Beantown Podcast - 08112018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: August 11, 2018

Quinn sits down with the co-hosts of the Car Ride Convos Podcast, Ryan Ligon and Kristen English, to discuss I-95, Rockford nostalgia, and Elon Musk/Jack Links Please FOLLOW us on Facebook, RATE and S...UBSCRIBE on iTunes/Apple Podcasts, and email us at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the bean town podcast. This is Quinn David Furnace. I am the host creator, Best Boy and social media influencer of the bean town podcast, the People's podcast, one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. What's going on? Coming to you live from 817 St. Paul Street joined today by a very, very special guest. That's what they used to say about Ryan Beck in middle school, very, very special. Ryan Liggan, Kristen English, co-host of the car ride, Convo's podcast, driving all the way down from Boston to be here in Bean Town today. Ryan and Kristen, thank you for coming on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Are you guys doing today? Good. Thanks for having us. Yeah, thanks for having us. That's all we prepared. So no, listen to your discretion is advised when you are listening to the Beantown podcast. Number one, we will occasionally use some language.
Starting point is 00:00:58 That is less than desirable. That work wouldn't be too happy about work. Listen to my podcast last week. We had a big meeting on social media and kind of your online presence for representatives of the university. And I advertise my podcast with posters around the office and apparently one of our managers
Starting point is 00:01:18 went and listened to it. So fingers crossed, she listened to a good episode. Seriously, because there are a lot of bad episodes. Not bad, like I'm gonna get fired just like bad quality. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible, as work found out this past week. So nothing to worry about work, it's just a bad podcast. So anyways, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:01:42 It is Saturday, August 11, 2018. This is our 31st episode, I think. I was just doing the math because I had a friend who started listening to the podcast this past weekend. She said, I'm going to listen the whole way through. And, oh, it's like the bombing of Britain upstairs. It's like the opening scene of Narnia. And I was doing the math, I think, with episodes and specials.
Starting point is 00:02:07 This episode is pretty much going to take us close to the 24-hour mark. So if you're starting from the beginning, you've got exactly one day's worth of podcasts to listen to. But anyways, yeah, it's been a fun year and we're still going strong. Well, we're going, not necessarily strong, but we're going. Anyways, Ryan and Kristen drove down from the Boston area to be here.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yesterday they had a nice quick, painless drive along 95. You guys wanna talk a little bit more about your road trip, the ups and downs and and everything in between well Let's see start off the morning kind of late as usual and basically We got out of bed way later than we thought it was like 10 30 I think in the morning Yeah, and we were like oh, yeah, we'll leave by 11. Why didn't happen. So,
Starting point is 00:03:06 roughly when these things happen, you know, it takes about seven, eight hours to get down here, typically, if you're looking just at maps, but you know when you get to New York and New Jersey, those plans are going to change. So So, took about nine, 10 hours. So a lot of weird things on the way. Yeah. Traffic was a bitch to say the least. Yes. Car exploded.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah, the pinnacle was definitely the ball of flames that took place on the other side of the highway as we were driving down 95. Exactly. And we just knew from there that it couldn't get much worse. It's, it can't, it can't. Except for when we hit the D tour in New York and we went off. I don't know maps is like oh this will be faster in an added 40 minutes to it. It was not it was not faster at all. We should have just stayed on the highway. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I don't get it man. Maybe I should switch to ways. I don't know. I don't know. People when I talk to people who are like big on ways, they're always because, oh, it gives you real time updates. But I think Google Maps is like advanced enough to where they do that. I know. It's Google. I've never used ways. I don't know what the upside is to it.
