Beantown Podcast - 11102018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: November 10, 2018

Quinn commentates LIVE on the series finale of "How I Met Your Mother," while simultaneously complaining about the Big Bang Theory, big bang hairstyles, and the confusing nature of the Gone Girl's kid...'s mom #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. This is the bean town podcast. November 10th, 2018. How is everyone doing? What is happening? Thank you for joining us. It is a pretty cool and crisp fall day. Emphasis on the cool. Probably down to about 40 degrees here. Come to you live from 817 St. Paul Street in the heart of Beantown went on a little run this afternoon. Let me tell you that wind is out there Blustery even I would call it So I'm running up and you know, of course when I leave my apartment I'm going uphill and I'm running into the wind and when I come back
Starting point is 00:00:43 Somehow, I'm still running uphill and into the wind. So it's like when your dad tells you the story about walking to school seven miles uphill each way, that's how my run went today. So anyways, feeling a little sore, getting nice and tights and then the flower chair here. But you know, that's the sacrifice that I make for the fans every week. Listener discretion is advice. When you're listening to the bean-tumb podcast, which is, by the way, the People's Podcast, it's one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Listener discretion is advised to, however, when you're listening. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language throughout. And number two, it is objectively terrible. And I tell you what, I've got a sneaking suspicion that this episode right here right now is going to be pretty terrible. So 90 seconds in, there's your actual warning. I tell you why because we are acting upon an idea that was proposed to us a little while back.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And I couldn't have been thinking about it for a while. We are acting upon an idea that was proposed to us a little while back. And I couldn't, I've been thinking about it for a while. I haven't been quite sure exactly how I want to do it because when I do it, I want to do it right. And unfortunately, this morning I committed to doing it, but I still don't honestly feel like it's where I want it to be. So the idea is this, I watch the season, or excuse me, the series finale of a TV show and I kind of commentate on it while I am doing the podcast, but here's the catch.
Starting point is 00:02:21 It's a show I've never seen before. And so that's really the key piece of this whole experience. I want to pick a show that is going to have a solid season, or keep saying season, a solid series finale so that I can really, you know, relate the experiences to the fans. So talk to some friends, talk to some followers of the podcast, some hashtag friends of the podcast, and eventually we came in. There were a couple that kept getting thrown out there that would have been great for this, but I've seen them, things like lost or breaking bad. So it came down to a comedy, which I'm not quite sure how I feel about, but we're doing it anyway. So this installment of the Bean Tom Podcast
Starting point is 00:03:07 is going to be the episode in which Quinn narrates the series finale of how I met your mother. So I know some of the cast of the show, I think if I thought hard about it, I think I could probably name most of their names, not all of them though. So we're just going to kind of describe it as it happens and hopefully it goes well. But you've been warned the next 53 minutes are going to be me talking about how I met
Starting point is 00:03:38 your mother. So there you go. When you do have those angry comments and you want to complain about this week's episode, please just send it to It's beantown.bea and to you to You can tweet at us. We're at Beantown Cast, we're on Facebook. You can use the hashtag friends of the podcast and that's how you know we'll go viral. So without further ado, we're gonna go ahead we'll get this episode started here. So the way I got the setup is recording on my computer,
Starting point is 00:04:14 talking to the mic and then I've got the I've got one one of my ears has a headphone going to the microphone. The other ear has a headphone going to my phone which is what I'm watching this on so it's 53 minutes long. Again I've never watched sat down and watching an episode of how I met your mother and before I really don't know much about it. But here we go. This is the series finale which I think came out probably what like seven or eight years ago, we're just going to do our best here. So you can't hear it, but I can. Okay, McLaren's pub September 2005. Maybe this show is set further back than I thought. So we don't upon five strangers sitting in a booth. There's a guy from Gone Girl, Neil Patrick Harris. Colin the Ted, I think his name is, called him Roxanne. Not sure why. What's with Ted's haircut? Okay, can we, I'm not gonna stop.