Beantown Podcast - 09022018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: September 3, 2018

Quinn kicks off his Fall 2018 tour LIVE from Indiana (The Natural State) to discuss penis rings in bathrooms, Mike Pence, and the upcoming NFL season...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Bean Town Podcast. This is Quinn David Furnace. I'm the host, creator, best boy, producer, second unit production. Here's my question. You watch movie credits and they're always talking about the second unit. Second unit, what is that? Second unit. What can someone out there who is a movie buff or someone who went to school for production? Can they tell me what a second unit production crew does? Because like in theory, okay, I can come up with something I can give you a kind of a vanilla BS answer based on what I think it is. But what do you have? Actually, I have the second unit for it. Is it like the practice squad and football?
Starting point is 00:00:48 You just keep it on reserve. So you pull up a player when your director of photography gets injured, what's sort of the deal there? So that's my question. Regardless of the role I, indeed, I feel all the roles and I feel all the holes here at the Bington podcast, because this is Quinn David Furnace. And this is the start of our fall 2018 tour. We are coming to you live from Indianapolis, Indiana, in case you are wondering, yes, we
Starting point is 00:01:15 are podcasting from the road, taking a little page out of my good friends playbook, the Car Ride Convo's podcast. Those guys are awesome. You can go like them. Facebook, follow them on Twitter, Car Ride Convose, I think is their handle, maybe Car Ride Convose podcast, I don't know. But they're pretty active on there, actually. They're on their way to becoming social media giants. And I'm thinking, hey, maybe if I do what they're doing, a little podcast in the car action, we can pick it up with the followers, the likes, the subscribes, the rates, the shares.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Thank you to all of my followers, particularly those who have put in an order for the bean town, fall 2018 tour dates t-shirt, loving the support as $22. we're gonna have that order form open for another like five or six days. So if you are listening now and you're just kinda getting acquainted with the Fall 2018 tour and you wanna T-shirt to show your friends,
Starting point is 00:02:17 let me know, shoot me a message, we can get you in on the order form, it's gonna be $22 flat, that shipping included for everyone. The thing to know is that the online order closes on Friday or Saturday. That's when we start making the shirts. That's when we start shipping. I got to do that so they can get these shirts out, you know, in the middle of the tour, not after the tour. So thank you to all the fans. Thank you for following me on Twitter. I'm at White Buns with a Z. You can always email us,
Starting point is 00:02:49 That's beantownBEA and Tudon podcast at Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the beantown podcast, particularly the beantown podcast in a car. What if you were listening to the beantown podcast in a car while you were driving in the car? Wow, I know what you're saying. Well, how are we supposed to do that? It's a podcast. It's on the internet. No car on the internet. I've got good news for you.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Apple podcast, think store partnership with those guys with iTunes can actually download the podcast right onto your phone or your tablet or your other mobile device. or your tablet or your other mobile device, you plug it into the USB port in your car, boom. You got 24 K, 24-karat magic, Bruno Mars, surround sound quality, maybe you got a little Ariana Grande intro music, you believe God is a woman, and you got it right in the car.
Starting point is 00:03:44 5.1 Dolby Digital surround sound, come into you live with the Samson Q2U microphone series. It's that crisp audio quality which speaking of crisp audio quality, apologies to everyone. I feel like I let the fans down to that myself down last week. In case you're wondering what happened with the audio quality, I don't have an answer for you. I just straight up don't. I did everything exactly the same way we've been doing it for eight months.
Starting point is 00:04:18 It was honestly the most basic, standard podcast setup. I could have sitting on the flower chair at 817 Paul Street we were coming to you live from Beantown laptop on the coffee table microphone plugged in only one not two no there's nothing weird with the two mic setup which can get tricky and we recorded and we listened back and you all heard it if you ever want to know what a podcast would sound like from 20,000 leagues under the sea, I think that, I think we have our answer here.
