Beantown Podcast - 11172018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast

Episode Date: November 17, 2018

Quinn rambles about Year Two project updates including a new website, as well as discussions about burgers with grilled cheeses for buns and the final farewell to MoviePass. Don't forget to visit for all your home inspection needs! #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness host of the bean town podcast coming to you live on Saturday November 17th live from bean town USA here at 817 St. Paul Street right in the heart of America What's going on? How is everyone? My name is Quinn. I'm the host of the show the bean town podcast aka the people's podcast one of Baltimore City's top 500 Podcasts. How's everyone doing today? It has gotten a little cold out here on the east coast We had some snow happening was a yesterday or Thursday I think it was Thursday when the snow was taking place, but it was right at the freezing
Starting point is 00:00:46 point. So it was kind of that gross, super wet snowing and then by the late afternoon, the temperature was actually warming up steadily throughout the day. So it kind of turned into rain, but it was gross, not a bit stuck, but it's pretty cold. It's a little bit colder than I was expecting. I know when I travel on tour and stuff and I'm talking to people and they ask me how I like Baltimore specifically compared to Illinois where I'm from and I always say well you know the summers are way worse but the winters aren't as bad and that was the case last year. It really wasn't that bad of a winter and it really didn't precipitate terribly often. But boy, did we get started early this year?
Starting point is 00:01:28 So how is everyone doing? We've got a lot to get to today, a couple different topics that we're going to be jumping around on a quick little preview of what's coming up. Should be a busy week coming ahead for the podcast. We are going to be doing our Thanksgiving special live from Delaware. Now for those hardcore podcast followers, you know that one of our, I think we're up to five, Bean Town unplugged specials is actually from the episode was, or the special was recorded in Beanentown, but it was about our personal day in Delaware.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I know most people don't think of taking a vacation day to go visit the state of Delaware, but I had access to a car, took the day off and went and you can go check it out. I think I was back in April or May when I took that personal day. It was before summer. But we did a bunch of things. We went to Dockfish Head, Brin Company, checked out the Naval Academy in Annapolis, and we went to Roebath Beach. And lots of good stuff. Went in saw Jurassic World Falling Kingdom, one of the worst movies of the year. I will be coming out with my list of favorite and least favorite movies of the year once we get into December, probably
Starting point is 00:02:53 around New Year's Eve, to give everybody an equal shot at coming out with their movies. But movies are on the agenda today, not because I watched one this past week but also because I wasn't able to watch one this past week We'll tell you more about that that'll be how we close the show so if you're looking for our discussion about movies It'll probably be the last five ten minutes of this episode not looking to go terribly long today Which is classic as he says every week we went way too long last week. So I wasn't planning on talking about this, but now that I bring it up, last week, the how I met your mother series finale commentary, I want to apologize to everyone. It was bad. Here's a thing. It was about 50, 55 minutes long, which is way
Starting point is 00:03:45 longer than I even like to hear myself talking for. There were some really solid nuggets of comedy and humor thrown into my 50 minute episode commentary, but that's just the problem. It was 50 minutes long. I blame how I met your mother for making their series finale a double episode as impossible to follow. I still don't know who did Gone Girl knock up what happened to base player they just said she was sick but they didn't show her funeral or anything so as she dead did she just get separated we don't really know. And then what's going on with this blue euphonium or whatever instrument
Starting point is 00:04:26 I was, I don't know. A lot of unexplained questions like an M Night Shamland movie. So take that for what you will. Maybe we'll revisit the concept, but we definitely need to get a better TV show. So agenda of what we're going to be doing today, Greek yogurt, almond milk, fresh, grocery list hang on. Okay, we are going to be talking about some potential upgrades or additions or just overall new things to the podcast that we're looking at achieving in the 2019 year. Some of them are ambitious and things that we're not actually going after. Some of them are much more manageable and then some things are not anything that require any action from the fan.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Some of them are just updates. So we'll start off with that. I mentioned in my Instagram live video, which we posted just about 10 minutes ago, burgers that instead of buns have grilled cheeses is pretty crazy. So we're gonna be digging into that, pretty tasty. We are gonna be having a word from our new sponsor, which is pretty exciting.