Starting point is 00:04:16 But is ways a, I don't know what ways is. Is that a Google equivalent? Yeah, I think it's just like the same thing as like map quests, Google maps, live time, like traffic updates. I know a bunch of people who swear by it. I don't know in 2018 why it's better for any reason than like Google maps. Maybe it is. Google is a handle of it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And just like, you know, there are already way ahead of the curve right now. You know what I'm saying? I mean, like it's yeah, so I don't know. We were saying how it is kind of weird though, because I typically use just Apple maps because I didn't wanna download the Google thing because I only have 16 gigs on my little iPhone 6S. So we were just saying how we almost feel like maps
Starting point is 00:05:01 is to the point that it's so ingenious that it's too much because it tries to find all these detours and it doesn't know what it's doing and it's like oh wait a minute this actually screwed you over really bad and I'm sorry but now you're stuck here. Yep. It's like when Michael drives his car into the lake. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. It knows. It knows. Guys have any good food on your way down like sparrow pizza or Chipotle or something unique to that northeastern experience? That was a sad story because I feel like one thing that we've also said many a time because at one point when I was traveling from Syracuse, I had a travel summit in Syracuse, New
Starting point is 00:05:41 York and I was driving back to Boston almost every weekend, which is like a four and a half hour drive. And we were just mentioning how there's not very many, like the Midwest, I feel like, is just cramful of pauses and oasis or whatever you want to call it, depending on what part of the country you're in. And there's a part of Massachusetts, for sure, where you have like one, and then there's not one
Starting point is 00:06:02 for another like two or three hours. Upstate New York is pretty dead. I don't know what is it if it's 90 or which highway it is that goes like by CIRCUS. But I remember I drove from Chicago to Boston one time and there's just like nothing there in upstate New York and like no highway exits for like 20 miles. Yeah, exactly. It's not what you expect. And the one that we decided to stop at because I was starving was when that had a
Starting point is 00:06:26 Roy Rogers which is a dumpster fire of like all food trash food in St. diarrhea. Yeah Cinebun which not terrible, but not good road food I mean and then a Nathan's which is hot dogs which was like advertising all these like chili cheese bacon ranch Some perfect for the car. I mean, that's what we were saying is that all this food like this is just a disaster waiting to happen Like why do they not have food that's actually travel worthy? But yeah, so we decided to stop there kind of found a little marketplace that had like just like safe like sandwiches and like safe that had just like safe sandwiches. And like safe sandwiches. Safe sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And I got just like hummus and pretzels or something. But then the very next stop Ryan was devastated because pretty much stopped after stop they had a pizza hut express, which is like a favorite thing because personal pain pizzas is like his jam and he was just torn up about it the rest of the world. God himself curates the pizza hut expresses
Starting point is 00:07:25 around the United States and blesses them with his eternal blessings, okay? And I had to settle for a turkey cheddar Dijonet sandwich, which on paper sounds great, but when it comes served on the first recipe of bread created by mankind, that stale as King Tut himself, and the Dijonets is literally 99 parts,
Starting point is 00:07:54 whole grain mustard, and 100 parts mannays. Is it even Dijonets or is it just mustard? Okay, and then, I mean, it was dry. It was, let's just say it was dry. Well, walk me through a little bit more this, this fascination with pizza hut express. Where did that come from? You know, there's something super nostalgic about, I mean, you can take me to any pizza place,
Starting point is 00:08:24 the best in the world, you know, and it's great. I love really good pizza, it's really great. But nothing is more beautiful than a stuff crust pizza, hot pizza, and second to that is a pizza hot personal pan, either you either gotta go supreme or pepperoni. You either gotta go everything everything on it or classic if you can beg them to put the pepperonies on the supreme You're a legend. It's never happened for me before but I've heard rumors There are multiple threads on forechan that I've seen where it's happened My nostalgia comes from book it. Yes, and yes going Pizza Hut. And I know a lot of people, they always have these niche
Starting point is 00:09:07 places like, oh, the specific pizza place. And it's like local to that area is the best pizza ever. And to some degree, I still am like a garbage human and really, really enjoy Pizza Hut pizza. And specifically, we're really attached to stuff crots pizza because it is really good. But their pan pizza is also good. Those personal pan pizza because they seem to be a rare find nowadays It's like a diamond in the rough yeah, and passing them one after another after we had been at that one plaza
Starting point is 00:09:34 That was just garbage good that caramelized oily crust. I mean there's fewer things, okay? Sure cocaine sex personal pan pizza pizzas from Pizza Hut Express. There is no more list. That is, that is the pinnacle of humanity, the triangle of. A utopia. It is, that is what utopia is our built on. Cocaine, sex, and personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut Express.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Someone who's only experienced one of those things, I can't really attest to how good Pizza Hut or sex is. So anyways, did you guys have any restaurants in Rockford growing up, like not pizza, but like actual Rockford restaurants, that you were like favorite place to go to or go twos's or I don't know. Did you have anything like that? Well, I mean this is still on the same thing as pizza in Roscoe. They have Pietros. Did you ever has I never had Pietros now. Pietros was a
Starting point is 00:10:36 Gold mine and the thing is like once we we haven't lived in a rockford for like five and a half years now But I feel like right when we were leaving it started to pick up people started to like kind of find this like you know how great that place was because it really was so inexpensive too. It kind of had they had their my favorite thing to get was like their pan pizza which was really like just like super super deep dish like deliciousness, pepperoni, black olive pizza, and it was like what like I don't know $12 or something like and it was huge. Yeah, so that definitely was a staple for me Yeah, a staple for me would be across the street from Temple Baptist and State Street station, which was the local strip club was this place called ground round
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yes, it was so good had the best kids menu in all of Rockford. And so you top off the night. So you just, anything off that glorious kids menu, you know you're going to be killing it. I think it burned down, didn't it? It did. It eventually did. Rest in peace, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:39 The world will never be the same. But for dessert, you got a free kids, gummy worm, Oreo, Sunday. I think they were called like mud pies or something. And they were served, or maybe it was the ice cream. Maybe there was two different things I'm talking about. But one of them was served in a plastic MLB baseball helmet bowl that you could keep for yourself. In Rockford?