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Cause the podcast would be too long, but can we put a time out on Ted's hair, holy cow. So they're sitting at a booth, they're talking about Canada. It's September 2005. Here's the girl from Avengers. So they're sitting at a booth, they're talking about Canada. It's September 2005. Here's the girl from Avengers, Colby Jack, Colby something. Let's see, she looks to be a reporter, got something low cut on. Okay, we already got, we've established the show as hottie here.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And let's see, they've got their red head, Allison Haney, something like that. And pineapple express, okay, I forgot he was in this. Jason Sudakus, no, pineapple express. You know, I, this shouldn't be this way, but I tend to get pineapple express in a little sunshine-confused. And for anybody who's listening, who knows both of those movies, you know that's a pretty silly thing to get confused. But let's see.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Oh, Avengers is making a silly voice talking about the Kinnak she must be Canadian from Vancouver. Ted looks like a loser. He's talking about getting rejected by women and then oh let's see talking about banging. Here comes the 18 plus content and what else is what else is red head known for she's She in the original American pie not sure. Oh whoa whoa. We got a big change. Hello, so they're at a wedding and Pineapple Express bad hair and red head are sitting at a table. It sounds like a bad hair Ted might be moving. Not sure where. I don't know where this show is set. Someone playing the bass and the band looking like a snack.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I don't actually know it. Is there like a meaning to the connotation look like a snack other than just like, looks like cute and sexy. I'm not sure. Maybe someone can explain that. Oh, we got a theme song going. It's got. So it looks like those are the five main ones. So they're playing a song. Oh, no, our stream stopped. That's exactly what they didn't want to happen. Oh,, Josh Radner, that must be Ted Talk, dude. Well, we are going to have to troubleshoot here. I'm not sure what the deal is. I have been having some issues with, I don't think it's the Wi-Fi, but just like when I've
Starting point is 00:07:58 been watching some YouTube clips lately, they just been pausing in the middle, not really sure what the issue is. We're gonna try to skip ahead a little bit here Maybe it will come back online But boy, yeah, this is really bust in the balls here Come on Killing me. Why just stop like that? Hmm
Starting point is 00:08:21 We are gonna troubleshoot. We are gonna come right back Okay, I think we're back in business and watch. It's going to happen again. So this could be a painful podcast. Thankfully, there's no big difference in time for you guys listening. But it is going to be potentially a little rough here. So let's see. Gone Girls talking to bass player, they're playing a nice song. And okay. So let's see. Gone Girl and Avengers are dancing really awkwardly while they are white.
Starting point is 00:09:01 So it makes sense. They're dancing at what assume, what one would assume, assume their wedding because a venture is wearing a white dress. And you always, oh hang on, Golan girl's freaking out, he's going, he's talking to bad hair. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Have you met Ted? Is that, I think that's a, that's like a pickup line of some sort. Barney is this character same. I don't know, I kind of like Gone Girl more. I like Colin Neopath kind of like Gone Girl more. I like Colin Neopachecker as Gone Girl because that's like one really out of character role for him because he's known for how I met your mother, but also all his Broadway stuff. He's won a couple Tony's I think. And so to label him as Gone Girl, I think it's just completely out there,
Starting point is 00:10:05 and I love it, because we're all about absurd humor. So they're outside now, and Avengers, and the bad hair Ted, they're embracing. They might kiss, but it's her wedding. I don't think, I I think I think gone girl and Avengers were getting I think this is their wedding, but it just we didn't get any explanation It just kind of jumped ahead from that opening scene when they're at the bar. Okay pineapple always moving to Chicago Okay, so bad head bad hair Ted is
Starting point is 00:10:43 Okay, so bad head bad hair Ted is Moving to Chicago and pineapple Express who I think is with the the red head is moving to Rome apparently I'm not sure why great pizza city, but then again you got Chicago great pizza city as well So now oh red had something around ET goodbye. Oh, they're gonna touch fingers. That's That's kind of strange. I think that's fun for like a regular goodbye, but if these Kiddows are like best friends, how many seasons was how I met your mother on for? I don't know maybe like seven or eight years not really sure Okay, now gone girl and Bad hair are Talking about licking the Liberty Bell I'm not really sure. Okay, now Gone Girl and Bad Hair
Starting point is 00:11:25 are talking about licking the Liberty Bell. Oh, I don't know. This conversation in the show is kind of boring me. There's gotta be something better to talk about. Let's see, high fives is now the topic of conversation. I told, okay, don't come out here bitching at me around the 12-minute mark saying, wow, Quinn, this podcast really sucked.
