Beantown Podcast - 09302018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: September 30, 2018

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Sioux Falls, SD to talk about getting sick on tour, a lack of action in Sioux Falls, and a wide variety of pet peeves. Let us know in the comments--What are some of your b...iggest pet peeves?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? Quinn David Furnace, host of the Bean Tum podcast, coming to you live from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Stop number, I don't know, is it five maybe? On the fall 2018 tour, let's see, we kicked it off in Indianapolis. We did Chicago. We did Bowling Green.
Starting point is 00:00:23 We did Rockford. And now we're in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Fifth stop, fifth state, South Dakota, USA, the natural state. What's going on coming to you live on a Sunday morning, Sunday September 30th. How is everyone? My name is Quinn David Furnace. I created this show back in January of this year and we're about halfway through our Fall 2018 tour. We're going to be coming to you live from Baltimore next week. That's a this can be a fun show. We don't get out to
Starting point is 00:00:58 Baltimore too often these days. So looking forward to that after that we'll come to you live from Chicago. We're then looking at a live show from the music city Nashville Tennessee and then we're gonna finish it off with a live Halloween spooktacular special from being town getting back home. It's gonna be good stuff. Oh how's your week been? So last weekend we had a lot of stuff going on. We were in Rockford with good buddy friend of the podcast Matthew Feedler. We did the concert live. You can hear the audio. You can also watch the video on our YouTube page. That was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I also want to, and I know I've done this multiple times already, but I want to apologize. Are we good singers? No. Are we better than what we put out there last weekend? Yes. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Under preparation and sickness. And you can still kind of hear it in my voice. So I'm driving up to Rockford from Eastern Tennessee, it's like a 10 hour drive last weekend. And Saturday morning, as I'm getting closer, I start to feel the sore throat come on. And my colds are the most typical type of cold of all time. There's nothing unusual about it. You get a sore throat first. It's pretty nasty for about two days. It goes away and as it's starting to go away, you get the congestion. You get tired, low energy. You have congestion for about five or six days. The whole thing lasts seven or eight days. This is day eight for me right now.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And I do believe that it's the last day, although I've been saying that for the last three days. So I get to Matthew's house last Saturday afternoon and we start rehearsing. I didn't know, so I had given Matthew maybe one or two of the songs beforehand. One of them we'd known about for a couple of weeks, the big banjovy number. I just assumed, and Matthew, if you're out there listening, I apologize, but I just assumed that since I had given
Starting point is 00:03:18 you the name of the song that you had listened to it, Matthew, up until literally rehearsal, which was a couple hours before we went live, had not listened to, I think, two of the songs we did. I don't know if you knew the bunch of these songs at all, which has some pretty intense backing vocals. And then the CCR song, that wasn't a problem. We actually sounded decent on that one. Matthew had some killer guitar solos, but this whole time we're going through your rehearsal. We probably ran through each song and I'm total of about three times. And my throat the whole time it had started to hurt early in that morning and it just got worse and worse and worse. And by the end of the day we didn't record till about 10 o'clock at night,
Starting point is 00:04:04 which was probably a mistake, but we weren't prepared up until that point and even long after that point. But by the time we got there, my throat was in so much pain and I had had so much hot tea and so many cough drops. It didn't matter. It was, well, and you heard it on the recording. So that was rough. But
Starting point is 00:04:26 we got through it. We had fun. And then we, well, then the big kicker, which didn't help was we did an hour and a half long podcast after that. Life from Matthew's basement. And I just had to keep peeing the whole time. It was a terrible night. But that was, it was a fun one overall. And then since then, I've driven to Cedar Rapids. I've been to Iowa City. I've been to Des Moines. I had a layover in Denver. Spent some time in Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Home of the Mormons. Home of the LSD Church. It's a beautiful city. So if you've never been to Salt Lake City before, it's about 200,000 people. Maybe a little bit less than that. it's about 200,000 people, maybe a little bit less than that. It's smaller than many people think, despite it being the largest city in the capital of Utah. But it's got a nice downtown. You're kind of surrounded
