Beantown Podcast - 10282018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast [Halloween Spooktacular]

Episode Date: October 28, 2018

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Beantown to ramble about things that spook him out, including his new diet, Pete Davidson, and the city of Nashville - - @beantowncast - #friends...ofthepodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I see the band moon rising, I see the troubles on the way, I see earth like me, I see bad times today, oh no, go around tonight, well it's bound to take your life, there's a bad moon on the rise. I hear her hurricane blowing, I know the end is coming soon. I hear rivers of flowing, I hear the voice rangein' room Oh, don't go out tonight But it's bound to take a life There's a bad moon on the rise Oh, don't go out tonight But it's bound to take a life
Starting point is 00:01:22 There's a bad moon on the rise Hey Quinn David Furnace Very, very rusty on the guitar Last week, you know, we sang some saline Dion on the podcast Which was a lot of fun, but you know, we used backing tracks one of the most busiest things that this podcast has ever done. And today it's back to the
Starting point is 00:01:50 guitar why? Because we are back to Beentown. Back to basics here. Welcome to the 2018 Halloween spooktacular Be Town Podcast, edition number one. This is Quinn David Furnace, this is my voice, this is what I sound like. How's it going? What's happening? Happy Halloween to everybody out there. Bean Town Podcast coming to you live from 817 St. Paul Street. Oh, it's a beautiful day. Nice and crisp. 50 degrees outside, going for a run after this. And just, you know, fighting those Sunday scarries away, although I tell you what, I get the Sunday scarries. I don't like the people who, who just, you know, that's all they talk about on their Sundays.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I don't get it. They're always complaining about it. And yeah, nobody wants to wake up 6 a.m. The next morning go to work. It's never a fun thing, but if you let the Sunday scaries consume your entire life or your entire Sunday, you're not going to have a very fun weekend because now we're dealing with five days of work, six for some of us, seven for some of us. One day off, maybe, a lots of fun things
Starting point is 00:03:13 and you get to sleep in the next day. And then you have one day where you're just spooked the whole day, anxiety, all that other stuff. I get it, but I say you got to grab life by the lips and just yank. I can't take credit for that line. Weird, I'll check him out. But that was a little bad moon rising. It was, it was what I chose to play for the Halloween spooktacular. I could have gone with thriller. I could have gone with some Rob Zombie, I could have done some Monster Mash, but I'm very rusty on the guitar if you couldn't tell, I haven't
Starting point is 00:03:52 really played in two months and the fingerings are all off and I don't have my fingers aren't tough enough for it currently. So that's the best we could do, that's by John Fogarty and CCR. No, I don't own it. So thank you to the copyright police for not taking it down. This is the Bean Town podcast. It is one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. It is also voted by you, the fans as the People's Podcast. Don't forget to use the hashtag friends of the podcast when you're talking about us on Twitter. Thanks to everyone who has been following us around on this fall 2018 tour. It has been a lot, it has been a lot of fun as well though. We have been all over the place.