Starting point is 00:11:54 What was the deal with this? You must have really lost your marbles. I told you, 90 seconds and go back, check the tape. They, I said, look, it wasn't going to be good. It wasn't happy with how the prep had gone, but it was too late to try to find a new show. So you just kind of kind of trudge through the mud. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:12:22 I promise our holiday shows they're going to be better than this. It's just, you know, it's not going the way I'm what I'm really realizing when I this is a good thing This is a good thing because now I know that how I met your mother is Not the show for me. I've heard people compare it to Seinfeld and it's always sunny. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm, oh, Avengers Check is making a big speech. First four friends I made.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Eight years, so eight seasons is what we're looking at here. That's a good, some good, what's the, what's the exposition? Oh, she wrote a poem. Let's see. It's grabbed us piece of C glass. Okay, what is a, what is C glass? Is that just like litter that's thrown into the ocean? Or's the deal here. Okay I'm not loving how much this episode jumps around and around because now she's on the stage with a robot and Brunette bass player is still up there and now we're jumping again. Okay now bad hair is sitting on the bench, talking to this old lady, and now we're cutting
Starting point is 00:13:49 back to the, okay, are all episodes of how I met your mother like this. This is killing me. They're jumping back and forth, started in 2005, and now we're talking about the end of eight years. So is that just like a flashback? You know what I feel like I'm watching? I feel like I'm watching an M Night Shyamalan movie. Something like the social network or slumdog millionaire.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Those movies that have the big twists at the end. I can't follow this episode. I think part of it is the fact that I'm doing a live podcast, broadcast. I think part of it is the fact that I'm you know doing a live Podcast broadcast and then part of it is just maybe this maybe the show sucks like none of my friends are actually As far as I know like really big how I met your mother people like you don't see on Tinder profiles or Hinge or bumble whatever you're looking I'd say like one of the questions is,
Starting point is 00:14:46 rank these three TV shows. And it's usually something like the office or Gilmore girls. I don't know. But you don't see how I met your mother on there. And when I do see it, I will rank it at the bottom of the three shows because this show kind of blows Like apologies if there are any how I met your mother fans out there. Oh wait We're doing another who another flashback 24 hours later
Starting point is 00:15:18 Or earlier. I don't remember which one it said that could that could affect it. Let's see So I think it was later because pineapple express and redhead are complaining about bad hair because apparently he didn't move to Chicago. Which why wouldn't you want to move to Chicago? He says he met a girl who meets a girl when they're supposed to be moving to a new city? Like, there's other girls. There are more girls in the new city. The bass player from the wedding. That's who he met.
Starting point is 00:16:03 But they met before that. So what? But they weren't talking at the wedding. I don't know. She was playing. I feel like I missed something. Maybe, maybe somebody can explain it. Tell you what, if you're in the comments, if you're on YouTube or SoundCloud or Play or FM or Stitch or Apple Podcasts, or Google Play, leave us a comment, or you can email us,, it's, and to Maybe give me a little plot synopsis here so that I can come back after the fact and try to figure out what this episode is all about. How are we doing on this show?
Starting point is 00:16:50 We're only 12 minutes in. Oh, there's 40 minutes left. Oh no. Inward jumping back to the old lady on the bench with bad head Ted, bad hair Ted. So there's the... Okay. What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? how she's at this train station that he's at. That doesn't make any sense. And now we're jumping back to 2015. There's Avengers Lady. She's got the red shirt on.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Wait, 2015. Is that before or after the show ended? Well, it had to have been after, right? How much your mother ended before 2015, I think. Maybe not. This is really tough to keep track of. You know what I'm tempted to do? I'm tempted to cheat and skip way ahead in this episode because more than anything, I think
Starting point is 00:18:03 what we've learned today, and I think I already said this about five minutes than anything, I think what we've learned today, and I think I already said this about five minutes ago, is here's the reason that nobody watches this show. It's because they're skipping around, they're bebopping all over the place. Timelines are messed up. Oh wait, here comes the bass player again, but they were just at the wedding. Oh wait, but this is a different
Starting point is 00:18:26 year apparently. What's going on? Don't think we can get married. What? When did they get engaged? I must have missed that. Maybe this happened before. Oh wait. Did she just spoil something? I think she might be pregnant. Okay, spoiler alert. There's going to be, if you haven't seen the show, you might want to pause now because you know, there's gonna be stuff going on Okay, we jumped again And now we're at somebody's apartment there's bad hair and Pineapple Express and in flan again, I think Redhead is at her name flanigan. She got a new haircut, which really looks tough.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Okay. The big bangs, intervention time. Let's have a talk. Let's have a candid discussion about the big bangs. I don't, oh, don't get me started in the big bang theory. Oh, no if there's a okay We're on a tangent now If you're on your Tinder profile and one of the get to know me questions is ranked these three shows
Starting point is 00:19:54 And it has both how I met your mother on there and the big bank theory What are we gonna do about that because I tell you what? The big bank theory was kind of like a, it was kind of a, not what, kind of. It was a cool concept for like the first season, first two seasons, the whole nerd culture and across street from penny and stuff. Like that was cool.
