Beantown Podcast - 10212018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: October 21, 2018

Quinn answers hard hitting relationship questions, promotes his new hashtag #FriendsofthePodcast, discusses M*A*S*H starring Alan Alda, and sings Celine Dion to keep himself company @BeantownCast #Fr...iendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Quinn David Furnace. This is the bean town podcast for Sunday, October 21st. Penultimate stop on the fall 2018 tour coming to you live from Nashville, Tennessee. The capital, Tennessee. Beautiful, the natural state. What's going on? This is my voice. This is what I sound like. This is what we're doing today. This is the Bean Town podcast. I created it. I host it. I produce it. I write for it. So, if you have any angry emails, you know, well, you know the drill. We'll get to that in a little bit. This is the bean town podcast. The people's podcast one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts Before we do anything else I want to
Starting point is 00:00:54 Thank my guest from last week Haley Benson HB 94 Came on the podcast. She'd been looking forward to it for months and months. She'd call. She'd say, when, when can I come on the podcast? She texts me late at night. She'd say, all I want to do is get on the cast with you. And eventually, we were able to make it work.
Starting point is 00:01:17 So thanks to Haley, that was a lot of fun. We got some good feedback on the episode. Also been tracking the analytics pretty closely, and we've been getting about, right now, we're at about 100 plays a week, and I don't know if there's something that explains that, but I think the hashtag we came up with last week, hashtag friends of the podcast, it's kind of taken off.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It was just kind of taken off. It was just kind of a side comment. You didn't expect it to really do anything for you, but I tell you what, friends of the podcast, it's a thing now, it's on Twitter, you can see all the mentions. It's becoming a nationwide trend, if you will. So we were really excited to see that. The plays are up. The analytics are looking good. We're on YouTube, we're on SoundCloud, Stitcher, Player FM,
Starting point is 00:02:13 Google Play iTunes, all that stuff. So thank you to the fans who've been with us since we started back in January and then all the fans who maybe are new. Maybe this is your first time listening to the Bean Tom podcast. If you're wondering what we're all about today is going to be a pretty good example because you don't really know what's going to happen. And I don't really know what's going to happen. You know, Right now we're only about two and a half minutes and in your thinking, what's actually happened in the last two and a half minutes? I have no idea. Anci, I don't really know either.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And that's why we love the podcast. That's why people come back. It's kind of like playing the lottery. You never know what you're gonna get every week, but it's gonna be some tasty morsels of goodness speaking of which, the lottery, national lottery, what it's going to be some tasty morsels of goodness speaking of which the lottery, National Lottery, what's it up to? I think 1.6 billion, Donald Trump, billions and billions and billions of dollars. Yeah, the next challenge on Tuesday, I think I've
Starting point is 00:03:19 never bought a lottery ticket. I was talking to Jane and Steve, my lovely parents, Jane goes way back on the podcast. This morning they mentioned that they hadn't bought their lottery tickets yet. I don't know if they were kidding or not, but maybe that's why we were still low-income growing up. I'll have to do some investigative journalism on that. But we're coming to you live from Nashville. This is the penultimate stop in the tour. Just got in about an hour ago.