Starting point is 00:04:38 We got three time zones covered, just a recap and we'm not going to talk about specific episodes but just here are the places that we've been. We started off in Indianapolis, Indiana, the homeland, Mike Pence. Good time there. Let's see. That episode was significant because nobody wanted to listen to it because we spent half of the time talking about the penis ring, the Spencer's that you get at those gas stations, travel centers, etc. That was a lot of fun. It was the first ever podcast from the actual road. Took a page out of the Car Ride Convose podcast chapter and did audio while I was driving,
Starting point is 00:05:18 which was a lot of fun because I, 65, there's just nothing there, especially on a Sunday, which is when I was driving. Then we came to you live from Chicago, Illinois, which was a good time. And I don't know what we talked about on that podcast, but you can go check it out. That would have been the second Sunday after the first Sunday, after Labor Day, second Sunday in September. Then we drove down, let's see, where were we next? After that would have been bowling green, Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:05:50 We did a little while we were in bowling green. We did a bean town on plugs, special where we did some bourbon taste testing. We did some gym beam, some makers, marks, some early times. There was one other in there, but that was a lot of fun. Kentucky was a good time. We then went up to Rockford, Illinois, which was kind of the midpoint of the Fall Tour
Starting point is 00:06:16 and, you know, Apex or Nader, depending on how you view it of this entire thing. We were with Matthew F either, which was a lot of fun. Matthew got to take the reins on the podcast for himself because I was peeing so much because I was sick. I'm getting nightmares just thinking about that night. A lot of fun, but it's kind of delirious, really tired, really sick. And we did all the singing, which was just actually a nightmare
Starting point is 00:06:44 because of how much my throat hurt. Yeah, that was the like one or two days out of the year my throat is just absolute trash. We picked that day for the first ever concert series, which was awesome. I'll second ever. I guess it did Wonderwall with my brother, Jack. But after rockford, we then came to you live from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. There was a trip to Salt Lake City thrown in between there, but we didn't do anything for the podcasters because that was still sick.
Starting point is 00:07:12 But we came to you live from Sioux Falls. That was a good time for a server podcast. As far as our research team could discover, first ever podcast ever conducted from this state of South Dakota. So that was kind of cool. I don't, you know, maybe Guinness is going to send a plaque or a poet, I'm not sure. They haven't reached out yet, but we're just,
Starting point is 00:07:32 it's a wait and see sort of situation. After that, we came to you live from Baltimore, Maryland. That was a good time, kind of a pit stop coming back to, to some of our roots. So that was good. But then we went back out, we hit the road. Chicago, Illinois, stop number two, was a new show that was added.
Starting point is 00:07:50 We had Haley Benson, HB 94. Join us live on the podcast. We were watching the Dodgers, Burr's game. We all thought that Burr's were going to coast into World Series. And now you have the Dodgers. And now the Dodgers are down three to one in the World Series. And Red Sox can win today, etc
Starting point is 00:08:06 We had a good time we're doing that podcast and then last week we came to you live from Nashville, Tennessee and We had some good relationship Questions on the show and we talked about a little bit of everything It was a lot of rambling. It was it was kind of the hardcore It was a lot of rambling. It was kind of the hardcore nitty-gritty content that the listeners and subscribers of the Bean Town podcast love to hear. And now we are on last stop of the tour, which had I think eight or nine dates. You can go back and count. It's on the back of your t-shirts if you're wearing it right now. And we're coming to you live from Bean Town,, Spooktacular. It's a good time, 817 St. Paul Street.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Beautiful, fall weather, finally. And yeah, we're gonna spend the rest of today talking about things that spook me out. I've got a good list. I prepared for this podcast. I've got some things written down. You know, always good to write things down, so you can remember.
Starting point is 00:09:04 So that's gonna be good. Listener discretion is advised when you are entertaining yourself with the bean-town podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally drop some ins and o-shores in any ways and dams and shits and the other ones. Stuff that you gotta try to keep off the, the airways. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible, as voted by you, the fans.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So thank you for that. Thank you everyone for your support. I see a tweet in us, hashtag friends of the podcast. We are at beantowncast on Twitter. You can always find us on Facebook. We are on email,, right? New, new, big, new website. Yahoo!
Starting point is 00:09:48 Bean Town podcast, That's Bean Town, B-E-A-N-T, you don't have podcasts at If you missed it, just rewind, play it in like half speed, you'll figure it out. And we are on, oh man, where are we? We are on iTunes. We're on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:10:03 We are on SoundCloud. We're on Google Play. We're on Stitcher. We're on PlayRfm. We're everywhere. You listen to your podcasts except for the places we're not. And that's just a great place to be. So without further ado, we're going to keep this podcast fairly brief, the classic thing to say at the start of an hour episode, right? The classic thing to say at the start of an hour episode, right? But I've got stuff to do. I'm going for a run with a friend and I've got to do some meal prep. So before we get into the spooky list, going on a big diet.