Starting point is 00:05:42 We've got an advertisement to reach everybody. It's about a minute long, so that should be good. I'm going to give right now, in fact, because we'll save, we'll finish up with our movies, and I'll talk a little bit more about that in a whole movie pass. I want to give a quick shout out to my friend Steph, who went swing dancing last night, put herself out of her comfort zone, went to a place down by the stadium's five dollar rail drinks. So I don't know exactly where the place was, but I'm sure if you Google swing dancing in Baltimore, you'll be able to find out where that was taking place. So check that out stuff. I hope
Starting point is 00:06:19 you're happy with your shout out, although I'm not confident that she's ever even listened to an episode of the Bean Tom podcast. So that's sort of our agenda before I jump into some of the podcasting updates for those who are wondering now we're about two and a half weeks removed from the breakup and from getting strepthro throat and all that stuff. So things in general are better, works been solid, just in terms of how I'm feeling personally. It's been okay, I definitely am still having lots of moments of just quiet times and sadness and reflection,
Starting point is 00:07:01 which those are good to have occasionally, but they're just been happening a bit more frequently than what I would desire to have so everything's everything's gonna be just fine but you know still a little sore and then health has been fine you all remember started on a diet when I got back from the fall 2018 tour that's That's going okay. It's not, I'm not going like hardcore diet as I've done in the past. And I'm cheating a little bit more frequently
Starting point is 00:07:34 than I should be. This weekend in particular is bad with alcohol. I went out with friend last night and I have another friend's birthday party tonight. So, I don't know, last night I had one, two beers, I think. And then tonight, I'll probably just get a bottle of wine. That's where my go-to when there are house parties,
Starting point is 00:07:56 I like to do the bottle of wine because you might be sitting there thinking, wow, you're drinking a whole bottle of wine, that's crazy. But consider this, that's not only my minimum, but that's my maximum, too, with the exception of maybe a shot, one or two, if, you know, depending on the scene. So instead of drinking tons and tons of beers and really packing in the calories and, I don't know, that stuff will make me throw up if I drink too much of it. I got my bottle of wine and paste myself. We're talking like a two, three hour get together.
Starting point is 00:08:33 That's one hefty glass of wine every hour. I think that's good enough for me. And that gets me to the perfect point where I'm pretty buzzed, but I'm not sloshed. And I can get home, I can go to bed, my hangover is usually not too bad. As long as it's red wine, if I do white wine, then it will be bad. But so, the diet's going okay, trying to run. I'm not, my willpower for running has been bad, which is terrible, because my brother just sent some pictures this morning he ran a 130 half this morning which was excellent. So I got some, got some catching up to you because my PR in a half
Starting point is 00:09:12 I think is 147 so and I have nowhere near that right now. So there's some work to do but here moving forward here are some updates to the podcast that are good for everybody to know about. So number one, throughout the year, we've sort of been adding new platforms where you can find the Bington podcast. It all started on YouTube. That was the original, and then we decided to jump
Starting point is 00:09:40 to SoundCloud when we did our Pledge Drive fundraiser, which we'll be talking about in one second here. The first annual in this past year, second annual one will be coming up in 2019. That was the first kind of major expense of the Bean Town podcast. So the technology, the equipment, didn't cost me a ton, probably about a hundred bucks total. But the SoundCloud platform where it can host unlimited shows, which is the long-term plan, that does cost me about $120 a year. So that was the first major expenditure. None of the other ones, none of the other platforms we've come across have cost money. So now we're on, when you go on SoundCloud you can automatically get onto
Starting point is 00:10:25 iTunes, Apple Podcast, all that stuff. I also got on Google Play, got on Stitcher. Player FM is one of those platforms that I advertise but I don't know much about it. But we just show up there randomly. So I assume it pulls from SoundCloud somehow. I was following someone of my friends is also a podcaster. The local glow you can check out his show on Facebook or I assume you can just Google local glow podcasts. You can find it out. Tariq Shahada was doing a little Facebook status action this past week. Just pulling his friends, fans and listeners where did they listen to their podcast? And one website that was brought up that got a couple of likes was a website called Now this is not a website I've ever heard of.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I assume it's a website and an app, although I haven't looked into it enough, but you can basically just upload your stuff for free, and I think it's unlimited storage. So I played around with it a little bit. And I uploaded my very first episode from January. Actually, I couldn't, for some reason, I was struggling to find the file for my very, very first episode. So this first one I have up on CasBock. I is from January 20th.