Starting point is 00:03:52 It's the mid afternoon right now. We're watching some of the late games around football. It's about seven and a half hours. So, grand total of eight hours when you stop for gas a couple of times to get from Chicago to Nashville. You go down 65 by 65 the whole way. It's a super easy drive. Didn't have any issues.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Thankful for that. Frontal cars have been good for me this fall. We're in Nashville for a couple days and we're heading to Memphis at the end of this week and then we're flying to Beentown and we have our Halloween special coming up this next weekend which is gonna be pretty spooky, pretty scary. I can't tell you what the plans are gonna be yet because the plans haven't been made But my favorite plans might have to be Death Cab's album from 2005. It's got Soul Meets Body. I want to live where Soul Meets Body.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I do believe it's true. There are both claps in Mollivars shoes. If the science takes me, then I hope it takes you to. And it's got Crooked Teeth, which is actually saying in the podcast for a little intro music. What was it? A couple, probably two months or so back. It's not it. I used to, I was in a really big death cap kick in about August and still been listening to a lot of stuff. What I like about Death Cab and what I like about Ben Gibberd, and if you don't really know, I encourage you, they do a lot of kind of mellow acoustic things on either NPR
Starting point is 00:05:37 for tiny desk concerts or other local radio stations. They do a lot of those concerts, so their albums are great, but then they do a lot of those concerts. So their albums are great, but then they do a lot of fantastic. Acoustic performance is not all of them are acoustic, but just kind of a little relax, a little intimate, they're really talented. So that's my spiel on Deathcap. I don't need how we got here, plans. I see. Okay, I have an exciting announcement. So most of you know, Bean Tom Podcast has our own email address, We're cutting edge technology, all that stuff. And we don't typically get very many emails sent
Starting point is 00:06:21 to our email address, which is, that's BEA and, having some who is the Cowboys, who touched on. We've got the Cowboys, Michael Gallup. The guy at the start of the season, the rookie wider see with the Cowboys, who I thought was going to have a good year, because I expected the Cowboys to bounce back.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Which they've done. But then I wondered who was gonna catch passes from Dak Prescott. And it's not been Michael Gap. I really haven't Colt Beasley, I guess. Witton retired, there's no Des Bryant. I don't know. But I feel like that's the first time
Starting point is 00:07:00 I've seen Michael Gap do anything this year. Speaking also of which, and I promise we're going to get to the email here in a second, but they're playing at FedEx Field, which I've been to. I've attended one NFL game in my life, and it was at FedEx Field in Land Over Maryland. This place is empty, holy cow. There's nothing happening in the upper bowl. When I went last year as a Vikings game, so you would expect there to be fewer people in a Redskins Vikings game just based off of the nature of the game and where the two teams come from. That one was not
Starting point is 00:07:39 fully packed but there were a solid amount of people there and it was about half Vikings fans, half skins fans. I'm looking at the seating and FedEx field and they do the widechuts here. There's almost nothing going on. I mean, there's got to probably only be 30,000 people at the stadium and it probably holds about 60,000. It honestly looks about half full of the lower.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Stuff close to the fields, not many open seats, but everything above that, there's just nothing going on, which is surprising. One more thing, then we're getting to email. Listen to discretion is advised, eight minutes in one to get that tag. When you are listening to the Bean Tom Podcast number one, occasionally we'll use some hit or miss language. And number two, podcast is objectively terrible as voted by you, the fans is objectively terrible. As voted by you, the fans. And I appreciate that vote from you, the fans.
Starting point is 00:08:28 We are having a couple technical difficulties here with the recording software. So apologies if anything runs amok as we move through this next half hour together. It was a problem that had come up a couple times background when we were doing anchorage and Vancouver this summer we were having some issues with it, but it hasn't been a problem in the last two months or so
Starting point is 00:09:01 and it just popped up right now. So it's a type of thing where you talk for 30 seconds beyond the fact that it's already, the recording's already stopped and so you go back and you try to see okay, where did it cut out? Can I get back in seamlessly without it sounding really weird, all that stuff. So I think we're in good shape still today
Starting point is 00:09:31 But you can let me know if we're not you can send me an angry email or you can send me a nice email Maybe you're just looking to praise me. Maybe you have I maybe you're just looking to praise me, maybe you have, I don't know, a relationship question. What, who said that? Yeah, a relationship question. So everyone who's been around the podcast for the first, whatever, 41, 42 episodes, wherever we're at right now, knows
Starting point is 00:10:00 that when we first launched a pretty big part of the podcast was the fact that we would get an email or two here and there. A lot of times it would be like Tinder date advice or relationship advice or friendship advice. We haven't seen much of that come through on the email or the Twitter line recently. There hasn't been much action. I even use my email address to reach out to bands, artists, if they're looking to promote their stuff on the Bean Town podcast, and you just don't get a lot of bites. It's like you're fishing with, I don't know, a rock or something, which doesn't, doesn't tend to work very well.