Starting point is 00:10:40 So travel when I'm on the road, it's always a lot of fun. Get to see new places. I also like to explore with my stomach, with my mouth. And I think one of the most powerful or significant slash impactful cultural things you can do is explore regions or areas through their local cuisine, because cuisine, food, and you don't need me going on a rant about this, but it is one of the most significant ways for areas, state, cities to sort of showcase or promote what they're all about. Food is very strongly ingrained into our culture. It is very closely tied to our primary cultural identities. So I in turn like to explore food well I'm out. And when you spend a
Starting point is 00:11:43 lot of time working and traveling in the Midwest, well, the Midwestern region of the United States is not necessarily known for its healthy food in terms of what's culturally significant. It's known the other way around, right? You go to Wisconsin, it's known for cheese, anything dairy, which pretty high in fat, pretty high in calories. You go to a place like Nashville
Starting point is 00:12:13 or Memphis, they're known for their barbecue, which is, barbecue is not always the unhealthiest thing, but where they really get ya is, it's just an overkill, no pun intended, of the meat. So meat and healthy quantities is great. But when you go to these barbecue places, you get a lot of meat, and then they also serve you the white bread, which is not the greatest thing, and then you get slaw as well,
Starting point is 00:12:40 which is probably not terrible, but you do get some, I don't know how you make slaw, but it's not mayo that's in there, but it's some sort of dairy product that's gonna enhance the caloric intake a little bit. And then everything's got fries. That's the thing you go to pretty much any place in these regions that is American cuisine,
Starting point is 00:13:04 there's always going to be fries, which is just perfect because Americans like me are fat and it's because we like our french fries. Maybe the greatest food invention of all time, also one of the unhealthiest things. So, you know, when you're in Chicago, deep dish pizza, when you're in Kansas City, when you're in Memphis, when you're in Nashville, it's barbecue. When you're in Wisconsin, it's fried everything but
Starting point is 00:13:30 beer, brats, cheese. You know, and you can go to healthy places, but what I find is most of the South-Label healthy places that I interact on the road have nothing to do with their region's cultural identities. And I'm not sure why that is. It's probably because the cultural food identities are inherently unhealthy in these places. You go to I don't know, Japan, the big cultural identity there is fish and sushi, cultural food identity. I'm not, there's probably a better term for this, I apologize for my sociologist out there listening, but you know, fish and sushi, you know, in excess quantities can be unhealthy,
Starting point is 00:14:22 particularly the sushi when you throw the rice in there. But in standard quantities, pretty healthy, particularly when you compare to cheese curds and fries and brats here in the Midwest, or in the Midwest. So that's just a thing that's inherent to the Midwest. What it means is I spent the last eight weeks of my life doing most of that because I don't have, one. I don't have a ton of control too
Starting point is 00:14:48 I just don't want to have that control because I like to explore the food. I also like to explore local beers right you can't go explore Regions through their healthy drink options regions are explored through their beers Through their wines to a lesser extent, but that's, you know, if you go to California and Napa, or if you're in Italy or something great, lots of different wines to choose from. When you're going to, nobody goes to Indiana or where else, South Dakota to sample the wines. That's just, do they grow grapes there? Yeah. Do they have amazing wine?
