Beantown Podcast - 10132018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: October 13, 2018

Quinn is joined by special guest Haley Benson LIVE from Chicago to discuss local indie rock bands, the Brewers vs Dodgers, porters and IPAs, and everything in between...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm not sure on our fall tour. We are coming to you live from Chicago, Illinois, and really exciting news being joined by previously unannounced guests. Didn't even get your name on the back of the t-shirt, which is too bad. I'm wearing my fall-20s in tour show right now. Haley Benson, what's going on? How are you doing? I'm good. I'm excited and terrified to be on this podcast. So I didn't terrified. That's how all my dates tend to feel. We're going to have some fun.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Listen to your discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean town podcast. Number one, Haley swears like a sailor. Here, talk to her mom. It's crazy. And then number two, the podcast is just objectively terrible. Thank you for giving us some of your time or come to you live from Logan Square, Chicago, beautiful neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You know what Logan Square is named after Haley? No. Me neither. I'll have to get our research people on that. It is a beautiful fall day. It's finally cooled off a little bit. Was it really hot in Chicago? Like Monday. Yeah. It was like 85. Yeah, I was in Baltimore from like last Saturday until Thursday, I flew to Chicago. Every day it was 85. It was low 90% humidity. and I couldn't
Starting point is 00:01:46 even wear a sweater to work. I was still sweating like it was middle of July so I don't know about you. I'm very happy for it to be back into like the 50 degree range because I feel like October 50 degrees is where you want to be. Yeah it was a quick drop you know quick change from the 80s to the 40s, but I'll take it. I'm ready for sweaters. Yeah, we're watching the NLCS here, Brewer's versus Dodgers and Travis Shaw.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Oh, the Brewer's just hit a solo home run. Looks like the Brewer's are going to go up to, oh, in this series. I don't know. I have mixed feelings about this. I know lots of Cubs fans on Twitter who are freaking out that the brewers are doing well and there everyone's like there's no way we could ever for the brewers. I feel the opposite. They've
Starting point is 00:02:35 They're a young team. They're likable. They're playing really well right now. I don't mind seeing them do well even as a Cubs fan because they're just like don't mind seeing them do well even as a cubs fan because they're just like playing the best baseball of all time. They haven't lost, I think I heard of the radio September 21st was the last time they lost in what's today's the 13th of October. So it's been almost a month since the brewers lost a baseball game which is insane for baseball this time of year but I don't know I'm happy for them. I'm happy for them. I've got a lot of my relatives, our brus fans.
Starting point is 00:03:07 So that's fine with me. Yeah, I don't really have any hard feelings against the Brewers. I feel like if I were to cheer for a second team beyond the cups, it would be the Brewers. So yeah, I don't care. Yeah, and I don't know. I don't hate the Dodgers, but the Dodgers are kind of like the Yankees in that they just have this huge payroll.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And they really just buy most of their players. So I don't mind seeing the breads. When not the breads actually went out and bought some really expensive guys this offseason, but for the most part, like their pitching staff is pretty homegrown and stuff. So I'm OK seeing them when it's fun. I don't know if they'll be able to compete
Starting point is 00:03:46 with the Astros or the Red Sox and the World Series. But we'll see how it goes. It's exciting. It's always fun when a new team is in there that Burrs haven't been to the World Series since I have absolutely no idea when many, many years, not in my lifetime. So that could be exciting.
Starting point is 00:04:03 It's good, it follows in the air. We've got Reese's peanut butter pumpkins, which are delicious. And some black butte porter from Deschutes brewery in Bend, Oregon, where my parents live, shout out to Jane and Steve coming to the East Coast. Next weekend, the visit waited weekend to visit, waited till I left, but that's okay because we're having a good time anyway. Speaking of parents, Haley, you went to a concert last weekend with your mom, didn't you? How was that? It was good.