Starting point is 00:05:15 by mountains on most sides. So pretty beautiful views. It's there for a conference. It was tough because I was still kind of in this hazy sickness mode and trying to attend conferences and you know you have a bunch of friends there and former colleagues and stuff so I spent day one getting you know dinner drinks with those types of people and then by day two which was Friday I was just I was zapped out. I could not do it anymore. I felt bad. I had to cancel on some plans just literally because I just even waking up was such a torture. So it got dressed. That's the other thing. You had to get dressed up for these things too.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So you get dressed. You walk over to the conference, a couple of blocks away, and you go to your sessions. And then the kicker was set right after or Friday afternoon having to do a college fair with my boss for two and a half hours which was fine the fair itself was great it's just that's a long time to be talking when you're sick and when you don't have clean access so you're constantly doing you know that's just that really, that hurts after a while. So by the end of that, I was just, I was ready to clock out. And then I actually, I did, I hadn't drank anything the entire week. So I went to a bar and I had a couple beers, which is not what you're supposed to do
Starting point is 00:06:38 when you're sick, PSA, but I did it anyways because I was on the tail end of it. It would have been a different story if it was like Monday or Tuesday when I was writing the thick of it. But yesterday was a travel day, again from Salt Lake out to Sioux Falls. And here we are. This is exciting, maybe the first podcast ever live from South Dakota. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:01 We'll have to do some research to verify that. But it's a really exciting time. You can always reach out to us. We are on Twitter at beantowncast or on Facebook where you are on SoundCloud, YouTube, player FM, Google Play, Stitcher, all the big names except for Spotify, boo, no one listens to Spotify. And you can always email us, that's beantown, B-E-A-N-T-B-D-N podcast at Thank you again to all the fans for ordering the shirts. I think everyone's gotten them by now. Mine is waiting for me at home when I get back from this fall tour.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And I've only heard good things. They fit great, they smell pretty good. They got all the tour dates on the back. It's exciting. It is a good time to be a fan of the podcast. So, I'm walking outside this morning with my coffee, which I have another cup with me, and it's 42 degrees outside, which to some of you listening that might make you shudder, no pun intended.
Starting point is 00:08:16 But to me, it was absolutely a godsend because we're in Salt Lake the last couple of days. And you would think Salt Lake, high desert this time of year, probably not gonna be hot, right? There might be associations with warm temperatures and deserts, but typically that's in the summer. When you get into the winter and you have a desert, that stuff's pretty cold usually. Although, you know, September 28th, it's not winter yet. I get it, but it's not winter yet, I get it. But it's
Starting point is 00:08:45 not summer anymore. Every day in Salt Lake in the morning feel great, be like 50 degrees. But as these things tend to do in desert regions and desert climates, by the afternoon, it would get up to like mid 80s and the sun's out and you're at high elevation, that affected me way more than I anticipated. And so you're just sweating all the time. And one of the sessions I was in, the AC and the convention center wasn't working and it was just brutal.
Starting point is 00:09:17 You shouldn't have to be sitting in a session in Utah at the end of September with beads of sweat rolling down your forehead. That's just no one deserves that. So that got me thinking, what are some of my other big pet peeves, or at least pet peeves that I've experienced so far on the fall 2018 tour. So the first one is when summer sticks around for way longer than it has any business
Starting point is 00:09:46 sticking around for. I should be able on September 28th to walk outside with my light light jacket on. We're talking not even like a coat. It's like a hoodie. One of those things you wear to holster them and you get in trouble for because it's got a hood. A hooded zip up jacket, whatever you want to Halstrom and you get in trouble for because it's got a hood. A hooded zip up jacket, whatever you want to call it, but the thinnest of materials and just sweatin' like a dog in Salt Lake City on September 28th, that's inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:10:14 There's no business, there's no place for that in business, if you will. So that's one of my pet peeves. What really would have been good for the podcast and what would have made for a better episode is if I had come up with maybe a list of pet peeves that I could have gone through on the podcast instead of just having the one
