Beantown Podcast - 12082018_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast (ft. Megan Lundgren) Holidays

Episode Date: December 8, 2018

Quinn is joined by Holiday Season Correspondent Megan Lundgren to discuss faith, spirituality, and the true meaning of Christmas. Also, palindromes, drug slang aka Kris Kringle, and the Air Force. Don...'t miss Megan's special salute to the troops and Quinn's Green Day cover! I do not own the music! #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the bean town podcast Saturday December 8th coming to you live from beautiful bean town USA. This is Quinn David Furnace. This is my podcast. How's everyone doing? Come into your live. What's been going on? The holidays are coming up. We sang some great songs last week. It was a whole lot of fun. You can check that out. I am the host with the most of the bean town podcast. The people's podcast want to Baltimore City's top 500 podcast. Listen to discretion is advised when you are listening to the bean town podcast number one. We'll occasionally use some objectionable language here and there. Number two, this podcast is just objectively terrible as voted by you,
Starting point is 00:00:46 the fans. Don't forget to like, rate, share, subscribe, all that good stuff. Swipe right on Tinder. We are on Twitter at beantowncast. You can find us on Facebook. Listen, wherever you find your podcasts, whether it's Google Play, Apple podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM SoundCloud, YouTube, More Now on Spotify, Cast Box is still coming. So, a lot of different options for you and your friends and your family, maybe you're sitting around the Christmas dinner table in a couple of weeks, you you know what honey we haven't listened to a bean-town podcast since yesterday Let's turn on the new episode You got a lot of options. You know with those smart TVs now the Roku and the guy co you just turn them right on
Starting point is 00:01:36 Bean-town podcasts streaming live from your TV screen. So you got a whole lot of options I am very fortunate this week to be joined by a special guest. The holidays are coming up. We're right into the thick of December now. So joining me live from Baltimore, Maryland, Megan Lundgren, our holiday season correspondent, Megan, welcome to the Bean Tom podcast. First timer, how are you feeling today? I'm doing pretty well. Quinn
Starting point is 00:02:07 thanks for asking. It's really great to be here. Huge fan as you know, I've listened to approximately one quarter of one episode. So you know, a fan girl moment here just excited to be a part of it. Yeah, Megan, what did you have for breakfast this morning? Well, I actually had a friend over for brunch who made some like silence of the lambs right about now. Fava beans. Yeah, no cannibalism this morning.
Starting point is 00:02:36 We had some avocado toast and some, what I like to call sausage stars. This nice little concoction of sausage, cheese, ranch, and a wonton wrapper, it's very nutritional. Wonton wrapper, I don't even know what that is, you'll have to tell me afterwards. Megan, thanks for coming on and for sharing us, sharing with us some of your holiday tips and tricks
Starting point is 00:03:02 for this season. So let's go ahead, let's jump right on in, Megan. You will be traveling to the Quad Cities for the holidays this year. So tell us which one of the Quad Cities is your least favorite? My least favorite Quad City. Well, my initial issue with this question is the fact that there's a lot of confusion about whether or not
Starting point is 00:03:24 there's only four quad cities. It's a little bit confusing when you start getting down into the details of the way this area in I1, Illinois, a setup, but ultimately they all suck. They're all the worst. There's not really any part of me that, you know, enjoys being in the Quad Cities except the time that I spend with my family, so I guess if I had to choose a least favorite, it would be Moline. Mmm. Now how does Moline stack up against East Moline? I think that's why it's my least favorite.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm not really sure where Moline ends and East Moline begins or why, you know, it thought it was a special enough city to have like a sub city. So just kind of irritating in general. Yeah, I think you're right. I think those are all fair and valid points. If you're ever, you know, finding yourself in Moline or East Moline, what do you suggest for a good bite to eat? So there is a place called Le Mekong downtown Moli.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Taste of the Mekong. Taste of the Mekong, that's right. It's... One-ton rappers serve there, I heard. Likely, yes, very likely. There is a gentleman who runs the restaurant called Anthony, very dear old friend of mine, excellent food, excellent service. I was actually reading some Yelp reviews
Starting point is 00:04:46 and anticipation of being back home in a couple weeks. And I noticed that there was this guy who posted his first review and he went listed on and on about how much he loves Leimee Kong. And then in his first review decided that he really needed to call out the shitty service when they had a party of, I don't know, 30 people. So, she thought it was, you know, kind of interesting that he didn't feel the need to post anything previously, despite how much he loved it.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And that his first review was like half-star. Well, I will say that I think it's fairly common for people to only leave reviews when they have a bad time. For instance, I go out to the mountains of Oregon where my family lives. And one time, it's my last day, I think it's New Year's Eve. And my sister and my brother and my other brother and my brother's girlfriend and I all head to this really,