Starting point is 00:12:04 In Rockford. And they only had two teams, and it was either the Cleveland Indians or the Baltimore Orioles. What? There's the only one. Bullshit. You would never get a Cubs one, even if you tried. And those are the only two teams.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah, that's so Rockford. That's so Rockford, but it was so great, and then it burned down, and then my life would never be the same. My mom, my mom literally, we pulled into Halstrom one, two, Tuesday morning. She's like, I don't want to be here. Do you want to leave? And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Oh, it's legend. We went to have lunch at the ground round and then just went home. It was probably one of the greatest days of my life. Oh. Any day at the ground round is a great day. Yeah, I know. We used to go to Lino's every, so So we weren't allowed to trick or treat growing up. So Halloween, we would always go to Lino's and then
Starting point is 00:12:50 go to Toys or Us, Rest in Peace, to get a Game Boy game or something. But yeah, I remember growing up just because of the way the infrequency that we went there once a year was a tradition. I always thought Lino's was like the greatest Italian place on earth and it's like $12 for like Spaghetti or something which is like cheaper than Olive Garden now. So I mean it was still a solid place but after having gone to some other Italian places I think Lino's probably isn't as great as I thought it once was but what game do you play did you play? Oh, man. Well, my fondest memory is Pokemon Gold.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I bought that myself. And the tragic story, which I probably mentioned, one other time in the podcast, was one time I was, oh no, this wasn't that time. But, okay, there's one time I was playing Pokemon Blue. And one of my brothers was holding the video camera. No. And the other one was snuck up and ripped out the game
Starting point is 00:13:46 Crouchers. Oh no! Which is like one of the meaner things that my brothers ever did to me. Oh my god. But then Pokemon Gold, it gets worse because they just hit it in our house one day and they refused to tell me where it was. No. And you know, years and years later we've moved. No one lives in Rockford anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So Pokemon Gold is lost forever. That's terrible. My sister had the blue one. And I remember, I didn't really know how Game Boy's worked at the time. And she was really far into the game. And at the time, I think you could only have one story going at once. Oh, absolutely. And I put it in.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And they're like, oh, do you want to continue a story? And it's like, no, I want to start my own. No. But I thought it was pretty saved. And that was not a good day're like, oh, do you want to continue a story? And it's like, no, I want to start my own. No, no. It's fucking saved. And that was not a good day. No wonder your sister hates you. Um. But then I got the red one, which was mine.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And then we had didn't have a problem. And then later on, I think I got, I don't, was there like a platinum one or something? There was. There's a, I don't remember. I'm sure there's a Pokemon platinum at some point. Yeah was like it was a gameboy color version of what I don't remember what what it was but I used to play um I would play crystal Yeah, and then later on I got yellow which is old school from that and then
Starting point is 00:14:59 I would play my brother's Game Boy Advance and play Golden Sun, which is like probably one of the best games I've probably ever played before. It's really great. What type of game is that? I've never heard of it. It's an RPG and Basically, it's like a turn-based where you you know You get into like a battle with like a thing and you have to fight it and you have all these moves And you have like a magic person and you have like a person that's good at defense and a person that's good at healing and like all this stuff and it's like Yeah, it's great. I don't know. It's it's one of the better games out there reminds me of
Starting point is 00:15:31 Final fantasy and stuff like that. I don't know. I was a nerd growing up So I think it was like the The game released with Game Boy Advance. I was like here's Golden Sun with the game, you know, so I don't know It's pretty cool. You know, I had a, we had a, like, an old school game boy that I think my cousin gave us because he was a big gamer guy. And then we both got a Game Boy pockets, like, used Game Boy pockets for my Game Stop, which was a huge deal.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And then I had, like, a Game Boy Advance, and then, like, a Game Boy, earn Nintendo DS, which I guess is kind of a different, little sort of same thing but different. But I feel like my Game Boy pocket was like my jam. Like that was like I had a blue one, it was super small. It was, they didn't have the light like the backlit feature which is so funny to think
Starting point is 00:16:16 like that was so revolutionary when that came out. Oh yeah. It came out originally with the Game Boy Advance, uh, what was it called? The DS. I don't think it was DS, the initials. Do you remember the name of that one? It was like a square and then it opened like this. I thought that was, I thought that that was the DS, right?