Starting point is 00:20:22 That was fun. It was a good show. But I just feel like nothing changed. They just added more nerds. And what is it on? It's like it's 13th season. It's finally ending soon. But I just boy, that show really it's not, it's not only one of those shows where I just sit there. I'm like, I don't get this. It's a show that makes me upset when I watch it kind of like when you show my mom Kevin James movies oh boy Jane does not like that oh wait we skipped to a different apartment and Avengers and gone girl are talking maybe they're married at this point maybe not I hate it
Starting point is 00:21:01 though because we keep jumping around so I don't know they might be getting divorced I'm not sure. Oh there, now another flashback hang on. What's going on? Gone girls talking. And I can't keep up with this. Do they have a kid now? Why is that kid brown though? Either these people are, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:21:35 This is infuriating. But okay, now they're going back to a candid conversation and they might be getting divorced. Uh-oh Not sure they're sitting down always a bad sign Gone girl says I love you Soft music playing in the background And gone girl says oh Oh, they got divorced oh
Starting point is 00:22:14 No What? Commercial break why didn't we get to see that procedure? That's What I wanted to see oh, they didn't tell their friends that they got divorced. It sounds like they're not as good friends. Good friends as we might have been led to believe from the first, however, 15 minutes of this episode. So I always thought that that gone girl dude
Starting point is 00:22:40 on the show was gay, because I thought he's always like trying to get with guys on the show from what I heard, apparently maybe he's by I don't know I'm not sure if I'm buying that. Okay we're back to the scene where Red Hat has the big bangs which is kind of a tangent we were on before. I just I don't understand it. It's never like, and I apologize if I'm offending anybody with big bangs, but it's never a look that makes sense to me. Like, there are a lot of different ways you can style your hair.
Starting point is 00:23:18 You can have bobs and you can have weaves and you can have bowl cuts and you can have ponytails and braids and French braids and et cetera, et cetera, ad nausea. But the big bangs for me are just, boy, I don't get it. Wait, they're hugging again. Maybe someone else is pregnant. There's just, there's too much pregnancy going on. So I think red head just announced that she might be pregnant and Avengers, I'm just catching everybody up here.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Avengers and gone girl just got a divorce, although we're not sure how long ago it was. Now we're jumping to October 2016, which is a painting of the ass, because I don't know where we were before. And lastly, I checked, bass player was having a baby as well, but we haven't really seen any developments on that. So now pineapple express is coming home to Redhead who's sitting there looking major prego on the couch and not really sure what they're talking about. It doesn't seem
Starting point is 00:24:36 like an interesting conversation. Frankly, it's probably about as interesting is this episode of the Bean Tom Podcast. If you're on a Tinder profile and it says, rank these three shows and the three shows are how I met your mother, the big bang theory and Quinn David French presents the Bean Tom Podcast, People's Podcast, one of Baltimore City's Top 500 podcasts. I don't know which one I'd rate. It would be pretty bad anyways. Oh, Jesus, we're gonna FaceTime call. No, that's not gonna work. Sorry, whoever FaceTime me can't do it.
Starting point is 00:25:16 We are recording live in studio, bean town podcasts. Don't you just hate that when you're really in the groove and you're just killing it with your comedic material and you get a face-time call it, just throws everything off. I hope whoever that was is finding happiness with their life, but also FaceTime at five o'clock in the Saturday night. I don't have any hot dates happening and I don't think oh
Starting point is 00:25:46 Jesus speaking of which it Happened it finally happened my ex texted me last night. It's like 930 you know, I'm in bed, you know 930 one of my 20-year-old I can't stay up that late on a college student anymore. So I'm lying in bed and there we go, comes on in, presumably a drunk text, says, are you home?
Starting point is 00:26:16 I say, yeah, what's going on? Everything okay? She says, can I come over? I want to cuddle something along those lines. And I said, talk to the hand, which is tougher to do through text. But thankfully with modern advancement and emojis, I think I was able to get my point across. That's not really what I said, but more or less.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So you know who's trying to get back in it. And I know, no, no, no, no, no. Two things. One, it's just a no. But number two, like, I'm sleepy. You know, it's chilly outside. I don't have the heat on in my apartment yet because I'm right on that line where it's like like with a sweater and pants and socks. Like, if I don't think about it too much, I'm not that cold and as long as I'm under my covers when I'm sleeping, like it's fine. And it's about 40, 45 degrees outside.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So I'm trying to ride it a little bit longer because once that heating bill does start to come up, it hurts as tough on the paycheck for sure. But yeah, so trying to slide back into the DMs and I don't know, I just, I'm okay without it. But yeah, everything since the break up is going well. Again, it happened on Halloween last week was a real somber episode, if you will. Apologies for being it down our last week, but things have been going a little bit better this week than last week.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Again, last week it's strepthroat. It just gunned dumps. It was tough. Some other things going on were rough. This week was a little bit better. Some outside things that were still a challenge and remain a challenge and will be a challenge for a couple of more months here. But the health has gained a little bit better. The breakup is not a big deal anymore. The health. So I told my mom I had strep, but I wasn't going to the doctor because with my health insurance,
Starting point is 00:28:32 there were only a couple of places around town that I could go and they weren't open on the weekends. And by that time, like Monday, this past Monday rolled around, I'd already had strep for probably about five days. And strep only lasts about a week on its own. So it was silly for me to go get any biotics at that point. But my mom, Jane, the patron saint that she is, sent me these home-yo erotic, homeopathic drugs, I think is the better word.