Starting point is 00:15:25 No. So you do the beer, because you're always going to have different beers. Everything's going to taste a little bit different. So you can do that long story short. And that was long. There's like five minute rambling on cultural identities. What it means is I gained weight, which was not an unintentional thing, not something I'm
Starting point is 00:15:46 aware of. I put on clothes every day. I feel I know how it's going. But when I'm not paying for the food, because my job is covering it, and I get to explore, and that's one of the best ways for me to explore, because I have limited time, it just means that you start to pack on the pounds. So we are back, not back, but we are on a heavy diet now. And what it's including is a severe lack of drinking. I did have some drinks last night. I was at Halloween slash birthday party for my lady. And so I had like one beer and a couple cocktails,
Starting point is 00:16:26 and then I fall asleep, frankly. But it means limiting drinks. And if I am gonna drink, keep it to wine or straight liquor. God avoid the beer, because I love the beer, but there's just a lot of calories in it. And God just spend more time cooking. I haven't really cooked in the last two months, not really on me,
Starting point is 00:16:45 because I've been on the road in hotels, but now that I have the opportunity, look, it's way easier to just go down the street by something, order something, but in some cases, cheaper too, but gotta take out the time. So the whole story is that I don't have a ton of time today. It's gonna be a shorter episode which is ironic now that I've rambled for 10 minutes on food. But I got a meal prep because
Starting point is 00:17:13 when I lost about 40 pounds, spring of 20, what year was that? Spring of 2017? Is that right? Yeah, that sounds good. When I was finishing up grad school, it was a very strict diet smoothies for breakfast and we're throwing, you know, some frozen fruit, some kale, some almond milk, some peanut butter. Try to keep it pretty simple in there. And lunch, the big thing for me were my lunches last or when I diited big time last time, which was cauliflower fried rice with veggies and chicken. It's not my favorite thing. This is a tough part about it. It's not, I don't love the cauliflower fried rice. You read all the super fit, super healthy people online and their blogs and stuff and they're all like, oh, you can't even taste the difference.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I call apologies for my language, I call bullshit on that because you absolutely can tell the difference. It doesn't taste like a regular race, it's not as good. So a lot of it is in how you prepare it. So you gotta make sure you season it well, but cauliflower, fried rice, some veggies, some chicken, some eggs, you throw it in there,
Starting point is 00:18:19 and that's what you have for lunch. And then dinners, stick a try to keep it pretty simple, make some soup, rely heavily on lentils, split peas, those things are, they're not like super foods, but they're solid. It's better than just like loading up on potatoes and some protein in there.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Let's throw some chicken or some beef in there, just you know, you keep it in pretty limited quantities, you want your protein. And then the big thing is just water. You just gotta have, that's drinking my calories is not typically a big temptation for me when I am dieting. The worst part is like when you're out with people or you're playing trivia or something, trying to avoid the beer or, and I hate to do this but I might might buy them in some like bud lights or something keep the calories down it's not
Starting point is 00:19:12 it's not great it's not that fun to drink but it's better than just sitting there having a water when you're having good time now what's what I like to do when I'm just living my normal life is get a six pack of something new at the grocery store that I never tried before, bring it home and just have one or two a night. And again, it's kind of just like exploring things. I'm not drinking something just to drink something. I like to see what this new beer is all about.
Starting point is 00:19:37 What is it taste like? Where's it from, all that stuff? So I just got to put that on pause because drinking your calories is a terrible way to lose weight. stuff. So you just got I just got to put that on pause because you know drinking your calories is a terrible way to lose weight. So lots of water and we'll see how it goes. I chose a tougher time to do it. One now that it's getting colder and two the holidays coming up but need to do it. Need to stick with it. Pants are too tight. All that stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:06 You just got, at some point, yeah, there's always going to be an excuse to to keep packing in the carbs, to keep drinking the beer. There always be something. For me, it's just the holidays. So you gotta, you know, my holidays aren't even that significant this year. It's one or two flights here.