Starting point is 00:16:32 No, the DS was the one that has like the pen and everything. Oh really? Okay, so it's like the SP. SP, you can get boy with that. Yeah, SP, yeah. And something like that. Yeah, that was, my mom actually got one of those because she played a lot of Game Boy.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Oh, yeah, like the surgery game and stuff? Well, she didn't play that, but she had a lot of the old school games like Donkey Kong and Galaga maybe and Pac-Man and stuff like that. She loved one. Wow, those are great. Well, you used to have something my dad bought from came art, probably like 20 bucks, and it's a little like gaming console
Starting point is 00:17:08 with a joystick. So it's meant to replicate an arcade game. And you plug it right into your TV. I remember that. And you play, we had one, it's called Nintendo Arcade, or something like that. And it had Pac-Man, or Miss Pac-Man. I don't remember which one.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Pole Position, which is like an old school racing game, it had Galaga and there's another one that's similar. It's like Galactic Car or something. Yeah. And it had Dig Dug, which is another classic arcade game, Mappy, which is a game that we never knew about until we got it. And then it had this other game, it's like a flying scroll shooter game.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I have to look up what it was. But my brother Jack was always really good at it. But we spent a lot of time just like sitting on the floor in our basement watching someone play on the TV. And yeah, those were a lot of fun. And we would come down late at night sometimes. My dad would be playing and like eating a bowl of cereal. Because this was stuff he played like in the arcade in the 70s when he was growing up and yeah
Starting point is 00:18:08 I think he that was a type of gift that kept on giving for him because he got it for super cheap The flying squirrel game that you had was it like a 2d? You're in a little airplane you kind of go up and down and shoot stuff. Yeah, I've been trying to find the game forever because I think PlayStation think it was a PS1 game they had like these two two version games that you could rent from family video and It had like a collection it was similar to that I had a collection of like these classic games
Starting point is 00:18:36 And I had never seen that one, but that was like my favorite out of all of them and I haven't been able to find it since Wow, yeah now we're on the Google machine trying to figure out what it's called. I'm sure my brothers are listening to this right now, and they're just shouting at the computer because they know exactly what it's called. But I can't remember what it is. I'm not even, I don't even know. I don't even know what it is.
Starting point is 00:18:56 It was like a one word type of game. It starts with like an N or something. It's like Nexus, but that's not what it is. Anyways. Interesting. So, you know, I've been meaning to ask you this. And, you know, just let me know, let me know if this is just too much, but I really, I gotta know, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:19 All right, just tell me if it's too much, man. Okay. I don't like where this is going. This is live air, you know. How was your time at Kmart? I know you worked there for a while. What's the craziest story? I was worried you were going to bring up some weird sex story.
Starting point is 00:19:35 No, no, no. What's the craziest thing you ever so happened at Kmart? Because it was, it was off Harrison, right? No. There are two Kmartarts in Rockford. There was one on Sandy Hollow. Like Sandy Hollow in 11th Street.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah, okay, okay. Just like really janky. I never worked at that one. Oh, okay, good, okay. I worked at the East State one, which I think is closing in like a week or something. Oh, okay. I'm still friends with a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:19:59 who I worked with on Facebook. But no, I started, I got a job at Kmart right after it turned 16. So like April 2011. And I worked there until I left for college. I actually didn't quit until after my first month of college. So October 2013. So I worked there for 2 and 1 half years. I was a cashier the whole time, which is uncommon because the cashiers were usually like the
Starting point is 00:20:27 high school girls, high school guys, usually like shelf stockers, like working in the back that sort of thing. So, I was kind of a novelty there, which was actually kind of cool because like all the customer service, like older ladies loved me. But it was, it was okay I mean I was making probably like 750 an hour something Which back then was like okay better than detastling yes air condition, which was awesome Yeah, but yeah, I don't know I I came in and kind of like was pretty strict to falling the rules at first.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And then eventually the system was so broken to where like the prices never matched up. And everything was just a pain in the ass. And so what you'd have to do if you had to change a price on something, which happened all the time with things being on sale, was you'd have to get a manager's code. I hate that. And usually there would be like one person in the entire store, and they'd be like in the back kind of phone call.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And you might be one of two registers open. And there's like three other people in your line. So it's like, people get really pissed. So eventually I started memorizing manager codes. I don't know what the statute of limitations on this stuff is, but the store's closing soon, so it's good. So once I started doing that, it made my life way easier because then I just got super corrupt.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And not that I was just randomly giving people discounts. It's not what I was doing, but I just didn't have to wait for anybody, Oh, yeah. Which is really nice. Yeah. Let's see. So I don't know. Overall, it was good. I'm trying to think if there was anything super crazy that happened. You just get used to dealing with people who are not mentally all there.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And I mean, place like that, the turnover rate is super high. By the time I left, I think I was, I'd been there like the fourth longest out of every employee in the store and I'd been there for two and a half years. Oh wow. Which makes sense. I mean, you're making like $8 an hour.
