future contract with Jack Links will say, Speaking of which, Jack Links, I know it gave you a big full court press on the roast as well as last week's episode from Anchorage, but really we'd love to have you on. Don't listen to my dad. I know he said that both Jack Links and the Bean Tom podcast give him indigestion, but you know, you got to block the haters out up there northern Wisconsin. So give me a shout out you can always tweet at us you can message us you can always email us we are at that's beantown B-E-A-N-T-A-W-N podcast at Listen to discretion is advised when you are checking out podcasts for two reasons and they remain the same two reasons as always but you got to mention it
Starting point is 00:08:26 or else the FCC really gets on your behind. Number one podcast will use some questionable language throughout and number two this podcast is objectively terrible although even terrible things can go on to become amazing. I mean, if Donald Trump can become president or if people ever move to Cleveland, then I think there's a market for the bean town podcast to become not only one of Baltimore's top 500 podcasts, but maybe even Maryland, top 500 podcasts, you know, who knows, we're going global and it's very exciting. It is a great time to be alive. It is Sunday, August 5th. We've been having a lot of technical difficulties
Starting point is 00:09:18 on the podcast. I'm watching it right now and it keeps doing this weird starting and stopping anything and I hope that everyone can hear What I'm saying, but I have a hunch that it might be glitching out just a little bit So let me go ahead and give us a quick pause. We'll be right back And we're jumping back in I did a little playback everything sounds fine So it really is not short. Although I will say, so this has been happening lately on the bean-tongued podcast. You heard kind of for the first time ever on a podcast last week, you started to encounter some technical difficulties while we were at the airport,
Starting point is 00:09:58 started and stopped a little bit. You heard Jack cutting in and out as we tried to lay over some of the tracks a little bit. And then this past week on the podcast or on the roast excuse me, you couldn't hear it at all. You would have no idea if you weren't there. But you can, at one point, Jack says, sorry for the technical difficulties as he's going through introductions. When you listen back to it, there's nothing wrong.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You don't hear a cut or anything. I don't think you're going to hear much of a cut on this one, but it has been frustrating. That's not three episodes in a row or three entries in a row where we've had some issues. And you know, if this podcast had a higher budget, then you know, maybe we would have some interns or some, you know, production people who could go in there and do editing and stuff. But nope, this is the bean town podcast. This is a grass fruits operation. I'm all about the common man here on the show. We don't spend hours, pot hours in the editing room.
Starting point is 00:10:59 One, because I actually do like it more natural, more raw. One of my comedy and podcasting here as is bill bur and bill just sits down and talks for an hour So that's kind of my inspiration the other thing is I frankly just I Would never say don't have time. I always a Heat when people just across the board say don't have time for this well You do have time you just choose different priorities. I'm not ribbing on anyone. It's not a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I have my priorities too. And that's the same thing. I prioritize stuff like going to the movies, which I did today. So I eighth grade, or playing my guitar, or in my softball league, or trivia, or dating. These are baseball. These are things that I prioritize and sure I want to have a good podcast. But I'm content with where it's at without the hours
Starting point is 00:11:56 and hours in the editing room. A fun announcement, I think I made this mention on the roast, but this is really exciting. Just found out literally like two or three days ago, Ryan Liggan and Chris and English of the Car Ride Convose podcast are going to be driving down all the way from From their home near Boston down to bean town here to do a podcast next week So they will be on the bean town
Starting point is 00:12:22 Podcasts this upcoming week and then I think we will probably do a car ride convo's podcast together. They've been having some internet issues lately. If you've been following them, I think they've put out about one episode in the last three or four weeks, which is a shame because it's not them. Those guys put in the work. They spend a lot of time editing, a lot of time filming, creating content, that sort of stuff. And it's ready to go. It's just their internet provider's not holding up their end of the bargain. But we'll get that episode out.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Who knows? Based on their posting schedule lately, it might be a Christmas special. But that's OK. Christmas is 4 1,5 months away now, which is weird to believe. The reason it's weird is because I was just in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest Seattle and Vancouver for the last 10 days, 11 days here.
Starting point is 00:13:11 And the weather was just like, you take it for granted once you get there, but in Alaska most days it was about 65 degrees, dealt with some rain early on, but then it really, you know, for the most part cleared up for the rest of the time we were there and, you know, even, you know, had to deal some sunburn and stuff in Alaska, who would have thought? And then Pacific Northwest, most people think I was just clouding and raining the whole time.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Well, we dealt with some clouds, we had some cloudy days, we had some sunny days, but it's about, you know, 65, 70 degrees, the humidity is low to non-existent. There was one, she really humid day and a last guy I will mention, so it's not like you completely get away from it, but in the Pacific Northwest, we didn't have that.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And it's just like late July, early August, this is exactly what I want out of my summer. I don't get anything out of, well, once it goes above, I'd say 80 degrees or so, there's nothing left above 80 degrees that makes me feel any better. It makes me want to turn on my air conditioning, which makes me pay a lot more, which makes me very grumpy. When it's hot, just in generally, get way more irritable. I think that's a common human condition thing. You see that and do the right thing, of course.