Starting point is 00:20:25 They're a bus, all that stuff. So that's, let me put the kebash, you know, you didn't think my spooky thing was going to be me talking about my, my diet life for 15 minutes, but, you know, that's, it's spooky for me to talk about because it's a long road ahead, but we're going to do it. And we're going to, we've done it before. That's the biggest thing. This isn't uncharted water for me. This is just, do it again, needs to happen. So didn't, the biggest thing was I wasn't training for a marathon this fall,
Starting point is 00:20:56 which was the first time in a couple of years that I hadn't done that. So just trying to get back on the horse, trying to get back into it. And we'll see how it goes. So I'll keep everyone updated. Let me get a sip of water here, and then we're going to get into our spooky list, and then we're going to end it, so I can go run, watch football, meal prep,
Starting point is 00:21:18 and all that good stuff. So, here we go. All that good stuff. So here we go Okay The Halloween spooktacular I Have a list here. These are Just a sampling of things that have spooked me out recently and These are in no particular order. I was just writing them down, you know, yesterday, today as they were coming
Starting point is 00:21:50 to me. And we won't make it that long. I want this to be digestible for everyone, like my cauliflower fried rice, hopefully. Number one, and this I hold very near and dear to my heart when I'm traveling Mexican places in the airport. So I'm at Hartfield, Jackson, Atlanta, a couple nights ago. Way not a late night flight, back to BWI. And you go to Atlanta and there's like a billion people there. I don't know if you've ever been to the Hartfield Jackson's,
Starting point is 00:22:27 the business airport in the world and you notice it when you're there. I'm there at like 10 pm. There is people everywhere. The lines for almost every food place crazy long. So you go to like the food court in Terminal S or B or wherever I was. And there's one place that doesn't have 15 people online. It's this Mexican place. There's like four people online.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And I just needed something because I was hungry. And I was tired of just walking around. And it takes forever to walk anywhere in that airport too. It's just a big place. So, go to the Mexican place, get a very standard chicken burrito, very comparable to something you get at Chipotle, right? Boy, they don't believe in flavor at this Mexican place.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I mean, I don't think any one of the ingredients I put in my burrito at ever seen a speck or a pinch of salt ever. It was just, boy, it was rough. I'm a pretty open-minded eater, and I'll eat pretty much anything, and I won't really complain about anything, because especially when you're in a travel situation, you just want something to eat, you just want to not be hangar anymore. But man, you know it was bad because this thing was absolutely terrible. And on that note, before that, at the previous airport, I got a Philly Cheese Steak. And you open up the tinfoil and the way the tinfo was wrapped, when I opened it, I don't know who's idea this was,
Starting point is 00:24:06 but the sandwich was facing down and it was so soggy that the bottom half of the bread had pretty much just dissipated into thin air. And so I'm left with just half of this bread, half of this, you know, bun of bread, and then a whole lot of meat and onions and peppers. Again, a significant lack of flavor. I don't understand. You don't have to do anything crazy, literally just a little bit of salt, a little bit of pepper, and you're going to be in much better shape than the two places where it but look, no one's going to the airport for their you know Michelin star find Danny experience but if you're a restaurant in the world you should believe in salt you should believe in pepper because these places were rough so that's uh the
Starting point is 00:25:00 Mexican places in the airport in general because I've had that experience before, but also watch out for those philly cheese steaks because it smells good and it looks good on paper, but the execution, some of these places, and I've even had a philly cheese steak and a philly airport in the philly airport, not good, bad, in fact, very sad, very sad. Next, Megan Kelly, everyone knows the Bean Tom Podcast knows we don't get very political on the
Starting point is 00:25:28 Bean Tom Podcast, but first of all, what's with this belt? What's going on with her name? M-E-G-Y-N. That's that's almost like an O-B-G-Y-N. O-B-OK, sketch idea. O-B-1 can O-B-O-B-G-Y-N. There's something there. It's just a kernel of an idea. Sketch idea, OB1, Kenobi, OBGYN. There's something there. It's just a kernel of an idea. SNL, if you're listening to this, which I assume you are, you know, because, you know, I've seen some of my ideas for Sketch has been thrown onto the show before. Let me know.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I love to talk through the OBG, OB1, OBGYN sketch with you. I think it'd be big. But okay, she's got a weird Y in her voice name. It's like cash-eak, three Ys and a Star Wars planet where the wookies are from. Let's get past that. And so, I feel like Megan Calli, when she was a host on Fox News,
Starting point is 00:26:20 she was like very Fox News-ish. And maybe that's just the material she was giving to work with, but I don't understand when this happened, you know, five, four, five years ago why she was given in our on the day show. Like, did people really want to see another like super bleach blonde? Like the most prototypical Fox News looking host. People really want her to be on the Today Show for an hour. So there's your first You know that spooked me out already when it happened, but if you're really if you're a today show host and you got an entire hour
Starting point is 00:27:01 And there's only 24 hours to go around because God knows the today's show never ends. You got to be really bad and say some really bad stuff to lose your hour because they let Hoda and Kathy Lee get an hour. I don't know if you have seen that show or heard of it or that portion of the show. It's rough. Every episode is some wine at 10 in the morning and here are fun, fall, festive activities you can do at home while your kids are at school.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I don't understand the show. I've holding Kathy Lee have an hour. I've seen Kathy Griffin get in hour on the today show. I've seen Fricking Carson daily get in hour on the day show. I even saw Oscar the grouch sometime one time get an entire show get into our hour as I lose my ability to speak here on the today show. So Megan Kelly you're spooking me out. How did you manage to lose your one hour on today's show because they're probably going to replace you with like the sweetest chef from Sesame Street or Jamil Hill or something.