Starting point is 00:04:38 We saw for you in Mac, so a very exciting time for both of us. My mom's always been a huge fan, So it was exciting to see them together. Stephen X is still good. Is Lindsay Buckingham playing with them? No, no, they have guitars from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers playing with them instead. Press and Peace. It was cool though.
Starting point is 00:04:55 They did a tribute to Targaryen. Oh yeah? What did they play? Free falling, of course. Classic. You know, I stumbled across this on YouTube. So Glenn Fry, who was the of the leads series of the Eagles, he passed away probably two years ago.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And he has a son named Deacon, and we can look at the clip of it after, but he sings with the Eagles now. And it's like they haven't even lost a beat. He sounds exactly like his dad. He looks like his dad did like 50 years ago in the 70s. So it's kind of cool. Yeah, the old guys are finding ways to keep it going. Yeah, it's interesting that they sound the same.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I know you're a big fluid Mac fan. What are some of your other big time classic bands? Where are your fans? Argo Speedwagon is a big one that I went, I think I was talking to you about this. I was on a big Argo Cake for a while this summer. Elton John, I have some big appreciation there. Are you going to see Elton John anytime soon?
Starting point is 00:05:55 You know, he's on his final tour. I just thought that he was on tour, but it's not here. I don't think it's... He's coming to Chicago, he might have already been in Chicago. I mean, it's a three-year tour, so he'll be back. Oh my gosh, but I was really bummed because I had bought tickets to see Elnján in Philadelphia on September 12th and then my work territory got me assigned, which was great because I like Chicago but I had to sell my ticket and I ended up making like 80 bucks off of it Because I got in on the presale stuff and then I sold it for, you know, like two times what I paid for it.
Starting point is 00:06:26 But that was a bummer. He, I don't know, he'll be back because it's a three year tour, but yeah. Got to see what's going on. Yeah, with some of those, it's like really hard to get, like the tickets can get so expensive. For free would Mac, we like luckily ended up like volunteering so we were able to go for free, but like the tickets, I think were $200 each which is What were you doing in your volunteering? What was your role like? We were volunteering with this organization called reverb and they like helped make concerts more eco-friendly So we were actually like they partnered with another organization and we were just like basically sharing their message
Starting point is 00:07:02 It's like the National Resources Defense Council or something. So yeah, pretty easy. Now you've volunteered for other music events in the in the past. Lala Paloza comes to mind. What are some of the craziest things you've seen at Lala Paloza over the years? Your season veteran? Yeah, that was a that volunteer experience was one and done that. I will never do again. Shout out to my roommate Abby. We were stuck on the corner of probably Michigan and Monroe outside of the venue, not even inside, watching people just throw up and ask us where they could hide their weed to get in.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So that will probably be something that I stay away from the pet in the future. But yeah, I'll put this fun if you're like a attendee. Oh, he's Reese's pumpkin. Yeah, you're really back in my own open. Oh, mine was going to probably, so I couldn't, you know, just pop it open. You had to kind of get in there like you're kissing your sister. Oh man, Hailey been texting me all week. When can I be on a podcast? When can I do it?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Like patients, I'll be there on Saturday. I can't tell you enough how excited Hailey is to be doing on a guest day. Yeah, it's my dream come true really. I've been waiting all week. Tell us, tell us about this artist we're going to see tonight. I think I'll see my low green, yeah. So what's their deal? They're like a contemporary rock like Indy Rock band. I've seen them a couple of times before they were at fest. Did you go to fest? I never went to a fest in my time as a Nepal student. Well, that is a mistake, couple times before they were at FEST. Did you go to FEST? I never went to a FEST and my time is a DEPAL student.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Well, that is a mistake, but yeah, they were there probably 2015. So yeah, they're good. I don't know. I've been seeing them in a while, so we'll see how they... I think there are like a number of band members changed or something. Like now there's fewer people than they were before, so... Okay. Maybe it'll be a little bit different.