Starting point is 00:11:43 The thing is, I'm happy to get all the episodes on there. It's just going to take a ton of time because it's a lot of opening new tabs to copy and paste episode descriptions and then just the physical upload time. I mean, this is episode number 45. And so this isn't like a little 10 minute, like, oh, let me just throw my podcast on this, It's gonna take multiple hours to do.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So, I don't know. If anybody out there uses to listen to your podcast, you can now find exactly one, being Tom Podcast episode on there from January 20th. I guarantee it's a pretty terrible episode, to listen to your podcast. You can now find exactly one bean-tongued podcast episode on there from January 20th. I guarantee it's a pretty terrible episode, but you can find it on there. If you are a listener of, let us know.
Starting point is 00:12:37 You can always tweet at us. We're at bean-tongued casts. We have a Facebook page. Most importantly, we are on Yahoo. So bean-tongued are on Yahoo. So bean Tom podcast Yahoo dot com with bean Tom Be and TV and podcast a Yahoo dot com you can always find us there send us your comments concerns your gripes your groans All that good stuff. Listen to discretion is advised He says 13 minutes into the podcast when you are checking out the bean Tom podcast number one
Starting point is 00:13:04 We'll occasionally use some foul language although there's no chicken in the kitchen today. Number two, the podcast is objectively terrible. I'm feeling pretty good about this episode. It's kind of getting back to our roots. None of the crazy experimental stuff. I was thinking about trying out a song. There's a death cap song on their most recent album thank you for today that dropped back in August that I was thinking of trying to pull off called 60 and punk. I couldn't get the guitar quite where I wanted it. And it's just kind of a little, it's a slow, not, it's not boring. So I don't think anything is boring, but you know, there's just not a lot to listen to, but it's really pretty. The lyrics are amazing, so when you get that,
Starting point is 00:13:45 and I can't do it, just as Ben Giver is a god. So go check out 60 and punk, go check out thank you for today when you have the time. But 60 and punk is probably my favorite song off of that album, so really good lyrics. Other things coming up on the podcast, so this idea was brought to my attention by myself trademarking and
Starting point is 00:14:09 Copywriting the podcast. So one of the very first things that You might notice when you're playing around in your Google and bean Tom podcast online is that we are not the only Bean Tom podcast that exists. There is another one in an imposter from like five years ago. They have four episodes online. I think they're from like 2013 and there doesn't seem to be any sort of action or anything going on with this podcast. So that's why I felt entitled to jump in on the name because they got five episodes up,
Starting point is 00:14:55 four episodes up, five years ago, I've got 45 and counting. And after doing this podcast for 60 years, that's gonna be like 3,000 episodes. So 3,000 versus four, I don't know, you tell me, but I was doing some research into the whole copywriting and trademarking rules. And it seems like after three years of sort of inactivity, you can jump in and grab it. So I started to research, first of all, the difference we can copywriting and trademarking.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I still don't completely understand. It's one of those things where every time I Google it, I read it and I get it, I just fail to retain the information. Same thing with complement for complement. The I versus the kills me every time. But I digress. Copywriting seems to only be like 50 bucks, but I don't think the copywriting Affirmary quickly is the one that I want for the bean-tongued podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I think trademarking is what you want. And that looks like it's going to cost about a thousand dollars. So, this is not a year-to-project for the bean-tongued podcast. It's not a year-to-goal. I'm not going to try to raise $1,000 to trademark the podcast. I don't think it's completely necessary at this point, but other things that are on my agenda for year two and now we're again into serious strange or like actual things that I want to be doing.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And actually, there's only really kind of one thing that's big about it, a website. So currently our homepage will direct you to our SoundCloud page, which is fine, but all you're really getting is the audio tracks and a couple pictures, and you're not really getting the full Bean Tom podcast experience. So I was doing some price shopping on website,