Starting point is 00:29:05 And I don't know, maybe the doctor's out there can tell us more about this, but we got a strogolus. It's like a ruggola, but with asparagus, a strogolus, immune support, healthy liver and vascular function. I don't really know what vascular means, but we also got Highland number five. Not to be confused with the Mambo number five. This is Highland number five.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Kali Mure 6x. Colds soar, throw it, and runny nose. So she was nice, she sent me that stuff and been taking it, I feel like I'm a, I don't know, an herbal medicine person or something, it's kind of crazy, but we're feeling a little bit better. And regarding the breakup, everything's been fine. better and regarding the breakup, everything's been fine. They're still some emptiness, but it's not a sad emotion in that I really miss the person or I miss
Starting point is 00:30:18 the company of that X. What I miss is just like my schedule was in pretty good shape. Like I had someone to talk to at the end of the day consistently and like someone, you know, physical contact, which is, I think that can have a pretty big impact on your mood. As Pineapple Express just said, he's becoming a judge. I don't know what he's been doing the past, you know, eight years on the show.
Starting point is 00:30:46 But it's, yeah, it's kind of that void. You have a lot more free time than you're used to, which, you know, is definitely a blessing. But, you know, just finding more things to do. Reading my book, reading some James Baldwin here, and playing a lot of tune blast on the iPad. It's a hack of a game. If you get the chance to check out tune blast, it'll change your life. It's like candy crush but better because there are tunes involved. And yeah, Michael, see a movie tonight. I don't know,
Starting point is 00:31:23 just kind of been hanging out, go to some Peabody concerts. You know, there's plenty of stuff to do, and just getting lots of sleep. So, and on the diet, all at the same time. So, you know, some bad things, but some good things happen in my life as well. So, let's check back in on this,
Starting point is 00:31:44 before I get back to the how I met your mother finale. I do want to announce, so nothing big happening next week, but the weekend after that, I anticipate that we will have a Thanksgiving special potentially, and we haven't run this by any way yet, but potentially with my aunt, she's a little crazy. So there's your pre-cursor, but it'd be fun to get her on the podcast. So we got to talk to her, see if she's available. And then our regular weekly episode will potentially feature my brother, Jack Furnace, of being Tom Podcast, podcast fame. He has been on the podcast twice one of it only a few people
Starting point is 00:32:28 Who will have made multiple appearances on the podcast and year one? I think let's see Jack has made is already and he will continue to make multiple appearances on the podcast and My friend Matthew our resident accountant, has made two appearances on the podcast, which is great and he did a concert series with us. So he's got a couple different appearances. And we Ryan, the card I'd kind of both podcasts
Starting point is 00:32:58 and reek entertainment. Check them out on YouTube. Ryan Austin Liggan has been on the podcast twice, one for an Oscars spectacular and then once for Just you know it came down to bean town and we hung out which is a lot of fun And I feel bad John Paul Pindowski John Bulls as I love this He's been on the podcast twice once for an interview about going to grad school for music and then on the farewell The far well, which was late June, I think, he makes an appearance
Starting point is 00:33:28 literally in like the last 30 seconds is crazy. We didn't think we were going to get him on, but he came in the door, right, as we were getting ready to wrap it up. But so he's been on twice. I think that's, I don't know, I feel bad. I'm excluding somebody who's been on the podcast twice, but I think, I don't know, family-wise. We've had my brother, Walt, would have been on twice
Starting point is 00:33:52 because he was from our Anchorage episode, as well as the roast of Quinn Davis Furnace, which was a lot of fun. Man, this is getting me pumped for our year in review, which will happen right at the end of December, right around New Year's. There's been a lot of stuff happening on the Bean Tom podcast in our first year. This is episode 43 or 44, something like that.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Plus all of our specials, with all the specials and everything, we're probably close to 50 episodes. It'd be in town unplugged and all that stuff. So, yeah, I mean, did our taxes live in the air? Did our Oscars special? Did a March madness bracket? We did our pledge drive fundraiser, which is going to be coming up in about three months here.
Starting point is 00:34:40 We've done interviews about grad school. We've done interviews about mental health. We've done interviews about mental health. We've done a farewell to far well. We did a roast equine day. We took the podcast to places like Alaska and Sioux Falls. And the banks of the Mississippi. So we've been all over the place. It's been a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:35:01 If you're expecting a really cool fun edited hour special, that's probably not going to happen because I could make the technical abilities work. I think those episodes work better by themselves and I don't feel like I'll have to look into it a little bit more, but I don't feel like I can really pull, you know, 30 seconds or like two minute clips from different episodes. But, you know, maybe it would be a lot of work and I don't necessarily have, as he just spent the last 10 minutes talking
Starting point is 00:35:35 about all the free time he now has, but I don't necessarily have the time to put into that because it'd be a lot of technical editing ability learning on the fly, but we'll see. It could be fun. So getting back to our show here as we go to commercial break and we're coming back. So they look like they're either at a baseball game or maybe a hockey game, but I think a baseball stadium. hockey game, but I think a baseball stadium. So apparently Barney's a gone girl, there's Jim Nance.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, that's kind of cool. We came back in at a good time. Let's see. Jim Nance, all he said to gone girl was that he's on his own. What a strange cameo. It didn't even sound like Jim Nance. What a strange cameo. It didn't even sound like Jim Nance. So, Gone Girl is having a kid, but I'm not sure if it's with Avengers or not, because
Starting point is 00:36:37 they got divorced, but Gone Girl, dude, seems like the kind of guy who would like keep bangin people after they've come and gone. Let's see. 2020, okay what this show doesn't care at all about time. Was the whole show like this or is this just like the, I don't know. So now we're in 2020. Bad hair has got gray hair now, which doesn't seem realistic. And Avengers is walking on the street and they bump into each other.