Starting point is 00:14:27 But when it gets hot, I just get in a bad mood. And I hate myself when I'm in a bad mood. So I'm pretty self-aware. And I know when I'm being irrationally cranky or just stupid or getting mad at people for really dumb stuff. I know that about myself. And it happens way more when it's hot. The only thing, and people out there might say, well, what about going to the beach and stuff? Sure, if I'm going to the beach, or I'm around the pool or something, I don't mind if it's 85 or 90 degrees, but really the
Starting point is 00:15:02 more important thing is that it's sunny, right? No one wants to be at the beach, you know, or in a pool party or something when it's, you know, cloudy regardless of the temperature, but that's a thing. It's like, when I'm just chilling around or tooling around, chilling out, doing my day, day, day stuff, walking a bunch of places because public transportation here sucks. And you know, it's 90 degrees and like 75% humidity, that really blows. And it being in, you know, being away from Baltimore for about 10 days, really put that in perspective, not that I'm not aware of what else is out there because I have only lived in Baltimore for a little over a year now.
Starting point is 00:15:45 But, yeah, the summers here just really, really stink. They're so hot and you just sweat everywhere all the time and I just, that is not a sensation I'm a fan of. You know, as I start to, not that I'm in a place in the next couple of months to do this, but looking ahead to the next sort of academic years, I start to think about exploring new options. I've always tried to be the type of person that says to myself the job, the position, what I'm doing is way more important than where I'm living.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And I still think that's true for sure, but at the end of the day, I mean, you're only at your job for eight hours a day and you're doing everything else in the place you live for 16 hours a day. So it's, I don't know. It's location wasn't a huge deal for me when I was finishing grad school and looking for jobs. Maryland, Baltimore wasn't high on my list for sure, but I decided to
Starting point is 00:16:47 take the chance next time around when I do finally decide to go explore new employment opportunities. Boy, the location is going to be huge. I'm not interested in Maryland or DC or really anywhere we're talking like Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, parts of Texas. There are parts of Georgia and certainly parts of Tennessee and Kentucky that I like. Not a huge Carolinas person but New England I can do Midwest, I can do West Coast, specific Northwest, I certainly can do Mountain West, I certainly can do so. The location is gonna be a lot more important
Starting point is 00:17:31 for me this next time around as the job will be. And I think that's a natural thing about getting older and getting more experience. But it's certainly coming true for me. So if you're out there wondering if, well, I'm just rambling like crazy now, it happens to one way or the other. It is a natural process.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I came into this podcast completely unprepared. We were going to do it actually live from C-TAC last night. We had a couple of hours to kill before Red Eye from Seattle to Baltimore. And I don't know, there wasn't a ton of space where we were. We're starting to gather around. We still have a lot of privacy to record anything and ended up just not making it happen to spread my book instead. So we were close to having two airport podcasts in a row,
Starting point is 00:18:26 but it did not come true. So we're sitting at home now doing it kind of a weird day. Always, the red eyes, oftentimes the cheapest option, but boy, they will mess you up. I got home from everything at about 7 a.m. this morning. So the whole ordeal, and I got to the airport about six So it was about a 10 hour process from Getting to the airport in Seattle to getting in my house and
Starting point is 00:18:54 10 hours is a long time to just be Sitting around different transportation options and the flight itself wasn't so bad I had one guy who puked on me that had never happened before. On a flight, we had like a crazy storm. I don't know if we were over great lakes or something. But yeah, it was like really bad turbulence. Probably the worst I've ever felt on a plane in my life. And the guy next to me just,
Starting point is 00:19:21 you could tell he wasn't doing well. And then eventually mounts, vassuvius blows and Yadi, Yadi, Yadi, I was glad to get home and take a shower, that sort of stuff. So we're home now, we are back to work tomorrow at the pleasure of giving an information session to visitors at 9 a.m. and here's the kicker. That would already be crappy enough kicker that would already, you know, be crappy enough It was just that but we rolled out a new information session and I think I Think I'm being watched by a manager or something. So it's it's just all coming together all the cards are turning up Quinn Gonna try to get to my office by
Starting point is 00:19:59 7 or 7 30 or so tomorrow to To prepare for that. So kind of taken a negative turn here on the podcast. We're bitching about red eye flights and getting puke done and working stuff, but it's okay, it's exciting. I mentioned on the roast some potential future shows, I don't have any tour dates locked down yet, but it's looking like, let's see, Chicago, Louisville, Nashville, maybe Memphis, not sure
Starting point is 00:20:29 Maybe Des Moines potentially Salt Lake City Are all on the docket for potential episodes. Maybe Sioux Falls. I don't know You have to you have to look at that a little bit closer. So those will be coming up. That will all be in September and October a little bit closer. So those will be coming up. That will all be in September and October. I mentioned Card Combo's podcast, Ryan Christian are coming next weekend. I'm going to try to get our uncle, Andy on. We're going to have I think another two or three potential episodes with open spots in August. So do that. If you are interested in coming on the bean town podcast, you can always let me know whatever you want to plug or whatever you want to talk about. If you want to have another political debate.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I think the politics episode I did with bean town podcasts, political correspondent Nicholas Obano, I think that kind of flew under the radar. I don't think as many people heard that and that's a shame because I was really proud of that one actually. It's from, I think, late June, early July, is when we did that, go check it out. It's the political podcast. That was really fun.