Starting point is 00:05:48 I don't know, nice bakery of some sort that had received a lot of reviews. I think it was called like Al Mekong or something. And we waited probably 45 minutes to an hour. We totally get in the Seinfeld Chinese restaurant lip service, maybe five, ten minutes. We finally sit down, everyone else is getting bread and buttered, and their bread's getting buttered, and we got nothing, and it was just a bad time. So I think you got to watch out, but I will say that those Yelp reviews oftentimes and yours truly has done this in the past, where you only leave a reviewer having a really bad time. So I don't know, cut them some slack, you know, sometimes the meat con just doesn't taste
Starting point is 00:06:37 like you want it to taste, but I think we all learned a valuable lesson there. On this topic of travel, lots of families are going to be traveling for the holidays this month. So what are some of your best tips for getting through TSA? Well, I am notorious for showing up to the airport outrageously early. There's a couple of reasons for that. One, I am definitely afraid of missing my flight, so I will take all measures to avoid that, but also I like to get really drunk before I step foot on a plane because I'm really just not capable of flying sober.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But as far as getting through the security lines and interacting with the TSA agents, I think that my biggest tip is bringing them a little something, you know, cheer them up, little gift, brighten their day. So I mean, I wouldn't say something so direct. Maybe for the dog. Yep. Keep it together, sweetie, you're doing amazing. Yeah, so no, not cocaine, but I was thinking something a little bit more subtle like, you know, baked goods with marijuana in them.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Ooh, can dogs smell that? So I think like, you know, you start right at the first TSA agent who scans your ID just to make sure you get it out of your hands and into theirs as quickly as possible. Kind of just walk away, you know, so hand them the bag of treats. Tell them there's a little something special in there for them, shoot them a wink, and then just move on as quickly as possible. I think the appropriate motion would be slipping it. You want to slip. And you can't, because we don't have the video feed going, but if you saw my hand motion, it's a slip. A slip. That's really what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Seasoned slipper here to my left, for sure. Seasoned slipper. You know, I was just thinking since we were talking about Santa Claus, one of the common names for Santa Claus is Chris Cringle. Don't you think Chris Cringle would be a good, like, drug slang, maybe for Coke or math and fettimiz or something? I do, I like that. Yeah. You got 50 grams of that Chris Cringle.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah. Been watching the wire of that Chris Cringle. Yeah. Been watching the wire a little bit too much. Moving on here, that is a good TSA tip. Bring some Chris Cringle to TSA, I like it. One family who really goofed when they were traveling at the airport was in the callisters back in the 1992 Christmas Classic Home loan to lost in New York, now in theaters. If John Hurt was still alive today,
Starting point is 00:09:07 or I said peace gone too soon, what would you say to John? You know, I think John's whole attitude towards his family in general in that movie, you know, it's just a little bit upsetting. I mean, I think, you know, it was hard to sort out, you know, who were his children, who weren't the whole dynamic of the family, was very confusing, but I think, you know, it was hard to sort out, you know, who were his children, who weren't the whole dynamic of the family was very confusing, but I think, you know, if I could give him any advice, it would be that you can pick your nose, but
Starting point is 00:09:34 you can't pick your family. That sounds like something a friend of the podcast, Matthew Feeder would say, he's our resident accountant, and also our lead guitarist. But I think that's good advice. I don't know about you. I always loved Catherine O'Hara in those movies. Didn't quite feel the same vibe with John Hurd. Maybe it was the writing, maybe it was the makeup.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I'm not sure. But John gone too soon. You know, I'm sure he try to do better next time too. Let's transition here. Megan, you were once in the military. So what was Christmas like in the Armed Services? Did you guys ever get to record those special seasons greetings for the NFL games that you see, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:19 from the soldiers in the Iraq and et cetera? So those recorded season screenings are, I believe, designated only for people who were actually maybe in danger and certainly not, you know, the dishonorably discharged. But if you ever tried to run a half marathon in Colorado Springs where you went to school. I think you know that that respiration puts you in some considerable danger, no? So again for those of you who don't know me, I did not go to Colorado Springs. I was actually enlisted in the Air Force and you know I'll say, Quinn, that even though we didn't get to record seasons greetings we often got special packages during this time.