Starting point is 00:37:24 They're chatting, her her faces on a bus, so she must be a famous celebrity or something. There's a kid that's with bad hair Ted, and maybe it's Ted's kid. Maybe... Well, Red Hair said she was having a kid, but Gone Girl at the hockey game said that she got a girl pregnant, but then also the bass player from the wedding who I think ended up with, bad hair hair Ted at some point. She was pregnant as well because that's why she didn't want to get married in September because she wanted to fit into her wedding dress so they put it off. So I'm not sure this little girl and we're into a new scene now but there's this little girl standing there with bad hair Ted and maybe it's Ted's, but maybe I'm not sure. It could be the red hair girl or the bass player and Ted's, but then who did Gone Girl knock up and he talked about it at the hockey game, not really sure
Starting point is 00:38:45 hockey game, not really sure what that was about. So, apologies. And that was some technical issues with the mic this episode. Sometimes the sound is kind of like out here and then sometimes you're talking right into it. So, I don't really know what to tell you. I feel like when it's this close, you can feel my breathing too much, and especially if I start to smack my lips, which people really hate.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And I hate it too. You hear it after, kind of like when I say any ways, which just happens way too much. So the ventures and bad hair are having lunch. I'm not sure what year it's in now. It might be 2020, but apparently they might be getting together. I'm not sure. I missed the first, you know, eight years of the show. Were they dating before and then they stopped dating on the show, started kind of like Seinfeld with Jerry in a lane or did they date on and off throughout the show?
Starting point is 00:39:59 Or how did we get to the point where, because at the start we were at a wedding, and I think it was gone girl in Avengers wedding, but now Avengers, they got divorced, I think, and now Avengers is sitting here with bad hair. And, I don't know, it's with that outfit though. She's kind of wearing this pink number. And if you know the finale, you probably know what I'm talking about,
Starting point is 00:40:24 but it's got this weird thing going on with the collar. Bad hair Ted says he's picking up the kids. Do you see how multiple kids is it one of his kids with a bass player and the other one is the girl that gone girl knocked up. We haven't seen the red hair kid. I don't think with pineapple express because I think those two are together and I don't think there's a lot of drama there I think they've always been together although I've won't really only seen about half an hour of this show so
Starting point is 00:40:54 bad hair is doing longing full look back and there's some sort of military salute Going on although I don't think either one of them was part of the military. I'm not sure. Maybe that was like a season six, you know, maybe like a subplot. Bad hair joins the military.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I could see that. Now there's a show I would watch. Oh boy. This is really bad dad joke. Ask me if the abominable snowman call and Pineapple Express is not yety. Yeah, that's pretty rough. I think I made the right choice to not invest in this show. So here comes, gone girl, he's in the hospital, and maybe, maybe the girl that he knocked up that he was talking about in the hockey game, hang on, here comes a nurse. He's throwing something. He had a girl. We still don't know who he knocked up though. Maybe is that like a big surprise? Is it the
Starting point is 00:42:21 secretly the base player? I don't think it was a vendor's because we just saw her five minutes ago and she wasn't pregnant and they got divorced but that doesn't seem to be a big stopping thing or obstacle for gone girl so I don't know now we're getting some sappy music like say something I'm giving up on you. Anywhere I would follow you down. Say something I'm giving up on you. So he's holding this baby, which is touching, but who is the... who's the late... who's mom? Right? I feel like I'm in a mori episode right now. Like, who's the late who's mom right? I feel like I'm in a
Starting point is 00:43:05 morrient episode right now like who's the lady? I don't understand. Show is giving me a headache and we just lost our stream again with only 14 minutes to go. Okay, we will be right back. Okay, so I thought we were back and then, oh, here comes the streams coming back. So now the baby happened and the bad hair Ted is a down on one knee with base player. They're getting married on Thursday. That seems pretty short.