Starting point is 00:22:37 You can't live very well on that. Yeah, seriously. Yeah, I don't know. It was, I'm trying to think of handing you really good stories. I had a weird romantic thing with one of the girls who was like a customer service person. We're still Facebook friends. We used to go over to her house.
Starting point is 00:22:58 She lived right by the river on the east side, kind of like in the downtown area. And she was really into Judge Judy. Oh, yes. It in the downtown area. And she was really into Judge Judy. Wow. So, you know, it would go over there. I would skip calculus because I just like didn't care about that class in my afternoon. It's go over there with Judge Judy, get some hot pockets. I don't even know if we ever kissed. We just like lied in bed and watched Judge Judy and your hot and like, slept, which was
Starting point is 00:23:25 actually fine as a high schooler, because you're like, playing sports all the time. You just want to sleep. That's amazing. Yeah, no, it was, it was fun. I'm still Facebook friends with some of the people who I worked with while I was at Kmart and, yeah, actually, my intention was, after I left for college, was to keep working there. So I could come back in December and work a bunch of holiday hours.
Starting point is 00:23:49 But this is a funny story. So what HR told me is you have to work one shift a month to stay on as an employee. So my plan, my first month away, and in future months, was just like come back one weekend out of the month, which was inconvenient, because it's like a two hour drive to do it. It was like I can do this, work a five hour shift to be fine, be able to keep my job. So the first month they did it was September of 2013.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It came back on a Saturday like a month after I started college. And I had told my HR person well in advance advance, okay, this was the day I'm coming back, this is the day I'm working my shifts, whatever. And I got there for openings like 7 a.m. and they didn't have me on the shift and nobody knew that I was coming in. But I wasn't about to be like, I guess I'm just going to reschedule like, no, I'm here. I came home from college for this. And so I realized nobody, including the manager, like on call, who was there, knew I was there. So at first, I was like, OK, I'm just going to go rearrange
Starting point is 00:24:54 some shelves. I did that for like two hours. And then I got really bored. And I didn't want to go up to customer service and be like, OK, put me on a register. I'm here to work, because I hated working. So I went into the bathroom, went into the men's bathroom, went into the stall for three hours.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I like sat on a toilet, just like texted or something. I don't remember what I did, I didn't have a smartphone or anything. I might like grab the magazine from the checkout. And then after I'd been five hours, I snuck out, got in my car and went home, and I decided, no, I don't want to do this again. So that was my last shift at Kmart. I sat on a toilet for like three hours. That's amazing actually. That's like that's
Starting point is 00:25:36 like that's like that's next level, dude. Nobody really knew I was there. So, you know, you were, you were after my time, but I had, I got chased out of that location of Kmart one time. Great. Yeah. Well, here's a story. You know, this was, we all go through periods of time in our lives where we like, you know, let's, let's be high schoolers and let's go, let's go do some epic pranks, you know, let's go, all that stupid stuff. So we were like all right So where there's this wheelchair out in the middle of nowhere You know, I think it was in like a Walmart parking lot or something just like rogue by itself I'm like, let's load this thing up and let's take it over to Kmart. How crazy awesome would that be?
Starting point is 00:26:16 We don't know what we're gonna do. We were obviously idiots, but So me and my buddy Paul go into Kmart and I'm in the wheelchair and he is pushing me around and All this stuff when we go up to one of the registers and all the sudden we just both just jump up I jump out of the wheelchair and he he follows me and we just run out of the store and This cashier guy started chasing us and I was like, dude, why are you chasing us? And he's like, oh, I thought you guys stole something. God, the dumbest prank ever played in human history.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Yeah, so stupid. But that's just what we did. We did stupid. It was all about like whenever I was growing up, it's all about being random and like being like I'd and like you know weird and stuff like that and it just like you look back on it and you were like No, that's stupid like what what were you thinking? So yeah, that's that's my experience with that came art location and um
Starting point is 00:27:25 I dared not set foot in the sandy hollow one because I heard some crazy stories about, because it was right across the street from the trailer park if I wasn't, if I'm not mistaken. South Rockford there is not a super nice area. Yeah, I've experienced with hookers flagging me down down there and they looked jankety. 11th Street, baby. Yeah, it's the place to be.
Starting point is 00:27:41 We were just talking about that last night. Yeah, we were. Yeah, the hookers on 11th Street. Sounds like an actual name of business. Like, it's like a coffee shop or something. Hookers on 11th Street. I feel like I saw a commercial for that or something. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:54 There used to be that we'd always drive past when we go to swing dancing at St. Edwards. There was like, it had a jingle on TV. It's one of those coffee places that's like just a little kind of like narrow thing alongside. They'll just go through the drive-through. Yeah, I like. And they'll have a cup of coffee at Cubby's or something.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And I remember exactly what it was, but it had a really irritating commercial on TV. And I just remember always driving past that. Right by Doe Boy Donuts. Yeah, they have those in Seattle Seattle except for girls working their under like the baristas work in their underwear and stuff like that Sounds like and those like the same sort of setup. Yeah, I mean it's really really weird. Sounds like hookers on 11th Street sounds like hookers on 11th Street Exactly. There were a lot of those places in Alaska You know you go to like Anchorage or playing like established coffee places
Starting point is 00:28:44 But then just along the side of the road, along like the 12 highways, and Alaska, it's a lot of just those types of like, drive-through places. So, I found out, okay, so it wasn't in Tendo Arcade, it was Namco Arcade, Namco is another like arcade game. And I just, so I found in Amazon, one for sale on Amazon, going for $329.