Starting point is 00:04:52 James Cameron or Michael Bay, I think James Cameron does all the stuff with his submarine underwater and like going to the Mariana Trench and stuff. I'm kind of that, but for podcasters, so just call me the James Cameron of podcasting now because apparently I do my podcast underwater. So that episode is a little bit of a lost episode.
Starting point is 00:05:15 That's okay, we weren't covering too much heavy stuff. I'm just glad that it wasn't an episode like with my uncle, Uncle Andy came on two weeks ago. He talked about a whole lot of stuff. Part one of our interview. Jack Links of course, fantasy football, Rice Lake Wisconsin, the chronotype, all that stuff. We got some good intel on, but that was clear quality.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I don't know what happened last week. I apologize. I really feel like I let the fans down. So we're going to continue to ensure that we're going to get Chris Baudiou quality every time. Samson Q2U microphone series. Did a whole lot of tests. We'll add a rest stop before starting
Starting point is 00:05:59 our recording here today. So I think everything is good to go. And if it's not, then I'm just going to lose my freaking mind. But listener discretion is indeed advised, getting back to the original point when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some 18 plus language here and there, although typically we're pretty good with that
Starting point is 00:06:21 stuff I like to think. Number two, and last week was a living testament to this. The podcast is objectively terrible. So that's that. What's going on? Fall 2018 tour. We've been advertising it pretty heavily on social media on the internet. Facebook gives me another free $30 boosted credit. You might see a boosted advertisement on your page. I try not to get into the boosted stuff because I know once I kind of like what I see
Starting point is 00:06:58 and get a feel for, oh man, now we're starting to see some likes and subscriptions coming in in an inorganic way where I'm paying for it. It'll just like, I'll get used to it in a sense and I'll start to become and part my budget and you say, well, it's only 30 bucks and that's, you know, that's not too much, but then next thing, you know, you're spending millions and millions on your podcast that only has 50 to 60 listeners on average a week and that's just not sustainable. So we'll continue to look into the boosted stuff we did. I didn't want because Facebook gave me a free coupon for it. I didn't spend a single dime of my own money on that. I think if I was going to boost the post it'd probably
Starting point is 00:07:39 be the Scalabrini shout out. Thank you to the fans for making that connection. That was a lot of fun. You're wondering Brian Scalbruny, former NBA champion with the Boston Celtics, pretty famous player, White Mamba, this is nickname. That video is on our page, signed YouTube, all that stuff, Bean Sound Podcast. So anyways, let's see, but the fault tour, we are of course in Indianapolis today. Before I fill out the rest of these tour dates here, I meant to make one other apology regarding the audio quality last week. Our good friend, no last co, great companies, Chicago photography stuff. We read their ad for the first time, that was an exciting time for everyone because it was the first ever bean-town podcast paid sponsor, really exciting, going for that for, you know, ever since
Starting point is 00:08:34 it started, eight months now. But apologies because the audio quality was really bad, so I know I told you, no last code, that yeah, we were going to get your ad going a couple other times I'm not gonna read the full ad as it's written out to me today because I'm in the car and You know just trying to stay alive at this point like like the bg said but go follow places Dot in dot Chicago on Instagram. They've got a lot of good stuff. They did not have a post or a picture up last time I checked, but hopefully that's changed in the last week. Again, it's no and then a period then, no, that's not right. It's places, then a period then in, then another period, then Chicago places dot in dot Chicago. Check my Instagram, give me a like, give them a follow. Bean Tom podcast follows them, so you should too. We're going to get you your full ad going again next week.