Starting point is 00:21:30 We actually worked pretty hard on that one. But I don't even remember what we were talking about here. Oh, if you're looking to come on the podcast, tweet it at us via bean-towncast. You can email us, bean-townpodcast. That's bean-town, B-E-A-N-T-U-D-Un podcast., that's beintownBEA and
Starting point is 00:21:45 Anyways, this might be the least, the podcast with the least amount of substance, usually even when I don't come in with anything to prepare, it's like, well, I thought of this thing I could talk about or that thing and I you know, go for a couple of minutes. I this podcast has just been like 25 minutes of me just saying one thing upon another and they're not really important or cohesive. This is the type of podcast you'll want to listen to when you've listened to every other podcast ever invented by a human being because there's just not much here. I apologize for that.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's a couple of things. One, I'm just totally exhausted from vacation and the red eye and all that stuff, long day, long two weeks. Even though it was fun, it's a lot of trouble. I'm not used to, We recorded the roast on Friday and this is Sunday, so that's two solid chunks in two days or three days here. So I'm not used to putting out that much content either. And also I'm just lazy, right?
Starting point is 00:22:58 I had 10 hours of travel last night to write stuff for the podcast. Didn't even cross my mind. I was reading my book, just playing my games, watching my Netflix. So this is what you get. This is who I am, world. This is me coming to you live. Let's see, I think I've literally most of this podcast has just
Starting point is 00:23:22 been in advertisement for things we've done, things that are coming up so consider this the fallout Which is appropriate because mission impossible fallout just came out Which I considered going to see today, but I didn't want to walk all the way downtown So I ended up going to The Charles instead. I saw eighth grade boat Burnham's movie which a lot of people are talking about for good reason is a solid film a lot of parallels to ladybird For obvious reasons ones about a high school senior ones about a an eighth grade girl as they're finishing up and just a pretty pretty standard coming of age types of things but set in a current context, which is always important. Go see it, go check it out. It's rated R, which I'm trying to think back on it and why it'd be rated R, I think.
Starting point is 00:24:14 There's some discussion of blow jobs in there, but nothing happens in the movie. And then there's like a couple of F-boms, maybe like three or four. And otherwise, I don't know, I don't know enough about movie ratings to be able to comment from an informed perspective, but it's seen more like a PG-13 movie to me.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Don't be scared off by that R rating, it is eighth grade. If you liked Lady Bird, or if you are just into coming of age stories, it is totally a 2018 movie. I liked it. It was everything I expected, which was good because I had high expectations. It didn't really do anything for me to put it over
Starting point is 00:24:54 that edge to where it'll become an instant classic. Like, I don't think I'm going to remember this movie as well as I will remember Lady Bird. And a lot of that is probably because Lady Bird got a lot of Oscar attention probably because Lady Bird got a lot of Oscar attention and eighth grade won't. But I don't know, a lot of that is probably because Lady Bird is about an 18 year old and eighth grade is about a 14 year
Starting point is 00:25:14 old. And even though I'm way older than both of those ages, I think a lot of us can relate way more to being a senior in high school than we can to when we're finishing on middle school for those of us who are older than, you know, 18. So anyways, solid film book Burnham, I think this was his first movie, which if it was even better because this was a great entry for his first film. I know what's his name is it Boots Riley. That's the name of the second I had. I don't know if that's correct, but the director who
Starting point is 00:25:46 did started it bother you. That was also his first film. And you know, both two films that I enjoyed, I'm going to remember for a little bit, probably won't leave a super long lasting impression in my head. But I mean, those were their made invoages, which is terribly impressive when you see those films.