Starting point is 00:29:07 The good news is it's prime free one day ship. Oh, thank God. With the games on it include this, I don't think this was the exact one we had. So I don't remember all these games, but it had Raleigh X, which I don't know anything about, DigDug to mention Pac-Man, Baskonean, which I don't know anything about Galaxian,
Starting point is 00:29:26 and then Miss Pac-Man, Galaga, Mappy, Pulp Position, and Zeevis was the name of the Fly and Shoot game. This is what it looked like. Yeah. Oh, that wasn't what I was thinking. Yeah, there are enemy ships out of Fly and Shoot them, but then you also had bombing capabilities. you have to bomb the things on the ground
Starting point is 00:29:47 And I think you could actually I think you could beat the game So there's like a final boss and I was never good enough to get there But I think my brother Jack probably did before but I'm sure you could go play like an online simulator You could play ZVS online. I know I was playing DIGDUG online a couple weeks ago, so I wasn't doing anything at work, of course, but yeah, yeah, I don't know, we got off track. I've been like zoned out the last five minutes, I haven't been paying attention, but.
Starting point is 00:30:18 That was fine. Yeah, no, those camearts are going out of style, unfortunately. Oh, we were at a cameart in Washington State over vacation. And yeah, I think there were like seven people in the store. And yeah, it's pretty depressing. It's not much left. So that was one of the jokes I told on the roast when we were introducing my dad.
Starting point is 00:30:41 It's like, because he's actually, he's worked for Sears slash cameart for like 30 years and he's finally transitioning out of that role but the joke was that he's got interviews lined up at Blockbuster Circuit City and Radio Shack and Codex come into poach him. So, I think. Poor dad, he's finally out. I don't know, this podcast got away from me. I think I need a more vodka.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It's off the rails, man. Yeah, this podcast has been lit. Yeah. Well, Jack Links, we should mention you, if you're out there, would love to have you. We drink in the vodka tonic from the Jack links cup last night, which was new territory last night was I actually had tried about Katonic like three days ago and the last I was the first time I'd ever had one of my own so pretty good. I actually
Starting point is 00:31:36 I see the appeal of it the the lime is in there. I bought my first lime last night so this is just all sorts of groundbreaking stuff for for Quinn David Frames. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. You guys, so I mentioned that the outset, Kristen and Ryan are co-hosts of Car Ride Condos podcast, which is a pretty big big deal, I would say. You guys have anything coming up on the podcast that you want to advertise or what's going on there? Just right now we're still working through our summer uploads schedule. You know, we try to get them up every Wednesday when we can and
Starting point is 00:32:14 stuff like that. We just finished our big regrouping and stuff trying to get ahead of the content wheel. I'm sure we'll go back to Saturdays during the fall. I don't know. We'll see what's up. We're everything's up in the air. The only thing we're really focused on right now is Elon Musk. If you're listening to this, along with Jack Links, we're looking for sponsorships.
Starting point is 00:32:36 OK? We know that Tesla pays $0 a year in marketing. Can you just pay just a little bit of money to just give us a vehicle to record our podcast and we're looking for a new studio. That's pretty much what it is. So give us a ring. We know things are tough at Tesla right now.