Starting point is 00:16:52 website domains, all that stuff. is out there so you better believe that we're gonna be grabbing that at some point this next year. It's looking like a new website on the cheap end, which is all I think I need right now would cost about $7 a month or about $70 for the year. So when you add that to the SoundCloud is about $130, $140 a year and that's what we get out of SoundCloud again is unlimited storage. So there's never any concerns about having to delete past episodes. You'll always have the full anthology of being Tom Podcast, which I really like because
Starting point is 00:17:36 honestly like for as many episodes we've had this year that have just been bland and boring and not that exciting. Think of all the, and we'll do a great recap, you know, in January of our first year. We think of all the great episodes we have. We had Matthew Feeder come on to help you do my taxes live on the area. Ryan Austin, Liggin and I give her Oscar predictions. We did a roast of the host, Quinn David Furness. We got my grandma's cell to come on the podcast, this podcast, being Tom podcasting, talk
Starting point is 00:18:12 about her stamping interest in habits. We went on tour for the very first time all across America to bring you regional, cultural, all that good stuff. We went to Alaska, we went to Sioux Falls. The podcast has been everywhere, man. It's just been a crazy amount of fun. And we've done some crazy things with awesome people, awesome interviews, some awesome music. Did a concert series, did two concerts series. So, yeah, for as much as, you know, the bean
Starting point is 00:18:45 town podcast is me sitting in my living room on the flower chair, rambling, think of all the fun and all the achievements we've had in year one. And that's what we're going to continue doing in year two. And in order to enhance that experience, we're going to get the website launched, we're going to continue on all these different great platforms. And we're going to get the website launched. We're going to continue on all these different great platforms. And we're going to be asking for your help. So the bean town Pledge Drive, Talathon Fundraiser year two,
Starting point is 00:19:16 2019, we're going to be coming to you live. I believe February is our target month for that fundraising goal. It's looking like we're gonna be setting the bar if I'm doing my math right, we have 135 plus 78, that's $213, so we round up to $215. That's going to be our goal for this year. And again, that's not to get me handsomely paid for the podcast, I'm making zero money off of this with the exception of the ad revenue and sponsors and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:51 That $215 excuse me, don't let me bump it up to 220 because I don't want to be a glutton like Scrooge McDuck. 215 that goes exclusively towards our SoundCloud platform where we host our podcast and then our website. We'll be streaming that podcast content and then we'll have other amazing news, maybe start a bean town blog, pictures, live inaction stuff. It's all gonna be there.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And there's gonna be so much happening between now and that pledge I fundraiser. So maybe you're on the fence right now about whether or not want to donate a little bit, wait till you see our Christmas special. I tell you what, this is going to be the most lit Christmas special you could ever imagine. So that is all coming up. We're going to be doing something new this year. So last year we were just feeling donations. It was just for our podcast hosting. This year we're going to have different donor tiers. So we're going to be doing some incentives. It's going to be a whole lot of
Starting point is 00:20:54 fun. Maybe you get some shout outs, maybe get some swags, maybe you'll get a free plug for, you know, your business or your website for a month. So there's just, there's a lot to look forward to here, but I just wanted to give everybody a quick taste of what some of the things are. And those are just the paid things, or some other things we're excited about coming up in year two. But that's where the money is working towards.