Starting point is 00:09:31 If you are interested in sponsoring or advertising on the bean Tom podcast, do a whole lot of different options. We do 30 second reads, we do two minute reads, whatever you need to get for your company. I can do a beginning, middle, or end. That'll change the pricing structure a little bit, 30 second reads, we do two minute reads, whatever you need to get for your company. I can do a beginning, middle, or end. That'll change the price structure a little bit, but it's pretty reasonable. I understand, look, my production value is pretty low.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It's a pretty low budget operation, so I'm not asking for too much. But if you are interested in advertising on the Bean Tom Podcast. Shoot me an email, Bean Tom Podcast,, that's Bean Town, B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast at, and we'll get that figured out. Today, Indianapolis, Indiana, as we are driving along I-65 here, God's country, Mike Pence, God of Love it. We were just at the gas station Fillin up for our drive into the windy city here And that gas station boy that was that was pretty rough a lot of
Starting point is 00:10:35 White people which is not why it was rough. I love the white people big fan of their work. I love love love Martin short, but Smell pretty bad. Uh, boy, the guy working behind the counter looked like he had, uh, been to Helen back. A lot of tattoos, uh, looking pretty rough, pretty slow reaction time. Uh, you go into the gas station. I always love this gas station. It's God's country, right? You get the... And here comes the 18 plus stuff. You get like the penis rings. They're dispensers and I... for you ladies, I don't know if they have something similar to this in your bathroom, but you go to like rest stops, gas stations. I'm sure that's all over the place. This isn't just a Midwest thing, but I certainly can remember that like on road trips growing
Starting point is 00:11:28 up you go into bathrooms and there are like dispensers for whatever you call them like pleasure rings and they got like different flavors and stuff and I don't know. Personally I have never tried that stuff out. It seems a little risky if I'm going TBH here. Really, I'm not that interested in sliding stuff around. Mahoohoo. So, I don't know, Mike Pence. If you're listening to this, if you're aware of this,
Starting point is 00:12:00 this disturbing practice that is infiltrated America's gas station and rest stop bathrooms. But yeah, penis rings, I don't know if anybody has ever had any experiences with these things. Give us a shout out, we'd love to have you on podcasts for an interview because I just have so many questions. So anyways, that's what the bathroom was like. A lot of graffiti, a lot of stuff on the walls. No mirror. Always love that. Makes me think like I'm at a national park or something like a bathroom out in the middle of what's no mirrors. Pretty smelly. So we got it out
Starting point is 00:12:39 of there as quickly as you can say Mike Pence 2020. So we are now on the road. We are heading up to Chicago, which is where we will come, be coming to you live from next weekend. After that, we are going to try to, try to do an episode live from Bowling Green is, is the hope there two weeks from now. That episode will probably come up pretty late.
Starting point is 00:13:05 So I don't think I'm scheduled to get into Bull and Green until the very end of the weekend Sunday night. I'll keep you all updated on that. After that, we're gonna be looking to come to you live from Rockford, Illinois. Very exciting news. My good friends, accountant, extraordinaire, and a pretty nifty musician. Matthew Feeler is gonna be joining us live on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:31 You'll remember Matthew from back in March, I think, is when we did our taxes. Donald Trump will not release his taxes, but Quinn David Furness, sure as hell will. We release our taxes. If you're a new listener, I actually really like that episode I will listen to that occasionally here and there once every other week just because I think there's actually a lot of getting information on there some of it's really funny some of it's actually
Starting point is 00:13:57 you know we had an accountant on the on the podcast he's got a lot of good tips so we got that we've got a lot of good tips. So we got that. We've got a bean-ton unplugged special in the works, not going to reveal any details about it. But let's just say when you put two excellent musicians together in one room, you never know what's going to happen. So there's your little teaser trailer. After that, we'll come to you live from Sioux Falls. It should be a good
Starting point is 00:14:26 time South Dakota. I don't think there's ever been a podcast done live from South Dakota, so that should be pretty exciting. After that, we'll be in Baltimore for a weekend. Have a podcast come to you live from there, followed by another podcast live from Chicago. And then we'll have one for, it's looking like Nashville. I know on the social media posts and said Nashville slash Memphis, it's looking like Nashville. We might try to do something,
Starting point is 00:14:53 a little midweek check-in from Memphis, maybe return to the Mississippi since that was a crowd favorite with the ambience and the donuts. And then we'll be back in Beentown for a Halloween special, and that will take a Sunday in November, then we'll be back in Beentown for a Halloween special and that will take us in in November and we'll get into the holiday season.