Starting point is 00:10:37 and assuming that I would start to think of other pet peeves as I moved through. But we're kind of stuck on that one right now. Uh, okay, no, I've got a good second one. You go to the hotel shower, and this was my case this morning, and everything about it's looking good. You got good lighting, you got good circulation,
Starting point is 00:11:00 the shower head, even, it's looking brand new, stainless steel, Kenmore, 2.0, that's going to be good on your scalp. You turn it on and you notice it pretty quickly. This sink just ain't draining baby. You're standing ankle high in water and you haven't even gotten to the shampoo and conditioner yet. That's not a feeling that anyone enjoys because then you turn to shower off after, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:31 you know, it's 80, 90 minutes, however long you shower less. And it's like you're basically in the hotel pool, or at least the kitty pool, because it's almost up to your knee. It's really not a comfortable feeling. So my PSA for all you hotels out there, go get a plumber, fix your shower drains because, boy, this was rough, this was real rough. Just on the topics of drains in general, don't clip your nails into the drain. I know it seems boom, like it's right there, but just do it into a garbage can. You used to clip our toenails and fingernails into the sink growing up.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Obviously that someone in my family taught me how to do that at some point, or else I don't think I would have done that. But man, having lived on your own now, and when you do get clogged sinks, and you see what the type of stuff that's in there, when you get the snakes or whatever, the plastic stuff, and you pull it back out. Ooh, a lot of hair, a lot of gunk,
Starting point is 00:12:37 a lot of fingernail clipping. So avoid that at all costs. No one likes back-to-drains. I know it's a first world problem, but it's got to be one of the most uncomfortable sensations in the world, whether it's your sink or your shower drain or your bathtub, any of that stuff. So avoid that at all costs. What else? Tell you what, leave us a comment, YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, wherever you're listening. What are some of your pet pews? Everyone's got a couple. Some of them are more
Starting point is 00:13:14 mainstream than others. But leave us a note, or you can tweet at us at Beentowncast, or you can email us, That's Beentown, BEAN, TVTOPODCASTe podcast, that's bean town, B-E-A-N, tube to podcast What are some of your pet peeves? What really grinds your gears? What really gnaws your nuts? That's kind of what we want to hear about today on the podcast. Anyone have any good travel pet peeves that's flying on an airplanes or road trips. Those are ripe for good pet peeves
Starting point is 00:13:51 Here I had one Last week or two weekends ago is driving from Chicago to bowling green And I think I talked about this on the podcast, but I was trying to find a football game Other than the Indianapolis Colts first the Washington Redskins. And there are seven or eight channels, seven or eight radio stations that were carrying this game and not a single one carrying another game. Even though, I think obviously there was a Vikings, oh, it was Vikings Packers.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Like, this isn't Midwest. This is a serious Vikings Packers country. Couldn't find one. So I don't understand broadcasting rights and distribution stuff, all that. I don't understand broadcasting rights and distribution stuff all that. I don't never had any background in it. But that's a pet peeve. We need to make this stuff more open, more available to the public. You know, you hear what I'm saying? Here's another big pet peeve I have Here's another big pet peeve I have working on Sundays.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Oh, Jesus, don't get me started working on Sundays, which is exactly what I have to do this afternoon, not only am I working for you, the fans, the podcast. I love doing that, that's my jam. But what bums me out, what bums my bum, what jiggles my joggles is when I got to work from three to six on a Sunday afternoon and I've been working and been sick all week. And did I have yesterday off from work? Yes, because I really wasn't doing much outside of emails, but I was traveling so much and I spent,
Starting point is 00:15:27 I got to the airport about noon and didn't get to my hotel till about 11. So, with the hour change, just 10 hours of airports last travel time, this just, I know you're not working for the most part. And I was, I did put in probably two or three hours of work yesterday, but it's just, no one wants to work on Sundays, and yet I'm about to go this afternoon,