Starting point is 00:11:10 There was some Chris Cringle in it. Yeah, there was some Chris Cringle. Yep. We actually, while I was in boot camp we were told that we weren't allowed to receive presents but you know grandma, grandpa they send them anyways. Don't really care about the consequences, you know, that it had on me, but it was actually a pretty traumatic experience. Someone's family had sent them a ton of candy in this box and we were told we could have it. We were told we could eat
Starting point is 00:11:38 as much of it as we wanted, so they set like a timer for 10 minutes and let us go to town and the problem with this is that, you know, after like seven weeks of boot camp, your body doesn't know how to process sugar like that anymore. And the other issue with that was that it was a trap that we all fell into. And immediately after we finished eating, we did push ups until we vomited it all up. So somewhat of a war zone, I suppose. And especially, you know, and Colorado Springs with the altitude that must have been even tougher. For those of you who don't know the Air Force located stationed in Colorado Springs, so Megan, if we ever go out to Colorado.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Now, there's never been a podcast done from Colorado. It's definitely not the bean-town podcast. I'm not sure if there's ever been a podcast on we'd have to do some research on that. But I think you'd make a good Colorado. What's the word I'm looking for here? Correspondent, a literature, can you see what I did there? If you had the opportunity right now and maybe we'll get something worked out with the National Football League for their Christmas games coming up a little bit. You got season's greetings. Just pretend I'm here with the camera. I'll be Joe Buck. And now to turn it over to our troops in Colorado Springs, that's you. If you could see on the video I'm pointing, we're pointing.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So what's your message for the NFL players out there? Yeah, just, you know, Mary Christmas and keep in mind that the one and only Air Force Base and the entire planet is here in Colorado Springs. And so, yeah, no other troops anywhere in the world. So. Until Space Force finally takes off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Been waiting for that for a long time. All right, very good. Let's move on here. So we talked about holiday travel a little bit. Let's let's change our tune a little bit. Let's talk about holiday gifts. Always a big moment in the month of December. So as you know, the FedEx guys are ramping up in the UPS's other world. Quick side story. When I was a sophomore in college, I went down to the UPS shipping place, down off of Roosevelt Boulevard in Chicago, to audition for a seasonable job, if you will. And I check in, and I'm, you know, there's
Starting point is 00:14:02 like 40 people there waiting for an interview, and it's a shoe-in type of job because they'll take anybody and as I'm sitting there Literally I had to travel like 45 minutes for my apartment to get there I got cold feet and I said you know what? I'm just gonna keep my regular housing job I walked right out of the hot, you know trailer where everybody was sitting didn't say a word And I never worked for UPS after that. So, yeah. Holiday gifts, Megan, what's the best holiday gift you've ever received?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Was it morning sex? And if not, please describe what it was. I welcome most of my- Please be specific. Okay. I'm gonna do my best here. Most of my Christmas mornings were spent with family, so talking about morning sex,