Starting point is 00:15:08 So anyways, that's the Fall Tour. Again, thank you to everyone who bought shirts. It's not too late. $22 flat rate. You can find the design online. Front says Beentown podcast Fall 2018 Tour. Back says Fall 2018 Tour and then it has a list of all our tour dates, which I think're eight tour dates I think we have.
Starting point is 00:15:27 So, that's exciting. How many podcasts you know that go on the road other than the Car-Eid Connolly's podcast because that's just where they're stationed on the road. But, it's exciting. Think you'd everyone who's reached out about shows, tickets, love you all, love your support. Please remember if you are listening, if you're just casually listening on Apple Podcasts or iTunes and you're thinking, hey, I like what I hear, go ahead and throw us five stars.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Smash that like button as my good friend PJ would say. The more stars we get, the better content we get and there's no real reason for that, but I just, having a bigger ego always helps so Anyways, do that leave us a little review if you like and And get some paraphernalia get some propaganda get some regalia. It'll be fun. So Anyways, what did I do in Indiana? It was in Indianapolis for about 24 hours as we are now Leaving the city, but it was a good time
Starting point is 00:16:27 so I got to meet up with a bunch of Friends from undergrad and actually so this is really interesting A lot of people have a fantasy football league for their quote-unquote school league and that is the case for me, but my Kind of relationship to these guys is really fascinating. So when I was a freshman in college, after I finished up freshman year, I was an orientation leader the summer
Starting point is 00:16:55 between my freshman and my sophomore years of college, pretty common job for an undergraduate to have. In our roles or in our position, we also, so we were orientation leaders for incoming freshmen, which is the majority of people who are starting their undergrad careers, but they're also a team of undergraduate workers who are transition leaders,
Starting point is 00:17:20 and they did the same thing but for transfer students. So, I was an orientation leader. I met a guy who was one of these transition leaders for the transfer students. His name was Chris. And in addition to Chris, there was another transition leader named Kevin, who lived in the same apartment complex that I lived in my sophomore year. So I kind of had some loose connections. I didn't know these guys super well, but they seemed like nice guys.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Chris invited, we've got a huge slowdown on the highway here. I don't know what the issue is. Chris invited me going into sophomore year of college to play an Intermeeral football team. And I was actually excited because I had played on an Intermeeral football team I freshman year with people I lived with in my freshman hall. But I think maybe the guys I played with had started their own team without me
Starting point is 00:18:19 or they just disbanded, I don't remember what happened. So I got invited by Chris to play on his Intermeror team and I got to meet a bunch of his buddies, including my friend Hunter. It was a really nice, great guy. And so we played in an in-error football together a sophomore year, we played again, my junior year, which ended up turning into my senior year. Anytime I'm on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:18:42 and here we're talking about my junior year of college, I actually mean my senior years. They ended up becoming the same thing. And then when I was playing our last-year college playing in NR Merles with Hunter and Chris Hunter's brother started at the poly he came on Connor and we started a fancy football league that year, which was fun. Actually, so this year might be your fourth year, and I remember exactly how old this league is, but also met my friend Greg. And what ended up happening, I think Hunter and his brother and Greg, they might have had some sort of, I don't know the details on this, but there might have been some sort of falling out with some of the other guys including Chris who was kind of my initial connection into into this world into this group of people, but I kind of kept it going with Hunter and his brother and
Starting point is 00:19:38 our friend Greg and started a lead together and I really these these these are interesting because these weren't guys that I hung out with a ton and undergrad. You know, we'd play in a real football together, occasion to like get together on a Sunday to watch the game, but otherwise it didn't, you know, kind of different worlds. It just happened to share one community, one connection.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And now I play with Greg's in our league, and Hunter, and Hunter's two brothers, Connor and Tristan. And then I'll say the rest of the guys are their friends from, I think probably from the most part at the same school. I just didn't know them when I was at school. But guys that don't really know, but guys who are super nice, we all got together this weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Hunter just bought a cool new house in the Indianapolis area, which is really exciting. Homeowner first time, it's awesome. It's got a puppy, a great dainn, who is eight weeks old. If your friends with me on Snapchat, you saw some of those pictures. It's adorable. Malcolm is his name. It's Malcolm with two Ls and his paws are way too big for his body and it's just a great time. Those guys are pretty big drinkers, pretty big partners, not that I'm not, but I was really tired all day yesterday getting up at 3am to get to Chicago and then drive the Indianapolis from there. So, I had a couple beers,