Starting point is 00:09:05 All right. Lincoln Hall you ever go to a DMACC concert? Oh yeah big DMACC concert attendee over here. Love DMACC. By roommate Sam and I used to go to DMACC concerts because we had a mutual friend Sam's roommate and our freshman year in Corcoran Hall was in DMACC. Total bro you went to Stevenson, classic to Paul King. And we used to go and get overly enthusiastic at the concert. So we'd take a bunch of shots beforehand.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And so it's not heckling. You're not like boo your terrible. It's like, oh yeah on the solo start, you clap like crazy and a lot of whistling and cheering those were those were fun days but we never went to Lincoln Hall it was always in like sat the pit yeah the pit yeah something like that good times well hey Lee you have a very I feel like niche music tastes a lot of bands that I don't know but I'm sure they're great so give us just a couple a couple of names who are who are some of your favorite bands kind of I don't know, but I'm sure they're great. So give us just a couple of names. Who are some of your favorite bands? Kind of, I don't know if Indy is the best way
Starting point is 00:10:10 to put it or alternative is better, but some bands that, some of them well known, some of them lesser than anyone, but who are some of your faves? Yeah, it's tough to really categorize. I don't know what the specific genre would be, but most of the time it's like Indy Rock or Indy Folk or yeah I guess that covers it. Joseph is one of my favorites. There are three sisters in a band. They're from Oregon as well and
Starting point is 00:10:37 they're really great. Their harmonies are really good together. It's both like chill and fun. Let's both chill and fun. Let's see, well, local natives is another one that's probably a little bit lesser known, but they also played fast actually, different year though. And they're like an indie rock band too. Family and friends, they're from Georgia. I'm glad you mentioned that. I knew you were waiting for that one.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Actually, just popped into my head about 30 seconds ago. You recently took a trip to Georgia, did you? Angie, let one of your roommates handle the travel planning. What was that like? Well, I was really overconfident at one of them because she sent me a Google Excel sheet, I guess, with a full-eye tinerary. And I was like, wow, she's really thought this one through, really feeling good about it. So the plan was, the concert was in Athens, Georgia, home of UGA. And where the plan was to fly into Atlanta, Georgia,
Starting point is 00:11:41 which is roughly two hours away drive from Athens, Georgia. So the plan was to take the flight to Atlanta and then take a bus from Atlanta to Athens, and then, like, kind of just Uber around from there because she don't want to run a car. Also, it doesn't have a license, so it would be me driving either way. So we fly into Atlanta, we get there, quick trip. The bus is going to be like three hours weight until the next bus is there. And it was going to be like $40 a person. So the only alternative at this point is to Uber from Atlanta to Athens. And it wasn't actually bad. It was like $80, which was roughly the same
Starting point is 00:12:26 cost as the bus, and it was gonna leave right away. So we really couldn't turn it down, but we did sit in the Uber for two hours, and the driver did not say a word to us. So yeah, that's how those plans are. Did you feel any more for your driver taking them all the way out to Athens? Well, when we got in, we were like, we're gonna go a far distance, like, we're sorry. And he was like, oh no, I like this drive. Which so we were like, okay, cool. But then, like, and at first,
Starting point is 00:12:52 he was like, what do you guys wanna listen to? We're like, cool, we're on a road trip now, we're like, ready for it. But yeah, like halfway through, I think he realized it was a mistake because he started driving like a little bit more aggressive to get over with it. And we were kind of wishing that he had been a little bit more exciting about it. I mean, that's a big ask. Did you give him a nice tip at least?