Starting point is 00:10:47 This week we got an email, it's from a long time listener, first time caller, will remain anonymous, but thank you for your email. So let's read it. Again, as I always do with the emails I get I will only look at the subject line in the first sentence just to see what we're dealing with here I haven't read this yet I'm just pulling it up now on the computer so without further ado here we go dear Quinn first of all love the bean town podcast big fan you got 40 stars that's pretty cool just, I added in that last part.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Dear Quinn, how do I message a girl that I met at a party a couple months ago? Here we go. I met this stone cold stunner. I got a small get together, a couple of months back. I found her extremely attractive, and we got along well, but I didn't flirt with her because I was under the impression that she was dating someone at the time
Starting point is 00:11:53 as was confirmed by the fact that they were making out at the party and we're together in all their Instagram photos. So pretty obvious signals. That's what we're working with here. We became friends on Facebook. Who, okay, who uses Facebook anymore? The old trick of kind of sneaking in the back door with Facebook. That's, that's old news.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Sugar face, but what will continue? It came friends on Facebook, but didn't ever really have conversations. So just causally spelled incorrectly. Causally, I think we're supposed to be casually. They're causally liking our posts. I like her stuff a lot more frequently than she likes mine, which is typical. It's male, female dynamics, I think, because, you. Because I like all my female friends post on Facebook, and they never like my stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:48 So it probably just genetics, I think, is what we're dealing with there. I thought about her recently. Oh, TMI. TMI. And recently checked her Facebook wall. Do they still, OK, time out. The wall was the big thing in a couple different time periods. Number one, great wall of China.
Starting point is 00:13:12 China, I said China. Number two, Donald Trump wants to build a wall in the southern border. That's still an ongoing discussion. But number three, and the one that we're talking about here Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook, the wall, which is basically your profile. I think they call it a timeline now. I kind of like the old wall. I also like poking people. I poke a lot of girls on Facebook and they never seem to poke back. So again, I think it's just genetics, male, female.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I don't, not a genetic scientist, I don't understand it. But, Jackter Wall, and it seems she's now single. Do people do, they relate the Facebook official, is that still a term? You know, I work with high schoolers, these are the conversations we're going to have tomorrow Monday morning. You know what else? Okay, we're going to finish up this email, but you know what else really kind of chaps my Jimmy's when you work, I worked yesterday, worked at college fair, and I went out, I saw a movie which we'll talk about in one second here, because
Starting point is 00:14:20 it's not really funny, it's a serious thing. So I want to kind of wrap up, you know, one thing at a time. But before we do one thing at a time, let me talk about this other thing. After I finish up with my movie, I got to drive back to my hotel in the suburbs. I got to work for about two hours from home in quotes, because where's home? You know, home is where the heart is. I think that's a dolly part in songs, is where Nashville heart is. I think that's a dolly part in songs is where Nashville makes sense. But in the today eight hours, am I technically working on a Sunday? No, although I did have to answer some emails when I got to my hotel here about an hour ago. But did I have to drive eight hours? Part of my job is part of my requirements
Starting point is 00:15:01 in order to work tomorrow. Yes, so I consider it. Let's just say half time. I'm still working four hours on a Sunday. By the way, that's the Lord's Day. You know what I like. I think we've mentioned this on the podcast before. I like when you're reading the Bible, which I hope you're doing because it's a hell of a piece of literature, no pun intended. But when you read the Bible and let's say you're in one of those gospels, Matthew, Mark,
Starting point is 00:15:30 Luke, John, and when they say, Lord, they put it in all caps or when you're reading the liturgy at church and you get to the Lord and it's all caps. Lord, like you're in it, like the artist, we could always be royals. We could always be royals, royals. Carlos Pena's favorite song. So I just like that. It's kind of like your shout in it from the rooftops. But let's see, where were we? Lord, Carlos Pena, Royals, Facebook wall. I don't know how we got to Lord. Oh, scripture, church, Jeremiah right.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Not sure. Let's get back working on Sundays. Mm-hmm, don't like working on Sundays. Have to work on Mondays. I'll be working with kids tomorrow. Do kids still say Facebook official? So this girl's not seemingly not in your relationship anymore. I would like to message her and start a conversation
Starting point is 00:16:42 and possibly ask her out on a date. Okay, now we're cooking with gas. So last paragraph, how do I get in with her? I'm just some guy, she met at a party a couple months ago and we don't know anything about each other. I've also never asked a girl out online before and was interested in what the etiquette is before doing anything rash. What rhymes with Nash, which we got a
Starting point is 00:17:12 whole segment coming up about Nash, I think you're really gonna like it. Sorry, just the Hail Mary. At the end of the first half of this Redskins Cowboys game, did you see the Hail Mary at the end of that Bears game? Holy cow, what a time to be alive. Kevin White, it hit him right in the numbers. Oh my gosh, you guys gotta see this replay. Mercy literally hit the Redskins receiver in the numbers, bounce off off his chest hits the ground.