Starting point is 00:14:50 I think that gets a little bit weird and- No, but when you're in the Air Force and don't ask, don't tell, and yeah, you know, yeah, yeah, you know, I've spent many mornings not in the Air Force, also, and not, you know, under the rules of don't ask, Don't Tell.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And I still don't think that that's anything that I would partake in. But also, too, being married for a decent chunk of my life. Ooh. Tell us more. Well, I mean, I think as most know, the romance kind of goes out the window, literally, you know, the morning after. And then it's just an uphill battle. So, you know, sex was a little bit of an elusive thing back then. So, morning sex, especially on Christmas day.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I mean, there's a lot to do, you know, you got to prep the turkey. No one was sneaking down your chimney, if you will. No, it wasn't quite as exciting as some of the Christmas songs. You didn't leave any milk and cookies downtown for Santa. You know, I always wondered, you know, who actually was responsible for for eating the cookies and drinking the milk. Apparently not your husband.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Oh, oh. Yeah, I guess he wondered more than I did then. But you know, best Christmas present, best Christmas gift I ever received. Yeah, you know, I mean, I guess my notification of absolute divorce that I received, you know, about this time of year, three years ago. An annual tradition. It is something to be celebrated. Very good, very good. That's a good gift, you know, that sense of freedom, like an Aretha Franklin song.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yes, freedom and loneliness and insecurity and fear of the future, but yeah. Now, Megan will be singing a song a little bit later, but before we get to that, Megan, you're a big tech person, always on the front lines of innovation. You got a smartphone, you own a car, you really got the big two, as they say, and that's not your poop that you have to have later.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Megan, what are some tech gadgets you got your eye on this holiday season? Go. Tech gadgets. You know, speaking of cars and enhancements to cars that you can do, I'm really excited about getting my brakes replaced. I've had my car for about three and a half years, and I think I'm probably at least a couple years overdue. I'm not exactly sure how often that happens, but it seems like a pretty big luxury to have functioning brakes, so that's definitely at the top of the list.
Starting point is 00:17:29 How do you break your car right now? Yeah, open the car to where's your drive in and stick down a metal spike or something. Just a lot of shaking and uncertainty about whether the car is actually going to stop. But we're not quite to that point yet. OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:17:44 What else? Tech gadgets wise. You know, I've really been looking forward to getting some of those ear pods, those Apple ear pods. I know you express some frustration with how well those fit in your ear, but they just fit like a glove in mine.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I'm really excited to. Ear gloves. Ear gloves. They could be a good new product. I'm going to write that down. You keep talking. Think that's earmuffs. Well, but, you know, conform to every ear.
Starting point is 00:18:11 You ever see that movie with Daniel DeLewis? The, what came out last year? The Taylor's apprentice. It was called something like that. The phantom thread is the movie we were going for. What if instead of making beautiful dresses for British women, he made ear gloves for dishonorable disc charges?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Sounds great, sounds lucrative? Ludicrous, we could get him on the podcast, I'd be good. We've got one more thing to do here before, we kinda get to half time. Megan maybe wants to record another message for the troops in a little half time show, if you will. But Megan, I'm going to list two gifts. And you just answer as fast as you can, rapid fire, which one you'd rather wake up to on Christmas morning. You ready?