Starting point is 00:13:11 We did give him a tip, yeah. A tip? You typically not tip your Uber drivers? No, not really. Unless they're like really great or something bad happens. I always tip my Uber drivers. Maybe I'm in the minority here. I'm sure they love you. What's your rating? I don't know. Let's check Oh, I'm gonna kick your butt people like me. I get in I check in on them I say I'm good windows up windows down slow jams hot jams whatever you need
Starting point is 00:13:43 4.93 wow I'm a man of the people. I don't think you realize but you know, I'm a 4.89. 4.93. Wow. I'm a man of the people. I don't think you realize. But I feel like I take Uber's more and I've probably made more mistakes with my Uber rides. So you're fault. I know I'm just saying that said 4.89. I'm very thrilled with that. That's great.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah. I don't know. I'm pretty, pretty sad side of my 4.93. I just want to know who's not giving me the 5's, you know? Like, I never do anything bad. Yeah. I chill. I don't like to talk from the most part,
Starting point is 00:14:16 especially when oftentimes I get back to the airport at like 1 a.m. And usually the Uber drivers at 1 a.m. are chill, but sometimes you get one that's just chatty. At that point in the night, it's just like nobody wants to be talking for a very long at 1 a.m. I don't understand that, but yeah, typically I have solid Uber interactions.
Starting point is 00:14:41 It's where are you going? What airline are you flying? You go down temperature and that's about it. And that's it. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Can we talk about, I have a topic that I want to talk about. All right. I want to talk about the hair.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Oh boy. It's been a while. Every time you come to Chicago, I offer to cut it. We couldn't do it right now. No, why would you cut it when I run my own boutique cuts by Q, Q, U, T, Z by Q? The hair, the top has not been trimmed in about 13 months now.
Starting point is 00:15:13 The sides get a trim every month or so. The Dodgers are clawing back. So you cut the sides. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And also, you haven't cut that in 13 months. The top in 13 months. I just feel like it should be longer for not cutting it. This is so long. And also, you haven't cut that in 13 months? The top in 13 months. I just feel like it should be longer for not cutting it.
Starting point is 00:15:27 This is so long. This is over a year's worth of progress. I love my hair go like eight weeks and it's probably grown that little. Absolutely not. Disagree. Look at this volume. Just look at it. It's a lot of volume here.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah. And you have the ponytail there. People are on the live feed knowing I'm talking about a lot of volume. Well, what do you have the ponytail there. People are on the live feed, knowing I'm talking about a lot of volume. Well, what do you want to talk about with my hair? I wish someone would love me for me, not for my voice. I just want to know what the inspiration was for this look, for this style.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Well, the inspiration was, it was about April of this year, and I had the Luke Skywalker look going on, just hair everywhere, and I knew I needed a change but I never let my hair grow that long before and so I just I wasn't ready to give up completely on the journey yet. All of it. Yeah, so I cut the sides. We've only given up on half.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, three quarters of it. So I don't know it's not it's it's going to get cut eventually it just, I don't know what I want to do with it yet, you know? Do I want to buzz it all off? Do I just want to do a trim? Yeah, because before this, you know, Quinn would let his hair go and then all of a sudden we are bald like literally no hair left. It's the tradition. It's the quickest we've been doing. It's completely different in terms. Yeah, well, you know, it's an older man and different styles and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:47 I don't know. I kind of have the a little bit of wind butler from Arcade Fire look going on. I just know one of these days I'm going to get a Snapchat and it's going to be completely bald. Gone. Yeah, that wouldn't be surprising. The difference thing, the different here, the thing here, here though is that winter is coming and
Starting point is 00:17:06 so you want as much hair as you can get. So this is helpful. Although I was deciding whether or not to shave the sides in the back when I got back home for a couple days earlier this week but frankly I just ran out of time or else I probably would have. I don't know. It's kind of like the neo-nazi thing when you shave the back and the sides. It looks like I should be in a Charlotte's fill rally or something. But it's okay. You know?
Starting point is 00:17:35 I don't know. What do you think I should do HB cornrows? What do you think? No. I think like a happy medium between the no-hair at all and the various lengths we have going on right now would be a good look. Got lots to think about. I'm gonna have to do a Facebook poll.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Did you see my Facebook poll from earlier this week? Are you on Facebook these days? Sometimes. Actually, I do remember seeing a poll from me that was it about. It was, who's your favorite car? And it was, or what's your favorite type of car? PT Cruiser or Tony Chaloup from Cars 3. Love Tony Chaloup.