Starting point is 00:17:46 No points for their skins. The Hillmere ended the Bears game. They're down by seven. Kevin White catches that the one yard line, the Patriots keep him out. It was brutal. I was a little upset because I would have gotten six more points for my fantasy team
Starting point is 00:18:04 if he'd gotten the extra yard, but I was also happy because what I really don't want is for the Bears to have any success. I want, here's the thing with the Bears. I want them to have just enough success to start feeling good about themselves, and then I want it to all be swept away. When you pull out the tablecloth
Starting point is 00:18:23 from on top of the table and all the silverware and the glass stays in place, that's what I want from the bears because I'm fairly sadistic. But let's see, Nash, where were we? Oh, okay, oh, we have a relationship email here. You might have forgotten because it's taken us about 15 minutes to get through it,
Starting point is 00:18:43 but we're still going. So thank you, thank you for your question. That was from Jason. Jason, let me tell you, as somebody who spent all of literally like eighth grade through probably freshman year of college trying to do the like become friends on Facebook or maybe like follow on Instagram and get in game. I think I probably have had about, I don't know, on the high end like a 10% acceptance rate, success rate doing that. It's not a pretty picture. It's not a, it's not that it's a bad idea. It's just boy. That's really tough. So here, here's my perspective on this. I say go for it. Be up front. What I don't think works well well, unless you're really like a naturally funny person,
Starting point is 00:19:46 like, you're speaking over here. Unless you're a really naturally funny person, it might be difficult to try and play the long game where you get a message going for weeks. I don't think people are really into that anymore, but I guess it depends on the person. I'm not into that sort of thing. to that anymore, but I guess it depends on the person. I'm not into that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:20:06 So I'm much more inclined to just take your home run swing and go for it. And here's the thing, nothing bad can come of it. Might as well be aggressive. Ask her right out, see if she's doing something, or here's what I like to do. You can do the foe I've already made plans, I just kind of want to include you on it thing. It doesn't even have to be foe. You could go buy a movie ticket today and message this girl
Starting point is 00:20:36 or a guy. I don't remember. I think girl is what we establish sharing to say, hey, I'm going to this movie, do you want to come with? So it doesn't have to be. So like, let's go out on a date type of thing and it more of a, I'm already going on a date by myself and I'd love to have you join with me on the date.
Starting point is 00:20:58 So I say go for it. You got nothing to lose because if it doesn't work while you were probably looking at like a 10 to 15% success rate anyways. Jason, when I'll tell you, try this one out, know that it's probably not going to work if it does happen to work. Then great emails back. Let us know how it went. But hey, Jason, man, if you're looking to get help setting up your your Tinder profile or your bumble or your bumble BFF for people listening out
Starting point is 00:21:31 there leave us a comment if you've done bumble BFF before I'm really curious about this I know plenty of people who use it like legit to try to meet friends, but I also know just as many people who use it as a backdoor way to kind of slide in. So if you've used bumble BFF, if you use it genuinely or if you've slid in, how has that worked, how much success have you had? What I hear the most is gay guys using bumumbleBFF to meet other guys and then rolling the dice to see if they can get it going with them which sounds like a terrible idea and theory doesn't it but the more I think about it What if all the people using BumbleBFF are gay guys who are trying to sneak in?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Maybe BumbleBFF is a new grinder. If you're a gay guy out there who's used BumbleBFF to find other gay men, send us a message. You can always email us. BeentownPodcast at, this is Beentown, B-E-A-N-T-W-N podcast at You can also tweet at us. We're at bean town cast. Please remember to use the hashtag friends of the podcast. There are some fake listeners out there
Starting point is 00:22:54 who will try to tell you friends of podcast is what you're supposed to use, but I'll tell you something right now. You're gonna want that definite article in there, the podcast, and don't get me started on indefinite verse definite because there is a difference. You're gonna want that definite article. I can definitively say you're definitely gonna want
Starting point is 00:23:21 that definite article. You know what, I'm pretty proud of myself. Jason, I hope that's helpful. Let's move on to our next segment here. Let's see, half time in the Washington Redskins game. I've got the stream going of the Ravens Saints game, which is a heck of a game. Let's see, the Saints have the ball ball 10 to 7 Ravens early third quarter.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Okay, after we finish up this podcast, we're gonna finish watching this, go get some dinner, and then the chiefs and the bangles are tonight, which should be fun. So Nashville, here's my question, and we didn't really do any good in depth research on this. But who who's it named after? And so I started thinking, okay, who are some of the famous didn't really do any good in depth research on this. But who was it named after? And so I started thinking, okay, who are some of the famous Nash's