Starting point is 00:32:55 You're talking about going private. You know, a lot of scrutiny. You're acting crazy. Give us a ring. You know where to find us. Yeah. Same goes for you, Jack Links. I know you guys are looking to go private, and I don't know what that stuff means,
Starting point is 00:33:13 but it's a rallying point. Hey, you guys, Ryan, you brought up, and it was all a new say, that guy who stole that plane at C-TAC, and he crashed, rest in peace. So, this begs. So, yes, this begs the question, if you were going to steal a plane, what type of plane would you steal?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Wow. Do I know any planes? Well, I want to get one of those concords, you know, because I've got to pass. Those concords, I miss out of commission in 0706 or something like that. Remember at the end of the parent trap when Dennis Quaid is like, you can go on the concord and it'll get there super fast because he flies all the way to London and he beats Natasha Richardson home and now she's dead. Liam Neeson is a widower.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Well, yeah, didn't he, she got, getting by a bear or something like that? Fatal skiing accident. Oh, okay. Very different than Fatal bear accident. Because of Daryl Hematomer. Yeah. Wow, that's brutal. Yeah, so if I were to steal any plane,
Starting point is 00:34:09 it would probably be the SR-71 Blackbird probably. I mean, that thing is so fast, the CIA used it, so there's all sorts of government secrets in there and stuff. I'm sure I could find out more about Obama tapping and maybe I can finally disable that Obama kill switch, you know? Yeah. Yeah, no comment there. All truth. We speak truth on this podcast. I don't Chris, and what about you? You more like a right brothers type of lady or... I would steal any private jet that the Kardashians were currently on. So I could
Starting point is 00:34:42 just announce over the speaker like, hey, this ship is going down unless if I call Kanye and get like a $200 million ransom for all you bitches. And mine is next mixtape. Yeah, get something out of it, you know? I mean, I couldn't really necessarily guarantee I'd land the thing, but I mean, it'd be great to just say that I did it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Guys are so frickin entrepreneurial. Yeah. First, you make a multi-million dollar podcast and now you're getting rancens from stealing planes. Yeah, exactly. It seems like a good plan. Well, Trump's super obsessed. I think it's the F-14 fighter jet. He like keeps talking about how invisible it is. And I don't think he quite understands exactly how that stuff works. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know from Obama tapping. I know. He's probably already there. That's probably what Matt Damon was doing in the Martian. He was setting up Obama tapping. And then when he was in the sequel, Interstellar, they found him on a different planet. Exactly. He's just, yeah, he's an agent of the Empire, the Obama Empire. He's tapping the whole galaxy. Yeah, that's a shame.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Well, I don't know. You guys got anything else? You need to plug while you're here. We have absolutely nothing else to plug. Excellent. Agreed. Yeah, this podcast was prepared, marinated for hours, wrote a lot of stuff, if you could have told already. That's about all I got. We're looking to
Starting point is 00:36:30 potentially have our Uncle Andy, Jack Lincoln employee, on next week. He wanted to record today, and unfortunately we couldn't do it because we were recording this podcast. So we're going to try to get him on. We're going to probably be doing some fantasy football action coming up soon here, maybe a live mock draft on the podcast. I don't know, that could be a good idea. And then I had another new subscriber from the Vancouver
Starting point is 00:36:58 area give me the suggestion. She says that I should watch a series finales of TV shows, but of TV series that I've never seen before, and just comment, like commentate on the series. That is the greatest idea I've ever had in my entire life. So I'm gonna have to get in touch with her to see which series she thinks would be good to talk about.
Starting point is 00:37:20 But, you know it would be a good one to watch? I'm sure you've seen it. But watch the series finale of Dexter. That's what I to watch. I'm sure you've seen it. But watch the series finale of Dexter. I haven't seen it. No, but you'd realize though you realize that like nothing you're like it'd be so boring. You know I'm saying like what's like what's like the hook? You know I'm saying like what's like the finale is literally the worst episode. No, I know, but even that I mean like there's just nothing you could get I like it's like it like watching the godfather Oh, nothing other father um what's this pranos? Sorry nothing godfather the other one this pranos that one and just being like Okay, what was that? Yeah, right have no idea
Starting point is 00:37:58 so entertaining Lost is another good one. I've seen lost so I don't think I'd be able to like separate myself You make some understand all of it, but yeah, that's yeah, that's serious now It wouldn't make any sense either so yeah, it's a good idea. I got a I got a research settle a bit more in maybe once we hit the road This fall will we'll get it figured out. I think I have my Fall tour dates Finalized we will announce that on Facebook sometime this week, but that's going to be fun Live shows come in every weekend
Starting point is 00:38:31 No, you can't buy tickets to them because they're not actually real, but I like to advertise it anyways. It's just sound good Anyways, well this has been Quinn David furnace. This is my podcast There was something else that I wanted to say and I'm completely blanking on it Well, this has been Quinn David Furnace. This is my podcast. There was something else that I wanted to say, and I'm completely blanking on it, but that's okay. We'll figure it out later. Elon Musk, if you're out there, Jack Links, if you're out there.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Victoria's Secret, I've been getting a lot of advertisements, catalogs, coupons from you guys, so I know you're interested, so you can always get in touch with me. I am at bean-town cast on Twitter. You can always get in touch with me. I am at beantowncast on Twitter. You can also email us. We are beantown podcast at That's beantown B-E-A-N-T-W-N podcast at Deathcabs new album comes out this week. Black Clansman just came out three days ago. So go check those out if you get time I think shark NATO three or four whichever one is the final one that's like happening sometime this week, so