Starting point is 00:18:11 That was a good one. I've never even seen Cars 3 have you. No, I'm an original Cars girl on me. Original OG Cars, Owen Wilson. Wow. Life is a highway. Yeah. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Hey, you see my new hipster hat. I don't know if I'd call it. Oh, that's so hipster. Come on. It's very bright. You walk around Logan Square at night That's all you see is that hat? No, it's from Union Craft Brewing in Baltimore. My lady got it from me at a thrift store and now I look good So wow, I don't need your attitude about my hat My lady got it from me at a thrift store and now I look good. So. Wow. I don't need your attitude about my hat. I don't know how you can say that's not hipster.
Starting point is 00:18:51 It's like the most hipster type of hat I could imagine. It's very bright. I think hipsters typically want to like the light, the wall. Not the hipsters I went to school with Where rockford Christian the Paul University Lincoln Park Chicago. Yeah, maybe it's just a music meter thing I don't know maybe people like Brighton Bolt What else is going on What's happening in your life not much really? You're in LA recently. How was that?
Starting point is 00:19:27 in your life. Not much really. You were in LA recently. How was that? It was good. It was very chill. Spent a lot of time at the beach. Various beaches. You have any good action while you're out there. I was with my dad. Mike's a handsome man. I don't know. He is a handsome man but no. He needs to get on the dating websites and find some friends, I think. Well, for a while there, you were looking to make a little parent trap action. Yeah, this is not going to be something. Yeah, yeah, I was.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So you need to talk about that in depth on the podcast. That's what I'm hearing. I was hoping to get the parents back together, but I'm not sure if it's gonna work out. It's a slow burn. It's okay. You just got to watch more of the tape, more of parent trap. You know, there's two versions.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah. Watch the old one, the new one. Did you see? Did you see? Did you say three versions? Two versions. There's the original from like the 60s. And then there's the Lindsay Lohan version from like 2000.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Yeah, I'm only familiar with the Lindsey Lohan version. It was their birthday the other day though. I saw the memes on Instagram. What do you mean their birthday? Well, Lindsey won them a new IC. I see what you're saying. Did you see that video of Lindsey Lohan? That one, that one, that one.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And Mekanos, yes. Love it. Crazy. Love it. I don't know how much longer she's going to be alive. She's seems like she's got a lot of issues. I feel like we were she was in a rough patch and then we were fine. And then now we're back in the rough patch.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah, her whole life seems like a rough patch. Speaking of patches, you got any pumpkin patches? No, you got any plans to go to a pumpkin patch yet this fall? No, I don't have a car. Yeah, you know, but we should take your to go to a pumpkin patch yet this fall? No, I don't have a car Yeah, you know, but we should take your rental car to the pumpkin patch. We could go patch it up. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? Not sure we could patch if you want to I've been known to patch on a Sunday afternoon Where are the pumpkin patches around here? Oh, there's gotta be a pumpkin patch around here. Chicago. Exactly. City?
Starting point is 00:21:27 We're gonna take a summer without one. I bet there's something within half an hour. Speaking of driving, I've been spending a lot of time in lower whack or drive recently. Ooh. I love it down there. I feel like I'm Batman. Have you figured out the routes yet? Oh, it's easy. You just gotta follow your heart. Oh, excuse me. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:21:48 This is getting worse. You got a burp into the microphone. That's what the fans want. They want the real ambient noise. When you turn in to the bean town podcast, you're not looking for cheap thrills and frills. You're not looking for tricks. You're looking for treats. You get hardcore straight from the people. This is the Baltimore podcast. It's the People's podcast. People aren't turning in for glitz and glamour. They're turning in for Quinn and Friends of the Podcast. Speaking of which, I'm trying to start a new
Starting point is 00:22:21 hashtag on Twitter and Haley, you live in this world so maybe you can help me launch it. Hashtag Friends of the Podcast. I'm thinking this could be my new big break. Maybe you're, maybe you got relationship questions. You take us, you just do Hashtag Friends of the Podcast. Maybe you got complaints. Maybe we said something racist last week. You just send us a tweet and you hashtag it,
Starting point is 00:22:45 friends of the podcast. And of course, you're gonna wanna tweet at beantowncast. You can always email us for That's beantown, be into Oh yeah, beantown is cutting edge. We are new technology. We're old school at the same time, though, which I think is what people like.