Starting point is 00:21:20 That's why we raise money so that everybody can enjoy it so that we can keep putting out amazing content week after week. So the pledge drive, telephone fundraiser, it's going to be happening in February. We're going to be live streaming in again. It's going to be a whole lot of fun. So market calendars for that. We don't have the specific dates at yet, but it will be happening in the month of February. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:43 but it will be happening in the month of February. Okay, there is two other things I want to mention. First though, we are going to be doing an ad from one of our new sponsors. So check this out. Here we go. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Well Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate stranglehold on the home inspection market and you want a safe, certified home inspector you can trust, call Steve at 541-207-11001 or visit
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's 541-207-1101 or visit Home Pride Oregon, inspection perfection. So, thank you to Home Pride Oregon for sponsoring the podcast. Looking forward to a weekly partnership with you guys up there. Thank you to Home Pride Oregon for sponsoring the podcast. Looking forward to a weekly partnership with you guys up there. I know we're pretty big in Central Oregon, got at least one or two listeners per week. So if you guys are in need of a home inspection call Steve at Home Pride inspection.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Okay, I mentioned on the live stream that we were gonna be talking about a quick little topic. It's just a quirky little thing before we get into our final set piece here, but I've now had this meal a couple of times. Once when I was in, where was I? Hoffman's States, Illinois, and then I also had this in Louisville, Kentucky. Maybe you've seen this, maybe it haven't, but I'm about to blow your mind. So you go to like a bar and grill type of place where a pub, you get a burger and it's just a pretty normal burger with normal fixings and all that stuff. But instead of the buns, here's the kicker. It's two grilled cheese sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Whoa. How crazy is that? And it might sound to you like, this is amazing. I got to do that. You might be thinking, oh my gosh, this is gross. I can never do that. I'm telling you it's a ethereal experience. It's gonna be enigmatic, a piferific. You're gonna want to try this if you ever get the chance. From top to bottom grilled cheese and we're just talking like classic wonder bread butter that baby up American or cheddar cheese. It don't matter and then you got your lettuce tomato onions a nice quarter pound burger Angus beef And then you got
Starting point is 00:24:58 Another grilled cheese sandwich on the bottom. Oh my goodness, is it delicious? We're probably looking at like, I don't know how many calories that would be probably like a thousand calories. And in the fries, it's like 1,300, 1,400, but boy, I'll be damned if that ain't one of the most delicious things that I've ever tasted in my life. I've done it both ways where you just put your whole mouth on it. And you just bite into it, you have the whole experience. That's a lot. There's a lot of flavor packed into that bite and it happens pretty fast. I've also, when I was in Louisville, because it was just too much to handle, I deconstructed it, so I just ate it from top to bottom. I went, eat the grilled cheese, and then I kind of had the burger and all the fixings.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Just kind of held it together with my hands, and then I had the bottom grilled cheese. It's a lot, and it's going to raise your cholesterol and your blood pressure and you're going to need to make another new notch on your belt. But boy, that stuff is absolutely delicious. So if you ever get the chance, you ever see that on the menu, I highly encourage everyone to check it out. burger, one of the tastiest creations on God's green earth. So the last thing that we want to talk about is movie pass. We haven't talked about movie pass in a little while. I had mentioned a couple episodes ago now that we are having a lot of problems with the app and movie times not showing up and some theaters just not offering anything anymore
Starting point is 00:26:49 and I was getting frustrated with it. I was able to use it a couple like two weeks back and I don't remember what movie I saw but I was able to use it. It functioned everything worked out okay. Here is the last straw. I was able to use it. It functioned everything worked out okay. Here is the last straw. I was hoping to go see boy erase last night. Luke is hedges. Nicole Kibman, Russell Crowe, Joel Etcher, Tim Direct, and starting it. Looks fantastic. Amazing reviews. It's about conversion therapy. And I wake up in the morning getting ready for work. I'm super pumped because the app is working, which it doesn't usually work. And it's showing up and all the movies and all the showtime for boy race at my local theater. I'm like, sweet. I get to go to work. I get to go see
Starting point is 00:27:39 this movie that I've like, this is like a top five movie on my wish list for this year. Amazing actors. I get home from work, the app is down, the movie is not available, the theater has no more show times. If you are a movie pass subscriber or you were a movie pass subscriber, you know exactly what I'm talking about. So I really hate to do this, but my billing cycle ends in three days. It's time. It's time to say goodbye to MoviePass. Grab the Kleenex, we're gonna get emotional.