Starting point is 00:15:53 throw on a suit and tie, and go down and talk to kids and their parents for two to three hours. So that's a big pet peeve of mine. I like my Sundays, the Lord's day, get a bottle of wine, get a pizza, a little bread in the body action, or body in the blood action, excuse me, and just go to town, but alas. Not an option. Here's another big pet peeve I have that relates directly to what I'm doing right now or not doing. Hotel breakfast.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Okay. So, I get it. You get to the fancier chains. It's not a holiday anymore. You're not going to have the free breakfast, great, whatever. I get it. But you go down and these, when I say fancy hotels, I'm not talking like the Palmer House in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I'm talking Sheraton Sioux Falls. Is it probably one of the nicest options in town? Yes. But there's nothing about it that's like free, manny, petty, hot tub in the room, escorts, waiting in the bathroom for you, all that stuff that you know, you get at the fancier places. You go down to these breakfasts, these free buffet, continental, whatever's, and you know what they're charging you even out here in Sioux Falls and I didn't do it even though I wouldn't be paying for it but just out of pure just ethical, not ethical but I'm just taking a personal stance against it, because I'm not willing to do this. $16 for the breakfast in the Sheraton Sioux Falls. I tell you what, you come to South Dakota with
Starting point is 00:17:37 $16, you can practically buy a by a 2000 acre swine farm for $16 and they're trying to charge you $16 for two slices of bacon over here at the hotel, continental, all you can eat buffet. I'm taking a stand and if I run for a political office this is going to be one of my big selling points. If you're in Manhattan and you got to pay $16, that's good because $16 is like how much a cup of coffee costs at the 7-Eleven. But if you're out in South Dakota and they're charging you $16, I got news for you sister. I could walk down the street to the Denny's $16.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I walk out of there all of a sudden, I own that franchise with $16. So that's just, that's a major pet peeve of mine. It shouldn't be $16 to get a hotel breakfast. And the quality, based on my past experiences sneaking in to Hotel Breakfast is fine, but it's 16, are you kidding? $16, and then yo, don't get me started on tipping.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Oh boy, although here is one pet peeve of mine. When you get a free airport shuttle and you don't tip So now we kind of swung the other way So I get I get into Sioux Falls at about 1115 last night There's no Uber in South Dakota believe it or not Who would have thought and Thankfully, there's a free airport shuttle. So I call it's like 10 minutes. You can pick me up Enterprise will pick you up And so we get back to the hotel and I tip the guy and he's like 10 minutes, they come pick me up. Enterprise, we'll pick you up.
Starting point is 00:19:25 And so we get back to the hotel and I tip the guy and he's like, you know, tipping isn't required. Well, no shit, tipping's never going to be required. But as I drop an exploit if I haven't even given our listener discretion is advised, take, let me get to that after this. But I'm like, I look, man, it's 11 o'clock a night. I feel bad, and you drove to come get me here's literal as a two dollar tip
Starting point is 00:19:49 For a two-mile drive. I think that's fine so If you have cash on hand if you're getting a free ride somewhere tip the man Listener discretion is advised the man. Listener discretion is advised. Boy, I'm just really starting to get some snack going here. Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast number one, we will occasionally, and you heard me drop it, use some adult language. Apologies for that to all the young 17 and under listeners in the room. Listening to worldwide, you know, we're international now. We're in Winnipeg.
Starting point is 00:20:27 We are in Vancouver. It's really exciting. Maybe it's happened to Singapore when you stay at Stanford Raffles. Listener's question is, vised number two, the podcast is objectively terrible. Although, you know what, for not having planned anything up until about 10 minutes before we
Starting point is 00:20:45 went live on air, I think this podcast is turned out just fine. It's going to be a short entry and again, I say that every week, but I'm running out of steam here. I need to order some brunch or something delivered to the room because I'm staying at this hotel in Sioux Falls and it's really not close or even walking distance to any good restaurants other than Buffalo Wildlings. I figure I might go back there tonight. Am I gonna put myself through the spicy challenge again? No, I think I told that story on the podcast one or two weeks
Starting point is 00:21:18 ago. I was in Bowling Green maybe and did the spicy challenge it's, well, I didn't do the official challenge, I just challenged myself. It went okay, I finished it, but it was, I was in a lot of pain and I had the shits for the entire day, the next day, which was fun. In Louisville. So no, I'm not going to do that again, but I might go there for dinner,
Starting point is 00:21:44 we'll see, because it's the only thing that's close. And I'm tired of delivery, eating like crap. Yeah, that's just how it's been going. So, a little sip of coffee. Let's see if there are any other pet peeves I can think of here. Oh, here's a good one. And this isn't necessarily anyone's fault. It's just, I get it.