Starting point is 00:43:49 That's a pretty short engagement. I got a lot of friends here who are doing the crazy long engagement thing. I don't understand it. We're talking like multiple years, like a Pam and Roy situation from the office. Is it just because like you're just dying to be able to call yourself a fiancée? I'm not sure. Is it just have tons of time to plan a wedding? I'm not sure. I am not really looking forward to when I get married and the whole wedding planning experience
Starting point is 00:44:33 because it just seems like people have such high expectations for a wedding. Like I don't want people say, I don't wanna a big thing. Even if you don't wanna a big thing, there are just so many things that go into a wedding, but I don't wanna shell out money, money, money for a wedding plan, and I like, I don't want any of that stuff. So, how about, like, I got the perfect setup. So, my grandparents, Condo, south of the Twin cities has a party room
Starting point is 00:45:06 and let me tell you this thing looks like it could have hosted some bangers in the late 70s. It's got an organ that doesn't work. It's got its own little mini kitchen and bathroom. I've spent the night there before. It was awesome. I've heard rumors that there's a cat that lives there. There's some nice couches. I'm sure there'd be some good like juice, newton, cassettes in there or something. So I would be down to like get married in a Lutheran church or like a Presby church up there and then head back to grandma's cell and Grandpa Dave's condo for the party room for the ultimate wedding experience. You get some sick tunes going, there's a bathroom if anybody needs it,
Starting point is 00:45:55 you can just get you know a couple racks of like Bud Light or Natty Light. I think that'd be that'd be good. So my future future fiance when you are listening to this episode in your 47 minutes in deep on the how I met your mother C year E's finale. I tell you what if anybody has listened this far you are a true champ because this one's been tough even for me to do like there are nights when Or there episodes when I'm having a time in my life But it's really tough to listen to and then there are episodes where It's really tough to listen to and I'm not having the time in my life I tell you what I'm not having the time of my life listening to or trying to listen to this episode.
Starting point is 00:46:48 First of all, the quality of the content seems to be pretty low. Like, I don't know. The show doesn't seem particularly funny to me. I don't really get it. But also, my stupid stream keeps cutting out, which is a total bummer, and I think it has something to do with the Wi-Fi. I'm not really sure.
Starting point is 00:47:11 But that combined with the technical abilities I've been having with some of my recording software, it's just this whole episode feels like, you know, when your horse breaks its leg and you just need to shoot it, like, I'm halfway attempted to just throw this whole thing in the garbage because it's been it's been pretty bad but Alas we will continue on
Starting point is 00:47:36 There is There's now Ted is doing some sort of Reflection and it's all the ladies that he's dated potentially and he's sitting alone at the bar and okay now we're at their wedding. So he's at the wedding with base player. There's pineapple express red head, gone girls there and a vendure is there. So they're all there, and they got a female to do their wedding, which is pretty cool. That's pretty progressive, so I applaud the show for that. And now they're just showing pictures. So there's Badhead Ted and they're celebrating new years with base player.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I still, I honestly never caught her name. I don't know, maybe that she doesn't have a name. So, she's, apparently she's sick with what? I'm not sure if it's like a cold or a lupus. She's in a hospital bed. They still kept all the makeup on her though, so she doesn't look sick. She looks glowing. He's reading a book to her. Maybe it's Lord of the Rings. Now they're back at the bus stop with her base.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Next to the lady that they were talking to earlier, after Badhead Ted left the wedding to go to Chicago, but it didn't make sense because this girl should have still been at the wedding to play bass. And now they're talking, so there's another flashback which is really confusing. Cindy's ex-Romate and oh he's a professor of something. I don't know what but apparently she took his class which is kind of pervy like the professor dating the student. I don't really understand that. Now they're talking about this umbrella boy. This episode sucks. This show, this show blows. Who likes this show? I don't.
Starting point is 00:50:02 It's just boy. This has been rough, not a fan. Apologies to the fans, I wanna go on record, I wanna apologize to the supporters, I wanna apologize to the listeners, I hope this isn't gonna impact the amount you donate towards the pledge drive fundraiser in I think February is when we're just a bit to do it. Please just look past, you know, when you're you got your Oscars, you submit like there's like the 30 second clip that you submit for consideration.