Starting point is 00:24:11 that Nash Phil might be named after? You know, Nash Phil wasn't founded until the late 1970s. And so it's a fairly recent city. So we've got some options here. The first Nash that came to my head is Nash the Slash, a Canadian musician.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And some of you probably know him. Some of you have probably never heard of him. When you're sitting there listening on your phone, your podcast app, or Stitcher, whatever you're listening on, do a quick Google image search of Nash the Slash. If you ever wondered what a mummy playing violin looks like with like Elton John glasses, I mean this guy looks like he could be in a, like a Friday the 13th movie or something. This guy is nuts. Nash the Slash, great musician, but boy, don't, don't bring him to play for your kid's second birthday party
Starting point is 00:25:06 because it's gonna be like freaking monsters incorporated out there. Nash the slash probably would not what Nashville was named after it. So I kept thinking it's that Ogden Nash. Now here's a famous guy that I don't know anything about. Ogden Nash was an American poet, well known for his light verse of which he wrote over 500 pieces. With his unconventional rhyming schemes, he was declared the country's best-known producer of humorous poetry. Now, if I had access to Wikipedia, I would go to his Wikipedia page and we'd actually do the full
Starting point is 00:25:49 read of what Ogden Nash is all about. But that's off the top of my head, that's sort of what I know about Ogden Nash. In my mind, and I'm going back to past trivia games, I can't in my in my mind and I'm going back to like past trivia games. I can't recall Nashville being linked with Ogden Nash, but it's a possibility. Now Steve Nash like Nash the slash Not to be confused with slash the guitarist for both the Rolling Stones and sweet child of mine Bones and roses That's not what they mine, bones and roses. That's not what they're called.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Guns and roses. Guns, bones and roses. It means something different. It reminds me of my high school prom. Although I was always more of a carnation guy, if you ask me. But Nash is a Canadian. You know who else is Canadian?
Starting point is 00:26:41 Steve Nash, who played soccer in high school. Something that you may or may not know, but Steve Nash point guard for the Suns point guard for the Mavericks point guard for the Lakers. I'm not sure if he ended up on any other teams before he retired, but Steve Nash great soccer player, one MVP twice maybe. Once or twice early 2000s right around the time, I don't know, I'd have to confirm. It feels like it would have been like Kobe, Duncan,
Starting point is 00:27:13 or Steve Nash for about 10 years there. Trying to think who else would have been in the Western Conference. Tracing me grading everyone in MVP. It's Carter, is in Toronto. Now, we'll get our research people on that. Hey, if you're listening to the Bean Tom Podcast and you ever won an MVP playing out of the Western Conference
Starting point is 00:27:33 from about 2001 to 2010, 2011, leave us a comment. We'd love to get in touch with you. Speaking of NBA, though, you know who the biggest supporter of the Bean Tom podcast is, and everyone will say this, and I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Brian Scalabrini, the white mom bug. If anyone's a new listener, you're just getting in on the tail end of this Bean Tom podcast, Fall 2018 tour. We got a nice message from Brian about two or three months ago and he endorsed
Starting point is 00:28:06 the podcast. It didn't increase our listenership. I'm concerned that Brian maybe doesn't have the social influence that he might have had 10 years ago when he was relevant but very kind of Brian to leave those nice words anyway. So Steve Nash, probably not what Nashville is named after, considering if Nashville's founded in 1970, Steve Nash wasn't even born yet then. So maybe his dad, maybe, maybe, maybe his mom. You know, I don't want to be sexist here on the podcast because, oh, it'll give me started title 9.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And if the Democrats win in 2018, you see the okay, rambultastic podcast, that's for sure. But you know what, really, really ground my grinders this past week. I use YouTube a lot. So I see a lot of ads via YouTube as one is to do. And you know who popped up on a YouTube ad for 15 seconds that I couldn't skip the, or Agent Orange himself, President Donald J. Trump. And couldn't skip it. He was basically said if the Democrats win in 2018, then the caravan's going to come in.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And honestly, the caravan's going to come in anyways. I kind of wish I lived in Texas because I just want to see what it's like, you know. So, we don't have a wall or anything. They can just come right on in. And I know the Mexican police giving them some issues, but I think they're still going strong. We'll have to check on that. Another famous Nash, the biopic TV show
Starting point is 00:29:51 from the 1970s Nash about Vietnam. Alan Alda, right? I was trying to do in Alan Alda voice before this, just seeing maybe, maybe I can do it, you know what, Bill Hader owns Alan Alde. Go watch his impression online. It's it's ridiculous. It's as scary accurate, one impression of someone else can be. So Nash, famous TV show. They made a Nash movie as well, didn't they? Which came first?