Starting point is 00:28:11 So who you crap in, Megan Kelly. I talked about this in a fantasy football note earlier this week, which I know everyone read because obviously aquafina. Now here's where we're getting into the murky waters here. I, this popped up on like my YouTube or something, and I realized I didn't know much about her, so I was like, okay, clearly super popular. Let's investigate a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So I went in and watched a bunch of her music videos, listen to a bunch of her music, like dedicated time, which for me tends to be limited to actually like listening to her stuff, viewing her stuff, et cetera. Watch some some some crazy rachations to check out the acting aspect. And I re watched a lot of the SNL stuff because she co-hosted or not co-hosted, she hosted the second episode of SNL 44 this year, which is mind-boggling to me, but it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I just don't get it. I am glad that she is serving as a role model and empowering figure for other young Asian women and Asian-American people in general and empowerment, all that stuff. Great. There's nothing negative there. I'm happy. But couldn't we as a society have chosen, better, more talented, more
Starting point is 00:29:46 likable. I mean, what happened to Si, the guy who did gong style, right? That guy was cool. He wore sunglasses, he had cool clothes. What happened? Why can't we do him or Asian gym, right? He guy, he's in fresh off the boat now, if that shows still on, I never never saw it I just heard about it, but I'm just you know big fan of the empowerment Big fan of the representation just let's let's get somebody better in there You know, that's all I'm saying so aquafina. You're kind of spooking me out and the name I just Right, I thought like flow ride it was stupid now. We're doing aquafina
Starting point is 00:30:29 bottled water is an asshole gonna come out next. I don't, it's frustrating. Next, in now I might piss off a lot of people. The city in Nashville, let's talk about it. The city of Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, the natural state largest city in the state past Memphis a couple years ago. I Don't get it. Well, I get it. I hate I hate it though traffic So much traffic in Nashville. It is not designed well. I don't know who Organized the streets or the lights or the interstate system. And I don't know enough about that stuff
Starting point is 00:31:06 to tell you why it's bad and natural, why it's good in Memphis, even though the two cities have similar populations. I'm not well versed enough with a traffic. So bad. The bachelor at parties, you go anywhere in the vicinity of downtown Nashville and it's just like crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:32 People having a good time, like way too much to drink, like drunk trolley rides, all that stuff. I just, that is so off putting to me. I don't get it. People just screaming like crazy going wild. It's just, I don't get it. I don't get the crazy Bachelorette party culture. Every pretty much, every one of my female friends I know who's had a Bachelorette party has gone down to Nashville to do it.