Starting point is 00:23:08 They get that dichotomy when you're listening to the Bintown podcast. Lots of different ways to get in touch with us. iTunes, SoundCloud, YouTube, Stitcher, Google Play, YouTube, all the places that we are in all the places we aren't, is where you find the podcast. So, friends of the podcast, maybe that could be your next big campaign.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I think it could work, but I feel like it's not specific enough to be in town. Like there might already be a hashtag friends of the podcast. Well, here's the thing, we just take it over. We just take it over. Friends of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Friends of the podcast. Should I do some research right now? Yeah, see what you can find. We'll see. I feel find. Well, see. I feel like it probably already exists. Considering we're live, I wouldn't be surprised if it's already trending for the meantime podcast. People want to be in touch with us.
Starting point is 00:23:54 So this was interesting. You know the rapper formerly known as Krispy Kreme. Now he's froggy fresh. I actually know. Bad as some of them all. He's the Southern rapper. And he's on his farewell tour right now. And he was in Baltimore on Wednesday night, and I was gonna go see him, but I was hanging out with my lady.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And so I emailed him, and I said, hey, man, farewell tour, if you wanna plug it live on my show, be happy to have you. Has an email be back. I'm still confident we could get him on. So maybe in the next couple of weeks we'll see Froggy Fresh coming live on the podcast. I don't know. Keep an eye out for it.
Starting point is 00:24:34 It could happen. We'll see. Wait, was it Friends of the Podcast or Friends of Podcast? Friends of the Podcast. Okay. Of Podcast has two tweets. So we've got some room there. What about Friends of the podcast?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Oh, I'm on edge of my screen. There's a handle called Friends of the Podcasts. But a handle is for the hashtag. Yeah, oh, there's a lot of tweets for the hashtag. You need to go Friends of Podcasts. No, no, no, that doesn't, no. I'm going to slide right into the DMs. Then I'm just going to assume people are talking
Starting point is 00:25:02 about my podcast. severe MMA podcasts as well. Nobody does an MMA podcast. Sean Taylor. Lauren T type of stuff. Sean Taylor, the death football player. promoted tweet. There's a lot of friends of the podcast. You can't do this. Are you kidding? When the Bean Tum podcast gets 1 million subscribers, people are going to use the hashtags that they wanna use. I'm just saying, I've been in this market. I know the game.
Starting point is 00:25:30 What form of social media do you think that you get your most followers from? Oh, I don't really get followers, but if I did, it would probably be Twitter. How many followers does Beentown have? It's difficult to know because you get followers on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play.
Starting point is 00:25:46 They're a duplicated. Play with them. It's, well, like, YouTube's not going to translate to SoundCloud. No, I mean, like, how many social media followers do you have? Oh, not many, probably like 70. That's decent. We're building a brand. It's a grassroots project.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I wasn't going to promote this, but since we're on it, the bean town, second annual Pledge Drive Fundraiser, that's going to be coming up in a couple months happens in the spring every year. I've been, so the jazz station in Chicago right now is having their big, fall Pledge Drive Fundraiser, so I'm getting some ideas, thinking maybe we get some merch, we ship it out to fans who donate $20 and more, something like that. We're talking less than $2 a month for your bean town content. We got some ideas, some things in the work. We'll see how it goes. Of course, we got these beautiful t-shirts. Bean Town Podcast Fall 2018 tour. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us on the tour so far and we bought the shirts.