Starting point is 00:22:07 But a couple weeks ago, I think it was in Chicago. I'm in the shower. It was a Saturday morning. Yep, it was. I had to do the exact same thing I'm doing this afternoon. I was doing in Chicago two or three weeks ago in the shower. No, I wasn't doing it. I wasn't working in the shower,
Starting point is 00:22:25 but I was preparing for that. I'm in the shower. It's probably like 10 o'clock in the morning. And I am scrub a dub and dubbing, you know, if that's sort of thing. And the shower curtain is one of the things where like the bottom half is completely opaque. You can't see through it, but the top half
Starting point is 00:22:44 is a little bit more translucent, if you will. And, you know, if you like Pia, Galatas singing in the shower, that sort of thing. Although another good song toaley in the comments. I'll have to go listen to it. And I turned around and the doors open. My hotel room door is open. The bathroom was positioned that way. And I just see a maid walk right in.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And she turns and looks at me and quickly moves out of the room. Thankfully, it wasn't like in porn where they drop everything in on dress and yada yada yada. But it was like, if you open the door and you hear the shower going, you can probably hear the shower going with the door closed. So first strike there, but you open the door and you hear the shower going, you can probably hear the shower going with the door closed. So first strike there, but you open the door and you hear the shower going and you still walk on in like, man, so now I've been really good to put the do not disturb signs
Starting point is 00:23:57 out and stuff and no one's walked in on me and the shower and you know more. But in case anyone was curious, it's not like what they show you on the internet regarding these situations. So that's another pet peeve. If you're a hotel maid and you're listening to this and I know we don't do super well with the hotel maid population, it's something we're working towards, but just a PSA, you hear the shower running, maybe come back later, you know, or maybe just don't come back at all. Didn't expect to talk about shower maids or hotel maids in the shower today.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Anything else? Oh boy, Sioux Falls South Dakota It's about the same size as Rockford Illinois in my hometown And I will see if anyone shows up for my presentation today. I have Low expectations, but maybe it'll be a good opportunity to plug the bean-town podcast the day I finally get fired from my job is the day when I start conflating my current job with doing the bean-tone podcast. And is it going to happen inevitably maybe, maybe I'll get out before it happens,
Starting point is 00:25:19 but it's just, you know, I can already see the road that this is going down on. One of these days, I'm going to be giving my presentation for work and half an hour later, I'm going to be doing stand-up, talking about ordering drinks at Starbucks and how ridiculously complicated it is. So that's come in, just wait, because I'll have a great story.
Starting point is 00:25:38 You know, I might lose my salary, but I'll have a great story about it. And isn't that all that matters? At least, we might not have money matters? At least we might not have money And even now we might not have money because I work in education, but at least I'll still have the funny and I'll still have the laughs. I'd rather have the funny than the money, baby And that's just you take that to the bank and you can live tweet that so this has been a
Starting point is 00:26:01 and you can live-tweet that. So this has been a shockingly mediocre entry into the Bean Town podcast anthology. We are probably what, 14 or 15 episodes away from our one year anniversary, which is going to be very exciting. Do we have anything planned for it yet? No, but I'm thinking maybe the listeners will throw us a surprise party.
Starting point is 00:26:29 So that's coming up in early January. We've got a whole slew of holiday specials that we will come to you with before then. But first we've got to finish up the fall tour. We've got, let's see, Baltimore, Chicago, Nashville, and then Halloween. We got four more stops after this. And it's been fun.
Starting point is 00:26:53 It's been fun to do a tour. My first time ever touring live coast to coast with the exception of the West Coast. And yeah, thank you for listening. If you like what you hear, subscribe to us on iTunes, YouTube, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Player of Hem Google Play, all those areas you can rate us. You can leave some comments.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Give us five stars. We're currently sitting at 40 stars right now, which I think is a good sign because that's a big biblical number, 40 days and 40 nights. But if we get up to 45, I wouldn't even be mad because that was Did Michael Jordan everywhere 45? I think he did feel like a game didn't he? I'm not gonna have to go research that because 23 is Jordan's number Obviously, but he wore a couple other numbers to throughout his career
Starting point is 00:27:39 I think 45 was one of them or maybe it's Rodman. I don't remember or Pippin Not sure we'll go check on that. Thank you for listening. This has been Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcasts, the People's Podcast, one of Baltimore's top 500 podcasts. Thank you for tuning in. Everyone, if you get the chance to come to South Dakota, it's beautiful. It's not 80 degrees. There's a corn palace here. There's Mount Rushmore here. Oh, man We didn't even get to our Mount Rushmore discussion. Maybe we'll circle back to that next week. Everyone enjoy your Sunday. Happy fall. Thank you for listening. Have a good weekend.

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