Starting point is 00:20:58 but didn't go too crazy and ended up falling asleep and I think they stayed up super late again. But it was a great time. We did our fantasy draft. Let's see some of my highlights, where some of my big heavy hitters, so this is an auction draft, so this is different than your standard snake draft in that. Instead of just like going in order,
Starting point is 00:21:17 and that's just how you do it, when it's your turn, you get to pick. An auction draft that you get, $200, and it's not your own money. This is just $200 internet dollars. Although this league we play for is for cash, but you get $200 and you have to pick 15 players to fill out your entire team. And just like a regular auction, you bid and whoever gets the highest bid gets that player.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And you just go through 150 different players Bitting on them and tell you have 10 teams with 15 guys each So some of the guys that spent the most money on Odell Beckham Jr From the Giants who really wasn't on my radar Wasn't a guy that I was like targeting before the draft start He's not been a guy that I've been targeting any of my drafts But I don't know what happened, you know you start bidding and all of a sudden you just don't want to lose. So I got Odele Beckham, Jr. I got Devonte Adams, who plays for the Packers, and Devonte Freeman for the Falcons. Alex Collins, I got Russell Wilson, who's my favorite quarterback.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So that was exciting. Baltimore defense, Michael Krabtry. So Greg Olsen, who had last year and he was good until he got hurt. So I'm excited for this year. And this league last year, I got second place. I lost to Greg in the Super Bowl championship. So he had a good time with that this weekend, making sure to not let anyone forget it. But it was fun, you know, fantasy drafts, you get to, excuse me, get to see those guys about once a year now.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Although it's actually, it's crazy because I've been in Baltimore now the last two years that these drafts have taken place. And last year it just happened to be in Chicago just visiting, just doing, seeing friends and stuff, not for work or anything, but their draft just like happened to be while I was there. I didn't know about it beforehand and then I found out. And so I got to go to Hunter's apartment to do that.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And then this year we had planned it more in advance, but I was already going to be in Chicago for work. So it worked out great there. So yeah, I don't know how long I'm going to be able to keep getting lucky with work and stuff and pleasure trips, pleasure rings for your penis, continuing to line up, but as long as it does, it's fun, I have a good time. Honestly, it kind of feels like I'm a little kid again, like sleepovers, there's Doritos and Mountain Dew. I guess the only difference now is you have bush light and addition to all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:23:49 but watching college football, watching baseball, video games, all that stuff. So it's a good time, makes me feel like a kid again. I'm drinking my coffee here. It's a fun time. So that's primarily what I did in Indiana. While I was here, beautiful state, very flat state as we were driving through our driving right pass Purdue University right now shout out to my
Starting point is 00:24:18 college football team the Northwestern Wild Cats with the I don't, tough to call it an upset, but they went into Purdue on Thursday night, went into West Lafayette and knocked off the boiler makers. And obviously I think Northwestern is a little bit a higher regarded program, but you go on the road for opening game, it's a conference opponent. That's pretty exciting to do that. So Northwestern has the longest winning streak of any team in the FBS right now, I think. They haven't lost since like, and then on maybe October of last year,
Starting point is 00:24:56 probably whenever they had to play Wisconsin. So it's really exciting. Northwestern can sort of keep it up. They can take care of business and they're not conference scheduled. And really, they're only losses that they should have to worry about. Should be Wisconsin. And I don't know who they play from the Eastern half of the Big Ten, but if they have to play, you know, Ohio State or something,
Starting point is 00:25:18 or Penn State, then that's probably a loss there. But they're good enough to compete. Northwestern could certainly finish the year ranked 20th or so and grab a not one of like those top six bowl games, but something shortly after if they play up to their potential, which is always the struggle bus for Northwestern. So anyways, good job, cats. Go get them. I don't know who they're playing next week, but give it a couple more weeks and a big conference play will start.