Starting point is 00:26:49 It's been a fun time. Where do you get those shirts made? Oh, China. Oh, you order them online. Oh, yeah. No, I can't. I can't hand-stitch this stuff. Is it copyrighted?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Bean Town Podcast? Yeah. No. Maybe we should podcast? Yeah. No. Maybe we should work on that. No, you see. You don't want someone to just sneak in and take the bean-tone away from you. But that's what I did, because there was already a bean-tone podcast. Was there?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah. Also, where were they at? Because Baltimore is not the real bean-tone. Depends on who you ask. If you ask me, I might tell you Baltimore is the real bean-tone. If you ask anyone else, they might tell you differently Okay, so someone in Boston had a bean town podcast. Yeah, but it was it was like eight years going there like two episodes It was super lame. Did you ever reach out to them to see like hey, do you mind if I don't own it? Nab this bean town's mine, you know, so is friends of the podcast
Starting point is 00:27:40 I'm telling you you go friends of podcasts. You're in a good spot. There's only two tweets or good. It's our it's our territory to own. But you don't know I'm just not feeling that you know I want to go for the glitz and the glamour. Hey, did you see uh Jubuki was in the tonight show again yesterday. He's a new correspondent. I didn't love the daily show segment. It stand up was good though. I haven't watched it. I think I did the stand up though. That was with Jimmy Fallon though, right? Yeah, well he did stand up on the tonight show like a couple months ago and then he was on again this past week Uh-huh And then yeah, he's on the day of show which I don't think he gets to write that stuff So I'm not gonna fall for it. It wasn't great though like Hope you don't find something better for him to do but
Starting point is 00:28:24 I don't know. Do you watch Bigmouth at all? No. Have you ever watched it? What's that? It's Nick Corle and John Mulaney. It's an animated show. But I reason I bring it up because it's Jibuki writes for it. But it's pretty good. It's really raunchy. Season two just dropped this past week and I've watched one or two of the episodes, but it's solid. It's just like a teenager coming of age. A lot of stuff like birds and bees is basically what it's about. It's a cartoon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:53 It's solid. Some episodes are a little bit too much for me, but it's pretty good. I like John Malaney and Nick Croll. I think they're pretty funny, guys. Yeah, I'm not really familiar with them. I think does John Mulaney do stand up? Okay, maybe I- They both do stand up.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah. John Mulaney's mom teaches at Northwestern. Wow. I never met her. You never took her in your time at Northwestern? No, she's a law professor, I think. I never went to law school. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:23 What's that supposed to mean? I think I never went to law school. Really? What's that supposed to mean? I'm familiar with your educational history here, and I don't feel like... Not all the friends of the podcast are. Hashtag, friends of the podcast. See, it's already catching on. Hashtag, friends of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Good to need a second beer pretty soon here. Mm-hmm. What's your favorite kind of beer, Haley? take friends of the podcast. Good to need a second beer pretty soon here. What's your favorite kind of beer, Haley? I felt like this was gonna be a topic like I just had foreshadowing that you're gonna bring this up. It's about that. Well, you got good insight. By the way, I asked Quinn for a list of topics
Starting point is 00:29:56 that we were gonna cover probably four to five times and he would not provide one. So, the beat count is live, it's raw, it's cutting edge. So we got an edge. We're 30 minutes since or's cutting edge. Um, we're 30 minutes in, so we're in good shape. Oh wow. Only 30 minutes to go. Oh boy. Um, my favorite kind of beer is probably like 3-1-2.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Um, Chicago local. I like Eligash white. I'm a lighter beer kind of first. I love an Eligash white. This is my first porter, as I mentioned. First porter ever, that's pretty crazy. and you still don't like IPAs right? I don't like IPAs. I remember one time my 21st birthday. Right that's a story for a different podcast. One time right after I started drinking with
Starting point is 00:30:36 sophomore college it went to your apartment I think you had some IPAs from somewhere. It was probably my 21st birthday, I'm not even kidding. And I had never had an IPA before, so I'd take it home. I think it was revolution. It was a green line. Yeah. Yeah. So, I don't know. It's a million like that. Yeah. Three, four years ago. So I'd take it home. And I remember trying and I just hated it. So I'd never had an IPA before. So I didn't know what to expect. And now I like IPs. I self to be in the right mood. Just like I have to be in the right mood for a porter. I have to be in the right mood for an IPA.