Starting point is 00:50:39 This is the episode that I don't want to submit for consideration. We've had a lot of good ones, including the political podcast with our senior political correspondent, Nick Elbano. That was kickass, but this is the one that you don't want to look at. This has been rough. So they're still talking under this umbrella, and it's raining, and it seems like they're hitting it off But now what how okay, so she was supposed to be sick so but we had a flashback. So I'm not really sure what's happening there
Starting point is 00:51:14 And we never learned what kind of sickness it was either Quinn's getting tired Quinn's getting tired. Okay, he says that's how I met your mother. So he's talking to these two kids look like they're about 13. And they got a lot of attitude. And they say, they say that he's in love with Robin, who I assume is a vendor's girl.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And he said he kept it short. I think the whole thing maybe is that it's called how I met your mother. So maybe he's been like telling this story to his kids, but it's lasted eight seasons. So if I were those kids, I'd be pissed at their dead too. Like you gotta sit there for eight seasons and listen to stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:13 So, oh now we're doing more sappy music. Don't make me sing the Brave New World, or whatever it's called song again. Now it's a clip montage of him and Avengers. But like, what happened to mom? Is it like an Eiffel Tower situation? Three-some? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I just, I was, I felt, I was starting to feel good about where this is going and then, they just said like, bass player got sick. But are these kids her kids, or is it one of the pineapple express kids? Whatever we saw gone girl, hold his baby, but we never knew who that mom was.
Starting point is 00:53:05 So I'm confused. What I really want to know is who did Gone Girl Knockup? Was it bass player, was he cheating behind bad heads back? Was there a three-sum with pineapple express? I don't. Now, base player is back. Flashbacks maybe. It's tough to know.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I don't like how he's talking to his kids when it makes it look like he's talking to the screen. It's like he's breaking the fourth wall. I don't like that. makes it look like he's talking to the screen. It's like he's breaking the fourth wall. I don't like that. Now we have a fun pan shot in New York. It was that with the weird bob here. It's got like five dogs. Oh, it's Avengers. What did she do to her hair? Once with the hair in this episode has been very rough. We had big bangs later on the red head and now our stream stopped again. This is terrible. With three minutes left, when you believe that we got three minutes left, the stream has stopped. We got to make one final push to try to finish this goddamn episode. Worst episode of the podcast yet can confirm,
Starting point is 00:54:27 I am committed to ending this podcast before it hits an hour though, because this has gone on for far too long. Okay, we are getting it back. Apologies for technical difficulties. Come on, stream. You got this baby. What's the deal with Hulu?
Starting point is 00:54:46 Sometimes I go to my friend's house and we watch Hulu, and there's so many commercials. I'm like, how is this any better than actual live TV? I don't understand. So many commercials. We have Shriver, host and SNS and all tonight. It should be fun. Although I've never seen Ray Donovan before. I've heard it's good, but I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:55:05 So Avengers is now peering out the window, and there is Badhead, and he's got a brass instrument of some sort, and Avengers is tearing up, and they're just standing there like dummies. And that's the end of the show. So, that Jason Seagull is Marshall. Okay, we're going to get the names. Allison Hanigan is Lily. I didn't know her name was Lily.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Neil Patrick Harris is Barney. I think we knew that. Colby Smalders. what a name as Robin and this guy's name is Josh Radner as Ted and The base player is apparently Kristen Melody as Tracy, but what happened to Trot? Oh wait Okay, we've got like a post credit scene here. So it's pineapple express in the redhead. And what's happening here?
Starting point is 00:56:10 They're in bed. They've got money. They're, he's singing a song, not sure about what. I don't know what happened. It was here. Looks pretty rough. And that's it. What what the heck was that? It's almost like you have to have seen the whole season or the whole show to understand what was going on. That was tough. Boy, I'm not just, I have so many questions and not questions because like I haven't seen the show questions because like what happened to the bass player? All they said was she got sick, but she still looked
Starting point is 00:57:01 healthy and then they just like didn't show her again. So did they get divorced? I don't know. And then who was, who, so gone girl had a kid, but we don't know with whom and we never got that sorted out, which is pretty upsetting to me. And I guess I don't have many questions about pineapple express in the red head, but they just seem really boring. But they're the ones who get the post-credit scene. So I don't really understand. This has been rough. We got to, we got to
Starting point is 00:57:40 kill this. So if you listen to this far, here's what we learned. One, this idea was good in theory, but it just didn't quite pan out. Number two, how I met your mother sucks. Boy, that was rough. That was not enjoyable to watch. I can't believe I spent 50 minutes of my life doing that. Number three, we continue to have technical difficulties on the Beentom podcast, although it's been pretty good as of late, and I think this episode's going to end up sounding okay. But thank you all for your support. Thank you for listening. This is the bean-dum podcast The people's podcast went to Baltimore City's top 500 Podcasts if you liked it if you hated it let us know like us rate us subscribe to us share us give us some stars
Starting point is 00:58:38 Give us some love on iTunes Apple podcast Google Play Stitcher et cetera, et cetera, Google Play, Stitcher, etc. etc. etc. So, without further ado, this has been Quinn David Furnace. We'll be coming to you live next weekend for 817 St. Paul Street. Should be a good time. It won't be an hour long, and we won't be watching any more terrible TV shows. So, thanks again.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I hope everyone has a good week. Enjoy the fall weather, and we'll check in watching any more terrible TV shows. So thanks again, I hope everyone has a good week, enjoy the fall weather, and we'll check in on you next week.

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