Starting point is 00:30:40 I assume the TV series? No. The film came, oh, mash. Mash came first was Alan Alde also in Mashed the movie No, but you know who was Donald Sutherland and Robert DeVol and Elliot Gold. It was a pretty good cast. Robert DeVol was in another Vietnam movie Apocalypse Now. Love the smell and nape home in the morning. Apocalypse Now is a movie that I saw for the first time in my life, probably,
Starting point is 00:31:12 I don't know, eight or nine months ago. It took a long time, 23 plus years to be exact. But on the subject of a movie, so we never did get to the bottom of who Nashville was named after. We'll continue to do research. Maybe we'll do a midweek update. I can't make any promises.
Starting point is 00:31:34 But I saw the first movie that I had seen in, let's see. Two months maybe? That sounds about right. Little more than two months now. Right around two months. I went and saw a beautiful boy, which was based off of two memoirs, one beautiful boy by, what's his name? What's the dad's name?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Chef Senior basically. And then also based off of the memoir by the son Nick Sheff, which was called Tweak, maybe. It's an interesting name. I'm sure it has meaning David Sheff, Tweak. Yeah, I'm not sure what Tweak means. Maybe Tweak is a drug term. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:32:21 But it was based off of those two memoirs and it was told from the dad's point of view played by Steve Correll and his son, Nick Schuff played by Timothy Shalamet, Oscar nominated, Timothy Shalamet. Fantastic movie, one of the more sad movies you'll watch about drug addiction, kind of in the same vein as like a train spotting but in train spotting
Starting point is 00:32:49 it's about Scotland and drug addiction is sort of the vehicle for that. In this movie it's about drug addiction and I think family relationships is kind of the vehicle for that. So, kind of similar, also very sad. If you're looking for really good kind of discussion on, who are you doing Peterson, I said run, really good discussion on America's math problem and the drug problem at large. Check it out. It's Steve Crel and Timothy Shalemay, so you can't really go wrong in terms of the acting.
Starting point is 00:33:36 More tyranny isn't as well. As is Amy Ryan, which was fascinating to me. Steve Crel and Amy Ryan play a divorce couple, which is pretty funny considering the office ended what, seven or eight years ago. And in that TV series, Steve Curle and Amy Ryan ended up getting married. So I don't know. That was a very intentional kind of funny casting choice. I'm not really sure. I thought I was going to see more internet memes about it, but I think people just haven't
Starting point is 00:34:04 seen beautiful boys. So really good, really sad, well acted, well written, well produced. We'll see if it's got the chops to hang up or hang around when Oscar season really kicks in and about another month or so here. Although we've gotten a a started beautiful boy first man are already doing pretty well. So we'll see, I don't know, I don't think Steve Carell will get nominated. His performance reminded me a little bit of Ray Romano's in the big sick, which is also a performance that I really liked, and I think in a week year could have been nominated for an Oscar, but I don't necessarily expect this to be a week year. As the Ravenscore, another touchdown. Wow, they're up 16 to 7. I did not expect
Starting point is 00:34:50 them to look this good. But I think Timothy Shalamey could certainly get nominated for this again. I'm not sure if it's an Oscar winning performance. I mean, he was really raw, but I'm not sure if he got enough time because he would be nominated for best supporting. And even then, I thought I would have liked to see a little bit more. They take a long time, which it was clearly an
Starting point is 00:35:25 intentional choice, but they take a long time in the movie to really show his drug use. I mean he's doing it from the start, but they don't really get into the nitty-gritty in terms of what you see on screen until pretty late. Oh, not late, but you know, solidly through the second act before you actually see it, which is that those visuals tend to be what really make it emotionally wrenching. But let's see, 36, 37 minutes in here. Talked about our movie. Talked about Nash.