Starting point is 00:19:01 I'm ready. All right. $20 in bitcoins or $200 in green beans. Green beans. All expenses paid trip to Cleveland for a week in January or in all expenses paid trip to Cleveland for a week in February. February.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Nathan Filion or Haley Duff? I don't know who Nathan Filion is. Last one, Scarlett Fever or Scarlett Johansson with Leipersi. Scarlett Johansson with Leipersi. Very good. All right, we have a little bit of half time action going on here. First, we're going to hear a word from our sponsors, and then we've got one other quick little anecdote
Starting point is 00:19:37 to share that I think is going to be a lot of fun. So here we go, Homebright, Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth, all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, Oregon listeners, there's good news. Home pride inspection services in Ben Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're
Starting point is 00:20:08 getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate stranglehold on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home inspector, you can trust. Call Steve at 541-207-1101 or visit 541-207-1101 or visit That's 541-207-1101 or visit Homeprideorgan, inspection perfection.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series for this crisp, beautiful audio quality. We got two going rapid fire right now. Sounded in absolutely beautiful work and like a charm. Did some tests earlier, Megan Sox, we're just about blown off. Megan, you have any words you wanna just kinda like, maybe long, syllable, multisyllabic words that would sound really good
Starting point is 00:21:06 on a live podcast that you just want to throw out live on the air. I've got one. Gentrification. I'll repeat it for the listeners at home. Gentrification. What about you, Megan? You got anything?
Starting point is 00:21:22 I'm struggling with big words at the moment, Gwen, I'm sorry. Multi-syllabic. Multi-solabic. Multi-solabic. Kinda sounds like multi-solabic. It's like Christmas in Slovenia or something. Do they celebrate Christmas in Slovenia? I don't know, we'll have to do some research. You got any words over there?
Starting point is 00:21:45 Popo Gito? Say, come again. Popo Gito. Now, for the listeners at home who haven't seen Ratatouille explain. Actually, I'm not sure that that's from Ratatouille. I think it actually might be from the Santa Claus. With Tim Allen. With Tim Allen.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Now, which one of the, this wasn't a planned question here, and we're going to get back to our routine and a little bit here, but Santa, the Santa Claus won, the Santa Claus two, the Santa Claus three, starring Martin Short. Which one you like? I mean, no one likes this equal, Quinn. Is that a reference to every bean-town podcast episode
Starting point is 00:22:21 that's happened since our first one? Yes. It's a low blow, holiday correspondent Megan. I've got one quick story here that I wanted to tell on the podcast and we're going to get to our last round of questioning here. So I'm getting my mail earlier this week and you know I'm not the type of person who gets my mail every day It's more like a once every other week type of situation. So I'm soaring through the bills You know you haven't paid this you haven't paid that Obamacare all that good stuff and I come across this interesting one from spirit airlines now if anybody doesn't know spirit airlines
Starting point is 00:22:59 We've been trying to get them as a sponsor on the podcast for a little bit now But their advertising budget is not too high. Unfortunately, it doesn't go as high as their planes fly. But I get a letter from Spirit Airlines and it's telling and talking to me about some sort of sky mile pointage system. And immediately I'm thinking, you know, high in the air, Colorado Springs, did Megan do something wrong, what's going on. I open the letter, turns out that it's some sort of magazine subscription service that translates to my spirit airlines points. Don't ask me how it works, I couldn't tell you. But as I'm reading through this letter and checking out the website online, I learn that
Starting point is 00:23:41 my spirit mile pointages are about to expire in like literally five days. And so I'm thinking, okay, can I buy a flight with this? Cabo San Lucas, Utah, Provo, West Virginia, where can I fly? And I go do my research on And I find out my points are not even enough for a round trip flight from BWI to Reagan. So, we're having some laughs. This is all a true story, by the way. So I read the letter more closely and going back to this whole magazine subscription deal, I realized that I have all these free points
Starting point is 00:24:23 from who knows where, but I can't use them for anything other than getting a magazine subscription. So I open the list, you know, of the magazines that I'm qualified for, the ones that I have enough points for. And I was looking for something really cool. You know, I already get the Victoria Secret coupons quarterly, but I don't get the magazines I'm thinking. Maybe there's Playboy, Victoria Secret, something in their JC Penny that I could get, but nothing along those lines. So next I'm thinking, okay, maybe golf digest something
Starting point is 00:24:55 to help me with my short game. Too many points, of course. Can't let the common man play golf. So what did I settle on? Well, everyone knows that in my apartment, I don't have a couch or a TV, but I got the TV guide subscription for one year. So be on the lookout in the future