Starting point is 00:31:07 But when placed at the right time, I do love an IPA. It's worse every time. Yeah. A lot of belching. Well, we got little debbies in the other room. We got Reese's in here, and we got beer as well. So it's just kind of- We're on a health kick.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. That's just, I let myself go really in the fall It's okay in the fall the fall just started Well for me the fall stuff you let yourself go. Yeah Like futurist you're letting it we're in the process Yeah, it's happening when I get when I finish up working two weeks here it's diet mode Cut my calories probably like 15 1600, 16, 100 a day.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Probably just gonna stop drinking for a little while. Look at there, and get to get back into running. Last week's podcast was all about marathons. Wow. I don't have to tell you that, because I know you listen. This is a good one. Live every week. Did you do anything to show how to marathon this year?
Starting point is 00:32:01 No, because my mom was in town. So typically I do like to volunteer though, but yeah this year I did not. I ran like two miles in honor of it, so you're just killing the game. Yeah, I'm really inspired. Yeah, good stuff. Well, we are going to a concert tonight. We're going to Milo Green. We're going to a concert tonight. We're going to Milo Green. We're going to...
Starting point is 00:32:28 We're going to go to Prosth. Prosth, German. Patches there. Bar. Yeah. We'll see you there live at 7 o'clock. And it should be fun. And getting brunch with my running friend who I was talking about last week on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:32:42 We're getting brunch tomorrow. Maybe going patching after that. Who knows knows we've got things to talk about yeah, otherwise Haley Benson you got any parting thoughts for us your first time on the podcast. It's a big deal for a lot of people You got anything you want to Kind of leave with us any thing you want to plug Maybe you're in to page or something you want to kind of leave with us anything you want to plug maybe your insta page or something you can catch me at hb 94 that's two ease on all social media platforms this went a lot better than I expected but I also feel like it
Starting point is 00:33:16 was pretty like basic you know which was good I think it's good there were a lot of topics that we could have dug into and I chose not to because I wanted to respect you. Yeah, but it was a real pleasure. I hope the followers enjoy this one. Next time when Haley's on the podcast, we're going to be talking about love and lust. Quick one. No, we got three minute podcast. HB's got some stories. Let's just leave it that that. So thank you to Haley, thank you to Chicago for hosting us on this stop of the Beentown Podcast Fall 2018 tour.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Next week we're coming to you live from Nashville, Tennessee. Might do it on the road, might do it once we get there and not sure I have to spend all the next Sunday driving down there in about eight hours, so it'll be a little bit of a trip. But yeah, it should be a good time and after that we'll come to you with our bean town Halloween special. Should be a good time. Thank you for tuning in. I hope everyone's having a good weekend. Enjoying the new crisp fall weather.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And otherwise, Hayley, you got anything else? Nope, thank you to the Bean-Town podcast for having me. Absolutely. So, thanks for checking us out. Again, follow us on social media. And like the podcast, share it, subscribe, tweet at us. All the good stuff. Smash that like button. and like the podcast, share it, subscribe, tweet at us, all the good stuff, smash that like button. So, for all of us here at the Bean Tom Podcast,
Starting point is 00:34:51 thank you for tuning in and have a good rest of your weekend. We just miss Friday the 13th, which is a shame because that happens only once every eight years, which is kind of cool, but not this time around. Anyways, check us out later. We'll see you next week. kind of cool, but not this time around. Anyways, check us out later.
Starting point is 00:35:06 We'll see you next week.

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