Starting point is 00:25:48 The NFL season starting up here in four days, Thursday night, the defending Super World Champion Eagles led again. Once again by Nick Foles. Carson wants still not recovered from his ACL injury, Nick Folls will host, the Eagles will host, Atlanta Falcons, that should be an exciting game. That's a rematch of division weekend last year. The Falcons came scarily close. We're talking inches close, Julio Jones catch to knocking off the Eagles. Oh, geez, got a guy in my lane.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Yikes. Which would amend the Vikings, got a guy in my lane. Yikes. Which would have meant the Vikings would have hosted the Felkins. And I think most of us at that point would have picked the Vikings when that game. But alas, that is not at all the way things actually happened. So that game should be exciting. I like the Felkins actually in that game. I think, I don't know. I struggle to get behind the Eagles this year, but it's not for any sort of like super bowl
Starting point is 00:26:52 hangover reason. It's literally just because I feel the same way about the Eagles now as I did like their entire Super Bowl run last year, where it was just like, yeah, they're a good team, they got a good record, they got good players on paper, but do I actually like think they're the best? No, I don't. And of course they make me look like an idiot for thinking that. And now I'm thinking exactly the same way, but Boyd Nick Foles has not looked great. He doesn't have a great track record career wise for being Mr. Consistent. So, for
Starting point is 00:27:29 he played just shockingly amazing in the the NSE Championship gamers, the Vikings and in the Super Bowl last year was the Patriots to strong defenses. I do I really think that he can keep that up. No, I don't. And I also have major concerns. You asked me who are the the Eagles kind of skill players wide receiver running back in tight end. Boy, they got Jay Jai, who's kind of been up and down in his career. Frankly more down than up. Also on Jeffrey, they're top receiver, but he's out for multiple weeks. He got Nelson Egalor, who's fine, but he's not, you know, he's not amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:17 He'd be like an average wide receiver too on your typical team, which is what he is for the Eagles. So that's not exactly a standout or anything. They lost, they still have Zach Hertz, who's a solid tight end option, but they lost Trey Burton, they signed with the Bears. I guess they probably have Corey Clement, still a Corey Clement, however he pronounces last name, kind of to spell a jai, but a jai usually the guy who's spelling someone else, so I'm not exactly sure what the run game looks like. So I would expect to see a lot of quick screens,
Starting point is 00:28:53 quick hitters, I don't think they're gonna have much of a traditional running game. I think Phil just have to try to rely on their defense to keep them in games and sort of create some offense for them. Long story short, I do feel this time around. I do think a team like the Falcons or the Saints or the Vikings or the Rams. I do think those teams to start the season are in a better shape than the Eagles. But I guess we'll find out home field advantage is very helpful. And the Eagles have been able to have that throughout their run last year and starting this year. So we'll see how it shakes out. That's the NFL season starts on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:29:37 My bikes will host the Jeric McKinnon list. San Francisco 49ers, poorer McKinnon went down, practiced yesterday towards ACL, he is out for the year. So, best wishes to Jeric and speedy recovery. Hopefully we'll see her on next year, but yeah, that guy, he's now dangerous, the close to just kind of fading away. His NFL career never really getting on the radar so we'll see what
Starting point is 00:30:05 happens there that's always tough for Neateri ACL but Vikings hosting Jimmy Garoppolo, Eastern Illinois alum has never lost a start and I think that is going to change because I don't know who San Francisco's weapons are besides Marcus Goodwin who is again fine, got a good connection with Jimmy G, but I don't think he's actually talented enough to make much of a dent. We're talking Xavier Rhodes here, number one cornerback in football, and you're trying to tell me Marcus Good win is gonna go up there and make him look foolish. I don't probably think so. So I think the Viking should take care of business against