Starting point is 00:26:03 So sorry to bother you, eighth grade, both amazing films, go check them out. Mission Impossible, fallout, definitely next one I want to see. Don't worry, he won't get far and foot is certainly on my radar as well. That is, it's getting extremely limited showing at the Charles, getting like one showing a day and it's usually at like nine p.m.
Starting point is 00:26:22 which honestly works out better for me. But I'm surprised but I'm surprised. I'm surprised it's not a higher profile movie because it's Joaquin Phoenix, and this is Joane Hill's first movie in I think three or four years, and Jack Black, who's frankly not as in the spotlight as he used to be, but Joaquin Phoenix I think is still pretty prominent in Joane Hill. I think people like a lot. So I'm surprised that this movie is not kind of getting
Starting point is 00:26:49 more attention or a wider release. Maybe it will get a wider release in the next coming weeks here for now. There's not a lot going on with it. But it's a movie that I very much would love to see. Because those three actors are all amazing. They are absolutely phenomenal. What they do, I think is it Rooney Mara?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Is she in it as well? I don't recall, but yeah, while Keench Phoenix has got that, he's also doing the brother sisters with John C. Riley. And I think Jake Gyllenhaal, who's in that as well? Again, three, just not even underrated. They are rated, I think, the appropriate amounts, but they they are really good actors so a lot of really wonderful films coming out that I am very much looking forward to see we will see seeing we'll see how long movie pass can survive I think they ran out of money last Thursday night or something or if it was a week before that I don't recall everything's jumbled for through and vacation. So they got to emergency cash and flux alone. I actually wasn't able to use movie pass today to see eighth grade, the app was glitching out.
Starting point is 00:27:52 So everything is sort of crumbling. If this is truly the end of the road for movie pass, you guys saved me a crap ton of money. I think I've seen probably about 50 films through movie pass since I got it in December and let's see so that's what nine months now so it's 90 bucks versus about five six hundred bucks. So I've saved about 500 bucks in the last half a year or two thirds of a year because a movie pass that's not chump change. 500 bucks could put the bean town podcast on iTunes
Starting point is 00:28:26 for like three years. So anyways, thank you to movie pass. If this is the end of our relationship, it was fun. And I'll remember the good times. So anyways, who thought we were gonna get sentimental on the podcast? We are, let's see, we are 29 minutes in. Oh, last thing I mentioned and then I'm gonna be done,
Starting point is 00:28:45 because half an hour is actually pretty much where I like to be. The opening song, this was Deathcap for QT, Cricket Teeth, which is from plans, I think, is the album Cricket Teeth is on. Deathcap has a new album coming out. It might have already dropped. Let's see, they have had a couple songs release, a couple singles release from it. Gold Rush was the first one. Let's see, the second one was I dreamt we spoke again. Let's see, here it is. Thank you for today's
Starting point is 00:29:22 and the name of the album. It's scheduled to be released on aug 17th Okay, so less than two weeks from now that is exciting Gold rush is a fun song it got mixed reviews, but I like it's more you listen to it. You like it better I think but anyways that is death cab been listening to them a lot lately I mean they've been around forever But I've sort of mentally been gearing myself or preparing myself for thank you for today so that I will be able to enjoy that album when I do start listening to it. Deathcabs have been around for 21 years, which might be hard to believe, but they are still going strong. Anyways, enough of my rambling, I'm going to eat some dinner, made some chicken and rice in the crock pot.
Starting point is 00:30:05 It's going to be cheesy, although I forgot to add the cheese, so that's kind of disappointing. I have to do that now. Anyways, thank you for taking your time out of your day to listen to me, Ramble. This is Quinn David Furnace, this is my podcast, The Bean Tom Podcast, The People's Podcast, one of Baltimore's top 500 podcasts. Don't forget to check out the roast. We put a lot of work and my family did a lot of preparation and writing for that. I bought them around at beers afterwards, but if you like their jokes, reach out to them, tell them you liked
Starting point is 00:30:36 it. I know it'll make them feel good, it'll make me feel great. You can go check out the video of White Mom, but Brandt Scalaop bringing given his shout out to the podcast That's on Facebook Twitter all over the place You know where to find us We will be back with you next week very exciting episode with Kristen English and Ryan Liggin co-host of the card combo's podcast that is going to be a lot of fun Glad that they're able to make it down to Baltimore for that a fun, glad that they're able to make it down to Baltimore for that. Anyways, time to sign off.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It is dinner time for the Bean Tom Podcast. This has been Quinn Davidsh Furnace. Thank you for listening to my podcast, and I hope you have a good week.

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