Starting point is 00:25:18 on future bean sound podcast episodes. If you're looking for something to watch this next week, I've got the TV guide ready to go at home. We'll be going through some different shows and I'll be giving you some recommendations. So, no, I don't own a TV, no, I don't have cable, but I do have a TV guide. So if you're looking for your go-to TV person, we don't even need a TV correspondent now because we've got Quinn Davis-Fernos himself. Megan, your thoughts on that? As a TV owner, by the way. I have a couple TVs actually Quinn. Living in luxury over here on North Charles, but yeah, I think that you know magazine subscriptions I mean have a
Starting point is 00:26:03 friend who wanted to know what she could do if we ever went to Iowa together, you know, Quad Cities checking it out and I literally couldn't list a single thing for her and so she- Taste of the Mekong though. Yeah, true taste of the Mekong, which would take about 45 minutes of our entire trip. So we had a little bit, a little bit of time to fill in there. So she took it upon herself to start googling, you know, things that you can do in the Midwest and actually went as far as to subscribe to the Midwestern Living magazine. So now she knows more about my hometown than I do. Well, you could always bop across the river and take a tour of Augustana.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, you know, Augustana is actually where my father went to college right before Palmer. Legacy, nice. That's how you got this far in life. I like it. Let's get back in here. Megan, you practice Buddhism and there isn't really a word for Christmas in Buddhist. So on a cage match, deathmatch style Siddharth the Gautama and Jesus and Nazareth, who are you taking? You know, it pains me to say this, but I think I'm going to have to go with Jesus on this one. Scrappy fighter, I like it. Yeah, all those parlor tricks, you know, I mean, I just don't see a shock in the moon is having really a chance in that. You know, I have a first cousin once removed who I don't know his exact name, but it's
Starting point is 00:27:32 something like Shaka Muni, although I've called him tsunami in the past. They were doing something with hunger, hunger, caterpillar, but I felt that was too multislabic to say. But I like your pick at Jesus Christ out in Nazareth. Little unassuming, probably about five, eight, brown-skinned, long hair, looks kind of homeless, but you're thinking, first thing you notice, he walks in, he's got a posse, 12 disciples ready to go.
Starting point is 00:27:59 He's multiplying fish, bread, he's turning water into wine, he's solving Scarlett Johansson's leprosy case. I just don't know if enlightenment's going to be enough for the big guy out in a pool. You feel me? Agreed, really, really, really out of disadvantage with that one. And then, you know, at the after party, he's, I think we already mentioned the water in the wine stuff, but yeah, I like your take on that. That's a good
Starting point is 00:28:27 take. Our last topic here is all about holiday cooking. So Megan, many families are going to be cooking up a storm for their family feast this holiday season. But there's another group of people that are going to be cooking up a whole different type of storm this holiday season. Methamphetamine production is a primary source income. I can't get through this. For many American families, would you ever try meth and if not, what's one other hard drug you would consider trying the holiday season? No hesitation on this one I would not really consider trying meth.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Um, and you know, my hard drug using days are far behind me. Uh, just to answer the question. Well, you're going to have to repeat the direct question again. No, I wouldn't do meth. And if I was going to try one hard drug, um, you know, when I just, I just can't get on board with that. However, being on a plane and being around my family, I am sure to pop a couple's annex.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Mine would be Chris Kringle. Growing up, what was a Christmas dinner typically like for your family? White, Republican. Really like the white need on the turkey pretty white pretty Republican Surprise I made it out of alive, but yeah, so You know Depends on what night and which family, but
Starting point is 00:29:57 We had more your family. Sorry Yeah, no, I understand so you know, I mean I my parents aren't together So I have a couple different sides of the Drop in bombs on a podcast expand on that a couple different Couple different family Christmas is you know Christmas Eve spent with mom side Christmas day spent with dad side It reminds me of the Santa Claus too when that's a Tamellan gets divorced Yeah, exactly they made it work and so did we. So, you know, we had more of a traditional Swedish schmorgas borg on Christmas Day on my dad's side of the
Starting point is 00:30:35 family, some meatballs, you know, that kind of thing. My mom's usually did like Chilean frozen pizza. You know, while we're on the topic of TV shows starring to Melon, I was at the urgent care this last Monday. You okay over there? Keep it together. I'm, I'm, I don't, this is the last I want to hear about your urgent care experience. Oh, well, it's okay, because on Wednesday went to my
Starting point is 00:31:02 primary care. We can tell that story next, but Monday didn't know much more than Monday. I'm at the urgent care. And first thing I'll say is not very urgent because I was there for four hours. But, but, but, but, so I'm sitting there, you know, playing Angry Birds on my iPad, yada, yada, yada. But of course the TV in the waiting room was on super loud. And when I was there two, when I was there two weeks ago, it was Judge Judy, which I was totally on board with. Big fan of the Jude.