Starting point is 00:32:08 And it's just, I don't understand what. I understand that. I don't like it though. What else? The food, the cost of living in general Nashville, it's pretty expensive. You don't, if you're from the East Coast or you don't really know Nashville very well, you might assume it's in the middle of Tennessee right it's not gonna be expensive wrong If you want inexpensive stuff you go down to like Memphis or something, but Nashville proper
Starting point is 00:32:34 It's pretty expensive and cost of living is getting close to outrageous out there the Lot of the women I see it's a lot of the spray tans the fake boobs the country music just feels so fake It's all it's not like your mom's country music. It's like new age stuff that carry underwood but times a hundred and It just all the glitz the glamour feels so gilded. The mega churches, I just, man, give me Memphis seven days out of the week. I don't understand this affinity for Nashville, super, Trumpi, just, it's, I spend two days there every fall and it's too much. I mean, I don't even stay in Nashville. I stay south I stay in Brentwood because I want to be out of the traffic
Starting point is 00:33:27 out of the spray-tanned fake boobs out of the country Glitz all that stuff. So apologies Not picking on anybody who lives in Nashville in particular You're not picking on anybody who is Originally from Nashville because the city didn't used to be that way. It's always been music city, but it's gotten so glitzy, so gilded lately. It's kind of like Hollywood, East of the Mississippi, not a fan, not for me. Next thing, that's really spooking me out.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And we've got three things left here. The Sacramento Kings. You didn't think I was going to talk about the Sacramento Kings on this podcast. Did you? Question, do they still exist? Do people in Sacramento know that they have a basketball team? Do they ever go to the games? Does the Sacramento Kings have a team store? Has anybody ever owned Sacramento Kings merchandise? I haven't seen anything yet.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Maybe that's still in the works for those guys, but I don't think they've ever sold anything. Has anyone ever seen a Sacramento Kings jersey? The better question is, now that Demarkis Cousins plays for the Big Bed Warriors just like an hour away there at the Bay, does anybody can in your name a Sacramento King's player? And I'll wait, if you know a Sacramento King's player that's not Demarkis Cousins five
Starting point is 00:35:01 years ago, leave us a comment here either on YouTube or wherever you're listening, soundcloud, stitcher, player, if I'm all that stuff. Let me know if you know any Sacramento Kings players. Is Willie Cully Stein? Did he get drafted by the Kings? I don't know. The thing with the Kings is that they're so awful every year.
Starting point is 00:35:21 You would think that at some point, they would get a good player through the draft. But boy, maybe I'm just not paying enough attention to the NBA. Maybe the NBA is not paying attention to the Sacramento Kings, but I'll tell you what, I'll start paying attention to the Sacramento Kings when they actually have a winning season. When's the last time that happened? It's probably been 15 years and maybe it hasn't, but I'm just gonna say that. So Sacramento Kings, does Jonathan quick still play for the Kings?
Starting point is 00:35:50 Leave us a comment, let us know. Starbucks, I spend a lot of time with Starbucks in the last two months because I don't pay for my drinks. My company does, otherwise the other 10 months out of the year, I'm not at Starbucks because you're paying five bucks for a soy, venti, area on a grande, double shot, triple espresso, et cetera. But this new witch's brew drink at Starbucks, which tangent Bitches Brew by, it's a flonious monk.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Bitches Brew, a monk thing a, Folognais Monk. It's Bitches Brew. A Monk thing is that I'm Miles Davis thing. I think Bitches Brew is Tholognais Monk. Let's get our research team on it right here. Bitches Brew is Studio by Miles Davis. Okay, it's not Monk, it's Miles Davis. Good to know, because I was thinking it was the other way around. Great album. Check it out. 1970-ish around that year.