Starting point is 00:28:23 One of the things I like about MoviePass is you can go into your MoviePass history and you can actually see all the movies that you've seen with MoviePass. And for whatever reason, so I just pull up the history and now I said all the great things while it's not actually showing me everything. I've seen way more movies with movie pass in this. So not every single one is showing up, which is kind of a bummer. But let's let's kind of run through. So I've had movie passed for about 10 months. It's pretty much been the 2018 year when I had it because I got it right at the right in the middle of Oscar season and started going nuts with it. I will also mention that currently movie pass only lets you see one movie once. It used to be unlimited. I
Starting point is 00:29:16 could see a movie five times if I wanted to. I never did. The most I ever did was three times. But so some of the movies I want starting with Oscar season last year, I saw every best picture nominee before the best picture nominees were even announced. And most of that was through a movie past movies like Call Me By Your Name, Shape of Water, which won Darkest Hour, Lady Bird, Phantom Thread. What else was on there? I don't remember. ItaƱa wasn't nominated for Best Picture, but I saw that a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Something really cool that I got to do, actually two different things. There are a bunch of categories in the Oscars that you just... If you're just a casual fan and you don't really fall it super close, you'll never see these movies in your life. Things like the animated and live action shorts and the foreign films. Most of those movies are things people have never heard of and they just kind of see them at the ceremonies and that's the end of it. I got to see both the live action and the animated short films at my local theater because
Starting point is 00:30:22 they run them. Got to see them for free with movie pass. I got to see some of the foreign language films. I saw a fantastic woman, which one you got to see the insult, which was fantastic. I got to see Loveless, which was so sad, but great. I got to see some comedies which flew under the radar in 2018, but which were fantastic things like thoroughbreds, the death of Stalin,
Starting point is 00:30:45 Isle of dogs, they got to see Deadpool 2. Some other movies that may or may not garner attention at a war season because they think came out so early in this year But our movies that I absolutely recommend to everybody who has the opportunity something like you were never really here With walking Phoenix the rider, which was amazing. I think I talked about it because the movie isn't actors. It's just regular people and the family plays the family. The first three formed with Ethan Hawke. I got the chance to see on Chessel Beach with Sarsher Ronan. I got the opportunity. One of my favorite movies of the entire year, American Animals, about the art, heist at Transylvania University, I got to see. Mountain, which is just like this crazy thing that I never knew existed until it showed up on a movie pass. It basically just
Starting point is 00:31:36 an hour long orchestra piece with clips of mountains, like moving footage like drones and stuff and like people skateboarding skiing narrated by Willem Defot, an amazing art piece a very non-traditional movie but fantastic nonetheless. Other movies in that category, sorry to bother you, I don't think a ton of people saw, but amazing. Army Hammer, one of my favorite performances of the year in that movie, I got to see Leave No Trace, Ben Foster, Thompson McKenzie, Deborah, it's like, Granting or something,
Starting point is 00:32:12 the director who also did Winner's Bone, this was her first movie since then. I went on and I read the book that it was based off of after. I loved both of them, super sad, but Leave No Trace was fantastic. And then my favorite movie of the year, I got to see with movie pass, and this might surprise people, this was my favorite movie of the year, but Mission Impossible Fallout, AK Mission Impossible 6, maybe the greatest action movie of all
Starting point is 00:32:36 time. If you haven't seen MI6 and you're just thinking, I've seen one or two Mission Impossible, they're fine, like good action, Tom Cruise is a great action star, but they all kind of feel the same, don't they? I'm telling you right now, I am imploring you to go find it online, go get it from the library, red box, whatever you have to see this movie. Two of the set pieces are some of the most incredible things
Starting point is 00:33:04 I've ever seen. The halo jump towards the Two of the set pieces are some of the most incredible things I've ever seen. The halo jump towards the beginning of the movie and then the helicopter chase in the final set piece. These things are just like, it's shocking how amazing they were. This movie is one of the greatest, if not the greatest action movie of all time. And I know it's not gonna get any sort of cooler recognition at the Oscars, cause it's Mission Impossible. It's part of franchise, but this is one of, this is my favorite movie of the year. And it's absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:37 It's stunning how great this was. You didn't think that the whole Mission Impossible thing or Tom Cruise could get any better after, the four or five four or five sequence, two movies, ghost, particle, and Rogation that were similar to each other, both fantastic, but seemed like they kind of topped out at peak action, experience, and then mission of possible fallout comes along. And it's like, holy crap. This is, there are no words to describe how amazing it is and how I feel about it. So go check out Mission Impossible Fallout. When you get the chance, it's absolutely worth it.
Starting point is 00:34:10 It will blow your mind like no other action movie has ever done in the past. But that's just a sampling of the movies that I saw with movie pass. Again, the original plan was unlimited movies for $10 a month and then the summer when they finally ran out of money, they changed it to, well they changed it around a bunch of times, which was really tough to follow, but right now it's currently three movies a month for $10. Still a great deal, but not a good deal when the app doesn't
Starting point is 00:34:41 work and when you can't utilize it and when you're basically just bleeding money. So with mixed emotions and a heavy heart, I have my movie pass account pulled up on my phone and we are now going to go to plan and billing. How are they gonna let me kill it? I need to cancel. You know what I might have to do this off-air and go and figure out how to kill my movie pass account.