Starting point is 00:30:52 San Francisco week one. There are never any easy games in the NFL and San Francisco is a little bit of a unknown product here but I lost a Kurt Cousin. It's just really lays an egg. I think the bike's got this. Bears and Packers open up the Sunday night football schedule from Lambo Sunday night week from today. That's going to be exciting. A lot of people are very excited about the Bears, particularly I show up the yesterday morning.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I'm leaving over here in my rental car about half hour after I leave the city. I'm listening to 726-70 whatever. And the Koleal Mac news breaks, which is insane. The Bears traded two first round picks to Oakland for Koleal Mac, arguably the best defensive player in football. You could argue between Kole Mac, JJ Watt, maybe Xavier Rhodes as a cornerback or there's a defensive end I'm forgetting.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Ever seen Griffin. But yeah, Cleal Mac linebacker for the or defensive end linebacker. I'm not sure how the bears will use him, but for the or defense fan linebacker. I'm not sure how the bear is will use him, but for the Raiders, a fantastic player. I don't know what's happening in Oakland. I don't know what John Grewdens plan is considering the guy hasn't coached in 15 years. Maybe he's just gone crazy. Not sure. Raiders dropped. My Davis Bryant. I don't know who their receivers are behind him. Marry Cooper. I don't know how much Marxon Lynch has left in the scene considering this guy retired like three years ago. And all of a sudden now he's back and he's still playing. I don't know how much Marxon has left.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I guess we're going to find out in a week, but that was the big shocking trade. Good for the Bears. A lot of people here are excited as they should be. They locked him up for four or five years, maybe six highest paid player ever. Highest paid defensive player ever in NFL history, which is exciting for him, exciting for the Bears. A little Urlac or 2.0 perhaps. So Good for those guys and yeah, Bears are gonna be a tougher out this year.
Starting point is 00:33:15 People on you know get the callers in Bob from Elk Grove and stuff are like. No bears, Super Bowl. This is the year 11 12 wins and no, they're not there yet. And this isn't going to be me bashing on the bears, but what did they win? Five games last year, something like that. Sure, you get true biscuit year two now. You got them a whole bunch of new weapons, which is fantastic. They absolutely needed that. But these things don't just start week one. You don't all of a sudden have Alan Robinson and Tray Burton and Tariq Cohen, all part of the offense and it just clicks instantly,
Starting point is 00:33:56 particularly when you're playing against teams like the Vikings who have fantastic secondaries. Now maybe they'll be able to make it work against the Packers who have a notoriously lackluster defense. I guess we'll find out on Sunday night. But yeah, Bears can be a lot tougher this year. The defense will keep them in some games. Don't be surprised that the Bears can get closer to seven or eight wins this year. They have a fairly easy schedule. There are a lot of games for them that they should just straight up be able to take care of if they take care of the football the way that they are capable of.
Starting point is 00:34:35 So don't be surprised that the bear is kind of leapfrog the Lions this year into sort of third place in the NFC North Peking order, not that I don't like the Lions this year into sort of third place in the NSU North pecking order, not that I don't like the Lions this year. Just I'm not really sure what direction that franchise is going in as long as you have Stafford and Golden Tate and Marvin Jones, they're going to get you your seven to nine wins a year, but the defense release anything special.
Starting point is 00:35:04 The Lions have not had a good rushing attack since I couldn't tell you when. Occasionally they'll get one random strong game from Reggie Bush or Javit Best or Murib Dula or whoever the ice cream flavor of the week is, but they just can never get any sort of consistency out of that rushing attack. And that's why they're not good enough. I mean, they made it to the playoffs for the first time and forever was like five or six years ago. I think they lost to the Saints.
Starting point is 00:35:38 That's when I was in high school. So maybe six or seven years ago. And then since then, they've just kind of been close, not quite good enough. And that's just how I feel about the lines every year now. So still a tough game, not an easy game for anyone, but I don't know if they're quite good enough. I don't know what the future that franchises is, Matt Stafford kind of gets into the last probably six or seven years of his career. So anyways, wow, it's really turned into the football rambling podcast, but I think it's appropriate, right?