Starting point is 00:36:48 That's a lot of good music. But which is brewed. It looks like if a unicorn had diarrhea or something, maybe a bad airport burrito. I don't know. Something along those lines. But it's this purple and pink thing. Is it a milkshake? I'm not sure is there actual any coffee in there. Can I get it in nitro? Do they make it in venti? What about Trenta? That's the secret one. Does Ariana Grande come with it? Etc. Now I was thinking about Et cetera. Now I was I was thinking about this which is brew cold blue nitro coffee and
Starting point is 00:37:28 I you know area on a grind. I always comes up in my Starbucks catches Pete Davidson so the two of them split who didn't see that come in but That's here's my last thing. This is something that really spooks me out. And as a fledgling, failing comic myself, Pete Davidson, let's talk about it. I've been struggling with Pete Davidson for a while now, two or three years. I just don't get it. I've seen his stand up.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I don't feel like it's that great. I feel like he's a less likable version of Andy Sandberg or for older audiences. Shoot what's hell, what's his name? Damn, this is embarrassing. Classic S&L guy plays the juice song on the guitar, Adam Sandler. God, that was terrible. He's just like them, but not as good. I don't know if that's a thing to say,
Starting point is 00:38:40 but all he does on SNL is play like audience, not audience, but like backup characters and the sketches. And then he gets a three minute segment on weekend update where he just goes and like talks about whatever he wants with Colin Jost or Michael chair, both. It's almost like watching the Bean Tom podcast get a three-minute segment on live national television every and I tell you what Nobody including myself wants that Nobody would be happy in that situation nobody would be laughing It's not that I don't know I don't get it and now he's like
Starting point is 00:39:22 All the tabloids are talking about MTV's all over it. And that's because of the whole dumb area on a Grande thing. I don't know why Ariana Grande ever went out with Pete Davidson. Maybe he's a nice guy. I don't know anything about him personally, but man, I just don't get it. Just as an entire like thing, entire concept, it doesn't make sense to me. So I don't know. It's not like a jealousy thing. I just, man, I watched so many other comics out there who are great to I would love to see get three minutes on weekend update to talk about whatever they want to talk about. But that's me rambling. Those are just some of the things that have spooked me out recently. If you, you know, what's what's spooked you
Starting point is 00:40:11 out? Maybe you saw the new Halloween movie with Jamie Lee Curtis. Maybe you finally got around to watching Gremlins for the first time. Maybe maybe maybe you're a sacramental King's fan. If any of these things spooked you out of fear, you want to add your own, leave us a comment wherever you're listening, again, YouTube, SoundCloud, Play FM, iTunes, Google Play, all that stuff, Stitcher, thank you for making it through the list with me and listening to me ramble about dieting and exercise all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:42 This is going to conclude my episode because I've got things to do as we already talked about for the first 15 minutes on the podcast. But this was our 2018 Halloween spooktacular coming to you live from Beentown 817 St. Paul Street, the heart of America. We're gonna watch some football. We're gonna go for a run.
Starting point is 00:41:04 We're gonna meal prep, which is what I'm gonna do right now. Get that cauliflower rice going, and just eat through the pain. You gotta put a good spin on it, like you're a politician or something. So thanks again to everyone who checked this out, if you have any comments or you want to file a complaint
Starting point is 00:41:25 or just bitch me out or maybe you'll listen to bitches brewing, you're like, hey, this is actually a really good Miles Davis album, email us,, it's beantombe and Thank you, finally, to everybody who followed us on the Beantom Fall 2018 tour, it was a lot of fun. It's the first time I've ever toured.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Thank you, everyone who bought a shirt for guests who came on. Matthew Feeler, first time in person on the podcast. And HB 94, Hili Benson coming on the podcast. That was awesome. Anybody else I missed who made an appearance. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for coming on the show. We are getting into holiday season here. The next month or so, lean up to Thanksgiving episode will be pretty low key. Don't have any big things planned, you know, resting after the tour back in the office, nine to five, that sort of stuff. So we're going to keep it, keep it pretty team, keep it kosher.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And once the holidays roll on, we'll probably get some fun people on the podcast. Next week, we'll probably come to you live from the mountains of Virginia going out there to get away from the hustle and bustle for a little bit, a little r and r much needed. And we should have an episode live from there. Otherwise, we won't. And you'll just have to wait and see. So finally, thank you everyone for tuning in. I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween.
Starting point is 00:42:56 This has been Quinn David Furness, coming to you live from the Bean Tom Podcast 2018 Halloween Spooktacular. Thanks for tuning in. Don't forget to retweet this with hashtag friends of the podcast and have a good week and we'll see you next time.

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