Starting point is 00:31:33 But this time, it was on the Hallmark channel, and there's this Hallmark holiday movie, all about Christmas Eve. A fun little plan words. They're starring Haley Duff, who we actually asked about, in the rapid fire question. The movie itself was pretty terrible, but every time there'd be a commercial break,
Starting point is 00:31:54 they would be advertising this other hallmark holiday movie, starring Patricia Richardson, who of course starred as Jill Taylor in Home Improvement, starring Tim Allen, Zachary Ty Bryan, Jonathan Taylor, Thomas and Teran Noah, something. Really grasping for connections here. And Richard Karn and the guy who played Wilson, Russ and Peace. But finish your, what were you saying about Christmas dinner?
Starting point is 00:32:24 I'd like you to continue down this, Tim Allen, rabbit hole, actually. Oh no, I got nothing left for you. We talked about Santa Claus one, two, and three. We talked about tool time. Though other one I didn't mention is Zoom, which stars Abigail Brezzlin's younger brother. But is it pretty good? No, it's actually pretty terrible from what I heard.
Starting point is 00:32:42 But yeah. Yeah. All right, we're almost done here. No, it's actually pretty terrible from what I heard. But yeah. All right, we're almost done here. I like the word cook, because while it's not technically a palindrome, it sounds like it should be one. Megan, what are some of your favorite palindromes this holiday season? Just thinking long and hard about this one, just like waking up on Christmas morning.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Except not in Megan's case as we learned earlier. You know, I don't know that I know any palindromes, especially none that are specific to the Christmas season. Kind of put me on the spot here. Not really a literary type. Palindromes aren't literary. What are they? It's English.
Starting point is 00:33:28 English, yeah. Not really my strong suit. About a man, a canal, a plan, a Panama. Are those palantrums? No, the whole thing together is. That's intense. What about Dougi's Seagod? So it doesn't have to be a real thing.
Starting point is 00:33:54 You can just put together whatever you want and call the palindrome. Dougi's Seagod, that's a question. What was the first one? A man, a plan, a canal, Panama. I'm not really following this. It's a list. You don't. OK, so for those of us who don't know,
Starting point is 00:34:13 the Panama Canal completed 1908 under the supervision of our president, Theodore Roosevelt, connecting the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, huge breakthrough in just global trade, I would say, a man, a plan, a canal, Panama. While we were given that history lesson, did you come up with any good palindromes?