Starting point is 00:39:31 There's the mag to it's different. Yeah, that's got there's literally a Maybe we should have a podcast that's just for like accents. You do Jason stiatham. See the Africa It would be fun. Anyways, we hit the 40-minute mark and like Jesus wandering in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, I'm about to send up into podcasting heaven. That analogy didn't quite make it. Anyways, this has been Quinn Davis-Fernes. I want to give a special thanks to Ryan Lee and Chris English co-host of the Card Convo's
Starting point is 00:40:04 podcast. Thank you guys for coming on. Thank you for having us. Yeah, thanks. I want to give a special thanks to Ryan Lee and Chris English co-host of the card combo's podcast Thank you guys for coming on. Thank you for having us. Yeah, thanks. Yeah next time they're gonna come on and I heard a say it with love reunion Oh my god, I would I would actually I would actually love that because I'm the only person that's not cringed out by that era. And I've thought about just go back and learn how to play guitar and just re-release the EP myself. Acoustic version. Acoustic or something.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Just do the EP myself or turn it into some sort of sound cloud rap or some crap like that. It just, they would be so, they would unfriend me on Facebook if I did that, which would be so funny. Well, we were talking about, say with love and your stage presence when I was at your house, call them, let's go. What were you saying about it? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Basically, so I had this guy who I really respected come and see my first show. I think it was my first show. It was the first show that was in the basement of a house. Okay. So he came, I think you were there. You were there. You went there with somebody. You were on a date and and man. And that was it. That was the only thing he had to say, which I mean, like, you know, that's valid. That was a valid, you know, I totally got what he was saying, you know, like he was like, you know, on the spectrum of stand up comedian or Bono, you should become a garbage man, you know. So that's kind of, I mean, I get it. I get it. I get it. So it's fine. Say with it. I get it. So It's fine. Say with love. Do you know if you guys have any like remnants of your band anywhere on the internet? YouTube? Yeah, check us out on YouTube. You can put in say it with love and
Starting point is 00:41:58 Let's see I think you can I think you can search and then in that actual concert that concert that That that the well that it wasn't it was a church concert. I think you can I think you can search and in that actual concert that concert that That that the well that it was the it was a church concert, I think I think the one that's on YouTube was the basement concert Wasn't my house no no not in your house. No, what else is basement? I said, I don't know something yeah, there's like a lot of there's a lot of good songs You just realize that you know we didn't really know how to write songs properly. So there's a lot of weird transitions and stuff and very strange. You learn that I can't sing, which,
Starting point is 00:42:31 I mean, that's not really like a revelation, but you know, it exists. So, um, I think I'm gonna have to do some more specific searching because say what club is not. Put in bringing up good results. We sound like the other day, Kim. Put in, it's so, put in say it with love, like dress to kill or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:51 See that? I tried. I tried to say it with love, Lincoln, and it didn't change the self. No. This was I think before YouTube tags, I think, and I think when they were uploaded, there's no tags on them and stuff, and they're super difficult to find. Okay. Okay. There we go. There's some.
Starting point is 00:43:05 So if you do say it with close. Don't do this one though. Go to a different one. Go to one of our originals. Go say it with love, dress to kill. Yeah. The second hit is say with love music. 46 views soon be 47 now. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:43:18 That's like Karai Convo's lover, except for that, that took like eight years to go. 12 years ago. 12 years ago. There's a say with love music channel which has two subscribers. Now has three subscribers. So, baby. Are you the one in control of that account, you know?
Starting point is 00:43:34 Absolutely not. Oh boy. There's like six videos up here. Say with love intro. We're gonna have to watch that after this video. Yeah, it was pretty good. And that was nothing. You Yeah, it was pretty good. And that was, you know, was whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, there's a Facebook page. I wasn't in control of any of this stuff, which was good because I would have said a lot of stupid stuff on there. So, but it really would have, it would have rocketed me as a social media influencer. Absolutely, absolutely. All right, we gotta go,
Starting point is 00:44:01 because we got a lot of YouTube videos to watch. Anyways, for the final time, this has been Quinn David Fernandez All right, we got to go because we got a lot of YouTube videos to watch. Anyways, for the final time, this has been Quinn David Furnace joined by Ryan Austin, Liggan and Kristen English. Just called you by your Facebook name. That was weird. I do that sometimes. That's fine. And thank you for listening.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Hope you enjoyed our Ramble Tastic stuff. If you've never been to rock for Illinois, that's probably a good thing. And we'll come to you next week. Maybe with a Jack Links rep, maybe not. Keep you updated on Facebook. Anyways, like, share, retweet, subscribe, rate. We're up to 35 stars now in iTunes, which is 34 more than Bill Burr has.
Starting point is 00:44:38 So that's pretty good. No, Bill, I know you're listening to this. I love you. So hit me up at my Twitter. Anyways, we'll check in next week. No, Bill, I know you're listening to this. I love you. So, hit me up at my Twitter.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Anyways, we'll check in next week.

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