Starting point is 00:35:24 But it's been a lot of fun. I think I did the math a little bit ago. And I think I saved about $5 or $600 on movie pass this past year, which now that's not like that's $5 or $600 that I was going to be spending no matter what. A lot of the times when I used my movie past go see movie, it was just to see a movie a second or a third time back in the good old days, or just to see movies that looked interesting and I wouldn't normally shop, you know, 10, 12 bucks to see them just because I may work in education and I don't have a ton of money.
Starting point is 00:36:10 But movies that, you know, because I didn't have to pay anything for them at the time, I just wanted to go check it out. So I was able to see lots of really cool movies. And it's kind of sad that it's definitely going to cut back on what I'm able to do moving forward. There are some other plans out there. I know the big one that gets all the national attention as AMC stubs.
Starting point is 00:36:38 That doesn't work for me because there are no AMCs in my city. The other one is Sinemia, I'm not sure how you pronounce it, but that seems to be comparable to what the current movie past, plant movie past plan is so I'm going to look into that a little bit more read about it online. But for now, it's going to be a little bit of a hold on my movie watching habit. Let's see, I'm trying to find one more, trying to take one more swipe at canceling it.
Starting point is 00:37:13 So I can do it in a big emotional final set piece on the last portion of the podcast. So it says you can cancel your comp, you're going to do the Count tab, count detail section plan billing, venture and fo with the cancel button. Okay, so let's try that. They make it harder than it should be, which is classic movie pass. Count details, plan and billing. I want to cancel my plan. There we go. Reason for cancellation required. Oh, I'm going to get a lay a new one into them. So the options are price, cedar section, ease of use, lack of use, service offerings, app functionality. That's the one I'm doing. App functionality. And please note, if you cancel your account, you'll not be able to re-actuate your counter star new subscription for nine months.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Well, here's the thing. Movie Pass is not going to exist in nine months. So RIP to Movie Pass, you guys, it was a hack of a ride, but your movie pass will remain an act of until the end of a current billing period. So I still have three days left. I can go see, I still have two more movies left this month. If the app worked month if the app worked Okay, cancel subscription. I wish you guys could see it's right now
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's a big red button just like in the movies and cancel membership your column and main activate to 1120 yes cancel membership subscription canceled there it is Wow that was Cancel membership. Subscription cancelled. There it is. Wow. That was a hack of a time. I tell you what. And it's something that I should have cancelled two or three months ago. Literally at the end of summer because I had seen the warning signs at that point. But I was still holding on that. Even if I could just get the three movies a month for $10, like that's totally fine, because I'm still gonna go see three movies a month. I'm still gonna save 20 bucks a month, which is fantastic. But movie pass, you just let me down one too many times. So that's the end of that, and
Starting point is 00:39:21 that's gonna be the end of this podcast episode number 45 Again, we're going to be coming to you live next This upcoming week for Thanksgiving special life from Delaware and then we'll be joined a couple days after that for a weekly Episode with my brother Jack furnace who will be coming on the podcast for his third time So that will be very exciting look out for that. Thank you again to Home Pride organ for sponsoring this show. Thank you to everyone for listening. Again, we are on Twitter at bean town cast at or at bean town cast not bean town cast at that's like pig Latin can also email us bean town podcast Yahoo dot com is bean time be and pod because Yahoo dot com. Thanks everyone. This has been Quinn David furnace host of the bean time podcast.
Starting point is 00:40:08 The people's podcasts want to Baltimore cities top 500 podcasts. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Go bikes Vikings versus bears tomorrow night. Sunday night football should be a great game live from soldier field. So that's all I got for you. Enjoy. Don't forget to like, rate, subscribe, share it with your friends, whatever platform you listen to, let us know in the comments. Hope everyone has a
Starting point is 00:40:30 great week and we'll check in on you in a couple days for our happy Thanksgiving special. See everyone.

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