Starting point is 00:36:14 NFL season will be in full swing by the time the next Bean Tom podcast episode drops. So today has been really interesting. We've talked about Indiana. We have talked about penis rings. We've talked about Indiana. We have talked about penis rings. We've talked extensively about football. Apologies to pretty much anyone who listens, but I know these aren't your topics. These aren't your cups of tea, but that's the thing with the Beentom podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You never know what you're going to get. It's a variety for your daily life. We are the Beentom podcast, the People's Podcast, and when you only have 30 to 60 minutes every week, you're not going to be able to please every population of person. So, to all my football fans, to all my penis-ranked fans, to all my Indiana residents out there, you're welcome. The podcast is dedicated solely to you as we get into minutes 38 here. Let's see, anything else I wanted to talk about? Oh, looking forward tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:37:12 a quick shout out to my friends and former roommate, Sam Anderson, who was on my freshman year Air and Air and Marl football team. We weren't that good, but we had fun. I am meeting up with my friend Sam tomorrow. He lives in Milwaukee now. Works a sick sports marketing job up there. We are going to Miller Park. Brewers vs Cubs, 1 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. I have not been to a Cubs game this year, so that is really exciting for me. I have not been to Miller Park since I was probably, I don't know, 10 or 11, something like that, 12, 13.
Starting point is 00:37:53 So it's going to be a good time. I got us some tickets. He's a big burst fan, Packers fan. I'm a big Cubs fan. So that should be fun. We got Cole Hamill's going for the cubs. Just looking forward to it. I haven't been to Milwaukee in a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I'm going deep under the or behind the cheddar curtains. So pray for me. I'll make sure to get some cheese curds. And then start in Tuesday morning. We for my actual job that I actually get paid for doing some big time heavy lifting. A lot of long days, a lot of speaking engagements, a lot of cough drops and coffee. So wish us luck as we get into that, go Cubs, as they take on the brew crew tomorrow, go bikes next week hosting the 49ers and that's pretty much what I've got for you on the podcast
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah This has been Quinn David furnace. We have come to you live from Indiana The natural state It has been a lot of fun to be able to do this to kick off our tour. Thank you again and again to Hunter, my dear friend for your sick new pad and for hosting us and for just having a fun weekend doing the draft and setting up all that stuff. A lot of behind the scenes work. Also thank you to Hunter. Stay tuned in next week as we come to you live from Chicago. Be the first of two tour dates in Chicago. We got
Starting point is 00:39:32 another one as mentioned earlier in mid-October. So all that stuff and more coming up on the Bean Tom podcast, the Peoples podcast, one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. This has been our first ever podcast live from the road, which is really exciting, broadcasting out across the nation. So thank you for tuning in. I am pretty sure that our audio quality, audio quality is way better than last week.
Starting point is 00:40:02 We're not underwater anymore. Life should be good. Life should be very good for the Bean Tom Podcast. So we hit our sweet spot. We're at 41, closer to 42 minutes, which is great, because that's Jackie's number. Anyways, thanks for tuning in. Remember to like, share, subscribe, Facebook.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Our Twitter handle is at white buns. You know what, I shared that earlier. That's not correct. That's my personal know what, I shared that earlier, that's not correct, that's my personal Twitter handle, I knew that sounded incorrect. The Beentown podcast Twitter handles at Beentowncast. My personal, you can follow me there, it's not that exciting, I promise,
Starting point is 00:40:35 but it's at white buns, but the Beentown podcast Twitter handle is Beentowncast. Email us,, that's Beentown, B-E-A-N-T-B-Done podcast, No last co, you can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website.
Starting point is 00:40:48 You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website.
Starting point is 00:40:56 You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the website,, or you can find us on the website. You can find us on the Okay, that's gonna wrap it up live from Indiana. Maybe we'll be back in a couple of years, but thank you to all. Thank you for hosting us. Thank you Mike Pence. We will check in on you next week, live from Chicago.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone. See ya. you

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