Starting point is 00:34:42 No. Oh, boy. Are you sure? Did you come up with any good palindromes? No Oh boy, are you sure? How about Hannah? You know, I dated a couple of Hannah's in my life But they spelled their names differently But the most common way H a n n-N-N-A-H, that's a good palindrome. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I like it. I feel like we're doing the scripts spelling B right now. Yeah, that's good stuff. I'm actually doing some Google searching to find some other cool palindromes. While I'm doing that, Megan, you want to vamp a little bit maybe tell us, practice him your standup or something. Actually, I did want to bring up,
Starting point is 00:35:32 I know you were talking about Jesus and his disciples earlier, and saw this really great tweet that I feel like needs a little bit of recognition on that subject. All right. So it's Jesus drunk at the last supper, waving a baguette wildly, saying, you want a piece of me? Now, for those of you who don't know, Jesus has often been described as his body being bred and his blood being wine, which I always thought kind of harkened back
Starting point is 00:36:05 to the whole silence of the lamb's cannibalistic thing. But, you know, for some of those hardcore Christians out there, they're Jolos Steens and you're Megan Lungrens of the world, it works for them. So I don't know, I wouldn't want to eat my savior if I were you, but, you know, that's what they say. I found a really good, a really good palindrome. Doc, note, I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I die on cod. Just really unimpressed with the whole palindrome thing in general. I'm sorry, I'm not getting on board. We got one last question for you, Megan. Do you believe in God?
Starting point is 00:36:46 No. Where's Holiday Correspondent ever? Doesn't even know the reason for the season. All right, Megan, I know you wanted to close us out with a song. So now, singing 21 Guns by Green Day. Holiday Correspondent correspondent Megan everyone? Let's give it up. Thanks Quinn. So on a list of things for you to educate me on after this podcast ends, are you taking notes? Palandromes? The Panama Canal. It was a Green day. I don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, 21 guns by green day. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm what if I give you what if I give you the words? Maybe you could do spoken word. I can I can do my best. Here we go. Green day, 21 guns. Do you know what's worth fighting for when it's not worth dying for? Does it take your breath
Starting point is 00:37:47 away and you feel yourself suffocating? No, I can't even, no, I'm sorry, this is terrible. I could give it a shot. Oh please, yeah. All right. Now singing 21 guns by Green Day. It's Quintet with Furnace Host of the Bean Town Podcast. We're going to do this, then we'll got a couple things to wrap up with, and we'll finish up. But I do want to thank Megan for coming on the podcast or holiday correspondence. Megan, you got anything you want to plug while you're here?
Starting point is 00:38:23 No, I don't think so. Thanks again, thanks for listening. Do you know what's worth fighting for? When is not worth dying for? Does it take your breath away? And do you feel yourself suffocating. There's the pain why you out the pride and you look far plays too hide. Did some one make your heart inside your rooms. One, twenty-one guns,
Starting point is 00:39:11 lay down your arms, give up the fight. One, twenty-one guns, throw up your arms into the sky. You and I. I want to remind everyone again that any time Complaints, comments, concerns. Jace, you can reach out to us,
Starting point is 00:39:41 Bean Town Podcasts, Let's bean town, be in and to your podcasts at or on Twitter. At Bean Town, you can find us on Facebook. If you like what you heard, if you want to get in touch with Megan, leave us a little note, YouTube, Stitcher, Player of the Fum, wherever you're listening. You know the place, as we already went through it.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Rate us, share us with your friends, reminder that we are the bean Tom podcast and we are a podcast by the people for the people. Don't forget to use the hashtag friends of the podcast when you're listening live. We are going to be coming to you live from the big Apple New York City next week and joined by my brother Jack and brother Walt both have been on podcast before it's gonna be a good time so thanks again to our guests Holiday Correspondent Megan some really good tips and stuff and some other you know
Starting point is 00:40:37 stories that we didn't really ask for but appreciated it anyways if you ever find yourself out in Malin don't forget to check out Taste of El Mekong. And yeah, if you ever in Colorado Springs, check out the Air Force Academy. They've got a wanted poster of Megan plastered across the Academy. So thanks everyone for listening. We'll come to you live next week
Starting point is 00:41:02 with some more good holiday treats, live from New York City, okay? This has been Quinn Davis-Fernos joined by Megan. Everyone, to all a good night and to all a good night.

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