Starting point is 00:36:02 We did our relationship advice. This has been a solid, solid episode. I feel pretty good about how things have gone. Don't you? Let's see here. We are going to be back in bean town. Next week it'll be our Halloween special. And it's going to be special and it's gonna be special because you know It's gonna be me maybe we'll have some guests on can't confirm nor deny that Haven't haven't gotten that far yet got to get back to bean town got a flight from Memphis back to the East Coast
Starting point is 00:36:40 This week this next weekend, then we'll do our podcasts. Hey, maybe if we get stranded in Memphis, the airport poo-poo's out, you'll recall, when we were in Memphis in the spring and April, we did our most ambient, who age in Peterson, didn't quite get there. Did our most ambient podcasts all the time, we were munching on donuts from the banks of the Mississippi That's actually a podcast I really like
Starting point is 00:37:08 That would have been April around April 28 or 29th last episode in April I that's one that I I'll check out you know when I'm driving this week because I really like that one but for today It's just me we're All alone all by myself. But that's OK. Had a lot of fun in Chicago. It was there for about 10 days. A good time with friends and made a new friend,
Starting point is 00:37:38 met an alum. And we went out a couple times. And she was new to Chicago and Holy cow, that was a weird play and we had a good time. We checked out some deep dish pizza And some good Mexican food and we went to Kingston mines best blues in Chicago Kingston mines. It is in Chicago, Kingston Mines. It is more expensive when you don't have a soon-indeed, but it's still a good time. And we saw some live blues. It was hot in there. We felt like I was playing strip poker for a couple of minutes, but it was a good time. But now we're alone, we're all by myself, at least for the rest of this day. I can't believe tomorrow is Monday, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:38:22 by myself, at least for the rest of the day. I can't believe tomorrow is Monday, but that's okay. All by myself, just like the Celine Dion song. What's that? You're gonna sing Celine Dion to close out the podcast, don't mind if I do. I'm glad you asked, thanks for listening. We'll come to you live next week. When I was young, I never needed anyone.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Maybe I could do a Celine Dion impression. Making a little harvest just for fun. This is gonna be like, those days are done. If Eddie Vetter and Celine Dion had a baby, living alone, I think of all the fraytons I've known. Apologies. When I dial the telephone, nobody's home. You know, who else is Canadian? Celine Dion. It's been a very Canadian podcast. I also have been listening to a lot of arcade fire. But here we go.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Pipes are bad today Got a useful set of I gotta use falsetto Your own palm I share you You want to be a palm I share you Your own palm I share you You want to be a palm I share you One more Hard to be sure Sometimes I fair so insecure. Hello so distant and obscure remains the
Starting point is 00:40:15 cure. Is there a key change in this? Oh, we got a we got an instrumental solo. That's not what she expects. Listen check this out. Oh, man. This is some great stuff Hmm, you know this melody is from Rock mind and offs piano concerter number two in C minor is that the key it's in go check it out second movement. It's absolutely beautiful Oh and go check it out. Second movement is absolutely beautiful. It's a really good piano concerto. C minor, I think it's either C or F, but I think it's C minor. And it's got three movements. The first one is very dark, romantic, moody.
Starting point is 00:41:29 The second one is this melody, but it's really pretty, really good piano and orchestra. Do it. The third one is an absolute banger. One of the most romantic pieces of music of all time. Rock, mind, and off. Piano, concert, and number two. Listen to it when you're feeling sexy.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Maybe you have sex to that song But for now you can have sex to this one. Oh, we're back in Don't have sex to the bean Tom podcast that be weird What if I had sex to the bean? I said be weird Thursdays are done Well, what's gonna happen? Oh key change. Hello Yeah, if not yet, but I glad I'm not singing power of love. Oh, by myself, don't be, oh, that's of get the picture. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:43:13 We'll come to you live next week. Halloween special. Hope you guys have a good one. Bye.

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